Bates Magazine Summer 2010

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Bates summer 2010

Pharmaceutical scientist Steve Kates ’83 and fellow alums discuss drug development — and why their industry faces scrutiny


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A hot-air balloon floats over the Androscoggin River during the Great Falls Balloon Festival, held each August. Photograph by Phyllis Graber Jensen.

F E AT U R E S 16 The Essential Arin Arbus By Charles Antin ’02 Arin Arbus ’99 makes Shakespeare sizzle by keeping it simple.

18 Heavenly Harvest Photographs and text by Judson Peck ’11 In Everest’s shadow, an environmental studies major examines how Nepalese villagers use high-altitude greenhouses.

22 Are We Happy Yet? By Wilson Ring ’79 Mathematician Chris Danforth ’01 invents a way to measure human happiness.

24 A River Plows Through It By Kirsten Weir Geologist Mike Retelle explains why Popham Beach has nearly disappeared.

26 A Drug Story By Bill Walsh ’86 Alums involved in drug development explain the challenges and criticisms of their industry.

30 The 60 Percent Solution By Maura McGee ’10 A recent grad explores the Bates marriage myth from an academic perspective.

P RO F I L E S 35 Constance Berry Newman ’56 Assessing genocide in Darfur was about the facts, not the sights, says former diplomat Newman.

40 Russell Keenan ’75 Making environmental decisions based on risk, not emotion, is Keenan’s expertise.

45 Russ Libby ’89 Hidden Hills Country Club is out of the rough, thanks to Libby.

47 Kelsey MacMillan Banfield ’99 Cooking while baby naps is Banfield’s basis for the Naptime Chef blog.


Bates Matters The story of Garcelon Field is the Bates ethic writ large, writes President Hansen.


Open Forum A California reader assesses the electricity-purchasing collective developed by Paul Fenn ’88.


Quad Angles Acclaimed Maine painter Joseph Nicoletti talks about teaching and talent.

13 Scene Again: 1953 After Mayoralty, clams and beer at Popham Beach.

14 Sports Notes Four years, four NCAA appearances for rower Danica Doroski ’10.

32 Class Notes 58 Connections Reunion is the right time to break ground for the alumni-funded Garcelon Field renovation.

60 Your Page On the 16th green, David Greaves ’80 stood 6 feet from shedding a 30-year nickname.

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2010 Bates Fall Weekends October 8–10 Parents & Family

• Visit your Bates student and friends • Cheer on the Bobcats in contests vs. Williams • Attend the Garcelon Field Dedication Ceremony • Explore the campus, attend a class • Share in faculty and student presentations • Get involved with the Bates Parents & Family Association • Enjoy exhibits at the Museum of Art and student performances • Celebrate Muskie Archives’ 25th Anniversary For more information, visit:

October 29–30 Homecoming • Reconnect with Bates friends and your College • Hear from faculty and students • Cheer on the Bobcats in contests vs. Colby • Enjoy exhibits at the Museum of Art and student performances • Don’t miss the Outing Club’s 90th Anniversary Celebration Finale For more information, visit:

the president’s perspective


by President Elaine Tuttle Hansen

All Sides Now How a tradition of learning inside, outside, and around the classroom influences Bates facilities growth

Meet students where they are, then carefully push them further than they imagined possible. Construction updates for Hedge, Roger Williams, and Garcelon Field

he unstaged photograph at the bottom of this page shows history professor Hilmar Jensen and his honors thesis advisees, Ariela Silberstein ’10 and Anthony Phillips ’10, enjoying late-night ice cream in their Pettengill Hall history lounge amidst the implements of their academic trade — computers, texts, a cell phone, Diet Coke, and some Chex Mix. Through the photo, we feel the energetic blend of old tools and new approaches. We appreciate the complex process that fuels the scholar’s mind and body, and the way that academic work connects to external sources and destinations across space and time. The sight of Bates learners and teachers in dialogue is familiar to us, yet it captures an intentional educational ideal — one that privileges a rich mix of study and interaction — 155 years in the making here at Bates. While reputed to be utterly demanding, Bates’ earliest professors welcomed students to their homes (sometimes by necessity, for those who didn’t have campus offices) with a style that George Millet Chase, son of President Chase, once described as relentlessly “simple and informal.” As they guided each new generation of students, the earliest faculty also seemed to embrace the concept of a changing world. It was said of philosopher, theologian, and botanist Benjamin Francis Hayes that his “doctrine never petrified.” Quaint as such language sounds today, that approach — meet students where they are, then carefully push them further than they imagined possible — is still alive and formative.


Choices for Bates initiative,


Take the renovation and expansion of Hedge and Roger Williams halls, for example. By fall 2011, each will offer thoughtful juxtapositions and intersections of classrooms, lounges, offices, and common spaces where students and faculty will meet formally and informally. Inside, outside, and around the classroom, they will learn with and from each other. Moreover, the denizens of our newest academic buildings reflect our long resistance to fragmentation and factionalization. Hedge will house the religious studies and philosophy departments as well as the environmental studies program — and we’re not yet tired of joking about a building that embraces “heaven and earth” on just three floors. In doing so, Hedge brings together the Western academy’s oldest disciplines with one of the newest, future-oriented, and global “interdisciplines,” an arrangement that embodies an important theme of liberal arts colleges in the 21st century. Whereas the earliest colleges and universities trained clerics in religion and philosophy in order to save our eternal souls, today these institutions promote research and problem-solving — by humanists, artists, social scientists, and natural scientists — who work across traditional boundaries to improve life on this endangered planet. Meanwhile, the Bill welcomes our nonEnglish-language study programs as well as the technology-rich Language Resource Center and the Off-Campus Study Office. Among our peers, only Bates has gathered under one roof the programs that teach and practice the crosscultural competence that our students and our world need today. The faculty and students working within the Bill will, in effect, extend the reach of Bates as they learn to transcend some of the boundaries that divide and endanger us. They will look outward through multiple cultural lenses and use, quite literally, different words to describe, understand, and design solutions for the world’s common problems. Like the initiatives outlined in our academic plan, “Choices for Bates,” our facilities improvements will continue to encourage learners and teachers to cross paths, challenge boundaries, and connect and collaborate. And this brings us back to the deceptively casual scene of a professor and his students, 155 years in the making.

A deceptively casual Bates scene — 155 years in the making. SUMMER 2010 Bates


opinions from our readers

Choice in the Matter As a longtime resident of Sausalito, Calif., in Marin County, I was fascinated by the timely and provocative article “Power by the People” (Spring 2010) about Paul Fenn ’88 and his work to create Community Choice Aggregation electricity plans in San Francisco and Marin County. After carefully considering the competing views of the stakeholders, my wife Karen and I opted out of CCA. I thought your readers might be interested in the reasons behind our decision. To us, reliability of our electric supply is paramount. Our investor-owned utility, Pacific Gas & Electric, is far from a paragon of customer service. Here in Marin County, we have a famously mild climate with no extreme temperatures, snow, tornadoes, nor hurricanes. Nevertheless we have multiple power outages each year during the winter rainy season. PG&E owns the electric distribution system and will continue to distribute power over its lines for CCA. Obviously, CCA will not improve the reliability of our electric service as long as distribution is handled by PG&E. The article recognizes that for CCA to succeed, it must “meet or beat” electric rates offered by PG&E. Paul Fenn feels that CCA can perform this task, while an expert at UC–Berkeley’s business school is skeptical. We concluded that the expert from UC has the better of the argument. Marin County is truly a minnow in the bulk purchase of electric power. Its total population is less than 250,000. Some cities and towns have already opted out of CCA and will not purchase its electricity. As a bedroom community with restrictive zoning rules, the county has virtually no industrial power consumers. Thus the mass to influence the market is lacking, and will be unless and until there is widespread adoption of CCA. We don’t think large-scale green infrastructure construction financed by the issuance of municipal bonds will change this dynamic, especially in view of California’s debt crisis. One wonders whether CCA bonds would find a market at an affordable interest rate. San Francisco, on the other hand, may be ripe for CCA since it already owns its own substantial green electric generation facility, the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir near Yosemite National Park and its related system of dams and reservoirs. We were not pleased with PG&E’s use of the notorious California initiative process to attempt to sink CCA. (Nor were we pleased with the way CCA was adopted by Marin County, with no vote at all by the electorate.) Taking all these things into account, along with existing state law requiring PG&E to purchase an increasing share of its electricity from


Bates SUMMER 2010


green sources, we opted out of CCA — but we wish Paul Fenn and our fellow Bates alumni good luck with this project. Bob Solomon ’60, Sausalito, Calif. See the Refresher column on page 7 for an update on CCA and Paul Fenn’s work. — Editor

Peace B with You My current connection to Bates is that a former roommate of mine has yet to change her mailing address, so I received her Spring Bates Magazine. I was intrigued by the cover story, “Letter from Kabul,” and read with interest the article “Folks Back Home.” Like Jared Golden ’11, I encourage readers to do their own research and educate themselves holistically about Afghanistan. I volunteer on the executive council of “Bpeace,” the Business Council for Peace, which believes that the road to peace is lined with jobs. Jobs enable children, especially girls, to go to school. We work with men and women entrepreneurs in conflictaffected countries, including Afghanistan, to scale their small and medium sized enterprises medium-sized enterprises, creat create significant employment for all, and expand the economic power of women. More jobs mean less violence. warmly welcomes interested business professionals and other willing volunteers to work with us. Mara Grbenick, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Rossi Remembered I was on my computer, digitizing an old audiocassette tape, when Doug Arnold ’69 called to tell me that our classmate Mike Rossi had died unexpectedly. Shock and grief struck me during the call as I asked the usual when-and-how questions. When I hung up, I felt a chill. Mike was on the tape. Mike, Richard Duffus ’69, and I were roommates sophomore year. Together with our friends Doug Arnold and Michael Sklar ’69, we formed a singing group that we enjoyed but no one else did. But we did tape-record original songs one afternoon. Mike (piano) and Richard (guitar) were the only true musicians. The rest of us tried to sing. Mike didn’t seem to fit into our group. We wore our hair long and dressed like hippies. We were antiwar and questioned religions and governments. Mike was short-haired, politically conservative, a practicing Catholic, and wore the same green sweatshirt and matching pants for days on end.

Yet we loved Mike’s wry sense of humor. He wanted to name our group “The Fussbudget, Yidkin, and Prangrap Railroad.” While looking for roommates, he claimed he chose me because I lowered his “ratio of unanswered hellos on campus.” Years later he would encounter more ratios as a math teacher at Lewis Mills High School in Burlington, Conn.; and tributes from the Meriden Record-Journal show he was well-liked by students and colleagues. Doug Arnold says he’ll miss Mike’s “understated sense of humor and his steady friendship” that never wavered, from the easy intimacy of our campus friendship to how he kept in touch over the years. Mike’s hobbies were target-shooting and photography. Long ago, he inspired me to undertake darkroom processing, which I had found daunting. Two years ago, he accompanied my wife and me while we photographed the famous abandoned Holy Land U.S.A. theme park in Waterbury. He said he wanted “to make sure nothing happened” to us. Speaking for The Fussbudget, Yidkin, and Prangrap Railroad, I know we’ll remember Mike Rossi as long as we can. Peter Bates ’69, Roslindale, Mass. The obituary for Michael Rossi will appear in the Fall issue. — Editor

Don’t Freeze Out Stevens Back when Stalin ran the Soviet Union, history there was regularly rewritten or touched up by eliminating from texts or photographs anyone who had fallen into disgrace with the party leadership. Your recent photo essay on the Puddle Jump evokes that sorry revisionist tradition. It is true that Chris Callahan ’78, Scott Copeland ’78, and Lars Llorente ’78 were three of the Jump’s — or the Dip’s, as it was first known — inventors. But there was a fourth inventor, Mark Stevens, who would have graduated in 1977 had he been able to persuade himself to attend a class once in a while. But this fact should not be grounds for his erasure from College history. I recall watching those four lunatics laboriously chip away at that thick ice with a small hatchet and a large metal rod, long after the sun had set, from my room in Smith South, where I was reading Thucydides’ The Peloponnesian War, written in a time when historians cared about the whole truth. Gary Grieve-Carlson ’77, Annville, Pa. Chris Callahan ’78 confirms that Stevens helped dig the first hole and is, indeed, the Fourth Dipper. Stevens himself notes that he has “certain photographic proof, albeit faded, yellowed, and curled at the edges, that would also corroborate the claim.” So, Stevens’ role in Dip history is now officially noted at xml. — Editor

Please Write! We love letters. Letters may be edited for length (300 words or fewer preferred), style, grammar, clarity, and relevance to College issues and issues discussed in Bates Magazine. E-mail your letter to or postal-mail it to Bates Magazine, Office of Communications and Media Relations, 141 Nichols St., Lewiston ME 04240.

Eddie’s Steady Influence The Spring issue mentions briefly Edward Aldrich ’35, who helped the Outing Club mark the last section of the Appalachian Trail in Maine (“Happy Outing,” page 59). By a very simple act, “Eddie” Aldrich changed my life. He was a very good amateur golfer for whom I had caddied many times, and he also owned a haberdashery store named Edward’s Men’s Shop, which was frequented by my big brother, Bill, who also provided insurance for Eddie. One day, Bill was in the shop on business, and Eddie wanted to know where I was going to attend college. I had applied to only one school, UConn, was admitted, and planned to attend. Eddie told Bill that was not a good idea and that his good friend and classmate Milt Lindholm ’35 would be in town the following week. Eddie arranged for me to be interviewed by Milt in my own home. I was swept off my feet and became one of Milt’s longshots. I met my wife, Beverly Hayne Willsey ’55, at Bates, three of our four sons received Bates degrees, and I’ve enjoyed a modicum of postgraduation involvement at Bates, a lifetime full of memories, and a host of Bates friends — all thanks to a chance encounter with Eddie Aldrich ’35. Lynn Willsey ’54, Glastonbury, Conn. Willsey, a Trustee emeritus, received one of several Bates Best athletics awards in June. See page 58. — Editor

Comment Time An accreditation evaluation team representing the New England Association of Schools and Colleges’ Commission on Institutions of Higher Education will visit Bates Oct. 31–Nov. 3. For the past year and a half, Bates has conducted a self-study addressing the CIHE Standards for Accreditation. During this process, the public is invited to comment on any substantive matter relating to the quality of Bates. Send public comments by Nov. 3 to: Public Comment on Bates College Commission on Institutions of Higher Education New England Association of Schools and Colleges 209 Burlington Road Bedford MA 01730-1433 E-mail: Please note that comments will not be treated as confidential, and should include your name, address, and telephone number. Currently accredited, Bates first achieved accreditation in 1929 and was last reviewed in 2000.


Questions? Comments? Perhaps it was in ancient Egypt when a teacher first jotted “awkward” and “lacks coherence” on a sheet of papyrus, sending a student on a long, sad walk along the Nile. Ever since, professors’ comments on student papers have carried real power. At a recent campus gathering of the Consortium on High Achievement and Success, professors and writing professionals from a number of liberal arts colleges discussed how writing assignments, including the practice of commenting on student papers, create the kind of conversations that make a student feel connected to college. (But not always. A student presenter recalled the stark feedback on her very first Bates paper. “I felt I had already failed,” she said, adding that professors can do a better job explaining their disciplines’ writing styles.) At Bates, professors tend to accept hard copies of papers and make comments by hand, says Director of Writing Hillory Oakes. She’s encouraging professors to accept papers electronically and make their comments electronically, a practice she admits is “less common at Bates than at comparable schools,” though she doesn’t know why. E-commenting, she adds, “fosters a sense of conversation between the student-writer and the faculty-reader that crammed handwriting scribbled in a margin can’t,” she says. Meanwhile, the old-school method has loyalists like Margaret Soltan, an English professor at George Washington who writes the blog “University Diaries”. Handwritten comments “confirm the authenticity” of a professor’s presence in a student’s life. “This professor and no other...did the student the honor of reading, thinking about, and writing directly to the student, in the professor’s own ink, in the professor’s personal scrawl, on the student’s own paper.” When a student submits a paper, it feels like an offering to the gods. And when the clouds part for the sun, you feel it forever. The poet Pamela Alexander ’70 will always remember this comment from the late Werner Deiman: “This paper coruscates.” (Look it up; she and I had to.) A friend remembers a professor charitably expressing how he saw evidence of promise in a sequence of papers that otherwise regressed. “He could have justifiably blown me away with a single sentence but instead he chose kindness,” said my friend. I arrived in college armed with the literary equivalent of a musket and black powder. I wrote with some power, a style partly picked up from Boston Globe sportswriters like Ray Fitzgerald, and my aim was sometimes off. I’d write about Hedda Gabler like a Globe columnist, humping one note and stuffing random metaphors throughout the paper like toys plucked from a crane game in the vestibule of Wal-Mart. The nadir, or zenith, was using a Buffalo Springfield lyric to define solipsism for a Victorian novel class (or was it Romantic poetry?): “My head was the event of the season.” Over time, professors’ comments helped me calibrate my writing style. Handwritten comments aren’t for everyone. Sociology professor Sawyer Sylvester makes extensive editing marks on papers but eschews long written comments because “my handwriting is atrocious. For the student, it would be an exercise in translation,” he says. “Instead, I’ll ask them to come to my office to talk about the paper.” How old-school. H. Jay Burns, Editor

Editor: H. Jay Burns, Designer: Tammy Roy Caron, Photography Editor: Phyllis Graber Jensen, News Editor: Doug Hubley, Class Notes Editor: Jon Halvorsen, Class Notes production: Angela Martin Raven ’96 President of Bates College: Elaine Tuttle Hansen Vice President and Dean of Enrollment and External Affairs: Nancy J. Cable Bates Magazine Advisory Board Marjorie Patterson Cochran ’90, Geraldine FitzGerald ’75, David Foster ’77, Joe Gromelski ’74, Judson Hale Jr. ’82, Jonathan Hall ’83, Christine Johnson ’90, Jon Marcus ’82, Peter Moore ’78 © 2010 Bates College / Office of Communications and Media Relations / 10-221 / 25.5M / printed on recycled paper. Bates Magazine is printed three times a year. Please address letters to the editor, comments, and story ideas to Bates Magazine, Office of Communications and Media Relations, 141 Nichols St., Lewiston ME 04240. e-mail, phone 207-786-6330. Bates Magazine online: 108th Series, No. 5, Summer 2010. BATES (USPS 045-160) is published by Bates College, 2 Andrews Road, Lewiston ME 04240, 11 times a year. Periodicals postage paid at Lewiston ME 04240 and other locations. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BATES, Bates College, 2 Andrews Road, Lewiston ME 04240.

The Bates accreditation process accreditation

Bates Magazine is printed on Forest Stewardship Council–certified paper featuring exceptionally high (55 percent) recycled content, of which 30 percent is postconsumer recycled material. Bates Magazine is printed near campus at family-owned Penmor Lithographers. SUMMER 2010 Bates


edited by Doug Hubley and H. Jay Burns


‘Sharp Pencils and Sweat’

Joseph p Ni Nicol co ett etti, i, pho phototo graphe hed d at at work work in hi hiss Sout South Portla Por tland, nd, Ma Maine ine,, stud studio, io, on the he af after ternoo n n of July uly 6. 6

From himself and his students, painter Joseph Nicoletti seeks what’s real By Edgar Allen Beem Photograph by Phyllis Graber Jensen


Bates SUMMER 2010


enerally speaking, my work is about the past, both personal and historical,” painter and Bates lecturer Joseph Nicoletti told the dozens of friends, family, colleagues, and former students assembled for the June 12 opening of his elegant exhibition at the Bates College Museum of Art. Joseph Nicoletti: A Retrospective (through Sept. 25) features 60 paintings and drawings that survey Nicoletti’s career from 1971 to the present. The masterful still-life, landscape, and figurative works provide clear, quiet, and convincing evidence why Nicoletti, a modest man loathe to promote his own art,

is considered a painter’s painter, one of the most respected artists in Maine. But what the Nicoletti retrospective honors as much as 40 years of painting is 30 years of teaching at Bates. And if his art is about the past, his teaching is all about the future. At the exhibition opening, Carl Benton Straub, professor emeritus of religion and former dean of the faculty, related how a first-year student had recently said this about Nicoletti: “He always recognizes and celebrates achievement, however small.”

Refresher Recent Bates Magazine stories, updated

“My friends,” enthused Straub, “that is what this place is all about. That is what teaching is all about.” Nicoletti began teaching at Bates in 1981. In recent years he has taught drawing, figure drawing, and painting during the fall and portrait painting during Short Term. “I really believe in a liberal arts education for an artist,” says Nicoletti of his teaching career. “Ideas can come from anywhere

Along with a rigorous program of drawing and painting, Nicoletti shows a lot of slides to familiarize students with the history of art, assigns a lot of copy work as a good way to learn craft, color, and composition, and holds group crits in order to teach students to become their own best critics. “For all he taught me about figure drawing, color theory, and landscape painting,” says Matt Tavares ’97, an award-winning

“Talent is cheap — being an artist is about work and a lot of thinking. It’s an intellectual exercise.” — art history, science, literature. I had a liberal arts education and I think the exhibition shows that.” Born in Italy in 1948, Nicoletti grew up in New York City. He received a B.A. from Queens College in 1970 and an M.F.A. from Yale in 1972. A classic realist in the studio, Nicoletti is also a pragmatic realist in the classroom. “I recall him scoffing at the notion of talent,” recalls Christopher Sokolowski ’90, a paper conservator at Harvard’s Weissman Preservation Center. “What counted for him — quickly adopted by me — was the regular, serious practice of drawing from the figure, geometric shapes, and the landscape. He wanted to see sharp pencils and sweat in that studio.” “I focus on representation and perception,” Nicoletti explains. “Having a good strong base of perception of the world out there is critical for any kind of artist. I’m teaching them how to see. It’s as simple as that.” Art department chair Rebecca Corrie praises Nicoletti as “a rigorous teacher, loved and admired by his students” — whether they’re art majors or not. “If a student is not going to be a studio major, and if they are going to become a lawyer or a psychologist,” he says, “I want them to see the world differently because of taking a class with me.” Nicoletti’s own art education took place at what he calls “a macho time in teaching.” “Teachers tried to break you down and make you stand up,” he says. “I don’t think it’s the best approach.”

children’s book author-illustrator, “I think the most valuable lessons I learned from Joe are the pointers he gave me about the day-to-day work of being an artist. He stressed the idea that being an artist takes hard work, selfdiscipline, and dedication.” “Being an artist is a tough life,” Nicoletti says. “I’m tough because students need to realize that it’s not a fuzzy-wuzzy thing about having talent. Talent is cheap — a lot of people have talent. Being an artist is about work and a lot of thinking. It’s an intellectual exercise — not just manual skills.” “I always appreciated how serious he was,” says Kelsey Engman ’07, a studio art major now doing graduate work in creative writing. “I knew I could trust the criticism and the encouragement he gave me. He doesn’t give false hope.” It’s fashionable among artists to complain about having to teach, about how draining it is and how much time it takes away from an artist’s own practice. But you don’t hear that from Nicoletti. “In the last 10 years, I’ve realized that I would miss teaching,” he says. “It gives me a kind of joy I can’t get from painting. If I’ve made any mark in this world — and it’s just a scratch — it’s more because of my teaching than my art.” Freelance writer Edgar Allen Beem writes the blog “Just Looking: New England Art” for Yankee Magazine.

Ordering information for the exhibition catalog, Joseph Nicoletti: A Retrospective, and how to become a member of the Bates College Museum of Art museum.xml

CHOICE IS THEIRS In early June, California voters defeated Proposition 16, a ballot measure promoted by Pacific Gas & Electric to raise the bar for local governments seeking to implement alternative energy programs. The vote was a victory for Paul Fenn ’88, whose Local Power Inc. helps cities create power-purchasing collectives and who sounded the Prop 16 alarm in these pages (“Power by the People,” Spring 2010). Slightly more than half of voters rejected the referendum, which required local governments to get the assent of two-thirds of voters before forming or expanding municipal utilities. The San Francisco-based utility spent $46 million promoting Prop 16, which lost in most counties where PG&E has customers — an outcome called “a David and Goliath tale for the ages” by the San Francisco Chronicle. “Community choice is here to stay,” Fenn told Bates after the vote. “PG&E-backed Prop. 16 loses” LEAP FORWARD Fascinated with frogs since childhood, Taegan McMahon ’07 first appeared in these pages because of her senior thesis project exploring acid rain’s effects on certain frog species (“Frog in Her Heart,” Spring 2007). Now a doctoral candidate in integrative biology at the University of South Florida, McMahon received a Save the Frogs! travel grant for her research into chlorothalonil, one of Taegan McMahon ’07 the world’s most common, and deadly, fungicides, which appears under such brand names as Daconil and Bravo. McMahon showed that the fungicide, even in supposedly safe amounts, is extremely lethal to three species of Florida’s frogs. It’s the second most commonly used fungicide in the U.S. “USF doctoral student wins grant from Save the Frogs!”

VISION STATEMENT U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder asked the Class of 2010 at American University’s Washington College of Law commencement in May, “What vision of justice [do] you hold most sacred?” — then added, “Many of you not only have a vision, but have already acted on it.” Among the visionaries and graduates-tobe that Holder named was Carrie Garber ’05, whom we encountered three years ago as a member of Carrie Garber ’05 Teach for America, working in a fifth-grade classroom at a poor, overcrowded public school in the Bronx. In his shout-out to Garber, Holder cited the Cambodia’s Children Education Fund, which she and a teaching colleague launched in 2007 to provide scholarships at high-quality independent schools in Cambodia. “I plan to work as counsel for a public international law organization while I create a more global approach to ensuring that children have meaningful educational opportunities,” Garber reports. Transcript of Holder speech SUMMER 2010 Bates


They Love the Sixties What is it about the ’60s that inspires students?


In April 1960, a group of Bates students picketed Woolworth’s in Lewiston in solidarity with black college students who had conducted sit-ins at segregated Woolworth lunch counters in Greensboro, N.C., and elsewhere in the South. Bates picketer John Lawton ’60 told The Bates Student that informed action is an antidote to the “philosophy of drift.” Those 1960 sit-ins helped spawn SNCC (the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) while in the North, the group SDS

From left, Josalynne Cottery ’12, Cynthia Alexandre Brutus ’13, and Ashley Booker ’12 pose with U.S. Rep. John Lewis at SNCC’s 50th anniversary.

(Students for a Democratic Society) began its activism around the same time. Fifty years later, the era’s vigorous, largescale activism continues to captivate students, even as the era’s leading activists enter their 70s. “They seemed so fearless,” says Cynthia Alexandre Brutus ’13 of Brooklyn, N.Y. With Ashley Booker ’12 and Josalynne Cottery ’12, Alexandre Brutus saw a bit of ’60s glory in the flesh when they attended SNCC’s 50th anniversary celebration at Shaw University in Charlotte, N.C. Funded by the Bates Multicultural Center, the three students were selected to attend through a competitive essay process. Alexandre Brutus went to the April event seeking clues to how she might mobilize her fellow students today. “I’ve had encounters with people who seem confident in their ignorance,” she says. “I need to be unafraid to speak out.” She met Gina Belafonte, daughter of keynote speaker Harry Belafonte, and they talked about having courage to perform in the public arena. Belafonte asked, “What are you afraid of?” She then motioned to a nearby chair. “Stand on the chair and just talk. The only barrier to you is you.”


Bates SUMMER 2010

Ashley Booker, meanwhile, got a radical perspective from Willie Ricks during a session on Pan-Africanism and education. Ricks, who helped to coin the slogan “Black Power,” asked the young people attending, “Why are you begging your master for your education?” While the SNCC event helped the three women begin to find their social-justice voices, two Bates seniors, Ariela Silberstein and Anthony Phillips, used their honors theses to give full voice to their ideas about the ’60s and activism. (See related photo, page 3.) Silberstein, of New York City, did her history thesis on the radical group Weather Underground. For his African American studies thesis, Phillips, of Philadelphia, looked at the opposing forces of integrationism and nationalism within SNCC. Phillips has long been involved in socialjustice issues in Philadelphia, and Silberstein, the child of parents who came of age in the ’60s, grew up in Greenwich Village. She recalls the moment she first saw the townhouse at 18 West 11th Street that exploded in 1970 when members of the Weather Underground accidentally detonated a bomb. But importantly, each student went beyond their initial motivation, beyond mediagenerated stereotypes, and beyond secondhand academic commentaries, says their adviser, Associate Professor of History Hilmar Jensen. For example, Phillips sought out and interviewed civil rights leader Bob Moses during his Bates visit last year. Silberstein tracked down and interviewed former members of the Weather Underground. In doing so, the two students deserve credit for “grappling with the historical roots of seemingly intractable contemporary problems, like ongoing wars of imperial overstretch and the deepening persistence of race and class inequality,” says Jensen, who also attended the SNCC 50th event. Another SNCC attendee was Multifaith Chaplain Bill Blaine-Wallace. Like Jensen, Blaine-Wallace is keenly aware of Bates’ historic and contemporary reputation for helping to channel the social-justice impulse. He asks, “For students who have that fire in the belly” — whether it be John Lawton in 1960 or an Anthony Phillips today — “how can Bates create conduits to the real world?” — HJB

Mission (Statement) Accomplished Community of voices resonate in new Bates mission statement Hundreds of people took part in crafting the new mission statement that Bates adopted in May. And Benjamin Mays ’20 was one of them. When the statement declares that Bates has always “been dedicated to the emancipating potential of the liberal arts,” it’s a tribute to the great civil rights leader and educator. Mays wrote in his autobiography that Bates “did not ‘emancipate’ me; it did the far greater service of making it possible for me to emancipate myself.” The mission statement was produced in conjunction with the College’s process of reaccreditation. While not every contributor owns a word in the final language, its creation was an open, overtly collaborative five-month effort that drew hundreds of suggestions and comments from the College community. The result, in turn, will tickle the Batessense of nearly any member of that community. The mission statement, for instance, affirms that Bates people “engage the transformative power of our differences.” Students on the mission statement committee put forth the concept of “transformative” early on, says committee chair Rebecca Herzig, professor of women and gender studies. Alums later confirmed the rightness of that word as a Bates descriptor. In juxtaposing “transformative” and “differences,” Herzig continues, “we were trying to get at why difference matters. We realized that the transformative effect of the College happens most often when people bump up against people who are quite different from them.” Ending the mission statement is a phrase that, in a sense, began the whole Bates enterprise: “Bates is a college for coming times.” These words are adapted from founder and first president Oren Cheney’s pitch to Lewiston residents for the proposed school. He proposed establishing an institution for “coming time” — no “s.” The mission statement committee “realized that people would think we just forgot the ‘s’” if they used Cheney’s exact text, Herzig explains. There was some concern, she adds, that the original reflected a denominational orientation. “So we altered it slightly to evoke Cheney — but to also look more explicitly to the plurality of possible futures that lie ahead.” — DLH


Matter of Facts


GOING MOBILE During the busy college-visit season, we often see prospective students and their parents unfolding themselves wearily from vehicles parked near our office on Nichols Street. But then there was the Harder family of Weston, Mass. They arrived one day early, and quite relaxed, for son Leif’s interview on July 8. Vehicle: 23-foot Fleetwood Tioga RV built on a Chevy chassis with V-8 engine. Occupants: Parents Glenn and Mary, prospective student Leif, and older son Reed. Key RV features: “It’s self-contained traveling,” says Glenn Harder. “Small enough to fit into a parking space, but big enough to have a shower and tub.” Overnight accommodations: Lindholm House parking lot. “Great spot,” Harder says, for boondocking, or camping without water and electrical hookups. “Not conspicuous but close to campus.” RV advantages: “It’s a great way to get a real feel for a campus,” says Harder. “We take a walk at dusk, then again in the morning. Bates is our favorite Maine school, so we planned this trip to spend the night at Bates.” Strategy: “With Reed two years ago, we decided that college trips would be family trips. We visit three schools on each road trip; this time it’s Colby, Bates, and Bowdoin. We did 15 schools in eight states with Reed.” Favorite spot: “Dining Commons. We stopped on our way to Canada last summer just to eat in Commons. I took pictures of the ‘make your own omelet’ station this morning.” Joke: “We could write a AAA guide called ‘Admissions Visitor.’” — Gabrielle Otto ’11

Heard at Bates “At first there was no one to talk to. But then I found that my professor would talk with me. Emily would talk with me.” — Desmond Mushi ’13 of Mwanza, Tanzania, explaining how peer writer Emily Grady ’10 and politics professor Jim Richter teamed up to help improve his writing.

Students talk writing

Quiz Q What do these items have in common? An electric stove, a baby grand piano, and a decanter of brandy with glasses.


In her remarks, Pulitzer Prize–winning novelist and Commencement honorand

Elizabeth Strout ’77 (middle left) used the Puddle Jump tradition as a metaphor for how to live life: “Be open to your friends because they are the ones who are going to pull you out. Stay especially close to those who make you laugh. Be open to those who seem like they are so different they’ll never be friends. They’re the ones who will teach you what you can’t even imagine you don’t know.” Clockwise from top: President Hansen presents Marshall Hatch Jr. ’10 of Chicago his diploma; the crowd of seniors, faculty, and families; biology professor Nancy Kleckner embraces and says farewell to a student.

Commencement multimedia

A Those were among the items, plus books, antiques, and furnishings, retrieved from a burning President’s House on the afternoon of May 16, 1980. As firefighters fought the blaze, caused by faulty wiring, hundreds of students, faculty, and staff formed brigades from various first-floor windows and doors to rescue valuables; with firefighters’ OK, students wearing bandanas over their mouths and noses repeatedly entered the blazing building. Regarding the brandy, thenPresident Reynolds quipped, “Treat it like gold. I’m going to need it later.”

SUMMER 2010 Bates



Ask Me Another Religion professor Cynthia Baker examines a ‘fraught’ identity term: ‘Jew’

What new do you bring to this topic?

When you really start paying attention, you realize that understanding the term “Jew” is key to understanding the rise and development of Western culture as a whole.


Associate Professor of Religion Cynthia Baker is something of an expert on the dynamics of households and communal spaces in ancient Judaism. So when the editors of the book series Key Words in Jewish Studies invited her to submit a proposal, she suggested the word “space.” Sorry, she was told, that’s already taken. So Baker got right to the point and suggested looking at the word “Jew” itself. Her proposal was readily accepted and, in fact, recently won a National Endowment for the Humanities grant for Baker, who spoke with Bates Magazine editor Jay Burns.

What do you make of the trading of “Jewish” for “Jew”?

Saying “Jewish” softens the word, almost as if there were etiquette involved. But then the question becomes, what’s going on psychologically, sociologically, and anthropologically in that aversion or adaptation? How will you explore the Holocaust? “The formation of Christianity is the single most important phenomenon that gives ‘Jew’ its various dimensions today,” says Associate Professor of Religion Cynthia Baker.

Some studies have looked at the origins of “Jew,” others at the Jew in modern European theater or in contemporary American literature. But no one has conducted an analysis of the term with this kind of sustained attention and historical spread. When someone asks why the term “Jew” is unique, what do you say?

Being a professor, I generally answer a question with a question. Can you think of any other word that is both a term of great pride and so obviously an epithet that it demonstrates that a hate crime has been committed? “Jew” is not an ethnic slur, but it certainly can function that way. The word “queer” is a taunt that has been reclaimed, but “Jew” didn’t originate as a taunt and often serves as a term of honor. Was the term always complex?

It derives from a geographic location that the Bible calls “Judah” and, later, “Judea.” But from its earliest appearances, the term “Judean,” from which we get “Jew,” seems fraught and troubled, being applied on the one hand to only some of the people who lived in that region, and on the other hand to people who were unwelcome minorities someplace else. Will you confront the question of “who is a Jew?”

Absolutely. First, it’s important to know that right up to the cusp of modernity, defining 10 Bates SUMMER 2010

“Jew” preoccupied non-Jews far more than it did Jews. Both the Old Testament and the classical Jewish document, the Talmud, for example, speak of “Israelites,” not “Jews.” Then what happened?

Christianity. In the New Testament, “the Jews” are used as a foil for what comes to be known as Christianity. Yet most of the New Testament’s primary authors — Matthew, Mark, John, and Paul — were Jews. Depending upon how you define “Jew,” of course. The formation of Christianity is the single most important phenomenon that gives “Jew” its various dimensions today. Besides the first and the 20th centuries, what other historical eras most inform the term “Jew”?

The next era would be the Jewish emancipation of the 18th and 19th centuries. With the liberation and enfranchisement of Jews who had been largely confined to the Pale of Settlement in the Russian Empire or the ghettos of Europe came new debates on Jewish identity among both Jews and non-Jews alike. Are Jews a religious group? A separate race? A nation within a nation? The Jew doesn’t quite fit into any of the grand Enlightenment schemes, and we begin to see seemingly contradictory identities imputed to Jews. For example, “the Jew” becomes emblematic of socialism but also becomes the stereotype of the capitalist.

I don’t have any radical new insights to offer there. In one sense the Holocaust is unfathomable. Yet at the same time it obviously represents a nexus of historical and cultural dynamics that are nameable and traceable, and to which the term and figure of “the Jew” are absolutely central. In Annie Hall, Diane Keaton says to Woody Allen, “You’re what Grammy Hall would call a real Jew,” and he replies, “Oh. Thank you.” Why does that line get laughs?

Because it precisely encapsulates everything we’ve been talking about. “Jew” is always two things at the same time, and humor is about concisely encapsulating that kind of collision. In this case, the collision is around the content of the word “Jew” and who gets to define “real Jew.” Is your own identity relevant to this project?

No doubt. But I wouldn’t say that I’m looking for answers in that respect. My life as a scholar, an occasional public intellectual, a teacher, or even at home in my garden tends to be much more about questions than answers. At dinner the other night, a colleague made the offhand comment: “Oh, Cynthia, she’s always been this kind of liminal character.” The word “liminal” suggests “in between” — the psychological, spiritual, and physical place between point A and point B. That’s where I feel most at home, most myself — and in that sense, this project, this “Jew,” has everything to do with who I am.


Turning Points HONORED Associate Professor of French Alexandre Dauge-Roth, with a Friend of Rwanda Award from the Rwanda Convention Association. DaugeRoth specializes in the study of testimonial literature and documentary film Alexandre Dauge-Roth from the 1994 Rwandan genocide (“A Place We Can Talk,” Fall 2009). His book Writing and Filming the Genocide of the Tutsis in Rwanda was published in June by Lexington Books. James Levesque, a Physical Plant plumber, with a rare citizen’s hero award from the fire department of Sabattus, Maine. Levesque and son Jake were honored for rescuing a driver from his burning vehicle after a crash in July 2009.

