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Batavia Park District Memorial Program
Celebrate and commemorate a loved one’s life or express sympathy or condolences for the loss of a friend or family member with a memorial tree or bench. The District offers several options to memorialize your loved one or to mark a special date or occasion. Placement along the Batavia Riverwalk is no longer an option for a memorial bench or tree due to spatial limitations.
Memorial Trees
Memorial trees leave a lasting legacy, which will grow stronger and blossom year after year. Trees are planted twice a year (spring and fall). The cost for a Memorial Tree is $800, and includes the tree, stone marker, and installation. Please visit bataviaparks.org for a full list of available trees.
Memorial Benches
Memorial benches add beauty to a park and provide a useful amenity for patrons to enjoy as they relax in their surroundings. The cost for a 4-foot bench is $2,550, and a 6-foot bench is $3,000, which includes the bench, plaque, and installation.
Batavia Park District Pet Memorial Program
The Batavia Park District recognizes that many people consider their pets to be part of their family. Commemorate the life of your beloved pet by purchasing a brick or agility equipment through the District’s Pet Memorial Program. The cost for a pet brick is $200.

• Memorial Bricks
• Memorial Benches
• Agility Equipment
The District has selected several agility pieces that can be purchased through the Pet Memorial Program.
For more information on how to purchase a memorial item, please call 630-879-5235.