Draft growth plan v8 low res

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Regeneration & Growth Strategy 2014 - 2028 - DRAFT STRATEGY FOR CONSULTATION

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Contents 4 | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 17 | 18 | 20 | 19 | 19 | 23 | 24 | 28 | 29 |

Introduction Spatial Portrait The State of the Economy Vision & Strategic Themes Develop a High Profile for the Area Increasing Resilience, Retention & our Business Base Skills & Workforce Development Attracting New Business Investment Lead on an Improved Tourism Offer Action Plan - Monitoring and Review Key Contacts Appendix A: Glossary Appendix B: Action Plan Appendix C: Economic Indicators Appendix D: Proposed Allocations for Employment & Housing Sites

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Bassetlaw was created in 1974 as a District Council in North Nottinghamshire, and is part of both the Sheffield City Region and the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnerships. We are proud of our unique location and local heritage. This new economic vision for the district, the first strategy of its type adopted by the Council for over 10 years, sets out a framework for growth and economic development over a 14 year period. The strategy has been produced as a part of a suite of strategies and documents which articulate the aspirations for business development and enterprise growth within the area of North Nottinghamshire. These strategies include:

• The Bassetlaw Local Development Framework (consisting of the Core Strategy and Development Management DPD and the emerging Site Allocations DPD;

• The Sheffield City Region Growth Plan;

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• The D2N2 Strategy for Growth;

• The Nottinghamshire Growth Plan.

This document is focused on long-term objectives for sustainability, positioning the district as an important economic centre outside of the major conurbations of Sheffield City Region and the economic centres covered by the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP). This document responds to the drive and vision of Bassetlaw District Council to create a strong, buoyant, robust and successful economy. An important part of this Council’s vision is to take a lead in developing an area built on economic participation that stimulates opportunities for all.

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Spatial Portrait Bassetlaw (North Nottinghamshire) itself is a District of contrasts. The expansive rural area of the District is characterised by a large number of villages and hamlets.

While several of the larger villages have a reasonable range of services, including schools and health services, many have lost facilities over recent years and most rely on larger settlements, notably Retford (population c.21,500) and Gainsborough (in neighbouring West Lindsey), for major retail and other key services. The East Coast Mainline runs north-south through Retford, linking it with Edinburgh, York, Newark, Peterborough and London. The western edge of Bassetlaw is dominated by the town of Worksop (population c.41,000), and the three settlements of Harworth Bircotes, Carlton-in-Lindrick and Langold. As well as good greenfield land availability, this area has significant brownfield regeneration potential. This potential is increasingly being realised through planning permissions for the redevelopment of such sites as the former Firbeck Colliery and the major mixeduse permission at Harworth Colliery. The western part of Bassetlaw is well connected and has easy access to the strategic road network (the A1, M1 and M18); good rail links (east-west rail links connect Retford and Worksop with Lincoln and Sheffield while the Robin Hood Line provides a direct rail link from Worksop to Nottingham via Mansfield); close proximity to the Doncaster/ Rotherham/Sheffield conurbation (and Robin Hood Airport (RHADS)); a sizeable and flexible workforce and a good range of potential employment sites. Employment generation and the demand for employment land is expected to increase considerably over the next 15 years. There is a low level of office space and growth in creative/innovative businesses, although recent years have seen a slow, but increasing, level of interest in these areas. Pressure for housing or mixed-use development on employment land is a further reflection of the changing nature

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of the District’s economy, as many of the old manufacturing sites close down and struggle to find new occupiers for their out-of-date buildings. North Nottinghamshire has a valued natural and historic environment that contributes significantly to the quality of life in, and character of the District. The countryside of the District is a valuable asset (in terms of both landscape and biodiversity), with a reasonable network of footpaths, as well as recreational opportunities offered by the rivers, and the Chesterfield Canal, which cross the District. In the west of the District are the remains of the northernmost reaches of Sherwood Forest, with important ancient woodland, wood pasture and heathland habitats still surviving. This area is also well known for the attraction of Clumber Park, which receives 750,000 visits per annum. The quality of life available to most local residents is generally perceived as good, which means that houses in the District’s rural areas can command high prices. Well over half of the District boasts above average prices for the area of £200,000 to £300,000. Average house prices in the District’s urban areas are, however, low in comparison with neighbouring areas and houses are regarded as being good value for money. Even so, the relatively low wage levels of many residents’ means that a lack of affordable housing provision, particularly two and three bedroom houses, remains a serious issue. It is unlikely that future housing allocations will be sufficient to deliver the levels of affordable housing required for the District so the Council is taking steps to supplement this supply through initiatives such as the use of Council owned land (either in partnership with a developer or as a house builder in its own right); active promotion of rural exception sites; improvements to the Council’s own housing portfolio; and an Empty Homes Strategy.

