Office Headquarters II - Hauptverwaltung Vileda

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LOCATION: Weinheim, Germany

VILEDA HEADQUARTERS ARCHITECT BAURCONSULT Architekten Ingenieure Photographer Gerhard Hagen

Project term Peter Kuhn, Peter Giessegi, Sandra Räder, Pia Albert, Jürgen Marky

The building has room for approx. 200 employees and associates the so

The façade is seen as a game between lightness and gravity: horizontal

far separated locations Mannheim and Weinheim of the Freudenberg

belts of solid clinker alternate with glass fields; a small skylight-belt for

Haushaltsprodukte KG – better known as the blend Vileda – on an area of

differentiation of the façade and panel lighting of the interior ceiling is

6,700 m². In terms of urban development, on one hand, the orthogonality

implemented consciously.

of the premises will be incorporated; on the other hand, the speciality compared with the other buildings is emphasized by a deliberate diagonal to the business premises. The atrium is open to the north and creates a dialog to the green areas; furthermore thus the direct solar radiation and the overheating in the summer will be avoided. The offices are established in the top floors, the ground floor with the large-scale foyer is in fluent contact with the environment. In utilization of the topography, auxiliary functions are put in the southern area. The office zones are built on the functional 1.35-meter raster, whereby the maximum possible flexibility in terms of construction and furnishing is given. The two walers are connected by platforms that also accommodate temporary workplaces besides the meeting area.



Objective the integral energy concept was a primary energy requirement for heating, cooling, ventilation and lighting of less than 100 KW/H (m² a) and an outstanding occupancy quality for the employees (thermally, visually, acoustically). A balanced blend of window area portions and an external positioned sun protection in combination with a concrete core temperature control to a large extent prevent the room air temperatures of going over 78.8 F (26 °C). The excellent thermal insulation protection (24 cm thermal insulation, 3-glazing panes) as well as the ventilation system also a high-efficient heat recovery system provide for a low heating consumption and a comfortable room climate also during the heating season.


Elevation West

Elevation East

该大厦能够容纳大约 200 名员工,连接着目前分 离的曼海姆和弗罗伊登贝格 Haushaltsprodukte KG 的 维恩海姆两个区域,该大厦面积为 6 700 平方米,因 微力达混合建筑而被熟知。就城市发展而言,一方面, 该大厦的正交性被具体化;另一方面,与其他建筑相 比,该大厦通过一条特别设计的对角线来强化商业场 所的特殊性。 中庭向北边开放,构建出与其周边绿色区域的和 谐对话;此外,太阳光的直射将被避免。办公室设置

Elevation North - Main Entrance

在顶层,设有大规模门厅的底层与周边环境和谐相容。 辅助地形的功能建筑设置南部地区。办公区是建立在 1.35 平方米之上功能性栅格,从而在建筑装饰方面提 供了最大限度的灵活性。两个横撑由平台连接,搭建 出了临时工作场以及会议区。 立面被看作是一场光和重力的游戏:固体建材与 玻璃之间形成间隔的水平带;一小块天窗带划分出了 不同的平面,面板的内饰顶棚照明被专门设置。 整体能源方案的目标是满足对电热、制冷、通风 的主要能源需求,采用小于 100 千瓦 / 小时 (m² a) 的照明设备以及为员工提供舒适的居住环境(温度上 的、视觉上的、听觉上的)。 窗户区域混合均匀的颜色,外部设置的防晒保护, 以及一个具体的核心温度控制器,最大限度地防止了 房间温度高于 78.8 F (26 °C)。 良好的热绝缘体保护(24 厘米隔热设置和三层 上釉窗面)和通风系统以及低热能损耗的高效热能循

Cross Section


Floor Plan - Ground Level



Floor Plan 1th Floor 132

Floor Plan 2th Floor 133



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