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City of NB CSOs target impaired driving during March 31 blitz

By Miguel Fenrich Staff Reporter

On the evening of March 31, Community Safety Officers and Battlefords Citizens on Patrol volunteers conducted joint patrols targeting impaired driving to encourage and support safe driving practices.


Equipped with approved screening devices (ASDs), North Battleford CSOs conducted nine tests for drivers suspected of impaired driving within city limits on March 31. Of the nine tests conducted, two drivers were found to have blood alcohol content readings that would not yield a ‘pass.’

One driver has been charged with impaired driving under the Criminal Code for having a blood alcohol content of .08 mg or higher. A second driver received a 60-day driver’s licence suspension with a blood alcohol content reading of between .04 and .08mg.

This range is considered a “warning” level, and for a first offence, it carries an immediate roadside licence suspension for both experienced drivers (3-day suspension) and new drivers (60-day suspension).

“Impaired driving is a serious issue everywhere, but particularly in Saskatchewan,” commented Lindsay Holm, director of protective services for the city.

“To have CSOs patrolling for such a short time and be able to detect that many drivers operating vehicles while impaired is alarming. I commend the officers for their efforts and thank Citizens on Patrol for their assistance as well.”

Impaired driving detection is one of several key areas of focus for the municipal force in 2023.

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