February 26, 2015 Edition of the Bay Area Reporter

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Vol. 45 • No. 9 • February 26-March 4, 2015

Chiu bills Bills seek to curb drug prices as Kaiser would help takes HIV meds off ‘specialty tier’ LGBTs by Seth Hemmelgarn

by Matthew S. Bajko


tate agencies would be required to collect LGBT demographic information and laws regarding the rights of parents who use assisted reproduction, as well as sperm donors, would be modernized Jane Philomen Cleland under legislation being Assemblyman introduced Thursday. The lead author of David Chiu the two bills is freshman Assemblyman David Chiu (D-San Francisco), a straight lawmaker who has pledged to make LGBT issues one of his top legislative priorities during his first term. The first bill, the LGBT Disparities Reduction Act, would instruct state agencies to begin collecting data on sexual orientation and gender identity no later than July 1, 2017, according to a draft version of the bill Chiu’s office shared with the Bay Area Reporter this week. “It is high time for LGBT communities to count and be counted in California,” said Chiu. Equality California, the statewide LGBT advocacy group, is sponsoring the bill as it has made LGBT data collection one of its top legislative goals. “Our focus is addressing the disparities in health and well being in our community,” said EQCA Executive Director Rick Zbur. “Without data collection in the state, we have no basis to understand whether or not government programs are meeting the needs of our community.” Governor Jerry Brown vetoed a similar bill in 2013, partly due to the cost associated with having to upgrade state forms and computer systems. Over the ensuing years the number of LGBT advocates, health officials, and academic researchers speaking out on the need for better data about the LGBT community has only grown. “There is something very disconcerting about being invisible to your government. It is a type of institutionalized heterosexism to not have our identity counted,” said Poshi Mikalson, the LGBTQ program director at Sacramentobased NorCal MHA, formerly known as Mental Health America of Northern California. Mikalson, a lesbian married mother of three, is also the director of the LGBTQ Reducing Disparities Project, which is housed at her agency and funded by the California Department of Public Health. She noted that the same concerns about privacy and relevance brought up by those questioning the need for LGBT data collection were also raised years ago about adding questions on race and ethnicity to state forms. “What we oftentimes hear is, ‘Well, we don’t have the money.’ What that really means is we do not value this information enough to See page 3 >>

Francisco and the Bay Area,” and the corporation “cares aiser Permanente has about community health. I stopped charging peothink they took a step back ple more for HIV drugs and realized this was the right and is offering refunds for the thing to do.” exorbitant copays some of its Wiener noted “the broader patients faced. issue” remains of Kaiser and The decision comes as two other health insurance compastate lawmakers have intronies having a more expensive duced bills meant to address classification for any drugs. high drug prices, including “The whole issue of a spethose for HIV medications. cialty tier of drugs is a growKaiser was criticized after it ing problem, that drugs that came to light that it was charging people need to be healthy are people about 20 percent of the turning out to be exorbitantcost of their medications, rather ly expensive for people who than a flat copay. Larry Hickey, Rick Gerharter can’t afford a $600 or $800 chief financial officer of Berke- Kaiser Permanente has reversed itself and will no longer carry HIV copay,” said Wiener. Kaiser’s ley’s Steamworks bathhouse, medication on a “specialty tier,” which led to dramatically higher move last week is “an imsaid earlier this month that an copayments by patients. portant step forward, but a employee came to him after broader step remains.” being “hit with a $900 bill for one He said he still plans to month’s supply” of HIV drugs. drugs off the specialty tier effective last Friday have a board committee hearAs the Bay Area Reporter first reported and issuing refunds to people. ing on specialty tiers within the next month. on its website Friday, February 20, gay San It’s unclear whether Kaiser would have Wiener offered strong praise for Kaiser’s move. Francisco Supervisor Scott Wiener said Kai“Kaiser is a good actor in our community,” made the decision to take HIV medications ser officials informed him at a February 19 he said. “Kaiser is an institution that’s always See page 9 >> meeting that they were moving all the HIV been a core part of public health efforts in San


Gay ex-SF cop accused of embezzlement by Seth Hemmelgarn

ance’s board and Evans, through Limbert, “adgay former San Franmitted to have stolen cisco police officer thousands of dollars allegedly embezzled from us and wanted to more than $16,000 from the apologize,” said Shakur. department’s Pride Alliance He said Evans eventually for LGBT officers, a recent paid back almost $15,000 email from one of the group’s and Limbert “accepted members said. the funds which were deThe email, which says Mike posited into our account.” Evans, the ex-officer, has paid However, said Shakur, back several thousand dollars, Limbert used “his posialso accuses current gay Lieution and assertion as tenant Chuck Limbert of trying president” and police lieuto stop others from reporting tenant to order the group the case. Limbert and other po“not to refer this matter to lice officials say the embezzlethe SFPD,” particularly the ment case has been forwarded Pete Thoshinsky Internal Affairs Division, to the district attorney’s office. Former San Francisco Police for criminal and adminisAs of Tuesday, February 24, the Officer Mike Evans trative investigations. DA hadn’t filed charges. Shakur said that he, Evans, who had been the then-board Vice PresiPride Alliance’s treasurer but left the departdent Pat Burley, and then-Treasurer Candy ment several months ago, has denied the alleHilder “vehemently objected” and voiced their gations, while Limbert, the alliance’s president, concerns “regarding how immoral, illegal, and has indicated he did nothing wrong. downright wrong Chuck was to give such an In an email last Tuesday, February 17 to order. Chuck then personally threatened any dues-paying Pride Alliance members that was member of the PA with personal lawsuits if shared with the Bay Area Reporter, Officer we made the result of our audit public to our Andy Shakur said the organization had “conmembers.” ducted a financial audit” of its finances that (According to Shakur, Burley, Hilder, and revealed Evans had embezzled the money. several others have resigned from the alliance. The audit results were presented to the alli- In a brief call last week, Hilder said she couldn’t


discuss specifics of the case since the investigation is open. Burley couldn’t be reached for comment.) Shakur wrote that after Limbert’s alleged threats, he “immediately contacted” internal affairs and provided the unit with “all required information, regarding a crime committed by a fellow officer.” The division started its investigations, and the criminal probe “is still ongoing,” said Shakur, but the administration part “has been canceled.” “Apparently, we as the Pride Alliance withdrew our admin IA complaint,” he said in the email. “Mind you, there was never a meeting or consultation of you, our members, before this decision is made. I want to let you know, neither Pat, Candy nor I ever visited IA to withdraw our complaint.” Shakur said police administration promised him that the criminal investigation is being completed. That probe “will reveal many things and hopefully justice will be served,” he said. The B.A.R. wasn’t able to reach Evans, who briefly ran for sheriff in 2011, for comment. But KTVU reported that in a phone call, he said, “I didn’t embezzle anything.” The TV station also said that bank records in the case had first been called to the Internal Affairs unit’s attention in August, and that some had been generated by ATM withdrawals from clubs in the Castro, among other places.


Hurry! Voting ends Saturday. www.ebar.com/besties2015 BESTIES 2015 SPONSORS: Palm Springs, CA

See page 9 >>

<< Community News

2 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015


Self-defense claimed in SF gay man’s ’11 death by Seth Hemmelgarn


he man accused of brutally stabbing and beating to death his gay older roommate in 2011 did it after the victim raped him, the man’s attorney said as the trial opened in San Francisco Superior Court this week. Waheed Kesmatyer, 28, is charged with murder in the death of Jack Baker, 67, whose nearly decapitated body was found in his Nob Hill apartment February 11, 2011. In his opening statements Monday, February 23, Deputy Public Defender Hadi Razzaq laid out what Kesmatyer claims led up to the killing. Razzaq told jurors that the night of the killing, about a week before Baker was found, Kesmatyer, who

had suffered molestation and other trauma in his life, had woken up to Baker “raping him, the worst violation of trust.” Kesmatyer “felt helpless, small, and weak. He said, ‘No,’” but he thought if he screamed, “nobody could hear him,” said Razzaq. After Baker left the room, Kesmatyer soon followed and told Baker he had to tell someone about what had happened. Baker laughed at him and moments later, knife in hand, he told Kesmatyer, “You’re not going anywhere.” Baker cut Kesmatyer’s finger after the younger man “put up his hands,” said Razzaq. The men struggled with each other before Kesmatyer finally “picked up the knife and

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stabbed Mr. Baker.” What came next “was a blur,” said Razzaq, but Kesmatyer, who was “more scared than he had ever been” thought “he was going to die if he didn’t defend himself.” Razzaq added that a neuropsychiatrist would testify that someone in such a situation acts with a “reptilian response.”


Kesmatyer “has suffered devastating trauma” and “tragedy in his life,” said Razzaq. He was born in wartorn Afghanistan and spent “the first 10 years of his life” as an orphan before a Marin County couple adopted him, he said. Razzaq choked up as he said that when Kesmatyer was 12, he was repeatedly molested “by the father of a neighborhood boy,” but “never told anybody about it,” and he tried to kill himself. He said his client suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder and “psychotic disorder not otherwise specified.” Razzaq also said that Kes-

matyer had “one misdeshould be found guilty. meanor conviction for ‘Vulnerable’ threatening his parents,” young men among other troubles, Razzaq said Baker was but he’d also been a hard“probably generous” and working “track star.” “charming,” and he’d In her opening statesometimes offered “vulments Monday, Assistant nerable” young men a District Attorney Diana place to stay. Garcia described Baker Waheed He said after his clias a “charming” and Kesmatyer in an ent had moved in with “eccentric” man who’d undated photo Baker, they had smoked taken in Kesmatyer, who’s marijuana together and sometimes straight, as a roommate around Ocshared meals, but Kesmatyer had tober 2010. become “uncomfortable” with BakGarcia said Baker “had been er’s actions, which included asking beaten, strangled, and stabbed more Kesmatyer to join him as he masturthan 80 times,” and he’d suffered bated to pornography. “a crushing blow to his ribs.” Part The younger man was “shy and of the blade of a paring knife was unsophisticated” and reluctant to “lodged” in his skull, said Garcia, reproach Baker, said Razzaq. who said former Chief Medical ExOpening statements were folaminer Amy Hart would testify, “all lowed by testimony from police and these things collectively were fatal.” friends of Baker. At the end of TuesThere was blood throughout day’s session, after jurors left for much of the 1035 Bush Street apartthe day, Garcia said, “I don’t really ment, including the ceiling of the understand what the defense is. Is dining room, where Baker’s body it self-defense? Is it psych defense?” was found, the kitchen, bathroom, Judge Kay Tsenin, who’s overseeand Kesmatyer’s bedroom. A photo ing the trial, said Garcia had raised a from that room that was displayed good question. in court shows smears of blood “What is it going to be?” asked down half the side of the door. Tsenin. “Is it psych defense or selfRazzaq said that Kesmatyer had defense or both?” She said it seemed gone into his bedroom and held that “everything is getting thrown the door shut, afraid that Baker was against the wall” to “see what sticks” “just on the other side of it” and and asked whether Razzaq’s defense could still kill him. was “now becoming gay panic,” which Police arrested Kesmatyer in San recently became illegal in California. Rafael the day after Baker’s body Razzaq said, “The defense is was found for what Garcia called a self-defense.” “minor” offense. Kesmatyer, who’s been in custody She said Kesmatyer “was the sole since February 2011, sometimes apsource of DNA” connected with peared wide-eyed and other times “many of the blood stains” found in looked down at the table in front of the apartment. him. He’s expected to testify, and in an Garcia told jurors “the one quesemail Razzaq said, “It could be next tion I can’t answer is why” Kesmatyer week” when he takes the stand.t killed Baker, but she said it’s clear he

Last chance to vote for the best compiled by Cynthia Laird


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ime is running out for Bay Area Reporter readers to cast their ballots for the LGBT Best in the Bay readers’ poll. Dubbed the Besties, the poll aims to find readers’ favorite people, places, and things – ranging from best drag queen to best events. Online voting ends midnight (Pacific Time) Saturday, February 28. This year’s fifth annual contest was redesigned, and is much easier for readers to complete. There are nominees for each category or people can write in their own choices. Additionally, those who complete at least 75 percent of the survey will be automatically entered into a drawing for fabulous prizes, including the grand prize, a five-night stay at the Maui Sunseeker Resort with round-trip airfare for two courtesy of Alaska Airlines. Other prizes include a threenight stay at the Vista Grande Resort in Palm Springs, with round trip airfare for two courtesy of Alaska Airlines; two premium tickets to see Bette Midler in San Jose in May; and two tickets to see Lana Del Ray in Mountain View in May. The results of the readers’ poll will be published in the April 2 issue. To vote online, visit www.ebar. com/besties2015.

Ocular syphilis seen in SF gay men

San Francisco health officials are

reporting an outbreak of ocular syphilis seen in gay and bisexual men in the city. According to a health advisory issued late Friday, February 20, there have been seven cases of the disease since December. Five of the affected individuals were men who have sex with men and six were HIV-infected. Health officials stated that the cause of the local cluster of cases is uncertain but pointed to an increase in cases recently seen in King County, Washington. Several of the cases, they noted, “have resulted in a significant and permanent decline in visual acuity.” The news came a day after the Bay Area Reporter reported that the number of syphilis cases in 2014 in San Francisco increased for the ninth consecutive year. According to preliminary data, there were 1,114 syphilis cases last year compared to the 1,021 cases reported in 2013. And MSM accounted for more than 90 percent of the cases. Doctors are being advised to test for syphilis in patients who have visual complaints. Ocular syphilis can lead to such conditions as uveitis, optic neuropathy, keratitis and retinal vasculitis. Patients with syphilis and ocular complaints should be immediately referred for ophthalmologic evaluation, recommends the advisory. There is evidence to suggest that See page 5 >>

International News>>

t LGBT Iraqis in U.S. speak of violence in homeland by Heather Cassell


any LGBT Iraqis, along with gay Syrians, don’t have a way to escape the brutal Islamic State of Iraq and Syria regime, even as reports by human rights groups paint a picture of ongoing brutality. The reports, developed last November by the International Lesbian and Gay Human Rights Commission in conjunction with Madre and the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq, confirmed what has been widely reported in the LGBT media about the ongoing terrorism LGBT people faced in Iraq in 2009, 2012, and 2014. It also provided a rare glimpse into a broad range of gay Iraqis, especially lesbian and transgender Iraqis, through personal memoirs. In addition to the ILGHRC reports, the Bay Area Reporter received redacted State Department and United Kingdom documents from longtime San Francisco AIDS and human rights activist Michael Petrelis, who had obtained them through a Freedom of Information Act request he made more than five years ago. The paper later found most of the reports – unredacted – on WikiLeaks. The unredacted State Department reports from 2009 also documented stories of brutality experienced by LGBT Iraqis, with the most detailed account provided by an unnamed gay man. In March 2009, an unnamed gay Iraqi who bribed his way out of police custody after being arrested, brutally beaten, and blackmailed (along with five other gay men in a police station in Baghdad’s Karrada district), informed an unnamed human rights organization about the situation. The organization informed officials at the Iraq Ministry of Human Rights (MoHR). Wijdan Selim, the minister of human rights in Iraq, used the story as an example of the rise of “Islamization of Iraqi society” and what they were doing to the LGBT community during her meeting with Jeffrey Feltman, then assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern Affairs at the State Department in December 2009. The man eventually obtained assistance to escape Iraq, according to an unredacted part of the report that was found on WikiLeaks. Feltman, who had just assumed his role at the state department in 2009, promised Selim that she would still have the U.S. backing to aid in implementing and enforcing human rights in Iraq during a meeting that was described in a December 2009 report. Three years later, Feltman was appointed by United Nations Secretary-General Ban Kimoon to undersecretary-general for political affairs at the U.N. Selim currently works in the Iraqi prime minister’s office, according to her LinkedIn profile.

Bay Area Iraqis speak out

Bay Area LGBT Iraqis keep tabs


Chiu bills

From page 1

spend the money,” said Mikalson. “I can’t deny there is a cost involved. But, again, we find the money for things that we value.” San Francisco officials are working on a local ordinance to require city agencies to begin collecting such data, and the state health exchange Covered California also wants to ask LGBT questions of those signing up for insurance. New York state has been leading the way on the matter. Officials at a variety of agencies in the Empire State have already begun to collect LGBT information or are set to do

on their homeland and the LGBT community there via social media and online videos. Ghazwan Alsharif founded Asheq (“beyond love” in Arabic) as a San Francisco-based LGBT Middle Eastern group that replaced BibiSF late last year and serves an estimated 300 LGBT Middle Easterners in the Bay Area. Alsharif told the B.A.R. that the situation in Iraq is bad. Each city makes its own laws, many of which are anti-LGBT and anti-human rights. Many LGBTs have gone deep into the closet to protect themselves, something he didn’t experience under Saddam Hussein’s regime or directly after the U.S. invasion more than a dozen years ago. However, Alsharif, a 39-year-old gay man who is a chef and was cousins with Hussein and worked with the U.S. military, felt safe until the country turned anti-American and anti-gay, he said. It was then that he left Iraq for the U.S. in 2008. A documentary about Alsharif, From Bagdad to the Bay, and his experience leaving Iraq and becoming a U.S. citizen, is about to enter the editing phase and is tentatively set for release in 2016, according to director Erin Palmquist. Mohanad Lateef agreed with Alsharif that life in Iraq for LGBTs was akin to “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” meaning family and community members knew, but didn’t care. Then attitudes changed, said Lateef, who confirmed the reports that surfaced in 2009, but he recalled actually happened sometime in 2008. Lateef, who was blogging at Rainbow Iraq about what was happening to LGBT Iraqis, saw the writing on the wall long before then and left Iraq through Syria and Turkey in 2006, he said. With the help of some American and British gay journalists whom he translated for, and American organizations, he eventually settled in the Bay Area in 2013. Today, it’s not safe for LGBT people and anyone who disagrees with ISIS, LGBT Iraqis and human rights experts said. The community is experiencing worse attacks than before or during the U.S. invasion on individuals believed to be LGBT, according to interviews with human rights experts, LGBT Iraqis, and the ILGHRC report. Under ISIS, aggressive violence against LGBTs has recently surged, according to the ILGHRC report. In June 2014 the League of Righteous attacked a group of four men, beheading two teenage men, and hospitalizing the other two, reported ILGHRC. The attack was followed by the same militia killing 34 men in a brothel in Bagdad’s Zayuna district a month later, reported ILGHRC. However, ILGHRC recently issued a warning to governments, human rights advocates, and journalists to be careful about who is being labeled LGBT by ISIS during so in coming months. Chiu’s legislation specifically directs five California departments to collect “voluntary self-identification information” pertaining to LGBT people. The agencies are the departments of health care services, public health, social services, aging, and fair employment and housing. “There is a strong sense now is the time to address disparities in health and social services,” said Chiu. “We know from various studies, including the federal government, there are significant health disparities within the LGBT community that are very real and need to be addressed.” Yet without LGBT-specific data, public officials are blind to what

February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 3

Jane Philomen Cleland

Ghazwan Alsharif is the founder of Asheq, a Bay Area LGBT Middle Eastern group.

recent unverifiable reports of killings of men allegedly charged of committing “sodomy.” Human rights expert Becca Heller, director and co-founder of the Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project, agreed with ILGHRC Executive Director Jessica Stern that ISIS has been targeting anyone perceived to be LGBT whether they are or not. Many individuals are human rights workers in the two countries within ISIS territory. Additionally, Stern noted that there isn’t much information available about lesbian and bisexual women or transgender individuals. “It’s extremely important to understand that just because we have not heard as much about the violence that trans and lesbian Iraqis experience we should not mistake that for their safety,” warned Stern. “In fact sometimes silence can be a sign of very high levels of violence and people’s fear of speaking out.” ISIS and militias have blocked escape routes to areas considered safer, such as Kurdistan, and refugee routes to Syria and Turkey, according to the ILGHRC reports. Asylee and refugee LGBT Iraqis in the San Francisco Bay Area confirmed what the reports uncovered.

Larger issue

The larger issue for Heller is that for a period of time countries closed their borders to Iraqis due to a mass exodus and the U.S. stopped processing Iraqi refugees’ requests due to security concerns. In an interview, Heller said that this made it harder for individuals being persecuted to flee the country. “The U.S. stopped processing refugees out of Bagdad for a long time due to security concerns, so that meant that you couldn’t cross a border to escape but you couldn’t be processed from the country where you were,” said Heller, who assisted about 100 Iraqis escape the country prior to the shutdown. “It didn’t leave people with a lot of options,” Heller said. However, Heller didn’t blame former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton or President Barack Obama for stalling the process of Iraqi refugees, but Congress. “It was less about which administration was in power and more about Congress really stepping up

the real needs are within the LGBT community, where to direct services, and how much funding is needed, advocates argue. “If you can’t measure or track disparities and challenges, you can’t fix them,” said Chiu. “What we don’t know, we can’t address.” Mikalson told the B.A.R. that, at a minimum, state agencies need to ask three questions, the first specific to if a person’s sexual orientation is straight, gay, lesbian, or bisexual. A second question should ask how the person identifies their gender, with the third asking what gender a person was assigned at birth. See page 9 >>

Courtesy Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project

Becca Heller of the Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project

to the plate,” said Heller, stating that she wasn’t an expert in international policy. However, she believed the U.S. could have done more during the reformation of the Iraqi government to put it together in an effective manner. Heller noted that in the past the U.S. Embassy in Iraq and the State Department were helpful with Iraqi refugees. Recently, the U.S. has slowly been opening the door again to help Iraqis in danger leave the country, she said. Yet, the median estimated wait of five years for refugees to be processed in Iraq, is five years too long in Heller’s opinion. “When someone is trying to kill you that is definitely five years too long,” said Heller, who hopes resources will be coming soon to clear up the backlog of cases. “ISIS is pretty terrible and I hope that one way or the other they are removed from power,” said Heller, responding to a question about Obama’s State of the Union address in January where he mentioned the

broad coalition forming to do away with ISIS. Bottom line, Heller and Stern agreed that the U.S. needs to provide more resources to human rights groups on the ground in Iraq and hold police and government officials accountable. Lateef agreed that LGBT Iraqis need others to stand up and speak out on their behalf too, but they also need to speak up for themselves. “You always need somebody to speak for you. The government themselves, they have their own interest. Until you really speak out and you start to put pressure then they will start to do something for you,” said Lateef. Alsharif agreed, adding that it is up to Iraqis to change. Americans can’t do it for them. “Who can change the culture, the religion? It is us. Not the Americans [or the American] government. It’s up to us, a voice or two ... can change it. It’s going to take time, but a small step is but better than no step,” said Alsharif.t To read the FOIA reports, visit https://docs.google.com/ file/d/0B1B-q9WCAYaNNmU5MjBmZDEtYjdjZC00NDAxLTkwYTgtNDQ4MGEzNWZlNzVl/ edit?ddrp=1&hl=en# andhttps:// docs.google.com/file/d/0B1Bq9WCAYaNNzdlZDExYjQtOTU5Zi00N2ZjLWI1NTUtNWNiYWViYjIyYmYw/edit?ddrp=1&hl=en# for U.K.; visit https://drive. google.com/file/d/0B1Bq9WCAYaNYnlvUjVwQ0dxMjg/ view?usp=sharing for U.S. Got international LGBT news tips? Call or send them to Heather Cassell at 00+1-415-2213541, Skype: heather.cassell, oroitwnews@gmail.com.

