BASQUEZINEMA 2013 | | find us on facebook
Estrenos Films / Películas
5 6
Alaba zintzoa Tres 60
Documentaries / Documentales 10 Camaradas Izenik gabe 200x133 Una esvástica sobre el Bidasoa
Tv movies
En producción Films / Películas
18 19
Los cantos de Estériope Pos eso Psiconautas Tres mentiras
Pelota II
Decisiones Loco con ballesta Memories Sangre de unicornio Siguiente!
Viaje a pies Y ahora, ¿qué hacemos?
28 Film Commissions 32 Festivales
Documentaries / Documentales 23
EstreINALDIAK | Feature films
Alaba Zintzoa CAST & CREW FITXA TEKNIKOA Title Izenburua THE GOOD DAUGHTER / ALABA ZINTZOA 101 min. / color / 2013 Cast Aktoreak Leire Ucha, Aitziber Garmendia, Ramón Agirre, Zorion Eguileor, Itziar Lazkano, Lander Otaola Directors Zuzendariak JAVIER REBOLLO ALVAR GORDEJUELA
Art Director Arte Zuzendaria IDOIA ESTEBAN Editor Muntaketa JUAN ORTUOSTE Sound Soinua IMANOL LOPEZ JAMES MUÑOZ Music Musika ARANZAZU CALLEJA
A production of Produkzio-etxea KARAMBOLA PRODUCCIONES With the collaboration of ETB and EUSKALTEL ETB ETA EUSKALTELen laguntzaz
Director of Photography Argazki Zuzendaria GAIZKA BOURGEAUD
SYNOPSIS SINOPSIA “ALABA ZINTZOA” tells the story of Susana, a young woman that works as a maid. One day she settles in her mistress domicile while she has to go to a business trip. The young woman just wants to run away from her own problems and enjoy the treats and the pleasures that brighten the lives of rich. But what stars as an innocent prank, later gets complicated with dramatic consequences. “ALABA ZINTZOA”k Susanaren istorioa kontatzen du, bere nagusietako batek bidaia batean alde egin behar duenean, honen etxearen kargu egiten den garbitzaile gazte batena. Neskak arazoak alde batera utzi eta aberatsen bizitzan ohikoak diren plazeretaz gozatzea baino ez du buruan. Baina bihurrikeria hutsaka ematen duena ondorio dramatikoak izango dituen amesgaizto bihurtuko da.
Javier Rebollo & Alvar Gordejuela
“Alaba Zintzoa” tells the story of Susana; a young girl that works in the cleaning service sector but barely can support herself and her ailing mother. A contemporaneous story that in its background illustrates the harsh reality of so many young people that the crisis has truncated their hopes before they even try to make them happen. But what stars as a drama about labour and family relationship of a young girl, end up being a dreadful psychological nightmare in which everyone that surrounds her became immerse. Susana jumps from work to work cleaning up what others have soiled. Supports her mother, bears with the scrounge of her father, the foibles of her patrons and the humiliations of the companies in which a worker is just a low price machine... until the whole framework breaks when an unexpected death comes and she has to live by herself with the corpse in a house that looks like a cracking mirror of her on mind. Thereafter, terror and loneliness derive in crazy maniac and Susan ends up being a “noir film” character, a psycho who does not distinguish reality from fiction and ends up wiping out anyone that stand in her way. “Alaba Zintzoa” Is part of European cinema, independent, radical and daring, which suits perfectly well to handheld shooting. Moreover, the preponderance of natural scenery reflects the personal nature of the city of Bilbao, in tune with the shootings carried out in recent years in England, France or Italy, where the social backdrop reaches a role capital.
“ALABA ZINTZOA”k Susana-ren istorioa kontatzen du, garbiketa-sektorean lan egiten duen neska batena. Honek oztaozta lortzen du gaixorik duen amarekin batera aurrera egitea. Beraz, istorio honek gaur egungo gazte askok pairatzen duten egoera ere islatzen du: euren itxaropenak betetzen hasi aurretik, bertan behera utzi behar dituztenena. Baina gazte baten laneko eta familiako arazoen inguruko drama gisa hasten dena inguruko guztiengana zabalduko den amesgaizto psikologiko bihurtuko da. Susana lanez lan dabil, beste batzuek zikindu dutena garbitzen. Bere ama mantentzen du, bere aitaren trikimailuak eta nagusien maniak jasatzen ditu eta enpresarentzat gastu gutxiko makina bat baino ez izatea agoantatzen du... bere aitaren sablazos-ak, bere nagusien maniak eta pertsona bat kostu baxuko makina bat baino gehiago ez den enpresen apalkuntzak... Espero ez zuen heriotza batek dena hankaz gora jartzen duen arte. Orduan, neska gorpuarekin bakarka geratuko da, bere pitzaduraren isla den etxe batean. Momentu horretatik aurrera, izua eta bakardadea erotasun maniatiko bihurtuko dira eta Susana, berriz, zinema beltzeko pertsonaia: errealitatea eta fikzioa bereizten jakingo ez duena eta bere bidean gurutzatzen diren guztiak akabatuko dituena. “ALABA ZINTZOA” Europako zinema independente, ausart eta muturrekoaren barnean koka daiteke, “kamera-eskuan” estiloarekin primeran bat egiten duena. Gainera, agertoki naturalen nagusitasunak berezko estiloa duen hiri bat (Bilbo) ezagutzera emateko aukera luzatzen digu. Azken urteotan, Ingalaterra, Frantzia edo Italia bezalako herrialdeetan ere, giza-arazoetan oinarritutako filmek berebiziko garrantzia lortu dute.
Tres 60 CAST & CREW FITXA TEKNIKOA Title Izenburua THREE 60 / TRES 60 93 min. / color / 2013
Art Director Arte Zuzendaria Julio Torrecilla
Cast Aktoreak Raúl Mérida, Sara Sálamo, Adam Jezierski, Joaquim de Almeida, Geraldine Chaplin, Guillermo Estrella, Felipe Velez, Manuel Morón, Marta Martín, Maiken Beitia Director Zuzendaria Alejandro Ezkurdia Screenplay Gidoia Luiso Berdejo Executive Producers Produktore Exekutiboak Pepe Torrescusa Ritxi Lizartza Mª Luisa Gutiérrez Juan Dakas Director of Photography Argazki Zuzendaria Johnny Yebra
Editor Muntaketa Francisco Amaro Sound Soinua Antonio Rodríguez ‘Marmol’ Gabriel Gutiérrez A production of Produkzio-etxeak Bowfinger International Pictures Zinea Sortzen Atres Media Cine With the collaboration of ETB, ONO, Antena3, Canal +, La Sexta, BASQUE GOBERNMENT Culture Department and Donosita-San Sebastián City Council ETB, ONO, Antena3, Canal +, La Sexta, EUSKO JAURLARITZAren Kultura Saila eta Donosita-San Sebastiáneko Udalaren laguntzaz
SYNOPSIS SINOPSIA Guillermo’s world turn upside down the day he finds an old photographic film. The enigmatic images that hide immerse him on a dangerous investigation with unexpected consequences. Guztia aldatuko da Guillermok argazki-bobina zahar bat aurkitzen duenean. Barruan dituen irudi misteriotsuek ikerketa arriskutsu batera bideratuko dute, eta susmatu gabeko ondorioak ekarriko dizkio.
