In Touch - Autumn 2018 edition

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Issue 44 | Au tumn


The essential magazine for Council Te

Inside this issue: New horizon - Six pages of info about the transfer of housing services

Feeling proud Over the last 14 years, A1 Housing has provided housing services on behalf of the Council and I’m proud of what has been achieved in this time. As you know, housing services will now be provided solely by the council and this is simply just one of the many changes currently going on in Local Government. While the name may have changed, I know that all of the housing staff will continue to work hard to provide services to tenants in a professional and efficient way. My thanks go out to all of them, past and present, who over the years have risen to the many challenges they have faced. One of A1 Housing’s biggest accomplishments was to deliver the Decent Homes Programme and make sure that we made the most of every last bit of funding that was received from the Government. During this time, we brought as many homes as possible up to meet decency standards with new kitchens, bathrooms, windows, doors, heating systems and many other improvements. I’d also like to pay tribute to A1 Housing’s Board Members, who don’t often get mentioned for their dedication and have kept a watchful eye on the organisation.

Views have shaped us I’ve been with A1 Housing for 12 years, but as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. During this time one of the things that I am proudest of is how we have listened to customers and used your views to shape our service delivery. With a strong customer focus, we have valued both the positive and negative comments and hope that tenants will continue to be consulted as part of the new housing structure in Bassetlaw. Through this column I’d like to thank all of the tenants who have been involved with A1 Housing over the years through the A1 Hundred Club, BATRA and other tenant groups and have given up their valuable time for the benefit of all tenants. I’d also like to thank the staff and I will miss working with you all.

I wish you all the best for the future.

We now need to look to the future and there is a new opportunity for the BDC Tenants Forum to build on the great track record of involving tenants and help to shape housing services over the coming years.

Don Spittlehouse

While I am looking forward to retirement, I’ll not lose touch with the housing sector and have taken up the position of Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors at Rykneld Homes in North East Derbyshire, as well as sitting on the board of Arches Housing in Sheffield.

A1 Housing’s Managing Director

I wish you all the best for the future.

Joice Rennie A1 Housing’s Director of Housing

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A new chapter begins... Despite a brief dabble into the property market in the 80’s, I’ve always been a tenant of some sort and have pretty much seen and heard it all before. So the transfer of housing services back to the Council is just the latest chapter in the story of a tenant. Worksop Borough Council were the first authority to offer me a home in Carlton-in-Lindrick and my immediate neighbour was Cllr James Hince. I was also employed by them as a bin man and some days we would empty the chemical toilets at Fox Covert and then have our snap. There was no ‘health and safety’ in those days! I also worked at Shireoaks pit and qualified for a pit house before I went on to start my own coal business and bought my first house. Unfortunately, the miners’ strike took its toll and I ended up in need of re-housing. By this time Bassetlaw District Council had been formed and again I moved to Carlton and then to Prospect in Worksop. Eventually A1 Housing came along and brought with it the Decent Homes Programme, which was great, as well as something called Tenant Involvement.

Having never really had a voice as a tenant, it was fantastic that we now had a say in the housing process and it is something that I have been a big advocate of ever since.

I’ve always been a tenant of some sort and have pretty much seen & heard it all before While the housing story is changing again, I’m pleased to hear that tenant involvement is still a priority for the Council and you can read more about how this will continue, as well as the transfer process as a whole, over the following pages. I’m also pleased that I’ve kept my job as Tenant Editor (for now) and look forward to many more columns in these pages.

David Smith In Touch Tenant Editor | 3

Council bring back Housing Services

Council Housing in Bassetlaw is now being provided by Bassetlaw District Council after all services were transferred back from A1 Housing at the beginning of October.

“We will now focus on ensuring that there continues to be a smooth transfer and that tenants see real benefits with investment into repairs, estate improvements and housing support.

A consultation with tenants and leaseholders revealed that 60% of respondents supported the proposal to take A1 Housing back in house. The decision was then made by Councillors at an extra-ordinary meeting on 2nd August 2018.

“A1 Housing has done a great job over the last 14 years, in addition to improving tenant’s homes through the Government’s Decent Homes programme. However, since 2012, nearly half of all Council owned housing companies, such as ALMOs, have returned to Council control and the situation in Bassetlaw is a reflection of what is happening across the Country.”

