January 9, 2014 Edition of the Bay Area Reporter

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Memorial for trans minister

Flag stolen in San Jose




Berlin & Beyond



Serving the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities since 1971

Ridgely named Pride ED

LGBT historic sites garner park service’s attention by Matthew S. Bajko


by James Patterson


an Francisco Pride officials have named a veteran street fair producer as the next executive director of one of the world’s largest LGBT pride events. George Ridgely was the unanimous Jane Philomen Cleland choice of the San George Ridgely Francisco LGBT Pride Celebration Committee’s board of directors. Board President Gary Virginia made the announcement at the group’s Tuesday, January 7 meeting, which was also Ridgely’s first day on the job. The organization is seeking to move forward from a financially successful but a managerially disastrous 2013. Ridgely served as executive director of the Castro Street Fair from 2005-2013. Currently, Fred Lopez is that fair’s interim executive director. In brief remarks, Ridgely said he “planned to work my butt off for you [SF Pride].” He called 2014 an exciting year for the organization. Ridgely is described in the SF Pride news release as bringing “11 years of event director and executive director experience in both for-profit and nonprofit sectors to the job [of executive director].” Virginia cited Ridgely’s positions with the Castro Street Fair and other outdoor events as “tremendous experience” for the annual Pride parade and festival. Ridgely said he “absolutely” supported the “democracy, accountability and transparency” platform Virginia and other board members pledged to the community after SF Pride’s convoluted reasoning for rescinding a grand marshal honor to Chelsea Manning last year. Manning is the Army private convicted of espionage for releasing classified U.S. documents to WikiLeaks. Messages to Ridgely and Virginia seeking information on the new executive director’s salary were not returned by press time. Ridgely declined to criticize the previous board over its handling of the Manning controversy. Though he said he was in San Francisco all of 2013, he said he “didn’t follow it [the Manning controversy] closely.” Ridgely said if SF Pride made a decision under his leadership that was unpopular with the community, he would readily listen to community concerns and possibly reconsider such a decision. Other board members present at Tuesday’s meeting were Vice President Marsha Levine, and Jose Cital, Joey Cain, Justin Taylor, John Caldera, See page 3 >>

Vol. 44 • No. 2 • January 9-15, 2014

Josef Norris’s mural of the late Harvey Milk adorns the exterior of Milk’s former camera shop on Castro Street; the site could be nominated for federal landmark status. Jane Philomen Cleland

he lack of LGBT historic sites with federal recognition is garnering the attention of National Park Service officials. They are seeking nominations of sites to be added to the National Register of Historic Places and for consideration to be designated as a National Historic Landmark. “We are looking to preserve and protect sites associated with LGBTQ history,” said Alexandra M. Lord, Ph.D., branch chief of the National Historic Landmarks Program. To date just three sites, all on the East Coast, have received any federal recognition specifically due to their ties to LGBT history. In 2000, New York City’s famous Stonewall Inn, considered the birthplace of the modern gay rights movement, became the first, and so far only, LGBT site to be designated a national landmark. Since then the Washington, D.C. home of the late gay rights activist

Frank Kameny and the Cherry Grove Community House and Theater in the gay resort enclave of Fire Island, New York were added to the register of historic places. The fourth site very likely will be the Henry Gerber House in Chicago. Given city landmark status in 2001, the residence is where Gerber lived in the early 1920s when he formed the Society for Human Rights, the first American gay civil rights organization, according to its listing on the Chicago Landmarks website. The federal landmarks program is working with University of Michigan at Ann Arbor Professor Michelle McClellan and her students this semester on the nomination for Gerber’s house. Once submitted the approval process is expected to take up to a year, with the final decision to grant landmark status up to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell. “We are historians so we tend to think of chronology. Let’s start as early as we can,” said Lord when asked why the property had been chosen. Another key reason landmarks staff selected the Gerber house, said Lord, is because the owners of the private residence See page 10 >>

AB 1266 repeal effort stays alive

by Seth Hemmelgarn


nti-gay activists working to repeal a California law designed to protect transgender students may get their chance to put a referendum before voters in November. On Wednesday, January 8, Secretary of State Debra Bowen issued a letter to election officials statewide notifying them that random samples have shown that Assembly Bill 1266’s opponents have gathered enough valid petition signatures to get a full count. The last county to report, Los Angeles, submitted its signatures Wednesday morning with a va- A full count has been ordered to see if a referendum lidity rate of 77.8 percent. That repealing a new law protecting transgender students meant that the statewide validity will qualify for the ballot. rate was 79.93 percent, with all 58 counties reporting. The meaMasen Davis, executive director of the Transsure needed a rate of 77.45 percent to trigger gender Law Center, a backer of AB 1266, said the full count, so it just barely met that threshin a statement. “Every parent wants to see their old, according to figures from the secretary of child have a fair shot at success, and that is state’s office. what AB 1266 is all about. It gives guidance to The law’s backers remain optimistic that the schools so that they understand their responsireferendum ultimately will not qualify. bility to ensure all students are supported and “We are relieved that the referendum has not able to succeed. qualified for the ballot and heartened that all “As we wait for a full count of the signatures students, including transgender youth, will be we will continue to help schools implement able to continue fully participating in school,” policies that ensure all students are able to par-


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ticipate, and we will continue to share the stories of transgender youth and their families,” Davis added. John O’Connor, executive director of Equality California, another supporter of the law, stated, “Californians are relieved that the referendum did not qualify for the ballot during the initial signature verification phase, but are alarmed that this harmful attack on transgender students is proceeding to a full count. We vow to defend this law so that all students, including transgender students, can fully participate in school and get a fair shot at an education. As the next phase of signature verification proceeds, we are treating this as a pressing threat and will work tirelessly with our coalition partners to defeat this measure.” In an email blast to supporters Wednesday, Karen England, who’s with the anti-gay coalition, said, “We wait with anticipation as we move into the next phase of the referendum process. We feel confident that a full count will result in us securing 100 percent of the signatures needed to put this referendum on the ballot.” The Privacy for All Students coalition has been working for months to repeal AB 1266, the School Success and Opportunity Act, which gay Assemblyman Tom Ammiano (DSan Francisco) authored and Governor Jerry Brown signed into law last August. The law went into effect January 1. See page 9 >>

<< Community News

2 • Bay Area Reporter • January 9-15, 2014


Trans minister mourned by Seth Hemmelgarn



s they mourn the loss of BobbieJean Baker, a transgender minister who was killed in an auto accident in Oakland early New Year’s Day, many are recalling the advocate, woman of faith, and gifted singer’s sense of love and laughter. But what also stood out to friends and co-workers was Baker’s lack of fear in telling them the truth. That was exemplified in a biographical account that the Oakland resident gave to San Francisco’s Asian and Pacific Islander Wellness Center. Baker worked there as part of a transgender community health program aimed primarily toward women of color. “My purpose is to help you break whatever it is that had you bound so that you can move to better yourself,” Baker said of her work with clients. “... I’m willing to hold hands and walk you through every phase, but I am not willing to be your babysitter. There comes a time when you need to really step up and do the work for you.” Yvette Flunder, 58, was with Baker and others for New Year’s Eve Watch Night worship services in Oakland just before Baker died. Flunder, who’s the bishop of the national Fellowship of Affirming Ministries, said Baker, 49, seemed to understand that she didn’t have much time left. “She gave best wishes to everyone, wonderful, kind words,” said Flunder. “She went way out of her way speaking to everyone and wishing them the best for the coming year. It was incredible the space that she was in.” It was almost as if Baker knew “that something was coming, because she was so unusually specific in many of the ways she was going around talking to different people and encouraging them through their own struggles,” she said. After the services, Baker went to Bobby Wiseman’s home for a traditional meal that included corn bread and black-eyed peas. Wiseman, 42, a gay deacon with City of Refuge Church, said at about 2:30 a.m., he was driving his 2000 Ford Expedition west on Interstate 580 in Oakland to take Baker home. He said they were “remembering the good times and the friends that we’ve lost over the years” when a silver and black car came up on the left, bumped his SUV, and “fishtailed off the front,” “swerving” before it drove away. Wiseman’s vehicle fishtailed, then

BobbieJean Baker

rolled “two to three” times before landing upside down on the Park Boulevard exit, he said. Wiseman, who suffered only “some scrapes and abrasion,” got out through a window. He called Baker’s name “but she didn’t respond,” he said. They had both been wearing seatbelts. A bystander “tried to get her out” but was unsuccessful, he said. Baker died at the scene. Wiseman said he didn’t catch more descriptive details of the other car or how fast it had been going. He said he’d been driving his SUV about 65 to 70 miles per hour. Officer Daniel Hill, a spokesman for the California Highway Patrol, said Wiseman hadn’t been able to provide a description of the other car, and investigators had been unable to find any damage to the Expedition to substantiate Wiseman’s claim that someone had struck him. Hill also said witnesses had only seen his SUV “losing control” and couldn’t verify the other car’s presence. Hill said Wiseman underwent DUI testing and “was not determined to be under the influence” of any substances. The crash investigation remains open. Asked about not providing a description of the other vehicle to the CHP, Wiseman said he believed he’d told them of the car’s color, but he didn’t remember whom he had talked to, and he stands by his account of another car hitting him.

‘Running the streets’

Following the advice she gave to others, Baker had worked to better her own life. In the account of her life that she gave to API Wellness Center, she

recalled her initial arrival in San Francisco in 1992, “running the streets of the Tenderloin,” one of the city’s poorest neighborhoods, “doing sex work, smoking crack and on speed,” and living as “a fugitive from justice.” She said she was extradited back to her home state of Tennessee to serve a four-year prison sentence, then she returned to San Francisco. Flunder said among other church activities, Baker was the Western region coordinator for TransSaints, a network of faith-based transgender and gender variant people across the country. “She believed her ministry was to help transgender people reconcile their spirituality but also to help provide practical assistance,” such as food, housing, and self-care, said Flunder. Baker was also a founding member of the Transcendence Gospel Choir. “BobbieJean was a Memphis-born blues singer for real,” said Flunder. One of Baker’s favorite songs was “God Kept Me, So I Wouldn’t Let Go.” “She was off the chain on that one,” said Flunder. The song “was the story of her life in many ways,” she said, referring to Baker turning her life around after her struggles with drugs and her incarceration. Lance Toma, API Wellness Center’s executive director, said Baker was “a warrior” who “never wanted to waste time.” “BobbieJean always spoke up around issues affecting transgender women of color and she reminded me and everyone on staff daily that we were here to serve the community,” said Toma. Gail Spencer, 51, a transgender woman who lives in Gilroy, which is south of San Jose, remembered Baker as “a kind, loving person.” Spencer pointed to Baker’s final post to Facebook December 31, just hours before she died. In that message, Baker wrote that despite troubles she’d faced in 2013, “I never lost my Praise.” She added to those whom she’d offended or hurt, “know that I’m sorry [and] that I’m striving to be a better vessel on this walk we call life. ...” A homegoing service for Baker is set for 1 p.m., Saturday, January 11 at First Congregational Church, 2501 Harrison Street, Oakland. Anyone with information related to the crash is encouraged to call the CHP regional field office at (510) 450-3821 or (800) TELL CHP (835-5247). Callers may refer to the Alameda County Coroner’s case number, 2014-0001.t

Fundraisers help displaced ex-SF supe by Matthew S. Bajko


riends of former San Francisco Supervisor Christina Olague, the first out bisexual to serve on the board, are hosting several fundraisers for her this month as she deals with the aftermath of a fatal fire that killed one of her housemates and close friend. The fire occurred at the Baker Street residence on Christmas night. Partners Randy David Sapp and Patrick Ferry, who co-owned the store The Sword and Rose in Cole Valley, were sent to the hospital suffering from severe burns. Sapp died from his injuries while Ferry is recovering from burns to his hands. Olague had lived in her unit with her sister and has been displaced ever since. News about her and her housemates became known after the New Year’s holiday last week when word began to spread about an online fundraising effort launched by Olague’s friends and the local NBC

Rick Gerharter

Former Supervisor Christiana Olague

affiliate reported that Sapp had died. “I am so overwhelmed and filled with gratitude to all of you for reaching out with love and so many gen-

erous offerings,” Olague wrote on a Facebook message she posted last Friday in response to the outpouring of assistance. She added that, “losing a dear friend has been incredibly challenging and my special prayers go out to Patrick and his family.” The online fundraiser at https:// www.wepay.com/donations/christina-olague had netted more than $9,500 as of early Tuesday, January 7 to help Olague as she searches for a new apartment. “After a long discussion, she agreed to let people know this happened, and at my urging accepted that she needs financial assistance as well with getting a new apartment and getting back on her feet again,” friend Gabriel Haaland wrote in a message he posted on the crowdfunding site. “Currently she is staying with a friend.” Officials from the San Francisco Fire Department did not return a See page 10 >>


Community News>>

January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 3

Maitri sues AHF over thrift shop space by Seth Hemmelgarn


aitri hospice is suing the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, claiming that the Los Angeles-based nonprofit hasn’t paid the rent for one of its Out of the Closet thrift store locations since August. Maitri, the San Francisco agency that provides 24-hour residential care to people living with AIDS, has rented space to AHF at 100 Church Street for more than a decade. The foundation uses the space, which is adjacent to Maitri, for the thrift store, a pharmacy, and other services. AHF provides medical care and advocacy around the world. Through its civil complaint, filed in October in San Francisco Superior Court, Maitri seeks “unlimited” damages over $25,000 for failure to pay rent, failure to negotiate in good faith, and other causes. AHF filed a response in December, denying Maitri’s allegations and denying that the hospice “sustained or will sustain damages ... at all.” In an interview last week, Maitri Executive Director Michael Smithwick expressed support for AHF’s work but said, “The rent revenue we receive on that space is almost 10 percent of our total revenue, so for an organization of our size, that’s significant, and


Pride ED

From page 1

and Jesse Oliver Sanford, via phone from Spain. Treasurer David Currie was absent. Former interim CEO Lisa Williams, who assumes her board seat at the next meeting, also attended.

Other business

In other matters at Tuesday’s meeting, Levine presented revisions to SF Pride’s policies and procedures, which will include changes to the corporate

it certainly creates challenges.” Prompted by AIDS activist and blogger Michael Petrelis, AHF recently released its tax documents, which show that the foundation’s budget for the most recently completed fiscal year was $164,870,149. According to Maitri’s complaint, the two agencies entered into a lease agreement in September 2003. The deal provided for two five-year renewal options, the first of which AHF exercised in 2008. The agreement was set to expire September 30, 2013. For that period, the rent was set at $18,250 a month and was eventually increased to about $18,283 in 2011. In 2012, the nonprofits agreed to a rent increase of $100 a month to allow AHF to use Maitri’s garbage staging area. In April 2013, in preparation for a new deal, Maitri provided the foundation with its estimate that the fair market value of the space was $24,820 to $25,550 a month. The complaint says that on April 2, AHF Bay Area regional director Dale Gluth wrote, “AIDS Healthcare Foundation intends to exercise our renewal option. ... We are in the process of compiling our estimates and will follow up with you shortly.” Maitri then notified AHF that the proposed fair market rent would be participation policy. The board would not circulate or describe all the changes it would be making. Changes to the financial responsibilities policy were in response to the 2010 city controller’s report, Virginia said. The board had positive financial news in the current treasurer’s report for November. The police bill for Pride 2013, $32,777, was nearly $10,000 less than expected. For the closing three months of 2013, SF Pride had a negative net income of $82,717.

space. He also didn’t know what the nonprofit’s plans are as far as vacating the location, and he didn’t know how much money AHF makes off the shop each month.

$25,185 a month. The nonprofit “reasonably and justifiably relied on AHF’s statement that it was exercising its second renewal option under the lease,” the court documents say, but “AHF has never provided its estimate of the fair market rent” and “has not negotiated in good faith – or at all.” AHF also hasn’t “requested that an arbitrator be appointed” pursuant of the amended lease, the complaint says, and Maitri holds that its estimate of the fair market rent “prevails.”