LINKS ESTEKAK w: f: Tres60lapelicula t: @tres60pelicula
Alejandro Ezkurdia
Making the leap to the big screen was not part of my plans until this story fell in my hands. It was a thriller in the best sense of the term, mixed with adventure, action, and touches of humor in a gear which functions as a clock. Just read the word end, I knew my film bug had begun to rebel inside of me. The city of Donostia-San Sebastian and its surroundings was the scene where I always imagined the action would take place. Finally, we were fortunate to be able to use real locations, which, in a climate such uncertain as Euskadi became one of the complexities of filming. The surf is part of the life of the coast of Guipuzcoa. In fact, the nearby Biarritz was the first European city where a wave was ridden. The association of the main character, played by Raúl Mérida, to this world was a natural. However, Tres 60 is not a surf film: it is a thriller that pits the players to their limits in every way ... on land. It has been a pleasure and privilege to work with the entire cast: youngs Raul, Sara, Guillermo and Adam; Geraldine Chaplin, Joaquim de Almeida, Manuel Moron ... and reconnect with excellent actors with whom I have shared many hours of studio such as Maiken Beitia, Maria Martin, Paul Vine, Manu Gancedo, Isidoro Fernández, Juanlu Escudero, Sara Cozar, Aitor Koteron, Iker Galartza, Joseba Usabiaga .... Of course there are differences between cinema and television when you shoot a movie like ‘Three-60’, with action sequences and scenes technical complexity of even greater emotional complexity. In both cases, I was able to work with an amazing team.
Ez zen nire planetan sartzen pantaila handira jauzi egitea, harik eta genero-istorio hau –adierazpidearen zentzurik onenean– nire eskuetara heldu zen arte; thrillerra, abenturazinema, ekintza eta umore-zertzeladak nahasten dira bertan, erloju bat bezain doi dabilen engranaje batean. Amaia hitza irakurri bezain laster hasi zitzaidan hozka nire har zinematografikoa. Donostia eta bere inguruak izan ditut beti buruan, film honetarako agertokiak imajinatu ditudanean. Azkenean, egiazko lokalizazioak erabiltzeko suertea izan genuen, eta hori, Euskadin izan ohi dugun eguraldia kontuan hartuta, filmaketaren zailtasunetako bat bilakatu zen. Surfa txertatuta dago Gipuzkoako kostako bizimoduan. Hemendik hurbil dagoen Biarritz izan zen, izatez, olatu bat hartu zen Europako lehen hiria. Raúl Méridak interpretatzen duen protagonista nagusia mundu horrekin lotzea berez etorri zen. Hala ere, Tres-60 ez da surfeko pelikula bat: thriller bat da, non protagonistak mutur-muturreko egoera batean aurkitzen diren… baina lehorrean. Plazer handia izan da, benetako pribilegioa, horrelako aktore taldearekin lan egitea: Raúl, Sara, Gillermo eta Adam gazteak; Geraldine Chaplin, Joaquim de Almeida, Manuel Morón… eta platoan nirekin hainbat ordu emandako aktore bikainekin berriro elkartzea: Maiken Beitia, María Martín, Pablo Viña, Manu Gancedo, Isidoro Fernández, Juanlu Escudero, Sara Cozar, Aitor Koteron, Iker Galartza, Joseba Usabiaga…. Alde handiak daude, jakina, zinemaren eta telebistaren artean, Tres-60 bezalako lan bat filmatzean; zailtasun tekniko handiko akzioko sekuentziak, are emozio-konplexutasun handiagoko eszenak… Bi kasuetan, lantalde zoragarri batekin lan egin dut. Ez da topiko bat: film honetan mundu guztiak egin du bere ekarpena.
Camaradas CAST & CREW FITXA TEKNIKOA Title Titulua COMRADES / BURKIDEAK 74 min. / color / 2013 Director Zuzendaria SABIN EGILIOR
Editor Muntaketa IMANOL LÓPEZ Sound Soinua IMANOL LÓPEZ Music Musika NURIA NIETO
Screenplay Gidoia SABIN EGILIOR
Documentalista Dokumentalista JIMI JIMÉNEZ, IRENE TENEZE
Executive Producer Produktore exekutiboa CARLOS JUÁREZ Co-producer Koproduktorea SEBAS MERY Associated Producers Produkzio-kideak ELENA GOZALO, RAQUEL PEREA Director of Photography Argazki Zuzendaria VÍCTOR AGUINACO JON DÍEZ Art Director Director de Arte Gorka Goitia
A production of Produkzio-etxea BASQUE FILMS In co-production with Koprodukzioan LIFE&PICTURES With the participation of ETB and TVE and collaboration of the ICAA, and BASQUE GOVERNMENT Culture Department ETB eta TVEren partaidetzaz eta ICAA eta EUSKO JAURLARITZAren Kultura Sailaren laguntzaz
SYNOPSIS SINOPSIA The protagonists of this documentary are people whose history and inheritance still lives on today. They fought for a “better world”, but other more powerful actors emerged to design a made-to-measure “free world” in which there was no place for those comrades, some of whom who had given their lives fi ghting against fascism while others had been pursued, rounded up and expelled. Sixty years later, we travel to one of the few places of that exile where the memory of those last witnesses is still alive. There we learn the real reasons and the details of that cruel outrage and the involvement by certain countries in their negotiation and organisation. Dokumental honetan agertzen diren guztiek gaur egun bizirik irauten duen ondare eta historia utzi dute. “Mundu hobea” lortzeko borrokatu ziren, baina aktore boteretsuago batzuk agertu ziren eta “mundu librea” diseinatu zuten haien neurrira. Bertan, bizia eman eta borrokan faxismoaren kontra gogor aritu ziren burkide haiek ez zuten lekurik, ordez, jazarri, estutu eta azkenik kanporatuak izan ziren, eredu harekin bat ez egiteagatik. 60 urte geroago, erbestean, azken lekukoaren memoria bizirik darrai, garaia da gertakizun iraingarri eta krudel haren egiak eta isilpeko kontuak argitara ateratzeko, eta zenbait herriren inplikazioa ezagutzeko.
w: f: Camaradas movie
Sabin Egilior
In one of my many dives in the twentieth century history somebody suddenly spoke to me about an event that took place in 1950 in France: the French government expelled from France to 400 people without any judicial process. I find that half are Spanish Republicans, there is a Basque among them. I start to get outraged. I go ahead: they are exiles who after participating in the Spanish Civil War joined the resistance against fascism and risking their lives, liberated much of southern France. Now I am filled of emotions. After winning in World War II, they continue the fight against fascism and try to kill Franco through the Aran Valley. As they fail, they keep fighting and risking their lives to destroy the last bastion of fascism in Europe. But paradoxically their fight against Franco begins to bother because Spain now it’s interesting to USA even for a fascist dictatorship. In France, the comrades go from being cheered and admired by the population to be considered as dangerous by the government: from heroes to terrorists. Perplexity is what crushes me. I hasten to pack when I discover that one of those heroes, with their 95 years old, still live in the same place where he was deported. During intense days, with a mixture of all previous emotions, I’m at his home in Corsica listening from his mouth the Comrades narration.
