Cemeteries, Rules and Regulations

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Contents It is important that you read through the Cemeteries Rules & Regulations and further information and discuss all your requirements with a chosen funeral director prior to arranging an interment. All Funeral Directors will advise families as to what the Council can offer, such as types of graves, types of memorials allowed on each section, Transferring of Exclusive Rights of Burial etc. The council will not accept any responsibility for incorrect information or miss interpretation of the Rules & Regulations given by the funeral director / monumental mason or any other person arranging the interment / memorial which could lead to serious consequences that may not be able to be rectified after the interment has taken place. Should you require further information or clarification please contact the Cemeteries Office at least 4 clear working day prior to any interment.

Bassetlaw District Council Rules and Regulations relating to the Cemeteries in the District of Bassetlaw made by The Council as the Burial Authority for the District of Bassetlaw for the management and control of the Cemeteries under their control.

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22 | 22 |

Right of exclusion Removal of coffins / caskets

22 |

Removal of remains

22 |

Raised mounds

23 |

Motor vehicles

23 |

Lawn graves

25 |

Traditional graves

26 |

Woodland graves

28 |

Cremated remains graves

29 |

Children’s section

30 |

Memorial risks

30 |

Memorial masons

32 |

Working hours

33 |

Conduct of visitors

12 | Opening of a purchased graves

34 |

Penalties offending against rules & regulations

13 |

Purchased graves

Alteration of regulations

15 |

Deed of purchased graves

34 | 34 |

16 |

Transfer right of burial

34 |


18 |

Transfer process

19 | 19 |

Un-purchased graves

35 |

Remembrance bench plaque scheme

35 |

Strewing of ashes

Coffins / caskets

37 |

General information

19 |

Depth of coffins / caskets

38 |

Points to remember

20 |

Vaults / brick graves

20 |

Evacuating graves / re-opening of a vault

40 |

List of approved registered monumental masons

20 |

Funeral times

41 |

List of approved registered funeral directors

22 |

Control of funerals

42 |

Final notice

22 |

Bands, banners, special request

5 |


6 |

Types of memorials

8 |

Sections available

9 |

Office hours

10 |


10 |

Notice of interment

10 |

Length of notice

11 |

Telephone instructions

11 |

Infectious diseases

11 |

Hours of interments

11 |

Certificate of disposal / coroners order

12 |

Payment of fees

12 |

Disposal of cremated remains

43 |

Repeal of regulations

Cemetery questionnaire

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Introduction The Council has made Regulations for Cemeteries under the provisions of the Local Authorities Cemeteries Order 1977. The Council reserves the right to alter, add to or amend the Regulations when necessary. Throughout the regulations the following words and expressions shall have the meaning hereinafter respectively assigned to them. ‘The Council’ Bassetlaw District Council ‘The Cemeteries’ Hannah Park, Worksop, S80 2SQ Retford Road, Worksop, S80 2QB Cemetery Road, Worksop, S80 2JB North Road/Babworth Road, Retford, DN22 7BP ‘The Cemeteries Office’ The office of the Cemeteries is situated at the DSO Block, Carlton Forest, Hundred Acre Lane, Worksop, or at any such other place as may be designated by the Council. “Cemeteries Officer” means the Officer of Cemeteries appointed by the Council or the person for the time being carrying out the duties of Registrar and any person acting for him/her at the Cemetery in his/her absence. “THE CEMETERY” means the cemeteries controlled by the Council or any of them as the context admits.

“PURCHASED GRAVE” means a grave space in respect of which the exclusive right of burial has been granted by the Council, and references to the purchase, grant, owner or ownership of a grave shall be construed as the purchase, grant, owner or ownership of such right. THE COUNCIL GRANT IN RESPECT OF ANY GRAVE IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS EXTENDING FARTHER THAN A GRANT OR EXCLUSIVE RIGHT OF BURIAL THEREIN. “UNPURCHASED GRAVE” means a grave space wherein such exclusive right of burial has not been granted. ‘Woodland Grave’ A grave for one person only in the appropriate section, where the only memorial allowed is a tree, which is planted on the grave space, and a plaque of a uniform size is placed on the memorial wall. “MASON” means any person carrying on the business or trade of a stonemason or stone cutter, and includes any person for the time being engaged in the Cemetery in the erection, removal or maintenance of a memorial. “MEMORIAL” means any monument, headpiece, cross, scroll, book, headstone, kerb or any permanent memorial of any description whatsoever placed in the Cemetery.

“GRAVE” means a burial place formed in the ground by excavation, without any internal wall of brickwork, stonework or artificial lining. “VAULT” includes underground burial places of every description except grave to which the word “grave” interpreted as aforesaid, applies.

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Types of Memorials

Please note the type of memorial allowed on each section and discuss this with your Funeral Director or the Cemeteries Officer before making your decision. Definition - Lawn Memorial The lawn type grave was designed on the war grave principle (to have only a memorial of limited size at the head of the grave with the rest of the grave laid to lawn). In this manner the limited area available for burial is best utilised. In addition maintenance is easier to accomplish with large mowing machinery being used to keep the area in a neat condition. These graves are sold on the understanding that only lawn style memorials are erected, and that nothing will be placed in, on or around the grave area. Full kerb memorials are only permitted on Traditional graves.

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Care must be taken when selecting this type of grave. If you would prefer a larger, more traditional type memorial you should not opt for a lawn grave. Definition - Kerb Set / Traditional Types These graves are where kerbs outline the grave, and may also have a top covering the grave which is fixed to a concrete reinforced landing provided by your chosen Monumental Stone Mason. Areas in and around Kerb sections are more difficult to maintain, the grass is cut by the use of a strimmer. Care must be taken when selecting this type of grave. If you would prefer a lawn memorial you should not opt for a Kerb Set / Traditional Type grave.