The move is expected to generate savings of around £335,000 a year and enable more money to be invested in the services that matter most to tenants, such as repairs and estate improvements. Cllr Steve Scotthorne, Cabinet Member for Housing, said: “I’m grateful to all the tenants and leaseholders who took time to participate in the consultation. It was clear that there was overwhelming support for housing to come back under Council control.

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Tenancies are already held by the Council so residents will not need to do anything differently and will still receive all the services they currently have access to. These changes will not affect Tenancy Agreements or tenant’s and leaseholder’s rights and responsibilities. In addition, Council rents will continue to be set in accordance with Council Policy and National Legislation.

Tenants have their say The decision to return all Housing services back to the Council was taken following a comprehensive consultation with tenants and leaseholders. This was conducted by the independent research organisation, Ipsos MORI between 1st March and 25th July 2018.

Tenants were also asked: Which services tenants believe need to be improved? This would help the Council to prioritise additional investment from the estimated £335,000 in savings a year that could be generated by bringing the management of Housing services back.

Every A1 Housing tenant and leaseholder was sent a questionnaire which asked a series of questions on the transfer of services, gave them the opportunity to provide a comment on their views and asked which services need to be improved.

Some of the top answers are as follows with 55% of tenants believing that Repairs and Maintenance was the most important area for improvement. This was followed by Dealing with Anti-Social Behaviour (30%), the Overall quality of your home (29%), Value for money for your rent (29%), Your neighbourhood as a place to live (23%) and Listening to resident views and acting on them (23%).

Of the 8,572 questionnaires that were sent out, Ipsos Mori received 2,458 responses, which represents a 29% return rate. Tenants were asked: “Bassetlaw District Council is proposing to change the way its housing management services are delivered. This would mean that A1 Housing Bassetlaw Limited would be taken back in house and that your housing services would be provided directly by Bassetlaw District Council from 1 October 2018. Do you support or oppose this proposed change to the way that your housing management services are provided?” A total of 1,486 people supported this proposal and the full results of this question are set out in the table below: Decision

No. of People



Neither support or oppose




Don’t know


Not stated




Repairs and maintenance

55% 50

Quality of your home


Quality of your neighbourhood


Anti-social behaviour


Overall value for money


Listening & acting on your views


tel: 0800 590 542 | 5

A close eye on housing Hello, if you don’t know me already, I’d like to introduce myself. My name’s Steve and I am the Cabinet Member for Housing at Bassetlaw District Council. I was elected as a Councillor in May 2015 as the Ward Member for Carlton and took up the role of Cabinet Member for Housing later that year. I am also a Parish Councillor for Carlton-in-Lindrick.

I look at the many different aspects of housing that the Council is responsible for Cllr Steve Scotthorne, Cabinet Member for Housing

On a personal note, I am a local lad. I was born in Creswell and have lived in Costhorpe for the last 30 years with my wife and two kids, who have now grown up and moved out. My day job is being a Youth Worker and I love the community spirit we have in Bassetlaw. Being a councillor and a youth worker allows me to get around the district, meet new people and talk to them about any issues they may have. I am also a Sheffield

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Wednesday fan and can be found most weekends on the Kop at Hillsborough. On a professional level, I became Cabinet Member for Housing in November 2015 and as part of this role I look at the many different aspects of Housing that Bassetlaw District Council is responsible for. Just one of these elements is social housing and having sat on the A1 Housing Board for the last three years, I have seen first-hand the importance of good quality Council Housing and how vital it is that we are able to provide affordable housing to Bassetlaw residents. As a tenant, you will be aware of the changes that are currently taking place, but I can assure you that this is a positive move for everyone and we will continue to work hard to ensure that our housing services are second to none. On the opposite page I have answered a few of the questions that you have about the transfer of services. I also look forward to writing a regular column in this newsletter and getting to know you all a little better. Until next time.... Cllr Steve Scotthorne Cabinet Member for Housing

Your Questions Answered We gave tenants the opportunity to ask a question about the transfer of services via the A1 Housing Facebook page and put these questions to Cllr Steve Scotthorne. This is what he said.

were managed by A1 Housing and will continue to administer Right to Buy applications, should tenants meet the required criteria to purchase their home.

Sam asked: What will the main changes be?

SS: The process of applying for a Council house will not change and the allocations policy that was previously approved by Councillors is still in place.

