In Touch - Spring

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Issue 45 | Spring


The essential magazine for Council Te

Inside this issue: Tenant Engagement - We highlight all the ways you can get involved

A quantum of involvement

Alison has passion for social housing

Hello everyone and welcome to our spring edition. In this issue I’m going to combine two of my favourite things, James Bond movies and tenant involvement - and believe it or not, they are linked. Back in 1962 as a spotty bespectacled teenager, I saw my first Bond film ‘Dr No’. I decided that one day I would be like him, but never in my wildest dreams did I think that the nearest I’d get to it was through tenant involvement. A few films, and actors, later I went on a mission to investigate the open day for the Decent Homes Programme and just like some of James Bond’s assignments, this one was personal.

Never in my wildest dreams did I think that the nearest I’d get to being James Bond was through tenant involvement. David Smith, Tenant Editor

I was motivated by a selfish desire to see how this would affect me, but after chatting with quite a few housing representatives, I was invited to join the ‘Reading Panel’. It would be our job to de-mystify A1 Housing’s leaflets and cut through the gobbledegook. At that stage they told us the information was ‘For Your Eyes Only’. Essentially, we decreased words and increased pictures. It was my first bash at editing; you might even say I was a ‘Man with the Golden Pen’. But the best came later when I signed up as a mystery shopper - at last, Secret Agent Smith was given his first real assignment. I would ‘Never say Never Again’ and later joined the ‘A1 Hundred Club’ where we were informed of how things were going, had a presentation on a specific topic, and had the opportunity to ask questions.

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The same format applies to the new ‘Tenant’s Forum’, and the presentation at the last meeting was ‘adaptations’. While the presenter was not exactly ‘Q’, they showed us some pretty useful gadgets and I was particularly impressed by the pre-built adapted rooms that are craned onto the side of tenant’s homes. It’s only by going to meetings like this that I have learned how much the Council actually do for tenants, and how much of a say we can have. This issue is dedicated to Tenant Involvement of all kinds and over the next few pages you can learn about how you can be more involved. While I may not have lived up to my boyhood dream of being a secret agent, I have been involved for a few years and have been given the ‘Odd Job’ and had a few adventures along the way. ‘From Worksop with Love’

David Smith In Touch Tenant Editor

Bassetlaw District Council’s new Head of Housing is looking to use a mix of experience and local knowledge to take the district’s Council Housing into a new era. Alison Craig took up her new role at the end of January and has big plans for the future of Council Housing in our district. Alison said: “I am very pleased to have joined Bassetlaw District Council at this exciting time and I’m already enjoying working with colleagues, tenants and residents, elected members and external partners to improve and enhance the services we provide. “I’m passionate about social housing and I’m very much looking forward to getting stuck in as the months progress and improving on the work that has been done by everyone as part of A1 Housing.” “Living locally, and having previously worked for Bassetlaw District Council, I have an in-depth knowledge of the district and I am very familiar with

the issues that matter most to our tenants. I hope that these qualities will help me to shape the future of Council Housing and, along with my colleagues and elected members, deliver a Housing Service that everyone can be proud of.” Alison can draw on 24 years’ experience of working in social housing, with the last 15 years spent in senior management roles, as she was formerly Assistant Director of Housing at Chesterfield Borough Council. As part of that role Alison was responsible for areas including tenancy and estate management, tenancy sustainment, capital investment, repairs and maintenance, allocations and lettings, homelessness, housing advice and Careline and Support Services. The Bassetlaw Head of Housing post was created following the return of Council Housing Services to Bassetlaw District Council from A1 Housing and the retirement of A1 Housing’s Managing Director and Director of Housing. | 3

“I felt that Amanda was in and then I saw someone moving inside, so I decided to open the door. It was a shock when I first saw what was happening and the look on my face must have been just, ’Oh my God!’ “I asked ‘what can I do, what can I do?’ I thought, I’ve got to do something here, I’ve got to react. So I spoke to the asthma nurse, kept Amanda upright so that she wasn’t slumping so much, helped her with her medication, made sure she remained conscious and kept reassuring her that it was going to be OK.”

I feel that I did what any caring person would have done. I couldn’t have walked away and left Amanda in that state. Vanessa Welch

Amanda is convinced that Vanessa’s actions saved her life, and said: “When I saw Vanessa, I just knew I was going to be OK. It was a weird feeling, because before that I actually thought I was going to die. Just seeing someone was a massive relief.

Vanessa is a lifesaver When United Living’s Resident Liaison Officer Vanessa Welch turned up for work on 22nd February, little did she anticipate the drama that was about to unfold that day and how her actions would help to save someone’s life.

quickly,” said Amanda. “So, it’s a matter of time and I’d already pushed my limits and gone longer than I ever had without medical attention. I couldn’t keep myself upright enough to keep my airway open and my nebuliser kept falling off my face.

