Diplomacy in Denmark Do’s and don’t’s in diplomatic relations in Denmark By Bastian A. L. Friborg
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© Bastian Friborg Consulting All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher, addressed “Attention: Permissions Coordinator,” at the address below.
Bastian Friborg Prinsessegade 75A, 5, tv Copenhagen K, 1422 www.bastianfriborgconsulting.com
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This book is dedicated to my two children, Alicia and Michael, who have met the Corona-crisis challenges with patience and understanding. Thank you!
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aving participated in several di erent kinds of diplomacy and worked with diplomacy from several di erent angles over the years, I have noticed some issues that I hope to alleviate with this book. I intend to make it accessible for both diplomats and expats already in Denmark and diplomats and expats who are going to stay in Denmark. When making a long-term commitment to stay in a new country, it is essential to know as much about it as possible and how best to approach the new environment. Although this book focuses on diplomacy, many of the issues I address are also applicable to the business world. I build this book on my own experiences, the Danish professor Martin Marcussen's research from the University of Copenhagen, and cultural research ndings from Hofstede Insights. This book also builds upon several articles and blog posts that I have authored during my time as a researcher. I will start by giving some insights into Danish culture and then describe the diplomatic scene in Denmark, who the actors are, and where to nd them. Then I will move on to a more hands-on approach and illustrate how diplomats could approach the di erent sectors they will be contacting. Each section will contain a list of do and don'ts. I will end the book with a short section on working as a diplomat in Denmark during the COVID 19 crisis.
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Foreword .....................................................................5 Chapter 1: About Denmark .......................................8 Chapter 2: What is diplomacy and why interest representation? ............................................................12 Chapter 3: Understanding Denmark .....................18 Chapter 4: How diplomats can work in Denmark 35 Chapter 5: Diplomacy in the time of Corona .......46 Afterwords .................................................................48 Bibliography..............................................................48 Appendix ...................................................................51 About the author ......................................................60 Acknowledgement ...................................................60
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Chapter 1: About Denmark
s a Nordic country, Denmark is culturally similar to Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Iceland. However, there are di erences between the countries, some of which will be discussed in this book. Denmark is a small nation with a population of about 5.7 million people. The culture is known for low inequality and a at hierarchy at the workplace. Danes do not lead; they coach. Therefore, they expect and require autonomy. Denmark is the country with the highest employee autonomy in the EU. The egalitarian mindset is historically derived from Protestantism, which focuses on independence and equal rights in society. Management is expected to facilitate and empower the employees, which happens through decentralization and trust in their team members' experiences. The at hierarchy and strong focus on independence also result in direct and informal communication, e.g., working on a rst-name basis. Employees also expect to be consulted before signi cant changes happen at their workplace; this often goes through the local Union representative (Hofstede Insights, 2017). The independence in the workplace re ects a highly individualistic society with a loosely-knit social framework. People are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate families only. The high level of independence also makes it relatively easy to start a business and start doing business with the Danes. Danish businessmen/-women generally want to get to the point of business sooner rather than later. Hence, keep small talk to a minimum – this is
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especially true when the relationship is still new. Small talk is an accepted and encouraged way to establish connections (Hofstede Insights, 2017). Danish society and workplaces value the work-life balance and include everyone in signi cant decisions and social activities. This can be seen in the extensive welfare system and strong unions that ensure fair wages and bene ts to most employees in Denmark. Around 70 80 percent of the workforce is unionized, making Unions strong in the political landscape. Managers strive to ensure consensus and equality, solidarity and quality in the work-lives of the employees. Typically, con icts get resolved through compromise and negotiation. Danes can discuss for a long time to reach a consensus or compromise (Hofstede Insights, 2017). Danes are very exible in their work-life, partly due to their security from the welfare state, known as the exicurity-model, and a good work-life balance. Plans can change, and new things can pop up without it being an issue for the Danes. From a young age, Danes are encouraged to be curious and ready for change. This curiosity, combined with Danes' individualistic nature, drives innovation, design, and a tendency to seek lifelong education. This also means that Danes will tell you if they are in doubt or do not know something, which means that there is something to be learned and explored (Hofstede Insight, 2017). In juxtaposition to the exibility and curiosity in Danes' work-life - the Danes have a somewhat normative perspective on their culture. The cultural focus on traditions and norms comes from the homogenous population and
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the move towards nationalism, understood as an inwardlooking national pride, after the loss of Slesvig-Holstein in 1864. This loss ended a long period during which Denmark lost approximately 30 % of its territory. 1864 marked a change from outward orientation and active participation internationally to a more inward orientation focusing on what unites and makes Denmark Danish. Globalization has loosened this up a bit, although there are still strides of national pride. Not generally in a negative way but in the sense of pride to be Danish, characterized by a tendency to look inwards and think favorably about Denmark and Danish solutions (Hofstede Insight, 2017). This manifests itself in very practical ways when it comes to diplomacy. When Danish businesses want to set up business in another country, they do not seek information at the respective countries' Embassy in Denmark; they seek help from the Danish Ministry of Foreign A airs. A combination of the two approaches might be ideal, and that is something to work towards. Finally, Danes like to enjoy life and value the importance of having fun, which gets manifested by the term 'hygge,' which does not have a direct translation but is a combination of 'cozy,' 'togetherness,' and 'relaxed enjoyment.' Danes are generally very positive and optimistic in both their work life and private life. So, while it might be challenging to get into the inner circles and connect with Danes due to their introverted character, you will experience endless warmth and openness and a desire to help others once you are there.
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Chapter 2: What is diplomacy and why interest representation?
