news-optimist Regional
Serving the Battlefords since 1908

Thursday, OcTOber 3, 2024 | Published every Thursday

Sweetgrass F.N. to create the third urban reserve in Battlefords
By Cleo Ding Staff Reporter

The City of North Battleford and Sweetgrass First Nation signed an agreement to convert a portion of the city into urban reserve land last Friday afternoon, after working together for more than a decade.
This will be the third urban reserve in the Battlefords.
“I’ll be here for 14 years, if I tell you the whole story,” said Lorie Whitecalf, the chief of Sweetgrass F.N., at the long-awaited Urban Reserve Services Agreement signing ceremony in front of all band members present.
The land where the ceremony was held, located at the corner of Railway Avenue and the Highway 16 Bypass in North Battleford, was acquired by the late Sweetgrass Chief Wayne Standinghorn in 2010, followed by extensive environmental clean-up for years, according to the City media release.
Neil Sasakamoose, chief executive officer (CEO) of the Battlefords Agency Tribal Council (BATC), said the key to success was “being stubborn.”
Sasakamoose said the idea to purchase the land

came about when he drove past the now-closed Shell gas station in North Battleford, which was set to change hands, while with Wayne Standinghorn.
“You have to let these First Nations develop, and you just have to support them. They will build clean products here. They
will build and promote your regions. They will bring people here.
“The amount of market that First Nations have in these towns is underestimated,” he said.
Sasakamoose stressed that the economic participation of the First Nations businesses sustains the city
and the town’s development.
“It’s in every town we go there. We rent entire cities out, and people forget that really fast. But the hotels remember, the restaurants remember.”
Since the Treaty Land Development Agreement was signed with several Indian bands in 1992, Sweetgrass
received $6,638,656.96 to purchase 23,914.02 acres of land. To date, Sweetgrass First Nation has acquired 17,699 acres of land — 95 per cent of which is “cultivated prime land,” according to Garry Albert, Treaty Land Entitlement trustee with Sweetgrass FN.
Continued on page 2

Children and adults follow Alvin Baptiste to the Children’s Graves, accompanied by the sound of drumming and singing as he smudges
Sweetgrass F.N. to create the third urban reserve in Battlefords

Councillors Trina Albert, Donovan Arcand, Hazen Paskimin as they listen to the speakers.

City Mayor David Gillan and Sweetgrass First Nation Chief Lorie Whitecalf shook hands after the ceremony. “It’s exciting,” Whitecalf said. “That’s all I can say, and we get to be players. We just had changes in the leadership.” “Chief Lorie and I, we really wanted to have this done this week here in North Battleford. It’s a bit windy, but it’s not raining, so it’s a good day,” Gillan said. Photo by Cleo Ding

City Mayor David Gillan and Sweetgrass First Nation Chief Lorie Whitecalf signing the urban reserve agreement on Sept. 27 at the corner of Railway Avenue and the Highway 16 Bypass in North Battleford. “I’m the third mayor that worked on this project, Randy (Patrick), he’s the third city manager that’s worked on this project as well, and there have been another 18 councillors in the last 14 years,” acknowledged City Mayor David Gillan. Photos by Cleo Ding
Continued from page 1
A small portion of pastureland was acquired from retiring private farmers, Albert said, but acquiring Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration (PFRA) pastures from the province has been challenging because patrons are hesitant to sell.
The neighbouring Red Pheasant Cree Nation celebrated a new commercial retail development on their urban reserve in North Battleford just a year ago.
The chief of Red Pheasant Cree Nation and Tribal Chief representative for BATC, Cody Benson was present at the ceremony to provide moral support.
“We’ve been fighting the fight too, and we’re starting to get our stuff off the ground and moving. We’re always going to be here to help Sweetgrass
[Section 66 of the Act]
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that nominations of candidates for the office(s) of:
MAYOR: CITY OF NORTH BATTLEFORD No. to be elected – 1 member
COUNCILLOR: CITY OF NORTH BATTLEFORD No. to be elected – 6 members
will be received by the undersigned during regular business hours, from 8:30am-4:30pm at City Hall, commencing Wednesday, September 25, 2024 until Tuesday, October 8, 2024, and on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, from 9am-4pm Nomination Packages will be received by the undersigned no later than 4:00pm on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 (Nomination Day).
Returning Office, City Hall 1291-101st Street, North Battleford
City of North Battleford Website www cityofnb.ca/elections
Dated this 16th Day of September, 2024.
Stacey Hadley Retur ning Officer
“Because if they thrive, we thrive. If North Battleford thrives, we all thrive,” he said.
As companies begin to emphasize their Indigenous ownership and building economic independence on urban reserves, the City looks forward to working with dynamic First Nations communities.
“We have now a number of urban reserves in the City of North Battleford, and I’d like to think that they’re all thriving, and I expect that Sweetgrass will as well,” City Mayor David Gillan said.
Gillan said economic reconciliation is a big part in relationship-building and attracting talents to the community.
“As Senator Spyglass always says, yes, ‘we have to remember the past,’ but we live in the future and the present, not in the past,” he said.
Throughout the fouryears tenure, Gillan said the council has been working on the shared vision of inclusivity and that the next leader understands that.
“Everybody is watching. Everybody analyzes our community. They can
invest in many places (in the city).”
Over the 14 years carrying on Standinghorn’s vision, chief Whitecalf said she has worked with three different mayors and three different city managers and multiple lawyers, “… and (we) never gave up.”
“We are big players here (in the community), our population is strong,” Whitecalf added.
Whitecalf said last year has seen a record number of Gr. 12 graduates of 29.
“It will be a blooming place,” she said.
The agreement paper is now being submitted to the federal crown for final approval.
“There’s a table here, there’s a teepee there, there’s an eagle up there, and there’s people here and watch this place prosper, just like all these other First Nations,” Sasakamoose concluded.
Back in the audience seat sits Senator Jenny Spyglass with her food, who, at 83, still works as an elder at BATC, and speaking in a quiet voice.
“I was admiring that yellow vehicle over there. (It) reminds me of the old, oldage battle.”
“That eagle (soared the sky) must be Wayne Standinghorn that came and said: ‘Thank you for picking up the work.’”
New guild year with classes
Submitted by Corinne J. Nedelec Rivers’ Edge Quilters
On Sept. 6 we held our first meeting for the 24/25 guild year with 26 ladies in attendance, nice to see many ladies. Thanks to Diane and Irene C for their notes as I could not attend.
Irene G has planned some classes from September to December plus a retreat in November. Lots of interesting classes are coming up, flange binding, half square triangles, log cabin, placemats, crumb quilt, plus days of individual and comfort quilts.
We have 36 comfort quilts done, up along with 16 tops to be finished. There are also pillowcase and placemat kits made up and ready to be sewn together.
In January 2025 we will be having a quilt show at the Chapel Gallery. There will be a reception held along with a speaker and trunk show. There will be more details to follow when plans are finalized. There will surely be a lot of beautiful quilts and displays. Members will be there to answer questions about their quilts and designs. Heather will be our liaison with the Chapel Gallery

