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Nature Nuts (4 weeks)
Ages 5-7
This camp is the perfect way for your youngsters to get that camp experience while they may not be ready for that full day of fun at Red Oak. Each week of camp has its own theme filled with outdoor games, exploration, hiking, crafts, stories, and more! All campers are required to bring a healthy and energizing snack and refillable water bottle. Please sign your camper up for one session, either AM or PM.
Forest Patrol
Spend the week learning what it takes to become a forest ranger with the National Wildlife Foundation’s Ranger Rick as our guide. Each day you complete a “badge” and earn your title as a junior forest ranger at the end of the week.
Buggin’ Out
This week, we’ll investigate what makes insects so unique and necessary to our survival! We’ll be on the hunt for these mini-beasts in the forest, prairie, cave, and wetlands. How many of these amazing arthropods will we be able to find?
Winter in July
Join us for a week of wintery activities in the heat of the summer! Together we will have a snowball fight, create a winter snowstorm in a jar, play some icy games, and more! No coat or snow pants required!
Wetland Wonders
Water is important to all living things! This week we will investigate who visits Lippold Pond and what kinds of creatures call it home. Campers will use tools like dip nets to scoop in the muck, search for tracks along the water’s edge, check the nearby creek, and more. Campers must wear old gym shoes (no crocks, flip-flops, or rain boots allowed) and clothes that can become wet and muddy.
Blast Camp (two 5-week sessions)
Ages 6-11
Experience traditional summer camp at FVPD’s newest facility. Each week brings a new theme that will include crafts, games, sports, and special event days. There is a $250 security deposit due at the time of registration with the balance being charged on June 15 for Session 1 and July 15 for Session
2. Campers must bring two snacks, a lunch and refillable water bottle in a backpack each day.
Location: The Wilds, 1400 N. River Rd., North Aurora
Session 1
• Lost in Space
• Pirates
• Nature Explorers
• Under the Sea
• Party in the USA Session 2
• Witches & Wizards
• STEAM-in Ahead
• Superheroes & Villains
• Survivor
• Color Wars
» For registration details, check the chart at the end of this section.
Red Oak Adventurers Camps (5 weeks)
Ages 8-10
Spend your summer in nature at Red Oak’s Adventure Camp! Each week features a different theme that will get and keep your camper outside exploring the world around them. We’ll hike, play games, make crafts, use tools, and have fun. Campers who sign up for all 5 weeks receive a free Red Oak Camp T-shirt. For those signing up for all 5 weeks, a $250 security deposit is due at the time of registration with the balance being charged on June 15. Full-session fee includes a discount on the weekly camp fees. Space is limited.
• CSI: Red Oak
We will become members of Red Oak’s CSI crew and explore the habitats and their inhabitants surrounding the nature center. Through games, hikes, and activities we will uncover the clues that will help us find out all about the mysterious critter of the day.
• Wild Life
Caring for and protecting our wild animals all starts with you! With games, activities, visits from live animal ambassadors, and more campers will discover the secrets to how we can make sure these local animals thrive in our habitats and how we can ensure their survival into the future.
• Extreme Encounters
Do you have the skills to find Bigfoot? Is Nessie here in the Fox River? Learn the skills it takes to seek the answers and find out what is really lurking at Red Oak. Camp culminates on Friday with an evening investigation to put our newfound skills to the test!
• Survival
Do you have what it takes to survive in the wilds of Red Oak? Each day we will focus on a particular set of survival skills that may include shelter building, way finding, fire safety, and more. The week will culminate in some evening activities that will put our newfound skills to the test.
• Wacky Waters
Get ready, get set, get wet! Campers should be dressed each day to get wet and muddy as we will be investigating our local waterways to see who and what live in it! Games, crafts, and activities will keep us busy as we learn about the connections between freshwater fishes and saltwater relatives.
Red Oak Legends (4 weeks)
Ages 11-13
Become a legend this summer and explore the wilds in five styles of camp to discover what kind of champion you are! Two of these camps have overnight components. Please read the individual descriptions online for more details. For those signing up for all 4 weeks, a $250 security deposit is due at the time of registration with the balance being charged on July 15. Full-session fee includes a discount on the weekly camp fees and one T-shirt.
• Outdoor Explorers
Head out in our mean green traveling machine and explore some amazing areas in and around Illinois! Each day will be filled with adventures to a new destination so we can explore and have fun. The week ends with a camp out at a state park, where participants pitch tents, cook dinner, hike, and more! Previous year’s activities have included creek walking, beach days, cave exploration, dune hiking, and museum visits. A more detailed schedule of activities will be sent with camp forms. Our schedule is subject to change as most are weather dependent, but camp will meet regardless. Fee includes transportation, admission fees, camp-out materials, and more.
• Please note: This session is Monday through Wednesday from 9:00A to 4:30P and Thursday through Friday from 9:00A through 1:00P.
• Legends Amongst Us
Who looks “sus” in this live-action version of your favorite game! Campers will play the roles of imposters and crew members as they accomplish task, explore the woods, and collaborate on who looks suspicious! Puzzles, games, and challenging activities will keep your mind active while trying to avoid being sabotaged!
• Wild & Crazy Kids
Get ready for a wild competition filled with games, challenges, puzzles, and more! Teams will race through different habitats to play games, earn points, and have fun while also competing against camp counselors and each other! Tasks may consist of brain teasers, physical games, and water fun.
• Zombie Attack
A zombie outbreak has occurred at Red Oak and it’s up to you to find a cure! Learn survival techniques, go on supply runs, and protect yourself from the undead. Campers should be prepared to explore our various habitats, practice with foam dart guns, and work together as they protect the safe zone.
• Please note: This session is Monday through Wednesday from 9:00A to 4:30P, and Thursday 9:00A through Friday 9:00A.
Other Camps
Wild Artists
Ages 8-11
Come spend a late summer afternoon at Red Oak letting nature inspire your creations! Campers will use different forms of media that may include clay, dyes, paint, mud, fabric and other natural materials. Some art will be taken home while others will be left to decorate our “Art Nook” hidden in the woods. Campers should be dressed in clothes that can get “redesigned.”
Nature Camps
Wild Nights
Ages 8-12
With Red Oak as our home base, campers will explore the habitats during that magical hour when the sun sets and the moon rises! Who comes out to visit, what sounds will be heard? We will explore through hiking, telling campfire stories, looking at the constellations, and maybe roasting a marshmallow or two. All registrants will receive one Red Oak flashlight to keep.