It is evident then, that North Nottinghamshire has significant strengths, which can be built upon. It has proved to be a popular place to live, evidenced by its population growing well above the national and regional averages since 1999, although this growth is now expected to slow down (growing from approximately 112,000 at present to around 121,000 by 2026 and 125,000 by 2033). Much of the District is relatively affluent, attractive in character and with good access to major urban areas. In particular, it has a number of advantages that can serve to drive growth, in appropriate locations, as follows: • A good strategic location in relation to the sub-region with excellent conectivity to the national road and rail network and in close proximity to a large workforce; • Decent land availability (both brownfield and greenfield) in locations attractive to the market; • Affordable land values • A strong network of green infrastructure and attractive countryside, as well as a good quality local built environment, which contributes to an excellent quality of life; • Clear regeneration opportunities in the west of the District; • A strong sense of community in local areas and support for improvements to rural housing and services; • The relative affordability of the housing market; • Opportunities for increased tourist activity, notably through promotion and use of The Pilgrim Fathers Heritage, Clumber Park, Chesterfield Canal and an improving retail offer.

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The State of the Economy The local economy is challenged by its inherent low business base. In simple terms there are not enough businesses. This translates into a lack of competitiveness and low levels of innovation and helps to explain why there is a culture of apathy and lack of ambition.

Only 6.7% of working age population is in self-employment against a national average of 9.5% - this equates to 1,922 too few people running their own business1. In terms of employment the district operates at around the national average (7.9% unemployed against the national average of 7.8%)2. However these figures disguise some underlying economic health issues: 28.4% of economically inactive individuals (against 21.9% nationally) are not working due to long term sickness and the number of retired people (of working age) is almost double the national average (29.9% against 15.7% nationally) Those in work and living locally are paid less than the national average (ÂŁ477.80 per week against ÂŁ508.00)3 and earnings by workplace are lower at ÂŁ461.30. This indicates that people who live in the district but work outside it, tend to earn better wages. In terms of the types of occupations the table below highlights that the majority of work is in low skilled, low paid jobs. Level 1 - 3 (managers, professionals, technical) 4 - 5 (admin, skilled trade) 6 - 7 (care, leisure, customer service) 8 - 9 (plant operatives, elementary jobs)


Nomis (June 2012 - July 2013) ONS annual population survey 3 ONS annual survey of hours and earnings 1 2

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National %

38.3% 13.6% 15.6% 32.5%

44.2% 21.5% 17.3% 17.3%

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Vision & Strategic Themes This new strategy sets out realistic ambitions that builds on the Council’s past successes in the economic development arena, along with current and emerging strategies. In undertaking this task it is acknowledged that the district is not an isolated economy, and that other economic factors whether sub-national, national and international will impact on the productivity and competiveness of the district

Building a competitive vision for North Nottinghamshire looks to create a sustainable and prosperous future that will:

monitoring and measuring the success and impact of the strategy (these indicators aredetailed in Appendix C).

• Strengthen the area’s economic competitiveness, which will underpin development of sustainable growth; • Develop an appropriately educated and skilled workforce; • Support the innovation of enterprise that will help diversify the business base; and • Recognise the importance of strategic and sustainable areas of economic growth and investment.

