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8 Tyre: The City Of Juxtaposition The One-Fifty: Bay Area Trade Makers

10 18 India Poland Gifts For Children: Blessing Kids In West Virginia Supporting The Missions Gardens Of Christ In South Sudan From Here To The Nations: A Short Term Missions Experience



Abbie Hoekstra-Nold


Josh (Burgi) Burgin


Arianne Teeple


Jake Williams


Callie Back


Randy Stiles

Trevin Hoekzema

Michele Scheerer (prev. Rollins)

Ashley Mitchell (prev. Bicevskis)


Jake Williams

Andy Gish

Barry Willhite

Bill Smith

Chris Heacock

David Grabau

Greg Dixon

Greg St. Cyr

John Taylor

Keith Riniker

Ken Gilmore

Kevin Rump

Kyle Sponaugle

Mat Soltis

Peter Godfrey

Rich Heath

Roger Ishii

Ron Dutton

Russ Decker

Stu Cooper

Tom Hogan

Warwick Fairfax

Aaron Hixson, Teaching Pastor – aaron.hixson@bayareacc.org

Allen Smith, Community and Discipleship Pastor – allen.smith@bayareacc.org

Brendan Cothran, Interim Worship Leader – brendan.cothran@bayareacc.org

Brian Hopper, Annapolis Campus Pastor – brian.hopper@bayareacc.org

Drew Bennett, Local Outreach Director – drew.bennett@bayareacc.org

Greg St. Cyr, Lead Pastor – greg.stcyr@bayareacc.org

Jason Barthelemy, Odenton Campus Pastor – jason.barthelemy@bayareacc.org

Jake Wieduwilt, Student Ministry Pastor – jake.wieduwilt@bayareacc.org

Jeff Supp, Executive Pastor – jeff.supp@bayareacc.org

Jocelyn Sacks, Serving Director – jocelyn.sacks@bayareacc.org

Jody Yearwood, Women's Ministry Director – jody.yearwood@bayareacc.org

Kammi McGinty, Care Network & Marriage Ministry Director – kammi.mcginty@bayareacc.org

Kristin Collins, Annapolis Children’s Ministry Director – kristin.collins@bayareacc.org

Shawn Hart, Global Missions Pastor – shawn.hart@bayareacc.org

For a comprehensive list of all Bay Area staff, elders and deacons, please visit bayareacc.org/ourteam.

We appreciate your comments and questions. Please email us at info@bayareacc.org and a staff member or elder will respond within 48 hours.



FYTD Giving through 1/31/25: $3,061,000

FYTD Budget through 1/31/25: $3,203,000

Actual vs. Budget: –$142,000


YTD Giving through 1/31/25: $222,010

YTD Budget through 1/31/25: $235,010

Actual vs. Budget: –$13,000



Our vision is to help change the world by advancing the gospel in you, your neighbors, and the nations. We stand on the shoulders of giants of the faith, believing, as Hudson Taylor said, that “God’s work done God’s way will not lack God’s provision.” And we see that provision in action through the faithful giving of His people. Your generosity fuels our mission and makes a tangible difference.

This fall, by God’s grace we hope to launch our Kent Island Campus. This significant step forward will involve both the sending of dedicated people and the allocation of substantial financial resources. This means our Annapolis Campus will be stepping into a season of increased reliance on God’s provision, trusting Him to fill the financial needs of this exciting new venture.

As you give faithfully to what God is doing through your home church, you are playing a vital role in advancing the gospel from here to the nations! Thank you for locking arms with us to make disciples from here to the nations. If you would like to give, you can do so at bayareacc.org/give, or by mailing a check to our Annapolis Campus (884 Chesterfield Road, Annapolis, MD 21401). Please be sure to include your campus designation on all gifts.


"Around midnight, I was walking back from a prayer meeting. The majestic mountains rose to my right, the Dunajec River flowed gently on my left, and the stars were ablaze overhead. At that moment, God broke into my life."

My life would never be the same…

It was the summer of 1979. I had just turned 20 when I stepped off the plane in Communist Poland for my very first mission trip. Our group was divided into small teams of four. We spent the first week traveling the country as tourists, experiencing a world so different from our own. We then rendezvoused in the southern mountains to join a youth movement called “Oaza” (oasis). Here is a picture of me and two others from my team, along with a new Polish friend who graciously showed us around Warsaw. (Check out my very cool jean jacket that filled every Pole with envy!)

The next six weeks were spent with young people from all over Poland, gathered in the small southern village of Krościenko, near what was then Czechoslovakia.

Those days in Poland transformed me. I felt more alive than ever before. I was completely out of my comfort zone. The ever-present reality of communism, the challenge of communicating through a translator, the unfamiliar culture, the different food, the constant feeling of being inadequate – it was overwhelming and faithstretching. I was caught up in something bigger than myself, something truly extraordinary. Hearing young people share their stories of faith in Jesus, listening to worship songs and prayers in a language I didn't understand, seeing overflowing joy amidst the hardships imposed by communism, experiencing community in a way I had never known – all of it was reshaping my understanding of life, the world, faith and God's people. The Spirit of God was igniting a fire within me.

From here to the nations,

It all culminated one night in late July 1979. Around midnight, I was walking back from a prayer meeting. The majestic mountains rose to my right, the Dunajec River flowed gently on my left, and the stars were ablaze overhead. At that moment, God broke into my life. I didn't have a sophisticated theology of missions. I couldn't articulate the sending nature of God or God's redemptive plan for every nation. But I knew two things with absolute certainty. First, my life had been radically changed, and I knew Jesus in a deeper, more intimate way than I ever had before. And second, I was absolutely convinced that God wanted to use me to help reach the nations.

When I said "yes" to that first mission trip some 45 years ago, I had no idea. Absolutely no idea what I was saying "yes" to, or what God had in store for me. I simply said "yes" out of obedience.

And my life would never be the same…

Perhaps the Lord is asking you to say “yes” out of obedience.