(Durand Press). The book and accompanying map reflect the cumulative mapping and research by Eusden’s students. Rumored Islands (Harbor Mountain Press), by Robert Farnsworth, senior lecturer in English, featuring poems “alternately lyrical and narrative, cultured and stripped down... that arrive unannounced and track the unexpected turns life takes,” according to Publishers Weekly. BROADENED The mission of the former Office of Multicultural Affairs and Multicultural Center, renamed the Office of Intercultural Education as part of a larger staff restructuring involving several Bates offices. Headed by Associate Dean of Students Roland Davis ’92, the OIE features “intercultural” in its name to reflect Bates’ “active commitment to bridging our differences,” said President Hansen. More reorganization details

PUBLISHED The Presidential Range —


Its Geologic History and Plate Tectonics, a book by Professor of Geology Dyk Eusden ’80 describing the bedrock geology and geological history of the Presidential Range in the White Mountain National Forest

PENDING At press time in early August, court action on 11 Bates students arrested on charges including disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and failure to disperse, following an oncampus confrontation with local police around

midnight on May 26 that began when some of the 300 students at a party outside Smith Hall did not yield for an ambulance arriving for a medical call. The few seniors who were arrested were allowed to walk at Commencement and receive their diplomas. Updates on the incident DEPARTED David Scobey, director of the

Harward Center for Community Partnerships, at the end of July. Scobey, who has become an associate provost at New York City’s New School, led the HCCP during the dramatic growth of its collaborative projects with the community. DECEASED George Healy, dean of the fac-

ulty through the 1960s and refiner of the Cultural Heritage sequence, on July 8, at 87. His obituary will be in the Fall issue. Arthur Forgue, a custodian for Physical Plant from 1969 to 1986, on March 19, at 81. Robert Provencher, on July 4, at 81. A longtime teacher and principal in the Lewiston public school system, Provencher joined the Bates athletics staff in 1986 and retired as equipment manager in June 1990.


Tra Thanh La ’14 (left) of Portland,

Maine, and Bisola Folarin ’14 of Grand Prairie, Texas, analyze replica human bones in a Carnegie Science lab in July. The two were among 10 Bates Summer Scholars who did a forensic search of a mock crime scene in the woods next to Merrill Gymnasium, part of a course taught by biology professors Stephanie Richards ’84 and Lee Abrahamsen. Selected for aptitude and interest, Summer Scholars are first-year students, typically from groups underrepresented in the sciences, who receive an intensive introduction to science and math by taking the equivalent of two courses within a few weeks. “The scholars get comfortable on campus while being introduced to the rigor that will define their Bates experience,” Abrahamsen says.

Summer Scholars

SUMMER 2010 Bates



Bates in the News Green=Green Three years after President Elaine Tuttle Hansen signed the American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment, pledging that Bates will strive for carbon neutrality, the College was recognized for the way it’s addressing that pledge. The June issue of University Business, a major publication covering higher education, reviewed the steps schools are taking to honor that commitment. Bates’ strategy of harmonizing its climate action strategy with the revision of its campus facilities plan helped address cost issues, reporter Caryn Fliegler explained. “Often the goals of energy savings and greenhouse gas reductions and saving money are compatible overall,” Bates Sustainability Coordinator Julie Rosenbach told Fliegler. “We were able to integrate sustainability ideas and costs into ongoing projects and utility infrastructure needs rather than propose them separately, where they would compete for funding.” The media chorus praising Bates’ sustainability efforts also included The Washington Post and USA Today. In the former, college counseling expert Katherine Cohen named Bates among “green colleges that are saving the world” (but no pressure!), and USA Today called Bates one of the nation’s most environmentally friendly schools.

SHORT TERMS Judson Peck ’11 turned up in The Boston Sunday Globe travel section in April talking about his independent study in Nepal (get it from the horse’s mouth on page 18)...The Globe also showered attention on poet and Senior Lecturer in English Robert Farnsworth, reviewing his March reading at the Boston Athenaeum. As colleges nationwide launch three-year degree programs to help undergraduates save on educational costs, The Wall Street Journal and other high-profile news outlets pointed out that Bates has offered such a program since 1965. Finally, the College made its mark on the fashion world in March as Freeport-based outdoors outfitter L.L. Bean chose Bates students to premiere its new, young-adult-oriented Signature collection. The collaboration was the work of Charlie Carey ’13, who, with a friend, asked the always-open retailer for the chance to market the line at colleges in the Northeast. A well-attended sneak preview of the line, which a Boston Globe writer described as Bean’s play for the “khaki chic audience,” took place at a downtown Lewiston coffee shop. “It’s a breakthrough for L.L. Bean. It’s a tribute to what they’ve always been, but also to what they’re becoming,” Bates Student fashion editor Nicolette Whitney ’12 told the Globe.

“With student help, L.L. Bean tries younger look” More Bates in the news


Bates SUMMER 2010

About to graduate, a student revisits her first impressions of Bates I played with the hair bands looped around my wrists and found myself saying “um” and “like” just as I did when I was 17 and being interviewed for admission to Bates. But this time it was just three weeks before I would graduate from Bates, and I was on the Olin concert hall stage playing the role of a high school senior. The occasion was Maine Day, when counselors and college-hunting students from high schools around the state visit Bates — this year, more than 100 attendees from about two-thirds of Maine high schools. The program focused on searching for and applying to colleges. Bates admissions staff proffered essay-writing tips and a roadmap for the process, and staged a mock reading of applications. Current Bates students from Maine, sharing the benefits of hindsight, recalled their own searches.

It felt strange to revisit my resume from Palo Alto High. The resume that began “I am a responsible and friendly individual” and offered my neatly bulleted accomplishments now seemed distant and unimpressive. Why did I once feel so strongly about Prop 77? What did I really accomplish as president of the Second Harvest food drive? There on the Olin stage, I couldn’t even remember things as basic as the high school subject I’d struggled with the most. But Johie’s questions did help me clarify for the Maine high school students what I love most about Bates. When she asked what I was seeking in a college, I said I wanted a place where students could collaborate without cutthroat competition, integrate into a small community where they felt like names and not numbers, and become broadly educated, wellrounded scholars.


University Business, “Keeping the Commitment”

Full Circle

Admissions dean Johie Farrar ’03 (right) puts author Becca Chacko ’10 on the spot during a mock interview in Olin Arts Center Concert Hall, part of a Maine Day session on interviewing for college.

As for me, a senior admissions fellow, I helped assistant dean Johie Farrar ’03 lead a college-interview workshop. I had interviewed more than 50 prospective applicants last fall, and got quite used to talking about Bates: Why I love it, what needs improvement, how a prospective student could succeed here. So now here I was in the mock interview that unexpectedly reawakened my 17-year-old self, once again being asked to explain not only which classes and activities I undertook in high school, but why I chose them and what they meant to me.

And then I remembered why I volunteered to help Johie in the first place — my own real interview as a prospective Bates student. It cemented my decision to attend. The relaxed atmosphere of Lindholm House, the senior interviewer who put her feet up on her chair, contributed to my seeing Bates as a collaborative and comfortable environment. It was a place where my interviewer was trying to get to know me, not to trip me up. — Becca Chacko ’10. Now at the Boston-area consulting firm Circadian, Chacko will enter the Harvard Business School’s 2+2 Program in 2012.

Bates’ interesting past


l S CE N E AGA I N l

in words and pictures

Pirates at Popham

From left, Katie Day Chase ’53, Lenny Chase ’53, Bill Laird ’54, John Sturgis ’53, and Barbara Earl Sturgis ’53 at Popham Beach on May 24, 1953. Photograph by Carolann McKesson Laird ’54.


ith finals looming the next day, the Bates Outing Club clambake at Popham Beach on May 24, 1953, offered one last chance for some sun, fun, and suds. This was a day after Mayoralty’s conclusion, and the striped shirts worn by Lenny Chase ’53, at left, and Bill Laird ’54, leaning against John Sturgis ’53, reflect the piratethemed campaign of Lev “Jolly Roger” Campbell ’55 (Chase’s bandana was also part of the getup). The pirates won the vote over the campaign run by “Captain Walt” Reuling ’54 that evoked Show Boat. The ’53 clambake was true to its name: Unlike later iterations, lobster wasn’t on the BOC menu, just clams and burgers, and Lenny was in charge of the clams. A clambake neophyte, he bought bushels and bushels, “and cleaned them in the dorm shower,” re-

calls Katie Day Chase ’53, at left, who would marry Lenny a few weeks later. “People raved about them!” The suds being swilled here are Ruppert Knickerbocker and Krueger Extra Light Cream Ale. The Bates boys could have been sipping other popular beers of the era, such as Narragansett or Ballantine or Genesee. “We drank whatever was cold and available!” says Laird. While on-campus drinking was a no-no in the 1950s, “off-campus was different,” says Laird, who recalls the “user-friendly” establishments downtown that served under-21 Batesies. There was Steckino’s on Lisbon Street and, of course, the Blue Goose, where Laird recalls a post-library ritual of dimeys (dime draft beer), fried-egg sandwiches, and boxing on TV. The Bates friends drove to Popham that day in Lenny’s 1940 Olds, named Betsy. In fact, the Batesies who traveled in Betsy that day paired off in marriage. Besides Lenny and

Katie, Bill Laird married Carolann McKesson Laird ’54, who shot this photo; and John Sturgis married Barbara Earl Sturgis ’53, seen at right in the photo. The BOC clambake did seem to be datedriven in the 1950s. Clambake chairman Frederick Russell ’53 told the Student that he hoped groups of students would come to Popham and that the event was “not only for couples.” Perhaps the many and sturdy Bates marriages like these helped give rise to the myth of the Bates marriage “statistic” — see page 30 for our story on that topic. And see page 24 for our story about what’s happened to the sandy expanse of Popham Beach since the 1950s. — HJB For the Outing Club’s 90th anniversary fall schedule, contact Leah Wiedmann Gailey ’97 of Alumni and Parent Programs,, or BOC adviser Judy Marden ’66,

“We drank whatever was cold and available!” SUMMER 2010 Bates


Bobcat history:


Four Oar Years Danica Doroski ’10, holding a decorative oar, loomed large in Bates rowing for four years.

Danica Doroski’s success shows that rowing is more than poetry in motion By Andy Walter Photograph by Phyllis Graber Jensen

14 Bates SUMMER 2010


owing is often described in poetic terms, which is understandable. Wordsworth defined poetry as emotion recollected in tranquility, and rowing spectators have lots of tranquil time on their hands as they wait, sometimes hours, for brief glimpses of their boat. While passing the time, they might easily daydream of eight bodies moving gauzily as one, their boat rippling quietly and intently through the water among ducks and water lilies. “People do have this romantic image of rowing, and that’s fine,” acknowledges Bates head coach Peter Steenstra. “But when you’re right there on the boat, it’s almost violent.”

You have to understand the rigors of rowing to appreciate what Danica Doroski ’10 did at Bates: help guide women’s rowing to four straight NCAA team appearances, including the best team finishes (second place in 2009 and 2010) in Bates history. Doroski was an alternate during Bates’ first trip to NCAAs, in 2007, when the team placed third. She rowed on the national stage as Bates finished fifth in 2008, second in 2009, and second in 2010. Still, only recently did Doroski really selfidentify as an athlete.

Bobcat News “I get sentimentally feminist when I think about it,” she says, “but I really feel like rowing for Bates has empowered me as an athlete. I feel confident in the weight room next to anybody, the big football players or whomever, really pulling my weight.” A native of Wayne, Pa., Doroski played volleyball and was a distance runner in high school but was not a varsity prospect when she arrived at Bates. Like others who take up rowing in college, she got interested after heading out to the Androscoggin with friends who were also interested in the sport. In an age of increasing sports specialization, rowing remains refreshingly unusual in that you can pick it up in college. “It requires no athletic skill,” says Steenstra. “Anyone can do it.” But in another sense, rowing is sport at its purest and most demanding. “Rowing is a matter of wanting to — you have to enjoy the training, you have to enjoy the team, and you have to love racing,” Steenstra says. “And if

confidence as she looked ahead to the championships. “It’s going to be Williams and Bates, a showdown between us two,” she said prophetically. As the only graduating senior to make the NCAA-bound squad all four years, Doroski provided team continuity during the turmoil of three different head coaches since 2006. (Steenstra took over in 2008, and was preceded by an interim coach and by Andrew Carter, who helped grow the program in the early 2000s.) “There’s a lot to be said for that one person that just seems to always be there,” says Steenstra. “There’s never a question as to whether or not Danica’s going to be there or give me her all. She is always competitive, always pushing her teammates, and always working.” An environmental studies major, Doroski volunteered four years with the Junior Naturalist program sponsored by the Stanton Bird Club for elementary school children,

“Rowing taught me a level of competition I didn’t even realize I had in me.” that doesn’t all fall into place, people end up leaving. It’s a sport that is based on, he who works hardest will win.” Doroski says she got hooked when she first saw the Bates Boathouse and its idyllic setting along the Androscoggin River in Greene and felt the character and personalities of the Bates crew. Since then, she’s been a vital example to others. “She won her place every year out of sheer determination and consistent effort,” says Steenstra. “The women who are in the program now, we dedicate most of our lives to rowing,” Doroski says. “We still take our studies really seriously, but we’re always ready to be out and practicing.” This ethic was in evidence right to the end of her Bates career, as Doroski and her rowing team flew to Sacramento to compete in the NCAA Championships on Memorial Day weekend — they finished second to Williams — and hustled back to campus for Commencement on Sunday. Bates arrived at the 2010 championships ranked fourth behind Williams, Ithaca, and Trinity, all of whom had defeated Bates in the regular season. Yet during a conversation in mid-May, Doroski exhibited a measured

leading field trips to measure the age of trees in a nearby old-growth forest and holding sessions with the youngsters, like “Terrific Trees with Danica.” Just as Doroski noticed her own maturation as a athlete, others noticed a change, too. “I saw Danica shortly before she graduated, and I had never seen her so laid back, so relaxed, so self-confident,” says Susan Hayward, environmental coordinator for the club’s Thorncrag Nature Sanctuary. “What a huge difference from when I saw her as a first-year, trying everything and being so excited, but not having that core of assurance.” Her friends, meanwhile, describe Doroski as humble but not without pride in what’s she’s accomplished at Bates. “Danica never gloats,” says Briana Gerrish ’10, Doroski’s first-year roommate and close friend. “But I could see throughout the years how much crew has meant to her and how proud she was of being an integral part of such a great team.” In turn, Danica remains almost astonished at what rowing has done for her. “Rowing taught me a level of competition I didn’t even realize I had in me.”

Baseball Chatter After Chris Burke ’11 looped a single into left vs. Fisher College on May 4, PA announcer Dave Myerson ’10 delivered the news: “Congratulations to Chris Burke, who just tied Tommy Beaton’s single-season hits record!” Moving to third on the play was none other than Beaton himself, whose 55th hit of the season a few minutes earlier had given him, albeit briefly, the hits record alone. So Beaton couldn’t help but rib Burke from across Leahey Field. “At least you could have hit a line drive,” Beaton shouted. The jocularity was understandable: The Bobcats were in the midst of a doubleheader sweep of Fisher, 17–6 and 18–7, and Bates records were a-tumbling. By season’s end, second-year head coach Edwin Thompson’s team had won a record 25 games against 11 losses, the program’s first winning season since 1993. The Sun Journal calls the season an “amazing turnaround” (Bates went 12–22 in Thompson’s first year) and notes that Thompson and his staff “plan to make Bates a worthy rival to perennial NESCAC powers...and even a force in Division III. Don’t put it past them.” A slew of single-season records were set in 2010, some simply because of the longer-than-ever season. Still, it’s worth noting these broken records, many of which had stood for nearly a generation: • Twenty-five wins passes the 1984 record of 18. • Noah Lynd ’11 of Meriden, N.H., hit 15 homers, passing the previous record of nine by Gary Page ’79 (1979) and Andy Carman ’85 (1984). • Lynd had 44 RBIs, passing Carman (40 in 1984). • Jake Simon ’11 of Waterford, Conn., scored 43 runs, passing Peter Mrowka ’85 (40 in 1985). • Noah Burke ’11 of Appleton, Maine, hit 15 doubles, passing Ben Bines ’01 (14 in 2000). • Pat Murphy ’11 of Cape Elizabeth, Maine, made no errors in 89 chances in center, the fourth Bobcat to record a perfect fielding percentage with a minimum of 50 chances. • Pitcher Paul Chiampa ’11 of Pembroke, Mass., had 55 strikeouts, passing Dennis Gromelski ’88 (52 in 1988). • Ryan Heide ’11, now attending Columbia on the 3–2 engineering program, went 8–1 to take the win record from Pete Shibley ’76 (7–1 in 1976). Meanwhile, in the final game of the season, Tom Beaton collected two hits and graduates owning the single-season hit mark alone — giving Chris Burke something to aim at in his senior year.

DUNCAN’S YEAR Vantiel Elizabeth Duncan ’10 of Topsham, Maine, along with Middlebury’s Anjuli Demers, was nominated by NESCAC to the NCAA Woman of the Year Award competition. Duncan, a six-time NCAA All-American in the hammer, weight throw, and shot put, is the 2009–10 female Bates Athlete of the Year. A politics major with minors in Chinese and music, she served on the trustee Committee on Student Affairs, was a DJ for WRBC, and played clarinet in the Bates orchestra. She’s also president Vantiel Duncan ’10 of her class. Prior Bates nominees who’ve advanced to the national Woman of the Year program are Amanda Colby ’00 (volleyball), Peg Ficks ’01 (field hockey and softball), and Liz Wanless ’04 (volleyball and shot put).

SUMMER 2010 Bates


By Charles Antin ’02

Off-Broadway director

Photograph by Phyllis Graber Jensen

Arin Arbus ’99 makes Shakespeare sizzle by keeping it simple


rin Arbus ’99 and I are about to share a bottle of red wine at Bar Henry, a bistro on West Houston Street in Lower Manhattan. Arbus has just arrived; I, however, have been here 20 minutes, drinking a beer to calm my nerves. Arbus is, according to critic Charles Isherwood of The New York Times, the “most gifted” new theater director to emerge in New York in the last year. Her off-Broadway production of Othello, he wrote, handled Shakespeare with the “kind of artistry we always hope for and rarely find.” At present Arbus is an associate artistic director with Theatre for a New Audience, a highly regarded New York City company that focuses on Shakespeare and classic drama. But it’s not her professional stature that has me nervous. As a writer, I’m just wondering if having this tête-à-tête is an effective way to understand Arin Arbus. I had assumed, perhaps naively, that to know a director you have to see her directing. But she’s between theater projects at the moment. Such an interim, she tells me, is “the time to try to understand the successes and failures in past productions and to dream about future ones. It’s an essential time for me. A time to recharge.” With that cue, we talk about her recent volunteer work at Woodbourne Correctional Facility, a medium-security men’s prison in upstate New York. She works for a program called Rehabilitation Through the Arts, leading a theater company of prison-

16 Bates SUMMER 2010

ers in a variety of productions, such as Of Mice and Men and, recently, a play the men wrote about maintaining family life while incarcerated. Another recent production began as a modern dance, choreographed by a collaborator and fellow volunteer. Then Arbus gave the prisoners writing prompts, and they performed spoken word during the dance — a sort of hybrid performance piece. Eighty percent of the Woodbourne prisoners have a violent felony conviction, so I ask Arbus to describe them. She smiles and does one of those muscleman moves, pointing her knuckles together while flexing her biceps, meaning that the prisoners are generally burly. Arbus is slender. Physical and gender contrasts notwithstanding, I am curious how a director creates a working relationship with actors, whether in prison or on a Manhattan stage. She answers by comparing working with a theater company — as she does in prison — to working in the style of conventional American theater, where actors come and go from production to production. “Working with a company is different, and I’ve learned a great deal,” she says. “The group naturally passes through a honeymoon stage and endures periods of frustration — intense disagreements, hurt feelings, and at times people take one another for granted. All of this is, of course, both healthy and difficult to sort out.” But, she adds, the joys of a company “are immense. A method of working is established, a common theatrical vocabulary

develops, a real sense of trust is generated. People get to know one another very deeply — and not necessarily on a personal level.” The prisoners volunteer for the theater company because it helps them to grow as individuals, she says. I ask if maybe they’re trying to avoid doing something else. She smiles slyly at me, like I just don’t get it, and assures me that’s not the case. Prisoners are busy, she says, and they have to make time for the theater, which they do willingly and with passion. It’s that kind of desire for pure theater, often absent in a professional setting, that brought her to Woodbourne in the first place. For example, there’s a Department of Correctional Services rule: You don’t exchange personal information with prisoners. “I’ve found that freeing,” Arbus says. “We don’t have the chance to cling to the superficial details that give people the illusion that they ‘know’ each other. We focus on the work at hand, so we encounter each other in a very simple, profound, and almost existential way. Surprisingly, a tremendous feeling of intimacy emerges. I find it humanizing.” One writer has heard Arbus talk about the liberation of anonymity and concluded that she’s unwilling to share her personal story. But after 45 minutes and half a bottle of wine, I don’t see that quality, and neither does she. “I don’t think of myself that way,” she says. “I don’t have many secrets — no more than your average fellow.” She says that the spare, intense work with the Woodbourne company “feeds” her off-Broadway work “and vice-versa.”

In prison, the theater productions are, by necessity, text-driven and “without razzmatazz,” she says. And as Arbus and Jeffrey Horowitz, artistic director for Theatre for a New Audience, start to plan one of their productions, they always return to one question: “What are the essentials of this production?” And forcing herself to ask and answer questions about her work’s essential nature, Arbus tells me, “continually helps me to clarify my own theatrical values.” In his review of Othello, Isherwood of The New York Times alluded to Arbus’ skill at creating eloquence from “trenchant simplicity.” Arbus, he wrote, “gets out of Shakespeare’s way.” Actors arranged on a simple thrust stage become the setting of “rich emotional eloquence.”

Originally from Los Angeles, she is the daughter of actors (her father is Allan Arbus, familiar to readers as the character Sidney Freedman in M*A*S*H). After graduating from Bates as an art major, Arbus considered a career as a visual artist and painter but veered away. She instead embraced the theater after a summer at the Williamstown Theater Festival, where she directed two productions. Arbus has been with Theatre for a New Audience for six years, and was promoted to associate artistic director after Horowitz saw her Woodbourne adaptation of Of Mice and Men. She directs one TFANA play of several done annually. She followed 2009’s Othello with Measure for Measure last winter.

Her career shift from visual art to the theater happened because she felt “alone with my ideas” when she painted. “I found that isolating.” It also left her feeling creatively ineffective. “What you can invent together in the theater is going to be far more complex and more interesting than anything I could invent alone. There’s something basic in us that wants to build shared meanings — it’s primal.” Charles Antin ’02, who lives in Brooklyn, has had essays published in Food & Wine, The Virginia Quarterly Review, and The New York Times.

“There’s something basic in us that wants to build shared meanings — it’s primal.”

Arin Arbus ’99, photographed in Times Square on April 22, 2010.

SUMMER 2010 Bates


Photographs and text by Judson Peck ’11

Heavenly Harvest M

y plan was simple. The execution was tricky. I would take a small plane into the Khumbu region of Nepal, then trek alone without guide or porter into Sagarmatha National Park, the highest mountain ecosystem in the world. Then I would settle into a village to research the plastic greenhouses used by Sherpa villagers to grow and harvest vegetables during the long, harsh winter.

During a Thamo festival, Judson Peck poses with villagers who hold knives dotted with yak butter, a sign of blessing for a village shrine.

My first challenge: Where the heck were these greenhouses? It’s not like they dot a Google map. I had spent the previous few months in Kathmandu with the School for International Training, learning about Nepal’s history, politics, culture, and development issues. Then I began my independent study project. This was last November. I knew the greenhouses were up there — somewhere — deep in Sagarmatha National Park, which encompasses part of Mount Everest (“Sagarmatha” is the Nepali name for Everest). And I knew that the greenhouses had been donated to villages within the park as part of a program that compensates villages for the fact that the area’s tightly restricted natural resources are off-limits. But no one had done much research on how they were being used and their effect on these tightknit communities. So I trekked around to different places like Namche, Khumjung, Khunde, and Thame. Then, at 12,000 feet, I discovered the village of Thamo, sitting on a plateau against the rocky mountainside, home to

18 Bates SUMMER 2010

In Mount Everest’s shadow, an environmental studies major spends a month with Nepalese villagers to research high-altitude greenhouses that supplement centuries-old farming practices

By measuring the amount of ice in glasses of water (above) inside and outside the greenhouses, Peck could calculate the intensity of the nighttime cold.

The late-Nov No ov vemb e er mor ornin or ornin nin ng sun begins to o warm m a gre reenre en house in the village of Tha ha amo, o, Nepal, elevation 12,000 0 fee ee et. t.

about 35 households and 10 donated greenhouses that were flown by helicopter from Kathmandu. The growing season had ended by my November visit, and Thamo in November is much like Maine in late fall — on the brink of winter. But even in the coldest weather and climates, from the Arctic tundra to the high mountains of Khumbu, only the growing season is limited. As anyone who’s thrown an old bedsheet over tomato plants before a cold September night knows, you can extend the harvest season by creating a warm and protected microclimate. The donated greenhouses that create this microclimate at 12,000 feet feature thick, clear plastic that has been UV-stabilized so it won’t disintegrate. To withstand the mountain winds, the plastic is firmly attached to metal poles. In Thamo, I stayed at a guesthouse of the sort typically used by trekkers. As the sole guest most of the time, I was treated like family. I chatted in Nepali with the children about their schoolwork and ate daal bhaat — a traditional dish of rice and a kind of lentil soup — with the mother in the kitchen (the father worked at a nearby hotel and was away much of the time). At night, my bedroom went well below freezing; most evenings I’d snuggle into my sleeping bag, wearing my winter jacket, and do my reading, like Four-Season Harvest by Eliot Coleman, who farms in Harborside, Maine. One night I lay awake listening to the chants of four monks reverberate through the cold house as they blessed the family for

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“I knew the greenhouses were up there — somewhere — deep in Sagarmatha National Park.”

At top, a nun waters leafy green vegetables inside a greenhouse belonging to a monastery; above left, Mount Everest (left) and Lhotse (right) glow in the late-afternoon November sun about 20 miles from Thamo; at right, an elderly Thamo woman.

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the coming year. At dawn I sometimes woke to the clanging of bells as yak caravans plodded beneath my window carrying loads of woolens and knock-off North Face jackets from Tibet. Every morning I trudged outside and broke the ice in the water bucket, then washed my face in freezing agony before the sun steamed it off my head. I didn’t bathe during my stay, partly because the bathing area was being used to hang drying meat and partly so I would fit in with daily life in the mountains. I’d hoped to use my broken Nepali to interview the villagers but soon learned that they mostly speak Sherpa. I soon found a translator: Nawan, a trekking guide who has summited Everest himself. As Nawan and I went from home to home, I learned that Sherpa culture demands that tea be served to visitors. Lots of

At right, trekkers likely returning from Mount Everest Base Camp cross a suspension bridge adorned with prayer flags offering safe passage. At bottom, a Thamo greenhouse within Sagarmatha National Park.

tea meant many bathroom breaks but the tea-drinking sessions also fostered a relaxed setting for informal discussions. On my last day in the village, a festival inaugurated the new village shrine. Among the rituals is placing yak butter on the men’s knives, khukuri, as a blessing and waving bamboo shafts with silk scarves attached. Four monks beat drums as the villagers chanted and drank raksi, a traditional and really strong distilled drink. Afterward, there was dancing, then we staggered home over the rough terrain, knives in hand. Environmental studies major Judson Peck is from Topsham, Vt. For his senior thesis in 2010–11, he will try to determine the political and environmental factors that create food scarcity in Nepal.

To New Heights Some conclusions from my stay in Thamo, where high-altitude greenhouses have literally taken gardening to new heights: • In the villagers’ traditional outdoor gardens and in the greenhouses, they grow mostly green leafy vegetables: lettuce, spinach, Chinese cabbage. During the June-September monsoon season, they grow everything from chilies and tomatoes to beans and squash. • The greenhouses do save villagers money by producing inexpensive vegetables. But most of the food is eaten by families, so not enough is left over to sell in nearby Namche for income, as was hoped by the agencies that donated the greenhouses. (Still, it’s a big benefit to have year-round veggies.) • My sense is that the greenhouses have not changed existing social or gender roles, as the women still do most of the gardening. The men often porter goods or guide trekkers, as Thamo is near the gateway to Mount Everest. • Garden pests are a problem during the monsoon season. To combat pests, growers should improve the soil, since pests feast on weak plants. The growers already sweeten the acidic soil with wood ash, eggshells, and bone meal, but should also spread more compost and introduce “green manure”: plants that protect the soil and add nitrogen. — Judson Peck ’11

Judson Peck’s final report SUMMER 2010 Bates


Are We HappyYet? In a dizzying display of data mining, Chris Danforth ’01 invents a way to measure human happiness in real time

By Wilson Ring ’79 Photograph by Phyllis Graber Jensen

Chris Danforth ’01, photographed at Bates on Nov. 13, 2009.

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“We are watching conversations,” Danforth says. “This changes the game.”


loggers and social networks propel billions of emotion-laden words into cyberspace every day. What if you could, day to day, magically rate all these feelings? Maybe you’d find that collectively we’re happy on Sunday mornings, after a cup of coffee. Or that we felt downright ecstatic after Barack Obama was elected president. Or that we’re glum on Mondays. Chris Danforth ’01 doesn’t need to muse about this stuff. He really knows when we’re happy or sad. A mathematician at the University of Vermont, Danforth and colleague Peter Dodds have created a high-tech hedonometer — a way to measure, in real time, the shifting emotions reflected by our vast blog output and, more recently, our Twitter feeds. They also know who sings happy songs (and unhappy ones), and what president’s rhetoric is more gloom and doom than the others. The two researchers’ work represents a really cool achievement in what they call “sociotechnical data mining” and a potentially novel approach to studying human behavior— one that goes beyond phone surveys with 500 respondents or psychological studies with a few dozen subjects. “We’ve never had the chance to make observations on this scale,” Danforth says during an interview at the Vermont Advanced Computing Center in Burlington. In the past, what was available to a social science researcher “might be a college classroom with 20 students beholden to their professor,” he says. “But if you pay attention to what’s going on online, your experiment can now go from on the order of 100 to the order of 100 million overnight.” Last summer, Danforth and Dodds announced their work in the Journal of Happiness Studies. Their article, “Measuring the Happiness of Large-Scale Written Expression: Songs, Blogs, and Presidents,” got immediate media attention, partly because it included the fact that the national mood, as reflected in blog posts, had briefly soured after Michael Jackson’s death a few weeks earlier. The New York Times, for example, quoted University of Texas psychologist James Pennebaker, who said the research is

“a cross-pollination of computer science, engineering, and psychology. And it’s going to change the social sciences.” In other words, rather than having to ask a large group of people how they feel — an approach fraught with error — “we are watching conversations,” Danforth says. “We’re trying to infer someone’s state of mind or well-being from what they say. This changes the game.” Using supercomputers, the two researchers evaluated 10 million blog sentences that came to them from the website, a site that scours blogs for sentences that include “I feel” or “I am feeling” in them. To measure these key sentences’ happiness — their “emotional valence” — the researchers turned to a special list of words that have been ranked on a one-to-nine happiness scale. For example, words like “triumphant” or “trophy” score happy while “hostage” or “corrupt” score sad. Thus when Dodds and Danforth looked at “I feel” blog sentences right after the 2008 presidential election — the happiest day in their dataset — the word in those sentences that most drove the national smile was “proud.” The pair made some surprising discoveries, including one that bears on the notion that money can’t buy happiness. “Social scientists typically find that, provided you have basic food and shelter, ultimately you stay just as happy whether you win the lottery or become disabled,” explains Danforth. “But we found that individuals do present their happiness differently over their lifetime.” Teenagers are often mad, adults somewhat happier, and older folks increasingly grumpy. The pair’s hedonometer can assess any big pile of words, so they also looked at the lyrics of 232,574 songs by 20,025 artists released between 1960 and 2007. They found that Luther Vandross’ songs are quite happy while Slayer’s aren’t. And they reviewed the words in State of the Union addresses. Kennedy’s and Reagan’s speeches score happy; Hoover, speaking gloomy words about the Depression, scores low. Danforth, the nephew of Bates anthropology professor Danny Danforth, came to Bates eager to study math and not much


else. Math professors Chip Ross and Bonnie Shulman, along with physics professor George Ruff, helped to show him that he could “use math to study the world.” Danforth earned a Ph.D. in applied mathematics and scientific computation at the University of Maryland and then, in 2006, joined the faculty at UVM, where he initially continued his research on chaos theory and computer weather forecasting models. “I still think the Earth’s atmosphere is very interesting,” he says, but when he and his wife, Kate McLaughlin Danforth ’01, had their first child, Chris became a little more interested in people and technology. “My daughter will probably have her first relationship primarily via text message,” he says. “This new form of communication without audio clues and visual cues is going to affect their generation — somehow.” In terms of the complexity of the research, Danforth says it was little more than picking some “low-hanging fruit. We didn’t really do very much more than combine two data sets.” What might be unusual, he says, is the collaboration of two mathematicians who are also highly interested in human behavior. (Dodds, for example, has a Ph.D. in applied math but decided not to go into a canonical field like particle physics.) Danforth and Dodd’s forthcoming Twitter study is the result of looking at 1 billion Tweets, and that will be followed by an analysis of 20 years’ worth of happy and sad words in The New York Times. Another project is creating a website to display real-time happiness, sort of like the National Debt Clock in New York City. But any sophisticated use for their hedonometric work— like a policy-guiding “Gross National Happiness Index” — is purely theoretical at this point. “It just makes sense to have all of this information in front of you,” he says. “That’s the value of doing this type of work. It can provide a new measure that might actually be the one that you care about the most.” Wilson Ring ’79 lives in Waterbury Center, Vt., and is a reporter for The Associated Press.

SUMMER 2010 Bates


A River Plows Through It Geologist Mike Retelle explains how the meandering Morse River ended its years-long assault on beloved Popham Beach By Kirsten Weir

1 2



Popham Beach show the he ke key y elem element entss of of eros er ion on:: (1) the new channel cut by y the th Mo Morse rse Ri River ver la last st winter, which h should s save the he bea ach; h (2 (2) the old channel, at far right, that for years had eroded the e west side of Po P pham; and (3) the tombolo that makes it possible to walk to rocky Fox Island at low tide.



Mike Retelle and geology major Dana Oster ’09.

24 Bates SUMMER 2010

he Bates Outing Club clambakes at Popham Beach State Park are one reason this sandy stretch of Maine coastline is a touchstone of the Bates experience. Longtime BOC adviser Judy Marden ’66 recalls the clambake ritual from her Bates days: “The night before, we’d go out and gather driftwood, then camp overnight. Early the next morning we’d dig pits and start the fires. Then we cooked the lobsters in trash cans with clams and corn.” But this spring, the state asked the BOCers to relocate their clambake, which they did, to Reid State Park a few miles to the east. The reason: There’s not much public beach left at Popham.

Indeed, while an idealized and immutable Popham looms large in the alumni consciousness, the beach itself has rapidly eroded during the 2000s. These days, only a few feet remain at high tide. If Popham Beach is this story’s protagonist, then the antagonist is the Morse River, which exits the coast just west of Popham Beach. In recent years, the river has migrated eastward, cutting away at Popham’s beach, particularly the western part of the beach, though the center beach, which connects to Fox Island, has also been eroded significantly.

“From an environmental perspective, you want to see natural processes play out,” Retelle says. “Otherwise you won’t know


By March 2009 erosion eventually caused pines to topple onto the beach. The trees were then used to create a protective “tree wall.”


“We’ve been watching this river shift its course gradually for a long time,” says Bates geology professor Mike Retelle. By 2005, he says, “we started noticing massive changes” to the Morse River and Popham Beach. Two factors pushed the river toward the beach. “A double whammy,” Retelle says. One was the relentless growth of a sand spit just offshore from the Morse River outlet. The spit was created by a wave and sand mechanism called longshore sand transport, in which sand-carrying waves hit the shore at an angle and gradually deposit their sediments. Retelle and Dana Oster ’09

The roiling sea in December 2009 takes part of the picnic area with it.

what would have happened.” dubbed the Morse River spit “I-95” for its great length and width, and it became an “insurmountable barrier” that blocked the Morse from flowing directly into the ocean. The sand spit deflected the river toward the beach, and the erosion just got worse and worse. “It was like a firehose,” Retelle says. As kayakers and canoeists know, when a river curves, the fastest and most powerful flow is the outside of the curve. As the Morse curved into Popham Beach, the strongest part of the current was eating away at the beach. River outlets are always “the most dynamic places” along the coast, says Retelle. Even so, the stunning changes at Popham had observers “in a panic” by this past winter, Retelle says. Erosion had carved deeply into the dunes and toppled hundreds of shoreline pine trees. The ocean was within feet of the parking lot, and it threatened the park’s new bathhouses. State geologists say it’s the beach’s greatest retreat in a century. In its inexorable eastward march, the river had even cut through the sand bar, known as a tombolo, making it nearly impossible for visitors to walk from Popham to Fox Island. This past February, some local residents urged that a channel be cut through the sand spit to allow the river to return to a north-south orientation. But others said that the river, and nature, should take its course. “From an environmental perspective, you want to see natural processes play out,” Retelle says. “Otherwise you won’t know what would have happened.”

The Bates–Morse Mountain Conservation Area is just across the Morse River from Popham Beach, and director Laura Sewall also opposed taking action. “The mission of the conservation area emphasizes protecting ecological integrity and educational opportunities. That’s primary,” says Sewall. She subscribes to a philosophy promoted by naturalist Aldo Leopold, she explains: “If you want to understand a natural system, you can’t study one that has already been in any way altered.” While public attention peaked over the winter, scientists like Retelle and state geologist Stephen Dickson had already seen evidence that the river was about to change course. In April 2009, as Retelle and his students were doing measurements on that aforementioned I-95 sand spit, they saw a dry channel right across the spit, about 2 meters wide — evidence that the river had momentarily breached the spit during a recent storm and its associated high tide. According to Dickson, the channel was the first sign of “a new, and more direct, course to the sea across the...spit.” In fact, winter storms had begun shaving the sand spit little by little over the last two years,

Retelle says. He and Dickson agreed that a few more fierce winter storms would do the trick. On Feb. 25 and 26, 2010, a major northeaster proved them right, as gale winds and high tides helped the Morse River barrel through the mound of sand to create a new north-south flow away from Popham Beach. With summer’s arrival, calmer wave action should allow sand to be re-deposited along Popham, explains Retelle, so the beach should begin to grow again. In fact, Retelle and his geology thesis student, Molly Newton ’11 of Easthampton, Mass., are now working with the state to monitor the recovery of Popham Beach. It’s an intriguing project, he says. “I never know what I’m going to see when I go down to Popham.” Kirsten Weir is a science writer based in southern Maine.

