BATES - The Promise

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The stories behind our financial aid program, including interviews with students and sample aid awards.

B AT E S C O L L E G E Lewiston, Maine

The Top Three T H R E E Q U E S T I O N S F O R W E N DY G L A S S, D I R E C T O R O F S T U D E N T F I NA N C I A L S E RV I C E S What do you wish more people knew about financial aid at Bates? “That Bates is part of a select group of institutions that meet the full calculated need of all students, and that we’re committed to meeting 100% of need for all four years. Our financial aid program is crucial to who we are as a college.” Why does a selective private liberal arts education cost so much? “At Bates we place a great emphasis on the individual experience. That means students receive a lot of personal attention, they work closely—often collaboratively— with faculty, and they’re part of a diverse, talented community of peers. To us, that experience has tangible value and lasting impact. We see it in our alumni, and we see it in the respect a Bates degree commands around the world.” Wh at adv ice wou ld you g ive to famil ie s who a re sta rting to lo ok at college s? “First, know that you’re not alone. A lot of families tell us that this is their first time going through the financial aid process, and they’re understandably anxious. We help hundreds of families every year. We have experience dealing with all sorts of situations. We’re here to help.” “Second, be open to possibilities. A lot of families are surprised to discover the kind of support we can offer. About half of our students pay less than the full cost of attendance—including all the students in this book. Bates was founded by people who believed a great education should be open and accessible to students from all backgrounds, all walks of life. That’s our past; it’s also our future.”

The Open Door James Smith, sophomore, Camden, ME, psychology Was cost a factor in choosing a college? “Absolutely. I wanted a great education, I wanted great relationships with professors and peers—but none of that would matter if I couldn’t afford to go. My financial aid package from Bates was unbelievable. It costs me less to go here than to my local community college.” What’s been your proudest achievement at Bates? “The traveling. I wanted to see the world; I feel that the education you get from traveling is irreplaceable. In only three semesters I’ve been to Iceland, the Netherlands, France and Scotland—where I spent a Short Term digging up a 17th-century farmhouse for an interdisciplinary archeology/history class. Someone once told me, ‘Places like Bates open doors for people.’ Now I understand what that means.”

The Network Leticia Solis, junior, Los Angeles, CA, environmental studies

What has surprised you about Bates? “How accessible everything is—resources, opportunities and people. I’ve been to China, Spain and Vietnam. And you can have this really personal experience with the network of deans and professors; I’ve had lunch or dinner with them multiple times. That, and the beauty and culture of the state of Maine.”

What experience has meant the most to you? “I did an internship with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, working as a seabird researcher on Petit Manan Island, off the coast of Bar Harbor. I lived and worked on the island all summer, with no electricity, harsh weather and long hours. It shaped who I am today.”

The Small Moments Yasin Fairley, senior, Newark, NJ, anthropology and dance What’s the value of college? “I did ethnographic fieldwork on dancers in Europe, I wrote a thesis, I’ve had an amazing education—a transformative experience that helped me figure out who I am. But in a way, the value is the little things they don’t talk about on the college tour. Random conversations, small moments.”

Can you give an example? “One week, I was stressing out about my thesis—trying to schedule rehearsals with dancers, struggling with my analysis. I checked in with my thesis advisor, and she said, ‘Is this what you want your life to be about? When you wake up in the morning, what do you think about?’ And the answer is: I think about dance. Something as simple as that changed my outlook on everything.”

The Connection Rebecca Lalin Schmidtberger, senior, Upper Black Eddy, PA, Spanish

What made you choose to come to Bates? “I wanted to connect my academic life with the wider world. Students here are incredibly energetic, incredibly engaged. In my first year I connected with the Harward Center for Community Partnerships, which has led to so many opportunities: tutoring, volunteering in schools, running a summer program, being a Bonner Scholar.”