<< Open Forum

4 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015

Volume 45, Number 9 February 26-March 4, 2015 www.ebar.com PUBLISHER Michael M. Yamashita Thomas E. Horn, Publisher Emeritus (2013) Publisher (2003 – 2013) Bob Ross, Founder (1971 – 2003) NEWS EDITOR Cynthia Laird ARTS EDITOR Roberto Friedman BARTAB EDITOR & EVENTS LISTINGS EDITOR Jim Provenzano ASSISTANT EDITORS Matthew S. Bajko • Seth Hemmelgarn CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ray Aguilera • Tavo Amador • Race Bannon Erin Blackwell • Roger Brigham Brian Bromberger • Victoria A. Brownworth Brent Calderwood • Philip Campbell Heather Cassell • Belo Cipriani Chuck Colbert • Richard Dodds Michael Flanagan • Jim Gladstone David Guarino • Liz Highleyman Brandon Judell • John F. Karr • Lisa Keen Matthew Kennedy • Joshua Klipp David Lamble • Max Leger Michael McDonagh • David-Elijah Nahmod Elliot Owen • Paul Parish • Sean Piverger Lois Pearlman • Tim Pfaff • Jim Piechota Bob Roehr • Donna Sachet • Adam Sandel Khaled Sayed • Jason Serinus • Gregg Shapiro Gwendolyn Smith • Jim Stewart Sean Timberlake • Andre Torrez • Ronn Vigh Ed Walsh • Cornelius Washington Sura Wood ART DIRECTION Jay Cribas PRODUCTION/DESIGN Max Leger PHOTOGRAPHERS Jane Philomen Cleland • FBFE Rick Gerharter • Gareth Gooch Lydia Gonzales • Jose Guzman-Colon Rudy K. Lawidjaja • Georg Lester • Dan Lloyd Rich Stadtmiller • Steven Underhil Dallis Willard • Bill Wilson ILLUSTRATORS & CARTOONISTS Paul Berge • Christine Smith ADVERTISING/ADMINISTRATION Colleen Small VICE PRESIDENT OF ADVERTISING Scott Wazlowski – 415.861.5019 ADVERTISING ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Lance Roberts NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Rivendell Media – 212.242.6863

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BAY AREA REPORTER 44 Gough Street, Suite 204 San Francisco, CA 94103 415.861.5019 • www.ebar.com A division of BAR Media, Inc. © 2015 President: Michael M. Yamashita Chairman: Thomas E. Horn VP and CFO: Patrick G. Brown Secretary: Todd A. Vogt

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Health plans should follow Kaiser’s lead W

hen we broke the story a couple weeks ago that Kaiser Permanente had moved HIV medications to a “specialty tier” – requiring patients to pay about 20 percent of the cost rather than a less expensive copay – we didn’t think the health care company would respond so quickly, let alone agree to remove the drugs from the costly tier and refund patients who had already paid for their prescriptions. But after meeting with gay District 8 Supervisor Scott Wiener, that’s exactly what Kaiser did and it deserves credit for its rapid response. After our story ran, but before Kaiser announced its reversal, there were reports that other insurance companies had done the same for drugs that treat depression and other illnesses. When someone has to pay $900 or $1,000 a month for prescriptions, it becomes a personal financial burden with health consequences; people will stop taking the medication as directed, splitting pills or not taking them as often in order to extend their supply. Also alarming was that most people were unaware of the prescription payment change until they refilled their medications and were presented with a high co-insurance payment. Apparently Kaiser made little effort to alert patients about the dramatic jump in costs. Significantly for the HIV/AIDS community, Kaiser is a participant in the city’s Getting to Zero coalition, which promotes an aggressive plan to cut new HIV infections by 90 percent by 2020. The health care giant sees about one-third of people living with HIV in the city

and must coordinate its large patient base with UCSF, medical providers, and the city’s health department to implement the plan. Getting to Zero also relies on people getting tested and into treatment if they test positive. It would have been counterproductive if HIV drugs had remained in the more costly tier; people might have gone off of treatment, which could potentially result in more HIV transmissions. Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is a key component of Getting to Zero. A month’s supply of Truvada, the drug approved for PrEP, runs about $1,000. Now that PrEP is covered by most health insurers, it, too, needs to be accessible to patients and not out of reach in a higher price bracket. Health department officials told us a few months ago that Getting to Zero requires buy-in from the community, particularly gay

men who account for the majority of new HIV cases in the city. It’s impossible to see how higher drugs costs will garner community support. To make Getting to Zero work, more HIV-negative men need to be on PrEP, more people need to get tested for HIV, and medication must be set at realistic prices. The development of these specialty tiers is an unwelcome side effect of the Affordable Care Act; as health insurers are mandated to provide insurance plans for everyone, they need to maintain their profit margin and increasing prescription payments is one way to do that. Ultimately, however, this is not in the best interests of patients, as Kaiser was quick to realize. Wiener told us that he’s still going ahead with a hearing on these specialty tiers and that’s important. The other insurance companies all have them, from which they need to remove popular and effective drugs, especially those used to treat HIV. Medication for hepatitis C is also outrageously expensive, to cite another example. State lawmakers are also paying attention to the issue. Bills by Assemblymen Rich Gordon (DMenlo Park) and David Chiu (D-San Francisco) would offer some relief. Gordon’s Assembly Bill 339 would define and limit the specialty prescription drugs that are subject to high cost-sharing. Chiu’s AB 463 would require drug companies “to reveal operational costs in order to better understand pricing for ultra-high-priced drugs,” his office said in a news release. These pieces of legislation should be approved. So while Kaiser deserves praise for doing the right thing in this case, a bigger problem of increasing prescription medication costs persists.t

State should prioritize LGBTQ mental health funding by Jim Dilley

Institutes of Health, the American Psychological Association, the Gay s a person who works in LGBT and Lesbian Medical Association, mental health, I am well versed and many more. One important reain the conversation of health disson these disparities exist is the sociparities and increased rates of deetal stigma and resulting prejudice pression, suicidal ideation, suicide, and discrimination that LGBT folks violence, HIV/AIDS, and substance face each and every day. abuse among LGBT members of the Furthermore, the Family AccepJane Philomen Cleland community. Yet recently, a friend tance Project found that harassgave me a confused look when I ment from peers contributes to an Dr. Jim Dilley mentioned LGBT health disparities, increased likelihood for drug abuse and it occurred to me that this is not and poor grades among LGBT stutrue for everyone. Let me shine some light on dents and a University of Illinois 2011 study what I mean when I talk about health disparisampled thousands of teenage students and ties and the need for mental health funding in found that LGBT-identified students the LGBT community. skipped school nearly twice as often When we talk about health disparities affecting as their peers and were 3.3 times the LGBT communities, we are talking about the more likely to think about suicide, different rates of mental health disorders, suband twice as likely to attempt it. stance use, and some specific physical health isStudents who identify as lesbian, sues, most dramatically the rate of HIV infection gay, bisexual, transgender, and in gay men compared to straight men, or trans questioning experience higher women compared to straight women, and othrates of victimization by bullyers. For example, according to California Health ing than do their heterosexualInterview Survey data, LGB (the survey did not identified peers. collect transgender data) respondents were twice With such prominent rates of as likely to report feeling suicidal, more than twice LGBT bullying among youth, it is no surprise as likely to have needed help with a mental health that heightened rates of depression, anxiety, or substance abuse problem, and twice as likely to and substance abuse are seen in LGBT adults smoke than straight respondents. We also know as the social and psychological consequences that rejection by families of origin, ostracism, of their academic environment. bullying, physical and emotional abuse, and inWhat should be done about this situation? terpersonal violence are all found more often in We know that intervention works. For example, LGBT populations compared with straight peowe know that love, tolerance, and acceptance ple. At the UCSF Alliance Health Project we see are the keys to positive health outcomes and LGBT clients every day who are deeply wounded that has also been well documented. Mental by their families, schools, neighbors, peers, and health services offer clients a repairing of some society. We know that the absence of acceptance, of those deep wounds, through consistency, care, nurturing and family bonding that occurs witnessing, compassion, and acceptance. Clifor many LGBT young people makes building a ents learn to regulate their behavior and their stable and intact personality and healthy social emotions, set appropriate boundaries, take structures very challenging. their psychiatric medications when needed, and This information comes not just from AHP’s receive the unique experience of being heard. clinical work, but also from research published Really heard. Why then, if mental health treatin recent years by the Centers for Disease Conment is so healing, is there no substantial fundtrol, the Kaiser Family Foundation, the National ing for services to fill the gaps?


In San Francisco, the Alliance Health Project absorbed many of our communities’ LGBT clients with chronic and severe mental health issues when New Leaf closed its doors in 2010. We were uniquely poised to shift our focus to LGBT mental health concerns, as we had been addressing the mental health and substance abuse needs of our HIV clients for nearly three decades. With onsite psychiatry, substance abuse counseling and peer and professional led group and individual therapy, AHP is but one queer mental health program in San Francisco with the appropriate staff to treat poor and uninsured LGBT people and help them receive the psychiatric and therapeutic care they need. In response to the call for national action to reduce mental health disparities and seek solutions for historically underserved communities, the Department of Mental Health has launched the California Reducing Disparities Project. This statewide initiative calls for improving access to culturally competent mental health care and increasing positive outcomes for historically underserved racial, ethnic and cultural communities – including the LGBT communities. Planning groups, workshops and coalitions have been formed and a strategic plan is in place. Meanwhile, people need help. For this reason, we need new funding, now, for mental health services in the LGBTQ community. When the AIDS epidemic hit, there was no funding for services until it was well documented that there was a crisis. We are now going into a second decade of documenting mental health issues for LGBT communities. I urge state and local politicians to make this a budget priority and fund mental health services to do what those of us on the front lines have the expertise to do.t Dr. Jim Dilley is the executive director of the UCSF Alliance Health Project. For more information, visit www.ucsf-ahp.org.



February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 5

SF training kicks off LGBT small business initiative by Matthew S. Bajko


national effort to boost business for LGBT-owned small companies will kick off next week at a training being held in San Francisco. Maria Contreras-Sweet, administrator of the U.S. Small Business Administration, and David Perry, the SBA’s director of LGBT outreach who is based in Atlanta, are both expected to attend the March 2 event. The local gathering is the first stop of the LGBT Business Builder National Tour that will include meetings in several other California cities, such as Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento, over the coming months. The SBA is sponsoring the tour in partnership with the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. “This is the first national agreement the SBA has had to bring to the field programs for the LGBT community. Our administrator is so enthusiastic about this she is coming out to San Francisco to kick off the event. She requested to do this,” Perry told the Bay Area Reporter in a recent phone interview. “We couldn’t have more support from the head of our agency who is a member of the president’s cabinet.” Earlier this month the federal agency formalized a cosponsorship agreement with the national LGBT chamber as it strives to direct more resources toward LGBT-owned small businesses. One of the main objectives of the new initiative is to increase the number of LGBT businesses that are certified as business enterprises by the NGLCC, thus making them eligible to seek out government contracts set aside specifically to meet diversity supplier targets. The NGLCC certification program began in 2004, and since then, more than 600 LGBT small businesses have been certified. Due to the new SBA partnership, the chamber’s goal is to surpass 1,000 businesses. “Today’s announcement is about ensuring that entrepreneurs who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender have the support they need to excel. I’m here because we cannot separate the fight for civil rights from the fight for market rights and economic empowerment,” Contreras-Sweet stated in a news release marking the February 5 signing ceremony. “This agreement is not about what we will do here in D.C., but (what) we will do together in all 50 states to help LGBT entrepreneurs grow their revenues and their payroll.” Locally, the SBA has partnered with the Golden Gate Business Association to organize the event. “The GGBA was the nation’s first LGBT chamber of commerce, and we’ve been at the epicenter of creating the public policy initiatives in San Francisco and California that


News Briefs

From page 2

certain strains of Treponema pallidum, the bacterium that causes syphilis, “may be more likely to cause central nervous system (CNS) disease,” reported health officials. “It is not known whether there are strains of T. pallidum that have a greater likelihood of causing ocular infections, but the cluster of cases raises this possibility.”

‘Stories from the ’Loin’ at Grace Cathedral

The American Conservatory The-

Courtesy SBA

David Perry is the SBA’s director of LGBT outreach and will be in town for next week’s training.

are driving LGBT business growth trends across the United States,” stated GGBA President Robb Fleischer. A key focus of the half-day training being held in San Francisco is to guide LGBT business owners through the certification process and educate them on a number of contracting opportunities they can avail themselves of at the local, state, and federal level. “We can walk people through if this is good for their business. We can sort out what it means and what is in it for my business,” said Mark Quinn, district director of the SBA San Francisco district office. “This is the first time we are reaching out to the LGBT community to do that.” The SBA chose to kick off the LGBT Business Builder series in the Bay Area due to the enactment this year of a state law, AB 1678, authored by gay Assemblyman Rich Gordon (D-Menlo Park), which requires public utilities in California to extend existing provisions granted to ethnic minority, women, and disabled veteran owned business enterprises to certified LGBT business enterprises. It is the first bill of its kind in the United States and went into effect January 1. LGBT business leaders believe it will serve as a model for similar legislation covering other highly regulated industries in California and in other states. Executives with the California Public Utilities Commission supplier diversity team and power company PG&E, which is hosting the SBA’s event next week, will be on hand to discuss the contracting opportunities now available to LGBTowned companies. Justin Nelson, NLGCC cofounder and president, pointed out that the legislation opens the door for LGBT businesses to compete for the $8.5 billion in contracts the state’s public utilities have directed toward minority-owned companies. “There is just a tremendous amount of opportunity as a result of atre’s Stage Coach and Hospitality House will present a free performance of Stories from the ’Loin Friday, February 27 at 7:30 p.m. at Grace Cathedral, 1100 California Street in San Francisco. The production is a community collaboration exploring homelessness, addiction, art, and resilience through personal storytelling. Hospitality House has a long involvement with the LGBT community; ACT’s Stage Coach is a new program of the theater company’s education and community programs department and is aimed at engaging San Franciscans in telling untold and undertold stories.

AB 1678 in California,” said Nelson. The Bay Area playing host to Super Bowl 50 next year presents another unique opportunity for LGBT-owned businesses in northern California, as the organizing committee for the National Football League’s championship event has extended its diversity supplier program to include LGBT majorityowned companies. “We want everyone to know about, and to take advantage of, these new opportunities coming online for the LGBT community,” said Quinn, who attended this month’s meeting of the Castro Merchants business association to promote the upcoming training session. Companies that are at least 51 percent LGBT owned and controlled are eligible. The certification paperwork can take up to five hours to complete and the approval process can take anywhere from 30 days to two months depending on if the application is complete. “We have an entire team here helping people through the certification process,” said Nelson. The chamber has been working with various federal agencies to steer a portion of the $100 billion the U.S. government spends with small businesses to those that are LGBT owned. “We want to do everything we can to ensure LGBT companies can bid on government contracts,” said Nelson. It also works with 140 corporate partners that honor its certification in seeking out diverse suppliers. Nelson said the contract opportunities range “from soups to nuts, if you will” and encompass “just about anything a company uses to handle their day-to-day business operations.” He added, “The sky really is the limit for LGBT businesses to get into this diverse supply chain.” In light of California’s efforts to assist LGBT-owned businesses, the national LGBT chamber will be hosting its 2016 conference in either San Diego or San Francisco. “The great news is our conference will be in the Golden State,” said Nelson. The free half-day training in San Francisco will take place from 12:30 to 5 p.m. Monday, March 2 in the PG&E Auditorium, 245 Market Street. To register, visit http://tinyurl. com/lgbtbizbuilder.t

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Web Extra: For more queer political news, be sure to check http:// www.ebar.com Monday mornings at noon for Political Notes, the notebook’s online companion. This week’s column reported on the hiring of a gay chief deputy city attorney in SF. Keep abreast of the latest LGBT political news by following the Political Notebook on Twitter @ http://twitter.com/politicalnotes. Got a tip on LGBT politics? Call Matthew S. Bajko at (415) 8298836 or e-mail m.bajko@ebar.com.

For more information, visit the event’s Facebook page at http://goo. gl/POZ0Ln.

SFAF debuts new mobile testing van

The San Francisco AIDS Foundation this month unveiled a new van outfitted specifically for HIV and sexually transmitted infection testing that will increase the availability of free testing in neighborhoods across the city when other HIV testing sites are closed. “San Francisco is leading the fight against HIV, but we need to continSee page 10 >>

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<< Community News

6 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015




One-dozen displaced by fire

Michael Yamashita


moke billowed from a three-alarm fire in San Francisco’s Mission-Dolores neighborhood Saturday, February 21 and displaced 12 adults and a cat, fire department officials said. Fire department spokeswoman Lieutenant Mindy Talmadge said that the blaze at 301 Church Street was called in at 4:11 p.m. and quickly went to multiple alarms, and affected buildings at


TLC to expand in the South by Yael Chanoff

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1983 and 1985 15th Street. Talmadge said the fire originated in a second floor laundry room and that it was likely electrical. Damage is estimated at over $1 million. The Red Cross assisted with those who lost their homes. A total of 31 fire units and 96 personnel fought the blaze, which was brought under control at 5:23 p.m. Talmadge said. No injuries were reported.

he organization Southerners on New Ground, known as SONG, has been fighting for the rights of LGBT people in the U.S. South for 20 years. And now, it has gained a new partner – the Bay Area-based Transgender Law Center. “It feels really big. And also really needed and critical,” said Kris Hayashi, who took over this month as executive director of TLC. The partnership, which will be called TLC@SONG, will be opening a new office in SONG’s home city of Atlanta sometime this spring. TLC is planning to hire two people at that office, a regional director and a staff attorney. These employees will be

A Paid Study for People Who Are HIV+ Smallpox Vaccine Study

What A study to develop a vaccine against smallpox for people who are HIV positive Who HIV positive adults, 18 to 45 years of age, with t-cells below 500 Pay Participants will receive 2-3 vaccinations and up to $1350 Details For more information, please call Erika at Quest Clinical Research – (415) 353-0800 or email erika@questclinical.com


“embedded in SONG,” said SONG co-director Caitlin Breedlove. The collaboration will help TLC reach more people in the country. “We started as a California-based organization,” Hayashi said, but “we have been doing work nationally for some time now.” TLC will be going from one of the country’s best-funded regions in terms of LGBT issues to the worst funded region. According to a report from LGBT Funders, onethird of LGBT people in the U.S. live in the South, but the region only receives 3 percent of the country’s LGBT funding. In 2012, $4 million in LGBT funding went into the city of San Francisco alone, compared to a total of $4.8 million for the entire South, which includes 14 states. In this context, less competition for funding and more collaboration are needed, Breedlove said. Breedlove and Hayashi, along with SONG co-director Paulina HelmHernandez, have been discussing the possibility of working together for over a year. TLC wanted to expand its reach, but doesn’t have connections in the south; SONG has “depth of connection” in the South, as Hayashi put it, but doesn’t have specific expertise on trans rights organizing or in legal and policy issues. It seemed like a logical collaboration. Still, the groups were cautious. “We wouldn’t want to come in as people who are not from the South

Rick Gerharter

Transgender Law Center Executive Director Kris Hayashi spoke at the Trans Liberation Tuesday rally at San Francisco City Hall February 10.

and don’t live there with a preset idea of what the need is and what the work should look like,” Hayashi said. This has been a pattern in the region, Breedlove, who identifies as queer, said. “The South has a long history of national organizations coming in, in the LGBT sector and other places, and not considering or centering the people in our region,” she said. “If TLC was doing this alone, they would have to spend a great deal of time building relationships and building trust, which they’ll still have to do. But given the urgency of the moment we See page 10 >>

Obituaries >> Ron Kos March 6, 1945 – January 23, 2015 Ron Kos (Daddy Ron) passed away at Kaiser Richmond on January 23, 2015, due to complications from lymphoma. Born and raised in Chicopee, Massachusetts, the son of the late Pauline Godin and Stanley Kos. He graduated from American International College, and served in the U.S. Army from 1967 to 1969. He enjoyed life in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Ft. Lauderdale, and the East Bay. He worked at UCSF, in accounting management, and at UC Berkeley’s Training and Development. Ron continued his joy as a trainer up until November. Ron received the Chancellor’s Exceptional Service Award during his tenure at UC. He was very active at UCSF, as well as his local community, serving on various advisory boards. He celebrated a love of life and shared his wisdom unconditionally. He leaves his daughter and son-in-law, Julia and Jason Songer, of Massachusetts; brother, Richard Kos of Delaware; nieces, cousins, and beloved friends on both coasts. His remains will be interred at Arlington National Cemetery. Donations may be made in his memory to the National AIDS Memorial Grove and or UCSF Alliance Health Project. For information on the pri-

vate memorial on March 7, please contact Zack (925) 954-8436.

Memorial set for Kurt Barrie

A memorial will be held Wednesday, March 4 for longtime queer Democratic Party activist Kurt Barrie, friends have announced. The memorial takes place from 9:30 to 10 a.m. in the board chambers at San Francisco City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place. Afterwards, people will gather in Supervisor Scott Wiener’s office for a reception. Mr. Barrie died December 15, 2014 of AIDS-related complications. He was 48. Upon arriving in San Francisco, Mr. Barrie quickly became involved in local politics and became an aide to then-Supervisor Harry Britt, a gay man who was named to fill Harvey Milk’s seat after his assassination in 1978. Mr. Barrie helped push through one of the nation’s first needle exchange programs and was active in the Lavender Sweep that saw Carole Migden and Roberta Achtenberg elected to the Board of Supervisors, Donna Hitchens to Superior Court judge, and Tom Ammiano to the San Francisco school board. To read the previously published obituary on Mr. Barrie, visit http://ebar.com/ obituaries/index.php?id=915.


Community News>>

February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 7

GSA Network names new leaders by Seth Hemmelgarn


San Francisco-based nonprofit that helps LGBT and allied youth has selected two staffers, who are people of color, to lead the organization as it addresses racial justice and other issues. Gay-Straight Alliance Network announced in a Wednesday, February 25 news release that Ginna Brelsford and Geoffrey Winder are its new coexecutive directors. They assumed their new posts effective Wednesday, replacing founding Executive Director Carolyn Laub, who left in August after 16 years with the organization. Winder, 32, who’s been involved with the nonprofit since shortly after it was founded in 1998, developed and led the organization’s racial and economic justice programs. Brelsford, 34, has been the group’s finance and administrative director for almost four years. In an emailed statement, Winder said, “As a queer, multi-racial man of color, I am excited by the shifting landscape of youth organizing and activism, in which LGBTQ youth of color are leading many different social movements for change. Along with Ginna, one of my first priorities will be to ensure GSA Network is able to support the emerging organizing efforts of young trans and queer activists at the forefront of these movements across the country.”

Brelsford, who identibeyond thrilled to have fies as a queer, Alaska Geoffrey and Ginna, two Native woman, stated she committed queer activists and Winder “are ready to of color and staff memhonestly assess and invest bers who have made GSA in what’s working for the Network the organization organization and for the it is today” in the posts. LGBTQ youth movement In emailed comments, as a whole. GSA Network Uehling said the group Courtesy GSA Network will engage in a multi“does not discuss salaries, organization strategic Ginna Brelsford but the board carefully process to determine the considers sector salary framework and infrastrucdata when setting executure that will best guide tive director salaries.” the growth of the national GSA Network’s tax filmovement” while coning for fiscal year 2012-13 tinuing to support Califorlists Laub’s reportable nia youth leaders. compensation from the The nonprofit, which organization as $109,207. has a budget of $2.1 milWhile Brelsford and lion and 14 paid staff, has Winder take the top jobs, grown the GSA Network deputy director Laura ValCourtesy GSA Network of California to more than dez, who’s served in that 900 clubs across the state, Geoffrey Winder role for four years, is leavand built the national gaying. In the group’s news straight alliance moverelease, she said it’s “time ment’s capacity to focus on educafor me to pursue other opportunities tional, racial, and economic justice within the social justice movement.” issues, among other achievements. Jill Marcellus, a spokeswoman for “As an innovative, next-generation GSA Network, said in an email that youth empowerment organization with having the two co-executive committed to racial justice for queer directors “the organization is saving and trans youth, we recognize that slightly in salary from when we opleadership in our movement should erated under an executive director/ not and cannot come in just one deputy director model.” form or one person,” GSA Network Ben Wong had served as the inboard Chair Andrew Uehling stated terim executive director since June, in Wednesday’s news release. “We are when Laub went on a sabbatical.t

PrEP tops news at HIV confab sion of iPrEx, no one who took Truvada at least four times per week became infected. The PROUD study tested the same regimen in a “real world” setting. This trial included 545 gay and bi men who reported condomless anal sex during the prior three months. Instead of being Liz Highleyman randomly assigned to take PROUD study investigator Sheena Truvada or a placebo, they McCormack, left, and Ipergay investigator were randomized to start Jean-Michel Molina discussed their findings at the Conference on Retroviruses once-daily Truvada either immediately or after a and Opportunistic Infections. one-year delay. Ipergay, in contrast, looked at intermittent by Liz Highleyman or “on-demand” PrEP before and IV pre-exposure prophylaxis, after sex. The researchers hoped better known as PrEP, topped an event-driven regimen might the news from the Conference on promote better adherence, cause Retroviruses and Opportunistic fewer side effects, and cost less. Infections this week in Seattle, Ipergay study enrolled 400 gay and with two studies reporting an 86 bisexual men in France and Canada, percent decline in HIV infection a majority of whom reported recent risk. The more than 4,000 attendees condomless sex. Participants were also heard about new antiretroviral randomly assigned to take Truvada drugs and hepatitis C. or a placebo, but instead of taking “This has been an incredible year it every day they took two pills up for HIV prevention,” said conferto two hours before having sex and ence vice chair Susan Buchbinder then two more at 24 and 48 hours from the San Francisco Department afterwards. of Public Health and UCSF. “We’ve Last October both PROUD and been doing ‘Prevention 1.0’ for the Ipergay stopped their randomized first 30 years of the epidemic – with phase and offered PrEP to all parthe three pillars of public health ticipants after preliminary analyses campaigns, HIV testing, and conshowed that Truvada was more dom promotion – but now we’ve effective than nothing or placebo. moved on to ‘Prevention 2.0’ with The data were presented for the first PrEP, treatment-as-prevention, and time this week. circumcision.” Remarkably, both studies found that Truvada reduced the likelihood PROUD and Ipergay of becoming infected with HIV by Two research teams presented 86 percent. much-anticipated data from the “These results are extremely exU.K. PROUD and French Ipergay citing and show PrEP is highly effecstudies evaluating Truvada (tenofotive at preventing HIV infection in vir/emtricitabine) for PrEP. the real world,” said PROUD chief In 2012 the U.S. Food and Drug investigator Sheena McCormack. Administration approved oncePROUD saw three new HIV daily Truvada for PrEP. The multiinfections in the immediate PrEP national iPrEx trial of mostly gay group and 19 in the deferred group, and bisexual men showed that this or 1.3 versus 8.9 infections per 100 regimen reduced the risk of HIV inperson-years. Thirteen men would fection by 44 percent overall, rising have to take daily Truvada for one to 92 percent among participants year to prevent a single infection, with blood drug levels indicating known as the “number needed to regular use. In an open-label extentreat.” Researchers measured blood


drug levels in a subset of participants and found that adherence was good. One man probably already had early infection at study entry and the other two men appeared not to be taking Truvada when they became infected. See page 10 >>

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Do you have HIV? HIV Research Study

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<< Travel

8 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015

Kelowna offers summer fun in Canada


by Ed Walsh


Steven Underhill


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stevenunderhill.com · stevenunderhillphotos@gmail.com


here’s Kelowna? That’s the first question most people ask when you tell them you have been to the largest noncoastal city in British Columbia, Canada. What’s to see in Kelowna? If you had to picture it, imagine Napa or Sonoma wine country combined with Lake Tahoe. Kelowna (KEL-oh-na) is a city of a little over 106,000 people along the middle of the picturesque 68-mile-long Okanagan Lake. It is about a fourhour drive northeast of Vancouver. The most popular time for leisure visitors is summer. The city has nearly two-dozen beach parks and dry sunny summers similar to Sonoma or Napa counties, with days that often get above 90 degrees. Overall, it is much drier than coastal towns in the Pacific Northwest with only 15 inches of precipitation annually. Vancouver gets three times as much rain. Last fall, United Airlines began a daily two-hour, 40-minute nonstop flight between San Francisco and Kelowna. The city’s tourism industry hopes more Bay Area residents will see the charm in the area and take advantage of the new flights. The ski season is in full swing now with ski resorts about an hour away from the city. The shoulder seasons of the spring and fall are good times to visit area wineries without the summertime crowds and with lower hotel rates. Downtown Kelowna is quaint and upscale with several lakeside parks. The Kelowna region is packed with about 300 wineries, many with spectacular views of the lake. Kelowna also is a major producer of apples and organic produce and many of the farms are open for tours. One of the most spectacular wineries in Kelowna can be seen in the Mission Hill Winery. The modern campus was completely rebuilt and expanded, with the work wrapping up in 2002. The centerpiece of the property is a 12-story bell tower reminiscent of the old California missions. The 68-seat Terrace Restaurant offers spectacular views of Lake Okanagan. Winery tours are $12 Canadian (about $9.60 U.S.) and reservations are strongly recommended. The family-owned Quail’s Gate Winery is another property that takes full advantage of its lake view. The estate is open for tours and it also has two boutique hotels on the property. The winery’s Old Vines Restaurant, with its floor to ceiling windows, is a great spot to take in Kelowna’s beautiful scenery while enjoying some of the best food and wine of the region.

