The Importance of Getting Lots of Sleep and Resting Your Body for Basketball

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The Importance of Getting Lots of Sleep & Resting Your Body -by Coach Brian Schofield

When I was playing basketball as a young player I suffered through a lot of pain. I had a growing issue called 'osgood schlatters' that affects a lot of young players, right below the knee. This makes it difficult to play 2 games in the same day with a break in-between. Basically if we were to play 2 games on a Saturday I needed to have them be back to back. If I had an hour break between the two games then I knew that 2nd game would be near impossible because of the pain of what was going on. When I went to the doctor he simply stressed to me how important it was to get rest and that I was going to have to adapt to the pain for the time being. The ailment lasted until I stopped growing (age 16) but towards the end I learned how to keep the pain down and preserve my body. I wish so badly I would have known at age 13, 14 and 15 what I finally learned by the time I was 16. I could have saved myself a lot of pain and could have been a better player because I would have been able to train harder. The remedy for my condition was sleep. I noticed later on that if I made sure I regularly got at least 8 hours of sleep every night, my legs & knees didn't hurt as

1 The Importance of Getting Lots of Sleep and Resting Your

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