Greg St. Cyr is the lead pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a regular contributor to GO&MAKE.



Bay Area, we are all about making passionate, maturing followers of Jesus from here to the nations. Missions has always been a vital part of our story, and we continue to witness our great God doing great things through this ministry. God is writing a story at Bay Area, and that story unfolds as our people say "yes" to the call to go, give and pray.

What a privilege it is to participate in the advancement of His Kingdom around the world! This issue of GO&MAKE is a special one, highlighting our story of reaching the nations. It includes articles from the past, providing both new and longtime members of Bay Area's spiritual family an opportunity to look back at where we have been, which helps us look forward to where we are going.

Before we get into the other articles, I want to take a moment to share Bay Area’s strategy for reaching the nations and give some updates on where we are today. There are several different strategies churches take to be involved in reaching the nations for Jesus. Some choose to invest heavily in one or two countries. Others choose to focus on a region like the 10/40 Window. Bay Area has chosen a different way. With a priority on unreached people groups and church multiplication, we have chosen to focus on the entire globe. Our goal has been to find at least one partner (an individual or an organization) leading gospelcentered church multiplication movements in each of the 17 regions of the world.

In 2021, we had global partners in 9 of the 17 regions. Since then, the Lord has expanded our reach, allowing us to bring on more partners in new regions in the last three years. Currently we are on track to have a global partner in at least 14 of the 17 regions by the end of 2025. In 2023, we added partners M&L* in Central Asia, Francisco and Rebekah Puente in Western Europe (Spain), and

John and Abi Thompson in South America (Peru). We are also actively working to establish partnerships in North Africa and East Asia. Progress continues in Central Africa, though the war-torn nature of the country presents challenges in solidifying that partnership.

Looking ahead is exciting, but looking back is equally meaningful. Just over ten years ago, Bay Area spearheaded an initiative called "The One Fifty."

As you will read in the following articles God allowed us to reach a goal of seeing 150 people say yes to going to the nations. It is great to read their testimonies and see how true they are then and now.

You'll also find an article about India from our ministry partner, Randy Stiles. If you are like me and only know Randy from recent years, you will be surprised to see a picture of a clean-shaven Randy! Since Bay Area first partnered with our beloved partners in India, much has changed. Due to security concerns, not too many details can be shared, but one phenomenal piece of information I can share is absolutely mind blowing. India has 2,041 unreached people groups, meaning entire ethnic communities without access to the gospel. Through our partnership, 92 of these groups now have churches among them and access to the hope of Jesus. Let that sink in - 92 ethnic groups who once had no knowledge of Christ now have thriving church communities!

Those are just two of the articles from the past that are in this issue. You will also read about Lebanon, South Sudan, and Poland - places where God has allowed us to be part of His amazing work. As you open these pages and read these

articles, know that I have prayed for you. Your Lead Pastor, Greg has prayed for you. The staff of Bay Area has prayed for you. Our prayer is that as you read these stories, something will happen in your heart - that it would bind itself to God’s heart for the nations, and that you will desire to be intimately involved in the work by going, giving and praying.

"Our prayer is that as you read these stories, something will happen in your heart - that it would bind itself to God’s heart for the nations, and that you will desire to be intimately involved in the work by going, giving and praying."

I have had the privilege of visiting many of these places, and all I can say is this - you just have to go and see with your own eyes what God is doing. You will not regret saying yes to joining God in His mission.

As I said earlier, God is writing a story at Bay Area, but to shift metaphors, He is also weaving a tapestry. This tapestry is intricately woven with threads of different nations and a diversity of people. We are bound together with friends around the world, united in our mission to see God's glory spread across the earth. The tapestry is being woven - what part will you play in its creation?

*names withheld for safety reasons

Shawn Hart is the Global Missions Pastor at Bay Area Community Church and a regular contributor to GO&MAKE.

The One-Fifty Bay Area’s trade makers

As a mom I’ve spent most of my adulthood finding purpose in raising and serving my immediate family. It’s been the most fulfilling and rewarding endeavor I could ever ask for, but I found myself ready to take a leap of faith one step farther. When the “Make the Trade” series challenged us to trade our typical summer vacation for STM, I opened my heart to the possibility of serving. I knew it was God’s plan when I looked at my normally jam-packed summer calendar and saw that there was a 10-day stretch completely open, perfectly timed to align with the trip to El Salvador! I truly believe it was the Spirit’s gentle nudge telling me to go!

I really have no idea what this physical and spiritual journey has in store for me. Personally, my ultimate hope is to draw closer to Him. I’m not quite sure how I’ll best be utilized on this trip but I know God does, so I’ll follow His lead and serve with a servant’s heart. I so look forward to showing God’s love by being a blessing to the people of El Salvador.

Early in 2014 during a planning meeting for Global Missions, the leadership began to pray that ten percent of the adult population at Bay Area would hear the call to join a short-term mission this year. It would be a group of roughly one-hundred and fifty people, nearly double the number of missionaries we have traditionally sent. In addition to praying, a strong challenge called “Make The Trade” was presented to the church, asking people to trade a summer vacation for a short-term mission if time was a deterrent from going. Our prayers were answered and one-hundred and fifty people did join. We’re calling them “The One-Fifty” and we’ve asked a few of them to share what has inspired them to go, and what their hope for their trip. Here is what they had to say:

Tom Hogan

Janet and I were ready to return to Poland even before we left Poland from last year’s STM trip. It was impossible to watch how God worked there last year and not want to return again this year to see what He would do. I believe that’s the main reason the majority of our team is returning again this year.

My hope is to see a new group of Polish people discover for themselves that God is a personal God who loves them and wants to be a part of their daily lives. It was a pure joy to watch the radical transformation in their lives last year as they discovered this, and to see how God could use the lessons from the trials of my life to help people in another country.

