February 1, 2024 edition of the Bay Area Reporter, America's LGBTQ newspaper

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Hate crime case dismissed

Bi women seek office


'My Home on the Moon'






The Old Gays



Serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer communities since 1971

Vol. 54 • No. 5 • February 1-7, 2024

Senator Butler meets with SF youth by Matthew S. Bajko

L Courtesy Governor Newsom’s office

Bentrish Satarzadeh was appointed a Superior Court judge.

Newsom names out Assyrian Satarzadeh to Alameda bench by Matthew S. Bajko


he call Bentrish Satarzadeh had been waiting five years to receive came last Tuesday when she heard from Governor Gavin Newsom’s office that he was appointing her to a vacancy on the Alameda County Superior Court. In doing so, Newsom is believed to have doubled the number of Assyrians serving on the California state bench. “In Persian, there is a saying that even an old fish is a new fish when taken out of the water. It is the same as saying better late than never,” Satarzadeh, 46, told the Bay Area Reporter during a phone interview January 30 to discuss her judicial appointment. A year after becoming a court commissioner in Alameda County in 2018, where she has presided over small claims, traffic, and child support cases, Satarzadeh had applied with Newsom’s judicial appointments office to be considered for a judicial vacancy on the bench. She learned January 23 that she would be filling the seat left empty by the retirement of Judge Jacob Blea, whose sixyear term ends on January 8, 2029. “It was so thrilling to finally get this appointment,” she said. “I never felt entitled to it. So I very much had prepared myself to not ever having the position, and I was in an assignment doing child support, which I loved, and could have spent the rest of my career helping families in Alameda County.” A lesbian married mom of a 19-month-old toddler, the only person she could tell the news to until it was officially announced late Monday night was her wife, Maggie Marano, a children’s book author and executive at mental health firm Headspace. The couple, together 11 years and married since 2016, reside in Alameda. “Luckily, my daughter can’t speak very much,” joked Satarzadeh about needing to keep her appointment a secret until now. She will take her judicial oath of office Friday, February 2. Based on the court’s demographic data released last March, Satarzadeh will bring the number of LGBTQ judges on the Alameda County bench to 11. “I feel like I am floating on cloud nine. It is a surreal feeling,” said Satarzadeh, a former cochair in the early 2010s of the Alice B. Toklas LGBTQ Democratic Club based in San Francisco. With their daughter, Emma, now preschool age, Satarzadeh said her judicial appointment comes at a time that works for her family. She told the B.A.R. she is excited to bring the perspective of a parent, and the patience and humility the role requires, to the bench as a judge. “As a judge I know that it is going to be a lot more responsibility and a lot more work. Luckily my daughter is old enough to be in preschool,” she said. “We are able to leave her at preschool, and my wife is my greatest support. The timing of this judgeship couldn’t come at a better time because my family life is now organized in a way I can devote myself to this new role.” See page 9 >>

esbian U.S. Senator Laphonza Butler, during her first official community event in San Francisco as California’s junior senator, met with youth leaders January 27 at the Boys & Girls Club of San Francisco’s Don Fisher Clubhouse near City Hall. It was part of a Northern California barnstorm that also had her in Fresno on Friday. “I have a responsibility in this moment to make sure I am in service of those generations coming after me,” said Butler. “There are those who believe the biggest threat to our democracy is happening in November. I think the biggest threat is happening in high schools and colleges. That threat is their cynicism about the effectiveness of government.” Her visit to the youth services organization’s building on Fulton Street bordering San Francisco’s Hayes Valley and Fillmore districts included a private 90-minute roundtable discussion with young people from the boy’s and girl club and University of San Francisco on topics including reproductive rights, jobs, and the economy. “It was a great discussion,” said Krisabelle Zhao, 18, the Excelsior Clubhouse 2023 Youth of the Year, of the time spent with Butler. Talking about reproductive rights was particularly relevant, she added, since she wants to be an OB-GYN. The San Francisco native is currently enrolled at City College and plans to transfer to a four-year college as she pursues a career in the medical field. “I felt very privileged and honored to be given this opportunity,” said Zhao, who told the Bay Area

Rick Gerharter

U.S. Senator Laphonza Butler spoke to an audience of youth and community leaders Saturday at the Boys & Girls Club of San Francisco’s Don Fisher Clubhouse.

Reporter it was her first time meeting face to face with a U.S. senator. Afterward Butler addressed a crowd of youth and local community leaders, including San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins, followed by a brief press gaggle with local media. She noted it was her fourth such event, having also met with youth at open houses in Los Angeles and San Diego. “What I am truly trying to accomplish is to make sure that whoever is our elected official knows that your voice is heard,” said Butler. “In opening the house the intention is truly to open the house of government and invite you into the center.”

Butler explained she wanted to hold such events with youth to counter the cynicism younger people may feel about their government, leading them to vote less frequently than older Americans and feel elected leaders are not concerned about their futures. Her staff used the event to inform the youth what services they can access via the senator’s office. “Unless we open the house and truly give you the information you need to make it work for you, we are not really building that participatory government,” said Butler. In the audience was gay Oakland resident Sean Sullivan, who owns several LGBTQ nighttime venues in the East Bay city. He attended Butler’s event due to his involvement with the youth services and housing provider Covenant House, where he once worked and continues to support. With 40% of homeless youth LGBTQ, Sullivan told the B.A.R. it is important to highlight that fact for the senator as she works to address the state’s housing crisis. “I think it is awesome the senator is making it a hallmark of her short tenure to reach out and talk to young people,” said Sullivan, adding that her making herself accessible to them and emphasizing that “no one has it figured out is really important.” Boys & Girls Club of San Francisco President Rob Connolly welcomed Butler at the start of the public portion of her open house. He thanked her for taking the time to meet with and hear directly from youth about what concerns they have. See page 8 >>

SF’s battle for the gavel becomes a referendum on safety issues by John Ferrannini


an Franciscans will be voting on who will occupy two Superior Court judgeships on March 5 in what is becoming the city’s latest referendum on public safety issues. Attorney Chip Zecher, a gay man who was appointed by Governor Gavin Newsom to the board of directors of UC Law San Francisco (formerly Hastings) in 2019 and is its vice chair, is challenging sitting Judge Michael Isaku Begert for Superior Court Seat No. 1. Zecher is being joined in running against an incumbent by San Francisco Assistant District Attorney Jean Myungjin Roland, who is challenging sitting Judge Patrick Thompson for Superior Court Seat No. 13. At a debate on December 7, the Bay Area Reporter reported that unlike previous elections where sitting San Francisco judges were challenged from the left, in this case they are being challenged from the right. Due to ethics rules the judges and challengers couldn’t discuss how they’d rule on cases, but the two aspirants charged the incumbents with being out of touch with what ordinary San Franciscans are experiencing. They are being supported by Stop Crime Action, the political arm of Stop Crime SF. The challenges come as citizen concern over crime and public safety have boiled over. The San Francisco Chronicle endorsed keeping Begert and Thompson in a January 27 editorial. For their parts, the San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee and the Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club endorsed the incumbents as well, while the Alice B. Toklas LGBTQ Democratic Club endorsed the challengers. No endorsement in the two races is listed on the website of the San Francisco Republican Party. Several other San Francisco Superior Court judges were up for election this year, but because they’re not being challenged, their names won’t appear on the ballot.

Courtesy the candidates

San Francisco Superior Court Judge Michael Isaku Begert, left, is being challenged by attorney Chip Zecher.


Zecher told the B.A.R. he decided to run because of the street conditions in the Tenderloin neighborhood, where UC Law is located. “It was a slow process but really it started in 2019 when I was appointed by the governor to the board of UC Law – formerly UC Hastings – and I became well acquainted with the challenges businesses face and public institutions face from the public safety concerns on our streets,” he said. “UC Law is right in the middle of open-air drug markets and gun violence – shootings around the college are a weekly or biweekly event.” Zecher said he decided to run ultimately after District Attorney Brooke Jenkins made the remark that she “has trouble with some judges,” he said. Jenkins was appointed by Mayor London Breed two years ago after the successful recall of District Attorney Chesa Boudin, a self-styled progressive prosecutor and former public defender.

“I’ve become an activist at 60,” Zecher said. “I haven’t been involved before, except as a donor and as a volunteer on different campaigns.” Jenkins, through a spokesperson, declined to comment. In his B.A.R. candidate questionnaire, Zecher stated that he has empathy for people who are addicted. “I do believe in a compassionate approach to those severely afflicted and addicted on our streets and do not think that permitting fentanyl drug dealers to continue to ply their trade unfettered on our streets is a compassionate way forward,” he stated. During the December debate, Zecher took exception to San Francisco Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin’s criticism of him and Roland for putting their hats in the ring. See page 3 >>

<< Election 2024

2 • Bay Area Repor ter • February 1-7, 2024


East Bay judicial race mired in controversy by John Ferrannini


gay Alameda County Superior Court commissioner is facing off with a temporary judge for a permanent seat on the bench. But this battle for the black robe is unusual because it’s already mired in a controversy over judicial ethics. It stems from Commissioner Mark Fickes telling the Alameda County Democratic Party Central Committee earlier this month that he voted for District Attorney Pamela Price in 2022 while seeking its endorsement. The county party did vote to endorse Fickes – including with a yes vote from Price, who is on the committee, as the Bay Area Reporter previously reported. Fickes has not returned subsequent messages seeking comment. He has been accused of violating judicial ethics both by Michael Johnson, his opponent in the race for Seat No. 12 on the Alameda County Superior Court, and others. Price’s assistant district attorneys appear in county criminal courts, and she is also currently the subject of a recall effort, which was initiated last October but needs over 93,000 signatures, or 10% the number of registered voters in the county, by March. Guidelines on campaigning prepared for judicial candidates by the California Judges Association’s Committee on Judicial Ethics state that “candidates may not make statements that commit the candidate with respect to cases, controversies, or issues that could come before the courts.” As a court commissioner Fickes is subject to the rules of the California

Courtesy the candidates

Alameda County Superior Court candidates Commissioner Mark Fickes, left, and temporary judge Michael Johnson

Commission on Judicial Performance, which shares authority with a county court’s presiding judge in discipline matters of commissioners, according to its website. The commission can review the local court’s final action, the website states. In this case, Alameda County Superior Court Judge Thomas Nixon is the presiding judge. Nixon declined to comment to the B.A.R. when a reporter reached out on January 5.


Fickes, 57, did answer an endorsement questionnaire sent to him from the B.A.R.’s editorial board late last year. He stated that he’s been a member of Bay Area Lawyers for Individual Freedom, the local LGBTQ bar association, since 1992. He became a commissioner of the

Superior Court in 2023, after a failed run for judge in 2020 against lesbian Elena Condes, as the B.A.R. reported From 2014 to 2023 he was a partner at Cannata, O’Toole, Fickes & Olson LLP. As a commissioner, Fickes oversees criminal infractions, he stated. “Based on my experience as a commissioner, I do not see a lot of evidence that any single judicial officer can make changes,” he stated. “However, I do have priorities on which I hope to work if elected.” These include addressing the consequences of “an unprecedented ‘brain drain’ with the recent and anticipated future retirements of judges sitting in civil trial departments” by “looking at ways to attract more people to come and work for the court,” and continuing his work

on the court’s Community Outreach and Elimination of Bias Committee. “I have seen discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals in the courtroom, administrative proceedings, judiciary, criminal system, or the legal profession. For example, a lawyer called me a ‘faggot’ in court early in my career,” wrote Fickes. “When I was a new lawyer working for the district attorney’s office, I noted that law enforcement had a very different attitude to sexual assault and domestic violence cases involving samesex couples. I addressed these issues by working directly with supervisors and staff to increase awareness and sensitivity around issues related to the LGBTQ+ community.”


Johnson, who is heterosexual and lives in Oakland, was previously senior counsel for AT&T and WarnerMedia. Johnson, 61, has spent four years serving as a temporary judge for the Alameda County court, working on traffic, small claims, family, and civil harassment issues, and serves in a similar capacity for the Santa Clara County Superior Court. “I have a passion for fairness, a passion for equity, a passion for impartiality,” Johnson said in a phone interview with the B.A.R. “After having been a temp judge for five years, I find I can help a lot of people and do a lot of good public service, which if you’ve known my career, I’m very adamant about. I have an aptitude for it and a desire and a passion for it and I want to serve.” Johnson also serves as a court-appointed settlement conference attor-

ney. When asked about the tightrope between campaigning but not being a policymaker, Johnson said that “it’s not difficult for me because I take the canons of judicial ethics very seriously.” Canon No. 1 of the California Code of Judicial Ethics states that “a judge shall uphold the integrity and independence of the judiciary.” Canon No. 2 states, “A judge shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in all of the judge’s activities.” “In no way, shape, or form am I going to comment on a political issue or align myself with a political candidate or officer,” Johnson said. “It’s an opportunity to explain as a judicial candidate what we can or cannot discuss during this campaign.” Johnson stated in his questionnaire that he will try to address discrimination. “As an African American male, in my lifetime I certainly have experienced discrimination against me and against other African Americans in the courtroom, administrative proceedings, criminal system and in the legal profession,” he stated. “There are sadly too many instances/scenarios to individually enumerate here. But my general practice is to call out the discriminatory conduct immediately to the person(s) who have engaged in that conduct; and address it in a professional manner making certain that the person(s) committing the discriminatory behavior clearly understand that their behavior is unacceptable to me/others, will not be tolerated and must be immediately corrected.” t

Low releases TV ad for US House candidacy by Matthew S. Bajko


ay Area viewers tuning into the pregame show on Fox ahead of the San Francisco 49ers clinching a Super Bowl berth Sunday caught the debut of an ad touting the congressional candidacy of gay Assemblymember Evan Low (DCupertino). It featured the South Bay legislator in the kitchen with his father and stepmother. “Growing up, my parents wanted me to become a doctor or an engineer,” Low says to the camera as he moves behind a kitchen island. Off to his right is his father, who turns around to say, “Those are good careers.” But Low notes he “chose a different path” by entering politics, first by winning election as a city councilmember in Campbell, where he served as mayor,

Via the ad

Evan Low appears in the first ad for his 16th Congressional District campaign.

then to the state Legislature. Low then touts several of his legislative achievements in Sacramento. “I enshrined abortion rights in our constitution. In the face of Trump, I strengthened hate crime laws and low-

ered the cost of the middle class,” says Low. “Now I am running to bring the fight to Congress.” To which his dad replies, “You were always stubborn.” The 30-second spot titled “My Parents” will be airing across local TV stations and cable channels starting Tuesday through at least next Monday, February 5. Low’s campaign is spending $315,000 on the ad buy. “When creating this ad, I wanted to ensure that voters know about my record of protecting abortion rights, taking on Trump’s hate, and lowering costs for the middle class,” Low, who was unavailable for an interview Monday, told the Bay Area Reporter in a statement sent by his campaign. “I pursued public service to give back to the community that made me who I am, and this ad

highlights my experience delivering results for our community as mayor and assemblymember.” Low is vying to become the Bay Area’s first LGBTQ leader and first Chinese American elected to Congress. He aims to succeed Congressmember Anna Eshoo (D-Palo Alto), who announced in November her retirement later this year from the South Bay House seat she has held since 1993. The race for the 16th Congressional District that spans both San Mateo and Santa Clara counties has drawn 11 candidates, including Palo Alto City Councilmember Julie Lythcott-Haims, who would be the first bisexual woman of color from California to serve in the House. She posted her first 30-second spot to her account on X last week. “Running for Congress against 10

men, I was told I should credential myself,” says Lythcott-Haims while using air quotes for “credential myself.” She goes on to point out her being a former dean at Stanford University, a local elected official, and “a mom of two who wants a better world for my kids. All our kids.” Eshoo earlier this month endorsed Santa Clara County Supervisor Joe Simitian in the race. Other Democrats running include former San Jose mayor Sam Liccardo, Palo Alto City Councilmember Greg Lin Tanaka, and tech executives Peter Dixon and Rishi Kumar, who lost to Eshoo in 2022. Dixon also recently began airing his own TV commercial to introduce himself to voters. It highlights his military background, showing the Marine Corps veteran who served in Iraq and AfghaniSee page 9 >>



130 Russ Street, SF


Valor LX2 3-sided gas fireplace shown here with Murano glass, and reflective glass liner


Community News>>

t Police misconduct tanks E. Bay hate crime case

February 1-7, 2024 • Bay Area Repor ter • 3

by John Ferrannini


he case of the man prosecutors say committed hate crime vandalism at an Emeryville senior housing facility was dismissed January 24 due to police misconduct. As the Bay Area Reporter previously reported Ayman Badr, 64, a former resident at the facility, had been charged with one count of vandalism under $400 and another of “violation of civil rights.” He was alleged by Beth Rosales, a resident at the Avalon Senior Housing community in Emeryville, to have torn down a Pride display last June after making a homophobic rant. Badr was evicted from the housing complex after the incident, Rosales said. But it wasn’t an open and shut case. Badr’s attorney, Alameda County Deputy Public Defender Karl Lindemann, argued Emeryville police violated the California Racial Justice Act of 2020, or RJA, which prohibits bias based on race, ethnicity, or national origin in charges, convictions, and sentencing. “The language the police used was concerning and connected Mr. Badr with his religious practices and national origin,” Lindemann argued before Alameda County Superior Court Judge Sharon L. Djemal in Department 106, at the Wiley W. Manuel


SF’s gavel battle

From page 1

“The reason we are here today is because a rare thing is happening in San Francisco where a number of incumbent judges are being challenged,” Peskin said at a City Hall news conference. “This is a phenomenon that is sweeping our country. It has swept the states of Texas, Louisiana, Alabama. Thankfully, California has thus far been immune from that kind of behavior. ... It is misplaced, it is dangerous, and we cannot allow it to happen in San Francisco.” (For the previous story on the debate, Peskin told the B.A.R. that “Judge Begert is very experienced and highly qualified,” and said “I have no idea what he’s talking about” when asked about Zecher’s characterization of his remarks as a “rant and a rave.”) But Zecher defended himself and Roland from the charges made by their opponents that they are too ideological, and have preconceived notions as to how they’ll rule. “Jean and I can’t defend ourselves against a claim like that because we are not allowed to say how we would rule – the judicial canons prohibit us from say-

John Ferrannini

A hate crime vandalism case was dismissed by an Alameda County judge in an Oakland court after allegations of police misconduct were raised by the defendant’s attorney.