iplomacy is both a broad and narrow eld. Broad in that it covers many di erent sectors and areas of engagement and business, yet it takes place between relatively few actors, mainly nation-states. The U.S. Department of State de nes diplomacy as “the art and practice of conducting negotiations and maintaining relations between nations; skill in handling a airs without arousing hostility.” (U.S. Department of State, 2018). Another de nition describes diplomacy as "the conduct of international relations by negotiation and engendering goodwill and mutual trust rather than by force, propaganda, or recourse to law.” (Muthanna, 2013). From these two de nitions it can be concluded that diplomacy concerns communication, reaching agreements and state interaction. In the last few decades there have been several attempts at a framework for diplomacy, among these is the article by Paul Kreutzer (Kreutzer, 2014), who proposes ten principles for diplomatic operation: 1.National interest 2.Credibility 3.Clarity 4.Comprehensiveness 5.Understanding 6.Perceptiveness 7.Circumspection 8.Con dence-building
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9.Decisiveness 10.Perseverance All ten principles are applicable to all aspects of a diplomat's work in a foreign country but with varying levels of suitability. After the do's and don'ts lists in each section of the following chapter, there will be a short notice on what principles are at play. Diplomacy is, generally, performed by Embassies and Embassies generally have ve core purposes they work for in any given country and situation, as laid out in the 1969 Vienna Convention Article 3: 1) represent the sending state in the receiving state, 2) protect the sending state and its citizens' interests in the receiving state, 3) negotiate with the receiving state’s government 4) legally gather information about the conditions and developments on the receiving state and inform about it to the sending state's government, and 5) further the good connections between the sending and the receiving state. These are all di erent forms of interest representation and should be treated as such. Many think of diplomats as distant, secretive elitists having closed-door meetings worldwide and going to fancy parties. This is only partly true; the nature of diplomacy is at times con dential to ensure the ability to speak with candor in negotiations without fearing that the Press gets a hold of statements. There are about 70 diplomatic missions in Denmark (Ministry of Foreign A airs, 2020). Each Embassy has an ambassador that works for her or his country's interests and relationship with Denmark. This happens at a
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Many Danes believe that most things work as they should in Denmark and that it is relatively straightforward to work and live here. However, many expats and diplomats living in Denmark do not share this belief. Every day they ght a battle to pierce the cultural walls found everywhere in the Danish society, whether in contact with civil servants, politicians, media, or the public. It can be challenging for some Embassies to get through with their message. This has resulted in that some Embassies have given up on strengthening the countries' economic ties. The e ect of this is that Embassies have restricted their work to maintain a diplomatic presence, assisting citizens from the sending country, traveling or living in Denmark and Danes seeking to visit the sending country. This is an issue that this book humbly seeks to minimize. While foreign diplomats represent a unique source of knowledge for civil servants, politicians, and business leaders, their competencies are rarely used. This is a signi cant problem that needs to be addressed. The Embassies would have to be more outgoing and reach out to Danish companies either on their own or with a local consultant's assistance to foster change. A more outward approach would connect the rich global network living in and around Copenhagen with decision-makers. Businesses looking to nd footing in a foreign country could access in-depth local knowledge through the diplomats, and the diplomats could gain valuable insights into Danish companies' needs.
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governmental level and in the private sector to strengthen the sending country and Denmark's economic ties through either export or import.
When an embassy or organization wants to look after its interests and build relationships in Denmark as part of fullling the mandate the individual Ambassador or ful l the organisations goals; several elements a ect the ability to get through to the decision-makers. We can call these elements' BHD." 'BHD' stands for brand, hinterland, and decision-makers (Hegelund & Mose, 2017). These three elements in uence how e ectively an ambassador can work in Denmark. When we talk about 'brand,' it concerns the country the Embassy represents. How do the Danish population, the media, and the decision-makers perceive the sending country? The hinterland is the sending country that may be committed to building relationships and working in Denmark, which is typically re ected in the Ambassador's mandate. What should the Ambassador do for his / her country while he/she is in Denmark? Finally, there are the decision-makers, ministers, politicians at the national, regional, and local levels, and higher-ranking o cials and civil servants. The diplomat can work on three di erent levels regarding politics: the local, the regional, and the national level. To be successful, the diplomat can ask him-/herself: how can the Embassy with its sta of diplomats create value for the local community, the region, or Denmark? It is
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For diplomats seeking information and in uence, the Public Administration's policy layer is the place to go. Politicians might be helpful too when something needs changing, or the goal is to gain more publicity. However, for everyday issues, it is the connections with the civil servants that need the most active engagement (see Civil Servants).
about creating value for the decision-makers so that the Embassy or organization won’t be perceived as irrelevant. To do so, the Ambassador or manager must have a strong mandate in the relationship with the civil service and politicians. Public a airs work is often centered around just 20 – 30 people or a few interest groups who are the ones making the actual decisions within a particular eld. There are several ways to contact or in uence the decisionmakers, either through a broad approach or through a selective and individual approach. A mixed approach is most bene cial when working with decision-making taken on an administrative level. Most decisions and interpretations are made by civil servants, who write and implement the land's policies and laws (Ritzau Bureau, 2018). In Denmark, public relations (PR) is a must-have for every company, organization, and embassies looking to be noticed. An American saying goes like this: “advertising is what you pay for, publicity is what you pray for” (Ritzau Bureau, 2019). PR is mostly about being visible in the media. PR as a public a airs tool can provide trustworthiness to the Embassy and strengthen its brand and image in the eyes of both the public and decision-makers (Ritzau Bureau, 2019). This is useful when working with diplomacy
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since a positive brand can open more doors than a negative one, making the work of the diplomats easier. The next section will set out aspects to living in Denmark like culture, language, media, politicians, civil servants, and the business sector. Each aspect will end with a list of do's and don'ts to give a broad idea of expectations. While going through these lists, it is important to keep in mind placespeci c di erences like, for example, the work culture of the respective ministry or company.