Ed Walsh

The Tantalus Vineyards offer a beautiful view with Lake Okanagan in the background.

If you are not a wine drinker, check out the East Kelowna Cider Co. The family-owned 10-acre farm produces seven apple varieties on its 20 acres. A 25-minute tractor tour of the farm along with a cider tasting is just $12 Canadian. After you have satisfied your sense of taste, be sure to check out the Okanagan Lavender and Herb Farm to fill your sense of smell. The family-owned farm has a very fragrant gift shop and a pictureperfect garden open for guided and self-tours. The property’s Small Bites Cafe features a number of lavender-inspired treats served on a deck overlooking the garden. If you want to get your fill of Kelowna’s finest produce all in one place, check out the Kelowna Farmers’ and Crafters’ Market, which is the biggest farmers markets in British Columbia. It happens every Wednesday and Saturday mornings. (From now until April, the Farmers Market is indoors and only on Saturday mornings.) If you have a hankering for pizza but don’t want to totally sell out and miss the local cuisine, Bellissimo Pizza is a good choice. They use homemade sauce from locally grown tomatoes and most of the toppings are locally grown as well. If you want some beer to wash down that pizza, Kelowna’s trendy downtown has you covered. The Beer Institute serves up unfiltered craft beers directly from “tank to tap.” You can sample a number of varieties while enjoying homemade flatbread pizza. If cheese is your thing, check out Carmelis Goat Cheese Artisan. The family-owned farm is famous for its goat cheese gelato as well as a wide variety of cheeses. The goat herd is on the property, so the farmto-table practice is very much in evidence. On the outskirts of town, the


Hillcrest Farm Market is another wonderful family-owned farm. It is on the road leading to the mountains and is popular with skiers and hikers. An upscale and modern bed and breakfast is above the market. The farm ships cherries to all over the world and produces its own apple cider on site. A number of Indian-inspired dishes can be found on its cafe menu. For sheer quirkiness, check out the Summerhill Pyramid Winery. It features a four-story high replica of Egypt’s Great Pyramid. The winery claims that wines age better in the pyramid. Summerhill offers a spectacular view of the lake, with sloping vineyards in the foreground. Be sure to take a photo of its giant kitschy and constantly pouring wine bottle. Whoever painted the giant globe next to it must have been imbibing a little too much by the time they got to the Bay Area, which bears little resemblance to our geography. Funktional is a very unique shop right on Bernard Avenue in downtown Kelowna. It showcases Canadian-designed jewelry and fashion as well as funky home decor. It is owned by Chantal Couture, a wellknown gay personality. While in town, be sure to check out a show at the Kelowna Actors Studio. Housed in a century old building that used to make apple crates, the theater is the brainchild of a gay couple, Randy Leslie and Nathan Flavel, who founded it in 2002. Check out http://www.kelownaactorsstudio.com for a complete show schedule.

Kelowna Pride

Gay Pride Week in Kelowna is August 8-15. The big event is on Saturday, August 15, with the Pride Rally and March and Festival in the Park. The week also includes a Pride and Wine tasting event. There are no gay bars in Kelowna but the Okanagan Pride Society organizes monthly community gatherings and runs a LGBTQ youth support group and diversity prom. Kelowna has a “Lattes with the Ladies” event that meets every Tuesday night at a downtown Starbucks and a regular meeting for LGBT seniors. For more information visit http:// okanaganpride.com/. There are no official or unofficial gay beaches in Kelowna, but the downtown City Park and Hot Sands Beach are particularly popular with LGBTs.


Ed Walsh


Picturesque views of the harbor are available on the boardwalk along Okanagan Lake in downtown Kelowna.

The Clarance House Bed and Breakfast is a beautiful three-unit property that promotes itself to LGBT and LGBT-friendly guests. The spacious adults-only B&B has a saltwater pool and hot tub. The owner is Okanagan Pride Society President Wilbur Turner. The ClarSee page 9 >>

t <<

Community News>>


From page 1

Limbert’s statement

Limbert, who wasn’t immediately available by phone, didn’t respond to emailed questions regarding Shakur’s claim that he ordered others not to go to the police department about the allegations. In a statement, he contradicted Shakur’s account. “As president of Pride Alliance I requested a review of our finances when I took office in 2014,” said Limbert. “The outcome showed some irregularities and we as a board forwarded our findings to the SFPD criminal investigation unit. The criminal investigation unit completed an investigation and it is being reviewed by the district attorney’s office. After the district attorney’s office review is complete, an administrative investigation will start.” Limbert added that he couldn’t answer other questions because of the “ongoing investigation.” Shakur hasn’t responded to requests for comment. In response to an interview request, Pride Alliance Secretary John



From page 1

out of the special category without the criticism generated by a B.A.R. story on the issue. Wiener suggested giving the company the benefit of the doubt. “This just started last month,” he said. “It’s not like this has been going on for years and years and it was somehow secret. It became public immediately.” Kaiser “took a step back and realized this is not the way to go,” Wiener said. The health care provider “made the right decision here, and we should acknowledge that.” Kaiser spokesman John Nelson said that the specialty tier was a new part of Kaiser’s coverage this year. “We did not previously have a specialty drug tier in our commercials plans (we only had generic and brand tiers),” Nelson said in an email. “So in designing this benefit, we decided to adopt the model used by most Medicare plans (ours included) to determine which drugs would be placed in the specialty tier.” Unfortunately, he explained, “the


Chiu bills

From page 3

Otherwise, said Mikalson, pertinent information about the state’s transgender community will be missing. “This is not the panacea. It is step one and better than nothing,” she said. The draft legislation shared with the B.A.R. does not specify how the questions regarding sexual orientation and gender identity should be asked. And it remains unknown what the cost would be for the agencies to upgrade their forms and data collection systems. It is purposefully vague on the matter to allow the various state departments to determine what will work best for their agency. “We want to be sensitive to the various ways government agencies collect data. There needs to be some flexibility on how the data is collected to minimize the cost,” said Zbur.



From page 8

ance House is in a residential area, a quick five-minute drive from downtown. Unfortunately, it is not available during Pride Week. Turner is busy working on the celebration and makes his property available to friends. The Kelowna Ramada Hotel and Conference Centre is a gay-friendly TAG-approved property across the street from Okanagan’s largest shopping center, the Orchard Park Mall. The 135-room property is

February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 9

Stephens said in an email, “This is still an ongoing investigation,” and because of department rules, he and others couldn’t comment. However, he said, “In regards to the alleged actions of Lt. Limbert, I can say that the unauthorized email that was sent by a board member to the membership is rife with inaccuracies and untruths, is considered libelous and defamatory, and is being investigated by SFPD Internal Affairs.” The email from Shakur doesn’t make clear the timeline of events, but the allegations appeared to come up at the alliance’s October 14, 2014 board meeting. Board members discussed the audit during a closed session, according to the meeting minutes, which list the resulting action as “Completed examination of potentially unauthorized transactions be moved forward to an IA/[criminal] investigation. This would include bank statements, prior minutes of the board and analysis of transactions with questionable transactions flagged.” Limbert and Stephens voted against the action. In an email to the B.A.R., Limbert

explained his vote by saying, “The investigation was not complete and I wanted an outside audit to be done before giving over the findings.” Stephens said in an email that at the meeting, the treasurer had “informed me that a large amount of money had recently been transferred into the Pride Alliance bank account. This amount was more than sufficient to cover the amount alleged to have been embezzled. I felt that if restitution had been made, and the organization had suffered no financial loss, then the criminal case was lacking and a criminal investigation was pointless.” He added that it would be “inaccurate to state that I was against forwarding this matter” to Internal Affairs. “I voted against a combined IA/[criminal] investigation for the above reason.”

change resulted in the vast majority of drugs used to treat HIV being included in the specialty tier, meaning patients would be exposed to new cost-sharing requirements.” “We will be moving quickly in the next several days to move the HIV drugs that we currently have on the specialty tier to the brand tier, effective immediately,” Nelson said. “This means these drugs will no longer require a coinsurance payment with each prescription, but rather will return to the fixed copayment already included in each members’ plan for brand tier drugs. Further, we will also develop a process to send refunds to those patients who received these drugs since January 1 and paid the higher, coinsurance amount, instead of the brand tier copayment amount. It may take us a few weeks to research, arrange, and deliver the refunds to each affected member. We will contact members to let them know of this change.”

specialty tier praised Kaiser’s decision. “Kaiser’s move is an important step forward,” Anne Donnelly, health care policy director at the San Francisco-based Project Inform, said in an email. “We strongly urge them to extend this decision to all of their plans nationally.” Referring to the state’s health care exchange program, Donnelly added, “we applaud Kaiser’s participation in Covered California’s specialty drug work group, which aims to assure that contracted health plan formularies meet consumer needs with regards to their approach, transparency, access, and cost sharing. We are hopeful this process will result in recommendations and regulations for future plan years and will serve as an example nationwide.” Neil Giuliano, CEO of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, said in a news release, “Historically, Kaiser has been a great partner to the HIV community and has been a leader in California in the prevention and care of HIV. This move signifies their ongoing commitment to working collaboratively to better the health of this community.”

Praise for decision

Officials at HIV/AIDS service organizations who have been advocating for drugs to be removed from the

Chief’s response

In a brief phone interview Monday, February 23, Police Chief Greg Suhr said that the case has been at the DA’s office “for about a month.” Evans resigned from the department “late last year,” said Suhr, and “our information is that he has made

The second bill Chiu is introducing Thursday is the Equal Protection for All Families Act. It is aimed at updating California parental laws that were written in the 1970s and do not address modern parenting situations. Under current statutes, a man who donates sperm in order for a woman to conceive a child at home without the supervision of a physician can be declared the legal parent of the child against his wishes as well as the wishes of the mother or couple conceiving the child. Also, under existing law, the partner of the woman giving birth through assisted reproduction, whether a man or a woman, is automatically considered the second parent only if they are married. For unmarried couples,

whether same-sex or heterosexual, the parent not conceiving the child must seek legal recourse to be considered the second parent. “We are trying to correct the two holes in our current reproduction law with this bill. It was written many years ago and doesn’t encompass all the ways people have children,” said Catherine Sakimura, the family law director and supervising attorney at the National Center for Lesbian Rights. “Under the broadest stroke, California law doesn’t currently recognize the many kinds of families using assisted reproduction. Parents are not getting recognized as parents and donors are not getting recognized as donors.” NCLR, EQCA and Our Family Coalition are co-sponsoring the legislation. According to the draft version shown to the B.A.R., the bill would remove the requirement from the See page 10 >>

close to dining, entertainment and a casino. The Manteo Resort is a beautiful lakeside 120-room property that has hosted some Pride events. When it’s too cold to swim, the resort has an indoor pool and sauna. The 120-suite Cove Lakeside Resort is also one of the Pride host hotels. The resort offers stunning lake views and allows pets for a $20 additional nightly charge. The 221-room 11-story Sandman Hotel is right across from the Orchard Park Mall and is another Pride partner. This hotel is the place

to be if you like to shop when you travel. The immense Orchard Park Mall has over 170 stores and is the most popular shopping spot in the area. The Delta Grand Okanagan Resort and Conference Center is a beautiful modern sprawling hotel perfectly located in the heart of downtown Kelowna on Okanagan Lake. The resort has 390 guestrooms, many with spectacular views of the lake. It is also one of the Pride hosts. For more information: http:// www.tourismkelowna.com/.t

“We want to make sure the cost is not so high we have opposition to this.”

Assisted reproduction bill

restitution to the Pride Alliance for all monies that were in question.” He said he didn’t have the exact figure, and “I can’t comment on any of the specifics of the case” since it “hasn’t been adjudicated by the DA.” Asked about the allegation that Limbert had ordered people not to go to the department with the case, Suhr said he had “no information that that happened.” He said if someone were to make a complaint, he would “speak to that if and when it comes.” Although he wouldn’t address the details of the case, the chief said, “character is very important in the police department, but allegations are just that, so until a finding is made, everybody’s entitled to due process.” Suhr added there’s “no place” in his agency “for a dishonest cop,” but said that would be a moot point, since Evans is no longer with the department. Max Szabo, a spokesman for the DA, said his agency has received an embezzlement case, but he wouldn’t confirm it was connected with Evans. In an email this Tuesday, Szabo said, “It’s an ongoing investigation.

A charging decision is forthcoming.” KTVU reported that Evans, who’s in his 30s, quit the police department “with full retirement benefits” but he “will lose his benefits if he is convicted of a felony.” In response to an email, Officer Albie Esparza, a police spokesman, said, “If a city employee is convicted of a felony, they may lose their benefits. We would only get back the money we put into our account. Also, we are not allowed to collect any retirement until we reach 55 years of age.” Pride Alliance member Lea Militello, a lesbian who reached the rank of commander before she left the agency and who helped found the alliance in 2002, said of the accusations against Evans, “The whole situation is just very sad. ... These are allegations” but “just the fact there are even allegations is heartbreaking to me.” Gay Police Commissioner Julius Turman said Tuesday that the case hasn’t reached the commission, but the panel “will address it” when it gets there. Limbert has called for a members-only Pride Alliance meeting Friday, February 27.t

Assembly bills introduced

(D-Menlo Park) announced Thursday that he’s introducing AB 339, which his office said would “define and limit the specialty prescription drugs that are subject to such high cost-sharing.” A news release said the bill was prompted by health plans and insurers imposing “high copays and coinsurance” on drugs for HIV/ AIDS, hepatitis, cancer, and other conditions. Gordon stated that the Affordable Care Act national health care reform law “prohibits discrimination on the basis of health status. However, many patient groups see their medications which treat their specific condition on the highestcost tier. These discriminatory benefit designs cannot remain. This bill ensures that such plan designs do not discriminate against or discourage enrollment of individuals with serious and chronic conditions. Our goal with AB 339 is to promote access to essential lifesaving medications for Californians who need them, cost should not be an obstacle.” Among other provisions, the bill would require health plans and insurers to cover medically necessary prescription drugs and “require coverage of single tablet regimens such as the HIV/AIDS drug cocktail” if they are clinically at least as effective “than requiring someone to take multiple drugs – and say the cost sharing to the patient is the same,” according to Gordon’s office.t

High drug costs have also caught the attention of two state legislators from the Bay Area. Assemblyman David Chiu (DSan Francisco) announced Monday, February 23 that he’s introduced Assembly Bill 463, which would require drug companies “to reveal operational costs in order to better understand pricing for ultra-highpriced drugs,” his office said in a news release. “In recent years we have seen drug costs climb to new heights with little transparency for these astronomical prices,” Chiu stated. “With this bill, we will lift the veil on drug prices and offer the public greater insight so that we can identify meaningful strategies to ensure prices do not threaten access to lifesaving treatments.” Among other things, Chiu’s proposal “would require pharmaceutical manufacturers to provide the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development with annual cost reporting on the most expensive drugs,” his office said. The state agency “would compile the data into an annual report submitted to the Legislature and publicly posted online.” The bill specifically would require the maker of any drug or treatment course that costs more than $10,000 a year to report production costs for the drug, including manufacturing costs, marketing and advertising expenses, and other items. Gay Assemblyman Rich Gordon


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10 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015


News Briefs

From page 5

ue to provide the best services possible at times and in places needed most,” SFAF Chief Executive Officer Neil Giuliano said in a news release. “Mobile testing is our way of saying, ‘we’ll come to you.’ The city and San Francisco AIDS Foundation have pledged to make San Francisco the first city to end HIV transmission, and pervasive HIV testing is a part of that strategy.” The 33-foot long van includes three on-board counseling rooms – an increase from one on the old unit – to ensure client privacy and confidentiality and allow for more people to receive services. SFAF officials said that the new unit will enable the foundation’s mobile testing program to serve approximately 2,000



From page 6

want to see organizations collaborate.” That urgency, Breedlove said, “is literally life or death.” “Since the year began, there have been six murders of trans women of color, in less than a month and a half,” Hayashi said. Hayashi recently spoke at a demonstration at San Francisco City Hall in partnership with the Taja Coalition, a group formed after trans woman Taja DeJesus was stabbed to death in San Francisco February 1. These deaths were part of the reason that LGBT Black Lives Matter activists stormed the stage at this year’s Creating Change conference in Denver, demanding that national LGBT organizations support trans people of color leadership and focus their work on ending the crisis of murders of trans women. Since Hayashi spoke to the B.A.R. on February 13, two more trans women, Bri Golec and Kristina Grant Infiniti, have been murdered in the United States.


Chiu bills

From page 9

state’s family law that couples must involve a doctor when using assisted reproduction in order to ensure that the donor is not legally considered a parent. It also would allow unmarried people using assisted reproduction to be fully recognized as parents on the same terms as married parents. “In 2015 many parents, including same-sex parents, transgender parents, as well as single parents, use home insemination to conceive. Many of these families cannot afford to use a sperm bank or doctor,”



From page 7

Similarly, in Ipergay there were two new HIV infections in the intermittent PrEP group compared with 14 in the placebo group, or 0.94 versus 6.8 per 100 personyears. Eighteen men would have to take intermittent Truvada for one year to prevent a single infection. As in PROUD, the two men who were infected appeared to have stopped taking Truvada. “On-demand PrEP is an attractive alternative to daily PrEP for men who do not consistently use condoms,” said lead Ipergay investigator Jean-Michel Molina. “I don’t know if this is the most effective dosing regimen, but there were no infections among patients randomized to the Truvada arm as long as they took the pills.” More than half of the men in PROUD and more than a third in Ipergay had other sexually transmitted infections including gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis during the study. But STI rates were high in both the PrEP and control groups, indicating that men were having condomless sex whether or not they were on PrEP. Four men

clients per year, up from 1,200. The new mobile testing unit was made possible with funding from Chevron, Gilead Sciences, and Walgreens. “We are proud to support San Francisco AIDS Foundation in its efforts to increase community access to testing and education, which we know is critical to being a part of the solution to end AIDS, a commitment we share,” Glen Pietrandoni, Walgreens senior director of virology, said in the release. Find the mobile testing unit @ testmesf using Twitter, https://twitter.com/testmesf. Officials said that after 10 years of service, the old mobile testing van has been retired.t Matthew S. Bajko contributed to this report.

“What we saw at this year’s Creating Change was a real demand saying, don’t just talk about us, be about us. Don’t just talk about what’s happening to us, center our leadership,” Breedlove said. One SONG project that aims to do that is its recently launched Free From Fear campaign. The campaign supports local organizing in Southern towns to pass municipal ordinances that “hold the police and city council accountable for profiling based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and immigration status.” With TLC’s help, SONG plans to have “stronger trans-specific protections inside any local ordinances or legislation we’re trying to win,” including Free From Fear ordinances, Breedlove said. TLC will also help create and disseminate educational resources, and help with legal services for transgender and gender nonconforming people. “People don’t know their rights,” Breedlove said. “People travel sometimes 300 miles to get to the feminist health care centers in Atlanta.”t said Chiu. “We are simply allowing for a home-based process to be used rather than forcing families to incur hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in expenses to become families.” The bill, added Chiu, “also allows unmarried people to use assisted reproduction and be fully recognized on the same legal terms as married parents.” Both of Chiu’s bills will be assigned a number once they are officially introduced. They are part of a package of LGBT-related bills, up to eight according to EQCA officials, to be filed ahead of the deadline to do so this Saturday, February 28.t in PROUD and eight in Ipergay were newly infected with hepatitis C virus. Both the daily and intermittent Truvada regimens were well tolerated with the most common side effects being mostly mild gastrointestinal symptoms. “As someone who once was a young gay man vulnerable to HIV, I want every young gay man these days to have protection,” said PROUD steering committee cochair Gus Cairns. “I first heard of PrEP at the CROI conference in Seattle in 2002, and it is fitting that this conference has heard data that clinch the position of PrEP as an important prevention resource for anyone at risk.” Ipergay participants took 14 Truvada pills per month on average, or half as much as the daily regimen in iPrEx and PROUD. This works out to nearly four pills per week – the number found to be effective in iPrEx. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stressed, however, that researchers do not yet know if this on-demand regimen will work among gay men who have sex less frequently and therefore take PrEP less often.t





The following person(s) is/are doing business as: SOULWORKS, 2920 WEBSTER ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94123. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed MARISAN FUNK. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/29/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/30/15.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: EUROPEAN WAX CENTER, 2675 GEARY BLVD., #E-102, SAN FRANCISCO CA, 94118. This business is conducted by a limited liability corporation, and is signed TCTSF VENTURES LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/29/15.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: FAR & AWAY CO; FAR AND AWAY CO, 59 W. VIEW AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed ADRIAN M. SYMCOX. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/04/14. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/29/15.




The following person(s) is/are doing business as: MREMBO KINGDOM MK, 5532 FULTON ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94121. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JOHN TREMEROLI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/05/2015. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/05/15.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: I LUV MY BODY FITNESS LLC, 901 MINNESOTA ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed I LUV MY BODY FITNESS LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/07/09. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/13/15.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ALL MY PRETTY ONES MUSIC, 2913 22ND ST, #4, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed DEREK SCHMIDT. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/14/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/14/15.




The following person(s) is/are doing business as: VRIHEAS PROPERTY MANAGEMENT; MVELECTRIC, 467 VALENCIA ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed NICHOLAS M. VRIHEAS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 06/01/91. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/30/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: JSERVICES99, 1336 SHAFTER AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JONATHAN MENDOZA ESTRADA. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/27/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/27/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: CALI STAR IMPORTS, 565 GEARY ST, #512, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JALIL MAHDI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/26/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/26/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: PALOMETA, 1139 DIVISADERO ST, #3, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed GAGAN KANWAR. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/20/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/29/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: BASS & REINER, 3265 17TH ST, #402, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by a general partnership, and is signed MARIEL BAYONA; CHRIS GRUNDER; CLEA MASSIANI; EMILY REYNOLDS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/02/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/13/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: PESBAS QUICK FOOD, 393 EDDY ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by a general partnership, and is signed KHALED OMER; MOHAMMED A. ALMORAISSI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/21/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/21/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: INVENTION STORE, 3 LIBERTY ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed INVENT (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/22/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/30/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: BE FIT, 420 SEVERN LANE, HILLSBOROUGH, CA 94010. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed BE FIT SF LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/27/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/28/15.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: SCRATCH N SNIFF, 372 WEST PORTAL AVE, #1, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94127. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed BRIAN A. JAMES. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/25/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/04/15.