SS: Initially tenants should see no real difference in how their tenancies are managed, how they pay their rent and how you report repairs. The main differences will be staff wearing different uniforms and the Housing Repairs vans being rebranded, as well as changes to the website and social media. The majority of changes will affect how the Housing service is managed and how some areas will share services, as has previously happened with other areas of the Council. We will also look to make as many savings as possible and reinvest these back into the areas that tenants have prioritised. Can we still make Right to Buy applications? SS: The Right to Buy process will remain the same. The Council have always owned the properties that

Will there be changes to Homefinder?

Craig asked about parking problems on his estate. SS: In the last 12 months we have addressed parking issues in Prospect and Kilton by creating additional parking spaces and driveways for tenants. While I can’t comment on any specific areas, we will continue to look at all estate improvements everywhere. Robert asked: Is the service going to get any better? SS: Be it under the previous guise of A1 Housing or the Council, we always strive to give our residents the best possible service and are always looking at ways that we can improve. If you would like to help drive our improvements and have your say, why not join the new Bassetlaw District Council Tenant’s Forum.

What do I need to know! Talk to us

Get social

Please continue to report your Housing repairs to 0800 590 542. You can also use this number for all your Housing related enquiries and to contact your Housing Officer.

We still have a Facebook Page, please search for BassetlawDChousing to keep up to date with the latest housing information or to engage with us.

If you have a problem with your gas boiler or gas appliances, please contact Sure Maintenance on 0800 083 3743.

Visit us online You can no longer access the A1 Housing website, but all of the housing information you need can now be found on Bassetlaw District Council’s website

Be engaging The Council will continue to consult with tenants and has created the Bassetlaw District Council Tenants Forum to hear your views. The forum will meet on a quarterly basis and membership is open to all Council tenants. Please contact Anita Fairweather, Tenant Engagement Officer, for more information via 0800 590 542 or through our Facebook page. | 7

Home from home for hospital leavers Bassetlaw District Council is providing better housing services to its residents and easing the pressure on the NHS and Adult Social Care with new accommodation. Thanks to the Better Care Fund – a funding programme that spans the NHS and Local Government to assist with housing and health initiatives – the Council has been able to buy two bungalows.

These properties are a vital addition and will really make a difference to people’s lives Cllr Steve Scotthorne, Cabinet Member for Housing

It’s the first time this type of accommodation has ever been offered by the Council and will allow us to provide a temporary home for people who cannot leave hospital until their own home has been adapted, or until a permanent housing solution has been found. The bungalows will also provide short-term accommodation for vulnerable residents who have previously found it difficult to sustain a tenancy. These residents will be supported until they have the life skills to move on to secure rented accommodation.

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Cllr Steve Scotthorne, Cabinet Member for Housing, said: “These properties are a vital addition by the Council’s Housing Needs Team and will really make a difference to people’s lives. It also helps to provide a more joined up service between the NHS and Adult Social Care as part of the new Accountable Care Partnership.” “By providing temporary accommodation like this, we can help to free up more hospital beds and get residents home a lot quicker than they may previously have been able to, and help to improve their quality of life with the new adaptations they may need to live in their own homes for longer. “The properties will also allow us and Adult Social Care to provide essential support to vulnerable individuals and families who have previously found it difficult to sustain a tenancy, by providing them with the necessary financial, social and practical skills.” The properties are managed independently of the Council’s own stock, via the Housing Needs Team. This will ensure the accommodation is made available to the most vulnerable applicants, based on their level of health requirements.

Community Awards 2019 Community-spirited and kind-hearted tenants are what help to make our towns and villages a great place to live. So each year we like to recognise and celebrate the actions of individuals who go the extra mile to help their neighbours and their community. Our Community Awards have become a highlight of the year and we are beginning our search to find our tenant champions of 2019 by asking for your nominations in the following categories:

• Community Champion • Good Neighbour • Tenants’ Champion If you know of a fellow tenant who always goes the extra mile, why not nominate them? You can do this by calling 0800 590 542 or by sending an email to our Tenant Engagement Officer

HomeSwapper Bassetlaw tenants are now able to use the HomeSwapper online mutual exchange service should they wish to exchange homes with fellow social housing tenants. HomeSwapper is the UK’s largest community of social housing tenants looking for a house swap. It is a quick and easy way of finding both local and national moves with 500,000 social tenants currently already on HomeSwapper. HomeSwapper makes it easier for tenants to move and will address the over reliance on the Housing Register as a way of finding alternative accommodation. Bassetlaw Council tenants are able to sign up for the service free of charge and you can register at or speak with your Housing Officer for more information.