Courthouse in downtown Oakland. “This is prohibited by the Racial Justice Act.” (Rosales told the B.A.R. previously that Badr is originally from Egypt.) Lindemann requested dismissal. Alameda County Deputy District Attorney Masanao Joseph Morimoto agreed, saying, “I did review the petition and police report submitted and believe the request is reasonable.” So too did Djemal. “I agree,” she said. “The court is going to dismiss Mr. Badr’s case. Can we

say for successful completion? I can only put one reason.” Responded Lindemann: “I think a successful RJA application, as well as successful completion.” Said Djemal: “I can only put one.” Responded Lindemann: “RJA motion.” Said Djemal: “OK. We’ll say based on RJA, and it’s also eligible for sealing.” Alameda County Superior Court Judge Pelayo A. Llamas Jr. had said, before the case was assigned to Dje-

ing how we would rule, so that allegation is just meaningless,” he told the B.A.R. The only out candidate in either race, Zecher said that being gay makes him more devoted to the principles of equal justice under the law. “I would say that, if anything, being gay makes me hypersensitive to making sure that everyone’s civil rights and constitutional rights are protected and, as a judge, I would definitely make sure everyone who appears in my courtroom, that their constitutional and civil rights are protected and honored and everyone gets a fair hearing,” he said.

is, but when asked about Peskin’s remarks said he doesn’t share the same spirit. “There are concerns on the things my opponent says and the reason he says he’s running that means he may not be an independent judge,” Begert told the B.A.R. “I don’t resent the fact that I’m running. It’s a positive experience for me and I’m getting feedback from the community – people invested in making San Francisco the best possible place it can be. The generosity and grace I’ve been experiencing has been very rewarding, frankly.” When asked about the “concerns on things my opponent says,” he pointed to the remarks about running after hearing Jenkins speak. “That won’t make you confident a judge was independent,” he said. Begert stated in his candidate questionnaire that he has volunteered with numerous community-based and national agencies over the years. These include serving on the boards of the Asian Law Caucus, the National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium/Asian Americans Advancing Justice, and the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area. Begert stated that he also has “lived experience.”


Begert, appointed by Republican former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, is currently the supervising judge of the Community Assistance, Recovery and Empowerment, or CARE, courts established by Newsom. The goal of the program is to get people in crisis off the streets. According to a fact sheet from Newsom’s office, CARE court connects a person struggling with untreated mental illness – and often also substance use challenges – with a courtordered Care Plan for up to 24 months. Begert told the B.A.R. that he doesn’t believe Zecher would be as impartial as he

mal, that he wasn’t going to rule on the RJA matter. The final terms for dismissal weren’t finalized in open court. During a prior hearing, on December 21, it had been agreed Badr should attend some kind of sensitivity training and provide restitution to Rosales and Tim Fisher, who had bought the materials Badr is alleged to have torn down. Lindemann and Fisher disagreed as to whether they’d had a phone call regarding the sensitivity training, with Lindemann claiming in court December 21 the phone call had taken place, and Fisher telling the B.A.R. afterward it had not. After the initial publication of this report, Fisher stated to the B.A.R. that he did not receive any compensation. “My understanding is that payment was a condition of his diversion so that would indicate the terms have not been met even though the judge has dismissed the case,” Fisher stated in a text message. Rosales, Emeryville police, the Alameda County Public Defender’s office and the Alameda County District Attorney’s office did not return requests for comment. Rosales, who said she was married to a woman for 13 years but is now separated, had previously told the B.A.R. that Badr was evicted from the housing complex after tearing down the Pride banners.

She said that when he saw the Pride banners, “He was just filled with absolute rage. He just went ballistic. … He said, ‘these people are disgusting, exposing their sexual mannerisms in public ... they shouldn’t be allowed in our society. They are against my culture and religion.’” The B.A.R. had the opportunity to speak with Badr in person October 24, at which time he declined to give contact information, saying, “I don’t want to talk to you. You published information that’s unfair and actually also you published information that’s not correct. I will hold you responsible for it. You tarnished my reputation and took one side of the story.” t

“My mother is an immigrant from Japan. She raised five children in a rural community,” he stated. “As a child, my mother would take me into town with her. She would drop me off at the Woolworth’s so that she could shop at the J.C. Penney next door, and I remember the sales clerk following me around the store

because I was Asian. I endured racial epithets at school. I have owned a home with a covenant that prohibited me and my wife as people of Asian descent from purchasing it.”


See page 8 >>

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Wilton Manors, Florida

A somber Holocaust remembrance embers of Alexander Hamilton Post 448 of the American Legion gathered Saturday, January 27, in Pink Triangle Park in San Francisco’s LGBTQ Castro neighborhood to mark International Holocaust Day of Remembrance. The small park, located at the northwest corner of Market and Castro streets (bordered by 17th Street), is San Francisco’s memorial to LGBTQ Holocaust victims. In a statement, President Joe Biden noted that the U.S. joined with nations around the world to “mourn one of the

The State of California offers help for victims or witnesses to a hate crime or hate incident. This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library in partnership with the California Department of Social Services and the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs as part of the Stop the Hate program. To report a hate incident or hate crime and get support, go to cavshate.org.


Rick Gerharter

darkest chapters in human history.” Six million Jews were systematically targeted and murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators in the Holocaust during the 1930s and 1940s, the president stated. More recently, on October 7, Hamas terrorists attacked Israel, killing 1,200 people and taking hundreds more hostage. The current Israel-Hamas war has resulted in the deaths of some 26,000 Palestinians and calls by many for a ceasefire, including the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

Three bedrom, 3 bath home for sale $1.5 million


Untitled-6 1

1/23/24 7:35 AM

<< Open Forum

t Stefani is best choice for SF Assembly

4 • Bay Area Repor ter • February 1-7, 2024

Volume 54, Number 5 February 1-7, 2024 www.ebar.com

PUBLISHER Michael M. Yamashita Thomas E. Horn, Publisher Emeritus (2013) Publisher (2003 – 2013) Bob Ross, Founder (1971 – 2003) NEWS EDITOR Cynthia Laird ARTS & NIGHTLIFE EDITOR Jim Provenzano ASSISTANT EDITORS Matthew S. Bajko • John Ferrannini CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Christopher J. Beale • Robert Brokl Brian Bromberger • Victoria A. Brownworth Philip Campbell • Heather Cassell Michael Flanagan •Jim Gladstone Liz Highleyman • Brandon Judell • Lisa Keen Philip Mayard • Laura Moreno David-Elijah Nahmod • J.L. Odom • Paul Parish Tim Pfaff • Jim Piechota • Adam Sandel Jason Serinus • Gregg Shapiro Gwendolyn Smith • Charlie Wagner Ed Walsh • Cornelius Washington • Sura Wood ART DIRECTION Max Leger PRODUCTION/DESIGN Ernesto Sopprani PHOTOGRAPHERS Jane Philomen Cleland Rick Gerharter • Gooch Jose A. Guzman-Colon • Rudy K. Lawidjaja Georg Lester • Rich Stadtmiller Christopher Robledo • Fred Rowe Shot in the City • Steven Underhill • Bill Wilson ILLUSTRATORS & CARTOONISTS Christine Smith

VICE PRESIDENT OF ADVERTISING Scott Wazlowski – 415.829.8937


LEGAL COUNSEL Paul H. Melbostad, Esq.


an Francisco residents on the city’s west side have an opportunity to elect a new member of the state Assembly and, for the March 5 primary, we recommend District 2 Supervisor Catherine Stefani. Assemblymember Phil Ting (D), an ally who is termed out, has done an admirable job during his time representing the 19th Assembly District and has passed some significant LGBTQ-related legislation, including the establishment of all-gender restrooms for local businesses. Stefani, a Democrat and longtime ally who has a gay sister and a trans brother, will continue that advocacy, including around services for trans and nonbinary residents. As she wrote in her Bay Area Reporter endorsement questionnaire, “I support policies to improve access to gender-affirming care and other necessary health care services for transgender people. I believe we should increase state funding for organizations that serve transgender and gender-nonconforming people, to ensure that they have access to necessary care, housing, and financial assistance.” Stefani added that she also supports “policies to protect incarcerated transgender people and their right to be housed consistent with their gender identity.” Stefani also supports state funding for an LGBTQ

Courtesy the candidate

Assembly candidate Catherine Stefani

history museum in San Francisco or elsewhere in the state. Readers may recall that the GLBT Historical Society has long been working toward a fullscale, freestanding LGBTQ history museum in the city but has yet to find a site. A combined $17.5 million in state and local funding has been earmarked for the project. Stefani stated that she would be “eager to discuss further with LGBTQ+ advocates, organizations, and residents throughout the state” how to support such an institution.

Gun reform is a top issue of Stefani’s – she founded the San Francisco chapter of Moms Demand Action to take on the National Rifle Association – and noted that she stood with the LGBTQ+ community after the Pulse nightclub mass shooting in June 2016. Through her gun violence prevention work, Stefani stated that she’s “marched in the streets to disarm all forms of hate.” Stefani noted that she’s been endorsed by statewide LGBTQ rights group Equality California and looks forward to partnering with the organization on things such as its public school survey. In the last two reports, a majority of districts have not responded. If state legislation is needed to require school districts to respond to the biennial report, Stefani said she’s on board with that. Overall, Stefani would be a solid ally in the Legislature, at a time when trans rights are under threat and conservative school districts seek to roll back students’ rights. We think she will be a great addition to the Assembly and an unwavering voice for LGBTQ equality. t

Beckles’ voice is needed in California Senate


ovanka Beckles, a queer Black Latina immigrant woman, is making her second bid for a state legislative seat. Beckles ran for the Assembly in 2018 but came up short as current Assemblymember Buffy Wicks (D-Oakland) won that race. A former Richmond city councilmember, Beckles, a Democrat, is currently an elected member of the board that oversees the AC Transit regional bus system. She is running for the open District 7 state Senate seat, and we recommend her in the March primary. The district (renumbered due to redistricting) includes Richmond, Berkeley, Oakland, Alameda, and San Leandro. Beckles was thoughtful in her Bay Area Reporter endorsement questionnaire, and her experience as a mental health specialist for Contra Costa County (until her recent retirement at the end of 2023) makes her uniquely qualified for the Senate seat. Mental health, and solutions to address access to care and other issues, is a major topic, as Proposition 1 is also on the ballot. Promoted by Governor Gavin Newsom, it would overhaul the state’s mental health system. Noting that she has mentored trans youth, and is a queer parent herself, Beckles told the B.A.R. she knows the challenges facing other LGBTQ parents. She wrote that she supports increased state funding for organizations that serve trans, gender-nonconforming, and intersex people, “including expanding

Courtesy the campaign

State Senate candidate Jovanka Beckles

their capacity to provide TGI-inclusive and genderaffirming programming and services such as health care, housing, and financial assistance.” Beckles would also back legislation requiring public school districts to respond to Equality California’s school surveys on LGBTQ issues. The statewide LGBTQ rights organization has had trouble getting a majority of school districts to respond to its questionnaires it sends out biennially. “Having accurate data on LGBTQ issues, especially in schools, is critical to better understand school district demographics,” she stated. “I support all legislation that would provide data needed to provide safe places and resources queer youth need, especially, but not

exclusively, mental health services.” Mental health services are sorely lacking across the state, and Beckles is right to point out the need for such programs for LGBTQ young people. Beckles also favors legislation requiring the California Department of Public Health to collect sexual orientation and gender identity data. Gay state Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) recently introduced such legislation, and Beckles stated that CDPH must have standardized guidelines for the consistent collection of such data. Most of all, we endorse Beckles because she will fight for all families in the district. She is a survivor of harsh, ignorant, and direct homophobia that she endured on the Richmond City Council, which was widely reported at the time. “Rather than hang my head or quit my LGBTQ priorities, I realized how important it was for every LGBTQ person in Richmond and the Bay Area to see me stand tall and against the hate,” she wrote. Beckles went on to be a founding member of Richmond Rainbow Pride. The Senate district, one of the most diverse in California, has not had a person of color represent it in nearly 30 years, when then-state senator Barbara Lee went on to Congress and is now running for U.S. Senate. Representation does matter, and Beckles would not only be the state’s first out Black female legislator but also a well-informed voice and champion for justice in the Legislature. t

Cabaldon would bring experience to Senate

Bay Area Reporter 44 Gough Street, Suite 302 San Francisco, CA 94103 415.861.5019 • www.ebar.com A division of BAR Media, Inc. © 2024 President: Michael M. Yamashita Director: Scott Wazlowski

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oters in the state’s sprawling Senate District 3 would do well to elect gay former West Sacramento mayor Christopher Cabaldon in the March 5 primary. The district includes all of Napa, Solano, and Yuba counties plus portions of Contra Costa, Sacramento, and Sonoma counties. In short, it encompasses rural and suburban communities. Cabaldon is the best-qualified candidate. In his Bay Area Reporter questionnaire, Cabaldon, a Democrat, noted that with lesbian state Senator Susan Talamantes Eggman (D-Stockton) termed out, there will be no LGBTQ+ representation from the Sacramento/ Central Valley region in the Legislature’s upper chamber unless he prevails. There has never been an LGBTQ+ state senator from the Filipino American or Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, he stated. But electing a state senator is about more than representation. As mayor, he reshaped West Sacramento into a regional hub with urban-style housing, locally owned businesses, and new riverfront recreational access, as we reported in 2017. Cabaldon stated that he strongly supports Assembly Constitutional Amendment 5, which would remove the anti-LGBTQ Proposition 8 language from the state constitution. (Prop 8, which voters passed in 2008, was ultimately ruled unconstitutional and California saw same-sex marriage become legal in 2013.) “It’s presence in our state constitution is a lingering symbol of discrimination that we must remove,” Cabaldon stated, adding that 16 years ago, Prop 8 passed in his own city during the

Courtesy the candidate

State Senate candidate Christopher Cabaldon

same election that he was reelected. “Their hearts and minds have changed since 2008, in no small measure due to out LGBTQ+ visibility,” he stated. “I’ve learned how to engage with voters on that journey, especially in places outside the dense coastal urban centers, and will do so for ACA 5 to help the better angels of California voters to express themselves.” Cabaldon also wrote that he would fight against a possible anti-trans initiative should it make the November ballot for which proponents are currently gathering signatures. It would ban gender-affirming care for minors; prevent trans women and girls from participating in women’s sports; repeal a state law allowing trans students to use bathrooms or locker rooms that correspond with their gender identity; and

require schools to notify parents if a student asks to be treated as a gender that doesn’t match their school records. “We must confront this measure before it reaches the ballot,” Cabaldon stated. “I’m the one candidate in this race who has spoken out publicly, repeatedly, and in every corner of the district as communities here like Davis, Napa, Woodland, West Sacramento, and Vacaville face threats by anti-trans agitators.” If elected, Cabaldon stated that he “will always stand with the trans community” in the Legislature: “I will pass policies to protest trans students, protest teachers from having to forcibly out them, and work with the attorney general’s office to explore where officials may have violated the civil and constitutional rights of trans students and hold them accountable.” Cabaldon would also support legislation requiring public school districts to respond to Equality California’s school surveys on LGBTQ issues. He noted that it’s important to have data and information necessary “to mount a serious counteroffensive.” This includes asking school districts about policies and safety measures that defend queer youth. “We cannot – and will not – allow a group of maliciously motivated reactionaries to force LGBTQ students back into the closet, or just as dangerously, force them out,” he stated. Cabaldon would ably represent Senate District 3, and we need his voice in Sacramento to fight not only for LGBTQ people and families, but also for all his constituents. t


Politics >>

February 1-7, 2024 • Bay Area Repor ter • 5

Courtesy the candidates

Bisexual women running for state legislative seats this year include Marisol Rubio, left, Sasha Renée Pérez, and Sade Elhawary.

