Italian Fashion

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I TALI AN FASHI ON The“I t al i anFashi on”col l ect i onencompassesachoi ce ofcr eat i vemodel sexcl usi vel ydesi gnedand pr oducedi nI t al y.Thi ssel ect i onr angesf r om appeal i ngl yt r endyst yl est omor ecl assi c,ver sat i l e, hi ghqual i t yf ashi onj ewel l er yi dealf oranyoccasi on. Thei t emsi nt hi scol l ect i oncomei nachoi ceofvar i ous si l ver pl at edandr hodi umpl at edver si ons,t oget her wi t hasel ect i onofpi ecest hatcombi ne23col our s andar eenr i chedwi t hnat ur alst onesand cont empor ar ymat er i al s.


ALLPRODUCTSAREMADEI NI TALY,I N 925STERLI NG SI LVER ©2014BassanoCol l ect i onGr oup.Al lr i ght sr eser ved BassanoCol l ect i onGr oupr eser vest her i ghtt omodi f yt hepr i cesi nt hi sl eaf l etatanyt i me.

VI SI TUSATwww. BASSANOCOLLECTI ON. com BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Cal ami t eBr acel et Rhodi um -gr .8

Cal ami t eBr acel et Rosè-gr .8

Cal ami t eBr acel et Gol d-gr .8

Cal ami t eBr acel et Rut heni um -gr .8

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Cal ami t eBr acel et Rhodi um -gr .10, 8

Cal ami t eBr acel et Rosè-gr .10, 8

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Cal ami t eBr acel et Gol d-gr .10, 8

Cal ami t eBr acel et Rut heni um -gr .10, 8





Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um -gr .8, 7

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rosè-gr .8, 7

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d-gr .8, 7

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni as t onesi n3col or s Rhodi um -gr .10, 5

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Al lRhodi um -gr .19, 7

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Rosè+ Rhodi um -gr .19, 7

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Gol d+ Rhodi um -gr .19, 7

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Gol d+ Rut heni um -gr .19, 7





Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Rosè+ Rhodi um -gr .17, 8

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Rhodi um + Gol d-gr .19, 9

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Rhodi um + Rosè-gr .19, 9

Luxur yCal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .17

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Luxur yCal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .17

Cal ami t eBr acel et8r ows Al lRhodi um -gr .12, 2

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Luxur yCal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um + Rosè-gr .17

Cal ami t eBr acel et8r ows 3Col our s-gr .12, 2





Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .6, 3

Br acel et Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .14

Br acel et Al lRhodi um -gr .14

Br acel et Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .14

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .13

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um + Rosè-gr .13

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .13

Cal ami t eBr acel et 3Col our s-gr .10, 9





Cal ami t eBr acel et Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .6

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Al lRhodi um -gr .5, 7

Cal ami t ebr acel et Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .6

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .5, 7

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .5, 7

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Al lRosè-gr .6, 9

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Ruby+Rosè-gr .6, 9

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Al lRhodi um -gr .7, 9





Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Sapphi r e+Rhodi um -gr .7, 9

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Ruby+Rosè-gr .7, 9

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Al lGol d-gr .7, 9

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Al lRosè-gr .7, 9

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Br acel et Al lRhodi um -gr .5, 5

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .5, 5

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .5, 5

PopCor nBr acel et Al lRhodi um -gr .4, 2





PopCor nBr acel et Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .4, 2

Br acel et Rhodi um +Rut heni um -gr .5, 8

PopCor nBr acel et Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .4, 2

Br acel et Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .5, 8

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Br acel et 3/ Col our s-gr .5, 8

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Red-gr .6, 9

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Gol d-gr .6, 9

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Red+Rhodi um -gr .6, 9





Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .8, 6

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .8, 6

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .8, 6

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .8, 9

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Al lRhodi um -gr .8, 7

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Gol d-gr .6, 4

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Br acel et Al lRhodi um -gr .6, 1

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .6, 4





Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .8, 6

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .9, 7

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Gol d-gr .9, 7

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Gol d-gr .4, 6

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .4, 6

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Gol d+Rosè-gr .4, 3

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .4, 6

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Gol d+Rosè-gr .4, 5





Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .4, 7

Br acel etCal z awi t hbeads Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .4, 1

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .4, 7

Br acel etCal z awi t hbeads Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .4, 1