The following person(s) is/are doing business as: CHEESEPUD, 2154 IRVING ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed NXT GROUP LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/27/15.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: MICHAEL’S CHOCOLATES; AL3 ENTERPRISES, 595 14TH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103 This business is conducted by a married couple, and is signed MICHAEL ERIC BENNER AND RAYMOND CURTIS WALLIS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/05/15.



The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name known as: PACIFIC VIEW CLEANERS, 6907 GEARY BLVD, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94121. This business was conducted by an individual and signed by SUPPAKIT MANEEROJ. The fictitious name was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 03/23/10.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: CBPOTTER PRODUCTIONS, 1049 MARKET ST, #101, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed CHAD BENJAMIN POTTER. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/01/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/05/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: TAGCK-3, 799 BATTERY ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed PROJECT GRILLED CHEESE LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/04/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: LA TERRA LLC, 511 HARRISON ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed LA TERRA LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 11/25/03. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/05/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: STUDIO MAVEN, 730 CASTRO ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed AUDREY BAUER. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/01/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/10/15.

The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name known as: EL SERVICES, 1284 GREEN ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business was conducted by an individual and signed by EDMOND LEE. The fictitious name was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 04/15/13.



The following person(s) is/are doing business as: VIEWPOINT LAW GROUP, 100 PINE ST, #1250, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed PAUL J. NEIBERGS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/15/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/26/15.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: THE RED FOX SALON/BARBER SHOP, 669 O’FARRELL ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed LYNSEY MARIE VISCIGLIA. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 03/01/2013. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/12/15.



The following person(s) is/are doing business as: PLACHUTIN CONSULTING; YERBA BUENA DARTS, 879 42ND AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94121. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JOANNE PLACHUTIN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/05/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/06/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: PACIFIC COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY CENTER; PACIFIC CBT, 1801 BUSH ST #206, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JOHN R. MONTOPOLI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/01/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/13/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: AVENUE, 3361 MISSION ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed BING CONSULTING SERVICES (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/27/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/30/15.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: COZY CASTRO, 129 CASTRO ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed CORINNE SUE WICK. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/05/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/0515.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: CAHOOT, 123 10TH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed ARIAN V.R. SALMAN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/09/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/09/15.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as: CLAUDIO MARTONFFY DESIGN, 120 PIERCE ST #9, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed CLAUDIO MARTONFFY. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/13/12. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/17/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: MAMAS SELF CARE, 1340 DE HARO, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KATHLEEN CARIFFE. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/13/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/13/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: BAJAYDEN MANAGEMENT GROUP, 660 4TH ST #533, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed WAYNE BURGESS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/12/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/12/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ALEX’S TIRE AND ALIGNMENT, INC, 38 OTIS ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed ALEX’S TIRE AND ALIGNMENT, INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/10/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/12/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: 1812 IRVING ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business is V1 WIRELESS conducted by a corporation, and is signed V1 WIRELESS INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/09/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: V1 WIRELESS, 863 CLAY ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94108. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed V1 WIRELESS INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/09/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: V1 WIRELESS, 440 CLEMENT ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94118. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed V1 WIRELESS INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/09/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ACQUOLINA, 1600 STOCKTON ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed MARUDA, LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/26/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/13/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: HARRY HARRINGTONS PUB, 460 LARKIN ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed DONEGAL ALL BLACKS, LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 10/21/14. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/10/15.



The following person(s) is/are doing business as: SILVER SHELL STORE, 2380 SAN BRUNO AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed EBRAHIM PAKZAD. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/19/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/19/15.

February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 11

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as: INNER CITY HAULING & JANITORIAL, 260 MCALLISTER #403, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KAREN CERVERA. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/20/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/20/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ROBINSON@GROVE, 1574 GROVE ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed DAVID E. ROBINSON. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/01/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/09/15.

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The following person(s) is/are doing business as: MESCOLANZA RESTAURANT, 3750-3754 GEARY BLVD, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94118. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed MESCOLANZA INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/18/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: OZMA, 874 S. VAN NESS AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by a general partnership and is signed MARIAH GARDNER & HEIDI BAKER. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/30/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/30/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: JESSIE BLACK, 3252 SACRAMENTO ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed THE HOUSE OF MONTE CARLO (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/14/14. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/19/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ENGEL & VOELKERS SAN FRANCISCO, 582 CASTRO ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed SAN FRANCISCO REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, INC (UT). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/12/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/03/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: CITY CYCLE, 3001 STEINER ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94123. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed C. FISCHER AND SONS LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/18/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/24/15.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as: PRETTY OCCASIONS, 2256 UNION ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94123. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed SOLMAZ NAJI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/23/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 02/23/15.

The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name known as: VLOVEPLASTIC, 2639 BALBOA ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94121. This business was conducted by an individual and signed by JITRUTHAI RATTANASONGCHAI. The fictitious name was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 04/10/14.

FEB 26, MAR 05, 12, 19, 2015

FEB 26, MAR 05, 12, 19, 2015




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Queen's army

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Out &About

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Vol. 45 • No. 9 • February 26-March 4, 2015


Included in the exhibit Seduction: Japan’s Floating World is a video of famed Kabuki actor Bando Tamasaburo V performing “Wisteria Maiden” (left).

Welcome to the Pleasure Dome ‘Seduction: Japan’s Floating World’ opens at the Asian Art Museum

by Sura Wood


fantasy city where hedonism, transgression and sin, if you’ll pardon the quaint term, were permitted, even encouraged; a world apart where men left the onerous social constraints of daily life behind, shed their identities,

and entered a realm of the senses. The same thing could have been said of San Francisco in its more freewheeling days, but the description actually applies to Edo (now Tokyo), a center for Kabuki theatres, brothels and other singular entertainments that flourished in the notorious pleasure quarter known as the Yoshiwara in 17th-century Japan. See page 20 >> Rick Gerharter

s n i l l o C Judy h t i w s t c e s inter m i e h d n o S Stephen by Richard Dodds


hen it comes to the songs of Stephen Sondheim, Judy Collins has planted a flag marking her territory. “You know, I own a piece of the property, so I’m very happy now to be filling in the landscaping,” she said on the phone between sniffles of a receding cold. The legendary folk singer-turned-popular chanteuse will debut her new Finding Sondheim show in San Francisco on Feb. 28 and March 1, with a CD and a PBS special in the works. See page 23 >>

Judy Collins will debut her new show Finding Sondheim for Bay Area Cabaret before recording the songs and taping a PBS special.

Courtesy Judy Collins


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<< Out There

14 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015

Trying on alternative lives by Roberto Friedman


iographies can be great reads. They let you walk a mile in another woman’s shoes. Here are brief mentions of three new bios that have recently come across our desk. Look for reviews to come. 1. The publisher’s release portrays Call Me Debbie: True Confessions of a Down-to-Earth Diva (Harper), by Deborah Voigt with Natasha Stoynoff, as “a tell-all mem-

oir about Voigt’s private battles with and ultimate recovery from her food addiction, alcoholism, and other selfdestructive tendencies that ultimately led this brilliantly gifted and internationally loved starlet to the brink of personal destruction.” But that doesn’t begin to describe the journey that the dramatic soprano Voigt took after being fired from a Royal Opera House production because she was deemed too big to fit into her “little black dress.”

“When you look at someone whose face is buried in fat, which mine was because I tend to carry weight in my face, and it was getting bigger and bigger, expressions don’t read as clearly, especially on a big stage. That’s why in my heavier days the makeup artists used to try to ‘paint on’ features for me by shading and contouring the sides and underneath my face.” Voigt eventually slimmed down, then took the opera world by storm. Once-fat girls rule. 2. Out at Home – The True Story of Glenn Burke, Baseball’s First Openly Gay Player (Berkley Books), by Glenn Burke with Erik Sherman, and with a foreword by Billy Bean, includes a new afterword by co-author Sherman reflecting on the two decades since Burke’s death from AIDS-related complications. Burke was a California native who played Major League Baseball as an outfielder for the Los Angeles Dodgers in the 1970s. He had support from family and Castro-based friends, but was traded to the Oakland Athletics and eventually hounded out of pro baseball by prejudice and macho intolerance. Only long after his death is he being recognized as the gay pioneer he was. “The Dodgers just never gave me a chance. They blackballed me, and that fact still bothers me to this day. Little did they know who else was gay in the baseball world.” 3. Next month American Conservatory Theater will celebrate the publication of artistic director Carey Perloff’s new memoir Beautiful

Chaos – A Life in the Theater (City Lights). Perloff, the firecracker behind the incendiary success of the theatrecompany-school, will be interviewed by KQED-FM’s Forum host Michael Krasny on Sunday, March 8, at 7 p.m., at ACT Theater, 415 Geary St., SF. The event is free, though reservations are required. The public can go to act-sf. org for more information.

Seduced by pleasure

Last Thursday night Out There was in the house for the party Courtesans, Cooks, Samurai and Servants, the opening event for the exhibition Seduction: Japan’s Floating World at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. Per the AAM: “In Edo-period Japan (1615-1868), the most celebrated destination for hedonists was the Yoshiwara, a walled and moated pleasure district where patrons could abandon


the rigors of daily life in pursuit of sensual delights. With more than 60 works of art, Seduction: Japan’s Floating World examines the decadent lifestyle associated with Edo’s (presentday Tokyo) entertainment districts and the enticing though complicated world of the Yoshiwara.” If the museum wasn’t quite a redlight district for the occasion, there was plenty of divertissement to be found. Party entertainment included performance artist Midori staging tableaux vivants, DJ Proof (Massive Selector) spinning discs, erotic haiku readings, belly dance performances, and a sake-flight tasting. It was great to see so many young people, LGBT people, folks in costume and sexy get-up, and art-lovers on the frolic. We had truly arrived at our idea of a Pleasure Dome. See page 23 >>

Jazz theater from tragedy by Jason Victor Serinus


here’s nothing symbolic about the DVD of Fred Hersch and Herschel Garfein’s jazz theater piece My Coma Dreams except the eight dreams themselves. The art those dreams inspired after Hersch’s amazing survival reminds us of the love that binds us one to another. It was in late 2008, many months

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after six-time Grammynominated composer and jazz pianist Hersch, who was diagnosed HIV+ close to 30 years ago, slowly emerged from the five-and-ahalf-week medically induced coma that saved him from certain death from septic shock brought on by HIV/ HIV drug complications, that he contacted writer, director, and virtual dramaturg Garfein. Having worked with Garfein before on a musical setting of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass (with vocals by Kurt Elling), he asked his collaborator to help him make art out of the dreams that had remained with him after he regained his ability to speak, eat, and make music. The result was a multi-movement theater piece, My Coma Dreams. Completed in 2011, and subsequently filmed in live performance in New York City at Columbia University’s Miller Theatre in March 2013, the work was released on DVD last year. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the DVD, which comes complete with essential behind-the-scenes interview “extras,” benefits the Treatment Action Group [treatmentactiongroup. org]. In the work, sweet-voiced Michael Winther plays both Hersch and his life-saving partner, Scott Morgan. Attired in a simple T-shirt and pants, Winther recites and sings their tale. Behind him is a large screen filled with images that change and occasionally dominate while Hersch, his four-person Fred Hersch Ensemble, and other musicians join him in performance.

Although Winther initially comes across as quite vulnerable, the strength of his ever-appealing composite character emerges as the jazztheater piece proceeds. The music is quite sweet, albeit occasionally ominous. At one point, strains of Thelonious Monk emerge. There is a gorgeous duet between Hersch on piano and either Joyce Hammann or Laura Seaton on violin, and a lively scene in an imagined jazz club. The musicianship is, as one might expect, outstanding. Perhaps the work’s dominating element of dreamy, quasi-loungemusic sweetness is due not only to the realities of the tale, but also to the limitations of DVD sound. If only Palmetto Records had also made it available in far bettersounding Blu-ray format. But as Hersch emerges from his coma to the voice of Scott saying repeatedly, “I love you,” and the survivor tells himself, “Keep listening, just listen,” all we can do is listen, observe, and be grateful for the miracles that love can bring.t



February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 15

Paperboys pummeled by penurious press by Richard Dodds


he sun will come out in one day more when you can consider yourself part of the newsies family. With little dabs of lyrics from Annie, Les Miserables, and Oliver!, antecedents for the musical Newsies are evoked, but don’t expect any such potent ear worms from the recent Broadway musical now at the Orpheum Theatre. The songs by Alan Menken and Jack Feldman, with an exception or two, are genially generic, whether they be love ballads or anthemic calls to arms (a song titled “Seize the Day” is heard three times). What you probably will remember is the powerhouse dancing, but even that can lose impact as an army of young dancing men assaults the stage repeatedly in choreography that begins to look very much the same. Despite these shortcomings, Newsies proved surprisingly popular with Broadway audiences in a twoyear run that ended last summer. It is all the more surprising since the source material for the stage musical was the notoriously unsuccessful 1992 Disney movie Newsies – and although I know of no one who is party to the phenomenon, it is said

the movie now has a cult following on home video. What’s on stage is likely too conventional ever to develop a cult following, but in this, its transitory moment of consequence, Newsies can provide two professionally rendered hours of entertainment suitable for young and old, if not for those with a visceral aversion to labor unions. And even they may be able to go with the flow. Harvey Fierstein reworked the film’s screenplay for the new show, and the glory of collective bargaining is invoked with deese-demsand-does urchins battling heartless millionaires over mere pennies. The tale is based on an actual 1899 strike by New York newsboys over reduced compensation from publishers Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst, a David versus Goliath tale that the city’s other newspapers gleefully chronicled. Many of the facts have been fudged or conjured by Fierstein, but that’s to be expected when the assignment is to create an entertaining musical comedy. But that freedom is not as fully realized as it could be, a notable case being the wan villains. While a cardboard-deep version of Pulitzer as a ruthless businessman is shown (and heard in a terrible

Deen Van Meer

Dan DeLuca (center) leads a band of newsboys in a strike against powerful publishers in the musical Newsies at the Orpheum Theatre.

money-money-money song), the real dangers to the paperboys’ lives are the authority figures trying to send them to a group home run by an evil warden. But these characters float around the peripheries, and make someone like Mr. Bumble from Oliver! seem like a fully fearsome creation. Fierstein also invents a love interest for Jack Ryan, the newsboys’ charismatic leader who is charis-

matically played by Dan DeLuca. That the girl (an appealing Stephanie Styles) is actually a woman, a newspaper reporter, creates a bit of confusion about just how old our leading-man newsboy is supposed to be. And while it might seem that Tiny Tim strings are being plucked by a crutch-dependent newsboy helpfully nicknamed Crutchie, a real-life Crutchie Morris was part of the 1899 strike. In that role, Zachary

Sayle gets one of the score’s more heartfelt songs, “Letter from the Refuge,” that he delivers while held at a juvenile detention center. The boys find genuine refuge in a music hall run by a buxom entertainer saddled with a weak pastiche of a vaudeville song that finds no extra oomph in Angela Grovey’s performance. The real stars of Newsies are the athletic young performers who dance Christopher Gattelli’s aggressive choreography with boundless vigor. Director Jeff Calhoun’s staging largely involves organizing the movements of set designer Tobin Ost’s towering scaffolds that have a bit of worrisome wobble, at least in their touring incarnation. But Newsies is mostly the kind of polished affair that you would expect from Disney. Polished, in fact, to the point of an edge-free blandness. But the show has energy to spare when dozens of young feet are hammering the boards. It’s just not quite enough to warrant an “Extra, Extra” headline.t Newsies will run through March 15 at the Orpheum Theatre. Tickets are $36-$250. Call (888) 746-1799 or go to shnsf.com.

You’re in the Army now by David Lamble


ueen and Country, reportedly the last film from legendary British producer-director John Boorman (Deliverance, Hope and Glory), opens in 1952 as a handsome pup, Bill (Callum Turner), gets his notice to report for two years as a conscript (or draftee) in “the King’s Army.” The unstated running gag in this memoir, which ranges in tone from tattered nostalgia to restrained Monty Python/Fawlty Towers-style sendup, is a kick-in-the-pants sendoff to the glory days of empire. But the real attraction for queer audiences in this end-of-agenre romp are the cheeky antics and incendiary irreverence of Bill’s new mate, Percy Hapgood (Garland, Texas-born Caleb Landry Jones, channeling the outlandish, class rage-inspired insolence of a born rebel). Meant to bookend Hope and Glory (1987), Boorman’s much-praised account of a WWII boyhood spent dodging German bombs, Queen and Country saves its best moments for scenes where the flower of British young manhood prepares to serve in some severely unpleasant hot spots. “You’re all about to be posted to Korea, which is no laughing matter,” barks the unit’s stiff-necked unit trainer, Sgt. Major Bradley (David Thewlis). But of course, the results are very funny, as in the scene where Bill and Percy mock Sgt. Bradley’s worshipful feelings for the then-dying monarch, King George VI. “They say he’s ill, the King.” “If that were so, Buckingham Palace would issue a bulletin. It has not, so he is not.”

“Do you have any family, Sgt. Major?” “No.” “You’re married to the Army. That makes the King kind of like your Dad!” “That silly remark will result in a charge of insolence, Sgt. Hapgood.” “He only meant it in the sense that nuns are married to Jesus, sir.” One of the few quibbles I had with this mockumentry of everything bygone generations were taught to hold sacred was that the stakes weren’t a tad higher. Ultimately, Percy risks it all – meaning a term in a very nasty military prison, where unmentionable horrors would be inflicted on his privates – in order to swipe the regimental clock, a doorstop-worthy trophy that one of his sergeants regards as dearer than life itself. Apart from the brief army-camp tent scenes where Bill and Percy coexist in a sadly platonic bliss. the best of Queen and Country emerges from the broad humor when Bill and Percy attempt to instruct their barely literate charges in the fine art of becoming an infantry unit typist. Jones deftly demonstrates what a natural-born fuckup is like when he’s wielding the whiphand over recruits he clearly looks down upon. “Order: o-r-d-e-r. You’ll be typing like girls in no time. What are you flouncing about for, Hennessy?” “Still trying to type like a girl, Sergeant.” “Are you a nancy boy, Hennessy?” “No, Sergeant. But I’ve fucked a lot of boys who are!” If Caleb Landry Jones looks a tad familiar, it’s probably because you’re recalling a third-act mo-

BBC Worldwide North America

Callum Turner as Bill Rohan in a scene from director John Boorman’s Queen and Country.

ment from the Coen Brothers’ No Country for Old Men where his bike-riding Texas teen renders assistance to the film’s injured serialkiller monster (Javier Bardem). The boy actor removed his shirt in an unforgettable close-up that has doubtlessly been featured in many a private clip-reel. Queen and Country is dedicated to recalling the British version of the

Eisenhower era, a buttoned-down, conformist time when, ironically, Her Majesty’s by-the-book army was one of the few places where a free spirit could cut loose and fly. As director Boorman recalls in chats promoting the film, this was a time for timid souls, right before the riotous 1960s, when all that Bill and Percy’s keepers worshipped would be forever consigned to the dustbin of history.

Those seeking a broader, sillier take on British army life should rent Privates on Parade, a hilarious John Cleese vehicle where the Monty Python star teams up with a dotty-drag-attired Denis Quilley to demonstrate just how many laughs could be had when His Majesty’s Forces entertained the troops in the Communist-occupied Malayan jungles (from ex-Beatle George Harrison’s HandMade Films).t

<< Music

16 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015

Glass Etudes come to Davies Hall


by Michael McDonagh


“ filled in for Maki at the very last

minute,” recalls pianist-composer Timo Andres about when he subbed for the indisposed Japanese pianist Maki Namekawa at London’s Barbican in 2013. “My friend Nico Muhly asked me to play, and I had to learn five Philip Glass Etudes in a few days,” he says in quiet amazement by phone from his Brooklyn apartment. This week the 25-year-old musician will be joining Namekawa and the celebrated and deeply influential composer Philip Glass for a complete San Francisco Performances-presented concert of Books 1 and 2 of Glass’ 20 Piano Etudes (1991-2012). “One of the nice things about it is the variety of perspectives you get,” Andres says. He notes what he feels to be a sort of sea change in Glass’ work, from “the clean, restrained, Stravinskyan approach” found in his classic minimalist period (196774) to the Etudes, which show “the romanticism sort of underlying his

Michael Wilson

Pianist-composer Timo Andres: ‘There’s nowhere to hide.’

Composer Philip Glass: classical purity of line.

music,” which I’ve always found both approachable and exciting, though many others haven’t. Yet that’s just perception, and the idea of a composer touring with his piano pieces sounds so 19th century – Brahms and Liszt – until we re-

to say about them. “It’s like Mozart, there’s nowhere to hide, and if you hit a wrong note, the audience will hear it. The challenges in playing them can be more interpretive than technical.” But he says “the compound [syncopated] 7/8 meter in #16” is challenging, and #15, which pits a hymn-like cadence in the left hand against rapid arpeggiations in the right for much of its duration, “poses challenges as well,” He notes that #10, “in B-flat dominant, doesn’t modulate, and there’s not a single non-scaler tone.” With its marked, raga-like gesture in the treble, which he illustrates vividly on his piano, it “poses endurance problems.” It also shows how skillfully Glass incorporates other traditions, like the Indian vamping harmonium-like lefthand figure, into his own voice, and it will probably bring down the house at the end of Book 1. Namekawa, who was uncomfortable being interviewed in English, responded to my e-mail, forwarded by my friend Richard Guerin, who works for Glass, with probable help from her husband conductor Dennis Russell Davies, with whom she plays piano four hands. “I enjoy the directness of Philip’s musical language. Behind a surface simplicity is often a depth and intricacy which attracts a large audience, many of whom have little experience with classical music.” And the technical challenges? “Philip’s music requires musicians who are able to harness their technique to achieve balance with a kind of classical purity of line in their performance. Musicians who play Bach and Haydn beautifully duel with this music. Every one of these etudes has its own interesting degree of difficulty. That’s why I find this complete etude project fascinating.”

member that Prokofiev, Rachmaninov, Bartok, and even Stravinsky toured with their piano pieces in the last century, and now we have Glass getting the same star treatment. Andres, who will be playing Etudes #5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, and 16, has a lot


Featuring the San Francisco premiere of

Jake Heggie’s opera For a Look or a Touch in collaboration with San Francisco Opera, American Conservatory Theater, and Contemporary Jewish Museum


with guest artists Morgan Smith + Kip Niven and the world premiere of


#twitterlieder: 15 Tweets in 3 Acts




Fernando Acevas

Andreas H. Bitesnich

Pianist Maki Namekawa.

Namekawa noted that “the concert world needs these new listeners” who haven’t had many encounters with classical music, and in a time of increasing social fragmentation. As Glass put it regarding his music cum video-theatre piece with Robert Wilson Monsters of Grace, “Grace is a divine condition, and monsters is what we are.” Not a pretty thought, but a true one, or as Glass told Guerin in an interview on the Etudes on philipglass.com, “She plays from the heart.” Isn’t that what everything’s about? Even the blurred C Major with A-flat Major around the edges in Etude #20. “#20 is actually my favorite,” Andres observes. “Like in Schubert, where there’s an amazing sense of epic closure, epically autumnal.” Then there are the Glass Etudes, which go their own ways, private in public.t Mon., March 2 at 7:30 p.m., Davies Symphony Hall, SF. Tickets ($36$99): sfperformances.org



February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 17


Courtesy of Music Box Films

Viviane (Ronit Elkabetz) in Gett: mandatory misogyny.

by David Lamble


ett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem (opening Friday at Landmark Theatres) is an eloquent and imaginative staging of institutionalized – in fact, mandatory – misogyny in Israel. But it’s also an urgent reminder that all progress towards human rights remains completely subjective in the eyes of the beholder. Gett, from the husband/wife team of Shlomi and Ronit Elkabetz, begins in the present in an Israeli court, where all three judges are rabbis. Technically the third film in a trilogy, Gett comes with an expository prologue that quickly puts us in the picture. For those unacquainted with modern-day Israel, where only rabbis can marry or grant divorce, Gett will play like Alice in Wonderland just after our heroine disappears down the rabbit hole, or The Wizard of Oz just as Dorothy’s house lands on the witch. The filmmakers employ a complex time structure whereby the proceedings are glimpsed in quick gulps from a timeline that stretches over five years. The drama is like a card game that only men are entitled to win. “What does she want?” “A divorce, Your Honor.” “What are the grounds for divorce?” “She doesn’t love him anymore.” “That’s no ground for divorce!” “I’m not going back!” “We’ll see about that!” (Or, “Off with her head!” screams The Red Queen.) While part of Gett’s effectiveness relies on the claustrophobia of its one-set courtroom, we soon hanker to see and hear from the couple’s four kids. The biological brother who turns on Viviane is good but essentially a one-trick-pony. For better or worse, Gett is compelled to showcase an Israel that feels far more in tune with its feudally constituted Arab and Persian neighbors. It’s as if I told you that LGBT progress in America were suddenly up to a conclave of Orthodox Brooklyn rabbis. In A Serious Man, the Coen Brothers’ mischief-making slice of 1967 “Minnesota Nice,” a restless

married college physics professor, Larry Gopnik (a brilliant nebbish turn from Michael Stuhlbarg), is dumped by his gett-seeking hausfrau Judith (a briskly assertive Sari Lennick), who’s seduced by Larry’s bombastic colleague, a pushy, upscale wine-imbibing widower. Larry: “Esther is barely cold!” Judith: “Esther died three years ago. And it was a loveless marriage. Sy wants a gett.” “A what?” “A ritual divorce. He says it’s very important. Without a gett, I’m an agunah.” “A what? What are you talking about?” “You always act so surprised. I have begged you to see the Rabbi.” At its best, Gett reminds us that much of the world, particularly “the Holy Land,” is still ruled by instincts as atavistic as religious. Few LGBT viewers will miss the irony that Viviane’s very real third-act “victory,” getting free of her viciously manipulative husband, thus avoiding being declared a “non-person” by the rabbis and viewed as unfit to remarry, comes at the price of her dignity and rights as an Israeli citizen. One effective late-film device is having Viviane, her anger mounting over the court’s obvious bias towards her husband, wear a bright red dress and free her long dark hair from its imprisoning braids. In conservative Jewish circles, a woman’s hair and clothing are viewed as a dangerous part of her power to seduce the unwary male – in other words, like the garb of a prostitute. In A Serious Man, the Coens position Larry Gopnik’s pot-smoking son (the snarky-witty Aaron Wolf: “What’s sodomy, Dad?”) as a vital cog in his dad’s undoing. Gett’s successful third act could have benefited from cameos from the couple’s four kids, to evaluate where they really stood in the domestic tug-ofwar between Dad’s self-serving religiosity and Mom’s more soul-satisfying declaration of conscience. For me, it was a second viewing of Gett that reinforced the film’s possibly unintentional but real message that America is still one of the few bastions of freedom from religion.t





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<< Out&About

18 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015

Out &About


Sun 1 Ledisi

Donna Sachet Tribute/Roast @ Beatbox The local drag legend, Absolute Empress XXX, notable MC, and our own ‘On the Town’ columnist, gets a loving roast and tribute night. $20. Cocktail reception 7pm. Show 8pm. DJ Hawthorne and Ruben Mancias’ Trade follows. 314 11th St. beatboxsf.com

Doubt: A Parable @ Contra Costa Civic Theatre

Popul-airy by Jim Provenzano


ou have about one week to vote for your favorite arts venues, dance and theatre companies and in other categories in our fifth annual Besties. You knew that? Just checking. Vote here: http://www.ebar.com/besties2015 And here are what I voted as the most do-able events in the arts!