Barry Schneider Attorney at Law

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Record number of bi women seeks CA legislative seats by Matthew S. Bajko


ith a record number of bisexual women seeking legislative seats in 2024, California could see its first bi female legislators come December when the winners of the fall races take their oaths of office. To date, the only bi member of the Legislative LGBTQ Caucus has been Assemblymember Alex Lee (D-San Jose), who is seeking a third twoyear term this year. There are at least 30 LGBTQ individuals, 12 of whom are women, running for either an Assembly or Senate seat on the March 5 primary ballot, where the top two vote-getters regardless of party advance to the general election. It marks the largest group of out legislative candidates to run in the Golden State based on records kept by the Bay Area Reporter. Among them are six female candidates who identify as bisexual. With two running for the same open Assembly seat in Southern California, the most that could win is five. “I think it’s reflective of how many more queer women are stepping up to run,” said lesbian Los Angeles resident Michelle Atwood, who last July became the political director for LPAC, the national political action committee focused on electing more queer women and gender-nonconforming candidates to office. “It is really exciting, specifically to see this many bisexual women stepping up to run in California.” One of the candidates, San Ramon City Councilmember Marisol Rubio, is running for the open Senate District 9 seat in Contra Costa County. As one of just two candidates in the race, she is assured of advancing to the November 5 ballot. Having secured LPAC’s endorsement, Rubio is campaigning for the first time as an out candidate. She did not publicly identify as bi when she first sought the Senate seat in 2020 against Senator Steve Glazer (DOrinda), who is termed out this year, or when she sought her council seat in 2022. In a recent interview with the B.A.R., Rubio, 50, said she came out personally at age 18. But, after becoming a single mom to a child with various health challenges, she put her dating life on hold. That is until last year, when her daughter enrolled at UC Davis. “It was not something I was really engaged in. I wasn’t dating; I wasn’t tapping into that part of my life,” explained Rubio, who acknowledged running for office as a bi woman “is a really interesting phenomenon” because it is “hard for a lot of people to understand.” She told the B.A.R. she wants to have those conversations with voters in the legislative district, not just about being

bisexual but also gender-nonconforming and demisexual, in order to break through people’s stereotypes. Rubio also wants to help support LGBTQ youth, who are increasingly coming under attack by conservative leaders, via her candidacy. “I think we have been lacking representation in our state Legislature and especially in Contra Costa County,” said Rubio, who could become one of the first LGBTQ state legislators elected from the county. “I think breaking that glass ceiling, especially in Contra Costa County, is going to be critical for creating a bench for our community going forward and ensuring we are creating a path for people to move up. That has not been the case, historically, here.” One other bi woman is seeking an open Senate seat, Sasha Renée Pérez. She is one of five candidates running in the 25th Senate District spanning Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties. Bisexual Palm Springs City Councilmember Christy Holstege is again seeking the Assembly District 47 seat, having narrowly lost in 2022 to Assemblymember Greg Wallis (R-Bermuda Dunes). He is now defending his seat this year. Two bi women, Dulce Vasquez and Sade Elhawary, are among the five candidates running for the open Assembly District 57 seat in Los Angeles County. Elhawary, who prefers the term “fluid” when it comes to her sexual orientation, told the B.A.R. it wasn’t something she thought about highlighting when she launched her campaign last year. There are no LGBTQ neighborhoods in the 57th Assembly District. Plus, when she was recruited by the group Close the Gap, aimed at electing more women to state legislative seats, to run it was more to do with her being a Black and Latina community leader, said Elhawary, living in a district with a large Black and Latino population. She later came to realize how significant it would be seeing a candidate who identifies as a part of the bi community to win election to the seat. “We are opening up our government, in this case, to have more representation in a way we need and deserve,” said Elhawary, 36, a native of Los Angeles who now lives in the city’s University Park neighborhood. In the race for the open 58th Assembly District seat, bisexual Riverside City Councilmember Clarissa Cervantes is vying to succeed her older sister, lesbian Assemblymember Sabrina Cervantes (D-Corona), a married mom seeking the open Senate District 31 seat this year. LPAC dual endorsed Vasquez and Elhawary in their contest, and also has

endorsed Holstege, Pérez, and both Cervantes siblings. Come November, LPAC is hopeful of seeing one or more of the bi female candidates make history. “I definitely think there is a great chance for that,” said Atwood.

Other out candidates


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The other out female legislative candidates include transgender Palm Springs City Councilmember Lisa Middleton, who is running against state Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh (R-Yucaipa) for the 19th Senate District seat spanning Riverside and San Bernardino counties, and former “Amazing Race” TV show contestant Dom Jones, a Black queer 44 Gough Street #302, San Francisco, CA 94103 Orange County resident running against (415) 829-8937 • www.ebar.com Assemblymember Diane Dixon (RNewport Beach) for her 72nd District seat. In Northern California AC Transit board member Jovanka Beckles and union leader Kathryn Lybarger, who both identify as queer and lesbian, are seeking the open Senate District 7 seat that spans Alameda and Contra Costa counties. LPAC endorsed Lybarger, Middleton, and Rosanna Herber, a lesbian elected member of the Sacramento Municipal Utility District who is one of 10 candidates running for the open Assembly District 6 seat. That Sacramento contest also features gay candidates Carlos Marquez III, a Democrat, and Preston Romero, a Republican. Also in the race is Democrat Evan Minton, a trans man and former legislative staffer. He and Middleton are When you plan your life celebration and lasting remembrance in vying to become the first trans members advance, you can design every detail of your own unique memorial of the state Legislature. and provide your loved ones with true peace of mind. Planning ahead Gay male Democratic incumbents When your celebration lasting protectsyou your plan loved ones fromlife unnecessary stress and and financial burden, Assemblymembers Corey A. Jackson, When you plan your celebration and lasting in allowing themlife to focus on what will matter most at design that remembrance time—you. remembrance in advance, you can every Ph.D., (Perris), Chris Ward (San Diego), advance, you can design every detail of your own unique memorial and Rick Chavez Zbur (Santa Monica/ detail ofusyour owntheunique memorial andlegacy provide Contact today about beautiful ways to create a lasting West Hollywood), along with Senators atyour theloved San Francisco Columbarium. and provide loved ones with true peace of mind. Planning ahead your ones with true peace of mind. Planning Scott Wiener (San Francisco) and John protects your loved ones from unnecessary stress and financial ahead protectsProudly yourserving loved onesCommunity. from unnecessary burden, Laird (Santa Cruz), are all seeking reelecthe LGBT allowing them focus on whatburden, will matter most them at thattotime—you. tion this year. stresstoand financial allowing Looking to join Lee as the second bifocus on what will matter most at that time—you. sexual man serving in the statehouse is Contact us today about the beautiful ways to create a lasting legacy Hawthorne City Councilmember Alex Monteiro, one of eight candidates runat the San Contact FranciscousColumbarium. today about the beautiful ways to create ning for the open Senate District 35 a lasting legacy at the San Francisco Columbarium. seat in Los Angeles County. Monteiro One Loraine Ct. | San Francisco | 415-771-0717 and Beckles would be the first out Black Proudly serving our Community. SanFranciscoColumbarium.com members of the state Senate if elected this Proudly serving the LGBT Community. year. (Jackson’s 2022 victory made him FD 1306 / COA 660 the first out Black member elected to the Legislature.) Gay former West Sacramento mayor Christopher Cabaldon is seeking the open Senate District 3 seat that includes portions of the four most northern Bay Area counties. In Orange County gay Iranian Alex Mohajer is one of 10 candidates running for the Senate District 17 One Loraine Ct. | San Francisco | 415-771-0717 seat against state Senator Josh Newman (D-Fullerton), who was redistricted into SanFranciscoColumbarium.com it in 2021.

A The

PlanningAhead Ahead isisSimple Planning Simple The benefits are immense.

Planning Ahead is Simple The benefits are immense. The benefits are immense.

See page 9 >>

FD 1306 / COA 660

<< Community News

6 • Bay Area Repor ter • February 1-7, 2024

Out leaders head SF film commission by Cynthia Laird


wo queer Asian Americans will head the San Francisco Film Commission this year as the body works to attract more movie productions to the city. Villy Wang was reelected as president and Jack Song is the new vice president. Wang was first appointed by former mayor Gavin Newsom and reappointed by Mayor London Breed. An attorney, Wang is the founder, president, and CEO of the Bayview Hunters Point Center for Arts and Technology, or BAYCAT. The 20-year-old nonprofit contributes to the filmmaking industry by educating and employing young Black, Indigenous people of color, LGBTQIA+, and women creatives, a news release stated. Song was appointed to the film commission in 2019 by Breed. He is a brand and communications executive who has crafted integrated marketing campaigns for more than 150 commercial and independent films such as “Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle,” “Better Luck Tomorrow,” and “8: The Mormon Proposition,” the release stated. Song stated that he is looking forward to helping lead the commission. “I am excited to leverage my extensive

Courtesy SF Film

San Francisco Film Commission Vice President Jack Song, left, and President Villy Wang

network in entertainment, politics, and tech to elevate San Francisco’s profile further and attract more film and TV productions to our scenic city,” Song stated. “Showcasing San Francisco on screen does more than just highlight our city’s unique spirit; it also serves as an inspiration for filmmakers and audiences worldwide, showcasing the rich tapestry of our progressive, diverse culture.” In a statement, Wang said she welcomed Song’s leadership. “Welcoming Jack Song to Film SF as

our newly elected vice president is an invigorating moment for us,” she stated. “Together, we’re dedicated to championing our talented and passionate filmmaking community, emphasizing the vital role of diverse storytellers in our pursuit of a more inclusive and vibrant film industry in San Francisco.” The film industry in San Francisco is doing well, according to Film SF, the official film office for the city. According to its Impact Report for fiscal year 2022-23 that was recently published, film pro-

ductions in San Francisco generated over $19 million in direct economic output during this period. Breed praised the progress made. “San Francisco’s film industry continues to significantly contribute both to our local economy and the city’s global profile, helping draw millions of visitors from around the world,” Breed stated. “Film productions bring a surge of local jobs, help our small businesses, highlight our vibrant neighborhoods, and elevate San Francisco as a world-class destination.” The mayor added that she looks forward to the city welcoming more film productions. SF Film Executive Director Manijeh Fata stated that the city’s film industry “remains dynamic and robust.” “Our city continues to be a beacon for filmmakers worldwide, offering unparalleled staff resources, knowledge, talent, and diversity,” Fata stated. Fata was appointed executive director in November 2022. She has been with SF Film since 2015 and led projects like “The Last Black Man in San Francisco,” “The Matrix Resurrections,” and Netflix’s “The OA.”


The “Matrix” film had its U.S. premiere at the Castro Theatre on December 18, 2021 and drew complaints from some Castro merchants because of parking restrictions put in place during the height of the holiday shopping season. A number of merchants said they weren’t informed beforehand about the premiere, which brought trans director Lana Wachowski, star Keanu Reeves, and other cast members to the LGBTQ neighborhood, as the B.A.R. previously reported. The previous executive director of SF Film, Susannah Greason Robbins, called the concerns “understandable” at the time. However, she noted that the premiere put the city – and the Castro LGBTQ neighborhood – “on the world stage.”

EQCA to hold US Senate forum

The statewide LGBTQ rights group Equality California will hold an online forum featuring the three top Democratic U.S. Senate candidates Saturday, February 3, from 4 to 6 p.m. Congressmembers Barbara Lee (Oakland), Adam Schiff (Burbank), and Katie Porter (Irvine) will be featured during the event. They will each answer a series of questions on topics of importance to the state’s LGBTQ community, according to a news release. Dustin Gardiner of Politico and Simha Haddad of the Los Angeles Blade will co-moderate. Questioners are expected to include gay men EQCA Executive Director Tony Hoang and Los Angeles LGBT Center CEO Joe Hollendoner and trans woman Bamby Salcedo, president and CEO of TransLatin@ Coalition. The event will be livestreamed, but at press time a link had not been provided. For more information, go to EQCA’s Facebook page.

Oakland center kicks off Black History Month

The Oakland LGBTQ Community Center and Frameline, the San Francisco LGBTQ film festival, are partnering to show “Tongues Untied” at the Grand Lake Theatre in Oakland Sunday, February 4, to kick off Black History Month. The free film screening and a panel discussion will take place from noon to 2 p.m., an announcement stated. “Tongues Untied,” directed by the late Marlon Riggs, a gay Black man, was released in 1989. It gives voice to communities of gay Black men, presenting their cultures and perspectives on the world as they confront racism, homophobia, and marginalization. Riggs, who was 37 when he died of AIDS-related complications in 1994, lived in Oakland. Many of the scenes in the film were shot in the city. For tickets, go to http://tinyurl.com/ yc8nshyr.

Mandelman holding meeting on retail theft

This resource is supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library in partnership with the California Department of Social Services and the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs as part of the Stop the Hate program. To report a hate incident or hate crime and get support, go to https://www.cavshate.org/.

Gay San Francisco District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman will hold a town hall on retail theft Monday, February 5, from 5 to 6 p.m. at Noe Valley Ministry, 1021 Sanchez Street. In a Facebook post, Mandelman said that the meeting will discuss retail theft in the district, which includes the LGBTQ Castro neighborhood, Noe Valley, and Glen Park, as well as across the city. District Attorney Brooke Jenkins is scheduled to attend, as are San Francisco Police Department Captain Tom Harvey of Mission Station and Ryan Allain, government affairs director for the California Retailers Association. To RSVP, go to http://tinyurl. com/44y5jssd

South Bay candidate forums

Citizens’ Climate Lobby California will hold two virtual forums for candidates running for the 16th Congressional District in the South Bay. Each See page 8 >>


Health News>>

February 1-7, 2024 • Bay Area Repor ter • 7

CA lawmakers revive PrEP, STD prevention bills by Matthew S. Bajko


bill expanding access to the HIV prevention medication PrEP via pharmacies now awaits Governor Gavin Newsom’s signature to become law. Meanwhile, legislation calling for the state’s public school districts to stock condoms has been revived after Newsom vetoed it last fall. Last September, gay state Senator Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) pulled his Senate Bill 339 aimed at making it easier for people to receive PrEP from a pharmacist due to the Assembly Appropriations Committee inserting language into it he considered to be a “poison pill amendment.” He had contended it would allow insurance companies to impose prior authorization and steptherapy for PrEP, an effective medicine for ensuring people remain HIV-negative, and PEP, which is taken immediately after someone believes they were exposed to HIV while having sex. Because such policies are significantly limited under existing law and regulations, Wiener feared passage of the bill would reduce the patient protections already in place. He shelved the bill in order to confer with members of the Assembly committee. Those talks in the fall and winter resulted in the amendment being removed from the legislation. It paved the way for SB 339 to be passed out of the Assembly and Senate with unanimous support from both chambers this month. “It would have reversed the other progress we have made around PrEP access, so I am grateful Assembly leadership and the appropriations committee members really listened and allowed us to remove the amendment,” said Wiener. “It would have expanded the ability of health plans to impose prior authorization on PrEP. Central to our HIV strategy is not to have prior authorizations from health insurance companies.” Newsom was sent SB 339 Monday. The governor has not said if he will sign or veto it. “We don’t typically comment on pending legislation. The governor has 12 days to act once the bill reaches his desk and will make a decision on the merits,” Brandon Richards, Newsom’s deputy director of communications, told the Bay Area Reporter January 24. Last year, Newsom vetoed a number of bills with costs attached due to the state’s worsening budget situation. The California Health Benefits Review Program estimates SB 339 will result in a $654,000 increase in Medi-Cal expenditures per year and cost an additional $149,000 due to beneficiaries enrolled

Thomas Clark Nicoll June 19, 1929 - January 2, 2024 Tom Nicoll -- ballet theater enthusiast, retail store design specialist, life partner of movie actor Kerwin Mathews -- passed away peacefully on January 2, 2024, at age 94, of natural causes. His distinctive British accent and his impressive vocabulary added to his charm and captive personality at dinner parties and other social events.