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Chapter 3: Understanding Denmark
enmark is culturally similar to the other Nordic countries but di erent from most other countries. Even senior diplomats with a long record of deployments can nd Denmark a challenging country to work in. The diplomat’s biggest challenges regarding advocacy in Denmark can roughly be divided into three categories: culture, language, and media. There are signi cant cultural di erences between their home country and Denmark for many diplomats, both on the social and administrative levels. This can create tensions and challenges. Diplomats and expats can use the speci c knowledge and insights given in the section on culture below to overcome the cultural challenges. The language is also a di cult barrier to overcome. Learning Danish can be di cult considering that many Danes have excellent English knowledge. However, learning the language can be worth the e ort as there are not many media or parts of the central administration that communicate purposefully in English, as will be addressed in the section about Language below. Finally, the media has a di erent form in Denmark than in many other parts of the world; it is independent, critical, and proud (Marcussen & Nielsen, 2019) and not always interested in other than national news. The section on the Press can give a better idea of how to use the media. Civil servants can also form a challenge when working in Denmark. These civil servants come from di erent ministries and municipalities, so diplomats will have to learn and accept how the administrative system works in Denmark. This will be addressed in the section on
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Civil Servants. The same goes for politicians in both parliament and local government. Then there are the trade unions. Trade unions play a signi cant role in all Nordic countries, and their in uence should not be underestimated. They generally have a huge member base and thus represent a large portion of the voters. The unions regularly in uence the politicians and the law-making process, making them very important for diplomats to understand. Every three years, the unions, the government, and the employer's interest groups engage in collective bargaining. Usually, it starts with the private employees, then the public employees. These negotiations can be quite chaotic and sometimes end in strikes lasting days or weeks. However, it secures fundamental rights for workers in Denmark. As mentioned, the unions also work as interest groups in uencing policymaking in both the national Parliament and the EU. Expats and diplomats who seek to grasp how the Danish, or Scandinavian, exicurity model works will bene t from engaging with some larger unions like FOA or 3F. The interest groups for the employers also are very powerful political players, with "Dansk Industri" (Confederation of Danish Industry) being the largest, followed by "Dansk Erhverv" (Danish Chamber of Commerce). These two groups regularly invite diplomats to brie ngs on the Danish industry and future areas of export. Attending the yearly or so brie ngs and, in general stay in touch with these two organizations can open many doors and provide
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much information needed for the everyday work of the Embassy. Culture The Danish culture di ers from that of many other countries in that communication is often informal and direct and is characterized by wide use of banter and humoristic irony. This should not be taken as an insult; it is merely how Danes interact with each other, no matter the organizational level. This can be seen in the Danish Parliament's weekly debates, where parliamentarians and ministers joke and use this kind of humor. This is shown in the fact that Danes usually call their Prime Minister by her/his rst name. Although reporters sometimes slip up and call them by their rst name, the royal family is always addressed formally. The cultural di erences are evident in Danish stakeholder meetings, including the media, the central administration, the Folketing, and the population. The direct tone, the purposeful rational meeting culture, and the generally reserved Danish personality are barriers that are very di cult for foreign diplomats to overcome, even if they are very experienced. In Denmark, formal agendas have not allotted time for small talk (Marcussen & Nielsen, 2019). So, always arrive ve minutes early to your meetings to have some time to talk about non-formal things. New diplomats in Denmark will often contact the Danish Ministry of Foreign A airs when they get an assignment from home. The expectation is that the Ministry of Foreign
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A airs can help provide the information needed to solve it. However, this is not the case in Denmark, where such sought-after competencies are spread out across various ministries. The Ministry of Foreign A airs has a more coordinating role in interministerial initiatives. The Protocol unit especially plays a central role as its responsibilities are to receive the diplomats, help them get registered in the Danish system, and assist with practical issues, and to some extent arranging meetings at the political level. However, this unit does not have the resources to take care of the embassies' interests in relation to the other ministries. The Ministry of Foreign A airs does not have the competencies to dictate sector ministries (Marcussen & Nielsen, 2019). If the Ministry of Foreign A airs can’t solve these issues: whom should you call? The central administration is a jungle of centers, o ces, departments, and agencies that can be di cult to navigate, even for an experienced and driven diplomat. The fact that the English version of the o cial government websites is often inferior to the Danish version does not facilitate the diplomat’s mission. This emphasizes the challenge of nding out which o ce to go to to get an answer to your question or to have a meeting with the right person (Marcussen & Nielsen, 2019). When a connection has nally been established with the right o ce and the right person, it will often be a specialist
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or chief consultant that takes the meeting in the rst place, sometimes even a low-level clerk. In many cases, this is unfamiliar to the diplomats used to meetings at the executive or political level. The reason for the approach in Denmark is simple; the executives do not have the necessary in-depth knowledge about the subject and would need to be lled in by the specialist or clerk. It is, therefore, more e cient to cut out the middleman and go straight to the source. When it comes to actual decision-making, the higher-level executives and/or political level will get involved. The Public Administration in Denmark is characterized by pragmatism and a consensus-seeking approach. This often means that a multitude of stakeholders is involved in the preparation of a bill or project. Simultaneously, the administration is incredibly rational in purpose; there is no time to talk about other topics. An ambassador may want to take a broader approach in meetings to discuss the direction and development of relationships. This is, however, too broad and unde ned for the Danish civil service, which needs a clear agenda (Marcussen & Nielsen, 2019).
Cultural do’s and don’t Do • Take time to socialize with your colleagues or business partners over co ee or lunch. • Spend time on “hygge” and having a good time together. The Danes like it to be enjoyable and fun to go to work. “Hygge” means enjoying each other’s company, having a cozy time.
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• Be on time. This goes for everything, from public transportation to all meetings. Better ve minutes early than ve minutes late. Being early means there is time for some small talk, and the meeting can start on time. • Accept that the Danish administrative structure is more decentralized than most other countries. • Contact sector ministries rather than the Ministry of Foreign A airs. • Hire locals to understand the Danish culture better or reach out to get a cultural translation. • Accept that contact persons in the Danish Public Administration will usually be on a specialist level and not a management or political level. This is not a sign of disrespect. Don’t • Necessarily wear formal clothing when you work in Denmark (unless you work in a more traditional workplace). It might be a good idea to inquire about the workplace's dress code, but generally, the Danes dress less formally for work than people in most other countries. • Smoke too much. Smoking is not allowed indoor in Danish workplaces, and in some places, you cannot just take a cigarette break when you feel like it. Ask what the rules are if you are a smoker. • Expect the Ministry of Foreign A airs to ght your battles in regard to the other ministries. Working with these do's and don'ts can signi cantly improve the understanding of Denmark and clarify how to interact with Danes.
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The Danish language can be a barrier. Although diplomats usually speak uent English, you do not necessarily have access to all the information you might need in your diplomatic work. Most news media in Denmark are exclusively in Danish, and the English-language news media such as Copenhagen Post are quite limited in their coverage of events and political initiatives. If diplomats want to follow the legislative work in the Parliament (Folketinget), it is necessary to speak Danish. Only a few ceremonial events are also translated to English (Marcussen & Nielsen, 2019). Besides, the shameful truth is that it is often easier to handle inquiries in Danish in a busy central administration. This means that requests in English get pushed, which is not ideal for diplomats who often have a deadline. Knowledge of the Danish language also opens up a wealth of interaction opportunities with the Danes, e.g., for festivals, ea markets, or market days at the local mall. They are all good opportunities to talk to Danes, learn more about the culture and what the people think about a given topic or the diplomat’s sending country (Marcussen & Nielsen, 2019).
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Language do’s and don’t Do • Learn Danish. • Remember that everyone can be addressed with the informal “du” (you). • Participate/contribute to discussions and debates. • Accept that banter and irony are an integral part of Danish “humor.” • Go out and engage with the Danes locally. Don’t • Use formal language unless in a clear formal setting. Danes do not use titles like "sir," and the workplace language is often less formal than in the rest of the world. • Get o ended by the directness of Danes. The Danes use rst names and say ‘du’ (you) when they address each other both in general and at the workplace. Following these few pieces of advice can build con dence in the partnerships, earn credibility and clarity. The Press The Press can have a large or a small impact on society, and it can be state-controlled or independent. In a country like Denmark, the Press is often referred to as the state's fourth power. The Press's most important task is to be critical of the powerholders and decision-makers in Denmark. It is a task that the Press cherishes and takes very seriously.
