Council tax 2016 2017

Page 1



Contents 4 | 5 |

What is Council Tax and who pays it?

6 |

How we set your Council Tax

8 |

Council Tax requirement for all area services

9 |

Who does what?

13 |

Other major preceptors

14 |

Your Council Tax by Parish or Town 2016 -17

16 | 18 |

Council Tax banding and Appeals

19 |

What happens if you don’t pay?

20 |

Council Tax Discounts

22 | 23 | 24 |

Empty Dwelling Discounts & Charges

26 | 27 |

My Account - Your one stop place for on-line services

How Council Tax is shared out

How to pay your Council Tax

Dwelling Exemptions Council Tax Reduction

My Account for Landlords

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What is Council Tax and who pays it? The Police, fire and local services provided by County and District councils are paid for by Council Tax and Government grants, and in some cases, through charges for services. Council Tax is an annual charge based on property values in 1991 and, in this area, is collected by Bassetlaw District Council on behalf of all four organisations. The Council must identify who is liable to pay Council Tax before issuing each bill which can be paid in instalments. Council Tax payment is the responsibility of owner-occupiers or, if rented, council tenants, private tenants and tenants of housing associations. Council Tax is also due on unoccupied and unfurnished dwellings.


There is a local discount scheme for people on low incomes. Approximately 9,500 Bassetlaw households qualify for Council Tax Reduction, but everyone pays a contribution to their Council Tax if they are working-age. This was part of Government Welfare Reforms in 2013. More information about Council Tax Reduction is on page 24. The amount of Council Tax for each dwelling depends on the valuation band a property has been placed in by the Government’s Valuation Office Agency. This is explained more on page 17.

How Council Tax is shared out Based on a Band D property, the following table shows how much of your Council Tax goes to each organisation and the percentage share.


This year 2016/17

Nottinghamshire County Council

£ 1,265.84

* Adult Social Care




Bassetlaw District Council




Parish Councils




Notts Police




Notts Fire and Rescue Service





£ 1,734.36

Percentage share


*Nottinghamshire County Council are also levying a 2% charge which is a new charge. This is to pay for the provision of adult social care. This is shown separately on your bill. The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government has made an offer to adult social care authorities. (“Adult social care authorities” are local authorities which have functions under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014, namely county councils in England, district councils for an area in England for which there is no county council, London borough councils, the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.) The offer is the option of an adult social care authority being able to charge a “precept” of up to 2% on its council tax for the financial year beginning in 2016 without holding a referendum, to assist the authority in meeting expenditure on adult social care. Subject to the annual approval of the House of Commons, the Secretary of State intends to offer the option of charging this “precept” in relation to each financial year up to and including the financial year 2019-20. In relation to the financial year beginning in 2016 the Secretary of State has determined (and the House of Commons has approved) a referendum principle of 4% (comprising 2% for expenditure on adult social care and 2% for other expenditure), for adult social care authorities. These authorities may therefore set council tax up to this percentage in 2016 without holding a referendum.

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How we set your Council Tax Services provided by Bassetlaw District Council

Chief Executive Department Corporate Services Finance, Property & Revenue Services Human Resources Neighbourhoods Regeneration SERVICE TOTAL Other budgets Transfer to (+) from (-) reserves BUDGET REQUIREMENT

Gross Expenditure 2016/17 £ 590,800 4,680,400

Net Expenditure 2016/17 £ 143,800 1,246,500

38,462,100 502,300 11,906,100 6,508,600 62,650,300 5,612,300 1,287,900 69,550,500

2,884,600 0 7,094,500 3,609,900 14,979,300 667,700 1,242,000 16,889,000

Previous year Net Expenditure 2015/16 £ 183,700 1,313,600 2,178,200 0 6,782,600 3,461,400 13,919,500 2,323,000 348,200 16,590,700

What are the significant changes? Bassetlaw’s planned expenditure for last year 2015/16 was £16,590,700. Significant changes are as shown in the table below Major changes between years Payroll inflation (including HMRC changes to NI Rate) Increased Fees & Charges Reduced borrowing costs Rural services delivery grant Efficiency savings (including mileage & contingencies) Sub Total This gives a total of £16,889,000 for 2016/17 6

