Job Evaluation - Frequently Asked Questions

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November 2018

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1 My job has changed because of the service review. Will my job be re- evaluated?

If the changes are significant, your job will be re-evaluated. You will be invited to participate either by filling in a job questionnaire or by attending a meeting with your manager and job analysts.


If my job has changed and I am invited to complete a questionnaire, can I use my previous one and update it?

Yes. You will need to ensure you include any new requirements, and take out any information that is no longer relevant. You will need to get it signed off again by your manager as accurate.


Is the job questionnaire available electronically?

Yes, it is available on the staff portal under “pay and grading review”.


Why have I been invited to a panel meeting, and not asked to complete a job questionnaire?

Where the job is new or has only recently changed, and it has been occupied for less than six months, we recognise it would be difficult for an employee or their manager to complete the job questionnaire. Instead, the employee and manager will be invited to meet with a panel of two analysts to provide information about their job.


What if I am invited to a panel meeting, but I feel as though I could complete the questionnaire instead. Can I do this?

The questionnaire will be available on the staff portal, so if an employee wants to use it to prepare for the panel meeting, they can do so. In that case they will be asked to give the questionnaire to the analysts to help with the evaluation process.


The person specification for my job gives the entry-level qualifications, but my job needs a lot of “on the job” training. How does the Scheme allow for this?

The ‘knowledge’ factor looks at a range of information to score each job. This includes knowledge of legislation, policies and procedures, knowledge of how to operate machinery, etc, as well as the qualifications required.


If people are off sick at present, what happens to the evaluation?

If someone is not well enough to participate in the evaluation process, then depending on the circumstances and likely return date, they may be given a short extension to the timescale. Alternatively, their line manager will be asked to describe the job, which will then be signed off by their own line manager.


Why does my manager have to sign my job questionnaire?

Your manager has a responsibility to ensure that your job is represented correctly in the job evaluation process.


I understand that the Council is using the NJC National Job Evaluation Scheme, but does that mean the same jobs in different authorities will receive the same scores?

No. Each authority is free to organise and structure itself as it sees fit. This means that, even if jobs have the same job title across different authorities, the duties may differ. The scores for Bassetlaw District Council only apply to this Council.


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How can you compare jobs, when they are all so different?

The Scheme does not compare jobs, it rates each job according to the 13 factors. This then determines which jobs are “equivalent”. This is not done by comparing one job against another, but by applying the factors to determine what is the correct level (and score) for each factor for your job.


How do you score two jobs that are the same except for management?

If one job has management responsibility then it is likely to score higher on some of the factors, even if they work in the same specialist area. For example, the manager will score under responsibility for supervision.


If two very similar jobs are evaluated and the jobs come out with different scores, how will this be managed?

If jobs which appear similar score differently, this is because of differences between the two jobs. If the people in the jobs feel this is unfair they will be able to appeal.

13 What happens if I don’t fill in a questionnaire?

If you are asked to fill in a questionnaire it is best to do this as this provides valuable information about your job. If no questionnaire is received for your job, then the evaluation will rely on a range of other information about your job.

14 Are all jobs within the Council being evaluated?

All jobs covered by the Green Book are evaluated under the NJC scheme. This excludes Chief Officers, who are on different terms and conditions of employment. They have been the subject of a different job evaluation exercise. Craftworker jobs (previously within A1 Housing) are covered by the Red Book, and UNISON and UNITE who represent those staff are currently determining whether these jobs should be included in the pay and grading exercise.

15 Why did the union get involved in job evaluation?

Job evaluation is a major priority for the trade unions at a national level. It was the national trade unions who pushed for equal pay reviews, and this led to the National Pay Agreement of 2004. It is therefore very important that the trade unions are involved in ensuring that the process adopted by the Council is a fair one, and in helping to shape the process.

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How can you tell the value of a job?

Each job has a rating, ie a job score, for each of the 13 factors and this adds up to give a total job score.


What about someone who has two contracts of employment?

If you have two different jobs, then each job will be evaluated separately.


I am on secondment from my substantive You will represent your substantive job. If you are post. Which job will I represent? in a job group, you will need to agree as a group who will represent the job. If there is no-one else in the seconded job, you or the manager may be asked to represent it.


I am in a job group. Will I be allowed time Where possible this will be allowed, and you away from my job to discuss filling in the should discuss this with your manager and agree questionnaire with my colleagues? when you can take time away from your job.


There is a lot of pressure on a job group representative to represent the rest of the group. What support is available to them?


Why are terms and conditions, like It is important that all pay-related conditions are mileage rates, being considered as part of considered as part of the equal pay review, to review of pay? make sure they are applied fairly. It also gives the Council the opportunity to review and modernise terms and conditions.


Are other authorities’ scores and salaries looked at and taken into account?

Scores within other authorities are not relevant to those of Bassetlaw District Council. The requirement is to ensure equal pay within Bassetlaw District Council, regardless of what other authorities pay.


Will we use the same pay scales for our points as other authorities?

No, we will determine a pay policy that suits Bassetlaw District Council.


When the union ballots its members, what This is a matter for the trade unions to decide at happens if they vote against it? the time. However, it is expected that the union will discuss this with management.


When it comes to the ballot on whether or No. The ballot is organised by the union who not to accept the pay scales, will non- seek to represent the views of their members. union members have a vote as well as the union members?


The representative will be given reasonable time to consult with others in the job group (by prior agreement with their manager). In addition, they can get information and support from HR and trade union colleagues.

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