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Grotty flat taken back The Council has taken back possession of a flat in Lowtown after the tenant had filled it with more than four tonnes of rubbish. The pictures above show the extent of the rubbish and discarded belongings that had built up in the threebed flat over a number of years, to the extent that the floors in some rooms were not visible and piles of rubbish had even reached the ceiling. It took almost three days to clear the rubbish, which was estimated to be in the region of four tonnes and included rotten food, household waste, cigarette butts, clothes and newspapers.

However, just three months after being cleared, an inspection of the property revealed that the tenant had started to accumulate waste again, in addition to the Fire and Rescue Service declaring the property to be a high fire risk due to unsafe smoking habits and the tenant dropping cigarette butts on the floor. Cllr Steve Scotthorne, Cabinet Member for Housing, said: “Housing Officers had repeatedly tried to help this tenant and on each occasion they had promised to keep the flat clean. In the end the tenant refused to abide by her tenancy conditions and the Council was left with no option but to apply to the courts to take possession of the property.”

A fresh approach to ASB A unique and fresh approach to tenancy management has been trialled by the Council’s Anti-Social Behaviour Team to curb the behaviour of a problem tenant.

However, the ASB Team was able to ‘Close’ the property to everyone but the tenant and a number of family members to prevent revellers from turning up at the address.

Neighbours had complained to the Council about regular, rowdy and drink-fuelled parties at the property and, because the Council wanted to tackle the problem without evicting the tenant, the ASB Team had to take a different approach.

Using this approach also meant that the tenant was able to access professional services to help with additional issues in their own home without the extra complications of being made homeless.

Normally, in situations similar to these, a Closure Notice is used to keep the tenant and visitors from entering the property for up to three months.

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A couple of months later, this new approach to create sustainable tenancies as well as sustainable communities appears to be working and no further complaints have been received.

Persistent offender jailed An 84-year-old man was sent to prison for repeatedly breaching an Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction that was put in place to protect elderly residents in Worksop. William Hartley, of Vickers Walk, Worksop, had already received a three-month suspended custodial sentence in March 2018 for breaching the Injunction more than 20 times. Due to further breaches between April and July, the suspended sentence was activated by District Judge Mason at Nottingham County Court on 17th July. Hartley was also handed an additional three-month sentence, which ran concurrently. Bassetlaw District Council had originally applied for the Injunction in December 2017, which banned the pensioner from an area of Worksop, after he had been harassing a number of residents, some of them extremely vulnerable, by banging on doors and windows, shouting abuse and intimidating them up to six times a day. Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods at Bassetlaw District Council, said: “It was made clear to Mr Hartley that should he not change his behaviour he would be sent to prison, no matter what his age. Despite the severest of warnings Mr Hartley continued to ignore the conditions of his Injunction and further harass vulnerable individuals for reasons only known to Mr Hartley. “His actions have caused extreme anguish and worry to the residents he has targeted and we support the Judge’s ruling in this case. I am pleased that this sentence now protects the vulnerable residents and hope that this serves as a catalyst for Mr Hartley to change his ways.” Mr Hartley is banned from visiting two separate areas of Worksop and causing nuisance or annoyance to two individuals. This includes but is not limited to: shouting, swearing, violence or threats of violence. The Injunction will remain in place until 12noon on 8th March 2019.

ASB round-up Since July, the ASB Team has taken the following action: • 8 Community Protection Warning Letters and Notices have been issued to individuals whose behaviour has had an adverse impact on a community. • 6 Formal Housing Notices have been issued. This is the first step in taking back a property and evicting a tenant. • 5 Behaviour related Civil Injunctions have been issued. • 2 Possession Orders (one with a Warrant) have been issued in relation to ASB. • 2 Fixed Penalty Notices have been issued in relation to ASB. • 1 Closure Notice has been enforced. | 11

Find your Tenant Voice We’re on the lookout for people who would like to be the voice of their fellow tenants and make sure that the issues that matter most to you are getting through to us.

It can be an extremely rewarding position and if you would like to become a Tenant Voice, please contact our Tenant Engagement Officer, Anita Fairweather on 0800 590 542.

In communities where there are no Tenants and Residents Associations, it is important that the voices of tenants are still heard. That’s why we have volunteers in many areas who represent their community with support from the Council’s Housing Service.

