SPACE July 2013

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JULY 2013

Bath Spa University’s monthly magazine

graduation 2013

Front cover: Graduation - Ben Langdon Photography

In july’s issue of space... Update from the Vice-Chancellor 4 Newton Park campus development update 6 Introducing this year’s Honorary Graduates 8 New partnership with Shorelight Education 10 QAA for Higher Education Award 11 Spotlight on…Chris Ellicott, Director of Student Services and Registrar


Graduation ceremonies 2013 17 Employment indicators highlight graduate success 34 Teach First collaboration with the University of Bristol 35 New film by staff and students 36 Further success for Fashion Design graduate Stephanie Kitchen


International Summer Schools 39 New Designers 2013 – highlights 40 West of England carbon challenge award 42 Community contributions 43 We Are Three 44 REACT Future Documentary Sandbox 47 Historical research 48 Oak Tree Day Nursery receive award 49 Page to stage 49 Three Fine Art graduates win at Free Range 2013


BSU: In the news 52 Alumni news 53 Staff News 54


Pic: Professor Christina Slade, Vice-Chancellor



Update from the Vice-Chancellor As we reach the end of another exciting academic year here at Bath Spa I have taken the time to reflect on

the outstanding achievements of our students and staff. Graduation is the culmination of three years hard work and dedication and I was so pleased to confer awards on our Class of 2013 at this year’s graduation ceremonies in Bath Abbey. It was a joy to share in the celebration of so many! There are numerous success stories to recall from this year, but a few in particular stand out. Our graduates’ employment prospects have risen to just over 93 per cent in full-time employment or further study within six months of graduation and nearly three quarters in highly sought after professional and managerial jobs. Our students continue to inspire with their dedication to achieving high standards. Some highlights include Fashion Design student Stephanie Kitchen winning the 2013 Fashion Awareness Direct Competition, Music graduate Anthony Gregory making his English National Opera debut, Masters graduate Sally Nicholls being shortlisted for the Independent Booksellers’ Week (IBW) Book Award and Philosophy and Ethics with Study of Religions student Lindsay Horler being awarded the Bath Spa Hockerill Prize for outstanding achievement. We are at a time of change in the UK higher education sector, with changed funding arrangements and pressure from the government for universities to define their particular strengths and offerings. We at Bath Spa will be a leading educational institution in creativity, culture and enterprise. Through innovative teaching and research, we will provide a high quality student experience. Based in a world heritage city and connected to a network of international partners, Bath Spa University will ensure that its graduates are socially engaged global citizens. This Vision builds on our strengths, our location, our distinctive offerings, our research capabilities in the creative industries and our excellence in teaching and learning. As our reputation improves our graduates become part of a virtuous circle. Many graduates continue to work with us either through mentoring current students, offering students placement or employment opportunities, or by coming back and sharing valuable insights and experiences on alumni panels. Congratulations to all those who graduated this year. You are joining a global community of Bath Spa graduates – an ever growing talented community of award-winning creative professionals and successful business leaders.



Newton park campus d Academic Building The building is beginning to transform from a concrete shell to its stunning finished form as the exterior cladding

continues to be installed. The effect of the cladding tiles is that it reflects light and resembles more traditional Bath stone. The top floor will have a dark grey cladding to allow it to blend in with the skyline, reducing the overall height impact of the building. The biggest change to the building this month has been the installation of glass panels to the central atrium. The finished building will be filled with light.

The curved wall of the building that will house the digital studio is being prepared for a series of large lightboxes, each measuring a few meters in size, which will reflect the landscape and grounds of Newton Park. The project to design the lightboxes was led by a team of artists and designers from across the University. In particular, students studying visual arts, design and environmental science worked together to develop the subject and imagery. Inspiration for the design was taken from the natural landscape at Newton Park and the grounds which were designed by Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown in 1761.The group used close-up photographic studies of leaves, branches and barks depicting the species of trees on the Newton Park estate. The lightboxes will be programed to gradually change the colour and tone of the images allowing them to shift over days and nights and across the seasons. Inspiration for the photographic techniques the group used came from the early photographs of W. Fox Talbot, a pioneering scientist who developed some of the first photographs. He lived in Lacock, Wiltshire and among his illustrations and early experiments were studies of leaves and trees. If you haven’t been able to visit the building on any of the open site days, you can continue to follow progress via the webcams which are available here The new academic building will be known as the ‘Commons’, and will be formally opened next summer - more information on this will follow in due course.

