Course Checklist Before a Course 1 – 7 Days: Planning Make contact with the organization’s manager/training coordinator. Confirm course date, time, and number of students. Get directions to the course. Check room availability, capacity, set up and location. Ensure TV, DVD player and any other desired media are present. Prepare course materials. Review course content and test questions as needed. Obtain adequate supply of student workbooks and training supplies. Prepare training materials (workbooks, skills supplies, barriers). Print copies of written exams, answer sheets, skill sheets, and roster. 30 Minutes: Course Set-Up Arrive 30 minutes early. Discuss with contact person any recent events that relate to the training. Arrange seating. Prepare training manikins and supplies. Prepare DVD and AV components. Provide course roster. Ask students to print their names legibly as they arrive. Greet students, hand out course materials and begin with the introduction. Allow a few extra minutes for latecomers.
After a Course 15 Minutes: Course Breakdown Ensure participants have signed in on the roster. Distribute course certification cards, if prepared ahead of time. Deliver a copy of the course roster to the organization’s training contact. 1-3 Days: Follow-up Contact organization’s training contact. Find out level of satisfaction. Address future needs; schedule next course. Obtain referrals for other contacts with similar needs within the industry. Set contact reminders for follow-up to further assess client’s needs. Deliver certification cards to students or contact person within 2 weeks of the course. Maintain all course records for at least 3 years.