Thu 26 Andy Grammer, Alex & Sierra @ The Fillmore Vocals and folk rock/pop, also with Paradise Fears and Rachel Platten. $20. 8pm. 1805 Geary Blvd. www.thefillmore.com

Fight the Power @ AAACC Photojournalist Jeffrey Blankfort’s exhibit of powerful imagery chronicling African American and Palestinian protests, including iconic images of the Black Panther Party. Thru Feb. 28. African American Art & Culture Complex, 762 Fulton St. aaacc.org

Jewish Music Festival @ Various Venues 30th anniversary of the music festival, featuring choral works, jazz, traditional, even dancing and orchestral works, performed in SF, Berkeley and Oakland. Thru March 22. www.jewishmusicfestival.org

Letters to Afar, Poland and Palestine: Two Lands and Two Skies @ Contemporary Jewish Museum Dual exhibit of new Jewish cultural documentation (thru May 24); opening reception 5:30pm with Klezmer music, pop-up food and a wine bar. Also, J. Otto Seibold and Mr. Lunch, an exhibit of works by the beloved children’s book author (thru Mar. 8). Also, Havruta in Contemporary Art (thru April 14). Other exhibits, lectures and gallery talks as well. Free (members)-$12. Fri-Tue 11am-5pm, Thu 11am-8pm (closed Wed). 736 Mission St. 655-7800. www.thecjm.org

Mighty Real: A Fabulous Sylvester Musical @ Brava Theatre Broadway actor-singer Anthony Wayne stars as Sylvester, the gay disco icon in this musical biographical show. $30-$100. Wed-Sun 8pm. Sun 3pm. (Feb 14 special disco after-show party with the cast.) Thru March 1. 2781 24th St. fabuloussylvester.com www.brava.org

Mr. Burns, a Post-Electric Play @ Geary Theatre American Conservatory Theatre and the Guthrie Theater present Anne Washburn’s imaginative hit comedy about a post-apocalyptic Northern California family whose vague memories of an episode from The Simpsons has become one of their fireside folk tales. Special nights thru the run (including Out at A.C.T. Mar. 4). $20-$120. Tue 7pm. Wed-Sat 8pm. Sat & Sun 2pm. Thru Mar. 15. 415 Geary St. 749-2228. act-sf.org

New and Classic Films @ Castro Theatre Feb. 26: The Sacrifice. Feb 27: Lesbians Who Tech panel. Feb. 28Mar. 2: Hitchcock’s Vertigo in 70mm. Mar. 3: Big Eyes and Finding Vivian Maier. Mar. 4: Citizen Four and The Lives of Others. Mar. 5: Goodbye to Language in 3D. Most tickets $11. 429 Castro St. www.castrotheatre.com

New Frequencies @ YBCA Jazz music mini-festival, with dozens of singers and musicians. Multiple nights thru Feb. $15-$35. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, 701 Mission St. www.ybca.org

Newsies @ Orpheum Theatre The Broadway musical hit, with lots of great dancing, based on the film about young paperboys who went on a historic strike; with music by Alan Menken and book by Harvey Fierstein. $70-$250. Wed-Sat 8pm. Wed, Sat, Sun 2pm. Thru Mar. 15. 1192 Market St. (888) 746-1799. www.shnsf.com

Paula West @ Feinstein’s at the Nikko

Steve Rhyne and Scarlett Hepworth costar in Contra Costa Civic Theatre’s production of John Patrick Shanley’s Pulitzer Prize-winning drama about repressed sex crimes in a cloistered religious community. $11-$28. Fri & Sat 8pm. Sun 2pm. Thru March 8. 951 Pomona Ave., El Cerrito. (510) 5249012. www.ccct.org

Abundance @ Shelton Theatre Pultizer Prize winner Beth Henley’s tenderhearted drama about two 1860s mail order brides in the Old West gets a local production. $38. Thu-Sat 8pm. Thru Mar. 14. 533 Sutter St. (800) 838-3006. www.sheltontheater.org

Antigone @ Exit on Taylor Cutting Ball Theater’s production of Daniel Sullivan’s new translation of Sophocles’ classic Greek tragedy, with music and movement. $10-$50. Thu 7:30pm. Fri & Sat 8pm. Sat 2pm, Sun 5pm. Thru Mar. 22. 277 Taylor St. 5251205. www.cuttingball.com

The Book Club Play @ Center Repertory, Walnut Creek Karen Zacarias’ comedy about a small book club that gets invaded by a foreign film crew. $33-$58. Tue & Wed 7:30pm. Thu-Sat 8pm. Sun 2:30pm. Thru Feb. 28. 1601 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek. (925) 943-7469. www.CenterRep.org

Large-scale showcase of many travel companies and services that are women-owned and/or women- and lesbian-friendly; includes panels, workshops and giveaways. $50-$175. Feb. 27 at SoMa Streat Food Park, 428 11th St. (6pm-9pm). Feb. 28 at SF Design Center, 101 Henry Adams St. Mar. 1 at The Women’s Bldg, 3543 18th St. WomensTravelFestival.com

X’s and O’s (A Football Love Story) @ Berkeley Repertory World premiere of KJ Sanchez’ captivating docudrama about players and rabid fans of football; directed by Tony Taccone. $29-$79. Tue, Thu-Sat 8pm. Wed & Sun 7pm, Sat & Sun 2pm. Thru March 1. Thrust Stage, 2025 Addison St., Berkeley. (510) 647-2918. www.berkeleyrep.org

Let Vale

West Coast premiere of Tony Award nominee Chad Beguelin’s gay-themed comedy about an East Coast family’s tumultuous conflicts. $25-$45. Thru March 1. Wed-Sat 8pm. Sun 2pm. 25 Van Ness Ave, lower level. 861-8972. www.nctcsf.org

Hella Gay Comedy @ Penelope Bar, Oakland Anthony De Guzman Jr., Demar Randy, Griffin Daley, Molly Sanchez, Taylor Made, Alyssa Westerlund and Carrie Avritt offer comic stories on the theme “The Worst Sex I Ever Had,” with host Nasty Ass Bitch (Charlie Ballard). 8pm. Clay St at 11th, Oakland. (510) 834-0404. penelopeoakland.com

A Lie of the Mind @ Magic Theatre

Fri 27

Maria Konner and DJ Dank take their nightlife chat show to the kinky porn studios at The Armory; with punk legend Jello Biafra, Cassandra Cass, Bunny Pistol, Mama Dora Philippe Beaudette and Vain Hein. Doors/bar 6pm. Show 7pm. 1800 Mission St. www.eventbrite.com

Women’s Travel Festival @ Various Venues

Harbor @ New Conservatory Theatre Center

Refuge in Refuse @ SOMArts Cultural Center

Weekly screenings of strange and obscure short films. $10. 8pm Also Fridays. 275 Capp St. 558-8117. www.oddballfilm.com

Under the Golden Gate @ Kink.com

Crowded Fire Theater’s always interesting company performs A. Rey Pamatmat’s drama about three abandoned kids on a remote farm. $15-$35. Wed-Sat 8pm. (Opening night March 2, 8pm). Thru March 21. 1695 18th St. www.crowdedfire.org

Haiku Tunnel, the solo performer’s popular comic show about the foibles of office temping, re-opens at the East Bay venue. $20-$100. Fri 8pm. Sat 5pm. Thru Mar. 28. 2120 Allston Way, Berkeley. 282-3055. themarsh.org

Unusual Movies @ Oddball Films

Local production of Julie Hébert’s award-winning drama about race, family and heritage; a Southern white woman arrives at the home of a Black Chicago man, claiming to be his half-sister. $20-$120. Tue-Thu 7pm. Fri & Sat 8pm. Sat 3pm, Sun 2pm. Thru March 7. 450 Post St. 677-9596. www.sfplayhouse.org

Edith Can Shoot Things and Hit Them @ Thick House

The talented jazz vocalist performs a six-week engagement at the upscale intimate nightclub/cabaret, performing an eclectic array of songs, from Bob Dylan, Talking Heads and Harry Nilsson to jazz classics. $35$50. Thu & Fri 8pm. Sat 7pm & 10pm. Sun 7pm. Thru March 22. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (866) 663-1063. www.ticketweb.com

Homesteading Art & Culture Project, a multimedia exhibit of art works created from dumped materials at Albany Bulb recycling landfill. Special events thru run. Reg. hours Tue-Fri 12pm-7pm. Sat 12pm-5pm. Thru Mar. 14. www.somarts.org

Tree @ SF Playhouse


With tasty tidbits of LGBT News & Entertainment!

Josh Kornbluth @ The Marsh Berkeley

Sam Shepard’s grim, epic and darkly funny 1985 family drama gets a new production. $20-$60. Wed-Sat 8pm. Sun 2:30pm. Thru March 1. Bldg. D, Fort Mason, Marina Blvd. at Buchanan. 441-8822. magictheatre.com


Queer Open Mic @ Modern Times Bookstore


Baruch Porras-Hernandez hosts the festive reading and performance series with Blythe Baldwin; guest artist Maisha Z. Johnson. 7pm. 2919 24th St. 282-9246. www.mtbs.com

Rirkrit Tiravanija: The Way Things Go @ YBCA A Special Curatorial Project … uncovers narratives, reveals personal stories, and shares vignettes that lead to a larger understanding of the migration of people in the production of material culture. Free/$12-$15. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, 701 Mission St. Thru June 21. 978-2787. www.ybca.org

Stereotypo @ The Marsh Don Reed’s new solo show, subtitled Rants and Rumblings at the DMV showcases the banal automotive office as a showcase of diverse characters. $20-$100. Fri 8pm, Sat 8:30pm. Thru Mar. 28. 1062 Valencia St. 282-3055. www.themarsh.org

Sunday in the Park with George @ Lohman Theatre, Los Altos Hills Foothill Music Theatre’s production of Stephen Sondheim’s Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award-winning musical about art, and a fictional version of painter Georges Seurat and his modernday great-grandson. $12-$32. Thu 7:30pm. Fri & Sat 8pm. Sun 2pm. Thru March 8. 12345 El Monte Road, Los Altos Hills. (650) 949-7360. www.foothillmusicals.com

Undiscovered @ ODC Theater This choreography showcase of new works by Smuin Ballet company dancers always surprises with innovative movement. $30. 7:30pm. Also Feb. 28. 3153 17th St. 863-9834. www.odcdance.org

We Are Proud to Present… @ Ashby Stage, Berkeley We Are Proud to Present a Presentation About the Herero of Namibia, Formerly Known as Southwest Africa, From the German Sudwestafrkia, Between the Years 1884 -1915, Jackie Sibblies Drury’s Obie Award-winning, hilarious, imaginative and incendiary exploration of race, power and narrative in America, where six naïve students present their interpretation of 19th-century genocide. $20-$25. 7pm. Thu 7pm, Fri & Sat 8pm. Sun 5pm. Thru March 7. 1901 Ashby Ave., Berkeley. (510) 214-3780. www.justtheater.org

You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown @ Julia Morgan Theater, Berkeley Berkeley Playhouse’s production of the Tony Award-winning musical based on the Charles M. Schulz comic characters. $5-$60. Fri 7pm. Sat 1pm & 6pm. Sun 12pm & 5pm. Thru Mar. 15. 2640 College Ave., Berkeley. (510) 845-8542. berkeleyplayhouse.org

Fri 27 Anthony Guzman at Hella Gay Comedy



Sat 28 Beach Blanket Babylon @ Club Fugazi The musical comedy revue celebrates its 40th year with an ever-changing lineup of political and pop culture icons, all in gigantic wigs. Reg: $25$160. Beer/wine served; cash only; 21+, except where noted. 678 Beach Blanket Babylon Blvd (Green St.). 4214222. beachblanketbabylon.com

Come Back to the Five & Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean @ YBCA Screenings of Robert Altman films culminate in the film adaptation of the dramatic stage show, with Karen Black, Cher, Sandy Dennis and Kathy Bates. $8-$10. 7:30pm. Yerba Buena Center for the arts screening room, 701 Mission St. www.ybca.org

February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 19

Fool La La! @ The Marsh, Berkeley

Lunar New Year Mixer @ Manor West

Unique Derique’s holiday clowning show’s fun for kids and adults alike. $15-$35. Daily 2pm, extended thru Feb 28. 2120 Allston Way, Berkeley. 282-3055. www.themarsh.org

Come support your local Asian & Pacific Islander LGBTQ organizations by enjoying a night of unlimited wine and beer, sumptuous hors d’oeuvres, and entertainment with GAPA Men’s Chorus and the Rice Rockettes, plus raffles. $10-$100. 21+. 6pm-9pm. 750 Harrison St. www.eventbrite.com

Ghosts of Gentrification @ Various Bars The GLBT Historical Society and Pop-Up Gay Bar lead a bar crawl and informative tour of bars and other venues that used to be gay. Bring cash for your own drinks. 4pm-10pm. www.glbthistory.org

Hostel Comedy @ Piano Fight Andrew Roberts’ weekly comedy show with visiting comics and backpacking tourists telling funny stories. Free. 7pm. Thru April 25. 144 Taylor St. www.pianofight.com

EDGE be YOUR entine!

Mon 2

Richard III @ La Val’s Subterranean, Berkeley Shakespeare’s classic drama about an evil king gets a new treatment from the innovative East Bay theatre company. $10-$25. Thu-Sat 8pm. Sun 7pm. Thru April 5. 1834 Euclid Ave., Berkeley. (510) 224-5744. www.impacttheatre.com

Tad Worku, Oakland East Bay Symphony @ Craneway Pavilion, Richmond The popular musician performs orchestral versions of his songs. $35. 8pm. 1414 Harbour Way S., Richmond. www.tadworku.com

The Waiting Period @ The Marsh Brian Copeland returns with his popular solo show, about the tensions of considering suicide, and waiting for approval to buy a gun. $30-$100. Saturdays 5pm. Extended thru Mar. 14. 1062 Valencia St. 282-3055. www.themarsh.org

We Players Gala @ St. John’s Church The innovative site-specific theatre company’s annual dinner party promises great food, live music, a silent auction, and theatricality as well. $100 and up. 6pm-10pm. 1661 15th St. www.weplayers.org

Cast members from Newsies at One Night Only

One Night Only @ Marines Memorial Theater Bruce Vilanch, Sharon McNight and Shawn Ryan headline another fun-filled music and variety benefit show for the Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation, also with adorably talented cast members from the touring production of Newsies! Special sponsor* dessert (cocktails, wine) reception after the show. $35-$80*. 7:30pm. 609 Sutter St. www.reaf.org

Queer Past Becomes Present @ GLBT History Museum New and mini-exhibits about Bay Area LGBTQ people and communities. Free (members)-$5. Reg hours: Mon, WedSat 11am-7pm. Sun 12pm-5pm. 4127 18th St. 621-1107. www.glbthistory.org

Wed 4

Enjoy weekly same-sex tango dancing and a potluck, with lessons early in the day. $7-$15. 3:30-6:30pm. 1970 Chestnut St., Berkeley. (510) 8455352. www.finnishhall.com

Cookie Dough Celebration of Life @ Victoria Theater


The dearly departed drag performer/ host, aka Eddie Bell, will be commemorated by friends and colleagues. 6pm. 2961 16th St. at Capp. www.victoriatheatre.org

Ledisi @ Fox Theater, Oakland

Crab Feed @ Mt. Diablo Unitarian Church

Imogen Cunningham @ Harvey Milk Photo Center

The annual fundraiser for Walnut Creek’s Rainbow Community Center’s LGBTQ youth and HIV services includes all you can eat crab, pasta, salad and dessert, plus a live auction and raffle with fabulous prizes. $45-$55. 6pm-10pm. 55 Eckley Lane, Walnut Creek. www.rainbowcc.org

Exhibit of the renowned photographers Paris in the Sixties series. Tue.-Thu. 4pm-8:30pm. Sat & Sun 12pm-4pm. Thru Feb. 28. 50 Scott St. www.harveymilkphotocenter.org

Enemies: Foreign and Domestic @ Berkeley City Club Central Works’ theatre company’s 25th season opens with Patricia Milton’s political comedy set around a family gathering. $15-$28. Thu-Sat 8pm. Sun 5pm. Thru March 29. 2315 Durant Ave., Berkeley. (510) 558-1381. www.centralworks.org

Feisty Old Jew @ The Marsh Berkeley Charlie Varon’s hit solo show, about a fictional elder man who’s not adapting well to the 21st century, returns. $25-$100. Sat 8:30pm, Sun 5pm. Thru Mar. 22. 2120 Allston Way, Berkeley. 282-3055. www.themarsh.org

Judy Collins @ Venetian Room The Grammy-winning pop-folk singer performs a concert of Stephen Sondheim music. $45-$90. 5pm. Also March 1. Fairmont hotel, 950 Mason St. 392-4400. www.BayAreaCabaret.org

The Lyons @ Aurora Theatre, Berkeley Aurora Theatre Company’s production of Nicky Silver’s Broadway hit dramedy about a family forced to gather when one of their own is hospitalized. $35-$60. Tue 7pm. WedSat 8pm. Sun 2pm & 7pm. Thru Mar. 8. 2081 Addison St., Berkeley. (510) 843-4822. www.auroratheatre.org

The amazing vocalist performs on a bill with Raheem DeVaughn and Leela James. $45-$65. 7:30pm. 1807 Telegraph Ave., Oakland. www.thefoxoakland.com

Seduction: Japan’s Floating World @ Asian Art Museum New exhibit of ancient art from the John C. Weber Collection. Thru May 10. Also, The Printer’s Eye: Ukiyo-e, from the Grabhorn Collection. Other fascinating exhibits as well. Free (members, kids 12 and under)-$15. Tue-Sun 10am-5pm. 200 Larkin St. www.asianart.org

Hugh Whitmore’s stage play about gay British WWII code-breaker Alan Turing, his genius and tortured life, gets a local production by Theatre Rhinoceros. Limited run: thru March 21. $10-$30. Wed-Sat 8pm Sat 3pm. 215 Jackson St. (800) 838-3006. www.TheRhino.org

John Boyne @ Books Inc. The international bestselling author discusses his new book, A History of Loneliness. 7:30pm. 2275 Market St. www.booksinc.net

Lava Thomas @ Museum of the African Diaspora

The Office, Dolly @ Z Below

Community Initiative’s weekly informal discussion group at the dessert shop. 10:30am-12pm. 2239 Market St. 621-8664. www.sweetinspirationbakery.com

Abrazo, Queer Tango @ Finnish Brotherhood Hall, Berkeley

Breaking the Code @ Eureka Theatre

Exhibit of contemporary works. Also, The Art of Elizabeth Catlett, and historic exhibits of African cultures. Free/$10. 685 Mission St. www.moadsf.org

Wilde Chats @ Sweet Inspirations

Sun 1

Wed 4

Word for Word’s stage adaptation of two short stories by Nobel Prizewinning author Alice Munro. $20, $35-55. Wed & Thu 7pm. Fri-Sat 8pm. Sun 3pm. Thru April 12. 470 Florida St. (866) 811-4111. www.zspace.org

Breaking the Code David Wilson

Tue 3 Black Cedar Trio @ Old Saint Mary’s Cathedral The guitar, flute, cello trio performs. $5. 12pm. 660 California St. www.NoontimeConcerts.org

The Griots of Oakland @ CIIS Multimedia exhibit of visuals and storytelling by young African American men of the East Bay. Thru June 20. 1453 Mission St. ciis.edu

The News @ SOMArts Cultural Center The monthly queer showcase of experimental art works this time features Periwinkle Cinema curators’ short movies with live soundtracks. $5. 7:30pm. 934 Brannan St. at 9th. www.somarts.org

Slinging Satire @ Cartoon Art Museum Slinging Satire: Masters of Political Cartoons, a timely exhibit of recent works. Thru Mar. 9. Other exhibits and events. Free-$8. Tue-Sun 11am-5pm. 655 Mission St. 227-8666. www.cartoonart.org

Thu 5 The Klezmatics @ The New Parish, Oakland The popular klezmer music ensemble performs as part of the Jewish Music Festival. $26-$30. 8pm. 579 18th St., Oakland. (800) 838-3006. www.jewishmusicfestival.org

Lawrence Power, Simon Crawford-Phillips @ St. Mark’s Lutheran Church This concert with viola and piano includes works by Schumann, Shostokovich, Prokoviev, and a new work by Mark-Anthony Turnage. $40. 7:30pm. 1111 O’Farrell St. www.sfperformances.org To submit event listings, email jim@ebar.com. Deadline is each Thursday, a week before publication. For more bar and nightlife events, go to On the Tab in our BARtab section, online at www.ebar.com/bartab

Thu 5

Mon 2 Faculty & Student Recitals @ SF Conservatory of Music Mar. 2: double bass faulty recial, 8pm. Mar. 3: vocal repoertoire, 2:30pm; piano concerto competition finals, 7:30pm; violin students 8pm. Mar. 4: pianist Craig Sheppard performs Shostakovich’s Preludes & Fugues, Op. 87. Free. 50 Oak St. at Van Ness. www.sfcm.edu

The Klezmatics

<< Fine Art

20 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015



From page 13

The Asian Art Museum is now offering up an enticement of its own with Seduction: Japan’s Floating World, an enthralling new show that casts a spell and captures the aura of a place and time. As is so often the case, this museum and its curatorial team bring an arcane period and subject matter largely unfamiliar to Westerners to intriguing, vibrant life. The “floating world” was an urban legend, an early pre-movie-industry dream factory synonymous with glamour, high style and fashion. This sensual destination gave rise to apocryphal stories and visual depictions of a glittering material culture; decorative objects, elaborate theatre costumes, fine art paintings created with costly, jewel-like pigments, as well as less expensive, more accessible wood block prints, disseminated the romantic myth of Edo and enticed customers to journey there. (Printer’s Eye: Ukiyo-E from the Grabhorn Collection, an adjunct exhibition of prints from the era, is displayed concurrently.)

The stellar artworks on view mythologize an Oz of the senses. The idealized images of courtesans, who were the trend-setting fashion icons of their day, flashy male Kabuki performers who played both genders on stage, and other celebrated stars of the demi-monde, were instrumental in luring wealthy patrons – and their deep pockets – to an arousal zone of forbidden pleasure, free from the oppressive dictates of Japanese society. The escapist illusion wouldn’t have been complete without the luxurious layered robes made of sumptuous, beautifully designed fabrics like a brilliant sleeveless jacket (1850-1900) comprised of over 33 swatches of silk, satin, laminated paper, velvet and gold threads sewn together in a geometric pattern. Cut into wide, boxy shapes, the fabrics themselves were the fashion statement; sometimes translucent, tie-dyed or painted with marine elements or exquisite flower motifs, they served as canvases for artists, and added to the allure of the courtesans who wore them, shimmering as they moved.