Strategic Themes

To do this we will: • Create a rolling action plan (shown in Appendix B) with strong partnership arrangements that will be reviewed annually to ensure that it remains responsive, appropriate and up-todate; • Actively manage business development opportunities that support identified areas of growth or potential growth; • Work more effectively with neighbouring districts to develop mutually beneficial partnerships to exploit strategic economic opportunities; • Proactively work with the appropriate Local Enterprise Partnership to access funding opportunities; and • Promote the ‘open for business’ message for the creation of new businesses and the generation of new jobs for the benefit of all Economic indicators identified within the Action Plan will be used to track changes and ‘health check’ the Bassetlaw economy as well as

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There are a number of strategic themes that have been identified to provide a clear steer on the Council’s priorities for the next 14 years. These are: • Develop a High Profile for the Area; • Increasing resilience, retention and our Business Base • Skills and Workforce Development; • Attracting New Business Investment; • Lead on an Improved Tourism Offer

Develop a High Profile for the Area This can be achieved by working with partners through the “Invest in North Nottinghamshire” project to develop and promote the area regionally, nationally and internationally as a place to live, visit and do business.

Increasing Resilience, Retention and our Business Base This will involve improving and increasing the enterprise culture that recognises the need to increase the current business base and effectively utilises the current and potential resources available for business growth. Furthermore, through established and new innovative methods and networks the Council will seek to proactively target and support growth oriented employers in Bassetlaw helping them to grow through enhanced access to finance, expert advice, suitable premises and locations.

Skills and Workforce Development This theme is centred on developing the skills and availability of an appropriate workforce. This will be achieved by working with partners to ensure the current and future workforce education and skills reflect the aspirations of high skilled employment, increased wage levels and a general increase in the Gross Valued Added metric within the district.

Attracting New Business Investment The Council seeks to market the place as a desirable location to do business. This will be achieved by promoting and proactively targeting inward investment to support local sector strengths and supply chains. We will work closley with our LEPs (SCR & D2N2) and other partners on regional and national inward investment opportunities.

Lead on an Improved Tourism Offer The final theme is based on improving the tourism offer within the area. This will be largely achieved through taking full advantage of its historical attributes, the natural environment and the existing built environment to attract visitors.

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Developing a High Profile for the Area In order for the area to demonstrate its potential and uplift the economic profile, a coherent place shaping strategy needs to be adopted. The Invest in North Nottinghamshire project is literally about putting the area on the map. Bassetlaw is relatively unknown and has no identity. Using the expertise of specialist place marketing consultants we will create a place brand for the area including a written proposition, key messages, and new visual identity.

This new brand will be used to position the area of North Nottinghamshire as an attractive place to work, invest, visit and live, thereby increasing new business investment, increased visitor numbers and residents appreciation of the locale’s distinctiveness. We will apply this branding to a range of printed materials, advertising, signage and website, engaging with the private sector to ensure the brand is adopted across the area of North Nottinghamshire. A second strand of this project is to host a series of business seminars, workshops and one to one business advice sessions to new business startups through a specifically appointed and trained Business Advisor, plugging a crucial gap that has been identified since Businesslink was wound up. 25 businesses would be assisted. This project will shape the future, attracting a minimum of 15 new businesses by June 2015, helping to redress the low business stock, low level of enterprise and low level of business investment into the area. The main objectives of this theme include: • • • •

Creating a North Nottinghamshire brand Assisting new businesses with advice Attracting new businesses to the area Identifying and promoting key regeneration projects within the area

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Increasing Resilience, Retention & our Business Base The local economy has a history of attracting new business start-ups. A higher than average percentage of the population is economically active when compared to other authorities across the D2N2 area. However, the business failure rate is high compared with the number of businesses that start each year. In 2009, 365 new businesses started but 490 failed. In 2010, 310 started and 420 failed. Over a 5 year period, the picture of business survival is stark, and after 5 years over a third of new businesses are likely to fail (see figures below).