Plano finko eta geldoetan oinarritutako errealizazio batekin, kamerak Korsikako hegoaldean pasako du denbora luzea, Sebastiá Piera katalanaren bizimodua jarraituz. XX. mendean zenbait herrialdek zuzendutako gertakari politikoek baldintzatu dute bere bizitza eta tokiak eta historia zati horrek betiko lotu dute. Ez da dira ulertzen errazak, fisikoki hain debora luzean toki horretan bizi izan arren, bertan jarraitzeko dituen arrazaoiak, denobora guzti horretan bere bihotza beste toki batean izan duela jakinda. Jaioterri kuttunetik banatzen duen itsaso zabal hori, begiradarekin zeharkatzen du egunero. Orain bertara itzultzeko aukera dauka, baina hainbeste urtetan zehar debekatuta izan eta gero, beranduegi da. Korsikarren artean bizi da, baina gaztelaniaz eta katalanez hitzegiten jarraitzen du eta, teknologia berri eta mundu globalizatuari esker, prentsa espainola irakurri eta telebista katalaneko teleberria ikusten du egunero. Eguraldi mapa ere kontsultatzen du goizero, bere herrian izango den klimaz arduratuta. Piera burkideak bere memoriak kontatzen dizkigun bitartean dagoen sosegu bisuala etengabe moztuko dute artxibategiko dokumentu eta irudiek. Tratamendu bizkortu hau, bere deportazioaren zergatiari eta zentzuari dagozkion ikerketari dagokio. Informazio hau, gertakari horiekin lotutako beste pertsonaia batzuen testigantzak osatuko dute, horien artean, buruzagi komunistak, deportazioa jasan zuten beste burkide batzuk, aktibista militarrak, poliziak.... Piskanaka-piskanaka jakingo dugu zergatik bizi den pertsona hau burua eta gorputza, mediterraniar itsaso erraldoiak erdibituta.
Izenik gabe 200x133 CAST & CREW FITXA TEKNIKOA Title Izenburua IZENIK GABE 200x133 82 min. / color / 2013
Directors Zuzendariak ENARA GOIKOETXEA, MONIKA ZUMETA Screenplay Gidoia MIREN JUARISTI, MONIKA ZUMETA Executive Producers Produktore Exekutiboak IURRE TELLERIA, PAKO RUIZ
Director of Photography Argazki Zuzendaria ESTEBAN RAMOS
SYNOPSIS SINOPSIA Painter José Luis Zumeta works after hours in his studio in Arribe, Navarre, an old bus garage. He is now working on two 200x133cm. paintings that shall be exhibited in the old San Sebastian fire department building. The painter shows, for the first time on camera, his unique internal creative process. Following Zumeta’s own schedule and working habits, the documentary shows how his paintings are developed, in a process only interrupted by the artist´s decision, caused either by a different choice of materials or because of Zumeta’s own creative blocks. José Luis Zumeta margolariak Nafarroako Arribe herrian dagoen autobus garaje zahar batean dauka tailerra, eta bertan lan egiten du desordutan. Oraingo hontan, 200x133 tamainako bi pinturatan lan egiten ari da. Donostiako suhiltzaileen eraikin zaharrean erakutsiak izango dira hauek. Margolariak, bereizgarri dituen sormen eta barne prozesu paregabeak erakusten ditu lehenengo aldiz kamara baten aurrean. Zumetaren lanorduak eta ohiturak errespetatuz, koadroen garapena erakusten du dokumentalak. Prozesu hau artistaren erabakiz etenda izango da soilik; material ezberdinen aukeragatik edo sortzailearen blokeo batengatik.
Enara Goikoetxea & Monika Zumeta
I knew that being able to record José Luis Zumeta painting on camera would be very interesting, and that it would show me a lot about the process of painting. But I was surprised to discover myself as a young girl eager to get her hands wet with paint and start drawing shapes. I was not the only one that felt transported back to childhood. Within the crew, there were several people that felt this way. As time went by, all of us felt like hypnotized, trapped by the artist’s creative process. This feeling was reflected in an exhibition called “200x133”. The visitors that came to see Zumeta painting live, all young and old, showed themselves astonished and wondered. They were surprised by how fast Zumeta worked, by the number of different layers of paint, by how shapes started to emerge out of nothing. It was also surprising to see how the people in the exhibition would sit down to watch Zumeta’s creative process again, on the two videos we edited using footage shot for the documentary. Time went by, nobody left. It is uncommon to see how this creative process catches the audience
Banekien José Luis Zumeta margotzen grabatu ahal izatea oso interesgarria suertatuko zitzaidala, asko ikasiko nukela margotze prozesoari buruz. Benetako sorpresa hartu nuen nere barnean haur txiki bat deskubritu nuenean, eskuak margoz busti eta formak pintatzen hasteko irrikitan. Ez nintzen haurtzarora bueltan eramana sentitu zen bakarra. Grabaketa taldean, bat baino gehiagok sentsazio horren aipamena egin zuen. Denbora pasa ahala, hipnotizatuak bezala sentitzen ginen, artistaren prozesoakin liluratuak. Sentsazio hau “200x133” izeneko erakusketan isaldatu zen. Zumeta zuzenean pintatzen ikustera hurbildu ziren bisitariek, haur nahiz zahar, harridura eta miresmena espresatzen zuten. Zumetaren pinturaren azkartasunak, sortzen ziren margo geruza ezberdinek eta hutsetik agertzen ziren formek harrapatuta. Harritzekoa izan zen ere, jendea sormen prozesoa berriz ikusteko esertzen zelaz ohartzea, dokumentalerako grabatu genuen materialarekin egindako bi bideori begira. Denbora pasa eta jendea ez zen aulkietatik jaikitzen. Ez da ohikoa margotze prozesoak jenda behin eta berriro harrpatzen duela ikustea. Proiektu hau, dudarik gabe, nere oroitzapen onenen artean egotea merezi du.