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Domestic policy issues of any kind can quickly get a platform in the media. It is far more di cult for foreign policy events to get picked up by the press corps, especially if they do not a ect Denmark. The Press nds it di cult to take an interest in other countries' conditions unless this other country in the United States, China, Russia, or another similar superpower. Many diplomats nd that the ambassador's status does not automatically give access to the Press in Denmark. This can be frustrating and di cult to work with, especially since many are used to societies where status has a greater signi cance than is the case in Denmark (Marcussen & Nielsen, 2019). A good relationship with the public and the Danish population can help diplomats get through to the decision-makers. However, only very few ambassadors have a network among journalists, and only a handful of diplomats are visible in the Danish media. There are several reasons for this: some are simply not interested in working via the media, and others have di culty working with the Danish Press that can often seem critical, uninterested, or dismissive. When diplomats work with the media, it is important to clarify precisely what they can contribute in terms of statements and background. Often, diplomats have an in-depth knowledge of their home country, which can be excellent sources of background material and perhaps history. This country-speci c knowledge becomes less relevant in
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relation to a quick comment on events, as they might need to confer with their home country rst to con rm their opinion and get assured in what they can and cannot talk about (Marcussen & Nielsen, 2019). A diplomat who wants to work with the Press can choose to be interviewed for a portrait or contact the smaller, local media around the country to spread positive stories about his home country and cooperation with Denmark. Most diplomats are close to invisible in the Danish media landscape. Apart from the reasons mentioned above, this is also due to the lack of language skills at the di erent embassies and employees' lack of knowledge about media. It can also be a result of the secret or tedious nature of working at an embassy. Diplomats could win a lot from making a more prominent appearance in the media. The diplomat should be honest and approachable, tell the story about getting to Denmark and remember to say something positive about Danes and Denmark – that always wins. The Embassy could also present itself as a background source to the news media, giving background to development in their country or other facts without becoming too political. What is always worth remembering when talking to journalists in Denmark is that they are very proud of their profession and decide which story to print.
Media do’s and don’ts Do • Be friendly and polite. • Be on time.
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• Accept the independence of the media. • Be clear about what you can talk about and, most importantly, what you can’t talk about. • Be quick to respond to journalists; otherwise, they will move on. • O er to give background material or historical insights. • Tell positive stories about Danes or Denmark in relation to the sending country. Don’t • Use too formal language. • Use titles like "sir." • Get o ended by the directness of Danes. • Get o ended by the critical approach of reporters. Working with the Press can build the journalists con dence and perceptiveness of di erent interests. Politicians Diplomats can have many reasons to connect and engage with Danish parliamentarians. These could be to stay informed on speci c topics or to try to seek in uence on foreign policy. The Danish Parliament can block the government's foreign policy, which means that Danish parliamentarians are interesting in diplomats. However, Danish politicians, much like the rest of the Danish society, can be very pragmatic, direct, and hard to approach. Danish politicians rarely want to participate in long ceremonies; they are more interested in getting straight to the point. Unlike civil servants, politicians do not require a xed and formal
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Some diplomats might nd Danish politicians distant and unfriendly when they do not accept an invitation to a national day celebration or dinner with the Ambassador. Again, it is the pragmatic culture that is at play here. The politicians are busy, and while participating in a party or dining with an ambassador might be fun, it is not practical, and there might well be more efcient ways to get results. There is not much time for building friendships and personal relations during the active part of the year – perhaps the summer ( July – August) would bear more success as the Parliament is in recess during the summertime. However, the politician might want to spend this time on holiday with family and friends. Politicians in Denmark dislike strict protocol but love talking about politics and not just foreign a airs. They are usually in the political game because they have one or more causes that engage them. To attract a busy politician's attention, it might help identify their speci c causes and set up a meeting with those causes on the (informal) agenda.
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agenda; they are usually willing to talk about all kinds of political matters.
Political do’s and don’t Do • Be friendly and polite. • Coordinate with other embassies on issues concerning regional matters. • Arrange meetings for regional embassies and get updates from senior o cials from the Danish Public Administration. • Have a clear agenda for the meeting. • Keep it somewhat informal. • Participate in “Folkemødet” at Bornholm. ”Folkemødet” (”The People’s Meeting”) is a festival for democracy and dialogue. Thousands of events serve to engage both the general public and decision-makers from municipalities, government, unions, organizations, and larger companies. Don’t • Use formal language. • Use titles like “sir”. • Be strictly formal • Expect politicians to attend parties, celebrations or dinners Getting to work well with politicians can go a long way to strengthen the con dence-building, the comprehensiveness and the credibility of the diplomat and his/her Embassy. Civil servants
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In the Danish bureaucratic democracy, there is no way around the sector ministries, not even when it comes to foreign a airs. The Ministry of Foreign A airs is no longer alone in pursuing foreign policy, and more and more departments have or are building up their international competencies in their area. It is thus essential for diplomats in Denmark to get familiar with the political-administrativeeconomic system in Denmark. Otherwise, it can be challenging to accomplish your mandate in Denmark. This task can seem vast, especially when the English-language websites often do not have the same information as the Danish ones. Hence, it can usually pay o for the embassies to have local employees (Marcussen & Nielsen, 2019) or hire Danish experts for shorter or longer periods as they understand the political-administrative-economic system and can nd the right contacts. Also, it should be noted that due to the culture and structure of the Danish Public Administration, it is challenging to get a meeting without having a clear agenda. Danish ministers are cautious with their time and rarely accept social meetings without an agenda, even with ambassadors. This is not to be disrespectful; it is merely a pragmatic approach to time management. As mentioned above, the minister is unlikely to have the relevant in-depth knowledge and will refer to the more specialized managers or heads of sections. Due to this pragmatism, diplomats often nd themselves in meetings with relative low-level managers or clerks. It is practical to talk with those with hands-on experience rst, and then the minister will join when it comes to political negotiations. Much the same is true when it comes to municipalities.
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Civil servant’s do’s and don’t Do • Show initiative and independent thinking and come with constructive solutions. • Be friendly and polite. • Hire local sta or assistance. • Get familiar with the Danish political-administrativeeconomic system. • Have clear agendas with 1 2 main topics. Don’t • Use formal language. • Use titles like “sir”. Getting to work well with civil servants can go a long way to strengthen the con dence-building, the comprehensiveness and the credibility of the diplomat and his/her Embassy. Companies and unions Danish culture does not regard the importance of social status. It is frowned upon to draw attention to one’s high social status; hence diplomats, including ambassadors, cannot expect special treatment due to their status. However, when visiting sites or companies' diplomats can expect to meet people who know their stu and can explain it, typically someone who works with it every day,
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this is unlikely to be the CEO, though (s)he might join the tour or meeting. The diplomats working in Denmark need to cast a wide net in Danish society and connect with private companies, interest organizations, and politicians at every level. It can be challenging and confusing due to a large number of possibilities. Through broad contact, the diplomat can get the best insights into the Danish culture and how the Danish welfare system, exicurity, works. New diplomats should also work hard to understand the Danish society's complexity that they will work in for the next few years; this includes the major unions and interest groups. Outside assistance can help if there are not already Danish employees or other local knowledge at the Embassy.