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Sections available for each cemetery Hannah Park Cemetery Hannah Park Cemetery, Netherton Road, Worksop S80 2SQ This cemetery was opened in 1996 and offers new and re-opened graves in Lawn Sections, Traditional Sections, Woodland Section, Baby/Child Section and Cremated Remains Section. There is also provision for Muslim burials. Toilets / Disabled facilities and Water taps are situated on-site. Section 1 - Lawn Section - Roman Catholic Section 2 - Lawn Section - Church of England (No new graves) Section 3 - Kerb Section - Roman Catholic Section 4 - Kerb Section - Church of England Section 5 - Children’s Section Section 6 - Lawn Section - Church of England Section 7 - Lawn Section - Church of England Section R - Cremated Remains Section W- Woodland Section MW- Muslim Woodland Retford Cemetery Retford Cemetery Babworth Road, Retford DN22 7BP This cemetery was opened in 1854 and offers new and re-opened graves in Lawn Sections, Traditional Sections, Woodland Section, Baby/Child Sections and Cremated Remains Sections. Toilets / Disabled facilities and Water taps are situated on-site. Section 1 – Mixed Lawn & Kerb Section Roman Catholic Graves 1 – 300 Section 1 - Lawn Section - Roman Catholic Graves 301 – onwards Section 2 - Lawn Section - Church of England Section 3 - Lawn Section - Church of England Section 4 - Lawn Section - Church of England Section 5 - Lawn Section - Jewish Section 6 - Lawn Section - Children’s Section 8 - Lawn Section - Church of England Section 8 - kerb Section - Church of England graves 54/A – 54/H

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Section C/R -New cremated Remains Section W - Woodland Section S/R – New Scattering of Ashes Manton (Retford Road) Worksop Manton Cemetery, Retford Road, Worksop. S80 2QB This cemetery was opened in 1901. This cemetery offers re-opening of graves only, in Lawn Sections and Traditional Sections. New graves on Baby/Child Sections. New and re-opened graves on Cremated Remains section. Toilets are available and water taps are situated on-site. Section 28 – Cremated Remains No new full burial graves available at this cemetery. Worksop Old Cemetery Cemetery Road Worksop. S80 2JB This cemetery was opened in 1868. This cemetery is behind the Worksop, Priory church, there are no taps on-site. Please Note: Funeral Directors should refrain from choosing /allocating graves with families as new graves will be allocated on a next in line basis by the Cemeteries Office and are not available for selection which has been done in the past. It may be that a grave has been pre-purchased or the Cemeteries Office have allocated or reserved a grave for their purpose. Special circumstances will be took into consideration should a family wish to be close to a deceased relative, although this may not be possible. Families with disabilities will also be taken into consideration by allocating an end grave, although this may not always be possible.

Office hours & cemetery opening / closing times

Office times


Opening times

Closing times

Monday - Friday

January February March April May June July August September October November December

9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Address The Cemeteries Office, Hundred Acre Lane, Worksop, Notts. S81 0TS Please note: Appointments by arrangement only

Contact numbers Opening times During working hours 01909 533 487 Out of hours number 01909 501 999

4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm 8 pm 8 pm 8 pm 8 pm 7 pm 6 pm 5 pm 4 pm

Opening times Open 9:00 am Daily Including Bank Holidays

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Plans A plan of the each Cemetery showing the position and number of each grave is kept at the Cemeteries Office and may be seen without charge. Burial Registers and Grave Registers are also kept in the Cemeteries Office. As the registers are old and fragile we no longer allow members of the public to look through them. However we can search the register for you although charges are now made as contained in the Cemetery Fees and Charges Schedule.

Notices of interment All notices of interment shall be delivered to the Cemeteries Office, on the forms provided by the Council, during normal office hours. Disposal and interment forms must be fully completed and received by the Cemeteries office at least two clear working days before the date of burial or the burial may be delayed. The Council will not accept responsibility for any delay or misunderstanding which may occur if instructions are given verbally or by telephone. Neither will the Council accept responsibility for any documents lost or delayed by the Post Office/Courier.

Length of notice Notice of burial is accepted as confirmed when all original forms and certificates required to fulfil statutory requirements. The Registrar’s Certificate for Disposal or a Coroner’s Order for Burial and those required by the Council. For the burial of a stillborn child a Certificate in accordance with the Births & Deaths Registration Act 1953 must be delivered to the Cemetery office. For a Non Viable Foetus (NVF) a form signed by a Medical Practitioner in respect of a NVF must be supplied and received at the Cemetery Office no later than two clear working days before the proposed date of the funeral. Late paperwork will be charged for under the Fees and Charges Schedule. Five clear working days, notice shall be given if a vault or brick grave is required. These periods of time are exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday or a Public or Bank or any other official holiday. Exceptions will be made to this in cases of epidemic diseases.

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Telephone instructions Orders or instructions given by telephone shall be confirmed in writing. The Council will not accept any responsibility for any delay or misunderstanding which may occur if instructions are given by telephone. Documents sent by Fax will only be accepted as temporary notification and must be confirmed by submission of originals. The Council will not accept responsibility for, or loss of any remittances or instructions forwarded by post. The Funeral Director or person arranging the funeral is responsible for providing sufficient bearers to convey the coffin reverently from the hearse to the graveside. Cemetery Staff are not allowed to assist with bearing. Arrangements for priests, ministers, or other persons to officiate at the service are the responsibility of the Funeral Director or the person arranging the burial.

Infectious diseases Where a funeral is of a person dying of infectious disease the notice of interment must contain a statement to this effect.

Hours of interment Interments shall be allowed only between the hours of 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. Monday to Thursday, Friday 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. (Catholic Full mass 10.00 a.m. only) The funeral director must allow enough time for the cemetery staff to backfill the grave and clear away equipment. No interments shall take place on Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday or any other Public or Bank or official holiday.

Certificates of disposal (a) No burial will be allowed to take place unless such a certificate as is mentioned in the succeeding sub-clause is delivered to the Registrar before an interment takes place. (b) A certificate for the purpose of this clause shall be:(i) in the case of a stillborn child, the appropriate certificate under the Births and Deaths Registration Act, 1953; (ii) In the case of a death reported to the Coroner, the Coroner’s Order; (iii) In any other case, the Certificate for Disposal issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths. (c) If any such certificate be mislaid or lost a declaration to the satisfaction of the Cemeteries Officer will be made by the person procuring the disposal of the body. The original certificate or a duplicate copy issued by the Registrar of Births and Deaths or the Coroner must be produced to the Cemeteries Officer within 24 hours following the signing of the declaration.

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Payment of fees The fees and charges for any burial must be paid at the time of giving notice of booking and all other fees paid before the work to which they relate is started. All fees and charges must be paid at the Cemeteries Office. These requirements do not apply to those who pay by account. The fees charged include everything connected with the specified items in respect of which an official receipt is given. No one employed by, or on behalf of the Council is allowed to receive any gratuity. Charges are in accordance with the Councils’ scale of fees for cemeteries which may change each year.