In September, Rivers’ Edge Quilters have 36 comfort quilts done, up along with 16 tops to be finished. There are also pillowcase and placemat kits made up and ready to be sewn together. Photo courtesy Corinne J. Nedelec
if you have any questions regarding the show direct them to her.
If you’re looking for more info about our guild and what we’re about: Contact Dorothy at 306-445-8717; Irene at 306-441-4191.
Better yet come to a meeting, the first Friday of the
month at 1:00 p.m. Come on a sewing day Monday, Thursday or Friday at the Don Ross centre door and down the stairs. Hope to see you there!
Our lives are like quilts–bits and pieces, joy and sorrow, stitches and love.
the City who chose this day (to hold the signing ceremony).We agreed. And so, (everything) worked out perfecty,” Chief Lorie Whitecalf said. From left to right, City Mayor David Gillan, Chief Lorie Whitecalf and Sweetgrass


Wisdom of Solomon Required
By Dr. R.H. Wood North Battleford
On Tuesday of last week I was yet again seduced by PR and curiosity into watching another late-night American talk show. This one starred our prime Minister. Less than five hundred thousand of us watched it on T.V. and half thought Justin quitted himself well. The other half simply wish that he would quit. Mr. Colbert started his program with an extended monologue of crudities and inuendo which I had trouble following. He introduced our P.M. as a teacher and amateur boxer and inquired why he

had foregone teaching to enter into politics, while noting that his father had been prime minister winning four not quite consecutive elections. Justin seized upon this opportunity to explain that his move was driven by ultraism and his belief that Canada needed him claiming that he is good at politics. The show probably increased public awareness of
him, but I doubt it improved his standing on either side of the border at this time. As I understand it no fees are exchanged either way for these programs which in my opinion can be degrading. On the other hand, Mr. Trudeau must feel that such appearances will improve his post parliamentary commercial and wisdom value. Attending or taking part in them speaks to me of a flaw in his personality.
More significantly the latest United Nations assembly has been taking place in New York. Mr. Trudeau in his address informed the few actually listening that

Canada is the best country in the world and that it is now further blessed with tooth care, childcare and school dinners to come. When I attended the local elementary school eighty years ago in rural Scotland, every morning we were given a third of a pint of milk often with ice in it during winter which made me sick immediately. When older I had to travel for further schooling by bus. Every day a sustaining lunch was provided–soup, ground beef (mince), mashed potato, shaved ham etc. The “Sago, rice and tapioca” anthem was born and is still remembered and sung.
The more influential and important world leaders, Mr. Netanyahu and Mr. Zelensky have also addressed the U.N. assembly. Each plead their case against unspeakable aggression with Mr. Netanyahu dating his problems back to Biblical times. Each are looking for financial and military aid and unanimous effective condemnation of their enemies. The days of innocence that we in the west have enjoyed after “the war to end all wars” are evaporating due in my mind to a defect in humanity – killing appears no longer anathema and sinful. Blind devastation and vengefulness are sure to

follow the deaths of Hezbollah leaders.
While the wisdom of Biblical Solomon is needed in the Middle East, Mr. Trump, Mr. Putin’s “friend”, claims he would soon stop the Ukraine conflict. In this country polls indicate dissatisfaction. Prorogation would bring to an end inquiries, parliamentary procedures and the need to accede to Bloc demands. The inevitable election with or without Mr. Trudeau will probably result in a Liberal party wipeout. We need the wisdom of Solomon right here!
Gordon Brewerton: Senior Vice-President, Prairie Newspaper Group
Advertising Sales - Sales Manager: Candace Mack-Horton
Administration: Kylie Cooke • Elisha Parkinson
Reporter/Editor: Cleo Ding
Reporter: Sherri Solomko • Photographer: Averil Hall
Elaine Woloshyn, Eric Callbeck, Kathy Utri, John Bowyer, R. H. Wood
Mailroom - Manager: Melissa Pitkeathley
Scott Foster • Donna
• Anamarija Barna
New pharmacy system to reshape local hospital care

patients and the team,” MacCrimmon added. Photos by Cleo Ding.
By Cleo Ding Staff Reporter
A new pharmacy management system is changing how medications are given to patients in the Battlefords.
With the rollout of the drug dispensing machines, called Pyxis MedStations, healthcare workers can now provide faster and safer care.
Battlefords Union Hospital (BUH) is now one of the first hospitals in Saskatchewan to implement Pyxis med stations in every department. The Pyxis system allows nurses to access medications easily through a drug-dispensing machine, saving about three hours a day during busy shifts.
“This is the next step in
medication delivery,” said Sarah Lynds, manager of pharmacy services for the Northwest at the relaunch on the ground floor at BUH Sept. 18. “We knew that that was the direction we wanted to go in our facility, and it was just a matter of trying to figure out how many units we could get fully serviced with the Pyxis.”
The new system also increases patient safety. Each medication has a special barcode, ensuring the right drug is given to the right patient. The system keeps track of expiration dates and alerts staff when supplies are low, reducing the chances of mistakes.
In the Emergency Department, a new fridge monitors vaccine temperatures and
With more than a decade of municipal government experience and a deep commitment to serving the community, Kelli Hawtin has officially announced her candidacy for mayor. This decision comes after a wave of encouragement from residents who believe in her ability to lead and unite the city.
Hawtin is known for being approachable and open to hearing people’s concerns and ideas, ensuring that every voice in the community is heard.
Recently, Hawtin announced she would not run for mayor due to concerns about balancing her responsibilities. However, after
discussions with her family, along with the overwhelming support and encouragement from community members who recognize her dedication and strong track-record, she said she was compelled to step forward.
As a city councillor for over 10 years, Hawtin believes she has demonstrated the experience and leadership necessary to bring people together and guide the city toward new opportunities and growth.
“Having served this community for so long, I understand the importance of effective municipal governance,” Hawtin stated in a release. “My family, as a team, is ready to take on this responsibility, and I am looking forward to using my ex-