Una esvástica sobre el Bidasoa CAST & CREW FITXA TEKNIKOA Title Izenburua UNA ESVÁSTICA SOBRE EL BIDASOA 80 min. / color / 2013
Director of Photography Argazki Zuzendaria Aitor Sarabia
Cast Aktoreak Santiago de Pablo Lugder Mees Nicolas Brieger
Editor Muntaketa Alfonso Andrés Music Musika Pascal Gaigne
Director Zuzendaria Alfonso Andrés Javier Barajas
A production of Produkzio-etxeak Esrec Produkzioak Naniano
Screenplay Gidoia Javier Barajas Executive Producers Produktore Exekutiboak Fernando Sa Ion Collar
With the collaboration of EITB an TVE EITB eta TVEren laguntzaz
SYNOPSIS SINOPSIA Hendaye, June 1940. The German army has just defeated France and scout parties have reached the River Bidasoa. From that moment on and until 1944, the country is subjugated to the invading forces and the French Basque region becomes a resting and refuelling place for Hitler’s army. Unlike other occupied territories, southwest France experiences a relatively “mild” military rule during the early years of the war. It also has a safe rearguard in Spain, the only neutral country that consented to the presence of German troops on its soil during the Second World War. Hendaia, 1940ko ekaina. Alemaniako armadak Frantzia garaitu du eta beraien aurreko taldea Bidasoa ibaira ailegatzen da. 1940tik, 1944ra, estatua, indar inbaditzaileen menpe egongo da eta Ipar Euskal Herria Hitleren armadaren atseden hartzeko gunean bilakatuko da.
Associated Producers Produkzio Kideak EITB, TVE
Alfonso Andrés & Javier Barajas
Historical context. The documentary will begin by describing how the inhabitants and the nationalist political leaders reacted to the Nazi occupation of France in 1940. This littleknown chapter of the Second World War was characterised, at least initially, by a certain tolerance towards the local population by the German invaders, who knew that the border region with Spain was an extremely strategic point. Discovery of Im Lande der Basken. Having described the historical background, the action will centre on the interest in the Basque people manifested by Nazi ethnologists, ideologists and filmmakers prior to the war but which grew to such an extent during the period of occupation that various ethnographic documentaries were made. The only one to survive the war was Im Lande der Basken (In the Land of the Basques), filmed between 1941 and 1942 by Herbert Brieger, a member of the German National Socialist Party who had made a name for himself by producing anthropological documentaries and enjoyed the same professional standing as directors such as Leni Riefenstal. The film will then turn to the random discovery of Im Lande der Basken in Berlin’s archives before going on to explore the nature of the film with the two historians who have conducted extensive research into the matter: the aforementioned Santiago de Pablo, from the University of the Basque Country, and María Teresa Sandoval of the Carlos III University in Madrid.
Lehendabiziko urteetan menperaldia nahiko “biguna” izan zen Europan okupatuak zeuden beste lurraldeekin konparatuz. Bestalde, Espainiako atzeguardiaren euskarriarekin kontatzen zuten , izan ere Espainia, nazio neutralen artetik, Alemaniako armadak bere lurretan egotea utzi zituen nazio bakarra izan zen II. Munduko Gerran. Testuinguru historikoa. 1940. urtean Frantziak bizi izandako nazien inbasioaren izandako eragina, bai bizilagunen ikuspuntutik bai politikari nazionalisten ikuspegitik. II.munduko Gerra kapitulu nahiko ezezaguna, hasieran batean, bertako biztanleriagatik onartua izan zena.
Associated Producers Produkzio Kideak BENITO DEL RIO, IÑAKI GOIKOETXEA, ELENA GOZALO (ETB) Director of Photography Argazki Zuzendaria IBON ANTUÑANO Art Director Arte Zuzendaria MIKEL ARANBURUZABALA Editor Muntaketa JON D. DOMINGUEZ
Screenplay Gidoia JUAN BAS
Plot Argumentua LUIS EGIRAUN ERNESTO DEL RÍO Executive Producer Produktore Exekutiboa MIKEL ARANBURUZABALA
A production of Produkzio-etxeak SENDEJA FILMS With the collaboration of ETB and BASQUE GOVERNMENT Culture Department ETB eta EUSKO JAURLARITZAren Kultura Sailaren laguntzaz
SYNOPSIS SINOPSIA Alicia is a judge like her father was, murdered by ETA twenty seven years ago. Now she lives with her husband Ricardo in a residential area in the suburbs from Bilbao. In the house next door lives Rosa, great friend of the couple, along with her daughter María, a teenager confronting the world who has just started a troubled relationship with Andoni, a quite like her youngster who lives with his father Antonio, a former member of the terrorist band, in the slums of the city. Six characters who will find themselves dragged by the very same current of events, both present and past, until a shared feeling of orphanage comes to the surface in all of them. Alicia epailea da, ETAk hil zuen aita bezala. Orain Ricardo senarrarekin bizi da Bilbo aldeko urbanizazio batean. Ondoko etxean bikoteak oso lagun duen Rosa bizi da Maria alabarekin, laster harreman gatazkatsua Andonirekin hasiko duen nerabea. Andoni auzo marjinal batean bizi da ETAko kide izandako Antonio aitarekin. Sei pertsonaia hauek elkarren aurka arituko dira, egungo zein iraganeko gertakarien korrenteak eramanik, eta denengan eragingo du umezurtz ez ote diren sentipena.
Ernesto del Río
LOS HUERFANOS (THE ORPHANS) opens with an act of terrorism in the 1980s and closes with two young people falling in love in the early years of the 21st century. The time that goes by between one human action and the other decisively contributes to explaining certain series of causes and consequences. The film aims to say that behind the violence that some people inflict on others in the name of such-and-such an ideological construct there is a pain – among the victims – that can take a lifetime to heal. However sometimes, as is the case in this story, this possibility, however random and complicated it may seem, is just around the corner. The only thing that is really important in situations like this is to ensure that this very possibility doesn’t fade away. The story is the staging of an act of long-delayed mutual recognition between a former murderer who has never been able to forget what happened and his victim’s daughter. Both face a tireless struggle to move on despite themselves. Separately they are not going to be able to do this, and together their efforts are doomed to failure. In Bilbao, two youngsters who have nothing to do with the passions of their elders look at the world in a different way and aim to try and stay together even though nobody is going to make it easy for them. UMEZURTZAK is a story in two periods: a time of fear and of silence; years that have now gone on for too long, and a time that they need to start to live as soon as possible, full of hope rather than bitterness.