Disposal of cremated remains Before the Cemeteries Office can authorise the interment or scattering of cremated remains of any person in the Cemetery a certificate must be produced from the appropriate officer of the Crematorium that the Certificate for Disposal has been produced to the Medical Referee of that Crematorium and that notification of the disposal has been delivered to the appropriate Registrar of Births and Deaths.

Opening of a purchased grave Notice of burial is accepted as confirmed when all original forms and certificates required to fulfil statutory requirements. The Registrar’s Certificate for Disposal or a Coroner’s Order for Burial and those required by the Council. For the burial of a stillborn child a Certificate in accordance with the Births & Deaths Registration Act 1953 must be delivered to the Cemetery office. For a Non Viable Foetus (NVF) a form signed by a Medical Practitioner in respect of a NVF must be supplied and received at the Cemetery Office no later than two clear working days before the proposed date of the funeral. Late paperwork will be charged for under the Fees and Charges Schedule. Five clear working days, notice shall be given if a vault or brick grave is required. These periods of time are exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday or a Public or Bank or any other official holiday. Exceptions will be made to this in cases of epidemic diseases.

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Purchased graves Orders or instructions given by telephone shall be confirmed in writing. The Council will not accept any responsibility for any delay or misunderstanding which may occur if instructions are given by telephone. Documents sent by Fax will only be accepted as temporary notification and must be confirmed by submission of originals. The Council will not accept responsibility for, or loss of any remittances or instructions forwarded by post. The Funeral Director or person arranging the funeral is responsible for providing sufficient bearers to convey the coffin reverently from the hearse to the graveside. Cemetery Staff are not allowed to assist with bearing. Arrangements for priests, ministers, or other persons to officiate at the service are the responsibility of the Funeral Director or the person arranging the burial. The Council expressly reserve the right to retain any grave space for their own purpose. Any person aged 18 years or more may purchase a grave. The purchase of grave spaces beyond the current burial area will not be permitted. Should such pre-purchased graves become unwanted before being used the Council may at their discretion buy-back a grave. The grave must not have been used for burial or an ashes burial. The original Deed must be accompanied by a letter from the original grave owner stating that they wish the council to buy-back the grave. The council will only give back the original price paid as contained in the Cemetery fees and charges schedule.

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Deed of purchased graves On the purchase of the exclusive right of burial in a grave, a Deed of Grant will be issued to the purchaser whose name will be registered in the Council Burial Registers. The Exclusive Right of Burial can be topped up whenever the owner wishes to as long as the rights do not exceed 99 years as contained in the Cemeteries fees & Charges schedule. Please remember to inform the Cemeteries office of any changes to your circumstances. Owning an Exclusive Right of Burial for a grave does not give ownership of the actual land, but does give the owner of the Deed the right to: • Be buried in that grave • Authorise further burials in that grave, where space is available, or the interment of cremated remains in that grave. • Place a memorial on that grave, subject to the Council’s Regulations relating to memorials. • Have inscriptions or additional inscriptions on a memorial on that grave subject to the Council’s Regulations on this matter.

Possessing a Deed of Exclusive Right of Burial does not necessarily give the person ownership of Exclusive Right of Burial, when the owner is deceased subsequent ownership depends upon whether or not the deceased person left a valid Will. The law on this can be complex and it is strongly advised you consult a Solicitor to establish new ownership. Only one person can hold the Exclusive Right of Burial, it cannot be held jointly by family members. Ownership of a Deed may also be transferred or assigned by use of a form – Declaration, Indemnity and Application in respect of the transfer or Assignment of an Exclusive Right of Burial - obtainable from the Cemeteries Officer. The Deed of Exclusive Right of Burial, like any other Deed, is an important document and should be kept in a safe place. On the purchase of the Exclusive Right of Burial for a grave, a Deed of Grant shall be issued to the purchaser whose name is registered. Burial rights are purchased for a maximum of 99 years. Notice for the interment of cremated remains must be accompanied by the Certificate issued by the Crematorium where the cremation took place as various Laws and Regulations must be observed and records completed relating to the final disposal of cremated remains. People arranging a burial in a non-private grave acquire no rights other than that of making a single interment in a grave. No grave markers of any kind or memorials are allowed

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Transfer of right of burial (a)

The transfer of the exclusive right of burial in a grave must be notified to the Cemeteries Office who will enter the transfer in the Register of Grants kept by him/her.


Where no interment has taken place in a purchased grave, the Council may agree to repurchase the grave. If the Council so agree, a payment shall be made by the Council to the owner for the time being, of a sum not exceeding the original purchase price.

The original Deed must be accompanied by a letter from the original grave owner stating that they wish the council to buy-back the grave.

Transfer of grave ownership It is important to be aware that it is against the law to open a grave for burial including a burial of cremated remains or Scattering of Ashes without the written permission of the registered owner. It is also important to remember that the Rights to a grave means the registered owner has the Rights to Burial in the said grave and does not mean that they own the land as it will always be the Councils land. The Council must therefore enforce the law relating to ownership of graves and burials. Where the registered owner is alive the transfer will be a straightforward process. The registered owner, naming the new owner, will complete a Form of Assignment which can be supplied through the Cemeteries office. Exclusive rights of burial will need to be transferred upon the death of a registered owner. It is important in the interests of the family to resolve ownership issues as soon as possible rather than wait until you need to arrange a funeral/further funeral, as the process may take some time. Ownership is the families’ responsibility and we cannot accept a funeral booking or authorise a memorial application until ownership has been obtained. Charges are in accordance with the Councils’ scale of fees for cemeteries.

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Transfer process Once all necessary documents have been received, with the Transfer Fee, our records will be amended and the remaining years of the original deed of grant will be transferred to the new registered owner. A Transfer Certificate will then be issued. Charges for Transfers are in accordance with the Councils’ scale of fees for cemeteries.

Original Grave Owner Deceased

Original Grave Owner

Executor of a Will / Grant of Probate

Next of Kin Husband / Wife

Next of Kin Husband / Wife

Eldest Child

Eldest Child

Transfer Certificate issued

Surviving Relative


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Form ERB 3, or TRB 1 + Commissioner for Oaths / Solicitor

Unpurchased grave Persons interring in a communal “rotational” unpurchased graves acquire no rights, all rights being vested in the Council. Unpurchased graves may be dug to accommodate three interments of persons being not of the same family. No communal “rotational” grave shall be opened within three years after the burial of a person above the age of one month, unless to bury another member of the same family, The regulation shall not be deemed to apply to the burial of a stillborn or child under the age of one month. After the expiration of three years the Council may allow the internment of any person to be buried therein.