Vanessa was on a routine visit to see Bassetlaw District Council Housing Tenant Amanda Sheehan who was having a new accessible kitchen designed and installed by United Living. But when she knocked on the door, she found Amanda slumped in her wheelchair struggling to breath.

Amanda Sheehan

Amanda suffers from a severe form of asthma and was having an asthma attack. She had been waiting around 40 minutes for an ambulance and luckily Vanessa walked through the door at just the right time.

“Even though I was on the phone to my Asthma Nurse, all that was going through my head was, ‘I’m going to pass out and there’s no-one here. If I pass out, I’m going to stop breathing and there’s nothing I can do.”

“When I have an asthma attack, I can go into respiratory arrest and then cardiac arrest quite

When Vanessa knocked on the door and there was no answer, something told her not to walk away. She said:

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I actually thought I was going to die. Just seeing someone was a massive relief.

“I remember Vanessa saying to me, ‘point to what you need’. The vile that contains my nebuliser solution is really fiddly and you’ve got to squirt it into the machine, but because I was losing control of my hands, I couldn’t do it and the liquid was going everywhere.

“I gave it to Vanessa and gestured to her what needed to happen. She made sure that I had back to back nebs until the ambulance arrived and the paramedics took over. When I was taken into the ambulance, I’ve been told that I went into full respiratory arrest and they couldn’t find my pulse, the machines just flatlined twice. “The ambulance crew said that they didn’t know who Vanessa was, but that she was amazing,” added Amanda. “I can’t thank her enough, my family can’t thank her enough, because she really saved my life.” A few weeks later, Vanessa has come to terms with how serious a situation she walked into, but says that she reacted in the same way that anyone else would. “I feel that I did what any caring person would have done. I couldn’t have walked away and left Amanda in that state, so I did what I could, and I’m thankful that she’s here and she thinks I did OK. “I’ve never been in a situation like that before. I’m not medically trained and I’ve never been that confident when I’ve been on First Aid courses because you have to rely on yourself to be able to react to a situation, and I’ve always questioned myself about that. “You always ask yourself in those situations, could I have done more? It’s only now I’ve learnt how serious things could have been if I hadn’t walked through the door at that moment.”

Uniting for a cuppa Members of Balmoral Tenants and Resident’s Association won’t be going thirsty for a while thanks to a generous donation of refreshments from United Living. United Living provides planned maintenance services to Bassetlaw District Council and has spent the last few months reroofing over 80 properties on Valley Road, Princess Ann Road and Buckingham Rise. United Living Resident Liaison Officer, Jane Thorpe said: “As we’ve caused a little bit of disruption to tenants and residents while we are carrying out the reroofing works, we thought it would be a nice

gesture to help them out by providing some tea, coffee, sugar and juice. “The group was very grateful for the donation and it looked like a nice place for the local community to get together. They play bingo and have raffles to raise money for trips out for all the members of the group.”

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Bassetlaw’s Tenant Forum The Bassetlaw Tenant Forum has replaced the A1 Hundred Club and is a vital way of the Council engaging with tenants and ensuring that you have a say on the way the Housing Service is provided.

New Housing Consultation Group to form In addition to the Tenant Forum, there will also be a high level consultation group that a select number of tenants will be part of called; the Housing Consultation Group. The commitment to form this high level group was made during the consultation process prior to Housing Services being brought back under the management of Bassetlaw District Council. The Council is now in the process of establishing the Housing Consultation Group, which will replace the former A1 Housing Board, and will be made up of tenants drawn from the Tenant Forum, Elected Members and officers of the Council. The group will be able to make recommendations to the Council’s Cabinet about changes and improvements to housing service delivery. More information will be presented at the Tenant Forum in May, including a workshop presented by new Head of Housing, Alison Craig, which will include how tenant representatives can be nominated and their role within the group. More information on the Council’s Tenant Conference and Meet the Team event can be found on page 11.

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Any Council tenant or leaseholder can be part of this customer panel, which meets on a quarterly basis at The Well in Retford. Just some of the subjects that have previously been discussed at the meetings include how the Council deals with Anti-Social Behaviour, Rehousing and Tenancy Advice, Gas Servicing, Aids and Adaptations to assist disabled tenants in their homes, in addition to quarterly performance reports. In return, if you attend all four meetings each year, between January and December, you’ll receive £25 worth of Love2Shop vouchers. Transport may also be provided for members when required and tenants using their own transport are entitled to claim reasonable mileage expenses. The next Tenant Forum meeting will be held on Wednesday 8th May 2019 at The Well, Hospital Road, Retford. For more details, and requests to join the group please contact Anita Fairweather (pictured below) on 0800 590 542 or email

