Carol Channing joins line-up for ‘Help Is on the Way XVI.’
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Organization needs larger donor base, and better fundraising, report says.
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Great stage star
– ut e s. in al ko nl on ec r o ers Ch rte p po nd Re , a a s re fied y A ssi Ba cla he ts, s t ar It’ s, w ne
SF Pride cancels Dec. benefit
see Arts
page 3
Vol. 40
. No. 32 . 12 August 2010
Serving the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities since 1971
Prop8 appeal creates legal thicket tervened in a lawsuit to defend a state law, and the trial court has ruled for the plaintiff, intervenors he next stage in the fight to cannot by themselves prolong the secure marriage rights for litigation through an appeal unless California’s same-sex couthe intervenors independently esples has already begun and is cretablish their Article III standing.” ating a thicket of legal issues that In other words, unlike at the could take years to cut through. trial level where Prop 8’s backers Foremost among the lawyerwere allowed to defend the antily wrangling is whether the backgay law in court, only the state’s ers of Proposition 8, the voter-apgovernor or attorney general can proved ban against same-sex appeal Walker’s decision. marriage, have standing to bring “It is not their role really. They forth an appeal of Chief U.S. Disonly intervened because the govtrict Court Judge Vaughn Walkernment wasn’t willing to defend er’s ruling striking down the balProp 8,” said Margaret Russell, a lot initiative. In a stinging rebuke professor of constitutional law at to Prop 8’s supporters, Walker Santa Clara University. “If the govfound that they had failed to “adernment doesn’t want to appeal, I vance any rational basis in sindo think there is a strong argument gling out gay men and lesbians they don’t have standing to appeal.” Market Street was flooded with marchers who celebrated a judge’s decision for denial of a marriage license.” Russell, however, said since The attorneys for Protectmar- overturning Proposition 8 in San Francisco Wednesday, August 4. “they have been in the position of, the group behind the defendants so ... I can see the arProp 8 campaign, have already gument to drop them out at the stitutional rights, as well as for the city and counnotified the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals they in- ty of San Francisco, have claimed in court papers appeal stage pragmatically as not the way to let tend to appeal Walker’s decision. Yet there is some that the Prop 8 proponents fail to meet the re- this case end.” question as to whether they can indeed carry the quirements needed to seek appellate review of Both Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and fight to the appellate level. Attorney General Jerry Brown not only declined Walker’s decision. Attorneys for the two same-sex couples who Pointing to what is known as “Article III stand- to defend Prop 8 before Walker during the trial, sued the state claiming Prop 8 violated their con- ing,” they note that “where private persons have inpage 13
Seth Hemmelgarn
by Matthew S. Bajko
Friends set up a memorial outside Philip DiMartino’s home.
page 13
Attorneys discuss marriage wins by Matt Baume ith a string of recent marriage equality victories – the latest of which being last week’s ruling by Chief U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker that California’s Proposition 8 violates the federal Constitution – there’s plenty of love these days for civil rights attorneys. Walker chose Wednesday, August 4 to release his decision in Perry v. Schwarzenegger; coincidentally, two separate forums had already been scheduled for August 5 to discuss the case. The first event, hosted by the American Bar Association, brought together Mary Bonauto, Beth Robinson, and Therese Stewart, attorneys involved in successful marriage equality cases in Massachusetts, Vermont, and California, respectively. Later that evening, the Commonwealth Club presented a speech and Q&A with David Boies, a lead litigator in the Perry case. Crucial to all four attorneys’ success was building a strong case at the right time. Bonauto, civil rights project director at Boston-based Gay and Lesbian Advocates and Defenders, explained that her organization waited five years to challenge the federal Defense of Marriage Act in Gill v. Office of Personnel Management. Last month, a federal judge ruled in that case that a section of DOMA is unconstitutional.
David Boies, co-counsel in the Perry v. Schwarzenegger case, prepares to take his seat during an appearance at the Commonwealth Club one day after the landmark decision declaring Prop 8 unconstitutional.
Matt Baume
an Francisco police are seeking the public’s help in the death of a gay man who friends are remembering as “energetic” and “dedicated.” Philip DiMartino, 36, was found in his apartment at 138 Hermann Street on Monday, August 2 at about 1 p.m., according to police. It appears he had been stabbed to death. Police said a co-worker who had gone to check on DiMartino saw him through a window, lying unresponsive on the floor. Fire and police personnel responded to the scene and discovered that he had “multiple stab wounds to the torso,” according to Officer Albie Esparza, a police spokesman. SFPD spokeswoman Lieutenant Lyn Tomioka said in an e-mail this week that “Investigators have reason to believe that the suspect is a Hispanic male, and that he cut himself on the hand during the murder.” She said police also have reason to believe the homicide occurred on Friday, July 30. Police are not releasing other details, she said. Police said there were no signs of forced entry. Esparza, who called the case “a horrific crime,” said so far police suspect only one person was responsible for the stabbing. DiMartino’s apartment is directly across the street from the U.S. Mint. Esparza said he didn’t know if police had made any contact with Mint officials to collect any surveillance video. On Thursday, August 5, some of DiMartino’s friends gathered on the front
Although marriage equality has existed in Massachusetts since 2004, in terms of same-sex couples being able to wed, GLAD waited until five years’ worth of damages had accrued. Like other states with same-sex marriage, couples who do tie the knot do not receive any federal
recognition or benefits. “We could have filed a marriage case [in 2004],” Bonauto said. “We did not feel it was the right time.” Concerns about timeliness have plagued
by Seth Hemmelgarn
Lydia Gonzales
SF gay man stabbed
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BAY AREA REPORTER . . 12 August 2010
SF marks 20th anniversary of Ryan White Care Act by Seth Hemmelgarn hen Steve Manley was diagnosed with HIV in 1988, his doctor told him he had two years to live. Manley, 59, said his health has been “a major roller coaster ride,” but now is “better than it’s been in a long time.” Over the past two decades, there have been times when Manley, now consumer co-chair of the San Francisco HIV Health Services Planning Council, has relied “completely” on services funded by the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act. The legislation is formerly known as the Ryan White CARE Act. In San Francisco, the legislation’s 20th anniversary will be commemorated Wednesday, August 18 from noon to 1 p.m. on the Polk Street steps of City Hall. The legislation was named after Ryan White, a 13-year-old Indiana boy who was diagnosed with AIDS in 1984. Ryan, who had contracted the disease from a blood transfusion, became the center of a court battle and national crusade to remain in school. He died in April 1990 at the age of 18. Randy Allgaier, who is also living with AIDS, is the director of the planning council, which is mandated by the Ryan White legislation. The council, one of many across the country, prioritizes and allocates resources that come from Ryan White funding. Allgaier said that over the last 20 years, the legislation has led to over half a billion dollars in funding for the San Francisco area. For the 2010-11 fiscal year, the San Francisco area is set to receive a total of about $29.4 million in funding through Ryan White, according to Bill Blum, interim director of HIV health services for San Francisco’s health department. The majority of that is funded to the San Francisco Eligible Metropolitan Area, which also includes San Mateo and Marin counties. Most of the money – about $26.5 million – goes to San Francisco. Funding for the area has dropped over the last 10 years, however. In the 2000-01 fiscal year, San Francisco
Rick Gerharter
Randy Allgaier and Steve Manley, both living with AIDS, sit on the local planning council that prioritizes funding from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act.
had an award of about $38 million through what’s now known as Part A. Part A money comes directly to the metro area. Part B money is passed through the state. This year, according to Blum, the Part A funding is $25,305,146, plus more than $704,000 for the Minority AIDS Initiative. The Part A money includes approximately $5 million in “stop loss funds,” which are an additional appropriation from Congress. He said that without those funds, the Part A money would be about 44 percent less than it was 10 years ago. Decreased funding has come even as the number of people in San Francisco living with AIDS has increased. According to data from the health department’s 2008 HIV/AIDS Epidemiology annual report, there were 4,336 people living with AIDS in 1990. In 2008, that number was 9,248.
Vital help In the mid-1990s, Manley was diagnosed with AIDS. He said he’s been disabled since 1995. “There was a period of time I was housebound and in a wheelchair and was unable to do virtually almost anything for myself,” said Manley. That included not being able to cook, and Project Open Hand, which provides home-delivered meals and other services, brought food to him. Tom Nolan, Project Open Hand’s
executive director, said Ryan White funding has been “vital in so many ways, and it continues to be.” The organization receives about $1 million a year from the program, which represents food for about 500,000 meals each year, said Nolan. Manley still receives support through the AIDS Drug Assistance Program, which helps people with AIDS get access to medications. Drew Hammill, spokesman for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) said in an e-mail that over the past three years, Pelosi, whom many credit for her support of people living with HIV/AIDS and who has pushed for reauthorization of the act over the years, has restored nearly $17 million in previous cuts to San Francisco’s Ryan White funding that came from the Bush administration’s “flawed implementation” of the 2006 reauthorization. He added that for next fiscal year, the House of Representatives’ LaborHealth and Human Services-Education Appropriations Subcommittee has approved an additional $113 million increase for HIV/AIDS funding, including an $84 million raise in Ryan White funding. For more information about the Ryan White event, go to and search for “Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Ryan White CARE Act.”▼
Audience thrilled at Peaches’ Showgirls screening by Matt Baume t was pandemonium at the Castro Theatre Saturday night as drag celebrity Peaches Christ unleashed a hundred lap dancers on a screaming audience. The occasion was the 15th anniversary screening of Showgirls, the bizarre 1995 Paul Verhoeven film in which Saved By The Bell’s Elizabeth Berkley plays Nomi Malone, an aspiring dancer who flails her way to infamy as a Las Vegas showgirl. “It’s definitely one of those movies that exists on its own planet,” Peaches (born Joshua Grannell) told the Bay Area Reporter before the event. “Everything in it is extreme. The performances, the costumes, the makeup, the dialogue, the production design, and the Vegas numbers are all pushed to the limits. Lines like ‘it must be weird not having anyone cum on you,’ and ‘everyone got AIDS and shit’ come from an extreme screenplay!” After emerging from a volcano and sparring with her troubling sidekick Martiny, Peaches asked Tran-
Seeking gay couples with children to participate in a SFSU study examining the impact of parenting on the health and wellbeing of gay men with children. Participation involves completing one face-to-face interview. Interviews take between 90120 minutes to complete. Participants are compensated $50.00 per person. Funds are available to help offset the cost of childcare while participating. CALL NOW! 1-888-688-1777
Matt Baume
Peaches Christ emerges from a volcano on the stage of the Castro Theatre for her special party commemorating the 15th anniversary of the movie Showgirls.
nyshack’s Heklina and Cub Scout’s Ladybear to judge a Nomi Malone look-a-like contest. One contestant in a pregnancy suit pulled a Beadazzled Cabbage Patch Doll from between her legs. Another, dressed as a giant press-on nail, was labeled a “Klaus Nomi Malone” after the con-
ceptual German artist. The winner of the look-a-like contest was a woman – an actual woman – who endured a revealing rub-down with ice from an onlooker’s soda. Bedlam erupted after Peaches dis-
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12 August 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER
SF Pride appears troubled he San Francisco LGBT Pride Celebration Committee appears to be experiencing financial trouble. A fundraising gala planned for December will likely only happen online, and the longtime main stage producer doesn’t appear to be returning next year, among other problems. In addition, the committee is spending $60,000 a month on administrative expenses even as “the economic slowdown continues to severely impact Pride’s future finances,” as board treasurer Belinda Ryan declared in a recent report. In his report given to Pride’s board at its Tuesday, August 3, meeting, Troy Coalman, associate director of development, said, it wouldn’t be “prudent” to host a major gala in December. He said that he’d already released the contract for the Metreon shopping and entertainment complex in order not to incur a cancellation fee. “At this time we do not have the donor base and constituency following to attract guests paying $150.00 per person,” Coalman stated in the report. Instead, Coalman said that he plans to launch an online gala. One likely factor in the decision was the apparent failure of Pride’s “Forty and Fabulous” benefit in May. Board President Mikayla Connell previously told the Bay Area Reporter that the event “brought in less than we hoped.” Amy Andre, Pride’s executive director, has not responded to questions about how much the event raised. Asked to discuss his own report, Coalman referred questions to Andre, who did not respond. Neither she nor Connell attended last week’s board meeting. Another challenge for the Pride Committee involves longtime main stage producer Audrey Joseph.
Rick Gerharter
Pride Executive Director Amy Andre
Joseph, who had resigned as the festival’s main stage producer after last year’s event, returned this year after the Pride Committee apparently couldn’t find anyone to replace her. But it looks like Joseph won’t be back for 2011. Andre said in a Monday, August 2 e-mail, “Audrey has decided not to return to the main stage next year.” Asked if she was resigning, Joseph said in a Friday, August 6 e-mail, “I do not have to put in a resignation.” She explained that she had a one-time contract that expired on June 30, “so anything going forward would have to be renegotiated and no one has approached me on anything as of yet.” Then, responding to follow-up questions, Joseph wrote that she did “not really” want to return as main stage producer, but she added, “Let me be clear – this is my Pride and I want to see it healthy and vibrant.” At Pride’s board meeting last week, Joseph read a statement outlining some of her concerns. Among them, she said that board members should “actively participate in raising money for the event and to make decisions based on the health of the event and
not whatever their personal agendas might be.” In addition to everything else that’s happening with the Pride Committee, it appears there are at least a couple of staff openings. As previously reported, Lindsey Jones, a former executive director who this year became the director of corporate sponsorship, is leaving that position. In a Tuesday, August 10 e-mail, Jones wrote, “The plan all along has been for me to transition into sponsorship for one year. That one year started August 1, 2009 and is ending August 31, 2010.” She added that Andre has initiated the search for a new sponsorship director. Andre said in her August 2 e-mail that no one had yet been hired as director of external relations. She did not say this week whether people had been found for that position or Jones’s job.
Finances Connell, who was absent from at least the last two board meetings, previously told the B.A.R. that this year’s parade and celebration were “pretty close to breaking even.” In her August 2 e-mail, Andre wrote that it was “still being determined” how much money the events had raised this year. Ryan’s report indicated a net income of negative $42,757.49 through July 31, but it wasn’t clear if that would be made up for by sponsorship money that hadn’t yet come in, or other funds. Ryan’s report also didn’t appear to show what the grants to this year’s community partners would be. Since 1997, Pride has granted over $1.6 million to beneficiary organizations. In her report, Ryan said the Pride committee had “enough cash flow” to handle “normal administrative functions” such as rent, payroll, and other costs.
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by Seth Hemmelgarn
Target apologizes for anti-gay donations by Matt Baume arget has issued an apology for the company’s financial donation to an independent committee that is supporting an anti-gay Minnesota gubernatorial candidate. That backing came in the form of a $150,000 donation to Minnesota Forward, an independent expenditure committee seeking to elect state Representative Tom Emmer (R). Emmer is the only major candidate for Minnesota governor who opposes marriage equality. In Tuesday’s primary, Emmer easily beat a field of three lesser known challengers and will face former Senator Mark Dayton (D) in November. “I realize our decision affected many of you in a way I did not anticipate, and for that I am genuinely sorry,” wrote Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel in a memo to employees. He went on to promise “a strategic review and analysis of our decisionmaking process for financial contributions.” That promise falls short of the Human Rights Campaign’s request that the company donate an equivalent amount to a campaign to support marriage equality. “We appreciate Mr. Steinhafel’s statement to company employees this afternoon but it doesn’t go quite far enough,” HRC President Joe Solmonese said in an August 5 statement. The controversy comes as the
Target CEO Gregg Steinhafel
company seeks to open two San Francisco stores. “If they want to come to San Francisco, the epicenter of the LGBT rights movement, they should be very sensitive about their leaning toward right-wing candidates,” said District 5 Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi. Currently, Target states that three executives are responsible for evaluating political donations: Vice President of Government Affairs Matt Zabel, Executive Vice President and General Counsel Timothy Baer, and Steinhafel. All three men have financial ties to anti-gay politicians. According to donation-tracker, Zabel is the former chief of staff for Senator John Thune (R-South Dakota), while Baer has donated thousands to
the campaigns of former Senator Norm Coleman (R-Minnesota) and Representative John Kline (R-Minnesota). Steinhafel has donated thousands to the campaigns of Representatives Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) and Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota). Like Emmer, each of those politicians support a constitutional ban on marriage equality. Target does offer domestic partnership benefits. But according to Open Secrets, the company’s political action committee gave $5,000 in 2010 to Freedom First PAC, founded by anti-gay Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, who’s looking to run for president in 2012. “I oppose efforts to treat domestic relationships as the equivalent of traditional marriage,” Pawlenty said earlier this year. Meanwhile, Target’s apology has done little to calm critics. Organizers are planning national protests this weekend. It remains to be seen whether the company’s welcome in San Francisco has worn thin. At a community meeting last month, before the donations were discovered, Target’s lead project designer Thom Lasley promised to adapt their stores to fit San Francisco. “We have not made a formal application to the city yet,” Lasley said. “We’re waiting to hear community concerns.”▼ Protest details can be found at and
BAY AREA REPORTER . . 12 August 2010
Volume 40, Number 32 12 August 2010 PUBLISHER Thomas E. Horn Bob Ross (Founder, 1971 – 2003) N E W S E D I TO R Cynthia Laird A R T S E D I TO R Roberto Friedman ASSISTANT EDITORS Matthew S. Bajko Seth Hemmelgarn Jim Provenzano CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Dan Aiello • Tavo Amador • Matt Baume • Erin Blackwell Roger Brigham • Scott Brogan • Victoria A. Brownworth Philip Campbell • Chuck Colbert • Richard Dodds Raymond Flournoy • Brian Gougherty David Guarino • Liz Highleyman • Brandon Judell Robert Julian • John F. Karr • Lisa Keen Matthew Kennedy • David Lamble • Michael McDonagh Paul Parish • Lois Pearlman • Tim Pfaff • Jim Piechota Bob Roehr • Donna Sachet • Adam Sandel Jason Serinus • Gregg Shapiro • Gwendolyn Smith Robert Sokol • Ed Walsh • Sura Wood
A R T D I R E C TO R Kurt Thomas P RO D U C T I O N M A N AG E R Tom Dvorak P H OTO G R A P H E R S Jane Philomen Cleland Marc Geller Rick Gerharter Lydia Gonzales Rudy K. Lawidjaja Steven Underhill Bill Wilson I L L U S T R ATO R S & C A R TO O N I S T S Paul Berge Christine Smith G E N E R A L M A N AG E R Michael M. Yamashita C L A S S I F I E D A DV E R T I S I N G David McBrayer D I S P L AY A DV E R T I S I N G Colleen Small Scott Wazlowski N AT I O N A L A DV E R T I S I N G R E P R E S E N TAT I V E Rivendell Media – 212.242.6863 LEGAL COUNSEL Paul H. Melbostad
Best Bay Area Community Newspaper 2006 San Francisco Bay Area Publicity Club Bay Area Reporter 395 Ninth Street San Francisco, CA 94103 415.861.5019 News Editor • Arts Editor • Advertising • Letters •
A division of Benro Enterprises, Inc. © 2010 Published weekly. Bay Area Reporter reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement which the publisher believes is in poor taste or which advertises illegal items which might result in legal action against Bay Area Reporter. Ads will not be rejected solely on the basis of politics, philosophy, religion, race, age, or sexual orientation. Advertising rates available upon request. Our list of subscribers and advertisers is confidential and is not sold. The sexual orientation of advertisers, photographers, and writers published herein is neither inferred nor implied. We are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or artwork.