Tenant Voices in the Worksop & Retford Areas

These ‘Tenant Voices’ speak with the Council and other tenant representatives and can help you with any tenancy or estate-related issues. They can also help to put you in touch with the right people should it not be an issue that we can deal with directly.

Manton & The Mews • Helen Woodhead - 01909 282 496 • Graham Bacon - 07403 739 094 Prospect • Barbara Hopkinson - 01909 532 192 Conway Gardens • Mr & Mrs Constable - 01777 470 556 Westmorland House • Brenda Eccles & Wendy Lavin - 01302 744 055

Get involved with your TRA If you’re new to one of our areas, looking to make some new friends or would like to get more involved with your community, then why not contact your local Tenants and Residents Association? You’ll find there’s plenty going on and all the TRAs are ready to welcome new members - some TRAs also have vacancies on their committees if you have some free time and would like to take on a more formal role.

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They also speak regularly with the Council and may be able to resolve any issues you have. Worksop Area • Balmoral - 01909 475 671 Retford Areas • Ordsall - 01777 709 552 • Hallcroft - 01777 708 288 • Tuxford - 01777 871 792 • Mattersey Thorpe - 07850 291 732 • Harworth & Bircotes - 01302 746 393

No more parking problems Parking problems on Queensway in Kilton will be a thing of the past thanks to driveways that have been created for a number of elderly residents. With no dedicated parking on the small and narrow cul-de-sac just off Queensway, it meant that any visitors such as family, friends and carers, as well as resident’s own vehicles, had to park on the busy main road. Eric Wells, a tenant there said: “There have always been problems with cars parking everywhere and it made life a bit difficult for people, especially my neighbours who rely on support from carers or family. “It’s marvellous now. I can park on my own drive and I know that it’ll also help to ease parking problems for the majority of people on Queensway.”

New play park A new play area for young children is being created in Harworth, which will add the finishing touch to the Council’s latest housing development. Children and parents will be able to test out some of the play equipment pictured above when the park, on the corner of Amanda Road and Thompson Avenue, opens at the end of November. The play park is the final piece of development following the creation of 79 new homes just off Amanda Road.

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Stay gas safe with annual inspections If you have a gas boiler or appliances in your home that use gas, these will need to be inspected every 12 months as part of our annual gas safety visits. It is extremely important to have a gas safety inspection and service every year, not only to ensure that everything is working safely, but also to make sure that appliances are working as efficiently as possible and saving you money. As your landlord, the law says we must carry out these inspections. Sure Maintenance do this on our behalf and they will send you an appointment each year. If this first appointment is not convenient, you can contact Sure Maintenance and arrange an appointment on a day of your choosing. We also offer evening appointments between April and September (during daylight hours) and on weekends.

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We are also in the process of rearranging the majority of annual gas safety inspections to take place between April and October. This will enable us to be more responsive to boiler repairs in the winter months, when you are most likely to need urgent repairs. This will also allow us to carry out your gas safety inspection on the same date every year. As a result of these changes, some tenants may receive two appointments close together. This is to ensure that your gas safety inspection in 2019 is carried out within a 12-month period. Please ensure that you keep any appointments that are arranged with Sure Maintenance and should you need to contact them, call 0800 083 3743.

Funding helps tenants stay warmer this winter More than 100 Council tenants in the Bracebridge area of Worksop will have access to natural gas mains for the first time thanks to £180k of funding from gas network Cadent, in partnership with Affordable Warmth Solutions (AWS). Properties in this area, which are a mixture of one and two-bedroomed bungalows, are heated by a combination of solid and oil fuelled, electric storage, and ground source heating. However, some Council tenants have already been connected up to the new natural gas mains and now have gas fired Combi Boilers installed in their homes. Bracebridge tenant, Mrs Jean Hall, said: “I think it’s brilliant. I had my new boiler installed in July and it’s much better than the old ground source heating. Because it was so cold last winter, the ground source heater struggled to keep the house warm and comfortable - now I can just get hot water and heating whenever I need. It sounds so simple, but it’s going to make my life a lot more comfortable this winter and might even make the bills a bit cheaper.” Andrew Steen, Heating, Mechanical and Electrical Manager for Bassetlaw District Council, said: “We

consulted with tenants before applying for the funding and there was a clear need for a major upgrade of existing heating installations. Through this funding, we are pleased to offer tenants the opportunity to have natural gas fuelled central heating installed in their homes at no cost to themselves, and replace their existing heating supply, should they wish.”