Popham overview by the Maine Geological Survey See related Popham story on page 13

SUMMER 2010 Bates



A Dr Dru rug ug Story ry

Steve Katess ’83 ’83,, photograph p phed ed at Ischemix in May M nar nard, d, Mas Ma s., o May 18. By this fall, Ka on ates will know if the firm’s new heart drug works, and that will tell the future of Ischemix itself.

26 Bates SUMMER 2010

By Bill Walsh ’86

The pharmaceutical industry stirs skepticism even as it saves lives. Alums in the drug business explain why


y this fall, Steven Kates ’83 will be reaping the rewards of an important breakthrough on a medical mystery. Or he might be looking for a new job. That’s when Kates expects to see the results of a human clinical study of a new drug he has been working on relentlessly for six years. The drug, CMX-2043, is designed to reduce the damage to heart tissue that can occur when normal blood flow is restored after a blockage. And if the data on some 120 patients show promise, Kates and his company, Massachusetts-based Ischemix, will likely find themselves courted by venture capitalists and big pharmaceutical companies anxious to turn CMX-2043 into a gold mine. On the other hand, if the drug fails to deliver (or worse, causes harm) Ischemix’s investors will be out millions of dollars and the biotech company, with no other drugs in development, will face at best “an uncertain future,” says Kates, Ischemix’s vice president of research and development. A veteran chemist in the biotech industry, Kates majored in chemistry at Bates and earned a Ph.D. in synthetic organic chemistry from Brandeis. “People don’t realize how many failures there are in this process and the costs involved in bringing a drug to market,” he says. To be sure, consumers are less focused on the drug-discovery process than on the result — a pill they can pop every morning to keep allergies in check or control a chronic illness that a generation ago could have meant lifelong debilitation. That contrast in perceptions has created a fundamental disconnect. While Kates and his industry colleagues focus on the life-enhancing work they do — drug discoveries have saved countless lives and

immeasurably improved the way people live — Americans nevertheless trust pharmaceutical companies even less than they do Congress. It’s understandable. Drugs are a potent pocketbook issue for the public, and an unrelenting wave of high-profile media stories tell about drug-test coverups and misleading marketing by pharmaceutical companies. So is the U.S. drug industry an engine of medical innovation responsible for im-

proving the quality of peoples’ lives? Or is it a damn-the-consumer enterprise subservient to its stockholders? Actually, it’s a hybrid — the rare industry that stirs skepticism even as it saves lives. Take our country’s senior citizens. This group has probably benefited the most from pharmaceutical breakthroughs, yet the seniors’ advocacy organization AARP has often criticized the drug industry for the high and rapidly rising prices of brand-name medications that hit uninsured patients and fixed-income seniors the hardest. (In the interest of full disclosure, besides writing an occasional freelance story for Bates Magazine, I have a professional awareness of these issues in my work as a strategic adviser for AARP.) Big Pharma justifies its prices by citing the risks and costs associated with bring-

ing a drug to market. Oft-cited studies and experts say it costs about a billion dollars and 10 years to bring a single drug candidate from lab to pharmacy. Industry critics say the figure is inflated and place the cost of developing a new drug — as opposed to reformulating an existing one — at between $100 million and $300 million. Still, that’s a lot of zeroes, especially when there is no guarantee that the initial drug candidate will ever win Food and Drug Administration approval. In 2004, for example, just 8 percent of compounds entering clinical trials were ultimately deemed safe and useful enough by the FDA to be approved for sale. Meanwhile, the Congressional Budget Office said that from a drug’s initial discovery to market averages about 12 years. Kates compares creating a drug to building a house. “So many disciplines are involved,” he says. “You need guys who pour the foundation, plumbers, painters, carpenters. Bringing a drug to the field initially requires hard-core chemists and biologists. Then there is work in toxicology and regulatory. Then you start dealing with the M.D.s and biostatisticians. It’s a plethora of highly skilled people.” But the homebuilding metaphor breaks down when you consider that most houses eventually get built. It is the rare drug compound that gets approved. At Ischemix, investors have waited years and wagered millions of dollars that CMX-2043 will work as intended. In 2007, the drug entered Phase 1 of clinical FDA trials, to assess basic safety. In April, a Phase 2a trial started to measure the drug’s effectiveness. Phase 3 will be the big hurdle, when the drug has to prove its effectiveness in a broad population.

SUMMER E 2010 Bates s


“Without profit you wouldn’t have the incentives


or resources to innovate, ys. innovate,” Wicks say says.

In the end, it may not prove effective, and Phase 3 has been a “real graveyard” for drug candidates like CMX2043, Kates says. While testing a new cancer-fighting drug is straightforward — because success is measured in lives saved — Kates’ drug seeks a goal that’s less bold and harder to measure: minimizing postblockage heart damage that’s not necessarily life-threatening. “Drug success has been very challenging for these indications,” he says. The lynchpin of the drug discovery process is the patent system. In the U.S., drug compounds have 20 years of patent exclusivity before low-cost generics can enter the market and sap a brand-name drug’s profit potential. However, this two-decade clock begins ticking not when the drug is approved by the FDA but when the drug is patented. So a company has a limited window to earn back its investment. Not surprisingly, the industry often criticizes the FDA for taking too long to vet drug candidates for sale. In recent years, the agency has in fact dramatically cut its average approval time to a little over a year while vowing not to sacrifice safety in the name of speed. “The FDA gets criticized for being too fast and too slow at the same time,” says Anne Ruggles Pariser ’83, recently appointed acting associate director of rare diseases at the FDA’s Office of New Drugs at the Center For Drug Evaluation and Research. A chemistry major at Bates, she earned a medical degree at Georgetown. “That is probably the biggest challenge, figuring out the balance.” Mike Bonney ’80 knows well the rollercoaster ride that is drug discovery. Bonney is president and CEO of Cubist Pharmaceu-

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Victoria Wicks ’74 is vice president of external affairs at sanofi-aventis U.S.

ticals, based in Lexington, Mass. He is credited with shepherding to market the drug Cubicin, a highly successful intravenous drug in the fight against certain antibioticresistant bacteria. Last year, Cubist was ranked No. 1 among the “Top 100” publicly traded Massachusetts-based businesses by The Boston Globe. And in April, Mike Bonney was honored by the Massachusetts Biotechnology Council for his success in making Cubist a model biotech company. Recently, however, Cubist had a setback of its own. The company had hoped that a drug in its pipeline called Ecallantide would stop blood loss in patients during heart bypass surgery. But clinical human trials showed that it did not, and on March 31 Cubist announced it had stopped all work with Ecallantide. Losing a promising drug hurts, Bonney says, and he’s not just talking about the bottom line. “The vast majority of people at Cubist are doing this work because they think they have the opportunity to make a difference in millions of peoples’ lives,” he says. “When it goes down, particularly in a case like this where we had early data suggesting it would work, it’s disappointing.”

An economics major at Bates, Bonney also knows that the business model of the drug industry doesn’t always add up in the public’s mind. Or, for that matter, to investors. “If you are a business person, the pharmaceutical or biotech industry is a complete anathema — unless you grew up in it,” Bonney says. He sums up the typical reaction from an investor unfamiliar with the industry: “‘You commit hundreds of millions of dollars to develop a product that might not be a product for 10 to 12 years and there’s no revenue? How does that work?’” Of course, when the risks pay off, they can pay off big, and sometimes drug companies just get lucky. Scientists at a Pfizer facility in England were experimenting in the mid-1990s with a compound called UK-92,480 designed to treat angina. The drug didn’t work so well on angina but was remarkably successful stimulating blood flow in another part of the body. That’s how Viagra became a $1 billion-a-year franchise. For the biggest companies, revenues grew a robust 8.6 percent a year between 2001 and 2008. Lipitor, the world’s bestselling drug, generates $12.8 billion a year in sales for Pfizer; last year, the company’s CEO earned $13.7 million. But the era of blockbuster drugs like Lipitor, Prilosec, and Plavix is coming to an end. Eighteen of the world’s 20 biggest drugs will end their patent-protected lives in the next five years. And while the anticipated rise in generic competition is good for consumers, it sends fear into the hearts of pharmaceutical executives, who worry about eroding profits.

“I don’t think we’ve done a good job explaining our challenges,” Bonney says. “Life sciences work is a very inefficient process.


IIt’s t’ss n ot a ne asy o ntuitive sstory tory tto o ttell.” ell.” not an easy orr iintuitive

One response to this socalled patent cliff has been for Big Pharma to make deals with generic rivals that effectively delay the entry of a low-cost generic to the market. Companies say that these payments, generally millions of dollars, stave off potential patent litigation, but critics say these “pay to delay” deals merely milk a few more months of profit out of a name-brand drug. To a consumer who might view pharmaceuticals as a public good — along the lines of, say, fire protection or law enforcement — the level of profit-seeking can seem out of place, yet profits are what drive the drugdevelopment process. “Without profit you wouldn’t have the incentives or resources to innovate,” says Victoria Wicks ’74, vice president of external affairs for sanofiaventis U.S. Some drug companies, including sanofi-aventis, have taken steps on their own to operate more transparently and to disclose their payments to physicians who prescribe their drugs. And the industry trade group has adopted voluntary guidelines limiting physicians’ gifts and entertainment. Operating more transparently is simply good business, Wicks says. “It improves partnerships with researchers, boosts the confidence of healthcare practitioners, and may help us regain the image as a contributor to developing solutions that bring significant value to patients.” Efforts around transparency and disclosure should get a boost from the new federal healthcare legislation, which requires drugmakers to report their financial ties to doctors. Another federal action, this one to rein in misleading drug company

Michael Bonney ’80 is president and CEO of Cubist Pharmaceuticals, based in Lexington, Mass.

marketing, came in May with the debut of the FDA’s “Bad Ad Program,” which encourages healthcare providers to report misleading drug advertisements to the agency. From the drug industry’s perspective, the problem isn’t regulation itself but the complexity of the regulatory environment, says Wicks, whose comments for this story are her own, not her company’s. “One set of national standards on transparency would reduce the need to build complex compliance systems based on different legal requirements across multiple states,” she says. Next year, the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (the law that covers market exclusivity for brand-name drugs) comes up for reauthorization, and drug industry leaders are already focusing on whether lawmakers will try to reduce the length of market exclusivity. Bonney alluded to this issue in remarks he made after receiving the MassBio award in April. “Investors whose bets historically have fueled innovation are pulling back or becoming more cautious,” he said, partly because “reasonable periods” of patent exclusivity could be challenged by Congress. But the onus to improve the pharmaceutical scene is not just on regulators, Bonney says. Drug companies hoping to excel

at creating drugs to treat evermore challenging diseases must “let key audiences know where we’re headed and why,” he said in his remarks. It’s a point Bonney also made in his conversation with me. Between consumer groups that highlight industry profits and ethical lapses, and drug companies’ constant warnings about threats to innovation, “I don’t think we’ve done a good job explaining our challenges,” he said. “Life sciences work is a very inefficient process. We clearly have a lot more failures than successes and our successes are burdened with paying for our failures. It’s not an easy or intuitive story to tell.” More than anything, Bonney says, an improved spirit of cooperation is needed between the industry and regulators. At the award luncheon, Bonney told how Cubist set out to test Cubicin to treat deadly, antibiotic-resistant infections more than a decade ago. For such a drug, “there were no trial protocols, no precedent, no regulatory path, no guidelines,” Bonney recalls. So Cubist formed ad-hoc alliances with academics and regulators to study the drug’s potential. “We sat down and developed a protocol that was challenging but doable. Ultimately, we were able to make a difference in the lives of patients. “I wonder if such collaboration would be possible in today’s environment.” Bill Walsh ’86, a former newspaper reporter and now a strategic adviser for AARP, wrote about young alumni working in post-Katrina New Orleans for the Fall 2009 issue of Bates Magazine.

SUMMER 2010 Bates


The 60 Percent Solution

30 Bates SUMMER 2010

The myth is that nearly two-thirds of Bates alums marry fellow alums. The truth is different — but no less intriguing By Maura McGee ’10 Illustration by Marty Braun

id you know that 60 percent of Bates alums marry fellow alums? It’s common knowledge, circulated among Batesies and passed on from generation to generation. On campus, “60 percent” launches some of the first conversations among incoming students. It’s an icebreaker for firstyear women crowded on a bunk in Smith. Or, during a pre-orientation AESOP trip, the upperclass trip leader shares the fact with her new charges. Later on, the statistic might be used to tease a friend after his or her embarrassing encounter, romantic or otherwise, with another Batesie: “Hey, it’s 60 percent — it could happen!” Or, much later, the stat might come up in an awkward conversation, like when someone asks the senior couple who’s been dating since freshman year if they’re going to become “statistics.” And the statistic is perpetuated via many pathways. Besides word of mouth, it’s published in at least one college guide. And the stat has history: A 1978 grad claimed to have heard then-President Thomas Hedley Reynolds announce at Convocation, “Look to your left, look to your right. Sixty percent of you will marry other Bates grads.” Sixty percent grabs our attention, plays to our emotions, and tests our imaginations. But can it really be true? Will over half of us really marry one another? Well, no. The accurate figure is approximately 12.5 percent. Of the 23,356 living alums in the Bates database, 2,914 have a spouse or partner who is also a Bates alum. (If you include alums whose Bates spouse or partner is deceased, the number creeps up a few points.) Finding this real answer, and exploring the connection between myth and reality, was part of my final project in the seminar “Marriage in America,” taught by Professor of Women and Gender Studies Rebecca Herzig. Besides finding the real Bates marriage statistic, I interviewed various Bates people, including President Elaine Tuttle Hansen, and presented my findings in a video documentary that’s now on Vimeo. When they heard the real marriage percentage, Batesies expressed genuine shock. One not-yet-hitched senior female, figuring the pool of spouses was only the


size of Bates, responded in relief. “Thank God, I still have time! I won’t die alone with my cat!” Others went to great lengths trying to convince me that I was wrong. They insisted they heard the figure recited during an official campus tour, while others named a long list of married Bates couples. One girl even tried to drag me to her dorm to show me the statistic printed in a college guidebook. In fact, I found that colleges of our ilk also tend to have a mythical marriage statistic. At Colby, the myth is 50 percent and the

The statistic foreshadows our transformation into adults who might be married to someone grazing right next to us at the salad bar. reality 11 percent, while at Carleton it’s 60 and 15 percent, respectively. At Middlebury, the numbers are 60 and 13 percent. I was also interested in unraveling the meaning attached to both the 13 percent and 60 percent. One message is within these very pages. Although official Bates alumni records reflect partnerships as well as marriages, Bates Magazine’s Vital Statistics section employs the heading “Marriages.” Why not “Marriages and Commitments,” to give same-sex couples an equal opportunity to publicly announce lifetime partnerships? The magazine’s wedding photo section, however, does include non-marriage celebrations. The politics of marriage has influenced the very well-being of the College. Anecdotally, I found that people who are highly involved in Bates affairs are often married to other Batesies. And when a Bates alum marries a non-Bates alum, a curious historical phenomenon has often come into play: The husband’s college tends to get a greater share of the couple’s philanthropy. (This can also be true at other colleges elsewhere.) So, how did we get to 60 percent? The people I spoke with alluded to the mesmerizing quality of 60 percent, how it

foreshadows our transformation from single undergraduates sitting in Commons to adults married to someone who once possibly grazed next to us at the salad bar. (And lest you think that students don’t ponder marriage: Think again. A classmate who’s a sociology major found that marriage is quite on the minds of Bates students.) Perhaps 60 percent represents residual social pressure to find a mate. For women of another era, one goal of college was to find a husband, and 60 percent could reflect lingering social demand. Or, rather than some heteronormative notion of marriage, where men and women express traditional gender roles, maybe 60 percent embodies something else altogether: the lifetime bond shared by all Batesies. In this sense, the statistic conveys the notion, or at least the hope, that most of us will remain connected in some capacity, with marriage merely being the traditional way for us to conceptualize a lifelong, committed relationship. Belief in the statistic speaks not to reason but to emotion; not to marriage but to friendship; and not to individuals but to community. “The myth of very high numbers of Bates people marrying each other is simply another translation of what Bates people do do,” offered longtime administrator Bill Hiss ’66, “and that’s make very good friendships and keep those friendships for a lifetime.” From the moment the statistic spurs freshman-year intrigue, the 60 percent myth forges and then perpetuates alumni identity. It provides comfort and a sense of belonging, alluding Maura McGee ’10 to a lifelong bond. We hold the myth like a protective Bates shield, Chrissie Grover ’10 says. “There’s something special we gained at Bates that unites us” she says. Maura McGee ’10 graduated in May with a double major in politics and French. A recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship, McGee’s immediate plans are to teach English in France. McGee’s documentary

SUMMER 2010 Bates


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l C L A S S N OT E S l

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Postcard from Campus April 9, 2010, 11:20 a.m. Professor of Mathematics David Haines, who retired this spring, often juggled in class, partly for mathematical reasons (for example, “siteswap” is a math language that describes juggling patterns) and partly for worldly ones. “In learning math, as in juggling, it’s important to accept our mistakes, pick up the pieces, and start over until we get it right,” he once said. On the final day of his abstract algebra course in April, Haines’ students congratulated him with a rain of paper balls, the kind he uses to juggle. Then there were hugs, congratulations, and juggling, too. Photograph by Phyllis Graber Jensen.

Photographs of Bates life




Class President: Alfred C. Webber, PO Box 97, Chadds Ford PA 19317,

Class Secretary: Jane Ault Lindholm, 12 Nelke Pl., Lewiston ME 04240



Class Secretary: Barbara Abbott Hall, Apt. 614, 1055 W. Joppa Rd., Towson MD 21204 Class President: Edward J. Raftery, 11 Wyndwood Rd., West Hartford CT 06107

Class President: Elden H. Dustin, 33 Christian Ave., Concord NH 03301-6155

Class Secretary: Marion Welsch Spear, 890 West Rd., Bowdoin ME 04287, Class President: Howard Becker, 1223 Pine Needle Rd., Venice FL 34292,

Velna Adams Evans lost her husband, Robert J. Evans, on Jan. 10, 2010, in Wilmington, N.C. She has resettled in the Fort Worth, Texas, area to be near her daughter and granddaughter.



33 Jerry Latham’s 100th birthday was recognized by the Warwick (R.I.) Beacon and by local leaders — both the current and former mayors attended his party at the Pilgrim Senior Center. Jerry lives not at the center but at home with wife Doris, who is 92 (the couple still grows all their own vegetables). When Jerry visits the center, he drives his stick-shift 1998 Ford Escort wagon. “He hasn’t had as much as a fender bender since he’s been driving,” his son, Peter ’66, told the paper. When friends from the South visit during the winter, Peter says his father insists, “I’ll drive, I’m used to driving in the snow.” At the party, he was asked his secret to such longevity. “I guess the Lord doesn’t want me,” he smiled. He worked for many years for the Providence Gas Co., and after retiring he volunteered to drive people to medical appointments, often chauffeuring senior citizens 20 years his junior.

34 Class Secretary: Ruth Carter Zervas, c/o Cindy Brown, 65 Belmont Ave., Randolph ME 04346 Class President: Doris Neilson Whipple, 216 Nottingham Rd., Auburn ME 04210

36 Class Secretary: Ruth Rowe Wilson, Apt. B-331, 3350 Cherry Hills Ct., Fairfield CA 94534,

32 Bates SUMMER 2010

Class Secretary: Eleanor Parker, Apt. 414, 200 Stetson Rd., Auburn ME 04210, elchetparker@

Class Secretary: Barbara McGee Chasse, 14 Charles Cir., Scarborough ME 04074, Class President: Rose Worobel, 39 Hampton Ct., Newington CT 06111,


Martha Blaisdell Mabee lost her son-in-law to cancer last year. Thankfully, daughter Marcia remains cancer-free. Sister Connie Blaisdell Nickerson ’45 and husband David kept Martha company in July 2009 until he suffered a stroke. David is doing very well now.... Virginia Day Hayden is in a Bates Book Club that meets monthly in members’ homes. She and Martha Mabee occasionally go out to lunch.... Paul Farris writes of “the decline of the American Empire. It has always been and will be that power corrupts, whether it be political or economic or military, and when the combination of all three happens it is a shame.”... A. Raymond Harvey enjoys daily walks along the coastline fronting his apartment in La Jolla, Calif.... Lou Hervey is still completely independent.... Elaine Humphrey Meader and Ray ’44 enjoy their new apartment at Masonic Home in Wallingford, Conn. They talk often with Rose Worobel, and Elaine called her co-proctor Priscilla Simpson Boyan in California to chat.... After 51 years with Prudential Financial, Bob Langerman retired; son Fred took over his policies. Bob’s surgery for lumbar stenosis went fairly well.... Helen Martin Aucoin still volunteers at Cincinnati Pops and Symphony. Grandson Alex earned a master’s degree from North Carolina School of Music, and Helen welcomed three new great-grandchildren.... Barbara McGee Chasse says she is “so lucky” to continue

Class Secretary: Kathryn Gould Ball, 11 Kramer Ave., West Caldwell NJ 07006, Fred Downing’s life lately has been filled with music and fine dining. He lives near daughter Jani ’65, and they enjoy many outings together. He spent a week at Chatauqua learning about early Americana. Also traveled to St. John’s, Newfoundland, looking up ancestors. At this writing, he hoped to celebrate his 70th Reunion with Jani’s 45th.... Cassie Poshkus McIntire lives near a niece in North Potomac, Md., since a stroke left her wheelchair bound. She’d love to hear news of Bates friends. You can contact her at Bob Spencer has a new address: 11777 Stony Creek Way, Port St. Lucie, Fla. 34987.... Esther Strout Allen still spends winters in Florida playing cards, dancing, and dining with friends; then to Maine to spend summers with her two daughters.... Earl Zeigler couldn’t get to Reunion but stays involved with his writing and lifelong interest in physical education and sport.

More alumni news and photos at

volunteering two hours daily with second-graders at Blue Point School in Scarborough, Maine.... Theodora Rizoulis Howard enjoys life in Memphis, Tenn., near son John and family.... Priscilla Simpson Boyan and Norm ’43 are hanging in there, enjoying friends in their retirement community and each other.... Dorothy Tuttle Tarr lives in an assisted-living apartment at Sugar Hill Retirement Community in Wolfeboro, N.H., and enjoys seeing fellow resident Jane Woodbury Quimby.... Ruth Ulrich Coffin has been overwhelmed by the many personal messages she received since the loss of Frank ’40. “He meant so much to so many people. His spirit will always be with me.”... Jane Veazie Nelson treasures her memories of dear friend Pat Bradbury Baldwin, who died in June 2009. “At Bates at the first ‘Prom’ I danced with Chandler Baldwin. He spent our dance telling me how wonderful Pat was. He kept his love for her forever after.” Jane still sees Fran Harlow Evans.... Getting ready to move to a retirement community in Dayton, Ohio, near family, Rose Worobel wondered, “How did I ever accumulate so much stuff?”... Ruth Wyer Haines is happy to live in the same house in Rockland, Maine. She plays duplicate bridge three times a week and goes to church on Sunday.

43 Class Secretary: Jean Lombard Dyer, Apt. 5, 89 Central Ave., Peaks Island ME 04108 Class President: Webster P. Jackson, Apt. 520, 103 Brooksby Village Dr., Peabody MA 01960, A note from Roy Fairfield notes that he and Maryllyn celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary last November. “M. Donna, probably the first baby in our class, born on my birthday in 1942, is now in her fourth year of retirement after 36 years of teaching social studies in a Connecticut high school.” In his career, Roy has published more than a half-dozen professional books, including two histories of Saco, Maine, and served as editor of the DoubledayHopkins student edition of The Federalist Papers. In his “reFIREment,” a term he helped to coin that suggests the opportunity to “refire,” not “retire,” during one’s later years, Roy has published a book on the Saco-Lowell Shops of Biddeford, where he worked before, during, and after Bates, as well as two books of poetry and three novels. His life ride has also included training Peace Corps volunteers, co-founding and developing experimental master’s and doctoral programs (in conjunction with Antioch and the Union graduate schools). He has also traveled extensively. At the moment, he’s involved with the development of an archive of his personal and professional papers at the Roy P. Fairfield Maine History Room at the Dyer Library, so named for Roy in 2007.

44 Class Secretary: Virginia Stockman Fisher, PO Box 7631, Portland ME 04112, Class Co-Presidents: Edmund H. Gibson, 13 Wheeler Pk., Brunswick ME 04011-1635; Richard L. Keach, 52 Missionary Rd., Cromwell CT 06416,

45 l reunion 2015, June 12–14 l Class Co-Secretaries: Carleton K. and Arline Sinclair Finch, 612 Rindge Rd., Fitchburg MA 01420, Kurt Lord’s cancer of the vocal cord seems to be arrested after radiation. He and June are moving into an assisted-living complex in 2011.... Charlotte Stafford Brauneis and Harry celebrated their 50th anniversary with a cruise through the Panama Canal and across the Caribbean to Fort Lauderdale. But getting to and from the ocean by air was no fun, she adds.

46 l reunion 2011, June 10–12 l Class Secretary: Muriel Ulrich Weeks, 4941 Simmons Cir., Export PA 15632, Class President: Jane Parsons Norris, 93 Field Ave., Auburn ME 04210-4522, It is amazing how productive and active someone our age can be. Barbara Varney Randall volunteers for the Public Theatre and the Community Little Theatre; serves on the boards of Seniors Plus Advisory Board, Androscoggin Historical Society, and the School of Nursing of Central Maine Medical Center; and is chair of Frye School Housing. She’s also on the scholarship and community committees of her retired teachers association. She was Poster Girl in 2009 for the United Way, having served on major committees. Through the Readers Theatre of the Community Little Theatre, she presents programs to entertain residents in nursing homes and at senior living centers. She belongs to one of the oldest book clubs in the area. Barbara teaches a fall course at the Lewiston/Auburn Senior College connected with the Univ. of Southern Maine, where she also takes courses. She is a former president of Delta Kappa Gamma International, an honor society for women educators, and is still involved in her local chapter. Our Barbara serves on a community committee of Lewiston/Auburn College, which is intent on dealing more effectively with non-traditional students. Congratulations to Barbara!

47 l reunion 2012, June 8–10 l Class Co-Secretaries: Elizabeth Hill Jarvi, 286 Dublin Rd., Ludlow VT 05149,; Jean Labagh Kiskaddon, Apt. 1AA, 375 Riverside Dr., New York NY 10025, Class Co-Presidents: Stanley L. Freeman Jr., 7 Longwood Ct., Orono ME 04473, freemansun@verizon .net; Vesta Starrett Smith, 222 Dartmouth College Hwy., Haverhill NH 03765, Elizabeth May Hansen says she and Glen ’48 “are both reasonably well and enjoying life. Playing golf and bridge.”

48 l reunion 2013, June 7–9 l Class Secretary: Roberta Sweetser McKinnell, 38 Hornbeam Rd., Duxbury MA 02332 Class President: Vivienne Sikora Gilroy, 1009 Ridge Dr., Union NJ 07083,

49 l reunion 2014, June 6–8 l Class Co-Secretaries: Barbara Cottle Aldrich, 2213 Ashlar Village, Wallingford CT 06492; Elaine Porter Haggstrom, 21 Candlewood Rd., Trumbull CT 06611, Class President: Arthur B. Bradbury, 221 Country Ln., East Hartford CT 06118; At this writing, Sonya Bianchi Hulswit and Frank were looking forward to grandson Evan’s marriage, with son Chris performing the ceremony.... Art Bradbury and Charlotte are active in church, Rotary, Woman’s Club, book club, and community theater.... Frederick Chenery, who retired from the State Library of Iowa in 2000, returned to his home in Dubuque.... Dorothy Collins Buchanan is honored to have her fifth grandson, Collins Reed Buchanan, carry her maiden name as his given name.... Barbara Cottle Aldrich keeps busy with activities at Ashlar Village retirement community in Wallingford, Conn.... June Cunningham Walch had a fall requiring surgery on her ankle but she and Allan still planned to go to Florida.... Rachel Eastman Feeley still works full time teaching piano. She has attended college each summer for the past 35 years to get more training in the Suzuki method of piano.... Serine Ferrigno Rossi planned a trip to the

Oberammergau Passion Play, part of a Rhine River cruise and tour.... Maury Flagg is slowly recovering after a heart attack last September and doing some writing.... Lois Foster Johnson and Charles have served as hosts and gone abroad as friendship ambassadors with Friendship Force, a group that promotes better understanding between people across the world.... Judith Hawkins Allen is happily retired in Virginia. She loves her Kindle for reading.... Nellie Henson volunteered at a Christian farm called Echo in North Fort Meyers, Fla., which does experimental gardening to help poor farmers around the globe produce better crops.... Bud Horne writes that son Don ’83 couldn’t believe the pictures he sent of Alumni Walk.... Carol “Happy” Jenkinson Johnson’s volunteer activities include feeding the homeless at her church, giving children extra help at school, and Habitat for Humanity. “Fridays are kept for fun.”... Evelyn Kushner Perlman and Sumner were excited to attend a Bates Outing Club 90th anniversary event featuring North Pole trekker Tyler Fish ’96. She continues a small private practice and does some pro bono clinical work at the Children’s Charter, an agency that helps children and families who experienced trauma.... Coping with a divorce, Shirley Mann Nelson has been “reweaving the tapestry of my life, working daily at a local elementary school with special-education children and at night in adult education.”... Helen “Topper” Odegaard Russell reports that granddaughter Kimberly Russell ’09, a chemistry major who served as a BatesStar host at Reunion, had a one-year grant to do research at Dartmouth.... Danny Reale planned to attend a Squadron Reunion in Biloxi, Miss.... George Rowan and Pat remain active as members at their UCC churches in lower Connecticut. They participate in outreach programs, and George helps Pat, who is registrar for the Fairfield West Assn. of the Connecticut Conference of UCC.... Albert Sparks still works in his retail business in Malden, Mass., with daughter Amy, but takes most of the winter off in Boca West in Florida.... Peggy Stewart Jones and Dana love living in Melbourne, Fla., where they play golf, exercise, and do a little volunteering. She keeps in contact with Poke Bayer Delaney, Jane Diefendorf Simonds, and Molly Ramsey McPhillips.... Jean Thompson Hawie moved to an assisted-living facility in Haines City, Fla., closer to son Richard, after suffering a stroke.... Leon Wiskup writes from New Mexico that Bates “was the all-important turning point of my life.” Professors let “this diffident son of millworker immigrant parents know that he was not without some brains and a few talents. Whatever good I may have done in my 40-year teaching career, that goodness sprouted from the Bates College faculty and from dear fellow students.”

50 l reunion 2015, June 12–14 l Class Secretary: Lois Keniston Penney, Apt. 302, 52 Missionary Rd., Cromwell CT 06416-2143, Class President: Weston L. Bonney, 263 Clifton St., Portland ME 04103, Sylvia Stuber Heap of Watertown, N.Y., was honored by Jefferson Community College for outstanding work on behalf of the college. She moved to Watertown in 1959 and almost immediately began advocating for a community college. Besides helping recruit and retain teachers by creating a welcome program, she has served on a college advisory committee that acts as a liaison with the community. She was a leader in establishing a task force that led eventually to baccalaureate and graduate-level educational programs in the community. A volunteer with the College Women’s Club, the American Assn. of University Women, and St. Lawrence Valley Educational Television, Sylvia has been an adjunct faculty member at Jefferson. “It is amazing how one person’s vision can become a wonderful reality for so many,” said the chair of the Jefferson trustees.

SUMMER 2010 Bates


51 l reunion 2011, June 10–12 l Class Secretary: Dorothy Webb Quimby, PO Box 417, Unity ME 04988, Class Co-Presidents: William R. Dill and Jean McLeod Dill, 25 Birch Ln., Cumberland Foreside ME 04110,, Art Knoll is the co-editor, with Hermann Hiery of the Univ. of Bayreuth, Germany, of the new book The German Colonial Experience: Select Documents on German Rule in Africa, China, and the Pacific (Univ. Press). Art retired in 2007 as the David E. Underdown Professor of History at The Univ. of the South.

52 l reunion 2012, June 8–10 l Class Secretary: Florence Dixon Prince, PO Box 594, Monument Beach MA 02553, fdprince@alumni Class President: John F. Myers, 37 Eagle Wing Ln., Brewster MA 02631,

53 l reunion 2013, June 7–9 l Class Secretary: Ronald Clayton, 5 Augusta Way, North Chelmsford MA 01863, Class President: Virginia LaFauci Toner, 11 Juniper St., Portland ME 04103,

54 l reunion 2014, June 6–8 l Class Secretary: Jonas Klein, 19 Whipple Farm Ln., Falmouth ME 04105, Class President: Neil A. Toner, 17 Bluegrass Dr., E. Longmeadow MA 01028, The class extends condolences to the family and friends of Lou Rose, who died April 14, and Roger Schmutz, who passed away May 17. Their obituaries will be in the Fall issue. Lou was a highly respected journalist with the St. Louis Post-Dispatch and, as we remember, a very spunky guy. Roger, as a trustee emeritus, served Bates in valuable and passionate ways.... We also note, with sadness, the passing of great friends and mentors Milt Lindholm ’35 and Bob Hatch. Lynn Willsey, Dwight Harvie, and Jonas Klein joined a throng of alums at the warm remembrance of Milt at his remarkable memorial service. Milt, with that sly grin, “took a chance” on so many of us.... Dwight took his annual trip to Tokyo where Naoko continues to oversee family affairs. Jonas has been re-elected chair of the Resident Council of OceanView at Falmouth, Maine, which counts among its 225 residents John Radebaugh ’48, Doris Hardy Crosby ’52, Donald Graves ’52 and Mary (Betty) Lewis Graves ’55, and Nancy Long Struve ’67.... And in Williamstown, Mass., Bob Greenberg is sporting a new knee and is likely back tearing up the squash and tennis courts.

55 l reunion 2015, June 12–14 l Class Secretary: Marianne Webber Brenton, 16 Nelson Rd., Burlington MA 01803, Class President: Beverly Hayne Willsey, 324 Hollister Way W., Glastonbury CT 06033, The class extends condolences to the family and friends of Carol Hollister Conklin, who passed away on May 17; her obituary will be in the Fall issue.

56 l reunion 2011, June 10–12 l Class Secretary: Sybil Benton Williamson, Box 222, Etna NH 03750, Class President: Richard Lee Hilliard, 139 Glen Echo Shore Rd., Charlton MA 01507, richard.hilliard@ A Portland Press Herald profile of new Portland police chief James Craig quoted Robert McAfee, a former president of the American Medical Assn.,

34 Bates SUMMER 2010

whom the city manager consulted before hiring the chief. “I’ve been impressed with the way he’s handled a variety of issues,” Bob said.

57 l reunion 2012, June 8–10 l Class Secretary: Barbara Prince Upton, PO Box 810, York ME 03909, Class President: Paul D. Steinberg, 106 Peninsula Dr., Babylon NY 11702-3336,

58 l reunion 2013, June 7–9 l Class Secretary: Marilyn Miller Gildea, 2418 Thaddeus Dr., Mountain View CA 94043, marilyn@ Class President: John Lovejoy, 425 Mountain Rd., PO Box 158, Wilbraham MA 01095, lovejoy@ Pete Ryers and Jane planned “to adventure tour the Amazon, then wash up in Buenos Aires. Got yellow fever shots and malaria pills but no protection available for dengue fever and a million other different kinds of mosquitoes.” Pete adds: “Does anyone else love the Kindle as much as we do?”