First year in business Second year in business Third year in business Fifth year in business

Percentage Survived in BDC 96.2 77.9 61.5 38.7

Meeting the needs of the growing workforce requires growth and an improved range of jobs for everyone. The infrastructure needs to be improved to retain and attract employers, and the district needs to keep its presence and appeal to potential investors. There are a number of drivers of change which will allow the North Nottinghamshire economy to expand, creating a broader range of higher paid and higher skilled jobs. The Council needs to concentrate on initiatives and activities which can generate new income for both businesses and residents. Existing businesses need space to expand. New businesses moving into the district, particularly new business enterprises, need suitable sites or premises from which to operate. Without the right level of provision, enterprise development is stifled or encouraged to look out of the area. The Council manages a portfolio of 89 industrial units throughout the area, together with 77 serviced offices at Retford Enterprise Centre and Worksop Creative Village. The lack of supply of quality small industrial units hinders micro business start-ups and is exacerbated by the lack of provision of ‘move-on’ space for Bassetlaw’s existing business base.t Any support that is provided to promote enterprise and entrepreneurship needs to reflect the fact that

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National Percentage 95.9 79.8 64.7 44.4

specialized support is required at different times during the life cycle of developing a business – whether it’s people looking to start their business but do not yet have a clear idea of what it is they want to do, or those who have a viable idea but are unsure how to turn it into a reality and need support to develop the business to flourish and grow. Crucially it is important to ensure that any support to promote enterprise is accessible to all who have a business idea, not only entrepreneurs but also those who often struggle to access support in general, such as those living in disadvantaged areas, rural areas and those currently unemployed. The Council has, and will continue, to work proactively with local businesses to establish what additional support they need to grow and prosper. This strategy will look to complement a package of council run measures, such as prompt payment of invoices and the recent review of the procurement process under the Social Value Act to make it more sympathetic to local suppliers. The area has a mixed economy where the majority of the business base is micro and small businesses. However, a key strand of the inward investment approach is to build upon the internationally recognised brands of food production, world class precision engineering and manufacturing. We will develop supply chain linkages across these buisness areas as

well as targeting the electronic and new and emerging renewable energy sectors. These form examples to attract a new generation of valueadding businesses which will help create future employment for school and further education leavers. Infrastructure is an important component of the area’s future growth, enabling competitiveness and prosperity. Investment in infrastructure, such as transport and junction improvements, new roads or high speed broadband are positive contributions which raise the district’s economic resilience, as they enable better access to markets for business and employment opportunities for local residents. Consideration of the area’s rail links and potential hubs (for example Manton and Harworth) should also be given and how this may fit in with the inland port in Doncaster Development of clusters and the potential clustering of uses, for example to further establish Food & Drink, Precision Engineering, Renewable Energy or Logistics clusters will have sub-national significance. It will allow like-minded businesses to be built up and will enable Bassetlaw District Council to establish more effective branding around sectoral strengths and supply chain management. If the economy is to grow and prosper, then other support sectors will also need to expand, in particular retail, hospitality and leisure. These are the sectors that not only help support the economy but also create vibrancy, particularly in the market towns, that will help to attract talent and investment that is vital for the growth sectors and emerging clusters.

The Business Rates Retention Scheme offers an opportunity to leverage funding to further develop and support those sectors showing growth or potential growth within the district. Broadband is becoming an essential part of life for communities, public services and businesses, which increasingly depend on quick, reliable access to the internet. Also, broadband speeds are increasingly becoming a more important factor when purchasing residential property. In North Nottinghamshire, the majority of businesses and households with poor internet speed, are those in our small towns and rural communities. Improved digital infrastructure will limit the impact of a decrease in the area’s rural competitiveness. The Council has recently launched its Microwave Broadband Initiative in a bid to connect rural businesses to high quality, fast broadband. Aligning this initiative to the Nottinghamshire Broadband project is imperative to support the growth and development of the Bassetlaw district. The main objectives within this theme include: • Reduce the number of businesses that fail within the first five years of starting; • Improve the infrastructure businesses require; • Promote the development around existing infrastructure, such as the creation of rail hubs; • Ensure that there is a steady supply of available employment sites within the district; and • Ensure the Council provides a steer on the type of new units required on new developments when reviewing its own landholdings and assets.

The Council will not work in isolation to develop sectoral growth and will look to explore opportunities of mutual economic benefit with our neighbours. This will mean engaging with, and working more effectively with neighbouring districts to develop mutually-beneficial partnerships to exploit strategic economic opportunities.

