Team Focused Ball Handling Drills -by Coach Brian Schofield
1 on 2 I can't lie and say this was my favorite drill. I never liked it. But I can say that few drills helped me improve my ball handling skills like this drill. The offensive player must beat 2 defenders from one end-line to half-court or the other end-line. For the sake of your players go to half-court because this drill can be grueling and damaging to the psyche. One player has the ball at the endline while being closely defended by two players. If the ball is knocked away for whatever reason, the offensive player must start over. The defensive players must be rewarded if they stop the offensive player and vice versa. This should force you to really use your speed, strength and ball handling moves. My theory on this was to speed to a corner until I was cut off, then I would immediately back the ball off by taking two hard dribbles backward to create space. Once I had my space I was able to go full speed again another direction. Use your off arm as a shield and don't shy away from contact. This drill will prepare you for games like few will. I teach it to everyone who will listen. Pistol's Circle In Pistol Pete's video series he talks about a circle drill that he would use to work on his ball handling. This man was amazing. Anyway, the drill is simple in concept. For coaches you start by getting players on the 3 circles on the floor. We used the half-court circle and both foul-line circles. Once in the circle you use all the dribbling moves that you have in your repertoire. This should be a crossover, a spin move, backing the ball off and any others you may have practiced. Pete recommends using 3 minutes to start and going up to 5 minutes as you build up.
1 Team Focused Ball Handling