A voice for every tenant The Bassetlaw Tenants Forum is a chance for tenants to be more involved with the way that Housing Services are provided and to find out the latest developments that affect them. It can be a rewarding and interesting experience, but don’t just take our word for it. We caught up with Bassetlaw Tenant, Edna Staveley, to hear about her experiences of the Tenant Forum and why more people should be part of the group. What happens at the Tenant Forum meetings and what type of issues do you talk about? ES: We get to know about different aspects of housing, tenancy issues and some statistics on how the housing section is performing. There’s also a different presentation from someone at each meeting. It’s a very interesting event and we have the opportunity to ask questions at the end about the issues that matter most to tenants. Do you think it’s important that a tenant group like this exists? ES: It’s very important to have a say. It’s a means of putting our views over and is a focal point for tenants. Even if you just go along to hear about what’s going on and keep up to date with things, it’s important to be involved.

Do you feel like you are making a difference to the way Council Housing is provided by being part of the group? ES: I think we have a good input into things and there’s nothing like a bit of people power. Through groups like this, and the former A1 Hundred Club, it has been proven that people can change things and help to improve the Council’s services to tenants. Do you find it a rewarding experience? ES: It’s very rewarding. I’ve been a tenant for 15 years and have always been interested in how housing in Bassetlaw is being run. I can’t remember how long I’ve been involved, but I seem to have been involved for quite some time. What would you say to encourage more tenants to get involved? ES: Every tenant needs to have a voice and these meetings are where they are heard. We have a good venue now that is central and is easy to get to for the majority of people in Bassetlaw. Transport can be provided and it’s important that people don’t get left out, especially those tenants who live in rural areas and villages. It’s a great gathering, you get to know people and you have everything to gain by being part of it. | 7

Get involved with your TRA If you’re new to one of our areas, looking to make some new friends or would like to get more involved with your community, then why not contact your local Tenants and Residents Association?

Tenants are a voice in your community In communities where there are no Tenants and Residents Associations, it’s important that the voices of tenants are still heard. That’s why we have volunteers who represent their community with support from the Council’s Housing Service. These ‘Tenant Voices’ speak with the Council and other tenant representatives and can help you with any tenancy or estate-related issues or simply put you in touch with the right people. We spoke to 31-yearold John Paul Simpson, a new Tenant Voice who represents the Sandy Lane area, to find out more. How long have you been a Tenant in Bassetlaw? JPS: I’ve been a tenant since October 2018 when I moved across to Worksop from Grimsby. I wanted to be a little closer to some friends and to try living somewhere new. I really like the town and I’m getting to know the area a little better and meet more people. What sparked your interest in becoming a Tenant Voice? JPS: I found out about the Bassetlaw Tenant Forum when my Housing Officer came to do their first visit, so I went along to see what it was about. While I was there I spoke to the Tenant Engagement Officer, Anita who

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You’ll find there’s plenty going on and all the TRAs are ready to welcome new members some TRAs also have vacancies on their committees if you have some free time and would like to take on a more formal role.

They also speak regularly with the Council and may be able to resolve any issues you have.

Worksop Area • Balmoral - 01909 475 671

Retford Areas • Ordsall - 01777 711642 • Tuxford - 01777 872140 • Mattersey Thorpe - 01777 817716 • Harworth & Bircotes - 01302 746 393

Find your Tenant Voice

asked if I’d like to be a Tenant Voice for my community.

The Council has Tenant Voices in the following areas that represent the community and provide assistance to tenants and residents.

How’s it going then?



JPS: I’ve been a Tenant Voice since February and it’s going well so far. I’ve always liked to help people and seem to be someone my friends come to when they have a problem or need help to sort an issue out.

Manton East • Graham Bacon - 07403 739 094

Conway Gardens • Mr & Mrs Constable - 01777 470 556

The Mews • Helen Woodhead - 01909 282 496


Was it a bit daunting doing something that you’ve never done before, especially in a place that you’ve recently moved to?

Prospect • Barbara Hopkinson - 01909 532 192

JPS: Not really. All the Tenant Voices get lots of support from Anita and you get some training on some of the bigger issues that you might have to help with, like tenancy issues, anti-social behaviour and gas safety. What do you hope to achieve by being a Tenant Voice? JPS: I hope I can help to improve communication between tenants and the council and help to identify any improvements that need to be made in the Sandy Lane area. I also want to be someone who can help fellow tenants if they have a problem and might not feel comfortable speaking to the Council on their own or just provide a bit of support to those who need it.