£’ 000 738 -100 -137 53 -256 298

How does the £16,889,000 net expenditure requirement link to the Council Tax charge for 2016/17? We deduct any grants that we receive from the total net budget requirement above to arrive at a net amount that we need to raise from Council Tax receipts. The last column shows these figures divided by the total number of Band D equivalent chargeable dwellings known as the Tax Base which for 2016/17 is 33,079.77. Grants received by Bassetlaw deducted from Total net budget requirement


Total net budget requirement Less Grants received by Bassetlaw District Council:



Revenue Support Grant (RSG) Retained Business Rates New Homes Bonus Grant Grants Received Rural Services Delivery Grant Parish Councils and Charter Trustees Collection Fund surplus

- 1,907,100 - 6,082,900 - 1,990,400 - 422,000 -53,400 - 976,200 -150,000

-57.65 -183.89 -60.18 -12.76 -1.61 -29.51 -4.53

Total Grants and Income Net amount to raise from 2016/17 Council Tax receipts for Bassetlaw District Council Services


(shown as a Band D equivalent)

- 11,582,000

5,307,000 (rounded)


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Council Tax requirement for all area services We then ask Notts County Council, the Police Authority, the Fire Service and the 48 parish councils in the district, what their budget requirements are for 2016/17 and add these together to arrive at a total we need to collect through Council Tax. Information about these services and their charges can be found on their websites, please see the links on pages 9 to 12. Total Required

Total of Required

£ Bassetlaw District Council 5,306,998 Total Parish requirement (48 precepts) 976,176 Nottinghamshire County Council 41,873,696 Nottinghamshire County Council Adult Social Care 821,040 Nottinghamshire Police & Commissioner 5,951,381 Combined Fire Authority 2,442,941 Council Tax requirement 2016/17 57,372,232


% 9.25% 1.70% 72.99% 1.43% 10.37% 4.26%

(shown as a Band D equivalent)

160.43 29.51 1265.84 24.82 179.91 73.85 1,734.36

We divide the above total required (£57,372,232) by the total number of Band D equivalent chargeable dwellings known as the tax base. For 2016/17 this is 33,079.77, to reach a band D charge of £1734.36. Please note: Actual charges may vary and are listed on pages 14 & 15 for each Town or Parish.


Who does what- Bassetlaw District Council

Bassetlaw District Council t: 01909 533 533 Bassetlaw District Council Bassetlaw District Council provides important local services to citizens, residents, businesses, charities and voluntary groups. Services include:  Community Safety, CCTV, tackling anti social behaviour  Collection of household and trade waste, recycling and street sweeping  Leisure, parks and sports centres  Sheltered warden schemes for the elderly  Planning and development control, licensing and running local and national elections  Car parks, tourism and markets  Grants to support voluntary sector services eg CAB  Economic regeneration, attracting businesses and jobs  Environmental health, public health, food hygiene  Housing needs, Housing Benefit and Council Tax discounts.  Council Tax and Business Rates collection. 01909 533 533


Who does what- Fire & Rescue

Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service t: 0115 967 0880 Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue Service:  Works with people to prevent fires and accidents happening, with a particular focus on those who are high risk  Works with businesses to help them keep their staff, customers and property safe from fire  Provides an emergency fire and rescue service using the best equipment possible  Plans the frontline response it will deliver in the event of major incidents  Recruits, trains and develops its staff to a high standard and keeps them safe at work  Manages its business and resources well, in order to provide a value-for-money service Detailed Council Tax information for Nottinghamshire Fire & Rescue service is available at e:


Who does what - Police

Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner t: 0300 300 9999 Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner:  Is elected to represent the public and hold the police to account  Sets the budget alongside local police and crime priorities  Sets the amount of council tax paid towards policing  Publishes a five-year plan to meet local objectives  Puts the need of victims first  Consults local people, ensuring action is taken in response  Appoints – and if necessary dismisses – the Chief Constable  Works with partner agencies to tackle crime and re-offending  Ensures resources are available to balance local and national threats to public safety  Ensures value for money. Detailed Council Tax information for Nottinghamshire Police & Crime Commissioner is available at:

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Who does what - Notts County Council

Nottinghamshire County Council t: 0300 500 80 80 The Council provides a wide range of services, including:  Adult social care and day centres  County parks and libraries  Fostering and adoption  Children’s centres  Homecare and extra care for the elderly  Landscaped public areas and cycleways