A decision based on facts ttorneys Theodore Olson and David Boies had a plan and executed it brilliantly. They were convinced that if they could put same-sex marriage on trial, with a complete record then Proposition 8, California’s same-sex marriage ban, would be found unconstitutional. And they were proven correct last week in federal court when Chief U.S. District Court Judge Vaughn Walker ruled that Prop 8 violates the equal protection and due process clauses of the 14th Amendment. This was a landmark decision that contained everything marriage equality advocates could have hoped for. In his 136-page decision, Walker concluded, through a detailed list of 80 findings of fact, that same-sex couples are entitled to marriage rights under the U.S. Constitution. Reading through the decision is a joy. Walker offers a point-by-point takedown of marriage equality opponents’ “best” arguments, utterly wiping away in one sweeping decision all those ridiculous reasons that we have been hearing about for years. Significantly, Walker stated, in finding of fact #46 that “Individuals do not generally choose their sexual orientation. No credible evidence supports a finding that an individual may, through conscious decision, therapeutic intervention or any other method, change his or her sexual orientation.” Walker cited studies and testimony from the plaintiffs themselves in support of this fact, which should cause people to flee from ex-gay groups like Exodus. Those opposed to marriage equality should immediately cease to use this red herring that people can “choose” not to be gay. It does nothing to advance their position – as unfounded as it may be – and is wrong. Another important finding by the judge is #48: “Same-sex couples are identical to opposite-sex couples
never been any reputable research to support this in the characteristics relevant to the ability to claim. Walker also disputed that notion in fact form successful marital unions. Like oppo#55: “Permitting same-sex couples to marry site-sex couples, same-sex couples have will not affect the number of opposite-sex happy, satisfying relationships and form couples who marry, divorce, cohabit, deep emotional bonds and strong have children outside of marriage, or commitments to their partners. ...” otherwise affect the stability of oppositeOlson and Boies presented much evisex marriages.” dence supporting this point during the On the hot-button issue of children, trial, even from Prop 8 proponents. Walker was clear: gay and lesbian couThe judge put to rest one of the most ples are raising kids now, and chillaughable arguments against same-sex dren in those households are no marriage: that gays and lesbians can get married, just not to members of E DITORIAL different than those raised in opposite-sex households. “Children of the same sex. “Marrying a person of same-sex couples benefit when the opposite sex is an unrealistic optheir parents marry,” Walker wrote (fact #56). tion for gay and lesbian individuals,” Walker And, “Children do not need to be raised by a wrote in fact #51. And, in fact #52, he pointed out male parent and a female parent to be well-adthe main problem with domestic partnerships, justed, and having both a male and a female parwhich is currently the law in California: “Doent does not increase the likelihood that a child mestic partnerships lack the social meaning aswill be well-adjusted [fact #71].” sociated with marriage, and marriage is widely The judge made the distinction between regarded as the definitive expression of love and those who morally disapprove of same-sex marcommitment in the United States.” riage and the legal ramifications. In the end, it is We’ve all heard for years that same-sex marnot enough to disapprove of same-sex marriage. riage will harm heterosexual marriage. There has That is, Walker wrote, “an improper basis on which to deny rights to gay men and lesbians.” Walker was right when he concluded that Prop 8 “fails to advance any rational basis in singling out gay men and lesbians for denial of marriage licenses.” Now the case heads for the appeals court, and likely the U.S. Supreme Court. While we don’t know what will happen, we do know that Walker debunked every anti-gay stereotype about same-sex couples and he did it based on the evidence presented at trial. That’s not an activist judge as some of the Prop 8 defenders are claiming. This is a decision reached by a judge who heard the evidence. And the evidence is clear: Prop 8 discriminates against same-sex couples.▼
Working to empower black LGBTs by Sharon Lettman arbecues, backyard parties, and soul-food jams. Summer is a time for family get-togethers. A time when people all over the world take vacations so they can make memories with close friends and loved ones, but in African American communities only some of us feel comfortable going home. In our communities, only some of us feel safe enough to be who we are in the company of those who raised us. Only some of us can show up and be all of ourselves all of the time with the people we love most. The pain of moving through our families – closeted, and, in many instances, alienated – is devastating black families everywhere. Homophobia and the anti-gay oppression it engenders severely limits the extent to which African American LGBT people live out and open lives. In recent years, we have seen significant efforts to undermine black families due to restrictive laws and regulations based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Such laws include the 2008 proposition passed in Arkansas outlawing adoption by LGBT people, even though 21 percent of black LGBT couples are biological parents and 2.2 percent are adoptive or foster parents (2000 U.S. Census). As America’s only nationwide black LGBT civil rights organization, the newly re-imagined National Black Justice Coalition has accepted the charge to lead black families in strengthening the bonds and bridging the gaps between straight and LGBT loved ones and communities. “Building Stronger Black Families” is the theme guiding NBJC’s strategic plan and program development. As a part of our commitment, we focus on eradicating policy-based initiatives that we know weaken our families, our communities, and ultimately, our country. Specifically, we focus on working in coalition with ally organizations to combat harmful laws that are G UEST tearing apart our families. In collaboration with Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, we work to repeal laws like “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” because African American women are discharged from the armed services at three times the rate they serve, due to DADT. Upon discharge, an individual’s access to health and retirement benefits are denied and their professional record is permanently marred,
Courtesy NBJC
Sharon Lettman
affecting their ability to find new work to support their families. In conjunction with the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and the National Center for Transgender Equality, we focus on the Employment Non-Discrimination Act because everybody deserves an opportunity to excel in their chosen profession without fear of being punished or terminated due to gender identity or sexual orientation, qualities over which none of us have any control. Racism, homophobia, and transphobia combine to form powerful discriminating forces that prevent LGBT people of color from obtaining and sustaining jobs, which can lead to impoverished conditions for them and their dependents. In a 2007 NGLTF/NCTE national transgender discrimination survey, 35 percent of black transgender respondents were unemployed, which was five times the rate of the general population at the time of the study. ENDA is a federal bill that would prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of sexual O PINION orientation and gender identity. NBJC is partnering with the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network to put an end to bullying in schools because every child deserves to learn in an environment where they feel safe enough to explore their hopes and dreams without fear of being harassed or physically assaulted. Further, every child deserves to have teachers and administrators who will pro-
tect them when these incidents are reported. When children are the targets of anti-gay bullying, families that don’t receive this level of support and accountability from schools suffer losses like the tragedy experienced by Carl Joseph Walker’s mother. Her son hanged himself last year after enduring daily bullying and anti-gay taunts. Carl is one of several suicides of very young children linked to bullying. We will never know what Carl’s promise held and his family is forever scarred by his untimely departure. NBJC is working with a host of organizations through the Civil Marriage Collaborative DC Coalition, in a public education campaign promoting marriage equality in and around Washington, DC, where 54 percent of the community is African American, and gay and lesbian couples can marry legally. Polls have repeatedly shown that respondents who know an LGBT person within their family, workplace, and/or social networks have increased support for policies that foster equal rights. Increasing acceptance and respect for black LGBT people within their families and communities is essential to growing support within African American communities for LGBT issues of inclusion and equality, which, ultimately, affect us all. NBJC is working toward a world where all of us can go home and be all of who we are, authentically and safely, with family and friends, all of the time. We hope that you will support us by participating in action alerts around policy initiatives that help level the playing field for all LGBT people and allies – regardless of race, creed or color. If you’d like to join our movement to advance the intersection of racial justice and LGBT equality please visit us at or▼ Sharon Lettman is the executive director of NBJC, which is a civil rights organization dedicated to empowering black LGBT people. Its mission is to end racism and homophobia. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., NBJC was founded on December 8, 2003, by a group of committed and passionate black LGBT people, led by activist, author, and commentator Keith Boykin, who believed there needed to be a strong voice advocating on behalf of black LGBT people.
12 August 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER
LGBT parents must be out
for equality, to extend compassion to animals and turn our backs on animal abuse for entertainment. Your twin articles above the fold discuss the federal court Please visit and boycott finding Prop 8 “Unconstitutional” and Prop 8’s ballot box Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus in Oakland. “loss pointing to parents” [August 5]. Your second article points to the positive effect that the estimated 18,000 sameJustin Barker gender married couples in California have in fighting the San Francisco pro-Prop 8 TV ads fear mongering required teaching about marriage equality in elementary schools. Non-LGBT “parGetting SF cabbies up to speed ents [will be] better able to evaluate for themselves whether Seth Hemmelgarn’s story, “Cabbie accused of slur” [Authe fear tactics of our opponents have come to light or not,” gust 5] about David Morgan’s encounter with a the article quotes Equality California’s Marc SF taxi driver’s apparent homophobic attiSolomon. tude, resonated with me and my partner of As a past executive director of Our Family 18 years. On more than one occasion we have Coalition, I saw our members give that lesson been ordered out of a taxi by drivers who over and over again. Gay parents participate could not tolerate even our mildly romantic every day in the same institutions with nonbehavior, such as sitting close to each other LGBT parents who are persuadable voters and or simply holding hands. And after being traditionally had few open LGBT people. For picked up near the Castro or South of Marexample, the presence of ‘Our Families’ allow AILSTROM ket. and often require “gay” to be a part of the curIn the past few years our city’s taxi drivers riculum and life of all schools – for little babies have been increasingly recent immigrants who continue to and up. behave toward gay people as in their countries of origin – exPromoting gay parents’ ability to be open allows all chiltremely homophobic. This behavior has become all too comdren to include family structure and affectional orientation mon in our city, and the SFMTA needs to seriously address when the children are establishing their basic and important this problem, as the taxi business is a licensed public service understanding of differences and fairness – one of the basic and must not be allowed to continue this unacceptable betasks of early childhood. And as your article says, it allows havior. non-LGBT parents to both evaluate their own views first As a former taxi driver, I understand that driving a taxi is hand, and participate as their children develop their basic a good way to enter the work force and begin a new life in fairness to include us. our city. But taxi drivers must be educated about what is acCharlie Spiegel, Esq. ceptable behavior of their passengers and what is not. San Francisco It wouldn’t hurt, either, if they knew more about how to get around the city before they are put behind the wheel.
Gay clowns and animal abuse
The Ringling Brothers circus is in town and after reading last week’s arts cover story about out gay clown, Billy Murray, I couldn’t help but think about the animals that join him on his tour around the U.S. [“Send in the gay clowns,” August 5]. While I am sure Murray is a compassionate man, the owners of Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus are not. Ringling Bros. is known for its long and well-documented history of abusing animals. Elephants in Ringling’s possession are chained inside filthy, poorly ventilated boxcars for often 60 to 70 hours at a time. Former Ringling employees have reported that elephants are routinely abused and violently beaten in order to force them to perform tricks. Ringling’s own animal behaviorist recently testified that elephants struck with bull hooks have been seen dripping blood on the arena floor during shows. Last year, photographs and video provided by retired Ringling trainers, showed frightened baby elephants undergoing barbaric training sessions at Ringling’s elephant breeding center. It is important, as a community that continues to fight
Ken Maley San Francisco
Fight tobacco ban Although I cannot afford to buy cigarettes in supermarkets, I would still urge the supervisors to reject Eric Mar’s proposal to ban the sale of tobacco products in supermarkets with pharmacies. That supervisor’s legislation of last March, which will soon prohibit smoking at tables in front of sidewalk cafes, has already gone too far down the road of tobacco prohibition and making San Francisco a city of neo-Puritans. Like the late, great Eartha Kitt, “I want to wake up in the morning with that dark brown taste/I want to see some dissipation in my face...” Enough with health fascism and public health dictators like Dr. Mitch Katz. The notion of smoke-free San Francisco is prohibitionist and wrong-headed. Come November, supervisorial candidates who advocate expanding anti-smoking laws in public or private must be rejected at the ballot box. Reid Condit San Francisco
McGuire to leave SFGMC fter a decade as the first woman to lead the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus, Kathleen McGuire is stepping down at the end of the year to concentrate on other projects. The openly gay McGuire, 45, joined the chorus as artistic director and conductor in 2000. She will remain with the chorus through this year’s “Home for the Holidays” concerts, with her final performance taking place at the 9 p.m. concert December 24. However, McGuire will have a busy fall as she is in the process of starting a new, locally sponsored and supported project, Singers of the Streets, which is open to everyone, especially those who are homeless. The new choir is forming to protest the sit/lie law, Proposition L, which will be before San Francisco voters in November. “I’ve been talking with people about it for a couple of years and when the sit/lie proposal was announced I thought, we have to get this off the ground, no pun intended,” McGuire said in a telephone interview Monday. Dubbed SOS, the new choir will begin rehearsals in about a month, on September 8, at 11 a.m. at Metropolitan Community Church-San N EWS Francisco, 150 Eureka Street. The church’s affiliated Metropolitan Community Foundation is serving as the fiscal sponsor, although McGuire hopes underwriters can be found. “We believe in the power of music
Kathleen McGuire is leaving the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus.
to bring healing and hope to all of us. SOS has great potential ... support those who are isolated by homelessness,” said the Reverend Lea Brown, MCC-SF senior minister. Anyone may sing in the choir, regardless of their economic or housing status, provided they are of legal age and arrive clean and sober at rehearsals. A free lunch will be served at each rehearsal for those who participate. At this point, everyone is volunteering their time, McGuire said. SOS already has B RIEFS the support of District 8 Supervisor Bevan Dufty and San Francisco Police Sergeant Chuck Limbert, McGuire said. She hopes that beat officers and others will distribute postcards to those who are
homeless with information about the new project. Sit/lie, if passed, will mandate that no one may sit or lie on a San Francisco sidewalk after 11 p.m. each night. McGuire feels strongly that the law will not help the city’s homeless population. “This law is inhumane,” she said in a statement announcing SOS’ formation. “There are not enough beds available to accommodate the thousands of people in our city who are homeless. Where will they sleep?” In addition to her duties as artistic director and conductor of SFGMC, McGuire also serves as conductor and manager of the Oaklandbased Community Women’s Orchestra, which she will continue, she said. That group just marked its 25th anniversary. On Monday, she was named officer of culture for the Federation of Gay Games. “I’m not going anywhere,” McGuire said when asked if she had plans to leave the city. “SFGMC is a full-time job and I felt it was time to give someone else a chance.” Chorus Executive Director Teddy Witherington said a search is under way for a new artistic director and conductor.
NLGJA readies for SF convention The National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association will celebrate 20 years at its upcoming LGBT Media Summit and convention in San Francisco September 2-5. As part of the activities, three people will be inducted into the organization’s LGBT Journalists Hall of Fame. One of those, Hank Plante,
compiled by Cynthia Laird
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BAY AREA REPORTER . . 12 August 2010
by Raymond Flournoy he Market and Noe Center (2278 Market Street) will soon become the home of a Goodwill Industries “pop-up store.” The temporary store is designed to be opened quickly without major renovations, allowing the nonprofit thrift store to make use of the empty store-
front until a more permanent tenant can be found. Goodwill is working in conjunction with the LGBT Community Center’s Transgender Economic Empowerment Initiative to create job training and employment opportunities for transgender individuals. The store will create six to eight new jobs, of which over half are earmarked for TEEI participants.
Representatives from Goodwill presented the proposal for the thrift store at the August 5 meeting of the Merchants of Upper Market and Castro. The group voted 29-1 to support the proposal. The site will be run as a “Goodwill boutique” with an emphasis on higher-quality items, although the exact product mix is yet to be decided. Drop-offs will also be accepted at the storefront, although Goodwill made assurances at the MUMC meeting that the site would not become a dumping group for midnight donations. The store is scheduled to open on October 1, and will remain open until the building owners have found a new tenant. The space is the proposed location of Trader Joe’s, but Goodwill reports that they have been told to expect the space to be available for at least the next six months.
Rick Gerharter
Goodwill to the Castro
The sidewalk in front of Ike’s Place on 16th Street in the Castro gets full on Monday as customers wait to order, and then wait to pick up their sandwiches. Nearby residents have posted restrictions in front of the entrances to their apartments.
For now, Shehadeh is concentrating on the September 1 opening date for his new location on the Stanford campus in Palo Alto. When asked what his options are for his Castro store, Shehadeh said, “If we are evicted and the city issues fines on top of that, that will mean no Ike’s update Ike’s in San Francisco. It will be at least a year or Ike’s Place (3506 16th two before the Stanford Street) has apparently lost store can be profits battle against eviction, according to B USINESS B RIEFS itable and generating enough inblogs and news come for us to resources, with the San Francisco turn to the city.” Chronicle reporting last week that a Shehadeh noted that the San judge has issued an eviction notice. Francisco shop only began turning a However, owner Ike Shehadeh said profit within the last few months, in e-mail to the Bay Area Reporter and that he prides on paying his staff that (as of August 9) he has yet to reof 47 people better than the indusceive any notification from the try average for restaurants. courts of an eviction ruling.