Wiener, Rick Gerharter; Menjivar, public domain

State Senators Scott Wiener, left, and Caroline Menjivar

in county organized health systems. If enacted, the bill will increase the amount of PrEP that pharmacists are authorized to provide without a doctor’s prescription and require health plans to reimburse pharmacists for PrEP services. People will still need to take a test to show they are HIV-negative and have blood work done, things pharmacists can order without the need for patients to see their primary care physician. “I am pleased that the Legislature understands the urgency to increase access to this life-saving medication and that pharmacists are positioned to meet this need for patients,” stated California Pharmacists Association President Michael Connor, PharmD. The bill is seen as a critical piece of the state’s strategy to eliminate HIV transmission. California continues to record nearly 4,000 new HIV diagnoses each year, with Black and Latino gay and bisexual men, Black cisgender women, transgender women, and youth most impacted by HIV. “Expanding PrEP access is essential to ending the HIV epidemic in California and achieving our goals of getting to zero new HIV infections. SB 339 represents an important step forward for the state,” stated San Francisco AIDS Foundation CEO Tyler TerMeer, Ph.D., a gay Black man living with HIV. SB 339 builds on Wiener’s first-inthe-nation legislation passed in 2019 that authorized people to acquire PrEP from a pharmacist without a doctor’s prescription. But the bill capped the amount of PrEP pharmacists could prescribe to a 60-day supply. Thus, it had limited impact because the amount of pills was not enough and health plans weren’t covering the cost of pharmacists’ labor in preparing PrEP, according to Wiener’s office. With other states, such as Colorado, Nevada, and

Utah, subsequently passing bills without limits on how much PrEP one can obtain via a pharmacy, Wiener authored SB 339 to change California’s cap. Under the bill, health plans would be required to cover up to a 90-day supply of PrEP prescribed by a pharmacist. They would also need to cover an ongoing supply if the patient is ensured follow-up care and testing consistent with federal PrEP usage guidelines. “Our hope is that it will become easy for people to get PrEP from their pharmacist, the same way someone can get birth control pills from their pharmacist,” said Wiener. Speaking to the B.A.R. January 22, Wiener said he hopes Newsom will sign the bill. “I never want to speak for the governor,” he said. “But Governor Newsom has been a staunch ally on HIV issues. We are hopeful he will sign the bill.” Equality California, the statewide LGBTQ advocacy organization, cosponsored SB 339 along with the AIDS foundation and pharmacists’ professional group. The state’s pharmacy board also backed the legislation, which it estimates will cost it $44,000 per year in fiscal years 202426, and an additional $1,000 in information technology costs from its contingency fund. “We fully and strongly supported that bill. I am very excited it is going to the governor’s desk,” said Trevor Chandler, a gay San Francisco resident who sits on the oversight body. “We have been really fighting against the insurance companies opposed to PrEP expansion. We are proud to support Senator Wiener’s leadership on that bill and hopeful it will be signed into law by the governor.” See page 8 >>

Letters >> APE should offer old seats to public

Two years have passed since the owners of the Castro Theatre announced that Another Planet Entertainment would be its new manager. While insiders worked behind the scenes with City Hall to thwart the will of the thousands of people who registered their opposition, both in person and as petition signers, the green light was given to destroy the seating configuration. The last movie in the theater will be shown on February 4 and then the theater will close for perhaps two years for construction and remodeling. The slogan “Save the Seats” became a rallying cry for opponents of the installation of tiers with removable seating and I am wondering what will become of the actual seats in the destruction phase? It would be nice of APE to offer them to interested members of the public to have as relics of their lost temple. Or perhaps donate them to organizations supporting cinema throughout the Bay Area for use in fundraising projects. This could be one last chance for some good to come out of a sad (for many of us) situation. Michael Merrigan San Francisco

Middle East conflict is long-running

In her article (“South Bay candidates debate for House seat,” January 25) Heather Cassell writes “The Israel-Hamas conflict started on October 7….” Nothing could be further

from the truth. The Israel-Hamas conflict originates with Hamas’ 2006 legislative election victory and seizure of full control over Gaza. Before that watershed event, the Benjamin Netanyahu government of the late 1990s tolerated Hamas’ growing influence in Gaza as a way of undermining the more moderate and secular Palestinian Authority trying to negotiate a sovereign Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza. After returning to power in 2009 and again in 2022, the Netanyahu government ignored the financial assistance Qatar provided to Hamas as part of its cynical “divide and conquer” policy to prevent an independent Palestine. In response to Hamas missiles fired into Israel beginning in 2005, successive Israeli governments often responded with a disproportionate use of massive aerial bombardments that destroyed homes and other critical infrastructure and resulted in the death of thousands of innocent men, women, and children throughout Gaza. By ignoring the preceding two decades of violence, Cassell dishonors the memory of the dozens of Israeli as well as the thousands of Palestinian civilians who have been the victims of both Hamas extremism and Netanyahu’s Machiavellian tactics to cling to power and avoid going to jail for corruption prior to the current escalation of what is a decades-long conflict. Tom O’Keefe San Francisco

Tom was born in Islington, a borough of London. He was an altar boy in his Anglican church, and, following the wishes of his mother, he played the piano for the church. Tom’s father was an optician and a pharmacist, and he expected Tom to follow him in the business. Tom, however, had other ideas, and, after graduating from high school, he joined Great Britain’s military service, where he served his country for two years. After leaving the military service, Tom became interested in design and applied for a job in the window design department at Harvey Nichols, internationally recognized as UK’s premier luxury fashion retailer. This job turned out to be the origin of a very successful career for Tom as a retail display and space designer. His first apartment in London was located in a building with two of the Beatles living in the flat just above his and the other two Beatles in the flat just below his apartment. Through the years, he shared many enchanting stories about his experiences socializing with the Beatles, Jane Fonda and other entertainers. As an adjunct to his retail display work, Tom became interested in photography and occasionally took pictures of the store’s window displays for his personal records. During the mid-1950’s, he decided in his off-hours to try his hand at physique photography. Under the alias Scott Studios, he successfully established himself as a photographer of male models, and his pictures appeared in many British and American physique magazines, such as Tomorrow’s Man and Adonis. Tom’s popular physique photography led to a friendship and collaboration with the renowned artist Touko Laaksonen aka Tom of Finland, who used numerous of Tom’s photographs as inspiration for his homoerotic drawings. Tom Nicoll’s own impressive physique was even featured in some of the artist’s work. Tom Nicoll has an extensive collection of original Tom of Finland drawings and has donated much of his collection to the James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center of the San Francisco Public Library and to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. A friend introduced Tom Nicoll to Kerwin Mathews at one of the London parties. Kerwin was an actor under contract with Columbia Pictures. (The 7th Voyage of Sinbad, The Waltz King, etc.) That was the beginning of their life long partnership. Their adventurous and glamorous lifestyle took them throughout Europe together for several years until Kerwin was hired for television work in Hollywood. Tom then moved with Kerwin to the United States and they established residence first in Venice, California. With Tom’s background in retail space design, he was employed as a window designer for Joseph Magnin, a popular specialty department store in California. He was soon recognized as a talented designer and became the protege of Cyril Magnin, owner of Joseph Magnin. Tom was appointed the Director of Store Design for Joseph Magnin of California, headquartered in San Francisco with over 40 stores throughout California. His new position required that he move to San Francisco. His career at Joseph Magnin blossomed and Tom won national awards for his creative store displays. When Tom and Kerwin moved to San Francisco in 1971, Tom was invited to join a private gym in the South of Market area of San Francisco, named The Palaestra, owned by Jarod Clark, who offered a private membership to invited members. There was a maximum of 60 members at any one time, and the gym became the nucleus of Tom’s social network of friends, resulting in lasting friendships for the rest of Tom’s life. Tom continued his personal dedication to gym life and physique building into his 80s. Tom was an active and valued member of the San Francisco Orchid Society. He incorporated a large area of his house for the propagation of orchids and constructed a large greenhouse in his rear garden for growing his orchids. After retirement, Tom turned to his leisure time pursuits more seriously. He became more involved with the San Francisco Ballet company as a major benefactor of the Company. He was also an early supporter of Project Open House, an organization dedicated to housing for the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, and Transgender communities. Tom’s estate now provides exclusively for these four organizations: Project Open Hand, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, the San Francisco Ballet, and Project Open House. Tom was predeceased by his partner, Kerwin Mathews, in 2007. Tom’s cremation is being administered by the San Francisco Columbarium & Funeral Home. Plans for a celebration of Tom’s life are being developed and can be obtained from the San Francisco Columbarium & Funeral Home, www.dignitymemorial.com. (415) 771-0717.

Thomas-Clark-Niccoll-3.75x15.5.indd 1

1/23/24 11:13 AM

<< Community News

8 • Bay Area Repor ter • February 1-7, 2024



From page 1

“I am really pleased to have met the senator today. She is incredibly approachable and an incredibly personable woman,” said Connolly. Following the death last fall of Senator Dianne Feinstein (D), who had occupied her Senate seat for decades, Governor Gavin Newsom appointed Butler, 44, to serve out the remainder of Feinstein’s term through early 2025. The second Black woman to represent the Golden State in the U.S. Senate – Vice President Kamala Harris was the


SF’s gavel battle

From page 3

Begert said it’s been interesting being involved in the political process at the local level, from seeking endorsements to knocking on doors. “The weather hasn’t been that great, but people have been interested,” he said. Like his opponent, and indeed the other candidates in the judicial races, Begert has to live the unique distinction between the position being elected but fundamentally not about policymaking. “We’re not policymakers, so typically when you’re campaigning in an office, you can affect what the law is,” he said. “You can tell people ‘I can do this for you.’ As a judge, I cannot make those kinds of promises.”


Roland, an assistant district attorney since 2001, is currently managing attorney of the general felony trial unit. She is challenging Thompson. “At a time when I feel this city needs a real change, I am stepping forward because I want to be a part of a bench that values public safety and accountability,” she stated to the B.A.R. “I am here challenging one judge, Patrick Thompson, not the entire judiciary.” Roland stated she finds it “challenging” to walk the tightrope between politics and running for a judicial position. When asked about her judicial philosophy, she wrote to the B.A.R. that she “cannot comment on how I would rule on specific cases or issues” but can say “the kind of judge I will be.” “I have heard my critics say that I am a ‘tough on crime’ candidate, but I am not entirely sure what that means,” she stated. “I want accountability and that can look different to many people. There


News Briefs

From page 6

forum will take place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. and feature five candidates, organizers noted. The first one takes place Thursday, February 1. It will include gay Assemblymember Evan Low (D-Cupertino); Joby Bernstein, climate change advocate; Palo Alto City Councilmember Julie Lythcot-Haims, a bi woman of color; Santa Clara County Supervisor and former state legisla-


CA lawmakers

From page 7

Newsom vetoed last year PrEP legislation authored by Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur (D-Santa Monica/West Hollywood). His Assembly Bill 1645 would have closed loopholes and strengthened protections in existing law to ensure that California health insurers continue to provide free and complete coverage for preventive services like PrEP and testing for STIs. Chandler told the B.A.R. he hopes SB 339 doesn’t meet a similar fate by the governor. The AIDS foundation has been asking people to contact Newsom’s office to encourage him to sign the bill into law. “Until the bill is signed, nothing is set in stone, and so we will keep up the pressure to make sure he knows the broad support this has, especially within the LGBTQ community,” said

first – and the first LGBTQ person to do so, Butler subsequently decided against seeking election this year for a full sixyear term. “If I can, and we can together choose together, to open the doors of this office to ensure this is not my seat but our seat, not my voice but our voice, then no matter who is in this seat, or whatever seat we are talking about, will have elevated the conversation,” said Butler. As Feinstein, who had been suffering from various health issues, also had announced early last year she would not run for reelection, several Democratic members of the state’s House delegation is not one type of offender, nor one type of victim. Every person has his/her/their unique background and circumstances, which should be considered.” Roland didn’t have much to say as to the criticism she shouldn’t be running. “I don’t take stock in the comments people make without even knowing who I am or meeting me. People are entitled to jump to uninformed opinions. It doesn’t intimidate me nor does it question who I am,” she stated. In her B.A.R. questionnaire, Roland noted she has worked in the DA’s hate crime unit. “I was the hate crimes deputy for a few years where I was dealing with crimes directed at specific protected classes of people, which included race, gender, and sexual orientation,” she stated. “I was responsible for reviewing the cases that were submitted to our office, weighed the evidence presented, spoke to the victims, and made a charging decision on cases.” The San Francisco Standard reported January 19 that Roland confronted her husband around 2002 about his use of drugs, while they were both working for the DA’s office, but that she did not report the drug use to their superiors at work. The drugs in question were methamphetamines and MDMA, according to state bar records. Robert Roland was disbarred for nine years after he lost his job at the DA’s office for prosecuting his alleged suppliers. He was readmitted to the bar after recovery but is not working at the DA’s office. When asked about the article, Roland stated that “what happened 20 years ago is public record. I am extremely proud of my husband and everything we have gone through.” She told the B.A.R. she hopes voters judge her on her own accomplishments. “I am and have been a fair ethical prosecutor in the San Francisco District

seek to succeed her. Southern California Congressmembers Adam Schiff of Burbank and Katie Porter of Irvine, and Bay Area Congressmember Barbara Lee of Oakland all hope to survive the March 5 primary where the top two vote-getters regardless of party will advance to the November ballot. San Francisco’s main LGBTQ Democratic Clubs, Alice B. Toklas and Harvey Milk, both endorsed Lee in the race. The B.A.R. also endorsed Lee this week, joining other news organizations like the Sacramento Bee and Modesto Bee in backing the Black progressive politician. Butler has yet to endorse in the contest.

The immediate past president of Emily’s List, which works to elect more women to public office, Butler recently marked her first 100 days in her federal position. This month she co-authored legislation to provide tax relief for those affected by natural disasters such as wildfires, floods, and hurricanes. Earlier this week Butler joined with her Democratic colleagues to reiterate their support for the U.S. having a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. “The end to decades of conflict can only come ultimately with a solution that both ensures Israel’s security and a state for the Palestinian people,” stated

Courtesy the candidates

San Francisco Superior Court Judge Patrick Thompson, left, is being challenged by Assistant District Attorney Jean Myungjin Roland.

Attorney’s office for 23 years. I have faced my own challenges as a woman, as a minority, and overcome those challenges to be where I am today,” stated Roland. “It’s not just any one experience but the countless experiences of trauma and triumphs in my lifetime that shape me into who I am today. And it’s these real life experiences along with my career as a prosecutor and lifelong public servant to this city that gives me perspective on diverse issues that will make me an exceptional judge.”