Where will you go from here? “I’m a teacher education minor, so I’ll be graduating with teaching certification for the state of Maine. Next semester I’ll be teaching three classes at the local high school. After I graduate, I’ll apply for jobs at public schools that offer bilingual education—and later to graduate school, and then to Chile, where I studied abroad. I don’t see a lot of limits.”


Sophomore, Illinois

Senior, District of Columbia

Six family members, two siblings

Two family members.

enrolled as undergraduates at

Family income: $40,300

other colleges.

Family net worth: $0

Family income: $201,000

Documented medical

Family net worth: $357,000

expenses: $16,750

Student savings: $500

Student savings: $0

Cost of attendance: $57,850*

Cost of attendance: $57,450*

Family Contribution

Family Contribution

Parent contribution: $22,150

Parent contribution: $0

Student contribution: $2,025

Student contribution: $2,100

Financial Aid Award

Financial Aid Award

Bates Scholarship: $28,375

Bates Scholarship: $50,650

Federal Direct Student Loan: $3,500

Federal Pell Grant: $2,700

Federal Work-Study: $1,800

Outside Scholarship: $4,100

Total financial need: $33,675

Total financial need: $55,350

Total award: $33,675

Total award: $57,450

First Year, New Hampshire

Three family members, one sibling enrolled

Financial Aid Award

as an undergraduate at another college.

Bates Scholarship: $37,750

Family income: $69,600

Federal Direct Student Loan: $3,500

Family net worth: $317,000

Federal Work-Study: $1,700

Student savings: $2,000 Cost of attendance: $57,350*

Total financial need: $42,950 Total award: $42,950

Family Contribution Parent contribution: $12,100 Student contribution: $2,300

*Note: The cost of attendance includes direct costs for tuition, fees, room and board, and estimates of indirect costs for books, travel and personal expenses.


About 2,000 students | 46 states | 65 countries | 33 majors | 20 students in the average class | 10 to 1 student to faculty ratio | 100% of faculty hold highest degree in their field | 100% of students complete a capstone or thesis | 70% of students study abroad | 31 NESCAC Division III teams | 160 community partnerships through the Harward Center | 110 student clubs, open to all | 0 fraternities and sororities | 5 week spring Short Term | 109 acres on Lewiston campus | 600 acres in Bates–Morse Mountain Conservation Area | $38,700 average financial aid package | 24,000 alumni Majors

East Asian Studies


African American Studies



American Cultural Studies




Environmental Studies


Art and Visual Culture



Biological Chemistry












Classical and Medieval




Women and Gender Studies

Studies Dance


NESCAC Division III Athletic Teams

Nordic Skiing (W, M)

Alpine Skiing (W, M)

Outdoor Track and Field (W, M)


Rowing (W, M)

Basketball (W, M)

Soccer (W, M)

Cross Country (W, M)


Field Hockey

Squash (W, M)


Swimming and Diving (W, M)

Golf (W, M)

Tennis (W, M)

Indoor Track and Field (W, M)


Lacrosse (W, M)

Contact Information We recognize and appreciate the investment

Student Financial Services

that you and your parents are considering,

44 Mountain Avenue

and we can answer the questions you have

Lewiston, ME 04240

about costs, financial aid and managing your

207-786-6096 (phone)

student budget. We are here to help.

207-786-8350 (fax)

Bates values the diversity of persons, perspectives and convictions. Critical thinking, rigorous analysis and open discussion of a full range of ideas lie at the heart of the college’s mission as an institution of higher learning. The college seeks to e ­ ncourage inquiry and reasoned dialogue in a climate of mutual respect.

Since 1855, Bates College has been dedicated to the emancipating potential of the liberal arts. Bates educates the whole person through creative and rigorous scholarship in a collaborative residential community. With ardor and devotion—Amore ac Studio—we engage the transformative power of our differences, cultivating intellectual d ­ iscovery and informed civic action. Preparing leaders s­ ustained by a love of learning and a commitment to responsible stewardship of the wider world, Bates is a college for coming times.

Student Financial Services 44 Mountain Ave. Lewiston, ME 04240 207.786.6096

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