April 2011 Edition of BARtab, the entertainment and nighlife guide from the Bay Area Reporter

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April 2011

On the Tab

a Bouquet of April Events

Chic Spots

Romantic Designs

Bar Reboot

ingredients ★ April 2011★

Out in Style Page 4 Bar Reboot Page 6 Chic Spots Page 8 Romantic Designs Page 10 On the Tab Page 14 BARchive: Gay by Design Page 30 Read more stories online at www.bartabsf.com

✶ On the Cover: Antoine Delaitre, Katya Smirnoff-Skyy, Elliot Tomaeno and Nikki Wooldridge share drinks at Harry Denton’s Starlight Room. • Photo: Georg Lester. See page 4.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Editor: Jim Provenzano • Art Director: Kurt Thomas Designer: Scott King • General Manager: Michael Yamashita Advertising Sales: David McBrayer, Colleen Small, Scott S Sco cott Wazlowski co a o s

Contributors: Matt Baume, Heather Cassell, Dr. Jack Fritscher, Michael McAllister, Adam Sandel, Ronn Ada da d am Sand S and a nd del e , Ro el, onn nn Vigh Vig Vig gh Photography: Rick h Ri k Gerharter, G h t Lydia L di di Gonzales, Jose Guzman-Colon, Georg Lester, Jim Provenzano, Rich Stadtmiller, Stad tad ta tadtmi adtmi tm mill lle lerr,, Steven Stteven Ste ven Underhill Under Un nde der d e BARtab is published Enterprises, Inc. bli h d by bli b Benro B E t Publisher: Thomas E. Horn Benro Enterprises, Inc. 395 Ninth Street • San San n Francisco Franc ran nc cisco sco co o CA CA 94103 941 9410 4103 • (415) 861-5019 Member off th Guild the he National N Natio tion ti ionall Gay Gay Newspaper N Newsp ewsp ews ewsp wspa spa National Advertising: Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863

Katya Smirnoff-Skky (left) and Nikki Wooldridge

Nightlife experts share the view • by Jim Provenzano


s the sun set over San Francisco and the skyline began to twinkle with lights around Union Square and beyond, our quartet of cover models enjoyed a few drinks while preparing for their photo shoot at the elegant Harry Denton’s Starlight Room, high atop the Sir Francis Drake Hotel. They shared their perspectives on nightlife’s stylish alternatives.

GUEST LIST Few people are as learned about the variety of gay-friendly and elegant bars and lounges in San Francisco than Antoine Delaitre. His A-List Martini Nights have been a success since the first night five years ago (www.sfalist.com). “I was surprised by how many people came the first time,” said Delaitre, whose first event was held at the now-gone Levende Lounge. “The next event was at W Hotel, and friends of friends kept coming, and soon I had two, three thousand people on the email list.” Delaitre moved to San Francisco in 1998. “I came on a whim, an adventure, and stayed.” When he’s not working at San Francisco’s French-American International School, the former French Marine enjoys researching new venues for A-List. “I either know them myself living in the city, or browse magazines, or sometimes owners or friends contact me. Then I have to go there and see if I like it. That’s the ultimate criteria. Obviously, they need to be gay-friendly, and it needs to be a little swanky or have a little character.” The Grand Café (501 Geary St.) is one of his group’s repeat venue visits. With its ornate Art 4 BAR★TAB • bartabsf.com • April 2011

Georg Lester

OUT IN STYLEd Nouveau décor and convenient Union Square location, the bar serves dozens of well-heeled patrons. “The idea is to find a cool place to get people to explore new places.” Yet despite the ‘swanky’ themes, Delaitre is quick to point out the lack of elitism with A-List. “The name is sort of a joke, like Antoine’s List, even though the reality is it’s not exclusive, but people need to be curious about it. San Francisco has a rich nightlife, but the gay nightlife is not as creative. That’s changed a little bit recently, but for a long time it was a bit fossilized. I also wanted something in between the big dance clubs, which are not conducive to conversation, and the cruise bars. It’s like doing a house party,” he smiles, “only you don’t have to clean.” TIPS ON TIPS Nikki Wooldridge offers a perspective from the other side of the counter. A freelance bartender who caters private parties, she offered advice on how to keep things elegant no matter where one drinks and dines with a date, the most important being, “tipping. Bad tippers are not sexy.” When people are fussy with their orders, is it annoying? “When I go out with my vegan friends,” said Wooldridge, “we make sure there’s at least something on the menu that they can eat, more than just appetizers.” Tapas restaurants are a favorite. “You can schmooze, hang out, order different plates, a carafe of sangria, and everyone’s happy.” High up on her list is Andalu (3198 16th St.). But is it worth waiting inline for such a popular restaurant?

Georg Lester

“Sure. You can always go to Double moment Wooldridge shared with Dutch, right next door.” her waiter was priceless. “Needless Farmer Brown’s (25 Mason to say, I didn’t go out with the guy St.) is another choice, where, again. I returned to Zuni with a Wooldridge said, “You can have friend, and the server remembered a really memorable experience. I me, which I thought was funny.” love the fact that it’s Black-andFilipino-owned.” NETWORKING Destination restaurants like the Erudite, and on the scene, German cuisine Suppenküche Elliot Tomaeno works as a public (525 Laguna St.) are among her relations expert for several firms, favorites. “The meatloaf they cook in particular the new Dot429 is authentic.” The group seating website and gay social networking induces a more socially energetic organization. Founded in April environment, and Wooldridge 2010 by Richard Klein (publisher added, “The beer helps, too.” of Surface magazine) Dot429 Antoine Delaitre (left) One thing Wooldridge doesn’t holds events in New York City and and Elliot Tomaeno. like about the business is how cutLos Angeles as well as the Bay Area. throat it can be, from waiter positions to restaurants “Since Richard started in design and architecture, opening and closing so frequently. This is why she he definitely has a discerning eye when it comes to enjoys long-running restaurants where the staff treat events,” said Tomaeno. “Our LGBT professionals also patrons right. have discerning tastes, and we try to accommodate Recalling a night out at Zuni Café (1658 Market that. If there’s a great venue that will accommodate St.), Wooldridge’s date asked to go Dutch, but his us, we’ll work with them.” credit card was declined, while hers wasn’t. The Page 12



April 2011 • bartabsf.com • BAR★TAB 5

Brando looks on approvingly at Rebel’s pole dancers.