SF Pride ▼
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“Administrative expenses run at just over $60,000 per month,” she wrote. According to Ryan’s report, as of July 31, the committee had a total of about $113,000 in checking and savings. Her report shows that from October 2009 through July 2010, there
Attorneys ▼
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Perry. When it was initially filed in 2009 – just days after the state Supreme Court upheld Prop 8 – organizations including Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund and the American Civil Liberties Union expressed concerns that it would be extremely difficult to recover from a defeat should the case reach the U.S. Supreme Court and have an unfavorable decision. But during his Commonwealth Club remarks, Boies expressed optimism. “We’re not taking any justice for granted on this issue. And we’re not giving up on any justice,” he said. “What you have to do is ask judges to put their cultural influences aside. That’s hard to do, but judges are taught to do that. And the best judges do do that.” Although courtroom victories are crucial, the attorneys emphasized the importance of diverse strategies. “One danger of seeing courts as the silver bullet is that in the end, it’s the court of public opinion [that matters],” said Robinson. As co-founder and chair of the Vermont Freedom to Marry Task Force, she participated in a decade-long battle for marriage equality that careened between courts and politicians wary of upsetting voters.
Web content Online content this week includes the Wockner’s World, Transmissions, and Jock Talk columns.
More food for the Castro masses District 8 Supervisor Bevan Dufty continues to push through legislation that would raise the limit on restaurant licenses in the Castro commercial district. The decadesold regulation caps the number of restaurants in the neighborhood, effectively blocking new businesses until a current eatery closes. On Monday, August 2, Dufty presented his legislation to the Land Use Committee, where it received unanimous support. The full board passed it Tuesday and will finalize its vote in September. More Business Brief are online at▼ Contact Raymond Flournoy at
were about $376,000 in payroll expenses. There were also approximately $127,000 for “contracted services” and about $143,000 for “contracted employees.” Andre’s salary is $105,000. Andre didn’t respond to questions the paper e-mailed to her this week about salaries and other figures from Ryan’s report. She’s repeatedly declined to discuss staff compensation. Sandra Miniutti, vice president of marketing and chief financial officer
for the charity evaluator Charity Navigator, reviewed Ryan’s report for the B.A.R. However, in an e-mail, she wrote, “Unfortunately, we can’t make any judgments about the [percent] this charity spends on overhead costs based on this report as it doesn’t detail the expense categories. We can see all the various expenses, but have no way of knowing how to allocate things like salary, benefits and so on into programs, admin and fundraising.”▼
As chief deputy city attorney for San Francisco, Stewart provided significant support to the Perry case, which the city joined on the plaintiffs’ side. She cautioned against focusing too closely on any one branch of government. “It’s not one branch,” she said. “We have to pursue all of them.” Although Prop 8 was successful at the ballot box, its proponents were outmatched in court. Witnesses for the defendants were unable to offer evidence in support of the ban. “They didn’t have a case to put on,” said Boies. “You can have the best lawyers in the world. But if you don’t have any evidence, you can’t survive in the courtroom.” He added, “If we can move this debate out of the realm of emotion and into the realm of logic and evidence, there is no other side. ... There are some cases in which there simply is no other side. And this is one of them.” Stewart offered a similar observation at the ABA panel. “It’s feelings that are behind these laws,” she said. “Fears, prejudices. When you look rationally at these things – fear, prejudice – there just isn’t evidence to support the position.” It remains to be seen whether Walker’s ruling will be upheld by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, and eventually by the U.S. Supreme Court. Boies estimated that the courts will want to settle the case quickly, since Walker found that Prop 8’s harm – the deprivation of constitutional rights – is so severe. Boies estimated that the 9th Circuit could rule in early 2011, and that he and co-counsel Theodore Olson could be arguing before the Supreme Court later that year.
often involves very long-term strategies. In Vermont, Robinson recalled, a turning point came in 1999 with Baker v. State. In that case, a court ruled that the state’s marriage ban was unconstitutional; an intense legislative session followed, and in 2000, thenGovernor Howard Dean signed a bill providing civil unions. An anti-gay backlash followed. “We spent the next several years playing defense,” Robinson said. Finally, in 2007, legislators introduced a bill to provide marriage equality. It took two years to pass, Robinson said, due to “political post-traumatic stress from the 2000 backlash.” But finally, thanks to grassroots organizing, one-on-one conversations, and an appeal to opinion leaders, the bill passed in 2009. The first marriages started last September. “There’s nothing inevitable,” said GLAD’s Bonauto, reflecting on the marriage equality fights of the last decade. “But there’s so many people getting engaged, that these critical conversations will continue. So many more people get it now that we’re talking about civil rights.” Just one day after his sweeping victory, Boies was taking a long view of history as well. “This day really belongs to, in a lot of ways, not to Ted Olson and myself, who really came along kind of late in the game. It belonged to the people who have fought this battle, for a very long time and at enormous cost.” He took a lengthy pause, and when he resumed, his voice trembled. “Sometimes at the cost of their lives. This result is for them more than anybody else.”▼
The long term
To listen to David Boies’s speech, visit:
The fight for marriage equality
12 August 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER
Speier, Pelosi back Wiener in D8 supe race for the city’s school board won’t be known until later this week, as elections officials extended the filing deadline to 5 p.m. Wednesday, August 11 due to Kim’s supervisorial bid.▼
by Matthew S. Bajko ongresswoman Jackie Speier (D-San Mateo) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) have both endorsed Scott Wiener in the race to succeed termed-out District 8 Supervisor Bevan Dufty this fall. In a statement released to the Bay Area Reporter, Speier and Pelosi both praised Wiener’s leadership skills and his work for the Democratic Party. “Over the years, I’ve seen firsthand Scott Wiener’s leadership style – Scott brings people together to get things done for San Francisco. Scott Wiener’s leadership in the Democratic Party and in the community is exceptional,” stated Speier, whose district reaches as far north as Diamond Heights in San Francisco. Pelosi added, “Scott Wiener is part of a bold, new generation of leaders for San Francisco, and he has my support for District 8 supervisor.” In recent weeks LGBT activists have criticized Pelosi, as well as other congressional leaders, for Congress’ failure to send the president any gay rights bills this year. Speier stunned local LGBT politicos at a Pride event when she predicted a federal jobs protection bill for LGBT people could take another five years to pass. Pelosi continues to backtrack from the pledge she made in May to local LGBT leaders that the House would vote on the inclusive Employment Non-Discrimination Act this year. In a recent mailing sent to her constituents, Pelosi drops mention of any timeline for an ENDA vote. Rather, she merely wrote, “I will continue to fight for the passage” of ENDA and states that “since my first day in Congress, ending discrimination against gays and lesbians has been a top priority.” Asked if he was worried anger over Congress’ inaction could filter down to his campaign due to his having the House members’ support, Wiener brushed aside any such notions. He noted he voted for a resolution passed last month by local Democratic Party leaders that called on Congress and Pelosi to pass ENDA. “I think that the speaker is well respected and popular in the community. I understand, as well, the frustration around the ENDA issue. I share that frustration that the bill has not moved forward yet,” said Wiener, a deputy city attorney. “But I also have confidence that Speaker Pelosi will move the bill and she understands how important that is. I am honored to have the speaker’s endorsement.”
Who’s in, who’s out of fall races The high profile endorsements, to
Web Extra: For more queer political news, be sure to check Monday mornings around 10 a.m. for Political Notes, the notebook’s
Congresswoman Jackie Speier has endorsed Scott Wiener in the District 8 supervisor race.
be announced today (Thursday, August 12) by Wiener’s campaign, come as elections officials have finalized the list of qualified candidates who will appear on the November ballot. And there are a few surprises. In particular to the D8 race, Starchild, a libertarian sex worker, failed to make the cut this go around. He twice ran against Dufty for the seat and had pulled papers for a third try, but he was never considered a serious contender in the race. James Boeger, another perennial candidate, also was left off the list for the D8 race as even he had predicted would happen back in February. Four openly gay candidates did qualify to seek the open seat. Along with Wiener will be Assistant District Attorney Rebecca Prozan, local attorney Rafael P OLITICAL Mandelman, and business executive Bill Hemenger. In the District 10 race former AIDS czar under Mayor Willie Brown and onetime B.A.R. political columnist Bill Barnes opted not to run. He instead filed papers for school board. A total of 22 people are competing for the D10 seat, including BART board member Lynette Sweet, Community College board member Chris Jackson, local newspaper publisher Steve Moss, and Malia Cohen, a former staffer to Mayor Gavin Newsom. All three of the Community College Board members up for re-election this year, including openly gay member Lawrence Wong, are assured another term now that no one opted to run against them. Michael Goldstein, a gay man who had planned to seek a seat on the board, had lined up an early endorsement from the Harvey
Milk LGBT Democratic Club. But this week he told the B.A.R. he decided to withdraw due to health reasons. “I am sorry too, because they all get a free ride,” Goldstein said. Fifteen people made the cut in the District 6 race, where the field includes school board president Jane Kim and a number of LGBT candidates, including drag performer Glendon Hyde, lesbian artist Debra Walker, mental health board chair James Keyes, Entertainment Commissioner Jim Meko, and Theresa Sparks, a transgender woman who heads the city’s Human Rights Commission. Neither Gary Converse, a gay man who is disabled, nor Renato Cazares, a gay man who works in the education sector, who had pulled papers to seek the D6 seat will appear on the ballot. District 4 SuN OTEBOOK pervisor Carmen Chu is assured reelection as no one filed to run against her, while District 2 Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier’s name will be on the ballot. She recently won a court ruling that she can seek another term, overruling City Attorney Dennis Herrera’s opinion that she was termed out of office this year. The matter is now on appeal and her main opponent in the race, Janet Reilly, qualified for the ballot and this week filed an amicus brief in the city attorney’s case. In total 49 people are running in the various even-numbered supervisor races this year. Public Defender Jeff Adachi drew no contenders for his office, while both BART District 8 board member James Fang and AssessorRecorder Phil Ting face contested elections, though both are expected to easily win their races. The list of people qualified to run
Lydia Gonzales
Campaign against sit/lie begins
The campaign against Proposition L, the sit/lie law, kicked off Tuesday, August 10 with a rally at Harvey Milk Plaza in the Castro. Demonstrators showed their opposition to the measure and heard from Supervisor David Campos and Alan Schlosser of the American Civil Liberties Union. If approved by voters in November, the law would prevent people from sitting or lying on sidewalks in the city.
online companion. Keep abreast of the latest LGBT political news by following the Political Notebook on Twitter @ Got a tip on LGBT politics? Call Matthew S. Bajko at (415) 861-5019 or e-mail
BAY AREA REPORTER . . 12 August 2010
12 August 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER
BAY AREA REPORTER . . 12 August 2010
12 August 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER
BAY AREA REPORTER . . 12 August 2010
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Robert Louis Gallegos
Samuel Alan Storicks, Jr.
June 19, 1953 – July 22, 2010
September 10, 1979 – July 23, 2010
Robert Louis Gallegos, aka Lord X Adama Manchild, passed away at home in Albuquerque, New Mexico on July 22, 2010 at 3:00 a.m. He was in the arms of Dave Bineault, his partner of 22 years, when he asked to be put near an open door or window and quietly slipped out of his body. He’d been suffering from a very painful form of cancer and had been confined to bed or a wheelchair for many months. A beautifully special and unique person, Robert moved through life with a rare perception, a flip sense of humor and a deep spiritual integrity and love that made a lasting impression on many of the people who were blessed to have known him. A loyal friend, son and brother, he was the eldest of five children, two of whom, his younger sister Linda and brother Adan, along with his father Lazaro, preceded him into the great beyond. He is survived by his mother Elizabeth Gallegos, his sister Sarah and brother Michael, along with many loving friends and extended family. Robert loved life and we believe he has just embarked on the next phase of a profound adventure of healing and knowing. Born in Dalhart, Texas, he first moved (ran away) to San Francisco at 16. Educated in Portland, Oregon, where he stayed for many years, he also spent time in Germany, Washington, New York City, Boston and Austin, but he loved San Francisco the most and always returned within a year or so. Portland always had a special place in his heart and he still has many dear friends there. He will always be missed. Until we meet again.
Samuel Alan Storicks, Jr, (“Bear”, “Scampers”, “Mixmutt”), age 30, died July 23, 2010. Born in Wilmington, Delaware on September 10, 1979, he grew up in Woodstown, New Jersey but had also resided in San Francisco, before ultimately settling in the city he loved, Portland, Oregon. Sam was the beloved partner of Greg Kerr of Portland, son of Samuel and Susan (Giles) Storicks of Woodstown, brother of Danielle Loper and brother-in-law of her husband Craig Loper of Woodstown, and loving uncle to their daughter, Sofia Loper. He is also survived by many aunts, uncles, and cousins. Sam was pre-deceased by his grandparents, Raymond and Rosella (DeRose) Giles and Walter and Ethel (Harbeson) Storicks, all of Woodstown. After graduating from Woodstown High School in 1997, Sam served as a Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force and then became an Inflight Team Leader with Virgin America airlines based in San Francisco, where he brought his charm and sassiness to the skies. Additionally, Sam was a DJ in the San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and Los Angeles areas. He was a resident DJ for Bearracuda Portland. Sam loved music and his newly adopted city of Portland. He was most ecstatic when the dance floor was full and people were having a great time. He also enjoyed being with his coworkers and his work life. His circle of friends comes from around the world and from all walks of life. In addition to memorials planned for Portland and Wood-
Peaches ▼
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persed an army of volunteer lap dancers throughout the audience. Dancers tore through the theater, climbing over seats and mashing themselves against audience members. Several people were whipped. Volunteers were recruited from a broad range of backgrounds. Dancer Shannon Kelley was a seasoned Trannyshack performer, while cutoff-clad Dalton Huckaby was a newcomer to performing. “It just sounded fun,” he said. Nearby, Huckaby’s friend Shane Young wore skimpy briefs and a mask. “I’m an exhibitionist by nature,” he said. Sister Phyliss of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence went through the aisles in a polka-dot dress. “I like to play the naughty housewife,” she said. “Formal skirt, corset, no panties.”
News Briefs ▼
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was until recently familiar to many Bay Area residents as the veteran political editor on KPIX, channel 5 news. Plante retired from the station after 25 years there, and now resides in Palm Springs. He has written pieces for the San Francisco Chronicle in recent weeks. Also being inducted is pioneering lesbian journalist Edythe Eyde, who wrote under the pseudonym Lisa Ben while she was editor of Vice Versa, a small newsletter in Los Angeles. She produced the newsletter from her office at RKO Studios. Finally, Richard Rouilard, cofounder of the National Gay Rights Association of San Francisco, will be inducted. The organization was the first public interest law firm for lesbians and gay men in the United States. In 1981, Rouilard moved to Los Angeles, and began a journalism career that included being editor-in-
stown, there was a memorial service in San Francisco to celebrate Sam’s life on Wednesday, August 11 at The Eagle Tavern, 398 12th Street, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Paul F. Zangaro, Jr It all started 22 years ago in St, Louis on the dance floor, Roger looked to the other side of the dance club and saw a cutie with a sparkle in his eye watching him. The dance into their love began that night. On Monday morning, July 5, 2010, Paul left for his new home in heaven. Although he suffered with a variety of illnesses, his death was a sudden one. Paul was a faithful member of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Crockett. He and Roger had moved several yeas ago to Rodeo where they shared their lives with their three dogs, Bijou, Kenna and Barney. During his years in San Francisco, he worked at Trinity Church and over the years he served as an acolyte, Eucharistic Minister, Vestry member. He had a great love for Trinity and was much loved by the members there. He was an original member of the San Francisco Lyric Chorus. Roger and Paul were married in San Francisco on Valentine’s Day by Mabel Tang and then in Contra Costa County. He is survived by his partner Roger LaClear, their dogs in Rodeo, and his grandmother, father, three sisters, two brothers and many nieces and nephews. A memorial service was held in Crockett at St. Mark’s Church. Memorials may be sent to either Trinity Church or St. Mark’s Church, Crockett.
Fans were giddy with anticipation. “This is one of the best things about living here,” said Michelina Matarrese. “We’re big Saved by the Bell fans,” said Sam Leichter. Peaches is in the midst of a national tour with her own brand new feature film, All About Evil. Starring Natasha Lyonne and Mink Stole, the slasher pic documents a deranged theater owner’s bloody filmmaking spree. “The tour itself has been a blast,” Peaches said. “Ultimately I think of myself as an entertainer, whether I’m onstage in a big wig singing and dancing or writing and directing a movie. It’s all about playing for audiences.” For their part, Saturday’s Showgirls audience members were beside themselves with delight. A huge cheer went up as Peaches launched the screening by shouting, “we’re all whores tonight!”▼
chief of the Advocate. At the LGBT Media Summit, which precedes the convention on September 2, Hana Kajimura will be presented with the $2,500 Bob Ross Student Scholarship by the NLGJA northern California chapter. The scholarship is underwritten by the Bob Ross Foundation, which is overseen by Bay Area Reporter publisher Thomas E. Horn. Kajimura went to high school in Palo Alto and will be attending Stanford University this fall. According to the selection committee, her essay created a narrative that tied the pieces she wrote (about gender inequality in the locker room and a series she did about athletes living with HIV) to broader issues around equality. The presentation will take place at the summit’s closing reception at 5 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency. For more information on the convention, visit▼ More News Briefs online at
Man stabbed ▼
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deck outside his second floor apartment to remember him. Flowers had been placed on top of a barbecue grill and in a chair next to the front door, which was marked by a medical examiner’s seal. David Ruiz, 28, described DiMartino as “energetic, direct, funny, and very involved in work.” DiMartino was “dedicated to work and helping the community,” said Ruiz, who later explained that his friend had done charitable work related to housing, among other activities. DiMartino worked for Archstone, an apartment company headquartered in Englewood, Colorado, as a senior marketing manager, according to Peter Jakel, an Archstone communications manager. On top of DiMartino’s grill, next to a bunch of flowers that held a snapshot of him and Ruiz together, there were two tiny Bacardi rum bottles. “He loved his happy hour, but who doesn’t?” said Ruiz. Ruiz, who said he was “pretty much his best friend in San Francisco,” said DiMartino was gay. He described DiMartino’s apartment as “my second home,” and said the two would spend time grilling or watching TV. He said he had “no idea” why his friend had been killed. “No one has any clue,” he said. Ruiz also said DiMartino’s family, who live in Chicago, are “completely devastated.”