 Register offices  Road maintenance, gritting and street lighting  Household waste and recycling centres and refuse disposal  Secondary and primary schools and school crossing patrol  The arts

 Bridleways, footpaths and rights of way

 Public health

 Public transport and pocket park and rides

 Trading standards

 Customer service centres  Youth clubs and activities

Detailed Council Tax information for Nottinghamshire County Council is available at: To request a paper copy, please telephone 0300 500 80 80 or email


Other major preceptors Harworth & Bircotes Town Council and Carlton-in-Lindrick Parish Council each raise in excess of £140,000 as a Parish charge. We are required to give details of how they work out their requirements.

Budget of Harworth & Bircotes Town Council How Harworth & Bircotes Town Council have worked out their requirements from Council Tax for 2016/17

Expenditure Less other income Precept

2015/16 £ 317,629 (116,629) 201,000

2016/17 £ 370,850 (164,825) 206,025

For further information email us at:

Budget of Carlton-in-Lindrick Parish Council How Carlton-in-Lindrick Parish Council have worked out their requirements from Council Tax for 2016/17

Expenditure Less other income Precept

2015/16 £ 164,570 (16,368) 148,202

2016/17 £ 176,210 (25,816) 150,394

For further information visit:

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Your Council Tax by Parish & Town 2016-17 The charges shown opposite are based on TWO adult residents. If only ONE resident, a 25% discount applies. (Council Taxes shown here include Bassetlaw DC, Nottinghamshire Police, Combined Fire Authority and Parish)

Other major preceptors for 2016 /17 are on page 13

If you live in parts of the Bassetlaw District where no parish levy applies, please see ‘All other parts of Bassetlaw’. This covers residents in Bole; Carburton; Clumber and Hardwick; Haughton; Scaftworth; Wallingwells; West Burton





Askham Babworth Barnby Moor Beckingham-cum-Saundby Blyth Bothamsall Carlton in Lindrick Clarborough & Welham Clayworth Dunham on Trent with Ragnall, Fledborough and Darlton East Drayton East Markham East Retford Charter Trustees Elkesley Everton Gamston with West Drayton & Eaton Gringley-on-the Hill Harworth & Bircotes Hayton Headon-cum-Upton with Grove & Stokeham Hodsock Holbeck & Welbeck Laneham Lound Markham Clinton Mattersey Misson Misterton Nether Langwith Normanton-on-Trent with Marnham North Leverton with Habblesthorpe North and South Wheatley Norton Cuckney Rampton Ranskill Rhodesia Scrooby Shireoaks South Leverton Sturton-le-Steeple Styrrup with Oldcotes Sutton Torworth Treswell-with-Cottam Tuxford Walkeringham West Stockwith Wiseton Worksop Charter Trustees

1,148.95 1,151.84 1,155.31 1,168.35 1,172.70 1,144.76 1,199.89 1,162.55 1,172.49 1,168.39 1,156.34 1,162.43 1,137.51 1,174.83 1,158.07 1,153.88 1,177.63 1,210.53 1,185.03 1,152.52 1,179.39 1,154.76 1,168.78 1,157.19 1,159.27 1,160.51 1,163.79 1,193.23 1,179.61 1,152.37 1,174.97 1,187.11 1,182.07 1,157.43 1,160.99 1,147.63 1,161.01 1,158.02 1,164.23 1,193.59 1,178.15 1,165.09 1,182.65 1,150.03 1,217.45 1,173.12 1,200.71 1,143.67 1,136.63

1,340.45 1,343.83 1,347.88 1,363.09 1,368.16 1,335.57 1,399.89 1,356.32 1,367.91 1,363.13 1,349.08 1,356.18 1,327.11 1,370.65 1,351.09 1,346.21 1,373.92 1,412.30 1,382.54 1,344.62 1,375.96 1,347.23 1,363.59 1,350.07 1,352.49 1,353.95 1,357.77 1,392.12 1,376.23 1,344.45 1,370.82 1,384.98 1,379.10 1,350.35 1,354.51 1,338.91 1,354.52 1,351.04 1,358.28 1,392.54 1,374.52 1,359.28 1,379.77 1,341.71 1,420.38 1,368.65 1,400.84 1,334.29 1,326.08

