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201 Glossary Appendix 1: Policies Schedule 2
1.14.4 that neighbourhood plans are in general conformity with strategic policies, as set out in this Bassetlaw Local Plan, together with minerals and waste local plans, and helping to avoid duplication of local policies.
Many of the policies in this Local Plan are strategic. These are identified by ST in front of the policy number. However, Neighbourhood Plans may cover other topics and provide a greater level of local detail to deliver community aspirations which the Local Plan will not cover.
Following adoption of this plan, as new planning policies are approved at national, local and neighbourhood plan level - the most recent policies always take precedence. If as a consequence of this Plan or new national policy being introduced part of a Neighbourhood Plan becomes out of date, the Council will support Parish Councils to revise their plans accordingly.
Review of the Local Plan
This draft Plan covers 19 years, with the development strategy looking ahead 15 years from expected adoption (2022) in line with national policy. A development strategy over this timeframe allows the Plan to promote a real step change in economic, social and environmental conditions in the District. Even so, the Local Plan will be subject to a regular review - at least every 5 years from the date of adoption – to see whether the policies need updating.
1 Bassetlaw Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD, BDC, 2011 2 National Planning Policy Framework, MCHLG, 2019 3 Statement of Community Involvement, BDC, 2020 4 Initial Draft Bassetlaw Plan, BDC 2016 5 Draft Bassetlaw Plan: Strategic Plan, BDC 2019 6 Draft Bassetlaw Local Plan, January 2020 7 Vision 2030: D2N2 Strategic Economic Plan, D2N2 Local Economic Partnership, 2018 8 Our Strategic Economic Plan 2020-2040, Sheffield City Region, 2020 9 Nottinghamshire Minerals Local Plan Publication Version 2019-2036, Nottinghamshire County Council, 2019 10 Nottingham Waste Core Strategy 2013, Nottinghamshire County Council, 2013 11Bassetlaw Council Plan 2019-2023, BDC, 2019 12 North Derbyshire and Bassetlaw Strategic Housing Market Assessment Update, GL Hearn 2017 13 Duty to Cooperate Compliance Statement, BDC 2020 14 Bassetlaw Local Development Scheme, BDC, 2020