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d+Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .12, 3

Cal ami t eBr acel et 3Col our s-gr .6, 2

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Gol d-gr .12, 3

Cal ami t eBr acel et Al lRhodi um -gr .7, 4





Cal ami t eBr acel et Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .7, 4

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones 3Col our s-gr .14, 4

Cal ami t eBr acel et Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .7, 4

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .14, 4

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com




31046 acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Cal ami t eBr

Cal ami t eBr acel et 3Col our s-gr .15, 5

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lGol d-gr .9, 7

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .9, 7

Al lRosè-gr .9, 7





Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d-gr .7, 3

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um + Red-gr .7, 3

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Red+ Rhodi um -gr .7, 3

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d+ Rhodi um -gr .7, 7

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um + Red-gr .7, 7

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rut heni um + Rhodi um -gr .6, 8

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d+ Rhodi um -gr .6, 8

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Red+ Rhodi um -gr .6, 8





Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Red+ Rhodi um -gr .6, 7

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rut heni um + Gol d-gr .6, 7

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .6, 7

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d+ Rhodi um -gr .6, 8

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com




31054 acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Cal ami t eBr

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .6, 8

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um + Red-gr .6, 6

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Red+ Rhodi um -gr .6, 6

Gol d+ Rhodi um -gr .7, 6





Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Al lRhodi um -gr .16, 3

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .14, 3

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al 3Col our s-gr .16, 3

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um + Rosè-gr .14, 3

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um + Gol d-gr .14, 3

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rosè+ Rhodi um -gr .14

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .14

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d+ Rhodi um -gr .14





Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhut eni um + Rhodi um -gr .14

PopCor nCal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni as t ones Rosè+ Rhodi um -gr .6, 5

PopCor nCal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni as t ones Al lRhodi um -gr .6, 5

PopCor nCal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni as t ones Gol d+ Rhodi um -gr .6, 5

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Cal ami t eBr acel et 3Col our s-gr .21, 8

Bangl e Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .13

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Bangl e Al lRhodi um -gr .13

Bangl e Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .13





Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rhodi um + Rosè-gr .8, 5

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones 3Col our s-gr .8, 1

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni as t ones Rhodi um + Gol d-gr .8, 5

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .7, 5

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .7, 5

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones 3Col our s-gr .6, 9

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .7, 5

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones 3Col our s-gr .7, 8





Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones 3Col our s-gr .7, 6

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones 3Col our s-gr .8

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones 3Col our s-gr .9, 1

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .7

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni as t ones Al lRhodi um -gr .7, 8

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni as t ones Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .7, 8

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni as t ones Ros è+Rhodi um -gr .7, 8

Cal ami t eBr acel et Rhodi um + Gol d-gr .13, 2





Cal ami t eBr acel et Rhodi um + Rosè-gr .13, 2

Br acel et Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .4, 6

Br acel et Rhodi um +Gol d-gr .4, 6

Br acel et Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .3, 7

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Br acel et 3Col our s-gr .7, 6

Br acel et Rhodi um +Gol d-gr .4, 2

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Br acel et Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .4, 2

Br acel et Al lRhodi um -gr .7, 1





Br acel etwi t hcr yst al 3Col our s-gr .8, 9

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Rhodi um + 3Col our s-gr .3, 8

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Rhodi um + Gol d-gr .3, 8

Br acel etwi t hcr yst al Rosè-gr .4, 1

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Al lRhodi um -gr .35, 7

Cal ami t eBr acel et 3Col our s-gr .8, 5

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al 3Col our s-gr .35, 7

Cal ami t eBr acel et 3Col our s-gr .20, 3





Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rhodi um + Rosè-gr .20, 5

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Rhodi um -gr .14, 5

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Gol d-gr .20, 5

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Gol d-gr .14, 5

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Rosè-gr .14, 5

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rosè+ Rhodi um -gr .12, 7

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rhodi um -gr .12, 7

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Gol d+ Rhodi um -gr .12, 7





Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Rhodi um -gr .6, 3

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Gol d-gr .6, 3

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Rosè-gr .6, 3

Bangl ewi t hcubi cz i r coni a Al lRhodi um -gr .10, 5

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com





Bangl ewi t hcr yst al Rhodi um + Gol d-gr .10, 5

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rhodi um + Gol d-gr .4

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al 3Col our s-gr .41

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Gol d+ Rhodi um -gr .4





Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rhodi um + Rosè-gr .3, 5

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni a 3Col our s-gr .3

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rhodi um + Rosè-gr .3, 5

Br acel etwi t hcubi cz i r coni a 3Col our s-gr .14, 2

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Rhodi um + Gol d-gr .12, 5


Br acel etwi t hcr yst al 3Col our s-gr .4, 5

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Cal ami t eBr acel etwi t hcr yst al Rhodi um + Rosè-gr .12, 5