59 l reunion 2014, June 6–8 l Class Co-Secretaries: Jack DeGange, 52 Farr Rd., Lebanon NH 03766,; Mary Ann Houston Hermance, 35 Briarwood Ln., Scituate MA 02066, Class Co-Presidents: Barbara Van Duzer Babin, Apt. 711, 197 Eighth St., Charlestown MA 02129,; Calvin C. Wilson, 125 Markham Dr., Pittsburgh PA 15228, The older we get the faster the time flies. Though a year has disappeared since we gathered for our memorable 50th Reunion, the kudos keep on coming, beyond those shared in the Class Letter that circulated in March. It’s been a good year, albeit tinged with sadness. As Mary Ann wryly says, “Too many ‘celebrations of life’ these days.” This issue includes obituaries for classmates Bud Baxter (who died Jan. 1), Barbara Johnson (Jan. 12), Dave Smith (March 20), and Ben Getchell (March 25). A few thoughts about each: Bud, a Navy chaplain for 20 years and a pastor at several churches in California, was quite at home with Dwight Haynes when they joined to celebrate the Alumni Memorial Service concluding our 50th Reunion; Barbara, switching

Topham, Chick Gesner, Walt Neff, Jack O’Grady, and Jack DeGange.... As for those evergreen Reunion memories, Sabe Vacca said: “In some ways it was as if we had never left, and yet the people we had become seemed wiser, steadier, more interesting, and, well, truly more grown up. I have always been proud to be a Bates graduate. I am now bursting with that pride.”... Pete Onksen added: “I enjoyed the Reunion, especially the Navy happy hour (12 class members “went Navy” after graduation and seven were at the Reunion). The ‘sea stories’ were most interesting. I guess we did quite a lot for just a few guys from a small liberal arts college in Maine.” Pete is bouncing back from winter’s risks: In January he fell on a patch of snow-covered ice and broke his left leg. He’s mended after three months of dealing with four casts, a boot, and several screws.... Reggie Abbiati Lucas reports that when daughter Jennifer ’96 was married Dec. 11 to Steven Young ’96 (son of the late Joyce Cook Young ’66; see this issue’s wedding photos), the wedding cake had the Bates seal on the front and Hathorn bell on top. “A lot of guests couldn’t figure it out, but 23 Batesies in attendance could.”... Betty and Al Coykendall hosted classmates (again) for lunch and conversation in March.... David Danielson says passing healthcare reform was the “linchpin” to try to solve America’s problems. “If Bates taught me anything, it was to go out to meet the future, not to ‘just say no.’”... John Darrow reports the 50th Reunion “love fest” that Fred Drayton spoke of continues with mini-reunions of ’59ers in Connecticut.... Ross Deacon, captain of the Bates golf team, completed his college career with a record of 4 wins and 44 losses, numbers that happened to match the New Jersey Nets’ NBA record as of Feb. 3. “My roomie, Rene Goldmuntz, called me at 7 a.m. the morning after the Nets’ 44th loss to inform me that the Nets and I were tied in futility. Sometimes, you can’t outlive your accomplishments, or lack thereof.” In Boston to visit family on Feb. 5, Ross took his grandkids to their first Celtics’ game and watched the Nets lose to eclipse his record.... Jack DeGange is working on a book project. He does a couple of Alumni-in-Admissions interviews annually, and he and Jane Lysaght DeGange make fairly regular visits to campus. “It helps to have an idea of current campus life.”... Fred Drayton saw the publication of his play, A Pardon for Adam and Eve, and is researching a novel centered on the Tree of Life, also found in Genesis.... Bob Finnie and Gloria enjoy life in North Carolina. A substitute teacher, he is active in church and plays old-guy softball.... Peter Gartner reports Mary-Ellen Crook Gartner ’60 has made a “miraculous” recovery from a nearly fatal pedestrian-car collision in 2008. They remain

Rene Goldmuntz ’59 phoned roomie Ross Deacon to remind him that the New Jersey Nets, by losing their 44th game, had equaled Ross’ career golf losses at Bates. “Sometimes you can’t outlive your accomplishments, or lack thereof,” Ross says. from graduate studies in science years ago, pursued artistic ventures — she styled and produced jewelry — in Hawaii and on Cape Cod, where she was part of a gift-shop coop; Ben, an avid mountain climber, died while hiking on Mount Major in Alton, N.H., prompting Dwight Haynes to observe that “Ben never aspired to be a couch potato, but rather, one living life to the fullest, even to his dying day”; Dave was equally active until he was slowed by lung disease in recent years. His widow, Joan Perry Smith, and their three children hosted a wonderful gathering on April 24 that welcomed friends from their years on the Connecticut shoreline as well as a number of classmates: Vince and Sabe Scoville Vacca, El and Eileen McGowan Guthrie, Jack ’60 and Carol Heldman Flynn, Jeannette McDonald

active in the Western Mountains Senior College.... Gary Girard says wife Anita’s new hip is great. They wintered in Florida.... Tom Hawkins left the hospital to cheers (from his nurses) after surgery on April 21 to repair an abdominal aortic aneurysm.... Dwight Haynes achieved a lifetime goal, cycling 63 miles around Lake Winnipesaukee.... Mary Ann Houston Hermance and Don volunteer, do church work, and enjoy their kids and grandkids.... Tom Johnson and MJ, who celebrate their 50th anniversary this year, split their time between St. Augustine, Fla., and Connecticut.... Tom Lee, recovering from cervical fusion surgery, and Melva took an Amazon cruise.... Dave Lowry and Margie are active in their UCC church in Southborough, Mass. A major scene in the new movie Grown Ups was filmed at the church, and More alumni news and photos at

60 l reunion 2015, June 12–14 l Class Secretary: Louise Hjelm Davidson, 5823 Rushwood Dr., Dublin OH 43017, l.davidson@ Class President: Dean S. Skelley, 16330 Hidden View, San Antonio TX 78232-2812, dean_skelley@ Jane Costello Wellehan enjoys her family, friends, and community, traveling to the West Coast to see daughters and grandchildren who live there. She also took a trip to the Black Sea and environs.

61 l reunion 2011, June 9–12 l Class Secretary: Gretchen Shorter Davis, 315 Chandlers Wharf, Portland ME 04101, gretchend@ Class Co-Presidents: George H. Drury, 4139 W. McKinley Ct., Milwaukee WI 53208, geodrury@; Mary Morton Cowan, 7 Hearthside Rd., Standish ME 04084, Doug Ayer is in his 17th year of teaching in the international studies department at Virginia Military Institute. He enjoys working with kids who for the

Constance Berry Newman ’56 PHYLLIS GRABER JENSEN

Dave “had an interesting conversation with Adam Sandler.”... Recovered from torn ligaments suffered in a horse and carriage accident, Marilyn Macomber Ives couldn’t wait to ride her horses again.... Marion Mears MacFarlane had a slight stroke in July 2009 but made an amazing recovery “thanks to a great role model, Ginny Shultz Humphrey.” MJ and Bob celebrated their 50th anniversary with a safari trip to Tanzania.... Peggy Montgomery shares a Manhattan moment. Noticing the man standing next to her at a traffic light was Philippe de Montebello, former head of the Metropolitan Museum, she told him, “Thank you for all the joy you’ve brought into my life.” He replied: “Why, you’re very welcome. And you know, don’t you, there’s a lovely golden halo surrounding your hair.”... Henry Morozumi is a stem cell molecular biologist at Shriners Hospitals in Cincinnati who produces various tissues and a part of organs. He created a beating heart last year.... Jack O’Grady is walking out kinks and planning for next ski season after successful lower back surgery in March. He and Betsy became grandparents with the arrival of Riggins O’Grady.... Alberta Pattangall Irwin and Jim celebrated their 50th anniversary with a trip to Nova Scotia and Maine where they visited Pattangall home sites and graves.... Ralph Posner and wife Maria celebrated her 60th birthday with a trip to Marrakesh and a small party in Paris.... Charlie Sayward says Nebraska “can be an irritating place” for political progressives but OK in other respects.... Ray and Ronnie Scudder Harrold’s daughter Leslie was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. “We’re hopeful the cancer is history. Going through cancer with your child brings you to your knees, and makes you realize each day is a gift.”... Barbara Smith McIntosh and Ken keep busy with golf, friends, volunteering, and travel.... Janet Spiers Forsman was “confined to quarters” with frustrating heart problems. She’d like to spend time with her two young grandchildren.... Nancy Tyler Harris enjoys assisting first-graders three mornings a week with reading skills. Ken ’58 began his third term as mayor of Slippery Rock, Pa.... Charlie Updegraph says business is slow because of the economy.... For Barbara Van Duzer Babin, the miracles of modern medicine allowed son Mark to gain a heart transplant in August 2009 and ski with his teenage sons by February.... Mike Vartabedian and his wife welcomed their first grandchild, Emmett. Mike’s law practice remains invigorating.... Cal Wilson continues as full-time interim pastor at Bower Hill Community Church in Mount Lebanon, Pa. Wife Elizabeth is a psychiatric social worker. Daughter Emily ’10 graduated from Bates, and son Benjamin ’07 works as a community organizer with Maine People’s Alliance.

Six Words on Darfur During a long career in Washington, D.C., Constance Berry Newman ’56 has held big federal appointments, like undersecretary of the Smithsonian Institution and director of the Office of Personnel Management. But when she visited campus as the College Key’s Distinguished Alumna in Residence, we talked mostly about a brief moment in time: the six-word phrase “genocide has been committed in Darfur,” spoken by then-Secretary of State Colin Powell to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in September 2004. Powell’s statement came while Newman was in the influential role of assistant secretary of state for African affairs. And just a week before Powell’s declaration, Newman was in the Sudan. She toured a refugee camp filled with 43,000 people who’d been driven from their villages during battles between rebels and government troops, who were being aided by the notorious Janjaweed militiamen. While Newman’s trip to the Sudan was a necessary step in the U.S. process of declaring genocide, she points out that “by the time you go on one of those field visits, you already know what you are going to see.”

most part will be making practical use of what they learn, whether as military officers or in civilian areas of public service. Lexington, Va., is a great little two-college town with much going on in the arts and music. His two daughters live in New York and California.... Due to the volcano in Iceland, Addie Dorfman Fu enjoyed an extended visit with her daughter’s family who live in the U.K. Addie remains busy with three book groups, leading the discussion of Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout ’77 for two of them. The other group does classics.... Beverly Graffam Ketchum has sold her home in Maine and is heading to The Villages in Florida.... Paul and Freda Shepherd Maier are busy with family and activities. Their first great-grandson turned 1. Paul sings with the Barnstormers and performed recently in Nashua, N.H. Freda goes along as a “groupie.”... The Lakes Region Weekly interviewed prolific children’s author Mary Morton Cowan about her new book, Captain Mac: The Life of Donald Baxter MacMillan, Arctic Explorer (Boyds Mills Press). Written for children but suitable for all ages, the book adds to the

By H. Jay Burns

It’s not that Newman was unaffected by the suffering. But as a lawyer and diplomat, “it’s not my way to say, ‘This is what I saw, so it’s true.’” Seeing the suffering, she says, “didn’t change the facts: that these people were bad, the government was involved, and we needed to use whatever powers we had to do something about it.” Newman developed this rigorous habit of mind while in law school and later, while working with migrant farmworkers in the South in the 1960s. “When I first started working in the farmworkers’ camps, I wouldn’t be worth anything for about a week afterward, reliving what I had heard,” she recalls. “I realized that while you can be sympathetic, you can’t come in every day with your heart on your sleeve. It’s not sustainable. And you don’t win that way.” In August 2004, winning meant helping to build a policy case that genocide had been committed, a case that Powell could bring to Capitol Hill. And that meant preparing briefs and more briefs. “It’s not just a matter of going into Colin’s office and touching his heart,” she says. At the time, U.S, officials hoped that other members of the U.N. Security Council would agree with the finding of genocide, but that didn’t happen. Still, the goal wasn’t only U.N. action; it was a “way to get people more engaged in what was happening,” Newman says. “We wanted it stopped. We wanted the Sudanese government to stop what it was doing.” Newman, a former Bates trustee who earned an honorary doctor of laws degree in 1972, now works in the private sector as special counsel for African affairs to the Carmen Group. “We help businesses do business in Africa,” she explains. “Better business arrangements lead to improved services and stronger entrepreneurs, which then benefits people.”

knowledge of a man who first became friends with her grandfather when MacMillan came to her family’s sled factory in South Paris, Maine, asking for special sleds to take to the Arctic. Most children today have heard of Robert Peary, credited with being the first person to reach the pole. MacMillan is perhaps less well-known than Peary and other explorers because he was “more interested in the Arctic, and the geography, and the people living in the Arctic and the sub-Arctic” than in promoting himself, Mary says. “He took fabulous photographs and wonderful movies and he showed those all over the country. But he did that not to promote himself, but to raise money to go north again, because he could not resist going north. I thought he was one of the most reputable, most honorable people I’d ever heard about. And I wanted kids to know about him, because kids don’t have a lot of good role models.” Mary’s own copy of the MacMillan manuscript had 1,603 footnotes, reflecting her deep research, and she interviewed nearly a dozen people who sailed with him.... Relying on everything she ever learned about math

SUMMER 2010 Bates


tutoring, Marcia Putnam O’Shea is working with an adult trying to pass the GED. She and Skip have three granddaughters who have suddenly become teenagers, so they are harkening back about 30 years to remember how to relate to them!... Joyce Stinson Cote is president of the International Order of The

Thompson, and their daughter Carrie Lewis Wattenberg ’99 established a scholarship fund in his name. Shari is proud to be an honorary member of the Class of ’62.... Sally Marshall Corngold traveled to Kenya, Tanzania, and Zanzibar with a group that included Carol Smith ’61 and Carol’s children,

Author Mary Morton Cowan ’61 says Arctic explorer Donald MacMillan is less well-known than other explorers of the era because he was more interested in the Arctic than in promoting himself. King’s Daughters and Sons, an interdenominational Christian service organization that emphasizes scholarships for students. Joyce is a longtime member who spent six weeks prior to her senior year at Bates in Chautauqua, N.Y., the order’s headquarters.

62 l reunion 2012, June 7–10 l Class Secretary: Cynthia Kalber Nordstrom, 917 Major Potter Rd., East Greenwich RI 02818, Class Co-Presidents: Arthur W. Ridlon, 19844 Gardenia Dr., Tequesta FL 33469, artann@bellsouth .net; Al Squitieri, 24 Dorset Dr., Medford NJ 08055, With college bills to pay for daughter Ilona, Richard Carlson works full time and can boast he’s the oldest employee in the Athens (Ohio) School District. He assists other teachers in the field of special education. Wife Dana teaches multiple handicapped.... Jean Cushman Holt and Bill ’63 welcomed new grandsons in 2009: James, born to Odessa and Jordan Holt ’95, and Finnigan, born to Casey and John Holt. Their five other grandchildren belong to daughters Laura Holt-Haslam ’89 and Mary Holt-Wilson ’92. “Finn is our first little one with no parental Bates tradition, but we are trusting that cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents will be able to remedy any possible deficiency.”... Joanne Ekwurtzel Coghill sings, swims, teaches computer classes, and participates in two book groups. She and John planned a cruise to Alaska.... James S. Evans is taking his final sabbatical leave from Lawrence Univ. to resume a longstanding collaboration as Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the Univ. of Birmingham for the latter half of 2010.... Hannelore Flessa Jarausch decided to teach at the Univ. of North Carolina–Chapel Hill a bit longer, but will be on leave January–August 2011 in Berlin.... Sharon Fowler Kenrick does water aerobics three mornings a week whether she’s in Florida, where she and Ed winter, or New Hampshire. She helps an art teacher in Florida and a second-grade teacher in New Hampshire with math.... Travel is Rae Harper Garcelon’s passion. At home she’s involved with Senior College, taking classes and helping to run the Walking Club’s bimonthly excursions.... Ken Holden teaches part time, leaving time for trout fly-fishing.... Wanda Jones Corn and Joe ’60 retired from teaching at Stanford but not from research and writing. They have moved back to New England and have desks looking out over Cape Cod Bay. Both are happily finishing books left over from their teaching years.... Cindy Kalber Nordstrom uses Dragon NaturallySpeaking software after carpal tunnel surgery. “It is fascinating to see words appear in print just as quickly as you can say them.”... Carl Ketchum and his wife, Loraine Stratis, enjoy retirement in Larchmont, N.Y. He’s writing a math book and doing some tutoring in math and physics. She’s active in the women’s club and volunteers as a ESL teacher.... Emily Leadbetter Althausen and Alex enjoy access to the beauty and wildlife of South Carolina’s Low Country.... Grant Lewis’ widow, Shari Lewis

36 Bates SUMMER 2010

May Robertson ’94 and Alex Robertson ’95, and daughter-in-law, Erin Schaaf Robertson ’95.... Lou Riviezzo reports his multiple myeloma is in remission after chemotherapy, though he takes monthly doses of “maintenance meds.” With 26 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren, he says it feels great to take credit for something over which he has no control.... Judy Rubin Cadorette and Ed planned to travel to Prague and Vienna with the Heritage Chorale for a concert tour.... Pete Schuyler and Sonja planned to semi-retire and work half-time. They went to Costa Rica to explore off the beaten track.... Joy Scott Meyer and Al plan to celebrate her sister’s 50th wedding anniversary this August in Essex Junction, Vt.... Sandy Smith Boynton is busy as chair of the MIT Women’s League, which provides programs, volunteer opportunities, and social activities to enrich the lives of women in the institute as well as the extended MIT community.... Al Squitieri and Harriet met up with old friends John Wettlaufer ’52 in San Antonio, Tony Orlandella ’52 in San Diego, and Sally Marshall Corngold in Newport Beach, Calif. They hoped to see Sylvia Harlow Moreau on a trip to Christchurch, New Zealand.... Ed and Caroline Taber Kiessling enjoy volunteering, spending time with grandsons, and traveling. They had a delightful but too short visit with Laurie Otto Gloede. They see Ed and Judy Rubin Cadorette at concerts and attend Pawtucket Red Sox games together.... Janice Upham enjoys reconnecting with friends, including Una Fosdick Tuck. She works part time at Hospice House, near the Schooner Estates Retirement Community in Auburn.... In 2009, Richard Valcourt married Edina Zsarnai, an on-air editor-anchor for HungarianAmerican Television in New York.... Lyn Webber Nelson reports her husband, Gus, who had Alzheimer’s, died in September 2009. Lyn is still in Raleigh, N.C., helping out with her three grandchildren.... Ed Wilson retired a second time from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern Univ. but continues his connection as the associate dean emeritus for M.B.A. programs, student affairs, and alumni relations.... Allan Wulff is active selling real estate in northern Virginia. He and Ginger made a second trip to China.... Linda Zeilstra Kellom says retirement on Hilton Head is both enjoyable and fulfilling. She volunteers at the First Presbyterian Church, with the Friends of the Library, and at a local thrift store that gives all proceeds back to the community.

63 l reunion 2013, June 6–9 l Class Secretary: Natalie Shober Moir, 50 Mill St., Baden ON N3A 2N6, Canada, nataliemoir@ Class President: William S. Holt, 15 Running Tide Rd., Cape Elizabeth ME 04107, wholt@eyecaremed .com Howard Blum and wife Nancy are pulling up stakes in Philadelphia and moving to downtown Chicago, nearer to grandsons Ben (3) and Ethan (5). Howard adds: “Go Cubs! Go Bears!”... Bill Holt has been busy planting more grapevines. He has several varieties that are hardy and growing successfully in Vermont. He figures they should do well in Cape

Elizabeth. Bill is still working but if this vineyard works out he says he may have to retire to keep up with it!... Mary Jasper Cate lives in her childhood home in Eliot, Maine. She announces the birth of her first grandchild, Sophia Cate Wisniewski, on May 7, 2010, to David ’95 and Julie Cate Wisniewski ’93.... Peter Koch describes the ski season in Vermont as lackluster — but he still did ski more than 100 days! This summer Peter and his wife will travel to Spain and Portugal, then be at their cottage on Lake Champlain for boating, fishing, golfing, and biking.... Dave Kramer writes from Nobleboro, Maine, that he has been in touch with new Bates baseball coach Ed Thompson, who is reaching out to all former team members.... Lee Nute and his wife divide their time between their home in Pittsburgh and their place in the California desert (for winter golf). He had been in contact with Bates soccer coach George Purgavie. Soccer became a varsity sport in 1962 (our senior year), and the program will celebrate 50 years in 2012.... Loie Payne Lindner is fully recovered from meningitis. She and husband Dick have planted their vegetable garden, and later in the summer will tour Vancouver Island and revisit favorite camping sites.... Ruthie Raymond Kapnis and husband Johnny are busy with 26 grandchildren who range in age from 24 to 2. Six are in college. She’s hoping that somebody will go to Bates. Ruthie runs the North Shore Medical Center Stroke Survivor Group, started many years ago by her mother. Besides all that, she plays violin in a local orchestra.... Neale Schuman is home in Vermont after a trip to Sichuan Province, China, where he was reunited with friends and former students at Mianyang Teachers College and the Sichuan Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine. Neale taught English there with the Peace Corps, 1993–1995.... We all have an invitation from Evelyn Shepherd Malloy: If you’re near Stonington, Conn., this summer and want a place to crash, take a dip, or launch a boat, you should call 860-535-2674.... Mike True enjoys retirement from teaching and is busy running Lille Antiques in Grand Isle, Maine, near the Canadian border.... Arlene Wignall Nickerson and husband Nick will attend a summer family wedding on Italy’s Amalfi coast, then tour northern Italy and visit the birthplace of Arlene’s grandfather. They enjoy frequent visits with grandchildren in New York and California.

64 l reunion 2014, June 5–8 l Class Secretary: John Meyn, 57 Salt Pond Rd., Friendship ME 04547, Class President: Elizabeth Metz McNab, 151 Cherry Rd., Kingston RI 02881,

65 l reunion 2015, June 11–14 l Class Secretary: Judith Morris Edwards, 2720 Timberlake Rd., Charlottesville VA 22901, juded@ Class President: Joyce Mantyla, Apt. 6, 2150 Ibis Isle Rd., Palm Beach FL 33480, Bill Arata, a senior vice president at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, spoke on “Money Matters” at Bates in May. An investment consultant, he addressed the importance of cash flow management and how to maximize return on long-range investments.... Al Harvie, who captained the indoor and outdoor track and field teams at Bates and won the 120-yard hurdles four straight seasons in the Maine State Meet, is a new inductee into the Maine Sports Hall of Fame. His 110-meter hurdle record stood for 39 years. He also set a New England meet record in the 120 hurdles. A retired educator, Al remains active in Bates athletics doing play-by-play for Bobcat football games and serving as public-address announcer for track meets.... Susan Smith Copley retired in June after 17 years as principal “of the absolutely wonderful Peterborough (N.H.) Elementary School. So now — on to new adventures!”

More alumni news and photos at

66 l reunion 2011, June 10–12 l Class President: Alexander W. Wood, 76 Marlborough St., 16, Boston MA 02116, The Warwick (R.I.) Beacon did a feature story in May on the 100th birthday of Peter Latham’s father, Jerry ’33 (see 1933 column). The story noted that Peter is a retired Navy captain who runs his own dental practice and is chief of dental operations at the Veterans Administration Medical Center in Providence.

67 l reunion 2012, June 8–10 l Class Co-Secretaries: Alexandra Baker Lyman, PO Box 214, Woodstock CT 06281,; Ingrid Larsson Shea, 4735 McKinley Dr., Boulder CO 80303, Class President: Robert B. Bowden, 29 Clearview Rd., White House Station NJ 08889, In Willington, Conn., Peter Andersen chairs the Willington Conservation Commission, while Judy (Harvell) chairs the Willington Scholarship Foundation, among other obligations. They’re beginning to spend more time at the family cottage on the Maine coast, and Peter is becoming involved there with the Downeast Coastal Conservancy. Son Eric is vice consul in the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, and daughter Kristen ’00 is a leadership gifts officer for Bates, operating from her own satellite office in Boston.... John Baldwin and wife Marika are tax attorneys in Towson, Md., and enjoy their place at Delaware Beach. He planned a golf match with Bates roommate Alan Lewis.... Still an investment counselor, Ken Burgess is also an organic micro-farmer on his 10 acres in the Virginia Piedmont. Ev helps with gardens and orchard.... Marian Clough Hillsdon is making lemonade out of the lemons of being laid off from her job of 25 years. Preparing for retirement, she enjoys granddaughters Katelyn and Kelly. She planned a grand celebration for the 90th birthday of her father, Leonard ’40.... In Lewiston, Sue Dallaire Lagueux looks forward to retirement next year after 27 years as the owner-operator of a small manufacturing company. She sings in her church choir and volunteers for numerous organizations.... Transplanted Texan Greg Egner enjoys retirement in Sanger with wife Sue. He admires Andrew Kusmin’s paintings.... Leslie Haas Koelsch retired after 35 years with the Newark Unified School District, but returned to work as foreperson of the San Francisco Civil Grand Jury.... Holly Hagedorn Zaitchik writes lyrically about Wayland, Mass., her family’s home for 32 years. “Even after much farmland has gone the way of development, coyotes sing their eerie celebrations in the woods and marshes just below us, deer amble past our windows, and giant prehistoriclooking snapping turtles clamber out of the marsh to lay their eggs at the edge of the lawn.”... Tim Hall joined a bank consulting group that does a great deal of work with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. He works exclusively in Florida. “It is very interesting work and it has returned me to the world of banking and finance.” He and Bryan Carlson are trying to get a new higher education company off the ground.... David Howe chairs the board at Saco Biddeford Savings Bank and volunteers as a host on the Downeaster and at the Saco station.... Lucille Howell Sansing continues as president of Argosy Univ. in the San Francisco Bay Area. She and Tom welcomed their first grandson.... Dick Kilbourne’s new business venture, United Atlantic Studios, mounted its first première at Cannes in May with a film starring Gabourey Sidibe of Precious.... John Ladik works for Northrop Grumman in performance engineering for biometric identification software.... John Lanza finished writing Shot Down Over Italy, a narrative of his uncle’s experience in World War II.... When she’s not traveling, Ingrid Larsson Shea plays volleyball at the senior level, does consulting, and performs with a Sweet Adelines group.... Wyland and Barbara Hoadley Leadbetter have grand times visiting their six grandchildren.... Alan Lewis has lots

of time for his four grandchildren, golf, swimming, sailing, and fishing.... Shirley Murphy Mongillo and husband Tony had a visit last summer from Marty Braman Duckenfield. Gary and Cynthia Hignite Archibald also stopped by.... Sally Myers McGinty is working on an international edition of her essay book and researching U.K. and EU schools.... Bill Paris transports special-needs children in Glastonbury, Conn. He has also become a gardener.... Rick Powers remains busy as president of North America at Combe Inc., a privately held consumer products company. Wife Darcy works in private equity. Daughter Zoe ’11 is at Bates. Rick and Darcy often get together with Keith Harvie and wife Judy.... Dick Reynolds was tapped by Tufts, his other alma mater, to be interim vice president of operations. Pam Johnson Reynolds serves with him on the board of Circus Smirkus.... In Portland, Ore., Rita Sorensen Leonard works as a special-education paraeducator for the public schools and as a photojournalist for The Bee. She’s in touch with Judy Mitchell Faust, Kathleen Kelly, and Helen Woodruff Paganucci.... In Auburn, Anne Stauffer Behnke retired from teaching fourth grade and has a new job down the street as teacher assistant in a Lewiston elementary school.... Leslie Stewart Simonson and husband Charlie, both UCC ministers in Tiverton, R.I., are “firmly planted in the sandwich generation.” They care for four elders in their 80s and delight in two grandchildren.... Nancy Stewart McRae and Howie have retired to their old farmhouse in Vermont. They visited Dana Dertinger Letvin, Nancy’s Bates roommate, in Michigan.... In Mill Valley, Calif., Fran Strychaz is winding up the 10-year remodeling of her home and contemplating her next move.... Dave Sutherland divides his time between the eight stations of the Monadnock Radio Group and the family’s gift and toy store in Keene, N.H. Saturday nights in summer find him announcing at Monadnock Speedway.... Ann Warren Turner’s newest book, The Father of Lies, is the story of a bipolar 14-year-old girl in Salem during the witch trials who, because of her heightened senses, knows when the accusers are lying but risks being hung as a witch herself if she exposes them. HarperCollins will publish the young-adult novel in February 2011.... Helen Woodruff Paganucci and her husband moved from Maine to Las Cruces, N.M. “No snow, plenty of sunshine, and friendly people.”

68 l reunion 2013, June 7–9 l Class Secretary: Rick Melpignano, 79 Farm St., POB 119, Bellingham MA 02019, Class Co-Presidents: Gerald A. Lawler Jr. and Jill Howroyd Lawler, PO Box 167, Dublin NH 03444, The class extends condolences to the family and friends of Robert A. Neal, who died of cancer April 22. His obituary will be in the November issue…. Jill Howroyd Lawler welcomed the rest of the Bates 8 (Barbara Burnham Leary, Nancy Harris Riley, Beth Krause Reid, Norrine Abbott Williams, Kathy Simmons Schultz, Susan Miller Long, and Linda Russell Findlay) to of “Jill’s Team” in the April 17 Portsmouth, N.H., Multiple Sclerosis Walkathon. Jill’s family walked for her — Jerry, daughters Liz and Jessica, Jess’ husband, daughter Nora, and son Gavin. The prior evening, the Bates 8 stayed at Barbara’s and celebrated Jill’s retirement from teaching and her courage all these years to keep on going with her MS diagnosis.... “The Three Amigos,” Toby Tighe, John Donovan, and David Clay, saddled up for another adventure in June at Toby and wife Lina’s home in Baltimore. With Susan Syren Donovan and Lina, they toured Baltimore’s Little Italy and Inner Harbor, dined on crab cakes at Mo’s, and watched the Red Sox beat the Orioles at Camden Yards.... Last winter, David and Jo-Ann French Driscoll did logistics and operational support for the Univ. of Miami Project Medishare field hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, then David returned in May and worked with the International Medical Assistance Team in Pétionville at the Internally Displaced Persons camp. He then

spent a week digging rubble with Hands On Disaster Response in Léogâne.... In Ridgewood, N.J., Susanne Driscoll Ziskis and husband Les celebrated their 40th anniversary in July. Son Mark was married in 2009 to Angela Chiong. A career coach with a major consulting firm since 1993, Susanne is happy to report that following the tsunami of layoffs last year, companies have begun hiring again…. Jill Jillson, Betsy Hervey Harrington, Sue Farwell, and Nancy Hohmann met for a mini-reunion at Magic Wings, a butterfly conservancy center in South Deerfield, Mass. Jill is finishing her 21st year of teaching religious education at church. Besides substitute teaching in the local middle school, she teaches bridge at the local senior center, co-taught a photography course as a volunteer at the local Lifelong Learning Institute, and has made several travelogue presentations for local organizations…. In October 2009, Dorothy Nicholas traveled to Johannesburg as a member of the U.S. Delegation of Science Educators. The delegation met with South African counterparts in a cultural and professional exchange. In October 2010, Dorothy has been invited by the president of the National Science Teachers Assn. to be a member of the U.S. Delegation of Science Educators traveling to Beijing…. In South Dennis on Cape Cod, Robert and Stephanie Schofield Walenski ’70 report that daughter Jennifer earned a master’s in library science from Simmons, and son Matthew has a Ph.D. and runs a research lab at UCSD in the cognitive science/ linguistics field. Bob produces films for cable and the Internet. He paints acrylic abstracts, and his work is hanging at the Three Fish and a Ram Gallery at Mashpee Commons. One of Stephanie’s prints was juried into the Cape Cod Museum of Art “Printmakers of Cape Cod” show.

69 l reunion 2014, June 6–8 l Class Secretary: Bonita E. Groves, 507 Eastview Dr., Wilton NH 03086, Class President: Richard A. Brogadir, 43 Richard Sweet Dr., Woodbridge CT 06525,

70 l reunion 2015, June 12–14 l Class Co-Secretaries: Stephanie Leonard Bennett, 76 Elm St., Medford MA 02155,; Elizabeth E. Brown, Apt. E6, 1909 Oregon Pike, Lancaster PA 17601, Class President: Stephen J. Andrick, 15 Eastway, Reading MA 01867, steve.andrick@chartisinsurance .com In Skowhegan, Glenn Ackroyd and Libby teach in a tiny Christian school, helping in a tiny church, working on a large farm and garden plot, and having fun together.... Steve Andrick is vice president in the legal department of Lexington Insurance Co. in Boston. When not coaching his sons’ baseball teams, he’s fly-fishing at his house in Newfound Lake in New Hampshire where he spends a lot of time on Steve Karkos’ pontoon boat. Steve Boyko helped them bring up the dock for the winter.... Chris Belcher Bosanquet reports that the grandchildren of Thom Bosanquet born since he died in February 2008 have been named after Thom: grandson Levi Thompson, born March 6, 2009, and granddaughter Thommie Noel, born Dec. 27, 2009.... At The MetroWest Daily News in Framingham, Mass., Mark Bergeron is “now the second-oldest reporter in the newsroom. I sometimes feel like the last scribe, a stubborn monk scribbling away at things that interest me as the Internet devours circulation like a termite infestation.” Xiuping works in the Infectious Disease Lab at B.U. Medical Center.... Bonnie Briggs Galway and Warren are both retired. She does some substitute teaching in foreign languages at Edward Little High School; he does reaccreditation visits to secondary schools in New England. They live in Auburn in the house where she grew up but spend a lot of time at their condo in Stuart, Fla.... Betsey Brown loves her job as a house manager at the Fulton Theater in Lancaster, Pa. Managing Sunday night summer concerts at the SUMMER 2010 Bates


Long’s Park Amphitheater, she was delighted to meet Myles Jacob ’79, who handles merchandise for the band Los Lobos. “We had a fine time talking about Bates — at last someone who understands what a gnomie was!” She reports Corey Harris ’91 and his band “knocked my garnet socks off” at a concert.... Kathy Brown is still with the Libraries at North Carolina State Univ. She serves on the board of the Gregg Museum, gardens, and dabbles in antiques.... As a freelance translator in French, Spanish, German, and English, Eric Bye has translated about a hundred books in recent years. He’s also the editor of Muzzle Blasts, the magazine of the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Assn.... A professor of elementary education at Wayne State Univ., Phyllis Byerly Whitin co-authored with husband Dave a fourth book, Learning to Read the Numbers: Integrating Critical Literacy and Critical Numeracy in K–8 Classrooms (Routledge).... Ted Callaghan is working on a new career in Fairbanks, Alaska, taking an online course to become a certified health coach.... Natalie Castagnacci Allen works per diem as a special-education complaint investigator for the New Hampshire Department of Education.... Janet Freudenberg Smith closed her consulting business and retired at the end of 2009. Her husband plans to retire too.... Linnea Haworth Hallee and Alan, retired from teaching, enjoy time with family and friends, catching up on home projects, and some travel.... Wendy Howland Foley is a librarian at Hillsborough Community College in Tampa, Fla. Jim is an engineer for Tampa Bay Trane Air Conditioning. Club bicyclists, they spend a lot of weekends and summer vacations cycling.... Jeff Larsen is senior minister at the Congregational Church in Barrington, R.I. He enjoys his five granddaughters, rowing whaleboats competitively in New Bedford, Mass., and spending time at their place in Biddeford, Maine.... At this writing, Stephanie Leonard Bennett was finishing a final project for a certificate in landscape design. She likes all her volunteer “work,” including the class newsletter, the quarterly she edits and publishes for a collecting club, writing for a garden club paper, and working with a pro bono landscape design group.... Ellie O’Leary teaches

writing at the Pyramid Life Center in Paradox, N.Y., as well as Belfast (Maine) Senior College, where she taught a workshop on “Confronting Your Poetry Phobia.” She’s seeking an agent for her memoir, Up Home Again, One Woman’s Search for Meaning.... Ken Prail continues to seek employment in the New Jersey-New York metro. He lost his job after 34 years in the production, inventory control end of the fashion fabrics business. The silver lining is that he and Nancy spend more time with their first grandchild, Kennedy Paige.... As the senior vice president and general manager of the Rhode Island office of Lee Hecht Harrison, Dave Rogers loves helping people in career transition after they have been terminated from a job.... Gene Schiller was appointed to a new three-year term with the National Geospatial Advisory Committee, representing regional government. The panel provides advice on the development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure, which promotes sharing of geospatial data.... Tom Stone went to Panama for two weeks of field work, mapping land cover and helping with other tasks related to mangrove growth, biomass, and metabolism.... Dorothy Thompson Marecaux is the director of special education in Biddeford, Maine. She and Roger ’67 enjoy the best of both worlds, living on the beach in Saco in the winter and on Thompson Lake in Oxford in the summer.... Dan and Amy Chittenden Toran ’71 love retirement in Falls Church, Va., near their daughter and three grandchildren. He’s back to cooking and appreciates the cooking classes he’s taken.... The YWCA of Western Massachusetts honored Marcia Weston Haas for 30-plus years of service by naming the first street on its campus Marcia Haas Circle.... To Ellen Yeaton Perry, who steps down after 30 years as class president: Thanks for bringing us together in so many ways!

71 l reunion 2011, June 10–12 l Class Secretary: Suzanne Woods Kelley, 25 Silver St., Monson MA 01057, Class Co-Presidents: Sally Kayser Tan and Joo Eng Tan, 2635 Leisure Ln., Little Elm TX 75068,,

Cats on the Mount

Cindy Holmes Andrews ’74 (second from left) stands atop Mount Kilimanjaro with (from left) daughter Kristy Andrews ’12, husband Tom Whyte, and son Erik Andrews (Amherst ’09), whose twin brother is Mark Andrews ’09. On separate occasions in the past year, the summit of Kilimanjaro has also welcomed Betsy Bracken Barrett ’73, who climbed with daughter Kelsey ’05 and six friends; and Mike ’80 and Alison Grott Bonney ’80, who climbed with children Garret, Erin ’09, and Devon ’12, and two nieces. A durable Bates Outing Club thread runs through some of these hikes. BOC alums Ken Spalding ’73 and Betsy ’73 and Dan Barrett ’74 lead informal BOC alumni hikes around New England, and their hike of New Hampshire’s Baldface Circle Trail, also joined by Jon Young ’75 and Nancy Johnson Young ’75, helped prepare Betsy for her Kilimanjaro hike. Meanwhile, Ken consulted with Cindy Andrews on a training hike for her Kilimanjaro trip, opting for one to North Moat Mountain, also in New Hampshire.

38 Bates SUMMER 2010

Richard Hanley is a new member of the Maine State Board of Corrections. Ric is the chief operating officer of Spring Harbor Hospital and a former superintendent of the Augusta Mental Health Institute.

72 l reunion 2012, June 8–10 l Class Co-Secretaries: Pamela McCormack Green, 34 Val Halla Rd., Cumberland ME 04021, green1@; Dave E. Lounsbury, 1913 Greene St., Columbia SC 29201-4018, Class President: Robert R. Roch, 150F Brittany Farms Rd., New Britain CT 06053, robert.roch@ John Amols works in the real estate development and investment business in Charlotte, N.C. He stays in touch with classmate Erik Bertelsen and occasionally sees Tom Snyder, who also lives in Charlotte. Tom retired as treasurer of United Dominion Industries and started Designer Glass Mosaics, a glass mosaic and fused-glass design business that creates backsplashes, borders, wall art and murals, table tops, and other custom glass products. Among his projects was a wall mural for an episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. The business operates out of a 2,000-square-foot design center in Pineville.... Joyce Blakeman Baron and Peter celebrated their 25th anniversary in April with a trip to San Francisco and Yosemite National Park. She also hosted a birthday party for her mother, who turned 94.... Hank Kezer practices law in Malden, Mass. He earned his law degree from BU in 1976 and a master’s in the law of taxation in 1979, so his practice has a business orientation. He worked with his father for 30 years, which was better than could have been expected when he left Bates. He also runs several private foundations that give scholarships and charitable grants for the elderly, disabled, and children. He is married to a very patient wife, Susan, and has two children, Russell and Ellie, both of whom are teaching him patience.... David Lentz’s sixth novel is For the Beauty of the Earth. It concerns a narcolepsy-afflicted investment prodigy and Harvard M.B.A. (whose wife is a Bates grad). He manages a massive Wall Street hedge fund and faces a Faustian bargain as he’s pressured to engage in insider trading.... Greg and Chris Love Pac live in Somers, Conn., where Greg is the judicial statistician for the Connecticut Judicial Branch responsible for all research/planning for the branch. He is also a college football referee and softball umpire. Greg writes: “Chris’ primary duties are babysitting our four-legged children (two goldens) and our daughter’s puppy.” Their youngest daughter was married in 2009 and lives nearby while the two older daughters live in Naperville, Ill., and Roanoke, Va. Greg has “branched out into the beer-making business as well as finally learning how to make the best homemade pirogis.”... Susan Ryan Kelly, in New Hampshire, is still putting her Bates major to use teaching history. Her grown sons are in Charlotte, N.C., doing sports marketing and in Boston doing foreign currency exchanges. “We do a lot of traveling — every school vacation and summer, mostly out of the country,” she writes. “Sitting in the Den seems like just yesterday.”... Cara Thurston Griffiths lives in Northern Michigan where she does “about 20 different jobs” at a local nursing home. She loves the residents, especially those in the dementia unit. She and her partner, Stacey Chipman, framed their own house, then hired out the plumbing, electrical, roof, and siding work. They added a 40-foot porch, did the painting, trim, hardwood flooring, and tile. “We heat solely with wood that we cut and split. In the spring we make maple syrup — hard work but fun. We have a large vegetable garden, and in our spare time we kayak the many lakes in our area. The rest of the time, I’m just plain tired.”... John Zakian has become an expert in business recovery and rebuilding in the wake of disasters. “I started going into Mississippi and Louisiana right after Katrina and Rita as a volunteer and morphed into a paid consultant specialist. Lately, I am splitting my time between

More alumni news and photos at

Louisiana/Mississippi and my house in New Bedford, Mass. I’ve done an East Coast tour, career-wise, starting in the NYC metro area, then north to New Bedford, south to West Palm Beach (put my government major to use as assistant city administrator), mid-way to Montgomery County, Md., and last five years wandering through Mississippi and Louisiana.”

