The Basurek Newbie Content Creator Playbook

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U R S E K A B B A L P Y OO K content creator e i b w e n


Fina Leonita

Firman Akbar


Adella Sukanti

Trishan Raj Putra

Andita Widya

Felicia Renata

Francesco Sudibyo

Amanda Febriani

Hans Allens

Adrian Hartono



Michelle Astari

YN Zuhal Chaisart

Tsania Mazaya

Rifqi M. Riefard

Stephanie Graciela

M. Fadhil Rizky

Viony Putri Berenza

M. Alif Ridha

Zaki Zahya



A Guide to be a Content Creator

Introduction and Background


The challenges for newbie content creator 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4


Overview First Solution

Second Solution Third Solution

Customer journey

5 Glosarium

DEAR READERS.. Hi, creators! Welcome







assessment to 14 newbie content creators actively making content below three months. Here we assessed the challenges of becoming new content creators and some solutions to help you get through your newbie phase. Basurek sincerely thank you for all your participation in this playbook, and we hope that this playbook will help you.







Sir Winston Churchill once said, “empires of the future are empires of the mind.” His observation has come true. The end of the last century saw a spurt in the growth of digital media in various forms driven by information, communication, and technology (ICT). There has been a tremendous flow of information in an era of economic liberalization, globalization, and computerization. With the world coming closer following the revolution in communication technology, people are driven to adapt to the situation, such as creating new careers. One of them that we’re going to talk about is the occupation of being a content creator. The content creator itself is divided into several specific professions, such as Instagram Celebrities, YouTubers, Beauty Vlogger, Endorsers, Photographer, Travel bloggers, and many others.



R OUND G K C BA What is Content Creator? Before we get into it, let’s start with the content creation itself. By definition, content creation is the contribution of information to any media and, most especially to digital media for an end-user/audience in specific contexts. Content is "something to be expressed through some medium, such as speech, writing or any of various arts" for self-expression, distribution, marketing, and/or publication. Typical forms of content creation include maintaining and updating websites, blogging, article writing, photography, videography, online commentary, maintaining social media accounts, and editing and distribution of digital media. A Pew survey described content creation as creating "the material people contribute to the online world."


R O G U K N C D A B Types of Content Creators News Organizations News organizations,






international, such as The New York Times, NPR, CNN, and others, consistently create some of the most shared content on the web. Companies Corporate content includes advertising and public relations

content and other types of content produced for profit, including white papers and sponsored research. Colleges, Universities, and Think tanks Academic institutions, such as colleges and universities, create content in the form of books, journal articles, and some forms of

digital scholarship, such as blogs that are group edited by academics, class wikis, or video lectures that support a massive open online course (MOOC).

Artists and Writers Artistic works, like music, literature, and art, are also forms of content. Traditionally published books and e-books are cultural content, but many others include self-published books, digital art, fanfiction, and fan art.


Government Governments create online or digital propaganda or misinformation to

support law enforcement or national security goals. Governments can

also use open content, like public records and open data in the service

of public health, educational and scientific goals, such as crowdsourcing solutions to complex policy problems, or processing scientific data.

Users With Web 2.0 came the possibility of content consumers being more

involved in generating and sharing content. Also, with the coming of

digital media and the ease of access at home, the amount of usergenerated content has increased and the age and class range.

Teen Users Younger users now have more access to content and content,

creating applications and publishing to different types of media,

for example, Facebook, DeviantArt, or Tumblr. As of 2005, around 21 million teens used the internet. Twelve million teens are Content Creators.


R O G U K N C D A B Issues Quality The rise of anonymous and user-generated content presents both

opportunities and challenges to Web users. Blogging, self-publishing,

and other forms of content creation give more people access to larger audiences. However, this can also perpetuate rumors and lead to

misinformation. It can make it more difficult to find quality content that meets users' information needs. Metadata Digital content is challenging to organize and categorize. Websites, forums, and publishers all have different standards for metadata or information about the content, such as its author and date of creation. The perpetuation of different standards of metadata can create problems of access and discoverability.

Intellectual Property The ownership, origin, and right to share digital content can be challenging to establish. On the one hand, user-generated content presents







expanding unlicensed and unauthorized derivative works, piracy, and plagiarism. On the other hand, the enforcement of copyright laws, such

as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act in the U.S., also makes it less likely that works will fall into the public domain.