Coffins/ caskets All types of coffins/caskets will be allowed in Bassetlaw Cemeteries provided they are of suitable and safe construction and conform to all aspects of decency and subject to the approval of the Cemeteries Officer, however metal coffin/caskets will not be allowed in Woodland Graves due to the nature/habitat of the area. Graves will be sufficiently large to admit coffins or caskets to the dimensions specified on the application form by the Funeral Director or the person arranging the funeral. However if a coffin or casket is over 30” (750mm) wide or wider, then two graves must be purchased and the coffin / casket must be placed in the centre of the two graves, This is to allow a wider wall of earth either side of the coffin/casket. This was minuted by the Council many years ago, and must be upheld. All coffins must be marked with a non-perishable plaque/name plate. This must show the name, age and date of death of the deceased. In the case of a stillborn child no age will be recorded. Where two bodies are interred in one coffin then both names are marked.

Depth of coffin / caskets Interments shall be allowed only between the hours of 10.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. Monday to Thursday, Friday 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. (Catholic Full mass 10.00 a.m. only) The funeral director must allow enough time for the cemetery staff to backfill the grave and clear away equipment. No interments shall take place on Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday or any other Public or Bank or official holiday.

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Vaults / brick graves New brick graves or vaults will be allowed to be constructed. Every person who, in the Cemetery, buries a body in a vault/brick grave shall, within 24 hours after the deposit of the coffin/casket in the vault, cause the coffin/casket to be wholly and permanently enclosed in a separate cell or receptacle which shall be constructed of slate or stone flagging not less than 50mm in thickness properly jointed in cement, or of good brickwork in cement and in such manner as to prevent, as far as may be practicable, the escape of noxious gas from the interior of the cell or receptacle

Excavating graves and re-opening of vaults All graves will be dug and excavated, dressed and back filled by Council employees. All work in the re-opening of a vault (other than the removal of the soil) must be done by and at the cost of the owner who will be at liberty to employ his own staff for that purpose, subject to the Rules and Regulations for the time being of the Council with regard to the Cemetery, and will be held responsible for any injury which may be caused during the progress of the work to any adjacent vault or grave or to any tomb or monument or memorial stone. New graves (earthen only) can be dug to a maximum depth of 7ft to accommodate three coffins/caskets. It may be necessary when excavating a grave to place the soil on top of the adjoining graves until the burial has taken place, this will ensure the minimum disruption to graves whilst the machinery is being used to excavate the grave, every effort will be made to ensure that the adjoining graves are treated with respect and dignity. Once the soil has been back filled into the grave we will ensure that the area is left clean and tidy.

Funeral times The procession must arrive at the Cemetery at the time fixed for the funeral as stated on the interment form to prevent inconvenience and one funeral interfering with another. Please note that late arrivals at the Cemetery will incur in a penalty charge, after the first 15 minutes as contained in the cemetery fees and charges schedule. In the event of a funeral arriving late the cortege must wait, as and where directed by the Cemeteries Officer or his/her Representative

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Control of funerals All funerals at the Cemetery are under the control and direction of the Cemeteries Officer and in any case in which the burial is one at which a number of persons may be expected to assemble, the fact must be notified to the Cemeteries Office at the time of giving notice of the interment. In all cases of military or public funerals the management of the Cemetery, together with the propriety or necessity of closing same, will be at the discretion of the Cemeteries Officer.

Bands, banners, special requests etc. No band or music or persons carrying banners will be allowed in the Cemetery except at a military funeral or by special consent of the Cemeteries Officer. The erection of a gazebo, playing music at the graveside interment or any other special requests must be notified to the Cemeteries Office at the time of giving notice of the interment.

Right of exclusion The Cemeteries Officer or any person acting on behalf of the Cemetery Officer or any person acting on behalf of the Cemeteries Officer in their absence, may at their own discretion, exclude from the Cemetery, at any time, all or any persons not being members of the family or relatives of the deceased whose funeral is then taking place therein, or not having any duty or service in connection with such funeral.

Removal of coffin /casket lids, etc. No funeral director or other person shall be permitted to remove coffin/casket lids or slides from any coffin/casket at any interment within the Cemetery.

Removal of remains No coffin or part of a coffin / casket may be removed from any Cemetery grounds without the prior and express permission of the Cemeteries Officer. No coffin/casket OR Cremated Remains shall be removed after burial without the consent of the Secretary of State for Home Affairs or the Faculty of the Bishop of the Diocese, as may be required. No body may be removed from a Cemetery for any purpose whatsoever except on the order of a Coroner, Court of Summary Jurisdiction or a Chief Constable. No body or cremated remains may be exhumed without the consent of the Ministry of Justice and/or the Faculty of the Bishop of the Diocese.

Raised mounds or banks Raised mounds or banks are not permitted on any grave in the Cemetery other than Muslim graves, and no grave will be allowed to be raised above the level of the adjoining ground.

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Motor vehicles Vehicles accompanying funerals will be admitted into the Cemetery along the main drive. No vehicle will be allowed to travel on any other drive or path without the consent of the Cemeteries Officer. All funeral corteges, whilst within the Cemetery, will be subject to the direction of the Cemeteries Officer or his/her Representative.

Lawn grave sections As soon as practicable after the interment, the Council shall sow grass seed or turf over the whole of the grave, thereafter no person other than authorised by the Council shall interfere with or alter the grassed area of the grave. No grave or vault shall be raised by turfing or any other manner, above the level of the ground immediately adjoining. No trees, shrubs, plants, flower holders, jars, vases, stones laid flat, memorials, railings, fencing, gravel or other structures enclosing graves may be placed on the grassed area. Subject to the written consent of the Council and to payment of the prescribed fee a memorial may be placed at the head of the grave. The memorial becomes the Council’s property at the expiration date of the period of the Grant of the Exclusive Right of Burial. The correct size and type of (Lawn) memorial must sit on the base provided in the position required by the Council, and shall not exceed three feet three inches (990mm) in height measured from the ground, three feet (914mm) in width, nor four inches (100mm) in thickness. Kerb Set memorials will not be allowed on any lawn section. Please discuss with your funeral director the types of memorials allowed on each section and that you have chosen the correct grave or contact the cemeteries office at least 4 days prior to the interment. Memorials will be allowed on the lawn sections marking two adjoining graves, provided that they do not exceed four feet six inches (1,370mm) in width. All memorials shall be kept in good repair at the expense of the owner of the Exclusive Right of Burial. The Council reserves the right to remove any monument, which in their opinion has become unsafe, dilapidated or unsightly, or not kept in good repair. The Council will maintain the whole of the grassed area of the Lawn Sections. The Council will remove any item placed on or near a grave that does not conform to these Regulations, without prior notice or right of appeal.