• by Matt Baume

ou know what’s hot right now? New. New shoes, new hair, new boyfriends, and most importantly, new parties and bars. San Francisco’s gay scene has seen a wave of renovations lately, from massive construction projects to new after-hours clubs to a hot new attitude sweeping South of Market. Everywhere you look, there’s something fresh. And of course, there’s still a place for the classics. It’s called the GLBT History Museum, and it’s open Wednesday to Saturday from 11am to 7pm, and Sunday from noon to 5pm. (By the way, it’s new.) Nobody panic: Chaps II may have left us, but its spirit lives on. After a raucous closing party, the SoMa bar at 1225 Folsom Street wrapped up three years of leather last month and then began a dramatic transformation. Now, it’s finally re-opened and ready to show off a sexy attitude and a new name: Kok Bar San Francisco. “Darker, durrtier, cruisier,” boasts David Morgan, owner of both Chaps II and Kok, “that’s the tagline for our new space.” It’s not that Kok is ditching leather. On the contrary, leather is still more than welcome. But, Morgan says, the SoMa community is so diverse that he wanted his bar to feel welcoming to all. He rattles 6 BAR★TAB • bartabsf.com • April 2011

off a list: “Jocks, punks, bears, twinks, leather daddies, muscle studs, skins, biker dudes. ... Kok Bar is the epitome of the new SoMa today.” Look for cosmetic upgrades like new decor, plus more fun and games in the form of a pool table and pinball machines. There’s also a fresh face on the old Triple Crown, which re-opened last month as Rebel (1760 Market St.). Yes, it’s got sexy butch decor, with vintage motorcycles and helmets. Yes, they sunk a ton of cash into an awesome new body-shaking sound system. And yes, there’s poles for dancing and plush seats for watching. But the biggest highlight: they’re open ‘til 4am. Saturday’s do-not-miss party at Rebel is Stallion, thrown by Joshua J of Big Top (at Club Eight) and Booty Call Wednesdays (at Q Bar). The formula is simple: “I wanted an old-school vibe of dudes, a big room, DJs, and go-go boys,” Joshua J says. “The most stripped-down recipe, but quality, quality, quality.” Unlike see-and-be-seen Booty Call, the fashion at Stallion is strictly come-as-you-are. And there’s less emphasis on pageantry and spectacle than at Big Top. Instead, you’ve got two dance floors full of sweaty guys flirting and dancing and having a good time. Rebel just a quick skip away from the Castro bars

Matt Baume


Matt Baume

and from Underground SF to switch from glass cups to (424 Haight St.) – which is itself acrylic, which don’t shatter looking for new owner – so it’s and can be re-used 2000 times the perfect destination when all before being recycled. the other bars shout “last call.” But it’s the spacious new The booze may stop flowing layout that really draws the at 2am, but now you have two crowds, just like at recentlymore hours to dance off your revamped Toad Hall (4146 buzz and drive home safely. 18th St.). And the Castro’s And speaking of Castro bars, freshest new face has a beak: there’s plenty of newness to be we’re talking about Blackbird found in the city’s gay heart. (4121 18th St.), which lives Take a peek inside the new somewhere between artsy and Cafe (2369 Market St.) if you neighborhoody, hipstery and haven’t already. It’s dramatically taverny. If you need a drinking more open, with a roomier game, try taking a shot every floor plan and higher ceiling. time a young thin man with Crucially, the restroom facilities thick-framed glasses and a have increased in number beard walks through the door. An officer of the law enjoys from four to seventeen. That’s And while The Edge (4149 The Cafe’s colorful new lighting. a relief. 18th St.) briefly closed recently, And because this is San it re-opened with surprising Francisco, you may be delighted to hear that they’ve swiftness and a more spacious decor. made the switch from incandescent bulbs to LED Change, of course, is scary, but Kok’s David and CFLs, moved their refrigeration equipment Morgan points out that for a bar to stick around, it to the roof, and installed low-flow toilets. They’ve has to be agile enough to keep up with its changing reduced their utility usage by about thirty percent, clientele. “We don’t have to do things because they estimates manager Louis Caputo. used to be done a certain way,” he says. “It’s all about They were also one of the first bars in the Castro having fun.” ✸


Orson restaurant

o longer restricted to back alley dives, queer women are on the move hanging out in chic upscale, but casual bars and restaurants and displaying their Sapphic love all over the San Francisco Bay Area. “We deserve the best. It’s that simple. There’s no reason, in my view, to settle for less than excellence in what we expect of ourselves or for ourselves,” said Betty Sullivan, owner of Betty’s List. For more than 15 years, Sullivan has brought lesbians together by hosting business mixers at dance parties and upscale venues – gay- and straight-owned – in San Francisco and the Bay Area. Sullivan looks for interesting, easily accessible and welcoming spaces to host the plethora of events that keep her out on the town nearly every night of the week. “Lesbians want to have a good time in a beautiful place where they feel very safe and very welcome,” said Sullivan, adding the final ingredient for a good event is friends and the potential to meet new acquaintances. Sullivan gets an “inner smile” watching queer women come together for a good time, because, “You know you’re making a difference and that lifechanging connections are being made. It’s what we do and that’s why we do it.” Pauline Miriam, promoter Hot Flash Dances, the city’s latest women’s dance party, couldn’t agree more with Sullivan. “We deserve beautiful venues! No more back alley bars!” said Miriam, who enjoys bringing queer women together. The producer of lesbian events for nearly 40 years has brought nearly 10,000 women together at Hot Flash parties throughout the United States. San Francisco’s version has been a hit since it 8 BAR★TAB • bartabsf.com • April 2011


launched in November. More than 400 lesbians flock to venues like Harlot, Ruby Skye, Slide, and a new after-party at Hotel Adagio. Like Miriam, who has expanded her parties, Sullivan has responded to increasing requests from women to bring Betty’s List’s popular events to areas outside San Francisco. In 2011, Sullivan launched Smart Women in the North Bay at the Pelican Art Gallery and Custom Framing Studio in Petaluma and at Spectrum LGBT Center’s business mixer in San Rafael, as well as the peninsula at Angelica’s Bistro in Redwood City. Wine Time’s events frequently take place at 2223 Restuarant (on 2223 Market st.). Sullivan praised restaurateurs Michelle Lazar and her life partner Chef Melinda Randolph who “created a unique space in the heart of the Castro” which has kept women returning to the wine tasting event. Last month, Wine Time took its wine glass on the road to the Lake Chalet in Oakland. “We are very excited to work with Betty on this event,” said Lara Graham Truppelli, owner of the Lake Chalet, located in the newly renovated boathouse on Lake Merritt, and the Beach Chalet and Park Chalet in San Francisco. Graham Truppelli, a straight ally who’s run the popular restaurants in resurrected historical landmarks for more than 15 years, said, “We’re excited to be more formally reaching out to the LGBT community. We are looking forward to a very successful evening with many to come.” Sabrina Riddle and her business and life partner, celebrity chef Elizabeth Falkner, co-own Citizen Cake

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Lydia Gonzales

• by Heather Cassell

Supperclub’s spaceage yet cozy décor

ROMANTIC DESIGNSd T Stylish Spaces Soar • by Ronn Vigh

Steven Underhill

here is an old adage: “Bars are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re going to get.” Well, maybe that’s not exactly the phrase. Nonetheless, it’s true, especially in San Francisco—a pint-sized city filled to the brim with drinking establishments, ranging from hole-in-the-wall saloons where you’re happy if you get a clean glass to some truly charming, distinctive and memorable spots. What makes a bar or nightclub romantic? Is it dim lighting? The faint sounds of soothing music and cozy couches? Knowing that you won’t wait 20 minutes in line for the restroom, only to watch seven people come out of the single-person bathroom all at once? I was assigned the grueling task of trying out an assortment of San Francisco bars, as well as asking local lushes where they like to go for that special warm and fuzzy romantic night out. Steven Peterson, creator of the popular public transit application Routesy, often navigates to the lobby bar at The St. Regis Hotel, South of Market, for its stylish confines and swank cocktails. “The lighting and furniture evoke a bit of a retro feel that hearkens back to a time when cocktails were classy and you could enjoy a drink without having to yell over hipsters playing pool,” says Peterson. “It also has a unique fireplace, comfy couches for side-by-side seating, and a wide variety of interesting cocktails, including a Hot Toddy named after former mayor Willie Brown, who is a regular there.” Another perk of hotel bars is the simple fact that if love is in the air, hotel rooms are conveniently located nearby. However, if you’re not the shy type, you can let loose