Prop 8 appeal ▼
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but they have also asked Walker to lift his stay of his ruling and allow LGBT couples to immediately begin marrying. The judge is expected to issue his decision within weeks. Aaron McLear, a spokesman for the governor, told the Bay Area Reporter this week that Schwarzenegger “is not going to appeal” since he agreed with Walker’s ruling. “I don’t know why he would appeal since he agrees with the decision,” said McLear. Brown’s office also confirmed this week that they will not submit an appeal. “Judge Walker’s conclusion that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional confirms the position that the attorney general has consistently taken in the case, and there is therefore nothing for the attorney general to appeal,” Brown’s press secretary Christine Gasparac wrote in an e-mail reply to the B.A.R. Once Walker issues his final judgment in the case, then there is a 30-day time limit for any of the losing parties to submit their appeal to the 9th Circuit. Therese Stewart, the chief deputy city attorney who has argued the city’s pro-same-sex marriage stance before both state and federal courts, said Prop 8’s defenders can’t second-guess the governor or attorney general on whether to appeal the ruling. “Here the proponents of the law were executing a legislative function; they were passing a law. But it doesn’t mean they have legal standing to challenge the decisions of the state’s top law enforcement officials on how to defend those laws in the court of law,” said Stewart. “A party without standing can’t create an appeal just because they don’t like a decision by the attorney general and governor not to appeal.” In effect, Stewart said the case could conceivably never make it to the U.S. Supreme Court if no party that has standing to appeal does so. “I think there is a good chance for the Supreme Court not to take it, so if the 9th Circuit said they have no standing, it might end there,” she said. The one wrinkle is that Imperial County has filed a motion to intervene and appeal the case. Located next to
Geeta Davidson, 28, said it was “kind of surreal” being on DiMartino’s deck Thursday night. Davidson, who said she’d known DiMartino for about a year and a half, said she would remember DiMartino’s laugh, and his “very sarcastic wit.” “He just always said what he thought, the first thing that came to his mind,” said Davidson. DiMartino’s other friends laughed in agreement. Esparza said DiMartino was “known to frequent bars in the Castro.” DiMartino’s Facebook page listed Toad Hall and other Castro bars as being among his interests. When a reporter showed a photo of DiMartino to a bartender at Toad Hall, he said other staff had previously remarked that they had seen him before, but they weren’t working at the bar early Thursday night. Ashley Lincoln, 62, a neighbor of DiMartino’s, described him as “a really nice guy” who kept to himself. Lincoln, who said it had probably been a month since she’d seen DiMartino, estimated he had lived in the apartment from three to four years. She also said that he’d lived alone. Charles Cecil, an investigator with the medical examiner’s office, said Tuesday that DiMartino’s death was still under investigation, and a final report is not yet available. Police are asking anyone with information about DiMartino or the case to contact the homicide unit at (415) 553-1145, the anonymous tip line at (415) 575-4444, or text a tip to 847411 and type SFPD, then the message. The case number is 100704683.▼ the Mexico border, the county’s Board of Supervisors voted this week to serve as the appellants in the case. The county had sought to intervene in the case at the trial level, but Walker denied its request. Russell said it is unlikely that Imperial County or any other state governmental body would have standing to appeal the case. Nonetheless, the question adds to the complexity surrounding the Prop 8 appeal process. “I think it is a hard argument for Imperial County to win,” said Russell. “There are a lot of moving pieces here that the disagreement over Judge Walker’s decision has created.” If the 9th Circuit upholds Walker’s ruling, as many legal experts suspect it will, then it is a given that the case will land before the U.S. Supreme Court, which has a conservative majority. It takes four votes among the nine justices to hear a case. “I do think the four conservative justices on the Supreme Court would really want to take up [the case],” said Russell, adding that for Justice Antonin Scalia “it would be the equivalent of throwing his body on the railroad tracks to prevent this from being upheld.” On the flip side, should the 9th Circuit overturn Walker’s decision, it is not a guarantee that the Supreme Court’s liberal wing would want to hear the case, said Russell. “If the 9th Circuit overturns some or all of Judge Walker’s reasoning and reinstates Prop 8, it is not so clear that the justices who are more liberal would necessarily vote to take that up given the conservative majority of the Supreme Court,” she said. Marc Spindelman, a professor of law at Ohio State University, agreed that it is more likely for the case to land before the Supreme Court if the appeals court rules on behalf of same-sex couples. “A decision by the 9th Circuit to declare a right to same-sex marriage is more likely to get reviewed by the Supreme Court than a decision that leaves same-sex couples in California only with domestic partnerships,” said Spindelman. “The folks people who think of as liberals on the court are not itching for an opportunity ... they have given no evidence they are spoiling for a fight or spoiling for an occasion to declare a right for samesex marriage.”▼
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12 August 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER
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BAY AREA REPORTER . . 12 August 2010
LEGAL NOTICES City and County of San Francisco For Papers, August 12-13, 2010 SAN FRANCISCO MTA - EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY 9179 Manager V - The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) is currently recruiting qualified candidates for the following position: Grants Accounting Manager. Description: The Grants Accounting Manager is responsible for managing the SFMTA’s cost allocation program and grant revenues and expense activities. The incumbent is also responsible for the single audit and all audits of grants by federal, state, and regional agencies and for implementing grant related accounting and reporting requirements as well as managing staff. Desirable Qualifications: A baccalaureate degree in Finance, Business Administration, or other related field; 10 years experience in managing in any of the following areas: finance, grant administration, capital project accounting, cost allocation plans, audits and financial systems. Please visit our website at: for complete job announcement and information on how to apply for this position. Minorities, Women, and Persons with Disabilities are Encouraged to Apply An Equal Opportunity Employer
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SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION NOTICE In accordance with requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) as set forth in 49 CFR Part 26, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (“SFMTA”) hereby notifies the public that it intends to establish a goal of twenty-two percent (22%) participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), to be attained by race-neutral measures, in its procurement and contracting activities for October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2013. DOT recently amended 49 CFR Part 26 requiring DOT grantees to establish an overall DBE goal for a three-year period. Prior to this amendment, grantees were required to establish a DBE goal on an annual basis. To facilitate participation by DBEs without regard to race, ethnicity and gender, SFMTA will implement a small business enterprise participation goal on federally assisted contracts and provide technical assistance for the upcoming federally-assisted projects during the period October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2013.
Information pertaining to this proposed DBE goal is available for inspection 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, at the SFMTA Contract Compliance Office (CCO) at One South Van Ness Avenue, 6th Floor, San Francisco, California 94103, for thirty (30) days following this publication. Comments will be accepted for fortyfive (45) days from date of publication. Comments may be sent to the SFMTA Contract Compliance Office, at the above address. CCO can be contacted at 415-701-4436.
CLASSIFIEDS LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: Specialty Brewing Restaurants, LLC. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 71 Stevenson Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at: 314 Sutter Street,San Francisco, CA 94108. Type of license applied for:
47-ON-SALE GENERAL EATING PLACE AUG. 12, 2010 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: Leticia Maria Luna. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 71 Stevenson Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at: 398 7th Street,San Francisco, CA 94103. Type of license applied for:
47-ON-SALE GENERAL EATING PLACE AUG. 12, 2010 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are:Zaels and Plissken, LLC. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 71 Stevenson Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at: 647 Valencia Street,San Francisco, CA 94110. Type of license applied for:
48-ON-SALE GENERAL PUBLIC PREMISES AUG. 12, 2010 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: Electra Inc. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 71 Stevenson Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at: 39 New Montgomery Street,San Francisco, CA 94105-3438. Type of license applied for:
48-ON-SALE GENERAL PUBLIC PREMISES JULY 29, AUG. 5,12, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032905900 The following person(s) is/are doing business as:GoPhoto, 932 Broderick, Street, #3, San Francisco, CA 94115. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, signed Stephan Blendstrup. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/14/10.
JULY 22,29, AUG. 5,12, 2010
STATEMENT FILE A-032903300 The following person(s) is/are doing business as:Pillar6 Benefits & Insurance Services, 2737 Polk Street,A, SF,CA 94109. This business is conducted by an individual , signed Roman Polnar. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/13/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/13/10.
District 1 - Eric L. Mar District 2 - Michela Alioto-Pier District 3 - David Chiu District 4 - Carmen Chu District 5 - Ross Mirkarimi District 6 - Chris Daly
District 7 - Sean Elsbernd District 8 - Bevan Dufty District 9 - David Campos District 10 - Sophie Maxwell District 11 - John Avalos
The City and County of San Francisco encourage public outreach. Articles are translated into several languages to provide better public access. The newspaper makes every effort to translate the articles of general interest correctly. No liability is assumed by the City and County of San Francisco or the newspapers for errors and omissions.
STATEMENT FILE A-032902700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as:Plumbing Supply Warehouse, 5835 3rd Street, San Francisco,CA 94124.This business is conducted by an individual, signed Riad Khano. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/13/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/ 13/10.
JULY 22,29, AUG. 5,12, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032878000 The following person(s) is/are doing business as:Jacobson Door and Hardware, 165 13th Street, San Francisco,CA 94103. This business is conducted by a corporation, signed William J. Jacobson. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 06/ 30/10
JULY 22,29, AUG. 5,12, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032895700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as:Cafe Capriccio,2200 Mason Street, San Francisco, CA 94133. This business is conducted by a husband and wife, signed Jalpa Patel. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/09/10.
JULY 22,29, AUG. 5,12, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032909900 The following person(s) is/are doing business as:Miller Legal Services, 158 Shrader Street, San Francisco, CA 94177. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Brooke Miller. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/01/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/15/10.
JULY 22,29, AUG. 5,12, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032925500 The following person(s) is/are doing business as:Cy Flooring, 901 Bayshore Blvd,#404, San Francisco, CA 94124. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Chun Yi Zhung. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/22/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/22/10.
JULY 22,29, AUG. 5,12, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032908300
The following person(s) is/are doing business as:ACER CAB LIMO, 1230 Market Street, #244, San Francisco,CA 94102. This business is conducted by an individual , signed Jose Luiz Dopradofilho. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/07/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/07/10.
JULY 22,29, AUG. 5,12, 2010
The following person(s) is/are doing business as:Hot Find Homes, 1247 Potrero Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Karen Everett. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/10/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/15/10.
To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: My Father’s Kitchen, LLC. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 71 Stevenson Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at: 1655 Divisadero Street,San Francisco, CA 94115-3009. Type of license applied for:
41-ON-SALE BEER AND WINE EATING PLACE AUG. 12,19,26, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032936700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Distractions, 1552 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117. This business is conducted by an individual, signed James O. Siegel. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 06/01/82. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/28/10.
AUG. 5,12,19,26, 2010 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTICIOUS BUSINESS NAME: #0298858-00 The following persons have abandoned the use of the ficticious business name known as Capital City Electric, 870 Market Street, Suite 353, San Francisco, CA 94102. This business was conducted by an individual, signed Bradford Adams. The ficticious name was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/05/06.
AUG. 5,12,19,26, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032936300 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Amerilili Interational, 744 Filbert Street,San Francisco, CA 94133. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Li Li Huang. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/28/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/28/10.
AUG. 5,12,19,26, 2010
JULY 22,29, AUG. 5,12, 2010
JULY 22,29, AUG. 5,12, 2010
2010 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS REGULARLY SCHEDULED BOARD MEETINGS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC – Come see your San Francisco government in action. Tuesdays, 2:00pm, City Hall Chamber, Room 250 September 7, 14, 21, 28, October 5, 19, 26, November 2, 9, 16, 23, December 7, 14
The following person(s) is/are doing business as:Wine Task, 1740 Washington Street, #303, San Francisco, CA 94109. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Claudia Zimmerman. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/16/10.
The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Dos Lagos Regional Center, 10508 Lower Azusa Road,#202, El Monte, CA 91731. This business is conducted by a corporation, signed Chuan Dong. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/22/10.
JULY 22,29, AUG. 5,12, 2010
JULY 29, AUG. 5,12,19, 2010
The following person(s) is/are doing business as:FidesReef, 228 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94112. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Sehat Rosny. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 06/01/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 06/29/10.
The following person(s) is/are doing business as: THEFASHIONSENCE.COM, 1248 24th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Haihua Mai. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/26/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/26/10.
JULY 22,29, AUG. 5,12, 2010
JULY 29, AUG. 5,12,19, 2010
The following person(s) is/are doing business as: iManageRent, 1182 Folsom Street, San Francisco, CA 94103. This business is conducted by a corporation, signed Hatef Moghimi. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/15/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/16/10.
JULY 29, AUG. 5,12,19, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032916400 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: School 2 Career Coach, 442 Collingwood Street San Francisco, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Yukari Baba. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/19/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/19/10.
JULY 29, AUG. 5,12,19, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032927700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: The Irish Times, 500 Sacramento Street San Francisco, CA 94111. This business is conducted by a limited liabilitycompany, signed John Lillis. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/30/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/22/10.
JULY 29, AUG. 5,12,19, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032929000 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Brass Fly, 25 Capra Way, Suite 305,San Francisco, CA 94123. This business is conducted by a general partnership, signed Victor Colborn. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/01/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/23/10.
JULY 29, AUG. 5,12,19, 2010
The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Skymont, 580 California Street,Suite #500,San Francisco, CA 94104. This business is conducted by a general partnership, signed Fang Hu. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/08/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/19/10.
JULY 29, AUG. 5,12,19, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032924200 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: 1.Winery-SF, 2.Vie Winery, 3.Chateau par la Baie, 200 California Avenue,Building 180 North,Treasure Island, CA 94130. This business is conducted by a limited liability company,signed Kenneth Bryan Kane. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/01/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/21/10.
JULY 29, AUG. 5,12,19, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032932200 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Carina Mobile, 210 Fell Street, #4, San Francisco, CA 94102. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Tim DeBenedictis. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/05/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/26/10.
JULY 29, AUG. 5,12,19, 2010 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: Tekin Food & Beverage INC. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 71 Stevenson Street, Suite 1500, San Francisco, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at: 582 Hayes Street,San Francisco, CA 94102-4214. Type of license applied for:
STATEMENT FILE A-032935100 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Courson Law Group, 582 Market Street, Suite 412, San Francisco, CA 94104.This business is conducted by an individual, signed Marty K. Courson. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/27/10.
AUG. 5,12,19,26, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032941800 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Integrated Alchemy, 2345 Harrison Street,San Francisco, CA 94110.This business is conducted by a corporation, signed Trevor Gavin. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/01/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/30/10.
AUG. 5,12,19,26, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032941700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: Telegraph Hill Robes, 2415 3rd Street, #262, San Francisco, CA 94107.This business is conducted by a corporation,signed Robert Spurlock. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/23/97. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/30/10.
AUG. 5,12,19,26, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032942600 The following person(s) is/are doing business as Fox & Crow, 33 Guerrero Street, Suite 6, San Francisco, CA 94103.This business is conducted by an limited liability company, signed Sandrine Albouy. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/30/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/30/10.
AUG. 5,12,19,26, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032942800 The following person(s) is/are doing business as Cyancedar, 822 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA 94117. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Marc Demoly. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/22/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/30/10.
AUG. 5,12,19,26, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032941300 The following person(s) is/are doing business as Mottershead Consulting, 111 Chestnut Street, #201 San Francisco, CA 94111. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Terri Mottershead. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/30/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/30/10.
AUG. 5,12,19,26, 2010
12 August 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER 15
LEGAL NOTICES STATEMENT FILE A-032927600 The following person(s) is/are doing business as 1.Afello Enterprise, 2.Afello Design, 148 Laidley Street, San Francisco, CA 94131. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Hadley Fellows. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed ďŹ ctitious business name or names on 07/22/10. The statement was ďŹ led with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/22/10.
AUG. 5,12,19,26, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032931700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as TRN Law Associates, 425 Market Street, Suite 2200, San Francisco, CA 94105. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Tiffany R. Norman. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed ďŹ ctitious business name or names on NA. The statement was ďŹ led with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/26/10.
AUG. 5,12,19,26, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032942900 The following person(s) is/are doing business as Butties, 30 Grand View Avenue, #102, San Francisco, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Kenneth Souza. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed ďŹ ctitious business name or names on 07/30/10.The statement was ďŹ led with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/30/10.
listed ďŹ ctitious business name or names on 07/27/08. The statement was ďŹ led with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/27/10.
AUG. 12,19,26,SEPT. 2, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032942200 The following person(s) is/are doing business as V. W Nail Care, 1745 Union Street,San Francisco, CA 94123. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Van My La. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed ďŹ ctitious business name or names on 07/30/10. The statement was ďŹ led with the City and County of San Francisco,CA on 07/30/10.
AUG. 12,19,26,SEPT. 2, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032945100 The following person(s) is/are doing business as Cronin Painting, 2350 Ulloa Street,San Francisco, CA 94116. This business is conducted by a corporation, signed Vincent Cronin. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed ďŹ ctitious business name or names on NA. The statement was ďŹ led with the City and County of San Francisco,CA on 08/02/10.
The following person(s) is/are doing business as Spectra Design Painting, 1750 Montgomery Street, Suite 139, San Francisco, CA 94111. This business is conducted by an individual, signed John Aalberg. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed ďŹ ctitious business name or names on 07/19/10. The statement was ďŹ led with the City and County of San Francisco,CA on 07/19/10.
AUG. 12,19,26,SEPT. 2, 2010 STATEMENT FILE A-032962300 The following person(s) is/are doing business as BullDog Tattoo, 2275 Market Street, #6, San Francisco, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Gauge Strongarm. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed ďŹ ctitious business name or names on 08/01/10. The statement was ďŹ led with the City and County of San Francisco,CA on 08/11/10.