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Traditional kerb grave section Subject to the written consent of the Council and to payment of the prescribed fee a memorial and kerbs may be placed on the grave. All memorials shall be kept in good repair at the expense of the owner of the Exclusive Right of Burial. The Council reserves the right to remove any monument, which in their opinion has become unsafe, dilapidated or unsightly, or not kept in good repair.

The memorial must be in the position required by the Council, the area covered by any memorial border or ledger stone must not exceed:4 foot 6 inches in height from ground level (1372mm) 7 foot (2135mm) in length and 3 foot (915mm) in width for a single grave space 7 foot (2135mm) in length and 7 foot (2135mm) in width for a double grave space 7 foot (2135mm) in length and 10 foot (3050mm) in width for a triple grave space Lawn memorials will not be allowed on these Kerb sections. Please discuss with your funeral director the types of memorials allowed on each section and that you have chosen the correct grave or contact the cemeteries office at least 4 days prior to the interment. The Council will remove any item placed on or near a grave that does not conform to these Regulations, without prior notice or right of appeal.

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Woodland grave section

The Woodland Graves offer an alternative to the traditional form of burial. The Woodland sections will create a natural habitat for wildlife, trees, shrubs and wild flowers whilst providing a resting place for those who wish to return to nature. All graves will be made to accommodate one adult only. The adjoining grave may be purchased at this time for the partner of the deceased. Woodland Graves are not for those who require a neat and tidy grave. Bassetlaw District Council has a commitment to improving the environment and the conservation of natural areas within the district and as a part of this the Council offers an alternative to the traditional form of burial. Woodland sections at Hannah Park Cemetery, Worksop and Retford Cemetery, Retford will create a natural habitat for Wildlife, Trees and Wild Flowers, whilst providing a resting place for those who wish to return to nature. These sections of the Cemeteries will be maintained for the benefit of the trees and wildlife, with the grass being cut no more than twice a year, to promote the growth of wild flower and grasses, the path will be cut more often for the comfort of visitors to the sections. The grave spaces have to be carefully recorded on plans and registered by law. Graves must always be able to be found amongst the trees and undergrowth as the woodland develops.

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We would respectfully re-iterate that no memorabilia is placed on these trees or graves, only bird feeders may be hung from the trees. As part of the Cemetery Rules and Regulations, Bassetlaw District Council may remove any items that do not confirm to the regulations particularly in this area. We understand that this is a sensitive issue but the idea of a woodland burial is to create a natural habitat. As such we do encourage the planting of Spring flowering bulbs in this area as long as they are planted directly into the soil and not placed in pots. A Tree will be planted on the grave during October – March, and a granite plaque placed on the remembrance wall, flowers and wreaths may be placed here. By signing this application form, you will be regarded as understanding those rules and regulations and having had an opportunity to raise any concerns about them before signing the form. The advance purchasing of graves for further members of the same family will not be allowed, as this will interfere with the natural development of the woodland. The Council will allow the use of alternative forms of coffins including biodegradable wood, cardboard, wicker baskets or shrouds, provided they are of suitable and safe construction and conform to all aspects of decency and subject to the approval of the Cemeteries & Parks Maintenance Officer however metal coffin/caskets will not be allowed in these woodland graves due to the nature/habitat of the area.

A non-perishable name plate must be clearly visible attached to the coffin/casket/shroud etc. Coffins used in Woodland burials must not have been treated with varnishes or preservatives. It is possible to use an outer coffin shell for the funeral service and subsequently to inter in an inner shell or shroud. Bodies buried in Woodland Graves must not have been embalmed. At the appropriate time of year, (October – March) once the burial has taken place and when the grave has settled, a tree will be planted which is native to the area as this will provide a living memorial to the deceased. A name plate of a uniform size will be placed on the memorial wall provided by the Council. No memorials, flowers or tributes whatsoever will be allowed on any grave. Floral tributes will only be permitted in the special place provided for them. The grass in the Woodland sections will be cut no more than twice per year, to promote the growth of wild flowers. The paths will be cut more often for the comfort of visitors to the section. If the tree does not get established within the first year and dies, it will be replaced by the Council. The trees will form part of managed woodland for all time and if they reach a state where they have become dangerous, they will be felled. The Council will remove any item placed on or near a grave that does not conform to these Regulations, without prior notice or right of appeal.

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Cremated remains section All grave spaces shall be two feet by two feet (610mm x610mm). All excavations for the interment of cremated remains will only be undertaken by Council Staff. Following the interment of cremated remains, the grave will be back-filled and then covered with a concrete slab measuring two feet square by two inches thick. All cremated remains shall be interred in urns or caskets of a suitable and approved construction and design. Subject to the written consent of the Council and payment of the prescribed fee a memorial plaque may be placed on the grave. The memorial becomes the Council’s property at the expiration date of the period of the Grant of the Exclusive Right of Burial. The only permitted memorials allowed on a base slab section will be a flat plaque / Desk Top Memorial, maximum dimensions eighteen inches square and two inches thick, (445mm square and 50mm thick) not exceeding six inches (150mm) at its highest part. On the Section where plaques are laid into the ground, only memorial tablets of twelve inches square (305mm x 305mm) will be permitted, providing that they are laid flat and do not protrude above ground level. Floral tributes will only be permitted in the special place provided for them. No shrubs, plants, flower holders, jars, vases, gravel or other may be placed on slabbed or grassed area. Please discuss with your funeral director the types of memorials allowed on each section and that you have chosen the correct grave or contact the cemeteries office at least 2 days prior to the interment. Consideration and respect should be given to other bereaved families where memorials and memorabilia are concerned. The Council will remove any item placed on or near a grave that does not conform to these Regulations, without prior notice or right of appeal.