What They’re Missing Last winter, vascular surgeon Paul Burke ’74 of Andover, Mass., helped to assemble a volunteer team of nurses, anesthesiologists, and orthopedic surgeons that traveled to post-earthquake Haiti to help heal broken bodies. He blogged about his 10 days in country, and in one post talked about the 18-month-old girl pictured here. Her injured leg had been amputated above the knee. “I addressed the woman sitting [next to the girl] as her mother,” Burke wrote. “She corrected me. This little girl had lost her mother, father, and all brothers and sisters.” Because the girl’s amputation is very high, she can’t be fitted with a prosthesis. In general, the plight of amputees “is going to be an enormous problem going forward,” Burke wrote. “Word is that there are 4,000 new amputations in Haiti. In the U.S., amputees have the very best prosthetic fittings, yet there are always problems with correct fit.... What will happen to patients who may not even get a chance at a prosthesis?”

73 l reunion 2013, June 7–9 l Class Secretary: Kaylee Masury, 174 Moses Gerrish Farmer Rd., Eliot ME 03903-1810, kaylee.masury@ Class President: Katherine Kiefer, PO Box 177, Taconic CT 06079, Pat Abell Howe and Burt ’72 enjoy their grandchildren. “Nothing beats the sight and sound of a grandchild seeing you, then running toward you with an excited shout of ‘Grammy.’ It’s the small adventures of everyday life that fill my days.”... In Santiago, Chile, Julio Elorriaga-Gonzalez retired early because of poor health but continues teaching English on a private basis. He belongs to a group of writers and poets, Union de Escritores Americanos, and organizes weekly readings, events, and publications.... Mitch Grosky retired as a teacher and elementary principal, then expanded his wedding photography business and went on a solo photography trip of some 8,000 miles and 9,000 photos. He plans a book tentatively entitled In Search of America: The Land, the Cities, the People.... Debbie Hanscom Christopher and Gil ’74 live in Arizona near two of their four grandchildren. “I try to get to Maine once a year just to recharge my batteries.”... Susan Hupp continues as chair of the Univ. of Minnesota’s Department of Educational Psychology. She keeps up with Carol Lovejoy.... Now living in Salisbury, Conn., Kitty Kiefer started a practice in Great Barrington, Mass., focusing on estate administration and planning and elder law planning. She’s getting a master of laws in elder law and estate taxation from Western New England College of Law.... Kaylee Masury is a wardrobe consultant for Men’s Wearhouse in Newington, N.H. She serves on the board of Southeast New Hampshire Habitat for Humanity.... After 29 years in Miami, Anne Meinken Powers moved to Statesville, N.C., where she enjoys four seasons, walking in the hills and mountains, and gardening.... Dorrie Mitchell says she and Dana haven’t had any vacation adventures lately. “But wait until I have access to my IRAs — 2011 will be the travel year!”... Bev Nash Esson reports Don is doing very well after treatment for prostate cancer. With son Tommy at Virginia Tech and older son Jim in grad school at George Mason, Bev and Don are empty nesters. They met up with Andrea Kavanaugh, who works at VT, and also saw Joan Faella Haskell.... Rick Pierson and Donna are adjunct instructors at Northwest Florida State College in Niceville, she in American Sign Language, and he in American history. They love living in the Florida panhandle near an undeveloped woodlands area.... Clif Smith still practices primary care internal medicine in central Maine; his office is in North Vassalboro. Rose King Smith ’74 is a chemistry teacher and chair of the science department at Waterville High School.... Traveling a lot in the Caribbean, Karen Sowpel Jacob loves Costa Rica, where she took two canopy tours, three white rafting trips, and dined by volcano light.... Susun Terese (Susan Marshall during Bates days) is the author of a new book about spiritual awakening entitled The Shifting Fog. Susun is the owner of Minikins, a well-known children’s fleece clothing business in Farmington, Maine.... Humberto Tôrres lives in Natal, Brazil, and runs an embroidery business with wife Amelia. “You might question how I ended up doing something so distinct from math and physics. Actually it has a lot do to with math: The algorithm used is pure numerical analysis, and the German-made machines have a lot of mechanical and electronics systems. Believe it or not but the Short Term course on basic electronics back in 1970 still is of good help.”

Burke’s blog Wall Street Journal story

74 l reunion 2014, June 6–8 l Class Secretary: Tina Psalidas Lamson, 1 Intervale Way, Ipswich MA 01938, Class President: Donald W. McDade, 838 Brighton Ave., Portland ME 04102, UC–Berkeley professor Brian Staskawicz received a $1.3 million grant from the National Science Foundation and Gates Foundation to support his research on the bacterial blight disease of cassava, a serious threat to cassava production in several developing countries. (Cassava is a woody shrub that’s cultivated for its edible root.) Brian’s lab will train a new generation of scientists to work on developing bacterial blight-resistant cassava and provide novel approaches that could be applied to other crops in developing countries. Brian is chair of the department of plant and microbial biology at Berkeley’s College of Natural Resources. The NSF and Gates Foundation are partnering to support innovative scientific research designed to address key constraints to smallholder agriculture in the developing world.... Last year’s Reunion reminds us that while connecting with classmates and other Bates friends online or in print is fun, it’s really a blast in person, so please save the date, June 6–8, 2014, for our next Reunion. In the meantime, keep sending updates and items for Class Letters or the magazine. Speaking of Reunion, we have pictures from Reunion 2009 on Facebook (“Bates College Class of 1974”), and here are some comments: Vicky Aghababian Wicks and Bruce: “Great to see so many classmates and to get out and dance with my daughter and her classmates too!”... Vicky Albright ’73: “For those of you who have stayed away from Reunions like me (for 35 years!): It is not what you think it will be like. Try it. You’ll like it!”... Judy Bickford Sassorossi: “We always like just having time to visit with folks.”... Bill and Karen Lord Cunningham: “Liked the class dinner menu, program, and location. Tell our classmates who were not at the 35th that they missed a real good time!”... Ann Donaghy: “It’s great to come back and see people that I didn’t necessarily know, or know well, while I was a student. It’s also great fun to see people who have never been to a Bates Reunion.”... Frank ’73 and Joan Faella Haskell: “We appreciated the buffet in a quiet place so we could talk with others at the table without competing with a band/DJ.”... Julia

Holmes Reuter: “I love seeing my old friends. I made new friends.”... Don McDade: “The staff and BatesStar hosts did an excellent job; great luncheon/entertainment.”... Cindy Mildram Foster: “The College portion as well as the class portion were all very well done.”... Tina Psalidas Lamson and Steve: “Great to spend time with so many nice people.”... Nikki Taylor: “I’m sorry I wasn’t there longer. One day isn’t enough time to visit.”... Vic Tolis: “Best times were the class dinner, brunch on Sunday, the Goose.”

75 l reunion 2015, June 12–14 l Class Co-Secretaries: Deborah Jasak, 595 South Rd., Hopkinton NH 03229,; Faith Minard, 88 Blanford Pl., Bedford NH 03110, Class Co-Presidents: Susan Bourgault Akie, 8 Mayfair Rd., Dedham MA 02026, sakie@; Janet B. Haines, 223 Hunnewell St., Needham MA 02494, janethaines@

76 l reunion 2011, June 10–12 l Class Secretary: Marjorie Getz, 33 Old Powerhouse Rd., Falmouth Foreside ME 04105, Class President: Douglas V. Shick, 1101 West Hill Rd., Warren VT 05674, Glenn Lamarr of Fort Kent was reappointed to the Finance Authority of Maine Board by Gov. John Baldacci. A board member since 2006, he has worked at TD Bank for 20 years and also serves on the Northern Maine Medical Center Board of Trustees.

77 l reunion 2012, June 8–10 l Class Co-Presidents: Joel A. Feingold, 10 Oakwood Ct., Framingham MA 01701,; Dervilla M. McCann, 178 Narrows Pond Rd., Winthrop ME 04364, Class Secretary: Steve Hadge, 8 Timber Trail, Tolland CT 06084, Learning her way around Los Angeles quite well, Maria Best says her practice continues to be extremely busy, a blessing in this economic downturn.... SUMMER 2010 Bates


Russell Keenan ’75

Risky Business “I’ve always had a strong interest in helping people solve problems,” says Russell Keenan ’75. Which means he’s in a suitable line of work: environmental risk assessment, where problems can grow thick and thorny. Risk assessment provides tools to quantify and clarify various threats, to both people and the natural environment, posed by a particular situation. In short, risk assessment aims to put a foundation of science under conflicts that may otherwise be ruled by high emotion. A toxicologist and biologist, Keenan entered the field in the 1980s, as ecological risk assessment methodology was being standardized among regulators and industry. Representing municipalities and pulp-and-paper companies before the state of Maine in the late 1980s, he ran a full assessment of risks to people and the environment posed by spreading paper-mill sludge on land as fertilizer. It was a landmark case. “What came out of that whole process is that both sides eventually embraced the risk assessment process,” he says, “and the assessment we had done.”

Sheryl Blazensky Kelly is a technical writer at Cisco Systems in San Jose, Calif. Taking son Benjamin to UCLA last fall and walking around campus, “I had a flood of wonderful memories of my years at Bates.”... Peter Brann practices law in Maine and tries cases around the country. “After reconnecting on Facebook with someone from Bates (who shall remain nameless so that her lack of taste and judgment is not exposed to the world), I decided to get a divorce. So, my life these days is both complicated and exciting.”... David Brooks became the first recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the New Hampshire Press Assn. It’s partly recognition that for 15 years he has written the state’s only regular science and technology newspaper column, for the Nashua Telegraph.... Jeff Brown is now a full-time pediatric hospitalist at Vail Valley Medical Center in Vail, Colo., where he has reconnected with Charlie L’Esperance and Howard Fleishon ’78. Charlie is the CEO of a local business, and Howard visits 40 Bates SUMMER 2010

By Doug Hubley

Regulations produced by that process “became the first in the country to regulate the presence of dioxins in agricultural soil,” he says, “but it also allowed the land-spreading program to continue. With minor modifications, that has been the standard in force for 20 years now. “That was a good story where the science and policy all came together, and we came up with a reasonable solution.” Keenan recently became vice president and principal toxicologist of the national firm Integral Consulting Inc., and launched the company’s New England operation from an office in Portland. He guides clients, typically from the private sector, through the labyrinths of scientific fact and environmental regulation. A biology major at Bates, he recalls how biology professor Andy Balber assigned readings in original research, “and would sometimes stick in a conflicting study, but not tell you. You had to write about this, present it, and really grapple with the underlying data. That’s exactly what I do now.” Keenan is an authority on some of the biggest names in environmental toxins — such as PCBs, dioxins, and mercury — and specializes in river contamination cases, such as the notorious PCB pollution of the Hudson and Housatonic rivers. He managed his field’s first “cooperative research and development agreement” — a sort of public-private resource sharing arrangement — between a private company and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Keenan has testified on regulatory issues before U.S. congressional panels and governmental agencies, work that has engendered EPA-approved alternative water quality criteria in nine states. He routinely evaluates proposed environmental regulations. “I’m trying to strike a balance between environmental protection and protection of our financial resources,” Keenan says. “Many proposed regulations really do not have an environmental benefit, so it’s really important to distinguish that, and get into the cost and benefits of these proposals.”

frequently from Phoenix. Jeff also saw Steve McCormick at a get-together in the valley and skied in Jackson, Wyo., with David Foster. Jeff is remarried to a widow, and together they have five kids.... Jane Duncan Cary and Michael live in Wilmington, Vt., and she is the associate director of career counseling at Williams. She’s enjoyed seeing Liz Skinner King when she visits daughter Maddie at Williams.... Joel Feingold’s case study, “Integrating Client Factors into a Special Event,” has been accepted for publication. He crossed off an important bucket-list item by playing golf at both Pebble Beach and Spyglass Hill.... David Foster and Mina Samuels bought a place in Truckee, Calif. In his 15th year as a Bates trustee, he spends a lot of time in Lewiston.... Bruce Ginsberg says retirement continues to go well. He’s an assistant coach for the Babson baseball team.... Jane Goguen Baronas lives in Boston with husband Matt, Anna (15), and Johnny (13). She still works at the tissue typing lab at Brigham and Women’s where she started right

out of school (with Mark Reddish ’76, Jay Bangs, and John Bonasera ’78, who have all moved on). She often sees family in the Cape, including Lynn Glover Baronas. Pam Walch Constantine joins them for talk- and walk-filled weekends.... Linda Greason Yates still works at Milford (Mass.) Regional Medical Center as VP of human resources. With one son graduated from college and the younger son in college, she and David enjoy the empty nest. She keeps in touch with dear friends Robin Hodgskin Bell ’76 and Susanne Fetherolf.... Linda Griffiths Johnston had quite a Bates and family reunion last Thanksgiving when she, her mother Lois Spofford Griffiths ’51, and sister Carol Griffiths ’81 spent the holiday with brothers John ’75 and Tom ’73 and their families.... Jacqueline Harris Taback is regional medical director for the Connecticut Department of Children and Families. With her daughter in college, she uses the newfound time to play tennis, participate in a discussion group, and most importantly do nothing.... Fritz Hayes says he and his amazing wife are now empty nesters, having sent their third and last child off to college. “Now we get to mediate the conflict between what the mind commits to and what the body can handle!”... Steve Lancor works for Connecticut Distributors as the sales manager in charge of the merchants division, which primarily sells Gallo wines. “Definitely a fun industry to be in” as he and Ann Marie travel to wine country in California, Argentina, and Spain.... Jennifer Malia Takahashi is a child psychologist in Hawaii, working with the state’s early intervention program and doing some private practice on the side. She and her husband enjoy watching younger son Micah pitch for Hawaii Pacific Univ.... Ron and Martha Tucker Menton live in southeastern Pennsylvania where he enjoys riding his bicycle on the roads and trails. He works at Pfizer, and she works part time at the Harleysville YMCA. Their two sons are out on their own.... Marcel Monfort (Joel Spear at Bates) works part time at the National Funeral Home in Falls Church, Va. He and Elsy have grandchildren ages 1–9. He finds chess at the Arlington Seniors Chess Club good mental exercise.... Elizabeth Skinner King planned her third trip to Zambia this summer for the Massachusettsbased Communities Without Borders, which seeks to educate children by matching affluent communities in the Boston area with impoverished ones in Zambia. Her group in Wellesley, partnered with a village called Fumbelo, sponsors more than 100 children to attend school, underwrites doctor visits to the village, and set up a community lunch program.... Stuart Strahl reports things are going great at the Chicago Zoological Society with expanded education initiatives, growing worldwide conservation and animal welfare programs, and higher attendance at the Brookfield Zoo. “Stuart Abelson ’97 is on our board, and both of us urge all Bobcats to come for a visit when in Chicago.” Daughter Linda ’08, who attended Bates for two years, is finishing her B.S. in archaeology at the Univ. of Wisconsin.... Vicki Tripp Gordan has a new job at Unum overseeing business development activities and managing several functions in the benefits area. Her oldest daughter is at Stonehill College, and the youngest has begun her college search.... Our thoughts to Ellen Walker Stebbins, who lost her husband, Pete Stebbins, to cancer in June 2009. She’s managing to continue her massage therapy practice and other activities, and hopes to remain in Hollis, N.H.

78 l reunion 2013, June 7–9 l Class Co-Secretaries: Deni E. Auclair, Apt. 5M, 300 Pelham Rd., New Rochelle NY 10805, d_auclair@; Melanie Parsons Paras, 14 Whispering Ln., Holliston MA 01746, Class President: George E. “Chip” Beckwith, Apt. 44, 200 Cabrini Blvd., New York NY 10033, Todd Nelson, principal at the Adams School in Castine, Maine, since 2004, became head of The School in Rose Valley, Pa., in July. More alumni news and photos at

79 l reunion 2014, June 6–8 l Class Secretary: Mary G. Raftery, 16 Hobart St., Westerly RI 02891, Class President: Janice E. McLean, 15 Bristol St., Worcester MA 01606, The Alexandria (Va.) Gazette Packet noted a serendipitous African connection between Marcia Call and her stepdaughter. Marcia was a Peace Corps volunteer in Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in 1980–82. She was posted in Kibututu, a village north of Goma. That happens to be where her stepdaughter, Sara Rich, now plans to volunteer, working with teachers in the Magunda School in Goma. One of Marcia’s program guides in the 1980s, Murutamanga Kabahita, now a teacher at the Potomac School in Alexandria, learned about Sara’s plans but didn’t know her stepmother was Marcia. After they all made the connection, Murutamanga was invited to a reception for Sara last January in Virginia.... Baltimore lawyer, civic leader, and Bates trustee Dana Petersen Moore gave “a poignant but often humorous review of racial run-ins over her 52 years,” The Daily Record noted in a February story. Speaking to a sold-out audience at Center Stage in February, Dana “set the record straight for anyone who has ever wondered about her race,” the newspaper article said. “Like her parents, husband, siblings, granddaughter, and, on this evening, like her shiny jacket and high-heeled boots, she’s black. Not white, as police officers have identified her on speeding tickets. Not Samoan, as a law partner in Baltimore once guessed. Black.” Her talk was part of “Across the Divide: Stories about Race in Baltimore,” a co-production of the Stoop Storytelling Series and the city chapter of the Open Society Institute. Dana, a litigator at Venable LLP who chairs the Baltimore City Board of Ethics, was the first of 10 people to regale and educate the predominantly white crowd with true tales of how race has affected their lives. She told the Record that her participation in the program was an “amazing experience” but, much like answering questions about her racial identity, a struggle. After accepting the invitation to speak, “I almost didn’t do it.” She had never discussed such personal matters in such a large, public forum. “I don’t do a lot of talking about me. I don’t lead with myself. I’m hired to represent companies.” Dana’s story began with her family origins in Topeka, Kan., where her dark-skinned father, who would become the U.S. Marine Corps’ first black general, and her light-skinned mother, a housewife and activist, grew up. “That’s a place where race really matters,” she said, referring to the 1954 landmark segregation case, Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. Her father’s military career took her all over before she eventually settled in at Bates. “There was never any question about how you were going to get your hair done,” she said of black women students at Bates. “You didn’t.” At Washington and Lee’s School of Law, “the rules kept you safe,” she said, explaining that she did not mix with white men and only cautiously associated with white women. “It all changed in 1982 when I moved to Baltimore,” she said of the majority African American city. Dana said her 3-year-old granddaughter, Sylena, had the epiphany that has eluded so many adults and plainly announced that her grandmother is, in fact, black. She now carries a voice recorder, just in case Sylena says it again. “The next time somebody wants to talk to me about my race, they’ll hear Sylena.”

80 l reunion 2015, June 12–14 l Class Secretary: Christine Tegeler Beneman, 105 Spurwink Rd., Scarborough ME 04074, cbeneman@ Class President: Mary Mihalakos Martuscello, Apt. 12B, 410 E Sixth St., New York NY 10009 Jim Amaral, founder and president of Borealis Breads, took part in a Bates career panel in February on pursuing a rewarding career that reflects your

passion.... Sem Aykanian is the new head football coach at Ashland (Mass.) High School. “It’s a dream come true,” Sem, an assistant coach for about 15 years, the past four as defensive coordinator at The Rivers School, told the Milford Daily News. A real estate attorney in his hometown of Marlborough, he was a fullback and linebacker at Bates. “From playing in the NESCAC at Bates, he understands the importance of student-athletes,” said Ashland athletic director Jim Adams. “Being a student comes first at Bates. That’s really important to me.”... The Massachusetts Biotechnology Council presented its annual Innovative Leadership Award to Cubist Pharmaceuticals CEO Michael Bonney (see feature story on page 26). The award specifically honors industry executives who support community-based organizations and science education to prepare the future workforce, and who have fostered the creation of a positive work environment. President Hansen introduced Mike, who is a Bates trustee, at the Boston event, noting that his style and ability reflect a liberal arts skill set: “seeing around corners, building bridges, and embracing contradictions and conflicts with generosity .”... Maria Ferraro Crotty’s two children are at Bates, Gina ’11 and Kevin ’13.... Mark Hurvitt, after two years as school superintendent on Vinalhaven, is superintendent of Union 93, which comprises Blue Hill, Castine, Brooksville, Penobscot, and Surry. Oldest daughter Hannah will be a sophomore at Smith.... WCSH-TV interviewed physical therapist Kurt Jepson before he went off to work with the U.S. ski team at the Winter Olympics. He had worked prior Olympics and World Cup events but didn’t think he’d be going to Vancouver, until some athletes specifically requested his service. “There’s definitely a bond that develops, and a trust factor, that goes both ways,” he said. “The thrill of being at this level of competition, around these athletes, is certainly the fun part for me.”

81 l reunion 2011, June 10–12 l Class Secretary: Katherine Baker Lovell, 6 Elston Dr., Downingtown PA 19335, Class President: Robert L. Jobrack, 32 King Georges Grant, Fredericksburg VA 22405, Chris Adams teaches Spanish and coaches track and cross-country at Tabor Academy in Marion, Mass., where he works with Steve Sughrue ’86, Ann Lovely ’07, and Virginia Larsen ’03. Remarried, he and Kathy have three children.... Kathy Baker Lovell’s household grew by one boy, a German exchange student, then dropped by one as her oldest child headed to Europe. “Spent a great weekend at Bates last September visiting Leigh Graham ’82, and showing Eric (17) the campus. So much has changed, but so much remains the same.”... Susan Collins Lloyd-Rees says kids are busy with school and sports, and parents both employed: “No complaints.”... Leslay Correll Schecterson works at the Univ. of Washington doing cell and molecular biology. She hikes whenever she can.... Chase Curtis’ eldest, Bryan, graduated from the Univ. of Pennsylvania. “One down, three to go!”... Brad Fenn is still in Hopkinton, Mass., working for JPMorgan Chase. He started the college visit routine for the second of two daughters.... Gary Paul Gilbert serves as a marriage ambassador and community ambassador with the Empire State Pride Agenda, the largest LGBT lobby group in New York state working to promote marriage equality, gender expression nondiscrimination, and dignity for all students. He is married to Murdoch Matthew.... Sam Hardy now works at VMware, commuting downstairs. With the youngest of three kids in college, he and his wife love being empty nesters. Daughter Jeanette ’08 started a teaching job in Chile shortly before the earthquake struck but the Santiago hostel where she was staying was barely affected. She moved on to Valparaiso, where several of her Bates classmates were living.... Kate Hickson finished an M.A. at Middlebury that she started in 1982. She teaches high school on Nantucket and escapes to the Caribbean whenever she can.... Don Hill graduated

from Bates in 2009, a week before his son graduated from high school and two weeks before his 50th birthday. He had support from James Reese and David Haines. “I am grinning even now as I think of how great it felt to finally march through the Quad as a graduate!”... Cynthia Hobbs is in Jamaica on a three-year assignment with the Ministry of Education and the national Early Childhood Commission. Her twins are 3, and Dylon is 5, so she gets handson practice with early childhood development at home.... Rob and Judy Dolan Jobrack, in Fredericksburg, Va., have two sons in college and two at Stafford High School. Judy is president of the PTSA, and Rob is the boys’ soccer coach.... Scott Keenen is back with Oilfield Services, still in HR but now in San Antonio. His three kids are thriving.... Betsy Kennedy, recently divorced, works full time at a nursing and rehab center in Madison, Wis. Mom to Annalisa (10) and Nicholas (8), she returned to dancing (folk) and yoga and has been cancer-free for more than 20 months.... Linda Kutrubes is busy as an equine veterinarian in Orange County, N.Y. She makes time for competing and training her horses, as well as yoga and husband Joe.... Valerie Lasserre Hammer enjoys her work as manager of a trade association and spends more and more time in Brussels lobbying. Mother of three daughters, “I am still a (not so) swinging bachelor.”... Sue Lovett’s pet-sitting business became so busy that she started booking herself to ensure a few days a month at home. She also works as a certified home health aide out of Beverly, Mass.... Writing an op-ed in the Lewiston Sun Journal about national healthcare legislation, Dr. Nancy Madsen Cummings suggests that while “no one likes more taxes and fees,” U.S. citizens already pay a variety of hidden fees related to medical care, “to pay for those who pay nothing, and to make up the shortfall because Medicaid and Medicare don’t pay the full cost of care they purchase on behalf of their enrollees.” Nancy, an orthopedic surgeon in Farmington and chair of the Maine Medical Assn.’s executive committee, argues that raising new revenues to “subsidize coverage for those who cannot afford its full cost, and requiring the purchase of such insurance, is a fairer and more rational way to pay for care.” Nancy was named to the Ethics Committee for the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.... Minoo Malek Saghri is at home with twin boys (13). Last summer, Bates roommate Beatrijs Stikkers-Muller sent her son, Quentin (then 14), to live with Minoo’s family and participate in a sailing program with one of her boys in Westport, Conn. Beatrijs and the rest of her family joined them for a short reunion at summer’s end. The two Batesies hope that Minoo’s boys can experience Beatrijs’ family life and the Netherlands some day.... Ken Mayberg is a teacher in the Trenton, N.J., schools. He performs on the hammer dulcimer, does a lot of world traveling, much of it on a bicycle, and is a volunteer in his community.... Brian McBride and Mary Ellen Bell spent a few afternoons pondering time off from the job and their next career moves. Brian, wife Lucy, and son Liam had brunch with John Walker and his family in San Francisco. Besides seeing several ’81ers at the Bates Outing Club’s 90th anniversary kickoff, Brian and a group of Smith Hall North friends had a great weekend in Bethel skiing and catching up.... Jean Monahan and Lilah (10) live in Salem, Mass., where they particularly enjoy the Wiccan harvest festival that takes place on Halloween not far from their house. Jean reconnected with Mark Hurvitt ’80, who lives with his family in Blue Hill, Maine.... Chair of the Lincoln County effort to keep Maine’s gay-marriage law in 2009, Kate Pennington says it was tremendously rewarding to be a part of the campaign even if it was ultimately unsuccessful. Her daughter is at Earlham College.... George Rose was inducted into the Massachusetts Track Coaches Hall of Fame. He coaches girls cross-country at Sacred Heart Academy in Kingston, Mass., and was previously at Notre Dame Academy in Hingham. He says: “I have been fortunate to have had great kids that made me look good.”... Kim Smarling Weber and Jack became empty nesters SUMMER 2010 Bates


The focus is baseball but friendship is the name of the game for the alum-flavored Southern Maine Seacoast Rotisserie League


League of Their Own

From top left, league owners gather in a New Commons meeting room for the annual draft; brothers John and Neil Jamieson ’82 of the Jamieson Whiskeys confer; the league trophy front and center, Eric Leimbach ’83 and Tom Campbell ’82 of the Lewiston Lemmings share a laugh with Commissioner for Life Greg Pizzo ’82; a close-up of projected player auction values; Dan Crocker (Colby ’82), Nick Kent ’82, and Dave Beaulieu focus on the auction action.


he Southern Maine Seacoast Rotisserie League, founded by Greg Pizzo ’82 in the mid-1980s, kicked

off its 2010 baseball season with its player draft at Bates in New Commons.

Batesies dot the league’s ownership ranks. Besides Pizzo (league commissioner for life), owner of perennial contenders Pizzo Pies, you have Tom Campbell ’82 and Eric Leimbach ’83 of the Lewiston Lemmings, a nod to the alternative Bates mascot of the ’70s and early ’80s. Brothers John and Neil Jamieson ’82 own the Jamieson Whiskeys, and Nick Kent ’82 runs the Kent Surgeon Generals. Other alums involved through the years have been Clark Spencer ’82 (Spencer’s Fencers) and Dave Linehan ’82. “The draft lasts about five hours,” explains Campbell. “It used to take 10 hours when beers were allowed.” Suds or not, the bidding is high serious: One member flew in from Virginia for this year’s meeting. The green cups in the photos indicate who’s still in the bidding for a player — a tipped-over cup means you’re out of that auction. “The cups live in my basement and have been in use for 15 years,” says Campbell. Before the Internet, Pizzo would print out updated sets of statistics from his home computer and leave them on his deck in Cape Elizabeth for everyone to pick up. Now, the game’s all online — as is most of trash-talking between players — which means draft day is a great time for face-to-face camaraderie. “I like the combination of statistics, baseball, and friendships,” says Campbell, a longtime math teacher at Waynflete School in Portland.

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More alumni news and photos at

with their third daughter, Emily, off to the Univ. of Delaware. Kim is back at school, too, working on an M.L.S., and still at the Newtown Library.... Scott and Cathy Barry Smith are now in Georgia where he’s vice president of risk management at Wachovia/ Wells Fargo Bank. They vacation each summer at Cathy’s family house on Rangeley Lake. “We always make a point to drive through campus just to see the changes and growth.”... Jean Wilson reports youngest daughter Tina Pruyn ’13 loves Bates. Stepdaughter Alison Roberts ’05 is also a Batesie. Jean enjoys her job as vice president of information services at L.L. Bean. Husband John works full time in Kansas City. “While the commute is long, the mileage points are impressive.”... Amanda Zuretti is a title insurance underwriter at Connecticut Attorneys Title Insurance Co. in its Wellesley, Mass., office. She was honored as a Woman of Justice in 2008 by Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly for her pro bono attorney work with seniors. Her spouse, Lisa Cogliandro, was honored by the town where she teaches for her outstanding performance for 13 years.

82 l reunion 2012, June 8–10 l Class Secretary: Gerard P. Donahoe Jr., 1339 Independence Ct. S.E., Washington DC 20003, Class Co-Presidents: Thomas E. Campbell, 41 Copley Woods Cir., Portland ME 04103,; Neil D. Jamieson Jr., Prescott Jamieson Nelson & Murphy, PO Box 1190, Saco ME 04072, Hal Baker got engaged in Seville, Spain, where his intended grew up. “We first met and dated from 1986–87 when I was stationed with the Navy in Rota, Spain.” Now comes “trying to figure out where we will live and when the wedding will be.”... Nancy Beckwith earned an M.Div. from the Lutheran seminary in Philadelphia, was ordained last September, and is now pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Meriden, Conn.... Karen Bolduc, in Raymond, Maine, teaches high school physical science, AP environmental science, and a Junior Maine Guide class. “Having lost much of my sight due to a pituitary brain tumor, I am at the mercy of other people to drive me around and am not able to do the wilderness tripping that I so dearly love.” She has three adopted children, 15, 4, and 3.... Tom Campbell teaches math and is now also dean of faculty at Waynflete School in Portland. Tom and Lori Norman Campbell’s daughter, Bethany, is starting at Hamilton College where Jean Williams is a librarian and her husband, Dave Bailey ’81, teaches; daughter Katie will be a senior at Trinity College, a year ahead of Campbell Shannon’s son.... “Being a healing force for men has been a theme in Bob Carr’s entire adult life,” says Bay Windows, New England’s largest LGBT newspaper, which recounted his 25-year career in public health. The story began with a description of the men-only yoga class that Bob leads — only men so they feel comfortable trying yoga, increasingly seen as a female activity today. As he walks among his students, he says, “Allow yourself to be here,” since Bob knows that each man, as the story says, “has a life outside this room begging to intrude.” The story compares the yoga class to Bob’s work as deputy director of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Bureau of Infectious Disease: “Being a healing force for men is a thread that connects this yoga class with the job he will go to tomorrow.” The story quotes Bob: “I wouldn’t have been involved in public health if the AIDS epidemic hadn’t happened.” In the 1980s, when AIDS was not yet a household word, he was living in Portland, Maine. “I hadn’t lived in an urban area as a gay man. [This new disease] was something very foreign.” He and some friends were concerned, so they took action in the best way they knew how. “We’d go out into the parks where the hustlers were hanging out. Our task was to knock on car windows of guys in station wagons going back home to their families or wherever, and we’d say, ‘You really need

to read these materials — and here’s a couple of condoms.’” In 1985, he moved to Boston and began volunteering with the AIDS Action Committee. A temporary job led to counseling people being tested for HIV. He now supervises 230 people at the Hinton State Laboratory Institute. Bob and his longtime partner, Stephen, married since 2004, have a 16-year-old son, Noah, whom they co-parent with Noah’s two moms.... Jane Dahlquist DeHaas and family are now in the Bangor area, closer to Pieter’s dad. Working as a high school substitute teacher and at an L.L. Bean call center, she’s been home schooling daughter Abby, who will be in eighth grade. Son Nick graduated from UMO, and Katie from high school.... Jerry Donahoe returns to campus regularly for Alumni Council meetings and reports that “Bates is looking more beautiful than ever. I hope all alumni can keep engaged with things Bates and keep its mission in their hearts and minds. In a world full of ignorance, higher education helps us attain our higher selves.”... Heidi Duncanson and Mark Weaver ’80 celebrated their 25th anniversary but having a high school senior looking at 50K per year colleges precluded any splurge. Their younger child is entering high school, “so we are looking at a minimum eight consecutive years of tuition payments!”... Lisa Farrell Wilk participated with other alums on a Bates career services panel on green careers held on campus. As president and CEO of Capaccio Environmental Engineering Inc., a 30-person firm based in Marlborough, Mass., Lisa provided information on potential career paths in the environmental consulting and engineering field.... Felicia Garant met up with Janet Silverman Tobin, Melissa Weisstuch, and their friend Dana Wcykoff in Boston for their almost-annual girls’ weekend. Felicia later visited Sue Lovett in Gloucester, Mass., and the two had a nice dinner with Bob Gilroy ’81 and Mindy Hanssen ’81 in Newburyport. In addition to her “real” job, Felicia’s still active on the IRS Taxpayer Advocacy Panel.... Jon Guild, whose employer eliminated his position, says that “while not a situation I would ask for, it gives me a great opportunity to use a lot of clichés, such as: ‘This might be a blessing in disguise, as in a really good disguise that scares the bejesus out of you as you stand there trembling.’”... Ruth Hall is returning to Washington, D.C., where she’ll work in the Foreign Service’s economic policy office, after completing a professional master’s program in strategic and international studies at the Naval War College in Newport, R.I. “The faculty is excellent and the dean of students is our own John Garofano,” she reported. During her tour at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad from July 2008 to July 2009, the embassy moved into its own compound, the largest embassy move in the history of the U.S. diplomatic service. Before that she completed a fascinating tour in Indonesia in April 2008.... Amy Hausman works part time and attends classes so she can change careers again. As a single mom of Jessica (13) and Mark (9), she says retail management hours are just too demanding.... Chris Jennings is executive director of the Spartanburg (S.C.) Convention and Visitors Bureau. His three daughters are handling the move as a family adventure; son Connor is at the Univ. of Vermont.... Tim Kane and Beth George ’85 love living in the Portland area with Emma (off to college in the fall), Spencer (12), and Olivia (7). Spelt Right Baking is going strong, now in 23 Whole Foods across New England, 80 Hannafords, and many natural food stores. Tim was appointed to the Maine Arts Commission.... Chris Malcolm offers a haiku: “When dad turned 50, he had two kids in college. My first-born is two!”... In his Names column, Boston Globe reporter Mark Shanahan ’87 noted the kickoff party for, a website co-founded by former Boston Magazine editor Jon Marcus. The site promises to reveal “the secrets of the city, and the favorite people, places, and things as recommended by residents and visitors, like a great dish at a family-run restaurant, a killer drink, an amazing deal, or a landmark or historic site you never knew existed.” The January launch party was held at the Foundation Room of the

House of Blues.... With a son at Virginia Tech and a daughter at Richard Bland College, Heather McElvein Malaby says it’s definitely odd to have only one child, a high school junior, at home. She’s now the Virginia PTA events planning chair.... Having expanded her responsibilities at work, Sue Purkis spends quite a bit of time at corporate headquarters in Bedford, Mass. Not thrilled with the traveling, she combines business with some family visits, so it all works out in the end.... Chris Scully and Barbara are the parents of twin girls, Ashleigh and Brianna, born in 2005. “My life has been happily frantic ever since. Now I know why human beings are supposed to become parents much earlier in life.” He tries to keep up with Jon Marcus, Rich Regan, and Dave ’83 and Teri Hogan Arenstam ’81.... Suzanne Seale still works in mobile Web design in Boston.... Bob Sprague, still an anesthesiologist, plans a career change in 2011. Wife Dawn is a nutritionist for bariatric surgery. Twins are in college — Lindsey at UNH, Steph ’13 at Bates. “Empty nest with dogs rules!”... Richard Wood says business is slow in Somerville, Mass., but people still put on theater and still dance, so there’s hope. He saw Jane Farr Burns twice in New Mexico, staying with Jane and her family on his way to a project at San Juan College last October, then returning with his family for a visit and a chance to ski the West while turning 50.