Make sure you have the will, purpose, and commitment The very first step is to have the will to be a content creator. After that, you should set the “Why” you want to be a content creator and what are your commitments. Just in case you feel demotivated along the way you could always go back to your purpose and commitments to help you realize and gain your motivation back.

Set theme content and your target market

It is very important to have theme content from a specific field. It could be fashion, education, food, lifestyle, writing, and etc. You could also make a content from your hobbies or what you love to do but make sure it is not a random theme. When you have a theme content, it will help you in finding your target market or audiences. Remember to keep your contents unique.


Understand your audience/followers Survey your audience. Do not hesitate to ask them about what they need or their opinion about the contents that you have made. Also, check out what other content creators with the same field as you post and use it as references. Durability matters. Do checking “is your viewers only coming for once or do they really need your content?” make sure your content is long-lasting, not one-hit content. Also by knowing this, you will know how to make your audience last. At last, do track your audience engagement to understand what type of content they like.

List your gears! Don’t forget to know what equipment you have for making contents. This could help you in setting a parameter to brainstorm content ideas.

Be consistent! When you start being a content creator, you may find this a bit difficult to do but try your best to be consistent to keep your audience's eyes on you.




The cu unde stomer rstan journ d th the e ste ey is to best p by cont help ever e s n t mak e t p that of cr you e. Th give t h eatin e cr is gu a bri e g ef vi a i d t build or c eboo s u al ould c k wi ll he cust ontent f ization o om rom lp to f the scra j o need er journ u rney tch. ey, r ed B to y e a crea ader succ nd t s wil wh es l see ing a until sful con at it t wha a the l t t's ast s ent fro kes to m t tep t m ake he o bu i deat ildin gac i onte on nt


R J O E U M R O NEY T S U C Fish Bone Diagram

How does fish bone diagram in content creator work? Inspiration

Engage with followers on what are the hot topic for the next content. Create original topic on what the followers is talking about.


Do a offline or online interview with the target audiences.



Confirm if the topic show interest in the subject


Start with template document to write outline


Try 10 keyword for headline

ng IRVSFH approach i s u : By

I : Inspiration

V : Validate

Find the best suitable content that aligns with your content strategy. Find inspiration from all different places including platforms like Quora, Pinterest or focused on the audience and often come directly from conversations and meetings.

Validate that people are looking for the topic.

Answers to questions posed by your followers : An original take on a hot topic among your target demographic Analytical analysis of what your audience is interested in

R : Research If you have an original idea that you want to take upon. Do original research based on the data of the project of what will be the main idea or content. Maybe you haven’t considered research — or you are thinking research takes too much time and is too expensive. We can google the basic topic or data which will benefit your time and space.

The SEO tools calculate search volume, or how many people search for that phrase per month. However, it is not a number to be obsessed with. It's common to underestimate the amount of traffic you'll produce grossly. The phrase's "exact match" the search volume measures demand. However, the material is never ranked for a single term. If you score well for one phrase, you are likely to rank well for hundreds of closely connected others. When you start entering a query, does Google suggest the phrase? Question this to yourself : Is there any demand for this phrase on the platform compared to other words? Confirm that there is some interest in the subject and then move on.


S : Structuring It is preferable to begin using a template rather than a blank document. It will make you think about (or at least plan for) the numerous content promotion channels. It can't be an afterthought when it comes to traffic. An article is either designed to work in a channel or it isn't. It must be designed with content promotion in mind.

F : Formatting Select words for your readers as writers. We provide an experience for visitors as content developers. It's not only about the words in that experience; it's also about the layout and flow. There's a lot more to it than just writing.


H : Headline The best content marketers write many draft headlines before picking the winner. They also don’t use the same headline for everything. Headlines should be adapted for the location: title tag, header, subject line, social posts, infographic header, video title.


Challenges for Newbie Content Creator As a content creator, problems become something that cannot be avoided. However, these problems can be overcome if they have mapped out what problem statements they have so that they can avoid instead of dealing with them.