28 www.bassetlaw.gov.uk

Children’s section These graves are strictly for babies and children under the age of 12 years, and are not available for adults. As soon as practicable after the interment, the Council shall sow grass seed or turf over the whole of the grave, thereafter no person other than authorised by the Council shall interfere with or alter the grassed area of the grave. No grave or vault shall be raised by turfing or any other manner, above the level of the ground immediately adjoining. All owners of Exclusive Rights of Burial for Children’s graves on Section C. will be given an option of having a two foot x two foot (610mm x 610mm) slab placed in front of the headstone area to allow personal items. These items must be placed on the slab and are not allowed to overspill onto the grassed area. Children’s graves on Section 5, any personal/extra items must be placed on the concrete grip at the side of the Headstone. All such items placed are at the owners risk. No trees, shrubs, plants, flower holders, jars, vases, stones laid flat, memorials, railings, fencing, gravel or other structures enclosing graves may be placed on the grassed area. Subject to the written consent of the Council and to payment of the prescribed fee a memorial may be placed at the head of the grave. The memorial becomes the Council’s property at the expiration date of the period of the Grant of the Exclusive Right of Burial. The memorial must sit on the base provided in the position required by the Council, and shall not exceed two feet nine inches ( 838mm) in height measured from the ground, two feet six ( mm) in width, nor four inches (100mm) in thickness. All memorials shall be kept in good repair at the expense of the owner of the Exclusive Right of Burial. The Council reserves the right to remove any monument, which in their opinion has become unsafe, dilapidated or unsightly, or not kept in good repair. With the effect from the 1st January 2015 No new Kerb Set memorials will be allowed on these children’s lawn sections. Please discuss with your funeral director the types of memorials allowed on each section and that you have chosen the correct grave or contact the cemeteries office at least 4 days prior to the interment. The Council will maintain the whole of the grassed area of the Lawn Sections. The Council will remove any item placed on or near a grave that does not conform to these Regulations, without prior notice or right of appeal.

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Memorials at owners risk All headstones, kerbstones, monuments or memorials of whatever description admitted into the Cemetery or permitted to be erected therein, shall be erected and remain at the sole risk of the owner thereof and the Council will not be held responsible for any damage or breakage which may occur through any cause whatsoever.

Memorial masons All Memorial Masons who wish to work in any Bassetlaw District Council Cemeteries must complete and abide by the councils Memorial Masons Registration Scheme The Scheme will be available to any memorial mason who presently works, or intends to work, within the Council’s cemeteries. The Scheme will be administered on behalf of the Council by the Cemeteries Office. All registered participants to the Scheme will be expected and obliged to adhere to the basic requirements. These are the minimum acceptable requirements of the Council and may be up-dated from time to time. Memorial masons are welcome to exceed these requirements and will be encouraged to propose suggestions or ideas, which they believe, will improve or enhance the Scheme. Any suggestions or ideas adopted by the Council will be applied equally to all registered participants. A full copy of the Memorial Masons Registration Scheme can be obtained from the Cemeteries Office. Only those persons who are on the Council’s list of approved monumental masons, and who provide annually evidence of Public Liability Insurance cover in the sum of not less than FIVE MILLION POUNDS, to indemnify Bassetlaw District Council against any claims arising from any acts or omissions, will be allowed to carry out any form of monumental work in the Council’s cemeteries. Before fixing of any monumental or other work, a drawing thereof, on the appropriate form provided for the purpose will be submitted to the Cemeteries Officer, together with the fees, no monument may be erected or inscription made unless approved by the Cemeteries Officer.

30 www.bassetlaw.gov.uk

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Working hours For the purpose of these Rules and Regulations the working hours for memorials works at present is 9.00a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Monday to Friday. Memorial fixing is not allowed on Saturdays or Sundays. Any requirement to work outside these hours must be by permission of the Cemeteries Officer. Maximum height on a Lawn Section = Three Foot Three inch Maximum height on a Traditional Section = Four Foot six inch Maximum height on all Children’s Sections = Two Foot Nine Maximum height on all Cremation Sections = Four Inch > Two inch Note: Maximum height is measured from ground level to the highest point of the headstone/ monument and includes any Foundations, Plinths & Bases

a) Do you own a family grave or headstone in any Bassetlaw District Council owned Cemeteries Hannah Park Cemetery Retford Road, Manton Cemetery Cemetery Road Cemetery, Worksop Retford Cemetery.

If so please contact the cemeteries office for a copy of Bassetlaw Cemeteries guide to Memorial Safety in Cemeteries, and MEMORIAL SAFETY INSPECTION PROCEDURES it is aimed to help you understand why it is necessary for the council to carry out safety inspections on family memorials to ensure a safe environment in our cemeteries to visitors and staff. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) want councils to inspect memorials at least once every five years, making safe those that fail the inspection process. Responsibilities are also set out in various legislation covering burial grounds, e.g. the Local Authorities’ Cemeteries Order 1977 (LACO). All memorials fitted after April 2004 must comply with NAMM fixings/Code of Practice We appreciate that testing and making safe memorials temporarily may cause upset to bereaved families, but our priority has to be the safety of those people visiting cemeteries

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Conduct of visitors All persons within the Cemeteries must conduct themselves in a quiet and orderly way. The Council reserves the right to exclude anyone showing the effects of excess alcohol or drug abuse from the Cemetery grounds. Under the Local Authorities Cemeteries Order 1977, it is an offence for anyone to wilfully: • • • • • •

Create any disturbance in a Cemetery Commit any nuisance in a Cemetery Interfere with any burial taking place in a Cemetery Interfere with any grave, tombstone or any other memorial, or any flowers or plants in any such manner. Play any games or sport in a Cemetery Enter or remain in a Cemetery when it is closed to the public, unless authorised by the Council to do so.

People contravening these provisions are liable, if convicted, to a fine not exceeding £100. Visitors, not attending a funeral, should not walk on the turf or touch the plants or memorials. Smoking shall not take place at or near a funeral service, procession, interment, in the Cemetery Chapel or Cemetery Office. Dogs are not allowed in the Cemeteries except Assistance dogs. Only vehicles carrying disabled people, motor cars and carriages accompanying funerals and service vehicles will be allowed into the Cemeteries, other vehicles are requested to park in the facilities provided. Cycling in the Cemeteries is prohibited. Children under the age of 12 years will not be admitted except under the care of adults. No one may canvass or solicit orders within the Cemeteries. There must be no demonstrations of any kind, or religious services other than the service at the time of interment without the consent of the Cemeteries Officer beforehand. No music is allowed except as an integral part of a funeral service or an event approved by the Cemeteries Officer. The Council has the discretion to exclude People breaking these Regulations, and will not be allowed to enter any of the Cemeteries together with vehicles under their control.