AUG. 12,19,26,SEPT. 2, 2010
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The following person(s) is/are doing business as Future Perfect Living,462 Green Glen Way, Mill Valley, CA 94941. This business is conducted by an individual, signed Victoria Stone. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed ďŹ ctitious business name or names on NA.The statement was ďŹ led with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/03/10.
AUG. 12,19,26,SEPT. 2, 2010
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SF Ballet performs at Stern Grove
Being Del Shores
Pixar-lated world
‘Prism,’ ‘After the Rain,’ ‘The Sandpiper Ballet’ & more come to the great outdoors.
‘Sordid Lives’ writer/director brings cast to the Rrazz Room.
‘Pixar: 25 Years of Animation’ is on view at the Oakland Museum.
page 23
page 22
page 20
Vol. 40 . No. 32 . 12 August 2010
Appears in ‘Help Is on the Way XVI’ this Sunday night ~ by Jason Victor Serinus ~ arol Channing was singing to me, courtesy of AT&T. The great actress, 89, was preparing to join an incredible line-up of celebrities this Sunday for Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation’s annual fundraising concert and gala, Help Is On the Way XVI: That’s Entertainment. Raised in San Francisco, Channing now lives in Modesto with her fourth husband, childhood friend and former bandleader Harry Kullijian, 90. Harry began the conversation, passionately explaining why the couple has spent many of their seven married years campaigning vigorously and organizing nationally to return arts to the public schools. After discussion of a national telethon, Carol addressed her plans for the benefit. Each story was preceded by a story, with other stories interwoven. It felt as though the most intricate of personal tapestries was being unveiled. “My dear friend, Jerry Herman, has AIDS,” she said. “He wrote the music for Hello Dolly. He was diagnosed when we were still in New York, and he’s still with us. I’m simply going to do the part in Hello Dolly that Jerry and I worked out. It’s where Dolly says, almost as a prayer, ‘Ephram, I’m going to get married again. I’m going to rejoin the human race.’ “I found the spine of Hello Dolly, and we discussed it. I found it buried. It has to be a verb: to rejoin the human race. And the spine has to relate to every character in the show. That’s when she makes up her mind to go back to the Harmonia Gardens, come down that golden stairway, and sing ‘Hello Dolly’ with the waiters. But nobody knew it except Jerry Herman and me. We talked it over and
Carol Channing
page 28
Male-bonding in ‘Patrik, Age 1.5,’ ‘Oxford Murders’ ~ by David Lamble ~ n the opening sequence of the new Swedish gay parenting film Patrik, Age 1.5, seemingly perfect queer couple Sven and Goran are cuddling in front of their bedroom window. Below them, hetero couples are gathering the kinder during the closing moments of an outdoor barbeque sponsored by the neighborhood watch association. “Soon it will be our turn. I can hardly believe it.” “I can’t believe that I’m doing it. I hated it the first time around.” “What?” “I’m only joking.” “You’d better be.” Sven (Torkel Petersson, nailing every humpy trait of the tall, silent type) isn’t joking. Under the watchful eye of his “better half ” Goran (Gustaf Skarsgard, stealing the film as the cutest imaginable pushy bottom), Sven agrees to give up booze and
Per-Anders Jorgensen
page 28
Cast of Patrik, Age 1.5.
BAY AREA REPORTER . . 12 August 2010
Energizing summer by Roberto Friedman et Brazilian model Jonas Janez serve as your inspiration to whisk away the midsummer doldrums. Even though August is usually the downtime in many arts groups’ seasons, there’s still plenty going on around town. We do include eye-candy entertainment!
Get a Room! Register for free on BARtab and win two nights at any Kimpton Hotel. Winner will be randomly selected from BARtab registrants through August.
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The artist line-up for this weekend’s American Craft Council Show at Fort Mason Center in SF includes California-based LGBT artists Denise DeRose, Grayson Malone and Lesley Cantor. The ACC Show is the largest juried craft show in the West, featuring 250 artists. The following profiles are furnished from ACC’s release. DeRose, from Oakland, learned how to graft trees before the age of 10, and has always considered herself a “maker” of things. Growing up alongside a cherry orchard, DeRose’s choice of wood as medium seems an obvious one, but her end-products are unexpected and not at all conventional. “My handbags start with the warmth of wood, craftsmanship and mischief,” she said. “My goal is for them to delight and surprise those who see and touch them.” Malone, from Kensington, specializes in functional sculpture, working with various metals and concrete. He calls his work “cowboy Zen objets d’art.” Cantor, from Walnut Creek, is a sculptor who uses woven and welded metal along with wire and glass beads. Shapes found in nature are what attract Cantor, who calls her work “serious whimsy.” Heartfelt work by talented artisans often doesn’t get the press that fine artists get in the go-go art-world. But the work and the practices can be just as satisfying. The ACC Show will take over the Herbst and Festival Pavilions at Fort Mason Ctr., SF, Fri.-Sun., Aug. 13-15. Ticket info at www.craft-counO UT
Extra men & women Last month’s “Mystery Reader” of the Nob Hill Gazette – a feature in which the Gazette presents a locally famous face, half-obscured by the paper – was revealed in the current
Steven Underhill
Crafty souls
Jonas Janez in midsummer.
issue to be socialite Daru Kawalkowsi. But the erroneous guesses for the contest ranged far afield, including everyone from Helen Mirren to Carol Doll to – none other than society columnist Donna Sachet! Blonde bombshells all. We haven’t screened The Extra Man, starring Kevin Kline and Paul Dano, opening this Friday in the Bay Area. But what we loved most about the book, our favorite Jonathan Ames novel, wasn’t cinematic but literary, the voice of narrator and self-styled T HERE young gentleman Louis Ives, that mixture of innocence and experience. Here is one of his sexcapades. “She lay down on the bed, and I was shyly sitting on the end. I was staying in my underwear so that everything would be safe. She pulled me up next to her. She slid her panties down part of the way. She had a dark little patch of hair, and she raised her hips and put her hand between her legs. She was making sure her penis was tucked back securely; I could see the root of it bending down. She saw me watching her and said, ‘Don’t worry, it’s just a little dickie. It won’t get hard.’” Nope, you won’t see that in a Katie Holmes movie! Of course, most of the fun in Extra Man has to do with the eccentricities of Ives mentor and
aging escort to wealthy women Henry Harrison, a man not shy about offering his opinions. Here is his theory about Hillary Clinton: “It’s quite possible that she is [Bill] Clinton and Clinton is she – they’re crossdressers! She has a very strong chin, and he has a woman’s hips. It could be one of the greatest hoaxes of all time.” Californian filmmaker Kenneth Anger surely qualifies as one of the gay dons of avant-garde cinema (Fireworks, Scorpio Rising), and has also made quite a splash as an author of spurious gossip (Hollywood Babylon). Now he has made a film for the fall/winter 2010-11 ad campaign of Italian couture house Missoni. You can watch a short from it, Missoni F/W 10-11, on YouTube. In a series of fashion tableaux set to electro song “Heavy Metal Valley” by Koudlam, Missoni family members cavort in the Sumirago countryside. It’s all so deliciously Italian Vogue, which is how we found out about it in the first place. RIP actress Patricia Neal. In 1946, she starred on Broadway as Regina in Lillian Hellman’s Another Part of the Forest, a prequel to The Little Foxes (1939), in which Tallulah Bankhead had her greatest success playing Regina. On Neal’s opening night, Bankhead swept into her dressing room and said, “Dahling, you were as good as I was. And if I said you were half as good, it would still be a helluva compliment.”▼
Courtesy the artist
Clamshell bag, maple with claret dye, ornament of snakewood and hammered copper, by Denise DeRose.
12 August 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER
Aerial artist and actress Dreya Weber plays Cleopatra in the new Teatro ZinZanni show Hail Caesar!
An airborne Cleopatra buted at Frameline in June, with Weber playing a Marine being forced from the service because of DADT. Both films were written and directed by Weber’s husband, Ned Farr. “People ask me why I always play lesbians,” Weber said in an interview earlier this year. “I don’t always play lesbians, [but] this to me is one of the most magnificent challenges – to play a character from a community that is traditionally underrepresented.” As for her aerial work, she says, “I take my love of dance and acrobatics, and imagine a new playground in the air.” Weber’s work in the Teatro ZinZanni playground is scheduled through Oct. 31. Ticket info is available at
by Richard Dodds
ou’re unlikely to find many resumes with both the breadth and altitude as Dreya Weber’s. She’s flown above the stage for the likes of Madonna, Cher, and Britney Spears; toured Holland as Dante’s muse in a stage adaptation of The Divine Comedy, which she also choreographed; and starred in two recent movies as women dealing with very different personal crises arising from their attraction to other women. Now you can add to that resume the role of Cleopatra, though its relationship to the historical original is comically thin. Weber is playing the Egyptian ruler in the latest edition of Teatro ZinZan‘Don’t Ask’ at NCTC ni, which, at 10 years and counting, New Conservatory Theatre Center may well run longer than Cleopatra’s gets an early start on the new theater reign. Hail Caesar! is the title of the season with a tough drama that innew installment, opening Aug. 19, that volves not only same-sex attraction also stars ZinZanni favorite Frank Ferbetween an Army private and his rante as a wisecracking modern-day sergeant, but also an inchef named Caesar who vestigation into prisoner becomes the object of the abuse in Iraq that shifts reincarnated queen’s affecthe sand between the tions. As you most likely ranks. Don’t Ask begins know, Teatro ZinZanni previews this weekend combines comedy, music, prior to its official opencircus acts, and audience ing on Aug. 21. participation with an interThis is the West Coast mittently served fivepremiere for Bill Quigley’s course dinner. two-character play, As much as Weber’s which first garnered atcareer has been spent in B ACKSTAGE tention at the 2006 NYC airborne artistry, it is Fringe Festival. A screen likely that her Cleopatra version is reportedly in the works, will achieve lift off as well. In addition after being optioned by Ray producer to Cher, Madonna, and Britney, other Stuart Benjamin. Ben Randle is diperformers for whom she has worked, recting the NCTC production, with both as a performer and aerial choreAdrian Anchondo and Ryan Hough ographer/consultant, include Pink, as the sparring and sparking men in Rihanna, Michael Jackson, and uniform. Christina Aguilera. While Don’t Ask starts NCTC’s The aforementioned screen cred16th Pride subscription series, its seaits are 2006’s The Gymnast, in which son is officially being launched by Dishe played a once-aspiring gymnast valicious, running through Aug. 22. It unsatisfied in her job and marriage, stars Leanne Borghesi, memorable as before her work with a beautiful the imperious diva Mona Kent in last young aerialist stirs unexpected passeason’s Dames at Sea. Accompanied sions; and A Marine Story, which deby pianist and musical director G.
Scott Lacy, Borghesi takes on the music of such real-life divas as Barbra Streisand, Judy Garland, Ethel Merman, and Patti LuPone. Busy NCTC is also finishing its current summer cabaret series with How Lucky Can You Get?, which stars Darlene Popovic and the music of Kander and Ebb. Put together with the help of director F. Allen Sawyer and musical director Joe Wicht, the new revue begins its run on Aug. 26. More info on NCTC offerings is available at
Lois Tema
Short scenes
Adrian Anchondo and Ryan Hough explore various rules of engagement in Don’t Ask at New Conservatory Theatre Center.
• Woman’s Will, the all-female Shakespeare troupe, has been wending its way through Bay Area parks with its summer production of Much Ado About Nothing, and is now headed into San Francisco. First stop is Dolores Park, with performances on Aug.
21-22, before resurfacing on Aug. 2829 in McLaren Park. All performances begin at 1 p.m. Further info at • Menopause The Musical is headed back to the Bay Area. The theatrical phenomenon, which has found popular support around the world for the past decade, will run Aug. 1822 at the California Theatre in San Jose ( and Aug. 24-27 at the Herbst Theatre in SF ( Megan Cavanagh (A League of Their Own) heads the fourwoman cast in a California tour of the show that explores the female phenomenon with comedy and song parodies.▼ Richard Dodds can be reached at
BAY AREA REPORTER . . 12 August 2010
he first few innings of San Francisco Ballet’s immensely enjoyable free concert at Stern Grove last Sunday were kinda rained out. Things picked up after “Prism,” which was alas plagued with mists, drizzle, and light rain throughout the performance. Periodically the dancers were pulled off the stage and someone with a mop came on to swab down the wet floor, while the cheerful announcer asked for our patience til it became safe for the show to go on. “Prism” is pure dance, set to an early Beethoven piano concerto, with many quick changes of direction; it flashes with many quick re-facetings of the dancers’ bodies. So it is fun for us but tricky for them to dance under the best conditions. With uncertain traction, even these fleet and generous dancers had to move rather carefully. Though the allegro still had many playful moments, and the adagio was very grand, it was really the
orchestra (especially the marvelous pianist Roy Bogas) who were able to hold the phrasing together and make it a pleasure. Vanessa Zahorian, Jaime Garcia Castilla, and Isaac Hernandez danced the opening allegro, Yuan-Yuan Tan and Tiit Hellimets the adagio, and Hansuke Yamamoto was the mercurial star of the finale, who seemed airborne and gave no sign of encountering any difficulties. Stern Grove is a stern test of a dancer’s heart – after all, this concert takes place outdoors, and there’s always something: a bee flies in the face, someone chokes on a chicken bone and the medics come through. Then there’s the constant fluctuations in the weather, people donning and doffing jackets and hats, so you can only see the stage some of the time. Half the audience is sitting on tree roots. The park has some of the sublimity of Yosemite Valley; it’s a deep, romantic chasm, lined with eucalyptus and carpeted in deep green
SF Ballet dancer Ruben Martín Cintas in Mark Morris’ “Sandpaper Ballet.”
ferns, with golden nasturtiums spangling the backdrop. That’s part of the charm, and the concert is free. The dancing is gravy. And what wonderful dancing. Once it became safe, the afternoon was glorious. Yuan Yuan Tan performed the casually intimate duet “After the Rain” (Christopher Wheeldon) with SFB’s finest partner-dancer, Damien Smith. This was balanced against the Soviet-classic showpiece “Don Quixote,” performed with warmth and aplomb by our Cuban star Lorena Feijoo and her Brazilian cavalier Vitor Luis, who has the power of turning a bravura step into a gesture,
translating an attention-grabbing trick into a gesture of homage to his ballerina. Bravo! But the real fun of the day came from Mark Morris, who made “The Sandpaper Ballet” for this company a decade ago, and gave SFB a surefire finale. The piece uses all their technique, but only as a basis for dancing in a playful American way that uses the resources of vaudeville, Broadway, and 50 years of American swing-time shagging to give to largescale stage action the rhythm and flair of the dancing that talented kids like to do. Morris set his ballet to the popu-
lar music of Leroy Anderson – “Sleighbells Ringing” and “Syncopated Clock” are the tunes you probably know by name. Sound effects include sleigh bells, typewriters, whistles, and a gadget that goes “whee.” The ballet is arranged as a suite of 8 songs, set for 25 performers; the program lists them only as Ensemble, and everybody gets a chance to star (Danielle Santos, Jeremy Rucker, Ruben Martin Cintas, and Courtney Elizabeth, the company’s most versatile dancer, who was a joy). Kids love it because the logic is often that of a children’s game. Each dance, for example, starts out with all 25 arranged as if they’re on a checkerboard, and the first dance moves them around the stage so that at the end of every zingy phrase, someone jumps at the last possible second into the empty space. Sometimes, with artful craft, Morris empties the stage so only one boy is kicking around, or a couple are hanging around being very casual. Morris is uncannily able to suggest scenarios without being literal, and the dancers have the gift of letting you feel their humanity in these situations without nagging you to notice how cute they are. It just makes you love them, and grateful to him. It’s particularly sweet to see the bedroom dance done by Kristin Long, who’s noticeably pregnant and looking very happy.▼
Galloping gum jobs by Richard Dodds here’s a big bunch of gumption on stage right now at the Victoria Theatre. The vintage former vaudeville hall is currently home to Sex Tapes for Seniors, a new musical that brings back the soft shoe, though this time set to lyrics about having sex with arthritis. Which is rhymed with phlebitis. But, as the title indicates, all is not old-fashioned in the show. There is shock and awe as the cast of genuine elders breaks into a rap song about “false teeth and fellatio.” The musical takes place in a progressive retirement community, where seven key residents get the notion to spice up their own lives and maybe make a few bucks by producing instructional videos for a mature audience that may have lost its knack for sexual pleasure. There is a gay couple (Phillipe Coquet and John Hutchinson), a lesbian couple (Rebecca Mills and Carolyn Zaremba), a straight couple (Charmaine Hitchcox and Terry Stokes), and a widow-divorcee (Nancy Helman Shneiderman) involved in the
Kent Taylor Photography Kent Taylor Photography
by Paul Parish
Erik Tomasson
Rain-day in the park with Mark
Phillipe Coquet and John Hutchinson play a gay couple in a retirement community that gets involved in Sex Tapes for Seniors.
project, and each contributes narration based on their own experiences to accompany visual components performed by retired porn stars. We don’t get to see the video, or the retired porn stars, but even without skin, the show is sufficiently graphic to warrant an adults-only label. Masturbation, sex toys, role-playing, and erections are among the topics set to music in a bevy of styles by composer Tyler Florence. Book and lyrics are by Mario Cossa, who is also the producer, director, and choreographer. An earlier version of Sex Tapes was first presented in New Hampshire in 2006, where Cossa lived before moving to the Bay Area in 2009. The biggest pleasures come from watching the cast confront the challenging material, not least of which includes physical stamina, with the brio and commitment of this very grownup group. With a few exceptions, everyone in the cast of 18 looks to be well-qualified to be collecting Social Security. One of the exceptions is Erin Reis, who brings a sincere Snow White-like appeal to the role of the
community’s new recreational director. Another is Phillipe Coquet, who, as the relatively youthful half of the gay couple, brings Broadway-style showmanship to his role of the chief instigator of the sex-video adventure. The show’s large ambitions are only partly met in the sprawling script and production, both of which are in need of considerable tightening. Set changes, with much effort but small results, add to a long evening. Musical director Richard “Scrumbly” Koldewyn ably leads a three-piece band through the complicated material. While the story and the non-sex songs can deal in clichés and occasional absurdities, there is also a frankness and depth to many of the characters and their situations. Getting old is no bed of roses, but as one character sings, “Senior moments are better than no moments at all.”▼ Sex Tapes for Seniors will run at the Victoria Theatre through Aug. 22. Tickets are $25-$40. Call (800) 838-3006 or go to
12 August 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER
FILM Business Owners & Marketing Directors...
for as low as $297 per week Since 1971, the Bay Area Reporter has been the leading newspaper for the area’s LGBT community. Each week we’re read by more than 120,000 educated, informed consumers.