Here are the 3 main problems found by data gathering :


Managing the time as Content Creator & College student

2 3

Hardware Limitation & Creative Block Facing Uncertainties 12


Managing the time as Content Creator & College student

As a new content creator, of course, time is the main thing that is encountered as a challenge. Aligning main activities such as school activities with activities in compiling content is a problem faced. Of the 14 beneficiaries when we did the interview, all of them were students and admitted that it was difficult to divide their time between academic life and being content creators. Content creation alone is a full-time job, and as part of the creation process, there’s research, scriptwriting, shooting, editing, and creating thumbnails. From the question: How much time do you generally spend on the content creation process? 80% of beneficiaries said it took at least one day to compile content from idea gathering, shooting, editing, and posting. Another 20% said it took more than a day to allocate that time to be able to create interesting content.

1.No scheduling there is no definite schedule as a content creator so that there is no specific target for compiling content


2. Face many distractions as newbie content creator 100% our beneficiaries see making content not as main goal and main income. They see it as hobby and comfort to performs in front of a camera so they probably multitask or end up working on multiple projects at the same time. They're probably already pretty good at multitasking. However, the multitasking too much it can proven to kill productivity and bring many distraction

3. Working alone the easiest be a new content in this pandemic situation and digitalization make a content can be possible as easy as if they havae smartphone and an internet connection, they can create digital media and reach a global audience. Anyone with a knack for creating audio, video, text, or visuals can become a content creator and build their personal media empire

Solutions No scheduling, face many distractions, and working alone are the problems that must be faced by newbie content creators. This is where we present possible solutions.

Priority Scale 1.

List out all your current tasks. It could

range from 5-15 tasks

2. Pick three tasks that have the closest deadline (urgent and important)

3. Schedule all other tasks which have more extended






4. Sit down and focus on one task at a time

with a specific time limit (30 minutes to one hour)

5. Eliminate distractions e.g., phone and websites (use web block like cold turkey)

Digitalize your Schedule Put your activities into a digital application that can help you compile a calendar of activities

Progress Checking 1. Break down the task into three main components. Example: a. Content idea research b. Content designing c. Content posting 2. Break down each component into small achievable steps with time limits. Example: a. Content idea research: - Topic determination (10-20 minutes) - Search for reference related to chosen topic (10-20 mins) - Summarize reference (10-20 minutes) b. Content designing - Content segmentation (e.g: intro, message, closing, 10-20 mins) - Content formatting (font, color) (10-20 minutes) - Finishing (10-20 minutes) c. Content posting - Choosing a platform to post - Choosing the time to post

and even remind, such as Google Calendars.

3. Make short and long term target. (Monthly/celebration/big day post)

each activity to distinguish easily, including into

4. Find an accountability partner from your family, co-worker, close friends and decide a consequence you want to avoid. Example: 30 push-ups for every missed deadline

The critical thing to do is give unique signs for which category of activities, and do not forget

to active the reminder feature to get warning notifications.



Hardware Limitation & Creative Block

“From the question, "What confusion do you often experience when looking for content material?” the answer form beneficiaries have a problem to find a new idea and content that is created must be diverse and can't focus on one thing

2A. Hard ware Lim itation

As m os t of the newbie content creators are mille nnials ( 19 - 21 ye a rs o ld) mos t of the m a re so m e in way lim ited in content making. This inclu des limit ations in technolo gical d evices. At leas 50% (m t ore tha n 7/14) o f o ur beneficia ry c a n d idates u se their p hone and sim ple vide o editin apps s g uch as VN vide o edito which li r mits the producti on valu of conte e n


2B. Crea tive Blo ck


, TikTok , Instag ra m , a n Pinteres d t m a ke up 8 0% of our beneficia ries’ sou rce for content referenc e which is consid e re d a s o p e n so u rc e s. T he “uniq u e n e ss” their co of ntent is in som e way challeng ed d ue the am ount of content having the sa m e referenc e. This leads to the scheduli n g p ro blems and th quality o e f the con tent pro d uced

Solutions Hardware limitation and creative block are part of content creator struggle which unavoidable.

First Solution

Use PREP Framework


oint (claim)

The "point" says what you think. State your case. Start by stating your central fact, claim, or proposition. In a short speech, it’s best to focus on just one point to avoid losing your audience. In a longer address, use a series of PREPs to make different points and support them.



A reason says why you think that. Give reasons to explain why your point is valid. Support or back up your case with evidence from research, facts, data, statistics, or the scriptures (if you are giving a religious speech). Reasons add credibility to your case.



The evidence says how you know that to be true. Provide evidence. Give one or more examples/illustrations to support your main point (case), and the reasons are given above. Evidence is an excellent place to tell a powerful pertinent story. Testimonies may also be used here. Also, engage the testimony of scholars/experts to: 1) Show how a lot of scholars support your views, and 2) Show how others have a different argument.