Pic: Exterior cladding on the academic building. (left) 6


development update Residential development Work has progressed at an impressive rate since it began in early June. The ground works are nearing completion and foundations have begun to be laid. Five cranes have been installed on the site and are being used to lift in the prefabricated concrete wall panels that will construct the houses. The bathroom pods have started to be delivered and placed in position in the houses as they are constructed. A large number of lorries and other vehicles have been delivering materials to the site and the one-way traffic system has helped this process. By the time the new academic term starts in September, a number of the residential houses will be built and work will then commence on completing the external facades and the interiors. Work to construct the temporary car parking has also begun and will be completed in time for the start of the new academic year in September. If you have any questions or queries about any of the developments, please email the team

Pics: Foundations being laid for the residential development (top) and external ground floor walls of some of the new residential accommodation are installed. (right)



Introducing this year’s Honorary Graduates As well as graduating undergraduate and postgraduate students, this year we welcomed four new Honorary Graduates to our fellowship. They were each awarded a Doctor of Letters (D. Litt) . The degrees were awarded by the University’s Vice-Chancellor Professor Christina Slade at the graduation ceremonies in recognition of extraordinary contributions in the fields of art, literature, music and education. “The achievements of our honorary graduates in their respective fields are a huge inspiration to our students today, who are studying courses with a strong emphasis on combining creativity, culture and enterprise. Each of the honorary graduates reflects the aspirations of many of our graduating students and we are delighted to welcome them to our fellowship.”

Pics: (From top to bottom right) Hilary Mantel. Picture credit: Joshua Irwandi, Peter Randall-Page. Picture credit: Ben Langdon, Professor Sir Harrison Birtwistle. Picture credit: Ben Langdon and Anne Bull. Picture credit: Ben Langdon. 8


Hilary Mantel CBE – the Booker prize winning author of Wolf Hall and Bring Up The Bodies. Hilary Mantel is now working on the final book in her trilogy about Thomas Cromwell. Sadly Hilary was unable to attend the ceremony and collect the award bestowed on her because of illness. We hope to be able to arrange a presentation at a later date.

Peter Randall-Page – a UK artist who has exhibited work around the world. Peter Randall-Page studied sculpture at Bath Academy of Art, which is now part of Bath Spa University, from 1973-1977.

Professor Sir Harrison Birtwistle – a composer whose music has been regularly commissioned and performed by major orchestras and opera houses worldwide. His works are currently being featured at the Salzburg Festival where his opera Gawain will receive a new production under Ingo Metzmacher.

Anne Bull OBE – headteacher of Weston All Saints Church of England Primary School in the city of Bath for over 25 years. Anne’s link with Bath Spa University spans over 30 years, and she has fulfilled a number of roles at the University, including teacher tutor, and part-time lecturer in Creative, Arts and Dance.



Exciting new partnership signed with Shorelight Education On Friday 2 August the University signed an important agreement with Shorelight Education, a US-based global

education provider.

Shorelight Education funds and manages joint venture partnerships with universities across the world to drive growth and expand options for students. The joint venture between Bath Spa University and Shorelight is a longterm investment by both parties, and will help us achieve our target of improving the internationalisation of the University. The exciting partnership - the first of its kind for Bath Spa University – involves the establishment of a pathway college providing an intensive 46 week first year of study for students from around the world, who, upon successful completion, will progress to the second year of the University’s degree programmes. The Pathway programme has been specially designed to weave into the Bath Spa curriculum. Three academic strands are being planned: Business and Management, Sociology and Humanities, Arts and Creative Industries. Students will also study English language, technology, communication, presentation and career skills. The first cohort of students in September 2014 is expected to be around 300 students following the business and management pathway and will be based at the Newton Park campus. This will be increased to 2,000 students on all pathways over the following four years, with alternative off-site teaching and residential accommodation being investigated as numbers increase. Vice-Chancellor Christina Slade commented: “This is a tremendously exciting development for the University. Our ambition at the University is to nurture creative socially engaged global citizens with entrepreneurial flair. Our partnership with Shorelight Education will help us to achieve that by providing a pathway for international students to our degree courses, enriching the culture of student life at Bath Spa. We are investing in the future and expanding our vision of creative, engaged academic communities.” Over the coming months detailed planning for the first cohort of students in September 2014 will take place.