1,531.93 1,535.78 1,540.41 1,557.80 1,563.60 1,526.34 1,599.85 1,550.06 1,563.31 1,557.85 1,541.78 1,549.90 1,516.68 1,566.44 1,544.09 1,538.50 1,570.17 1,614.04 1,580.03 1,536.69 1,572.51 1,539.68 1,558.37 1,542.92 1,545.69 1,547.35 1,551.72 1,590.97 1,572.81 1,536.49 1,566.63 1,582.81 1,576.09 1,543.24 1,547.99 1,530.17 1,548.01 1,544.02 1,552.30 1,591.45 1,570.86 1,553.45 1,576.86 1,533.37 1,623.27 1,564.16 1,600.94 1,524.89 1,515.50

All other parts of Bassetlaw Last year 2015/16

1,136.56 1,326.00 1,098.28 1,281.32

1,515.41 1,464.38


Parish Requirement

Parish Requirement








1,723.43 1,727.77 1,732.98 1,752.54 1,759.06 1,717.15 1,799.85 1,743.83 1,758.74 1,752.59 1,734.52 1,743.65 1,706.28 1,762.26 1,737.11 1,730.83 1,766.46 1,815.81 1,777.55 1,728.79 1,769.09 1,732.15 1,753.18 1,735.80 1,738.91 1,740.78 1,745.70 1,789.86 1,769.43 1,728.57 1,762.47 1,780.68 1,773.12 1,736.16 1,741.50 1,721.45 1,741.52 1,737.04 1,746.35 1,790.40 1,767.23 1,747.64 1,773.98 1,725.05 1,826.19 1,759.69 1,801.07 1,715.51 1,704.95

2,106.41 2,111.71 2,118.08 2,141.99 2,149.96 2,098.73 2,199.81 2,131.34 2,149.57 2,142.05 2,119.96 2,131.12 2,085.45 2,153.87 2,123.13 2,115.45 2,159.00 2,219.32 2,172.56 2,112.96 2,162.22 2,117.07 2,142.77 2,121.53 2,125.33 2,127.61 2,133.63 2,187.60 2,162.63 2,112.69 2,154.12 2,176.38 2,167.14 2,121.97 2,128.49 2,103.99 2,128.52 2,123.04 2,134.42 2,188.26 2,159.94 2,136.00 2,168.19 2,108.39 2,232.00 2,150.73 2,201.30 2,096.73 2,083.82

2,489.40 2,495.67 2,503.19 2,531.45 2,540.86 2,480.33 2,599.78 2,518.86 2,540.40 2,531.52 2,505.42 2,518.60 2,464.63 2,545.49 2,509.16 2,500.09 2,551.55 2,622.84 2,567.57 2,497.14 2,555.35 2,501.99 2,532.37 2,507.27 2,511.76 2,514.46 2,521.57 2,585.35 2,555.84 2,496.82 2,545.79 2,572.09 2,561.17 2,507.79 2,515.50 2,486.54 2,515.53 2,509.06 2,522.50 2,586.13 2,552.66 2,524.37 2,562.41 2,491.74 2,637.83 2,541.77 2,601.54 2,477.96 2,462.70

2,872.38 2,879.61 2,888.29 2,920.89 2,931.76 2,861.91 2,999.74 2,906.38 2,931.23 2,920.98 2,890.86 2,906.08 2,843.79 2,937.09 2,895.18 2,884.71 2,944.09 3,026.34 2,962.58 2,881.31 2,948.48 2,886.91 2,921.96 2,892.99 2,898.18 2,901.29 2,909.49 2,983.09 2,949.04 2,880.94 2,937.44 2,967.79 2,955.19 2,893.59 2,902.49 2,869.08 2,902.53 2,895.06 2,910.58 2,983.99 2,945.38 2,912.73 2,956.63 2,875.08 3,043.64 2,932.81 3,001.78 2,859.18 2,841.58