Larwood & Kilton • Susan Haydock - 07739 465 536 Sandy Lane • John Paul Simpson - 07789 971 458

Westmorland House • Brenda Eccles - 01302 744 055 • Wendy Lavin - 01302 746455

Rural Sturton Le Steeple & Leverton • Kate Bishop - 01427 880 386 Dunham on Trent • Nina Thiedeman - 01777 228 611 We’re also looking for Tenant Voices to represent Carlton in Lindrick, Thievesdale, Costhorpe and Langold, Rhodesia and Shireoaks, Misterton, and Central Retford. For further information, please contact Tenant Engagement Officer, Anita Fairweather on 0800 590 542 or email her at

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Name your 2019 Tenant Champion

Fast-track tax reduction If you are on a low income you may be entitled to extra help with your Council Tax. This is called Council Tax Reduction (CTR). If you are also claiming Universal Credit at the Jobcentre, you can ask to fill in your claim for CTR after your appointment with the work coach and, if you bring all the documents we need, your claim will be able to be fast-tracked. You will need to bring in: • You and your partner’s National Insurance numbers and documentary proof of this • A second document to prove your identity, such as a utility bill, passport, driving licence, etc. • Details of you and your partner’s income and any savings, investments or other capital, including your current accounts • If you are also claiming Housing Benefit (not Universal Credit) and you live in privately rented accommodation, you will need to bring proof of your rent • If you have children, proof of child benefit or other proof that they are resident with you and dependant. Also bring proof of any childcare costs you pay to a registered child care provider • If you have other adults living with you, proof of their gross weekly income An officer can also show you how to make your claim online, or simply check it before you submit it and check all of your evidence and documents. If the claim passes these checks, it will be fast-tracked. You do not need an appointment for this service.

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Great tenants are what help to make Bassetlaw the place it is. That’s why each year we like to recognise those individuals who go the extra mile to help their neighbours or make a difference for local people in their community. We have started our search to find the new tenant champions of 2019 by asking for your nominations in the following categories:

• Community Champion • Good Neighbour • Tenants’ Champion If you know of a fellow tenant who deserves an award for the work they do by helping others and making a difference in their community, please send your nominations to or call us on 0800 590 542. Nominations should be received by Friday 24th May 2019. Awards will be presented to the winners of all three categories at the Tenant Conference on Wednesday 5th June 2019. This will take place at The Well, Hospital Road in Retford.

Come and meet the team If you would like to know how Bassetlaw District Council’s Housing Service has changed, or want to speak to some of our staff about the services we provide, the annual Meet the Team event and Tenant Conference is back for 2019.

Both events will take place at The Well, Retford on Wednesday 5th June. The Meet the Team event will take place from 9.30am to 11am, with the annual Tenant Conference following from 11am to 12noon. There is also the chance to have an informal chat over a cup of tea and a bit of cake afterwards.

Our Meet the Team event is the perfect opportunity for Bassetlaw Housing Tenants and Leaseholders to learn more about the services we provide such as Adaptations, Tenancy Support or Repairs. You can also chat to some of our tenant groups and learn how you can get more involved in shaping the future of Housing in Bassetlaw.

Spaces at the Tenant Conference are limited; so if you would like to attend, please send an email to with Tenant Conference in the subject box, or please call 0800 590 542 and ask for Anita Fairweather.

This year’s Tenant Conference will highlight some of the changes that have taken place since housing services were brought back under Bassetlaw District Council control in October 2018, how we have performed over the last 12 months, and what the future of housing in our district might look like. Alison Craig, Head of Housing for Bassetlaw District Council said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for tenants to come and have a chat with us, find out what services we offer and ask any burning questions that you might have. This will be my first tenant conference at Bassetlaw and I’m looking forward to meeting tenants, letting you know about our performance as a service over the last 12 months and talking about some of the plans that we have for the coming year.” | 11

Impressive feature starting to form Priory Court, Bassetlaw District Council’s new Independent Living Centre, is becoming an impressive feature on the Worksop sky-line as the development is on track to accommodate its first residents by the end of the year. The state of the art accommodation is expected to welcome residents in autumn 2019 with a total of 52 modern apartments that will cater exclusively for the elderly, with the addition of ‘Extra Care’ support. The new four-storey accommodation, which is being built by Woodhead Living on the site of the former Abbey Grove Sheltered Scheme, will have 38 onebedroom flats and 14 two-bedroomed flats, as well as a hair salon, a chiropodist, library, café and gym.

Even at this stage of the project, the building is incredibly impressive. I have no doubt that future residents will be very happy here. Alison Craig, Head of Housing at Bassetlaw District Council

The £8.35 million project is being spearheaded by Bassetlaw District Council with additional funding of £1.224 million provided by Homes England and £2.96 million from Nottinghamshire County Council, who will provide ‘Extra Care’ services for up to 37 future residents. Alison Craig, Head of Housing at the Council said: “Even at this stage of the project, the building is incredibly impressive. This type of accommodation will provide joined up services that will allow elderly residents to live as independently as possible in their own home, with the reassurance that care is onsite for them 24 hours a day if needed. I have no doubts that the future residents of Priory Court will be very happy here and their needs met.”