QAA access to he Award

A Group coordinated by Bath Spa has won an award at the inaugural QAA Access to HE Awards Scheme. The

Western Access Progression Agreement Steering Group (WAPA) is a group of widening participation practitioners from universities in the South West. WAPA members work together to support mature students on Access to Higher Education Diploma programmes, along with their tutors, and bring greater clarity, coherence and certainty to progression opportunities for Access to Higher Education learners in the region. Members of the group support Access learners in a number of ways including the provision of information, outreach visits to Access Diploma Courses, a joint annual Access to Higher Education Learners’ Conference and pre-entry support activities. The group was formed in 2006 as a result of Hefce’s Access Pathways Research Project. Since 2011 Dr Sally Griffin, Widening Participation and Access Manager at Bath Spa, who is the remaining member of the original project, has received funding from the Western Vocational Progression Consortium to coordinate the continuation of this group. On June 27 the work of the group was recognised as a national model of good practice by the QAA, when it was awarded a certificate of commendation in the QAA inaugural Access Diploma Awards. The citation read: “This entry was made by four universities working together in the South West region. The panel were particularly impressed by the close partnership working of the four universities and apt awards*, which enabled them to support a joint regional strategy for providing information about the programme of opportunities, events and activities on offer to Access to HE students making decisions about which courses to apply for and preparing for higher education studies. They also wished to commend the attention given to the formulation and publication of entry requirements for Access to HE students in terms specific to the Access to HE Diploma.” *Apt awards, formerly OCNSWR, is the regional licensed Access Validating Agency for Access to Higher Education Diploma Courses



spotlight ON... Chris Ellicott, Director of Student Services and Registrar As the sun comes out to shine for the longest period of time in far too many years, it signifies not only that is it summer, but also the University’s most important event of the year – Graduation. Director of Student Services and Registrar Chris Ellicott spoke to us just before Graduation to share his thoughts on the highlight of the academic year.

Despite students having now finished for the year, or for some forever, both academic and professional staff

have been busy getting ready for this year’s graduation which as Chris Ellicott explained, is a an exciting event. “Graduation is the culmination of what we do. The great thing about graduation is the way it brings everybody together and gives staff an appreciation of why we do what we do. “When you see the students walking across the stage to receive their degree, it can be as if the penny has dropped and all the hard work, from both the students and staff alike, makes sense.” Whilst graduations are undoubtedly focussed on celebrating all that our students have achieved, it is also a special time for staff too. “It is great to see the pride and satisfaction of so many of our students who graduate,” said Chris. “It’s also a special time for staff. Academic and professional staff all have a part to play in making the student experience the best it can be as well as doing everything they can to ensure our students graduate with the best grades possible.”



Pic: Chris Ellicott. Picture credit: Ben Langdon.

“It is great to see the pride and satisfaction of so many of our students who graduate,” SPACE JULY 2013


Many staff and students will know that Graduation ceremonies have traditionally taken place at Newton Park campus. However, with the exciting developments taking place on campus and subsequent noise and disruption, it was decided to take graduation to the heart of the city. “This year and also next year Graduation will be held at Bath Abbey which is very exciting,” Chris said. “We have never used the Abbey for graduation before and I am looking forward to seeing how the different location contributes to the overall feel of the day. I am sure it is going to as exciting as ever!” Having spent over a decade at Bath Spa looking after the welfare and experience of the University’s students, Chris noted how things have changed over the years.

He said: “There is an extraordinary difference. The scale has changed greatly with the number of students we now cater for more than double what it used to be, which is credit to the University and its staff for enabling us to grow in such a manner. We are also undoubtedly a more professional institution than we used to be. It is clear we are now considered as a fully recognised University as opposed to a University that has just grown out of being a Higher Education institution. But what about the students themselves? Have they changed the way they view their time as ‘students’? Chris commented: “I think the greater financial investment has altered the way students treat their University experience. There is certainly, and to a degree, understandably, an appreciation that students want to get their money’s worth. They seem to now be shareholders of a University where they expect value for money and more importantly a return on investment. “For us, that means ensuring our students have the best possible experience whilst they are with us and a lot of responsibility lies with me!” Also, students are more conscious of the subject choices they are making and how that will affect their job prospects as graduates. We have seen the difficulties facing graduates in the current job market and it has caused students to think more carefully about which universities not only appeal to them, but will also give them the best possible chance at getting a well-paid job following graduation. Every year the University is privileged to welcome a new cohort of students through its gates and Chris recalls the story of a graduating student which has always stuck in his mind.

