4 minute read




0 8 20 40m The site is a corner. The pools are just a way out, we wanted to promote a new kind of morphology to the city's composition. The process was experimentation through different architectural DNAs, typologies. In parallel with the building codes and the pro gram.We did not start the project from the plan as the conventional way, we worked from the outside to the inside. We tested different geometrical bodies in search of an appropriate solution for the site and its constraints. we had to work with a very limited range of area to the viab to the viability of the building.

Right after we had found an output with common accordance, the task was to balance the available area within the floors, taking several tests until finding an output that would fit with the required inputs. The solution that we presented, is looking to arise a debate of the existing attitude towards the building of the city, mostly formal and without any connection to the cityscape and its surroundings, not to say in the architectural debate. This building is also a demonstration of a new interpretation of what architecture can be. We strongly believe that it will change citizen's ideas of how can architecture interfere in our daily life. in short, the building is - correctly - way much operated towards the public than the private.

0 2 5 10m

After defining the gross form with the correct area, we went on an operation from the core to the layout, adjusting and studying the better results. The core was voyaging inside the form in the initial studies, we had the freedom to make it square, rectangular, narrow, displaced… it was an architectural experimentation. As we started to draw the layouts of walls, the core would suffer small adjustments and so on. The plan is a result of a progressive operation.

The structure of the building - intensively discussed with the engineers - is a reinforced concrete grid column based. As the building shrinks up, the columns shifts according to the grid, as a premeditated action. The perimeter beam is taller than the interior beams with the intention of manipulating it aesthetically to be interpreted as a thick slab, compressing the underneath floors, creating only two planes.


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