Iragan mendeko 80. hamarkadan gertatutako ekintza terrorista batekin hasten da UMEZURTZAK / LOS HUERFANOS eta XXI mendeko lehen urteetan maitemintzen diren bi gazteekin amaitzen da. Giza ekintza bien artean iragaten den denborari esker argitu daitezke zergati eta ondorioen zenbait kate. Pertsona batzuk beste batzuen aurka erabiltzen duten indarkeriaren atzean, eraikuntza ideologiko honen edo haren zerbitzuan, mina aurkitzen dela –biktimena- proposatzen du filmak eta bizitza osoa eman daitekeela osatu ahal izateko. Baina batzuetan, istorio honetan gertatzen den modura, gorabeheratsua eta konplikatua dirudien arren, aukera hori aurrean bertan aurkitu daiteke. Luze atzeratutako elkar aitorpena eszenaratzen du istorioak, gertatu zena inoiz ahazterik izan ez duen hiltzaile ohi baten eta bere biktimaren alabaren artekoa. Biek ala biek egin behar diote aurre borroka adoretsua, euren kontra ere. Banatuta ezinezkoa egingo zaie eta elkarrekin porrota segurura daroan ahalegina besterik ez da izango. Bilbon, bere nagusien grinekin inongo zerikusirik ez duten bi gaztek beste era batera begiratzen dute mundua eta elkarrekin jarraitu nahi dute, inork erraztasunik eskaini ez arren. UMEZURTZAK istorioak bi denbora ditu bere baitan: beldurraren eta isiltasunaren denbora, honezkero luzeegi egin diren urteak, eta albait arinen bizitzeari ekin behar zaion denbora, gorrotorik gabekoa eta itxaropenez betea
PRODUKZIOAN | in production
Los cantos de Estérope CAST & CREW FITXA TEKNIKOA
SYNOPSIS SINOPSIA Lord Campbell travels to the Guernica estuary interested in several inscriptions appeared in some “plomos”. Heiko informs him and they take an initiatory trip. Back to Scotland, together with a group of colleagues, they meet the Wise Old Man, who gives them five rings and the mission to find their keepers. In the city of Bruges, Heiko meets one of the seekers of the rings keepers who tells him that his friend Ozoillo has a Gift. Heiko becomes himself a keeper of a ring forever, with the gift of becoming invisible.He travels to Bilbao where he meets Ozoillo who tells Heiko he is married to the Siren Sterope who gave him the Gift to calculate the minerals purity percentage.
Title Izenburua ESTEROPE SONGS ESTEROPEREN KANTUAK 110 min. / color / 2013 Director Zuzendaria JUAN LUIS LASA Screenplay Gidoia FEDERIKO KRUTWIG TXITO LASA Executive Producer Prod. Zuzendaria JUAN LUIS LASA
Art Director Arte Zuzendaria CARLOS RAMÓN BAREA A production of Produkzio-etxea TZEN PRODUCCIONES Free adaptation of the novel entitled “BELATZEN BARATZA” by FEDERICO KRUTWIG FEDERICO KRUTWIG-en “BELATZEN BARATZA” eleberriaren moldaketa askea
Director of Photography Argazki Zuzendaria JEAN YVES SCORFFIER
Lord Campbell Gernikako ibaira abiatuko da “plomo” batzuetan agertu diren zenbait inskripziorekin interesaturik. Heikok gertaerari buruz informazioa ematen dio eta sarbide-bidai bat izango dute. Zenbait lagunekin batera Eskoziara itzulitakoan, Sabino zaharrarekin topo egiten dute; honek, 5 eraztun eman eta hauen gordetzaileak aurkitzeko misioa aginduko die. Brujasen, Heikok gordetzaileen bilatzaileetako bat aurkituko du eta berari esker jakingo du Ozoillo, bere laguna, Dohain baten jabe dela. Heiko, ikusezin bihurtzeko dohaina emango dion eraztunetako baten behin-betiko gordetzaile egiten dute. Bilbora itzultzen denean, Ozoillok, Esterope lamiarekin ezkondurik dagoela eta, honek, mineralen purutasuna antzemateko dohaina eman diola jakinaraziko dio.
Pos eso CAST & CREW FITXA TEKNIKOA Title Titulua POS ESO 90 min. / color / 2011
Head of Character Animation Animazio Zuzendaria SAM
Director Zuzendaria SAM
Director of Photography Argazki Zuzendaria SAM NESTOR DE LES
Screenplay Gidoia SAM RUBÉN ONTIVEROS Executive Producer Produktore Exekutiboa CARLOS JUÁREZ Associated Producer Produkzio-kidea RAQUEL PEREA Storyboard AITOR HERRERO
Model designs Diseinua SAM MIGUEL MARTÍNEZ A Production of Produkzio-etxea BASQUE FILMS With the collaboration of ICAA ICAAren laguntzaz
SYNOPSIS SINOPSIA Since the death of her husband, the great bullfi ghter Gregorio, in a domestic accident, Trini, the worldfamous fl amenco dancer, has been deeply depressed and has abandoned the stage. To make matters worse, her son Damian’s rebelliousness has begun to border on dementia. Doctors, psychologists and psychiatrists are all unable to explain the child’s worsening behaviour. Eventually the only possible explanation is a supernatural one. At this juncture, Trini gets in contact with Father Lenin, a defrocked priest who is suff ering his own crisis of faith. La Trini, mundu osoan zehar ezaguna den flamenko dantzariak, oholtzak utzi behar izan ditu deprsesio sakon baten ondorioz. Gregorio zezen hiltzaile handia eta bere senarra, etxeko istripu batean hil da eta, gainera, Damián, bere semea, erotasunetik gertuegi dagoen bihurrikeriaren seinaleak ematen hasia da. Ez da egongo umearen jokabidea azaltzeko gai den mediku, psikologo ezta psikiatrik ere, eta gaiztotzen joango da, bere egoerak naturaz gaindiko azalpen bat behar duen arte. Une horretan jarriko dira Lenin Aitarekin harremanetan, fede krisialdi bat zeharkatzen ari den eta elizak baztertu duen apaiza.
SYNOPSIS SINOPSIA Birdboy and Dinki are teenagers, suffocating in the unbreathable air of the island they live on. The area’s former prosperity vanished after an industrial accident which reduced it to a barren, run-down wasteland. Following the disaster, Birdboy and Dinki became inseparable friends. However one day Birdy –incapable of overcoming his addiction– went missing from school and never came back. Now, with the police combing the island for him, Birdboy has decided to turn over a new leaf and seek rehabilitation, unaware that his only friend Dinki is preparing to leave the island forever.
Title Titulua PSICONAUTAS min. / color / 2013 Directors Zuzendariak Alberto Vázquez Pedro Rivero Screenplay Gidoia Alberto Vázquez Pedro Rivero Executive Producers Produktore Exekutiboak Farruco Castromán Iván Miñambres
Editor Muntaketa Iván Miñambres Art Director Arte Zuzendaria Alberto Vázquez A Production of Produkzio-etxea UNIKO ZIRCOZINE With the collaboration of ICAA and XUNTA DE GALICIA ICAA eta XUNTA DE GALICIA-ren lagunzaz
Birdboy eta Dinki, bizi diren uharteko aire itogarriaren eragina dela eta, itota dauden bi nerabe dira. Fabriketako istripuaren ondorioz bere oparotasun industriala galdu zuen lekua da, otalur andeatuta eta antzu batera txikiagotuta geratutakoa. Harrezkero, Birdboy eta Dinki bereizezinak egin ziren, Birdboy egun batetik desagertu zen arte eta ez zen institutura itzuli inoiz gehiago, bere mendekotasunak gainditzeko ezgauza izanda. Orain, poliziak uhartea bere bila arakatzen duen bitartean, Birdboyk bere zoria aldatzea eta birgaitzea erabaki du, bere lagun bakarra, Dinki, betiko joateko bidean dagoela jakin gabe.