Companies and unions do and don’ Do • Be friendly and polite. • Take time to socialize. • Attend summits and engage with both the employer and the employees’ unions. Don’t • Use formal language. • Use titles like “sir”.
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Working with companies, unions, and interest groups can further the national interest of the expat or Embassy through trade and provide a deeper understanding of Danish society.
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Chapter 4: How diplomats can work in Denmark
nterest representation can be worked on in many ways in Denmark. Most days, diplomats go to work at the Embassy headed by an ambassador and work for their home country in the host country. Most of the time, it is an 8 AM to 4 PM job. The job can consist of several di erent types of tasks, and depending on the Embassy's size, a diplomat has one or more responsibilities. The most fundamental duties include consular services, information gathering for status reports, negotiation with the hosting country's government, and public and economic diplomacy. When diplomats want to pursue their country's interests in Denmark, they can do so the traditional way or the modern way – preferably a mix between the two approaches. The traditional way focuses on governments' relations while the modern way includes the public in the hosting country. As it is today, the ambassadors gather in groups that typically recur all over the world. Regional and cultural characteristics usually de ne these groups as the embassies representing culturally or geographically close countries are more likely to unite in interaction with, e.g., the Danish government. This was especially visible during the Muhammad crisis of 2005 when a group of ambassadors from Muslim countries collectively presented a letter to the government (Marcussen & Nielsen, 2019).
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In Copenhagen, the most important diplomatic groups are the EU Group, the Nordic countries, the African countries, the Arab countries, the ASEAN countries, and the Latin American countries (Marcussen & Nielsen, 2019). Cooperation in these groups is advantageous for the individual countries as this can increase their ability to be heard in the Danish central administration. For example, a senior o cial is more likely to prioritize a group of ambassadors rather than a single ambassador. The disadvantages of working in a group are the di culty of agreeing on an agenda and organizing a coordinated e ort. The following schematics will give a broad overview of the Danish political system with state, regions, and municipalities, as well as the layout of some of the core ministries, like the Prime Minister’s O ce, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Climate, Ener y, and Utilities. After that, the do's and don’ts from the former chapter will be expanded upon in themes to give a better understanding of them. The state is generally in charge of the broad national areas, such as police, defense, justice, and foreign policy. The state decides the economic framework for the regions and municipalities, and it is the state that collects taxes on behalf of both the state itself and the municipalities. The state also runs higher education institutions, like high schools and universities.
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The municipalities portfolio includes the social area, childcare, primary and secondary schools, elder care, health (dental care, home nursing, prevention, and social psychiatry), activation and employment projects for the unemployed, integration, supply and rescue services, nature and environment planning, libraries and local roads. The Prime Minister's Ofce consists of a Political Secretariat and a Development and Coordination Secretariat focusing on coordinating the governmental policy strate y. The Prime Minister's O ce also has ve o ces with capacity in foreign politics, economic politics, and domestic politics. The Prime Minister is also minister for the Press and, as such, works to ensure the freedom of the Press. The Ministry of Foreign A airs is a united organization with competencies in foreign-, security-, Europe- and development politics. The ministry also works with export and
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The regions are responsible for services and issues that the municipalities can't solve independently, like the hospital system, including psychiatry, general practitioners and specialists, regional growth and development, including nature, environment, employment, education, and culture.
investment as well as public diplomacy (Udenrigsministeriet, 2020). The ministry is made up by ve Centres: The Centre for Foreign Policy that consists of four o ces: the O ce of Asia, Latinamerica and Oceania, the O ce for the Middle East and North Africa, the O ce for Security Politics, and the O ce for Techplomacy; The Centre for Development Policy with seven o ces: the O ce for Africa, Politics and Development, the O ce for Evaluation, Learning and Quality, the O ce for Financial Management, the O ce for Green Diplomacy and Climate, the O ce for Humanitarian E orts, Civil Society and Engagement, the O ce for Migration, Neighbouring areas and Stability, and the O ce for Multilateral Collaboration and Policy; The Centre for Trade and Global Sustainability have four o ces: the O ce for Export, Innovation and GPA, the O ce for Trade Politics and Analysis, Invest in Denmark, and the O ce for Strate y, Policy and Quality; The Centre for European A airs and the Arctic with four o ces: the O ce for Arctic and North America, the O ce for EU-coordination and Nordic Collaboration, the O ce for European Neighboring, and the EU-political O ce; and nally a centre with support functions like citizen service (passport and visum) (Udenrigsministeriet, 2021).
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can remove any doubts.
The Centre for Vision and Strate y consists of seven o ces, incl. secretariats for the Green subcommittee and the subcommittee for Economy. The centre also has support o ces for the higher executive and political level, a communications o ce, a strate y o ce, and the Press o ce. The Centre for Green Transition is home to the o ces like Heat, Green Ener y, Circular Economy, Electricity, and Critical Infrastructure. The Centre for Global Climate Action has four o ces, the O ce for Global Ambitions, the O ce for Climate Neutral EU, the O ce for EU and Green Transition, and the O ce for Global Rules and Norms. The two other centres have six o ces each and focus mostly on domestic issues. The Climate Council is an independent council charged with keeping an eye on the climate agenda's progression in relation to the Climate Law, which says Denmark should reduce CO2 emission by 70% by 2030.
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The Ministry of Climate, Ener y, and Utilities consists of ve centers and ve agencies. While the names of the centers are largely self-explanatory, a short introduction
THEMES OF INTERACTION, NAVIGATION AND EXPECTATION The before-mentioned do's and don'ts will be expanded upon in themes to give a better understanding of them. Interaction with Danish people means taking the time to socialize. Usually, Danes get together and talk over a cup of co ee (Danes are heavy co ee drinkers) or lunch. An excellent way to engage with neighbors can be, if you have kids, to let them play with the neighbors' kids and connect with the parents that way. Connecting with Danes also means getting to understand the term "hygge," which loosely translates into 'having a good/cozy time together. It is important for Danes that everything doesn't get too serious. Danes like to have fun, also at work. Hence, it is not uncommon to have social activities arranged by the workplace, and it is expected that everyone takes part in, at least some, of these activities. Having a good and fun time together also means that people loosen up and are less formal than other countries. For this reason, the tone is usually informal and on a rst name basis – using formal language like 'sir' or 'madam' throws Danes of, and while it can make them treat you more formally, it also creates a distance that is not helpful for the working relationship. Since Danes are less formal, one should not be offended when they use direct and informal language in business talks. Danes are straightforward, honest, and straight to the point. If they disagree with something, they will tell you and be ready to discuss it until a compromise can be found
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While Danes are generally good at English, not many newspapers or public information is translated, the only tourism-related publications and the minimum for integration. So, if one is going to stay and work in Denmark, it is very bene cial to obtain a working knowledge of Danish. It will open up many information channels and make it easier to get access to people. As a diplomat, the yearly event "Folkemødet” (”The People’s Meeting”) on the island of Bornholm is of great interest. This is a festival for democracy and dialogue with several thousand events and attendees from all parts of political Denmark. This is where companies, the public, and politicians can meet informally and discuss all kinds of topics while getting a local brew. When working politically in Denmark, “Folkemødet” is a must-go.