Thompson, who was appointed by Newsom, told the B.A.R. that since the debate he has been “doing a better job of trying to explain what I do in simpler language.” For instance explaining his being in a preliminary hearing department for the court. “The preliminary hearing department – in that role – I consider if the DA has enough evidence to go

to trial,” he explained. “I see people who’ve already been arraigned, so the custody decision has already been made to release them with conditions or to keep them in custody. ... My role is a relatively narrow one.” (Thompson added that he does hear appeals of custody decisions.) Thompson used the same three words that he often used to characterize his courtroom at the debate – “by the book.” His opponent, he claimed, might not be. “I think my opponent has said public safety is the principal concern and is running a tough on crime campaign,” he said. “That’s completely politically oriented, considering what judges are supposed to do. I don’t do trials, so the only times I do sentencing is in connection with a plea.” In his B.A.R. questionnaire, Thompson noted that he has been committed to supporting the rights and dignity of all people, particularly those who iden-


Butler in a January 24 news release. “These two objectives can coexist, and any effort to delegitimize either side moves us away from a lasting peace. Our democratic and American values point us to what we already know to be true: every human being deserves to live in safety with freedom and dignity.” Toward the end of her event, noting that San Francisco “is the heart of California politics,” Butler pledged it wouldn’t be the last time she met with her constituents in the city. “It is great this is the first time we got together. Let’s make sure this is not the last time,” said Butler. t tify as LGBTQI+. “Through the years, I have mentored LGBTQ attorneys,” he added. Thompson said he doesn’t find the political aspects of a judicial race to be challenging. “I don’t feel it’s a tightrope – primarily because I’m not political in my role,” he said. “I’m a judge who’s by the book. I respect the law, I respect the legal process, and I respect the people who come before me. I work hard to keep politics out of the courtroom.” When asked about Peskin’s questioning of the race, he said, “I’m not going to speak to what he meant.” “The law allows for challenges,” he said. “That’s what the law is. I am in this race because someone has chosen to challenge me. So I think I am someone who recognizes the law and follows the law. Whether that’s a good idea or not is an open question. That event [Peskin’s news conference] was held during court hours, but I do think voters should really look at whether someone’s been vetted.” And he was vetted, citing his appointment by Newsom last year. (Judicial appointees go through a process overseen by the Commission on Judicial Nominee Evaluation, which makes recommendations to the governor.) “This election is different from four years ago because four years ago voters were asked to fill three empty slots,” Thompson said. “None of the people in that case had been vetted. I very much respect and appreciate Supervisor Peskin’s observations and comments. My pitch is trying to ensure the courts remain fair, independent and impartial. Where you have people who are vetted, that serves the public better. Where you have me doing that, I’m a by the book person.” t

tor Joe Simitian; and Palo Alto City Councilmember Greg Lin Tanaka. To register, go to http://tinyurl.com/ bdhujjjj. The second forum will be held Monday, February 5. Candidates appearing will be Marine Corps veteran Peter Dixon; Rishi Kumar, who has sought the seat before; former San Jose mayor Sam Liccardo; Ahmed Mostafa; and Peter Ohtaki. To register, go to http://tinyurl. com/32dcryuf

LGBTQIA+ older adults survey

The California Department of Aging and a statewide coalition of LGBTQIA+ community organizations and research partners have launched a groundbreaking, statewide online survey of queer older adults. “This is an opportunity for LGBTQIA+ older adults to share their perspectives, experiences, needs, and priorities to help inform state policies and programs for older adults,” stated Susan DeMarois, director of the state

aging department. “There’s no baseline data on the aging experiences and needs of older LGBTQIA+ Californians, so survey responses will help paint a current and comprehensive portrait of this community.” Openhouse, the LGBTQ senior agency in San Francisco, is a study partner for the survey. “Studies have shown that LGBTQIA+ individuals face significant barriers to access health care, for example,” noted Kathleen Sullivan, Ph.D., Openhouse’s executive director. “We’re coordinating

with a statewide coalition of organizations to reach as many survey respondents as possible and we encourage all LGBTQIA+ adults aged 50 and older to share their experiences.” Participation in the survey is anonymous, a news release noted, and people can take it until March 31. The survey is available in English, Spanish, Tagalog, and Chinese. For more information and to take the survey, go to aging.ca.gov/Survey_of_ LGBTQIA/ t

Chandler, a substitute teacher who is running in November for the District 9 seat on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

youth, particularly youth of color and LGBTQ+ youth. Statewide data indicates California youth aged 15 to 24 account for more than half of all STIs. Young people in this age group make up more than five out of every 10 chlamydia cases in California, and more than 87% are youth of color, noted Menjivar’s office. “Investing in prevention is a fraction of the cost compared to the millions California spends on the treatment of STIs every year. This isn’t about a catchy headline but rather the health and safety of our youth,” stated Menjivar. Some schools in the state already provide free condoms to their students – the Los Angeles and San Francisco school districts launched condom access programs in the 1990s at their high schools using federal funds. But the majority of public high schools in California do not. Menjivar also will be requesting

the state provide funding in the fiscal year 2024-2025 budget to support free condom access in public high schools statewide over a three-year period, if other funding sources are not available to schools for this purpose. An analysis of the 2023 legislation estimated it could have a price tag of as much as $4 million statewide to implement. “We cannot continue ignoring the STI epidemic among our youth when some high schools and retailers are enacting dangerous policies that deny them the ability to protect themselves,” stated Menjivar. “SB 954 aims to safeguard the health and futures of high school students statewide by increasing equitable access to condoms while also increasing fiscal responsibility.” In 2021, Vermont became the first state to require free condoms in public middle and high schools. In addition, the Chicago Public Schools

Board of Education passed a new policy that requires schools that teach fifth grade and up to maintain a condom availability program. Co-sponsoring Menjivar’s bill are Generation Up, a California-based student-led social justice organization and student-activist coalition; Black Women for Wellness Action Project; the California School-Based Health Alliance; Essential Access Health, and URGE California, a youth-focused nonprofit that promotes reproductive justice. “SB 954, the Youth Health Equity and Safety Act, is a game-changer. It’s not just about condoms in schools; it’s about empowering us with the knowledge and tools we need for responsible choices, fostering a safer and healthier future for all California youth,” stated Martin Orea, 12th grader from Fullerton and YHES 4 Condoms youth ambassador. t

Condoms in schools bill revived

Newsom last fall had also vetoed SB 541 authored by lesbian state Senator Caroline Menjivar (D-San Fernando Valley). In addition to requiring public high schools to offer free condoms to students, the bill would have also prohibited retailers from refusing to sell condoms to youth. At the time Menjivar expressed frustration with Newsom’s decision and indicated she wasn’t giving up on the legislation. On January 22 she reintroduced it as SB 954, the Youth Health Equity + Safety (YHES) Act. In announcing her decision to do so, Menjivar’s office noted rates of sexually transmitted infections continue to rise alarmingly among

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Community News >>

Alameda bench

From page 1

At 8 years old Satarzadeh emigrated with her family from Iran first to London then the U.S. They had settled in California’s Central Valley until her father, who worked as an engineer, relocated the family because of his career to Los Angeles and later Silicon Valley, where her parents still reside in San Jose.


Low ad

From page 2

stan in a helicopter. The 32-second spot titled “Who We Are” ends with Dixon seated at his dining room table with his wife and two young daughters, wiping


Political Notebook

From page 5

Six gay men are vying for open Southern California Assembly seats, with two in the San Diego area. Democratic veteran Joseph Rocha is running in Assembly District 76, and Republican former San Diego city councilman Carl DeMaio is doing so

February 1-7, 2024 • Bay Area Repor ter • 9

Satarzadeh, who earned her law degree from Golden Gate University, worked as an associate at the Cartwright Law Firm from 2002 until being hired as a legal research attorney by the Alameda County court in 2004. She remained in the position until becoming a commissioner for the East Bay bench. Fluent in English, Farsi, and Assyrian, and having used all three languages in the courtroom, Satarzadeh said she is now learning Spanish due to the rap-

port she is able to build with litigants by speaking even “a few words” to them in their native language. She told the B.A.R. she knows of only one other Assyrian member of the state’s judiciary, Los Angeles County Judge George F. Bird Jr., who texted her congratulations. She had met Bird, who did not immediately respond to a request for comment, in 2019 when she took a judicial college seminar that he led. Assyrians are the Indigenous people from what are

now the countries of Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Syria, explained Satarzadeh. “We are a rare breed,” she told the B.A.R., stressing that she wanted “to get across how poignant this appointment is for me. One of the reasons I decided to apply to be a judge and a commissioner is I really wanted someone on the bench that looked like me, a lesbian woman of color with an immigrant background.” Her wife and mother, Violet Satarzadeh, enrobed her when she became

a court commissioner. She has yet to decide whom she will ask to do so at her judicial swearing in ceremony on Friday. “I stand on the shoulders of so many people who have supported my candidacy,” she said. “I am so grateful to all of them. I am going to really have to think through who will do it, but definitely Maggie will be a part of the ceremony in a very special way because she has been my number one supporter.” t

off food from his face apparently thrown by the youngest. The top two vote-getters in the March 5 contest will advance to the November general election. While the B.A.R. endorsed Low last week, the San Francisco Chronicle backed Liccardo on Monday.

Asked about the mainstream paper’s decision, Low campaign manager Clay Volino told the B.A.R. that “the Chronicle correctly noted that Eshoo’s successor needs to be able to get things done in a gridlocked Congress, and Evan Low’s track record shows he’s most prepared to

do just that. With more Congressional endorsements than any other candidate, his relationships prepare him to hit the ground running in Washington.” Among Low’s seven congressional endorsers listed on his campaign website (https://www.evanlowforcongress.

com/endorsements) are all three out members of California’s delegation: lesbian Senator Laphonza Butler and gay Congressmembers Mark Takano and Robert Garcia. Former South Bay congressmember Mike Honda also endorsed Low. t

in Assembly District 75. The other four candidates are seeking Los Angeles County seats, with Lynwood City Councilman José Luis Solache running in Assembly District 62 and Los Angeles County Democratic Party Chair Mark Gonzalez running in Assembly District 54. Immigrants Ari Ruiz and Javier Hernandez are running, respectively, in

Assembly District 52 and Assembly District 53. The LGBTQ caucus endorsed all seven of its members running this year. It also is backing Senate candidates Cabaldon, Lybarger, Pérez, and Middleton in their primary races. The 12-member affinity group for out legislators also endorsed Assembly candidates Cervantes, Gonzalez, Hernandez,

Holstege, Rocha, Ruiz, and Solache in their March 5 contests. Despite three of the caucus members departing this year, two due to term limits and one running for a U.S. House seat, its vice chair Ward told the B.A.R. in December he expects it could have at least 15 members, if not more, following the November election results. He is pleased to see so many out

candidates running this year from so many different regions of the state. “It used to be we had a handful of people running in urban centers,” noted Ward, set to become the next LGBTQ caucus chair. “We should be proud that out candidates can run in rural and suburban districts of California. It reflects that LGBTQ Californians live everywhere in the state.” t






In the matter of the application of OLIVIA EILEEN BARE GROUNDS, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner OLIVIA EILEEN BARE GROUNDS is requesting that the name OLIVIA EILEEN BARE GROUNDS be changed to ORION EILEEN BARE GROUNDS. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 4th of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME IN SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO FILE CNC-23-558161 In the matter of the application of SOPHIEMARIE KUNG, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner SOPHIEMARIE KUNG is requesting that the name SOPHIEMARIE KUNG be changed to SOPHIE MARIE KUNG. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 2nd of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


In the matter of the application of BASSAM ABDULMALEK THABIT AL-MOHAMADI, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner BASSAM ABDULMALEK THABIT AL-MOHAMADI is requesting that the name BASSAM ABDULMALEK THABIT AL-MOHAMADI be changed to BASSAM AL-MOHAMADI. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 4th of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as THE FORGOTTEN COLLECTIVE, 775 POST ST #201, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed AADIL MUHAMMAD. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 11/01/2023. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/18/2023.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as HOMEOPATIA Y NUTRICION, 2595 MISSION ST #306, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed HOMEOPATIA Y NUTRICION, LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/29/2023. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/29/2023.



JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024

The following person(s) is/are doing business as BONJOUR PROFESSIONAL IPHONE IPAD REPAIR & ELECTRONIC CENTER, 1652 IRVING ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed FUSHEN LI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/03/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/03/2024.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024



JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


In the matter of the application of BROOKE ERIN SEGARAN, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner BROOKE ERIN SEGARAN is requesting that the name BROOKE ERIN SEGARAN be changed to BROOKE ERIN BLUME. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 9th of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


In the matter of the application of SOPHEA TOMMY SOEUNG, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner SOPHEA TOMMY SOEUNG is requesting that the name SOPHEA TOMMY SOEUNG be changed to TOMMY SOEUNG HODGSON. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 11th of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as THE WORKING ARTIST, 1694 44TH AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JIULIETTA CARRELLI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/26/2023. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/27/2023.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as PROGRESSIVE LIMO SERVICE, 1562 47TH AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed AZIZ A. BENARAFA. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/02/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/03/2024.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as GENERAL MAINTENANCE SERVICES, 48 OCEAN AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed MARCO MORAN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/03/2024.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as CENTERPEACE, 38 LANDERS ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed ELHAM ZARRABIAN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/02/2024.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as EVENTS OF ALL KINDS, 1401 MISSION ST #1202, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KYMBERLYN ROBINSON. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/05/2024.

In the matter of the application of ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVICH TATARINOV, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVICH TATARINOV is requesting that the name ALEXANDER ALEXANDROVICH TATARINOV be changed to ALEXANDER ZANCHENKO. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 22nd of FEBRUARY 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as RUNWAY GROOMING, 1801 UNION ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94123. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed DREFREDDI LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 11/03/2023. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/07/2023.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024

The following person(s) is/are doing business as STARHAWK, 2852 FOLSOM ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed MIRIAM SIMOS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 10/06/2005. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/13/2023.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as CALACAS SCREEN PRINTING, 3156 22ND ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed JUAN PABLO RODRIGUEZ. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/22/2023. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/22/2023.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as FLORECITA PANADERIA, 2823 18TH ST #106, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed XIMENA SUAREZ. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/03/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/08/2024.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as POLK STREET ASSOCIATES, 2101 POLK ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by a general partnership, and is signed by GEORGE MORF, NICK MORF, & NICK MORF TRUSTEE, OF NICK MORF TRUST. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 06/01/1996. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/26/2023.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as BANH MI VIET, 518 DIVISADERO ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117. This business is conducted by a general partnership, and is signed AI LINH DUONG & THI KIM DUNG NGUYEN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/03/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/04/2024.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as RADIANCE, 58 WEST PORTAL AVE #254, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94127. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed KORWIN CONSULTING, LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/03/2024.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024

The following person(s) is/are doing business as INTERIM HEALTHCARE OF RICHMOND DISTRICT CA; INTERIM HEALTHCARE OF MISSION DISTRICT CA, 1652 W TEXAS ST #227, FAIRFIELD, CA 94533. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed XNO SOLUTIONS LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/29/2023.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name known as HOMEOPATIA Y NUTRICION, 2595 MISSION ST #306, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business was conducted by an individual and signed by MARIO ARMANDO LARA. The fictitious business name statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 07/29/2015. The abandonment of fictitious business name statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/29/2023.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name known as ATELIER YUKI, 210 POST ST #1109, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94108. This business was conducted by an individual and signed by YUKIKO OKADA. The fictitious business name statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 06/07/2017. The abandonment of fictitious business name statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/03/2024.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name known as FS HVAC SERVICES, 912 COLE ST #156, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117. This business was conducted by a limited liability company and signed by QUALITY APPLIANCE REPAIR SAN FRANCISCO LC (CA). The fictitious business name statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/28/2022. The abandonment of fictitious business name statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/19/2023.

JAN 11, 18, 25, FEB 01, 2024


NOTICE! You have been sued. The court may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30 days. Read the information below. You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court forms and more information at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web Site (www.lawhelpcalifornia. org), the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www. courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp), or by contacting your local court or county bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will dismiss the case. The name and address of the court is: San Francisco Superior Court, Civic Center Courthouse - Civil, 400 McAllister St., San Francisco, CA 94102. The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is: NEIL PERETZ (SBN 244532), ENUMERO LAW, 925 S. ELDORADO ST, SAN MATEO, CA 94402; (310) 266-3373

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024

In the matter of the application of MIKAIYA PETERS, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner MIKAIYA PETERS is requesting that the name MIKAIYA JADEN PETERS be changed to MIKAIYA JADEN PETERS MCKOY. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 11th of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


In the matter of the application of LANCE ADRIAN GAURANO, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner LANCE ADRIAN GAURANO is requesting that the name LANCE ADRIAN GAURANO be changed to LUXE DANTE AURANO. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 16th of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


In the matter of the application of YIU LUN CHAN, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner YIU LUN CHAN is requesting that the name YIU LUN CHAN be changed to HARRISON ALAN CHAN. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 28th of MARCH 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


In the matter of the application of MELISSA KATE MANDELBAUM, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner MELISSA KATE MANDELBAUM is requesting that the name MELISSA KATE MANDELBAUM be changed to MELISSA KATE SACKS. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 18th of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


In the matter of the application of OMAR FRAZER RESTOM, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner OMAR FRAZER RESTOM is requesting that the name OMAR FRAZER RESTOM be changed to RAMSEY FRAZER RESTOM. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 18th of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as ADVANCE ARCADE, 57 LELAND AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed MALO TANUVASA JR. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/09/2024.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as KELVIN YUK PRODUCTIONS, 500 SWEENY ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KELVIN YUK. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/05/2023. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/05/2024.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as EFFECTIVE CONSULTING, 575 CORBETT AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed LEO CHAN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 05/10/2008. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/09/2024.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as LOOK ME UP, 2 BURROWS ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KLAICIE SANDERS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 11/01/2023. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/08/2023.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024

The following person(s) is/are doing business as K. L. CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING, 791 MADRID ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed by K. L. CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/08/2024.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as EAZY VACATIONS, 295 KANSAS ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed SHAW ENTERPRISES LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/29/2023. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/29/2023.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as LA ROUTINE, 340 HAYES ST #505, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed BOULANGERIE NOVEMBRE LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/03/2024.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as ORDINARY OBJECT, 40 HARRISON ST #888, OAKLAND, CA 94607. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed MOSSY MOSSY LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/05/2024.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as MASITDA GALBI JJIM, 2123 POLK ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed MASITDA LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/10/2024.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as SUPER TECH BODY SHOP, 370 INDUSTRIAL WAY, BRISBANE, CA 94005. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed SUPER TECH BODY SHOP (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/01/2023. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Mateo, CA on 12/28/2023.