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Skills & Workforce Development The availability of an appropriately educated and skilled workforce is identified as a key underpinning theme to economic development. The area’s skills base is improving, but needs to continue to improve, to ensure that the district’s aspirations keep pace with the ever-increasing demand for higher skilled occupations and new and emerging market opportunities. Skill Level

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NVQ 4+
























The skills and abilities of the area’s workforce are vital to the Council’s aspirations of a thriving, high value-added economy. In particular, it is important that young people gain the necessary knowledge and competence to drive forward innovation and enterprise, in order to compete and boost productivity. Graduate retention is an important aspect of this. To achieve this aim we will work with local schools and support existing employers to raise the aspirations of the future workforce. In addition, through the SCR Skills Made Easy Programme project and the development of stronger links with the region’s Universities, we will underpin this investment in education and skills development.

the education system, continuing workforce development will be key to ensuring that North Nottinghamshire has a highly competitive and skilled workforce to support future business growth. Therefore, the main objectives in this theme are: • Improve and maintain high skill levels of the area’s workforce • Retain graduates within the area • Provide a good supply of local workforce

A further issue is to ensure that new people are encouraged to move to the area. This can be achieved through new housing growth, bringing new people into the area together with the associated investment that this brings. It is apparent that alongside current projects and strategies to drive up attainment within

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Attracting New Business Investment The area of North Nottinghamshire needs to maintain and increase levels of employment in the district and improve the quality of employment locally to provide all sections of the community with opportunities that match their skills and aspirations. This will require the Council to help develop new start businesses and secure further investment into our business base. The District has clear advantages to offer investors in key sectors, in particular agriculture/ food, precision engineering and manufacturing, professional and business support services, and the environmental and renewable sectors. The area is promoted as an investment destination through the SCR LEP and the D2N2 LEP. Locations that are successful in winning inward investment tend to have strong propositions to present to potential investors. By delivery through the Bassetlaw Core Strategy and the Invest in North Nottinghamshire Project, the area can offer potential inward investors some attractive reasons to invest in the area. These include the number of strategic sites for large or small scale employment, a strategy for developing move on space units, fast track planning for large scale developments, improving infrastructure including Broadband and a clear balance between where new homes are to be developed and where jobs are to be located. Investors often seek advice from professional advisors during their location search. This will include commercial agents, location advisors and solicitors and accountants. Some businesses will retain professional advisors, including relocation experts to search for suitable locations. Other professional firms are actively looking for potential inward investors to the UK as they hope to secure new clients. To help deliver and promote development areas, the Council will continue to work with local agents and developers. Many of these firms will have a limited understanding of Bassetlaw’s business advantages or landscape. Strong branding with key messages like ‘Invest in North Nottinghamshire’ need to be developed to convince key decision makers in these organisations that the district is a credible option for their business relocation.

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A key aspect to attracting new businesses is having a steady supply of land that is suitable and available for development. The Council will ensure that there is adequate land allocated for employment uses through the Local Development Framework process. The emerging Site Allocations document sets out the proposed areas that the Council is seeking to allocate for employment land uses around Worksop, Retford and Harworth Bircotes. The proposed sites around Worksop and Harworth are adjacent to the A57 and A1(M) respectively, with subsequent links to the M1. The sites in Retford are located close to vibrant existing employment sites to the north of the town. The proposed employment sites are shown in Appendix D. The council has identified several strategic road improvements that need to be improved to ensure that the proposed allocations have access to a good quality road network around Worksop and Harworth Bircotes. The Council is keen to ensure that these road improvements are delivered. Furthermore, the Council is keen to ensure that it is in the best position to reap the rewards from any other investment in infrastructure within the wider area, including the introduction of the HS2. A further objective is to ensure that there is a world class web site for new/existing businesses to access. This will be independent of the Council (but linked to the Council) which will be information rich, have fresh and original content and capture the data from enquirers so that these can be followed up. It will also allow the Council to be responsive to trends for the type of enquiry. This in turn will lead to a proactive approach to give inward investors assistance when looking for alternative areas to develop their business.

