Investment Management Service from the Professional Managers Learn about our customized investment management services With the Binry Basis professional Manager you learn about the Auto Trade or investment with 75% win rate. Our experts give the information that you want for your Investment in every step. We are committed to making your Trading experience enjoyable and Profitable. Log In to your Trading Account after registering with us to access your customized account. BinaryBasisŠ, a brand of Overseas Hong Kong Investment Limited, will serve you as an experienced assistant and guide in the investment circle. We are responsible for your work and first free 3 day Trail to manage your accounts and Investment. Our great experience in the Investment management industry is help to our clients a more. Example: Let's look at an example. For the initial investment of $15,000, the trade size is 2% of the balance; that is $300. So, a maximum of 50 trades can be placed daily. But the system places no more than 25 trades – only half of available trades. Therefore, only 50% of the balance on the account is used, reducing the risk by 50%. In contrast to the above, we do not limit the maximum trade size and use the compound interest. You can also Customize or Your Investment Mangement Service by accelerating your account profit with customized managed account and Investment Solution.