Conclude by showing how your position is correct (both scientifically, biblically, practically, etc.) despite the arguments against it and restating your statement. Point helps your audience to remember it.


Second Solution

Make A Grand Plan We suggest a website to make it easy to make a mind map to break down the grand plan, we suggest using

So, how to create a wireframe with Whimsical? Here's how to do it!!

How to Create a Wireframe with Whimsical 1. Create a new project and assign a name. Select the device type and model you're designing the wireframe for, and create your first screen.


2. To add elements and icons, use the widget sections on the left or right. Simply double-click or drag them in place. You can edit them in the comprehensive properties bar on the right side.

3. In this case, connectors are interactive links that you can drag from one element (using the link icon to the left of each widget or component) and drop to a target page. The links can then be edited to add animation, gestures, transitions, or another type of effect. You can also add links by clicking the New Link option on the right side.

4. Page states can be used to show the results of specific interactions, and the dynamic widgets feature lets you animate a particular widget within a page so the state changes within a single screen. The various states of a dynamic widget can be linked and the effects added exactly as shown in the previous step.

5. You can also add widgets to your personal asset library or assign a Master status to a widget so editing it on one screen changed it on all the screens where you've used that widget.

6. Notes can be added using the "Sticky" widget, and your wireframe can be shared using a URL or QR code so other stakeholders can comment and provide feedback.


Third Solution

Find a Mentor or Collaborator By having mentor/collaborator, you will know the "blind spot' of our content.

a. DOTS We can use platform like the dots, TEDtalk or platform to communicate and collaborate within the same goals.

The Dots is a community of no-collar professionals, for a vast source of inspiration for work from across the creative industries.

b. TED TALK Influential videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech, and creativity. TED Talks can give content creators across the globe an opportunity to gather around their screens and upskill on a massive variety of topics.


5 Ted Talks That Will Make You a Better Content Creator 1. Adam Grant, "Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers" 2. Shawn Achor, "The Happy Secret to Better Work" 3. Tim Ferriss, "Define Your Fears Instead of Your Goals" 4. James Veitch, "The Agony Of Unsubscribe" 5. Patrick Chappatte, "The Power of Cartoons"


Fourth Solution

Look for a new atmosphere You're stuck on idea not only because of doing a monotonous activities but also monotonous views. Experiment with your ideas by doing other activities and go somewhere else!


Fifth Solution

Know your limitations! Know your capacities: Money, Mobilization, Equipment. If you want to know your financial condition or what kind of tools that you have to make a content, you can use Notion to mapping your needs and what you have now. Try to make a budget tracker for your daily needs and what is worth it to investment !


The Park


Facing Uncertainties

Millennials are prone to mood swings, and the quality of their content is in some way related to their state of mind. 75% of our beneficiary candidates respond that they usually have to be in the “right” mood to begin making the content. This takes time, however, and it varies according to the content creator. The mood adjusting period affects the productivity and quality of content creation which include burnout, stress, and even disappointment.

U n m o t iv a t e


h er ed by ot r e g ig r t tion is ing Unmotiva rs includ o t c fa s s a nd This lead emotion . t u o n r u a nd b nd sa d n e ss tivation a o m f o r wering n t c re a to e to the lo t n o c e o n o f th th e re a s te n t their con e k a m o t

P ro c r

a s t in

a t in g

The t im e n eeded m ood to a d c a u si ju s t t n g th p ro d u he ir e del c t io n a y o t r e la t e o be f th e i s to t r d one. h e m ent t i m T his e ma io n e na g e s t a t e m d in t h e m en t f ir s t ent a p ro b l n d th t h e ir w em e o rk. s lu g g is h o f


Solutions One of the problems with being a content creator is getting things that are not clear and uncertain.

For example, while doing the video


process, suddenly, the power goes out even though the project has not been sav ed. Or maybe when you ask a friend to rec ord you while creating content, the results are

very unsatisfactory. Or even while creatin g content, you receive news that your partner

left you.

These uncertain variables are ver y vulnerable to newbie content creators, and for this problem, we will describe some sol utions.

