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‘’This said, it is pointless trying to decide whether Zenobia is to be classified among happy cities or among the unhappy. It makes no sense to divide cities into these two species, but rather into another two: those that through the years and the changes continue to give their form to desires, and those in which desires either erase the city or are erased by it’’ (CALVINO, 1972, p.18)


What desires does Blumenau give form to? Which are we citizens erased by it? Can the city give form to new desires? How?

This work arises This work arises from the convergence of analyzes and personal criticisms built over time, supplied with texts and theories by several authors who helped to understand cities and their relation to social and contemporary issues.

location: Blumenau, Brazil type: academic (thesis) individual work level of the project: 10th semester / 5th year date of issue: november 2018 supervisor: Prof. Hugo Nieto (nieto.arquitetura@gmail.com)


How could we know characteristics about a citizen from a specific city? just look at the city...According to Jorge Luis Borges, the traces of a city are the traces of ourselves. But this relation is reciprocal as Lucia Leitao proposed, making an analogy with Lacan's state of mirror- in which a baby constructs itself by seeing seeing its fragments in the mirror. That is to say that we - citizens - and the city are continually building each other.

(1) Manipulation of Michelangelo’s painting, in this case, God is a creation of mankind, and the earth is the center of this creation.

Africas murdock map (1959)

indoor equipment in São Paulo periphery @google eath Rio de Janeiro @google earth

Lisbon @google earth

London @google earth

61 61 novas dinâmicas sociais

0 1 2

novas dinâmicas sociais

4km The eight existing bus stations in the city. the red one is the Proeb station.

0 150 300 Despite this system being a generator of autonomy and urbanity, in Blumenau, these centralities became intersections and/or bifurcations and devel oped a kind of typology and program kit - Urban terminal, supermarket, introverted institutional building. Would the bus station in Blumenau be an urban square in the medieval city? What happens if we "blow up" the bus station? The bus station is this parallel space to the city where people arri arrive and leave without any (individual) vehicle, ironically the desire of every city center. Why not make it the next center? Or rather, centers?


“explosion” of the station

Zeebrugge sea terminal @OMA website

utilitarian agglomeration


orientation After exploding the bus station and its immediate surroundings, the first operation was to locate logistically the bus´s stops. from those points, we now have the information from where people that are transitioning will arrive and leave. It was used a shy space syntax analysis to consider these points of people injector and the relation to the urban design and the social behavior.

The project seeks to calibrate correctly the size of the paths and to orient the public to a common center, whereas it faces the stream and the riparian forest, which would later become an adjacent park. adjacent park.

0 20 50 100 150m

The major points of the bus stop are at a final resolution optimized in three, all stops receive a structure similar to a pavilion, embodying references and orienting for the public realm. A larger pavilion is placed in the main plaza. The master plan consists of eight stories buildings and a skyscraper on the principal axis. Aldo Rossi once wrote that the city is the repository of man's collective memory. Why did the church tower use to be the tallest building? Why did the commercial tower become the tallest bu building? What does this consciously mean for the inhabitants? What does this unconsciously build in our inhabitants? The strategy here is simple: the tallest building in the city now dedi cates cultural program to its most valuable parts: when it touches the ground and when it touches the sky.

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