3,446.86 3,455.54 3,465.96 3,505.08 3,518.12 3,434.30 3,599.70 3,487.66 3,517.48 3,505.18 3,469.04 3,487.30 3,412.56 3,524.52 3,474.22 3,461.66 3,532.92 3,631.62 3,555.10 3,457.58 3,538.18 3,464.30 3,506.36 3,471.60 3,477.82 3,481.56 3,491.40 3,579.72 3,538.86 3,457.14 3,524.94 3,561.36 3,546.24 3,472.32 3,483.00 3,442.90 3,483.04 3,474.08 3,492.70 3,580.80 3,534.46 3,495.28 3,547.96 3,450.10 3,652.38 3,519.38 3,602.14 3,431.02 3,409.90

1,500 5,090 3,144 22,454 25,936 1,200 150,394 15,000 7,600 10,158 3,399 18,307 9,412 13,051 11,650 6,224 20,150 206,025 11,300 3,654 36,650 3,369 7,021 5,844 3,176 8,682 10,850 60,000 8,852 4,685 19,560 20,011 8,946 8,448 17,900 3,560 4,779 14,355 8,000 16,500 15,192 11,023 5,755 2,393 93,493 19,203 10,677 471 1,133

1,704.85 1,647.42

2,083.70 2,013.52

2,462.56 2,379.61

2,841.41 2,745.70

3,409.70 3,294.84

4,951 2,767 22,428 25,626 1,000 148,202 15,000 7,600 9,946 3,315 17,948 9,215 12,610 11,650 6,226 18,983 201,000 6,800 3,572 34,759 3,404 6,152 5,124 3,140 8,604 9,864 55,000 7,956 4,630 19,256 20,011 7,450 7,855 17,900 3,148 4,574 12,679 9,000 15,000 14,992 10,957 5,131 1,887 92,282 17,971 8,553 458 112

Annual Band D Parish charge 18.58 22.92 28.13 47.69 54.21 12.30 95.00 38.98 53.89 47.74 29.67 38.80 1.43 57.41 32.26 25.98 61.61 110.96 72.70 23.94 64.24 27.30 48.33 30.95 34.06 35.93 40.85 85.01 64.58 23.72 57.62 75.83 68.27 31.31 36.65 16.60 36.67 32.19 41.50 85.55 62.38 42.79 69.13 20.20 121.34 54.84 96.22 10.66 0.10

see page 13

see page 13

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Council Tax banding and appeals What do others pay in Council Tax compared with band A? Generally, the higher the band, the higher the Council Tax payable. The relationship to band A for 2016/17 is shown in the diagram below.




£ £1,136.56






x 1⅙ x 1⅓ x 1½ x 1⅚ x 2⅙ x 2½



For example, a band D pays 1½ times more than a band A. The fractions shown above are set by the Government and do not change from year to year. Can I appeal against my Council Tax band? Existing occupiers may need to show that there has been a material change to the dwelling or in the physical state of the locality. New occupiers have six months from moving in to lodge an appeal. Appeals are to the Valuation Making an appeal does not allow Office Agency. you to stop payment. If an appeal Valuation Office Agency, Listing Officer, Council Tax East, Ground Floor, Ferrers House Castle Meadow Road, Nottingham, NG2 1AB t: 0300 0501 501


is successful, you will be entitled to a refund of any overpayment. Please note - You do not need to employ an agent to act on your behalf. Agents often charge high fees based on a percentage of any refund you may receive as a result of a successful banding appeal.

Why is my house placed in a particular Council Tax band? The Government’s Valuation Office Agency (VOA) has placed all homes in our area in one of eight broad valuation bands. The valuation band is based on the market value of the dwelling in 1991. These values and totals are shown in the table opposite. These ranges are fixed by the Government and have not changed since the start of Council Tax in 1993. Bassetlaw District Council is not responsible for the valuations as this is done by the VOA. See page 16 for how to appeal to the Valuation Office if you think that your home is in the wrong band.