Tres mentiras CAST & CREW FITXA TEKNIKOA Title Izenburua THREE LIES / HIRU GEZUR 100 min. / color / 2013 Cast Protagonistak Nora Navas, Mikel Losada, Lander Otaola, Carmen San Esteban, MARTA CASTELLOTE, OLATZ GANBOA, AZUCENA TRINCADO Director Zuzendaria ANA MURUGARREN Producer Produktorea JOAQUÍN TRINCADO Screenplay Gidoia LUIS MARÍAS
Director of Photography Argazki Zuzendaria Gaizka Bourgeaud Art Director Arte Zuzendaria Julius Lázaro Editor Muntaketa ANA MURUGARREN Sound Soinua Sergio López Eraña A production of Produkzio-etxea BLOGMEDIA With the participation of ETB ETBren laguntzaz
SYNOPSIS SINOPSIA 1971. Three pregnant teenagers are interned in a flat in Bilbao to hide what in that time was a terrible disgrace. Three girls so different with each other, but Violeta knows that her mother is up to die and she makes a surprising confession. She is not her real mother, she was bought few days after her birth. Our leading actress asks for help to a Missing People Unit’s policeman, Ángel. After a complicated investigation, they will end up with one person who lived that story and who will lead to the leading actress’ mother. 1971. Hiru nerabe haurdun Bilboko etxebizitza batean barrukaturik daude, garai hartan lotsa gorri izugarria ekartzen zuena ezkutatzeko. Violetak badaki bere ama hiltzeko zorian dagoela eta honek aitormen harrigarria egiten dio. Ez da bere benetazko ama, jaio eta egun gutxitara erosita izan zen. Gure protagonista Ángelengana doa laguntzaren bila, Desagertuen Unitateko polizia. Ikerketa korapilatsu baten ostean, istorio hura bizi zuen pertsona batekin topo egiten dute eta gure protagonistaren amarengana eramango die.
LINKS ESTEKAK w: f: blogmediatv.bilbao
SYNOPSIS SINOPSIA 30 years ago, a Danish film-maker, Jørgen Leth, made a documentary on the world of Basque handball. 20 years ago, a number of Basque employers launched a project to modernise the sport of pelota and to turn it into a profitable spectacle. 10 years ago, an anthropologist unpicked the cultural significance of the game. And in 2012, Basquefilms is looking back on these landmarks in “Pelota II”, a documentary that shows the tensions that have arisen from the profound transformation in the world of pelota, and the place in which it is played, the Basque Country.
Title Titulua PELOTA II 50-90 min. / color / 2012 Directors Zuzendaria JØRGEN LETH OLATZ GONZÁLEZ Screenplay Gidoia OLATZ GONZÁLEZ Executive Producer Produktore Exekutiboa CARLOS JUÁREZ KAROLINE LETH Director of Photography Argazki Zuzendaria DAN HOLMBERG
Editor Muntaketa IMANOL LÓPEZ Sound Soinua XANTI SALVADOR A Production of Produkzio-etxea BASQUE FILMS In co-production with Koprodukzioan SF FILM PRODUCTION With the collaboration of BASQUE GOVERNMENT Culture Department EUSKO JAURLARITZAren Kultura Sailaren laguntzaz
Orain dela 30 urte, Jørgen Leth, Danimarkako zinegileak, eskupilotari buruzko dokumentala filmatzen zuen. Orain dela 20 urte, euskal enpresarien talde batek, pilota modernizatu eta ikuskizun errentagarria bihurtzeko proiektua hasten zuen. Orain dela 10 urte, antropologo batek joku honen zentzu kulturala xehatzen zuen. 2012. urtean, Basquefilmsek gertaera hauek berpiztu zituen “Pelota II” dokumentala egiteko, pilotaren munduan ematen ari diren tentsioak erakusten dituen lana, kirol honek zein jokatzen den tokiak, Euskal Herriak, jasan dituen eraldaketen ondorioz.
It’s not easy to make decisions and, even if we sometimes don’t pay much attention to the process, life doesn’t stop, nor does it stop presenting us with crossroads at which there is a decision to be made.
Languages Hizkuntzak: Sp Subtitles Azpitituluak: En
Gauzak erabakitzerik ez da erraza, baina bizitzak aurrera egiten du nahiz eta batzuetan prozesura arreta gehiegi ez jarri. Gau batean amets bereziak argitasun gehiegirekin erakutsi arte.
Fikzioa /13 min. / 2013
Director Zuzendaria: Iván Miñambres Production Ekoizpena: UniKo Cast Aktoreak: Gorka Otxoa, Ramón Barea, Yannick Vergara Screenplay Guión: Alberto Cano Music Musika: Joseba Beristain Edition Muntaketa: Iván Miñambres Sound Soinua: Ion Arenas
Pedro and his son Javier go wild mushroom picking to the forest.
Languages Hizkuntzak: Sp Subtitles Azpitituluak: En / Fr / Ger / It / Chin
Pedro eta bere semea Javier, mendira doaz perretxiko bila.
Director Zuzendaria: Kepa Sojo Production Ekoizpena: Sonia Pacios, Aitor Arenas Cast Aktoreak: Karra Elejalde, Andres Gertrudix, Alejandro Garrido, Lucia Hoyos, Iñigo Salinero, Gorka Aguinagalde, Ane Gabarain, Itziar Atienza Screenplay Gidoia: Kepa Sojo Cinematography Argazkigintza: Juantxo Sardón ( Pixel ) Music Musika: Fernando Velazquez Edition Mountaketa: Mikel Fuentes Sound Soinua: Ion Arenas
LOCO CON BALLESTA Komedia /19 min. / 2013
Drama / 16 min. / 2013
Languages Hizkuntzak: Sp Subtitles Azpitituluak: En / Fr
“MEMORIES” tells the story of a couple on a visit to the ruins of his old boarding school, where they met and where they fell in love. There memories, shared feelings, joys, love that there occurred, mixed with a tragic sense of forgetting and loss.
Director Zuzendaria: Oscar Andrés Production Ekoizpena: JyT Kreaktibos, Osanu Producciones, El Resplandor Difuso Cast Aktoreak: Marta Tébar, Txema Pérez Screenplay Gidoia: Oscar Andrés Music Musika: Freak Mummy Edition Mountaketa: Oscar Andrés Sound Soinua: Josu Trocaola
“OROITZAPENAK” izeneko film labur honek bikote baten istorioa kontatzen du. Elkar ezagutu zuten barnetegi eskola zaharrara egiten dute bisita, non eta elkar maitemindu ere. Bertan, oroitzapen, elkarbanatutako sentimenduak, pozak eta maitasuna galera tragiko zirrara batekin nahastatzen dira.
SANGRE DE UNICORNIO Animazioa / 9 min. / 2013
Languages Hizkuntzak: Sp Subtitles Azpitituluak: En / Fr
Two bears go hunting unicorns, their favorite prey. Unicorns have a soft flesh and blood flavored delicious blueberries that bears need to stay beautiful.