Pic: Chris leading proceedings at a graduation ceremony this year in Bath Abbey. Picture credit: Ben Langdon. 14


He said: “We have had many inspirational stories of students who have battled through significant disadvantages such as financial, social and health issues. “However, one young man has always stuck in my mind. He had a major addiction to Class A drugs and whilst studying for his degree he was receiving treatment for it. Not only that, his marriage had broken up and he was homeless, but was still so determined to complete his degree. “I recall the University making significant steps to help him and in his third year we actually put him up in a spare room in student halls on campus because he literally didn’t have anywhere else to go. He graduated with a decent degree and I remember when he walked across the stage to receive his degree I was so proud of his achievement. When considering all he had to go through to get it, it felt very rewarding to know we had done something to help him achieve his goal. “It is times like that when you can feel moved as you realise how such little things like speaking to someone on their first day or offering a helping hand can make such a difference.”

Pic: Students celebrating outside Bath Abbey. Picture credit: Ben Langdon.

If you would like to recommend a fellow student or colleague to be interviewed for ‘Spotlight on’ please let us know by emailing Rob Breckon






This year’s graduation ceremonies took place in Bath Abbey due to the on-going campus development works at Newton Park. This was a first for Bath Spa and, in spite of the very hot weather, they were two successful days of celebration. Across the following pages are some photographs from all the ceremonies across the two days. Congratulations to everyone involved!


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#bathspagrad SPACE JULY 2013




#bathspagrad SPACE JULY 2013




#bathspagrad SPACE JULY 2013





#bathspagrad SPACE JULY 2013




#bathspagrad SPACE JULY 2013




#bathspagrad SPACE JULY 2013




#bathspagrad SPACE JULY 2013


Employment indicators highlight graduate success New data from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) show that 93.2 per cent of Bath Spa graduates

are in work or further study within six months of graduation. This is higher than the national average of 90.8 per cent and the same as the University of Bath. It is also higher than a number of Russell Group universities including the universities of Manchester (91.0), Durham (91.6), Oxford (92.0), Warwick (92.3) and Birmingham (92.8). The data also show that more Bath Spa graduates than ever before have gone into work or further study. In comparison to other universities offering a similar experience to Bath Spa, the University is the second highest ranked. In the last year alone, many of our graduates have gone on to work for various global businesses including Dyson, Danone, Agusta Westland, Disney, Jones Lang Lasalle and McGraw-Hill as well as leading creative and cultural industry organisations including Atlantic Records, English Heritage, Future Publishing, National Trust, Sony Entertainment and Universal Music. Adam Powell, Head of Enterprise and Local Partnerships said: “It’s great news that Bath Spa University graduates are continuing to do well after leaving university. It’s clear that our focus on creativity, culture and enterprise is equipping our students with the necessary graduate skills to succeed in the work place.” The statistics are based on the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) survey which is carried out by HESA on an annual basis. Further information is available on the HESA website here



Teach First collaboration with the University of Bristol The University’s School of Education has teamed up with the University of Bristol and educational charity Teach First to train 40 new trainee teachers in the South West to become outstanding teachers of the future.

The new recruits will teach in low-income areas in Bristol, Gloucester and Swindon, helping to break the link be-

tween poverty and low academic attainment. Bath Spa will lead on educating primary teachers and the University of Bristol will lead on educating secondary teachers. The prospective teachers have begun their two-year journey to becoming outstanding teachers and are currently at the Regional Summer Institute, an intensive six-week residential where they will work and live with their fellow Teach First participants. They will develop their knowledge gained in their degree so that they can transfer this into teaching, and learn how to prepare and implement lesson plans in their chosen subject. In September, the recruits will then be placed in schools across the South West region where they will begin their employment-based training. At the end of their first year’s training, the trainees will gain their PGCE qualification. Following a summer project to further develop their leadership skills and experience, they will begin their second year as a Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) whilst simultaneously studying towards a Masters qualification. This is specifically designed to develop their ability to be an effective leader in school and demonstrate their skills and knowledge as outstanding teachers. Teach First is a charity that works to ensure that all children, regardless of their family income, receive a first class education. The charity partners with some of the country’s leading universities to train inspirational primary and secondary school teachers, including Bath Spa University and the University of Bristol. They recruit, train and support graduates as teachers to work in schools in low income communities. Professor Robert Barratt, Director of Education in the School of Education at Bath Spa University, commented: “Bath Spa University is delighted to be working with Teach First and the University of Bristol Graduate School on this prestigious route into teaching. “We offer one of the most sought after teacher training courses in the country and are looking forward to helping train these new participants to become outstanding teachers of the future, who will be doing such important work in areas of poverty and poor achievement.”



Pic: Still from ‘Sixteen’.