Harry Chase in Hello Lonesome: six hard-to-please loners learn how to partner up.
Feeling groovy in Sausalito Highlights from the Sausalito Film Festival makers Ingrid Demetz and Caroline Leitner provide a uniquely moving glimpse at what it’s like to be trapped inside a body that lacks social-bonding DNA. Typing his narration into his computer, teen Patrick Wanker admits at one point, “I’m like a hermit on an island.” The cameras capture Patrick’s distress as his clumsy attempts to connect with classmates are rebuffed and misunderstood. Patrick also casts some heartbreaking insight into the dilemmas of his developmentally disabled younger brother. ▼
by David Lamble t may be the smallest festival we tackle this year, but don’t think that the Sausalito Film Festival (Aug. 13-15, at Cavallo Point, an eco-resort located at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge) is in any way lacking in juicy content. For my taste, the offbeat feature Hello Lonesome, Adam Reid’s quirky tale of how six hard-to-please loners learn to partner up, tops the list of this predominantly doc-inclined three-day fest. Bay Area culture buffs will also love Andrew Thomas and Toby Gleason’s The Anatomy of Vince Guaraldi, with its fascinating vintage footage of the late jazz king, shot by Rolling Stone co-founder Ralph J. Gleason. For more information: Hello Lonesome “Here in these ancient sands, when you dig too deep, prepare for hell to be unleashed. Sands of Time, in theatres now. Rated N: No one admitted!” A cranky voiceover announcer, given to working in the buff from his bunkerlike home studio, conducts a tour of his solitary world for the only soul he can find to talk to, his postman, in Adam Reid’s seductive glimpse into how six strangers find unlikely bonds with prickly partners. Bill (real-life commercial announcer Harry Chase) and his mail guy Omar are not a couple, but they do form an important bond that gives an ironic spin on the title of Flannery O’Conner’s short story “The Life You Save May Be Your Own.” First-time writer/director Reid seamlessly blends his stories: a widow who hates to give up the T-Bird that reminds her of her recently deceased hubby; a one-night-stand phone hookup that becomes a bond with the seemingly hopeless misanthrope Bill. Avoiding a Todd Solondz approach to his material, Reid steers clear of sentimentality, cheap laughs
Vince Guaraldi in 1969.
and predictable plotlines. The Anatomy of Vince Guaraldi Andrew Thomas and Toby Gleason paint an oddly digressive but still compelling portrait of the late Bay Area jazz legend. Guaraldi was the composer of one of the great jazz single hits, “Cast Your Fate to the Wind,” a habitué of North Beach’s Hungry I Café, an award-winning contributor to the Peanuts TV animation specials, and the composer of a terrific jazz mass at Grace Cathedral. The doc is greatly helped by some newly restored b/w film footage shot in the mid-60s by famed jazz critic Ralph J. Gleason. The film spins madly through such 1960s earthquakes as the JFK assassination, racial upheavals and the revolutionary comedy of Lenny Bruce, with contemporary interviews with some of the age’s most distinguished survivors: Dave Brubeck, Dick Gregory, Paul Krassner and Paul Mazursky. How I Am Allowing an autistic Italian boy to tell his own story, film-
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BAY AREA REPORTER . . 12 August 2010
Suspended animation by Sura Wood special genius of Pixar’s animation is that within the fantastic worlds they create, there’s always a thread of authenticity to tether them – and us – to the known universe. In the Academy Award-winning Up, for instance, the director and writers were clearly coping with aging parents and swapping jokes about their beloved dogs. Is it really such a leap to imagine that our anthropomorphized pups could talk, serve us dinner and champagne, and eat food off our plates if we were to
slow in downing our meals? Doglovers out there, you know what I’m talking about. Most of us identify Pixar with crowd-pleasing entertainments such as Toy Story 1, 2 and now 3, WALLE, Finding Nemo, Ratatouille and The Incredibles. The company has pioneered sophisticated computer animation technology without sacrificing engaging stories that combine humor, pathos and delightful characters. After all, who could resist the irrepressible Cowboy Woody (voiced by Tom Hanks), the acerbic Mr. Potato Head (Don Rickles) or the angst-ridden Rex (Wallace Shawn)?
It may be surprising to learn, then, that many if not all of the artists responsible for the imagery that propels the wild flights of imagination we’ve come to love received formal art-school training, a foundation abundantly evident in the celebratory exhibition Pixar: 25 Years of Animation now on view at the Oakland Museum. Culled from 11 hit features and shorts produced since the 1980s, the show, which charts the painstaking stages of animation production from concept and preliminary design through story development and finished film sequences, lifts the curtain and allows visitors a
‘Pixar: 25 Years of Animation’ on view at the Oakland Museum
Waternoose’s office, from Monster’s Inc. (2001), acrylic, by Harley Jessup.
behind-the-scenes peak at how the on-screen magic is achieved by the Emeryville-based powerhouse. It opens, fittingly, with the Toy Story trilogy, and features over 500 concept drawings, sculptures, models of characters, pencil and ink sketches, pastels and paintings in watercolor, acrylic and gouache created by Pixar artists, who experiment and dream in a multitude of media – charcoal, pencil, marker and ink – using whatever medium is most comfortable for them. Although the works on display weren’t designed to stand on their own, they do. Technology plays an unexpectedly small part in the sprawling show, given it’s the engine that’s made Pixar personnel famous and very rich. In fact, there’s little explanatory material (conveyed in words) here, period. Discussion of Pixar’s creative process and insights into how characters are designed, for instance, are kept to a bare minimum. The show is all about visual ideas. The only sure sign that computer geeks are behind this stuff is that the pale Pixar artists who showed up for the press preview look like they never go outside. Unlike Disney, which likes to say it specializes in family fare, Pixar makes films that work on separate but not mutually exclusive levels; they entertain kids, yet amuse adults with references children are too young to appreciate, i.e., Ned Beatty, the voice of Lotso, the megalomaniacal warden at the Sunnyside Daycare facility in Toy Story 3, sounds suspiciously like a Burl Ives patriarch out of Tennessee Williams. The exhibit does the same. Both kids and adults will get pleasure from the seminal drawings and studies of their favorite characters: Cowboy Woody slumped on the floor; Teddy Newton’s collages of Rick Dicker and a red-caped, ponytailed “Miscellaneous Superhero” (The Incredibles); the sheriff ’s heavylidded, beat-up black Chevy (Cars); a relief with a minotaur in pitched battle hanging above the fireplace in the home of Edna Mode, the ciga-
rette-holder-wielding Edith Head parody in The Incredibles; a rustedout model of WALL-E; Ricky Nierva’s drawing of the orientation meeting in Monsters, Inc., where the rhino, always courteous, has his hand raised. Color and evocative lighting are hallmarks of Pixar, and one can see the care paid to establishing mood. Simon Varela’s charcoal studies for Finding Nemo, for example, are spooky explorations of shifting underwater shadows. Theatricality is another common denominator. Seated at a restaurant table in front of heavy red curtains and looking like Bela Lugosi in Harley Jessup’s digital color study, the self-satisfied, all-powerful food critic from Ratatouille holds court dressed in black and is lit from below, emphasizing the bags under his eyes and his elongated chin. You don’t have to be a fan of animation to be wowed by the two media installations: Artscape, a really neat wide-screen projection of digital images which gives viewers the sensation of entering the world of the original artworks from each of the films; and Pixar Zoetrope, a three-dimensional, high-tech, Victorian-era device that produces an illusion of motion through a rapidly rotating succession of images. The latter is nothing short of sensational, and you’ll be forgiven if you can’t tear yourself away. It’s set up like a spinning carousel with characters from Toy Story. Woody, actually a series of Woody figurines posed in a sequence of movements, is mounted on a bucking bronco. (Think of stop motion.) The carousel speeds up and blurs as strobe lights are projected until the effect mimics frames of film running through a movie projector. Much like animation itself, it takes us, in the immortal words of Buzz Lightyear, “To infinity and beyond!”▼ Pixar: 25 Years of Animation, at OMCA through Jan. 9, 2011. For more info: (510) 238-2200, or
12 August 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER
Southern discomfort Del Shores and his ‘Sordid Lives’ cast hit SF o matter what else I do or write for the rest of my life, Sordid Lives will always be the thing that people love and quote and remember,” says Del Shores. The writer/director/producer has become the bard of broad white-trash comedy with plays and films including Daddy’s Dyin’ (Who’s Got the Will?), Southern Baptist Sissies and The Trials and Tribulations of a Trailer Trash Housewife. But it’s his 1996 hit play Sordid Lives that spawned the 2000 film version, a 12-episode Logo television series, and a live evening of comedy and song called A Sordid Affair, which plays the Rrazz Room, Aug. 12-15. Billed as “a night of dish, dirt, laughter and music,” the show has played cities including Atlanta, Dallas, LA and New York. The current incarnation features Shores plus cast members Ann Walker (Aunt LaVonda), Rosemary and Newell Alexander (Dr. Eve and Wardell) and Shores’ husband Jason Dottley (Ty). “We focus on cities with a high demographic of homosexuals,” says Shores, who uses Facebook to locate the highest concentration of Sordid Lives fans. “Of the 25,000 fans on our various fan pages, San Francisco is al-
ways in the top 10 cities.” The cult hit has always had a great appeal to gay audiences, with characters in the dysfunctional Texas family including a bevy of over-the-top Southern women, a gay son and the inimitable Leslie Jordan as “Brother Boy,” who’s convinced that he’s Tammy Wynette. Previous versions of A Sordid Affair have included the late Rue McClanahan and the hilarious Jordan. “When Leslie plays with us, none of us want to follow him,” says Shores. “They all say, ‘Let Leslie go last.’” With a play, film, television series and comedy cabaret version of the show, I ask Shores when we can expect Sordid Lives – On Ice. “We’re all taking lessons,” he says. “But it’s going to be hard to get G.W. and his wooden legs up there.” Despite a Facebook fan campaign to continue Sordid Lives: The Series, it looks doubtful that the show will have a future on Logo, but Shores hasn’t ruled out producing an online version of the series. In the meantime, he’s busy with non-Sordid projects, including his new play Yellow, which recently premiered in LA. For his part in the program, Shores has developed his storytelling skills into a stand-up act, regaling the audience with name-dropping tales of his misadventures in show busi-
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ness. “I dish a bit and talk about myself, including my slut years, and what you go through when you come out pathetically late. “I like a lot of audience participation – and I always pray that there’s at least one straight man in the audience that I can pick on.”▼ Del Shores, A Sordid Affair, Thurs.Sat., Aug. 12-14 at 9:30 p.m.; Sun., Aug. 15 at 4 p.m. The Rrazz Room at Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St., SF. Tickets: $35-40 ($45-$55) with a two-drink minimum. Reservations: (866) 468-3399 or
Alan Mercer
by Adam Sandel
Del Shores brings ‘a night of dish, dirt, laughter and music’ to SF.
BAY AREA REPORTER . . 12 August 2010
Frank D’Ambrosio at The Rrazz Room, Tue.
OUT&ABOUT >> Bearracuda @ DNA Lounge Four-year anniversary of the popular men's dance and cruise night that's now a global phenomenon. DJs Boyshapedbox and Rotten Robbie, with Honeysoundsystem upstairs. $8-$10. 9pm-3am. 375 11th St.
Bobcat Goldthwait @ Cobb’s Comedy Club Comedian and matured show biz multi-talent brings his saner -yet still funny- comic vision to SF. $20.50. 8pm & 10pm. Also Aug. 14. 928-4320.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof @ Actors Theatre e’re going back in time this week, through various art forms. Start your weekend off with the mother of all science fiction films. Friday August 13, Metropolis returns to the Castro Theatre. If you missed the sold-out showing at the Silent Film festival, you can see the fantastic restored print, including more than 20 minutes of previous considered lost footage, of Fritz Lang’s 1927 science fiction masterpiece, with a new recording of the original score. $7.50-$10. 2pm, 5pm, 8pm. Aug. 13- 15. 429 Castro St. Do you believe in ghosts? If not, old architecture might be your thing. A visit to the Mystery Castle in Pacifica will please fans of the curious, the camp and, well, castles. Tour the home of some unusual historic residents, even –allegedly-a ghost or two! Proceeds benefit the Pacifica Historical Society. $10-$25. 90-minute tours from 9:45am-3:15pm. Sat & Sun, Aug. 14 and 15. 900 Mirador Terrace. Park at Ocean High School, 401 Paloma, and take free shuttle buses. (650) 359-5462. For ghosts of a comedic nature, see Blithe Spirit at Live Oak Theatre, Berkeley. Actors Ensemble of Berkeley’s production of the classic Noel Coward comedy about a man and his two wives, one of them a ghost, has been extended through August 21. $12-$15. Thu-Fri-Sat 8pm. 1301 Shattuck Ave. (510) 649-5999. While the entertainers at Help is on the Way XVI August 15 at the Herbst Theatre have continued to perform for decades, some hold a place in my retro heart, like James Darrin. His costarring role in the1960s TV show Time Tunnel gave this then-young pre-teen gay a fascination for buddy shows, especially when the buddies were so cute. Pacifica’s Mystery Darrin, who is of course also a singer, performs Castle with Carol Channing, Melissa Manchester, Frank D’Ambrosio, La Toya London, Karen Mason, Paula West, Kimberley Locke, Carol Cook, Bruce Vilanch and many more celebrities in film, TV and Broadway at the stellar 16th annual gala for the Richmond-Ermet AIDS Foundation. $75-$175 and up. Pre-show silent auction 5pm-7:30pm. Concert 7:30pm (VIP pre- and post-show receptions start at $175). 273-1620. Stuff! Some people like to save the past through objects (which, when you think about it, will usually outlast us). Browse more than 500 vendor booths full of furniture, knick-knacks and more at the Antiques & Collectibles Fair, Sunday Aug. 15 at Candlestick Park. $5-$15. 6am-3pm. With antigay marriage laws having been shoved upon the public by an out-of-state religious cul—er, religion, and what with that waste of millions of dollars now having been ruled unconstitutional, the timeliest movie to see is one that showcases the past few tumultuous years. 8: The Mormon Proposition at James Darrin the 9th St. Film Center, will be screened by the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association’s Northern California chapter. National Center for Lesbian Rights’ Executive Director Kate Kendall discusses the topic, with recent updates, preceding the screening. $10 and up (cash only). Wednesday, Aug. 18. 7pm. 145 9th St. #101. For a trip back through the words of those gone, hear Persistent Voices at Magnet, August 18. Poets reading and performing works by poets lost to AIDS include Judy Grahn, Kevin Killian, Jaime Cortez, Thandiwe Thomas, Kirk Read, Mattilda aka Matt Bernstein Sycamore, Philip Huang and Philip Clark. Free. August 18. 8pm. 4122 18th St. at Castro.▼
Tennessee Williams’ acclaimed Southern family drama gets a local production. $26$38. Wed-Sat 8pm. Thru Sept. 4. 855 Bush St. at Mason. 345-1287.
Del Shores’ A Sordid Affair @ A Different Light Meet & greet with the gay creator and some of the stars of the popular campy white trash cable series. Q&A and DVD sales and signing. 7pm. 489 Castro St.
Don’t Ask @ New Conservatory Theatre Center Previews begin for Ben Randle’s intense, sexually-charged drama about a reckless private and his superior officer in Iraq. Opening night Aug. 20. $22-$40. Wed-Sat 8pm. Sun 2pm. 25 Van Ness Ave, lower level. 861-8972.
Gay Rodeo & Dance @ Space 550 Kickoff party with lessons and authentic cowboys and cowgals attending. Enjoy lessons and open dancing in two-stepping and linedancing. $10. 7:30-10:30pm. 550 Barneveld Ave. Info on the Bay Area Gay Rodeo, Driscoll Ranches Event Center, La Honda, Aug 13-15:
The Green Bird @ Steve Silver Theater Local production of David Bridel’s translated adaptation of Carlo Gozzi’s classic Commedia dell’Arte play about love, betrayal, megalomania and magic. $10-$15. 8pm. Thru Aug. 21. 1101 Eucalyptus Drive. 699-1079.
Leanne Borghesi @ New Conservatory Theatre Center Bubbly local singer performs Divalicious, cabaret-style tunes made famous by gay divas from Streisand to Cher. $22-$40. Wed-Sat 8pm. Sun 2pm. Thru Aug. 22. 25 Van Ness Ave at Market, lower level. 861-8972.
Oakland International Black LGBT Film Festival @ Various Venues Kick-off party for the three days of film screening, workshops and parties. 7pm-1am. Era Art Bar & Lounge, 19 Grand Ave. at Broadway. Films include Children of God, Hooters, Mississippi Damned, and short films. Thru Aug. 14.
Rapid Descent Performance Company @ CounterPulse Male-female duo perform an intense dance with solo trumpet accompaniment. $15-$35. Thu-Sat 8pm. Thru Aug. 28. 1310 Mission st. (800) 838-3006.
The Real Americans @ The Marsh Dan Hoyle (Tings Dey Happen) premieres a new multiple-character solo show based on his road trip to Middle America to explore the profound disconnect in a politically polarized country. $15-$50. Thu-Fri 8pm. Sat 5pm. Thru Sept. 25. 1062 Valencia St. at 21st. (800) 838-3006.
Sex Tapes for Seniors @ Victoria Theatre Mario Cossa and Tyler Flanders’ new musical comedy about senior citizens who make educational sex tapes, despite outrage from younger adults. $20-$40. Fri-Sat 8pm. Sun 2pm. Thru Aug. 22. 2961 16th st. at Capp.