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on the plush, oversized “dining beds” at Supperclub. Also located in SoMa, the perimeter of Supperclub’s white-laden dining area is lined with large beds and cushions that double as dining tables. Over multiple courses and cocktails, nestle up to a special friend in this whimsical environment, which owner Bert van der Laden describes as “a special place where people can let themselves go.” While Supperclub won’t be easy on your wallet (dinner and drinks for two can average $100-$200), it’s definitely a distraction from your typical dining experience and everyday life, as van der Laden adds: “Supperclub is a free state of sensual experiences. It’s hard to explain exactly what that is: you have to experience it yourself.” San Francisco designer Joshua Rowland knows a thing or two about putting together a romantic room and what makes a space work. As the principal at Joshua Rowland Interiors, he chooses to unwind at The Redwood Room, nestled inside the Clift Hotel on Geary Street. “On a weeknight, when the crowds are minimal, I love requesting a more secluded area at the Redwood Room—the space is so grand and glamorous,” says Rowland. “The most perfect place to sip on a French 75 and feel like you’re in a movie.” The aforementioned French 75 cocktail is topped off with champagne, and an evening always gets a little more romantic over a bottle of bubbly or a nice glass of wine. Hotel Biron is an intimate bar tucked in a narrow Hayes Valley alleyway, reminiscent of Paris. On a quieter evening, the only thing giving away its presence is an orange circle with a simple B dangling from the brick facade on Rose Street. Once inside the warm,

Blush Wine Bar on Castro St.

The St. Regis, for your Mad Men affairs Gabriel Beszeda

narrow space, lined with local art, wine enthusiasts are treated to an extensive selection of wines and cheeses as they cozy up on the few couches or around the handful of copper tables. Bringing a hint of romance to Polk Street is Amelie, at 1754 Polk Street. Comedienne Katie Compa raves about this romantic rendezvous. “They’ve got great food, generous pours, and hot bartenders. Hot French bartenders,” says Compa. “This means that available bar seating is occupied by tipsy, swooning ladies. The only men in there are usually on dates!” This is also often the scene at Blush Wine Bar, squeezed between much more raucous establishments

in the middle of Castro Street. With lush, deep red walls that look like someone painted it with a bottle of Cabernet, Blush offers a variety of food, wine and beer to a variety of customers, from gay couples and friends to tourists to those looking for a more comfortable alternative to “Jaeger Bombs” and blaring Lady GaGa tracks. Seeking that special space for your night out is just like finding your soul mate. If it’s meant to be, you just know. While what is considered romantic is subjective, one of my favorite lines given while interviewing for this story was “I’m in love with any bar that is open by 7:00 AM. How’s that for romance?” Cupid has clearly struck again. ✸

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Lake Chalet

From page 10

courtesy Lake Chalet

in Pacific Heights and Orson in South of Market. The restaurateur couple has hosted a number of lesbian focused events from the Original Ladies Night with Sullivan at Orson, the clubby and lounge-cool restaurant housed in a former warehouse. While they’re happy to “provide a cool space for

From page 5

Several events have been held at Orson, the lesbianowned restaurant and bar, and stylish nightclubs. Dot429’s current campaign, WorkOpen, similar to the It Gets Better Project, focuses on being out at work. “We’re about professional networking,” said Tomaeno. “There’s no dating element to the site or to our events. A certain crowd feels a bit more comfortable in a professional setting as opposed to a gay bar, where the conversation can be limited.” Asked about his favorite stylish spaces to enjoy a drink, Tomaeno’s favorites include The Burritt Room at the Crescent Hotel (417 Stockton St.), which he describes as “a combination speakeasy and SoHo loft, with high ceilings and waiters who wear cute suspenders.” The Hideout at Dalva (3121 16th St.) is another favorite. “It’s great to take friends from out of town.” He recommends the Gin Ginger Mule. To join Dot429, visit www.Dot429.com RUSSIAN IN Swanky joints are a part of Katya Smirnoff-Skky’s career. The local drag singer and film actor, who’s known out of drag as J. Conrad Frank, understandably enjoys the bars and nightclubs that book his act. “I do a lot of shows at Martuni’s,” said Frank. “It’s like my home away from home. They make a stiff drink, and it’s a lot of fun.” A regular cohost with Trauma Flintstone (aka Joe Wicht) at the third annual Cabaret Showcase Showdown, Smirnoff-Skky performed at the first show produced by Wicht six years ago, and also hosts his own show each third Sunday at Martuni’s. 12 BAR★TAB • bartabsf.com • April 2011

Attendees at a recent Wine Time event held at 2223 Restaurant.

courtesy of Betty’s List

lesbians to be that has great food and great drinks,” said Riddle, they refused to be locked into the queer ghetto. “We’re out and open wherever we are. We’re not hiding,” said Riddle. “I love when you can create a space where lots of people can feel welcome and have a good time.” ✸

“It’s a great bar, fantastic on Sundays, with performances starting at 7 p.m. It has a great piano atmosphere. It’s one of the last of its kind in San Francisco.” Of the cozy bar’s frequent shows, Frank says, “We’re trying to bring back cabaret in San Francisco. It’s not just a gay thing or a drag thing. It’s about the music.” Smirnoff-Skyy has also headlined at The Rrazz Room where the live shows are a favorite. He’ll perform an August Beatles-themed show, and a Christmas-themed act in December. How does Frank, while in his statuesque drag persona, deal with the occasional heckler or inebriated fan? “You don’t mess with a Russian queen,” he jokes. Frank occasionally performs as Rosalind Russell or Joan Crawford, particularly at recent live events related to the Billy Clift film, Baby Jane? in which he portrays a wheelchair-bound Blanche in the homage-parody version of the Crawford-Bette David classic, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? Frank will also perform a new Katya show in May at The Traveling Jewish Theatre. For nights when he’s not appearing as Katya, Frank enjoys Juanita More’s Wednesday night Booty Call at Q Bar (456 Castro St.). He also enjoys the revived shows at the Fairmont Hotel’s Venetian Room. As to the perks of being a local drag celebrity, Frank said, “I’ll go anywhere I’m known and I get free cocktails!” Book your night or brunch for Sunday’s a Drag at Harry Denton’s Starlight Room, 450 Powell St. at (415)395-8595. www.harrydenton.com. ✸

April 2011 • bartabsf.com • BAR★TAB 13

AB f eON THE T ~ ~April ★

Cole Streets @Porn Star, Sat 2


Hard @ Q Bar Electro pop dance night at the intimate Castro bar-club, with DJ Haute Toddy. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St. www.QbarSF.com

Race Cooper @ Nob Hill Theatre The historic male strip club continues its recharge of bringin’ sexy back with local muscled porn stud Ace Cooper doing a live strip show. Also, Rookies Night April 6, and other live acts daily. $30. Cooper performs at 8pm & 10pm. Also April 2. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 781-9468. www.thenobhilltheatre.com

Sat 2 ➠ Bangkok @ The Stud DJs Shawn P and Lamb Chop spin tunes; Stoli gogo guys tempt you at the monthly dance night (1st Saturdays). Free before 11pm. $8. 21+. 10pm-2am. 399 9th St. at Harrison. www.studsf.com

Be an Angel @ Lookout HIV awareness and testing campaign, themed with the May production of Angels in America. $25 gets you a photo with wings. 1pm. 3600 Market St. www.lookoutsf.com www.AngelsinAmericaSF.com

Bearracuda @ Club Eight

Fri 1➠ Chicken Strip @ The Cinch Juanita Fajita brings her frisky and unpredictable male strip contest to The Cinch every Friday night. Juanita’s Taco Truck starts at 8:30pm for your late night cravings. Strip contest starts at 10:30pm. Cash prizes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place ($25-$75). The Cinch 1723 Polk St. at Clay.