Meghan Taschenberger

I’ve always wanted to go on a mission trip. I thought it was the coolest thing when I was younger because it allows regular people to go out into the world and make disciples. I also heard about dozens of mission trips from family and friends, and I have been wanting to step out on a leap of faith like this for a long time!

My hope for this trip is to experience anything and everything God has planned. I want to let go of all of the luxuries we take for granted and embrace another culture and get the chance to love on a group of kids

Donna Leadmon

I was on vacation in Cabo last year for a friend’s 50th that I didn’t want to go to but felt obligated to. I was laying at the pool watching a lot of drinking, as well as other things that aren’t a part of my life anymore. I saw how people use money for selfish and self-centered things and I realized that wasn’t me anymore. I remember thinking “I shouldn’t be here!” I want to be a blessing...doing what really matters. So the rest of the trip I spent a lot of alone time with God. When I got back I saw that there were mission trips, I couldn’t wait to go.

My hope it to be a blessing and to grow more in my faith. In addition, I want to learn to “die to self” more so as to look more like Jesus.

The inspiration for me going on a short term mission trip this year was the fact that I am so blessed to live where I do and to have the opportunities that I have and yet 90% of the world is without proper health and living provisions. Proverbs 19:17--”when you give to the poor, you are lending to the Lord.”

My hope for the trip would be that the “holy discontent” for providing people’s basic necessities through the love of Jesus will grow in me...that the burden I have will never fade. In addition I want my son, who is also going, to gain his own “holy discontent” and a new perspective for the world.

My inspiration came from God telling me about Poland earlier in life, telling me that my purpose in this world is to go through the mountains to the ends of the earth. To bring His bride to the light. To be the vessel He created me to be.

My hope is that this trip will not only allow me to teach and give back to new brothers and sisters, but that I too will learn from them. To love, give, and learn.

One of our Pastors was talking about “Making the Trade,” which means instead of vacation this summer, go on a mission trip. My husband and I have never felt the call to go, and anytime our pastors have talked about it, we would say “Good for you! We will pray for you while you go!” Well, we sat there and looked at each other both Sundays after that sermon and said we are called to go and bring our 14-year-old with us. We prayed and asked God if it was His will and the answer was absolutely! There has been no doubt... some fear, but no doubt.

My hope for the trip for myself is to change my attitude about material things. I am all about clothes, shoes, earrings, etc. I am hoping to acquire another level of humility. I am also hoping this trip will show my 14-year-old what it’s like to not have... Last, but not least, I want to help those in need!

God really spoke to my heart the first Sunday of the “Make the Trade” campaign. I was 16 years old the last time I went on a short term mission trip and I always said I wanted to go again. I now have the opportunity to experience the mission field as an adult but this time my wife and I could experience it together.

Mostly I want to see what God is doing outside my local sphere of influence and be changed by the people I come in contact with. From my previous experience I know that even though I am going to serve others I will be forever changed by the experience.

Michelle Testa
James Lagaras
Billie Meisnere
Kris Funk
Patrick Finn



In October, Greg St. Cyr, Paul Graves, Theil Theil, Sam Logan and I traveled to visit our global partners in South Sudan and India, and then to check out a new missions opportunity in Lebanon. To get to Tyre, Lebanon, we flew Emirates from Dubai. As I looked at the map on the screen in front of me, hearing the engines warm up to take us away from Dubai, I saw how close Lebanon was to us – it was a straight shot!

Halfway through our four-hour flight, I checked the map again and saw we were taking a large detour so that we would not fly over Israel. It probably added 30 minutes to the flight. At 38,000 feet above civilization, it is easy to ignore the realities of what is happening on the ground. I remembered just how tumultuous the relationships are between all of these nations. It made me that much more determined to get into Lebanon and spend time with the missionaries in the Syrian refugee camps.

We arrived in the evening on Monday, October 22, and had our flight home booked for 48 short hours later. We did not want to waste much time getting settled, so we hit the street with Chris, our host-missionary, as soon as we got into Tyre. As we were walking down the poorly lit street together, I turned up my situational awareness. Our flight path around Israel flashed in my mind; a recent news story of the demonstrations that occurred when President Trump moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem popped into mind next. I considered how Americans are targeted in many parts of the world for these reasons, and we were clearly a group of loud, tall Americans.

We rounded a corner and started heading uphill, away from the Mediterranean Sea, up a street that had a lot of allies and doorways. I saw three men wearing black cross the street behind us, seemingly following us at pace. I dropped to the back of our pack, counting the group out of habit.

“1-2-3-4-5 and me: 6. We’re all here.”

My ears perked while I simultaneously listened to Chris describe his beloved city of Tyre and tuned in to the conversation of our tail. I tried to distinguish the Arabic words in their conversation, running them against the 2.5 words I know.

“Darn… I still can’t understand Arabic…”

I could understand Chris perfectly, though. I was charmed by his Southern accent as he talked about the history of Tyre, pointed out different political posters, and added his own colorful commentary along the way. We paused at an open space while he told us about the ancient buildings that are buried beneath the shadows of the evening. I tuned him out and focused on the approaching men in black. I re-positioned myself. The men were clearly friends, sharing brief laughs with one another. They seemed to not notice us, but I remained aware of their movements.

“Oh totally! I let my daughter walk around the city, no problem. It’s really peaceful here.” The words sucked me back to my teammates’ conversation. Almost as if on cue, the men in black walked past without even a glance or nod. I let my guard down, believing Chris, taking him at his word. Someone had just asked if he felt safe living in the city. He’s lived there for six years, raising his two teenage sons and two daughters in that environment. He’s the missionary, and I’m committed to following my own rule and one of Bay Area’s short-term missions mantras: The host-missionary is always right. If Chris says there is peace here for us and his family, I’m going to believe him.

Instead, I recategorized all of that and decided to call Tyre the City of Juxtaposition. The contrasting ideas and images in the city are endless. In those short few days, I noticed an ashtray next to our colorful salad, bullet holes in the buildings of this thriving city, and 2,500-year-old architecture surrounded by 25-year-old buildings.