Navigating the administrative and political system in Denmark is like going into a maze. The Danish administrative structure is more decentralized than most other countries, and the civil servants have much power over both
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formulating and implementing laws and decisions. The decentralization means that one should go to the ministry with a resort in a speci c area rather than to the Ministry of Foreign A airs. The Ministry of Foreign A airs coordinates foreign politics on a meta-level, while the sector ministries also take care of their area internationally. So, the Ministry for Climate, Ener y, and Utilities is in charge of everything that has to do with climate and ener y negotiations internationally. The Ministry of Foreign A airs assists with the framework and how the negotiations can t with other parts of the Danish foreign policy agenda. Finding a way through the maze that is the Danish Public Administration requires Danish language skills. The ministries' English websites do not go into too many details about each ministry's structure, making it very di cult to nd the right centre or agency if one does not read Danish. It will be a very good investment for most companies or embassies to either hire local sta or obtain consulting assistance on a need-to basis to better understand Danish culture and nd the right people to contact. When the right o ce has been located, it should be expected that the rst meetings will be with lower-level civil servants, maybe lowlevel executives or specialists. This is not a sign of disrespect; it is simply practical. Let's say a diplomat contacts the Ministry of Climate, Ener y, and Utilities to enquire about wind turbines. The meeting would not be with a higher executive with lots of management knowledge, but not about wind turbines, and the meeting would be with people who know about wind turbines – since that is what was asked for. Should the meeting have been with the high-level executive, the lower-level civil servant would have had to spend hours preparing the executive. In Denmark, it is seen
as more e cient simply going straight to the people who know about the topic in question. Should it come to negotiations, the higher executives and perhaps the political level will be brought in. Embassies, who want regular updates on a speci c area, could go together with other Embassies with similar interests, perhaps due to regional proximity, and arrange meetings with a senior o cial from the Danish Public Administration or the Unions or interest groups. This makes it more likely that the o cials will make time to attend rather than three or four nearly identical meetings. In connection to this, Embassies should not expect politicians or civil servants to attend celebrations, parties, or dinners at the Embassy or with the Ambassador unless they can do it with multiple actors at the same time. The reason is that Danish politicians mainly focus on the domestic agenda. During the last ten years, the Press and social media have taken up more and more of their time, while at the same time, many political parties have had to cut down on sta . The expected behavior in meetings and at the workplace is important to know from the get-go. First of all, it is important to be on time. Pretty much everything is scheduled right from bus lines to meetings – so be on time. Many companies prioritize short and decisive meetings, which makes it important to start at the agreed time. Another fact that makes starting on time even more important is socializing. Usually, the rst ve minutes are for small talk and making sure everyone is ready – and then it is straight to business.
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Danes do not like con ict, so be polite and friendly and should something arise, make sure to handle it quietly rather than ending up in an argument. As part of the con ict, avoidance is the tendency to discuss. Danes are ready and well prepared to discuss issues until an agreement can be reached, preferably an agreement that makes everyone happy. When deciding and debating at the workplace or meetings, everyone is expected to participate and contribute. This makes sure everyone gets heard and nobody left out – making reaching reasonable compromises easier. When working with Danes, it would be good to show initiative and independent thinking. Showing up to a meeting with nothing new or no mandate is a waste of time and will make it harder to set up the next meeting. So, come prepared and show initiative and a willingness to bend towards a solution for everyone. Diplomats or expats, who are used to work in an international setting, will have to get used to Danes' informal yet very professional behavior. As a very egalitarian society, Danes do not give much for titles, and the use of such is pretty much reserved for the royal family – if they remember it. Do not expect to be addressed with anything else than your rst name or perhaps last name, depending on the formality of the situation. The informalness of Danes is re ected not only in language but also in how they dress. It is not uncommon to meet CEOs in jeans and sneakers; the same goes for politicians. Civil servants are usually dressed in something business casual. Formal business clothing is only used for special occasions.
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The Danish media are very independent, direct, and proud as a profession. It is important as an expat or diplomat who might be dealing with the Press to accept the media's independence and not get o ended by their critical approach. One way to get out ahead is to be very clear when scheduling appointments with journalists about what you can talk about and, most importantly, what you can’t talk about. This will help manage their expectations. Another critical thing to keep in mind when dealing with journalists is that they have a deadline – so be quick to respond. If a journalist, calls then there isn't time for waiting for an answer from the sending country – independent-ness is an asset here, with clear boundaries and a friendly approach. Often it can be challenging to respond to current situations for diplomats, as much will have to be cleared with the Ambassador or the sending country's home o ce. What diplomats can do is o er media outlets background material or historical insights to provide them with more precise knowledge when writing about a situation in the sending country. An important note here is not ever to lie or give propaganda-like information to Danish journalists. They will spot it right away or nd out shortly and it will back re. If you are not authorized to comment, keep it to that and clarify what you can discuss. As a bonus, it can give much positive attention to tell positive stories about Danes or Denmark in relation to the sending country.
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Chapter 5: Diplomacy in the time of Corona
e have tried it for a while now. Day after day, we have to work from home and use digital tools to collaborate and host online events using Zoom, Teams, or Skype. The world does not stop turning just because of a pandemic. The magazine, Digital Diplomacy, had an article on Medium on April 20, 2020, about how world leaders have moved traditional diplomacy online to various digital platforms like Twitter, Zoom, and Facebook (Sandre, 2020). The same goes for other parts of the diplomatic corps. Diplomats worldwide have met online with their contacts and stayed in touch using the platforms mentioned above. Technolo y has proven to be an asset in keeping the diplomatic wheels turning during this pandemic and shifting lockdowns worldwide. However, many diplomats also have experienced a steep decline in activity on representations around the world, including here in Copenhagen. Several Embassies have stopped pretty much all external activities, from campaigns to meetings with civil servants.
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The increased use of digital platforms has the added bene t that it can save the diplomatic missions money, open up for easier to move from bilateral relations into more multilateral connections, give diplomats more time with their families, and help protect the environment due to lower carbon emissions from travels. 2020 have seen a boost in digitalization of, among other, cultural events, making it possible for expats and diplomats to engage and nd common interest quickly, without traveling or many meetings.