JAN 18, 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of BARRY ROBERT KING. A Petition for Probate has been filed by COLIN KING in the Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco. The Petition for Probate requests that COLIN KING be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: FEBRUARY 13, 2024, 9:00 am, Dept: Probate, Rm: 204, Superior Court of California, 400 McAllister St., San Francisco, CA 94102. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined by section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. 1. Remote Access to Department 204 A) Appearance or Public Access by Video and/or Audio via Zoom: Parties, counsel, and witnesses may appear by video or audio-only telephone through Zoom. For a video appearance, go to zoom.us, click ‘join a meeting” and input meeting ID 160 225 4765 and password 514879. For an audio-only telephone appearance through Zoom, call 1-669-254-5252 and key in meeting ID 160 225 4765#, then participant ID 0#, then password 514879#. Toll rates may apply. Counsel, parties, and witnesses appearing by video must input their first and last name into the “’Your Name” dialogue box. Attorney for petitioner: MICHAEL F. WOODS, 377 WEST PORTAL AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94127; Ph. (415) 759-1900.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024

<< Classifieds

10 • Bay Area Repor ter • February 1-7, 2024


To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of BUENAVENTURA VINCENT ORTEGA. An Amendment to the Petition for Probate has been filed by ROSALINA ZANAS in the Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco. The Petition for Probate requests that ROSALINA ZANAS be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: FEBRUARY 28, 2024, 9:00 am, Rm. 204, Superior Court of California, 400 McAllister St., San Francisco, CA 94102.The hearing can be attended remotely. Instructions can be found at https:// sf.courts.ca.gov/divisions/probate-court. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined by section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: TATIANA PAVLOVA-COLEMAN (SBN 350374), PAVLOVA-COLEMAN LAW, INC., 12121 WILSHIRE BLVD. #810, LOS ANGELES, CA 90049; Ph. (310) 405-7551.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 2024


In the matter of the application of AYOOLA MITCHELL, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner AYOOLA MITCHELL is requesting that the name AYOOLA MITCHELL AKA AYOOLA HAYNESWORTH AKA AYOOLA HAQIKAH AKA KELLI WATERFIELD be changed to AYOOLA MITCHELL. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 27th of FEBRUARY 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


In the matter of the application of SHARIF DEY AKA ROSCOE ENDRE LEE DUNCAN AKA ROSCOE DUNCAN, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner SHARIF DEY AKA ROSCOE ENDRE LEE DUNCAN AKA ROSCOE DUNCAN is requesting that the name SHARIF DEY AKA ROSCOE ENDRE LEE DUNCAN AKA ROSCOE DUNCAN be changed to SHARIF BEY. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 18th of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME IN SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO FILE CNC-24-558492 In the matter of the application of JOHN PALMER HARCOURT III, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner JOHN PALMER HARCOURT III is requesting that the name JOHN PALMER HARCOURT III be changed to JAY PALMER HARCOURT. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 19th of MARCH 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


In the matter of the application of BRUCE JIRO YAMAMOTO AKA JIRO BRUCE YAMAMOTO AKA BRUCE J YAMAMOTO, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner BRUCE JIRO YAMAMOTO AKA JIRO BRUCE YAMAMOTO AKA BRUCE J YAMAMOTO is requesting that the name BRUCE JIRO YAMAMOTO AKA JIRO BRUCE YAMAMOTO AKA BRUCE J YAMAMOTO be changed to JIRO BRUCE YAMAMOTO. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 23rd of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.


In the matter of the application of FRANCIS DARIAN BRANT, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner FRANCIS DARIAN BRANT is requesting that the name FRANCIS DARIAN BRANT AKA FRANCISCO VILLABLANCA FLOTTS be changed to BEAU DARIAN BRANT. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 23rd of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


In the matter of the application of KASSANDRA MARIE DONNELS, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner KASSANDRA MARIE DONNELS is requesting that the name KASSANDRA MARIE DONNELS be changed to KASSANDRA MARIE NACHT. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 25th of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


In the matter of the application of JENNIFER IICAR ROWE, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner JENNIFER IICAR ROWE is requesting that the name JENNIFER IICAR ROWE AKA JENNIFER IICAR KIFFOR be changed to JENNIFER AIKA KIFFOR. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 23rd of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


Nick commenced using this Chinese-character-based name on 12/15/2023. He is an individual living in San Francisco, CA.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as LATINA LASH SPOT, 201 POPE ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by an individual and is signed JAQUELINE JOHANA SANABRIA. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/17/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as MM BUNUAN CONSULTING, 454 FERDINAND AVE, EL GRANADA, CA 94018. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed MAXWELL M. BUNUAN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/19/2024

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as FIBO SERVICES, 1631 LARKIN ST #7, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed ROBERT ROEPKE. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/21/2023. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/16/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as GUERRERO MARKET, 701 GUERRERO ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed SUHEIL MALAK. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 04/15/2001. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/22/204.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as F&G MARKET, 3698 20TH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by a general partnership, and is signed SUHEIL MALAK. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 08/01/1999. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/22/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as NOWHERE, 393 VALENCIA ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by a general partnership, and is signed RYAN RINKER, LEAH MARTIN, & AMBER GAVIN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/22/2024.


In the matter of the application of ROGER NAISHIN HUANG, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner ROGER NAISHIN HUANG is requesting that the name ROGER NAISHIN HUANG AKA NAI SHINE HUANG be changed to ROGER NAISHIN HUANG. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 30th of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


In the matter of the application of BRENDA ROBLEDO ARGUELLO, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner BRENDA ROBLEDO ARGUELLO is requesting that the name LIAM HANSEL ROBLEDO ARGUELLO be changed to LIAM HANSEL LOPEZ ROBLEDO. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 30th of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


In the matter of the application of BIANCA NIGRI, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner BIANCA NIGRI is requesting that the name BIANCA NIGRI be changed to BIANCA ANETE APPEL. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 30th of APRIL 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024



The following person(s) is/are doing business as HALE AI, 333 1ST ST UNIT N301, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed FIRST STREET VENTURES (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/12/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as KOAST, 388 MARKET ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed KRUJIM, INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/10/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as DENIS BARRON, MFT, 4155 24TH ST #2, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed TWO PINES FAMILY COUNSELING, INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/19/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as PAUL LANGLEY COMPANY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT; PLC; PAUL LANGLEY COMPANY; PLC PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, 4111 18TH ST #1, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed PAUL LANGLEY CO (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/04/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


In the matter of the application of XILIN ZHU, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner XILIN ZHU is requesting that the name WEIDONG ZHANG be changed to KODY ZHU. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 30th of MAY 2024 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as DERIC TRANSPORTATION,894 ROLPH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112 . This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KA SHING CHAN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/08/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/17/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as DUKE PLANT & DESIGN, 1223 FITZGERALD AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed LISA DUKE. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/22/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/22/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as SIMPLYMUZING ENTERPRISES, 3161 B 23RD ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed THOMAS FERRAIUOLO. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/24/2024.




The following person(s) is/are doing business as GREGORY SMITH OFFICE DESIGNS, 1850 32ND AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed GREGORY SMITH. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/17/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024

San Francisco Board of Supervisors Board or Commission Vacancies: Participate on a Board or Commission! The Assessment Appeals Board (AAB) The AAB resolves legal and value assessment issues between the Assessor’s office and property owners. Hearings are quasi-judicial, conducted in a manner similar to a court setting, with evidence and testimony presented by the parties. The Board then evaluates the evidence and testimony and renders its decision. To be eligible for seat appointment, you must have a minimum of five years professional experience in California as either a: (1) public accountant; (2) real estate broker; (3) attorney; or (4) property appraiser accredited by a nationally recognized organization, or certified by either the Office of Real Estate Appraiser or the State Board of Equalization. For a full list of current or upcoming Boards, Commissions and Task Forces, please visit https://sfbos.org/vacancy-boards-commissions-taskforces.

Department Announcements Rent Board IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR LANDLORDS San Francisco landlords now need a license before imposing annual and banked rent increases on tenants subject to the City’s rent control laws. To obtain or renew a license, property owners must report certain information about their units into the San Francisco Housing Inventory Portal each year. Property owners can submit their Inventory information to the Rent Board in a few ways, but are strongly encouraged to complete the process online at portal.sfrb.org. Once the system accepts the submission, a rent increase license will be automatically generated and readily available. Owners can also deliver a paper Housing Inventory form to 25 Van Ness Ave., Suite 320, San Francisco, CA 94102 or to rentboard.inventory@sfgov.org. Assistance is available by calling 311 or emailing rentboard.inventory@sfgov.org. Visit sf.gov/rentboard for more information.

Bay Area Reporter LGBTQ+ English 4" x 6"

The San Francisco City Attorney’s Office recently launched a new consumer protection web portal and hotline, seeking reports of businesses that deceive or defraud consumers, as well as of property owners that maintain properties in substandard conditions or violate housing laws.

Members of the public who wish to report a consumer complaint should contact the Office through its hotline at (415) 554-3977 or its web portal at https://www.sfcityattorney.org/report-a-complaint/. Our office will review the information you provide and may seek additional information from you. Please note, however, that we are not authorized to represent you as your lawyer or provide you with legal advice. Any actions we take are on behalf of the community as a whole.

Child support matters can be complicated, stressful, and confusing. The Department of Child Support Services helps parents understand the process so they know their rights and options for making and receiving support payments. We are available to assist you in person or by phone. Call us today at (866) 901-3212 for more information. Apply for services online or schedule an appointment at sf.gov/dcss to learn how we can help you. Department of Police Accountability San Francisco Department of Police Accountability welcomes the 2024 cohort of its Award-Winning Law & Justice Reform Internship. The Law & Justice Reform Internship Program brings students interested in public service from the undergraduate level to 3rd year law students. The internship is a structured 10-week program during the summer with part-time experiences during the fall and spring terms. Interns participate in an annual summer speaker series with guest speakers from a variety of areas in public service across the Bay Area, discussing career paths and professional motivations. They are paired with an individual mentor for the course of the program in addition to engaging in networking and cultural events throughout the summer. The Law & Justice Reform Internship Program was recently recognized by the Charles Houston Bar Association for advocacy work engaging young students interested in law and civil justice. For more information: sfgov.org/dpa Follow Us: Instagram: @sf_dpa X/Twitter: @sf_dpa Airport The San Francisco International Airport (SFO) Social Responsibility team is hosting its first-ever Resource Fair on February 27th at 49 S Van Ness Ave, San Francisco from 9 am to 1 pm. The fair is a one-of-a-kind event designed to connect jobseekers with Airport employers and provide businesses with access to information and opportunities. Whether you are an experienced professional, a recent graduate, new to the job market, a small business, or a medium-sized business, this fair has something for you. Visit https://www.flysfo.com/business/small-business-development for more information.

FREE Acclaimed Author Margaret Wilkerson Sexton in Conversation Join San Francisco Public Library for an evening with author Margaret Wilkerson Sexton in conversation with renowned librarian and public historian Dorothy Lazard. The award-winning Sexton is an influential figure in contemporary literature. Her latest novel, On the Rooftop, set in the Fillmore District in the 1950s, is a story about a mother’s dreams for her daughters that blends ambition and familial bonds. Lazard shares insights from her memoir, What You Don’t Know Will Make a Whole New World. Raised in the Bay Area during the tumultuous 60s and 70s, Lazard’s narrative embodies resilience, curiosity and an unyielding hunger for knowledge. The event takes place on February 27 at 7 p.m. at the African American Arts & Culture Complex’s Buriel Clay Theater, 762 Fulton St.

The City and County of San Francisco encourages public outreach. Articles are

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by the City and County of San Francisco or the newspapers for errors and omissions.

CNSB # 3777812

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024

The following person(s) is/are doing business as ADUNA ACADEMY, 1535 EDDY ST #315, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed COUMBA DIOUF. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 06/01/2023. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/25/2024.



The following person(s) is/are doing business as DISCO DOG, 593 HAIGHT ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed RACHEL RIGGIN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/12/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/26/2024.



The following person(s) is/are doing business as ELEVATE FORWARD NOW, 2000 BROADWAY ST #618, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed ELEVATE FORWARD NOW (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/16/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/19/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name known as BEST COAST COLLECTIVE, 1828 PINE ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business was conducted by a limited liability company and signed by BLAKELY HULL LLC (CA). The fictitious business name statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/15/2023. The abandonment of fictitious business name statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/16/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of MIKE S. CRUZ. A Petition for Probate has been filed by SALVADOR CRUZ in the Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco. The Petition for Probate requests that SALVADOR CRUZ be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A hearing on the petition will be held in this court as follows: FEBRUARY 26, 2024, 9:00 am, Dept. 204, Rm. 204, Superior Court of California, 400 McAllister St., San Francisco, CA 94102. If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. If you are a creditor or contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined by section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. You may examine the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for petitioner: NICOLE C. KELLY (SBN 320379), THE KELLY LAW FIRM, 345 FRANKLIN ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102; Ph. (415) 552-0059.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024

The following person(s) is/are doing business as BEST COAST COLLECTIVE, 595 PACIFIC AVE, FL 4, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed AVENUE 8 INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/26/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as HOLIDAY INN EXPRESS - UNION SQUARE, 235 O’FARRELL ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by a limited partnership, and is signed SURESH PATEL GENERAL PARTNER OF RAJPUTANA LODGING LP. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 03/16/2018. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/24/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as ALASKA REFRIGERATION, AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING CO., 1651 27TH AVE, OAKLAND, CA 94601. This business is conducted by a married couple, and is signed DAGOBERTO T. SANCHEZ & ALISON J. SIEGEL SANCHEZ. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 02/01/1986. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/19/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as E’PUME STUDIO, 601 4TH ST UNIT 206, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed E’PUME STUDIO LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/05/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/19/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as KHAO TIEW, 272 CLAREMONT BLVD, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94127. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed OLAGHOA LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/23/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/23/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as TERRAFORM COLLECTIVE, 351 BUENA VISTA AVE E, UNIT 306E, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed TERRAFORM COLLECTIVE STRATEGIES, LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/08/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/23/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024

Reach the largest audience of local LGBTQ consumers! Call 415.829.8937 advertising@ebar.com

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024

The following person(s) is/are doing business as DOLGER LLC, 348 CHESTNUT ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed DOLGER LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/22/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024

The following person(s) is/are doing business as BETTOLA, 343 CLEMENT ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94118. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed CUORE MATTO LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/16/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024

The following person(s) is/are doing business as CALIFORNIA DETAILING, 1825 FOLSOM ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed CALIFORNIA DETAILING II, INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/29/2024.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as THIRD THING, 11 CHRISTOPHER DR, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94131. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed LORENZO TAMAYO-LEE. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/02/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/23/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024


FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024

The following person(s) is/are doing business as LET’S GET CUTE SALON, 4907 MISSION ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed EVSTYLESBRAIDS LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/05/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/05/2024.

CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO Community Outreach Public Notice

Department of Child Support Services

The following person(s) is/are doing business as KAYLA CARE FOUNDATION, 30 KEMPTON AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94132. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed KALANI HILLS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/18/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/18/2024.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as DANI MARIE INTERIORS, 872A 27TH AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94121. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed DANIELLE MARIE PAUTROT. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/18/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/19/2024.

JAN 25, FEB 01, 08, 15, 2024

City Attorney



FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024

The following person(s) is/are doing business as NAILS STORY, 1299 PACIFIC AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed DEAR NAILS INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/22/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/23/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as CAMERON HOME BUILDERS, 450 LINDEN ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed CAMERON BUILDERS SF (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/04/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/23/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as ARTISAN TRAVEL, 434 UNION ST #B, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed ARTISAN TRAVEL INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 11/01/2001. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/23/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as ELLAPRINT; ELLAPRINT.COM; ELLAFONT; ZBALANCE; ZBALANCE, INC., 184 PRECITA AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed ZBALANCE, INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 08/29/2003. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/24/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as ACAI R, 1130 OCEAN AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed TANCHAN CORPORATION (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/26/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/26/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024


The following person(s) is/are doing business as ANXIETY RELIEF CLINIC, 885 CASTRO ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed WESTON SCOTT FERRER, MD INCORP. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/26/2024. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/29/2024.