AHF is supposed to pay the hospice $25,185 a month to rent the Church Street space from October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2018, as well as $100 a month to use the garage area. The larger nonprofit should also pay the annual property taxes on the space, according to Maitri. In addition to losing out on rent money, Maitri has also “been deprived of the economic security of an additional five-year lease of its property at a fair market rental value,” the nonprofit claims, and AHF “has made it difficult to find a replacement tenant.” In an interview this week, Tom Myers, the foundation’s general counsel, was supportive of Maitri’s services but said, “The rent they’re seeking is way out of proportion to what the market will bear.” Myers added, “We worked with them in trying to find resolution to this.” He said the foundation “made an offer to stay for a reasonable amount of time to allow for a reasonable transition,” but the amount Maitri wanted “was not going to work.” Myers didn’t know when the last time was that AHF, which also operates other Out of the Closet stores, paid the rent on the Church Street

Scott Shuematte had an interesting item in his 2014 event report. San Francisco security firm Yojimbo, whose personnel barred some of the current board members from attending a board meeting last April (before they were elected to the board) when they came to voice concerns over the Manning controversy, will again this year provide main stage security. Virginia, Sanford, and others who were prevented from attending the meeting expressed no reservations for continuing to contract with Yojimbo,

whose payment is “proprietary information,” according to Shuematte. Caldera objected to proposed revisions to SF Pride’s qualifications and criteria for selecting grand marshals. The board proposed to limit community grand marshals to local heroes from the nine-county Bay Area region. Caldera blocked the language, insisting the community grand marshals be from San Francisco. Virginia reminded Caldera the selection criteria “was a huge problem last year” and the revised language was

an effort to clarify eligibility. The board overruled Caldera, citing time constraints as nominations will be submitted at the member meeting January 14. Cain discussed his efforts to have the board name Manning an honorary grand marshal at this year’s Pride. He said it was in the board’s capacity to do so and it would help “heal fissures and the huge problems from last year.” Cain, who said, “Chelsea Manning is a bigger hero this year,” said there was no consensus on the honor.t

Jane Philomen Cleland

Maitri’s Michael Smithwick

Cuts at Maitri

Faced with reduced government funds, especially from the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Modernization Act, Maitri has been cutting costs. Over the last three years, Maitri’s annual spending has decreased more than 15 percent, Smithwick said. The budget for the 2012-13 fiscal year was $2,367,110. Four positions were eliminated in November, but Smithwick said, “All of them were administrative, so there was no cut to direct resident care.” Maitri now has about 23 regular ful-time paid staff. The hospice has 15 rooms, which Smithwick said are always filled. Along with staff cuts, reductions have come in expenses related to the annual Bliss gala, as well as printing costs and other areas. The nonprofit’s also been working to bring in more money from non-government sources. Tax records for the 2012-13 fiscal year list Smithwick’s total compensation as $104,410.t

<< Open Forum

4 • Bay Area Reporter • January 9-15, 2014

Volume 44, Number 2 January 9-15, 2014 www.ebar.com PUBLISHER Michael M. Yamashita Thomas E. Horn, Publisher Emeritus (2013) Publisher (2003 – 2013) Bob Ross, Founder (1971 – 2003) NEWS EDITOR Cynthia Laird ARTS EDITOR Roberto Friedman assistant editors Matthew S. Bajko Seth Hemmelgarn Jim Provenzano contributing writers Dan Aiello • Tavo Amador • Erin Blackwell Roger Brigham • Scott Brogan Victoria A. Brownworth • Philip Campbell Heather Cassell • Chuck Colbert Richard Dodds • Raymond Flournoy David Guarino • Peter Hernandez Liz Highleyman • Brandon Judell • John F. Karr Lisa Keen • Matthew Kennedy • David Lamble Michael McAllister • Michael McDonagh David-Elijah Nahmod • Elliot Owen Paul Parish • James Patterson • Lois Pearlman Tim Pfaff • Jim Piechota • Bob Roehr Philip Ruth • Donna Sachet • Adam Sandel Jason Serinus • Gregg Shapiro Gwendolyn Smith • Jim Stewart Ed Walsh • Sura Wood art direction T. Scott King PRODUCTION/DESIGN Jay Cribas Photographers Danny Buskirk • Jane Philomen Cleland Rick Gerharter • Lydia Gonzales Rudy K. Lawidjaja • Steven Underhill Bill Wilson illustrators & cartoonists Paul Berge Christine Smith ADVERTISING/ADMINISTRATION Colleen Small ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Scott Wazlowski – 415.359.2612 NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Rivendell Media – 212.242.6863

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Bay Area Reporter 225 Bush Street, Suite 1700 San Francisco, CA 94104 415.861.5019 www.ebar.com A division of BAR Media, Inc. © 2013 President: Michael M. Yamashita Chairman: Thomas E. Horn VP and CFO: Patrick G. Brown Secretary: Todd A. Vogt

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PrEP’s unfulfilled promise


n the last year and a half since the AIDS drug Truvada was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for HIV prevention use, doctors in San Francisco and other cities have noticed something surprising: there is little interest among gay men to take the pill. An analysis by Gilead Sciences, which makes Truvada, showed that based on data from more than half of retail pharmacies nationwide only 1,774 people filled prescriptions from January 2011 to March 2013, according to an article in the New York Times. While that does not include the thousands of people receiving the drug as research participants, it’s still an indication that the so-called morning after pill, hailed by AIDS doctors and researchers as a way to prevent transmission of the HIV virus, has not been embraced by gay men and others. San Francisco Dr. Lisa Capaldini, who’s treated gay men for many years, told the Times that PrEP has “gotten tons of attention at HIV meetings as a new tool for prevention, and I consider it an important option for the right person. And yet there’s been very little interest among my patients. There’s a fascinating disconnect.” What’s equally interesting is that during the debate over a morning after pill that would prevent HIV (and Truvada has been found to be very effective if taken daily) many people were fearful that gay men in particular would abandon condoms and all start taking Truvada. Clearly that hasn’t happened. There are several potential explanations for gay men’s ambivalence

toward Truvada. First of all is the cost at $1,000 per month – although Gilead has a patient assistance program that provides the drug to those who cannot afford it. Another is the fact that in order to be effective, the pill needs to be taken every day, not every other day or only after unprotected sex. And that daily dose can result in side effects that may dissuade gay men, like kidney damage and bone density loss, which while rare, are potentially serious. In the Times story another reason was mentioned by Dr. Kenneth Mayer, a professor of medicine at Harvard and the medical research director at Fenway Health in Boston. “We’ve had several decades of the recommendation to use condoms,” Mayer said. “Now we’re saying, ‘Here’s a pill that might protect you if you don’t use condoms.’ So it’s flying in the face of community norms.” For years we’ve reported on “condom fa-


tigue” among gay men, and figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention back that up: the proportion of gay men who reported having unprotected anal sex in the previous year rose to 57 percent in 2011 from 48 percent in 2005, the Times noted. There’s also evidence of stigma attached to gay men by their doctors, with some reporting negative reactions from their physicians when Truvada is discussed, due to assumptions that it will increase promiscuity and diminish safe sex practices. The term “Truvada whore” is now popping up on social media sites. In short there seems to be a need for more education – for doctors and gay men. We’d like to see the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association take on the task of providing information to physicians so that they know how to conduct a respectful, honest discussion with their patients and gay men can be comfortable with their doctors discussing available options, including Truvada. We’re certain straight men aren’t labeled “Viagra whores” when they’re prescribed that little blue pill. This is an opportunity for HIV/AIDS organizations in San Francisco to hold town halls this year on PrEP. Such meetings have been occurring with regularity since before Truvada was approved, but now that it’s available, these forums can provide information on the potential benefits and risks associated with taking it. There is a need for more information in general since it seems that not all gay men even know about PrEP. We’re certainly not advocating that every gay man start on PrEP. That’s a decision between a patient and their doctor. But it should be a collaborative decision based on facts and an honest assessment of the benefits versus the risks.t

Lies can’t stop the law by Gwendolyn Ann Smith


hortly after a sphere made of crystal and LED lights glided down a 141-foot pole in New York City, a new law took effect some 3,000 miles to the west. The law is the School Success and Opportunity Act, otherwise known as Assembly Bill 1266. The bill passed the California Legislature last July, and was sign by Governor Jerry Brown a month later. The bill itself is simple: it prohibits schools from discriminating on the basis of gender, gender identity, and gender expression. It requires that students be permitted to participate in any sex-segregated school programs and activities, including athletic teams, and to use facilities consistent with their gender identity. The bill is the first of its kind for any state to enact, although many school districts – including some of the most populous school districts in California – have had this on their books for up to a decade. Now, for the first time, gendernonconforming students from as far north as Fort Dick to as far south as San Ysidro have the ability to use facilities consistent with their gender identity or expression regardless of their records at admission. It is, in my opinion, also important to note that Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and the California Education Code, have both been interpreted in recent years as requiring students to be treated equally in regards to gender identity or expression. It can easily be argued, then, that AB 1266 is simply clarifying these interpretations. This does not downplay the importance of AB 1266 in the grand scheme of things, however. This is not the first time I’ve discussed AB 1266, nor shall it be the last. This is a landmark bill, and there are many out there who would wish to see it repealed. Of those, the most prominent is the Pacific Justice Institute, a legal defense organization that focuses on conservative issues including, of course, stemming the tide of LGBT rights.

The Pacific Justice Institute is also part of a slightly broader coalition group called Privacy For All Students, which organized a petition drive to get a ballot measure to repeal AB 1266. (At press time, state officials determined that the verification rate of the random count was sufficient to move to a full count, which is due February 24. See story, page 1.) That these groups fight against this bill is more than simply living up to their mission statements: the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision throwing out Proposition 8 and allowing for same-sex marriage in California was a stinging defeat for the Pacific Justice Institute, and it is clearly looking for what it might hope is an easy victory to keep its coffers full of cash from wealthy conservative donors. Since before the bill’s passage, the Pacific Justice Institute and Privacy For All Students have worked hard to frame this law as “the school bathroom bill” or the “co-ed bathroom bill,” claiming – at best – that this bill will lead to coed changing and restroom facilities at schools. That is when they are not claiming that droves of young men will suddenly claim to be transgender merely to ogle “your 7-year-old daughter” in the restroom. AB 1266 includes no language requiring coed facilities. Also, there have been no known cases of a student claiming to be transgender for the sole purpose of sexually harassing opposite gender students. Naturally, AB 1266 does not make sexual harassment – let alone worse crimes – legal due to the gender identity or expression of a student. Privacy For All Students turned in over 619,000 signatures in its attempt to force a ballot measure. An additional 5,000 signatures gained in Mono and Tulare counties were not initially included as they were turned in after the November 10 deadline. The 10th was a Sunday, and November 11 was Veteran’s Day, which meant that state offices were closed. Last week, a Sacramento County Superior Court judge ordered the secretary of state’s of-

fice to count the petition signatures. As the Bay Area Reporter noted on its blog last week, state officials will comply with the judge’s order. Evan Goldberg, a spokesman for the secretary of state’s office, said Friday (January 3), “The judge ruled that the signatures from those two counties must be counted, even though they were delivered after the deadline. The secretary of state has decided to comply with the judge’s order.” The order does not mean, however, that AB 1266 is on hold. As of press time, the law remains in effect. That has not stopped the Pacific Justice Institute and other conservative sources from claiming – falsely – that the bill is on hold. “Because the signatures have been filed, the implementation of the law is suspended until the final signature tally,” claimed a December 30 press release from the institute. “After that, the law will continue to lie dormant until the voters render their judgment in the November 2014 election.” Of course, you can merely go to the first sentence of this column to see that this is wrong: the law went into effect on January 1, and will remain so until they have all their signatures in place. In spite of all those shenanigans, it still must be shown that a total of 504,760 valid signatures were gathered. As of this writing, it appears that Privacy For All Students may not make the goal. They need to have a 95 percent validity rate, and currently, only about 78 percent of the signatures gathered have been shown to be valid. Schools are meant to be safe and nurturing environments where all students can learn. This includes students who are transgender. According to the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network, over two-thirds of such students feel unsafe in school. More than onequarter have reported physical violence. The Pacific Justice Institute and Privacy For All Students are showing that they will stoop to any level to win. It’s important to unmask their lies, and keep all of us safe.t Gwen Smith was bullied in a California school. You’ll find her at gwensmith.com.


Letters >>

January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 5

Water off a duck

Your comment, “Reality shows are inherently more about ... over-the-top characters than anything remotely resembling real life” [“Duck and cover,” Editorial, January 2], rings true. The reality is that Phil Robertson is not going to be having sexual intercourse with any human orifice; not unless he can find a bathtub on the bayou, much less a Tom Ford suit. In the same GQ issue is a feature, “The Toughest Woman in Sports,” about the struggles of Fallon Fox, the first male-to-female transgender mixed martial arts cage fighter. Not only is the article worth reading, but, for my money, she looks more than capable of kicking some serious hillbilly ass. Steve Evers San Francisco

Lots of history at Twin Peaks

I just wanted to compliment the Bay Area Reporter on the lovely article about one of my ultimate favorite places in San Francisco, our Twin Peaks Tavern [“Old is new,” BARtab, January 2]. It was a joy to read it and then to think back to some of the amazing moments that took place there while we lived in the city: Halloween when Mayor Art Agnos joined in the revelries; the day ACT Up took over Castro Street and riot police stood outside the bar in their helmets, looking like bad space cadets; and the many loving friends we met there and enjoyed talking to throughout the years. It’s a happy thought that our legendary meeting place now has historic status. This is as it should be, and should remain for many years, an extraordinary place where folks from throughout the world can mingle with locals, and share their views. I will always love that bar. It holds a special place in my heart, and epitomizes the quintessential San Francisco. Thanks again for the article. Mary Richards-Rocos Palm Springs, California

Doesn’t like Honor Walk plaques

I stopped by the HRC store to see the first of 20 plaques scheduled to be embedded into the sidewalk as part of the upcoming Rainbow Honor Walk. I was very disappointed to see the plaque marred by the inclusion of the Rainbow Honor Walk organization’s logo, the placement of which nudges Sylvester’s signature awkwardly off-center. Since when are memorials to deceased individuals considered advertising opportunities? Must the neighborhood be peppered with 20 (and possibly more) instances of the organization’s logo (which is – for better or for worse – just plain) in perpetuity? What a shame. A visit to the organization’s website shows the original design proposals on which an even bolder full-color display of the logo was intended. Clearly, this organization

has long viewed these plaques, at least in part, as opportunities to advertise their own organization. I would propose that a monument made up of 20 or more plaques is inherently self-promoting. Further, I would propose that the plaques should instead be focused entirely on celebrating the contributions of the individual honorees, while the function of celebrating the contributions of the organization, along with the names of contributors and sponsors, would best be served on a separate dedication plaque located elsewhere. Keep it classy, right? I did learn from the B.A.R.’s online archives that the plaques were designed by the brother-inlaw of the RHW organization’s president, David Perry, which the paper explained was a coincidence. Concerned by all this and want to raise an objection? Well, don’t look to the Rainbow Honor Walk’s website for information about board meetings at which you can raise your objection. No meeting information is listed there, potentially a violation of the state public records acts. B.G. Springfield San Francisco

Animal welfare legislation needed

Our state Legislature reconvened Monday, January 6. Now’s the time to ask your representatives to introduce legislation to protect animals, both wild and domestic. A few suggestions: • Ban all “wildlife killing contests” of coyotes, rabbits, ground squirrels, crows, whatever. They are unethical, ecologically-unsound, and give all hunting a black eye; • Ban the use of electronic duck decoys (“roboducks”) – unethical and unsporting; • Ban the Mexican rodeo’s brutal “steer tailing” event (already banned in Alameda and Contra Costa counties); • Amend current law (Penal Code 596.7) so as to require on-site veterinary care at all rodeos; • Ban the sale of non-native turtles and frogs for human consumption. All are diseased. Released into local waters, they displace and prey upon our native wildlife; • Ban elephant rides – dangerous for animals and public alike; • Ban the cruel “farrowing crates” at state and county fairs; • Ban the giving away of goldfish as prizes, and the sale of hermit crabs as pets (all taken from the wild) at fairs and carnivals. Most will die an early death. All legislators may be written c/o the State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814. As the Lorax says, “If somebody like you doesn’t care a whole awful lot, nothing’s going to get better. It’s not.” Eric Mills, Coordinator Action for Animals Oakland, California

Tenant confab set for Sat. compiled by Cynthia Laird


enant advocates and others concerned with San Francisco’s uptick in evictions will gather this weekend for the Castro Tenants Convention. The forum takes place Saturday, January 11 from noon to 2 p.m. at the LGBT Community Center, 1800 Market Street. Organizers said a goal of the meeting is to come up with strategies for fighting evictions in the Castro neighborhood, stopping gentrification and the displacement of so many people, and educating tenants about their rights and how they can fight when threatened with an eviction. Participants will also come up with suggestions for a ballot initiative for the November election. Ideas will be presented at a planned citywide tenants convention in February. Other neighborhoods, including the Mission, Chinatown, Haight/Richmond/ Western Addition and the Tenderloin/South of Market are also holding – or have held – conventions and will make recommendations to the citywide convention. Saturday’s convention is free and open to all tenants. For more information, visit “Castro Tenants Convention” on Facebook.