New film by staff and students Filmmakers have high hopes for their new film, Sixteen, about an African former child soldier living in the UK.

Robert Brown, Lecturer in Film and Creative Production, and Nic Jeune, Senior Lecturer in Creative Media Prac-

tice have shot the film with the help of some of the University’s students. The film stars Rachael Stirling (ITV’s The Bletchley Circle, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen), Roger Nsengiyumva (Africa United) and Sam Spruell (Defiance, The Hurt Locker, Snow White and the Huntsman) and was filmed using the same cameras and lenses as used on the latest James Bond film, Skyfall. The film has been made both to demonstrate the talent of our students and staff, and also to provide a case study to help students on the newly created MA Feature Filmmaking course understand feature film production before they make their own feature films. The film is currently unfinished, and the team is seeking funding to enable it to be completed. Robert Brown explained: “Students of the MA Feature Filmmaking course have to learn about the funding of filmmaking projects and will be expected to raise money for their films through crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter and IndieGogo. By raising money ourselves in this way we are providing a best practice template for future students.” Despite the film not yet being completed, it has been submitted to the BFI London Film Festival as a ‘work in progress’ and will be entered into more festivals and awards when it is fully completed. To help raise the additional £15,000 needed for the post-production costs to complete this exciting film, please visit A behind the scenes video including interviews with the cast and footage of the film being shot can be viewed at For more information about the film please visit



Further success for Fashion Design graduate Stephanie kitchen Stephanie Kitchen was recently announced as the

winner of Textiles Institute ‘Design Means Business’ Exhibition. She received this recognition having already tasted success earlier this year when she won the 2013 Fashion Awareness Direct (FAD) competition in February. The BA (Hons) Fashion Design student and three other students from the BA (Hons) Textile Design for Fashion and Interiors course recently exhibited their work at the Exhibition, held at Durbar Court at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the heart of Westminster. Stephanie was pronounced the winner by the Head of Brands for the Pentland Group and awarded a prize of a three to six month paid internship with the company. The Pentland Group own brands such as Berghaus, Speedo, Lacoste, Boxfresh, Red or Dead, Hunter, Ted Baker footwear, Ellesse, and Kickers UK. Stephanie was up against stiff competition with students exhibiting from many reputable universities and colleges, including Kingston, the Royal College of Art, Central St Martins, London College of Fashion, De Montfort, and Nottingham Trent. She was chosen as the winner for her sportswear design, the professionalism of her portfolio and accompanying promotional material, as well as the consistent attention to detail within her designs. 38

Pic: Stephanie with Simon Ward of the British Fashion Council.

Both Sir Harold Tillman, ex-Chairman of the British Fashion Council, and Simon Ward Chief, Operating Officer of the British Fashion Council, were impressed with Stephanie’s work and congratulated her on her win as well as offering her advice about a future career in the fashion industry. Commenting on Stephanie’s continued success, Louise Pickles, Course Leader and Coordinator of Fashion, said: “We are all extremely proud of Stephanie having won the FAD competition in February, her inclusion in the ‘Best of Graduate Fashion Week Gala’ where the best 25 out of a possible 400 collections - as selected by a team of industry professionals - were showcased in the final gala show, and now winning the ‘Design Means Business’ exhibition. “Stephanie has worked tirelessly throughout the year, and the depth of research and investigation into every aspect of her work is of an extremely high level, which has been rewarded by her ongoing successes. I am sure Stephanie will have a long and exciting career in the fashion industry, and we wish her every success for the future.”


International summer schools We recently welcomed ten students from Hainan University in Hainan Province, China.

They joined Bath Spa for two and a half weeks on an English Language Summer School which was educationally

focused as well as being a fun way to learn about British culture.

During their stay, the students enjoyed trips to London, Oxford and Alton Towers as well as taking in the delights of the local area such as the Roman Baths, Royal Crescent and Stonehenge. They also had the opportunity to accustom themselves with some English traditions by enjoying English afternoon tea at the Regency Tea Rooms. Samantha Smith, International Relations Admin Manager, said: “It was a delight to welcome our Chinese students along with their teacher Mr Ling. During their stay I heard their English improve and saw their confidence really grow. “The students have relished the opportunity to experience life in England and have enjoyed the beautiful ‘not so typical English weather’. For many of the students, it was their first time outside of China and their excitement was contagious.

Pic: Hainan University students at Stonehenge

“This was our first English Language Summer School and it has been a huge success. We look forward to welcoming more students from across the world next year when we will have greater access to all of the facilities at Newton Park.”