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Business Development Director for Woodhead Group, Leo Woodhead added: “It’s great to see the progress that is being made here. Extra Care schemes are all about providing high quality accommodation for people to live happy and independent lives. The transformation is astonishing from what the site was like, the clever use of space, modern design and spacious internal layout will provide a fantastic addition to the area.”

See Priory Court progress online Woodhead Group have produced a short film about Priory Court and the building work that has taken place so far. The film has been documenting the building work that started in September 2017 with the demolition of the former Independent Living Centre, Abbey Grove, and shows the progress that has been made so far. You can watch the short film by using this link

Giving residents Extra Care Priory Court will have a total of 52 apartments that will be available to tenants over the age of 60, with 37 of these apartments including Extra Care services provided by Nottinghamshire County Council. Extra Care is an extension of our Independent Living Centres and allows residents to live as independently as possible with the reassurance of support whenever they need it. As part of this additional service, residents are able to live in their own home but have access to care staff 24 hours a day to help with personal care needs. This can include things like: help with washing, dressing, getting to and from the toilet, reminders to take medication, preparing snacks and heating up meals, laundry and some domestic tasks. All of these care staff are highly professional and receive ongoing training and support to ensure they deliver the highest quality care.

If you are interested in being a resident of Priory Court, you will need to complete a Housing Application Form, even if you are currently a tenant. In order to live in Extra Care accommodation, you will also need to have a care and support assessment to see if you are eligible and if you are able to receive financial support. It is anticipated that we will be able to start allocating properties at Priory Court towards the end of summer 2019 and you will be able to bid via the Council’s Homefinder website. You can find this in the Council Housing section of under ‘Find a Home’. You can also find additional housing information on Bassetlaw District Council’s website or by visiting the Council Offices in Worksop, Retford and Harworth. To learn more about Extra Care housing, please visit and search for Extra Care.

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Investing for the future Over the next 12 months, Bassetlaw District Council will be investing around £10 million in its properties to ensure that they are safe and efficient homes to live in and meet the same high standards set by the former Decent Homes Programme. The Government’s Decent Homes funding ended in 2014, but the Council has continued to invest in its properties and £3.2 million of this budget will be used to install around 200 kitchens, 120 bathrooms, re-tile 150 roofs, fit 100 doors and around 1,470 windows. Alison Craig, Head of Housing for Bassetlaw District Council said: “It’s vital that we continue to invest in our stock so that tenants have decent, warm, and energy-efficient homes to live in.

“We’ll be carrying this work out at hundreds of homes across Bassetlaw and tenants will be notified when the work is due to take place.” Homes that require upgrades through this funding have already been identified. United Living or one of their partners will carry out the work on behalf of Bassetlaw District Council and if work is due to take place at your property, you will be notified by letter weeks in advance. As well as installing things like kitchens, bathrooms and windows, our £10m budget for 2019/20 will also include boiler and heating replacements, external wall insulation, fire protection work, electrical testing and rewires, disabled adaptations, environmental works, new parking provision and new build housing in Worksop.

New play park for Harworth

The regeneration of a derelict patch of land in Worksop could be transformed into the site of a new and innovative Council Housing project later this year. The site which sits between Lincoln Street and Furnival Street in Manton can accommodate around 120 dwellings and will include a mix of flats, bungalows and two, three and four bedroomed houses.

Children in Harworth and Bircotes have a brand new play area to visit thanks to the completion of a Council Housing development in the town. The new playground on Amanda Road brings Bassetlaw District Council’s award-winning housing development, in partnership with Woodhead Group, to a successful conclusion. Over the last three years, the partnership has created a total of 83 new homes that include a mix of modern and energy efficient flats; two, three and four bedroomed houses and bungalows, in addition to the new playground. Kenay Reshad, Technical and Design Manager for Bassetlaw District Council, said: “When this project

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Innovative project will deliver more housing

was proposed it used a former playing field to provide space for much needed additional housing. As part of that development the Council and Woodhead promised to reinstate a play area and we have delivered on that promise.” The enclosed play area features four pieces of equipment in addition rubber Wetpour flooring. The surrounding area has been landscaped and incorporates four different species of trees and soundproof fencing.

Following the submission of a planning application from Bassetlaw District Council, it is hoped that work can start in the autumn of 2019. David Armiger, Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods at Bassetlaw District Council, said; “After consulting with local residents the Council is delivering on its ambition to have a greater mix of Council Housing in this area.” “We already have a strong track record of creating new Council Housing with projects in Harworth delivering 83 houses and Worksop, which is currently under construction, set to deliver a further 52 properties.