My favorite juxtaposition of all: a group of six Americans walking around a Muslim country with no need to hide their identities as Christian missionaries. Lebanon, we found out from Chris, is a Muslim-majority country with Christian freedoms built into the governing body. Chris is openly a missionary in Lebanon and hosts teams like ours a couple times a year. We were welcomed into the country and the Syrian refugee camps with the freedom to be ourselves.

And let me tell you – I cannot wait to go back.

Trevin is currently a resident in Bay Area’s residency program, responding to his call to become a missions pastor. He has been a part of Bay Area’s Global Missions department for the last six years. If this story strikes a chord with you and you’d like to learn more about our short-term missions program or upcoming trips to Lebanon, email missions@bayareacc.org.

ave you ever wondered why we give gifts at Christmas? It seems like the tradition stems mostly from the three wise men bringing gifts to the infant Jesus - lavish gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh (Matthew 2:11). As we consider what the Christmas story means, however, it quickly becomes clear that it’s not about the gifts that men bring to God, but about the lavish gift that God brings to us by taking on flesh, dwelling among us (John 1:14), and fulfilling God’s promise to Abraham: “I will bless you … so that you will be a blessing … In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed” (Gen 12:2-3). Out of the great blessing of God we have the opportunity to bless others – to bless families – by proclaiming the good news of Jesus with our words and with our actions.

Last December, I led a short term missions team to serve with our partners at the Wade Center in Bluefield, West Virginia, and there I met Andrew*. Andrew is a second-grader in Bluefield who lives with his younger brother and his mom. His mom works hard to provide for her children, but meeting daily needs can be a challenge. Gifts at Christmas might be impossible without the love, blessing and sacrifice of our church family and the Wade Center staff and volunteers. Andrew and his family received gifts, groceries and books, and Andrew also got to interact with our short term missions team members who traveled to Bluefield to deliver gifts, share joy, and love families well. We’re blessed to be a blessing – to give freely, to serve generously, to go willingly, to share faithfully so that others, like Andrew and his mom, can know and experience the love of Jesus at Christmas.

*= name changed to protect privacy


“In Acts 1:8 Jesus promises that we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on us to be His witnesses throughout the world. In Poland we saw His Spirit’s power in action constantly!”

- Tom Hogan

Tom and Janet Hogan are two extraordinary individuals, living life and serving Jesus in the city of Annapolis. Yet, they also have a deep passion and love for a small country in Eastern Europe: Poland. They have gone three times, and are once again joining the Bay Area team that will travel to Poland in July.

Their relationship with Poland and its people started a little over three years ago. Tom and Janet set off for Poland, both going on their first mission trip. It was a place with a different history and culture than the ones they were used to, yet a place where they found people far more similar to themselves than they expected. It was in Poland that they were able to share their faith like never before, meet people with a true desire to figure out who Jesus is, and work with a team of unified believers from Bay Area - all while sharing the love and hope of the gospel.

While in Poland, the Hogans, their BACC team, and a ministry called International Messengers led a Family English Camp. These English camps provide Polish individuals a week away with their families and the opportunity to develop their English skills. However, this is also where the gospel comes in. As a means of teaching English, the Bible is used, giving team members the ability to share the hope and truth of Jesus with Polish nonbelievers. It is a unique and amazing opportunity to read through portions of scripture, giving these Polish campers the chance to discover hope and Jesus, often for the first time.

the campers followed by English reading time, which gives campers a chance to read the Bible with someone on the BACC team.

Tom and Janet shared that the schedule and nature of the camp provide many different opportunities to share Jesus and build relationships. Tom illustrated, “The campers get the opportunity to really study the gospel for themselves, and they get to see the evidence of God’s love demonstrated in the lives of the Polish and American teams.” A typical day at the English camp begins with breakfast enjoyed with the campers followed by English reading time, which gives campers a chance to read the Bible

“Many campers have never studied the Bible, or even owned a Bible, despite attending Catholic churches most of their lives,” Tom noted. Afternoons are filled with English grammar classes, coffee breaks, relationship building, and conversation time, which gives the Poles and Americans the chance to talk about what they’ve been reading and learning in the Bible. BACC team and camp members share dinner with one another and have the chance let loose and play games like Minute to Win it, watch Talent Shows, and participate in Scavenger Hunts during the evenings.

Janet explained these activities function beyond having fun together; they help establish true bonds. “By the end of the week, everyone has worked together and drawn closer to each other, and sharing in Bible classes is much more relaxed and meaningful,” she highlighted. After the games have ended for the night, the groups come together to hear two testimonies, one from an American and another from a Pole. These times of hearing about the many ways the Lord brings people to Himself are Janet’s favorite part of the trip. She said, “It is the time of the day that I feel the Holy Spirit’s presence the most as He works on the hearts of those who are hearing the stories of heartache, redemption and God’s love.”

“The long-term relationships you’re able to establish are one of the greatest benefits of the Poland STM,” Tom emphasized. “You spend an entire week pouring into people’s lives, and they are pouring into you, and you just come away completely blessed and in awe of how faithful God is.”

He added, “God has made it absolutely clear to me that He can accomplish anything through anyone if we only trust Him. He has taken me so far beyond my comfort zone, and shown up in ways that I never could have imagined. The trips have given me a boldness to say yes to things that I would have previously turned down because I thought I wasn’t qualified. Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t think I’m qualified, but I now fully trust that God equips the called.”

Many Christians share these feelings when going on a mission trip, doubting God can use them in their frailty. But the Hogans’ story demonstrates just the opposite: God can use us to build His Kingdom regardless of how qualified we feel.

Janet echoed, “If you feel the Lord is calling you on a mission’s trip, then He is preparing the way for you. Don’t be afraid, just trust in Him. You will see Him working in ways you have never seen Him working before. You will come back knowing that you are in His hands and He has a good work for you to do.”