Steven Underhill


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Rick Gerharter

A highlight of Seduction: Japan’s Floating World at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco is a nearly 58-foot-long hand-painted scroll of a visit through Yoshiwara.

But the show’s marquee attraction is “A Visit to the Yoshiwara,” a pristine, 58-foot-long, meticulously detailed, vividly colored, handpainted scroll handsomely laid out in a glass display case. It’s essentially a virtual tour of the pleasure quarter and its denizens that starts on the outskirts of the walled and gated compound, which had but a single entrance. The narrative experience, akin to being on a movie set, allows one to peer into open rooms of private pleasure in houses of assignation decorated with refined Chinese furnishings, though the sexuality is more implicit than explicit. Wealthy aristocrats spent the modern equivalent of $13,000 a night to visit with high-ranking, erudite prostitutes, schooled in literary arts, flower-arranging, music, the art of conversation and other cultivated pursuits. Patrons, who often provided the pricey ensembles for their consorts, were required to undergo an extensive screening process before they were allowed to meet with a courtesan. Warlords and their entourages of thousands of men descended on the city, coming by boat, on horseback or on foot. The scroll includes inscriptions identifying figures such as entertainers, merchants and the occasional Samurai who weren’t allowed inside, and had to wear disguises concealing their identities if they wished to enter. A touch screen allows visitors to zero in on individual areas and take advantage of additional explanation of the imagery. It’s a pretty fantastic meld of old-world art and 21st-century technology. The show is divided into a variety of sub-sections such as Fashion, Disguise and Intimacy. In the latter

is Katsukawa Shunsho’s beguiling “Peony” (1775-80). Once one of a dozen panels that comprised the erotic hand scroll “Secret Games in the Spring Palace,” it shows a young beautiful couple locked in a sweet spooning embrace, a gently sensual scene accented by a single blossom in a nearby vase, and framed by an embroidered border. “Evening Rain

that ensconces the statuesque figure, caught between heaven and hell, depicted in Utagawa Kuniyoshi’s hanging scroll painting. The garment is embroidered with multiple references, including the king of hell sitting in judgment of the dead, macabre narrative iconography that’s further elucidated by the helpful exhibition text.

“The ‘floating world’ was an urban legend, an early premovie-industry dream factory synonymous with glamour, high style and fashion.” in the Yoshiwara” (1830-44) is an inviting, almost cozy scene of two courtesans in their bare feet awaiting customers on a sultry night. A hanging lantern sways in the breeze; the interior of the brothel is lit by warm light, beckoning guests to come in from the darkness outside. By contrast, “Hell Courtesan” (ca. 1870-1900), based on the legend of a 15th-century prostitute kidnapped and sold to a brothel, inadvertently hints at the seamy underbelly of the sex industry, and challenges the fantasy promulgated by those who profited from it. To atone for her sins, purge her shame and help her ascend to paradise, so the story goes, she wore a flowing robe like the one

It shouldn’t be forgotten that the opulent clothing, glamorous accouterments and aesthetic beauty which surrounded the “floating world,” and the romanticized portrayals that promoted it, were a deceptive veneer that belied the harsh circumstances of the women who worked there. Many were from rural communities, taken from the countryside and sold by their families into prostitution at the age of seven or eight, and trained to please clients. Yes, it might have been preferable to poverty and starvation, but who knows what they endured, or how they coped with the powerlessness to change their fate?t Through May 10.

March 2, 2015, 7:30 PM

Marines’ Memorial Theater


with special guests

Bruce Vilanch, Sharon McNight & Shawn Ryan

Tickets & Information

www.helpisontheway.org or 415.273.1620 SPONSORED BY

Rick Gerharter

A robe with willow tree and Chinese characters was worn by one of the courtesans in Yoshiwara, and is included in the exhibit Seduction: Japan’s Floating World at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco.



February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 21

More music from stage & screen by Gregg Shapiro


ere’s the best part about listening to the two-disc deluxe edition soundtrack for Disney’s Into the Woods (Walt Disney Records): you don’t have to watch the movie connected to it. Meryl Streep’s wasted Oscar nomination aside, Into the Woods received two tech noms, which says more about Rob Marshall’s misguided movie than anything else. That said, Stephen Sondheim’s songs (those that made it from stage to screen, as there are a number of songs missing) survive unscathed, which is probably the saving grace of the soundtrack. Classic numbers such as “Children Will Listen,” “Stay with Me,” “Agony” (a shining moment for Chris Pine as Prince Charming), “No One Is Alone” and “On the Steps of the Palace” (featuring a sparkling Anna Kendrick as Cinderella) retain their dignity. How versatile is gay actor Ben Wishaw? His performance as a gay man mourning the loss of his partner while struggling to communicate with that late partner’s nonEnglish speaking mother in LGBT film-fest fave Lilting, now available on DVD, is breathtaking. The multitalented Wishaw also provided the voice for the beloved children’s lit bear Paddington. You don’t actually get to hear Wishaw on Paddington: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Decca). What you do get is Nick Urata’s score, four songs performed by D. Lime featuring Tabagao Crusoe, as well as classic tunes by James Brown, Lionel Richie and Steppenwolf. Oscar-winning film-score composer and indie/industrial rock legend Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails) teams up once again with musical collaborator Atticus Ross and filmmaker David Fincher (his collaborator on The Social Network and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) for Gone Girl: Soundtrack from the

Motion Picture (Columbia). Spread out over the course of two CDs, the subtly throbbing and overtly haunting score is a suitable fit for the moody, suspenseful and violent film. The spectrum of the score is best exemplified in the dark beauty of “Just Like You” and “Like Home,” the eerie sonic style of “The Way He Looks at Me” and “Consummation.” There are almost no words to describe the irresponsible Annie: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (RocNation-Overbrook-Madison Gate-RCA). It’s true that the 1982 movie version of the Tony Awardwinning musical Annie, misdirected by John Huston, seriously missed the mark, but it did have Carol Burnett as Miss Hannigan. It also had a cast that could sing. Will Gluck’s ill-conceived urban update of Annie is so unconscionable that it’s hard to imagine that he’s the same person responsible for Easy A and Friends with Benefits. Even worse are the forgettable new songs co-written by

Sia (girl, you need to take a break!) to augment the existing Charles Strouse and Martin Charnin classics “Tomorrow,” “It’s the Hard Knock Life” and “Little Girls,” which Cameron Diaz destroys. The Annie remake failed miserably and was far worse than the original. Anyone looking to remake a movie musical might want to consider A Chorus Line, previously presented in a horrific version at the hands of Richard Attenborough. Let’s hope that no one is eyeing West Side Story (and by anyone, we mean NBC) for a remake. One of the most beloved musicals of all time (with all the gay men involved in its creation, including Jerome Robbins, Arthur Laurents, Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim), West Side Story (SFSMedia) is celebrated in a double-disc recording performed by the San Francisco Symphony, conducted by Michael Tilson Thomas. Gay actor and singer Cheyenne Jackson performs the role of Tony, and opera singer Alexandra Silber can be heard as Maria. As with its predecessors, Music from the HBO Original Series Boardwalk Empire: Volume Three (ABKCO) features period tunes (the Prohibition era) performed by a stellar array of artists adding their distinctive touch to songs that will be familiar to some and a whole new experience for others. Regina Spektor, Elvis Costello, David Johansen, Angel McCluskey, Marshall Crenshaw, Nora Jones and Loudon Wainwright III are among the artists singing on the soundtrack, which covers the acclaimed cable series’ final season. Do yourself a favor and read director Jean-Marc Vallée’s informative liner notes for Wild: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Legacy). His description of the process of selecting songs for this various-artists compilation, including songs by Simon & Garfunkel, Bruce Springsteen, Leonard Cohen, Wings, Portishead and Lucinda Williams, is fascinating. The soundtrack is also worth possessing for First Aid Kit’s exceptional cover of R.E.M.’s “Walk Unafraid,” which plays at the film’s end. The popular trend of turning movies into stage musicals continues with Andrew Bergman and Jason Robert Brown’s Honeymoon in Vegas (UMe), based on the 1992 movie of the same name, which starred James Caan, Nicolas Cage and Sarah Jessica Parker. Bergman, who wrote and directed the film, also wrote the book for the musical, which stars Tony Danza in the Caan role, as well as Rob McClure and Brynn O’Malley. If nothing else, the musical has showgirls and parachuting Elvises. Can a movie version of the stage musical based on the movie be far behind?t C











11:33 AM

<< TV

22 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015

Wheel of LGBT fortune by Victoria A. Brownworth


here to begin? Season finales, series finales, new shows, Neil Patrick Harris, SNL 40, and some news we wish we weren’t seeing. There was an enigmatic teaser for the final season of Mad Men, which AMC released Feb. 19 and which, even though we were puzzled, made us want more right now. There was even Dog Tinder on Letterman. The new season of The Voice started on Feb. 23. And there was this, which made us tear up, but in a good way. We were watching Wheel of Fortune on Feb. 19. Don’t judge, it comes on after Jeopardy and before the Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder trifecta. It was Hawaii week on the Wheel, so all the contestants were native Hawaiians. The winner was Michelle Z. (No last names on the Wheel, kind of like a 12-step program.) An out lesbian, she introduced her “spouse” as well as her best friend (another lesbian) when at the end she was asked by Pat Sajak who was with her. There are few shows as Middle America as the Wheel, so this was a gaying-of-America moment. A small moment, we know, but it made us verklempt. You can read Michelle Z’s blog post about her experience on the Wheel of Fortune website: wheeloffortune.com/ contestants?c=michellez190015. We know you are already Oscared out, but we will just say, for the record, that Neil Patrick Harris owns all the major awards shows now except the Grammys. But he was nominated for a Grammy for his Tony-winning performance as a trans woman in Hedwig and the Angry Inch, so maybe he owns the Grammys, too. Emmys? Done. Tonys? Done so well he has Emmys for hosting the Tonys. Magic stuff? Done. The Spike Video Game Awards? The opening act featured tuxedo-clad men breaking out in Broadway song and dance, and NPH came out yelling, “WTF do you think this is, the Tonys?” And now, the Oscars? Done. We can’t help liking NPH. He should be insufferable, since he’s done pretty much everything, including being on TV, in films, web series and video games, taking a dark turn on Ryan Murphy’s American Horror Story: Freak Show, and now he’s married with kids, has a best-selling book, and is a perennial talk show guest. What’s left? It’s a subtle gaying-of-TV by just NPH, who is soon to have his own variety show, too. We still laugh when we

remember his fabulous song at the Tonys, “Theatre: it’s not just for gays anymore.” We’re ready to hand an Emmy over to 81-year-old Cicely Tyson for her 10-hanky performance on the Feb. 19 episode of ABC’s How to Get Away with Murder, which has its two-hour season finale on Feb. 26. Tyson guest-starred as Ophelia, Annalise’s (Viola Davis) mother. This was an extraordinary episode with scenes like we have never seen on TV. It’s not just the gay scenes on HTGAWM that are incredible, it’s the scenes between women and the scenes involving black women and white women. We already know there is no one on TV like Viola Davis. But when we see her as Annalise, sans makeup, her natural hair out and messy, and she slides to the floor in dirty pajamas to have her hair combed out by her mother, we are blown away. We know Peter Nowalk is a fledgling showrunner. We know Shonda Rhimes greenlit this show. But the result is arguably the most provocative and transgressive drama series on TV, network or cable. When Ophelia strips Annalise of her protective covering, the raw underside we see is almost unbearable to witness. Watching these two actresses quietly immolate the screen makes you realize that TV is the new film. There are things happening on TV that are so vivid, so hyper-realistic, there’s no reason to leave the house. Nowalk is doing genius work here. What we know from Ryan Murphy is that there are middleaged actresses out there who are the best in their craft and not being given work in Hollywood. Murphy has plucked a dozen of them and put them in the best work of their impressive careers. Nowalk has tapped into that as well. And the result is extraordinary. Plus, we have gay. So much gay. The Feb. 19 episode, the lead-in to the season finale, had a surprise gay storyline that was a stunner. It also had a low-key moment in which we are shown that thing that happens with gay male couples: one is pretty, the other is not, and stuff happens. Open. Honest. Real. As we said, transgressive. Oh, plus there’s the murder stuff. Such a full hour.

Empire building

Speaking of a full hour with gay: Fox’s Empire. Only an out black director like Empire’s showrunner Lee Daniels could give us “faggot” and Cookie (the incendiary Taraji P. Henson, who is riveting). This show does gay like no other, but that’s


Daniels’ hand, with some help the president loves America. from lesbian producer Ilene He doesn’t love you. And he Chaiken (The L Word), who doesn’t love me. He wasn’t live tweets the show each week. brought up the way you In a recent interview, Daniels were brought up and I was told this story about the focus brought up, through love of group watching the initial epithis country.” The remarks sodes of Empire: “They’re at a went viral. Giuliani, being 10 until the two men kiss. So soulless, decided to defend at the end the questioner asks, his remarks with worse ‘Why is it a zero when two men ones, which also headlined kiss?’ And you knew that the TV news. 100 people in the room, 95% of On Feb. 19, Giuliani them were heterosexual, didn’t told the media, “Some want to admit to their hopeople thought it was racmophobia, so they just sort of ist. I thought that was a Courtesy WOF looked at the floor. ‘But can you joke, since he [Obama] tell me why you’re at a zero? was brought up by a white Out lesbian contestant Michelle Z. was a winner Why do you go from a 10 to a on the classic game show Wheel of Fortune. mother, a white grandfather, zero?’ Because it’s unaccepted. I went to white schools, and think that it’s slowly becoming most of this he learned from Biden, please make it Biden, please a thing because we are making white people. This isn’t racmake it Biden.” But as is always the it a thing. It is the civil rights of our ism. This is socialism or possibly ancase, the Republicans bested the time right now, and I think we have ti-colonialism.” He also said, “What Democrats for late-night comedic to not back down.” Amen. I don’t find with Obama – this will fodder. Then there’s NBC’s The Slap, get me in more trouble again – is Jeb Bush was all over the tube this which some critics hate, but which a really deep knowledge of history. week like white-on-very-white-rice we love. Yes, it’s hipster pomo angst, I think it’s a dilettante’s knowledge trying to prove he isn’t his father, but it’s got depth and range, and it’s of history.” Says the dude who just George W.H., or his brother, George got out gay actor Zachary Quinto mentioned anti-colonialism in 2015 W. But since everyone was playing tearing the scenery to shreds, and as if that’s a bad thing. video of him saying that he stood by it’s got Peter Sarsgaard, Thandie The incident is bound to be a both of them, good luck with that. Newton and Uma Thurman, who fundraising tool for the Democrats. We saw him on Feb. 19 saying that even though she rearranged her Walker was asked on CNBC to he loved his father and brother (he beautiful face, still can act. comment, and he said, “The mayor didn’t mention his brother Neil, This is a show about men more [Giuliani] can speak for himself. who was involved in the savings and than women, or so it seems. But it I’m not going to comment on what loan scandal) and “even” his mothtakes us inside the men, and that the president thinks or not. He can er, who had previously said there isn’t something we see much of exspeak for himself as well. I’ll tell you, had been enough Bushes in the cept perhaps on Mad Men. We saw I love America, and I think there are White House, but who on Feb. 17 it on Breaking Bad, and somewhat plenty of people, Democrat, Resaid she’d changed her mind. Baron Justified. It’s deeper than one publican, independent, everywhere bara Bush’s recanting of her previimagines on The Slap, which deals in-between, who love this country.” ous comment got this from Conan with those edges between acceptYeah dude, that was your chance to O’Brien on Feb. 19: “Jeb Bush’s able and unacceptable behavior, walk away from utter insanity, and mother, Barbara Bush, has given her toxic masculinity as it is bred from you didn’t. son her blessing to run for presimillennia-old Greek constructs to Even Fox News seemed to be dent. So now Jeb’s campaign slogan Brooklyn hipsterism. Sarsgaard’s appalled by Giuliani. Megyn Kelly is, ‘My mommy said I could.’” We’re dreamy, conflicted, introspective hammered away at him on her show not sure how Jeb walks all this back. performance is beautifully nuanced, on Feb. 19, but like a demonic clone Seems like a lot. while Quinto gives full vent, using of Dick Cheney, he stayed on mesChris Christie was also a headline his height and his buff body like sage, even going so far as to say that and a punchline. Although he was weaponry. In one scene we see him Obama’s grandfather (not the Kenout fundraising, Christie’s donors sliding huge blocks of ice into his yan one, the decorated WWII solmight have been taken aback (or small pool before getting in. He is dier) had introduced the President taken their funds back) when AmerSpartacus, and yes, we know we are to “Communist ideas.” In Kansas. ica’s loudest-mouthed governor got mixing Mediterranean countries, That hotbed of Communism. trounced in a poll conducted by but deal with it. Kelly finally asked whether GiRutgers University’s Eagleton InstiFeb. 26 is the series finale of uliani had demonstrated “civility,” tute of Politics. That poll showed NBC’s Parks & Recreation, but for to which Giuliani replied, “I think Hillary Clinton would get 58% of Harris Wittels, the finale came a it was perfectly civil. I think that the vote in such a contest, compared week early, on Feb. 19, when the is a perfectly reasonable opinion.” to 35% for Christie. The reason this executive producer and writer for And there, dear readers, is why the matters is because New Jersey is the popular sitcom, 30, was found Republican Party is totally nuts. the 10th most populous state and dead of a likely drug overdose. WitHillary must be dancing a little justa swing state. Christie trounced his tels had also been a writer for The hanging-with-my-granddaughter, Democratic opponents in both his Sarah Silverman Program, and was watching-them-destroy-themselves runs for governor, and made history a stand-up comedian. He had just dance. by choosing the first Hispanic and performed the night before his Finally, if you missed the SNL 40 female lieutenant governor. Chrisdeath. extravaganza, you can watch online. tie got 32% of the Democratic vote And now, as they used to say A lot of it was good, some of it not in those two elections. The poll is on Monty Python, for something so good. Eddie Murphy just walking considered a litmus for other swing completely different, the news we on and off was bizarre, as we would states, and also showed Hillary way wish we weren’t seeing, most of it have loved to see Mr. Rogers’ Neighahead of other Republican contendbrought to you by who else: the Reborhood. On Feb. 19 it was revealed ers for 2016. It was big political news publican Party. The most shocking why he didn’t have a second of on the Sunday shows. Fox did what TV news of the week was Rudy Gifunny. He was supposed to do a Bill Fox does, pretended it never hapuliani proving that the GOP is defiCosby rape sketch, and he decided pened. nitely still the party of straight white at the last minute he couldn’t do it. But in that same poll, all the male racists. Fellow comedian Norm McDonald heavy Republican favorites fared The 2016 presidential race has said, “He didn’t want to kick a man poorly. Hillary got 58% to Jeb’s only started sotto voce, with Hillary when he was down.” Cosby himself 32%, and against the new rising Clinton looking more like the presapplauded Murphy’s decision. star, Wisconsin’s formerly gay-hatident-in-waiting as Vice Pres. Joe Director Judd Apatow went on a ing-but-now-testing-the-politicalBiden did a Biden on TV, giving a bit of a Twitter tear in response, notwind, saying-same-sex-marriageshout-out to a former congressman ing, “By the way, in case you forgot, shouldn’t-be-a-political-issue Gov. whom he referred to as his “old butt Cosby likes to knock people unconScott Walker, Hillary got 60% to his buddy.” That was followed by his scious, then fuck them. Then he in29%. The poll prompted Seth Meyrubbing the shoulders of the wife timidates them into silence,” and, “It ers to note that when Christie heard of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is important that when our friends the news, he decided to change his during Carter’s swearing-in. Biden rape people, we support them, and strategy. “Today he was spotted at JC was filmed whispering in Mrs. Cartdo not mock them for raping peoPenney trying on pantsuits.” er’s ear, which prompted David Letple. That would be wrong,” and, Then there was Rudy Giuliani, terman to show the clip, say “Ick,” “What?! He is a rapist. That is not who was at a fundraiser for Walker then read off his Top 10 list, Top 10 loyalty. It is choosing to support a in Wisconsin on Feb. 18. Giuliani Things Joe Biden Said at This Morich rapist over 30 victims.” decided to lead with the idea that ment, including #7, “Have you seen So for Viola Davis and Taraji P. Pres. Obama doesn’t love us. Whut? Fifty Shades of Grey?” Henson, for Peter Nowalk and Lee We would have loved to have seen Late-night comedian Jimmy FalDaniels, late-night comedians and Walker’s face, but that video wasn’t lon aired a clip of the back-to-back the joke that is the Republicans, on the news. Giuliani said, “I do not Bidenisms and said a little on-stage as well as your evening dog-fallsbelieve, and I know this is a horrible prayer for Hillary to choose Biden through-the-ice news stories, you thing to say, but I do not believe that as her running mate. “Please make it know you really must stay tuned.t

t <<


Judy Collins

From page 13

That piece of Sondheim property that Collins calls her own is “Send in the Clowns,” a song that gave her a hit single in 1975, topped only by her recording of “Both Sides Now” seven years before, and provided Sondheim with his one and only song to crack the charts. “I have a letter from him thanking me for giving him his hit,” Collins said. “And I’m the only one who had a hit with ‘Send in the Clowns,’ including Sinatra, which sometimes people forget.” Finding Sondheim is part of the Bay Area Cabaret series at the Fairmont Hotel’s Venetian Room, where Collins appeared in the early 1980s when it was an ongoing supperclub. For Collins, who figures she has seen every Sondheim musical with the exception of Assassins, putting together this show has been more than scribbling out a list of songs. “I think people will discover the interlocking of our lives because I tell both of our stories,” she said. “It’s very important to understand why I would be singing Sondheim in the first place, and why I would be singing these particular songs in the second place. It’s a very interesting journey to find where we intersect creatively – what I was doing at the time I was recording ‘Send in the Clowns,’ and what he was doing when I was recording ‘Both Sides Now.’ It’s like a duet without the other person being there.” In addition to “Send in the Clowns,” which originated in the musical A Little Night Music, Collins has also recorded over the years


Out There

From page 14

February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 23

Sondheim’s “Pretty Women” and “Green Finch and Linnet Bird” from Sweeney Todd, and “I Remember Sky” from Evening Primrose. “I’ll be doing those songs, but also things that are sort of far out of the expectations that people may have. To make them cry, you have to make them laugh, so there are a lot of stories that are interwoven, which I think will be illuminating. They certainly are to me.” The early image of Collins was of a willowy folksinger with flowers in her hair, and at age 75, that image persists despite a life that has often veered far from it. She has written books and talked extensively about her decades as an alcoholic, her battle with bulimia, the suicide of her only child, and debilitating depression. “But as Leonard Cohen says in that great song ‘Anthem,’ there’s a crack in everything, but that’s how the light gets through.” She also has chronicled a series of lovers that most famously included Stephen Stills, who wrote “Suite: Judy Blue Eyes” about her. The carousel of love ended when she met graphic designer Louis Nelson in 1979, whom she married in 1996. She’s also been sober for 36 years, which means through much of her career, even for several years after recording “Send in the Clowns,” she was building her days around copious intakes of vodka. “I met Janis Joplin at the Troubadour, and she

said, ‘One of us is going to make it, and it’s not going to be me.’ I was stunned, because even though I knew she drank, I didn’t understand that she knew how sick I was.” Collins’ father was a functioning alcoholic, and she said, “I was taught by the best. If you are a functioning alcoholic, your whole life is spent proving you’re not an alcoholic. You have to maintain your professional standards, and believe me, I don’t know now how I did it. I finally crashed and burned, and I just said, ‘Oh my God, I give up,’ which of course is the best possible way to go into treatment. If you don’t give up, you’re in real trouble.” Sondheim’s “I’m Still Here” from Follies may not seem a Collins-style song, but its survival sentiment certainly is relevant to her life. Is the song part of her Sondheim show? “I’m not going to tell you one way or the other, and you’ll just have to wait and see,” she said. But a pesky reporter wore her down. “Okay, yes, I’ll give you that. I’ll be singing ‘I’m Still Here,’” Collins said. “It takes courage to still be here, but as they say, courage comes from humility when you’re on your knees.”t Judy Collins will perform Finding Sondheim at the Fairmont Hotel’s Venetian Room on Feb. 28 and March 1. Tickets ($60-$90) are available at bayareacabaret.org.

Courtesy ABC

Judy Collins was a rising folksinger when she appeared on TV’s Hootenanny in 1963.

Voting in the Bay Area Reporter’s 5th Annual Readers’ Poll ends midnight Saturday, February 28!

