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The Story of Hall Quarry Beach
Hall Quarry Beach is an award-winning facility of the Batavia Park District!
Hall Quarry Beach occupies a former stone quarry now owned by the Batavia Park District. It has been used as a swimming facility since 1920. The story began over 150 years ago in 1842, when a limestone quarry was opened on the west end of town and Batavia received the name “Rock City.” By 1860, nine quarries were in operation, and one of these quarries sat on an acre of property along the Fox River. More than 150 men mined limestone from the quarry until it was so deep and wide that water began permeating up through the floor of the site. Soon enough, six ponds were formed that fondly were known as “old swimming holes.”
By 1920, the Quarry was purchased by Frederick Beach. Beach donated the Quarry to Batavia Township, and they converted the six ponds into one swimming area. This area was named the Frederick H. Beach Park and Pool. Fast forward to 1969, when the Batavia Park District formed and the property was then transferred to the Park District and later renamed. Today Hall Quarry Beach features a sand-bottom swimming area covering 60,000 square feet, which includes islands, slides, and a diving area. There is a playground and plenty of picnic tables, as well. Come visit the beach that Batavia built!.
Beach Amenities
• Kids Flume
• Sandy Beach & Swimming Area
• Thrilling Drop Slide
• Inflatables
• Zero-Depth Edge for Easy Access
• Large Picnic Area
• Concession Stand
• Sand Volleyball Courts
Water Fitness Programs
• Public Swim
• Lap Swimming
• Parent/Tot Swim
• Swimming Lessons
Hall Quarry Beach
400 South Water Street, Batavia
(phone number valid during summer only)
Rainout Line
Check for updates and cancellations at bataviaparks.org/rainout!