“One of the patients commented to me that they were surprised to see a pharmacist in their room, talking to them on the ward and working with patients directly,” MacCrimmon said.“I think our goal is to ensure that healthcare workers are present, providing patients with what they need, and this technology allows us to do that.”
saves time on paperwork, allowing nurses to focus more on caring for patients.
In only one year, the project raised $916,000 through donations, making it the largest fundraising campaign in the hospital foundation’s history.
“When we can enhance that healthcare or have those innovative technologies that can keep you here,” said Leanne Ducommun, executive director of Battlefords Healthcare Foundation. “Healthcare is not only through the Innovate innovation, but being close to home, I also feel that’s very important.”
Ducommun said the Foundation is “humbled and honoured” by the community support.
“We knew what we could do. We didn’t realize how quickly we could execute on it,” Ducommun said. “We were able to take a two-year project of fundraising, speed up that process and fundraising for a year, and then implement it down the road in less than six months.”
Saskatchewan Education Minister and Battlefords MLA Jeremy Cockrill was present at the relaunch ceremony, “(It’s) an opportunity for all of us, whether we live in the Battlefords or in the surrounding communities to get involved and continue to support the great work that the Foundation does, and our healthcare workers do as well.”
Lynds said the biggest complexity of the change in practice was “management.”
The Pyxis machines are now in every department, including pediatrics and chemotherapy, for all patients to have equal access to medications. More than 240 nurses and 20 pharmacy staff have been trained on the new system to make the transition smooth.
Pam MacCrimmon, a senior pharmacist at BUH with over 30 years of experience in pharmacy, said for eight months, her team built the machines from scratch before the big launch in June.
A staging area in the basement was being used to load medications into new machines. Four machines were set up for testing. Staff mem-
bers were trained in groups of five or six, with four groups coming in each day, according to MacCrimmon.
“We always struggle with staff shortages, so we can use technology to get some more off our team so that they can move on and do other tasks.”
MacCrimmon stressed the importance of safety in medications, she said, the new change will help reduce errors at work.
Ducommun said she is just happy that the major project is now fully integrated into every department in the hospital, which, is a big commitment.
“I think the success of this campaign shows that, this is what happens when you come together, great things happen.”
perience to address the issues we face, ensuring that our city continues to be a place where families, businesses, and individuals can thrive.”
In addition to her extensive experience in local government, Hawtin is a respected member of the business community, an active supporter of many non profit organizations, a dedicated mother of two, and a supportive wife.
Her campaign will focus on leveraging her diverse background to foster economic growth, create sustainable solutions, and enhance the
quality of life for all residents. Hawtin says her candidacy is rooted in her belief that effective leadership comes from listening, understanding, and working together. As mayor, she is committed to bringing her wealth of experience and passion for public service to build a stronger, more inclusive city.
“At this time we have had Kelli Hawtin successfully file her completed nomination papers for the position of Mayor,” wrote Deputy City Manager and City Clerk Stacey Hadley in an email.

Pam MacCrimmon, a senior pharmacist at Battlefords Union Hospital (BUH) with over 30 years of experience in pharmacy, walks us through how the newly-implemented Pyxis system works. “My favourite thing is working with
Local author Ronna May brings her book to North Battleford for kids
By Cleo Ding Staff Reporter
Author Ronna May made a heartfelt return to her hometown during Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECIP) Week, celebrated from Sept. 15-21 across Saskatchewan.
Invited to share her book, The Great Canoe Race, May was happy to connect with local families and learn early childhood development.
“It made me feel a lot of joy to be going back and to share this story with the City of North Battleford,” May said, adding that the community holds so many cherished memories for her.
Battlefords ECIP and the Early Years Family Resource Centre, hosted a Family Event at the Library Lecture Theatre Spet. 18. Families enjoyed hands-on activities, creating boats and playhouses from cardboard and loose parts.
“I wanted to read my story to the kids, but they were busy building and having fun,” May said. “It was wonderful to see families engaging and bonding through play.”
The Great Canoe Race reflects
May’s own childhood experiences, celebrating family gatherings and community spirit.
At the event, the ECIP provided signed copies of May’s book to attendees, emphasizing the role of storytelling in child development. “Books can ignite imagination and inspire creativity in young minds,” May noted.
Having worked in education for over 35 years, May recognized the value of such programming.
“These services are essential for children, especially those with special needs. They provide crucial support that shapes a child’s future,” she said.
“We are a voluntary program, where families often self-refer to access services for their children.
We are very honoured to support families during the early formative years that shape a child’s learning and development prior to entering school. We know early intervention has lasting impacts over a child’s entire lifespan,” wrote Colleen Sabraw in an email. Sabraw is the executive director at Battlefords Early Childhood Intervention Program.

“Take advantage of everything that is offered by the teachers and by the school and to just become immersed in the community and life in the town, and be happy,” said May to the school kids. With little hidden gems that feature real residents of North Battleford and the lake area where the race takes place, May hopes readers will enjoy exploring the hand-drawn illustrations. All the artwork was created using a collage technique, she said, beginning with a watercolour background, then adding cut-out figures and objects like cottages and boats, made from painted paper. Photo courtesy Ronna May.