We classify the solutions into three stages: 1. Self-Knowledge 2. Managing Habit 3. Technicalities


First Solution:

#1 Self-Knowledge First, as a content creator, you must be able to know yourself so that you know how to handle yourself if uncertain variables come. Things you can do to get to know your own self even more are: read a book related to self-help take a walk to breathe fresh air to relax yourself having a support system with the same interests is also very helpful because by joining a forum, you can consult about your problem to those who have experienced the same thing and also get tips on how to handle it. You can get support system from similar content creators by connecting with them through DM on IG. And if you hesitate, you can utilize Online Content Creator Community, like InChief and Filiatly. create a Mood Board and Mood Diary to monitor your mood development under certain conditions

You must think “Hmm.. it’s too abstract, how to quantify it?” So, here are some steps that you can take to quantify whether those solutions are really impactful to your content creator journey.


Second Solution:

#2 Managing Habit Second, after you get to know more about yourself and reflect on why you start your journey as a content creator, all you need to do next is to manage your habit by implementing these solutions: Change your habits, try to keep professional. See your career as a content creator as a job, not just a hobby. Utilizing the web, like Notion and Google Calendar, can be very useful. Plan your day, being specific about your schedule to push your time to make content. Let go; if the content does not fulfill your expectation, that is part of the story. You don’t have to be perfect all the time. You were making a mistake once or twice has no measurable impact on your long-term journey. Therefore, you should treat failure like a scientist, permit yourself to make mistakes, and develop strategies for getting back on track quickly. Expect the unexpected What should you expect after executing this stage? You will have better time management, produce more content beforehand, and eventually boost your mood. According to research by SIYLI, by letting go of the wrong perception of your piece of works, you can work better.


Third Solution:

#3 Technicalities Last but not least, from the aspect of technicalities, there are some ways to face uncertainties as a content creator: Save up your content!

Professionals recommend making backup content to face the uncertainties.

Recycle your content;

maybe not everything should be unique and original, sometimes an update of your existing content is also good! For this point, use

‘evergreen content,’ which is consistently relevant and not dependent on trends.

Turn solo work into a team effort.

You can collaborate with people around you!

What should you expect after executing this stage?

You can have stocks of posts if you don’t have enough time to make one in an urgent situation by saving up content.

Recycled content (evergreen content) can help build your audience in the long run and brings recurring traffic.

Collaboration means getting more people, and more people means you

will get more ideas! The people you bring into your project will come with fresh eyes, unique life experiences, and ideas. Not only that, but content collaborations can help expand your customer base and

market segmentation and give you more visibility than content produced on your own. You can compare the progress of your page before and after collaboration.





: kekurangan yang ada namun pada awalnya kurang terlihat

Content Content creator Creator

: informasi yang tersedia melalui media atau produk elektronik : seseorang yang melahirkan berbagai materi konten baik berupa tulisan, gambar, video, suara, maupun gabungan dari dua atau lebih materi. : pencipta; pencetus gagasan

D Deadline

: “tenggat waktu” atau “batas waktu”


G Grand Plan Guideline

: rancangan atau rencana utama yang menjelaskan tema konten secara keseluruhan : sebuah pernyataan terhdap sebuah tindakan atau kelakuan yang bertujuan untuk menyelesaikan sebuah proses agar bisa dilakukan dengan rutin


: kesan yang diperoleh seseorang berdasarkan pengetahuan dan pengertiannya tentang fakta-fakta dan kenyataan

M Mentor

: Seseorang yang bisa berperan seorang guru atau konselor dan dapat dipercaya untuk memberikan pendampingan kepada seseorang. : Generasi millennial : suasana hati, keadaan emosional yang timbul hanya untuk sementara : informasi terstruktur yang mendeskripsikan, menjelaskan, menemukan, atau setidaknya menjadikan suatu informasi mudah untuk ditemukan kembali, digunakan, atau dikelola

Millennials Mood Meta data

Newbie N

: orang yang mulai atau mula-mula melakukan sesuatu


: sekelompok teknologi yang digunakan sebagai dasar dimana aplikasi, proses, atau teknologi lain dikembangkan : sikap bermalas-malasan karena merasa tidak ada atau masih jauh dari tenggat waktu.










Glosarium : mencari sesuatu di belakang kejadian, fenomena atau mencari penyelesaian masalah : Teknik ini merupakan upaya mengoptimasi website agar mendapat ranking teratas di hasil pencarian Google : Berbeda dari yang lain



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