East Bay LGBT Dems hold New Year’s party

The East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club will hold its New Beginnings party tonight (Thursday, January 9)

Rick Gerharter

Ellis Act evictions and affordable housing were on the minds of people who participated in the annual candlelight vigil honoring slain Supervisor Harvey Milk and Mayor George Moscone that was held November 27.

from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at Lungomare, 1 Broadway in Oakland’s Jack London Square. Organizers said that people are welcome to attend the reception, which will celebrate the new year. Appetizers and a no-host bar will be available.

Supes pass anti-harassment proposal for renters

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors unanimously passed legislation Tuesday, January 7 aimed at helping the city’s renters. The proposal, introduced by gay Supervisor David Campos, would allow rent board hearings for tenants who feel their landlord is harassing

them in order to oust them from their unit and retake possession. This was the board’s second unanimous vote on the legislation, which now goes to Mayor Ed Lee. It’s not clear whether the mayor will sign it into law, but even if he doesn’t approve it, there are more than enough votes to override a veto. Protests have taken place in recent weeks around tech companies that have received tax breaks for moving into the Mid-Market area, adding employees who often have the means to buy into the high-end complexes that are coming online, while at the same time driving up demand – and rents – for existing housing stock in many parts of the city. Campos, whose District 9 inSee page 7 >>

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<< Politics

6 • Bay Area Reporter • January 9-15, 2014


SF panel reviews police hiring for street fairs by Matthew S. Bajko


he requirement that outdoor festivals and events in San Francisco hire off-duty police officers to work security has long generated complaints about the added expense incurred, particularly for those produced by nonprofits or small community groups. The issue received a public airing this week when the city’s Entertainment Commission reviewed how the police department determines how many 10B officers, named after the city code detailing the policy, an event is required to hire. The officers are paid an hourly rate of time and a half, similar to what they earn working overtime, and the event promoters pay for the fees. “We are not planning to take any action, but we’ve heard comments and concerns from event planners,” said Bryant Tan, the commission’s president, in explaining the need for the informational hearing. The 10B process kicks in when a special event seeks a street closure permit. As part of its application, the event promoter works with the police district station that has jurisdiction over the location of the event to determine how many 10B officers will be needed. Once the number is determined, the event is required to pay an estimated fee upfront for the 10B officers. “The paramount issue is public safety when we make these considerations,” said Sergeant Eugene Galeano, who works in the police department’s operations bureau that

oversees the 10B unit. “If it is open to the public, a ticketed event, and if alcohol is served goes into deciding how much security is needed.” A number of long-running street fairs and festivals, such as the Folsom Street Fair or Pride festival, don’t see much change in the number of 10B officers they need to hire unless they expand or significantly change their footprint. Newer events can be at a disadvantage as they may be required to hire more officers than are actually needed. Over time their 10B requirement can be decreased as the police and promoters have a better sense of the security needs for that event. “If the event went well last year, we can scale back this year, or maybe we need to add more officers,” explained Galeano. Some promoters have complained of being told they need to hire additional 10B officers just days prior to their event. Others have said that not all of the 10B officers they were expecting show up to work the event. Inner Sunset Park Neighbors board member Chris Duderstadt told the commission that when his group applied to close a block of Irving Street for a neighborhood festival “the cost was significant” for hiring the required 10B officers. “We had to make it a for-profit event,” he said. “We ended up not doing what we wanted, which was a community event.” Susan King, the Sunday Streets program manager with the nonprofit Livable City, said the annual street closures on certain Sundays

Rick Gerharter

San Francisco Police Officer Lisa Fraser, right, talked with an attendee at last year’s Up Your Alley street fair; the city’s Entertainment Commission is weighing changes to the requirement for police officers at such outdoor events.

in various neighborhoods is “fortunate” not to have to hire 10B officers. But when it tried to do smaller street closures, the community groups it had partnered with found the expense of doing so out of reach. She said she found it ironic that anyone can drive down a street, “one of the most dangerous things you can do,” without the need for police, but when it comes to wanting “children to play on it and draw with chalk all of a sudden you need the police.” Susan Englander, a board member of the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club, which has made nightlife and entertainment issues one of its legislative priorities, criticized the 10B process as being “arbitrary and inconsistent. We want to see some logic behind this.” Entertainment Commissioner Stephen Lee expressed concern that the fees the city imposes on street

fairs, particularly those run by nonprofit groups, are causing some to fold as the costs become prohibitive. “We are trying to see if there is a way to streamline this in any way possible,” he said. Fellow Commissioner Audrey Joseph, who has used the 10B program “a lot” over the years, particularly through her work with producing the main stage programming for the Pride festival, said it is incumbent upon street event organizers to begin working with the police and other city officials overseeing the permit process months in advance to address any concerns or problems. “You’ve got to be responsible,” she said. One idea that has been floated in the past is to allow deputy sheriffs to be hired for 10B work as they make less money than police officers. According to the city code, the police

are given the first right of refusal for 10B assignments. In his remarks to the Entertainment Commission, Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi noted that there is a “23 percent differential” between what police officers and deputy sheriffs make. “I would like to see greater partnership between the police and sheriff on 10B,” he said. “It sends the right message we are looking to provide as intact security services as possible and make sure it is affordable.” With the 10B program a lucrative source of additional pay for police officers, the department is unlikely to support altering the program. And it remains unclear if there is much political will at City Hall to advance that idea. Entertainment Commissioner Glendon Hyde, a former Milk club president who is also known by his drag name Anna Conda, told the Bay Area Reporter after the meeting that he believes some changes in the 10B program should be adopted. “I think we have the basis of what is going on and that there is certainly room for tightening protocol and excessive 10B being placed on events,” said Hyde, who had asked that the matter be addressed by the commission. “Some better guidelines and application are needed for sure. Especially for small community events that obviously suffer at the costs.”

Gay man becomes Mountain View mayor

A gay city councilman in Mountain View has become his city’s first gay mayor and its youngest. Having served as vice mayor in 2013, Chris Clark, 30, was elevated to mayor by his colleagues at the city See page 10 >>

Evolutionary spirit by Raymond Flournoy

ran with it, and I think a lot of people could do that. If you want to learn something, just go for it.” The Heated towels are carried by various boutiques, including Local Take (3979-B 17th Street, San Francisco), Marion and Rose (461 19th Street, Oakland), and Modern Mouse (2223 South Shore Center, Alameda), as well as online at www. etsy.com/shop/theheated.


new antique store has opened in the Castro, hoping to woo more designers to the neighborhood by targeting high-end antiques and collectibles. Evolve (4115 19th Street) is the creation of owners Richard Sablatura and Jeffrey Doney. The jewel box boutique specializes in prints and engravings from the 18th and 19th centuries, with an additional emphasis on European furniture and natural artifacts. The latter category is best represented by Doney’s extensive butterfly collection, which adorns the shop. Sablatura explains that the two, who are both gay, had long discussed opening an antique store. When the 19th Street location opened up the time seemed right to pursue the dream. “Really, the stars aligned and it all came together,” he said. Doney’s background is in architecture, and he provides the design know-how and collector’s eye for Evolve. The store’s stock has been gathered over time, and the two continue to go out on buying expeditions to develop the collection. Additionally, the shop features items sold on consignment for other antique dealers. According to Sablatura, the business side of the duo, sales for the first six months have exceeded their goals, and they are optimistic for 2014. One focus for the new year is to build relationships with designers and decorators to encourage them to look beyond the Design district, and to peruse Evolve’s collection. For more information, includ-

Ixia turns 30

Steven Kasapi

Co-owners Jeffrey Doney, left, and Richard Sablatura stand among treasures from the 18th and 19th centuries at their new store Evolve.

ing photos of some of their feature items, visit www.evolvestudio.co.

Lighting the entrepreneurial fire

Another San Francisco small business took a major step in the latter half of 2013. Christina Espinosa, the heart behind the brand The Heated, made the former side project her full-time job. Espinosa originally sold her screen-printed kitchen towels as merchandise to promote her musical career, but she soon found that the screen-printing was becoming more successful than the music, so now she is fully concentrated on developing her product line. The towels are currently sold in specialty boutiques throughout the Bay Area, as well as online in her Etsy store. Espinosa’s top selling designs feature San Francisco icons

such as the Golden Gate Bridge and Sutro Tower, and fittingly all of the towels are printed in San Francisco. The towels themselves are made in the U.S. Espinosa, an out lesbian, noted that she has never hidden her orientation, freely posting photos of her wedding to her Twitter and Instagram accounts. “I wonder if being a lesbian was actually a small advantage for me, because it made me and my products stand out a little,” she mused. In the coming year, Espinosa is planning to expand The Heated to include a line of screen-printed cards and flour sack napkins to match the kitchen towels. The path for a single entrepreneur is not simple, but Espinosa encourages others to step out to see what is possible. “I was just a self-starter with no formal training,” she said. “I didn’t even know how to do the screenprinting, except for the directions on the box. But I took an idea and

While new businesses continue to pop-up, one of the oldest gay-owned businesses in the Castro, florist Ixia (2231 Market Street) celebrated its 30th anniversary in November. According to owner Gary Weiss, “I believe we are the third oldest LGBT[-owned] store in the Castro after Orphan Andy’s (3991 17th Street) and Michael Bruno (2267 Market Street) ...” In those 30 years Weiss has seen a tremendous amount of change in the Castro, and he worries about the direction that the historically gay neighborhood is headed. “I’m frequently in disagreement with others about formula retail in the Castro. I’m on the side of making sure that the distinctive flavor of the Castro remains,” said Weiss in an interview with the Bay Area Reporter. “If we continue to dilute the reason why the Castro exists, then people from all over will feel less that it is a destination that they need to come to.” On the question of whether more formula retail should be allowed to open in the neighborhood, Weiss observed, “It’s always the same discussion, that this next company isn’t so bad for some reason. But then, where is the tipping point? When do you suddenly realize that there are too many chain stores?” But Weiss is excited by the Castro

sidewalk-widening project, set to be completed this year. “This entire plan is so amazing,” he said. “It’s the best possible thing that could happen for the Castro, and I have to give credit to [District 8 Supervisor] Scott Wiener for pushing this through.” Weiss noted that business for Ixia actually improved during 2013, so he is hopeful for a busy 2014. He credits the passage of marriage equality in particular for boosting the wedding side of his business.

Healthy San Francisco settlements announced

On December 30 the San Francisco City Attorney’s office announced the results of a major investigation of the Healthy San Francisco surcharges paid by customers and collected by many city eateries. These surcharges are intended to offset health care coverage costs mandated by a city ordinance in 2007. Last January, City Attorney Dennis Herrera began a citywide investigation and audit to determine whether restaurants were appropriately disbursing the collected funds. A total of 57 businesses were part of the investigation, which resulted in 38 negotiated settlements totaling more than $2 million. Herrera’s office offered a one-time 50 percent amnesty, and many restaurants reached settlements under that agreement. The restaurants reaching settlements with the city include three Castro eateries: Cafe Flore, 2298 Market Street, $19,670; Burgermeister, a local chain with a location at 138 Church Street, $134,088; and Squat and Gobble, a local chain with a location at 3600 16th Street, $200,766.10. An additional two restaurants reached non-cash settlements, and 17 were cleared of wrongdoing.t


Community News>>

January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 7

Rainbow flag stolen from San Jose church by Heather Cassell


San Jose church community is standing strong after its rainbow flag was stolen from in front of the building the night before Christmas Eve. Leaders of Alum Rock United Methodist Church quickly replaced the stolen rainbow flag with two new ones. They plan to hang one on the overhang of the church’s entryway to the office, above where it once hung simply secured by two nails. The Reverend Stephen Lee and volunteer Jacqueline Curtis hope that placing the new rainbow flag on the overhang will deter future thefts, but it will still serve its purpose of reflecting the 88-member congregation’s commitment to diversity and welcoming the LGBT community to the church, located at 30 Kirk Avenue. Curtis’s only regret is that she didn’t have another flag to put up on Christmas Eve. “One of my regrets when it was missing on Christmas Eve was not having another one to put up immediately,” said Curtis. This was the second time the flag was taken from the entrance to the church’s office, said Curtis. The first time happened sometime in October, but it wasn’t reported to police and there wasn’t any other damage done to the church, she said.


News Briefs

From page 5

cludes the Mission and other neighborhoods hit with displacement, designed the legislation to address what he’s described as “the widespread practice of landlords trying to harass tenants into self-evicting from their homes.” Campos has also been working to craft legislation to increase relo-

Curtis, a 40-something ally who was raised in the congregation and neighborhood, believed it was just kids thinking the flag was cool and she hoped they were putting it to good use. She urged Lee, a 62-year-old ally, who was raised in the South and knew differently, not to report it. He reluctantly gave into her pleading, Lee said. “I was pissed, to put it mildly,” said Lee, about the second flag theft. “It was no accident, definitely.” Yet, he waited to report the crime due to the holiday services. Then, less than a week later the theft was followed by a break-in resulting in some music equipment being stolen sometime on December 29 or 30, said Lee. Lee reported the theft to authorities on December 30, according to the sheriff department’s report. At that time he included the two thefts of the rainbow flags in the report and hoped that they might be investigated as hate crimes, Lee told the Bay Area Reporter. Deputy Kurtis Stenderup, public information officer for the Santa Clara County Sheriff ’s office, which oversees policing of the unincorporated San Jose neighborhood, confirmed the report was filed on December 30. But the report only mentioned the theft of the estimated $2,500 worth of music equipment, which was reported by the volunteer who oversees the equipment to ofcation funds that landlords make available to evicted tenants.

City offers challenge grant to historical society

The city of San Francisco has issued a challenge to the GLBT Historical Society in the form of a $17,000 matching grant to support the GLBT History Museum. To qualify, the society must raise an equal amount of money from new

led to the resumption of same-sex marriages in late June. Members also used the flag last summer when they participated in San Jose Pride along with other South Bay United Methodist congregations. An estimated 30 congregants, including youth, volunteered throughout Pride, Curtis said. “We participated in San Jose Pride ... and we had a great time. It really kind of got us motivated,” said Curtis. When Curtis informed the community of the most recent theft of the flag on the AlumRockTalks Yahoo Group, community members responded with surprise to the news.

A rainbow congregation

ficers in a follow-up report to the sheriff ’s office January 7. The estimation is significantly higher than the initial assumed value of $900 in the original report, said Lee. The rainbow flags weren’t mentioned in the initial report and the theft didn’t meet the criteria to be considered a hate crime, said Stenderup. Lee told the Bay Area Reporter on Tuesday that he didn’t know what happened with the initial report after it was handed off to several deputies

before reaching the investigator. However, the theft of the rainbow flags will be added to the report and is being included in the case of the stolen music equipment, which is still under investigation as of this week. Church members originally purchased the rainbow flag to celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions striking down a key provision of the Defense of Marriage Act and dismissing California’s same-sex marriage ban, Proposition 8, which

Lee, who took over as the pastor about a year and a half ago, described the church and its members as a social justice fellowship. The church has been a reconciling ministry since March 1999, and is welcoming to everyone, including the neighborhood’s largely ethnic, immigrant, LGBT and wealthier and poorer communities, since sometime in the 1990s. “For Alum Rock it’s very important, because there are some of our church family who are gay,” said Curtis. “It’s just kind of inconceivable that people would be excluded for something like that.” LGBT rights were a key priority for the church when it selected Lee as its pastor, said Curtis.t

individual donors or increased gifts from past donors. The challenge grant is from the city’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development, and administered by Grants for the Arts, said historical society Executive Director Paul Boneberg. “Thanks to the city’s challenge grant, every dollar you give to support our queer T:9.75” history work will be doubled,” Boneberg said in a state-

ment. “If you give $10, the city will turn it into $20 – and if you give $500, the city will make it $1,000. That means there’s never been a better time to become a member or make a donation.” Boneberg noted that current donors also can play another vital role: “Ask your friends and colleagues to make a donation – and let them know that the city will match what they give dollar for dollar. You’ll

help us reach the new supporters that are key to securing funds for the museum and our exciting new main gallery exhibition planned for this year.” Donations can be made online or by mail. The historical society is a 501(c)3 nonprofit; all donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by U.S. law. To make a donation, visit http://www.glbthistory.org/donate/index.html.t

Jo-Lynn Otto

The Reverend Stephen Lee holds the two new rainbow flags near the spot where the stolen ones once hung.