In order to help attract further businesses to the area, the Council will support such business development by: • Identifying suitable land or commercial premises; • Helping to facilitate planning applications; • Identifying suitable funding streams; • Working with the business to source suitable workforce; • Arranging business development meetings with local supply chains once here; • Facilitating on-going high quality business support to help nurture business growth. Overall, the main objectives within this theme include: • Provide an adequate supply of new land allocated for employment uses • Provide advice to businesses wanting to invest in the area • Consider other opportunities/government initiatives to attract investment to the area • Investment in infrastructure to help support future growth opportunities

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Lead on an Improved Tourism Offer Tourism too plays an important role in the economic wellbeing of the district, and everyone is influenced by it in some part. It is therefore very important that a flourishing tourism economy is encouraged to grow and creating joint opportunities with neighbouring local authorities will enhance the visitor experience. Without the tourism sector there would be fewer businesses, less employment and less income being generated in the area.

In North Nottinghamshire, culture plays an important role economically and socially. It helps strengthen community cohesion and inter-cultural understanding, encourages local pride, a sense of wellbeing and increased self-esteem in the district, with the long term economic benefit of raised aspirations and educational performance. The area has a number of tourism assets but there is little economic benefit received from them. This theme seeks to address this, as well as focusing on the main growth areas in the tourism trade. The existing assets include: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Clumber Park Hodsock and the snow drops Pilgrim Fathers Origins Chesterfield canal A variety of interesting small villages, churches, buildings Two thriving markets Robin hood and Sherwood Forest Worksop Priory and gatehouse Osberton horse trials The former Ducal estates (including Welbeck) Sundown Adventureland Windmills Trent Valley

Therefore, the main objectives in this theme, include: • Promote the existing tourism offer; • Identify and promote new opportunities to attract tourism to the area (including the provision of additional hotel accommodation); • Increase the economic benefits from the new and future tourism offer.

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Action Plan - Monitoring & Review The action plan in Appendix B will be reviewed on an annual basis. This will include monitoring progress of actions in the last year with what has been achieved and a commentary behind any unfulfilled actions. At this annual review, there will be the opportunity to amend the action plan and to identify additional actions or amend existing actions for the forthcoming year. This review will take place every year and will be reported back to the Growth Board and cabinet members.

Key Contacts We have provided contact details of some of the key officers qualified to talk through your proposals in more detail. For additional information, please visit the Council’s website: www.bassetlaw.gov.uk

Growth, Regeneration and Investment Team

Economic Development

Joelle Davies (Major Projects Officer) email: joe.davies@bassetlaw.gov.uk telephone: 01909 533 193

Robert Wilkinson (Economic Development Manager) email: robert.wilkinson@bassetlaw.gov.uk telephone: 01909 533 230

Daniel Watson (Economic Development Officer) email: Daniel.watson@bassetlaw.gov.uk telephone: 01909 533 217


Natalie Cockrell (Community Planning Officer) email: Natalie.cockrell@bassetlaw.gov.uk telephone: 01909 535 151

Sandra Withington (Marketing Manager) email: sandra.withington@bassetlaw.gov.uk telephone: 01909 535 500

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Appendix A: Glossary Bassetlaw Core Strategy and Development Management DPD This is a key LDF document and provides an overarching framework for all other documents that may be produced. It sets out a vision for change in Bassetlaw to 2028, along with the place-specific policy approaches to be taken in order to achieve this vision.

Bassetlaw Site Allocations DPD This is a key LDF document and details the sites that are allocated for housing and employment growth over the Core Strategy plan period. The document also has site specific policies in place to steer the development accordingly.

D2N2 Strategy for Growth This document sets out the Derby, Derbyshire, Nottingham and Nottinghamshire LEP’s strategy to delivering 55,000 more jobs in the area within ten years.

Local Development Framework (LDF) The Local Development Framework replaces the previous Local Plan with a ‘portfolio’ of Local Development Plan Documents – including the Core Strategy and Development Management Policies DPD and the Site Allocations DPD.

Invest In North Nottinghamshire Project This project is led by place marketing consultants to establish a “place brand” for Bassetlaw and to help develop a high profile for the area.