“This project will bring forward a high quality scheme that delivers modern, innovative and energy efficient housing that improves neighbourhoods, supports local jobs and continues the Council’s ambition to increase the amount of Council housing in our district. “We have already explored potential partnership arrangements and the option of grant funding and hope to start work on site in autumn 2019.”

We are delivering on our ambition to have a greater mix of Council Housing. David Armiger, Director of Regeneration & Neighbourhoods

In 2015, the Council asked local residents what kind of development they would like to see on the site, known locally as ‘the old allotments’. From the 178 responses received as part of a six-week consultation, residents said they would like to see some form of Council Housing with a mix of two, three and fourbedroomed properties. | 15

Car owners fined Two Bassetlaw residents have been fined after failing to provide Bassetlaw District Council with information relating to separate incidents of littering.

Council takes back possession of flat Bassetlaw District Council has taken back possession of one of its properties in Worksop following a successful application to Mansfield County Court. The flat at 60 Trent Street had been the subject of an extended Closure Order after the former tenant Deborah Manning and a number of known drug users had been involved in anti-social behaviour at the block of flats in the Sandy Lane area of Worksop. Residents were subjected to verbal abuse, witnessed fighting and foul and abusive language, which severely disturbed the daily lives of fellow residents. The Council was able to successfully apply for possession under ‘absolute grounds for possession’ as set out in the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. It means that Manning can no longer return to the property and in addition to granting possession on 14th February 2019, Mansfield County Court also ordered Manning to pay the Council’s costs of £491.75.

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Alison Craig, Head of Housing at Bassetlaw District Council, said: “It is great news that the court has supported the Council’s application for possession of this property, which can now be given to someone who is in need of social housing. “The Council, working in partnership with Nottinghamshire Police and the community, is committed to tackling anti-social behaviour and this action shows that should tenants persistently commit serious acts of ASB, we will seek to take your home away from you.” “I would like to thank the residents of Trent Street whose statements supported our applications for a Closure Notice and the eventual possession of the property,” added Alison. “I’d also like to thank them for their patience and support while this matter was resolved. With the help of residents, we are able to take lasting action to deal with anti-social behaviour.” A Closure Order for 41 Sandy Lane was also served on the tenant David Hughes on Thursday 6th December and the Council is currently applying to the Courts for possession of the property.

Witnesses had reported to the Council’s Environmental Health Team that litter had been thrown from vehicles owned by Ryan Brocklesby of Worksop and Melanie Ann Curtis of Retford. Both residents were sent Section 108 Notices under the Environment Act (1995) that required them to tell the Council who was driving the vehicle at the time. On 18th September 2018, a witness reported to the Council that a cigarette butt was deposited from a vehicle on Sandy Lane, Worksop. DVLA checks confirmed that Brocklesby of Nene Walk, Worksop, was the registered keeper of the vehicle. And on 13th November 2018, a witness reported to the Council that litter was thrown from a vehicle on Arlington Way, Retford. DVLA checks confirmed that Curtis of Station Road, Retford, was the registered keeper of the vehicle. Neither resident provided the Council with the information required before the respective deadlines. As such Brocklesby was fined £220 and ordered to pay the Council’s costs of £329.50, in addition to a victim surcharge of £30. While Curtis was fined £220 and ordered to pay the Council’s costs of £364, in addition to a victim surcharge of £30. Liz Prime, Head of Neighbourhoods at Bassetlaw District Council, said: “Failing to respond to a Section 108 Notice is a serious matter and these residents have rightly been fined for this offence. Whether it is a cigarette butt, a drinks can or food packets, if you throw something from a vehicle it is still littering and if someone sees you doing it, you could be fined or prosecuted.” Members of the public can report incidents of littering in confidence via or to the Council’s Environmental Health Team on 01909 533 219.

Photo for illustration only

ASB Round-Up Between October 2018 and February 2019, the Council’s ASB Team has taken the following action: • 21 Community Protection Warning Letters and Notices have been issued to individuals whose behaviour has had an adverse impact on a community. • 9 Behaviour related Civil Injunctions have been issued. • 6 Formal Housing Notices have been issued. This is the first step in taking back a property and evicting a tenant. • 5 Possession Orders (one with a Warrant) have been issued in relation to ASB. • 2 Closure Notice have been enforced.

