Teaching the Triple Threat Position in Basketball

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Teaching the Triple Threat Position -by Coach Brian Schofield http://www.hoopskills.com

I watch a lot of basketball and I love watching players do things the correct way. I love watching a good chest pass that hits the target quickly. I love watching great form on a shot. I love watching players in the post use good footwork to get shots off and I love it when players, especially young players, use the triple threat position. For those that aren't familiar with what the triple threat position is, it is when a player is ready to drive, pass or shoot the ball. It's important because when players use it each time they catch the ball, they make the defense work harder and they proactively create scoring opportunities. When they are in the triple threat position they are immediately ready to attack whatever defensive strategy is being used on them. It allows you to be proactive on offense rather than reactive. Many players today know what the triple threat position is but not every coach teaches it effectively so let's talk about that. Anybody can go out there and get in position but not everybody can execute it correctly and be successful. In order for the triple threat position to be completely effective you must sell to the defense that you truly are in a position to pass, shoot or drive. If you get in the position half-heartedly or in a way where you don't effectively sell it, it's easy for the defense to expose it. One of the key things to remember is that part of what makes the triple threat position so effective is that it keeps the defense guessing.

1 Teaching the Triple Threat Position-HoopSkills.com

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Teaching the Triple Threat Position in Basketball by Andy Louder - Issuu