TTa home, called Livingstone, to house several lost boys in Annapolis. Jim and Loraine moved into Livingstone as house parents, and the young men quickly began studying at the community college. In just a short while, David, Amal, Deng, Pandak, Jacob and many others were living in community, being discipled and receiving an education.

a home, called Livingstone, to house several lost boys in Annapolis. Jim and Loraine moved into Livingstone as house parents, and the young men quickly began studying at the community college. In just a short while, David, Amal, Deng, Pandak, Jacob and many others were living in community, being discipled and receiving an education.

he tamarind tree is one of my favorites. They are native to South Sudan, where you see them everywhere. They love full sun, grow in a variety of soils, and have a long life. Their leaves are a bright, beautiful green. But the best thing is their dense foliage – and that means shade. Their canopy can exceed 40 feet, so it’s not uncommon to see an entire community gathered under a single tree!

he tamarind tree is one of my favorites. They are native to South Sudan, where you see them everywhere. They love full sun, grow in a variety of soils, and have a long life. Their leaves are a bright, beautiful green. But the best thing is their dense foliage – and that means shade. Their canopy can exceed 40 feet, so it’s not uncommon to see an entire community gathered under a single tree!

he tamarind tree is one of my favorites. They are native to South Sudan, where you see them everywhere. They love full sun, grow in a variety of soils, and have a long life. Their leaves are a bright, beautiful green. But the best thing their dense foliage – and that means shade. Their canopy can exceed 40 feet, so it’s not uncommon to see an entire community gathered under a single tree!

The tamarind tree is a picture of the Mission Gardens of Christ (MGC). Though only six years in the making, MGC is preparing to spread its branches out to provide the shade of Jesus throughout South Sudan.

a home, called Livingstone, to house several lost boys in Annapolis. Jim and Loraine moved into Livingstone as house parents, and the young men quickly began studying at the community college. In just a short while, David, Amal, Deng, Pandak, Jacob and many others were living in community, being discipled and receiving an education.

A turning point in our involvement with Sudan came through a retired man from Grand Rapids, Dave Bowman. When Dave heard that a group of refugees from Sudan needed help, he decided to sponsor five of them. Learning they had never been to a doctor or dentist, he sensed God telling him to do something. Despite his age and health problems, he traveled into war-torn Sudan to explore the need. What he saw was shocking: utter poverty, a lack of any health care, and very limited education. He left with a God-sized vision to build a hospital that would meet physical and spiritual needs in Sudan. It wasn’t long before Dave challenged us to help show the love of Jesus in Sudan.

A turning point in our involvement with Sudan came through a retired man from Grand Rapids, Dave Bowman. When Dave heard that a group of refugees from Sudan needed help, he decided to sponsor five of them. Learning they had never been to a doctor or dentist, he sensed God telling him to do something. Despite his age and health problems, he traveled into war-torn Sudan to explore the need. What he saw was shocking: utter poverty, a lack of any health care, and very limited education. He left with a God-sized vision to build a hospital that would meet physical and spiritual needs in Sudan. It wasn’t long before Dave challenged us to help show the love of Jesus in Sudan.

A turning point in our involvement with Sudan came through a retired man from Grand Rapids, Dave Bowman. When Dave heard that a group of refugees from Sudan needed help, he decided to sponsor five of them. Learning they had never been to a doctor or dentist, he sensed God telling him to do something. Despite his age and health problems, he traveled into war-torn Sudan to explore the need. What he saw was shocking: utter poverty, a lack of any health care, and very limited education. He left with a God-sized vision to build a hospital that would meet physical and spiritual needs in Sudan. It wasn’t long before Dave challenged us to help show the love of Jesus in Sudan.

The tamarind tree is a picture of the Mission Gardens of Christ (MGC). Though only six years in the making, MGC is preparing to spread its branches out to provide the shade of Jesus throughout South Sudan.

The tamarind tree is a picture of the Mission Gardens of Christ (MGC). Though only six years in the making, MGC is preparing to spread its branches out to provide the shade of Jesus throughout South Sudan.

In July of 2011, South Sudan became the world’s newest nation. Plagued by war and poverty, God prepared a great work for Bay Area Community Church in this country. Our journey into Sudan began in 1994. While on a trip to Egypt, Bay Area’s Jim and Loraine Hiskey met Emmanuel Gabrielle, a “lost boy” from Sudan. Four years later, they helped Emmanuel resettle in the U.S. as a refugee.

In July of 2011, South Sudan became the world’s newest nation. Plagued by war and poverty, God prepared a great work for Bay Area Community Church in this country. Our journey into Sudan began in 1994. While on a trip to Egypt, Bay Area’s Jim and Loraine Hiskey met Emmanuel Gabrielle, a “lost boy” from Sudan. Four years later, they helped Emmanuel resettle in the U.S. as a refugee.

July of 2011, South Sudan became the world’s newest nation. Plagued by war and poverty, God prepared a great work for Bay Area Community Church this country. Our journey into Sudan began in 1994. While on a trip Egypt, Bay Area’s Jim and Loraine Hiskey met Emmanuel Gabrielle, a “lost boy” from Sudan. Four years later, they helped Emmanuel resettle the U.S. as a refugee.

2001, our country opened the door



In 2001, our country opened the door to 3,500 “lost boys,” many of whom settled in the Washington, D.C., area. I remember a particular Sunday in 2003 when people from Bay Area brought dozens of young Sudanese men from D.C. to worship with us. From there, the Lord provided

3,500 “lost boys,” many of whom settled in the Washington, D.C., area. I remember a particular Sunday in 2003 when people from Bay Area brought dozens of young Sudanese men from D.C. to worship with us. From there, the Lord provided

In 2001, our country opened the door to 3,500 “lost boys,” many of whom settled in the Washington, D.C., area. I remember a particular Sunday in 2003 when people from Bay Area brought dozens of young Sudanese men from D.C. to worship with us. From there, the Lord provided

In 2005, Dave, Jim and Peter Hiskey, Dave Hartcorn, and Casely Essamuah took a trip to Sudan that would forever change us as a church. They met an amazing spiritual leader named Pastor Stephen Mathiang. Stephen’s story is remarkable. In a time of war, God supernaturally provided him with the opportunity to receive his education at Daystar University in Nairobi. He received a degree in business, a Master of Divinity and a doctorate in leadership. Returning to his country ravaged by war, he founded a nonprofit called Church and Development. Stephen began drilling wells to provide safe drinking water, building schools and training church leaders. He would become the leader with whom Dave Bowman and BACC would work to build the hospital.