Turing point

Renowned British actor Derek Jacobi took the London (1986) and Broadway theatre communities (1987, three Tony nominations) by storm in Breaking the Code, a biographical drama about the gay mathematical genius Alan Turing. The teleplay was produced by the BBC in 1996, and broadcast on PBS in the USA. Currently, The Imitation Game (2014), a feature film about Turing, the crucial part he played in defeating the Nazi war machine, and his eventual martyrdom on the cross of English homophobia, is in theatrical release, with Benedict Cumberbatch as Turing wowing critics and audiences. It was nominated for eight Academy Awards and five Golden Globe Awards. Activists are trying to get Turing’s homosexuality conviction (and others convicted in the UK) overturned. No less a figure than Queen Elizabeth II pardoned Turing in 2013. Now Breaking the Code, by playwright Hugh Whitemore and directed by John Fisher, plays Theatre Rhino in a limited run, March 4-21, at the Eureka Theatre in SF. Opening night is Sat., March 7. Look for a review in these pages. Tickets & info: TheRhino.org.t


ONE OF SEVERAL VALUABLE PRIZES JUST FOR VOTING FOR YOUR FAVORITE PLACES, PEOPLE AND THINGS TO DO IN SAN FRANCISCO AND THE BAY AREA. GRAND: 5-night accommodations at the Maui Sunseeker Resort with round-trip airfare for two courtesy of Alaska Airlines. SECOND: 3-night accommodations at the Vista Grande Resort, Palm Springs, with round-trip airfare for two courtesy of Alaska Airlines. THIRD: Two premium tickets to see Bette Midler on May 26 at the SAP Center, San Jose. FOURTH: Two tickets to see Lana Del Ray on May 20 at the Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View. Gay genius Alan Turing, subject of Breaking the Code.

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PERSONALS Vol. 45 • No. 09 • February 26-March 4, 2015

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Melissa King Top Chef finalist cooks up a feast

Albert Law, Pork Belly Studio

by Jim Gladstone


an Francisco cuisine fans will have an opportunity to toast –and taste– the success of chef Melissa King on Monday, March 9 in her first local public event after rising to the final four in Bravo’s Top Chef earlier this month. Along with the season’s champion, Mei Lin—who became a fast friend over the course of the competition—King will host and prepare a five-course feast in the latest monthly edition of her locavore pop-up, CO+LAB at Nico Restaurant. See page 27 >>

Chef Melissa King plates entrees.

Glam Grooves

t r ta s y x e s & n fu ’ s u o o1 m Polygla by Jim Provenzano


iven the nightlife talent responsible for Polyglamorous, the new firstFridays dance night at Oasis, it should be no surprise that it was a hit. Promoter-DJs Mark O’Brien and John Major have their own following, creating events in clubs and a few unusual locales, from the Twin Peaks to the Burning Man playa. Spinning together for the last two years, you may know them from recent events with BAAAHS (Big-Ass Amazingly Awesome Homosexual Sheep). See page 26


Gareth Gooch

Polyglamorous patrons on the dance floor at Oasis.


Hurry! Voting ends Saturday. www.ebar.com/besties2015 BESTIES 2015 SPONSORS: Palm Springs, CA

Serving the LGBT communities since 1971

26 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015

Gareth Gooch

Cabure Bonugli/Shot in the City

Along with Benjamin Bellayuto, who created the look of the new event –with a sexy trio in pale-lit romantic images and in a short trailer– the Poly guys don’t want to limit the definition of what kind of event they create. Of their BAAAHS connection, Major said it started with art cars at Burning Man. “We saw a sort of lack of participation in art cars that was accessible and fun and not exclusive,” he said. “There were no art cars that were queer. We wanted something new.” “And large-scale,” added O’Brien, “but also integrated in the gaybor-

hood. It’s very easy to get lost in that area. Having a mobile disco allowed us to get out of that world and all over.” Major (aka M*J*R) discussed the popularity of what years back was a smaller queer cluster of camps. “It’s gotten so centralized and vibrant that people often go to Burning Man and don’t even leave that district,” said Major. “But we’re mobile, so we can drag people out to the playa, out of the gayborhood, and create a sort of new home base for people to pop out and carouse.” Brooklyn-born Major’s DJ experience started in Boston in 2002 after co-founding the still-extant Redtail Collective and Firefly Col-

lectives. After moving to San Francisco in 2008, he fell in love with what he called “the vibrant underground culture thriving in the city,” is a core contributor to BAAAHS and Comfort & Joy, and has played at other events. O’Brien was quick to point out that they’re only part of a larger group of creative folks, including Christian Williams, Joey Matiz, Aaron Wessels, and Jerrod Littlejohn. “There’s a long list of people who were involved in BAAAHS.” Fans of O’Brien’s DJ skills go back almost a decade, when he produced his first San Francisco event, Marga’s Mixer, with Marga Gomez in 2006. O’Brien’s spun at Mezzanine, Temple Bar, and Sound Factory. He’s been a core contributor to BAAAHS, including the collective’s impressive art car, which premiered at Burning Man 2014. So, with their version of fun, how did they manage to bring that groovy playa cool indoors? O’Brien compared it to his participation as a DJ at the Pop Up Gay Bar event that took place on an amazingly warm autumn night up on Twin Peaks (See our coverage in “Road Show,” B.A.R., Oct. 23, 2014). “That was an amazing confluence of events and weather,” said O’Brien. “It gave us a chance to recreate the spontaneity and anarchy from the playa. With Poylyglamorous, we’re trying to capture the spirit of the playa in a more traditional venue. The fact that Oasis is co-owned by drag queens has a component to it; we like to play off that, and really appreciate Heklina, D’Arcy Drollinger and their team for hosting us.”

Gareth Gooch



From page 25

Guests in the front lounge at Polyglamorous.

Cabure Bonugli/Shot in the City

Mark O’Brien, Benjamin Bellayuto and John Major, the Polyglamorous team.


See page 27 >>

Top: Mat Dos Santos presents his partner David Sylvester with an engagement ring at Polyglamorous. Bottom: Gogo hunkitude at Polyglamorous.


Read more online at www.ebar.com

Albert Law, Pork Belly Studio

Melissa King harvests floral herbs.


Melissa King

From page 25

Born in Los Angeles, King, who lives in the Inner Sunset, feels that after a decade here, San Francisco is her true home. King’s girlfriend of two years works for ticketing website EventBrite, which is selling the tickets to CO+LAB. “San Francisco is a place of calm and connection for me. This is where I’ve really established roots of my own.” King’s mother and father immigrated to southern California from China when they were 18 years old, and both have had long successful careers in engineering. “I was always a science geek growing up,” says King, 31. “I was into biology, anatomy, and chemistry.” It was easy for her parents to assume she would follow in their footsteps and pursue a science-driven career. “My wanting to cook for a living was a struggle for them,” says King. “That was tougher for them than my being a lesbian. They’re very loving and supportive about my being openly gay.” Since the time King first mounted a kitchen stepstool at age 5 to stand at her mother’s side and help fry vegetables in a wok, she developed an unshakeable passion for cooking that never let up. “I remember getting the first knife of my own,” she says, eyes sparkling as others’ might when reminiscing about first puppies or kisses. “It was a small Chinese meat cleaver. I must have been 11 or 12 when my mom bought that for me.” “Until high school, I only really cooked Chinese food, but from a



From page 26

Designer Bellayuto saw a good turnout at the first Polyglamorous, aided by his sleek campaign. An art director in advertising and design, Bellayuto has lived in many cities; the six-year Burning Man veteran brings his love of rave culture to the campaign he created. “We were really trying to pull off the name and visualization, including a young drag queen, to give the promise of polyamory,” said Bellayuto. And while the crowd may have been more cubs and otters than fairies and queens, there was a diverse array of patrons, who either schmoozed in the front room or got down to the inspiring beats on the dance floor. “I think since it’s the beginning, there may a bit more of an eclectic crowd later, with an infusion of glamour,” added Bellayuto. That infusion included simple Mylar strips among the décor, pop-up performances by Beonda Doubt, In-

very young age, I was watching cooking shows on TV. As a kid, I never watched Sesame Street on PBS, I watched Julia & Jacques. In junior high, the Food Network came on the air, and by high school I had started to experiment with more American food.” With graduation looming, King began to feel convinced that cooking couldn’t just be a hobby for her. “I was sure I wanted to pursue it as a career at that point, but my parents were insistent on higher education and persuaded me to go to college.” At UC Irvine, King studied cognitive science –combining courses in neuroscience and psychology– while extracurricularly taking her first steps into the restaurant business. “I worked as a line cook at the Getty Museum,” says King. “It was good experience, but when you’re in a restaurant day-to-day your head is really down. You’re cutting. You’re cooking. I wanted to understand more. I started recognizing that while I loved the creative aspects of food, it could also be a medium for my interest in science. When you think about cooking techniques, about evaporation or carmelization, it all comes down to formulas in some sense.” Her bachelor’s degree earned and her passion for food still burning, King finally convinced her parents to give their blessing to her attending culinary school. King says that attending the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York led her to value a careful balance of creative expression and precise technique. “I don’t think I would really enjoy being a pastry chef; the math and tenchanel, and Ultra, and more than a few guys making out while dancing. And, there was even a marriage proposal, when Two Dudes in Love’s Mat Dos Santos presented his partner David Sylvester with an engagement ring on the dance floor! The popularity of Oasis, and their own fans, added to what’s clearly an appreciation for new and different nightlife events. “I think the general bent and vibe of the party seemed to be a little more upbeat than some parties going on, and that’s a piece of the playa were trying to bring with us,” said Bellayuto. “Positivity and energy.” And while of course anything goes with nightlife garb, most of the fashion statements were with facial hair. “Although we come from a Burning Man background, some people conjure a certain image they may not vibe with,” said O’Brien. “People who aren’t familiar with that should feel comfortable.” In other words, you don’t need dusty goggles or steampunk playa gear, but creativity is admired, as are

February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 27

“Top Chef was totally unexpectconversions are so exact that if you up in Anderson Valley. Whenever ed,” King recalls. “I’d applied a few make one small error, you have to she comes home with a deer or a years back. I made a video, filled redo everything. I very much value wild boar, you’ll find us spending a out a 40-page application, but never technique, but one of the most enday butchering it together.” heard back. Then, just as I was leavjoyable things about being a savory King praises the melting pot asing my last full time job at Luce, they chef is that I can really play around pect of the Bay Area culinary scene. called out of the blue and asked me and tweak and adjust things as I go.” “The ethnic communities aren’t to apply again.” It was at C.I.A. that King also as segregated as they are elsewhere, Top Chef: Boston was shot over began to tweak and adjust her own and food seems to really have an intense, sequestered seven weeks identity by coming out. evolved to incorporate multiple last summer, with King and her com“I think that having my parents’ cultures. I use Asian ingredients in petitors swept off the radar. Due to okay to finally focus on cooking my cooking, but I stay very true to the Bravo network’s non-disclosure helped me feel freer about being French and Italian techniques.” agreements, King couldn’t reopenly gay,” she says. “It’s as veal that she’d made it to the fiif these two true parts of me nals until her final show aired, got to blossom at once.” more than six months after “We used to call it CI-Gay,” filming. King says about the chef Now, the opportunities are school. “I would say that 40% flying fast and furious, with of the school was gay. People invitations to cook at food were very comfortable with festivals and special dinners others’ gender and sexualaround the country, and her ity. What mattered was that CO+LAB San Francisco popyou were hard-working. And up going monthly. since school, I’ve found that She’s contracted to do Top true in most of the culinary Chef-branded appearances for industry.” Bravo throughout the year. But That impression has likely when the post-TV frenzy setbeen reinforced by the fact tles down, King hopes to helm that King’s 10 years since Cher own local restaurant. She school have all been spent in Albert Law, Pork Belly Studio points to Castro favorite FranSan Francisco, where she has ces, helmed by colleague Merefined and expanded her A tasty pork chop prepared by Melissa King. lissa Perello, as an inspiration. skill in the Michelin-starred “I’d like to have a restaukitchens of Campton Place, rant where you’d feel comfortable The Ritz-Carlton, and Luce, as well It was a desire to do more cookgoing on a weeknight after a hard as Delfina. ing in her own personal style that day’s work, but served food that “When I worked at Delfina,” led King to step away from jobs in might bring you back for a special King says, “It was an all-female line. established restaurants a little over occasion as well. I want to serve We were all really proud to have all a year ago and begin hosting popfood that’s comforting and accesthese talented women chefs working ups, teaching cooking classes as an sible. But, if you care to analyze it, side by side. That’s something you employee benefit at Evernote, and you discover there’s a lot of careful wouldn’t have seen twenty years ago.” working as a personal-chef-for-hire technique involved. Technique plus In addition to her restaurant jobs through Kitchit.com. heart, that’s absolutely my style.”t here, King has taken up foraging, “I wanted to spread my wings a bread-baking (leaning heavily on little and explore some new opporChad Robertson’s Tartine sourtunities.” Melissa King with Mei Lin. March dough recipe), and indulges her The timing was fortuitous, as the 9, 6:30pm. CO+LAB at Nico, 3228 Sacramento Street. early love of anatomy. biggest opportunity of her career www.colabsf.eventbrite.com “My friend Brittany Davis hunts was about to come knocking.

Albert Law, Pork Belly Studio

Melissa King toasts with Mei Lin, her collaborator for the CO+LAB pop-up at Nico.

affectionate shirtless dancing men; that and more made up the first night’s crowd. The music selection, upbeat house music, added to what Bellayuto called “a bit of playfulness; the vibe was tangible at the party.” O’Brien said that new local DJs and live acts will be showcased as well, but first the creators want to get their night into its own groove. The connection to the playa will include fundraisers for BAAAHS and their camps. “We’ll have some sheep-related things,” O’Brien added. And such attractions will add to what Bellayuto called “the air of whimsy and playfulness. As we evolve, the first couple of parties are trying to solidify where we’re going, now that people’s interest is piqued. We have a good little base started. We’ll continue on this path.” On the first night of Polyglamorous, and again when we talked later, O’Brein said he was pleased with the turnout. “We definitely had people from Burning Man groups like Comfort and Joy, but about half

were new people.” Bellayuto agreed. “There was definitely a reach beyond those who know us or from BAAAHS. There were fresh faces, guys I’ve seen out, but I felt like was a little more than we had expected. It’s in part due to the new space, and people are curious; we got a broad eclectic group of

people. Hopefully we can continue to draw that same crowd.”t Polyglamorous returns March 6 at Oasis, with guest DJ Mark Louque. $7. 9pm-2am. 298 11th St. at Folsom. www.sfoasis.com www.facebook.com/pages/ Polyglamorous/1376493542650819

Gareth Gooch

Fun by the armful at Oasis’ Polyglamorous.

Serving the LGBT communities since 1971

28 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015

Epic events: Imperial Coronation and 50th by Donna Sachet


he 50th Anniversary of the Imperial Court of San Francisco was nothing short of epic! The entire weekend was packed with activities and the city was packed with visitors from across the continent, many members of the International Court Council, which has grown from here to more than 60 cities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The major events of the weekend were Imperial Coronation on Saturday, Feb. 14, and the 50th Gala Celebration on Sunday, Feb 15. Coronation took place at the Design Center with the main floor overflowing with tables of guests and two balconies filled with more. Emperor J.P. Soto & Empress Misty Blue put on a wonderful show with a stirring rendition of

the National Anthem by Raquela, a splashy opening number with their Court, featuring Pat N Leather, production numbers by the Courts of Texas, San Diego, and Fresno, a Command Performance by Paju Monro, and glorious costuming throughout. Special anniversary performances by Absolute Empress XXV Marlena, Emperor XXIII, After Norton, Brian Benamati, Absolute Empress XL Tiger Lily, and this columnist added to the entertainment of the evening. Each of the candidates for office presented musical numbers, starting with Deena Cartier’s flashy take-off of Marilyn Monroe, followed by Khmera Rouge’s red fantasy dance troupe, and Kevin Lisle’s multi-costumed energy-packed performance. In addition to several titles and awards, over $60,000 was presented


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to various charitable organizations, representing the hard work of the Monarchs and their Court this year. The success of this year was also reflected in the 48 courts which were represented that night, saluting J.P. & Misty on a job well done. Following a 49-year tradition, the evening ended with the announcement of the voting results from the prior Saturday and the crowning of the newest San Francisco Monarchs, Emperor Kevin Lisle & Empress Khmera Rouge. In a touching and classy moment, Deena Cartier appeared on stage to wish them both her best as the crowd enveloped them all in frantic celebration. The following night, San Francisco City Hall came alive with the most elegant and most animated event in recent history. Having attended our share of opening nights of the opera, symphony, and ballet, we must say that this crowd was uniquely suited to the majesty of our ornate City Hall with their opulent gowns, elaborate jewelry, and elegant presentations. At 6 P.M., the doors opened and a barrage of royalty poured through for cocktails, courtesy of Young’s Market and Barefoot Winery, and hors d’oeuvres provided by Project Open Hand, while violinist Kippy Marks and Synchronicity Strings set the mood. Then the Lesbian/ Gay Freedom Band announced dinner, also catered by Project Open Hand, in the Light Courts, gloriously decorated with posh florals by the tireless and creative CoCo Butter, as music from City Swing and The Klipptones filled each room. In the middle of dinner, special guest Jason Brock serenaded with his signature passion. Trumpeters from the Freedom Band blared as dinner ended and guests flowed into the Rotunda for a stunning set of music from the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus. After co-emcees Gary Virginia and Queen Cougar guided us through a few carefully selected and inspirational speakers, Chair of the Imperial Council John Weber, State Senator Mark Leno, City Supervisor Scott Wiener, and Queen Mother of the Americas Nicole the Great, we were treated to a trailer


Rich Stadtmiller

Newly crowned Emperor Kevin Lisle and Empress Khmera Rouge at the Galleria coronation event.

for the soon to be released documentary Fifty Years of Fabulous: the Story of the Imperial Court of San Francisco by David Lassman. For a truly “only in San Francisco” moment, King Louis from Beach Blanket Babylon then engaged the audience and sang a song, as only he can do. The final segment of the program was the Parade of the Imperial Monarchs of San Francisco with the name of each Emperor and Empress being read and those present descending the Grand Staircase, as small ensembles from within


Rich Stadtmiller

Top: Khmera Rouge’s bouncy dance number, set to “99 Luft Balloons.” Bottom: Deena Cartier danced out of a box in a Marilyn Monroe tribute at the Imperial Council’s festive event.

the Freedom Band played classical marches. Needless to say the audience was enraptured and photographs were taken non-stop. Finally, the entire Imperial Family joined the Monarchs on the steps as DJ Sergio Fedasz launched us into dance music and further celebration with desserts by Project open Hand and Hot Cookie. Did we mention that this was an epic event? We think you get the picture. Although we firmly believe that personal thank you notes are the most important, public thanks are also a vital part of producing any event. Early generous sponsorships from the Bob Ross Foundation, the International Court Council, AIDS Emergency Fund, Twin Peaks Tavern, and the Imperial Court of the Rocky Mountain Empire (Denver) made it possible for us to produce this epic event. In addition to the many individuals and groups mentioned above, a number of people behind the scenes ensured the success of the 50th Anniversary Gala Celebration; among them are Neil Figurelli, Patrick Welsh, George Macaluso, and Lewis Sykes, without whose expert advice and personal commitment, this event would have never occurred; thank you to White Rain Productions for lending them to us. Randy Schiller and his team at Randy Schiller Productions and Got Light gave hours of time and energy, exercising tremendous patience with our group in the face of such a large event. Carla Odenheim of Classic Party Rentals and Michael Daily and Raul Barraza of Barbary Coast Catering went above and beyond for the Imperial Court. Ron Ross and Mark Rogers set a new standard with the beautiful commemorative program. We found Elsie McAteer, Christi Robb, and the staff at City Hall to be most cooperative and accommodating and the 50th Anniversary Committee spent hours working towards our common goal. See page 29 >>


Read more online at www.ebar.com

February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 29

Gareth Gooch

Empresses, Emperors and other royalty at the Light Court dinner at City Hall.


On the Town

From page 28

And finally, we thank the Imperial Council whose members entrusted us with this vital event marking such an unprecedented legacy and then shared their appreciation afterwards for the glorious event it became. If only Mama José could have seen how far we’ve come since those humble beginnings! Thank you, José, for your unbridled passion and endless creativity. On to the next 50 years!


This year’s Academy of Friends Gala met all expectations at the Design Center with lavish sets, creative lighting, countless food and wine stations, and even a wax figure of Hollywood’s host Neil Patrick Harris from Madame Tussaud’s, available for photo ops with guests. We attended with Travis Wise and the new Reigning Emperor Kevin Lisle and Reigning Empress Khmera Rouge, crowned in the very same location just eight days prior. We were quickly surrounded by Imperial and Ducal supporters, including Kylie Minono, Patty McGroin (in one of the best creative fashion statements of the night), Chablis, Paloma Volare St. James, RoxieCotton Candy, and Daft-Nee Gesuntheit. As is usually the case at this event, there are those who insist on watching the broadcast and those who prefer watching the guests in attendance; we fell into the latter group. Handsome men in black tie and lovely ladies swathed in couture were in abundance, notably Louie Marco, Chip Supanich, Alejandro Lopez, Tracy Baumbach, Donald Dewsnup, Jason Hannan, Robert Matencio, Jorg Fockele, and Marc Smolowitz. Hosts Matthew Denckla and Howard Edelman invited us to the stage to draw the winning raffle ticket for a two-year lease on a Mercedes Benz. Not bad for an evening’s work. Not to be outdone by Hollywood, at the conclusion of the broadcast, the Academy introduced members of the touring cast of Newsies who gave us a dance number from the show, followed by local costumed dancers, including our own Patrik Gallineaux, who got the dance portion of the evening underway. What a night! (See photos in this week’s Shooting Stars.) And speaking of Newsies, you can see much more of the touring cast at an upcoming night at the Marine Memorial Theatre produced by the Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation and hosted by Bruce Vilanch, Shawn Ryan, and Sharon McNight on Monday, March 2, at 7:30PM. Also on the calendar is a Roast/ Tribute of/to this intrepid columnist hosted by Ray Tilton and Kitty

Glamour on Friday, Feb. 27, at 7PM at Beatbox. We graciously, but reluctantly, agreed to this concept only because it is a fundraiser for Bay Area Leather Alliance, which produces the Mr. SF Leather Contest, among other events. We emphasize that this is a roast/tribute! Oh dear, we are in deep! Also worth noting are Troy Brunet’s 50 Shades of Troy Birth-

day Party at Pilsner Inn, 2-5PM, and the return of BeBe Sweetbriar’s To Diana Ross, with Love at Balencoire,7PM, both on Sat., Feb. 28. Cookie Dough’s Celebration of Life is Sunday, March 1, 6PM, at the Victoria Theatre and a huge crowd is expected, so arrive early. We lost a very special community personality.t

Gareth Gooch

Top: MCs Gary Virginia, Queen Cougar, with Joseph Christopher Rocha, as Queen Mother of the Americas Nicole the Great speaks at the podium. Bottom: Newly crowned Empress Khmera Rouge and Emperor Kevin Lyle descend the rotunda staircase at the City Hall gala.

