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Appendix 2: References 2
3.31 Climate change presents probably the biggest challenge to the delivery of sustainable development not only in this Plan’s lifetime but in the longer term as well. But the District is well-placed to address these challenges.
The capacity for renewable energy and low carbon technologies in the District is increasing. Annual monitoring shows that the amount of renewable energy generated in the District increases year on year – increasing by 63.5MW in 2016/1711 - with the scale of provision varying significantly to meet individual or business needs. Importantly the type of provision is also changing; biomass is increasing at a smaller scale for heating, while solar panels on roofs or as a solar farm are now more prominent in the District.
Monitoring11 shows that there is more interest in low carbon technologies such as battery storage. Although not a renewable energy these can positively work towards the decarbonisation of the electricity sector and therefore reduce environmental impact.
Significant opportunities exist through the redevelopment of the former High Marnham power station site to re-use existing electricity infrastructure positively to address the green agenda.
The District contains the northernmost reaches of Sherwood Forest. Although the extent has reduced over time, the Council has made a commitment to re-creating woodland coverage. With 1 hectare of forest absorbing 5 tonnes of carbon annually once mature, new tree planting on this scale would absorb 192,760 tonnes of carbon per year, equivalent to 959 return flights between London and New York. This will bring significant benefits in terms of biodiversity and air quality, but ensure the District is more resilient to climate change.
1Bassetlaw Housing and Economic Development Needs Update, GL Hearn, 2020 2Vision 2030: D2N2 Strategic Economic Plan, D2N2 Local Economic Partnership, 2018 3NOMIS (2018) 4ONS (2019) 5Facts about Bassetlaw, by ward, Local Government Association (LGA) (2018) 6Basetlaw Health Profile, Public Health England, 2019 7Indices of Multiple Deprivation, www.gov.uk, 2019 8 Bassetlaw District profile, Nottinghamshire Insight, 2019 9 Nottinghamshire County Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Nottinghamshire Health and Well-Being Board, 2020 10National Character Areas, www.gov.uk, 2019 11Bassetlaw Authority Monitoring Report 2016/17, BDC, 2017