This Is All I Need @ Noh Space 8: The Mormon Proposition
Mugwumpin’s collaborative theatre work about possessions, collectors, hoarders and the strange anxieties people have about stuff. $15-$30. 8pm. Thu-Sat thru Sept. 4. 2840 Mariposa St.
>> Antony and Cleopatra, Travesties @ Forest Meadows Ampitheatre, San Rafael
Aug. 28. Tue 1pm-7pm. Wed-Sat 12pm6pm. 826-8009. 2857 24th St.
Marin Shakespeare’s outdoor theatre production of The Bard’s Taming of the Shrew and Antony and Cleopatra, in repertory with Tom Stoppard’s Tony Award-winning spoof of Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest. $20-$35. Fri-Sun 4pm & 8pm. Sun 5pm. Thru Sept. 26. 1475 Grand Ave. Dominican University campus. 499-4488.
The Fantastiks @ SF Playhouse
Art of Restraint @ Femina Potens
Jon Sugar welcomes queer artists in many genres in an all-ages show. Free. 7pm. 4122 18th st.
The women’s art gallery gets kinky as Madison Young, Lochai, Fivestar, Danarama and special guest Margaret Cho perform bondage acts and other kinky goings-on. $50-$75. 7:30pm doors. 8pm-11pm. 18+ only! 2199 Market St. 864-1558.
Beach Blanket Babylon @ Club Fugazi
Local production of the classic Off-Broadway musical about young love and interfering parents. $30-$50. Wed-Sat 8pm. Also Sat 3pm. Thru Sept. 4. 533 Sutter St. at Powell. 6779596.
GAWK @ Magnet
Gem of the Ocean @ Next Stage August Wilson’s first of a ten-part series of plays about the African-American experience. $30. 1/2–price Thursdays. Thu-Sat 8pm. Sun 7pm. 1620 Gough St. 333-6389.
Musical comedy revue, now in its 35th year, with an ever-changing lineup of political and pop culture icons, all in gigantic wigs. $25$80. Wed, Thu 8pm. Fri, Sat 6:30, 9:30pm. Sun 2pm, 5pm. (Beer/wine served; cash only). 678 Beach Blanket Babylon Blvd. 421-4222.
Local Wonder @ Tenderloin Community Gallery
Beer Bust @ Eagle Tavern
New Exhibits @ Oakland Museum of California
Celebrate the birthdays of Eagle pals Rodger and Ron, with classic rock from Chico and the Band; proceeds benefit the homeless service Loaves and Fishes of Contra Costa County. $10. 3pm-6pm. 398 12th St. 626-0880.
Big Idea Party @ Yerba Buena Center for the Arts View the TechnoCraft exhibit while making some yourself; DJed space-age music, coustomized shoe workshop and runway show, stencils, performance by The Bowls Project artists, cash bar and more. 9pm-2am. 701 Mission St.
Birth of Impressionism @ de Young Museum
Art by Tenderloin artists challenging stereotypes about local residents. Fri-Sat 12pm3pm. Thru Aug. 31. 134A Golden Gate Ave. at Jones.
Oakland Museum re-opens after major renovations. Exhibits include Pixar: 25 Years of Animation, opening July 31, with more than 500 drawings, paintings and sculptures from their hit films (Thru Jan 8, 2011). Also, Bay Area figurative art, Dorothea Lange archive, Early landscape paintings, Gold Rush Era works, California ceramics. $6-$12. 1000 Oak St. Oakland. (510) 238-2200.
Pastor Tom Show @ KUSF Dr. Tom Polcari’s LGBT music and talk show. 4pm. Weekly on 90.3 FM.
Pearls Over Shanghai @ The Hypnodrome
Thrillpeddlers’ revival of the comic mock operetta by Link Martin and Richard Koldewyn, Masterpieces from the Musee d’Orsay inperformed by the gender-bending Cockettes cludes approximately 100 paintings from the decades ago, and loosely based on the 1926 Musee d’Orsay’s permanent collection and play The Shanghai Gesture; with an all-star highlights the work of William-Adolphe cast. $30-$69. 18 and over only! Extended, Bouguereau, Gustave Courbet, Edgar Degas, Sat 8pm, Sun 7pm, thru Dec 19. 575 10th Edouard Manet, Claude Monet, Pierre-AuSt. at Division. (800) 838-3006. guste Renoir, Alfred Sisley, and James bott McNeill Whistler, among others. Thru Sept. 6. $10-$25 Sea Turtle Restoration Queer Couture (free/members). Golden Gate Project Benefit, Park, 50 Hagiwara Tea Gar@ Femina Potens den Drive. 750-3600. Group exhibit of designs, textile Sat. www.deyoung art, photography and more by Najva Sol, Molly Crabapple, Mev Luna, Jesse Calder to Trepper, Corey Gunter Warhol Brown & Cassidy Wright. Exhibit Thu@ SF MOMA Sun, 12pm-6pm. Thru The first public exhibAug. 28. 2199 Market St. it of some of the 864-1558. works collected by the Fishers (The GAP empire owners), with some pivotal works by Andy Warhol, Alexander Calder, Frank Stella, Chuck Close and others. Other exhibits include visually striking contemporary works. Free$18. Thru Sept. 19. Fri-Tue 10am5:45pm. Thu til 8:45pm. 151 Third St. at Mission. 357-4000.
Del Shores’ A Sordid Affair @ The Rrazz Room Comic writer presents his stand-up act, and special guests from his comedy TV show Sordid Lives. $35-$55. Thru Aug. 14, 9:30pm. Aug. 14, 4pm. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (866) 468-3399.
Disney’s Aladdin @ Julia Morgan Center, Berkeley Berkeley Playhouse’s production of the kidfriendly stage adaptation of the Disney animated film based on the tale about a boy, a princess, a genie and a flying carpet. $15$33. 6:30pm and Fri-Sun at various times thru Sept. 5. 2640 College Ave. (510) 6655565.
Enrique Chagoya @ Galeria de la Raza YTREBIL, an exhibit of detailed political satirical prints and drawings. Exhibit thru
Runway 22 @ Herbst Theatre 22nd annual Mr. and Miss GAPA Runway Pageant, with Tita Aida hostessing the fab contest and show, with all the glamour of a traditional pageant, plus the campy wit of the LGBT community. $20$30. 7pm-10pm. 401 Van Ness Ave. 3924400.
Sea Turtle Restoration Project Benefit @ 10 Arkansas Silent auction of diverse visual arts, many with turtle and aquatic themes, a wine and cheese reception, baked goods, snacks, and information on saving sea turtles, all held in a beautiful shady private courtyard. Free to browse. 12pm-6pm (reception 4pm). 10 Arkansas St. at 16th.
Swing Dancing @ Magnet Same-sex dancing, with lessons and open dancing. Free. 7pm-9pm. 4122 18th St. 305-8242.
Teatro Zinzanni @ Pier 29 Hearts on Fire is the current show at the theatre-tent-dinner extravaganza with new guest chanteuse Liliane Montevecchi, comic Frank Ferrante, twin acrobats Ming and Rui, Vertical Tango rope dance, plus magic, comedy, a five-course dinner, and a lot of fun. $117-
12 August 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER
dent performance, of an exhibit of work by local artists exporing personal identity through the guise of past, present and future. 6pm-8pm. Exhibit Tue-Sat 12pm-6pm, thru Aug. 28.
Esther & Me @ Victoria Theatre Lisa Geduldig screens two films on friendship and aging; a profile of the life of performer Esther Weintraub, and A Specially Wonderful Affair, about singer/songwriter JudithKate Friedman. $5-$99 ($50 tickets get a DVD of the films). 7pm. 2961 16th St. at Capp. (800) 838-3006.
Lesbian Poets @ Duboce Park Café
GAPA’s Runway 22, Sat. $145. Saturday 11:30am “Breve” show $63—$78. Wed-Sat 6pm (Sun 5pm). Pier 29 at Embarcadero Ave. 438-2668.
Ten Percent @ Comcast 104 David Perry’s new talk show about LGBT local issues. Mon-Fri 11:30am & 10:30pm, Sat & Sun 10:30pm.
Wicked @ Orpheum Theatre Mega-hit musical based on the book about the two famous Oz witches as young college roommates. $30-$99. Tue-Sat 8pm. Wed, Sat, Sun 2pm. Sun 7:30pm. Thru Sept. 1192 Market St. at 8th. $30. 512- 7770.
Women’s Country Western Dance @ Humanist Hall, Oakland Enjoy lessons, partnered and open dancing for queer women and their trans friends, with a buffet and free parking. $5-$10. 6:30pm11pm. 390 27th St.
>> Afro Solo Arts Festival @ Various Venues The ongoing array of African-American arts and community events (thru Oct. 15) includes an artist reception today at the SF Main Public Library, with April Martin Chartrand, Tomye Neal-Madison, Malik, Justice Renaissance and others. Free. 3pm-5pm. 100 Larkin St. 771-AFRO.
Happy Hour @ Energy Talk Radio Interview show with gay writer Adam Sandel as host. 8pm.
Kit Kennedy hosts a literary salon with Clare Ramsaran and others, at the popular café & restaurant. Free. 6:30pm. 2 Sanchez St. at Duboce.
Smack Dab @ Magnet Kirk Read and Larry-bob Roberts cohost the eclectic, often queer, open mic series. Tonight, special guest, Cyd Nova, pro hooker and zine writer. Free. (sign-ups 7:30) 8pm. 4122 18th St. at Castro.
What Cannot Be Taken Away @ SOMArts Gallery
Frank D’Ambrosio @ The Rrazz Room Handsome openly gay star of the SF production of Phantom of the Opera performs I’ll Be Seein’ Youz, a a lighthearted music show with a World War II theme. $30-$40. Thru Aug. 22. 7pm. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (866) 468-3399.
Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey’s Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gayfriendly comedy night. Tonight, Jodi Miller headlines. One-drink minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. at 18th. 431-HARV.
Meditation Classes @ Kadampa Buddhist Temple Tessa Logan teaches drop-in meditation classes. $10. 7-8:45pm. 3324 17th St. 503-1187. www.meditation
Yoga Classes @ LGBT Center Fun, friendly weekly classes for beginners or experienced with Bill Mohler. $10-$20. 6:30pm. Also Wednesdays. Room 302, 1800 Market St. at Octavia.
Family and Prisons Project present an ehxibit about families of people in prison. Artist talk and opening reception tonight, 6:30pm. Exhibit thru Sept. 11, with other public programs. 934 Brannan St. 863-1414.
>> Drew Boles @ Luggage Store Gallery Local queer singer/songwriter performs his piano/synth-based avant-pop music as part of the Luggage Store Gallery’s weekly New Music Series. Tiny Owl also performs. $6-10. 8:00pm. 1007 Market St. at 6th.
Foto Ada @ Robert Koch Gallery Exhibit of 1930s German photomontages that commented on the Nazi uprising. Also, Miroslav Tichy vintage photos. Tue-Sat. 10:30-5:30pm. Thru Aug. 21. 49 Geary St. 421-0122.
Live Bands @ Eagle Tavern
SF Hiking Club @ Alamere Falls, Bass Lake
Two to three bands per week, mostly rock, perform live. 9pm1am. 398 12th St. 626-0880.
Join GLBT hikers for a 10-mile hike along Point Reyes, with optional swimming in Bass Lake. Bring hat, sunscreen, layers, sturdy boots, lunch, water, and swimsuits! Carpool meets 8:30am at Safeway sign, Market St. at Dolores. (510) 841-3826.
Neal Pollack, Mark Morford @ Swedish American Hall Bestselling author of several acclaimed books discusses his latest, Stretch: The Unlikely Making of a Yoga Dude with local columnist, author and yoga instructor Mark Morford. $15. 8pm. 2174 Market St.
Shanghai @ Asian Art Museum New exhibit about Asian artists from Shanghai, 130 works exploring and visualizing the city’s vibrant and turbulent history. $7$17. 200 Larkin St. 581-3500.
Passionate Struggle @ GLBT Historical Society
Sunday’s a Drag @ Starlight Room Donna Sachet and Harry Denton host the fabulous weekly brunch and drag show. $45. 11am, show at noon; 1:30pm, show at 2:30pm. 450 Powell St. in Union Square. 395-8595.
>> Al “A. Jay” Shapiro @ James Snidle Fine Art
Gay Rodeo & Dance, Fri.
>> Barbara Stanwyck Films @ Castro Theatre
Exhibit of original drawings by the late gay erotic cartoonist and creator of Harry Chess and other muscular comic characters. Open run. Also, the Rodney Thompson Estate collection. Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Sat 9am-2pm. 1190 Bryant St. 552-0500.
Double feature of flciks starring that tough dame: Baby Face (slut sleeps her way to the top in pre-Hayes Code trampiness; 4:15, 7:30pm) and The Bitter Tea of General Yen (serious turn by director Frank Capra; 2:30, 5:40, 8:55). Also, Aug. 19, Ben Stiller in Greenberg (3pm, 7pm) and Catherine Keener in Please Give ($7.50-$10. 429 Castro St.
Don Rizzo @ Magnet
Chris Schiavo @ ArtHaus
Fragments of Color, Rizzo’s exhibit of paintings of drag queens, homoerotic poses and more. Exhibit thru August. 4122 18th St. at Castro.
Queer Ballroom @ Live Art Gallery Weekly beginners same-sex dance classes in salsa and other styles. Also swing classes on Wednesdays, Standard ballroom Thursdays, $10 each, $35 for series. 151 Potrero Ave. 305-8242.
Sidney June @ Castro Country Club Seeds of Love, the artist’s exhibit of iconic symbol art. Thru Sept. 15. 4058 18th St.
Exhibit about Bay Area LGBT historical events and people. Also, Man-I-Fest, an exhibit of letters and documents by FTM transgender pioneer Lou Harrison and friends. Free/donations. Wed-Sat 1pm-5pm. 657 Mission St. #300. 777-5455.
To submit event listings, email Deadline is each Thursday, a week before publication.
The Backyard, an exhibit of darkly witty photos of cluttered Queens, New York back yards. Also a garden installation by Deanna Glory. Thru Sept. 30. Tue-Fri 11am-6pm. Sat 12pm-5pm. 977-0223.
Cyndi Lauper @ Uptown Theatre, Napa Pop singer takes a different turn as she performs music from her new CD, Memphis Blues. $75.-$85. 1350 3rd St. Napa. (707) 259-0123.
