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Advocacy in Action
Advocating for Housing on All Fronts
With a very critical election day ahead, the housing market and affordability making headlines, and numerous regulatory policies up for review, Housing First Minnesota continues to advocate for housing on all fronts. Here are a few key updates on our work to protect housing and homeownership.
Regulatory Affairs
Construction Stormwater Permit Changes
Housing First Minnesota members participated in a stakeholder meeting with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) in July. Members provided subject matter expert commentary on items the agency is considering changing in the 2023 Minnesota Construction Stormwater General Permit (2023 General Permit). Comments on the proposed changes to the 2023 General Permit have been submitted to the MPCA. Housing First Minnesota will remain active in the development of the 2023 General Permit, which is set to take effect on Aug. 1, 2023.
Construction Stormwater Permit Fee Increases
In addition to the 2023 General Permit, MPCA is proposing significant fee increases. Housing First Minnesota submitted comments to the MPCA, expressing its concern over the creation of a new $100 subdivision fee. Most important are concerns over the fee increases of up to 525% and the lack of information on how the MPCA calculated these significant fee increases.
2021 Model Residential Energy Code
In August, a Minnesota administrative law judge held a hearing on the 2021 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) as the Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) considers whether to change Chapter 1322, the state’s residential energy code. Housing First Minnesota staff attended the hearing and provided comments on the 2021 IECC. In 2020, Housing First Minnesota secured a landmark win for the industry by successfully advocating for DLI to keep the state’s energy code intact.
2023 National Electrical Code
The Minnesota Board of Electricity will begin the technical review of the 2023 National Electrical Code (NEC). In July, Housing First Minnesota requested the Board of Electricity undertake a more rigorous review of the model electrical code and appoint industry stakeholders to its technical review. Housing First Minnesota will be deeply engaged in the technical review of the 2022 NEC and will be engaging legislators in conversations around reforming the Board of Electricity’s rulemaking powers.
Housing in the Headlines
The turbulent economy and housing slowdown has pushed housing into local and national headlines. As the leading voice for the housing industry in Minnesota, Housing First Minnesota continues to work on behalf of our industry to share our insight in the market and to best represent our industry with the media and thought leaders.
2022 Elections
Supporting Pro-Housing Candidates
The decisions that elected officials make at every level of government impact you and your business. With worsening housing affordability, it is clear that it is time for lawmakers to take action and create real solutions to fix our growing housing crisis in Minnesota. That is why your trade association is encouraging you to vote for candidates up and down the ballot that will prioritize homeownership opportunities and advance ways to increase housing inventory and lower the costs of housing for more Minnesotans. For our state to move ahead and tackle the disparities in our communities, we must be able to build starter homes and get back to the housing market basics that made our state a leader in homeownership. There is no simple one-step solution to fix our broken housing market. Rather we need policy changes at all levels of government. But perhaps one of the most impactful would be at the Minnesota Capitol in St. Paul. All 134 seats in the Minnesota House and all 67 seats in the Minnesota Senate are on the ballot this year. This is in addition to all the constitutional offices that include governor, lieutenant governor, state auditor, secretary of state, and the attorney general. “Voting comes naturally to Minnesotans. We typically rank among the highest turnout states in the country,” said Mark Foster, vice president of legislative and political affairs. “With homeownership continuing to become a top-tier issue, we must prioritize a candidate’s housing policy position and voting record when considering who to vote for.” Housing First Minnesota’s Political Action Committee (PAC) endorsed a record 72 candidates for election and re-election to the Minnesota legislature. Housing First Minnesota’s PAC endorsement reflects each candidate’s demonstrated commitment to a vibrant housing market that ties together the communities of our great state. These leaders share our goals of providing the opportunity of homeownership for everyone, everywhere. “Homeownership opportunities and housing affordability continue to be top-of-mind issues for more and more Minnesotans,” said James Vagle, CEO of Housing First Minnesota. “As voters consider their options at the polls, these legislative candidates stand out as leaders willing to address the complex issues that are unnecessarily driving up the cost of housing. We look forward to working with these housing champions during the 2023 legislative session.”