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<< Sports

8 • Bay Area Reporter • January 9-15, 2014

Rumor has it by Roger Brigham


ou would think a playoff week that featured sensational finalseconds victories in bitter cold would have NFL commentators focused solely on that. But for much of the past few days, perhaps as much time has been devoted to rumors of who’s gay and who’s a bigot as to those dramatic victories by the Niners, Saints, and Colts. Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers took time in his weekly radio show before his team’s game against the Forty-Niners to proclaim, “I’m not gay. I really, really like women. That’s all I can say about that.” Not so much on his pending date on the field against Aldon Smith and Justin Smith, which would result in Colin Kaepernick scampering across the frozen tundra for victory and another chapter completed in his growing legend. Rather, an emphatic public denial of a rumor that has cropped up on an obscure website, based on tweets from a friend, and that then spread crazily through the Internet. Writing for Sports On Earth, columnist Will Leitch summed up the reason for the media frenzy succinctly. “There are few sports stories more inherently irresistible to sports media than a gay athlete story,” Leitch wrote. “It is that rare sports story that is completely sordid and juicy and page-clicky but also can be couched, often disingenuously, in entirely good intentions. Every normal person knows that with the number of

professional athletes there are, using simple math, there are dozens, if not scores, of active gay [major professional male] athletes playing today. That none of them are doing so openly is a sad commentary on the world of sports and a bottomless fountain of unfounded rumors. Every journalist knows that the first Major Gay Athlete is a massive story, so they can’t resist.” We’ve ridden this beast long before the emergence of the Internet. (Speaking of which, when did “page-clicky” become a recognizable term?) In men’s pro sports the rumor usually attaches itself to a good-looking, single, highly successful athlete at a high-profile position. Thus former Dallas quarterback Troy Aikman was dogged for years by gay rumors – Sports Illustrated even ran a lengthy profile of Aikman exploring his efforts to find “the right girl” to help squash the rumors. New York Mets catcher Mike Piazza held a press conference to assure one and all he was a pure beef-fed American heterosexual. When Magic Johnson went on Arsenio Hall’s show in 1991 to discuss his HIV infection, he drew his biggest cheer from the audience when he proclaimed he was infected through heterosexual intercourse, not that gay stuff. While Rodgers was trying to deny stuff that was not on the record, former Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe was making headlines by belatedly trying to get something on the record he hadn’t reported previously. After saying for months that he did not know if his outspo-

ken advocacy for marriage equality played a factor in the Vikings’ decision to release him, Kluwe published a story last week on Deadspin saying that was exactly the reason he was released and that he believes he was blackballed from signing with other teams. “It’s my belief, based on everything that happened over the course of 2012, that I was fired by Mike Priefer, a bigot who didn’t agree with the cause I was working for, and two cowards, Leslie Frazier and Rick Spielman, both of whom knew I was a good punter and would remain a good punter for the foreseeable future, as my numbers over my eight-year career had shown, but who lacked the fortitude to disagree with Mike Priefer on a touchy subject matter,” Kluwe wrote. “If there’s one thing I hope to achieve from sharing this story, it’s to make sure that Mike Priefer never holds a coaching position again in the NFL, and ideally never coaches at any level.” In one team meeting, Kluwe alleged, Priefer told the players, “’We should round up all the gays, send them to an island, and then nuke it

Steven Underhill

Former Vikings punter Chris Kluwe was in San Francisco in November where he spoke at an event for the National Center for Lesbian Rights.

until it glows.’ The room grew intensely quiet, and none of the players said a word for the rest of the meeting.” Pfeifer has denied Kluwe’s charges of homophobic behavior or attitudes. The Vikings denied Kluwe’s advocacy played a part in their decision but said they would investigate his allegation of the incidents seriously.


All of this leaves us entering this year wondering how much progress we have made in the past couple of heady years: how much is real and how much remains to be done. If a coach can joke about nuking gays and not be called out on it and an athlete feels his world is collapsing on him if he is rumored to be gay, to what degree does homophobia still haunt American sports? “Some will ask if the NFL has a problem with institutionalized homophobia,” Kluwe concluded in his story. “I don’t think it does. I think there are homophobic people in the NFL, in all positions, but that’s true for society as well, and those people eventually get replaced. All we can do is try to expose their behavior when we see it and call them to account for their actions.” Myself? I think few people care anymore whether you are gay or straight, especially if you are helping them win. I think a lot of people do not understand how difficult it can be to come out, or why some prefer to remain closeted. But you really can’t know what it is like until you have walked in that man’s cleats.t

Wedding announcements compiled by Cynthia Laird

James F. LaCroce and Matthew S. Bajko

James F. LaCroce and Matthew S. Bajko were married Saturday, December 14, 2013 at the San Francisco home of John Everts. Former San Francisco Supervisor Bevan Dufty officiated the ceremony. Mr. Bajko, right, 39, is the assistant editor and political columnist for the Bay Area Reporter. An awardwinning journalist, he is a former board member of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association and former chair of its LGBT Media Summit. He received a Bachelor of Arts in communications from the University of New Haven in West Haven, Connecticut. He is the eldest son of Milan “Ace” Bajko and Darlene Bajko of Shelton, Connecticut. Mr. LaCroce, Ph.D., 39, is the director of training and supervising psychologist at Oakes Children’s Center in San Francisco where he oversees an internship program for psychologists and psychotherapists who treat children with emotional, behavioral, and developmental challenges. He wrote the children’s book Chimpy Discovers His Family.

He also runs a private psychology practice in the Mission district where he provides psychological services to adults, teens, and children. He specializes in treatment of LGBTs as well as individuals with developmental disabilities. He received a Bachelor of Sciences in psychology from Mount Saint Mary’s University in Emmitsburg, Maryland and a Master of Science in counseling psychology from Loyola College in Baltimore, Maryland. He earned his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Palo Alto University in Palo Alto, California. He is the youngest son of Eugene LaCroce and Julianne LaCroce of Emmitsburg, Maryland. The couple first met over Memorial Day weekend in 2001 and became domestic partners in 2004. They live in Noe Valley with their dog Enzo.

Robert Heacock and John Blackburn

Surrounded by a small group of friends and family, Robert Stuart Heacock and John Stephen Blackburn were married December 5, 2013 in a ceremony next to the bust of Harvey Milk and the World Tree of Hope at San Francisco City Hall. Deputy county clerk and marriage commissioner Bernice Frucht pronounced the men “spouses for life,”

as they exchanged the same rings they gave each other on their third anniversary. The couple, together 34 years, has been registered domestic partners since March 28, 2003. Mr. Heacock, 62, a retired Teamster/warehouseman, and Mr. Blackburn, 67, a private investigator, met at the White Night riot on May 21, 1979, after the Dan White verdicts. Mr. Heacock was a political adviser to Harvey Milk during his victorious campaign for supervisor and Mr. Blackburn worked in City Hall for Mayor George Moscone and then former Supervisor Louise Renne. On the night of the riot, both ended up on the steps of City Hall. Police Chief Charles Gain’s liaison to the gay community, Les Morgan, came down from the mayor’s office and told everyone at the top of the stairs to “lock arms” to prevent people from coming up the stairs and entering or further damaging the building. Mr. Heacock and Mr. Blackburn locked arms, looked into each other’s eyes, and as the police began goosestepping north and south on Polk toward the stairs to clear the crowds, Mr. Heacock realized they needed to get out of there. He reached down and picked up a battered cardboard picket sign and wrote his name and number on it, gave it to Mr. Blackburn and asked him to do the same, then tore the piece of cardboard in half. Using Humphrey Bogart’s famous line, “Meet me in Paris after the war,” the two exchanged the pieces of cardboard and ran their separate ways. They have been together ever since. Mr. Heacock and Mr. Blackburn will not be changing their names or hyphenating any combination of names, nor do they consider themselves husband and husband. They will finally enjoy the benefits of filing joint federal income taxes and enjoy the same marriage penalty everyone else gets. It has been a long time coming.t

Obituaries >> Memorial set for Otis Charles

A memorial service and celebration of the life of former Episcopal Bishop Otis Charles will be held Saturday, January 11, at 2 p.m. at St. Gregory of Nyssa Episcopal Church, 500 De Haro Street in San Francisco. Mr. Charles, 87, died December 26 at Coming Home Hospice following a brief illness. Mr. Charles was the Episcopal bishop in Utah from 1971 to 1993. Following his retirement, Mr. Charles came out as gay and moved to San Francisco. He married Felipe Sanchez-

Paris in 2008 during the brief time it was allowed in California. Mr. Sanchez-Paris died July 30, 2013 at the age of 71.

Memorial set for Marvin Burrows

Family and friends of longtime marriage equality advocate Marvin Burrows have announced that a Mardi Gras-themed celebration of life will be held Saturday, February 22 at 2 p.m. at the Walpert Center, 1101 Walpert Street in Hayward. Mr. Burrows, 77, died December 14 at Kai-

ser Hospital in Hayward following complications from surgery. Mr. Burrows was active in local and national marriage equality efforts and testified before a Senate committee in 2011 on the inequities stemming from the federal Defense of Marriage Act. The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a key provision of that law last June. Mr. Burrows married his longtime partner, William Swenor, in February 2004 during San Francisco’s “Winter of Love.” Sadly, the California Supreme Court later voided their marriage and Swenor died about a year later, in March 2005. Mr. Burrows was also active in LGBT senior issues, and was one of the founders of Lavender Seniors of the East Bay.



January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 9

REAF co-founder Barbara Richmond dies by Cynthia Laird


arbara Richmond, co-founder of the Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation, which has raised a little more than $3 million over the years through its “Help is on the Way” concerts, died Saturday, January 4 at her home in San Francisco. She was 88. The cause of death was cancer, according to a statement sent out by the foundation. Ms. Richmond and her childhood friend, Peggy Ermet, founded REAF in the early 1990s after their sons died of complications from AIDS. Ken Henderson, executive director of REAF, said that Ms. Richmond was committed to helping people living with AIDS. “Barbara had little patience for parents who could not accept their gay children – especially at a time when she, like so many others, had lost their children,” Henderson told the Bay Area Reporter. “She was determined to help ensure other sons

and daughters living with HIV and AIDS did not go uncared for.” The women’s sons, John Richmond and Doug Ermet, were diagnosed with AIDS in the mid-1980s. Ermet was one of Ms. Richmond’s main sources of support when John Richmond died in 1990. In a television interview, Ms. Richmond recalled, “He died on Mother’s Day – and it was the nicest gift I ever received because he was free. He was out of pain.” John Richmond had been an avid theater buff and worked as an artist, set designer, costume designer, and had enjoyed close friendships with many local members of the theater and cabaret world. After his death, Ms. Richmond recounted an evening when a group of his friends were visiting and mourning his passing. She issued a challenge to them, “Well, what are you going to do about it?” and that was answered with a benefit performance for Visiting Nurses and Hospice, the agency that had helped care for her son.

Barbara Richmond

Four years later, Doug Ermet died and Ms. Richmond was one of Peggy Ermet’s primary sources of support. The two longtime friends became inseparable. Rather than give into their grief, the women decided to take action and en-

listed the help of Henderson and Joe Seiler, who had been friends of Doug Ermet, to produce a second benefit titled “Help is on the Way: San Francisco Cares.” That sold-out show at the Palace of Fine Arts raised $57,000 in profit and the organizers created a nonprofit to continue to raise funds for the kinds of agencies that took care of people living with AIDS. The popular shows generally draw upon local theater and cabaret talent, as well as visiting performers who are starring in local productions. Years ago, Ms. Richmond explained why REAF started. “I took care of my son before he died and I took care of a number of his friends before they died,” she said. “I can’t take care of any more dying boys but this is something I can do. And it’s something John would have liked.” As the foundation continued to grow, Ms. Richmond and Ermet remained active in it until Ermet died in 2000 after a prolonged illness.

Ms. Richmond continued to support REAF until suffering a heart attack in 2008 and a second one in 2009. She eventually became homebound but refused to leave her Dolores Street flat. She remained content in her home, seeing visitors, reading, and keeping up on current events. Born Barbara Jeanne Quintard on December 20, 1925, Ms. Richmond was the only child of Judson Paye Quintard and Carmen Elsasser, both California natives living in San Francisco. She was married to Warner Paul Richmond, son of pioneer silent film actor Warner Richmond, whom she divorced in 1972. Ms. Richmond is survived by her daughter, Jeanne Goldman; son-inlaw, Scott Goldman; and grandson, Michael. A celebration of Ms. Richmond’s life is being planned and will be announced soon. Her family has requested that any donations in her honor be made to REAF. For more information, visit www.reaf.org.t

Nigeria, Uganda presidents consider anti-gay bills by Heather Cassell

https://www.allout.org/en/actions/ nigeria-veto.


residents Goodluck Jonathan and Yoweri Museveni of Nigeria and Uganda, respectively, are carefully considering their countries anti-LGBT bills but have not yet taken action. Museveni “won’t rush” to sign the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in spite of pressure from religious leaders and members of parliament, presidential spokesman Tamale Mirundi told Agence France-Presse last week. “President Museveni is a practical president, he takes decisions based on analysis and not on how many support or are against it,” said Mirundi. In Nigeria, LGBT rights activist Olumide Makanjuola, director of Initiative for Equal Rights, also believed that Jonathan wouldn’t rush into signing that country’s anti-gay bill. “The president of Nigeria will not rush to sign the Same-Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Bill because he is not homophobic,” said Makanjuola. Nigeria’s parliament passed the Same-Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Bill on December 17, while Uganda’s parliament passed the Anti-Homosexuality Bill on December 20. The presidents can either sign the bills into law, reject them, or make recommendations to the bills and return the legislation to parliament for reconsideration. Both presidents have 30 days to sign or veto their respective bills or the legislation will be returned to parliament, where lawmakers in both parliaments could make the bills law with a twothirds vote.


AB 1266 appeal

From page 1

AB 1266 aims to make sure that transgender youth can fully participate in all school activities, sports teams, programs, and facilities that match their gender identity. Proponents of the bill maintain that many of its provisions are already state law. “California law already prohibits discrimination in education, but transgender students have been often discriminated against and unfairly excluded from physical education, athletic teams, and other school activities, and facilities,” according to a news release that the

LGBT Thai activists launch political party

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni

Nigeria’s anti-gay law would jail LGBT individuals and their friends and family for five years for organizing a same-sex wedding and 14 years for same-sex couples marrying each other. Any public display of affection is outlawed. LGBT social and political gatherings are banned. Uganda’s anti-gay law reportedly took out the death penalty in favor of life imprisonment. Individuals witnessing same-sex affection or becoming aware of a relationship will have 24 hours to report it or face imprisonment for three years or a fine. The Bay Area Reporter attempted to locate the text of both bills, but the legislation was not published on the Nigerian or Ugandan parliaments’ websites. To take action, visit http://www. amnesty.org/en/appeals-for-action/ stop-antihomosexuality-bill and

Transgender Law Center issued after Brown signed the bill. The anti-gay coalition must ultimately reach 504,760 valid signatures to qualify its referendum for the ballot. The law will not be suspended until the full count is carried out and the referendum qualifies. The signatures must be verified by February 24. According to the random sample list of counties, most validity rates ranged between 72 and 84 percent. Alameda County showed a validity rate of 76.6 percent, while San Francisco County had a validity rate of 72 percent. In the South Bay, the validity rate for Santa Clara County was 83 percent.

A new political party, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Rights Party, is being formed by a group of LGBT activists in Thailand, but it won’t be registered in time to participate in elections next month. The party’s goal is to ensure equal treatment of people regardless of their gender identity or sexual orientation. Thailand currently doesn’t have laws protecting LGBT people from discrimination or hate crimes.