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Heating with gas

Gas safety inspections keep you safe & warm

It’s now nine months since Council tenants in the Bracebridge area of Worksop were connected to natural gas mains thanks to £180k of funding from gas network Cadent, in partnership with Affordable Warmth Solutions (AWS). Since then, Bassetlaw District Council has installed energy efficient, gas-fired combination boilers to a total of 77 properties whose tenants decided to make the switch from a mixture of Ground Source Heat Pumps, solid fuel fires and electric boilers. One of the first tenants to make the switch was Mrs Jean Hall, who said: “It’s been brilliant. I had my new boiler installed in July 2018 and it’s been much better than the old ground source heating. While we haven’t suffered the ‘Beast from the East’ again this winter, I’ve been able to keep the house warm and comfortable - and it’s even saved me a bit money on my fuel bills.” There are still 33 properties on High Hoe Road, Bracebridge Avenue and Bracebridge who are yet to upgrade their heating. Should they decide to make the switch, they can contact the Council’s Housing Service on 0800 590 542.

Home electrics staying current Over the last four years, the Council and its partners have been carrying out electrical tests and checks to all council properties. This is to ensure that the electrical systems and controls in your home are safe, and that they comply to the most up to date regulations. As part of this programme we have identified a small number of properties that need additional work and, over the next 12 months, one of our electrical partners will be visiting tenants to carry out the necessary work. These repairs can include board changes, rewires and repair works that have been identified from electrical inspections and tests. If the electrical system on your property needs to be upgraded, we will contact you with details of when one of our electrical partners will visit you, what work will be carried out, and how long this is expected to take. Please ensure that you keep the appointment that is made, or re-arrange this appointment for a more convenient time, and give our partners access to your property so that your home’s electrics remain safe and can be brought up to date.

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If you have a gas boiler, or appliances in your home that use gas, these will need to be inspected every 12 months as part of our annual gas safety inspections. It is extremely important to have a gas safety inspection and service every year, not only to ensure that everything is working safely, but also to make sure that appliances are working as efficiently as possible and saving you money.

We have also arranged for the majority of annual gas safety inspections to take place between April and October. This will enable us to be more responsive to boiler repairs in the winter months, when you are most likely to need urgent repairs. This allows us to carry out your gas safety inspection on the same date every year, after which you will be sent a Gas Safety Certificate within 28 days of the inspection taking place.

As your landlord, the law says we must carry out these inspections. Sure Maintenance do this on our behalf and they will send you an appointment each year.

Please ensure that you keep any appointments that are arranged with Sure Maintenance and should you need to contact them, call 0800 083 3743.

If this first appointment is not convenient, you can contact Sure Maintenance and arrange an appointment on a day of your choosing. We also offer evening appointments between April and September (during daylight hours) and on weekends.

If you are a Leaseholder, an annual gas safety inspection must take place at your property every 12 months. As such you will receive a letter from the Council asking you to provide a valid copy of your Gas Safety Certificate. | 19

Don’t forget to check! Bassetlaw District Council is asking residents to make some essential checks before paying someone to take away bulky or household waste.

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Residents should ask to see a Waste Carrier Licence and ask for a receipt if they pay someone to take their waste away. If they don’t and the waste is fly-tipped and can be traced back to the owner, they could be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice or end up with a fine of up to £5,000.

Waste to get rid of?

Looking for a man with a van on Facebook? Yes...

Check that they have

Yes Ensure that you get a receipt and a van registration no.

Liz Prime, Head of Neighbourhoods at Bassetlaw District Council, said: “We are increasingly seeing more people advertise ‘Man with a Van’ waste clearance services on social media sites like Facebook. Many of these companies are legitimate businesses and dispose of the waste they collect legally and responsibly.

Help us to reduce the amount of fly-tipping that takes place in Bassetlaw. Liz Prime, Head of Neighbourhoods

“We are asking residents to make these essential checks before they employ someone to take their waste away, stop giving these irresponsible companies your business and help to reduce the amount of fly-tipping that takes place in Bassetlaw.” In addition to making these checks, you can use the Council’s Bulky Waste Collection service, which starts at £12.50 for the first item and £9 for any additional items. You can find more information at

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Waste Carrier Licenc e

On average each month, the Council has to clean up over 100 cases of fly-tipping, a large proportion of which are thought to have been dumped by unlicensed Waste Carriers or ‘A Man with A Van’.

“But there are also unscrupulous people out there who are out to make a quick buck and simply fly-tip the waste, leaving the Tax-Payer with the cost of clearing up the mess they leave behind.


No You could end up with a fine of up to £5,000

Become a Litter Hero

Bulky items collections Bassetlaw District Council can collect bulky items direct from your door for a small fee. Items that we collect include beds, mattresses, sofas, TVs, fridges, freezers, washing machines and much more. Prices start at £12.50 for the first item and then £9 for each additional item. You can book this service at or by calling 01909 533 533. You can also take your own bulky waste to one of the recycling centres in Retford and Worksop. Information on what can be recycled is also on our website.

Communities and volunteers across Bassetlaw have been signing up to become Litter Heroes by organising Spring Cleans in their communities.

from St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School (pictured above) who managed to fill 20 bags with litter from around their school.