83 l reunion 2013, June 7–9 l Class Secretary: Leigh Peltier, 451 Williams Crossing Rd., Coventry RI 02816, Class President: Sally Nutting Somes, 27 Foreside Rd., Cumberland Foreside ME 04110, ssomes@ The Business Review profiled Tom D’Arcy, recently appointed Grubb & Ellis president and CEO in November, and got a sense of Tom by talking to fellow Bobcat football alum Tim Lyne, executive vice president and partner at CB Richard Ellis New England. Tim describes his friend and former colleague in commercial real estate as a “great leader” who “engenders a lot of loyalty from the people that work with him. He has a ton of integrity, but keeps it fun.” Business Review says the “stakes are high” for Grubb & Ellis, a California-based real estate services and investment company firm that recapitalized after a period of disappointing earnings and slumping share prices. Tom says his mandate for running Grubb & Ellis is to make the operation “lean, profitable, sustainable, and competitive.” For the first quarter, the firm narrowed its loss from a year ago by nearly $18 million, with revenues $7 million higher than analysts’ forecasts.

84 l reunion 2014, June 6–8 l Class Secretary: Heidi B. Lovett, 1618 Cody Dr., Silver Spring MD 20902, Class President: Linda S. Cohen, Apt. 3, 7866 Greenlake Dr. N., Seattle WA 98103, linda@

85 l reunion 2015, June 12–14 l Class Secretary: To be elected. Class President: Lisa Virello, 2 Standish St., Hingham MA 02043, WCSH-TV’s 207 show featured Beth George and her passion for natural, healthy food with her Spelt Right Baking company in Yarmouth, Maine. “My motto is that if I won’t feed it to my kids, I won’t put it in my products,” said Beth, who started Spelt Right with her husband, Tim Kane ’82, as a result of the profound impact diet change made on their son’s life. She acknowledges that natural foods often cost more than processed food with preservatives, but she says schools would spend less on special education programs and behavioral problems if they

SUMMER 2010 Bates


emphasized natural food. “We’re trying to create a healthy world, one bagel at a time,” she said. The Portland Press Herald said her dedication to quality and health translates into a growing business. Whole Foods Markets in the New York region has picked up the company’s signature bagels, and on a much smaller scale, the employee store at Maine Medical Center added them as well.... Kevin Pomfret joined LeClairRyan as a partner to help develop the law firm’s spatial law capabilities. He works in

almost 10 years, she teaches writing and literature to immigrant and foreign students as an adjunct professor at Boston College and Bunker Hill Community. Through interviews, photographs, and recipes, her book explores the powerful role that food plays in the process of acculturation. Lynne said she “struggled to think of a way to connect” with her students “and food just kind of came naturally because I love to cook and eat. So I would ask them what they cooked over the weekend, what they’re

In writing her book on immigrant food culture, Lynne Christy Anderson ’87 found that for immigrants who have lost so much, food traditions are often “the only thing that they can hold onto.” Richmond, Va.... Jay Spinale served as volunteer chairman of the “Blue Crew” volunteers for the last three years of the Deutsche Bank Championship, the PGA stop held Labor Day weekend at TPC Boston in Norton, Mass. This year he’ll be assisting the new chair. A longtime attorney in Easton and former certified player agent with the Major League Baseball Players Assn., he was appointed an associate justice of the Bristol County Juvenile Court in 2006.

86 l reunion 2011, June 10–12 l Class Secretary: Erica Seifert Plunkett, 56 Morton St., Holliston MA 01746, Class President: Anne D. Robertson, 10024 Nord Rd., Bloomington MN 55437, Melissa Clark Umbsen keeps busy between two kids and her job at Beacon Health Strategies, LLC, an HMO for behavioral health. At this writing, she planned to take part in the “Out of the Darkness Walk” in June in Boston to benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.... On campus, Reginald Floyd gave the keynote speech on “Race, Religion, and Politics in the African Diaspora” for the Unity Conference, sponsored by Amandla! He is senior pastor and founder of Christ Worship Center Worldwide in Atlantic City, N.J., chief public defender for the city, and founder/chair of the Community Center of Atlantic City.... In a column for The Indianapolis Star, higher education leader Jamie Merisotis, who heads the Lumina Foundation for Education, talked about his own experiences in describing the foundation’s efforts to “dramatically increase the number of people who, like me, have benefited immeasurably from getting a college degree.” As a Bates senior, he recalled taking a job that required him to get up at 3:30 a.m. to deliver newspapers for a distributor. “I remember being a little embarrassed about the fact I was an adult and still had a paper route, so if anyone asked, I just told them I was in journalism.” What made a great financial difference, he says, is taking “advantage of every financial aid program I could. Pell grants, state scholarships, student loans, work study — you name it, I applied for it and got it.” The Lumina Foundation for Education, based in Indianapolis, is the nation’s largest private foundation focused on improving college access and success.

87 l reunion 2012, June 8–10 l Class Secretary: Margaret M. Brosnahan, Apt. E6, Apple Creek, Stillwater OK 74075, MargBros@aol .com Class President: John L. Fletcher, 672 Ocean Blvd., Atlantic Beach FL 32233, The Boston Globe interviewed Lynne Christy Anderson about her new book Breaking Bread: Recipes and Stories from Immigrant Kitchens (Univ. of California Press). A professional chef in Boston for

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cooking that afternoon, and they really started to open up. Oftentimes, it’s the only thing that they can hold onto when they lose language, family, and economic status.” Lynne lives with her husband, Erik ’89, and two children in Jamaica Plain, “where we spend most of our time cooking (in my grandmother’s pans) and eating (on my mother’s plates) in our kitchen that’s a little too small.” Michael Pollan said the book “throws open a delightful window on the immigrant kitchen in America” while Amy Tan calls it “a feast of stories and flavors.”... Jamie Kircaldie and wife Sally are busy keeping up with daughter Emma (6). He looked forward to lots of swimming and golf this summer.

88 l reunion 2013, June 7–9 l Class Committee: Mary Capaldi Carr, 5778 First Landing Way, Burke VA 22015, mary.capaldi@; Astrid D. Delfino Bernard, 35 Blueberry Hill Dr., Madison CT 06443, acbernard@sbcglobal .net; Ruth Garretson Cameron, 12 Norton Farm Rd., Freeport ME 04032,; Julie L. Sutherland Platt, 2 Old Ayer Rd., Groton MA 01450,; Adrienne Terry D’Olimpio, PO Box 202, Lyndon Center VT 05850, David Orlandella is one of five investors who have raised nearly $1 million in equity for Movero Technology Inc., an Austin, Texas-based company that provides software-as-a-service for wireless telecommunications. He is a managing director of Enhanced Capital Partners in Austin.... Susan Pappalardo and family attended the Winter Olympics, making it a point to be a Bates banner-waving cheering section for U.S. biathlete Haley Johnson ’06 (see 2006 column). “We also were lucky to see U.S. history made in the men’s Nordic combined,” she reports.

89 l reunion 2014, June 6–8 l Steering Committee: Sally J. Ehrenfried, 1173 Plantation Ln., Mount Pleasant SC 29464, sallye@; Deborah Schiavi Cote, 18 Little Androscoggin Dr., Auburn ME 04210, Class Secretary: Donna Waterman Douglass, 355 Pond Rd., Wales ME 04280, tddouglass@midmaine .com In Paris, Hugues Cremona created a management consulting company with a partner. It’s grown by working for banks, insurance companies, and various financial service companies. He and wife Valerie, a graphic artist, have two little boys, Paul and Adrian.... Brian Cullen started his own law firm in Nashua, N.H., and continues to focus on trial work. A father of three, he had an excuse to attend Parents Weekend as a parent stand-in for his nephew, Brendan Riebe ’13. “Bates is looking good!”... J.J. Cummings has been assigned to Joint Forces Command in Norfolk, Va. In March, he handed over command

of Strike Fighter Squadron 11 at Naval Air Station Oceana in Virginia Beach.... Paul Dill is the head coach of women’s and men’s varsity volleyball at MIT. He married Dawn Gerken on June 14, 2009.... Elizabeth Donoff, in Washington, D.C., was promoted to editor of Architectural Lighting magazine. She received the Brilliance Award from the Illuminating Engineering Society’s New York City chapter for service and commitment to the NYC lighting community.... Sally Ehrenfried works as community relations manager for Blackbaud, a software and services company specifically for nonprofit organizations. She loves living in Charleston, S.C.... Ann Frenning Kossuth is a program coordinator for the Working Group for Sustainable Cities at Harvard, part of Harvard’s Center for the Environment. Through Tracey Matsuba Owen, she had the pleasure of befriending Val Brickates Kennedy ’87. They planned a play date with Val’s toddler son and Ann’s daughter.... Laura Graves lives in Portland, Maine, with her husband, Lena (12), and James (8), and continues to teach at Reiche Elementary School.... Eleanor Hogan is associate professor of Japanese language and literature and chair of Asian studies at Gettysburg (Pa.) College. On a research leave last spring, she spent time with her daughter at her old haunts in Tokyo, conducting research and visiting her home-stay family from her junior semester abroad.... Needham (Mass.) resident Caitrin Lynch, assistant professor of anthropology at Olin College of Engineering, was the keynote speaker at the 80th annual dinner of the Needham Community Council in March. Caitrin, who earned a Ph.D. in cultural anthropology from the Univ. of Chicago, is the author of the forthcoming book Working Retirement: Age and Value in a Suburban Factory, a study of Needham’s own Vita Needle Co.... Tracey Matsuba Owen lives in Gulfport, Miss., with husband Kurtis, Morgan (7), and Madison (5). She loves being an at-home mom, and volunteers as a substitute teacher at her children’s school and coaches soccer.... Greg Meahl and his wife are on the North Shore with three kids who keep them busy. He caught up with Scott Dickey, Chris Wright, Pete Lyons, and Eric Braitmayer on the golf course.... Deirdre Mills Goldenbogen loves living in northern Vermont. A consultant who works from home, she and Kevin, a church pastor, have two sons, Owen and Simon.... After a spate of sexual assaults by students in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg (N.C.) school district, WBTV interviewed child psychologist Dawn O’Malley about ways that parents can talk to their children about establishing healthy boundaries with their peers and finding professional help. Dawn is clinical director for Alexander Youth Network in Charlotte, which provides behavioral healthcare for children. She said parents should start having conversations with their kids about sex and sexual aggression. “It’s important for parents to teach kids respect,” she said. “For their own body and the bodies of others.”... Kathy Scahill Price is busy raising Kelly (12), Owen (10), and Drew (8), volunteering in their classrooms and coaching them in soccer. She’s been substitute teaching to help figure out if she wants eventually to teach math or science.... Jo Seavey-Hultquist lives in San Jose, Calif., with husband Kevin and daughter Ava (4). She works at FIRST 5 Santa Clara County, which funds nonprofits that support child development.... Cadence Turner-Garvin runs a journalism institute that students from all over New York City can attend. She’s also busy raising two boys.... Donna Waterman Douglass still runs her solo practice, Core Physical Therapy in Monmouth and Lisbon Falls, Maine. She serves on the board of the Monmouth Federal Credit Union as its secretary.

90 l reunion 2015, June 12–14 l Class Secretary: To be elected. Class President: Eric D. Knight, 836 Potter Ave., Berwyn PA 19312,

More alumni news and photos at

91 l reunion 2011, June 10–12 l Class Secretary: Kathryn Tibbetts Morello, 12 Kimberly Dr., Moraga CA 94556, ktmorello@alumni Class President: John A. Ducker, 252 Baker St., Walpole MA 02081, The Boston Herald caught up with roots musician Corey Harris, a MacArthur “genius grant” winner, who was in Cambridge for a show. He said his musical achievements are “no different from what other musicians who travel have done. I keep my ears open and I know where I’m coming from musically.” A bit put off by being called a “scholar,” Corey says that “when a musician talks about the music they play, suddenly they’re a scholar.” He also seems bemused at critics’ fascination with how black music has traveled with the African diaspora. “People seem to think that it’s a real big leap to go from blues to African music where they don’t see a leap between English folk and Appalachian folk. But it’s not a leap. People are ignorant about African music.”... Patricia McCracken Osmon was appointed to the school board in Delano, Minn., where she and her family recently moved. A pediatric physical therapist, she has worked for the Southwest/West Central Service Cooperative, serving a nine-school district area in western Minnesota.... Jennifer Parmelee Huddleston was training for an Olympic triathlon to raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. She lives on the old family farm in Middlefield, Conn., with husband Matthew ’90 and daughters Clarity (13) and Hannah (9).... Susquehanna Financial Group hired Rachael Rothman-Ould to cover the restaurant, gaming, lodging, and leisure industries. She works out of SFG’s New York office.... The Newton (Mass.) TAB described the “labor of love” by Rachel Segall, who is the gestational carrier for the baby of classmate Erik Mercer and Erik’s husband, Sandro Secci. The baby is due in mid-August. The idea came to her years ago, even before he and Sandro were together, Rachel explains. “I was watching a program on 20-20 about gay people trying to have children and how expensive it is, especially for men who can’t carry them. I called Erik and told him if

Russ Libby ’89 GARRY SMITS

Actor David Al-Chokhachy went to Maine for the premiere of his film The Putt Putt Syndrome, shot in Winthrop last summer. “Even though it rained every day it was so cool to shoot a movie there,” he told The Boston Globe. “When I found it was shooting in Maine, I went in there and fought for this role.” A dark comedy co-starring Jason London, Putt Putt tells the story of a man whose perfect life suddenly comes undone. David added: “There are so many people who can relate to it, I think it could hit kind of a cult groove.”... Rebecca Laroche’s scholarly monograph, Medical Authority and Englishwomen’s Herbal Texts, 1550–1650 (Ashgate Publishing), is now available. She’s working on an exhibition on a related topic opening in January 2011 at the Folger Shakespeare Library.... Writing in The Huffington Post, Matt Rigney deplored “the annihilation of the northern bluefin tuna” and called for a boycott of Japanese products and for consumers worldwide to stop eating the fish. Noting that the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species voted not to list the bluefin tuna as endangered despite scientific evidence that puts it “in the same category as the African black rhino and the Himalayan snow leopard,” he said “it is time for those of us who give a damn about...the pillaging of the oceans, to meet the challenge and put our outrage into action.... If the Japanese government will not acknowledge its role in driving the annihilation of these fish, then it must feel the consequences, which should include a boycott of Japanese cars, electronics, and other products.... And it is time to stop eating northern bluefin tuna, anywhere, in any country.” Matt writes about the decline of the large offshore fish — marlin, bluefin tuna, and swordfish — in his book In Pursuit of Giants: One Man’s Global Search for the Last of the Great Fish, being published by Penguin in 2011.

The Right Club “Professional golf” was the career intention that Russ Libby ’89 listed on his biographical information card when he matriculated in 1985. But a post-graduation stint on the Florida mini-tours proved that “I wasn’t good enough to make a living playing golf,” he says. Instead, he’s making a living helping other people play golf — and play tennis and swim and get married or simply have a quiet dinner. Libby and his wife, Tracy, own Hidden Hills Country Club in Jacksonville, Fla. Founded in 1966, the club once hosted the Greater Jacksonville Open — forerunner of today’s Players Championship — and owes its current layout to Arnold Palmer, who redesigned the course in 1986. The Libbys bought the club in 2003 after its national corporate owners went bankrupt. The couple replaced the corporate mentality with a local, hands-on, and people-oriented philosophy — and watched membership climb nearly 40 percent. “People come to a country club to get away from it all, to be happy,” Libby says. “They all have different needs, but the one thing in common is that they want to be happy. We love that challenge.”

he was ever interested in having a child some day, to think over my offer.” Rachel, who has three children of her own, and her husband, Tony Hurley, have been friends with Erik since they were all students at Bates. “I’ve always had easy pregnancies and love being pregnant. So this is an easy thing for me to offer, especially for such wonderful friends.” Rachel said she and her husband are able to convey an important lesson to their children. “Tony is totally behind this, and we are teaching our kids that you try to help other people in the world. My children are very excited and thinking of this baby as a cousin of theirs.” Fertilization used sperm from both Erik and his husband — though they don’t know whose sperm got to the donor egg first.

92 l reunion 2012, June 8–10 l Class Committee: Ami Lynn Berger, 1401 Portland Ave., St. Paul MN 55104,; Kristin Bierly Magendantz, 33 Glen Hollow, West Hartford CT 06117, kmagendantz@foundation; Kristen Downs Bruno, 10 Mac Connie Ct., Seymour CT 06483,;

By Garry Smits

A native Mainer, Libby grew to love the game while playing in high school and working summers at courses near his home in Standish. He played at Bates and spent his junior year at the Univ. of Edinburgh. There, he competed in matches with the Edinburgh golf team and also played historic courses like Gullane No. 3 and the Old Course at St. Andrews, considered golf’s birthplace. “That experience solidified my love for golf and my desire to somehow make a living at golf,” he says. “It put things in motion. I don’t know where I’d be if it had not been for that year in Edinburgh.” After graduating from Bates with an economics degree, Libby got his big break: joining the golf staff at a brand-new course in South Portland, Sable Oaks Golf Club, managed by Marriott. He met Tracy while working winters at another Marriott property, the Orlando (Fla.) World Center. He later served as head pro at Ipswich (Mass.) Country Club and in Florida at Sawgrass Country Club. In 2003, Russ — by then director of golf at Deerwood Country Club — and Tracy formed an ownership group to buy Hidden Hills for around $3.1 million. Libby calls it the best decision he’s made. “It was challenging, because morale at the club had been low,” he said. “But we had a very good core membership who had stuck with the club, and once word spread a bit, people began coming back.” And the most gratifying reward? “When people tell Tracy or me that they’re glad we bought the club,” he says. “That always makes my day.”

Roland S. Davis, 8 Infiniti Way, Auburn ME 04210,; Peter J. Friedman, 10 Brownstone Turn, Simsbury CT 06089, PeterJFriedman@; Leyla Morrissey Bader, Apt. 8M, 405 E. 54th St., New York NY 10022, leylabader@nyc; Jeffrey S. Mutterperl, Apt. 4D, 340 E. 80th St., New York NY 10075,

93 l reunion 2013, June 7–9 l Class Secretary: Kimberly Donohue Kavanaugh, 5 Everell Rd., Winchester MA 01890, k.kavanaugh@ Class President: Madeline F. Yanford, 22 Shirley Ter., Southwick MA 01077, madelineyanford@earthlink .net The Manchester (N.H.) Union Leader caught up with fiction author Carrie Barnard Jones, who had two titles hit The New York Times Best-Seller List for children’s books in January: Need and Captivate (Bloomsbury), both in the popular supernaturalteen-thriller genre. A New Hampshire native who now lives in Ellsworth, Maine, Carrie said a high

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school English teacher boosted her writing confidence. “I was always shy, always quiet; a smartenough kid but not the kind who raised their hands and shouted out answers. Mr. Sullivan didn’t need me to shout out answers. He just needed me to write. And his belief? His belief still holds me up when I’m having those neurotic writer days when I think that nothing is good enough.” In an interview with the Maine Sunday Telegram, Carrie said supernatural stories interest young adult readers because they “allow us to live other experiences, and it gives us hope for our own personal stories, especially in the young adult genre. When you put it into fantasy,

her to come home to Chicago, she didn’t quit.” Kenyanna says, “I learned to live by candlelight and bathe with a bucket, like everyone else.” In her prior work as a federal prosecutor in Chicago, she once helped to win convictions for dozens of players in a local drug ring. Later, she drove by the housing development where they’d been operating so she could see the results. “The most frustrating thing was that I could see the next set of drug dealers standing at the same corner light poles,” she recalls. When she learned that the investigation would not pursue the suppliers due to budget constraints, she realized she wouldn’t stay in government: not enough follow-

Andrew Cyr ’96 makes contemporary classical music accessible to young New Yorkers. “They listen to classical music. It’s on their iPods. But they don’t go to Carnegie Hall. So I decided to bring the music to them.” all the characters and all the stakes are so much higher, and it almost makes you feel better about the life that you’re living at home. I know that a lot of people have been talking about how locally there’s been a lot more trouble in school because kids are coming home depressed because of economic times, in rural Maine especially, and the pressures that their parents have.”... In a profile of renowned pianist Frank Glazer, artist-in-residence at Bates for the past 30 years, the Lewiston Sun Journal noted how he’s mentored hundreds of teenagers and young adults, such as Duncan Cumming. When Duncan was 17, he considered leaving the summer music program at Bates — baseball was calling the teenager. Then Glazer walked in. “I remember seeing him for the first time and his smile and his just sort of warmth of personality and generosity of spirit.” Glazer was such an inspirational mentor that Duncan chose to write about him for his doctoral thesis, which turned into a biography, The Fountain of Youth: The Artistry of Frank Glazer. This spring, Duncan, an assistant professor of music at the Univ. at Albany, returned to Bates to speak about his teacher’s life and musical career before Glazer performed the final installment of his season-long review of Beethoven’s piano sonatas.... Julie Ludden Smyth, named Maine’s 2010 Assistant Principal of the Year by the Maine Principals’ Assn., says her job “is in meeting the needs of the people in my building, making sure teachers have everything they need to be successful and that our students are in a position to learn. No two days are ever alike, which is what I love,” she told the Sun Chronicle. Julie, assistant principal at Loranger Middle School in Old Orchard Beach, helped start a morning basketball game at Loranger where faculty and community members can play. “I try to stay connected to athletics as much as possible, and now that my daughter is 1, I’m getting back into running.”

94 l reunion 2014, June 6–8 l Class Secretary: Jonathan E. Lilja, Apt. 6, 6 Bayridge Ln., Rockport MA 01966; Class President: Susan Spano Piacenti, 432 Butterfly Dr., Chesapeake VA 23322, Crain’s New York Business named Kenyanna Scott, a partner with Jenner & Block, one of its “40 Under Forty” New Yorkers who have excelled in their fields. She “has always had the drive to see things through,” Crain’s said. “While at Bates College, her study-abroad program to Nigeria was canceled when national elections sparked widespread unrest. Undaunted, Ms. Scott set up her own exchange program there. Even after the local university’s electricity and water were cut off and her parents urged

46 Bates SUMMER 2010

through. Now a partner in white-collar defense and investigations at Jenner & Block, Kenyanna represents clients facing grand jury investigations and helps guide companies working in foreign jurisdictions known for corruption. She devotes significant time to pro bono cases in family court, trying to change some of the patterns she saw as a prosecutor.... In an article on Philadelphia’s “emerging novelists,” The Philadelphia Inquirer noted that writers like Ru Seneviratne Freeman “did not move here in search of a scene. They were already here, raising children or working in unrelated careers.” Ru, besides raising three daughters with husband Mark Freeman ’92, is the author of the well-received A Disobedient Girl (2009).... Jodi Widmer Kent enjoyed being in the host city for the Winter Olympics. “A great party and sad to see it leave. My kids now know the Canadian national anthem by heart.”

95 l reunion 2015, June 12–14 l Class Co-Secretaries: Scott R. Marchildon, 31 Windy Hollow Ln., Bowdoinham ME 04008,; Philip Pettis, Boynton, Waldron, Doleac, Woodman and Scott, 82 Court St., PO Box 418, Portsmouth NH 03802-0418, ppettis@ Class Co-Presidents: Jason C. and Deborah Nowak Verner, 4 Wilson Ln., Acton MA 01720, theverners@ Toby Dykes of Birmingham, Ala., was promoted to partner at Constangy, Brooks & Smith, a national labor and employment law firm.... Amy Haas, now a chiropractor, has started a business, Path of Life Chiropractic Health Center, in Nashua, N.H. Her own path to this point has been a “rather convoluted one,” she says, including a master’s and Ph.D. in biochemistry, a postdoc at Harvard Medical School, and then work at a Boston biotech. Then she “completely turned my life and career path inside-out because it was not in line with my beliefs.” Reflecting on her path, Amy says that Bates taught her to “think critically about life choices” and gave her the confidence to be “willing to strike out in a different direction with an open mind.”... Heather JosselynCranson won the first hymn-writing competition at Boston Univ.’s School of Theology. Her hymn, Planets Humming as they Wander, to the tune Musica mundana, honors the work of one of her former professors there and was performed by the school’s Seminary Singers in April. Heather, director of music ministries at Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa, has a doctor of theology degree in liturgy and liturgical music from BU. Growing up in Maine, she sang hymns in church and with a children’s choir. “I was always surrounded by music,” she told BU Today. “And I saw how important it was to people.

They carried their faith in the songs they sang, in the songs they loved. People who can’t remember a line from scripture can sing from memory the first, second, third, even fourth verses of hymns they know.”

96 l reunion 2011, June 10–12 l Class Co-Presidents: S. Ayesha Farag-Davis, 8 Infiniti Way, Auburn ME 04210,; Ellen Mary McDevitt, Apt. 2, 160 Coyle St., Portland ME 04103, Writer Jessica Anthony taught prose writing during the winter semester at Bates. Her debut novel The Convalescent (McSweeney’s, 2009) was selected by the American Library Assn. for the 2010 Notable Booklist of Outstanding Fiction. It also received a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly, was a Barnes and Noble “Discover Great New Writers” selection, and an Editor’s Choice in The San Francisco Chronicle.... The Maine Sunday Telegram profiled Andrew Cyr, founder and artistic director of the acclaimed Metropolis Ensemble, a professional chamber orchestra based in New York City. “With boldness and vision,” the Telegram’s Bob Keyes wrote, the ensemble is “accomplishing what larger orchestras around the country can merely dream about: commissioning and performing new music for an eager and enthusiastic audience in non-traditional venues.” Andrew helps make contemporary classical music accessible and appealing to younger New Yorkers. While accompanying his wife, Kate Gilmore ’97, a successful video performance artist, to her various openings, he saw galleries filled with other young New Yorkers with an appetite for the arts. “They listen to classical music,” Andrew said. “It’s on their iPods. But they don’t go to Carnegie Hall. That traditional classical music concert experience doesn’t fit into the rhythm of their life. So I decided to bring the music to them.” The Metropolis Ensemble, a loosely knit collective that he assembles for regular concerts, has created its niche by staging performances in non-traditional venues such as nightclubs. Andrew said: “I’m working with the greatest young musicians in the world and the greatest young composers, and I get to pick the venues. This is it. This is my dream.”... The Portland Press Herald, Lewiston Sun Journal and Maine Public Broadcasting Network’s Maine Things Considered all sought out Tyler Fish during his visit to Maine and Bates as part of the 90th anniversary celebration of the Bates Outing Club. Last year, Tyler and friend John Huston became the first Americans to complete an unsupported, unassisted ski trek to the North Pole. Tyler told the Press Herald that his Outing Club experiences fostered his adventurous spirit. “Life is largely made up of people you meet and opportunities you choose to take. One of the things that helped me for sure is the Bates education that taught me that it takes a lot of hard work to do something well.”

97 l reunion 2012, June 8–10 l Class Co-Secretaries: Christopher J. Gailey and Leah Wiedmann Gailey, 8 Deerfield Rd., Freeport ME 04032, Class President: Lawrence L. Ackerman, 48 Sunrise St., Plainview NY 11803, Second-year Bates head coach Pat Cosquer was named NESCAC Coach of the Year for both men’s and women’s squash. He led the men’s team to a 20-9 record, a third-place finish in the NESCAC Championship, and a final College Squash Assn. national ranking of No. 12, while the women finished 19-8, third in the NESCAC Championship, and 11th in the final national rankings. Pat’s combined record with the men’s and women’s teams is 67-35.... Time Magazine named video artist Kate Gilmore one of three “artists to watch” in its coverage of the Whitney Biennial. “In a YouTube world where we’ve grown accustomed to oddball memes

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and viral videos, Gilmore’s mad exertions before the camera seem less strange than strangely fascinating. In one video after another, the New York City-based artist, usually dressed in very feminine regalia, like a cocktail dress and high heels, takes on some mildly preposterous physical challenge,” Time said, adding that “there’s real physical risk involved” in her performances. “There’s no stunt double, no CGI, and no net, just a resolute woman keeping on.” See Summer 2009 Bates Magazine.... Gavin King, an assistant professor at the Univ. of Missouri, returned to Bates last spring to give a physics lecture on “A Precision Force Microscope for Biophysics.” He earned a Ph.D. from Harvard in 2004.... Rob Mirabile, vice president for research at Maguire Associates in Concord, Mass., returned to Bates in March to take part in a panel discussion on careers in psychology.

Kelsey MacMillan Banfield ’99

98 l reunion 2013, June 7–9 l Class Committee: Robert R. Curtis, 960 MacArthur Dr., Ballston Spa NY 12020, robcurtis@eatonvance .com; Douglas R. Beers, 14 Prescott Ct., Basking Ridge NJ 07920,; Liam Leduc Clarke and Renee Leduc Clarke, 639 Lamont St. NW, Washington DC 20010, ldlc639@yahoo .com and; Tyler W. Munoz, Unit 3, 24 Upton St., Boston MA 02118, Tyler. K–2 students at the Paul Smith Elementary School in Franklin, N.H., were all ears when they concluded their study of the Olympic Games by hearing from 2006 Olympic skier Justin Freeman, according to The Citizen. “I like competing and seeing what I can do. Giving it my all on any given day — it’s a good feeling,” he told the children. Twice an All-American skier for Bates, Justin now teaches mathematics and physics at New Hampton School and also coaches cycling. He told the children he has raced in places from Alaska to Australia. He explained that the ringing of cowbells is a longstanding tradition in crosscountry skiing. “The bells get so loud you can’t hear anything. They give you energy to get up the hills.”... Anne Tommaso, a high school English teacher in Yarmouth, Maine, who is pursuing a master’s degree through the Bread Loaf School of English, received a 2010 Barlow Alumni Travel Grant from Bates to study for six weeks at Bread Loaf’s campus at Oxford Univ.’s Lincoln College. She will also use the grant to travel within the country. Anne writes, “This visit to England means so much to me as a reader and writer. It will give me an opportunity to further my learning and fuel my enthusiasm, which is so central to my teaching. As I keep an active class Web site, I will dedicate part of it to document my journey in an online journal, open to students, that will be an extension of my classroom to evidence my own learning and foster an intellectual conversation beyond its walls.” The travel grants, made possible by David Barlow ’79, offer teachers the opportunity to advance their educational and professional goals.

99 l reunion 2014, June 6–8 l Class Secretary: Jennifer Lemkin Bouchard, 369 W. Windsor Dr., Bloomingdale IL 60108, jlemkin@ Class President: Jamie Ascenzo Trickett, 35 Fairview Ave., Reading MA 01867, The New York Times described how Arin Arbus, an acclaimed off-Broadway director, does theater work with prison inmates at the all-male, medium-security Woodbourne Correctional Facility, 100 miles north of New York City, in a program called Rehabilitation Through the Arts. A theater colleague, Jeffrey Horowitz, describes her style: “Some directors awe people. Arin does something else: She draws people out. People want to share with her.” See the feature story on Arin on page 16.

Recipes for Success Kelsey MacMillan Banfield ’99 has always loved to make food. From the Christmas cookies she baked with her parents growing up to the elaborate meals she cooked early on in her marriage, she found the process deeply satisfying. Then, three years ago, daughter Daphne was born, and free time got scarce for the stay-athome mom. “I’d either put something gross on the table, or I’d try to start cooking from scratch at 5 o’clock, and I would be exhausted,” she says. The advice she got — use frozen food or do takeout — felt wrong to her. “It told me that cooking wasn’t fun. But I loved making good food.” Soon she realized that she could break down most cooking tasks to 30-minute chunks while her daughter was napping, and then assemble everything just before mealtime. The food was more sophisticated than the 15-minute meals touted on magazine covers yet didn’t require long stretches of uninterrupted time. That epiphany led Banfield to create The Naptime Chef blog in early 2009, a site that now garners more than 25,000 hits each month.

00 l reunion 2015, June 12–14 l Class Secretary: Cynthia Macht Link, 17 W. 73rd St., Apt. 2F, New York NY 10023, cynthiamacht@ Class Co-Presidents: Jennifer Glassman Jacobs, 107 W. 68th St., Apt. 1D, New York, NY 10023,; Megan H. Shelley, 329 Branch Dr., Silver Spring MD 20901, After traveling to Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Mozambique, and Malawi in 2009–10, Claire Donohue has moved to Haiti. After the earthquake, she supported the Save the Children response in Miami and then in Haiti. “It has been a crazy start to 2010.”... Jason Goldman gave a talk at Bates on “Concealed Exposures: Jay DeFeo and The Rose in Public and Private.” A Ph.D. candidate in art history at the Univ. of Southern California, Jason is at work on his dissertation, “Open Secrets: Publicity, Privacy, and Histories of American Art, 1958–69.” He examines a range of suppressed, underground, or otherwise non-public artworks that were long invisible to art history and now, as “open secrets,” remain at the margins of the discipline.... Elizabeth Merrill is a

By Erin Peterson

The blog started with just a few recipes and photos but has since expanded to embrace the Web’s social media: webisodes on Vimeo, Twitter posts (where she’s amassed more than 1,600 followers), and a Facebook fan page. Her clever recipes often give familiar favorites a new twist — artichoke rosemary pizza, baked zucchini and tomatoes, and butter chocolate almond cookies — while her conversational tone leaves readers and viewers undaunted. For Banfield, starting a blog was a no-brainer. “If I wanted to test the waters and see if food writing was really my passion, this was a way to do it from home,” she says. “All the tools are out there, and they’re free.” With just a few hours a week to devote to the blog, she’s had to be strategic about sending out links on Twitter, promoting her blog to readers and the media, and drawing a fine line between public and private information. “[A blog] allows you to set out your history, and it allows people to be a part of your life,” she says. “But I also have to maintain some privacy, so I have to be cautious.” For now, it appears she’s found the perfect balance: Recently named a Top 50 Mom Food Blogger by Babble, she’s a daily columnist for its food blog, The Family Kitchen. She also writes a weekly column for New York Family Magazine and the Mahopac News. As successful as she’s been, Banfield — who recently moved with her family from Manhattan to Connecticut — hopes that embracing new media will lead her toward an old-media goal. “I really want to write a cookbook,” she says. “That’s my dream.”

supervising psychologist at St. Luke’s–Roosevelt Hospital Center and is also part of the center’s Faculty Practice, “where I see private-practice patients and love doing therapy in English and Spanish. In my free time I frequently like to sign up for New York Road Runners races in Central Park and travel abroad. I also love having my best friend Cynthia Link in the same hood!”... In a co-written article in The Huffington Post, authors Lena Sene and J. Skyler Fernandes addressed Africa’s “missing middle,” a term that can describe the scarcity of small and medium enterprises in African countries as well as the lack of capital targeted at these SMEs. “No matter what the term...refers to,” they wrote, “a thriving SME base leads to substantial economic and social growth, and explains why this issue is so important to Africa and the developing world.” The authors addressed their call to action to U.S. banks: “Wall Street banks that already have a presence in emerging markets could and should both reshape their missions and improve their images by adopting a more social-oriented and yet profitable approach to investing.” Lena, a former White House Fellow who earned an M.B.A. from Harvard in 2009, is completing the mid-career master’s in public administration

SUMMER 2010 Bates


program at Harvard’s Kennedy School.... Kirsten Walter, director of the Nutrition Center at St. Mary’s Health System, took part in an alumni panel at Bates in February on how to “Pursue Your Passion and Create a Fulfilling and Rewarding Career.”

01 l reunion 2011, June 10–12 l Class Co-Presidents: Katherine H. Enfinger, 1272 Becket Dr. SE, Huntsville AL 35801, kenfinger@; Francis E. Tate II, 825 Central Rd., Rye Beach NH 03871, NASCAR Media Group producer Kevin Jackson was part of the production team for Inside the Headsets, a cable show on the SPEED Network that won a 2010 Sports Emmy in the “Live Event Turnaround” category. Kevin shifted from NFL Films to NASCAR in 2006, co-winning a Sports Emmy in 2007 for his producing work on the documentary series Beyond the Wheel.... Jesse Reich is a candidate for Massachusetts state representative for the First Middlesex District. A Democrat and member of the Ayer finance committee, he is a professor of chemistry at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy in Boston and CEO of Baystate Biofuels, a clean-fuel distribution and renewable energy company. He lives in Ayer with his wife, Alene Wilmoth Reich ’02, executive director of the Freedom’s Way National Heritage Area, and daughter Isabella.

02 l reunion 2012, June 8–10 l Class Secretary: Drew G. Weymouth, 7 Briarwood Rd., Rutland MA 01543, Class President: Jason M. Surdukowski, Apt. 2, 91 School St., Concord NH 03301, surdukowski@ Emily Bisson, a pediatric oncology nurse practitioner who works with patients in western Massachusetts, returned to Bates in March to talk about her profession. She also took part in a panel discussion on careers in psychology.... Composer and multiinstrumentalist Simon Hutchinson performed a free concert in March at Olin Arts Center Concert Hall. A seasoned traveler who is dedicated to the power of cross-cultural communication, he explores themes of nature, humanity, and global community in his music.

Speak Easy

Simon, who has a doctorate from the Univ. of Oregon, spent several years in Japan studying a variety of traditional instruments and folk music forms. He regularly performs on shamisen, a three-stringed lute, with Japanese, American, and Korean performers.... Andrew Wilkie does period-specific restoration work on barns and farmhouses throughout Maine in collaboration with two western Maine companies, Franklin Restoration and Sustainable Structures. His wife, Molly, is head coach of women’s soccer and lacrosse at UMaine–Farmington. They live in New Sharon.

03 l reunion 2013, June 7–9 l Class Co-Presidents: Kirstin C. McCarthy, 1334 13th St. NW, Washington DC 20005,; Melissa Wilcox Yanagi, 20 Braddock Park Unit 1, Boston MA 02116, At this writing, Ali DeVita Miller and husband Alex, who live in the Raleigh, N.C., area, looked forward to a visit from her Bates roommates Kirstin McCarthy, Maggie Parker, and Melissa Wilcox Yanagi. Ali and Alex welcomed their second daughter, Kaylin, on May 1. She joins Sarah (nearly 2).... Rob Fallon has a new job at the State Department’s Bureau of Legislative Affairs in Washington as director of nominations, basically managing Senate confirmations of the president’s nominees for high posts at State.... Alan Hunt received a one-year Fulbright to pursue comparative research on U.S. and U.K. food movements, and plans to move to the U.K. to pursue his research and a Ph.D. He started his own consulting firm in D.C., Local Food Strategies, based on his experience in local and regional food system and healthy food access policy. He is engaged to be married.... Abby Newcomer moved to Washington, D.C., in March to begin a policy analyst position at the Center for Law and Social Policy.... Matteo Pangallo enjoys the rural beauty of western Massachusetts with his fiancée, elementary school teacher and fiber artist Nettie Harrington. He’s working on his doctoral dissertation in Renaissance dramatic literature at the Univ. of Massachusetts and has published in several places, including The Shakespeare Newsletter, and as a contributor to the forthcoming Oxford Handbook to Shakespeare.... Julia Stawiski, an elementary school teacher in New York City, received a 2010 Barlow Alumni Travel Grant to travel to Gifu, Japan, to learn about kindergarten education in Japan. She also intends to build a cultural partnership between a school in Japan and her own. She plans to pursue a Ph.D. in early literacy and reading.... After four years at Credit Suisse, Daniel Taylor left to join Greenhill & Co. He continues to work in real estate private equity advisory, based in London.