Dope @ The Lookout Monthly music and pop culture party (1st Fridays), with DJs Papa Tony and Crashfaster. 9pm-2am. 1600 Market St. at Noe. www.lookoutsf.com

Ghetto Disco @ The Endup DJs Hawthorne and guests spin dance grooves til dawn. $15-$20. Free before 12am. 11pm-6am. 401 6th St. at Harrison. 646-0999. www. theendup.com

Glen Meadmore @ Thee Parkside The gay country crooner and his Hot Horny Born Again Revue perform at the punk and alt. music nightclub’s anniversary party. No cover. 21+. 9pm. 1600 17th St. at Wisconsin. 252-1330. www.theeparkside.com

Grand Opening @ Kok Bar The SoMa bar formerly known as Chaps II got a facelift. Enjoy new events and décor. Fundraiser for mayoral candidate Bevan Dufty 7pm-8:30pm ($100). General public after 9pm. 1225 Folsom St. www.kokbarsf.com

14 BAR★TAB • bartabsf.com • April 2011

Monthly bear dance night with extra-friendly guys, and snacks! DJs Medic, 50 Pound Note and Boyshapedbox. $6-$8. 9pm-3am. 1151 Folsom St. www.bearracuda.com www.eightsf.com

Cockfight @ Underground SF Culture Whores’ big dance party in a little club, with Pansy the Drunken Panda and saucy gogo guys. Now 1st and 3rd Saturdays. $7. 9pm-2am. 424 Haight St. www.cockfightsf.com Race Cooper @ Nob Hill, Get Down @ Maya Fri. 1 Free monthly party for women, queers and pals. 1st Saturdays, with DJs Olga T and Astro. Taco menu, cheap beer buckets, private room reservations. 9pm-2am. 303 2nd St at Harrison. www.mayasf.com

Heroes & Hunks @ Truck The hot gay superhero costume event arrives in SF the weekend of WonderCon comic convention. Dress up as your secret superhero, with comic book and porn prizes; partial proceeds benefit the Trevor Project. Happy hour 6pm-9pm, and more fun til 2am. 1900 Folsom St. www.trucksf.com

Le Perle Degli Squallor @ Hot Spot DJ Bus Station John’s intimate monthly (1st Saturdays) retro disco night re-decorates the cozy dive bar into a cool dance hangout; popular with bear cubs. 2 for 1 drinks 9pm11pm. Open til 2am. $5. 1414 Market St. at Polk.


Gehno Aviance Sanchez @Revolution, Sat 2

Porn Star @ The Watergarden, San Jose Falcon porn dude Cole Streets does a live show at the South Bay’s only bath house. Enjoy cruising and more, with music by DJ Christian Owen. $16-$39. 9pm. 18+. 1010 The Alameda. (408) 275-1215. www.thewatergarden.com

Pound @ Public Works DJs John LePage and James Torres spin at the gay dance night. 10pm-4am. 161 Erie St. www.publicsf.com

Revolution @ Club 93 Christopher Ray and Gehno Aviance Sanchez, plus Pat N Leather, host & DJ a new night (first Saturdays); performances by Kalisto, Duplicity Dilemma, Artist Malcolm Drake, and Avacado Jones. Proceeds benefit the Comfort & Joy Scholarship Fund and the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. $10 beer bust. 9pm-2am. 93 9th St. at Mission. www. djgehnoaviance.podomatic.com

Stallion @ Rebel Joshua J’s new sexy night at the new bar (formerly Triple Crown) is now weekly. DJ David Harness and Joey Jinks spin tunes while hung gogo guys shake it and offer lap dances. $5-$8. 21+. 9pm-4am. 1760 Market St. at Octavia. www.joshuajpresents.com

Sun 3➠ Beer Bust @ SF Eagle The most popular daytime gay bar event in Northern California, with benefits for local LGBT and AIDS charities and organizations. $10 (for beer bust). 3pm-6pm. 12th St. at Harrison. www.sfeagle.com

Cabaret Showcase Showdown @ Martuni’s Trauma Flintstone and Katya Smirnoff-Skyy cohost the third round of the second annual singing competition; this month the theme is Best R&B/Urban Pop. Contestants bring sheet music for two songs. 7pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market. www.dragatmartunis.com

Jason Graae @ The Rrazz Room

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Acclaimed singer performs a Jerry Herman tribute. $30. 4pm. Also April 4, 8pm. 2-drink minimum. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. (800) 380-3095. www.therrazzroom.com

April 2011 • bartabsf.com • BAR★TAB 15

f eON THE TAB ~ ~from page 15

Cookie Dough. Partial proceeds go to benefit the SF Ducal Charity Fund. $5-$15. 8pm. 4 Valencia St. www.Qcomedy.com

Sausage Party @ Rosamunde Sausage Grill Jock @ The Lookout Afternoon schmooze and booze, with door and donations benefiting gay sports teams. $2. 3pm-8pm. 3600 16th St. at Market. 431-0306. www.lookoutsf.com

Pink Domingo’s @ Club 93 Latin music and dancing for El Gays, with DJs Paulito and Mickey. 9pm-2am. 93 9th St. at Mission.

Rockabilly Q @ Milk Bar The Queer Jitterbugs present Sunday Swing-out, a mixed straight-friendly weekly night of social dancing to DJed and (twice monthly) live music. $3-$15. 8:3011pm, lesson 8:30pm. 1840 Haight St. at Stanyan. (415) 305-8242. www.QueerJitterbugs.com

DJ Dandy Dixon spins vintage rock, R&B, disco and other genres while you enjoy tasty happy hour beer and brats. Weekly, 6pm-9:30pm. 2832 Mission St. 970-9015. www.rosamundesausagegrill.com

Tue 5➠ Denise Perrier @ The Rrazz Room Local blues, pop and cabaret singer performs at the intimate nightlcub. $30. 8pm. Also April 6. 2-drink minimum. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. (800) 380-3095. www.therrazzroom.com

Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey’s

Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gay-friendly comedy night, and Uni and her Ukelele celebrates his birthday, with Candy @ Q Comedy, Mon 4 Churilla, Susan Maletta and Yayne Abeba. One drink or menu item minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. Salsa Sundays @ El Rio at 18th. 431-HARV. www.harveyssf.com Dance lessons and hot music at the neighbhorhood bar where everyone (over 21) is welcome. Free BBQ 3pm. Hope to Japan @ Hotel Nikko Show 4pm. $8. 3158 Mission St. at Cesar Chavez. Fundraiser for Japan earthquake-tsunami relief efforts, www.elriosf.com with drinks, food and live music. $150. 6pm. 222 Mason St. www.hopetojapan.com Sunday’s a Drag @ Starlight Room Donna Sachet and Harry Denton host the weekly fabulous Ladies Night @ Q Bar brunch and drag show. $45. 11am, show at noon; 1:30pm, Women’s night, with DJ Ms. Jackson, half-off drinks. 9pmshow at 2:30pm. 450 Powell St. in Union Square. 2am. 456 Castro St. www.qbarsf.com 395-8595. www.harrydenton.com

Mon 4➠ Q Comedy @ Martuni’s Host Nick Leonard, Ray Ferrer, Mary Van Note, DJ Real and Uni and her Ukelele with your Femcee SF Drag Legend

16 BAR★TAB • bartabsf.com • April 2011

Meow Mix @ The Stud


Weekly drag and variety show. 9pm-2am. 399 9th St. at Harrison. www.studsf.com

Amber Gregory

David Hawkins @ Blue Blue Room Comedy, Wed 6

Queer Night @ Easy Lounge, Oakland Weekly LGBT electro space jam night with DJ Dr. Sleep, organic cocktails, patio, chill vibe. No cover. 8pm-close. 3255 Lakeshore Ave. www.easy510.com

Wed 6➠ A-List Martini Nights @ Bar TBA Ongoing popular weekly social and networking event for gay men and their friends. Sign up to get invites to a different bar each week. 9pm-12am. www.sfalist.com

Blue Room Comedy @ The Stud Gay comic David Hawkins has moved his popular bawdy laughfest to a roomy nightclub. No cover. 8pm. 399 9th St. www.studsf.com

Messy Wednesdays @ Lime New weekly night with DJ Tristan Jaxx and caliente gogo dudes, Mexican food served up hot, plus Tequila, Tecates, Margarita specials. 6pm-10pm. 2247 Market St. www.line-sf.com

Men’s Club @ SoMa Bars Enjoy drink specials and other fun stuff at themed nights at The Eagle, The Powerhouse, Truck, Hole in the Wall and the new Kok Bar (formerly Chaps II). 21+. www.lonestarsaloon.com

Wolf @ The Watergarden, San Jose Monthly event (first Wednesdays) at the South Bay bath house for furry men and their fans. $10-$30. Lockers halfprice 4pm-12am. 18+. 1010 The Alameda. (408) 275-1215. www.thewatergarden.com

Thu 7➠ Locker Room @ Kok Bar The SoMa bar formerly known as Chaps II got a facelift. Enjoy new events and décor, and the same cruisy fun at the jock– uniform fetish night. 1225 Folsom St. www.kokbarsf.com

Redlight @ Risque Lounge DJ Hawthorne, Gypsy Love and guests bring a new weekly retro classy lounge for music, fashion, art and cocktails. 45 Maiden Lane. 6pm-10pm. www.ghettodisco.com

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

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Retro tunes and retro cruisy crowd, each Thursday.

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floors, lounge) shows off their hottests gogo studs. Happy hour 4pm-8:30pm. Dancing 9pm-4am. 2111 Franklin St. (510) 268-9425. www.club21oakland.com

~from page 17

Lick It @ Powerhouse DJ Bus Station John plays records. $4. 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor. www.auntcharlieslounge.com

Thunder From Down Under @ The Rrazz Room

Lance Holman hosts the monthly fundraiser for the Breast Cancer Emergency Fund; gogo guys, raffles, bootblacks. $5. 10pm-2am. Thunder From Down Under 1347 Folsom St. 552-8689. @ The Rrazz Room, Thu. 7 www.powerhouse-sf.com

Australian Vegas-style male strip group performs their sexy act. No full nudity (darn) and more popular with women, but gentlemen welcome (yay). $35$55. 8pm. (April 7-9, 12-14) 7pm April 10, 17. 9:30pm April 15 & 16. 2-drink minimum. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. (800) 380-3095. www.therrazzroom.com

Fri 8➠ The Crystal Method @ Ruby Skye Popular electronic music duo plays a DJ set. $30. 21+. 9pm. 420 Mason St. at Geary. 693-0777. www.rubyskye.com

Latin Explosion @ Club 21, Oakland Renovated gay Latin dance club (eight bars, more dance

Sat 9➠ BAR Anniversary Party @ Toad Hall Celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Bay Area Reporter, America’s oldest LGBT newspaper. Meet the staff, freelancers and many local celebrities at an informal gathering. No cover. 21+. 5pm-8pm. 4146 18th St. Before that, stop by the GLBT Historical Society Museum (across the street at 4127 18th St.) to see Our Vast Queer Past and the BAR history mini-exhibit (April 8-13). $5. www.glbthistory.org www.ebar.com www.toadhallbar.com

Cockblock @ Rickshaw Stop Lesbo-rific queer homo dance night each 2nd & 4th Saturday. $5-$7. 21+. 10pm-2am. 155 Fell St. www.rickshawstop.com

Frolic @ The Stud Monthly costume dance party for Furries and friends. Dress up and dance, you animal. $7 w/o $3 with costume. 9pm-2am. 399 9th St. at Harrison. www.neonbunny.com/frolic www.studsf.com

Hot Box @ Bench and Bar, Oakland Weekly women’s night produced by Movement Productions, with DJs Astro, Olga T, Rapture and Val G. specialty drinks, cafe seating, special events each week, with frequent live acts, including prizes, giveaways, and holiday-themed special events. Text 368638 for discounts on admission. $8-$15. 9pm to 3am. www.hotboxinthebay.com

Poppers @ The Lookout Gus Presents hosts; DJs a busy crowd and cocktail specials. $5. 9pm-2am. 1600 Market St. at Noe. www.lookoutsf.com

Sun 10➠ Honey Soundsystem @ Holy Cow The coolest Sunday music mix crew plays groovedelic sounds for a hip, diverse crowd. 10pm-2am. 1535 Folsom St. at 11th. www.honeysoundsystem.com

La Pachanga @ Blue Macaw

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Salsa bands play, with dancing and lessons (lessons 5pm, band 6pm) weekly at the mixed/gay-friendly nightclub. $10. 21+. 2565 Mission St. at 22nd. www.thebluemacawsf.com


Sunday’s a Drag @ Starlight Room

~from page 18

Donna Sachet and Harry Denton host the fabulous weekly brunch and drag show. $45. 11am, show at noon; 1:30pm, show at 2:30pm. 450 Powell St. in Union Square. 3958595. www.harrydenton.com

Steve Ross @ The Rrazz Room

Mon 11➠

Classy cabaret pianist singer perfoms the best of Gershwin, Porter, Berlin and Coward. $30$40. 5pm. Also April 11, 8pm. 2-drink minimum. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. (800) 3803095. www.therrazzroom.com

Comedy Night @ El Rio Lisa Geduldig presents another edition of her laugh-filled night, with Dhaya Lakshminarayanan, Brendan Lynch, DJ Real, Erikka Innes, and Elea Altman. $7-$20. 8pm. 3158 Mission St. at Precita. www.koshercomedy.com www.elriosf.com

