Bromfords Prospectus

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The Bromfords School

A Specialist Technology College

Welcome to The Bromfords School The Bromfords School is a thriving, over subscribed 11-18

As Headteacher of The Bromfords School, I am passionate

fully comprehensive and inclusive, specialist Technology

about learning and education and truly believe the future is

College in the heart of the Wickford area. The Bromfords

in our hands. Education opens our minds and makes us ask

School is a real community that cares and values all

questions that may empower and inspire us to take on new

members of the school equally. Our aim is for Bromfords’

challenges and opportunities. Learning is continual and

students to become the best they can be; confident, self

Bromfords is the future. A 21st Century School providing

respecting and respectful young people ready to fully

opportunities for 21st Century learning and preparation for

embrace life in the 21st century.

21st Century living.

The school motto is ‘To Learn and to Care’. We care about

I look forward to welcoming you in person.

our students’ academic and personal welfare and strive to ensure they are given every opportunity to reach their full

Yours sincerely,

potential. At Bromfords we are all part of an active learning environment, where learning is valued for all and includes learning beyond the classroom. We are the lead school in Wickford town for extended school provision. Marian Spinks Headteacher

Expectations We have clear expectations that ensure high standards of behaviour and a safe friendly atmosphere. Bromfords School promotes; respect for each other and for oneself, equal value for all members of the school community and trust of and between colleagues and peers. Bromfords School takes pride in the appearance of its students. All students in years 7 to 11 are required to wear full school uniform. A list is provided in the school prospectus supplement.

Recognising Achievement At The Bromfords School, we believe in working and learning together to secure progress and to achieve. Students feel Bromfords is a welcoming school where they are happy and safe. Students enjoy learning and they feel a real sense of community spirit at The Bromfords School. We have a positive behaviour management model that promotes participation and celebrates success at all levels. We are very proud of all our students’ achievements and take great pleasure in recognising and celebrating their success at every opportunity.

“… good behaviour is characterised by students setting consistently high standards for themselves...” Quote from Ofsted 1

Curriculum The Bromfords School has an innovative and forward looking curriculum. Students follow the National Curriculum for Key Stage 3 and have a full range of option choices before starting Key Stage 4. A more personalised approach is taken through a variety of pathways. These include; Personalised programmes in in Key Stage 3, early start to Key Stage 4 courses in year 9 in science, maths and ICT. Individualised pathways are offered at Key Stage 4, including vocational courses and supported learning programmes.

Bromfords Sixth Form The Sixth Form is fully inclusive and caters for a vast range of students. Bromfords Sixth Form provides a high quality post-16 educational experience. Students have access to designated facilities but remain full members of the school community. A Bromfords Sixth Form prospectus is available on request.

“Celebration Evenings are brilliant – a real opportunity for children’s efforts to be appreciated and for parents to feel proud” Quote from a parent

Student Voice The Bromfords School has a Student Leadership Team that works closely with the Student Council and the Headteacher to ensure our Student Voice is heard. The School Council consists of representatives from each year group. Student Voice contributes significantly to the process of

“Our teachers are motivated and we have fun learning in class� Year 9 student


teacher recruitment and the development of school policies and procedures.

Support and Care At Bromfords, we pride ourselves in caring for both the academic potential and the welfare of our students. We work closely with our primary schools to ensure we know each child in advance. We endeavour to make the transfer from primary to secondary school as smooth as possible, making it a happy and exciting experience for everyone.

All students are members of a form group, with each year group being led by a Learning Manager, supported by a Pastoral Manager. Form Tutors and Learning Managers are responsible for monitoring and supporting students’ social and academic progress. Students are also placed into one of four houses; Blackwater, Chelmer, Crouch or Thames. Throughout the year there are many opportunities for students to take part in house activities and competitions.

“ increasing use of teacher assessment, during the lesson, helps students work more effectively.� Quote from Ofsted

Communication We are proud of our communication links with parents and carers. As a parent you can expect to be kept fully informed about your child’s education and progress. We do this through a variety of means. These include; •

Parents’ Consultation Evenings

An annual full written report on academic progress

Short reports with attainment levels and effort grades

A School Newsletter from the school every half term

Regular ’Newsflashes’ from the Headteacher

Student planners for the recording of homework and messages between parents, carers and teachers

A direct telephone number to contact Pastoral Managers

The Bromfords School Website

The Bromfords School Virtual Learning Environment

“We all work together really well Go Team Bromfords!” Year 10 student


Healthy Lifestyle Bromfords School has achieved the Healthy Schools Award. All students receive 2 hours of PE in Key Stage 3 and at least 1 hour in Key Stage 4 leading to a ½ GCSE short course qualification. The school encourages students to become involved in sporting events, team games and out of school activities. The school also supports events relating to health awareness, recently taking part in Sports Relief.

Students and staff are actively encouraged to cycle to school. The school has a purpose built cycle shelter and promotes the benefits of healthy lifestyles, including cycling to school. In addition the school also takes action to encourage students to walk to school, whilst also highlighting road safety awareness including involvement in the ‘Safe Drive Stay Alive' scheme for key stage 4 students.

“Good friends are good for your health” Irwin Sarason

Community involvement Students represent the school in a number of local competitions and events including; •

Jack Petchy events including the Speak Out Challenge

Rotary Club Public Speaking event

Student Leaders with Primary Schools

Drama performances in primary schools and also to public audiences at matinee performances at the

Civic Theatre in Chelmsford.

Christmas Concert and Harvest parcels for local pensioner groups.

Student volunteers are; peer mentors, part of peer reading programmes, assist with school events and parent consultation evenings. Students are also keen to become prefects, taking on responsibilities and representing the school in a number of situations.

“School Productions are excellent” Year 8 student

The school has achieved the International School Award and is involved in developing linked projects with other schools, through the British Council, on an international basis.

“Bromfords has a real sense of community” Quote from a parent 7

Life at Bromfords

The Bromfords School

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Wickford Inner Relief Rd.

A130 to Chelmsford

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Elder Av.

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Nevendon Road

We are here

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“Come to Bromfords, where you make lots of new friends”

The Bromfords School

Grange Avenue, Wickford, Essex SS12 0LZ. T: 01268 471201 F: 01268 474494 E: W: A Specialist Technology College

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