In 2005, Dave, Jim and Peter Hiskey, Dave Hartcorn, and Casely Essamuah took a trip to Sudan that would forever change us as a church. They met an amazing spiritual leader named Pastor Stephen Mathiang. Stephen’s story is remarkable. In a time of war, God supernaturally provided him with the opportunity to receive his education at Daystar University in Nairobi. He received a degree in business, a Master of Divinity and a doctorate in leadership. Returning to his country ravaged by war, he founded a nonprofit called Church and Development. Stephen began drilling wells to provide safe drinking water, building schools and training church leaders. He would become the leader with whom Dave Bowman and BACC would work to build the hospital.

In 2005, Dave, Jim and Peter Hiskey, Dave Hartcorn, and Casely Essamuah took a trip to Sudan that would forever change us as a church. They met an amazing spiritual leader named Pastor Stephen Mathiang. Stephen’s story is remarkable. In a time of war, God supernaturally provided him with the opportunity to receive his education at Daystar University in Nairobi. He received a degree in business, a Master of Divinity and a doctorate in leadership. Returning to his country ravaged by war, he founded a nonprofit called Church and Development. Stephen began drilling wells to provide safe drinking water, building schools and training church leaders. He would become the leader with whom Dave Bowman and BACC would work to build the hospital.

In 2007, Jim, myself, and four others went to Sudan to do

In 2007, Jim, myself, and four others went to Sudan to do

In 2007, Jim, myself, and four others went to Sudan to do

construction and train pastors. In 2009, we returned to help dedicate Memorial Christian Hospital (www.pccsudan.org)!

Since then, hundreds of sick and injured people have been cared for in the name of Jesus. It was during this season that God began to give Pastor Stephen a new vision for a training center that would equip pastors and church planters, educate children and youth, and provide vocational skills, a children’s home for the abandoned and a health clinic. With the support and encouragement of Bay Area, Stephen set out on his next faith venture: starting the Mission Gardens of Christ. MGC represents the hope and power of Jesus to resurrect life and restore hearts. It is a light shining in the darkness of undeveloped South Sudan.

For the last six years, Pastor Stephen has been faithfully constructing the Mission Gardens of Christ with the monies we have provided. Though the challenges and setbacks have been many, today stand classrooms, a dining hall, dorms, a library and an office building.

In addition to the ongoing pastors’ training, with our help MGC will open the doors of an elementary school (kindergarten through third grade) this January! Shortly thereafter, training in agriculture and sewing will provide not only food and clothes for the school children and pastors in training, but also teach job skills. Because of the war and civil fighting, more and more children are displaced, burdening Pastor Stephen to start a children’s home in the near future.

After years of praying and preparing, everything is now coming together to see the fruit of this vision. Now is the time for us as a church family to be an even greater blessing to the people of South Sudan.

This month, as part of our vision of seeing the nations reached through Beyond884, we are asking God to provide $125,000 for:

• school supplies and books

• teachers’ salaries for one year (school to be selffunding in the future)

• scholarships for needy children

• agricultural needs including beehives, a chicken coup, irrigation equipment and tools

• a cooking and baking facility, sewing and embroidering machines, sewing material, instructor’s salary for one year and building expansion

• children’s home construction, furnishing, education expenses and house parents’ salary

• a four-wheel-drive vehicle

• ongoing financial support for the Leadership Institute and pastors workshops

• and many other needs!

Throughout the month of October and into early November, we have the opportunity to impact an entire nation for Christ. Our generosity will enable MGC to start the elementary school in January and begin the other ministries in the months ahead.

For the last six months I’ve been watching my very own tamarind tree grow. I grow it as a reminder to pray and make personal sacrifices to see the Gospel spread in Sudan. Of interest to me is that the tamarind tree doesn’t have significant shade or start bearing its fruit until about the sixth year. From that point on, the canopy of shade envelopes more and more people, and fruit is born for the next 60-plus years.

As the Mission Gardens of Christ begins her sixth year, the shade and fruit of this ministry is ready to spread the love of Jesus throughout all of South Sudan – and we, the people of Bay Area Community Church, have the privilege of being God’s instruments in standing with Pastor Stephen and the people of South Sudan.

God blesses us that all the ends of the earth may fear Him. Psalm 67:7

Donations can be made throughout the month of October at BACC or online at Beyond884.com.


Belize, 2024

Uganda, 2022

India, 2023

Ghana, 2022

Kenya, 2023

Appalachia, 2022

Dominican Republic, 2018

Kenya, 2023

South Sudan, 2024

Kenya, 2023

Kenya, 2023

Poland, 2022

Belize, 2023


Kim Mitchell has been an active Ministry Partner at Bay Area Community Church for many years with her husband David and their four children. You can find her serving as a small group leader in The Well, Bay Area’s women’s bible studies, on Wednesday mornings or leading the back to school programs and Christmas drives through Walk the Walk Foundation, which she and her husband founded.

Kim, with her husband Dave and two of their daughters, recently went on her first mission trip to El Salvador on one of Bay Area’s short term missions trips. This was an amazing serving opportunity for their family to do together. It all began when her youngest daughter Mary came home from church saying she wanted to “make the trade.”

When sharing about her time in El Salvador, Kim mentioned a home trip that she and a few of her team members were going on during one of the last days of their trip. At that time, she had no idea what the Lord was intending or planning. On this visit, the team met a young man named Louis and were able to lead him to Jesus. When talking with the team, Louis told them his father had been praying for many years that he would find God for himself.