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Penalties for offending against rules & regulations

Any person offending against these Rules and Regulations may be excluded from the Cemetery for such period as the Council determine, and in the case of a Funeral Director or Monumental Mason, this will extend to his/her employees in connection with any work or duties within the Cemetery.

Alteration of regulations These Regulations are subject to alteration by the Council from time to time as may be considered necessary.

Repeal of regulations All previous Rules and Regulations made by the Council in respect of the Cemeteries are hereby repealed.

Commencement These Rules and Regulations shall come into force on the April 2015 and shall have effect to cancel all previous Rules and Regulations made by the Council.

34 www.bassetlaw.gov.uk

Remembrance bench plaque scheme Memorial Benches will not be available to be purchased or placed for an individual family as in previous years. Members of the public may, at the discretion of the Council make payment to the Cemeteries for the provision of a commemorative Plaque which will be fitted to a designated memorial bench sited in the Council’s Cemeteries. Once payment has been received the Council will purchase and fix the commemorative plaque in a style approved and specified by the Council, details of which are on the reverse of the Remembrance Bench Plaque Scheme application form. The cost of the commemorative plaque & Bench will be revised annually and be contained within the Cemeteries Fees and Charges schedule. Once the commemorative plaque has been fixed the purchaser will have the Rights to the plaque for 20 years. After this period of 20 years the Council will remove the plaque without notice, unless the original owner applies in writing to renew the Rights. The Council have the rights to withdraw this service, Change or alter in any way they see fit without notice. The Council will maintain memorial benches until such time as they become uneconomical to repair. The Council will not allow any other style of commemorative benches or fixing of a plaque to be done by a member of the public, any bench or plaque found to be installed will be removed.

Strewing / scattering of ashes Please remember that it is against the Law to scatter someone’s ashes without the land owner’s permission. Scattering ashes in or anywhere around the cemetery is prohibited even on family graves. If you are considering scatter someone’s ashes then Bassetlaw District Council Cemeteries have a new remembrance garden in Retford Cemetery for this purpose. It is against the Law to remove scattered ashes once they have been interred. Should you require further information please contact the Cemeteries office for an information pack. Pet ashes are not allowed in Bassetlaw District Council Cemeteries. There are both legislative and practical reasons why human sites will not accept pet ashes. In the UK, unless a human cemetery or crematorium is separately licensed by the Environment Agency as a pet cemetery, they cannot allow the scattering or burial of pets on their land.

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36 www.bassetlaw.gov.uk

General information a) Who can buy a grave?

Anyone who is over 18 years old can buy a grave. However, it must be noted that there is an additional cost for people who live outside the Bassetlaw area. In the cemeteries we manage, the exclusive right of burial is sold for 99 years. These are known as ‘purchased graves’. b) Can I bury cremated remains in the cemeteries?

Yes, in each cemetery there is an area which is set aside for cremated remains. Cremated remains can also be placed in purchased graves. It is important to remember that it is illegal to bury or scatter ashes without the land owners permission, also the burial or scattering must be registered by the cemeteries office. What is the difference between un-purchased and purchased graves? c) Purchased grave - A purchased grave is where the right of burial can be bought for a period of time, Bassetlaw Cemeteries sell the Rights for ninety nine years.

The owner of the right of burial can decide who will be buried in the grave and will give their permission to open the grave for the interment, also for any Memorial to be placed, subject to the Councils Rules & Regulations. d) Un-purchased grave - An un-purchased grave, sometimes known as a common grave, is where the right to burial cannot be bought and the council has total control of the grave.

Common graves can be sold at a later date, at the discretion of the authorities. The Council will decide who will be buried in the grave and this might not be members of the same family. No memorial rights exist on common graves so no headstone or other memorial can be placed.

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Points to remember As the Owner of the Exclusive Right of Burial, you will have the responsibility to decide who will be buried in the grave and will need to give your permission to open the grave for future interment and to ensure that any memorial that may be placed on the grave shall be kept in good repair at the expense to you. On a Lawn Section items will not be allowed to be placed on the grave in front of the headstone. During adverse weather conditions the Council will at their discretion under Health & Safety regrettably close the Cemeteries for the safety of staff and the public. We would endeavour to re-open the cemeteries as soon as possible and apologise in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. Information booklets available from the Town Hall, Cemeteries Officer, or Funeral Directors.




Cemeteries Information

Memorial Masons

Memorial Safety



38 www.bassetlaw.gov.uk




01909 533 533


List of approved memorial masons registered with Bassetlaw District Council cemeteries The lists below may be updated from time to time to allow other Memorial Masons the opportunity to register with the Council Cemeteries. List of approved memorial masons registered with Bassetlaw District Council cemeteries