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Hopefully, with a vaccine coming shortly, both Embassies and the people who work with them can look forward to more face-to-face time. Until then, diplomats are encouraged to continue expanding their use of Zoom and other digital platforms. It is the future for diplomacy, as they can stay in touch with each other without traveling too much.
enmark can be challenging for diplomats to work in, especially if the culture di ers a lot. A title does not give status in Denmark. It is earned through hard work. Danes are very pragmatic and direct, which can seem rude and upsetting to many. However, when diving into it and accepting the cultural and political di erences, it is possible to move beyond the four walls of the Embassy into Danish society by engaging with the people, politicians, and companies. Diplomats need to expand diplomatic methods beyond merely the legislative and executive levels. To develop abilities to in uence ideas, it is necessary to interact with non-state actors like civil society, the private sector, and the media. To do so successfully, a good understanding of Danish culture and speaking some Danish is necessary. This will facilitate local interaction and will allow the diplomat a foot in the door, long enough for the diplomat to make her or his argument. Furthermore, it can give the diplomat a better understanding of the political structure in Denmark. Lastly, it allows for a better relationship with the media and the private sector to improve Danish perceptions of the home country and establish or strengthen economic ties.
Bibliography Ankerstjerne, M. V. (11. April 2018). Hvad er public a airs? Hentet fra Lobbyen: https://vithankerstjernecom.wordpress.com/2018/04/11/hvad-er-public-a airs/
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Hegelund, S., & Mose, P. (2017). Flyt Magten - Sådan bliver du en god lobbyist. Copenhagen: Gyldendal Business. Hofstede Insights. (22. August 2017). Country Comparison - Denmark. Hentet fra Hofstede-Insights: https://www.hofstede-insights.com/country-comparison/denmark/ Kreutzer, P. (2014, June). Ten Principles of Operational Diplomacy: a proposed framework. Retrieved from American Diplomacy: https://americandiplomacy.web.unc.edu/ 2014/06/ten-principles-of-operational-diplomacy-a-proposed-framework/ Marcussen, M., & Nielsen, S. R. (2019). På mission i Danmark - Diplomatisk tiltrækningskraft til debat. Copenhagen: DJØF Forlag. Ministry of Foreign A airs. (2020). Copenhagen Diplomatic List. Copenhagen: Ministry of Foreign A airs. Muthanna, B. K. ( January 2013). Military Diplomacy. Journal of Defence Studies. Ritzau Bureau. (25. September 2018). Public a airs: Ram de å, men rigtige beslutningstagere. Hentet fra Ritzau: https://ritzau.com/public-a airs-ram-de-faa-men-rigtige-beslutningstagere/ Ritzau Bureau. (18. March 2019). Derfor skal din virksomhed bruge pr i markedsføring. Hentet fra Ritzau: https:// ritzau.com/derfor-skal-din-virksomhed-bruge-pr-i-jeresmarkedsfoering/ Sandre, A. (20. April 2020). Diplomacy never stops - Are virual summits the new normal of diplomacy? Hentet fra Medium: https://medium.com/digital-diplomacy/diplomacynever-stops-are-virtual-summits-the-new-normal-for-diplomacy-bcedc62cea37 U.S. Department of State. (20. August 2018). National Museum of American Diplomacy. Hentet February 2021 fra
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Diplomatic Dictionary: https://diplomacy.state.gov/discover-diplomacy/diplomatic-dictionary/ Udenrigsministeriet. (2020). Årsrapport 2019. Copenhagen: Udenrigsministeriet. Udenrigsministeriet. (2021). Ministeriets organisation i København. Hentet fra Udenrigsministeriet: https://um.dk/da/ om-os/organisation/organigram/
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Appendix APPENDIX 1: HOFSTEDE INSIGHT - DENMARK WHAT ABOUT DENMARK? POWER DISTANCE This dimension deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal – it expresses the attitude of the culture towards these inequalities amongst us. Power Distance is de ned as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally. With a score of 18 points, Denmark is at the very low end of this dimension compared to other countries. This matches perfectly with what many foreigners in Denmark express: Danes do not lead, they coach and employee autonomy is required. In fact, Denmark ranks highest amongst the EU27 countries in terms of employee autonomy. With a very egalitarian mind-set the Danes believe in independency, equal rights, accessible superiors and that management facilitates and empowers. Power is decentralized and managers count on the experience of their team members. Respect among the Danes is something, which you earn by proving your hands-on expertise. Workplaces have a very informal atmosphere with direct and involving communication and works on a rst name basis. Employees expect to be consulted. INDIVIDUALISM
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MASCULINITY A high score (Masculine) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven by competition, achievement and success, with success being de ned by the winner / best in eld – a value system that starts in school and continues throughout organisational life. A low score (Feminine) on the dimension means that the dominant values in society are caring for others and quality of life. A Feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (Masculine) or liking what you do (Feminine). Denmark scores 16 on this dimension and is therefore considered a Feminine society. In Feminine countries, it is
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The fundamental issue addressed by this dimension is the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members. It has to do with whether people´s self-image is de ned in terms of “I” or “We”. In Individualist societies people are supposed to look after themselves and their direct family only. In Collectivist societies people belong to ‘in groups’ that take care of them in exchange for loyalty. Denmark, with a score of 74 is an Individualist society. This means there is a high preference for a loosely-knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate families only. It is relatively easy to start doing business with the Danes. Small talk is kept at a minimum and you do not need to create relationships rst. Danes are also known for using a very direct form of communication.