Echo, Echoes, Echoed @ Southern Exposure Opening reception, with an experimental stu-
For bar and nightclub listings, go to our new website and monthly print nightlife guide,
BAY AREA REPORTER . . 12 August 2010
Mama’s magnificent milestone is reached by Scott Brogan n Fri., Aug. 20, the 10th Annual Breast Cancer Emergency Fund (BCEF) dinner takes place at the City Forest Lodge at 7 p.m. It’s hard to believe, but it’s already been a decade since Sandy “Mama“ Reinhardt welcomed the community and friends to the first BCEF dinner. Mama has been a tireless fundraiser, advocate, and friend to the leather community and the greater gay community for over 15 years. Her “family” now encompasses men and women from around the world, well over 800 strong, and reads like a who’s who of not just gay men and women but many of our straight friends as well, plus notable politicians such as State Assemblyman Sandy “Mama” Reinhardt welcomes International Mr. Leather 2010 Mark Leno and Supervisor Bevan 2nd Runner-up Jack Duke into her leather family as “Mama’s Leather Dufty, both longtime advocates of Italian Stallion.” Mama and our community. Being pinned by Mama has become an ing, the Swedish American Hall, and sion of providing critical financial ashonor of its own. currently the City Forest Lodge. Presistance to people living with Mama’s focus isn’t just on the viously co-produced by Tilton and HIV/AIDS. The trepidation was unBCEF. She’s at every event she can local entertainer Mark Palladini, the derstandable, but those fears proved physically make it to (you’d swear she dinner is now produced (with an asto be unfounded, as the AEF and clones herself), supporting us all in sist from Mama, of course) by PallaBCEF worked together to achieve our constant struggle to end dini. “Mama’s Family and Friends” their goals. HIV/AIDS and gain complete also lend their support by volunteerAt that inaugural dinner in equality. She also spearheads the ing as food servers, bartenders, and 2001, Faith Fancher won the first annual Christmas Toy Drive for donating items for the silent auction. Survivor’s Award. Fancher was a Camp Sunburst (helping Many other personal contributions popular Bay Area news rechildren living with have helped make the dinner a huge porter who publicly HIV/AIDS) and the annusuccess in raising over $100k over shared her battle with al Leather Walk (kicking the years. breast cancer. Through her off Leather Pride Week foundation, Fancher doevery September). Mama is Bare chest auctions nated $10k to the event, truly an angel who walks helping the BCEF raise Another longtime San Francisco among us. over $24k in its first year. tradition (27 years and counting) has The AIDS Emergency L EATHER Fancher lost her battle been the Bare Chest Calendar (BCC) Fund (AEF) branched out with breast cancer. To auctions. Twice a year, six of the BCC with a second charitable honor her, the award now carries her men put together themed baskets, arm to its organization and created name. The dinner also gives out “suralong with a dinner date, to be aucthe BCEF in 2000. One of the first vivor awards” and “From the Heart” tioned off by Auctioneer Extraordievents was the dinner. It was held at awards to worthy individuals in naire Lenny Broberg. Held at the the Cliff House and was spearheadrecognition of contributions beyond Eagle Tavern during festive beer ed by Mama and Peter Fiske, and the norm. busts, the auctions have become one produced by Ray Tilton. There was a Over the years, the dinner has of the best events of the year. bit of a push-back from some membeen held in venues as varied as the This year, the 2011 BCC men have bers of the community over fears Veteran’s War Memorial Building, that it might take much-needed time page 27 the San Francisco Zoo Lemur Buildand dollars away from the AEF’s mis-
Scott Brogan
Coming up in leather & kink >> by Scott Brogan Thur., Aug. 12: Locker Room Thursdays at Chaps Bar (1225 Folsom). Grab yer dirtiest jock, gear up in sports gear. Pumping music at 9 p.m. Comp clothes check provided by the SOMA Guardians. 9 p.m.-close. Free clothes check if you strip to your jock. Go to Thur., Aug. 12: Double the Fun: Florentine Floggin’ playshop at the SF Citadel (1277 Mission). Doors open at 7, workshop 7:30-10:30 p.m. $15-$25 sliding scale. Go to: Thur., Aug. 12: Underwear Night at the Powerhouse (Dore & Folsom), 10 p.m. Wet undie contest and drink specials. Go to Fri., Aug. 13: Rope at Chaps Bar. Go-go studs at 10:30, free coat check. Lots of drink specials. Go to Fri., Aug. 13: Urge, Young Men’s Play Party at the SF Citadel. Come play with the city’s kinkiest young guys. Party starts at 9 p.m., goes until 1:30 a.m. $25 admission or volunteer for one hour and get in free! Go to Sat., Aug. 14: Military at Chaps Bar. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines get serviced! Go-go studs at 10:30. Lots of drink specials. Go to Sat., Aug. 14: Back Bar Action at the Eagle Tavern (398 12th St.). Back-patio bar open to all gear/fetish/leather. 10 p.m. to close. Go to Sat., Aug. 14: Photography for Perverts, a Workshop with Master Photographer Charles Gatewood at the SF Citadel. Learn the dos and don’ts of adult photography, plus how to meet and work with exotic models, information on getting published and exhibited, model releases, record-keeping, tech tips, and more. Students are encouraged to bring their cameras and examples of their work for critique. One or more nude models will be present to pose. 2-5 p.m. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. Admission: $50. Go to
Sat., Aug. 14: Lady Thorn’s Community Exchange, aka SM Flea, at the SF Citadel. 1-5 p.m. $5 admission. Go to Sun., Aug. 15: Castrobear presents Sunday Furry Sunday at 440 Castro. 4-10 p.m. Go to Sun., Aug. 15: PoHo Sundays at the Powerhouse. DJ Keith, Dollar Drafts all day. Go to Mon., Aug 16: Dominant Discussion Group (DDG) at the SF Citadel. Doors open at 7 p.m., discussion from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Go to Tue., Aug. 17: 12-Step Kink Recovery Group at the SF Citadel. 6:30-8 p.m. Go to Tue., Aug. 17: North Bay Meander: An easy walking group for kinksters. Coffey Park, 1908 Dogwood Dr., Santa Rosa. 6:30-7-30 p.m. Free admission. Go to Wed., Aug. 18: SoMa Men’s Club. Every Wed., the SoMa Clubs (Chaps, Powerhouse, Truck, Lone Star, Hole in the Wall, the Eagle) have specials for those who have the Men’s Club dogtags. See your favorite SoMa bar for details. Wed., Aug. 18: Busted! at Chaps Bar. This week’s edition: Pits (if you love men’s aromatic pits, this is the place for you). Starts at 9 p.m. Go to Wed., Aug. 18: Bare Bear, a night at the baths at The Water Garden, San Jose. 6-10 p.m. This event is held every third Wed. of the month. Go to: Wed., Aug. 18: Naughty Knitters, ladies’ crafting social time at the SF Citadel. 7-9 p.m. $5 admission. Go to Wed., Aug. 18: Underwear Buddies at Blow Buddies (933 Harrison St.). 8 p.m.-Midnight. $12, Buddies membership required, $8 for 6 months. Go to
12 August 2010 . . BAY AREA REPORTER
Karr’s gold by John F. Karr ou know what they say about the best-laid plans. I was so busy this last week getting laid (isn’t that what summer vacation is for?) that I’m not ready to continue my survey of a revitalized Falcon Studio. I’ll get back to that next week. Meanwhile, here’s my sudden revelation du jour. We’re living in a golden age of porn. You know I hate to call it that: porn. I don’t believe the erotic movies so abundantly available to us are pornographic. So why call them that? I coulda said, It’s a splendid time for skin flicks, or, These sure are happy times for hardcore. But those just don’t have the same snap. Whence cometh my porn epiphany? Movies have been giving me less and less to complain about. It’s not that I’m becoming a softie with age. I realized it’s simply that the product is surprisingly and reliably swell. Yes, the abundance of the stuff is unquestionable., an online industry magazine supporting retailers of sexual goods, reported last year that counting both gay and straight, the adult industry releases over 20,000 movies a year. That’s more than 20 times the mainstream industry. But it’s not just abundance that’s to be celebrated. It’s more to be questioned: 20,000 movies a year! The stuff piles up to our puffed-up pecs (and sometimes I feel like I’ve watched them all). Neither is the most remarkable thing about today’s blue movies their technical quality, fine as it is with sharp image, plus videography, editing, and scoring that’s so unlike the dismal, eye- and ear-straining features of yore. It’s the content, a wonderland of content that truly impresses. I marvel at the athleticism and endurance that’s been bred into performers (and thus becoming a standard among lesser mortals such as you and I). There’s a sexual Olympics going on! And just look at what the games include. Activities that were beyond the pale, too outré or entirely unknown a couple decades ago are now daily fare. Is it straightforward non-kink you like? It’s splendidly available in suave renditions, with or without romance. Name a fetish, and there’s a company devoted to it (and equally devoted to outdoing every other company). Wrestling? Check out Fisting? Utterly commonplace. Piss? I
drink it all day. Sounding? A niche, perhaps, but present and accounted for. S&M and Bondage? Served up all around. Nobody in the 70s or 80s even dreamt of anything like the beautiful cockand body-bondage of From availability to quality, and most especially in content, a golden age. Yet all that good-and-plenty invites rumors. One such rumor currently afloat whispers that when a local major sells off their stock of DVDs, they’re gonna go strictly onlinestreaming. I can almost see the industry going this way. But not too soon. Another rumor has another local major player going out of business. And I wonder. My inbox is barraged with sales and bargains from every company in the biz. I’m not impugning the following companies, nor implying they’re having any business difficulties. These are just random examples of current sales. Lucas has a handful of some very recent features at $20 a pop; Falcon has most of their back catalogue available through various sources for the same; Titan has a free week at their site. I could name a lot more. Yes, there’s a recession. But we’re not seeing a reduction in production values or cast size. Just sales and more sales. Finally, I wonder why film directors of top brands are aiding and abetting business rivals. HotHouse owner Steven Scarborough is collaborating with new director Erik Rhodes at Falcon, while Falcon’s John Bruno is moonlighting at Jet Set. I’ll close with more interesting porn facts from StorErotica. Half of
all hotel in-room movie rentals are porn. But their average viewing time is a pathetically brief 12 minutes. Check in, pop off. I should think hotel porn rentals were becoming passé, however, with guys spending more time in their lap-tops when on their lap-tops, checking into websites. Eight years ago, there were 28,000 adult websites. Today there are over 280,000. 60% of all websites are sexual in nature. 77% of online visitors are male and around 41, and 75% report that they masturbate while online. Count me in on that – I’m sure not online waiting for my nail-polish to dry.▼
Leather + upped the ante by pledging to increase their fundraising efforts to over $100k. On Aug. 24 at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel, the BCC presents the first annual Dinner-Date Auction Gala, hosted by SF Diva Donna Sachet, with Broberg auctioneering all 12 2011 calendar men in one evening. Tickets for the event are $50 (general) and $100 VIP. The night will feature the men modeling black tie and sportswear attire provided by Citizen/Body stores in the Castro. Of course, if you want to see them shirtless, you must be prepared to bid for that, too! Grand Prizes for the evening: The 12 highest bidders will take part in an exclusive VIP evening on Sun., Aug. 29, that includes a limo ride with the Calendar Man to Scala’s Restaurant, followed by a cocktail reception and dinner prepared by Executive Chef Jennifer Biesty. The enchantment continues in the Starlight Room with VIP treatment at Starlight Magic, and concludes with a champagne and dessert reception compliments of Harry Denton. Sponsor packages and limited general admission avail-
Scott Brogan
page 26
The 2011 Bare Chest Calendar Men are ready, willing, and able to fulfill your needs at the upcoming Dinner Date Auction Gala on Aug. 24.
able for Starlight Magic, An Evening with Donna Sachet and the Bare Chest Calendar Men. Thanks to the sponsorship of the Miller-Coors group, the BCC is able to continue its unique brand of fundraising for the AEF and Positive Resource Center. If you didn’t already know, this year’s men are some of the sexiest ever, so even if you can’t make it to the auction gala, be sure to get your copy of the 2011 calendar and do your part to help your com-
munity. Further info on the Breast Cancer Emergency Fund Dinner can be found at Further info on the Bare Chest Calendar Dinner-Date Auction Gala can be found at auctiongala/gala.html. Special thanks to Ray Tilton for providing information on the BCEF history. Congratulations to Pony (Mark Owens) and Trinity for winning Mr. & Ms. Alameda County Leather 2010 this past weekend.▼
BAY AREA REPORTER . . 12 August 2010
my and Arthur (and Carlo, by association); the FBI has a few questions for Katharine, who has suddenly withdrawn her investment in the Brazilian real estate venture; and shady characters seemingly pop up everywhere. Needless to say, there is a lot that happens to this threesome in Brazil, and it all flows seamlessly, only serving to make this good book great. Nolan’s enthusiastic sequel is definitely a breezy read, but it’s also a vicarious pleasure to follow along as he maps out this serpentine adventure with such a vibrant group of characters. There’s a third book on the way called Sebastian, which Nolan calls a “big story” with religious overtones, so keep this writer on the radar.▼
Second ‘Strings’ by Jim Piechota Double Bound by Nick Nolan; AmazonEncore; $14.95
os Angeles-based writer Nick Nolan’s creativity was on full display in his 2006 debut Strings Attached. This first novel was loosely based on the story of Pinocchio, and featured a codependent but endearing gay teenager named Jeremy Tyler, being guided by Arthur Blauefee, the Blue Fairy. In the engaging follow-up
Channing ▼
page 17
got it together, oh boy.“ Her enthusiasm is infectious. No wonder she was elected Secretary of the Student Body at Commodore Sloat Grammar School when she was seven. She was supposed to make a speech about why the student body should vote for her. “It was my first time onstage. I came down the center aisle, up the five steps – the last time I went to Commodore Sloat, the steps were still there. I was frightened to death, and I thought, oh this is embarrassing, my knees are shaking so. But Bobby Schmalz, who nominated me, later said they couldn’t see my knees shaking because I had a full skirt on.” Little Carol stood there and didn’t know what to say. “I’m an only child, and I used to have favorite people I wanted to be with whom I’d bring home with me in my imagination. I was crazy about anyone who had a fascinating walk of talking, or had a certain look or a way of walking. “Miss Berard, who was the Principal of the school, I just loved, because apparently she was the forerunner of Julia Child. I would find every excuse to go in her office. Finally, I thought, I know what. I’ll do what I do best. I’ll turn into somebody else. I’ll turn into Miss Berard, because they all know
Double Bound, Nolan’s focus centers on Arthur, delves into the character’s personal history of abuse, and quite extensively delves into his former closeted life struggling to make sense of a decision to enlist in the military (“a gay Marine was about as feasible as a straight makeup artist”). Arthur is also at odds with the unsettling discovery of romantic feelings for Jeremy (once he is transformed, Svengali-like, from geek to stud), something that remained unresolved in Second Strings. Nolan is smart to shake things up by going international as Jeremy’s aunt
Katharine aunt invests in a Brazilian resort condominium community called Castle Mountain, and recruits her nephew to fly there and report back on its ongoing developments. While lavishly ensconced at the Copacabana Palace, Jeremy, his boyfriend Carlo Martinez, and Arthur are all taken by surprise by a number of tantalizing occurrences – all handled with sensible restraint by Nolan, who seems to test himself as a novelist by juggling these multiple plot-points. There’s a kidnapping and ransom ploy; things get messy between Jere-
“Bobby Schmalz later said they couldn’t see my knees shaking because I had a full skirt on. the Principal. So I lowered my voice and said [in Miss Berard’s Julia Child baritone], ‘Go to the polls, and vote for Carol.’ “You know, they all laughed, and she laughed, too. And I said, how could you laugh at yourself? And she said, because I knew there was no malice to it. I knew you were crazy. And it’s true. I was crazy about Miss Berard, because she had this crazy way of talking.“ Carol shared a story she otherwise keeps to herself. “I had ovarian cancer. Well, the show starts at 8 o’clock every night. I can’t wait for [the cancer to heal]. So I went to my doctor, and he stood in the wings to help. He said, if you reach to the heavens to get the show out, the heavens answer you. Every time I went onstage, I reached
Carol Channing will appear as part of the line-up of Help Is on the Way XVI.
to the heavens to get this show out. “They took out whatever it was that caused the cancer, and that was it. I never missed a show. But the world turns against you when you mention anything about this, so I’ve never mentioned it to anybody. After that, we toured, and I was flying in every other weekend for chemotherapy and all that. Boy, I came crashing through, and got the Tony Award that year. But they were there, when I reached to the heavens to get the show out. And those were my best performances.”
Toward the end of our 80-minute interview, I dared ask, “Have you ever been so busy playing characters onstage that you have lost track of yourself? How do you keep in touch with yourself – Carol Channing, the real person inside – in the middle of all these characters?“ “What a penetrating question you just asked,” she exclaimed, then proceeded to tell story after story rather than answering directly. But I kept persisting. After 10 minutes, we got closer.
“Harry keeps saying to me, ‘I’ve never heard of a life of such agony.’ I made more mistakes – more stupid mistakes – because I didn’t watch carefully about my personal life. I married all the wrong people. They didn’t care about me. It was miserable, but I was fine onstage.” As she veered off into another fabulous story about performing for Marc Blitzstein, she acknowledged she was side-stepping. “I’m off the subject again. I married people that didn’t love me. They wanted to write a book, or they wanted to use my little salary of $60/week that I got to play in the Village Vanguard and places downtown, uptown and all around. I played with the Almanacs and all these groups, and they wanted to live on my salary. I was high, wide, and handsome, as long as I was doing creative work.” I repeated the question. Has she found a way to be okay without doing creative work or playing characters? “Well, it’s the first time I’ve been totally loved. I mean, except by my parents. All the way. It was there the moment we reconnected.” I wanted to cry. The real Carol Channing was right there, all the way. And she was talking about love.▼ Richmond-Ermet’s star-studded gala at the Herbst Theatre, benefiting four AIDS organizations, kicks off at 5 p.m. on Sun., Aug. 15. Tickets: or (415) 273-1620.
Patrik, Age 1.5
Magnolia Pictures
cigarettes, and get on the waiting list for an adoptable kid. Writer/director Ella Lemhagen means Patrik, Age 1.5 to be a goodnatured send-up of the Swedish “cradle to grave” social welfare bureaucracy. No sooner do we meet the boys than they are sitting in the reception area of the adoption agency, surrounded by modern Sweden’s adoption list “misfits”: older childless couples, Muslim couples. Sven and Goran are greeted by an adoption lady lacking in warmth and the milk of human kindness. Informed that no foreign country considers them suitable to receive one of their surplus kids, Sven and Goran all but grovel to be considered for a Swedish, or, at last resort, a Danish infant. The boys are shocked when they get a notice in the mail that a Swedish baby boy – Patrik, age 1.5 – from a “troubled” home is headed their way. When Patrik shows up in the person of pop-star-cute 16-year-old Swedish TV actor Thomas Ljungman, Goran mistakes him for the paper boy. If Patrik, Age 1.5 were a remake of screwball classic Bringing Up Baby, Patrik would be the leopard. He is wild at heart. As an infant, he watched his mom collapse and die just after serving milk and cookies to him and his puppy. The dog was put to sleep, and Patrik realizes that adoption folks would have preferred to do the same to him. They placed him in a series of increasingly bad
Per-Anders Jorgensen
page 17
Thomas Ljungman is the title character in Patrik, Age 1.5.
Elijah Wood works through a jigsaw-puzzle plot in The Oxford Murders.
foster homes, and finally a reform school. He learns the lessons of a system lifer: he has a quick temper, is good at martial arts and petty crime, is virulently homophobic, and blows off steam by beating up smaller kids or cutting himself. Patrik, Age 1.5 is part of a developing genre of feel-good queer-family films that show how LGBT folks can cope with relationship blues by overcoming the “empty nest syndrome.” Kids, whether adopted, basted, or inherited from previous hetero relationships, can be the glue that wards off the effects of lesbian or gay bed-death. In The Kids Are All Right, a tottering lesbian couple learns why they avoided contact with their sperm donor. In the Canadian entry Breakfast with Scot, an urbane gay
services as a boy gardener, gives Goran a lecherous wink. Goran suitably replies with one of Patrik’s karate moves. The movie earned its 2009 Frameline Audience Award with its robust scenes of manly love. Petersson and Skarsgard both radiate body language that’s hard to fake and always surprises when coming from straight actors. They leave us with the welcome image of two grown men finally facing up to the gap between their inner child and their adult responsibilities, while learning how to sing to their love-starved leopard. The Oxford Murders Spanish master Alex de la Iglesia’s smart, talky adaptation of Guillermo Martinez’s novel allows two brilliant actors, the still cheeky John Hurt and Hobbit
couple discovers how hard it is to incorporate a sissified kid into their upscale and discreetly closeted Toronto lives. With its candy-colored suburban landscape and needle-drop country and pop soundtrack, Patrik can be seen as a night-out treat that reinforces our community’s sometimes fragile sense of self-worth, and gives us a chance to view our straight counterparts with some delicious disdain. But that would be selling the movie short. Were they characters in Joe Orton or Ingmar Bergman, this naïve gay couple adopting a human leopard would have a body count. Lemhagen only hints at the beast inside the average Swedish neighborhood-watch dude, like the neighbor who, after availing himself of Patrik’s
boy Elijah Wood, to fight and flirt through a jigsaw-puzzle plot that violates a slew of American taboos, including the fiery crash of a busload of developmentally challenged kids in order to harvest their organs. Hurt, who won our hearts with his devastatingly acute Naked Civil Servant and the equally regal sequel An Englishman in New York, here demonstrates an Olivier-worthy mastery of the Queen’s English, and a sneaky way of hinting at a “man crush” on his co-star, 40 years younger. Wood demonstrates afresh why Roger Ebert once dubbed him the greatest actor of his generation. ▼ Both films open Friday at Landmark Theatres.
18 March 2010 . BAY AREA REPORTER .
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