Bath Fringe Festival 2016 - Bath Spa Live

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A DOG’S LIFE | Sat 28 May 4pm & Sun 29 May 6pm | £5/£3 Written by Pam Valentine. Four dogs lie in cages in an animal shelter. A woman visits the shelter to choose a dog, a choice that could mean life and death for the oldest, Ben.

ABOUT A GOTH | Sat 28 May 6pm & Mon 30 May 8pm | £7/£5 Nick is 17, a goth and very gay. His misadventures include working with old people, being in love with his straight mate, and hating his family for refusing to reject him due to his sexuality. Less a comedy about coming out, more one of coming to terms with one’s self!

CABARET | Sat 28 May 8pm | £5/£3 Enjoy a veritable feast of entertainment as students of Bath Spa past and present share their irrefutable and irrepressible talents for your delight and delectation. Probably the best show in the world...

WANNA DANCE WITH SOMEBODY | Sun 29 May 2pm & Mon 30 May 6pm | £8/£6 Josh is good at dancing, but not at people. On the other hand he did once read ‘A Brief History of Time’ by Stephen Hawking so he reckons he’ll probably be alright. Is the hokey cokey really what it’s all about? Really? Josh doesn’t know, but he’s damn well going to find out. A new show about social anxiety, about coping mechanisms – about big ideas and how they impact on small things. About taking chances. And about dancing. Mixing storytelling, live music and physical comedy: Running Dog Theatre create a show part physics lecture, part dance lesson and school disco.

THEATRELAB | Sun 29 4pm & Sun 12 June 6pm | £5/£3 TheatreLab rehearsed reading is an event which platforms new theatre talent. theatreLab is a producer led collective committed to the creation of new theatre.

CINCO COISAS | Sun 29 May 8pm & Mon 30 May 2pm | £8/£6 Cinco Coisas is a family show from Brazil based artist, Bianca Bertalot. Structured around the five basic needs of a child – Place, Nurturance, Support, Protection and Limitation. Through dance, play, clowning and improvisation it proposes to lead the audience on a purely human experience. A playful, poignant and inspiring show where two opposing viewpoints, but also complementary, are presented by a single actress, who covers the polarities through the staging of two clowns and narrator. The show aims to highlight the human vulnerability of the spectator existent since childhood, but doing so in a playful and entertaining way, as is characteristic of the clown.

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