New Designers 2013

Pic: Chair by Anna Gravelle.


Graduating students from BA Creative Arts, BA Textile Design for Fashion and Interiors, BA Three Dimensional Design: Idea, Material, Object; BA Three Dimensional Design: Ceramics, MA Design: Fashion & Textiles and MA Design: Ceramics took part in the New Designers 2013 exhibition at the Business Design Centre in London. Bath Spa had three exhibition stands, each displaying work from different courses. The following images are a selection of some of the work that was shown. Hannah Ellicott, a BA Textile Design for Fashion and Interiors graduate, was featured in Selvedge magazine prior to New Designers 2013. She talked about her inspiration, especially the work of British/Turkish Cypriot fashion designer Hussein Chalayan. As well as graduating this month, Hannah was also celebrating being awarded the Bath Spa Award, Whiston and Wright Prize and begin selected for Texprint 2013, ‘the best of British textile design talent’. Pics: (Top right down to bottom left) Lights by Sarah Li., Printed silk by Julia Morgner, BA Textiles for Fashion and Interiors stand, Our innovative stand design!



West of England Carbon Challenge Award Bath Spa has won an ‘Outstanding Achievement’ award from Forum for the Future’s West of England Carbon

Challenge. This was in recognition of our carbon reduction programme. The Carbon Champion Awards hail from the West of England Carbon Challenge (WECC); a network of businesses, NGOs and public sector organisations with operations in the West of England, all of whom made a voluntary commitment to reduce their carbon emissions by 10 per cent in the period between 2009 and 2012. We were joined as winners in the ‘Outstanding Achievement’ category by At-Bristol, Arup, Avon Fire and Rescue Service, Buro Happold, Environment Agency, South Gloucestershire Council , Stride Treglown and University of the West of England. Forum for the Future has been running the WECC since its launch in 2009, and the awards marked the end of an era as they hand over the reins to Low Carbon South West, who are to be the new coordinators of the scheme. The West of England Carbon Challenge is free to join. In June 2013, 132 organisations had signed up, with 75 submitting data for 2012/2013. The WECC is the largest voluntary carbon reporting and reduction network in the UK, and puts the West of England region at the forefront of the national aim of cutting carbon and saving energy. This is particularly relevant as Bristol prepares to hold the title of European Green Capital in 2015 and the WECC is a great way for businesses, NGOs and public sector organisations to get involved. For more information see



Community contributions Adam Powell, Head of Enterprise & Local Partnerships recently met with Jacob Rees-Mogg, Conservative MP for North East Somerset.

The meeting which was held in Radstock covered a

number of issues from economic development, planning and local authority core strategy to education, employment and skills.

Pic: Adam Powell with Jacob Rees-Mogg MP.

When discussing economic growth, Adam highlighted the work the University was doing with local businesses, particularly SMEs, across Bath and North East Somerset. Many of Bath Spa’s national and international activities have been supported by local and hyper-local activities across Mr Rees-Mogg’s constituency. Also discussed was the role of higher-level skills in contributing to economic growth and the range of initiatives currently being developed to bring together students, graduates and local employers.

Regarding education, Adam highlighted the significant partnerships the University has with over 170 schools across the West of England and how we are equipping today’s teachers with the highest quality training in teaching and learning, whilst responding positively to the rapidly changing teacher training landscape. With nearly 2,500 Bath Spa Teachers emerging from the University over the last five years, the impact the University is making on the regional education sector is huge. Adam also drew attention to the work the University is doing to support young people across the North East Somerset region, an area with several pockets of low progression to further and higher education. Through a sustained programme of mentoring and tutoring, coupled with an extensive range of activities designed to build young people’s confidence and raise both their aspirations and academic attainment, the University positively impacts the lives of over 5,000 young people in this way each year.











We Are Three Our Graphic Communication students took their graduate show to Hackney Downs Studios in London this year. As well as displaying their work, the show featured discussion and collaboration events. In the words of the students: “Collaboration is a key factor in the practices of many designers, from working together on projects or forming collectives and studios, to those joining forces with other agencies or foundries to create projects that push boundaries to another level. Collaboration is an area of design which is vital to the development of our profession.� The images are a selection of some of the work that was exhibited.



what’s on Pedare 2013 conference Thurs 12 Sept, Falmouth University The theme of this conference will be on the impact of the changing Higher Education environment on current practice in arts-based subjects. Tickets (including lunch and refreshments): £150.