Siguroardottir to headline WorldPride

The world’s first out lesbian prime minister, Johanna Siguroardottir of Iceland, will headline the WorldPride Human Rights Conference 2014 in Toronto, Canada. Siguroardottir served as prime minister from 2009-2013. WorldPride will take place June 20-29. The human rights conference is scheduled for June 25-27. Presenters will discuss issues including aging, education, employment, HIV/AIDS, sex work, and transgender rights, among other issues. “The conference takes place during a time of increased awareness of the challenges LGBTI communities face around the world,” said Brenda Crossman, conference co-chair.

Azra Has Street January 5. Has, a transgender sex worker, was killed along with two other women, Esra Yasar and Ayse Selen Ayla, by serial killer Hamdi Ayri in 2010. She was also a founding member of Black Pink Triangle, the only LGBT organization in Izmir. Many transgender sex workers live on the street now named after Has. While Yasar and Ayla also had streets re-named after them by Balcova Municipality of Izmir, Has’s name was declined. Officials said it was because “she did not reside in Balcova,” and they didn’t take her chosen name seriously, referring to it as a “nickname,” reported Kaos GL, an LGBT organization. Ayri is facing imprisonment of up to 48 years along with a fine of $919.t Got international LGBT news tips? Call or send them to Heather Cassell at 00+1-415-2213541, Skype: heather.cassell, or oitwnews@gmail.com.

Turkish street renamed for murdered transgender woman

Transgender activists and supporters gathered at Alsancak, the heart of Izmir, to commemorate the re-naming of Bornova Street to

A full count was ordered because through the random sample verification process that’s been going on for weeks, the group reached between 95 percent and 110 percent of the signatures required, the memo from the secretary of state’s office stated. Anti-gay activists have been referring to the legislation as “the co-ed bathroom law,” working to scare voters with notions that horny grade school boys will be walking into girls’ bathrooms and assaulting students. If the referendum qualifies for the ballot, both sides are expected to raise and spend millions of dollars in their efforts to sway voters.t


Serving the LGBT communities since 1971

10 ••BBay ayA area reaR reporter eporter • January January9-15, 9-15,2014 2014


Historic sites

From page 1

“are elated” at seeing it be recognized. The property owners’ consent is required for granting landmark status or listing on the federal register. “We can find sites that are really key, but if the owners are not on board, we can’t do anything,” Lord said. Looking for additional LGBT properties suitable for federal designation, staff from the National Register of Historic Places and the National Historic Landmarks Program hosted a webinar in October to discuss how LGBT community leaders can work with the National Park Service to locate, document, and protect sites associated with LGBT history. The online talk, which attracted upwards of 30 participants, was a coming out of sorts for the National Park Service LGBTQ Initiative. “They are definitely fully supportive of getting LGBTQ properties listed and included in the national memory, without question,” said Megan E. Springate, who is seeking a Ph.D. in archaeology at the University of Maryland and participated in the webinar. Springate, who identifies as queer, is working on a National Historic Landmark LGBTQ Theme Study and proposed framework for the National Park Service as part of her graduate work. As explained in an early draft of the document, the theme study on LGBTQ heritage is meant to “assist government agencies and the private sector including organizations and individuals to identify and evaluate places of historical LGBTQ significance in communities nationwide.” It adds that because the intent is “to encourage nomination of significant places to the National Register of Historic Places and for National Historical Landmark designation, it should be thought of as the beginning of an ongoing preservation initiative.” The framework, explained Springate in a recent phone interview with the Bay Area Reporter, “offers a context for people to be able to take their places and hook them into sort of how these programs work. It is a way of fitting places into the guidelines.” Even though the National Park Service manages the programs, the properties that win federal designation remain privately owned. “Being on the register or being a landmark does not mean the government comes and takes your property. They are not looking to do that, to make these properties to become part of the park service,” noted Springate. “They are looking to make LGBTQ history part of the national memory. If you get listed you are part of the national memory.” Springate, who emphasized that


Political Notebook

From page 6

council’s meeting Tuesday, January 7. Clark was elected as the first out member of the council in 2012; he first ran for a seat on the body in 2008. Vice president of technology at the Green Dot Corporation, Clark will



From page 2

message from the Bay Area Reporter seeking information on the cause of the fire. In an interview from his hospital bed, Ferry told NBC 11 that he believes a faulty extension cord was the cause. Two events at local bars are planned for this month to raise ad-

she does not work for the park service, said her collaboration with the federal agency began in late 2012 when she met several staffers who shared her passion for protecting and publicizing LGBT historical sites. “What they would love to see, and don’t have to wait for the framework, is to have properties nominated,” she said. “They are supportive and encouraging but they need people to fill out the paperwork.”

Local example

In terms of a local example, Springate pointed to the late gay Supervisor Harvey Milk’s old camera shop and campaign headquarters at 575 Castro Street, which is a San Francisco city landmark, as one property that could receive federal recognition. “Social change, community building, or commerce are examples of the themes the park service looks at,” said Springate, when considering landmarking requests. “Milk’s store is associated largely with social change. If looking at some of the bars, it would be commerce and community building.” The park service’s efforts are receiving praise from local preservationists and archivists working to landmark sites of cultural importance to the nation’s LGBT community. Oral historian and filmmaker Glenne McElhinney, who has helped to document California’s LGBT history, called the park service’s webinar “an exciting development.” “One of the most poignant parts was they were apologizing for the fact they knew they were behind, they were way behind, on acknowledging LGBT historic sites,” she said. “They said they would work with us and do the best they could to get some historic sites in the pipeline. They highly encouraged us to meet anywhere we could with other local and state historic commissions and any National Park Service regional offices.” Los Angeles resident Wes Joe, who has worked on landmarking local LGBT sites in his city, said he was glad to see the discussion take place but would like to see the federal agencies offer more specific guidance and resources for LGBT landmarking efforts. “If they are serious about recognizing LGBT historic resources, they have to realize that we don’t have the institutional organizational framework existing and they could maybe aide in developing that,” said Joe. Jay Shockley, a staff member for the New York City Landmark Preservation Commission, said he was “really quite surprised” to learn of the webinar and the call for LGBT site nominations. Even though he experienced technical issues trying to take part and felt some of the

serve in the ceremonial role of mayor throughout 2014. He will preside over council meetings and help set the agenda as the South Bay city struggles to meet competing demands for additional residential and commercial development in the coming year.t Web Extra: For more queer political news, be sure to check http:// www.ebar.com Monday mornings

ditional funds for Olague. This Sunday, January 12 Mission bar El Rio will be donating all of the proceeds from its Salsa Sunday party to help Olague. The event, being cohosted by several of Olague’s former board colleagues, takes place from 3 to 8 p.m. at 3158 Mission Street. Later in the month a beer bust is being planned at the Edge. Organizer Glendon Hyde told the B.A.R.

information presented was too rudimentary, he welcomed the online talk as a first step. “I am ecstatic NPS attempted to do something,” he said. “The next step would have to be something very specific and has to address issues with historic sites related to the LGBT community, such as the fact they may not be existing anymore.” For federal landmark purposes or listing on the register, a structure must still exist. “We need to have a there there, something we are protecting,” said Lord. That is a particular problem with LGBT historic sites, many of which were situated in neighborhoods that have since been gentrified. They may have been torn down or altered in such a way that their historical integrity no longer is intact. “Say a particular LGBTQ leader lived in a particular house between 1940 and 1962 and was active then in LGBT rights. A property needs to maintain the integrity associated with those years,” said Springate. “If someone knocked it down and built a newer building in the 1980s, that property will not be listed because its integrity would be lost.” Yet it could still qualify for local or state recognition, noted Lord, pointing out signage or a placard could be installed at the site to mark its historical significance. In California, for example, a plaque can be requested for a site considered to be a California Point of Historical Interest or a California Historical Landmark as long as the property owner approves. “One of the challenges of LGBTQ history is a lot of properties are gone,” noted Springate, adding that another is being able to provide the proper documentation to support landmark status. “People were closeted so there may not be a whole lot of documents. How do you document the lives of people who are trying to be hidden?” The framework she is writing will address such challenges with LGBTQ history. Springate expects to deliver the completed copy to the park service by the end of this year. “Hopefully, it will be made available to people interested in writing nominations and also to historic preservation offices in the states as sort of guidance,” she said. The park service is planning to hold a second LGBTQ-focused webinar later this month. For more information, visit http://www.nps.gov/nhl/ or http://www.nps.gov/history/nr/. For information about the California State Historic Preservation Office, which the park service has asked to assist with identifying LGBT sites to nominate, visit http:// ohp.parks.ca.gov/.t at noon for Political Notes, the notebook’s online companion. The column returns Monday, January 13. Keep abreast of the latest LGBT political news by following the Political Notebook on Twitter @ http://twitter.com/politicalnotes. Got a tip on LGBT politics? Call Matthew S. Bajko at (415) 8615019 or e-mail m.bajko@ebar.com.

this week it will be from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday, January 26 and Supervisor John Avalos will be deejaying a set. Following the 2011 election of then-Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi as sheriff, Mayor Ed Lee in early 2012 appointed Olague to fill the vacant District 5 supervisor seat. She failed to win election to a full-term that fall and returned to working in the nonprofit field.t



Legal Notices>> ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME IN SUPERIOR COURT OF CAlIFORNIA, COUNTy OF SAN FRANCISCO FIlE CNC13-549980 In the matter of the application of: ISABEL CLAIRE JEVANS, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appearing from said application that petitioner ISABEL CLAIRE JEVANS, is requesting that the name ISABEL CLAIRE JEVANS, be changed to ISABEL CLAIRE RAINBOW DIAMOND. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 514 on the 13th of February 2014 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

DEC 19, 26, 2013, JAN 02, 09, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035515600 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: VERTICAL BOTANY, 5409 MARKET ST., OAKLAND, CA 94608. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed QUINN BROWN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/02/13.

DEC 19, 26, 2013, JAN 02, 09, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035500200 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: M.D.T. 420 EVALUATIONS, 1417 POWELL ST. #A, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed MARIYA ZHUKOR. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 11/20/13. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 11/20/13.

DEC 19, 26, 2013, JAN 02, 09, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035541100 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: THE BALM VALENCIA, 788 VALENCIA ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94110. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed THE BALM VALENCIA INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/17/13.

DEC 19, 26, 2013, JAN 02, 09, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035539700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: RELOVE, 1815 POLK ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed WATTS CHRISTOS INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/16/13. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/16/13.

DEC 19, 26, 2013, JAN 02, 09, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035535200 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: ORGANIZER, 1118 HOWARD ST. # 301, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed ELECTIONEAR, INC (DE). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 09/11/12. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/12/13.

DEC 19, 26, 2013, JAN 02, 09, 2014 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FIlE A-034408300 The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name known as: SF BRIDAL MAKEUP, 1801 JACKSON ST. #1, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business was conducted by an individual and signed by SARAH SPONBERG. The fictitious name was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 06/14/12.

DEC 19, 26, 2013, JAN 02, 09, 2014 NOTICE OF APPlICATION TO SEll AlCOHOlIC BEvERAGES Dated 12/13/13 To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: CAFE CREME DE HAYES VALLEY, LLC. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 33 New Montgomery St. #1230, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at 50 OAK ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-6011. Type of license applied for


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035541000 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: BODY FLOWS, 1979 UNION ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94123. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed SALLY MITCHELL. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 06/01/11. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/17/13.

DEC 26, 2013, JAN 02, 09, 16, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035544500 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: RECOVERS, 155 9TH ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94103. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed SIROCCO, INC. (DE). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/13. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/18/13.

DEC 26, 2013, JAN 02, 09, 16, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035536700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: TAINTED LOVE; MUSTACHE HARBOR; 901 A ST. #C, SAN RAFAEL, CA 94901. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed TLOVE PARTNERS, INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 10/07/13. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/13/13.

DEC 26, 2013, JAN 02, 09, 16, 2014 NOTICE OF APPlICATION FOR CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF AlCOHOlIC BEvERAGE lICENSE Dated 12/10/2013 To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: WJH ENTERPRISE INC. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 33 New Montgomery St. #1230, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at 1356 GRANT AVE., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133-3932. Type of license applied for

41 - ON-SAlE BEER & WINE - EATING PlACE JAN 02, 09, 16, 23, 2014 NOTICE OF APPlICATION TO SEll AlCOHOlIC BEvERAGES Dated 12/23/13 To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: CRYSTAL JADE JIANG NAN LLC. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 33 New Montgomery St. #1230, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at 4 EMBARCADERO CTR., STE ONE, LOBBY LEVEL, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111-4106. Type of license applied for

47 - ON-SAlE GENERAl EATING PlACE JAN 02, 09, 16, 23, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035553600 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: BANANA HOME, 321 KEARNY ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94108. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed PARAGON 168 CORP (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/26/13.

JAN 02, 09, 16, 23, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035549200 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: GYRO XPRESS MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE, 499 CASTRO ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed VOLKANCEM INC.. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/23/13.

JAN 02, 09, 16, 23, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035545500 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: GLOW, 325 PACIFIC AVE. #202, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed UPWARD LABS HOLDINGS INC. (DE). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/19/13.

JAN 02, 09, 16, 23, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035545400

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: PALLADIAN LAW GROUP, 605 MARKET ST. #305, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed NANCY LEWELLEN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/01/07. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/1713.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: HVF LABS, 325 PACIFIC AVE. #200, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed HVF, LLC (DE). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/19/13.

DEC 26, 2013, JAN 02, 09, 16, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035542700

JAN 02, 09, 16, 23, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FIlE A-035550100

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: INDEPENDENT HEALTH AIDE GROUP, 349 14TH AVE. #3, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94118. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed AZMI B. BAHARUDIN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/17/13. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/18/13.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as: SUTTER STREET CAFE, 450 SUTTER ST. #7, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94108. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed SUTTER STREET CAFE LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/23/13. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/23/13.

DEC 26, 2013, JAN 02, 09, 16, 2014

JAN 02, 09, 16, 23, 2014

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January 9-15, 2014 • BAY AREA REPORTER • 11


Gaylesta2x2_0610CN Gaylesta2x2_0610CN

Legal Notices>>

NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE Dated 12/26/2013 To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: JESSE SF CORPORATION. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 33 New Montgomery St. #1230, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at 123 2ND ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105-3601. Type of license applied for

41 - ON-SALE BEER & WINE - EATING PLACE JAN 09, 2014 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE Dated 12/23/2013 To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: 177 EDDY ST LLC. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 33 New Montgomery St. #1230, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at 177 EDDY ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-2706. Type of license applied for

47 - ON-SALE GENERAL EATING PLACE JAN 09, 2014 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE Dated 12/26/2013 To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: DESTINATION BARS, INC. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 33 New Montgomery St. #1230, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at 441 JONES ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-2014. Type of license applied for

48 - ON-SALE GENERAL PUBLIC PREMISES JAN 09, 2014 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE Dated 12/26/2013 To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: DESTINATION BARS, INC. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 33 New Montgomery St. #1230, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at 691 MARKET ST., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105-4212. Type of license applied for

48 - ON-SALE GENERAL PUBLIC PREMISES JAN 09, 2014 NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES Dated 12/30/13 To Whom It May Concern: The name(s) of the applicant(s) is/are: EUNICE YOUNGAE YI. The applicants listed above are applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control at 33 New Montgomery St. #1230, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94105 to sell alcoholic beverages at 366 GOLDEN GATE AVE., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-3609. Type of license applied for

41 - ON-SALE BEER & WINE - EATING PLACE JAN 09, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-035572200 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: JACKUNISON LLC, 755 GONZALEZ DR, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94132. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed JACKUNISON LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/06/14. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/07/14.

JAN 09, 16, 23, 30, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-035561800 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: STEPHANIE’S NURSERY, 1104 TENNESSEE ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed STEPHANIE CLAIRE WOODS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/31/13.

JAN 09, 16, 23, 30, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-035557600 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: GLOW HAND AND FOOT SPA, 1780 FULTON ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94117. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed HONG THI VY. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/30/13. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/30/13.

JAN 09, 16, 23, 30, 2014

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-035566500 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: GREENSURGE, 2301 MARKET ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed SERGIO NOVOA. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/03/14.

JAN 09, 16, 23, 30, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-035554700 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: PDE ARTS, 1730 SACRAMENTO ST #3, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed LING CHO. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/27/13. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/27/13.