TheRight Gear for Your Growth

Chamber of Commerce stops free COVID-19 test kit giveaways

Members of the North Star Hockey Club assist in a drive-through testing station, where residents could pull in, request COVID-19 test kits, and receive them directly from volunteers, ensuring a smooth and efficient distribution process. “North Stars came to help us on a couple of different days during the week when they had time off from practices. They would go out to the cars, ask how many people were in each household, return to get the test kits, and bring them back out,” said Linda Machniak, chief operating officer at Battlefords & District Chamber of Commerce. “The drive-through system worked really well for us.” Photo courtesy Linda Machniak.
By Cleo Ding Staff Reporter
The Battlefords Chamber of Commerce has stopped giving out free COVID-19 test kits, wrapping up the essential service that began during the pandemic. The last kits were distributed last week.
Linda Machniak, chief operating officer at Battlefords & District Chamber of Commerce, shared that the decision felt appropriate.
“The need for test kits has gone down,” Machniak said.
The chamber was one of the first places in the community to offer these kits and has provided thousands over the years.
“The national government and the provincial government recognize that the Chamber of Commerce network across Canada, has an office location in all the major communities, certainly in the country,” she explained.
“This was the network to that could be available to support communities.”
At the start of the pandemic, the Chamber used a drivethrough method to keep everyone safe, with volunteers from the North Star Hockey Club helping to distribute the kits.
However, Ottawa announced in May to stop supplying provinces and territories with free COVID-19
rapid tests to reduce spread and health-care costs, according to CBC News.
Machniak said the Chamber was informed earlier this year that no more shipments would be sent after February.
Currently, the federal government has about 70 million rapid tests available, but around 3.6 million of these have expired. More than three million tests have already been allocated to various provinces and territories.
The Chamber encourages everyone to stay healthy this fall and seek medical advice as needed. For more information on testing options, residents can check with local healthcare providers.
By Sherri Solomko Freelance Reporter
Through social media and their respective websites, the Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League (SJHL) and Battlefords North Stars announced on Sept. 25 that newly selected North Stars Head Coach and General Manager, Garry Childerhose, has stepped down from his position for personal reasons.
The releases stated, “The team said that out of respect for Childerhose, they will not
Local Author Ken Budd Shares Unique Journey with New Novels North Stars
Staff Reporter
be making any further statements at this time regarding the resignation.”
Childerhose had spent the last three seasons as an assistant coach for the North Stars before getting the head coaching job. During his time, he helped the team win a league championship and take a trip to the Centennial Cup. The North Stars said they thank Childerhose for his contributions over the past three seasons.
President of the North Stars, Kyle Kellgreen, in the
media release adds, “We are in the process and doing our best to get a head coach/GM in place as soon as we can. Until then, Owen Lamb is taking care of the day-to-day and we’re bringing in helpers. Martin Smith will be on the bench on Saturday and we’re going to be running as normal.”
The North Stars organization have assured fans that they will continue to provide further updates on who will be the next Head Coach and General Manager.
Sunshine Coast, BC – Ken Budd, an 80-year-old author from the Sunshine Coast, has recently published his first adult novels, No Killers and the upcoming No Cowards. His path to writing these books is quite unusual, reflecting a rich life filled with adventures.
Budd grew up in North Battleford and spent summers at Cochin Beach, experiences that inspired his earlier children’s books. A memorable event sparked his recent creativity: the night before a mountain lion appeared on his deck, he was proofreading No Killers, which features a cougar in the story.
No Killers follows Jedediah McKittrick, a young pilot drawn into World War II after the attack on Pearl Harbor. His story moves from Yakima, Washington, to Tofino, BC, exploring themes of family conflict and personal struggles during wartime. Budd depicted the complicated relationship between Jed and his son, Jake, who faced challenges during the Vietnam War.
After years of teaching and a break from publishing, Budd returned to his manuscript during the COVID-19 pandemic. Encour-

aged by his dentist, he revamped his story to highlight historical and personal conflicts. Both No Killers and No Cowards are available online and in local bookstores. Budd’s stories promise a captivating journey through history and personal struggle.

NorthBattleford Fire Chief’sMessage
Message fromFireChief Lindsay Holm– FirePrevention Week
Asweobserve FirePrevention Week 2024,from October 6thto12th,Iwanttoremind everyone about the life-saving importance of working smokealarms. This year’s theme, “Smokealarms: Make them work forYOU”,highlights howcriticalitistohavefunctioning smokedetectors in everyhome, as theyare your first line of defense in theevent of afire.
Here areafew essential tips to makesureyour smokealarms are readytoprotectyou and yourfamily:
•Install smokealarms in every sleeping area, outside each bedroom, and on every levelofyour home. This ensuresyou have full coverageincaseofanemergency.
•Testyour alarms monthly to ensure they’reworking. Asimple press of the test button can save lives.
• Replace batteriesatleastonce ayear,orsooner if your alarms use9-volt batteries andstart to chirp.
•Replace alarmsevery 10 years.Evenifyouralarm seems to work, sensors lose sensitivity over time.
• Knowthe sound of your alarms andensureeveryone in your household understands what to do when theyhear it—have an escapeplan and practice it regularly
Working smokealarms can reduce therisk of dying in ahome fire by nearly half. Let’sall taketime this weekto check our alarms and ensure theyare readytoprotect us when we need them most.
Firesafety starts with preparedness, and this small action could make all thedifference. Let’sworktogether to keep our families and communitiessafe.

Lindsay Holm Fire Chief

Pleasecomeinand dine at theFireHall or place an order forDelivery.
Fire Fighterswill deliver Pre-ordersmade by 9:30 a.m. on October 9th, 2024
PleaseCall306-481-6101 to placeyour order fordelivery. Deliverieswill be made between 11 am and 1pm. foronly $5.00 per plate
•Sobeys •Boyes Group K&K Glass •Sigstads
* NorthBattlefordFireDepartment• EternalMemories


By thepowersvestedinme, I, David Gillan, Mayor of the City of North Battleford, do hereby proclaim October6th -12th,2024 as Fire PreventionWeek in theCity of North Battleford.
DavidGillan, Mayor

Local Fire Fighters Save News-Optimist

Thursday, March7,2024 •5:15p.m.
The City of North Battleford, Town of North Battlefordand theRMofNorth Battleford attendedto afire at 832-104thStreet that wasnomorethan 3feet away from ourbuilding. Thefire wasnot declared stoppeduntil 6:17 p.m. thenext day.
Allofusfromthe Regional News Optimist areextremely grateful to you for saving ourbuildingand ournewspaper

Walk at the Ridge, time to reflect on residential school trauma

By Angela Brown SaskToday.ca
The sound of the beating drum guided supporters walking in their sun-dappled orange shirts at The Ridge, south of Battleford, on Monday.
It was all part of the events to mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. The day honours the children who never returned home and survivors of residential schools.
Sunchild Law hosted the activities at The Ridge, the land that’s now owned by Mosquito, Grizzly Bear’s Head, Lean Man First Nation.
Eleanore Sunchild, owner of Sunchild Law, spoke to the many people who gathered to take part in the
ceremonial walk to the Battleford Industrial School Cemetery, where at least 74 children who attended the school, which operated from 1883 to 1914, are buried.
“We started doing this walk many years ago, even before there was an Orange Shirt Day,” she said.
Orange Shirt Day commemorates the time in Canada’s history when Indigenous children were taken away from their homes to residential schools. It was started by Phyllis Webstad, from B.C., who went to St. Joseph’s Mission residential school as a child. She recalled how her special orange shirt that was given to her by her grandmother was taken away from her on her first day at residential school. So, Orange Shirt Day was started to
recognize her story.
“They put her in a uniform and cut her hair, and she never forgot about that orange shirt,” said Sunchild. “She decided to dedicate a day to residential school survivors, and she called it ‘Orange Shirt Day.’”
Sunchild said the impact from residential school can be seen today, through inter-generational trauma experienced by children of residential school survivors.
those who can’t help themselves, who are so traumatized that they don’t see the way out. Understanding and compassion. That’s what a lot of the families of survivors require, because it’s really hard to talk about what happened in those schools.”
Sunchild said she sees hope for the future as more people come out to participate in the walk at The Ridge each year.
never made it home.
“Her parents were never notified of her death,” he said. “Today her remains are buried over at the cemetery.”
Baptiste noted there is a significant amount of systemic racism in society to deal with.
“It’s everywhere,” he said.