Nottinghamshire Growth Plan The Nottinghamshire Growth Plan aims to deliver sustained improvements to the County’s economy and a new sense of confidence amongst our business community and wider partnerships. The plan focuses on the key drivers of economic growth - businesses, infrastructure and talent. The plan sets out practical actions which can be taken forward by businesses and stakeholders, which we hope will be the building blocks for a stronger Nottinghamshire economy.

Sheffield City Region Growth Plan The document sets out the Sheffield City Region LEP’s draft Growth Plan, which sets an ambitious target of creating 70,000 new jobs by 2023.

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Appendix B: Action Plan Developing a High Profile for the Area How will the objective be met Establishment of Invest in North Nottinghamshire Envoys Group Recruitment of North Nottinghamshire Investment Officer with clear vision and direction. Facilitate the development of comparatively affordable housing and high quality homes which support economic growth Through the Invest in North Nottinghamshire project, promote the area’s potential and opportunities regionally, nationally and internationally. Drive the continued regeneration and rejuvenation of our town centres. Address the number of empty shops and develop and implement town centre master plans for Worksop and Retford. Develop Business Improvement Districts in our main towns.

Increasing Resilience, Retention and our Business Base How will the objective be met Maintain regular meetings with the business community, including; • Retford Business Forum • Worksop Business Forum • Retford B4B • North Notts Business Connections Provide high quality advice for existing businesses and people with potential business ideas Promote available Council owned employment sites and premises through marketing packs, commercial agents and business partners including provision of; • Retford Enterprise Centre • Worksop Canalside Creative Village • Private commercial property and land • Develop and improve existing council sites including Brewery Yard Worksop and Canalside Creative Village Phase II Deliver a range of district-wide mentoring/training opportunities through the Bassetlaw Business ‘Enterprise ’ seminars and workshops (aiming for 6 business support seminars and 36 mentoring connections of 2014/15) Work with partners to deliver the annual North Nottinghamshire EXPO event Ensure our local business community are informed and engaged with the relevant LEPs to realise any opportunities

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What is the expected outcome Better promotion of North increased business investment Increased business investment Increase the number of houses Increased business investment Increased visitor numbers

Improved business base Increased regionally of the North business offer Increased funding available to environment in the main towns.

What is the expected outcome Greater business intelligence and issues to guide and support activity and competitiveness

Increase in new start-ups and Increased access to employment support the needs of current and Increase occupancy levels in the portfolio.

A stronger and more diverse

Showcasing of business talent in Improves Business to business Better access to business support

Who will help to deliver this Nottinghamshire and

Business partners Private and social sector housing developers.

across the area.

awareness locally and Nottinghamshire retail and provide quality business

Private and social sector housing developers. Experience Nottinghamshire SCR LEP D2N2 LEP NCC Princes Regeneration Trust, Business Forums, Local community

Business Forums

Who will help to deliver this understanding of business to promote business growth

Local business community

improved resilience

SCR – Business Hub Invest in North Nottinghamshire sites and development land to External funding partners future business growth. Council business premises

business base

the district trading and finance initiatives.

Private sector business mentors SCR LEP North Notts Business Connections

Local Business community SCR LEP D2N2 LEP

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Appendix B: Action Plan Skills and Workforce Development How will the objective be met Bassetlaw District Council will become a model employer. Introducing a number of training and apprenticeship opportunities both within the Council and in partnership organisations. Work with partner organisations for the delivery of apprentice and training opportunities. In particular promote the City Region Skills Made Easy (SME) programme. Reduction in youth unemployment levels Develop and deliver the North Nottinghamshire schools enterprise challenge to develop a culture of entrepreneurship in young people.

