6 minute read

Phone: 306-445-6226
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P.O. Box 1000
The REAL Value of Joining a Chamber of Commerce
Linda Machniak, ACE, Chief Operating Officer
Working in a Chamber of Commerce office I can tell you with 100% certainty that there are very good reasons for businesses to join their local Chamber of Commerce. But, alas, I am biased, at least some would say so. So, let me give you some facts and figures that don’t come from me, they come from you, the consumers!
Over the years, I have read many studies on shopping locally, value of a chamber of commerce to a business community and a community as a whole, the pros and cons of joining, and many more, so it was intriguing when I saw a recent report on the “Real Value of Joining a Chamber of Commerce”. This report, though, showed the reasons it was important to you, the consumer, yes, you the residents
Firstly, for those that don’t know facts about a chamber of commerce, here we go. A chamber of commerce is made up of local and regional businesses and is financed in large part by membership dues. 95% of you said that. Fact.
92% of people said that a chamber of commerce functions as a storehouse of information on current business trends and public policies. Fact.
47% of people shared their belief that a chamber of commerce is a government agency, funded by municipal or some level of government. Myth. You get the picture.
Here are some fun figures: Consumers believe that a business who is active in their local chamber of commerce shows them that the business : a) uses good sound business practices - 67%, b) has a good reputation – 67%, c) 64% agree that it shows them the business cares more about their customers, and d) that it shows the business is involved in their community - 63%. The same study also showed that consumers were 80% more likely to increase their future patronage in a business who is a chamber of commerce member.
Consumers are also 73% more likely to be highly aware of a business if they are a member of a chamber, and 68% more likely to think positively of its local reputation.
So, as you are out and about shopping in the Battlefords region, be sure to look for their chamber of commerce membership plaque. Support those that are supporting you, your community and your home.
Businesses join a chamber of commerce for several different reasons. It is a good business strategy, as you can see in these numbers, but some join for reputation, some join because “it’s the right thing to do”, while others join for the networking and promotional opportunities, or to build their own personal networks. I could go on, but the value of a chamber of commerce to you the consumer should be the #1 reason.
Whatever the reason, thank you for validating their investment in not only the Battlefords & District Chamber of Commerce, but their investment in the Battlefords as a whole. We can’t do it without them, and they can’t do it without you! Keep shopping Battlefords!
Nominations Open
The 29th Battlefords Business Excellence (BBEX) Awards has now opened their nomination window. The public can nominate a business or a person in any of the open categories. Public nominations will run through midnight, May 25th, 2023.

Award categories include:
[1.] Heather Guthrie Customer Service Star Award (Owner/Enetrepreneur)

[2] Impact Award (Non-Profit, Not-for-Profit or Charity)
[3] Agriculture and Agri-Business Award
[4] New Business Venture Award
[5] Community Contribution Award
[6] Micro Business Award
[7] Young Entrepreneur Award (age 35 years or under on December 31, 2022)
[8] Members’ Choice Award
The BBEX Awards, now in their 29th edition, will celebrate a business community that has been so resilient and remains strong coming out of the pandemic, and they deserve to be acknowledged for their excellence is specific areas. From the open categories of awards, a “Business of the Year” award recipient is also selected by the jury.
Residents may go online to www.battlefordschamber.com and click the BBEX icon, as shown above, and proceed to the nomination process. As easy as a few clicks. There is a description of each award in the materials to make it easier to select a category for recognition.
The BBEX committee continues to work on the planning for a November 8th, 2023 gala celebration.
Businesses join the Chamber of Commerce for many reasons, but they all believe in the business community of the Battlefords. This group of new Chamber members are a broad representation across sectors, some are new businesses while others have had a change in ownership, and yet others join to offer/share the #1 employee benefits plan in Canada with their staff and families.

