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Sask. media members accept awards in Mexico
The Battlefords NewsOptimist’s editor, Jayne Foster, is among the new members of Glacier Media’s President’s Club. She was presented with the award recently in Mexico for her second role as editor of the 13-newsroom provincial website SASKTODAY.ca.
She earned her spot in the President’s Club based on year-on-year growth in digital viewership increase from 2021 to 2022. Foster had the largest viewership increase across Glacier Media’s Community Media Division.
As part of the President’s Club program, Foster earned a trip for two to Mexico this month.
In presenting the award, Community Media Division President Peter Kvarnstrom said, “Jayne Foster has been in the news business since, as she likes to say, ‘cut and paste meant get your scissors and tape out.’”
Foster worked on the province’s first electronic publishing system back in the 1980’s and has since worked through an amazing evolution of technology within the industry, he said
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at a ceremony presenting awards to 38 individuals for 2021 and 2022.
“With this accrual of experience over the better part of four decades, Jayne was the obvious choice to lead our team of journalists in Saskatchewan’s only multi-newsroom provincial website, SASKTODAY,” said Kvarnstrom. “Jayne and her small group of re-