Sundance Saloon @ Space 550

Tue 12➠ Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey’s Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gay-friendly comedy night, with special guest Scott Silverman. One drink or menu item minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. at 18th. 431-HARV. www.harveyssf.com


Sundance Saloon @ Space 550, Sun 10

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Ingu Yun

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Sundance Saloon, the popular country-western dance for the LGBT community celebrates its 13th anniversary, with special fun, along with the usual friendly urban cowboys and cowgirls two-stepping and line dancing the night away. Free! 21+. Sundays 5pm-10:30pm, lessons 5:30–7:15pm. Thursdays 6:30–10:30pm, lessons 7pm8pm. 550 Barneveld Ave., near Bayshore and Industrial. www.sundancesaloon.org

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Meow Mix @ the Stud Weekly drag and variety show. 9pm-2am. 399 9th St. at Harrison. www.studsf.com

Queer Night @ Easy Lounge, Oakland Weekly LGBT electro space jam night with DJ Dr. Sleep, organic cocktails, patio, chill vibe. No cover. 8pm-close. 3255 Lakeshore Ave. www.easy510.com

Marilu Henner @ The Rrazz Room, Fri. 15

Wed 13➠ Dream Queens Review @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge Drag show each 2nd and 4th Wednesday at the classic Tenderloin bar, hosted by Collette LeGrande-Ashton. No cover. 10pm. 133 Turk St. 441-2922. Liz Carney www.dreamqueensrevue.com

Mexican Radio @ Lone Star Saloon Twice monthly (2nd and last Wed) fun night with gogo guys, cheap drink specials ($2 Bud, Bud Light and Rolling Rock draft), DJ Carsonova, and beartastic ambiance. 7pm11pm. 1354 Harrison St. www.lonestarsaloon.com

Thu 14➠ The Crib @ City Nights Pop music club night with scantily-clad gogo studs. $10. 18+. 9:30pm-3am. 715 Harrison St. at 3rd. www.thecribsf.com

Freedom Dreams @ Bench and Bar, Oakland

Locker Room @ Kok Bar The SoMa bar formerly known as Chaps II got a facelift. Enjoy new events and décor, and the same cruisy fun at the jock–uniform fetish night. 1225 Folsom St. www.kokbarsf.com

Nightlife @ California Academy of Sciences Weekly parties with different themes at the new museum of life sciences. Enjoy the exhibits while drinking and schmoozing. $12. (Reg, admission $20-$30). 21+. 6pm10pm. Golden Gate Park. www. calacademy.org/nightlife

Fri 15➠ Bad Girl Cocktail Hour @ The Lexington Club Every Friday night, bad girls can get $1 dollar margaritas between 9pm and 10pm. All drinks being served up by Tanya and Amy. 3464 19th St. between Mission and Valencia. 863-2052. www. lexingtonclub.com

Boy Bar @ The Cafe Full Frontal Fridays at the renovated popular club. Matt DJs, twinky boiz gogo dance. $10-$15.. 9pm-2am. 2369 Market St. at Castro. www.cafesf.com

Marilu Henner @ The Rrazz Room TV and Broadway star ( Taxi, Grease, Chicago ) performs her favorite cabaret and musical theatre classics. $40. 7:30pm. Also April 16. 2-drink minimum. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. (800) 380-3095. www.therrazzroom.com

Pledge @ The Lookout Monthly “Fraternal Fridays” theme party raises funds for different charities, with raffles, $12 “bottomless draft beer Kegger Cups,” and fun tunes spun by DJs Grind and Christopher B. This month, proceeds go to Project Open Hand. $5. 9pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Noe/Market. 431-0306. www.lookoutsf.com

Fundraiser for Community United Against Violence (CUAV), with performances by Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Brown Boi Heavy Liquid Project, Bollywood Burlesque, @ Thee Parkside, Sat. 16 Elena Rose, GlitterAction, Juba The Residents @ Bimbo’s Kalamka, Maya Chinchilla, and Eye-poppingly strange local DJ LadyRyan. Hot sex toy raffle, band performs live. $30. 21+. 9pm. Also April 16. 1025 too! $5-$8. 21+. 517 17th St. (510) 444-2266. www.benchColumbus Ave. 474-0365. www.bimbos365club.com and-bar.com

Heartbeat @ Deco Lounge Kelly Rivera Hart hosts a monthly fundraiser for AIDS/ Breast Cancer Emergency Fund, with live acts, open mic, guest DJs, raffles and fun themes. 6pm-8pm. 510 Larkin St. 346-2025. www.decosf.com

22 BAR★TAB • bartabsf.com • April 2011

Salsa Club @ Cafe Cocomo Same-sex dancing and lessons with a live band. 21+. 8:30pm-12am. 650 Indiana St. www.QueerBallroom.com

Wild weekly drag show with SF’s most unusual talents. 10pm-2am. 399 9th St. www. studsf.com

Sat 16➠ Fauxgirls @ Kimo’s Classic drag show with Victoria Secret, Alexandria, Chanel, Davida Ashton, Tiger Lily, Maria Garza and more; each 3rd Saturday. No cover. 10pm. 1351 Polk St. 885-4535. www.fauxgirls.com

Heavy Liquid @ Thee Parkside Hard rock band fronted by the hunky gay Kent James plays with The Tempermentals. No cover. 3pm. 1600 17th St. www.kentjames.com www.theeparkside.com


Teatro Zinzanni @ Pier 29, Sat. 16

Teatro Zinzanni @ Pier 29 Theatre-tent-dinner extravaganza with a new theme; Caliente, with Rebekah Del Rio, Ann Bernard, aerialist Ling Rui, Les Petits Freres, comedy, a fivecourse dinner, and a lot of fun. $117-$145. Saturday 11:30am “Breve” show $63--$78. WedSat 6pm (Sun 5pm). Pier 29 at Embarcadero Ave. 438-2668. www.teatrozinzanni.com

Sun 17➠ Afternoon Delight @ Deco Lounge Weekly Sunday T-dance with DJ Pirate spinning 70s, 80s and new stuff. 21+. 4pm-8pm. 510 Larkin St. www.decosf.com

All-Male Amateur Strip Show @ Deco Lounge Ginger Snap hosts the wild and sexy night of newbies gettin’

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Some Thing @ The Stud

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Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey’s

nude. d $10 $$100 $1 110 0 cashh prize! i ! DJ DJ LLambchop b h spins i tunes. 510 Larkin St. at Turk. 346-2025. www.decosf.com

Big @ The Stud Monthly dance party for big men and their friends (3rd Sundays). $5. 6pm-11am. 399 9th St. www.studsf.com

Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gay-friendly comedy night, with special guest Karen Ripley. One-drink or menu item minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. at 18th. 431-HARV. www.harveyssf.com

Queer Night @ Easy Lounge, Oakland Weekly LGBT electro space jam night with DJ Dr. Sleep, organic cocktails, patio, chill vibe. No cover. 8pm-close. 3255 Lakeshore Ave. www.easy510.com

Jock @ The Lookout Afternoon schmooze and booze, with door and donations benefiting gay sports teams. $2. 3pm-8pm. 3600 16th St. at Market. 431-0306. www.lookoutsf.com

Wed 20➠ A-List Martini Nights @ Bar TBA

Salsa Sundays @ El Rio Dance lessons and hot music at the neighbhorhood bar where everyone (over 21) is welcome. Free BBQ 3pm. Show 4pm. $8. 3158 Mission St. at Cesar Chavez. www.elriosf.com