FEB 01, 08, 15, 22, 2024

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Jessica Palopoli

by Jim Gladstone


can’t imagine I’ll ever eat an algorithmic cookie and love it,” declared queer writer Minna Lee whose “My Home on the Moon” is currently having its world premiere production at the San Francisco Playhouse. “Eat a what?!,” you may wonder. But, as a resident of the San Francisco area, where higher math and high-falutin food are both subjects of common obsession, you are surely intrigued. Lee offered this fanciful locution during a recent interview with the Bay Area Reporter about the themes and development of their science fiction-tinged play, in which artificial intelligence meets culinary culture. “I’ve read about several businesses that are experimenting with AI technology already,” Lee explained. “They’re having Michelin-starred chefs come in, and using AI programs to record the entire cooking process. Not just the recipes, but the temperatures, the techniques, every little detail. The ultimate goal is to be able to exactly recreate dishes using the algorithms that emerge from this kind of study.” Not only dubious about such projects’ prospects, Lee takes umbrage at their conceit. “The idea that a creative process like cooking can be reduced to a series of calculated algorithms is not only disrespectful; it also takes away the magic.” Lee draws a comparison to computer programs designed for matchmaking: “The idea that you can know what somebody is truly like, that I could know exactly who you are by reducing you to algorithms, takes away a lot of nuance and complexity.”

Minna Lee’s big launch ‘My Home on the Moon’ at SF Playhouse Lan (Sharon Omi - center) celebrates the new year with lion dancers (Erin MeiLing Stuart and Will Dao) in San Francisco Playhouse’s ‘My Home on the Moon’

What’s the opposite of an algorithmic cookie? Soul food.

Noodles with nuance

“My Home on the Moon” is centered around a pair of Vietnamese women of two generations who work at a struggling pho restaurant in the midst of a rapidly gentrifying neighborhood. After a mysterious business consultant arrives on the scene, things seem to be taking a turn for the better. In fact, they’re taking a turn toward the surreal. A play that starts out feeling like an urban slice of life rapidly evolves into a speculative epic, replete with sinister computer simulations, alternate reality, corporate villainy, seemingly sentient noodles, and, yes, the moon.

It’s a conceptual cousin of the Oscar-winning movie, “Everything, Everywhere, All at Once,” both in its emotionally realistic portrayal of contemporary Asian Americans and its playful intermingling of the fantastic and the mundane. But when asked about works that influenced the play, Lee immediately singles out “Tampopo,” the sly 1985 Japanese film comedy about a roadside ramen shop that, like “My Home on the Moon,” finds depths of emotion in cooking and eating. “I think of food as a kind of ancestor,” said Lee, whose parents immigrated to the United States from Vietnam and Laos. “When a recipe has been passed down through a family over generations and you’re making that dish, you’re working with an ancestor.

“Experimenting with food and cooking has given me a vessel in which I can be more involved with my culture,” they continued. “I can labor in a craft that so many people have done before me and so many others are still doing today.”

Making it big

While Lee enjoys cooking, their primary craft is writing. “My Home on the Moon” is their first fulllength play to be produced, but they’ve written several others, along with short fiction and animated film projects. See page 13 >>

How it started

‘The Old Gays Guide to the Good Life’ Bill Lyons, Jessay Martin, Robert Reeves and Michael ‘Mick’ Peterson are The Old Gays.

by Brian Bromberger


e invented being gay. We don’t tell it like it is. We tell it like it was. We have to go to the bathroom a lot. We were at the first brunch, also known as The Last Supper. We like to bicker, over who makes the better artichoke dip. We have a hard time getting up and getting it up. We keep track of our sexual encounters, so we don’t forget them or repeat them. We’ve earned our wrinkles and they are non-refundable.” This is part of the script of one of the joyful TikTok videos made by a group of friends in the Palm Springs area known as The Old Gays. They dance, wear skimpy outfits, and dress in drag. They are social media superstars with 11 million followers on TikTok and 1 million on Instagram, though their audience is mostly women under age 35.

They’ve appeared on TV shows such as “Today,” “Drew Barrymore,” “Tamron Hall,” and “RuPaul’s Drag Race,” not to mention lucrative brand deals with Walgreens, T-Mobile, and Netflix. Last month, they wore only Santa boxer shorts as they lip-synched to Ariana Grande’s “Last Christmas.” Their names are Mick (bodybuilder), Jessay (professional singer), Robert (town planner and nudist houseowner), and Bill (interior designer), ranging in age from 67 to 80. They’ve written a new book, “The Old Gays Guide to the Good Life,” part group memoir (from pre-Stonewall to same-sex marriage), part self-help (“Take the time to understand who you are, not who other people tell you to be.”), part witty ad-

vice (i.e. to host a foolproof dinner, “smoke lots of pot before you eat.”). They’ve seen it all, done it all, and now tell it all, whether you want to hear it or not, ranging from the outrageous (“In Palm Springs, during the winter you fuck the tourists, in the summer you fuck the neighbors”) to the hilarious (Robert: I’d love to have sex on the Eiffel Tower) and sometimes both (What’s Your Ideal Romantic Date? Mick: Dinner, red wine, dessert, and then a visit to his dungeon.”). But then some of the questions can be startling, “How many people in this room have lost a vibrator stuck up their ass?” or “What kind of funeral would you like to have?” Nothing is off limits in this book.

Having been friends for years, at a dinner party in 2018, a younger guest, Ryan, who is a producer, suggested putting the three stoned guys together in a video asking them what some modern slang words meant to riotous results (i.e. “sliding into DMs must be about a bowel movement”) revealing their potent chemistry. The problem was they were all white with Ryan suggesting they needed more diversity. Jessay lived across the street and Robert asked him to join the group, to which Jessay ricocheted back, “You mean you need some color?” They completed their first TikTok video in December 2021, mostly just for fun, but it was evident they felt free to be themselves totally, which appealed to viewers, as do their openness about how they’ve overcome their struggles. They weren’t aware how they represented living history, exemplifying the strides made in the queer community in the last five decades through the lens of their own experiences. The group has changed their lives, giving them self-confidence, particularly to feel comfortable in their older bodies, to love and respect themselves, to be exactly who they are. Getting older isn’t a drag and can be uproariously fun. Throughout reading the book, the old Gloria Gaynor disco song, “I Will Survive” kept popping up, since many of their stories were heartbreaking and shocking, involving divorce, depression, cross-country moves, church dysfunction, ruinous boyfriends, mental breakdowns, bankruptcy, even near-death experiences. Ordinarily no-no topics are broached, including ill health, sexual abuse, orgies, nudist etiquette (i.e. don’t allow bare ass cheeks and body fluids on your good furniture) dating/hookup apps, isolation, baldness, toys (not Mattel), and erectile dysfunction. We hear their coming out stories, difficulties with parents, and their first loves. Their exploits occur during the Gay Heyday of San Francisco and West Hollywood in the mid-1960s through the ’70s, including the wild times during the gay sexual revolution (especially cruising spots, public toilets, bars, and bathhouses). A sign of the times told by Mick: “Scotty Bowers took me behind the bar with my drink in hand. Without hesitation he undid his fly, pulled out one of the most battered, cut, big c—ks I’d seen so far, and shoved it into my Manhattan over ice, stirring counterclockwise.” See page 14 >>

<< Cabaret

12 • Bay Area Repor ter • February 1-7, 2024


Jeremy Jordan’s Broadway-bound once again by Jim Gladstone


hen Jeremy Jordan performs at Feinstein’s at the Nikko on February 18-20, more than four years will have passed since he last played San Francisco, appearing in early 2020 as part of Seth Rudetsky’s Broadway at The Herbst concert series. But, while hard to believe, it’s been even longer since the fan favorite song and dance man actually trod the boards of Broadway itself, and that was in a drama. It’s been nearly half a decade since Jordan took the stage of the Brooks Atkinson Theatre for a three-month stint as a replacement in “Waitress.” And it was almost ten years ago that he took his last curtain call as Jack Kelly in “Newsies,” the show which earned him a Tony nomination as lead actor and cemented his status as one of the Great White Way’s most beloved contemporary hunks. Jordan’s prior Broadway stints were in “Bonnie & Clyde,” “Rock of Ages,” and “West Side Story.” In recent years, he’s largely been busy with roles in film and television, including on the “Supergirl” series, several Hallmark holiday movies including –oy vey!– “Hannukah on Rye.” Jordan also played a police officer in the Kerry Washington-led “American Son.” A filmed version is available on Netflix. And he played a composer in the much-loved Broadway-themed series “Smash.” But Jordan’s February shows at Feinstein’s will be among his last cabaret bookings for a while. Last week it was announced that beginning March 29, he will return to Broadway as the title character in a new musical version of “The Great Gatsby.”

Stephanie Diani

Jordan first played Gatsby last year when the show had a tryout run at New Jersey’s Paper Mill Playhouse to decidedly mixed reviews. Still, with a few script tweaks, the show’s stunning art deco sets, dance-crazy set pieces and English teacher-approved brand name familiarity have the potential to turn it into a crowd-pleaser.

Star turns and odd jobs

Whether or not “The Great Gatsby” proves a hit, Jordan’s casting serves to further gild his Golden Boy status. He’s playing a character previously embodied on film by Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert Redford.

“At Feinstein’s, I’ll probably do a song or two from ‘Gatsby,’” said Jordan in a recent phone interview with the Bay Area Reporter. But even while wanting to generate excitement about his return to Broadway, Jordan acknowledges that “cabaret audiences want to hear songs that they’re already familiar with.” In addition to tunes from his Broadway past, Jordan will include music he performed in his recent OffBroadway turn as Seymour in “Little Shop of Horrors” and in the film version of Jason Robert Brown’s cult favorite musical, “The Last Five Years.” Jordan’s most recent film project

Veronica Klaus returns by Christopher J. Beale


eronica Klaus has been told her entire life that she was born in the wrong era. “I am perfectly happy being born at this time. I just like old things,” quipped Klaus in an interview with Bay Area Reporter. “In a modern world it’s kind of a novelty.” The cabaret performer, whose style transports audiences to a bygone era, returns to Martuni’s for two nights only on February 1 and 6.

Monday 8am

(last seating 9:45pm)

Tuesday 8am

(last seating 9:45pm)

Klaus grew up in Illinois and was drawn to music since grade school. After arriving in San Francisco, there was a period when Klaus was a staple on the city’s cabaret scene, often performing music from the 1940s, ’50s and ’60s with bands of varying sizes. “Her shows conjure up images of smoky nightclubs of generations past,” wrote David-Elijah Nahmod in the B.A.R. in 2019. “Her unique song stylings have garnered her a loyal fan base in San Francisco, and she prom-

Evan Zimmerman for MurphyMade

Jeremy Jordan in “The Great Gatsby.”

Jeremy Jordan

was the lead role “Spinning Gold,” last year’s biopic of legendary record executive Neil Bogart, who helped establish the careers of Donna Summer, Village People, and KISS. The movie came and went without making much of an impression, something Jordan is able to be nonplussed by. “After years in this business, I don’t let it bother me,” he said. “You just shake it off and move on to the next thing. I enjoyed getting to be that guy and explore that world while we were filming.” Another recent gig is already a success. On “Hazbin Hotel,” an animated

adult musical now streaming on Amazon Prime, Jordan provides the demonic voice of Lucifer. “It’s really raunchy,” said Jordan, ​​ who has a child, Clara, with his wife, actress and singer Ashley Spencer. “I don’t think my four-year old daughter will be singing along with that.” He’ll also do voices for a show called “Superkitties.” “I play Otto the Octopus. That’s more her speed.”t Jeremy Jordan, Feb. 18-20. $115. Feinstein’s at the Nikko. 222 Mason St. (866) 663-1063. www.feinsteinssf.com www.jeremy-jordan.com

Jazz diva to perform at Martuni’s

ised her fans and friends in the Bay Area that she would always return home.” Klaus traded in the mild weather of the Bay Area for four pronounced seasons in the small town (population 500-ish) Sharon Springs, New York. Klaus now lives in a renovated church. “A lot of my time these days is spent putting wood on the fire,” Klaus said. The church only has one wood-burning stove, and just keeping the heat on during the cold winter months can be quite a chore. Klaus still performs near home, and remains active in the local LGBTQ

community when she can. “I had several shows over the holidays and I am planning a few things for our Pride this year,” said Klaus. But something about San Francisco keeps drawing her back. “I am very devoted to my friends in San Francisco, so I return as often as I can,” said Klaus, who is presenting an all-new show at Martuni’s with Rob Reich on piano and accordion, Daniel Fabricant on bass and Daria Johnson on drums. The show will include some instrumentals, a whole set of Bill Withers songs, and some romantic favorites for Valentine’s season.

“I am one of those people who is in love with the idea of being in love this time of year,” said Klaus laughing, “even if it’s not happening to me!” Veronica invites you to spend a date night at her show at Martuni’s, and help welcome her back to San Francisco one more time.t Veronica Klaus at Martuni’s, 4 Valencia St. Feb 1 (sold out) and Feb 6, 7pm. Tickets are $30 at the door. Christopher Beale is an awardwinning journalist and media host. www.ChristopherJBeale.com

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TV & Film>>

February 1-7, 2024 • Bay Area Repor ter • 13

Are you ‘Open To It?’ by Christopher J. Beale


pen To It” is a web series led by executive producer, writer and actor Frank Arthur Smith. In season one we meet Cam and Greg, a gay couple who make the decision to start hooking up with other guys. What follows is an episodic master class in comedic representation turned all the way up. The LGBTQ community is a literal rainbow of relationship styles. Some marry and live a relatively integrated lifestyle while others choose to open things up in a variety of ways. When couples begin to make room in their hearts – or more likely bedrooms – for others, there are a number of unpredictable factors that will inevitably come into play. These include jealousy, sexual incompatibility, a potential third not being into one half of the couple, who’s hosting, who will top, who will bottom. Are you ready for that? Smith has put those adventures (and misadventures) on display in this hilarious series.