As a mother of young adults, Kim saw the prayers of a father be answered. This struck a chord in her own life when she realized that she could let go and know that God was working in her own needs and in her own prayers. She said, “This totally renewed my faith that my prayer WILL be answered which has allowed me to give up my concern for HOW that prayer will be answered.” This realization has brought her complete freedom.

During their time in El Salvador, Kim and her team worked at the Children’s Center, visited homes in the community, painted a Gospel mural on the Children’s Center outer wall, and did construction work. When talking to Kim about her favorite memories of the trip, she said, “There are too many favorite memories. When we left the

When talking with Kim, you get the overwhelming sense that she is a woman of great faith and a woman who is seeking the Lord with her whole being. She is also a lot of fun to be with. She shared about the many laughs among team members and also the joy in seeing her youngest daughter, Mary, be baptized while in El Salvador.

Kim’s story shows the realness of encountering and sharing God while “making the trade.” Great things were done, relationships were built, and the gospel was spread to those

Dave and Annie Mitchell build a retaining wall at the children’s center in El Guayabo.



Deadline: March 28


Deadline: April 17

26-JUL 8 JUL 16-28

Come and serve with your family alongside our global partners, Gideon and Joy Banda. Team members can expect to be involved in service projects requiring physical labor, teaching and running VBS, and sharing their testimony. Other opportunities may involve prayer walks through the community, evangelism and outreach to men and women.

Come and serve at Family English Camp! On this team, you will serve local families by building personal relationships through bible studies, English class, testimonies, games, sports, crafts, and activities!


Deadline: March 13

This is a Student Ministry team where Students can expect to be involved in a service project requiring physical labor, teaching and running VBS, and sharing their personal testimony! This is a great way to serve alongside our global partners, Gideon and Joy Banda.


Deadline: March 13

19-31 JUL 22-29

If you’re in Bay Area Student Ministry and considering your first international mission trip this is a great way to learn how to build relationships with people of a different culture and serve the people of Belize through VBS, food distribution, and more!

Deadline: March 13



Another great opportunity for students apart of BASM to serve along Dominican missionaries Miguel and Rose to support the work of Fellowship of Christian Athletes. This trip is perfect for students involved in FCA already or are a part of a sports team!


Deadline: May 11

In El Salvador, we will partner with volunteers from San Salvador Great Commission Church to support the staff and ministry at two Child Development Centers. You can expect to serve through crafts and games with kids, teaching moms how to sew, discipleship with moms of the children, constructing beds for families, etc!


Deadline: September 9


This winter trip is a great way to serve alongside our partner organization, the Wade Center! Through working in the after-school program to teaching faith-based activities to distributing gifts to families. This is a great way to take a first step into serving our global partners!

Deadline: September 9

More information to come, head to our website bayareacc.org/stm.

APRIL 18 6:30 PM APRIL 19 APRIL 20 7, 9 & 11 AM 9 & 11 AM Children’s Ministry available at 9 and 11 a.m. Annapolis gatherings

Children’s Ministry available at 9 a.m. Odenton gathering 1001 Annapolis Rd, Gambrills, MD 21054 9 and 11 a.m. Annapolis gatherings streamed online 10:30 AM TO 12:30 PM



Care Coach


If you find yourself in a challenging or heavy season, consider seeking a Care Coach to come alongside you to help should your burden. More information, head to our website.

CareGivers Support Group

Last Monday of each month, 7-8 p.m.

Virtual Meetings


Our monthly Caregivers' Support Group provides a safe place to engage with other caregivers, obtain new resources, share challenges and joys, and be encouraged! To find more information, head to our website.

DivorceCare Support Group

February 10 - May 5, 7-8:30 p.m.

Virtual Meetings


This is a Christ-centered weekly gathering that can help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. DivorceCare is facilitated by trained individuals who have expereienced seperation and divorce and participated in a DivorceCare Support Group. Registration is $20. Head to our website to register.

GriefShare Support Group

February 6 - May 8, 7-9 p.m.

Virtual Meetings


This seminar is a special weekly support group designed to help rebuild your life after losing a loved one. Our group is led by caring people who have expereienced grief and want to help you through the difficult days ahead. To find more information, head to our website.

Meal Train Ministry

This ministry is an initiative to provide relief from meal preparation after coming home with a new baby, recovering from a medical procedure, caring for a loved one, or other unforeseen circumstances. If you or someone you know would like to request a meal train, head to our website.

Prayers for Prodigals

1st and 3rd Sundays, 11:05 a.m. in the Prayer Room


Are you the parent of an adult child who is living as a prodigal? If so, please join us in praying with others who are in this challenging season.

Learn more about the Care Network at bayareacc.org/carenetwork.

Community Groups

If you want to be connected in community or if you would like to consider being a Community Group leader, check out the Community webpage for more information and registration: bayareacc.org/community.

Whole-Hearted Discipleship Workshop

April 5, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


Becoming more like Jesus involves a whole heart transformation. The Holy Spirit transforms all parts of our hearts, not just our thoughts and decisions but also our feelings and desires. In this workshop, you will learn the central focus of wholehearted transformation and how to draw out someone's heart. Head to our website to register: bayareacc.org/annapolis-events.


Parent Dedication

Sunday, March 30, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.


Parents, this is a great opportunity for you to take some time to think about what will matter the most in the life of your child, to talk together, and decide what you value and what you can do today that will have the greatest impact on your child's future. If you are ready to take this step of faith, head to our website: bayareacc.org/annapolis-events.

Kid's Con 2025

July 21 - July 23, 6:30-8:30 p.m.


Save the date for this year's Kid's Con! We're inviting completed kindergartners through completed fifth graders to join us as we learn about Jesus through fun games, snacks, and so much more! More information to come!

Learn more about what's happening in our Children's Ministry at bayareacc.org/children.


