Become a Better Game Time Shooter -by Coach Andy Louder
Let me guess... you're a pretty good shooter during practice sessions, but when it comes to actual games, well that's a different story. I wish I had a quarter every time I saw a player in this situation. It happens a lot. If you find yourself in this situation understand that you aren't alone. Be grateful for the fact that you CAN shoot well during practice, but realize you've got some work to do before you'll start knocking down shots consistently during games. Many players make the huge mistake of just thinking they are just going through a spell of bad luck and never address the core issue. They think that because they can knock down shots regularly in practice that it will eventually start happening in games. Some players carry this attitude with them for years and then all of a sudden realize that their playing career is in its final hour and it's too late to do anything about it. They end up with a reputation of being the guy that had enormous potential but never quite could put it all together. Don't be that player! There are certain things you can do to improve your game time shooting ability and this article shows you the way. Follow these steps and you will soon be on your way to becoming that shooter you've always wanted to be. 1. Practice shooting while you are tired
Become a Better Game Time