The annual Bassetlaw Spring Clean helps people to come together to clean up their communities and make a difference to their neighbourhoods between 1st March and 31st May 2019.

Other groups have included residents who collected 22 bags of rubbish at Dyscarr Wood, which means we’re well on the way to passing last year’s total of 41 litter-picks that took place across the district, generating approximately 500 bags of rubbish.

Donating your time can be anything from as little as an hour to a full day or a weekend. You simply tell us where your litter pick will take place and the Council will provide you with bags, gloves, litter pickers and high-viz vests. Once you have finished we will collect the bags of litter from a pre-arranged collection point. Since we launched our 2019 Spring Clean campaign on 1st March, we have had a fantastic response from groups across the district wanting to spruce up their communities and become Litter Heroes. We have already handed out over 400 rubbish bags to 11 different groups, one of those being the children

To be part of this year’s event, please register your Spring Clean at and we will arrange for the equipment to be sent out to you in time for your litter pick. Alternatively, you can organise an event at any time of the year, but please try to give us six weeks’ notice. As well as the community spring cleans, we also encourage local schools to get involved by registering at and click on ‘Register a school for the Bassetlaw spring clean’.

tel: 0800 590 542 | 21


Kids Club

Welcome to the InTouch Pub Quiz! If you can score the most points you could win a £20 Love2Shop voucher. You get one point for every correct answer.

If you can solve our Kids Club puzzle, you could win a £20 Love2Shop voucher and a goody bag.


Once you have found the solution, tell us your name, age, where you live and a phone number. Then, follow the instructions at the bottom of the page.

Name the country these capital cities belong to Amsterdam Oslo

Marty Mouse’s Maze

Kuala Lumpur

Marty has lost his cheese! Can you help him get it back by finding the correct route?

Television Name the TV shows set in these fictional places Weatherfield Hawkins, Indiana

2019 Garden Waste collections are back

Sunnydale, California

Sport Complete the names of these British sportspeople (tennis)

__ N __ __ M __ R __ A __ L __ __ __ S __ A __ __ L T __ __

(motorsport) (boxing)

__ __ C __ L __ A __ __ M __

The 2019 season of Garden Waste Collections is back and helping Bassetlaw residents to recycle their garden waste. More than 8,000 households have already received their first batch of collections, but there is still time to subscribe and receive fortnightly collections at just £30 per season, which run from the beginning of March to the end of November. This fee includes the use of a 240 litre wheelie bin per subscription, in which you’ll be able to place grass cuttings, hedge trimmings, leaves, small branches and twigs, dead plants, weeds and flowers. Liz Prime, Head of Neighbourhoods at Bassetlaw District Council said: “Our Garden Waste Collection Service continues to grow year on year and it’s great that so many people in our district have decided to recycle their garden waste. We hope that even more people will continue to sign up for our 2019 season and dispose of their garden waste in a more environmentally friendly way.”

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Last year, almost 8,000 Bassetlaw residents helped to recycle more than 2,600 tonnes of garden waste during the Council’s 2018 season of collections – the equivalent weight of 13 Blue Whales, 10 fully loaded 40-ft shipping containers, or the London Eye with people on it.

Our Garden Waste Collection Service continues to grow year on year. Liz Prime, Head of Neighbourhoods

This exceeded the total for 2017 despite a delayed start to the season due the extreme weather that brought snow and icy temperatures in March, followed by one of the hottest summers on record. If you would like to sign-up for Garden Waste Collections, visit - Alternatively, call 01909 533 533, say Environment Services and press 1.

Music Name the artists of these albums - bonus point for the year Abbey Road


Be Here Now






Where you live: Telephone:

Fill in your details and follow the entry instructions: Name: Address: Telephone:

Please send all competition entries to: Customer Services, Carlton Forest House, Hundred Acre Lane, Worksop, Notts S81 0TS Or email a photo or scan of the entry to: Closing date for all entries is 6th September 2019.

Winners Congratulations to J. Stenton from Misterton and Juliet Parker Brown from Worksop who were our lucky winners from Issue 44.

Bassetlaw District Council will not store your personal data supplied as part of any competition entry and will only use it for the purpose of determining a competition winner. Once a winner has been drawn, all data will be deleted. | 23

Contact us 0800 590 542 Text us on 07860 021 511 Find us on Facebook - BassetlawDCHousing Twitter @BassetlawDC Visit us at: Retford Office 17B The Square, Retford, DN22 6DB Worksop Office Queen’s Buildings, Potter Street, Worksop, S80 2AH Carlton Forest House Hundred Acre Lane, Worksop, S81 0TS All offices are open: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm

If you need any help communicating with us or understanding any of our documents, please contact us on 0800 590 542.

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