It sounds so simple, but it’s going to make my life a lot more comfortable this winter Jean Hall, Bracebridge Tenant

Jeremy Nesbitt, Managing Director at Affordable Warmth Solutions, who administer the project and work in partnership with Cadent Gas said: “This project shows the importance of true partnership working and how obstacles can be overcome. The works have enabled tenants to benefit from a heating system that they can afford to use and is easy to control.” If you are a Council tenant and live on Bracebridge Avenue, Bracebridge or High Hoe Road and would like to take advantage of this scheme, please contact Shaun Fores on 0800 590 542. | 15

Councillors ‘court’ Priory development Councillors and Housing staff from Bassetlaw District Council have been impressed by the progress being made at Priory Court - a state of the art Independent Living Centre that is currently being built in Worksop. In August, councillors and staff were given a guided tour of the new accommodation, which is being built by Woodhead Living on the site of the former Abbey Grove Sheltered Scheme. The centre is expected to welcome its new residents in late 2019 with a total of 52 modern apartments that will cater exclusively for elderly residents, with the addition of ‘Extra Care’ support. Cllr Josie Potts, Bassetlaw District Council’s Ward Member for Worksop South East was thrilled with the progress of the new accommodation in her constituency and said: “This is a fantastic addition to our community and will give the older generation of residents a modern and friendly place to live. It also looks like it will be a fantastic looking building and will really help to lift the area.”

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The former Abbey Grove building was demolished in autumn 2017 and Sam Bunting, Supported Housing Manager added: “I helped to move people out of Abbey Grove into our other Independent Living Centres in Bassetlaw and really enjoyed helping the former residents settle into their new homes. As Supported Housing Manager it’s great that I’ll be able to welcome lots of new residents to Priory Court, and maybe a few old ones too.”

This is a fantastic addition to our community and will really help to lift the area Cllr Josie Potts, Ward Member for Worksop South East

The project is being spearheaded by Bassetlaw District Council with funding provided by Homes England and Nottinghamshire County Council, who will provide ‘Extra Care’ services to 37 future residents. You can also watch a short video about how Priory Court is being built by visiting Woodhead Living’s YouTube page.

Council Tax boost for Care Leavers Young people leaving care in Bassetlaw have received help with Council Tax following a new scheme that was approved by the Council’s Cabinet. Under the ‘Care Leavers Council Tax Local Discount Scheme’, care leavers will be exempt from paying Council Tax until their 25th birthday or until the care leaver ceases to be liable for the Council Tax. Councillor Kevin Dukes, Cabinet Member for Cooperatives and Corporate Services at Bassetlaw District Council said: “Looked after children and care leavers are amongst the most vulnerable groups in society. They tend to leave home at a younger age and are often living independently by the time they are 18. “Reports by the Children’s Society and others have shown that Care Leavers have struggled with budgeting on exiting the Care System. By exempting

Council Tax, we are removing one of the pressures they face and helping support their transition to independent living and adulthood.” Nationally, care leavers have consistently reported they weren’t prepared for the realities of living independently, particularly in relation to budgeting. This was just one of the recommendations contained in a report by The Children’s Society; “The Wolf at the Door: How council tax debt collection is harming children”.

Have your say on CTR scheme Bassetlaw residents have until 19th October to have their say on the District Council’s options for the 2019/20 Council Tax Reduction (CTR) scheme.

has reduced Bassetlaw’s Revenue Support Grant - the amount of funding it gives to Councils - with the aim of removing this grant by 2020.

Formerly known as Council Tax Benefit, CTR is a means tested scheme to help people in financial need to pay their Council Tax. CTR was last reviewed in September 2016 and led to the Council providing a 90% reduction in Council Tax for eligible claimants, meaning that only the remaining 10% was payable.

Cllr Kevin Dukes, Cabinet Member for Cooperatives and Corporate Services said: “Our Council Tax Reduction scheme has to be both affordable and fair, and as we deal with further reductions in Government funding, we need to review the scheme to deliver these aims. I urge everybody to have their say by taking part in the consultation.”

The 2019/20 Bassetlaw scheme is estimated to cost approximately £7.8m, which will be made up of funding from the Government and Council Tax receipts. However, since 2013 the Government

You can be part of the consultation by visiting or by requesting a hard copy from the Council Offices in Worksop or Retford before 19th October.