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JAN 09, 16, 23, 30, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-035565500 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: SJT MOVING COMPANY, 2620 VICENTE ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94116. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed ZHONG MING HUO. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/03/14. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/03/14.

JAN 09, 16, 23, 30, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-035545100 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: INQUIRING MINDS PRODUCTIONS, 733 FRONT ST. #704, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94111. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed ARTHUR PETERSON. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/19/13. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/19/13.

JAN 09, 16, 23, 30, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-035555900 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: LIGHTHOUSE COMMUNICATIONS, 2845 VAN NESS #603, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed ANNE KATHERINE RICKETTS. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 11/25/13. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/27/13.

JAN 09, 16, 23, 30, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-035562900 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: RUBIS NAILS, 4000 CALIFORNIA ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94118. This business is conducted by a general partnership, and is signed DIEN THI BUI. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/02/14. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/01/14.

JAN 09, 16, 23, 30, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-035553500 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: JACK IN THE BOX, 2739 TAYLOR ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed KAM FOOD MANAGEMENT INC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/26/13. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/26/13.

JAN 09, 16, 23, 30, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-035566800 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: HOTEL EPIK, 706 POLK ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94109. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed NEW PACIFIC HOTEL INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on NA. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 01/03/14.

JAN 09, 16, 23, 30, 2014 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE A-033572500 The following persons have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name known as: OUTSIDE CONCIERGE, 2699 TAYLOR ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94133. This business was conducted by an individual and signed by JUSTIN DANIEL GIBSON. The fictitious name was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 05/18/11.

JAN 09, 16, 23, 30, 2014

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JAN 09, 16, 23, 30, 2014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE A-035553200 The following person(s) is/are doing business as: GOLDIES OAKWOOD BBQ, 230 YALE ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed AZAR L. JONES. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 12/26/13. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 12/26/13.

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Road runners

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Out &About

January stages






Willkommen, Berlin & Beyond!

Vol. 44 • No. 2 • January 9-15, 2014

by David Lamble


he 18th annual Berlin & Beyond Film Festival is back in its old January timeslot at the Castro Theatre (January 1519) and the Goethe-Institute San Francisco (January 20-21). Beginning in 1996, this eclectic brew of movies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland has given Bay Area filmgoers a rich menu of German-language cinema, featuring early work by rising young international stars like Daniel Bruhl, now appearing in Ron Howard’s critically praised racecar drama Rush and the WikiLeaks-based thriller The Fifth Estate. For festival veterans used to opening-night parties in the Castro’s upstairs mezzanine, this year’s opening bash on Jan. 15 moves over to the SoMa winery Tank18 (1345 Howard Street), running from 9:30 p.m. to Midnight. Free Fall Marc and Kay meet innocently enough. Each is a police academy trainee, each is addicted to daily cross-country jogs, and as they soon discover to both their joy and sorrow, each will come to complement each other in ways they could never have anticipated, ways that will put their lives at risk in the close-knit, old-fashioned macho world of today’s urban German cops.

Scene from director Stephan Lacant’s Free Fall.

See page 22 >>

Courtesy Berlin & Beyond

Tom Wopat comes out swinging by Adam Sandel


om Wopat first shot to fame as the hunky good ol’ boy Luke Duke in the action comedy series The Dukes of Hazzard. What many fans of the hit series that ran from 1979 to 1985 may not know is that Wopat’s background and first love is musical theatre. Before joining John Schneider as the iconic duo of Georgia boys on Dukes, Wopat appeared in the Broadway musical I Love My Wife. He returned to Broadway when the series concluded, starring in shows such as City of Angels, Guys and Dolls, Chicago, and 42nd Street. He earned Tony nominations opposite Harvey Fierstein in A Catered Affair and Bernadette Peters in Annie Get Your Gun. Wopat brings his warm baritone to Feinstein’s at the Hotel Nikko for one night only tonight, Thursday, January 9. “The show is a combination of tunes from the Great American Songbook, pop tunes

with a jazz treatment, and one or two originals,” he says. “They all swing pretty hard.” He’ll also perform songs from his latest album I’ve Got Your Number, which features songs from the Mad Men era plus contemporary tunes by Bruce Springsteen, Paul Simon, Judy Collins, Bruce Hornsby and James Taylor. Although Wopat’s albums are available on iTunes, he admits that there are challenges to selling music in the digital age. “It’s very hard to sell music,” he says. “The big dogs remain big, but independents like me just keep working on material and getting it out there. I don’t think performers get a lot of money from downloads.” He especially enjoys connecting with audiences at live concerts, regardless of their size. “I sang in Kalamazoo for 3,500 people, and it was a blast. Then I sang for 15 people in New Hope, Pennsylvania, during a snowstorm, and it was one of the best shows we’d ever done.”

Tom Wopat, the original Luke Duke, brings his act to Feinstein’s.

See page 16 >>

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<< Out There

14 • Bay Area Reporter • January 9-15, 2014

Purple is the new blue


by Roberto Friedman


lue might have been the warmest color of 2013, but in 2014 it’s all about The Color Purple, at least for Valentine’s Day. Out There is pleased to announce that our own little sweetheart Marc Huestis is mounting a stellar Castro Theatre celebration of director Steven Spielberg’s beloved classic 1985 movie. The Color Purple, based on the Alice Walker novel, first brought to the screen the spectacular talents of Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey. And this VD Day, Huestis is bringing the film’s most endearing character, Shug Avery, aka Academy Award nominee Margaret Avery, to town for a loving in-person tribute. The love between the two women – Goldberg’s sweet, sensitive Celie, and sultry, sexual Shug Avery – is at the heart of the picture, which makes it picture-perfect for a Castro Valentine’s Day, as well as to honor Black History Month. The event will be also be a homecoming for Ms. Avery, who is a proud alum of San Francisco State University. Also on the bill: Bebe Sweetbriar doing a stirring rendition of “Miss Celie’s Blues”; an excerpt from the new awardwinning documentary Alice Walker – Beauty in Truth, introduced by director Pratibha Parmar, past recipient of Frameline’s Lifetime Achievement Award; and a rare screening of The Color Purple, heralded by Roger Ebert as “a warm, hard, triumphant movie.” This gala springs into action on Friday, February 14, at 7:30 p.m. Call 863-0611, ask for Harpo, and get a sweet discount!

Comic triumph

Comedian Marga Gomez was Queen of the Night on New Year’s Eve,

David Wilson

Margaret Avery as Shug Avery in Steven Spielberg’s The Color Purple.

and she was proudly in her element at the Brava Theater Center for their second annual NYE Comedy Fiesta. Not only did she bring the laughs – as did emcee Mario Montes and fellow comics Micia Mosely and Dhaya Lakshminarayanan – but Marga made sure Out There, Pepi, and fellow audience members stayed put in the Brava’s spacious lobby for the after-show dance party helmed by DJ Mark Mark – “Where are you going, a circuit party?” So she was headliner, publicist, party hostess and countdown queen, all in one festive night! That’s what we call multitasking. “If I may leave you with just one take-away from tonight’s performance,” Gomez told the full-house audience, “it’s this: Always smile when you masturbate!” She then treated us to her usual expression during orgasm – her so-called “Oface” – and yes, agreed, smiling is better. She also regaled us with the hi-

Comedians Micia Mosely, Marga Gomez and Dhaya Lakshminarayanan were the queens of New Year’s Eve.

larious story of purchasing and partaking of some medical marijuana at a “clinic,” then experiencing a wave of paranoia walking home. Sure that someone was following her, she looked behind her warily only to discover that the stalker was “my own hoodie!” Can we just go ahead and appoint Marga Gomez Mayor-for-Life of Coolsville? Done.

Organ master

SFJAZZ will be presenting the organist Cameron Carpenter at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco on Friday, January 24. Carpenter’s program, never announced in advance, will likely include some Bach, original compositions, and clever takes on today’s popular music. At Grace Cathedral, Carpenter will take on the Alexander Memorial Organ, which houses 125 ranks and nearly 7,466 pipes. In his hands, this impressive organ is sure to captivate San Francisco audiences. As in most of his performances, there’s no telling where Carpenter’s boundless creativity will lead. He recently signed a long-term multialbum recording contract with Sony

Astaire’s early years by Jason Victor Serinus


urner Classical Movies channel’s month of Fred Astaire movies may have passed, but the great man’s singing thankfully remains with us. Fred Astaire: The Early Years at RKO,

a 2-CD set released by TCM and Sony Masterworks, contains all of the delightful song recordings (plus a few alternate takes) Astaire released between 1934 and 1938, at roughly the same time that he performed the songs in musicals.

Backed by some of the top orchestral conductors in the industry – Leo Reisman, Johnny Green, and Ray Noble, all at the helm of their respective orchestras – Astaire reprises songs by the supreme American Songbook composers of the heyday

Courtesy SFJAZZ

Organist Cameron Carpenter mounts his instrument.

Classical. His first album, scheduled to release this year, will combine a variety of his famous transcriptions and settings of classical and modern music, including a cycle of “song treatments” ranging from the American Songbook to the present day, with a world-premiere recording of his new work for organ, Music for an Imaginary Film (2013). Tickets and further info are at sfjazz.org.

ing writer David-Elijah Nahmod is among the writers. “I contributed essays on the classic chillers City of the Dead, aka Horror Hotel (1960), and The Deadly Bees (1966),” Nahmod told OT in an email. “The Deadly Bees was the first horror movie I ever saw in a cinema. I was 11 years old, and it scared the shit out of me! I’m still ‘bee-phobic’ because of it!” That’s buzz-worthy.

Monster mash-up

Correx box

The website The Collinsport Historical Society is dedicated to the cult TV-drama Dark Shadows. But Collinsport bloggers recently stepped up their game and published a book dedicated to their favorite horror movies, and the result is Monster Serial: Morbid Love Letters to Horror Cinema, a new paperback from CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, available at Amazon. Essays consider the classic Bela Lugosi Dracula, Vincent Price’s works with William Castle and Roger Corman, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and the movies of Val Lewton, Stephen King and others. B.A.R. contribut-

of American popular song. These include virtually all the songs from Flying Down to Rio (music by Vincent Youmans, lyrics by Edward Eliscu and Gus Kahn); The Gay Divorcee (music and lyrics by Cole Porter); Top Hat, Follow the Fleet, and Carefree (all with music and lyrics by Irving Berlin); Swing Time (music by Jerome Kern, lyrics by Dorothy Fields); and Shall We Dance and Damsel in Distress (both with music and lyrics by George and Ira Gershwin). Although Michael Feinstein’s liner notes don’t identify which of these songs were written especially for Astaire, many were. The set also contains two Berlin songs performed by Astaire’s primary dance partner of the RKO years, Ginger Rogers. Playing the tracks straight through, and smiling at the tapdance sounds interpolated into some of the numbers, we’re reminded why Astaire was so beloved by Gershwin, Berlin, Kern, and the American public. His vocal range may have been limited, but the clarity of his diction, the smile on his voice, and the careful attention he paid to how the composers wanted their music introduced produced one winning rendition after another. At a time when the American public’s favorite movies and musi-

Most befuddling correction of the year, from The New York Times: “An art review on Friday about Jewels by JAR, at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, misstated the name of a type of brooch in the show. It is a fibula brooch, not a fistula brooch.” Fibula: an ancient brooch. Fistula: an abnormal connection between two epithelium-lined organs. Oops. And on our own watch, the exhibition dates for the Asian Art Museum’s upcoming Yoga: The Art of Transformation show in last week’s issue were incorrect. The exhibit will run Feb. 21 through May 25. We regret the error. To err is human; to forgive divine.t

cals offered an escape from the grim realities of the Depression, Astaire’s seemingly irrepressible joie de vivre was just what people clamored for. One online dictionary defines “grace” as “simple elegance or refinement of movement.” It also defines the noun “charm” in multiple ways: “a quality that causes someone or something to be very likeable: an attractive quality,” “the power or quality of giving delight or arousing admiration,” “the chanting or reciting of a magic spell,” and “a practice or expression believed to have magic power.” Put these all together, and you can get a sense of Astaire’s artistry. There was something magical about his well-rehearsed, totally disarming singing and dancing that endeared itself to millions. In times of gloom, he shone an unfailing light of optimism and hope. It’s great to have him with us once again.t



January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 15

January becomes eclectic

Courtesy Custom Made Theatre

A Thanksgiving dinner goes comically but painfully awry for the family featured in The Pain and the Itch, Custom Made’s local premiere of the Bruce Norris play.

Courtesy Boxcar Theatre

Theatergoers can choose their theatrical experiences in Boxcar Theatre’s immersive production of The Speakeasy, at a location revealed only to ticket-holders.

by Richard Dodds


oes the road leading us into 2014 look a lot like the one we just exited? Well then, take a few detours before merging back onto the main theatrical highways. The first week of January has a quartet of shows that can give a GPS a spin – and you may need just such a device to find your way to the right door.

What’s the password, bub?

The Speakeasy, in homage to its prohibition setting, has a policy against providing an exact address until it appears, anachronistically, as a text message on the day of each ticketholder’s performance. For those whose risk-taking extends only so far, a hint of the location comes in the suggestion that one might want to transit to or park near the Civic Center. The Boxcar Theatre had the longrunning Hedwig and the Angry Inch in its intimate theater on Natoma Street through much of 2013. At the current venue, a theatergoer will enter a clock shop, pass through a trap-door grandfather’s clock, and be confronted with a myriad of rooms and the situations they hold. No two theatergoers are likely to see the same show. Directors Nick A. Olivero and Peter Ruocco along with head writer

Barry Eitel have created an immersive theatrical experience, with a bar and lounge which customers can use as home base between explorations. There will be a live band, dancing girls, and period vaudeville acts. Down the halls are rooms to be used for smaller scripted performances, in addition to an overarching three-act play, as 35 players divide into different dramas populated by gangsters, gents, floozies, society dames, and a pair of closeted homosexuals. The Speakeasy has an unusual “curtain time,” with admittances staggered at three 10-minute intervals beginning at 7:40 p.m. during its run through March 15. Ticket choices include general admission for $60 and cabaret seating for $70, not to mention $5 for a stack of casino chips and $10 for dance lessons. Tickets are available through thespeakeasysf. com. Tickets will not be available at the door (if you could even find it).

AWOL with tea parties

A soldier going AWOL might mean a trip to Canada or, in the case of Pvt. Malcolm Jack, an Exorcist-style residency in the body of a 13-year-old girl. Joy Culter’s Pardon My Invasion takes a whacked-out comedic approach to the predicament as Pvt. Jack tries with often clumsy results to behave like the 13-year-old Penny who is his cor-

D’Arcy Drollinger turns to “whitespoitation” movie techniques to track down the killers of her fiance in Shit and Champagne, at Rebel bar. Mathu Andersen

poreal host – with both characters played by Marissa Keltie on stage at the Phoenix Theatre. Culter is a former San Francisco playwright beginning to carve a name for herself in Philadelphia, where Pardon My Invasion had its premiere in 2011. In addition to the soldier and the teenaged girl, characters include Penny’s mother, who happens be a pulp-fiction writer whose characters also find their way into the action. Brisk Weather’s production, directed by Joe Weatherby, runs through Feb. 8. Tickets at phoenixtheatresf.org.

Turkey and trouble

Before Bruce Norris won the Pulitzer Prize for Clybourne Park in

2011, he began attracting attention for his eviscerations of privileged liberals with such plays as The Pain and Itch that are finding new popularity in the wake of the later play’s success. Custom Made Theatre is the first Bay Area theater to enter the comically unsettled home of a comfortable family dealing with a very uncomfortable situation in The Pain and the Itch. Dale Albright is directing the 2006 play, set at a Thanksgiving dinner and at a later time that have been spliced together. While typical holiday family clashes erupt, there is an undercurrent of worry about the cause of a genital rash afflicting the hosts’ young daughter. A Muslim cab driver is pulled into the story, as the family tiptoes around past accusations and new apologies designed to disarm the shaken cab driver. The Pain and the Itch opens Jan. 14 at the Gough Street Playhouse, where it will run through Feb. 9. Tickets are available at custommade.org.