No. of homes Band A Up to £40,000


Band B £40,001 to £52,000 7,613 Band C £52,001 to £68,000


Band D £68,001 to £88,000


Band E £88,001 to £120,000


Band F £120,001 to £160,000


Band G £160,001 to £320,000


Band H Over £320,000


Total number of dwellings (as at November 2015) 51,368 (as at November 2014) 50,987

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How to pay your Council Tax Setup a Direct Debit quickly and conveniently set up or change your direct debits

Direct Debit Direct Debit offers you a choice of dates 1st, 10th, 15th 25th or 28th of each month. There is also a weekly direct debit plan which collects payments from your bank every Friday. You can sign up for Direct Debit online after the 1st April at or anytime by telephone on 01909 533 234


24 hour telephone payment Pay by Debit or Credit Card. Please telephone 01777 713 864 for this automated line and have your details ready. This line operates using voice recognition answers or easy push button. Internet Pay by Debit or Credit Card through . Click the link to online payments. Post Office Bill payers can pay weekly or monthly by cash, cheque or card at any UK Post Office (free of charge) by using the barcode on your bill. Take the bill and your payment to the Post Office who will issue you with a receipt. Cheques should be made payable to “Post Office Ltd�. Pay Point You can pay your Council Tax (free of charge) weekly or monthly by cash, cheque or card at any PayPoint outlet. Simply hand over your bill and payment and you will be given a receipt.

What happens if you don’t pay? If you do not pay your Council Tax on time or miss an instalment, you will receive the following notices: BillCouncil Tax Bill

14 Days to pay the amount due from date of bill

AA Reminder Noticemay may issued Reminder Notice bebe issued if instalment falls falls into arrears ifyour your instalment into arrears You now have 7 days to pay the amount shown on your Reminder Notice

7 Days If you do not pay the amount shown

A Second Reminder notice may be issued if your account is brought up to date, but a future instalment is then late or missed.

Lose Right To Instalments Second Reminder on your notice, within 7 days, your is issued for the amount of the right to pay by instalments is lost and the FULL balance for the year becomes due and must be paid within 7 days.

7 Days If you do not pay the FULL years balance a Summons for Non-Payment can be served , incurring costs payable Summons by you.

A Final Notice may be issued if your account is brought up to date following a second Reminder Notice, but a future instalment is then late or missed. This notice requires payment in FULL

If you do not pay the total amount due on your summons the Council will request a Liability Order Hearing Liability Order, incurring further court costs. Action can then be taken to recover the amount due which can include: Attachment of Earnings Order, Attachment of Benefit, The use of an Enforcement Agent , Bankruptcy proceedings, or placing a charging order on your property

The Citizen Advice Bureau website gives advice and information not only on Council Tax matters but debt and money matters in general. 01909 533 533


Council Tax Discounts Council Tax is charged on the basis of 50% property-based charge and 50% person-based charge. The person-based charge depends on who lives in the property and whether each person, over 18 years is counted (see page 21 for a list of people who are not counted). Single occupier discount A household with one adult occupier (over the age 18 yrs) is entitled to a 25% discount. This is not a means-tested discount, it is given where there is only one adult resident. The Council will check discount claims with third party records to make sure that they are accurate. Other discounts Even where there are two or more adults, you could still get the 25% discount if one of the adult residents is disregarded. Please see the table on page 21 for a list of disregarded residents.


In exceptional circumstances the council may consider a reduction under Section 13a of the Local Government Finance Act. Please visit our website for further information. Family annexe discount A 50% discount is available for people who live in an annexe providing it forms part of one single property with another dwelling and if the occupants are related to the residents in the main dwelling. There are certain categories of family members who may qualify for this discount. This discount will also apply for people living in dwellings with annexes which are unoccupied provided they are using those annexes as part of their main residence.

Certain people are not counted (disregarded) when looking at the number of adults resident in a property. They are shown in the table below: People Disregarded


Persons in Prison

Prison sentence must exceed 48 hours and cannot be for nonpayment of fines or local taxes.

Severely Mentally Impaired

The person must be Severely Mentally Impaired. If all residents are severely mentally impaired a full exemption applies. See exemptions on page 23.

Child Benefit Payable

Persons over the age of 18, where someone is still in receipt of Child Benefit for them or under 20 years old and who have recently ceased a relevant course. These are persons other than Student Nurses, Apprentices or Youth Trainees.

Students and Student Nurses

Students and Student Nurses on certain full time courses. If all residents are students the full exemption applies. See exemptions on page 23

Apprentices & Youth Trainees

Apprentices and Youth Trainees on approved apprenticeship and training schemes.