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New powers to target irresponsible owners Bassetlaw District Council is targeting irresponsible dog owners who don’t clean up after their pets as part of new Public Space Protection Orders. Dog owners in Bassetlaw now have to prove that they intend to clean up after their pet if challenged by enforcement officers by producing some form of poo bag, or face being issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice of up to £100 should they be unable to produce one. Councillors approved a number of revised dog control orders, that deal with dog related anti-social behaviour, at the June meeting of Full Council, following a consultation that ran throughout March and April this year. Councillor Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods said: “Bassetlaw residents are fed up with the amount of dog poo that is left on our streets and in our open spaces. The message is clear, pick up after your dog or face being fined or prosecuted. “Over the last three years, the Council has been able to use these powers to spell out in no uncertain terms what the Council, residents and the law expects of responsible dog owners when exercising their pet. “An overwhelming majority of people who completed the survey felt that these powers will help to reduce the amount of dog fouling in Bassetlaw.

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“The new order means that dog owners must carry poo bags when walking their dog. This approach has been successfully adopted by other local authorities in the UK and 82% of people who completed our consultation thought that it was appropriate to introduce this new power.” PSPOs last for a maximum period of three years and Bassetlaw’s original orders were introduced in 2015. These powers require dog owners in Bassetlaw to: • Pick up their dog’s faeces on any land to which the public have access. • Keep their dogs on leads in specified burial grounds, cemeteries and churchyards. • Keep their dogs from entering into specified fenced children’s play areas. • A person in charge of a dog on any land open to the public must be able to demonstrate to an enforcement officer that they have a suitable bag in their possession for cleaning up dog faeces. Under the current Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act, an offence under the proposed Public Space Protection Order will be liable for a fine of up to £1,000 or a fixed penalty notice of £100.

Check your dog’s chip Thousands of pet owners risk losing their much loved pets by not updating their dog’s microchip details, according to research conducted by Battersea Dogs Home. Microchipping your dog became compulsory in 2016 and since then Bassetlaw District Council has been working with Dogs Trust to provide FREE microchipping sessions. Research by Battersea has revealed that only 1 in 3 strays were correctly microchipped with accurate details registered to the chipping database. As a result, dog owners in Bassetlaw are being urged to check and update the details registered on the microchip database. Check with your provider for more details of how to do this.

Let’s recycle right If you are passionate about recycling, but not always sure what items to put in your Blue Bin, the list below tells you exactly what items you should be recycling. It’s extremely important that only items that can be recycled go in the Blue Bin as just one contaminated bin could lead to a lorry-load of waste being sent for incineration, rather than being recycled. Also, please remember to take all the lids off plastic bottles and put these in your waste bin and wash any food from items such as tins, yoghurt pots and margarine tubs.

Please only put these items in your Blue Bin: ✓ Aerosol cans ✓ Cans (drinks & food) ✓ Cardboard ✓ Catalogues ✓ Cereal boxes ✓ Egg boxes ✓ Envelopes ✓ Plastic bottles ✓ Telephone directories ✓ Yoghurt pots ✓ Greeting cards ✓ Junk mail ✓ Magazines ✓ Margarine tubs ✓ Milk bottles (plastic) ✓ Newspapers ✓ Shampoo bottles ✓ Wrapping paper ✓ Yellow pages

Finally, please DO NOT put takeaway pizza boxes in your Blue Bin. | 19

Still time to recycle your Garden Waste There are still a couple of months left of Bassetlaw Council’s Garden Waste collections for this season, but you will be able to sign up for a full season of collections in 2019 from the end of November. Almost 8,000 people signed up for collections during the 2018 season and despite a delayed start to the season due to snow, as well as one of the hottest summers on record, more than 2,000 tonnes of garden waste has already been recycled. Collections for the 2018 season have also been extended until the week commencing 3rd December if you live in East Bassetlaw (Retford area) and the week commencing 10th December if you live in West Bassetlaw (Worksop area). Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods at Bassetlaw District Council, said: “Despite one of the coldest winters and hottest summers on record,

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our Garden Waste Collection Service has gone from strength to strength this year. “This has helped Bassetlaw residents to recycle even more of their waste and we hope that reseidents are pleased with the service they have received.” The 2019 season service will run from the beginning of March to the end of November and will remain at just £30 per season (per bin). This fee includes the use of a 240 litre wheelie bin (for new or additional subscriptions) in which you’ll be able to place grass cuttings, hedge trimmings, leaves, small branches and twigs, dead plants, weeds and cut flowers. For more details or to sign up for the 2019 season of collections, please visit or call 01909 533 533, say Environment Services and press 1 for Garden Waste Collection.