Karate chops and one-liners

D’Arcy Drollinger, who has explored high-crime plastic surgery in Scalpel! and one starlet’s steady decline in Project: Lohan, enters the world of “whitesploitation” action movies in Shit and Champagne. The tale of revenge against the Mal-Wart discount prostitution ring runs Jan. 17-Feb. 8 at Rebel bar. In the story written by Drollinger and co-directed with Laurie Bushman, Drollinger plays the grieving Champagne, whose mission is to track down her fiance’s murderer. Her arsenal includes disguises, kung fu, one-liners, and fast-and-furious dance moves. The production also stars Matthew Martin, Rotimi Agbabiaka, Steven LeMay, Seton Brown, and Nancy French. Following each performance, there will be a 60s soul dance party and performances by some of San Francisco’s premier drag stars. Tickets available at shitandchampagne. eventbrite.com.t

<< Theatre

16 • Bay Area Reporter • January 9-15, 2014

Brotherly love, greed & ambition by Richard Dodds


Kent Taylor

Road Show hits its emotional stride in the brief love affair between famed architect Addison Mizner (Bill Fahrner, left) and aesthete Hollis Bessemer (Michael Doppe).

he old joke about a musical misfire is that you’ll come out humming the scenery. That barb can be softened in the case of Road Show, which may leave you humming the lyrics albeit without the melodies on which they ride. It’s also an old saw to celebrate Stephen Sondheim’s agility with lyrics while mustering but a respectful doff of the hat to his music – and there is an extraordinary body of work to demolish that notion – but with Road Show, the nugget of truth that begat the cliche regains its currency. But if you are a Sondheim believer (apostates may now leave the room), your chance to see Road Show on a stage may not soon come along again. Theatre Rhino is presenting a stripped-down staging of what emerged in 2008 as a stripped-down revision of what had previously been known as Wise Guys, Gold, and Bounce. Even more so amid the aesthetically crude production at the Eureka Theatre, Sondheim’s almost maniacal wordplay takes center stage. Road Show is a biography in brief of Wilson and Addison Mizner, two

brothers from the Bay Area with strike-it-rich mentalities that led to numerous picaresque adventures at the turn of the 20th century. Sondheim and librettist John Weidman have made no secret of the difficulty in figuring out not only how to tell the story, but deciding what that story is meant to signify. Themes of ambition, greed, resilience, opportunism, and self-destruction wax and wane in a story that foretells an unhappy end in the opening number. The writers invoke psychological shorthand to help explain the Mizners’ motivations. (Addison craves his mother’s approval, but she showers her attention on Wilson.) The story unfolds in vignettes from their lives both together and apart until they join forces for a final show of tragic brotherly love in the midst of a tottering land scheme in Florida. Bill Fahrner and Rudy Guerrero capably play the brothers’ contrasting personalities, with Fahrner creating a pliable and needy Addison and Guerrero playing the fast-talking huckster Wilson. An eclectic ensemble plays the multiple characters who pass through the brothers’ lives, from society matrons to prizefighters.


Many of the scenes play out with selfaware theatrical artifice, which can be emotionally distancing, but an exception is made for the man who becomes Addison’s patron and lover. Michael Doppe brings a welcoming touchstone to reality as Hollis, and at least a few moments of genuine emotional warmth can grow as Addison and Hollis discover love. That Addison was an acclaimed architect whose flamboyant variations on Spanish themes are still on view in Florida is at odds with the misshapen, roughhewn, and awkward contraption sitting center stage that is adapted to the many settings. Director John Fisher stages the musical in competent fashion, with sporadic touches of whimsy. Musical director Dave Dobrusky provides steady accompaniment at the piano, though the production’s vocal components are only passable. Which brings us back to the lyrics. Road Show is a musical with more rhyme than reason.t Road Show will run through Jan. 19 at the Eureka Theatre. Tickets are $15-$30. Call (800) 838-3006 or go to therhino.org.

Sexual dynamics: the opera by Tim Pfaff


ne of the Nazis’ reasons for banning the music of Franz Schreker was his bold exploration of all manner of sexual kink. Today we know that the real reason was Schreker’s Jewish roots – and we know more about kink, enough so that Schreker’s most lurid work (he was also his own librettist) seems little more titillating than a typical episode of Masters of Sex. But Schreker knew what there is to know about the power of sex, and the power dynamics of sex, making it slightly less a wonder that his seminal operas are making a comeback after what looked for a time like a successful ban by the Nazis. Schreker’s masterpiece, Die Gezeichneten (The Stigmatized, 1918), was, despite the enormous demands it places on any opera company that attempts it, almost wildly popular in its day, racking up an impressive number of individual productions. Only the high quality of its music accounts for its tenuous place in the repertoire since the Anschluss. It figured prominently in Decca’s Entartete Musik series, but it had to wait for another of that repertoire’s most trenchant champions, James Conlon, the Los Angeles Opera music director, to fight for its American


Tom Wopat

From page 13

He made a career out of bedeviling a sheriff on Dukes, but now at 63, the rugged Wopat has become the go-to guy for sheriff roles, including in Quentin Tarantino’s Oscarnominated film Django Unchained. “That was the most fun I had since Dukes,” he says. “Tarantino is one of the most kind, inspired, passionate directors I’ve ever known. He likes to have fun, and he’s extremely generous with actors.” Wopat also wore a sheriff badge in last year’s Broadway revival of The Trip to Bountiful, opposite Tony winner Cicely Tyson. “It was a small role, but he’s the catalyst for a major change that she goes through at the end of the

stage premiere in 2010. It dismayed me then that there was no recording of such an important operatic event and a performance so fine in every respect. One has just appeared, audio only but in first-rate sound, from Bridge. Hard on its heels has come the first CD release (Walhall) of a fine Frankfurt radio performance from 1960, especially distinguished by the fine contributions of Evelyn Lear and Thomas Stewart, an American husband-and-wife team at the center of things important in German opera at the time. In the opera’s first act, we learn that Alviano, a Genoan nobleman, has made a gift of an enchanted island, Elysium, to the city – and that others among his aristocratic compatriots have been using the secluded space for sex games with

young Genoan women they have kidnapped. The second act moves deep into internal sexual dynamics, culminating in a long, exquisitely painful, is-it-love-or-isn’t-it duet for Alviano, a hunchback who hasn’t quite renounced love (Wagner casts a long shadow over Schreker and his contemporaries), but has despaired of having any love he doesn’t pay for, and Carlotta, who would love him if she could but is ultimately drawn elsewhere by her own self-destructive compulsions. The harrowing third act takes us into the Elysian grotto, scene of murderously dark sexual doings, Carlotta’s death by rape, and Alviano’s madness. The music is seduction itself, sensuous, compelling, and finally, annihilating. Also radiant and irresistible. Most readers of this newspaper

play, so it was very satisfying.” Directors can’t seem to resist putting a cowboy hat on Wopat (who was born and raised in Wisconsin), but his Tony-nominated turn as sharpshooter Frank Butler opposite Bernadette Peters in the 1999 Broadway revival of Annie Get Your Gun was a role he was born to play. “She was the most complete performer I’ve ever worked with on stage,” he says. “She’s funny as hell, and she can sing her butt off.” To this day, Wopat is still recognized for The Dukes of Hazzard, and he’s nothing but grateful for the seven years he spent burning rubber with John Schneider in the General Lee. “It was a blast,” he says. “John’s one of my best friends, and people are still rabid about the show. I’ll

watch three or four hours of The Andy Griffith Show, and some people are that way about Dukes.” Wopat and Schneider have not only remained close over the years, they’ve done concert appearances together, and they’re currently collaborating on a Christmas album. Wopat’s show at Feinstein’s will also feature his musical director Ted Furth on piano and David Finck on bass. “I’m looking forward to coming to San Francisco, and for the chance to mix and mingle with the audience afterwards,” he says. “It’s a very intimate, personal evening. And I’ve got my two best guys with me.”t Tom Wopat, I’ve Got Your Number, Thurs., Jan. 9 at 8 p.m., Feinstein’s at the Nikko, 222 Mason St., SF. Tickets ($35-$45): ticketweb.com.

will understand this opera intuitively and completely. The Conlon-led LA performance is, by a distance, the finest outing this opera has had on disc – and it’s had a distinguished history on recording. The challenge of pacing and sustaining the long passages of ecstasy, then balancing them with the darkly near-comic episodes of craven everydayness, is great, but Conlon proves unerring. From the first notes of the heady Prelude to the devastating finale, he spins enchantment at a primary, often discomfiting level. Anja Kampe, a soprano I revere, gives her greatest performance on disc as Carlotta, radiant and almost unbearably tender, spacious, generous, and tireless. American tenor Robert Brubaker, an outstanding Alviano on the flawed if essential video of a 2005 Salzburg production (EuroArts), gives an even deeper, more fine-grained performance, this time with heroic overtones and even greater inwardness. He’s an Everyman, and you get him to the core. And as I recall from my experience in the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion audience, there is no weak link in the cast. The performance is a model of ensemble work, and although you don’t

see it, you feel the penetrating work of director Ian Judge, binding the action into a compelling, ineluctable arc. The LA Opera Orchestra (whose concertmaster is former SF Symphony concertmaster Stuart Canin) tenders an exultant realization of an enormously taxing yet more often than not light and transparent score that surely none of them could have seen before rehearsals. And the extensive booklet essay is by Christopher Hailey, leading Schreker expert and biographer. Somewhere, the tortured Schreker is beaming. Walhall’s 1960 radio performance is no mere footnote. Its release on CD has been eagerly awaited by Schreker fanatics, whose patience has been richly rewarded. It lacks only the dimensionality of a live staged performance, but it gets to the heart of the work. The Carlotta, Evelyn Lear, is a lighter soprano but hardly a leaner interpreter of a role no less strange and haunting than Wagner’s Kundry. As Tamare, the cad who gets Carlotta in the end, Thomas Stewart – at the time already a Wagner Ring Wotan of consequence – is at his penetrating, chilling best. And Helmut Krebs’ feather-light tenor gives an interesting glimpse into the kind of sound Schreker may have had in mind. Still, it’s Winfried Zillig’s probing work “in the pit” at North-German Radio that both grounds and elevates this searing realization of an opera whose German title is sometimes translated as The Branded.t



January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 17

Helen Reddy: Hear her roar by Gregg Shapiro


hen you think about the great pop divas of the 1970s, Helen Reddy’s name is probably at the top of the list. Her radio reign began at the start of the decade with her 1971 cover of “I Don’t Know How To Love Him” from Jesus Christ Superstar. Just a year later, Reddy recorded the song that would define her, as well as an entire generation. The infectious pop anthem “I Am Woman” arrived at precisely the right time, and has retained its classic status more than 40 years later. Reddy would go on to be a regular on the charts, radio, TV and in movies throughout the 70s and 80s, retiring in the early part of the 21st century. Fortunately for her fans old and new, Reddy has returned to the stage and embarked on a US concert tour. I spoke with her about her career late last year. Gregg Shapiro: Helen, you have a history of hits with songs written by renowned songwriters, beginning with your first Stateside hit, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “I Don’t Know How To Love Him.” You were among the first to have had a hit with a Webber song. Helen Reddy: There was actually quite a race going on. Yvonne Elliman sang the original one on the album Jesus Christ Superstar. Someone else also covered the tune. But that was the first one that I got on the charts. You also covered songs by Paul Williams. I did a lot of Paul Williams’ songs. There’s at least one Paul Williams song on just about every one of my albums. I think he’s brilliant. You also sang songs by Kenny Rankin, Will Jennings, Harriet Schock and Alex Harvey. If you were to go into the recording studio today, are there songwriters you admire whose songs you would like to record? I don’t listen too much to music in the car because I have to concentrate when I’m driving. I can get very distracted. But I do love music. My son is pushing me to do an album. But I need a holiday first! Last year was the 40th anniversary of the release of your hit single “I Am Woman,” a song you co-wrote. As much progress as we’ve made as a culture, there are still issues such as women’s reproductive rights that are still at risk. Does it surprise you that we’re still fighting for those rights?

It’s been one step forward, three steps back. It’s been a very tough road to hoe. The younger generation doesn’t get it. Someone told me about this bunch of young girls having a seminar, and the subject matter was, “Why Can’t We Binge Drink and Have Sex Like the Men?” That has nothing to do with feminism. It’s the opposite. You had a string of hits – “Delta Dawn,” “Leave Me Alone (Ruby Red Dress),” “Angie Baby” – that were story songs with female characters. My mother was a singer, and she always said to me, “The lyrics are the most important thing. If you don’t clearly enunciate every word, nobody knows what the song is about.” So I’ve always made it my job to be very clear on the lyrics. The fact that it’s a story is a good way to keep listeners’ attention. You’re so right. Virtually everyone says, “What really happened at the end of ‘Angie Baby?’” I always say, “Well, what do you think?” I’ve gotten some really weird answers. You also had a TV and film acting career, including appearing in Disney’s Pete’s Dragon and singing the Oscar-nominated theme song “Candle on the Water.” What do you like about acting as opposed to singing? I would much rather be a nightclub singer than anything else, quite honestly. I’ve got the freedom of the stage. I’ve got a four-piece band I travel with, and I’m singing the songs that I enjoy. I’m always going to have to do a few bars of the greatest hits. But there are some wonderful songs that I’ve got on many of my albums.

and going to London, New York, doing all the things he did. It’s a three-generational song. Are you aware of a following within the LGBT community? Are you kidding? I grew up in show business. I was on stage at age five. I have a gay nephew! Tony Sheldon, he did Priscilla, Queen of the Desert on Broadway and in the West End. As for being aware of a gay following, where would we be without them? What can fans expect from your concert? I do a mixture of stuff. I don’t do every single one of the hits. I particularly don’t do “Leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone leave me.” We’ve let that one go. I still do “Delta Dawn,” “Angie Baby,” “You and Me Against the World,” quite a lot of the oldies. But I do other songs as well. I think it will be like Peter Allen wrote, everything old is new again!t

Singer Helen Reddy: “The lyrics are the most important thing.”

“A young superstar… Flamboyant presentation goes hand in hand with unquestioned virtuosity.” —The New Yorker

One of my favorite cuts was, “What Would They Say?” “If we up and ran away.” Oh, thank you for singing that. That was lovely. And in the right key, too. I’d like to ask you about your friend the late Peter Allen. You toured with Peter, and you also co-wrote songs with him. When I did my first world tour, he was my opening act. Every night, I used to leave the dressing room and go down to the wings to hear him sing “Tenterfield Saddler.” It’s a song in three parts. The first verse is about his grandfather, who was a saddler. The middle part is about his father, who killed himself. The third part is about Peter leaving Australia

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<< Out&About

18 • Bay Area Reporter • January 9-15, 2014

O&A Out &About

Tom Wopat @ Feinstein’s at the Nikko Recording artist, Tony-nominated star of numerous Broadway musical hits ( Annie Get Your Gun, Chicago, 42nd Street, Catch Me If You Can, City of Angels, Guys & Dolls) , films ( Django Unchained ) and yes, The Dukes of Hazzard, performs his new cabaret show, “I’ve Got Your Number.” $35-$45. 8pm. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. www.ticketweb.com


Wed 15

Tower of Power @ Yoshi’s Oakland The East Bay soul funk band performs classic hits. $35-$45. Jan 7-10 8pm & 10pm. Jan. 11, 7:30 & 9:30pm. Jan. 12, 7pm & 9pm. 510 Embarcadero West, Jack London Square, Oakland. (510) 238-9200. www.yoshis.com

Unusual Films @ Oddball Films This week’s potpourri of cinematic oddities includes 1960s dance and art films, and more bizarre short films Jan. 10. Both $10, 8pm. 275 Capp St. 558-8117. www.oddballfilms.blogspot.com

Thu 9 Flame On!

Winter wonders by Jim Provenzano


anuary. It’s cold, but not as cold as our friends and family back east. So quit complaining, put on your gloves and don a scarf. Be thankful you aren’t shoveling yourself and/or your car out of a mountainous snow drift, and go warm up to some arts events.

