How Passionate Are You? -by Coach Dave Stricklin
One of the most obvious qualities of players who achieve great and long lasting success is their unbridled passion for the game. Magic Johnson had it. Larry Bird had it. Michael Jordan had it and Kevin Durrant definitely seems to have it. Those guys didn't play for the money or for the fame and even though they had a burning desire to win championships, they didn't really play for those either. They played simply because they love the game. If they weren't playing in some of the greatest arenas in the country they would have played in a park or open gym somewhere. Jordan even had it written into his Bulls contract that he could play pickup games anytime and anywhere he wanted, even in the middle of the ongoing season. You don't have to be a professional athlete to demonstrate that same level of love and passion for the game. In fact, I'm convinced that the most passionate basketball players aren't in the NBA. In a 2001 Sporting News article called "Passion Play: Athletes Describe Their Love for Playing Sports," Marshall University's Shawn Finney had this to say: "When I was a junior in high school, I was out mowing the grass and the lawnmower blade broke off and hit my leg. I went running towards the house and my dad comes out and my mom's in a little bit of a panic. They scoop me up and rush me to the hospital and all I'm saying is "I'm not going to get to play basketball.
1 How Passionate are You?