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20 20




Serving the LGBT communities since 1971

32 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015

Yaeger shots by John F. Karr


to be free. And does he show it off? Why, hile recently trolling around he just lives to be a the vast collection of freepurveyor of cock, and bies at www.pornhub.com –I was when he arches his doing research, darlings, purely reback for better presearch– I discovered Rob Yaeger, aka sentation, it seems his Yaegerman. Oh my goodness, but I cock is being launched wracked up a lost weekend on acfrom his groin. count of this dude. Catch your breath, Pornhub has a couple of his cam and you’ll finally noshows, but some web sleuthing led tice his attitude—its me to 36 of them at XTube. Watch carnality transforms most any one, and you’ll understand his face and even rethe attraction. prieves his ears and When you first haircut. “La Comsee him, though, media è finita!” you may think, He’s hot. oh, this guy’s a My affair whack job. His with Rob and face is kinda his wonderscrewy, his ears cock started stick out perwith his nearly pendicular to his three-year-old head, and his haircut’s ridiculous— web-cams, in which there’s nothing at all on the sides to he models his cock soften the jut of ear, and on the top of every way he can, his head, there are jagged red peaks and demonstrates his standing straight up. From there, long distance shootit’s a long way down 6’2” of Ichabod ing. In one magnifiCrane scrawniness. It’s a comedy, alcent, revelatory cam right. He looks like an upside down he romances his cock broom. in a mirror. Another IconMale Except that all of that 6’2” is bewowser cam is called, wilderingly ripped. Rob is flat and “Orgasm Contrac- Here’s Rob Yaeger with more hair than usual, unyielding as a diving board. The tions From Below;” in Fathers and Sons. dude’s never even heard of body fat. in it you look upward kissing, great gulps of cocksucking, Your eyes will whisk from his face to see Rob’s pink balls deep rimming, and impressively down a slide of steely torso to land and taint convulsing as his juice practiced fucking. on his cock. Talk about rosy beauty. shoots into a Fleshlight. Yet I didn’t become a fan of either It’s long and sleek. Then last week I signed up at a IconMale’s filmmaking, or Rob’s And hard? Gott im Himmel, you new site, IconMale, to see what it first two scenes for the company. never knew such hard like this. It had to offer. And there was Rob, Twenty-eight year old Brent Corprovoked my unconditional surrenin three scenes he made this year, rigan, in a blip before he became der. I don’t at all wish I knew how diving into romantically-oriented a Falcon Exclusive, somewhat unconvincingly plays an 18-year-old romancing an older guy, in Fathers and Sons. It’s Rob’s first IconMale scene, and his depth-charge fucking is impressive. Ever the show off, Rob takes long strokes in order to expose every inch of his cock before he thrusts all the way in, so we can admire it, and sense the depth of intrusion. Yet the scene’s only okay. Neither Rob nor Brent shows much acting ability (sorry, Brent), in a scene that calls for a lot of it. The episode’s sex thrills are only momentary, and since Rob and Brent go in and out of connection, its action is a little discontinuous. Or maybe that’s just errant direction. So, overall, the scene isn’t too exciting. Neither is Rob’s appearance with Brandon Wilde, scene two from a flick called Prisoners of War. It takes place in a German POW camp in 1944, and seems to be a tribute to Ed Wood, the angoraclad director of Plan 9 From Outer Space. It’s unintentional high comedy all the way, from the obviously fake jail cell, to the condoms and IconMale lube that appear be standard issue Is Brent Corrigan snuggling up to Rob Yaeger in Father and Sons within this cell block, to Rob’s snarlbecause Rob’s let his hair grow out? ing portrayal of the Evil Nazi, complete mit Deutscher accent. He demonstrates the traditional porn method of putting the screws to a prisoner to get information from him, with a screwing that goes right up Brandon’s asshole. The harder Rob screws, the louder he shouts, “Tell me vhat you know!” First, Evil Nazi guzzles his prisoner’s cock, while growling some equivalent of “Vee haff vays of making you talk.” Yet Brandon remains silent even as Evil Nazi fucks him a second time. Rob’s sinuous as a panther when stretched full length atop Brandon, and he gets a little rough. He likes it that way when he gets going. Maybe he should play Evil Nazi more often. Even so, I think you can skip this scene, unless your bone salutes comic relief. It’s Rob’s third scene at IconMale that pays off. Next time I’ll tell you all about it, as well as Rob’s adventures at Kink.com.t



Read more online at www.ebar.com

Gateway kink by Krissy Eliot


Shades of Grey whipped box office ass this month, picking up $81.7 million in just three days. The majority of ticket-buyers were women, and by the looks of the Internet reviews, the majority of them were disappointed — and that’s no surprise. I tried reading 50 Shades when I was living in rural Maryland, and even my pent up, small town girl lust couldn’t keep me interested in lines like: “I had no idea giving pleasure could be such a turn-on, watching him writhe subtly with carnal longing. My inner goddess is doing the merengue with some salsa moves.” Despite the shitty writing, 50 Shades had a huge impact on public interest in BDSM, so much so that Spank, a booty-slapping party held at the SF Citadel, was born (in part) from its influence. Spank’s founders, known as Diablo and MiztressRed, created the event two years ago when they noticed a sudden increase in demand for the lifestyle. “We started Spank when we noticed a surge of new people coming into the scene. I don’t know whether it was because of 50 Shades of Grey or just more general awareness,” said Diablo. “We created Spank because we thought spanking could be a gateway kink.” So while a bunch of other chicks would be getting their kicks from Christian Grey, I opted for a real life kink experience, and entered the gateway. Before attending Spank, I hadn’t really dabbled in butt whacking. I also hadn’t thought about where I fell in the BDSM community. Am I submissive? Am I dominant? I have no idea. Within the first hour of attending Spank, I soon found out that uncertainty can be perturbing to some members of the kink community. There are rules to be followed and tradition to uphold – and to be un-

February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 33

Spank party lays down the rules

decided about my title is to be a very naughty girl. When the party started, they gave out “top,” “bottom,” and “switch” stickers to attendees. I chose not to wear one, and out of the 20 people who asked me about why I was sticker-less, only two of them weren’t completely taken aback by my indecision. Two old dudes tried to figure out my title for me, asking me what I thought about when I masturbated. I told them that spitting, hair Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan pulling and biting were in 50 Shades of Grey. my fantasy favorites – to which they both rewhere one person surrenders power sponded by turning up their noses: to another in a master/slave relathe scent of vanilla, a clear offense. tionship to “maintain peace.” While moving through the crowd I was confused by this idea, seeof 200-something people, I met the ing as the cessation of war, violence sweet and informative Joe Wiegland, and sexual slavery go against the also known as the “Citadel Ambassadefinition of peace entirely. But this dor” and “Missionary of Kink.” He’s concern seemed to plague none of been recruiting kinksters and volunthe other 50 smiling, happy people teering at the Citadel since 2003. watching the demo. So I shrugged, He gave me a tour of the Citadel, sat down and took notes. explaining the funcAccording to Disciple, there are tions of many bondage three main types of spanking: contraptions and let1) the maintenance spanking, ting me try out a leather which is a ritual beating, sling. But what really 2) the quick correct, which incaught my eye was the volves spanking a submissive immassive animal cage mediately after they make a mistake in the corner, which and Wiegland said was dis3) the infraction spanking– where carded from a real dog you literally just beat the submiskennel. sive’s ass until they cry... consensu“What exactly do you do with ally. something like that?” I asked. “You’re admonishing them. “Anything you can think of!” You’re driving the message home Wiegand said. that this won’t be tolerated,” DisI wracked my brain for options, ciple said. “If they’re not crying, but could only think: Did they hose give them another 15-20 minutes of it down? spanking. Remember, do whatever A couple hours into the event, a it takes to –” “top” named Disciple gave a spankThe audience chimed in: “Bring ing demonstration. He wore black the tears!” boots and carried a cane, which he I never thought such a statement smacked loudly against a bench, could sound so non-threatening causing me to nearly piss myself. and cheerful. During the demo, he explained After the demo, I decided it was the concept of “domestic discipline,” time to put what I learned into practice, so I set my sights on a smoking hot dominatrix in a fishnet body stocking. Before I knew it, I was standing there in nothing but tights and high-heeled boots with my hands restrained behind my back, ready and willing to get whooped. First I felt the soft suede of the flogger, and that was tickly. Then I felt the thwap of the crop on my lower back and I nearly bit through my tongue. The body-stocking babe pressed her knee into my butt crack, giggled and cooed in my ear. She then proceeded to deliver a series of needlelike whips to my ass, which would turn my left butt cheek 50 shades of purple and prevent me from taking a comfortable shit the next day. She then took a Magic Wand vibrator and trailed it over my ass, nipples and face. I felt my lips part and my head tilt back when she ran it over my throat. So I guess I’m into vibrations. Or at least, I was, until I recalled that the same vibrator had been used on some guy’s wrinkly balls only minutes before. So I’m still not sure if I’m into spanking, and this slight obsession with titles perplexes me. That being said, Spank was a fascinating intro to kink that kept my attention. And unlike 50 Shades, it did not disappoint.t

Krissy Eliot

Our bold columnist prepares for punishment.

The next Spank event is on Saturday, July 18. You can purchase tickets at www.Spanksf.com. Readers can contact Krissy by email at thekrissyeliot@gmail.com and view her previous work at www.krissyeliot.com.

Steven Underhill


415 370 7152


stevenunderhill.com · stevenunderhillphotos@gmail.com


<< On the Tab

34 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015

Love Ball @ Oasis

Bf eON THE. 5T, A 2015 Feb. 26–Mar

Heklina, Raja Gemini and Richie Rich guest-judge this night of drag couture and dancing, with Miss Shitney Houston, Michael Shaw Talley and others. $10-$25. 10pm-2am. 298 11th St. at Folsom. www.sfoasis.com

Manimal @ Beaux Gogo-tastic dance night starts off your weekend. $5. 9pm-2am. 2344 Market St. www.beauxsf.com

Midnight Show @ Divas Weekly drag shows at the last transgender-friendly bar in the Polk; with hosts Victoria Secret, Alexis Miranda and several performers. Also Saturdays. $10. 11pm. 1081 Polk St. www.divassf.com

Rock Fag @ Hole in the Wall

Sat 28 Glamcock’s Under The Sea @ F8


n like a lion, out like a drag queen. You have hopefully noticed that our fifth annual Besties voting is underway. You’ve only got a few more days to vote for your favorite bartender, gogo guy and gal, best sports bar, and dozens of other categories. Visit http://www.ebar.com/besties2015 and get voting! There are lots of prizes, but the main gift is getting the word out for your favorites.

Thu 26 Andy Grammer, Alex & Sierra @ The Fillmore Vocals and folk rock/pop, also with Paradise Fears and Rachel Platten. $20. 8pm. 1805 Geary Blvd. www.thefillmore.com

Bulge @ Powerhouse Grace Towers hosts the weekly gogotastic night of sexy dudes shakin' their bulges and getting wet in their undies for $100 prize (contest at midnight), and dance beats spun by DJ DAMnation. 10pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhousebar.com

Funny Fun @ Club 21, Oakland LGBT comedy night hosted by Dan Mires. $10. 8pm. 2111 Franklin St. Oakland. (510) 268-9425. www.club21oakland.com

Gym Class @ Hi Tops Enjoy cheap/free whiskey shots from jock-strapped hotties and sexy sports videos at the popular sports bar. 10pm-2am. 2247 Market St. 551-2500. www.HiTopsSF.com

Kittens @ Oasis The new weekly night for queer guys and their frisky pals, with DJ Sergio Fedasz. $5. 10pm-2am. 298 11th St. at Folsom. 795-3180. www.sfoasis.com

The Monster Show @ The Edge The dearly missed Cookie Dough's weekly drag show with gogo guys and hilarious fun. $5. 9pm-2am. 4149 18th St. at Collingwood. www.edgesf.com

Nightlife @ California Academy of Sciences Themed event nights at the fascinating nature museum, with DJed dancing, cocktails, fish, frogs, food and fun. Feb 26: Lunar New Year Nightlife, with DJ Kingmost, martial arts performance by Jing Mo Athletic Association; see live goats to honor the Year of the Goat. $10-$12. 6pm10pm, 55 Music Concourse Drive, Golden Gate Park. 379-8000. www.calacademy.org

Paula West @ Feinstein's at the Nikko The talented jazz vocalist performs a six-week engagement at the upscale intimate nightclub/cabaret, performing an eclectic array of songs, from Bob Dylan, Talking Heads and Harry Nilsson to jazz classics. $35$50. Thu & Fri 8pm. Sat 7pm & 10pm. Sun 7pm. Thru March 22. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (866) 663-1063. www.ticketweb.com

Thirsty Thursdays @ The Cafe Drink specials, Top 40, gogo studs and no cover. 9pm-2am. 2369 Market St. www.cafesf.com

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie's Lounge Disco guru DJ Bus Station John spins grooves at the intimate retro music night. $4. 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor. www.auntcharlieslounge.com

VIP @ Club 21, Oakland Hip Hop, Top 40, and sexy Latin music; gogo dancers, appetizers, and special guest DJs. No cover before 11pm and just $5 after all night. Dancing 9pm-3am. Happy hour 4pm8:30pm 2111 Franklin St. (510) 2689425. www.club21oakland.com

Fri 27 Adam Killian @ Nob Hill Theatre The muscled porn stud returns for a very enthusiastic live stage show. $25. 8pm solos and 10pm live sex show. Also Feb 28. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 397-6758. www.thenobhilltheatre.com

Donna Sachet Tribute/ Roast @ Beatbox The local drag legend, Absolute Empress XXX, notable MC, and our own 'On the Town' columnist, gets a loving roast and tribute night. $20. cocktail reception 7pm. Show 8pm. DJ Hawthorne and Ruben Mancias' Trade follows. 314 11th St. www.beatboxsf.com

Hella Gay Comedy @ Penelope Bar, Oakland

Enjoy hard rock and punk music from DJ Don Baird at the wonderfully divey SoMa bar. 12pm-2am. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695. www.hitws.com

Some Thing @ The Stud Mica Sigourney and pals' weekly offbeat drag performance night. Feb 27: a special Gender Dysmorphia-themed show.10pm-2am. 399 9th St. www.studsf.com

Headphone Boylesque @ Oasis LA's entertainment cabaret show, with music, comedy, monologues and more. $5. 7pm. 298 11th St. at Folsom. 795-3180. www.sfoasis.com

Lunar New Year Mixer @ Manor West Come support your local Asian & Pacific Islander LGBTQ organizations by enjoying a night of unlimited wine and beer, sumptuous hors d'oeuvres, and entertainment with GAPA Men's Chorus and the Rice Rockettes, plus raffles. $10-$100. 21+. 6pm-9pm. 750 Harrison St. www.eventbrite.com

Mother @ Oasis Heklina's new weekly drag show night at the fabulous renovated SoMa nightclub; plus DJGuy Ruben. Feb. 28: the annual Star Search Competition, with cohostess Peaches Christ, and guest judges Chaka Corn, Grace Towers, Roxy-Cotton Candy and Vivvyanne Forevermore. $15. 10pm-2am. 298 11th St. at Folsom. 795-3180. www.sfoasis.com

Erick Lopez' popular 'leather in the Castro' monthly night returns, with hot gogo guys, including porn ginger Brock Rustin. Get out your leather and kink gear. $5. 9pm-2am. 4149 18th St. www.edgesf.com

Gameboi @ Rickshaw Stop Pop, dance, k-pop and other genres at the monthly gay Asian and friends night. $8-$15. 9:30pm-2am. 155 Fell St. at Van Ness Ave. 861-2011. www.rickshawstop.com

Ghosts of Gentrification @ Various Bars The GLBT Historical Society and Pop-Up Gay Bar lead a bar crawl and informative tour of bars and other venues that used to be gay. Bring cash for your own drinks. 4pm-10pm. www.glbthistory.org

The classic leather bar's most popular Sunday daytime event in town draws the menfolk. 3pm-6pm. Now also on Saturdays! 398 12th St. at Harrison. www.sf-eagle.com

Big Top @ Beaux Joshua J.'s homo disco circus night, with guest DJs and performers, hotty gogo guys and drink specials. 9pm2am. 2344 Market St. www.BeauxSF.com

Cookie Dough Celebration of Life @ Victoria Theater The dearly departed drag performer/ host, aka Eddie Bell, will be commemorated by friends and colleagues. 6pm. 2961 16th St. at Capp. www.victoriatheatre.org

Cookie Dough Fundraiser @ Azucar Lounge Beer bust raises funds for medical expenses for the late drag performer, aka Eddie Bell, and his surviving partner Michgael Chu (DJ MC2). $15. 3:30pm-6:30pm. 299 9th St. at Folsom. www.azucarsf.com

Looking @ Midnight Sun Viewing parties for the second season of HBO's San Franciscoset gay dramedy series. 10pm. 4067 18th St. 861-4186. www.midnightsunsf.com

Sundance Saloon @ Space 550

Sat 28

Code @ The Edge

Beer Bust @ SF Eagle

The amazing vocalist performs on a bill with Raheem DeVaughn and Leela James. $45-$65. 7:30pm. 1807 Telegraph Ave., Oakland. www.thefoxoakland.com

Maria Konner and DJ Dank take their nightlife chat show to the kinky porn studios at The Armory; with punk legend Jello Biafra, Cassandra Cass, Bunny Pistol, Mama Dora Philippe Beaudette and Vain Hein. Doors/bar 6pm. Show 7pm. 1800 Mission St. www.eventbrite.com

Get groovin' at the weekly hip hop and R&B night at their new location. $8-$15. 9pm to 4am. 2120 Broadway. (510) 759-7340. www.club-bnb.com

Sun 1

Ledisi @ Fox Theater, Oakland

Under the Golden Gate @ Kink.com

Club Rimshot @ Club BNB, Oakland


Thu 5 After Dark @ The Exploratorium

ShangriLa @ EndUp Neon Party includes glow in the dark attire, with hostess Khmera Rouge, gogos, DJs Josh Whitaker, Russ Rich, Amy Young Kue and others. Free/$20. 10pm-6am. 401 6th St. www.facebook.com/ShangriLaSF

Under the Sea @ F8 The Glamcocks' festive costume party with an undersea theme; mermen, mermaids, sea creatures, Jules Verne; party with the popular hunky gay Burning Man camp. $15. 9pm-3am. 1192 Folsom St. www.eventbrite.com

We Players Gala @ St. John's Church The innovative site-specific theatre company's annual dinner party promises great food, live music, a silent auction, and theatricality as well. $100 and up. 6pm-10pm. 1661 15th St. www.weplayers.org

Dance it up at the popular twiceweekly country-western dance night that includes line-dancing, two-stepping and lessons. $5. 5pm-10:30pm. Also Thursdays 6:30pm-10:30pm. 550 Barneveld Ave. at Industrial. www. sundancesaloon.org

Sunday's a Drag @ Starlight Room Donna Sachet hosts the weekly fabulous brunch and drag show. $45. 11am, show at noon; 1:30pm, show at 2:30pm. 450 Powell St. in Union Square. 395-8595. www.starlightroomsf.com

Under Construction @ Powerhouse Gehno Sanchez Aviance' monthly working class hunk night, with Riley Patrick, gogo dudes (in tool belts, perhaps?). 8pm-12am. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhousebar.com

Mon 2 Drag Mondays @ The Cafe Mahlae Balenciaga and DJ Kidd Sysko's weekly drag and dance night, 2014's last of the year. 9pm-1am. 2369 Market St. www.cafesf.com

Anthony De Guzman Jr., Demar Randy, Griffin Daley, Molly Sanchez, Taylor Made, Alyssa Westerlund and Carrie Avritt offer comic stories on the theme "The Worst Sex I Ever Had," with host Nasty Ass Bitch (Charlie Ballard). 8pm. Clay St at 11th, Oakland. (510) 834-0404. www.penelopeoakland.com

Latin Explosion @ Club 21, Oakland The festive gogo-filled dance club, with host Lulu, features Latin pop dance hits with DJs Speedy Douglas Romero and Fabricio; no cover before 10pm. $6-$12. 9pm-4am. 2111 Franklin St., Oakland. (510) 268-9425. www.club21oakland.com

Loaded @ SF Eagle DJs Dugg, Ghost Dad, and C-Pap welcome guest Frank Lucas at the music and dance night. 8pm-2am. 398 12th St. www.sf-eagle.com

Sat 28 The Rice Rockettes @ Lunar New Year Mixer


On the Tab>>


February 26-March 4, 2015 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 35



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Epic Karaoke @ White Horse, Oakland

Piano Bar 101 @ Martuni's

Mondays and Tuesdays popular weekly sing-along night. No cover. 8:30pm1am. 6551 Telegraph Ave, (510) 6523820. www.whitehorsebar.com

Underwear Night @ 440

Mahogany Mondays @ Midnight Sun Honey Mahogany's weekly drag and musical talent show starts around 10pm. 4067 18th St. 861-4186. www.midnightsunsf.com

Mash Up Mondays @ Club BnB, Oakland Weekly Karaoke and open mic night; RuPaul's Drag Race screenings, too. 9pm-2am. 2120 Broadway. (510) 7597340. www.club-bnb.com

Sing-along night with talented locals, and charming accompanist Joe Wicht (aka Trauma Flintstone). 9pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market. www. dragatmartunis.com Strip down to your skivvies at popular men's night. 9pm-2am. 440 Castro St. 621-8732. www.the440.com

Sat 28 We Players Gala @ St. John’s Church

The casts of local and visiting musicals often pop in to perform at the popular Castro bar's musical theatre night; also Wednesdays. 7pm-2am. 2 for 1 cocktail, 5pm-closing. 4149 18th St. at Collingwood. www.edgesf.com

New weekly dance night, with Jocques, DJs Tori, Twistmix and Andre. 9pm-2am. 2344 Market St. www.beauxsf.com

Naked Night @ Nob Hill Theatre Strip down with the strippers at the cruisy adult theatre and arcade; free beverages. $20. 8pm. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 397-6758. www.thenobhilltheatre.com

Una Noche @ Club BnB, Oakland

Retro Night @ 440 Castro Jim Hopkins plays classic pop oldies, with vintage music videos. 9pm-2am. 44 Castro St. www.the440.com

Underwear Night @ Club OMG

One Night Only @ Marines Memorial Theater

Opulence @ Beaux

Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gay-friendly comedy night. One-drink or menu item minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. at 18th. 431-HARV. www.harveyssf.com

Vicky Jimenez' drag show and contest; Latin music all night. 9pm-2am. 2120 Broadway. (510) 759-7340. www.club-bnb.com

Monday Musicals @ The Edge

Bruce Vilanch, Sharon McNight and Shawn Ryan headline another fun-filled music and variety benefit show for the Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation, also with adorable talented cast members from the touring production of Newsies! Special sponsor* dessert (cocktails, wine) reception after the show. $35-$80*. 7:30pm. 609 Sutter St. www.reaf.org

Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey's

Weekly underwear night includes free clothes check, and drink specials; different hosts each week. $3. 10pm2am. Preceded by Open Mic Comedy, 7pm, no cover. 43 6th St. www.clubomgsf.com

Tue 3 Cock Shot @ Beaux Shot specials and adult Bingo games, with DJs Chad Bays and Riley Patrick, at the new weekly night. No cover. 9pm-2am. 2344 Market St. www.beauxsf.com

Wed 4 Bingo @ Club OMG Michael Brandon hosts the board game night (3rd Wed). 7pm. 43 6th St. www.clubomgsf.com

Booty Call @ QBar Juanita More! and her weekly intimate dance party. $10-$15. 9pm2am. 456 Castro St. www.qbarsf.com

HOT*CKSKR*24HRS – Edgy Escort for Extreme Clients Out * 860-5468 * $150/hr

ebar.com Personals

To place your Personals ad, Call 415-861-5019 for more info & rates B.P.M. @ Club BnB, Oakland Olga T and Shugga Shay's weekly queer women and men's R&B hip hop and soul night, at the club's new location. No cover. 8pm-2am. 2120 Broadway, Oakland. www.bench-and-bar.com

Hip Hop Night @ Club BnB Oakland Live music and DJed dancing. 2120 Broadway. (510) 759-7340. www.club-bnb.com

Miss Kitty's Trivia Night @ Wild Side West The weekly fun night at the Bernal Heights bar includes prizes, hosted by Kitty Tapata. No cover. 7pm-10pm. 424 Cortland St. 647-3099. www.wildsidewest.com

Open Mic/Comedy @ SF Eagle Kollin Holts hosts the weekly comedy and open mic talent night. 6pm-8pm. 398 12th St. www.sf-eagle.com

Pussy Party @ Beaux Weekly women's happy hour, with allwomen music and live performances, 2 for 1 drinks, and no cover. 5pm-9am. 2344 Market St. www.beauxsf.com

Red Hots Burlesque @ Oasis The saucy women's burlesque revue has moved to the new SoMa nightclub; different musical guests each week. $10-$20. Wednesdays at 8:30pm-11:30pm. 298 11th St. at Folsom. 795-3180. www.sfoasis.com

So You Think You Can Gogo? @ Toad Hall The weekly dancing competition for gogo wannabes. 9pm. cash prizes, $2 well drinks (2 for 1 happy hour til 9pm). Show at 9pm. 4146 18th St. www.toadhallbar.com

Thu 5 After Dark @ Exploratorium Extended Cinemas, a movie-themed cocktail night for adults, with storytelling, projections and cinematic toys on display. $10-$15. 6pm-10pm. Pier 15 at Embarcadero. 528-4444. www.exploratorium.edu

Karaoke Night @ Club BnB, Oakland Sing your heart out at the free lively night. 8pm-2am. 2120 Broadway. (510) 759-7340. www.club-bnb.com

The Klezmatics @ The New Parish, Oakland The popular klezmer music ensemble performs as part of the Jewish Music Festival. $26-$30. 8pm. 579 18th St., Oakland. (800) 838-3006. www.jewishmusicfestival.org

Mazel Top @ Oasis The new monthly night for Jewish queer guys and their admirers returns for a special Purim party. $5-$7. 9pm-2am. 298 11th St. at Folsom. 795-3180. www.sfoasis.com

Sex & the City Live @ Oasis The drag parody of the Manhattan gal pal TV show returns. $25-$30 and up. 7pm. Thu-Sat. Thru Mar. 28. 298 11th St. at Folsom. 795-3180. www.sfoasis.com

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie's Lounge Enjoy retro disco tunes and a fun diverse crowd, each Thursday, with DJ Bus Station John. $4. 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor. www.auntcharlieslounge.com

Trivia Night @ Harvey's BeBe Sweetbriar hosts a weekly night of trivia quizzes and fun and prizes; no cover. 8pm-1pm. 500 Castro St. 4314278. www.harveyssf.com

Want your nightlife event listed? email events@ebar.com.

36 • BAY AREA REPORTER • February 26-March 4, 2015

Shooting Stars

Serving the LGBT communities since 1971


photos by steven underhill Academy of Friends Gala M

ovie fans enjoyed some Oscar-viewing, plus cocktails and nibbly things at the Academy of Friends 35th annual fete, held Feb. 22 at the Galleria Design Center. Along with classic gold-laden “Oscar” models, the centennial of the Pan Pacific Exposition served as a “Radiance” theme for the event, including some winged gogo hunks, drag delights and feathery female dancers. Cast members from the touring production of the hit musical Newsies performed as well. The event raised funds for local HIV/AIDS organizations. For more info, visit www.academyoffriends.org. More event photo albums are on BARtab’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/lgbtsf.nightlife. See more of Steven Underhill’s photos at www.StevenUnderhill.com.


For headshots, portraits or to arrange your wedding photos

call (415) 370-7152 or visit www.StevenUnderhill.com or email stevenunderhillphotos@gmail.com

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