Subtitles Azpitituluak: Alberto Vázquez Production Ekoizpena: Abrakam Estudio / UniKo Voices Ahotsak: Lola Lorente, Borja Bas, Alberto Vázquez Screenplay Gidoia: Alberto Vázquez, Pedro Rivero Music Musika: Víctor García Edition Muntaketa: Iván Miñambres Sound Soinua: Víctor García
Bi hartz txiki adarbakoitzak harrapatzera irteten dira, bere harrapakin kutuna. Adarbakoitzek haragi leuna dute eta hartz txikiek eder mantentzeko behar duten ahabia-zaporeko oso odol gozoa.
Komedia / 7 min. / 2013
Languages Hizkuntzak: Eu / Sp Subtitles Azpitituluak: En / Chin
Waiting the turn in a common day.
Director Zuzendaria: Aitor Arenas Production Ekoizpena: Sonia Pacios, Aitor Arenas Cast Aktoreak: Itziar Saiz, Manolo González Screenplay Gidoia: Aitor Arenas Cinematography Argazkigintza: Kenneth Oribe Edition Mountaketa: Ander Fernandez Sound Soinua: Ion Arenas
Txanda itxoiten, egunero bezala.
A night train journey. A wagon full of passengers. An undesirable companion in your compartment... What to do when it is not possible neither sleep nor escape?
Languages Hizkuntzak: Sp Subtitles Azpitituluak: En
Trenez egindako gau-bidaia. Bidaiariez betetako bagoia. Bidelagun zitala zure konpartimentuan... Zer egin ez lo egitea ez ihes egitea posiblea ez denean?
Animazioa / 13 min. / 2013
Director Zuzendaria: Khris Cembe Production Produkzioa: UniKo Screenplay Gidoia: Khris Cembe, Laura Aguado
What would happen if we were different from what is considered “normal”?. We would be able to accepting ourselves?
Languages Hizkuntzak: Eu / Sp Subtitles Azpitituluak: Eu / En / Sp
Zer gertatuko litzateke pertsona “normalak” izango ez bagina? Geure burua onartezko gai izango ginateke?
Y AHORA QUÉ HACEMOS Drama / 7 min. / 2013
Director Zuzendaria: Jose Cruz Gurrutxaga, Aitor Aranguren Production Produkzioa: Sonia Pacios, Aitor Arenas Cast Actores: Susana Soleto, Iñaki Rikarte Screenplay Gidoia: Jose Cruz Gurrutxaga Cinematography Argazkilaritza: Xabi Lozano Music Musika: Joseba Beristain Edition Muntaketa: Aitor Aranguren Sound Soinua: Ion Arenas
Image by: fantasyStock
zinemaldiak | FESTIVALS
Giza Eskubideen Zinemaldia Human Rights Film Festival
Donostia Zinemaldia Festival de San Sebastián International Film Festival
Fantasiazko eta Beldurrezko Zinemaren Astea Horror and Fantasy Film Festival
Donostia / San Sebastián, APRIL APIRILA Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 943 481 157
Donostia / San Sebastián, SEPTEMBER IRAILA Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 943 481 212
Donostia / San Sebastián, OCTOBER URRIA Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 943 481 157
Organised by the House of Peace and Human Rights and Donostia Kultura, its objective is to promote the debate and the reflection and to raise the audience awareness about the violation of the human righs in all the world through the universal language of cinema. So, the Festival aspires to inform and to form the citizens through a program as attractive as possible.
The Official Selection presents a selection of feature films from the most recent and unseen films made worldwide in the last year, all competitors for the Golden Shell and for the other official Festival awards. The New Directors competition exhibits first works by filmmakers across the world, and Horizontes Latinos the best Latin American feature films. This year completing the programme are the usual sections and new proposals: Zabaltegi, the most heterogeneous, eye-opening and attractive films of the year; Pearls, the best feature films of the year acclaimed by critics and/or winners of awards at other international festivals; Culinary Zinema; Savage Cinema; Made in Spain... The Festival also dedicated its retrospectives to the Japanese director Nagisa Oshima and to animation cinema.
Organised by Donostia Kultura, the Horror and Fantasy Film Festival took its first steps in 1990. Horror movies, sci-fi, animation, short films, classics from all over the world… alternate with shows, exhibitions, concerts, comic-book encounters, edition of books… The Old Town becomes during some days in a big horror party.
Bakearen eta Giza Eskubideen Etxeak, eta Donostia Kulturak antolaturik, bere helburu nagusia, lengoaia unibertsalaren bitartez, eztabaida, hausnarketa eta ikusleen sentikortasuna bultzatzea da, munduan zehar urratzen diren giza eskubideen inguruan. Beraz, zinemaldi honek, ahalik eta egitarau erakargarrienaren bitartez, herritarrak informatu eta hezitzen saiatzen da.
Sail Ofizialak urteko ekoizpen zinematografiko berrienaren eta argitaratu gabearen aukeraketa bat ematen du urtero. Film luze horiek Urrezko Maskorra lortzeko lehiatuko dira, baita gainerako sail ofizialak eskuratzeko ere. Zuzendari Berrien lehiaketak mundu zabaleko zinemagileen lehendabiziko lanak emanten, eta Horizontes Latinos sailak, berriz, Latinoamerikako film luze onenak. Aurten go programazioa osatzeko, ohiko sailak eta proposamen berriak ere iza dira: Zabaltegi, urteko film bariatuenak, harrigarrienak eta ikusgarrienak; Perlak, kritikak goraipatutako eta nazioarteko beste zinema-jaialdi batzuetan saritutako lanak; Culinary Zinema; Savage Cinema; Made in Spain... Horrez gain, Nagisa Oshima zuzendariari eta animaziozko zinemari eskainitako atzera begirakoak ere izan dira aurtengo Donostia Zinemaldian.
Donostia Kulturak antolatuta, Fantasiazko eta Beldurrezko Zinemaren Asteak 1990ean hasi zuen bere ibilbidea. Beldurrezko, zientzia fikziozko, animaziozko zinea, film laburrak, eta mundu osoko klasikoak aurkituko dituzue antzerki, erakusketa, kontzertu, eta komiki eta liburu argitalpen bezalako jarduladien artean. Hiriaren alde zaharra ikararen jai batean bihurtzen da egun hauetan zehar.
Itsaspeko Nazioarteko Zine Zikloa S.S International Submarine Film Festival
ZINEGOAK Gay-Lesbo-Trans International Film Festival
FANT Bilboko Zinemaldi Fantastikoa Bilbao Fantasy Film Festival
Donostia / San Sebastiรกn, NOVEMBER AZAROA Information Informazioa: Tel.: +34 943 395 476
Bilbao, FEBRUARY OTSAILA Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 944 156 258
Bilbao, MAY MAIATZA Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 944 248 698
The 37th San Sebastian International Diving Film Festival, will be celebrate the 12th to the 16th of May of 2013. As every year we will do a selection of the best diving films and also we will try to invite the best directors and cameramen. For the next edition we will have several features to improve it.
Zinegoak, the Bilbao International GayLesbian-Trans Film Festival was launched in 2004. The aim was to bring to a Bilbao audience (and a wider Basque one) a type of cinema that was intimate, independent and socially and politically demanding and that was entirely absent from the Basque comercial circuit. Initially, it was very modest (4 days, 1 theatre, 25 films and 3000 spectators during the first staging) but it has since grown to become one of the most important GLTB festivals on the European scene.