Mon 18➠

from their new CD, 8 Songs About a Girl. $15. 8pm. 21+. 1695 Polk St. 921-1695. www.reddevillounge.com

Lynda Carter @ The Rrazz Room, Wed. 20 Carl Simone

Café du Monde @ The Rrazz Room Celebrity chefs perform fun and tasty monologues about food. $40 includes show and dessert. 7:30pm. 2-drink minimum. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. (800) 380-3095. www.therrazzroom.com

Marga’s Funny Mondays @ The Marsh, Berkeley Marga Gomez (“the lesbian Lenny Bruce”: Robin Williams) brings her comic talents, and special guests, to a weekly cabaret show. $10. 8pm. 2120 Allston Way. (800) 838-3006. www.margagomez.com www.themarsh.org

Easter Sunday Celebration @ Dolores Park, Sun. 24

Ongoing popular weekly social and networking event for gay men and their friends. Sign up to get invites to a different bar each week. 9pm-12am. www.sfalist.com

Lynda Carter @ The Rrazz Room TV star ( Wonder Woman ) and musical theatre actress performs her classy cabaret act. 2-drink minimum. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. (800) 380-3095. www.therrazzroom.com

Planet Booty @ Bottom of the Hill The fun funky Oakland band brings on the musical hijinks, with Movits, Coppe, Mango & Sweetrice. $12. 9pm. All ages. 133 17th St.621-4455. www.germart.org www. bottomofthehill.com

Whatcha Doin’ Wednesdays @ Castro Bars Monthly promotional events (each 3rd Wed.) at Castro bars, and live performances in Jane Warner Plaza. 7pm-11pm. www.lookoutsf.com

Tue 19➠ Butch Queen @ Delirium Joshua J. and Robert Jeffery’s new weekly night for homos and friends. No cover. 10pm-2am. 3139 16th St. at Guererro. www.joshuajpresents.com

Thu 21➠ Beach Blanket Babylon @ Club Fugazi Jim Provenzano

Clairdee @ The Rrazz Room Cabaret singer performs an all-Gershwin song concert. $25. 2-drink minimum. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. (800) 380-3095. www.therrazzroom.com

Deep Dark Robot @ Red Devil Lounge Linda Perry performs with her new band, including music

24 BAR★TAB • bartabsf.com • April 2011

Musical comedy revue, now in its 35th year, with an ever-changing lineup of political and pop culture icons, all in gigantic wigs. $25-$80. Wed, Thu 8pm. Fri, Sat 6:30, 9:30pm. Sun 2pm, 5pm. (Beer/wine served; cash only). 678 Beach Blanket Babylon Blvd. 421-4222. www.beachblanketbabylon.com

Hip Hop, R&B and soul. 9pm. (karaoke, drag king shows other nights, too). 6551 Telegraph Ave. (510) 652-3820. www.whitehorsebar.com

Planet Booty @ Bottom of the Hill, Wed. 20

Locker Room @ Kok Bar

Wild weekly drag show with unusual acts. 10pm-2am. 399 9th St. www.studsf.com

Snap-a-Licious @ Deco Lounge Ginger Snap’s fun drag show features Holotta Tymes, Mahlae Balenciaga, Synergy, Kylie Minono and more. 10pm2am. 510 Larkin St. at Turk. www.decosf.com

Fri 22➠ Club Dragon @ Club Eight Weekly Asian gay dance club with frequent themed nights. 1151 Folsom St. at 7th. 4311151. www.clubdragonsf.com

Renovated gay Latin dance club (eight bars, more dance floors, lounge) shows off their hottests gogo studs. Happy hour 4pm-8:30pm. Dancing 9pm-4am. $10-$15. 2111 Franklin St. (510) 268-9425. www.club21oakland.com

Loungey fun in the center of gayville. $4 martinis; no cover. 10pm-2am. 2298 Market St. at Noe. 621-8579. www.cafeflore.com

Some Thing @ The Stud

Enjoy new events and décor, and the same cruisy fun at the jock–uniform night. 1225 Folsom St. www.kokbarsf.com

Latin Explosion @ Club 21, Oakland

Shag Fridays @ Cafe Flore

Sat 23➠ Go Bang @ Deco Lounge Groove-alacious monthly disco dance night features DJs Steve Fabus, Tres Lingerie, Stanley Frank and Sergio, and special guest DJs Nicky B and Derrick Love of Gemini Disco, and Atlanta’s DJ Osmose. $5. 9pm-3am-ish. 510 Larkin St. www.gobangsf.com www.decosf.com Rachael Radcliffe

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Juicy @ The White Horse, Oakland

~from page 25

Salsa Sundays @ El Rio Dance lessons and hot music at the neighbhorhood bar where everyone (over 21) is welcome. Free BBQ 3pm. Show 4pm. $8. 3158 Mission St. at Cesar Chavez. www.elriosf.com

Jonathan Poretz @ The Rrazz Room

Sunday’s a Drag @ Starlight Room

Enjoy retro-modern lounge song stylings with the local crooner. $25. 10:20pm. 2-drink minimum. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. (800) 380-3095. www.therrazzroom.com

Donna Sachet and Harry Denton host the weekly fabulous brunch and drag show. $45. 11am, show at noon; 1:30pm, show at 2:30pm. 450 Powell St. in Union Square. 395-8595. www.harrydenton.com

Onstage @ Four Seasons Rita Moreno and Lemony Snicket (Daniel Handler) entertain at a lavish dinner gala for the acclaimed theatre company, attended by local celebrities, with a silent auction. $500. 5:30pm reception, 7:30pm dinner. 765 Market St. (510) 6472909. www.berkeleyrep.org

Pornstar @ Club Eight DJs Pornstar (Dominic Pacifico), Little Rock (Brent Smith) and Tristan Jaxx, each accomplished actual porn stars, play music at the sexy club night. Sister Roma hosts the VIP room, and Bebe Sweetbriar celebrates her birthday. Gogo dudes shake their Easter baskets. $10. 9pm3am. 1151 Folsom St. www.aspornstar.com www.eightsf.com

Mon 25➠ Piano Bar 101 @ Martuni’s

Go Bang @ Deco Lounge, Sat. 23

Veronica Klaus @ The Rrazz Room Local acclaimed singer performs the music of Peggy Lee with the Tammy Hall Trio. $27.50. 8pm. Also April 26. 2-drink minimum. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. (800) 380-3095. www.therrazzroom. com

Tue 26➠

Sun 24➠

Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey’s

Blowoff @ Slim’s Bob Mould and Rich Morel return with their groovy dance night; popular with bears, but everyone’s welcome. Enjoy dazzling visuals, electro, house and rock mixes. $15. 10pm-2am. 333 11th St. www.blowoff.us www.slimstickets.com

Easter Celebration @ Dolores Park The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence’s annual party in the park brings drag acts, live bands, the Easter bonnet and Hunky Jesus contests to thousands of fans. Free/donations. 1pm-5pm. 18th St. at Dolores. www.thesisters.org

Sing-along night with talented locals, and charming accompanist Joe Wicht (aka Trauma Flintstone). 9pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market. www.dragatmartunis.com