Non British Dependants of, or Non British dependents or spouse/partner of students who are Spouse/Partner not allowed to take paid employment, or claim benefits. of, Students If a patient is living permanently in hospital they may be disreHospital garded. A full exemption will apply if the property is unoccupied. Patients See page 23. Patients in Care If a patient is receiving care and living permanently in a Nursing Homes or Nursing Home, Residential Care Home, Bail Hostel or Probation Hostel, Homes or Bail / Probation Hostels they may be disregarded. A full exemption will apply if the property is unoccupied. See page 23. Carer or Any person who is a Residential Volunteer Care Worker; or Residential people who care for someone (not a Spouse/Partner or Child Volunteer Care Under 18) may be disregarded. Worker Homeless or living in a Hostel or Shelter Members of Religious Communities Members of International Headquarters & Defence Organisations Members of Visiting Forces

People who have no fixed address or are currently living in a Hostel or Shelter may be disregarded. The members of the community must be dependent upon it, with no income or capital of their own. Members and their dependants may be disregarded.

Members and their dependants may be disregarded if they are not British Citizens.

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Empty Dwelling Discounts & Charges Discounts The discounts below apply to the property; a change in ownership does not trigger a fresh period of entitlement to the discounts. The discounts apply from the date on which the dwelling becomes empty. Dwellings which are furnished but unoccupied are known as ‘second homes’, they are billed at the full rate; there is no discount for these dwellings. The premium charge is not billed on second homes. Requirements for discount/premium charge to apply

How long does the discount/premium apply for?

What happens after the discount period has expired?

Amount of discount/ charge

Dwelling must be unoccupied and unfurnished.

Up to 6 months.

No further discounts.

25% discount.

A full charge may apply.

25% uninhabitable discount.

Dwellings must be Up to 12 months. uninhabitable (in need of or undergoing major repair works to make it habitable).

Charges Dwelling remains No discount after 6 A 50% premium months. Full charge charge applies unoccupied and unfurnished after the payable. (see below). 6 month discounted period.

No discount 100% charge.

Dwelling remains unoccupied and unfurnished for 2 years.

No discount 150% charge.

A 50% premium charge applies to the bill when a dwelling has been empty for 2 years.

The premium charge continues while the property remains empty.

Some dwellings are exempt from charge altogether, please see the table on page 23 for a list of exempt classes of dwellings.


Dwelling Exemptions Class of exemption

Time Limits

Description of exemption

Class B

Unoccupied dwellings owned by a charity.

6 months

Class D

A dwelling left unoccupied by people who are in prison.


Class E

An unoccupied dwelling which was previously the sole or main residence of a person who has moved into a hospital or care home.


Class F

Dwellings left empty by deceased persons. F1 applies until probate is granted. F2 applies from date probate granted.

6 months from grant of probate

Class G

Occupation is prohibited by law.


Class H

Dwellings held for a minister of religion (vicarages etc..)


Class I

An unoccupied dwelling where the resident has moved to receive personal care.


Class J

An unoccupied dwelling where the resident has moved to provide personal care to another person.


Class K

An unoccupied dwelling where the owner is a student.


Class L

An unoccupied dwelling which has been repossessed by the mortgage lender.


Class M

A hall of residence provided for the accommodation of students.


Class N

A dwelling which is occupied only by students and/or, the foreign spouses.


Class O

Armed forces’ accommodation.


Class P

Occupied by visiting forces.


Class Q

An unoccupied dwelling where the liable person is bankrupt. None

Class R

Empty caravan pitches and boat moorings.


Class S

A dwelling occupied only by a person, or persons, aged under 18.


Class T

A dwelling not allowed to be let separately from another dwelling, without a breach of planning control.


Class U

A dwelling occupied only by a person(s) who is or are severely mentally impaired.


Class V

A dwelling occupied by a Diplomat.


Class W

Occupied by a dependent relative living in a separate dwelling which is attached to a larger dwelling (e.g granny annexe).