An Evening of Georgian Pleasures Fri 13 Sept, 7:00pm, The Holburne Museum Gardens Step back in time for a very special evening of authentic Georgian entertainment. For one night only, the gardens of the Holburne Museum will be alive with all the delights that made this the place to see and be seen in Georgian Bath. Tickets: Full price £12, Concessions £10.



REACT Future Documentary Sandbox The University is one of six collaborative teams awarded £50,000 to bring storytelling, design and technology together to innovate and inspire audiences.

The REACT Future Documentary Sandbox is a na-

tionwide programme to explore the theme of Future Documentary and encourages new forms of storytelling exploring the documentary format, arts and humanities research and digital technologies.

Future Documentary is the third theme explored by the REACT programme, which is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council following sandboxes addressing Books & Print and Heritage over the last two years.

The successful projects will explore new ways of interacting with documentary media, taking advantage of the creative possibilities opened up by interactive platforms and new technologies. They will examine how participation and online collaboration may influence editorial control and authenticity, and adapt techniques of data mining to turn information into stories.

REACT Executive Producer Clare Reddington said: “We are hugely excited about the REACT Future Documentary Sandbox and the different approaches to the theme that the projects have taken. There is so much creative potential for experimentation in the documentary format, which was reflected by the high quality of applications we received.

The projects will be developed over the course of three months beginning this autumn, with regular project testing at Watershed’s Pervasive Media Studio. The production phase will culminate with each project team developing a working prototype which will be presented at a public showcase.

“The six projects that were finally chosen showed real insight about how digital technologies and storytelling can work together to create something inspiring and new as well as collaborative, accessible and inclusive.” The selected commission which Bath Spa is involved with is being led by Professor of Music, Amanda Bayley.



Historical research Professor of History, Iftikhar Malik has been involved in a number of research seminars and workshops over the last month. Punjab Research Group (PRG) Seminar RG is a group of academics and analysts, formed in 1984, which focuses on Punjab. It is devoted to the study of history, religions, languages, politics, sociology, economies and literatures of the upper Indus Valley called Punjab that was divided between India and Pakistan in 1947. The group meets three times a year and in 1997 held its deliberations at Bath Spa. Professor Malik is planning a similar event next year to coincide with the thirtieth anniversary of the group. Along with four other academics, Iftikhar was a discussant on recent elections in Pakistan at a seminar held on the 29 June at Coventry University. Other panels included papers on Indian Punjab, Sikh Diaspora, early Indian Muslim history and a reading from a novel in making.


Workshop on the Gulf Professor Malik participated in a workshop on Asia and the Gulf, held on 1 July at the Middle East Centre of St. Antony’s College, Oxford. Papers by academics, former diplomats and generals focused on China, India, Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan and their on-going interface with the Gulf in view of the Arab Spring and recently held elections in Iran. This workshop preceded the annual conference on the Gulf at Cambridge. Annual Prothero Lecture and Reception Oxford’s Professor Chris Wickham delivered this year’s annual Prothero lecture, “Feudal Revolution and the Origins of the Italian City Communes’, at the University College, London. The lecture was held under the auspices of Royal Historical Society, based at UCL and purported to promote historical scholarship. The lecture was followed by the annual reception where special prizes for postgraduate research and recently published historical studies were announced.



Oak Tree Day Nursery receives award On Wednesday 12 June Emma Dixon, Nursery Manager and Kerry Edwards,

Deputy Nursery Manager attended a Celebration Evening held by BANES to receive the ‘Children and Young People’s Right’s Charter’ Gold award on behalf of Oak Tree Day Nursery. The award recognises the Nursery’s commitment to supporting all children to ensure their voice is heard by respecting their thoughts, ideas and opinions and by ensuring they are able to have their say. This has been achieved by delivering Forest School sessions for children which supports them to make decisions that are appropriate for their age, build their confidence and their self-esteem. Children help choose new resources and become involved in the recruitment of staff.

Pic: Emma and Kerry with the award

For more information about Oak Tree Day Nursery please contact Emma Dixon on 01225 875590 or at

Page to Stage Amanda Bayley, Kenneth Hamilton at Cardiff University and producer Sheila Hayman, will develop an app

that aims to demystify the world of classical music. The app will enable audiences to explore the invisible history and context of a live music performance by the world-leading Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment. By revealing what happens during the rehearsal process with carefully shot documentary videos with timed metadata tags, this app is aiming to engage more people with classical music without distracting from the beauty of the performance itself. To find out more about the programme and its 2013 commissions, please visit:






Three Fine Art graduates win at Free Range 2013 Three Fine Art graduates are celebrating success at the annual Free Range exhibition. Charlotte Cousins, Esme Eros and Nathan Little were selected by a panel of industry experts to receive three out of a possible five Emerging Art awards.