Prices dropped for bulky collections The cost of getting rid of your bulky items through the Council has been reduced in a bid to encourage even more people to use the service. Around 3,900 people used Bassetlaw Council’s Bulky Waste Collection service during 2017/18 to get rid of unwanted items like old sofas, wardrobes, mattresses and fridges and freezers.

We hope this will encourage residents to dispose of unwated items responsibly Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods

While the price of collecting a single bulky item will remain at £12.50, the revised costs for additional items has been reduced to £9, providing potential savings of up to £28 for multiple items.

Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods at Bassetlaw District Council, said: “We hope that by reducing the cost of collections, this will encourage residents to dispose of their unwanted items responsibly, rather than use private companies, some of whom may potentially be operating illegally and be responsible for fly-tipping.” “By using the Council’s service you can book your appointment online, have the items collected from your door and also have the peace of mind that the items will be recycled where possible.” In addition to the amended prices, you can also arrange for a one-off collection of a contaminated bin, an additional household waste bin, or up to six refuse sacks of household waste for £12.50. For more information or to book your collection, visit

tel: 0800 590 542 | 21

Bassetlaw parks to fly the Green Flag

Two of Bassetlaw’s outstanding parks have again been recognised by the Green Flag Award Scheme as two of the very best in the world. Kings’ Park in Retford and The Canch in Worksop are among a record-breaking 1,883 UK parks and green spaces that have received a prestigious Green Flag Award - the mark of a quality park or green space. This international award, now into its third decade, is a sign to the public that Bassetlaw’s parks boast the highest possible environmental standards, are beautifully maintained and have excellent visitor facilities. Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods at Bassetlaw District Council, said: “We are absolutely delighted to again receive Green Flag Awards for both Kings’ Park and The Canch. Our parks have fantastic facilities for all ages including modern splashpools, multi-use games areas, playgrounds, open spaces and beautifully maintained gardens. “Each year we get lots of complements for our parks, so we know how much quality green spaces matter

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to residents and visitors. These awards celebrate the dedication that goes into maintaining our parks to such a high standard, and it is testament to the hard work of our Parks and Open Spaces team, along with our Grounds Maintenance staff and our civic partners.”

We are absolutely delighted to receive Green Flag awards for Kings’ Park and The Canch Cllr Julie Leigh, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods

Kings’ Park is celebrating over a decade of world class standards after receiving its 11th successive Green Flag, while The Canch has achieved Green Flag status for the fifth year running. International Green Flag Award scheme manager Paul Todd said: “We are delighted to be celebrating another record-breaking year for the Green Flag Award scheme. Each flag honours the thousands of staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to maintain the high standards demanded by the Green Flag Award.”

Competitions If you can solve our word links, you could win a £20 Love2Shop voucher. Can you find the missing word that links to both of the others? We’ve done the first one for you.




















Kids Club If you can solve our Kids Club puzzle, you could win a £20 Love2Shop voucher and a goody bag. Once you have circled all the answers, tell us your name, age, where you live and a phone number. Then, follow the instructions at the bottom of the page.

Spot the Difference Can you spot all 10 differences between the two cafes?



Where you live: Fill in your details and follow the entry instructions:


Name: Address: Telephone:

Winners Congratulations to Edward Heaton from Retford and Caitlin Squire from Worksop who were our lucky winners from Issue 43.

Please send all competition entries to: Customer Services, Carlton Forest House, Hundred Acre Lane, Worksop, Notts S81 0TS Or email a photo or scan of the entry to: Closing date for all entries is 1st March 2019. Bassetlaw District Council will not store your personal data supplied as part of any competition entry and will only use it for the purpose of determining a competition winner. Once a winner has been drawn, all data will be deleted. | 23

Contact us 0800 590 542 Text us on 07860 021 511 Find us on Facebook - BassetlawDCHousing Twitter @BassetlawDC Visit us at: Retford Office 17B The Square, Retford, DN22 6DB Worksop Office Queen’s Buildings, Potter Street, Worksop, S80 2AH Carlton Forest House Hundred Acre Lane, Worksop, S81 0TS All offices are open: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm

If you need any help communicating with us or understanding any of our documents, please contact us on 0800 590 542.

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