Bangl ewi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .16, 1

Bangl ewi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .16, 5

Bangl ewi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .16, 1

Bangl ewi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .16, 5

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Bangl ewi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .16, 5


Bangl ewi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .14

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Bangl ewi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .14


Cal ami t eNeckl acewi t hcr yst al Al lRhodi um -gr .48-cm 45


Cal ami t eNeckl acewi t hcr yst al Rhodi um +Gol d-gr .48-cm 45

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Cal ami t eNeckl acewi t hcr yst al Rhodi um +Red-gr .48-cm 45

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Neckl ace Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .29, 5-cm 45


Neckl acewi t hwhi t ecr yst al Al lRosè-gr .14, 5-cm 40+3ext .


Neckl acewi t hpi nkcr yst al Ruby+Rosè-gr .14, 5-cm 40+3ext .

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Neckl ace Rhodi um -gr .7, 9-cm 43+3ext .

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com



Neckl acewi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Neckl acewi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .7, 7 Rhodi um +Gol d-gr .7, 7


Neckl aceCal z awi t hbeads Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .7, 4


Neckl aceCal z awi t hbeads Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .7, 4

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Cal ami t eNeckl ace 3Col our s-gr .11, 6

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Cal ami t eNeckl acewi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones 3Col our s-gr .25, 4


PopCor nCal ami t eNeckl ace wi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Al lRhodi um -gr .10, 3


PopCor nCal ami t eNeckl ace wi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Rosè-gr .10, 3


PopCor nCal ami t eNeckl ace wi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Gol d-gr .10, 3

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com




Neckl acewi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Neckl acewi t hcubi cz i r coni ast ones Neckl ace 3Col our s-gr .9, 7 Al lRhodi um -gr .10 Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .5, 5

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Neckl ace Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .4, 8-cm 42+3ext .


Neckl ace Rhodi um +Gol d-gr .4, 8-cm 42+3ext .

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Neckl acewi t hcr yst al 3Col our s-gr .9. 8-cm 42+5ext .

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Neckl acewi t hcr yst al Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .6, 3-cm 45+5ext .


Neckl ace Al lRhodi um -gr .6, 4-cm 40+5ext .


Neckl ace Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .6, 4-cm 40+5ext .

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Neckl ace Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .6, 4-cm 40+5ext .

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Neckl acewi t henamel Rhodi um -gr .6, 5-cm 40+5ext .


Cal ami t eNeckl ace Al lRhodi um -gr .35, 7-cm 45


Cal ami t eNeckl ace 3Col our s-gr .35, 7-cm 45

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Cal ami t eNeckl acewi t hcr yst al Al lRhodi um -gr .11-cm 43

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Cal ami t eNeckl acewi t hcr yst al Gol d-gr .11-cm 43


Cal ami t eNeckl acewi t hcr yst al Rosè-gr .11-cm 43


Cal ami t eNeckl acewi t hcr yst al 3Col our s-gr .76, 5-cm 44

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Neckl acewi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rhodi um +Gol d-gr .5, 5-cm 40+5ext .

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Neckl acewi t hcubi cz i r coni a Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .5, 5-cm 40+5ext .


Neckl acewi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .5, 3-cm 40+5ext .


Neckl acewi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .5, 3-cm 40+5ext .

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Neckl acewi t hcubi cz i r coni a 3Col our s-gr .4-cm 40+5ext .

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com


Neckl acewi t hcr yst al 3Col our s-gr .5, 5-cm 40+5ext .