Local Members:
◆ Adora Diamonds
• 11422 Railway Avenue East, North Battleford
• 306-445-6868
◆ Fauchon Electric Ltd. Plumbing & Heating
• 131 – 22nd Street, Battleford
• 306-441-3566
◆ Pillar to Post Home Inspector
• P.O. Box 2404, Battleford
• 306-481-4681
◆ Norsasklaw

• Moved to a home-based business
• richard@norsasklaw.com
◆ FFUN Dodge North Battleford
• 3042 – 99th Street, North Battleford
• 306-445-6640
• New Owners (previously Scott Campbell Dodge)
The Battlefords & District Chamber of Commerce wishes to send our sincere thanks and best wishes on the retirement of Lyle Jones, of Jones Law Office, who has provided services and advice to the Chamber for many years. We appreciate you!
Calendar of Events:
Chamber on Tap:
Thursday, May 4th, 2023
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Blend - Riverside
1 Riverside Road, North Battleford
Guest: Michael Brennan
President & CEO, Great Western Brewery
Upcoming Chamber on Tap dates
-June 1st, 2023 at Discovery Co-op Café
Sponsored By: Get
9th Chamber Business Golf Challenge
By John Cairns SASKTODAY.ca
A proposal for a new splash park made its way to North Battleford city council Monday.
Rotary Club of the Battlefords is making the pitch for the splash park project, which would be in the Connaught School area.
Warren Williams of Rotary, along with former Mayor Wayne Ray, made the presentation to council. Williams said they had a mandate to “support the youth in our community,” and are hoping to partner with Living Sky School Division as well as the city on the project.
Williams pointed to Connaught School as a “great location” for the North Battleford splash park because of the large schoolyard as well as a playground and basketball court also nearby.
Williams said Rotary is committing to funding $200,000 to the project and said they will need three years to raise it, adding they were pretty sure they could raise it in two.
Their request of the city was a contribution of $100,000, which didn’t have to all be cash but could include services in kind. There is already an agreement in principle with Living Sky School Division for the use of the land. Williams said that their club president Randy Patrick had made a presentation on the project to Living Sky School Division.
City Director of Parks and Recreation Cheryl DeNeire indicated discussions have been preliminary, and nothing has been decided. But she did indicate administration had experience with splash parks.
Council members were enthusiastic about the proposed splash park.
“In principle, I will support this,” said Councillor Greg Lightfoot, who nevertheless said council needed more information before they can look at how they can partner on this.
Councillor Kelli Hawtin liked the Connaught location, noting that it also was the most highly attended community barbecue location when those were going.
“There’s no doubt that there is a desire in that area of our community to have things that pull them together,” said Hawtin.
Mayor David Gillan also supported the partnership with Living Sky, which he called “very well thought through. I think more of those partnerships should happen.”
The issue will come back at the next council meeting where a more formal motion of support is expected.

By Miguel Fenrich Staff Reporter
In the early afternoon of April 24, a fire broke out at a multi-family building on Mosquito Grizzly Bear’s Head Lean Man First Nation, 20 kilometres south of Battleford. This was the home for eight families — a total of 31 people, including children ranging from five months old to teenagers. No casualties were reported.

“All are safe ... Chief and Council are working to coordinate resources to support our families,” reads the release from MGBHLM First Nation.

Responding to the fire was immediate at approximately 12:30 p.m. However, the multi-plex was engulfed within minutes, and the building was destroyed.
An emergency meeting took place at 7 p.m. held at MGBHLM boardroom with Indigenous Services Canada, Red Cross, FSIN, BATC and MGBHLM Economic Development Corp.
“We thank all those who have reached out, na- tion to nation,” says MGBHLM.
The nation will be seeking shelter, clothes, food and household items for all eight families immediately, with Glenda Bird, the MGBHLM Community navigator, available at 306480-4130.
According to a BATC Facebook post, any and all donations for the families are appreciated and are to be dropped off at the Tropical Inn until Thursday, April 27, when a new location will be advised