To join our Global Missions Prayer Team, which meets twice a month on Sundays between gatherings to pray for our Global Partners, email joanstefun@gmail.com and head to our website for more information: bayareacc.org/global-missions-partners.


To give to any of our missions teams, go to bayareacc.org/stmgive!


To find more about our Short-Term Missions teams, head to our website bayareacc.org/stm.

Join our Newsletter!

Want the inside scoop on Global and Short-term Missions at Bay Area? Register for our quartley global missions update at: bayareacc.org/missions.


Men's Breakfast

Third Saturdays, 8-9:30 a.m. in the BASM Café


Join the men’s ministry every 3rd Saturday of the month for breakfast in the Student Ministry warehouse and café. Learn more and register: bayareacc.org/annapolis-events.

Men's Mentoring


Request a mentor who will walk alongside you with wisdom and encouragement for a season, or even sign up to be considered to be a mentor yourself. Learn more and register: bayareacc.org/men.

Better Together Brunch

March 30 after the gathering


Let's continue the fellowship over delicious food and good conversation. Whether you’re new or have been with us for a while, it’s a great time to invite others to connect and enjoy being better together.

Community Event

Saturday, April 19


More information to come!


Women's Ministry


Walk, Talk, and Pray Saturday, March 29, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

Worship Night Friday, April 25, 6:30-9 p.m.

Bunco Game Night Thursday, May 29, 6-8:30 p.m.

For more information, email BACCOdentonWomensMinistry@gmail.com.


Premarital Mentoring

We want to partner with you as you establish a strong Jesus-centered life together. Through premarital mentoring, you will be paired with trained marriage mentors who will equip you with the tools and resources you need to succeed in marriage.

For more information or to register send an email to premarital.ministry@bayareacc.org or visit our website at bayareacc.org/marriage.

A Thriving Marriage Workshop

Saturday, March 29, 9 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. in Room 237


God designed marriage to be a place where couples grow and thrive! In this workshop, we will spend time considering God's design for marriage, including the roles of husband and wife and the essentials that lead to a thriving marriage. For more information head to bayareacc.org/annapolis-events.

Date Night Murder

Mystery Dinner Theatre

Friday, March 14, 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.


We are having another Date Night, but this time, there's a twist. It's A Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre based in the 50's! Join us for a night of fun, mystery, good food, and fellowship. Register soon, we have limited seating! bayareacc.org/annapolis-events.

Join our Newsletter!

If you would like to subscribe to our email list to receive regular updates about Marriage Ministry happenings, head to bayareacc.org/marriage!


First Step


First Sundays at 9 a.m. in Room 237

If you are new or looking to get connected at Bay Area, join us for First Step. You’ll get a chance to learn about our mission, vision and how to get connected. Find more details and sign up on our website at bayareacc.org/nextsteps.


Amplify Passover Seder

April 9, 6-8:30 p.m.


During our normal Amplify night, we will spend some time learning about what Passover is and why we celebrate it!

Senior Night

April 27, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.


Class of 2025 and their families are invited to a formal-casual evening celebrating our graduating seniors. We will be having a nice dinner and time of sharing with key leaders and students. RSVP to let us know you're coming: bayareacc.org/students.

Middle School

Late Night

May 9, 7-10 p.m.


Middle Schoolers are invited to come hang out for our Middle School Late Night! We will have food, games, worship & activities. The cost is $15 per student, which will cover food, activities, and a surprise gift!

High School Lock-In

May 9-10, 10 p.m. - 8 a.m.


High schoolers are invited to come hang out for an all-nighter with us! We will have food, games, worship & activies. The cost is $30 per sudent which will cover food, activities, and a t-shirt!

Last Amplify of the Year!

May 28, 6-8 p.m.


We'll have tons of fun games and activities to kick off summer, as well as one more time to hang out with your community group until the new school year!

Summer Afternoons

June 18, 1-3 p.m.


Middle Schoolers are invited to come play fun water-themed games and activities on the West Lawn at the Annapolis Campus. More information to come!

Summer Nights

June 18, 6-8:30 p.m.


More information to come!

(An event for High Schoolers)

Summer Camp 2025

June 23-27



More information to come!

Learn more about the Student Ministry at bayareacc.org/students.

Women's Evening of Abiding in Scripture

Friday, April 11, 6:30-9 p.m.


We live in a world full of lies, and if we don't know the truth, we can easily become victims of deception. Come and be encouraged as we dive into Scripture together, explore ways to hide God's word in our hearts, and fellowship together.

Praying for

Our Husbands

As wives we want to love, honor, and respect our husbands. One of the best ways we can do that is by being devoted to lifting them up in prayer. We meet on the third Sunday of each month. Learn more and register: bayareacc.org/women.


Moms in Prayer

Do you find yourself worried over your children's future? Do you find yourself concerned about the choices they are making now? Do you ache to see the Lord's hand in your children's lives?

Moms in Prayer is for you! Learn more: bayareacc.org/women.

Quilts for Kids

3rd Saturday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Gather with women to create comfort quilts and more out of donated fabric to give to children who are hospitalized or in need. All skill levels are welcome!

Women of Legacy

2nd & 4th Mondays, 10:30 - 12 p.m. We are a group of 55+ of women who love Jesus, pray earnestly, praise heartily, fellowship lovingly. Join us!

Women's Book Club

We hope you can join us for one of our upcoming Book Club events listed below. This is a great time to gather and connect with other women for an enjoyable evening as we share our thoughts about a variety of great fiction and non-fiction.

March 20 - A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson April 24 - Because of Winter by Nikki Brochetti

May 15 - The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer

For more information and registeration, go to bayareacc.org/women#events

Women's Mentoring

Have you ever wanted to discuss nay issue with a Christian woman who may be farther along in their faith journey and have insight and encouragement for you? Women's Ministry is offering mentoring! To get connected with a mentor head to: bayareacc.org/wm-mentoring.

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