“We see them in the Battlefords a lot, because there is a big Indigenous population here, of people who went to Indian residential school,” Sunchild said. “There were so many abuses in the schools, and that affected the whole family. It’s a nation-wide issue what happened in the residential schools. We see the impacts in the number of children in foster care, the addictions... All of these things can be traced back to the [residential] schools. And the high number of missing and murdered Indigenous women, and the over-representation of Indigenous people incarcerated in jails, [and in] a poverty. All of that, it goes back to the schools.”
She noted that the last Indian residential school closed in 1997, so the history is not that long ago.
Sunchild hopes that education is one way to help respond to the impact from residential schools today.
“Education is the key, the start,” she said. “And compassion, helping
“I see hope because on this day it’s a national holiday,” she said. “I see hope because people are actually talking about what happened in the schools, are beginning to understand what happened in the schools relates to what you see today.... Keep that in mind, and open your heart.”
Statue vandalized
Young elder Alvin Baptiste spoke about the beautiful statue by artist Lionel Peyachew that is now on display at Central Park in North Battleford. The piece, entitled “Annie Peyachew,” pays homage to the young girl who is among those children buried at the Battleford Industrial School Cemetery.
“We’ve been working on this project for eight years,” he said.
“We wanted to do something to commemorate the survivors of the residential schools. We wanted to put up something that is going to last over decades. So, we came up with the idea to erect a statue.” Baptiste noted that Peyachew
“We’re going to build a good future for our children,” Baptiste added .”Our children learn from home... We have to start from the homes and start educating our children about racism, and not really knowing who we are as First Nations people.”
Baptiste bemoaned that the new statue was vandalized the day after it was unveiled Friday. Black marker was drawn onto its face by someone. Fortunately, it was possible to remove the stain using hand sanitizer, and the sculpture has since been returned to its original state.
“I felt sad about it because we worked so hard to get this project going,” said Baptiste. “Then, somebody went over there and vandalized it like that.”
He said fortunately the statue has been restored.
“We’ll keep fighting to make a better future for our children in North Battleford and the Battlefords region here. I’m looking forward to each and every one of you to coming to check out that really awesome statue,” Baptiste said. “It’s a beautiful statue.”
A little girl wearing her orange shirt and ribbon dress walks through the grass of the former Residential School grounds, a poignant reminder that such expressions of culture were once forbidden.
Chief Tanya Stone of the Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man First Nation highlights the services provided by The Ridge. The community also offered orange shirts to those in need.
A sea of orange fills the area as people come together to learn about the history of residential schools and how the Ridge initiative evolved into a reality. Photos by Averil Hall, Freelance Photographer.
Attendees in their orange shirts gather around the remnants of the Battleford Residential School, where only the smokestack remains. This site was previously known as the Indian Industrial School.
Eleanore Sunchild from Eleanore Sunchild Law opened the event by sharing the history of residential schools and the origins of the Orange Shirt campaign. She spoke about how the walk has grown over the years.
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Phone: 306-445-6226

-CanadianChamber of Commerce

Quickinsightstohelp your businesssucceed
The Canadian economyisstartingtoresemblealayer cake ofcrises— affordability, productivity, housing,supplychains, labourdisruptions andmoreall stacked on topofeach other.But thereare ways to address these challengesthatwould costlittleornothing to implement
HouseofCommons sitting days startedagain on September16, whichmeans thegover nmentwill turn itsattentionback to gover ning.When it does,wethink thefollowing 10 economic measures (asrecommended in ourpre-budgetsubmission to theHouse of Commons Standing CommitteeonFinance in August) should be key areas of focus:
1. Review allgover nment spending. Agovernment-widereview to identify outdated or inefficient programming wherefundingcan be reduced wouldsavetaxpayersmoneywithout compromisingthe deliveryofpriorityservices.
2. Stop raisingtaxes. Usingnew corporatetaxes to fund tax-and-spendpoliciesdetersbusiness investment and can even negativelyaffect our vitaltrading partnerships,ultimatelycausing priceincreases and feweropportunities forCanadians. With amanageabletax burden, businesses will have more moneytoreinvest in growingthe business so they can betterserve theircustomers
3. Review Canada’stax system. Ourcomplex taxsystemchasesawaybusiness innovationand investment.First,it makes it hardfor businesses to be successfulsince they have to allocatealot of administrative resources towards ensuringthey’re paying theright amount of tax. Second, it detersforeign investment since other companies will go to countrieswith more favourabletax environments instead.Canada needs asimple, fair andprincipled taxsystem that worksinthe best interestsofCanadians and businesses.
4. Moder nize Canada’sregulatory framework Overlapping, overcomplicated and outdated regulationsare making it hard forbusinesses to do businessinCanada. Modernizingour regulatory framework wouldstreamlinetrade, incentivizeinnovation, lowerbusinesscosts,and improveour competitivenessinthe globaleconomy.
5. Reduce internal trade barriers. Speaking oftrade,the federal gover nment needstohelpcreatefreer tradewithin Canada.Currently,variousobstacles includinginterprovincial regulatory differences arepreventingthe streamlined flowofgoods and servicesacrossCanada. Buttheseobstaclescan be scrappedatlittlecost,resultinginlower prices, greater choice forconsumers and improved mobility forworkers
6. Allowthe reinvestmentofcapital gainsfor newhousingdevelopments. In Canada,housing developers absorb thecostoftaxesduringproduction, onlyrecovering theirlossesoncethe project is complete. Since projectscan take years, that leaves limited capital forinvestment andevenresults in higherhomeprices.Allowing thereinvestment of capitalgains wouldput Canadian developers on equal footingwiththoseinthe United States,encouraging them to keeptheir investments and business here.
7. Protectcrucial supply chains. Canada is atrading country —for thesake of oureconomy and ourCanadianand international customers,our goods need to make it to andfrommarket. Butin2023, Canada lost more hoursworked to strikes than in thepast 18 years! Government needsthe toolstocompelbinding arbitration(usinga neutralthird partytodeliver adecision)for theresolutionoflabour disputes in sectorsthat arecritical to Canada’ssupplychains, likerailways andports
8. Expedite credentialrecognition. Almost every industry in Canada is experiencing alabour shortage,yet many newcomersare unabletoimmediatelyuse theircredentials,educationorskills upon arrival.Mutual credential recognition across Canada will letqualified workersand newcomerscontributewherever they areneeded
9. Stimulateinnovationand productivitywithtargeted taxcredits Investment taxcredits —givingbusinesses a lowertax rate on certain typesofresearch and development and intellectual propertyincome— can reduce thecost of innovation, encouraging businesses to expand and moder nize theiroperations. These taxcredits should focuson industries that have thepotentialtodrive growth in our economyand increase our productivity,such as agriculture, manufacturingand natural resources