important to keep the life/work balance and you make sure that all are included. An e ective manager is supportive to his/her people, and decision making is achieved through involvement. Managers strive for consensus and people value equality, solidarity and quality in their working lives. Con icts are resolved by compromise and negotiation and Danes are known for their long discussions until consensus has been reached. Incentives such as free time and exible work hours and place are favoured. UNCERTAINTY AVOIDANCE The dimension Uncertainty Avoidance has to do with the way that a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen? This ambiguity brings with it anxiety and different cultures have learnt to deal with this anxiety in di erent ways. The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these is re ected in the score on Uncertainty Avoidance. With a score of 23 Denmark scores low on this dimension. This means that that Danes do not need a lot of structure and predictability in their work life. Plans can change overnight, new things pop up and the Danes are ne with it. It is a natural part of their work life. Curiosity is natural and is encouraged from a very young age. This combination of a highly Individualist and curious nation is also the driving force for Denmark’s reputation within innovation and design. What is di erent is attractive! This also emerges throughout the society in both its humour, heavy consumerism for new and innovative products and the fast highly
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creative industries it thrives in – advertising, marketing, nancial engineering. At the workplace, the low score on Uncertainty Avoidance is also re ected in the fact that the Danes tell you if you are in doubt or do not know something. It is ok to say “I do not know” and the Danes are comfortable in ambiguous situations in the workplace. LONG TERM ORIENTATION This dimension describes how every society has to maintain some links with its own past while dealing with the challenges of the present and future, and societies prioritise these two existential goals di erently. Normative societies, which score low on this dimension, for example, prefer to maintain time-honoured traditions and norms while viewing societal change with suspicion. Those with a culture, which scores high, on the other hand, take a more pragmatic approach: they encourage thrift and e orts in modern education as a way to prepare for the future. A low score of 35 indicates that Danish culture is normative. People in such societies have a strong concern with establishing the absolute Truth; they are normative in their thinking. They exhibit great respect for traditions, a relatively small propensity to save for the future, and a focus on achieving quick results. INDULGENCE One challenge that confronts humanity, now and in the past, is the degree to which small children are socialized. Without socialization, we do not become “human”. This
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dimension is de ned as the extent to which people try to control their desires and impulses, based on the way they were raised. Relatively weak control is called “Indulgence” and relatively strong control is called “Restraint”. Cultures can, therefore, be described as Indulgent or Restrained. Denmark has a high score of 70 in this dimension, meaning that Denmark is an Indulgent country. People in societies classi ed by a high score in Indulgence generally exhibit a willingness to realise their impulses and desires with regard to enjoying life and having fun. They possess a positive attitude and have a tendency towards optimism. In addition, they place a higher degree of importance on leisure time, act as they please and spend money as they wish. APPENDIX 2: 25 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STRENGTHENING DENMARK’S DIPLOMATIC ATTRACTIVENESS The recommendations are divided into six di erent categories and mostly oriented at what di erent Danish actors can do to accommodate foreign diplomats better. However, the last category has recommendations for foreign embassies in Denmark and what they could improve to make their work in Denmark easier. Recommendations for improved cooperation between central Danish foreign policy makers and embassies in Denmark
Recommendations to the Ministry of Foreign Affair 1.An updated electronic directory/phonebook for senior sta /contacts should be made available to foreign embas-
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sies. Corresponding information from other ministries and the Danish Parliament should also be included. 2.Permanent annual or semi-annual meetings focused on strategic foreign policy dialogue should be established with groups of embassies as well as with selected individual embassies representing countries of particular interest. 3.More active e orts to use foreign embassies when gathering assessments and information and disseminating Danish policies and views. 4.Regular contacts to, and visits at, the foreign embassies on the initiative of employees/contact persons in the Ministry of Foreign A airs, and always when changing the head of department, who are of particular interest to foreign embassies. 5.Increased willingness to, and resources allocated for, accepting more substantive meetings in the Ministry of Foreign A airs with interested embassies. 6.Active and targeted involvement of the foreign embassies in the Ministry of Foreign A airs’ active public diplomacy. 7.More resources to strengthen the Foreign O ce Protocol and increased willingness by other ministries to be more proactive in removing barriers for good working and living conditions for diplomats in Denmark.
Recommendations to other ministrie 8.The Prime Minister’s O ce should continue to have the capacity and willingness to enter into a dialogue with interested embassies concerning EU policies and major global foreign policy issues.
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9.The sector ministries should have increased capacity and willingness to cooperate with the embassies. They can be inspired by the Ministry of Defence and also apply a number of the actions mentioned under the Ministry of Foreign A airs. Designation of contact persons for the embassies will be an appropriate rst step.
Recommendations to the Parliamen 10.Increased willingness from all parties to participate in meetings with relevant ambassadors and incoming international delegations. 11.All political parties should designate one or more contact persons that are available to foreign embassies in Denmark. These contact persons should be included in the electronic directory/phonebook. 12.More precise agendas and coordinated expectations should be planned ahead of visits by ambassadors, or international delegations to parliamentary commitees, in order to promote a real and relevant debate. 13.Parliament should institute initiatives aimed encouraging meetings between embassies on current topics of particular interests to the parliamentarians. 14.More systematic brie ngs with ambassadors should be instituted before Danish parliamentary delegations visit their respective country.
Recommendations for Danish journalists/medi 15.Annual meetings with interested embassies on how to work with Danish journalists and the media should be instituted. Here, selected editors/journalists could participate. The O ce for Public Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign
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A airs' should organize the meetings in collaboration with the International Press Centre. 16.A mutual understanding between Danish Press and foreign embassies on what diplomats can be expected to answer. This includes recognizing that what the Danish Press wants is often short concise statements for citations, which diplomats cannot necessarily provide.
Recommendations to the private secto 17.Continuation of the open and welcoming attitude generally found among the leading Danish business organizations and large Danish companies in receiving and cooperating with relevant embassies. A call for more internationally-oriented companies – particularly the medium-sized ones – to follow the same line. 18.They are establishing a wholly or partly Danida-funded "Import Promotion Organization" in the private or public sector, assisting the DAC countries' embassies in promoting imports into Denmark from their particular countries.
Recommendations to foreign embassies in Denmar 19.Diplomats should learn Danish, at least to a degree where they can follow Danish society's debate. 20.The embassies should seek to present relevant and interesting topics for meetings focusing on, for example, case-oriented activities. They should expect only limited Danish participation in events of a more social nature such as national day receptions and dinners. 21.Learning to live with the fact that Denmark can be seen as a relatively closed society and one which doesn't
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fully respect foreign diplomats or see the need to o er them any "special" kind of service – without taking this fact personally. 22.Try to understand the working culture in Denmark for locally employed Danes at the embassies, and also when contacting Danish companies and institutions. The at, egalitarian structure of Danish society means that diplomats are often received at a lower level than in other countries, but this should not imply any lack of respect for the visitor. 23.If possible, seek to hire Danes at the embassies who can assist the foreign diplomats in order to better understand and cooperate with Danish society. 24.Increased willingness and e ort at certain embassies to better understand and accept working conditions expected in the Danish workplace. 25.The forms of communication in Denmark may appear informal and rather direct. Among other things, the Danish "humor," with its irony and sarcasm, can be a challenge. However, as a diplomat in Denmark, you should view this as just part of the experience and not a direct insult.
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astian Friborg, MA in International Relations, lives in Copenhagen, Denmark with wife and two kids. He works as a Public A airs consultant for Embassies and businesses in Copenhagen, Denmark. He has several years experience from both the private sector and as a civil servant. In his free time he teach Religious Studies at a Waldorf Highschool in Northern Zealand.
Acknowledgement I would like to thank a few people, who assisted and supported me in the process of writing this book. First of all, my family - thanks for being patient with me through the last few weeks. Secondly, I would like to thank Måns Löfvall from Linköping University for taking the time to ready my manuscript and provide extensive comments and feedback without which this book would have been far from what it is now.
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About the author