Attracting New Business Investment How will the objective be met Prioritise employment sites within the Core Strategy and prepare an action plan for each major site to ensure they are developed Promote the Invest in North Nottinghamshire website as the preferred marketing tool for the area. Focusing of the topics for story, connectivity and space Continue to work with our partners in the 2 LEPs to attract inward investment enquiries and opportunities Ensure the introduction of high quality broadband through the NCC Broadband UK Project and the BDC led Microwave Broadband Initiative for rural communities and business Prepare a robust business case to continue, expand and develop the LEADER status for North Nottinghamshire ready for roll out in 2015

Lead on an Improved Tourism Offer How will the objective be met To ensure visitors and residents have easy access to information review and re-launch our current Tourist Information Centres into modern facilities supporting the local tourism offer Work with Partners to continue develop the Chesterfield canal including the development of additional mooring spaces and associated facilities. Create a unique and distinctive visitor offer, articulated through the Councils Tourism Strategy, by exploiting our Storyscape and natural assets Work with partners to fully realised and develop a clear Pilgrim Fathers offer as a destination of choice. Create a Tourism Business Forum to achieve a unified approach to promoting the area to both visitors and residents to gain maximum benefit from available resources.

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What is the expected outcome A clear delivery plan identifying opportunities within the Council Increase in the number of opportunities within local businesses.

Increase in the number of young businesses.

What is the expected outcome

A clear action/delivery plan for each district Increased business investment Increased use of the Invest In website Increased business investment Increase in number of enquiries ties resulting in new businesses Increase in broadband connectivity.

Increased business resilience and

What is the expected outcome

Improved satisfaction in available local attractions and places of interest. Increased use of the Chesterfield North Nottinghamshire. Increased visitor numbers Improved economy Increased visitor infrastructure Increase in the number of young businesses. Promote tourism initiatives; develop destination businesses.

Who will help to deliver this training and apprenticeship A1 Housing Ltd, BPL, NCC and partnering organisations apprenticeships and training

people developing their own Young Enterprise

Who will help to deliver this major industrial site in the

Development Partners SCR LEP D2N2 LEP

North Nottinghamshire

North Nottinghamshire Envoys

and investment opportuniattracted to the area.


growth in the rural areas

Local Action Group partners


Who will help to deliver this information for visitors on

Notts CC Business Forums

Canal through

Chesterfield Canal Trust


Experience Nottinghamshire Business Forums investment people developing their own Young Enterprise an effective network of visitor Experience Nottinghamshire Business Forums

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Appendix C: Economic Indicators Business growth

ONS Local Profile data

New business registrations

Companies House data

Employment rate

ONS Annual Population Survey

Self-employment rate

ONS Local Profile data

JobCentre Plus vacancies

DWP JobCentre Plus data

Working age residents in receipt of out of work benefits

DWP JobCentre Plus data

Job Seekers Allowance claimant rate

ONS Claimant Count

Job Seekers Allowance claimant rate (18-24 year olds)

ONS Claimant Count

16 – 19 year olds – Not in Education, Employment or Training

Partnership Information

Working age residents with no qualifications

ONS Annual Population Survey

28 www.bassetlaw.gov.uk

St Anne’s site (H4) 250 houses

Rhodesia (H2 & H3) 175 houses in total

Shireoaks Common mixed use site (MU1) 175 houses and 15ha of employment land

Gateford Common mixed use site (MU2) 330 houses & 6.5ha of employment land

Mantonwood Extension (E1) 15ha of employment land

Appendix D: Proposed allocations for Employment and Housing Sites4


Maps are taken from Site Allocations Prefered Options document. For more information, please visit Planning Policy via www.bassetlaw.gov.uk

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Appendix D: Proposed allocations for Employment and Housing Sites

North Road mixed use site (MU3) 175 houses and 16ha of employment land

Ordsall (H5 & H6) 184 houses in total

30 www.bassetlaw.gov.uk

Appendix D: Proposed allocations for Employment and Housing Sites

Harworth North (H7, H8, H9 & H10) 912 houses in total

Blyth Road (H11) 232 houses

South of Harworth (E2) 80 ha of employment land

Blyth Road Junction (E3) 21ha of employment land

01909 533 533


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01909 533 223

www.bassetlaw.gov.uk economic.regeneration@bassetlaw.gov.uk

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If you need any help communicating with us or understanding any of our documents, please contact us on 01909 533 533. We can arrange for a copy of this document in large print, audiotape, Braille or for a Language Line interpreter to help you.

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