UpcomingElection Coveragefor bothprovincial and municipal elections.Watch on ourwebsite forinformation www.battlefordschamber.com
SmallBusiness Week
October 20th, to 26th, 2024 visitusatTerritorial Place (Co-op Mall) on Thursday, October 24th, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Check outthe new LocalLinkInformation Kiosk and more

30thBBEX Awards Gala Thursday,November 7th, 2024 Alex Dillabough Centre,Battleford

10. Encourage investment in artificialintelligence. By betterleveragingthe potentialofAI, businessescan increase theirproductivityand help Canada competeand prosper. However, that will require having legislationthatencourages rather than discourages investment.Without amendments,Canada’sproposed AI legislation(Part 3ofBill C-27, known as AIDA)does notprovide enough certainty and clarityarounddefinitions,applications and criminal liability, making it difficultand even riskyfor businesses to integrate this transformationtechnology into theiroperations. It’stimegover nmentadoptspoliciesthat prioritize oureconomicfuture. By implementing policymeasures that cost little to nothing andhelpbusinesses thrive,gover nmentcan generatewealth,helpour economyget back on track and createa prosperousfuturefor Canadians across thecountry Twin City Dental Clinic 1092

SmallBusinessWeek –October20th, to 26th, 2024
-brought to youbyBDC
Didyou know that smalland medium-sized businesses make up 48% of Canada’s gross domestic product?
Here aresomeother interesting factoidsabout small businessesinCanada.
-98% of businesseshave less than 100employees
-43% of exportsare attributable to small and medium-sized businesses(SME’s)
-63.8% of privatesectorjobs areinanSME
-3,927 new businesses were created each year on averagebetween 2016 and 2020
-6 in 10 Canadians in theprivate sector work in an SME -Women lead/co-lead athird of thecountry’s SME’s
-20% of allsmall and medium-sized businesses in Canada arefound on thePrairies.

During SmallBusiness Week be sure to stop by your localstores, favouriteboutique or perhapsvisit anew businessinthe community.Helpthem staystrong and vibrant to make theBattlefords thebest it can be!


and their children: Kara (John) Cr istin; Sisters Janet (Jim) and her daughters: Tiffany and Apr il (Br yan); Judy; Mar y Lou and her daughters: Jennifer and Amy (Drew); Brothers-in-law Tom and children: Aime (Br yan)

George Burgess
Thomas HWyatt
VioletDShumlich Battleford
David Bunnell
Donna Hickson
Lana Hickson

th Battleford
th Battleford
Char lotte Lahti Nor th Battleford
Walter T. Nelson
Al Gotto
Jacquelyne Byers.
th Battleford
David W. Shur y. Battleford
Dean M. Williams

Heck announce his sudden passing on September 10, 2024 at the age of 76 Left to cher ish Don's memor y are his loving wife, Carol; sons Jeff (Tr ina) and their son Zach; Todd (Theresa) and their children: Ashley and Keatan His brother Greg (Donna)

SLOAN: Lawrence Sloan passed away at Riverside Health Complex Tur tleford Saskatchewan on September 21, 2024 at the age of 88 years Lawrence is sur vived by: his loving wife, Fay; son, Rick (Sewaa) Sloan; grandchildren, Austin and Kwame; siblings Delores Mackay (Don), Dorothy Br uynooghe (Paul), Ella Mae Millard (Ver n); and numerous nieces, nephews, extended family and fr iends Lawrence Sloan is predeceased by: his parents, Raymond and Myr tle Sloan; son, Tod Sloan; siblings, Doreen Heiber t (Jake), Larr y Sloan (Elaine) and Neil Sloan (Rita); The Celebration of Life for Lawrence will be conducted from the Glaslyn Communit y Hall Glaslyn, Saskatchewan on Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 11:00 AM Donations in memor y of Lawrence may be made to Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame McCaw Funeral Ser vice Ltd , of Lloydminster, Alber ta administered the funeral arrangements
Coins, Coin Collection, Old Jewelry,

Cash paid for silver coins, gold coins, rare coins, old coins &
Battlefords Minor Hockey Association will be hosting their Fall Annual Financial & Coaches Meeting on Wednesday October 9th at 6:30 pm
Fall Annual General Meeting is to approve the 2023-2024 audited Financials.
Proposed Constitutional changes can be viewed on battlefordsminorhockey.ca

I am currently PURCHASING single to large blocks of land.
Saskatchewan born and raised, I know farming and farmland and can help you every step of the way. Doug Rue, for further information 306-716-2671

Do youprefera casual /fun atmosphere?
Do youenjoy varietyinyourjob?
Areyou creative?
Do youworkwellunder deadlines?
We arelooking fora person that hasa crea tive flair andis detail oriented.Great communica tion skills andsomesales/ customerser vice experience is an asset. If this sounds like you, pleasesendyou resume to: cmhorton@glaciermedia.ca by October24th, 2024. We thankinadvance alla pplicants fortheir interest, ho weveronlythose candida tesunderconsidera tion will be contacted.
Expected hours: No less than 32 hoursper week with some flexibility.
Full benefits

The R.M. of Cut Knife No. 439 & Atton’s Lake Regional Park Authority
Are accepting applications for a permanent part time office/administrative assistant. Hours are expected to be 20 -25/week, although additional time may be required occasionally Scheduling can be flexible to an extent
The successful applicant will undertake various duties for both the R.M of Cut Knife & the Park Authority
Previous office experience will be an asset to placement with preference given to applicants that have a strong grasp of the English language both verbal and written. Familiarity with web related projects and applications, Microsoft Office, accounts payable, payroll and general office duties as well as the ability to take on unexpected tasks as necessar y will be considered beneficial Health & de ntal benefi ts packa ge and pensio n plan are av ailable.
Only those applicants to be inter viewed will be contacted. Apply by resume with cover letter to the attention of:
The R.M. of Cut Knife No.439 P.O. Box 70, Cut Knife, SK S0M 0N0 114 Broad Street Cut Knife, SK Email: rm439@sasktel.net
Ap plica tions will rema in ope n onl y unt il th e p la ce ment is fulfilled.