Ear r i ng Rhodi um +Whi t eCr yst al-gr .7, 7

Ear r i ng Rosè+Whi t eCr yst al-gr .7, 7

Ear r i ng Al lRhodi um -gr .5

Ear r i ng Rhodi um +Bl ackCr yst al-gr .7, 7

Ear r i ng Al lRhodi um -gr .3

Ear r i ng Rhodi um +Whi t eCr yst al-gr .8, 9

Ear r i ng Gol d+Whi t eCr yst al-gr .7, 7

Ear r i ng Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .3

Ear r i ng Rosè+Whi t eCr yst al-gr .10 BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com










Ear r i ng Gol d+Whi t eCr yst al-gr .11, 5

Ear r i ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Gol d-Rhodi um -gr .4, 6

Ear r i ng Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .3, 2 BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Ear r i ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Al lRhodi um -gr .4, 6

Ear r i ng Al lRhodi um -gr .3, 2

Ear r i ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Al lRhodi um -gr .3, 6

Ear r i ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .4, 6

Ear r i ng Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .3, 2

Ear r i ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .3, 6










Ear r i ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .3, 6

Ear r i ngwi t hwhi t ecr yst al Al lRhodi um -gr .5, 8

Ear r i ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Al lRhodi um -gr .5, 3

Ear r i ngwi t hwhi t ecr yst al Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .5, 8

Ear r i ngwi t hwhi t eandpi nkcr yst al s Ear r i ngwi t hcr yst al Rosè-gr .6 Rhodi um +3Col our s-gr .3, 1 49

Ear r i ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .5, 3

Ear r i ngwi t hwhi t ecr yst al Rhodi um +Gol d-gr .5, 8

Ear r i ngwi t hcr yst al Rosè-gr .2, 2 BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com







Ear r i ng Rhodi um -gr .4, 6

Ear r i ngwi t hcr yst al Rhodi um -gr .3

Ear r i ng Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .4, 6

Ear r i ngwi t hcr yst al Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .3

Ear r i ng Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .4, 6

Ear r i ngwi t hcr yst al Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .3

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

















Ri ng Al lRhodi um gr .4, 3

Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rhodi um +Gol d gr .5

Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Al lRhodi um gr .3, 8

Ri ngAdj ust abl eSi z e Rosè+Rhodi um gr .5, 5

Ri ng Rosè+Rhodi um gr .4, 3

Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rosè+Rhodi um gr .5

Ri ngAdj ust abl eSi z e wi t hcubi cz i r coni a Al lRhodi um -gr .3, 6

Ri ngAdj ust abl eSi z e Gol d+Rhodi um gr .5, 5

BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

Ri ng Gol d+Rhodi um gr .4, 3

Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Gol d+Rhodi um gr .5

Ri ngAdj ust abl eSi z e wi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .3, 7

Ri ngAdj ust abl eSi z e wi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rhodi um +Rosè-gr .4, 3

Ri ng wi t hcubi cz i r coni a Al lRhodi um gr .5

Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rhodi um +Rosè gr .5, 2

Ri ngAdj ust abl eSi z e Al lRhodi um gr .5, 5

Ri ng Adj ust abl eSi z e wi t hcubi cz i r coni a 3Col our s-gr .5, 5















Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a 3Col our s gr .6, 1

Ri ngAdj ust abl eSi z e wi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rosè+Rhodi um -gr .5, 1

Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Gol d-gr .2, 1

Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Gol d-gr .2

Ri ngAdj ust abl eSi z e wi t hcubi cz i r coni a 3Col our s-gr .4, 4

Ri ngAdj ust abl eSi z e wi t hcubi cz i r coni a Gol d+Rhodi um -gr .5, 1

Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Setof3Col our s gr .6, 3

Ri ngAdj ust abl eSi z e wi t hcubi cz i r coni a 3Col our s-gr .5, 3

Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rhodi um -gr .2, 1

Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rhodi um -gr .2

Ri ngAdj ust abl eSi z e wi t hcubi cz i r coni a Al lRhodi um -gr .5, 1

Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rosè-gr .2, 1

Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Rosè-gr .2

Ri ngwi t hcubi cz i r coni a Setof3Col our s gr .6 BASSANO COLLECTI ON -I TALY Lar goPar ol i ni ,108/ E-36061BassanodelGr appa( VI ) T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

BASSANO COLLECTI ON GROUP Lar go Par ol i ni ,108/ E 36061Bassano delGr appa ( VI )I TALY T.00390424524784-F.00390424524633 i nf o@bassanocol l ect i on. i t

www. bassanocol l ect i on. com

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