Throughout his decade in the entertainment industry, Smith has noticed that portrayals of non-traditional or non-monogamous relationships usually cast those relationships in a less-than-favorable light. “A lot of them have a negative slant when it comes to polyamory or even being interested in other people,” said Smith in an interview with Bay Area Reporter. “Often it’s written as the downfall of that relationship.” But, what about the non-traditional relationships that work? Smith arrived in Los Angeles with the quintessential suitcase and a dream a decade ago. “My sister is an actress in New York, and my parents were very encouraging of that,” he said. “After majoring in neuroscience and getting waitlisted to a bunch of medical schools, I came out here and began my entertainment career. It’s my sister’s fault.” Today Smith identifies as queer and non-monogamous. As a result, he has created a show that is refreshing and

Frank Arthur Smith dishes on his gay non-monogamy series

Frank Arthur Smith and Tim Wardell in ‘Open To It’

honest. If you have any experience with non-monogamy, much of “Open To It” will feel familiar. “It’s not a completely accurate retelling,” said Smith. “But those first three episodes are based on my own life. I’m

‘Mean Girls’ hits & misses

Paramount Studios

‘Mean Girls’

by Gregg Shapiro


he trend of adapting films into stage musicals and then movie musicals has produced hits such as

“Hairspray,” and misses including “The Producers.” “Mean Girls” (Paramount), falls somewhere in between, although it leans closer to a miss. Fans of the original 2004 “Mean

Girls” movie, based on Rosalind Wiseman’s 2002 book “Queen Bees & Wannabes,” will be pleased to know that, for the most part, the musical remains true to its source. The ageless Tina Fey, who wrote the screenplays for both, returns as math teacher Ms. Norbury, as does Tim Meadows as Principal Duvall. There are notable minor changes including making Ms. Heron (Jenna Fischer), the mother of lead character Cady (Angourie Rice), a single parent. The most significant changes include a considerable increase in BIPOC and LGBTQ characters, both major and minor, as well as the inescapable presence of social media and smartphones in the lives of high school students. The bottom line is that comparisons are inevitable, and Rice is no Lindsay Lohan, Christopher Briney is no Jonathan Bennett, and Busy Philipps is no Amy Poehler. However, Reneé Rapp (who performed in the musical on Broadway) and Jaquel Spivey do suc-

not as smooth as any of the characters however…or as gross.” The sex scenes in “Open To It” are graphic, beautiful, and mortifying all rolled into one. Nothing is held back. “I think you’ll be pleased with the

ceed in taking complete ownership of their roles as queen bee Regina and sassy queen Damian, respectively. Bebe Wood as Gretchen and Auli’i Cravalho as Janis come close to making us forget the original performers (Lacey Chabert and Lizzy Caplan) but fall short. Speaking of Lindsay Lohan, her appearance as the Mathletes challenge moderator is sure to elicit the same audience reaction as when Whoopi Goldberg appeared as the midwife in “The Color Purple” movie musical. The following is a series of questions (not to be confused with a pop quiz) that deserve to be answered. Why are the songs, written by Nell Benjamin and Jeff Richmond (husband of Tina Fey), utterly forgettable? Seriously, see if you find yourself hum-

steamy scenes. It’s all exaggerated for comedy, and sex appeal,” joked Smith, who admits that the character Princeton, a hot but completely aloof guy the couple starts dating, is in fact a composite of three guys that Smith has encountered. The first season of short episodes ends with a wink and a nod to season two, which will begin soon with topics like boyfriend twins, hooking up with a deaf guy, and Greg’s straight brother enters the picture. “The heterosexual actor we cast looks kind of like me but he played football and everything,” Smith laughed. “He is beautiful.” To make the resemblance stronger, Smith has grown a beard. It’s nice to see non-monogamous relationships represented positively on screen, and in such a deliciously queer way. Representation in media matters and “Open To It,” now streaming on OutTV, Amazon and its official website, is loaded with it.t www.opentoitseries.com

ming even one of them after the credits roll. Why is the choreography so clunky, uninspired, and derivative (hello, “La La Land”)? Why did it take two (!) directors – Samantha Jayne and Arturo Perez, Jr. – to come up with this? Why are the scenes with the most well-deserved laughs, all featuring Rapp, saved for the last 30 minutes of the movie? The tradition of the movie musical isn’t exactly in jeopardy, but it doesn’t look promising. The biggest concern? That Benjamin and Richmond, who also co-wrote the stage musical version of “Legally Blonde,” are at work on a movie adaptation of that one. Rating: C-t








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Jessica Palopoli

Left to Right: A food critic (Will Dao) samples cuisine, watched by Lan (Sharon Omi), Mai (Jenny Nuygen Nelson) and a camera person (Erin Mei-Ling Stuart) in San Francisco Playhouse’s ‘My Home on the Moon.’


Minna Lee

From page 11

They never shy away from writing outlandish, potentially unstageable concepts. “My playwriting practice is grounded in an idea I picked up from a workshop,” said Lee. “I just let my mind spray and play as if I had a $50 million dollar budget. Through the funnel of development, a production is going to get scaled down to whatever the budget needs to be. “But it’s much more exciting to get started thinking about a $50 million dollar idea than a $5 idea. So, I always start by thinking big.”

That big thinking endured through the play’s development, despite setbacks. “Because I wrote this play during the pandemic lockdown, that policy got exaggerated even further. Nothing was being staged at full-scale, but there were plenty of readings happening and lots of audio plays being produced, so I felt like there weren’t any limits on my imagination. “I felt gave myself permission to go as far out as I possibly could.”t ‘My Home on the Moon’ through Feb. 24. $15-$125. San Francisco Playhouse, 450 Post St. (415) 6779596. www.sfplayhouse.org


4077A 18 St.




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<< Books

14 • Bay Area Repor ter • February 1-7, 2024


Words: Lesléa Newman and Gary Eldon Peter by Michele Karlsberg

ment” perspective helped me develop Carl’s personality and voice and giving him lots of opportunity for reflection.


ooks about LGBTQ younger generations living in rural settings helps to save lives. Characters, stories and landscape that young readers can connect with are always important. Gary Eldon Peter recently won the Minnesota Book Award in Young Adult Literature and the Whippoorwill Book Award for Rural Young Adult Literature for his debut novel, “The Complicated Calculus (and Cows) of Carl Paulsen.” Gary’s main character Carl discovers his own resilience in the face of grief, adult-sized decisions, and unrequited love, and along the way learns to cope with both the challenges and rewards of being different. Lesléa Newman, known best for “Heather Has Two Mommies,” is changing the world, one book at a time. “Always Matt: A Tribute to Matthew Shepard” is a poignant tribute to the life and legacy of Matthew Shepard, and was recently published to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the creation of the Matthew Shepard Foundation. On October 6, 1998, in Laramie, Wyoming, Matthew Shepard was brutally murdered. Without shying away from the pain and tragedy of his death, Newman’s moving, lyrical prose and Brian Britigan’s simple color line drawings present a celebration of his incredible life. In the realm of young adult literature, where imagination intertwines with the authenticity of life, two brilliant writers find themselves immersed in the captivating stories and landscapes of rural settings. They both bring us tales that resonate with the hearts of readers. I asked both Gary and Lesléa if they feel it is particularly important to share LGTBQ rural stories whether non-fiction or fiction. Gary Eldon Peter: It’s of course heartening to think about the progress we have made in terms of rights and visibility for LGBTQ+ individuals. I never thought, for example, that I would see marriage equality in my lifetime. But it’s very easy to forget that, for LGBTQ+ people in rural communities, being who you are can still require immense courage. I’d

Lesléa Newman

like to think that stories like Carl Paulsen’s might, in some small way, help readers in similar circumstances know that they are not alone, and to know that their stories matter. Lesléa Newman: I think it’s important to share all LGBTQ+ stories, wherever they take place. Laramie, Wyoming is a college town with a population of about 30,000 people. Many folks who live there had an attitude of disbelief, “It can’t happen here,” but unfortunately hate crimes such as the one that claimed Matthew Shepard’s life happen everywhere, and shouldn’t happen anywhere. So yes, we need to hear rural stories, small town stories, suburban stories, urban stories, all our stories.

Gary Eldon Peter

The Old Gays dress up.


The Old Gays

But all the men were deeply impacted by the AIDS crisis, caregiving and losing friends, with two of the Old Gays still living with HIV (Mick and Robert). Robert’s observation of that holocaust: “The only equivalency I can think of is wartime, where a soldier might lose their entire troop.”

How it’s going

The primal message is that having revealed all the tough times they’ve experienced through the decades, they hope it will inspire others to per-

Léslea: I loved the setting of your book, a farm in Minnesota, which was almost like a character in and of itself. The cows in particular, who are part of Carl’s family, were very real to me. Why this choice? Gary: I wanted the cows to be “char-

severe through their own crises. “The good times don’t last forever, but the bad times don’t either.” We could be a spoilsport and note that the Old Gays sometimes reinforce ageist stereotypes, but they also ridicule them tongue-in-cheek by proclaiming senior queers aren’t invisible but still here living fabulous lives. Their goal is to change gay culture by making it less youth and looks-oriented and for them to take their rightful place in the world. These four men have formed a chosen family who encourage each other, yet aren’t afraid to tell the truth to each other when needed. Some of the ad-

Gary: The beautiful and evocative illustrations by Brian Britigan are an integral part of “Always Matt.” They do so much to convey Matthew as a “whole” person who had a childhood and hopes and dreams for the future just like everyone else. Can you talk about the interplay of images and text? How do they work together to tell the story? Lesléa: Brian’s artwork and color palette is exactly right in tone. His sense of composition, particularly his use of empty space, perfectly matches my sparse text which also uses empty space to mirror the empty space that Matt left when he was taken from us. The first time I saw Brian’s illustrations, I was so moved, I cried. Lesléa: Carl’s confidence particularly struck me. He doesn’t get any support for being gay, yet he knows who he is and never wavers. Can you talk about that? Gary: There are many excellent YA novels out there about teens struggling with their sexual identity…the “Am I or aren’t I” question. I was trying for something a little different. I wanted Carl to be confident in himself but to also grapple with who he is in relation to his community, family, and of course Andy, the guy who comes along and rocks his world. How do I fit in? What is my place? How do others see me?t www.regal-house-publishing. mybigcommerce.com www.garyeldonpeter.com www.abramsbooks.com www.lesleanewman.com

Enjoy their conversation as these two accomplished authors engage in a spirited discussion about their literary works, exploring the magic and complexity that only rural settings can evoke.


From page 11

Léslea: I loved your book. Carl stole my heart from the very first sentence. How were you able to capture the voice of a wry, smart, funny, gay teenager so accurately? Gary: Thank you! A lot of that has to do with the first-person point of view. In earlier drafts, I tried a more “distant”/looking back approach and also third person, but neither worked…it felt very “static.” A more “in the mo-

Gary: Your use of verse to tell Matthew’s story is such an interesting and powerful choice because every word is so carefully chosen and seems just right. What made you decide to use that form? Léslea: Poetry is my first love and I always turn to it when writing about a subject that contains intense emotion. Poetry is how I get to the heart of the matter. Thank you for noticing that I sweated over every single word! “Always Matt” went through many, many drafts until I felt I got it right.

acters” because they play, to borrow a word from the title, a complicated role in the story. They’re key to the financial survival of the farm (which is at risk) but are also, for Carl, a connecting point to his late mother and her hopes and dreams for the family. To lose them would be yet another thing to endure.

vice is hokey (i.e. dress for success) and any health recommendations should be taken lightly as none of these guys are medical professionals. Overall, there is a collective wisdom that is refreshingly earnest and insightful, such as their recommendation to be passionate about everything one does, or how they never allowed homophobia to defeat them. And to let go of anger and hate because ultimately, they make you even older and bitter. These Old Gays present their readers with four happy gay men full of vigor, not to be feared or scorned, but a vision of what the good life can be for all Americans, regardless of age or sexuality. “Wherever you are on your own journey, life can turn on a dime, if you’re open to trying new things and just saying yes to opportunities that fall into your lap…and how powerful you can be if you simply harness what’s within you.” Old Gays inspire and aspire, make you laugh and/or gag in horror, but are rarely dull and might change your day from drab to fab. These four gay Golden Girls are in the middle of a crazy second act (“it’s reenergized us, like we’ve all been reborn”) none of them saw coming. Determined that the last chapter of their lives be their best thriving one, they show younger and older fans what their own golden years could look like, “whether you relax at the

end of the day with a can of White Claw or a bottle of Ensure.” Luckily for us, with a possible docuseries in the works, they have no intention of slowing down and as promised in their videos, “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”t

Michele Karlsberg Marketing and Management specializes in publicity and marketing for the LGBTQ+ community. This year, Karlsberg celebrates 35 years of successful campaigns. www.michelekarlsberg.com ‘The Old Gays Guide to The Good Life: Lessons Learned About Love and Death, Sex and Sin, and Saving the Best for Last.’ Harper Wave/HarperCollins, $32.00. www.harpercollins.com www.instagram.com/theoldgays


The Old Gays drag up.


Music & Events>>

February 1-7, 2024 • Bay Area Repor ter • 15

In Proust’s time

by Tim Pfaff


hy some composers catch on with the public while others of comparable, sometimes higher, quality do not is one of the insoluble mysteries of classical music. There’s no better example than the Pole Karol Szymanowski (1882-1937), whose music is the centerpiece of Piotr Anderszewski’s new recording of solo piano music from the early decades of the 20th century (Erato). Playing of the caliber of Anderszewski’s would, you think, push his compatriot over the line. But we’ll have to see. Although most of Szymanowski’s music has never left the active repertory, the only one to have become well-known is, ironically, his most challenging, the expensive to produce opera, “Krol Roger.”

Poles apart

Szymanowski has had no more illustrious advocate than the legendary pianist Arthur Rubinstein. The dedicatee and first composer of the piano part in Szymanowski’s Fourth Symphony, Rubinstein accompanied the composer and the violinist Paul Kochaski on a U.S. tour in 1921. It was at that time that, Rubinstein recalled, Szymanowski became, in the pianist’s words, “a confirmed homosexual.” Quaint as the description seems now, Szymanowski was singular in be-

New discs from the ‘Belle Epoque’

ing out during his lifetime. Rubinstein commented that when his friend returned to Paris after a trip to Taormina, where he got on with the Sicilian boys, Szymanowski raved about the experience “with burning eyes.” A good deal of Szymanowski’s vocal music, including “King Roger” (pronounced ROHgur) is written to explicitly homosexual texts. However ironically, Szymanowski’s “confirmed homosexuality” in his own day has played no particular role in garnering fame for his music in ours.

Country dances

Szymanowski’s solo piano music does not fall into discreet genres the way Chopin’s does, and much of it bears exotic titles redolent of the socalled Orientalism of his time. Conspicuously in the Chopin mold, however, are the Mazurkas of Opus 50. Based on Polish folk themes but with an unmistakable salon twist, the mazurkas of both composers showcase adventurous harmonies and bewitchingly sprung rhythms in pieces of high concentration. Szymanowski’s are easily the most performed and recorded of any of his music and are the centerpiece of Krystian Zimerman’s indispensable complete Szymanowski (DG). Anderszewski has recorded Szymanowski before –the “Masques,””Metopes,” and the Third Sonata– all of that before having to

play in the shadow of the incomparable Zimerman. But although the younger pianist’s earlier recordings are exemplary if not definitive. The six new Mazurkas find him well out from under anyone’s shadow, playing with musically “burning eyes.” They have all the color and subtlety of Zimerman’s recordings but with shapes all their own. In the concise album notes, Anderszewski cites the rebelliousness of the music of Szymanowski, Leoš Janáček, and Béla Bartók as the feature common to his ambitious program. What you hear in Anderszewski’s mazurkas is, beyond the defiance, an unmistakable anger, however refined. Anderszewski plays this fascinating program with his trademark blend of keen intellect and fine-grained touch. Anderszewski makes it sound as if the music is lifting off the piano’s strings on its own volition.

The Parisian salon

Ever since Marcel Proust published “In Search of Lost Time” there’s been a fevered hunt for the actual violin sonata that recurs throughout the seven volumes, which Proust attributed to a fictitious composer he named Vinteuil. The prime contender has been the towering César Franck Sonata in A Major, but interesting conjecture has brought attention to lesser-known works, such as the violin sonata by Gabriel Pierné.

Shake up your usual routine with a vibrant dance concert, a stunning art exhibit, or a night of drinks and drag, and be greeted by a friendly bartender like those at The Edge (see photo). Check our online listings, this week and every week in Going Out.

“I’ll always be a dancer”

—Chita Rivera (1933-2024)

Steven Underhill

Going out

In “Le Temps retrouvé,” their second album for the Chandos label, violinist Elena Urioste and pianist Tom Poster perform other contenders, such as the Gabriel Fauré Second Sonata. Here the duo give exposure to less-well-known pieces such as the Violin Sonata by Reynaldo Hahn, Proust’s paramour for two years and subsequently lifelong friend. If there’s a competition for Most Rediscovered Composer in our time, it’s Hahn, who for too long has been associated almost exclusively with a handful of fine songs but wrote an astonishing amount of music, all of it for performance, not infrequently by him. (There are recordings of Hahn playing and singing.) Hahn didn’t introduce Proust to music; the writer already had advanced musical tastes and a consuming passion for music, but Hahn greatly expanded Proust’s experience of it. The sonata lovingly performed here finds Hahn at his best, crafting superbly well-made “serious” music unafraid to buck modernism. Urioste and Poster also give a reading of the Fauré that stands up to comparison with the finest of the newish Proust-salon records, Harmonia Mundi’s “Proust, Le Concert Retrouvé,” superbly performed on instruments like those played when the music was new. A significant rediscovery here is the Violin Sonata, Op. 112, of Mel Bonis, who augmented her scandal-rich life with an expansive body of exemplary music. While we’re in the neighborhood (make that arrondissement), there are two essential new recordings of the pi-

ano music of Fauré, whom Proust considered a god. Lucas Debargue has just published a fine set of the composer’s complete works for solo piano (Sony). If there’s a reason this music is less-often heard in recital, it’s because its elusive but patent beauties make pianists sweat bullets. Marc-Andre Hamelin’s reputation is for taking to the most difficult music the way the rest of us go for chocolate. His new recording of Fauré Nocturnes and Barcarolles (Hyperion) is take-yourbreath-away stuff.t Music by Szymanowski, Janáček, and Bartók, Piotr Anderszewski, piano. www.warnerclassics.com ‘Les Temps retrouvé,’ Elena Urioste, violin and Tom Poster, piano. www.chandos.net Gabriel Fauré, Complete Music for solo Piano, Lucas Debargue www.sony classical.com Gabriel Fauré, Nocturnes and Barcarolles, Marc-Andre Hamelin, piano. www.hyperion.com

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