Admitted Portfolio - TU Delft MSc Architecture application

Page 17

BL UMENAUANDDESI RES ‘ ’ Thi ss ai d,i ti spoi nt l es st r y i ngt odec i dewhet herZenobi ai st obec l as s i f i ed amonghappyc i t i esoramongt heunhappy .I tmak esnos ens et odi v i dec i t i es i nt ot hes et wos pec i es ,butr at heri nt oanot hert wo:t hos et hatt hr ought he y ear sandt hec hangesc ont i nuet ogi v et hei rf or mt odes i r es ,andt hos ei n whi c hdes i r esei t herer as et hec i t yorar eer as edbyi t ’ ’( CAL VI NO,1972,p. 18)

Whatdes i r esdoesBl umenaugi v ef or mt o?Whi c har ewec i t i z enser as edbyi t ? Cant hec i t ygi v ef or mt onew des i r es ?How? r om t hec onv er genc eofanal y z esandper s onalc r i t i c i s msbui l t Thi swor kar i s esf ov ert i me,s uppl i edwi t ht ex t sandt heor i esbys ev er alaut hor swhohel pedt o under s t andc i t i esandt hei rr el at i ont os oc i alandc ont empor ar yi s s ues .

l ocat i on:Bl umenau,Br az i lt ype:ac ademi c( t hes i s )i ndi vi dualwor k l eveloft he pr oj ect :10t hs emes t er/5t hy ear

dat e ofi ssue:nov ember2018

super vi sor :Pr of .Hugo Ni et o( ni et o. ar qui t et ur a@gmai l . c om) 17

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