Free Range is the UK’s largest graduate art, design and fashion show, providing new creative graduates with the

opportunity to showcase their work on an international level. It attracts visitor numbers of over 100,000 and showcases the work of thousands of art and design students. Their prize includes: • A £100 bursary from Cass Art, • Automatic entry into the Signature Art Prize, • On-going editorial coverage and support from FAD, • Representation and mentoring from DegreeArt, who specialise in identifying and mentoring talented graduates, • The opportunity to exhibit their work at a DegreeArt show in 2014.



The award was set up by FAD, a multimedia online platform offering an eclectic mix of cool happening art stuff; Degree Art, one of the UK’s first online art gallery, and Cass Art, London’s leading independent art retailer offering the world’s finest art materials, to support ten young artists in the year following their graduation.



BSU: in the news Aminatta Forna

Professor Aminatta Forna was on BBC Radio 4 Saturday Review at the end of June.

She was joined by musician and presenter Cerys Matthews and critic David Benedict. They discussed the new stage production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Lowry and the Painting of Modern Life at Tate Britain, a new film directed by Sarah Polley called ‘Stories We Tell’, a documentary ‘The Act of Killing’ by Joshua Oppenheimer and a new novel by Jonathan Dee called ‘And A Thousand Pardons’.

Pic: Aminatta Forna

Kate Pullinger and Naomi Alderman

An article written by Professor Kate Pullinger about

Professor Naomi Alderman’s reading and Making day at the MIX2013 conference featured on the front page of Publishing Perspectives. The article discussed Professor Alderman’s expertise in app development and the independent games sector as well as her most recent novel The Liars’ Gospel. The full article is available to read here

One of the safest places to be!

Pic: Professor Kate Pullinger (left) and Professor Naomi Alderman

Bath Spa has been named among the safest universities in the country by the Independent Complete University

Guide. In the South West region, Bath Spa was found to be the third safest behind the Royal Agricultural College in first place and the University of Gloucestershire in second. The full table is available here



alumni news Finn Dean (BA Hons Graphic Design 2004) Finn has won the Book Illustration competition for his interpretation of Aldous Huxley’s dystopian novel, Brave New World. His award-winning illustrations, which focus on cityscapes and landscapes, recently featured in director Danny Boyle’s film Trance. Peter Snee (Fd Performing Arts 2007) is directing the UK tour of Houdini. The play will premiere at Stoke Repertory Theatre on 9 September before embarking on a five week tour of the UK and Ireland. Houdini is a sharply written, dramatic new play about two of the greatest performers the world has ever known - the Houdini Brothers: stuntmen, illusionists and magicians. Laura Kalbag (BA Hons Graphic Communication 2009) has won the ‘Brilliant Newcomer of the Year’ award at the prestigious .net Awards 2013. The award “honours the shooting stars in web design or development who have excelled in their given field over the last 12 months. There is no age restriction.” Emma Hooper (MA Creative Writing 2006) has signed a six-figure publishing deal with Fig Tree for her debut novel Etta and Otto and Russel and James. Emma is currently a research-lecturer in the commercial music department. She performs on viola, and as an author has published a number of short stories, non-fiction pieces, poetry and libretti. We are sure this is just the tip of the iceberg and that many more Bath Spa alumni have had press and success this month. To showcase the success stories of your alumni, please contact Ruth Russell



staff news Starters and Leavers

In July we welcomed‌ Robert Nicholas Jose, Professor of Creative Writing, School of Humanities and Cultural Industries Wendy Hanrahan, Senior Lecturer in Primary PGCE, School of Education Hugh Osborne, International Teaching Support, School of Society, Enterprise and Environment Ffion John, HR Administrator (Maternity Cover), Human Resources Marnie Whiting, Head of Development and Campaigns, Chancelry Adam Andrew, Network Engineer, Computing Services Cara Whitehouse, Student Housing Administrator, Student Services Jerry Fisheden, Research Fellow, School of Humanities and Cultural Industries We also said farewell to‌ Greg Mullin, Copy Shop Technician, Estates Jo Dahn, Senior Lecturer in Critical Studies in Art and Design, Bath School of Art and Design Laura Moss, Research Publications Librarian (Institutional Repository), Library and Information Services

Please let us know if you have any interesting news for the next issue by sending your stories to Deadline: Fri 13 September 2013. 54




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