Abbey Memorials

Rawreth Industrial Estate, Essex, SS6 9RL

01268 858 635

Bartholowmew & Sons

6 Broom Valley Road, Rotherham, S60 2QH

01709 363 706

Beecroft Memorials

6a Elmton Road, Creswell. S80 4HE

01909 723 780

Clarkson & Son

8 Broomvalley Road, Rotherham. S60 2QH

01709 382 594

Craig Marlor

1 Kelham Court, Doncaster, DN1 3RF

01302 369 936

Daynes Memorials

157-163 Sheffield Road, Killamarsh, Sheffield, S21 1DY

01142 764 986

Dignity – E Hurton & Son Retford 73 Grove Street, Retford. DN22 6LA

01777 703 502

Dignity - Hopkinson Worksop

17 Watson Road, Worksop,

01909 485 747

Doncaster Memorials

140 Bently Road, Doncaster. DN5 9QW

01302 391 100

E Raynor

17 Castleford Road, Normanton. WF6 2DP

01924 896 318

Ernest Smith Memorials

Sherrif House,Bath Street, Nottingham. NG1 1DF

Graham Ward Memorials

Unit C, Dukeries Way, Worksop. S81 7DW

01909 476 541

Grove Granite

Grove Lane, Retford DN22 6ND

01777 710 641

Hopkinson Memorials

31a High Street, Staveley, Chesterfield. S43 3UU

01246 477 403

K Ashton Memorials

The Forge, High Street, Austerfield. DN10 6QS

01302 711 085

K’s Memorials

484 City Road, Sheffield. S2 1GD

01142 530 352

Lidster of Worksop Ltd

5 Claylands Close, Worksop. S81 7AJ

01909 501 501

Lindrick Memorials

Doncaster Road, Langold, Worksop. S81 9JR

01909 730 464

Memories in Stone

Unit D Dukeries Way, Clayland. S81 7DW

01909 480 677

Memorials For You

Unit 4, Canal Terrace, Worksop, S80 2DF

01909 239 616

Nottinghamshire Memorials

105 Outram Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield. NG17 4BG

01623 513 388

Ollerton Memorials

2 Ivanhoe, Forest Lane, Ollerton. NG22 9PL

01623 835 003

Retford Memorials

6 Churchgate, Retford. DN22 6PQ

01777 705 673

Rotherham Memorials

2a Moorgate Street, Rotherham. S60 2EN

01709 382 749

Steven Wessen Memorials

Royd Cottage, Roydmoor Lane, Pontefract. WF9 5LR

01977 617 868

Steve Winks Memorials

34b Main Street, Mexborough. S64 9DW

01709 586 999

S P Davis Memorials

55 Church Street, Bawtry. DN10 6HR

01302 710 079

Tyas &Tyas

Cantry Bridge, Bawtry Road, Doncaster DN45 5NJ

01302 535 068

Warsop Memorials

17a Church Street, Warsop. NG20 0AU

01623 845 845

Whitakers Memorials

Unit 8 Clayland Avenue, Worksop. S81 7DJ

01909 530 660

01159 114 412

Note: Maximum height is measured from ground level to the highest point of the headstone/monument and includes any Foundations, Plinths & Bases.

40 www.bassetlaw.gov.uk

List of approved funeral directors registered with Bassetlaw District Council cemeteries The lists below may be updated from time to time to allow other Funeral directors the opportunity to register with the Council Cemeteries. List of approved funeral directors registered with Bassetlaw District Council cemeteries A W Lymn

Robin Hood Street, Nottingham. NG3 1GF

0115 950 5875

Bartholowmew & Sons

6 Broom Valley Road, Rotherham, S60 2QH

01709 363 706

Cliff Bradley& Sons Funerals

41 Heaton St, Gainsborough DN21 2EA

01427 810 619

Co-operative Funeralcare

227 Gateford Road, Worksop. S81 7BB

01909 472 271

Co-Operative - Lincolnshire

18 Moorgate Street, Retford. DN22 6RH

01777 707 095

Dolby Funeral Services

98 Lowtown Street, Worksop. S80 2JR

01909 509 444

Dignity - E. Hurton & Son

73 Grove Street, Retford. DN22 6LA

01777 703 502

Dignity - Hopkinson Funeral

17 Watson Road, Worksop,

01909 485 747

Frederick Butcher & Son

34 Lordens Hill, Dinnington. S25 2QE

01909 562 365

Funeral and Memorial Consultancy 12 Carlton Road, Worksop, S80 1PH

01909 486 666

G D Hall Funerals

13 Bridgegate, Retford DN22 6AE

01777 701 222

Powis Funeral Services

30 Wales Road, Kiveton Park, in Sheffield S26 6RD

01909 770 353

Robert Priest Funerals

4a Hardy Street, Worksop. S80 1EH

01909 530 880

Turner & Wilson Funerals

94 Welbeck Street, Whitwell. S80 4TP

01909 720 543

W E Pinder Funeral Services

19 Thorne Road, Bawtry, Doncaster. DN10 6QL

01302 710 285

01909 533 533


Final Note It is important that you read through the Cemeteries Rules & Regulations and further information and discuss all your requirements with a chosen funeral director prior to arranging an interment. All Funeral Directors will advise families as to what the Council can offer, such as types of graves, types of memorials allowed on each section, Transferring of Exclusive Rights of Burial etc. Consideration and respect should be given to other bereaved families where memorials are concerned. Any memorabilia encroaching other graves will be removed. The planting of shrubs and plants / trees is not allowed in any of the Councils Cemeteries. The Council will not accept any responsibility for incorrect information or miss interpretation of the Rules & Regulations given by the funeral director /monumental mason or any other person arranging the interment / memorial which could lead to serious consequences that may not be able to be rectified after the interment has taken place. Should you require further information or clarification please contact the Cemeteries Office at least 4 clear working days prior to any interment. Cemeteries Rules & Regulations and further information Updated: January 2015 Approved by Council Cabinet...... Ref: ......

The cemeteries office has full memberships with the following governing bodies:

The cemeteries office also work with:

Funeral Directors Monumental Stone Services

42 www.bassetlaw.gov.uk

Cemetery Questionnaire Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire, it will provide us with valuable information to improve our service to the bereaved. Facilities How do you find the standard of grounds maintenance and Toilet facilities at the cemetery?




Very Poor

2¢ 3¢

How would you rate the presentation of the grave and burial area upon arrival at the cemetery?

2¢ 3¢

Access to the Service How do the cemetery opening times compare with your expectations?

2¢ 3¢

How would you describe communication with the cemetery services (telephone, letters, presentation)?

2¢ 3¢

How would you describe the ease with which you could identify and contact the staff?

2¢ 3¢

Staff How did you find the attitude of the ground staff, in terms of respect, helpfulness, and understanding of your feelings?

2¢ 3¢

Information & Choice Please rate the quality of information you have received regarding this service.

2¢ 3¢

How did memorial options available compare with your expectations?

2¢ 3¢

2¢ 3¢

Overall Satisfaction Please rate overall how satisfied you were with the standard of service you have received from the cemetery department?

Please return this questionnaire to: Cemeteries Office, DSO Block, Hundred Acre Lane, Carlton Forest, Worksop, Notts., S81 0TS or email back to: cemeteries@bassetlaw.gov.uk

01909 533 533


Contact us 01909 533 487

www.bassetlaw.gov.uk cemeteries@bassetlaw.gov.uk

Text us on 07797 800 573

Find us on Facebook - BassetlawDC

Twitter @BassetlawDC

Appointments by arrangement only


The Cemeteries Office, Hundred Acre Lane, Worksop S81 0TS All offices are open: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm

Updated January 2015

If you need any help communicating with us or understanding any of our documents, please contact us on 01909 533 533. We can arrange for a copy of this document in large print, audiotape, Braille or for a Language Line interpreter to help you.

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