Motor scrapers, dozers, excavators, rock trucks, packers; wide range of machines.
Lots of work all season. Camp/R & B provided. Competitive wages. Valid drivers license req’d. Send resume and work references to: Bryden Construction and Transport Co. Inc. Box 100, Arborfield, SK S0E 0A0; Fax: 306-769-8844 Email: brydenconstruct@xplor net.ca www brydenconstructionandtransport.ca

Upcoming LiveonSite Auction:
October5/24@ 10:00 am Annual ConsignmentSale Medstead CommunityHall Medstead Sk 20&40ftSeacan StorageUnits,Shop, Tools, Farm Equipment, Recreational, Yard,Household, Vintage, Coins& Currency
Terms of payment; InteractDebit,Cash, or Cheque withID. Boechler-Schira Auctioneeringdoes not chargebuyers fee on items sold at our sales
ourwebsiteand Facebook for sale details Call Kelly

IntegrityPost FrameBuildings
SINCE2008 Built with ConcretePosts Barns, Shops, Riding Arenas, MachineSheds and More sales@Integritybuilt.com 1-866-974-7678 www.integritybuilt.com

TAKE NOTICE that the City of North Battleford intendstoberegistered as owner under the above Act of the land described at the foot of this document.
The Municipality claims title to thelandbyvirtue ofaninterest basedonthe TaxLienregistered against theexistingtitle to the land inthe Land Titles Registry as Interest Number 197551727 and you arerequiredto TAKE NOTICE that unless you contest the claim of theMunicipality or redeem the land pursuant to theprovisions of the above Act within six months from the serviceofthis notice on youand, subject tothe further provisions of The TaxEnforcement Act, atitle will be issued to theapplicant andyou willthereafterbeforeverestopped anddebarred from setting up any claimto, orinrespect of,the land.
The amount required to redeemthe landmay be ascertained on applicationtothe Clerk, Treasurer or Administrator of theMunicipality.
Dated this 30 day of July,2024. seal


Pena, Administrator
Arin Abbott, DevonAbbott &CherylGrey Name of Assessed Owner
Notice of Call for Nominations
Rural Municipality of Battle River #438
Public Notice is hereby given, that nomination of candidates for the offices of:
Reeve and Councilors for Divisions 1, 3 and 5, (4-year terms) will be received by the undersigned at the municipal office during regular office hours until Wednesday, October 9th, 2024, at 4:00 pm local time.
Nomination forms may be obtained from the RM office in Battleford.
Dated this 24th Day of September 2024.
Aspen Johnson/Returning Officer

No statues, lighting or other ornamentation is permitted on or around grave sites. Flowers are permitted provided they are in holders or vases permanently secured to the base of a memorial. All flowers and any other items are to be removed by October 15th, 2024. Any remaining flowers or items will be removed by Town staff after this date for winter maintenance and vases turned down to avoid damage in winter

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ELECTION, 2015 FORM H [Section 66 of the Act]
Notice of Call for Nominations
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Rural Municipality of Hillsdale No. 440 calls for nomina tions of candida tes for the offices of: Reeve
Councillor for Division 1
Councillor for Division 3
Councillor for Division 5
Nomina tion forms will be received by the undersi gned on We dnesday, October 9, 20 24 fro m 9: 00 a. m. to 4: 00 p. m. at th e Municipa l Office , lo ca te d at 39 Ce ntr e Street, Neilb urg, SK and duri ng regul ar business hours from We dnesday, September 18 , 2024 to Tu esday October 8, 20 24 at the Municipal Office. Nomination forms may be obtained at the Municipal Office or online at www.rmofhillsdale.com.
Dated this 18th day of September, 2024.

(Returning Officer or Nomination Officer) Officer or
Box 280 • 39 Centre Street • Nellburg, SK SOM 2CO P: 306-823-4321 • F: 306-823-4477 • rm440@sasktel.net

Pursuant to Section 53 of the Municipalities Act, public notice is hereby given that the RM of Mervin No 499 intends to acquire lands to restructure our boundar ies by adding the following lands from the RM of Parkdale No 498 to the RM of Mervin No 499.
The land to be added to the RM of Mervin No 499 is Road Plan 97B06550 (Known as Lakeview Dr ive or the Sunset View Beach Access Road)
The Reasons for the proposal are:
- To provide better road maintenance to the ratepayers of the Organized Hamlet
A public hear ing will be held on October 22, 2024 in the RM of Mervin No 499 Council Chambers at 11:00 am to discuss the proposal
Any persons who wish to object to the proposed restructur ing may file a wr itten objection, stating clear ly the reason for their opposition, with the administrator of the RM of Mervin No 499 at the address below:
RM of Mervin No 499 Box 130 Turtleford, SK S0M 2Y0
A wr itten notice of objection must be received by the Administrator by October 18, 2024 at 4:30 pm
The complete proposal may be viewed at the Office of the RM of Mervin No 499 bet ween 9:00 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Fr iday
Dated at the Town of Turtleford, Saskatchewan, this 24th of September, 2024.
Chief Administrative Officer
RM of Mervin No 499

Zoning Bylaw Amendment
Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Resort Village of Aquadeo (RV) intends to adopt a bylaw under The Planning and Development Act, 2007, to amend Bylaw No 19/89, known as the Zoning Bylaw (ZB) Previous public hearings for the proposed amendment were held June 21, 2024, and August 16, 2024. Council has elected to revise the proposed amendment and is holding a third public hearing respecting the proposed revisions only INTENT: The proposed amendment would introduce shipping containers as an allowable use for landowner storage in the RV Within the R1 – Residential District, a single shipping container would be a temporar y use item, unless located on sites 2 ac or greater, where they may be permanent and a principal use. Shipping containers would be prohibited in the R2 – Residential District Up to 4 shipping containers would be allowable in any other District In all instances, shipping containers would be a discretionar y matter of Council and would be regulated and evaluated based on the relevant content in the ZB Following a recent amendment to the ZB pertaining to retaining walls, Council is also revising the proposed amendment to allow for the potential of retaining walls on otherwise vacant sites as a discretionar y matter.
AFFECTED LAND: All lands within the RV would be affected, except for any lands zoned R2, which are unaffected
REASON: The RV Council is considering a regulatory and evaluation system for the placement of temporar y and permanent shipping containers in the RV; shipping containers are currently not provided for in the ZB The amendment stems from interest received by the RV to accommodate shipping containers as they are growing in popularity for use as secure storage. In considering their use and placement, Council is proposing regulation and unit-specific evaluation to manage the potential for land use conflict. Potential allowance of retaining walls on vacant sites is being pursued such that a retaining wall could be installed where determined by a certified professional that it would stabilize the slope on the site or within adjacent lands
PUBLIC INSPECTION: Any person may inspect the bylaw at the RV office between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Wednesday through Friday, excluding statutor y holidays. Copies will be available to the public at a cost or by emailing the RV administrator and asking for a copy The office can also be reached at (306) 386-2942. A digital copy of the draft amendment is available at the following web address: https://aquadeo.net/public-notices-%26-info
PU BL IC HE ARI NG : Co unc il wi ll ho ld a publ ic he ar in g on Oc to be r 25, 20 24, at 10:00 AM, in the RV Office. Written submissions and requests for verbal representa tion must be received by October 24, 2024. This public hearing is only intended to address the proposed revisions to the amendment. For additional information, please contact (306) 386-2942 or aquadeoadmin@gmail.com. Written submissions can be mailed to Box 501, Cochin, SK, S0M 0L0, or emailed to the address above. Issued by the Resort Village of Aquadeo this 26th day of September, 2024. Alexandria Bernier Chief Administrative Officer – Resort Village of Aquadeo