Originally born in 1994 as a film exhibition by the hand of a group of Fantasy films lovers, and currently organized by the Department of Culture and Education of Bilbao Town Council, Bilbao Fantasy Film Festival FANT is dedicated to films of this genre with the idea of making available, as much to fans as the general public (particularly the youngest film goers) releases that do not reach our screens through conventional channels of distribution and exhibition, as well as offering retrospectives of classic horror, mystery and science fiction films.
Donostiako 37 garren itsaspeko nazioarteko zine zikloa, 2013ko Maiatzaren 12tik 16 ra ospatuko da. Urtero bezela, egitaraua itsaspeko pelikularik onenekin egingo da eta baita ere, kamararik eta zuzendaririk onenei gonbidatzen saiatuko gara. Hurrengo ediziorako berrikuntza batzuk eskainiko ditugu hobekuntza filosofiarekin jarraitzeko.
Zinegoak, Bilboko Zine Gay-Lesbo-Trans Zinemaldi Internazionala, 2004ean jaio zen, bilbotar ikuslegoari bereziki, eta euskaldunari orokorrean, zinema intimista, independientea, soziala, eta aldarrikatzailea eskaintzeko asmoz, Euskal Herriko erakusketa komertzialaren zirkuituan ez bait zegoen horrelakorik. Hasiera umila izan zuen (4 egun, areto bakarra, 25 filme eta 3000 ikusle bere lehen edizioan), baina gaur egun Europear panoramako GLTB zinemaldirik garrantzitsuenetariko bat da.
Bilboko Zinemaldi Fantastikoa (FANT) erakustaldi bezala jaio zen 1994ean zale batzuen eskutik eta gaur egun Bilboko Udaleko Kultura Sailak antolatutzen du. Bere asmoa, bide arruntetatik heltzen ez ziren pelikulen estreinaldiak ikusleen, batez ere gazteen, eskura jartzea eta baita beldur, misterio, edota zientzia fikziozko klasikoen atzera begirakoak egitea zen.
“Filme Sozialak” International Unseen Film Festival “Social Films”
ZINEBI Bilbao International Documentary and Short Film Festival
CORTADA Film Laburren Jaialdia CORTADA Short Film Festival
Bilbao, SEPTEMBER IRAILA Information Informazioa: Tel.: +34 946 024 668
Bilbao, NOVEMBER AZAROA Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 944 248 698
Vitoria - Gasteiz (UPV-EHU), NOVEMBER AZAROA Information Informazioa: Tel.: + 34 945 013 657
The International Unseen Film Festival ‘Social Films’ from Bilbao transforms the screens into mirrors reflecting 66 human stories of thirty countries. A wide variety of evidences gathered in works of fiction, documentary and animation that invite to reflect on Human Rights, Gender Equality, interculturality, sustainable development... HQ AlhóndigaBilbao and Golem Cinemas as central venues and other 13 between Bilbao, Barakaldo, Erandio, Portugalete, Mungia, Iurreta and Elorrio, noting that 6 are Public Secondary Schools and Vocational Education Schools. The Festival has achieved again gender parity in its participation. New this year, the INVISIBLE EXPRESS, aimed at students of the Basque Country University (UPV / EHU).
Founded in 1959 and currently organized by Bilbao Town Hall’s department of culture, Bilbao International Documentary and Short Film Festival (Zinebi) recognized by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations (FIAPF) as an international competition of the highest quality has as its fundamental objectives to bring to the people of Bilbao the most recent world production of short films and documentaries, paying special attention to the Basque, Latin America and Spanish sphere, as well as to promote the Basque audiovisual industry and Bilbao as an ideal space for filming all kind of audiovisual projects through the Bilbao Film Commission (BiFiC ).
CORTADA is a short film festival that started in 1997 that takes place in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz. Sponsored by the Campus of Alava in the Basque Country University (UPV / EHU), is a national contest that rewards works of fiction, animation and documentary, not forgetting the local proposals GUREAK grouped in sections (short Basques) and HEMENGOAK (Short Alava).
Bilboko “Filme Sozialak” Ikusezin Zinema Jaialdiak zinemen pantailak ispiluak bihurtzen ditu hogeita hamar bateko herrietako 66 giza istorioak islatuz. Giza Eskubideen, Genero parekotasunaren, Kulturartekotasunaren eta Garapen iraunkorraren gainean, hausnartzera gonbidatzen dutenetako aniztasun handia duten fikzioa, dokumentala eta bizitasuna lanetan jasotako lekukotasunek. Bilboko Alhondigan eta Golem Zinemetan egoitza zentralak eta Bilboren, Barakaldoren, Erandioren, Portugaleteren, Mungiaren, Iurretaren eta Elorrioren arteko 13 egoitza gehiago, hauetako 6ak Mailako Institutuak eta Lanbide-Heziketa direla nabarmenduz. Jaialdiak gizon eta emakumeen arteko kopuru berdintsua lortu du partaidetzan. Aurten gainera, “INVISIBLE EXPRESS” izango dugu, UPV/EHU-ko ikasleei zuzenduta.
1959an sortua, eta Bilboko Udaleko Kultura Sailak antolatuta gaur egun, Bilboko Zine Dokumental eta Laburmetraia Nazioarteko Jaialdia-k (ZINEBI), bi helburu nagusi ditu. Filme Ekoizleen Elkarteen Federazio Internazionalak onartu duen bezala, kategoria goreneko lehiaketa maila duen zinemaldi honek, alde batetik, film laburren eta dokumentalen (bereziki euskal, espainiar eta latinoamerikar arlokoak) mundu mailako ekoizpen berriena aurkeztu nahi du, eta bestetik, Euskal Herriko ikus-entzunezko industria bultzatu nahi du, Bilbao Film Commissionen (BiFIC) bitartez gure hiria errodatzeko espazio ezinhobetzat aurkeztuz edozein motako proiekturako.
CORTADA 1997 urtean hasitako Vitoria-Gasteizko film laburren jaialdia da. UPV/EHUko Arabako Campuseko babesarekin antolatuta. Film labur nazionalentzako zuzenduta dago jaialdia. Animazio, Dokumental eta fikziozko lanak onartuta daude, hemengo lanak ahaztu Gabe: GUREAK (Euskal filmak) eta HEMENGOAK (Arabakoak).
film commissions
BILBAO FILM COMMISSION Colon de Larreategi, 37 - 4º 48009 Bilbao T: +34 944 248 698 F: +34 944 245 624
FILM COMMISSION DONOSTIA Alto de Errondo 2 (edificio Morlans) 20009 Donostia T: +34 943 482 800 filmcommission
VITORIA - GASTEIZ FILM OFFICE Correría, 70 01001 Vitoria-Gasteiz T: +34 945 162 576
Photos | Argazkiak | Fotos: IMCC BY-3.0-ES 2012/EJ-GV/Irekia-Gobierno Vasco/Mikel Arrazola