04 l reunion 2014, June 6–8 l Class Co-Presidents: Eduardo Crespo, Apt. 714, 33 Gold St., New York NY 10038, ecrespo@alumni; Tanya M.L. Schwartz, Unit 612, 1225 13th St. NW, Washington DC 20005, While working on a State Department language scholarship program last summer, Julia Phelan Sylla ’01 (center) met Anna Levy ’09 (left) and Jiyeon Glass ’09 (right) in Washington, D.C. Sylla is an assistant director with the federal Critical Language Scholarship Program, which supports U.S. citizens who wish to study critical-need languages, from Arabic to Urdu. Under the overseas program, Levy and Glass won grants to study Mandarin Chinese in China: Levy in Harbin, Glass in Suzhou. The interagency program’s goal is to expand dramatically the number of Americans studying and mastering various critical-need languages.

48 Bates SUMMER 2010

Toby Pinn is working at Cornell Univ. and completing a residency in large-animal internal medicine at its veterinary school.... Molly Watson is now an associate at the Auburn law firm Linnell, Choate & Webber, LLP, concentrating in family law, juvenile law, and workers’ compensation. She earned her law degree from the UMaine School of Law in 2009.

05 l reunion 2015, June 12–14 l Class Co-Presidents: Lawrence J. Handerhan, 3915 23rd St., San Francisco CA 94114, larry.handerhan@; Sarah K. Neukom, 78 Westland Ave., 307, Boston MA 02115, Laura David is halfway through the Tufts dental program with the clinical third and fourth years

ahead. “It’s exciting to be in Boston and fun reconnecting with friends from Bates.”... After a long hiatus from academic life, Angela Knox is back to the grind to get a master’s in project management at Northeastern Univ. “Go Huskies! (And Bobcats too, of course!).”... Tim Larson took part in a panel discussion at the College in May on the early days of Bates, New England’s first coeducational college, and what diversity has meant for it. Tim’s senior thesis explored 19th-century Bates attitudes toward race, women, and issues of class.... Jessica Otis, a Ph.D. candidate in the comparative biomedical sciences program at the Univ. of Wisconsin–Madison, spoke at a Bates biology seminar in March. Her topic was “Cholesterol, triglyceride, and lipoprotein dynamics in a mammalian hibernator.”

06 l reunion 2011, June 10–12 l Class Co-Presidents: Katharine M. Nolan, 3188 Hillsboro Pike, Nashville TN 37215, knolan@alumni; John F. Phelan, Apt. 510, 1954 Columbia Rd. NW, Washington DC 20009, johnf.phelan@ The Adirondack Daily Enterprise takes pride in home-grown Olympic biathlete Haley Johnson, calling her “a shining product of a Lake Placid winter sports movement which has, for many generations, routinely placed Adirondack residents on podiums around the world.” In Vancouver, Haley finished 80th in the 7.5-kilometer sprint, 66th in the 15-kilometer individual, and 17th in the relay. After two and a half years at Bates, Haley skied for the Maine Winter Sports Center in Caribou. She began an environmental studies degree at Bates and has dabbled in a few art classes since leaving college. “When I retire (from skiing), I will return to school and look forward to the next challenge. I do not think I will continue my environmental degree, but will probably head more in the direction of education and art.”... Brenton Pitt, a financial representative with Centinel Financial Group in Marshfield, Mass., qualified for membership in the Million Dollar Roundtable, considered a premier industry association of financial professionals. He was also ranked Best in Class by John Hancock Financial Network for his class year hire.

07 l reunion 2012, June 8–10 l Class Co-Presidents: Keith D. Kearney Jr., 3013 Sunset Ln., Suitland MD 20746,; Rakhshan Zahid, Apt. 2B, 350 W. 18th St., New York NY 10011, Ben Chin, federal issues organizer for the Maine People’s Alliance, helped organize a rally in Portland against the Arizona law on illegal immigrants that many say will lead to racial profiling. Members of Portland’s immigrant community spoke at the rally in May. “To us, the turnout speaks to the fact that this issue is the most important thing in these immigrants’ lives,” Ben said. ... Ben and Jenny Stasio, advocate for incarcerated women at Family Crisis Services, took part in an alumni panel at Bates in February on how to “Pursue Your Passion and Create a Fulfilling and Rewarding Career.”... Jasmine Polite and Damon McGinn announced their engagement.

08 l reunion 2013, June 7–9 l Class Co-Presidents: Elizabeth Murphy, Apt. 601, 1931 N Cleveland St., Arlington VA 22209,; Alison Schwartz, Apt. 904, 2351 Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria VA 22314, Nicholas Bauer passed his Ph.D. qualifying exam in the biochemistry, cell, and developmental biology program at Emory Univ. in Atlanta, making him officially a Ph.D. candidate, but he misses the snow and lower pollen counts of New England.... Anthony Begon lives in Minneapolis and works

More alumni news and photos at

In Valparaiso, Chile, Jon Steuber ’08, Henry Myer ’08, and Wiley Todd ’08 teach surfing — and much more — to local children


Surfer Girls and Boys

From top left, students Cintia and Valeria have fun with Wiley Todd ’08 in the surf; Roberto gets ready to pop to his feet in a wave; Vicky raises her hand to answer a question during a class session; Pedro and Roberto pick up trash during a beach clean; Jocelyn develops her surfing “steeze” — style and ease.


f your notion of surf culture begins and ends with Jeff Spicoli, the cosmically disenfranchised surfer dude from Fast Times at Ridgemont High, then catch what Jon Steuber ’08, Henry Myer ’08, and Wiley

Todd ’08 accomplished last winter and spring with their Valpo Surf Project, an after-school educational program for children in Valparaíso, Chile. The Bates friends, joined by local resident Andres Ponce Morales and others, taught swimming and surfing to about a dozen Chilean girls and boys. And, during required classroom sessions, they also taught the youngsters about the local marine environment and tutored them in speaking English. “We used surfing as a tool to teach self-determination and personal development,” Myer says. Steuber, Myer, and Todd founded the Valpo Surf Project after learning something about Valparaíso during Bates study-abroad programs or, in Myer’s case, from his post-graduation move to the seaside city. The alums saw barriers that kept poor children from experiencing the ocean. With surfing, the barrier was expensive boards and wetsuits. “These children see the ocean every day but many never have the opportunity to experience it,” says Myer. More than just surfing instruction, the Valpo Surf Project seeks to connect children to their local environment, and weekly beach cleanups were part of the routine. The Valpo Surf Project is highly unusual, if not unique, Myer says. “The community’s response was a mixed bag of fascination, gratitude, and skepticism,” says Myer, who will return in September to continue the program. “It’s an evolving dynamic.”

Valpo Surf Project

SUMMER 2010 Bates


at Macalester College in St. Paul. He plans to visit Ross Van Horn, who is conducting research on agroenergy agriculture and development in northeast Brazil.... Andrew Breece lives in Mystic, Conn., and works in nonprofit fundraising at Mystic Seaport as an annual fund associate. He looked forward to exploring the waters of Long Island Sound aboard his sailboat, Angelina.... Jason Buxbaum works for the National Academy for State Health Policy in Portland, Maine. He lives with Ben Keller ’07 and Amy Radke ’07.... Amanda Chisholm misses the mountains and the ocean. Luckily, she works as an education intern at the Cincinnati Nature Center where she spends her days outside searching for tadpoles in pond muck and teaching kids why worm scat is important to their lives.... Ali Conroy works as a market research analyst at Unum, an employee benefits insurance company in Portland, Maine. She bought a 1920s-era house in Portland in need of a little TLC and is having fun fixing it up.... Meaghan Creedon lives in Watertown, Mass., with

history course, marine ecology, and scuba diving, and enjoys exploring Eleuthera with his students.... Sam Milstein finished his first year of medical school at Western Univ. of Health Sciences in Southern California. He organized a two-week medical relief trip to Honduras for 30 of his fellow medical and dental students this summer and has been going to Mexico every other month to assist at a rural aid clinic.... Liz Murphy is now press secretary for U.S. Rep. John Olver, D-Mass. She enjoys working on Capitol Hill.... Lucy Neely lives in the land of manifestation. She is spending two years as an AmeriCorps VISTA in beautiful Mendocino County, Calif., supporting the creation of a local food system by starting and supporting community and school gardens, organizing workshops, writing a newspaper column, and much more. Anything is possible. Oh, the joy!... Megan Patey is enrolling in grad school at the Univ. of Pennsylvania to become a nurse practitioner.... Scott Pierce is a junior editor at the video Web site Metacafe in San Francisco. He has written for Wired

Nicholas Bauer ’08 is a Ph.D. candidate at Emory Univ., but he misses the snow and lower pollen counts of New England. fellow Batesies and various pets. She’s in a clinical psychology program at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology and seeing students at the Simmons College Counseling Center.... Avalon Dibner enrolled in the accelerated B.S.N./M.S.N. pediatric nurse practitioner program at the Univ. of Pennsylvania.... Lindsey Ferguson enjoys working for Hill Holliday, an advertising agency, and loves Boston and running along the Charles River.... Erica Foulser lives in Boston and works in advertising sales at Google. She’s on the healthcare team and works with hospitals advertising on Rachael Garreffi completed her first two years of grad school in the school psychology master’s program at the Univ. of North Carolina–Chapel Hill. Next year she will complete a full-time internship in the Chapel Hill-Carrboro city schools and then get her degree.... Simon Griesbach, in Milwaukee, is about to begin his third year at the Medical College of Wisconsin. He joined the Army National Guard in 2009.... Greg Henkes is a graduate student in Johns Hopkins’ Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences and involved in several research projects, some of which have him out on Chesapeake Bay. He lives with a hot, blonde Labrador retriever named Ruby and has fallen in love with Baltimore, “Charm City.”... Although working for a rival college, Bill Jack enjoys his admissions and financial aid post at Colby. He has yet to lose his Bobcat paws completely, but Mule hooves are starting to appear.... Kristofer Jönsson is pursuing a D.Phil. in social anthropology at the Univ. of Oxford.... Rachel Katz is enjoying her second year working in the Laboratory for Developmental Studies at Harvard. She continues to pursue her singing and songwriting and plans to release her CD this summer.... Caroline Lemoine is starting a master’s program in economics and urban sociology at the Univ. of Chicago this fall.... Vicki Libby loves New York City. She is finishing a research position at Cornell Hospital and starts grad school in clinical psychology at Pace Univ. this fall.... Jenn Linton completed her second of four years at the Univ. of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine where she is focusing on equine reproduction.... Emily Maistrellis enjoys living in Baltimore and working for an international public health organization affiliated with Johns Hopkins Univ. Besides planning her second trip to Botswana, where she has been working to establish a local office, she supports the Afghanistan portfolio, which aims to improve the quality and demand for maternal health services at the provincial level.... Since graduating, David Miller has lived and taught at The Island School on Eleuthera in the Bahamas. He teaches a field-based oral 50 Bates SUMMER 2010

and Popular Mechanics.... After living in Chile for the past year, Leah Roberts decided she wasn’t quite ready to go back to the States. So she moved to Brazil to follow a long-suppressed passion — dance. She’s studying Afro-Brazilian dance at the Escola de Danca em Salvador.... Tasha Rosener and her husband, who is in the Marine Corps, live in Iwakuni, Japan. She works at a daycare on base.... Kristin Sahagian enters her final year of law school this fall at Syracuse Univ., where she was elected executive editor of the Syracuse Law Review and is an associate member of the Moot Court Honor Society. This summer she’s working at the Department of Justice in the U.S. Attorneys’ Office.... Missy Shaw lives in New York City and works in film and television production. She has worked on ABC’s Cupid, CW’s The Beautiful Life, America’s Next Top Model, and is the art coordinator on NBC’s hit show The Apprentice. Between projects she explores her love of photography and acting and is a freelance print and runway model.... Jon Stange is doing research on bipolar disorder as a research coordinator in psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. He begins a doctoral program in clinical psychology at Rutgers Univ. this fall.... Whitney Stowell works on strategic planning for the defense contractor Elbit Systems of America in Washington, D.C. He also plays for the Washington Irish Rugby Club.... After graduating, Dar Vanderbeck worked on the Obama campaign as a field organizer in Broward County, Fla. Receiving a presidential appointment to USAID, she now works as program manager for Afghanistan for USAID’s Office of Transition Initiatives.... The March issue of the journal Chirality published original research co-authored by Bates students, now alums, Katelyn Provencher, Madeline Weber, and Lauren Randall ’04, along with Dana Professor of Chemistry Tom Wenzel and former lecturer Catherine Dignam.... The Harvard Crimson discussed the impact of the Afghan Students Initiative, a Harvardbased group co-founded by Nate Walton. Initially, Nate said, the goal was to prompt greater discussion about Afghan issues in the context of U.S. involvement in the area. “The idea was to bring Afghan [student] voices to the debate about Afghanistan.” In practice, the story says, the Afghan Students Initiative has given Harvard’s “small but passionate community” of Afghan students various new opportunities, through guest speakers and scholars as well as informal discussions, “to share their concerns about their homeland.” Nate is the program’s current project manager. See a related story, “Folks Back Home,” in the Spring 2010 Bates Magazine.

09 l reunion 2014, June 6–8 l Class Co-Presidents: Timothy S. Gay, 88 Hancock St., Cambridge, MA 02139,; Arsalan Suhail, Apt. 2709, 400 N 4th St., St. Louis MO 63102, Ariane Mandell lives in Boston with her boyfriend and works in educational travel. She begins her master’s degree in theological studies at Harvard this fall.... In Lewiston, Molly Ladd is with AmeriCorps, working at the Lewiston Public Library as youth programs coordinator. She also facilitates YADA (Youth+Adults+Dialogue=Action), a group working to develop opportunities and developmental support for at-risk youth. In June, the Pepsi Refresh Project, which is providing up to $250,000 for 32 projects each month via online voting, accepted YADA’s application for $50,000 for startup funding for a teen center. The proposal was being voted on at this writing. The center’s floor plan, crafted by community teens, includes a mentoring and homework center, computer room, expression center, fitness and food center, community garden, and daycare. Also involved in YADA are Erin Reed ’08, Ari Rosenberg ’06, and Craig Saddlemire ’05.... Manuela Odell moved back home to New York City after graduation and began her job search. After an internship at a contemporary art and luxury lifestyle publication fell through, she, like her friends, applied for job after job and did her share of Bates and non-Bates networking — one Bates networking event in the city helped land an interview at Credit Suisse. She was in a classic New York predicament: “No money to move out of New York but no money to afford New York!” One day on the e-recruiting Bates site, Manuela saw an appealing job posting from Keating & Co., a NYC-based strategic communications firm. Expressing constant interest, she got a call back, then an interview, then a month-long internship, and finally a full-time position that has involved international travel. The firm has also hired David Al-Ibrahim, and the two young alums came to Bates in May for a panel discussion with their boss, Rick Keating P’13. The firm’s clients include Bank Street Group, a private investment firm; RMJM, an international architectural firm; Parmigiani Fleurier, Swiss maker of luxury watches; and George Soros’ Institute for New Economic Thinking, founded in response to the global economic crisis.... Megan Papineau talked with The Adirondack Daily Enterprise about skiing and coaching. She’s studying to be a nurse at Clinton Community College in Plattsburgh, N.Y., but during her winter break she taught young skiers at Whiteface Mountain Ski Center where she spent many childhood hours while growing up in Keene.... Anne Sheldon, community organizer for the Maine Women’s Lobby and Policy Center, took part in an alumni panel at Bates in February on how to “Pursue Your Passion and Create a Fulfilling and Rewarding Career.”... Sarah Young, a clinical research assistant in the Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder Program at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Mass., returned to Bates in March to take part in a panel discussion on careers in psychology.

10 l reunion 2015, June 12–14 l Class Co-Presidents: Brianna R. Bakow, 28 Percy Rd., Lexington MA 02421,; Vantiel Elizabeth Duncan, 3 Ivanhoe Dr., Topsham ME 04086,

Former Faculty John N. King has retired as Distinguished University Professor at The Ohio State Univ.; he was a member of the Bates English department from 1971 until 1989. The author or editor of 13 books, he is working on a study entitled “The Reformation of the Book: 1450–1650” and is relocating to the Washington, D.C., area, where he plans to be a consumer of the arts.

More alumni news and photos at

T H E B AT E S W EDDI NG Please e-mail your high-resolution Bates group wedding photo to magazine@, or postal mail a print to Bates Magazine, 141 Nichols St., Lewiston ME 04240. Please identify all people and their class years, and include the wedding date, location, and any other news. Wedding photos are printed in the order received. Photos in this issue arrived by early May 2010.

SEDORIS AND GOWAN ’02 Samantha Sedoris and Joshua Gowan ’02, Aug. 22, 2009, Echo Camp on Raquette Lake, N.Y. Simon Delekta ’02, Anna Christopher ’02, Matthew Dupee ’02, Samantha and Josh, Katherine Zutter ’02, Scott Sheridan ’02.

HICKEY ’01 AND WORTLEY Meghan Hickey ’01 and Neil Wortley, April 10, 2010, Windsor, Conn. Nathan Hornbach ’00, Kate Lepore ’01, TJ Lepore ’01, Meghan and Neil, Erika Lilienthal ’01, Dan Gavin ’00, Chloe Lara-Russack ’01.

WANZER AND WARTELS ’97 Nicole Wanzer and Wyatt Wartels ’97, Sept. 19, 2009, San Francisco Film Centre. T.G. Gallaudet ’98, Tommy Falby ’96, Wylie Hosmer ’97, Will Nessle ’97, Susan Fine Hosmer ’97, Whitney Manger Littlewood ’97, Nicole and Wyatt, Gavin King ’97, Teague McKnight ’97, Pat FitzGerald ’97, Jen Weiers Fitzgerald ’97, Ashley Hooker Jons ’97, Dan Pontes ’97, Simon Littlewood, Ellen Keohane ’97, Gillian Schreiber Pontes ’98, Carter Jons ’97.

OVIATT ’00 AND ROTHMAN Jean Oviatt ’00 and Joel Rothman (Wesleyan ’99), Aug. 9, 2009, Sudbury, Mass. Joel and Jean, Sasha Rickard ’00, Jenn Garlin ’00, Lauri Mancinelli ’00, Candace Oviatt ’61, Becca Ohle ’00, Theresa Mendoza-Barbere ’00, Mona Ghazi-Moghadam Dudek ’00.

WEATHERBEE ’02 AND WALKER Sarah Weatherbee ’02 and Matthew Walker (Boston College ’02), Aug. 1, 2009, Charlestown, Mass. Front: Timothy Thompson ’02, Virginia Hurley Thompson ’02, Kathrene Tiffany ’03, Sarah, Jeffrey Larsen ’70; back: Matthew Purtell ’01, Braden Johnson ’02, Max Manikian ’03, Sean Brennan ’06, Erika Esch ’04, David Katona ’02.

PORCELLI AND EDNEY Amy Porcelli and Nick Edney ’94, March 20, 2010, The Tribeca Rooftop, New York, N.Y. From left: Brad Edmond ’94, Julie Pike Edmond, Tyler Cook, Becca Bagley Cook ’95, Brian Holl ’94, Amy and Nick, Kurt Johnson ’94, Stacia Oakes Johnson ’91, Karen Colannino Mascott, Brad Mascott ’94, Andre Hamilton, Rob Toomey ’96.

SUMMER 2010 Bates


LINDER ’00 AND SMITH Anne Linder ’00 and Jadron Smith, May 1, 2010, Crozet, Va. Nathan Hornbach ’00, Rebecca Quinn ’00, Anne and Jadron.

WEISENBERG ’92 AND MCCORMICK Kjersti Weisenberg ’92 and Richard McCormick, Nov. 21, 2009, Seattle. Kelly Cunningham Schroth ’92, Greg Guidotti ’92, Marc Chaput ’92, Kjersti, Natalie Cramer ’92, Jen Otis Stirling ’92, Paige Furniss Guidotti ’92.

MCGOWEN ’01 AND WING Kate McGowen ’01 and Miles Wing, Aug. 16, 2008, Orrs Island, Maine. From top: Sean Findlen ’99, Susie Mendoza Birdsong ’01, Julie Praino Findlen ’01, Miles and Kate, Meredith Mendelson ’01.

BRUSH ’04 AND VINCENT Kristen Brush ’04 and Jared Vincent, Aug. 28, 2009, Jamestown, R.I. Justine Cohen-Bolduc ’04, Ali Pincus ’04, Jared and Kristen, Jennifer Troutman ’04, Lindsey Cassidy ’04, Jack Sandler ’02, Eileen Sullivan ’04.

PHILBROOK ’07 AND KLAUSMEYER ’04 Lauren Philbrook ’07 and Peter Klausmeyer ’04, May 24, 2009, The Retreat at French’s Point, Stockton Springs, Maine. Gretchen Klausmeyer Warsen ’96, Katherine Franklin ’07, Lynn Worthy Jr. ’04, Jesse Robbins ’06, Peter and Lauren, Benjamin Morley ’05, Jared Soares ’04.

LEFEBVRE ’01 AND HARKINSON Kristen Lefebvre ’01 and Ben Harkinson, July 18, 2009, Portsmouth, N.H. Monica McNally ’01, Mark Douthat ’01, Nancy Brown ’01, Anna Salt ’01, Molly Metcalf ’01, Ben and Kristen, Torrii Yamada ’01, Jenn Russo ’01, Nikki Goloskov Dalrymple ’01, Jay Guanci ’00, Jay Levine ’00.

LUCAS ’96 AND YOUNG ’96 Jennifer Lucas ’96 and Steven Bankus Young ’96, Dec. 11, 2009, Salem, Mass. Erik Holm ’96, Abby Reed Saffold ’66, Regina Abbiati Lucas ’59, Ellen McDevitt Saksen ’96, Sarah Spitz ’96, Christopher Tine ’96, Jon Wyman ’97, Jessica Anthony ’96, Jennifer and Steven, Julie MacGregor Farris ’96, Alice Reagan ’97, Doug Potts ’94, David Kociemba ’96, David Reid ’94. The bride and groom are holding photos of, respectively, her late father, Robert F. Lucas Sr. ’56, and his late mother, Joyce Cook Young ’66.

52 Bates SUMMER 2010



1990 Kristin Kaercher Perkins and W. Robert Perkins, Clarke J. Perkins, Nov. 17, 2009

Who, What, Where, When? To have your news included in this marriages and births/adoptions compendium, please e-mail or with complete information, including full names and dates.

Deaths Edited by Christine Terp Madsen ’73

1977 Nancy Carlisle and Alexander Scala, Sept. 13, 2009



Laura S. Mello and Jim Bacchi, Luca Joseph Bacchi, May 9, 2009

Susan Rebecca Burke and Fred Hacker, Oct. 10, 2009

1992 1992

Melanie Marie Holmes and Laike St. Aubyn Stewart, Sept. 6, 2009

Valerie Mutterperl and Jeffrey S. Mutterperl, Gabriel Mark Mutterperl and Alexander Caleb Mutterperl, March 29, 2010 Jasanna Poodiack Britton and John Britton, Charles Hudson Britton, Dec. 28, 2009 Shiloh Theberge and Cory Theberge, Declan J. Theberge, Jan. 1, 2009



Jennifer Pearsall and Jordan Kobert, May 8, 2010 Jennifer Lucas and Steven Bankus Young, Dec. 11, 2009

Deanna Carpenter and Heath Scott, Veda Blue Scott, Dec. 25, 2009



Nicole Wanzer and Wyatt Wartels, Sept. 19, 2009

Jennifer Berry and David Wagner, Kate Elizabeth Wagner, July 14, 2009

Kjersti Weisenberg and Richard McCormick, Nov. 21, 2009


1998 Nichoel Frisch and Christopher Queally, Jan. 23, 2010


2000 Anne Linder and Jadron Smith, May 1, 2010 Jean Oviatt and Joel Rothman, Aug. 9, 2009

Odessa Holt and Jordan Holt, James Stanley Holt, Sept. 7, 2009 Brenda Silvestri Maselli and Joseph Maselli, Julia Kathryn Maselli, April 26, 2009



Holly Miller and Robert “Hob” Brooks, May 1, 2010 Sarah Weatherbee and Matthew Walker, Aug. 1, 2009

Heather Davies Bernard and Durel Bernard, John Landry Bernard, March 4, 2010 Paige Hahn and Alex Hahn, Charlotte Virginia Hahn, Feb. 2, 2010 Gretchen Planka and Brad Huot, Maxwell Bradley Huot, Jan. 27, 2010 Jennifer Long Pope and Brian Pope, Sebastian James Pope, Feb. 18, 2010



Meghan Hickey and Neil Wortley, April 10, 2010 Kristen Lefebvre and Benjamin Harkinson, July 18, 2009 Kate McGowen and Miles Wing, Aug. 16, 2008


Andrea S. Cordovez Roman and David Worhunsky, Dec. 5, 2009

Jessica Boyer Klein Seret and Isaiah Seret, Asa V. Seret, Jan. 13, 2010



Kristen Brush and Jared Vincent, Aug. 28, 2009 Farrell Dubak and Christopher Hall, Sept. 19, 2009 Holly Page ’05 and Christopher Gwozdz, Sept. 5, 2009 Lauren Philbrook ’07 and Peter Klausmeyer, May 24, 2009

Suzanne Camou Linkroum and William Linkroum, Skye Elise Linkroum, May 2009 Jennifer Reynolds Weiner and Andrew Weiner, Nathan Samuel Weiner, April 7, 2010


Kathryn Lang Litton and Christian Litton, Isla Adelaide, Jan. 10, 2010

Lauren Elise Reynolds and Brent Evans Carlyle, Sept. 12, 2009

Births and Adoptions


2001 Lisa Prueser Moulis and Matthew Moulis ’02, Alexandra Grace Moulis, Sept. 7, 2009

2002 1988 Beth Reichgott and Jay H. Reichgott, Solomon Woodward Reichgott, Jan. 19, 2010 Sarah Ross Maguffee and Paul Maguffee, William Ross Maguffee, March 1, 2009

1989 Lylle and Andy Henderson, James Solomon Henderson, Jan. 21, 2010

Kylie Mabbett and Christopher Mabbett, Maegan Isabella Mabbett, Nov. 23, 2009 Morgan Oliver Allarie and Scott Allarie, Kaydence Olivia Allarie, March 21, 2010

2003 Ali DeVita Miller and Alex Miller, Kaylin Miller, May 1, 2010 Martina Preis Pokabla and Michael Pokabla, Zoe M. Pokabla, Aug. 17, 2009 Zhenying “Nicole” Song Glanville and Michael Glanville, Eli Jerry-Soong Glanville, Feb. 16, 2010

1932 Ernest Carl Allison, Dec. 8, 2009 Ernie Allison and his late wife, Dot Hanson Allison ’30, appreciated the power of words. After returning to campus for his 50th Reunion, they both wrote letters to President Reynolds urging that a few words to “The Alma Mater” be changed to reflect the College’s long tradition of serving women equally to men. (It took another 20 years before a change was made, so now Bates “daughters and sons exalt” the College’s name.) An award-winning poet, he wrote at his typewriter even after he could no longer see. He taught English at Rhode Island College for 25 years, retiring in 1972 and receiving an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from RIC in 1979. He also held a master’s in English from Boston College. He went into teaching directly from Bates and taught at high schools in New Hampshire and Massachusetts before military service during World War II. His wife passed away in 2008. He is survived by son Robert John Allison and two grandsons. 1935 Milton Lambert Lindholm, Feb. 27, 2010 At the Chapel memorial service for Dean Emeritus of Admissions Milton Lindholm, the homily was delivered by the Rev. Peter Gomes ’65, who explained just what it was that Bates’ longtime admissions dean gave to Gomes and to thousands of other alumni. “He made us feel young again,” Gomes said. “And that was because he knew us as young people. He knew us before we knew ourselves. He invested in our potential and he followed our careers, such as they were, with a keen and passionate interest. And that is a blessing. That is a privilege.” As admissions dean for 44 years, Milt Lindholm achieved a national reputation for his highly selective admissions operation executed with profound humanity and respect for students and parents. In 2004, on the occasion of Lindholm’s honorary degree from Bates, Gomes said that “institutions like Bates are measured, ultimately, by the character of their graduates. And Dean Lindholm was the chief architect of what a Bates student is. He looked for academic promise in the students he recruited, but he sought much more.” Lindholm himself once described those sought-after qualities as “motivation, imagination, initiative, strong personality, and character.” As a Bates student, he was a religion major, played four years of football and basketball, and was president of the YMCA, Athletic Council, Student Council, and his class in his senior year. A football center, he was a member of the Bates team that played Yale to a historic 0–0 tie in 1932 at the Yale Bowl, and he was credited with inventing Mayoralty, the epic mid-20th century student tradition at Bates. He received a master’s in education from Bates in 1939, and was the last alum to hold three Bates degrees (bachelor’s, master’s, and honorary). He and his wife, Jane Ault Lindholm ’37, were married on Sept. 3, 1938, and they returned to Bates in December 1944 when he was appointed director of admissions for men. Early in his admissions career, he was credited with advocating for returning World War II veterans, convincing his colleagues of the veterans’ resolve and purpose as students; he

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also admitted and supported students who had been interned during the war as Japanese Americans. Milt was an honorary member of the Bates classes of 1951, 1958, 1959, and 1962, and the Class of 1958 dedicated its retrospective 50th Reunion Book to Lindholm with these words: “We offer our stories to you.” In Bates alumni affairs, he served as class president, honorary national chair of Bates’ second capital campaign, and chair of Reunion committees. In 1981, he received the first Alumni Distinguished Service Award. Bates alumni established three endowed funds in honor of the Lindholms: for scholarships and library book purchases, and to honor the senior male and female varsity athletes achieving the highest grade-point averages. In 2009, he was inducted into the Bates Scholar-Athlete Hall of Fame. The Bates admissions building on Campus Avenue is named for Lindholm, as is “Milt’s Place,” the snack, sundries, and sandwich shop in the New Commons Building. Milt and Jane lived on Nelke Place near campus for many years before moving to Brunswick in January 2010. In addition to Jane, he is survived by children Martha Lindholm Lentz ’64 and Karl L. Lindholm; six grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren. View eulogies for Milt Lindholm

1936 Alice Miller Lake, Jan. 4, 2010 Polly Miller Lake played field hockey, volleyball, basketball, and speedball at the College, and coached field hockey during her senior year. After teaching English and history for a year, she married Rex H. Lake and turned her attention to homemaking. Her love of sports endured: She played golf until she was 70. She lived in Maine and was an 80-year member of the North Jay Grange, and active in the Wiltona Club, local gardening organizations, and the First Congregational Church in Wilton. Her husband died in 1998. Among her survivors are children Howard Lake, Lorraine Carlton, and Edward Lake; seven grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Henry Porter Perkins, Feb. 25, 2009 After he paid his Bates tuition freshman year, Porter Perkins had exactly $3 left. He was counting on finding a part-time job to live on, but Lewiston was hard-hit by the Depression, and he was forced to leave the College after a year. He managed to piece together enough college work to teach through the 1940s (interrupted by service in the Navy) and then reinvented himself as an engineer at Westinghouse. Over the course of his career in atomic energy, he was awarded several dozen patents. He considered his year at Bates one of the best of his life. Among his survivors are wife Ruth; children Thomas Perkins and Barbara Treadwell; five grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren. Iris Provost Samuelson, Nov. 21, 2007 Iris Provost Samuelson was a French major and president of La Petite Academie, as well as an active member of the Outing Club. She taught in Connecticut for five years before joining the experimental engineering department at Sikorsky Aircraft during World War II. In 1962, she married Frank Samuelson; he died in 1990. 1938 Richard Atwood Preston, Feb. 8, 2010 “Good chemist and a great guy,” reads part of Dick Preston’s write-up in The Mirror. Captain of the football team and vice president of Lawrance Chemical Society, he wasn’t too busy to notice classmate Hilda MacInnes, whom he married in 1941. He returned to his hometown of Beverly, Mass., to teach high school science after earning a master’s in education from Boston Univ. His teaching was interrupted by service in the Navy as captain of a PT boat. In 1957, he was named head of the science department

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and in 1961 he became headmaster of one of the high school’s houses. He retired as assistant principal in 1979. He also held a master’s in chemistry from Simmons. He enjoyed what one daughter called “a perfect day” on campus for his 70th Reunion. His wife died in 2005. Survivors include daughters Sandra Nimblett, Christie Morris, and Cheryl Preston; and four grandchildren. 1939 Maurice Ollie Barney, Feb. 22, 2010 Maurice Barney enjoyed a varied medical career following graduation from Tufts Medical School. He interned at Boston City Hospital and at Central Maine General before entering military service. He was chief of the flight surgeons exam unit at the school of aviation medicine and served in the Air Force Reserves until 1962. As medical director of the Frontier Nursing Service in Kentucky, the first rural nurse-midwife service in the country, his firsthand knowledge of Jeeps was as much in demand as his medical skills. He left Kentucky for Rochester, N.Y., where he completed a residency in ob/gyn and one in pathology, as well as a fellowship in psychiatry. He also was a professor at the Univ. of Rochester School of Medicine, president of the medical staff at Highland Hospital in Rochester, and president of the ob/gyn section of the Rochester Academy of Medicine. He and his wife, Dorothy Davis Barney, had six children, Christine, Bruce ’78, Dee, Gerald, Catherine, and Susan. His wife passed away shortly after he did. John Wellman White, April 12, 2010 John Wellman White pursued everything he did with unparalleled patience and dedication. He was a noonday regular at Tarbell Pool on campus and claimed third-place national records in Masters Swimming in 2009. While still in his 80s, he ranked first in the nation and second in the world in the 200-meter backstroke. He spent years perfecting new hybrids of Japanese and Siberian iris, and his gardens at his home in Minot were a must-see for enthusiasts. In 2007, his cultivar Dirigo Pink Milestone received the prestigious W.A. Payne Medal from the American Iris Society, the highest award a Japanese iris can win. At the time of his death, he believed he was close to producing the first true yellow Japanese iris, the product of years of experimentation and waiting. (Japanese iris differ significantly from the familiar bearded iris; the yellow iris seen in gardens today are not pure Japanese iris.) But all of this — the swimming, the iris — came in retirement. He spent most of his life living on and running the family farm, Whiteholm Dairy Farm in Auburn, established by his great-great-grandfather in 1794, until he retired in 1977. He then started a second career in real estate, retiring from that in 1995. He ran the farm with his wife, Evelyn Jones White ’38, raised five children there, and used his spare time to research his family’s history. He could trace his roots back to 1635, when William White arrived in Massachusetts. His roots at Bates spread far and wide, too. His family at one time owned Mount David. Family lore says that his mother, Marion Wellman White, Class of 1917, was asked to leave Bates her first year after she was caught ice skating on Lake Andrews (something young ladies did not do), but that didn’t stop John, two sisters, and a brother from matriculating: Sally White Byrkit ’47, Jane White Stoddard ’43, and the late Wallace White ’42. Other Bates relatives include brother-in-law Samuel Stoddard Jr. ’43, the late Claire Greenleaf White ’42, niece Cynthia Byrkit ’74, nephew William Stoddard ’75, and great-nephew Tobin White ’94. Among his survivors are children Janet Schwanda, Jeffrey White, Donald White, John White, and Edward White; 12 grandchildren; and one great-grandchild. His wife passed away in 2001.