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Council Tax Reduction If you are on a low income and feel you will be unable to meet the payments of your Council Tax you can apply to the Council for a Council Tax Reduction assessment. This is very similar to the old Council Tax Benefit which was abolished from April 2013 by the Government’s Welfare Reform changes. The new Reduction is a discount but it is still means-tested. This means that we look at yours and your partners weekly or monthly income, savings, household details etc to assess whether you are eligible under the Council’s local scheme. A full copy of the Council’s Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme is available on our website if you click on the Benefits Information/ Council Tax Reduction pages. There is also a benefit checker on our website so you can work out if you may be entitled before making a claim. You can also claim Council Tax Reduction online by visiting 24 and click on the Make a Benefits Claim button or see a claims advisor in person who can help you to claim. We offer a speedy claim service if the application is fully completed and the relevant evidence of identity, income, savings etc is with the claim and you can come into the Worksop or Retford council offices where it can be checked and verified by a Benefits Officer. You do not have to fill in a paper form beforehand as we can help you do it on-line and scan your documents in. It’s much easier and quicker that way!

The maximum Council Tax Reduction for working age households is 90% of the net bill (after other discounts). Pensioners and working age vulnerable householders, such as severely disabled residents, can still get up to 100% as they are protected from the Government Reforms related to Council Tax Reduction Schemes. However, if you (and your partner) have over £16,000 in savings or other assets (excluding your home), no discount of this type can be awarded. Universal Credit If you start to claim Universal Credit you will get help with your rent from the Department for Work & Pensions, but you will still need to make a separate claim to the Council for help with your Council Tax. You may be awarded an interim amount of Council Tax Reduction whilst you are waiting for your Universal Credit decision. Your work coach at the Job Centre will tell you about this.

Don’t forget to tell us about changes. Council Tax Reduction Scheme claimants must tell us about changes to their circumstances. This includes changes to income, capital savings and people who move in or out of your home. We understand that times are difficult for some at the moment, particularly if you are unemployed. If your circumstances are not improving and you are suffering exceptional difficulties in paying your Council Tax, or you have received a reminder, please do not ignore this, contact our support team on 01909 533 710 who may be able to help you further. If you think someone is committing benefit fraud, ring 01909 533 731. You don’t have to say who you are, but give as much information as you can. Remember - those committing Housing Benefit or Council Tax fraud are taking money away from those who are entitled to it. When they are caught they will have to pay back anything they were not entitled to and may be prosecuted. 01909 533 533


My Account CONTACT US ON-LINE Your one stop place for council on-line services You just register once and confirm your details which are stored securely.

How do I create My Account ? Step One

Step Two

Step Three

Log on to: uk and click on My Account

Click on: click here to create a new account

Fill in your details on our secure server and click register.

What can I do with My Account ?

• Make a payment

• View your Council Tax information

• Apply for discounts or exemptions

• Apply for Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction

• Report things like a missed bin or a bulky waste collection

• Tell us about a change in your circumstances

• Keep track of all your transactions with us, all in one place.

• Tell us you are moving house • Set up a direct debit or amend an existing one.

Other digital services • Your landlord can also register for an account so that they have access to view all the payments of Housing Benefit we make on your behalf (if your landlord is paid direct).

You can access on-line forms through your account and digital services for Council Tax or Benefits.

Sign up at 26

My Account for Landlords Bassetlaw District Council’s website makes it easy for residents, landlords and businesses in the district to access our services. We are developing our website all the time. You will be able to find lots of helpful information about all of our services, but following the launch of our new Landlord Portal you can now ; 

Access information about payments of Housing Benefit we make direct to you, on behalf of tenants. (If your tenant gets help with rent via Universal Credit, this will not be available as the Department of Work and Pensions will include this in their Universal Credit payment).

• Tell the council about changes in circumstances that affect your property or benefit payments. • Contact us online for advice and receive a response by email. • View a history of all contact between you and the council, made online. • Find lots of helpful information about other council services. • Access dedicated landlord information and events.

To access the Landlord portal, you will need to first register for a secure account at https:/

This is important because payment schedules for Housing Benefits are now only available online.

01909 533 533


Contact us

01909 533 533

Text us on 07797 800 573

Find us on Facebook - BassetlawDC

Twitter @BassetlawDC

Visit us at:

Retford One Stop Shop 17B The Square, Retford DN22 6DB

Worksop One Stop Shop Queens Buildings, Potter Street, Worksop S80 2AH

All offices are open: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm

If you need any help communicating with us or understanding any of our documents, please contact us on 01909 533 533. We can arrange for a copy of this document in large print, audiotape, Braille or for a Language Line interpreter to help you.

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