Pornstar @ Club Eight, Sat. 23

Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gay-friendly comedy night, with special guest Liz Grant. One-drink or menu item minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. at 18th. 431-HARV. www. harveyssf.com

Queer Night @ Easy Lounge, Oakland

Weekly LGBT electro space jam night with DJ Dr. Sleep, organic cocktails, patio, chill vibe. No cover. 8pm-close. 3255 Lakeshore Ave. www.easy510.com

Wed 27➠

Fresh @ Ruby Skye

A-List Martini Nights @ Bar TBA

Popular monthly T-dance. $20-$25. 6pm-12am. 420 Mason St. at Geary. www.freshsf.com

Ongoing popular weekly social and networking event for gay men and their friends. Sign up to get invites to a different bar each week. 9pm-12am. www.sfalist.com


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Men’s Club @ SoMa Bars Enjoy drink specials and other fun stuff at themed nights at the new Kok Bar (formerly Chaps II), The Eagle, The Powerhouse, Truck and Hole in the Wall. 21+. www.lonestarsaloon.com

Some Thing @ The Stud Wild weekly drag show with unusual acts 10pm-2am. 399 9th St. www.studsf.com

Trannyshack’s Ladies of the 80s @ DNA Lounge

Bob Mould & Rich Morel DJ Blowoff @ Slim’s, Sun 24

Special guest Stacey Q joins Heklina and the Trannygang (Rusty Hips, Syphilis Diller, Holy McGrail, Raya Light, Fruitbomb, Coco Canal, Rotissary Ethnicity Jackson Houston-Ross, and the The House of Glitter) in the drag tribute to era of high hair, shoulderpads and early MTV. $15-$20. Show 11pm. 9:30-3am. 375 11th St. www.trannyshack.com www.dnalounge.com

Thu 28➠ Oleta Adams @ The Rrazz Room Cabaret and classic song concert by the legendary singer. $49.50. 8pm. Also April 29, 8pm, and April 30, 7pm & 9:30pm. 2-drink minimum. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. (800) 380-3095. www.therrazzroom.com

Jeff Smith

Sunday’s a Drag @ Starlight Room, Sun 24

Retro tunes and retro cruisy crowd, each Thursday; DJ Bus Station John plays records. $4. 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor. www.auntcharlieslounge.com

The Mills Brothers @ The Rrazz Room Legendary singing duo perform classic hits, with Elmer Hopper of The Platters. $40. 3pm. Also Rick Gerharter May 1 at 3pm & 7pm. 2-drink minimum. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. at Ellis. (800) 3803095. www.therrazzroom.com

Fri 29➠ Club Dragon @ Club Eight

Latin Explosion @ Club 21, Oakland

Big Top @ Club Eight, Sat. 30

Poppers @ The Lookout Gus Presents hosts; DJs a busy crowd and cocktail specials. $5. 9pm-2am. 1600 Market St. at Noe. www.lookoutsf.com

Renovated gay Latin dance club (eight bars, more dance floors, lounge) shows off their hottests gogo studs. Happy hour 4pm8:30pm. Dancing 9pm-4am. 2111 Franklin St. (510) 268-9425. www.club21oakland.com

For updated events, visit

www.BARtabSF.com • To submit your May events, send by April 15 to BARtabSF@ebar.com

Shag Fridays @ Cafe Flore Loungey fun in the center of gayville. $4 martinis; no cover. 10pm-2am. 2298 Market St. at Noe. 621-8579. www.cafeflore.com


Big Top @ Club Eight Joshua J’s monthly funfest features live shows, gogo guys, drag divas, 3 Bars, 2 Floors, 2-for-1 drinks 9pm-10pm. No cover before 10:30 in drag or club kid attire. $5-$15. 9pm-3am. 1151 Folsom St. www. eightsf.com www.joshuajpresensts.com

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

Weekly Asian gay dance club with frequent themed nights. 1151 Folsom St. at 7th. 431-1151. www.clubdragonsf.com

Sat 30➠

28 BAR★TAB • bartabsf.com • April 2011

Joshua J Presents

eBARchivef ★


ay bars are like Mickey and Judy (and Liza) putting on a show in a barn that turns into the Kit Kat Klub. “Outside it is winter, but in here it’s so hot!” In the way the world did not begin the day we first noticed it, gay bars did not begin the night we came out and chose the venue whose form fitted our “funktion” best. Even as rough bars existed under 1930s radar, piss-elegant bars were de rigueur back in the art deco of predisco San Francisco, and the pissier, the gayer. When straight hotels chased gay wallets, the very apartheid design of the bar signaled straight or gay. In the 1930s Depression, the St. Francis Hotel on Powell Street, trumping its dark-wood “Victorian gentlemen’s club,” fetched after gay cash with its Orchid Room swank, with a narcissistic interior marketed smartly as: “Lavender glass and black kid leather. When Noel Coward writes another play, or smiths another tune like ‘Mad Dogs and Englishmen,’ go here to talk about it...It’s a hundred thousand bucks worth of glitter. The walls are black kid, the ceiling is DuPont’s new translucent Lucite...Ceiling-to-floor mirrors are spotted around where you can sneak a look at yourself when you’re feeling your cleverest. The floor is turquoise-rugged. The whole joint changes color according to whim.” Lavender? Kid leather? Lucite? Mirrors? Turquoise carpet? A light mixer? You’re not in Kansas, sailor! You’re in a gay bar. And it’s a binary opposite to the “seafood carry-out” interior (1938) of the Sailor Boy Tavern near the Embarcadero YMCA. Welcome to World War II! In the run-up to the great sex adventure of WWII, designers of the 1939 San Francisco World’s Fair on Treasure Island built a temporary tavern coyly coded as the “Gayway.” Its fatuous name, spinning the fair’s midway lights, delivered a voyeur’s dream-interior spotlighting “live nude cabaret.” It was vaudeville, hotter than the cool imperial drag at both uppercrust Finocchio’s (1936-1999) and the crusty Beige Room (1940s-1950s), where the stage runway itself


30 BAR★TAB • bartabsf.com • April 2011

A program from The Beige Room.


was the heart of exhibitionist design needed for drag, presaging the catwalk shows of Fashion Week. Recently, archivist Marjorie Bryer searching boxes donated in 1999 to the GLBT Historical Society found “lost” photographs of drag artists posing in the picture-frame surround of design that defined the Beige Room. Geographically, the Orchid Room, and pantomime bars starring “Victor lip-synching Victoria” to a dapper audience, ruled pop culture north of Market Street. In the Tenderloin and SoMa, the War liberated servicemen to find their own speaking voices celebrating masculine fraternity in bars needing no proscenium stage for mime. The patrons on the floor became willing performance artists in the bars where “flash-mob” mixer-interiors made the space participatory theater in the round. In our counterintuitive gay consciousness, bar design functions as stage magic until “last-call” halogen spots light up like a cop raid revealing the minimalist Ick of the boozy, boxy, existentialist space. Even so, bar interiors reinforce diverse sexual identities by being transformative “environmental pornography” enabling us to believe that we are all that we want to seem. ✸

© 2011 Jack Fritscher, author of Gay San Francisco at www.JackFritscher.com

Scan courtesy JD Doyle, www.queermusicheritage.us

• by Dr. Jack Fritscher

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