Developing Your Weak Hand -by Coach Andy Louder
Most of us are born with what we refer to as a "dominant hand" it's the hand that we feel more natural using to carry out every-day tasks such as swinging a hammer, writing, eating, etc. It's a little strange when you think about it why we don't refer to it as our "dominant side" because really it's not just our hand that we favor. It's the entire side of our body, including the leg and foot. For some reason we just feel more comfortable using one particular side of our body. It's important to point out that there are always exceptions to the rule. Some people might naturally favor a certain side when it comes to one activity and then favor the other side during a different activity. For example I have a good friend that excelled in High School at various athletics and the unique thing about him was that he preferred to throw the football (he was a quarterback) with his left hand but felt more comfortable throwing a baseball with his right hand. This is definitely not the norm though. Most people favor one side and do just about everything with that dominant side. Some people prefer using the left hand side of their body and are considered "left-handed" but the vast majority of our population favors the right side of their body and is considered to be "righthanded". For the sake of this article I'm going to consider you are right-handed. I know there will be some readers out there that are left-handed but for simplicity sake 1
Developing Your Weak