1940 William Henry Sutherland, Jan. 2, 2010 “Each of us must choose our own battleground,” Bill Sutherland once told a newspaper. “I chose Africa.” Emerging from prison as a conscientious objector into a society gripped by McCarthyism, he believed the U.S. was going downhill. In 1951, inspired by the passion of African students seeking liberation of their countries from colonialism, Sutherland chose their cause as his. He was prepared for the task: His childhood experiences in an all-white New Jersey suburb were tempered by civil rights activities at his church, leading to a life dedicated to pacifism. He honed his beliefs at Bates through work with the New England Student Christian Movement, and lived his ideals by spending four years in jail. There he met others, such as Bayard Rustin and George Houser, who would become lifelong friends and fellow activists. After taking part in the Peacemaker bicycle project — biking with other activists from Paris to Moscow to speak against war — he met a group of African students in London. In 1953, he was instrumental in forming the American Committee on Africa. Soon afterward, he moved to Gold Coast, soon to become Ghana, the first African country to attain freedom, and attain it peacefully. He served on the organizing team of the All African Peoples Congress and was central to the formation of the Sahara Protest Team, which gathered pacifists from around the world to bodily block nuclear testing in the desert. In 1961, he helped found Peace Brigades International, working with both Lebanon and Israel. Later, while in Tanzania, he helped develop the Pan African Freedom Movement of East and Central Africa. In 1974, he joined the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization committed to nonviolent change, serving as its international representative. For a number of years, the AFSC hosted an annual Bill Sutherland Institute to train lobbyists and advocates. In 1983, Bates awarded him the degree of doctor of laws. On his 90th birthday, Archbishop Desmond Tutu said that “the people of Africa owe Bill Sutherland a big thank you for his tireless support.” He was awarded a special citation from the Gandhi Peace Foundation in India and, in 2009, received the War Resisters League’s Grace Paley Lifetime Achievement Award. His wife, Efua Theodora, a playwright and Pan-African activist, died in 1996. Among his survivors are children Esi Sutherland-Addy, Ralph Sutherland, and Amowi Sutherland Phillips; and many grandchildren, including Theodore K. Sutherland ’11. 1941 Marilyn Miller Pomeroy, Sept. 3, 2009 After 46 years in Detroit, Marilyn Miller Pomeroy was happy to return to her roots in Newport, R.I., where her friendliness prompted friends and admirers to dub her “queen of Goat Island.” The long stay in Detroit (and before that Iowa) was due to the career of her late husband, Donald Pomeroy ’40. She was an active volunteer for several organizations there, and became interested in environmental causes. Despite a complete hip replacement, she enjoyed rafting on the Snake River in Wyoming. Her degree from the College was in French, and she continued her studies first at Wellesley and then at Middlebury. She also taught for several years before marrying Don when he returned from overseas after World War II. He died in 1983. Survivors include son Jonathan and a grandchild. 1942 Jane Seavey Emerson, March 28, 2010 Jane Seavey Emerson came to Bates after graduating from Colby Junior College (now Colby-Sawyer) and left to marry Walter L. Emerson. Both were natives of Lewiston and happily made their home here. She was active in a number of civic and church organizations. She was a past president of the Woman’s Hospital Assn. of Central Maine Medical Center

and was a director there for 25 years. She was also a past president of the Lewiston-Auburn Art and Literature Club, the Parish Guild of the High Street Congregational Church, and the Wheelock Club of Portland. She was a member of the Auburn Art Club, the DAR, and the Mayflower Society, and a covenant 50-year member of her church. Her father was John S. Seavey 1915. Her husband died in 2008. Survivors include daughters Mary Emerson and Jane Emerson Linnell; three grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren. Eleanor Wood Geary, Oct. 31, 2009 Teddy Wood Geary and her husband, the late Edward J. Geary, were a Bates couple — but not the usual kind. They met in Hathorn Hall during a summer session and married soon after. An English major, she taught for 36 years in schools in Maine, New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. She received a master’s in education in 1947 from Boston Univ. and continued her studies at NYU and Columbia. When her husband joined the faculty at Bowdoin, they settled in Harpswell, where she taught for 15 years before retiring in 1981. They always spent his sabbaticals in France. In retirement, she was active in civic organizations and at the Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum at Bowdoin. She also continued to sing, as she did at the College. Her husband died in 1997. Her grandfather was William R. Wood, a minister who received an honorary degree from the College in 1919. Her niece is Deborah Wood Burns ’74. 1943 Ida-May Hollis Thomas, Jan. 31, 2010 When Holly and her husband, Ted Thomas ’43, moved to Martha’s Vineyard in 1964, they had ample opportunity to indulge their love of sailing. For several years after retirement, they made a habit of sailing the Inland Waterway to the pleasant winter climate of Florida. They also cruised on small ships in the Caribbean and Europe. Her first career was in administrative services, first as a secretary before World War II, and later in the offices at the high school on Martha’s Vineyard. In the early 1980s, she became a certified home health aide and worked in this field for 20 years. She and her husband also ran a wholesale postcard business on the island. Along with her husband, her survivors include children Carl Thomas, Roger Thomas, and Nancy Monckton; and six grandchildren. 1944 John Llewellyn Scott, Jan. 26, 2010 John Scott received a master’s of divinity from Seabury Western Theological Seminary in 1949 and was ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church in 1950. A Navy veteran, he became active in the civil rights movement, marching with Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma, Ala. Active in ministry for 59 years, he served parishes in Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, and Florida. He also was chaplain and professor of religious studies at schools in New York City and chaplain at the Univ. of Maine and the Univ. of Massachusetts. In 1958, he took part in a worldwide program of study for Episcopal clergy in Canterbury, England. His wife, Barbara Grant Scott, and two sons, Nicholas and Martin, predeceased him. Survivors include sons Christopher Scott and John L. Scott III; and four grandchildren, one of whom is Andrew J. Scott ’05. Other family members include Charlotte Grant Walker ’47 and Heather Ouimet McCarthy ’77. 1948 Jean Cheney Duesler, Dec. 26, 2009 Jean Cheney Duesler, a five-year student in the nursing program, enjoyed dual careers. The first was in nursing, first as a nurse at the New York Visiting Nurse Service and then as an instructor. She taught at schools of nursing in Madison, Wis., for 25 years and helped develop the associate degree nursing

program at the Madison Area Technical College. Her second career was as a writer: poems, short stories, a novel, and plays. Her 2008 collection of short stories, The Other Side (published under her nom de plume Cheney Duesler), received very positive reviews from several sources. She wrote and rewrote her novel, Letters to Uncle Bernie, eight times. She also published a number of articles on nursing topics. An avid cyclist and white-water canoeist, she recalled for her 50th Reunion how difficult it was for her and her husband to give up white water and sell their canoes. “When they hauled away those canoes we couldn’t watch. We still paddle quiet water.” In retirement, she enjoyed playing the part of an undiagnosed patient for medical students at the Univ. of Wisconsin. Her husband, Paul Duesler, died in 1999. Among her survivors are children Paul Duesler and Kari Lonchar; and five grandchildren. 1950 Allen Culpepper Bullock Jr., Nov. 21, 2009 Al Bullock postponed college to serve in the U.S. Army in both Europe and the Pacific during World War II. A native of Auburn, he returned home to matriculate at Bates and major in chemistry. In 1954, he received his medical degree from the Univ. of Maryland. While working as a resident in Houston, he met Alicia Ramirez; they married in 1959. He practiced internal medicine in Houston before joining the staff of the Corpus Christi State School, retiring as chief of medicine in 2002. An opera buff, he and his wife attended all performances of the Houston Grand Opera — except one — for 17 years. She survives him, as do children Allen C. Bullock III, Delia Bullock, and Wilfred Bullock. Other survivors include two grandchildren. Elaine Thomsen Eigelsbach, June 20, 2005 Elaine Thomsen Eigelsbach left Bates in 1948; her late sister was Winifred Thomsen Lowry ’46. 1951 Caroline Buschmann Barnes, Jan. 14, 2010 “You sound just like Brooks Quimby!” That was the enthusiastic reaction of a debate coach when Caroline Buschmann Barnes critiqued a high school debate tournament. She considered that moment the highlight of her 13 years as a debate coach at Shrewsbury (Mass.) High School. She grew up on the Bates campus, where her father, the legendary August Buschmann, was professor of German for over 40 years, but completed only two years as a student before marrying Bowdoin Barnes, a graduate of that college of the same name down river. It wasn’t until he became seriously ill a decade later that she returned to college, Clark Univ., to complete her bachelor’s and master’s so that she could find work as a teacher. She taught junior high at Sutton Memorial School and Shrewsbury Junior High School, both in Massachusetts, before returning to Maine to teach at Mount View Junior High in Thorndike for four years. She retired from teaching and became a certified nursing assistant, working in this field for nine years. In retirement, she was a proud member of the Knox Golden Girls, a decidedly local organization. Her family’s connections to the College are many. Her sister is Marion Buschmann True ’55, and her brother is Friedrich “Fritz” Buschmann ’71; their spouses are Robert True Jr. ’55 and Margaret Kendall Buschmann ’72, respectively. Her daughter is Dorothy Barnes ’72, and a niece and nephew are Stephanie True Peters ’87 and Robert True III ’91, who is married to Nancy Collins True ’91. Her first husband and her second husband, Norman Linson, predeceased her. Other survivors include daughter Catharine Busch; four grandchildren; and siblings Elizabeth Smith, Edmund Buschmann, Wally Buschmann, and John Buschmann.

Jean Macomber Deverill, Jan. 27, 2010 Kim Macomber Deverill refused to join the 21st century. “I have no cell phone and have never used an ATM,” she wrote in 2001. “Even if I’m living in the last century, it’s a great life.” She wrote that sentiment after her 30 years as an Army wife, traveling with husband Art to his posts in Germany, Japan, and the U.S. and in retirement to other parts of the world. Along the way, she managed to find jobs doing whatever she happened to be qualified for: working with disabled children, substitute teaching, managing an office for psychotherapists. She also did a lot of volunteer work, including running a NATO wives club — impossible to schedule anything that wasn’t too early for the French or too late for the Germans. A biology major at the College, she managed to work at the zoo in El Paso for a year, but nearly every day used what she learned in Cultch. Her husband survives her. Other survivors include children Dirk Deverill, Shane Deverill, Courtenay Pekkala, and Dorian Gorevin; and seven grandchildren. 1953 William Joseph Goodreau, Nov. 17, 2006 Bill Goodreau was careful with words: As a poet, he made each one count. His work was published in literary journals and in the 1980 Anthology of American Verse and Yearbook of American Poetry and the 1970 New York Times Book of Verse. He published two volumes of his work, The Many Islands (1961) and In My Father’s House (1964). After completing an M.F.A. at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop at the Univ. of Iowa, he taught at the College of St. Teresa in Minnesota. He chaired the English department there and was adviser to the literary quarterly (he was the editor of The Garnet at Bates). In 1979, he started three years as a Fulbright lecturer at the National Univ. of Zaire. After retiring from teaching, he made his home in Antibes, France. He enjoyed donating works of art from his collection to the Bates Museum of Art. 1954 William Armstrong Young, April 14, 2010 William Young attended Bates for a year before joining the U.S. Navy during the Korean War. He completed his education at the Univ. of Maine–Orono with both a bachelor’s and a master’s in education. After teaching at Lisbon High School for 12 years, he became its assistant principal for another 12. Survivors include wife Claire Fortin Young and many nieces and nephews. His father was Carl Richard Young ’21. 1955 James Douglas Fay, March 21, 2010 Doug Fay was a stalwart of both indoor and outdoor track during his four years at Bates. With a degree in economics, he entered the business world after three years in the U.S. Army. Initially an assistant manager for a Goodyear store in Connecticut, he managed Goodyear stores in Pennsylvania. For 35 years, he ran his own tire company in Exton, Pa., and was still active in the business at the time of his death. A native of Massachusetts, he never wavered in his support of the Red Sox. Survivors include wife Carol Johnson Fay; children Brian Fay, Nancy McCracken, Peter Fay, and Debra Fay; and eight grandchildren. Marilyn Kelley Ibbitson, Jan. 17, 2010 Marilyn Kelley Ibbitson (known as Kelley at Bates) remained lifelong friends with her college roommate, Lois Stuber Spitzer (Stubie at Bates). They traveled together, bird-watched together, and ran an alumnae group together in upstate New York. Her degree was in nursing, and she worked as a registered nurse until retirement. She was a past recipient of the Woman of the Year award from the Baldwinsville (N.Y.) Chamber of Commerce, and a 50-year member of

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Grace Episcopal Church there. She was active in many community organizations, acted in the Baldwinsville Theater Guild, and played handbells. In addition to birding, she enjoyed traveling and in 2005 found a way to combine elements of both: geocaching, where participants use Global Positioning System receivers to search for hidden items. “It shows that new things that excite you can be just around the next bend in your life if you let it,” she wrote for her 50th Reunion. Survivors include children David Ibbitson, Susan Ibbitson, and Alan Ibbitson; four grandchildren; one great-grandchild; and several Bates alumni in-laws. Her husband, Loring “Ibby” Ibbitson, and a daughter, Janet Ritz, predeceased her. Gail Olsen Pulsifer, Jan. 12, 2010 Gail Olsen Pulsifer left Bates to complete a nursing degree at New England Baptist Hospital. Her husband’s assignments in the U.S. Army took them to a number of posts, where she taught mother and baby care classes. When he retired, they settled in Woodbridge, Va., where she worked at Potomac Hospital and for doctors in private practice. Survivors include husband Donald W. Pulsifer; children Juliana Ackerman, Andrew Pulsifer, Douglas Pulsifer, and Heidi Maclin; and 10 grandchildren. 1956 William Manning Moriarty, Dec. 21, 2009 Bill Moriarty left Bates to serve in the U.S. Army and returned to graduate with the Class of 1956. A history major, he joined Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co. and worked there for 35 years, mentoring new employees as he moved from the home office in Springfield, Mass., to New York, Oklahoma, and Dallas. He and his family lived in Walnut Creek, Calif., for 38 years. At the College, he played basketball and baseball and was active in the History Club. Survivors include wife Sandra; children Brian Moriarty and Julia Moriarty; and two grandchildren. Lucinda Thomas Wright, Sept. 29, 2009 Lucy Thomas Wright’s fluency in Spanish allowed her to travel extensively in South America, and she was especially fond of Costa Rica. She built on her bachelor’s in Spanish from Bates with a master’s in Spanish from Middlebury, a master’s in Italian from Indiana Univ., and a doctorate from the Univ. of North Carolina. She taught at high schools in Florida and in Spain before she joined the Peace Corps, teaching English in Bogota, Colombia. She served as the assistant director of federally funded educational institutes through the late 1960s, then joined the faculty at East Carolina Univ. as an instructor in Spanish. She also advised foreign and nontraditional students. In 1980, she became the assistant to the chancellor for student life; five years later she was appointed assistant dean of students. Her husband, James Richard Wright, died a few months before she did. Her parents were Melvin ’29 and Phyllis Piper Wright ’29. 1957 Irene Yantz Dunbar, March 15, 2010 Irene Yantz Dunbar taught high school English and history in East Hartford and Bristol, Conn., the high school from which she graduated. In the latter part of her career, she was a private tutor and vocational counselor. She was deeply involved in politics at local, state, and federal levels, working in a number of campaigns. Her marriage to Bruce Dunbar ended in divorce. Survivors include daughters Jennifer Beausoleil and Heather Adamczyk; and two grandchildren. 1958 Beverly Toppan Langager, Nov. 1, 2009 Born in Maine and raised in New Hampshire, Beverly Toppan Langager spent her adult life in Winterhaven, Calif., where she taught high school for 34 years. She and her husband, Vern, moved to

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Yuma, Ariz., after her retirement. He predeceased her, as did her first husband, Richard Gardner. She is survived by children Michael Gardner, Stephen Combs, and Kathy Jensen; six grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. 1959 Clifford Albert Baxter, Jan. 1, 2010 Bud Baxter left Bates with a degree in biology and headed for Andover Newton Theological School, where he received a master’s in divinity and soon became the minister at two churches in the White Mountains. In 1967, he joined the Navy and served as a chaplain for the next 20 years, including service in Vietnam. Among other accomplishments, he developed and ran the Navy’s first drug-awareness workshop. Midway through, he earned another master’s, this one in human resources management from Pepperdine. After leaving the Navy, he completed a Ph.D. in psychology at Clayton Univ. in 1989. He worked for several years at the Aroostook Medical Center as director of pastoral care before moving across country to become the pastor at the Congregational Church in Mojave, Calif., a position he held at the time of his death. He served as class secretary for eight years. Among his survivors are wife Rita; children Caryn, Candi, and Clifford IV; and four grandchildren. Benjamin Trafton Getchell, March 25, 2010 The ending of Ben Getchell’s life describes one of his passions for life, as he died of natural causes while hiking Mount Major in New Hampshire. He had retired to New Hampshire in 2002 after a long teaching career, primarily in West Hartford, Conn., where he also coached cross-country and track. In addition to his geology degree from Bates, he held a master’s in liberal studies from Wesleyan. Active in the Outing Club at the College, he had been eagerly anticipating its 90th anniversary celebration at Reunion 2010. Besides hiking, another passion was woodworking — his skills ranged from carpentry to fine carving. He was active with the Oyster River Watershed Assn. and served as the membership director of the Active Retirement Assn. His son is Peter Getchell ’91. His wife, Judith Knight, also survives him, as does a grandchild. Another son, Brooks Getchell, died as a teenager. Barbara Elizabeth Johnson, Jan. 12, 2010 Barb Johnson enjoyed an eclectic career. Over the course of 50 years, she moved from biological research to cloisonné jewelry design and production. After graduating with a degree in biology, she worked for Pfizer for a few years before joining United Fruit Co. She furthered her studies at Connecticut College and then at Harvard, from which she received a degree in biochemistry. This led to a position with the Univ. of Hawaii in its genetics department as a researcher in molecular biology. There, her interests started to diversify. She started work toward a master’s in architecture and also opened a business as a scientific illustrator. Soon she branched out into graphic design (classmates might remember the T-shirts she designed for their 25th Reunion). She became a real estate broker before she left the university in 1985. Before she left Hawaii for Massachusetts, she started to work in cloisonné and continued to design and create until her death. She served as president of the Bates Club in Hawaii for many years. David Lingane Smith, March 20, 2010 Thanks to the Cuban Missile Crisis, Dave Smith liked to joke, he became a lieutenant in the Navy before John McCain did, much to the senator’s dismay. His five years in the Navy immediately followed graduation from the College with a degree in history. He played baseball and basketball for four years and was class president for three. But the best thing about Bates, he said, was meeting Joan Cartier Perry ’59; they married in 1960. He continued as

class president until 1963, and was vice president of the Rhode Island Bates Club in the 1970s. After the Navy, he began his career in the insurance business, first with Connecticut Mutual Life in 1964 and then with Providence Washington Insurance Co. in 1968, both in Rhode Island. By 1975, he was executive vice president and senior operating officer at Providence. He went on to become vice president at the Life Insurance Co. of Connecticut and eventually had his own agency specializing in working with Medicare-related issues. He was especially active in his community. He coached basketball teams, was director of the Rhode Island Fresh Air Fund, served on the boards of YMCAs, and raised money for Paul Newman’s Hole-in-the-Wall Gang. He also founded I Love Seniors, an organization of business professionals that helps people with age-related issues. Along with his wife, survivors include children David L. Smith Jr., Kerry L. Smith, and Peter C. Smith; and five grandchildren. His cousin is William Dillon ’86, whose father is William Dillon ’58. 1960 Richard Henry Larson, Nov. 22, 2009 Dick Larson thanked his broad education for allowing him to pursue a number of interesting work opportunities. Not only did he teach high school English, history, and civics for many years, he also worked as a carpenter in his home renovation business and was a stakeholder in his brother’s hog farm. His education was based on his bachelor’s in religion and philosophy and augmented with a master’s and doctorate from American Univ. He also did postdoctoral work at the Univ. of Virginia, Virginia Tech, and George Mason Univ. Immediately after Bates, he became a U.S. Navy Seal, and was part of its underwater demolition team. He served for 32 years in the Navy, on active and reserve duty. He was reactivated during Desert Storm and served as assistant for counterinsurgency at the Pentagon. During his 26 years of teaching, he taught in Alexandria and Fairfax County, Va., and coached two varsity sports. He was deeply involved with St. Anne’s Episcopal Church in Reston, Va., helping to rebuild the sanctuary and refurbish the pipe organ. His wife, Tuula Tamminen Larson, died in 1991. Survivors include son Lars Larson and two grandchildren. 1963 Bonnie Logie Bieder, Jan. 21, 2010 In 1983, after 14 years as a social worker investigating cases of abused children, Bonnie Logie Bieder decided she needed to try something new. She opened an art gallery in Pound Ridge, N.Y. — and went broke within a month. The artwork didn’t sell, but the decorative furniture scattered throughout the gallery did. She and friends regrouped and turned the business into one that provided custom painting of walls, ceilings, and floors, plus faux finishes, murals, upholstery, and hand-painted furniture. The new venture was so successful that she was able to add an art gallery on the second floor, one that continues to thrive. She handled the management of the business while four artists did the creative work. At the College, she had been active in the Art Association, and she decided to study landscape art with David Dunlop, the award-winning artist of Landscapes Through Time on PBS. She also traveled to France to practice plein air painting in some of the same sites visited by Renoir and Monet. She became involved with the Silvermine Guild Arts Center through her studies, serving as its vice president and as chair of its annual fundraiser. Her first marriage to Richard Carlson ’62 ended in divorce. Survivors include her second husband, Richard Bieder; children Erik Bieder and Julie Alleyne; and five grandchildren. 1964 Ralph Bartholomew III, Oct. 20, 2009 Ralph Bartholomew found his vocation early: finance. An economics major, he was treasurer of his class for a year and active in the Economics Club.

He also was a member of the staff of The Bates Student. In 1966, he received an M.B.A. from Cornell, and joined Merrill Lynch Fenner Pierce & Smith as a trainee. Seven months later, he became an account executive. He remained with the firm until he retired in 1994, holding management positions in Cleveland, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Palm Beach, Fla. After retirement, he bought a second home in Stowe, Vt., near his brother, and, not coincidentally, in the middle of ski country — he was passionate about skiing. His brother died two weeks before he did. Survivors include a nephew. 1966 Dwight Homer Edwards, Feb. 13, 2010 Dwight Edwards spent summers in Maine as a child and left the state reluctantly when his career path took him to Florida. He had worked for 17 years at Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Maine as the vice president of sales and marketing, then briefly for E.A. Buschmann Co. — owned by the youngest son of Professor Buschmann. In Florida, he returned to BC/BS for 10 years and then worked as safety director for Ranger Construction for three years before retiring. His first marriage to Leola Morse ended amicably. His second wife, Tricia, is among his survivors, along with children Wendy Edwards and Brian Edwards and stepchildren Kelly Hopkins and Jamie Schneider; a grandchild and two stepgrandchildren; and his mother, Elizabeth Edwards. 1984 Cynthia Dolores Ryan, Jan. 13, 2010 Cindee Ryan liked to keep busy. During her last year of law school at Pace Univ., she clerked for a local law firm, taught English and Spanish, served as editor-in-chief of the Pace Journal of International and Comparative Law, and was president of the International Law Society — while carrying a full course load. She spent her Bates junior year abroad in Madrid and returned to Spain after passing the bar exam. She worked in international investments there, then opened her own law firm in New York, continuing her focus on international law and immigration issues. In addition to her Bates degree in history, she also held a diploma in advanced international business studies from the McGeorge School of Law in Salzburg, Austria. In 1997, she became a partner at the New York office of Siskind Susser, one of the country’s largest immigration law firms. She was a founding member of the New York Lawyers’ Network. Survivors include her life partner, Gail Johnston ’84; daughter Miren Dolores; and parents Donald and Dolores Ryan. A daughter, Andrea Dolores, predeceased her. 2004 Christopher Hartley Ganem, Nov. 24, 2009 Chris Ganem was an aspiring writer with a book in progress at the time of his death. A psychology major, he played soccer and lacrosse and enjoyed skiing. In 2003, he received the Stanton Environmental Award from the College. He had moved to North Carolina shortly before his death (to avoid Maine winters, he said) and there he spent the summer restoring a 22-foot sailboat he used to explore his new surroundings. His brother is Geoffrey Ganem ’00. Other survivors include parents John and Barbara Ganem. Emeriti Robert W. Hatch, Feb. 14, 2010 Of all that Bob Hatch gave to the Bates community, one of his greatest legacies is his early involvement in Title IX, the federal mandate that educational opportunities for students be equal for men and women, a law that famously came to bear on college sports. Finally women could play in Alumni Gymnasium, free from the undersized basketball court in Rand and the absurdly low, sloping ceilings of the Women’s Gymnasium. Even without

Title IX, Hatch was eager to end unfair opportunities for women athletes. “Our intention is to work for the benefit of Bates students,” he said in 1977. “Their sex is irrelevant.” He eschewed pro football to come to Bates in 1949 after a standout career at Melrose (Mass.) High School and Boston Univ., from which he graduated in 1949 following three years as a Marine paratrooper during World War II. (He also held a master’s from BU.) He started as the freshman football coach, became varsity coach in 1952, and was named assistant athletic director in 1959. He became the College’s athletic director in 1973, retiring in 1991. His football teams won three CBB championships and, in 1956, the State of Maine title. In 1961, his team again “defeated” UMaine, 15-15, using a then-unusual spread formation. This was just one of the innovations he brought to athletics. While varsity baseball coach (1951-53), he developed a sophisticated analysis of a baseball player’s true value as a batter, aspects of which are used today, such as a batter’s on-base percentage (an extension of the simple batting average). He also was an early advocate of the NCAA adding a Division III, in which students’ academic experiences are at least as significant as their athletic experiences. He also was a visionary beyond athletics: In remembering Coach Hatch, Dick Hoyt ’61 wrote in an online tribute that he recalled him standing silently on the steps of Coram holding a peace sign while others (including Hoyt) stood nearby with signs advocating U.S. involvement in Vietnam. He was surprised, he said, to find that Coach Hatch was a member of four sports halls of fame: at his high school, at his college, in Lewiston-Auburn, and in the state of Maine. He kept his trophies and other awards in a back hallway in his house, where only family members saw them. Two of his children attended the College: Lynda Hatch Letteney ’73 and Karen Hatch Long ’81. They survive him, as does son Michael Hatch and three grandchildren. His wife, Lorraine Karston Hatch, died in March 2009. Friend Ursula P. Pettengill, Feb. 14, 2010 Ursula Prater Pettengill, an alumna of Indiana State Univ., came to know and love Bates through her husband, Frederick “Pat” Pettengill ’31. Following his death in 1986, she fulfilled his wish to enhance academics at the College through a gift that helped to make Pettengill Hall, home to the social sciences and related programs, a reality. She also endowed a scholarship in his name to benefit students from Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Ursula Pettengill was the manager of food services at Syracuse Univ., where she met her husband, a member of the faculty. She worked with several presidents of the university to build dormitories that included food service facilities and was, according to some, “a legend at Syracuse.” She was also deeply involved with Girl Scouts and worked with them well into her 80s. Her husband was an enthusiastic recruiter for Bates, and often came to campus to watch “his boys,” as he called them, play in sporting events. In 2003, following a hospital stay, she wrote to the College that she was feeling fine “but can’t run yet.” She was 91 at the time. Survivors include several nephews.

wise advice on life, love, money, and career. Leonard’s profound influence on generations of Bates students was evident in the scores who turned out for his funeral service, where he was poignantly memorialized. Speakers included dance alums Geri FitzGerald ’75, Dervilla McCann ’77, and Michael Foley ’89. A native of Lewiston and a 1948 graduate of the University of Maine-Orono, he joined the business founded by his father, New England Furniture Company, Maine’s largest home furnisher. With his brother Manny, he extended the business into contract furniture, and Leonard’s design sense is evident in many of the academic and residential buildings at Bates. Leonard served as president of the Lewiston-Auburn Jewish Federation, and as a board member of the Lewiston Arts Commission, LA Arts, and Holocaust Human Rights of Maine. He also served on the Dance Panel for the National Endowment for the Arts and as president of Beth Jacob Synagogue and Martindale Country Club. He is survived by his wife and brother; his sister Shirley; children David ’77, Lynda Fitzgerald, and Stephen; and five grandsons. Gifts in memory of Leonard may be made to the Sakolsky-Plavin and Friends of Bates Dance Endowment Fund, c/o Office of College Advancement, Bates College, 2 Andrews Road, Lewiston, Maine 04240. John Dillon Shortridge, Feb. 21, 2009 Just as the confluence of river and ocean helps to define the ecology of the Bates-Morse Mountain Conservation Area, the recent history of the area is defined by a happy confluence of human events. And many of them involved John Dillon Shortridge, who, with his wife, Linda, made a generous and unexpected gift to Bates in 1995 that not only preserved nearby land but made possible the College’s dream of an environmental research station. The Shortridges owned 80 acres about a mile from Bates–Morse Mountain, where it was impossible for Bates to build an overnight facility for student and faculty researchers. The couple dreaded selling their environmentally sensitive home and surrounding land to a developer who would have divided it into house lots. The Shortridges were friends with the St. John family, who had made possible Bates–Morse Mountain, so they approached Bates about giving their home and land to the College. After donating their house and land to the College — an anonymous alum donor made renovations to the house possible, part of the happy confluence — the Shortridges moved to New Mexico. He died there after a fall on rocks. Until 1961, he had been curator of musical instruments at the Smithsonian, but he left to become a harpsichord maker. He started his musical career playing calliope at county fairs, but became interested in historical instruments while practicing on a restored clavichord at Indiana Univ. He initiated the instrument restoration program at the Smithsonian. In 1962, he and Linda were married. He restored a number of significant organs, built reproduction instruments, and was friends with members of the Bates music faculty, which is how the College came to own one of his wooden baroque flutes. His wife makes violas da gamba.

Leonard N. Plavin, April 15, 2010 To decades of Bates students, Leonard Plavin was as important a figure in their college lives as any of their professors. The husband of Marcy Plavin, founder of the Bates College Modern Dance Company and lecturer emerita of dance, Leonard was everpresent at company rehearsals and performances. He was a devoted chronicler of Bates dance, his artistry evident in the more than 10,000 photographs he shot over the years. The Plavins’ Mountain Avenue home became an extension of the campus, as Leonard conducted many an unofficial seminar in politics and world events at their dining room table, where he also served as adviser and confidante, dispensing

SUMMER 2010 Bates


alumni and parent program highlights


Calling All Bobcats The first athletics-wide celebration in years summons the Bobcat faithful By H. Jay Burns Photographs by Jared Charney

Retired baseball coach William “Chick” Leahey ’52, professor emeritus of physical education, receives from President Hansen the inaugural Robert W. Hatch Award, a handsomely engraved glass plaque, for “demonstrating a deep commitment to the development of scholar athletes.”

“That’s the kind of night it was — a tribute to great Bates spirit.”

Athletics Celebration video and slide show Garcelon Field renovations

58 Bates SUMMER 2010


arolyn Campbell-McGovern ’83 figured that the recent Athletics Celebration Dinner was a success when she heard familiar laughter from a table nearby. Campbell-McGovern was sitting up front with her mother, other honorees and their families, and President Hansen. The elegant setting “was very special,” she says. Nearby, friends from her field hockey and lacrosse days were enjoying a Bobcat mashup with other generations of alumnae and “really having a great time,” Campbell-McGovern says with a laugh. “That’s the kind of night it was — a tribute to great Bates spirit, where everyone supports each other.” The evening featured a number of awards (Dan Doyle ’72, for example, was inducted into the Scholar-Athlete Society that he helped found five years ago) plus a tribute to the late Robert Hatch, Bates’ longtime athletics director and professor emeritus of physical education. It was delivered by Trustee Ed Wilson ’62, who neatly distilled the elements of Bates spirit when he described Hatch and the late

Dean of Admissions Emeritus Milt Lindholm ’35 as true “patriots” of Bates athletics. “UCLA had John Wooden; Bates College had Bob Hatch,” said Wilson. The event at Boston’s Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center reflected the spectrum of Bobcat sports, from coaches and senior staff to former All-Americans, Bates award winners, and those most loyal partisans, parents and relatives. President Hansen welcomed the group by noting how Bates understands that “passion for athletics only deepens over time.” Jeff Price ’87, the new publisher and president of The Sporting News, served as emcee and said the evening was about “pride and excellence.” Director of Athletics Kevin McHugh stood behind the lectern, looked out at the 200-plus crowd, paused, and said, “Isn’t this great!” It’s been a while since Bates hosted a major Bobcat celebration — but not hard to draw a straight line between then and now. In 1973, for example, a “Friends of Bob Hatch” testimonial honored Hatch when he retired as football coach. Attending that event, among others, was Steve Brown ’69, just a few years removed from a football career under Hatch.

Flash forward 37 years to the June event, and there was Brown, now a Trustee, receiving one of several newly created Bates Best awards (see sidebar) for his athletics contributions, including his role in establishing the Friends of Bates Athletics program. And back in 1979 at the Park Plaza in Boston, the last big all-sports dinner helped raise funds for Merrill Gym. William “Chick”

Bestest Behavior Newly created this year, Bates Best awards recognize significant work by alumni and parents that engages Bates people with the College and that displays passion and commitment for advancing From left, longtime athletics staffer Carol Carpentier; women’s soccer co-coach Carla Flaherty ’03; former women’s ice hockey player Tory Peterson ’04; and admissions dean Johie Farrar ’03.

the Bates mission. The Bates Best awards presented at the Volunteer Recognition Dinner in May honored volunteer work during 2009–10, while at the Athletics Celebra-

Leahey ’52 was there in his role as baseball’s winningest baseball coach under AD Bob Hatch. And in June 2010, there was Leahey, retired since 1990 and soon to turn 85, receiving the first Robert Hatch Award for “demonstrating a passion for Bobcat athletics.” Campbell-McGovern, who received a Bates Best athletics award, liked the way the Leahey and Hatch tributes reminded her of her Bates experience. “Bob Hatch was a great administrator. From where I sit now, I appreciate that fact even more,” says Campbell-McGovern, deputy executive director for the Ivy League. She says she was a Bates athlete “at a really good time” for women, as Hatch and others were attentively moving Bates sports toward true coeducation. “I never felt disparity between men’s and women’s programs,” she says. As a captain, “I would’ve noticed it.” She does recall asking in her freshman year why the football team was allowed to arrive on campus before classes, “but then the field hockey team was allowed to arrive early by my sophomore year.” And while fundraising was a background theme at the June event, attendees did buzz about the ongoing Garcelon Field project to install a FieldTurf surface plus new grandstands, lights, and press box. The $2.6 million project, as a matter of fact, is entirely donor-funded.

tion, Bates Best awards recognized lasting contributions to the Bates athletics program.

Volunteer Service Reed Chisholm P’13 Renee Leduc Clarke ’98 and Liam Leduc Clarke ’98 Weston Bonney ’50 Michael Charland ’93 Alan Green ’75 Larry Handerhan ’05 Jennifer Glassman Jacobs ’00 Judy Marden ’66 Sarah Pearson ’75 Jennifer Guckel Porter ’88 Christian Rogers ’04 James Ross ’85 Ken Spalding ’73 Bill Sweat ’79 Kathy and Bob Whelan P’05 Jim Wylie ’60

Athletics Achievement Steve Brown ’69 Carolyn Campbell-McGovern ’83 Top to bottom, Bruce Stangle ’70 presents a Bates Best award for athletics recognition to Carolyn Campbell-McGovern ’83; Peter Wyman ’86 greets Jeff Price ’87 (left), who served as the evening’s emcee; Dana Mulholland, recently retired after 30 years of service to Bates athletics, takes in the program.

Ira Waldman ’73 Lynn Willsey ’54 Becky Flynn Woods ’89

SUMMER 2010 Bates


personal essays


a different look at the world

Reunion Redemption On the 16th green, David Greaves ’80 stood 6 feet from shedding a college nickname







t was just another practice round at Martindale for four Bates juniors in the fall of 1978. John Gillespie and Brad Smith were playing David Greaves and me in our usual dollar Nassau. The match was even on the ninth hole, with Greaves needing to make a 6-foot par putt to win the front side and give us a one-hole lead heading to the back nine. Greaves settled over his ball and hit it ever so gently. The ball rolled 3 feet and stopped woefully short of the hole. My exclamation was instant: “Nice putt, Gladys!” I could’ve used a more common insult of the day, such as “Alice,” similarly implying a geriatric putting stroke, but “Gladys” just rolled off my tongue. Greaves wasn’t amused but Gillespie and Smith thought it hilarious. Predictably, the story of the missed putt made its way back to campus. Unpredictably, the name “Gladys” stuck to Greaves, and not just among our golf group. Males and females, close friends and mere acquaintances alike all used this new moniker. Even our legendary golf coach, the late Bob Hatch, began to call the moppyhaired Greaves “Gladys.” Greaves, who recently confided that he “had hoped to get through four years of college without a nickname,” now had one. The harder he tried to shake it, the more it stuck. He even tried to transform it into something cool, like “Glad” or “Gladness,” but no one was buying it. The name would stick for 32 years, into fatherhood (he and Lizette ’81 have two boys), career (he’s a successful sales executive), and service to Bates (he helped to found the Boston Bates Business Network). Through the decades, his Bates friends always knew they could count on Gladys in good times and bad.

60 Bates SUMMER 2010

But early in 2010, he circled June 12 — our 30th Reunion — and made a plan to exit Gladys purgatory. He bought a new Cleveland putter. He played a bit more golf. Then he invited Gillespie, Smith, and me for a round of golf at

The putt zoomed 3 feet past the hole like an Apollo spacecraft bypassing the moon and heading into deep space. Reunion. His goal was as transparent as it was audacious: make a winning putt and forever be free of the albatross named Gladys. The day before Reunion, he even played at Willowdale in Scarborough, a course known for its slow greens, to hone his firm putting stroke. The rematch took place at Prouts Neck Country Club, Gillespie’s home course. Greaves and I were again partners but the stakes would be doubled to a $2 Nassau. The new price point hardly fazed Greaves; he was seeking salvation.

By Dave Trull ’80

The match started with fog and mist shrouding Prouts Neck. Greaves carried our team early, as I was finding lot of seaside pine. Smith, meanwhile, showed command rarely seen at Bates, and Gillespie was rolling in putts with the confidence of a home-course golfer. By the 16th the sun was out, and we were all playing well, with Gillespie and Smith two up. If we won the hole, we had a chance to win the match. If we halved the hole, we had a chance to tie. Fate complied by giving Greaves a 6-footer to halve the hole and allow the match to continue. Redemption was finally in the house. “You got a good feeling about this one, partner?” I asked. Greaves merely nodded as he lined up his putt. He radiated confidence; his look said, “This one is going firmly into the hole.” With little delay, Greaves made a bold stroke. The putt zoomed 3 feet past the hole like an Apollo spacecraft bypassing the moon and heading into deep space. Greaves’ mission had misfired; there would be no Hollywood ending like Robin Williams catching the touchdown pass from Kurt Russell in The Best of Times, though we did salvage a side bet over the last two holes. Back on campus, as was the case 32 years ago, word got around that Greaves had missed the 6-footer. And like 1978, what happened next was unexpected. There was no teasing; on the contrary, he was treated as the day’s heroic Everyman. Christine Tegeler Beneman ’80, a friend since freshman year, expressed how we all felt. “He’ll always be Gladys to us, and we love him just that way,” she said. Really, who needs redemption when you have love going for you? Dave Trull ’80 lives in Groveland, Mass.

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Anthony Phillips ’10 of Philadelphia has left Bates a richer place. Working to make the College even more welcoming to people of color, Anthony served as co-president of Amandla!, helped plan Martin Luther King Jr. Day observances, and was the first diversity outreach coordinator in Admissions. “I got involved because I felt comfortable enough to get involved,” says Anthony. The diversity of Bates people changed his outlook. “Any movement for social change is not going to come from any single group,” says this already-experienced community organizer. “It’s going to come from a wider spectrum of people.” Financial aid makes it possible for that wide spectrum of people to attend Bates. Anthony, now pursuing divinity studies at Yale, is among the 40-plus percent of students receiving aid. Your Bates Fund gift enables people from all walks of life to benefit from Bates — and to benefit Bates. That’s a Bates Fundamental.

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Periodicals Postage Paid

Portrait of the Teacher Joseph Nicoletti’s retrospective at the Bates College Museum of Art, through Sept. 25, includes this oil on panel, Self-Portrait, Figs, which typifies what Dean of the Faculty Jill Reich calls the artist’s “precise attention to representation that is his way of knowing the world.” In turn, Nicoletti the teacher demands that his Bates students become keen observers of the world around them — and thus able to “weave together new ideas and new ways to articulate them,” Reich notes in her exhibition catalogue introduction. On page 6, Maine art writer Edgar Allen Beem looks at Nicoletti’s teaching career and his influence on alumni in the arts.

Bates College Museum of Art

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