Horse-drawn rides and vintage tractor displays: Threshermen held their Threshing Day
By Lorraine Olinyk Correspondent
The Borden Friendship Club held their monthly supper on Sept. 26 in the Borden Community Centre with 40 out to enjoy a variety of delicious potluck dishes. The walls of the hall were decorated with large coloured leaves and threshing photos and the tables had potted ornamental peppers set on gold and fall coloured serviettes along with a mini jar of wheat and wheat sheaf. After a great meal, Happy Birthday was sung to Bev Hrynuik and Jackie Meister then Ed Neufeld told a few jokes and introduced Terry Pugh who was to entertain. Terry played guitar and harmonica for some songs and the accordion for others. Some of the tunes were: Choices,
Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain, Proud to Be an Oakie, Home on the Range, You Are My Sunshine, some instrumental playing Harmonica and guitar then later accordion, sang a few gospel songs such as Amazing Grace, Take it to The Lord in Prayer and others, telling the story of how he got his guitar signed by Dusty Rogers, then he closed with Happy Trails to You. The Friendship Club will hold their next potluck supper on Nov. 1 at 5:45 p.m. in the Community Centre and their business meeting will be Oct. 9 at 2 p.m.
On a beautiful fall day on Sept. 28, the Borden Threshermen held their Threshing Day at the site two miles north of Borden. Horseback riders led you to a parking spot then teams of
Continued on page 19

Worship Together

September birthdays in Borden. Bev Hrynuik and Jackie Meister. Photo by Lorraine Olinyk
Threshermen held their Threshing Day

Continued from page 19 horses hitched to people carriers and transported you to the grounds. The ladies at the signing booth reported over 410 had signed with probably another 50+ that hadn’t signed. The McCheane-Wake Cook car sold borsch, veggie soup, bread and jam along with beverages, Donna Barth had her petting zoo with poultry, rabbits, goats, sheep and a pony, and a stationary engine was set up and when running was pumping water. The parade started shortly after noon with flag bearers Melinda and Krissy on horseback followed by a dozen adults and children on horseback then Greg Malinkowski of Vanscoy with his black team of Percheron x 1/4 horse team pulling a people carrier, Amanda Van Dekerchofe of Vanscoy and

her team of Clydesdales hitched to a people carrier and Kevin Oulette of Kenaston with his team of black 1/4 horses pulling a wagon. Many vintage tractors came next – Aaron Wensley with his 1951 Farmall M pulling the MM Threshing Machine, Willard Wensley driving a 1938 McCormick Deering, Daryl Amey with a 1941 Farmall M pulling a feed cutter, Don Wensley driving a 1948 Minneapolis U, Casey Wensley and a 1953 International truck, Dalyn Matechuk and his 630 John Deere pulling a JD Clipper Combine, Russell Beaudoin driving a Seaman with a pulverizer attached, Mike Sutherland driving a 1945 Farmall H, then the Borden Lions Kiddie train which later was very busy all day giving rides. Next came Ed Neufeld driving his 1945

JD DR, then Ron Tumbach driving a JD D, Archie Wainwright and his 1952 Cockshutt 40, and Bishop Rod Andrews driving a 1952 JDR (the last 3 all owned by Archie). Ken Klimmer drove a 1951 Chevy 1/2 ton, Larry Shapansky with his 1956 Studebaker car and the Borden Fire and Rescue grassland truck and first responders vehicle. After lunch, there were demos with farrier Todd Bailey of Grandora building a horseshoe and then shoeing a horse, Ed Neufeld and Ruben Rempel did bindering, Ed Rawlyk ran the Farmall H to saw wood and later chopped corn stalks and sheaves, Greg Malinowski and his team did discing, Archie Wainwright demonstrated rope making from binder twine, then Aaron fired up his Farmall M and ran the MM
threshing machine while helpers managed to throw two racks full of sheaves into the machine and the grain went into a vintage wagon. After the threshing Dalyn Matechuk hitched his 630 JD tractor to the potato digging machine and with Cyril Saunders on the controls dug up the potatoes while spectators with bags gathered them up to take home. After the activities at the field wound down people travelled into Borden for a roast beef supper served by the Borden Museum. While waiting to get tickets people could visit the Borden Museum and then along with workers close to 260 were served a delicious supper with pie for dessert. The stage in the hall was beautifully decorated with sheaves, pumpkins, old cream cans, coffee pots and gourds, on the
tables were pots of ornamental peppers, coal oil lanterns, mini jars of wheat and mini wheat sheaves set on gold and fall-coloured serviettes. On the walls were many large coloured leaves and photos of earlier years of threshing days. The Museum and the Threshermen thank all those who came from many communities to attend Borden’s annual Threshing Day and hope to see you again on the last Saturday in September 2025.
Winning the 50/50 at the Borden Farmers’ Market on Sept. 27 was Gerry Penner of Borden. There are two markets left – Oct. 4 and 11 and the last one is Appreciation Day. The Christmas Market will be Saturday, Nov. 30 from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. in the Borden Community Centre so save the date.

Farrier Todd Bailey making horseshoe and shoeing horse at Threshing Days.
Photos by Lorraine Olinyk
A Farmall M tractor operates a straw cutter, chopping corn and sheaves during the Borden Threshermen’s Threshing Day event.
Threshing with Minneapolils thresher run by Aaron Wensley’s 1951 Farmall MD tractor–straw boss Daryl Amey on top.
Archie Wainwright rope maker with helpers Lorraine and Ed.