Thu 9 Andy McKee @ Yoshi's Masterful acoustic guitar virtuoso performs pastoral compositions and compelling covers. Janet Noguera opens. $31. 8pm. 1330 Fillmore St. 655-5600. www.yoshis.com

The Book of Mormon @ Orpheum Theatre The mega-hit multi-award-winning musical comedy parody about the wacky religion returns. Ticket lottery $29. Other $80$210. Tue-Sat 8pm. Sat 2pm. Sun 1pm & 6:30pm. 1192 Market St. (888) 746-1799. www.shnsf.com

FCC Town Hall @ Nile Hall, Preservation Park, Oakland Oakland Voices presents a town hall panel discussion with new FCC chairman Tom Wheeler and local officials; discuss freedom of communication and censorship issues over the airwaves. 7pm. 1233 Preservation Park Way. eventbrite.com www.freepress.net

Flame On! @ GLBT History Museum Nuclear Families, Unstable Molecules and the Queer History of The Fantastic Four, a guest lecture by scholar Ramzi Fawaz, who examines the queer subtext of the superhero comic series. $3-$5. 7pm. 4127 18th St. 621-1107. www.glbthistory.org

The Ghosts of Jeju Island @ Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists’ Hall Screening of the compelling documentary film about the U.S. military presence on the small South Korean island, and the local resistance to arrests and brutality that continue to this day. $5-$10. 7pm. 1924 Cedar St. at Bonita, Berkeley. www.bfuu.org

Lectures & Discussions @ Commonwealth Club Jan. 9: The NFL, Concussions and the Battle for the Truth, with ESPN reporters Steve Fainaru and Mark Fainaru-Wada. $7$45 (includes a book). 6pm. 595 Market St., 2nd floor. 597-6712. www.commonwealthclub.org

Lesbian/Gay Chorus Open Rehearsal @ MCC Participate in the local chorus’ rehearsal and consider auditioning. Free. 7pm-10pm. Metropolitan Community Church, 150 Eureka St. www.lgcsf.org

Liz Fain Dance @ Z Space After the Light, a performance installation created in collaboration with visual designer Matthew Antaky, costume designer Mary Domenico and composer Dan Wool, is presented as part of the vibrant local company’s 2014 season; the work explores boundaries, real and imagined. Audience members may choose to sit, stand, or walk about through this open-environment work. $15-$35. Thu-Sat 8pm. Sun 2pm. Thru Jan. 12. 450 Florida St. (800) 838-3006. www.zspace.org

Road Show @ Eureka Theatre Theatre Rhinoceros presents the Bay Area premiere of Stephen Sondheim’s rarelyproduced musical (with a book by John Weidman). Wed-Sat 8pm. Sun 3pm. Thru Jan. 19. 215 Jackson St. at Battery. (800) 838-3006. www.therhino.org

Sing-Along The Little Mermaid @ Castro Theatre Participatory screenings of the Disney animated film based (very loosely) on the Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale. $10-$16. 7pm nightly, (also 2:30pm Jan 5). Thru Jan. 10. 429 Castro St. 621-6120. www.castrotheatre.com

Fri 10 Avenue Q @ New Conservatory Theatre Center Robert Lopez, Jeff Marx and Jeff Whitty’s Tony Award-winning puppet/human musical parody of Sesame Street gets a local production. Warning: not for kids, and includes puppet nudity! $25-$45. Wed-Sat 8pm. Sun 2pm. Thru Jan. 12. 25 Van Ness Ave., lower level. 861-8972. nctcsf.org

Beach Blanket Babylon @ Club Fugazi The musical comedy revue celebrates its 40th year with an ever-changing lineup of political and pop culture icons, all in gigantic wigs. $25-$160. Beer/wine served; cash only; 21+, except where noted. 678 Beach Blanket Babylon Blvd (Green St.). 421-4222. beachblanketbabylon.com

Cheyenne Jackson @ Feinstein’s at the Nikko

Foodies, the Musical @ Shelton Theater Morris Bobrow’s musical comedy revue of songs and sketches about food. $32-$34. Fri & Sat 8pm. Open run. 533 Sutter St. (800) 838-3006. www.foodiesthemusical.com

Josh Klipp and The Klipptones @ Palace Hotel The local jazz crooner and his band perform weekly shows at the hotel’s lounge, which draws a growing swingdance audience. 7pm-11pm. 2 New Montgomery. www.joshklipp.com

This exhibit the artist. D The Michael Dibble, Ray

Major Barbara @ Geary Theatre American Conservatory Theatre presents a co-production with Theatre Calgary of George Bernard Shaw’s classic satirical play of morality and religion, centered around a Salvation Army official who must confront her organization when it takes donations from a weapons manufacturer. (Special nights include LGBT Out with A.C.T. Jan. 22). $20-$140. Thru Feb. 2. 415 Geary St. 749-2228. www.act-sf.org

The Oy of Sex @ The Marsh Alicia Dattner’s solo show explores her life with ex-boyfriends, family, love addiction, and how they all sometimes clash. Thu & Fri 8pm. Sat 8:30pm. $20-$100. Thru Jan. 18. 1062 Valencia St. 282-3055. themarsh.org

Shotgun Players presents Josh Kornbluth’s latest show explores his personal conflicts with Judaism, and his decision to get bar-mitzvahed in Israel as an adult, despite being an atheist; performers also include Amy Resnick and a four-musician band, with an original score by Marco D’Ambrosio. $25-$35. Thru Jan. 13. Kanbar Hall, 3200 California St. (510) 841-6500. www.jccsf.org/arts-ideas/performances/ theater/sea-of-reeds/

Martha & Monica

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The Broadway, film and TV actor-singer performs his new concert show, with music from his latest album I’m Blue, Skies, and selections from his recent show Music From the Mad Men Era. $50-$65. 8pm. Also Jan. 11, 7pm. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. www.ticketweb.com

Sea of Reeds @ Jewish Community Center

Sun 12

James Broughton films

David Hockn London, pur visitor ticke

The Speakeasy @ Boxcar Theatre Nick A. Olivero’s immersive up-close experiental theatrical spectacle, where audience members enjoy a three-hour retro-drama while gambling and drinking at a “speakeasy” dive bar. $60-$90. Thu, Fri & Sat, admission times 7:40-8pm. Thru March 15. (hush! Address provided for guests only!) boxcartheatre.org

Tristan & Yseult @ Berkeley Repertory West Coast premiere of Emma Rice’s innovative acrobatic and music-filled adaptation of the classic mythical love story. $20-$72. Tue, Thu-Sat 8pm. Wed 7pm. Sat & Sun 2pm. Extended thru Jan. 18. Roda Theatre, 2015 Addison St., Berkeley. (510) 647-2949. berkeleyrep.org

Sat 11

Sheelagh Murphy @ Hotel Rex

Can You Dig It? @ The Marsh Berkeley

Society Cabaret presents the talented jazz and blues vocalist, who was voted Best Cabaret Performer of 2013. $20-$45. 8pm. 562 Sutter St. 857-1896. www.societycabaret.com

Don Reed’s autobiographical solo show explores the 1960s: Beatles, Black Panthers, MLK, JFK and the KKK. $20-$50. Sat 8:30pm and Sun 7pm thru Feb. 2. 2120 Allston Way. 282-3055. www.themarsh.org

David Hockney: A Bigger Exhibition @ de Young Museum New exhibit of 300 portraits, still lifes, and landscape paintings by the gay British painter. Free-$25. Thru Jan. 20. Also, The Art of Bulgari: La Dolce Vita & Beyond, an exhibit of 150 pieces of exquisite Italian jewelry made between 1950 and 1990, including gems from Elizabeth Taylor’s personal collection. Thru Feb 17. $10-$25. Tue-Sun 9:30am-5:15pm. (til 8:45pm Fridays) Thru Dec. 30. Golden Gate Park, 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive. 750-3600. www.famsf.org

Edward Gant’s Amazing Feats of Loneliness @ Ashby Stage, Berkeley Shotgun Player’s production of Anthony Neilson’s darkly comic play is set in an Edwardian traveling theatre troupe, where the performers’ backstage lives sometimes overshadow their characters. $20-$35. Previews thru Dec. 12. Opens Dec 13. Wed & Thu 7pm. Fri & Sat 8pm. Sun 5pm. Thru Jan. 11. (510) 841-6500. www.shotgunplayers.org



Crosscurrents @ MoAD Africa and Black Diasporas in Dialogue, 1960-1980, an exhibit of contemporary art. Thru April 13. $5-$10. Wed-Sat 11am-6pm. Museum of the African Diaspora, 685 Mission St. 358-7200. www.moadsf.org

In Grand Style @ Asian Art Museum In Grand Style, Celebrations in Korean Art During the Joseon Dynasty, a new exhibit of works from 1392-1910. Thru Jan. 12. Also, Proximities 3: Import/Export, an exhibit that explores Asian uses of commodities and ideas; thru Feb. 23. Free (members)-$12. Tue-Sun 10am-5pm. 200 Larkin St. 581-3500. www.asianart.org

LGBT Night @ Bulls Game, Cow Palace Enjoy a night of ice hockey as the pro team competes, with an additional game between LGBT teams The Goaldiggers and The SF Earthquakes. Proceeds benefit SF Pride. $20. 7:30pm puck drop. 2600 Geneva Ave., Daly City. http://sfbulls.com/shop/index.php?rout e=product%2Fproduct&product_id=209

January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 19

Magnificent Magnolias @ SF Botanical Gardens See blooming magnolia trees and exhibits. Special events include a Pot Stickers cooking class for Chinese New Year (Jan. 11, 10am-1pm. $25), Magnolias by Moonlight (Jan. 16, 8pm. $20), walking tours and more. Also, hundreds of species of native wildflowers in a century-old grove of towering Coast Redwoods. Free$15. Daily. Golden Gate Park. 6612-1316. www.SFBotanicalGarden.org

New and Classic Films @ Castro Theatre Jan. 11: The Silent Film festival presents a Charlie Chaplin Centennial Celebration, featuring shorts (1pm), The Kid, with a pre-show Chaplin lookalike contest (4pm), and The Gold Rush (7:30pm). ($10-$22. www.silentfilm.org) Jan. 12, Gravity, 2:30, 4:45, 7pm, 9pm. Jan. 13, All is Lost (2:45, 6pm, 8:15). Jan. 15-19, the Berlin & Beyond Film Festival. $8.50-$11 (film fest tix: www.BerlinBeyond.com). 429 Castro St. 621-6120. www.castrotheatre.com

Final Week close s! s jan 2 0

Pamela Joy @ Hotel Rex The talented vocalist is joined by The Mike Greensill Trio. $20-$45. 8pm. 562 Sutter St. 857-1896. www.societycabaret.com

Student and Faculty Concerts @ SF Conservatory of Music Jan. 11, 5pm, pre-college showcase concert. Jan. 12, 2pm, faculty concert of works by Bach, Brahms, Schubert and Villa-lobos. Jan. 14, 8pm, flautist Carmen Lemoine. Most concerts are free. 50 Oak St. 503-6322. www.sfcm.edu

Our Vast Queer Past @ GLBT History Museum See the exhibit, Vicki Marlane: I’m Your Lady, which displays video, images and ephemera documenting the pioneering local drag, cabaret and carnival perfomer, known for decades of performances. Thru Feb 28, 2014. Also, The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus: Celebrating 35 Years of Activism Through Song, includes archival materials from the historic chorus, leadcurated by Tom Burtch, with a touchscreen display by multimedia producer John Raines. Other permanent exhibits as well. Reg. hours Mon-Sat 11am-7pm (closed Tue.) Sun 12pm-5pm. 4127 18th St. 621-1107. www.glbthistory.org

Peter Stackpole: Bridging the Bay @ Oakland Museum

tion is organized by the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco in collaboration with Director’s Circle: Penny and James George Coulter, David Davies and Jack Weeden, l Taylor Trust, and Diane B. Wilsey. Curator’s Circle: The Bequest of Dr. Charles L. and Dagmar Dolby, and Marissa Mayer and Zachary Bogue.

ney, Self-Portrait with Charlie (detail), 2005. Oil on canvas. National Portrait Gallery, rchased with help from the proceeds of the 150th anniversary gala and Gift Aid et donations, 2007, NPG 6819. © 2013 David Hockney. Photo: Richard Schmidt.

Sat 11 The Silent Film Fest’s Charlie Chaplin celebration. See New and Classic Films

Storefront Church

Exhibit of 1935-36 photos showcasing the original construction of the Golden Gate Bridge. Thru Jan 12, 2014. Also, Above and Below: Stories From Our Changing Bay, about our landscape and its people. Thru Feb 23, 2014, in the renovated Gallery of California Natural Sciences. Wed-Sun 11am-5pm (Fri til 9pm). Thru June 30. 1000 Oak St. (510) 318-8400. www.museumca.org

Mon 13

Storefront Church @ SF Playhouse

Safeway Holiday Ice Rink @ Union Square

Local production of Pulitzer and Tony Award-winning playwright John Patrick Shanley’s uplifting holiday-themed drama. $20-$100. Tue-Thu 7pm, Fri & Sat 8pm. Sat 3pm and Sun 2pm. Thru Jan. 11. 450 Post St. 677-9596. www.sfplayhouse.org

rated British artist David Hockney returns to rnia with an exhibition assembled exclusively e de Young. Expansive in scope and monumental le, this is the first comprehensive survey of st-century work. Renowned for his use of ional materials as well as evolving technologies, ney has created new art in an array of media, watercolor on paper to iPad drawings, and oil nvas to digital movies.

Sat 11

U.S. Department of Illegal Superheroes @ Galería de la Raza

All About Image @ Robert Tat Gallery New exhibit of exceptional images from a variety of 20th and 21st-century photographers. Thru Feb 22. 49 Geary St. #410. 781-1122. www.roberttat.com

Rent a pair of skates and enjoy the downtown tradition. $5-$11 10am11:30pm daily thru Jan. 20. www.unionsquareicerink.com

Various Exhibits @ California Academy of Sciences

Neil Rivas’ multimedia exhibit, a mix of dark parody and journalistic critique of government agencies, immigration policies, and race-based politics. Free. Reg hours Wed-Sun 12pm-6pm. Thru Jan. 18. 2857 24th St. at Bryant. 826-8009. www.galeriadelaraza.org

New exhibits and planetarium shows with various live, interactive and installed exhibits about animals, plants and the earth. Special events each week, with adult nightlife parties most Thursday nights. $20-$30. Mon-Sat 9:30am-5pm. Sun 11am-5pm. 55 Music Concourse Drive, Golden Gate Park. 379-8000. www.calacademy.org

Sun 12

Tue 14

Andres Zorn @ Legion of Honor

All Possible Futures @ SOMArts Cultural center

Exhibit of the Swedish master painter’s works; also, paintings by Matisse from the SF MOMA holdings. and permanent exhibits (ongoing). $10-$25. Lincoln Park, 100 34th Ave. 750-3600. www.legionofhonor.famsf.org

Large group exhibit of graphic designs by Bay area artists in a variety of media. Thru Feb. 13. Reg., hours: Tue-Fri 12pm-7pm. Sat. 12pm-5pm. www.somarts.org

Martha & Monica @ Old First Church Cello and piano concert of works by Beethoven, Lavista, Janacek, Widlak and Gumiela. $10-$20. 4pm. 1751 Sacramento St. 474-1608. www.oldfirstconcerts.org

New Exhibits @ Museum of Craft and Design Dogpatch warehouse is now a museum store, gallery and program space. Inaugural exhibitions are Michael Cooper: A Sculptural Odyssey, 1968-2001 and Arline Fisch, Creatures from the Deep. Mon-Fri 9:30am-5:30pm. 2569 Third St. 773-0303. www.sfmcd.org

Science Exhibits @ The Exploratorium Visit the fascinating science museum in its new Embarcadero location. Free-$25. Pier 15 at Embarcadero. Tue-Sun 10am-5pm (Thu night 6pm-10pm, 18+). 528-4893. www.exploratorium.edu

SF Hiking Club @ Russian Ridge Join GLBT hikers for a 10-mile hike in the Russian Ridge Midpeninsula Open Space Preserve. Hike to the top of Borel Hill, the highest point in San Mateo County at 2800 feet, for a 360-degree view of the Bay, the Pacific, the forests and grasslands of the Peninsula, Big Basin, the San Andreas Fault, and raptors galore. Bring water, lunch, layers, hat, sunscreen, good hiking shoes. Carpool meets at 9:00 at Safeway sign, Market & Dolores. 740-9888. www.sfhiking.com

Jessica Palopoli

Hymns to Hermes: The Poetics of James Broughton @ SF Public Library Local activist and archivist Joey Cain’s exhibit of the gay poet and filmmaker includes rare personal items from his estate. Special film screening of Broughton’s poetic art film, 6pm in Koret Auditorium, lower level. Exhibit thru Jan. 16. James C. Hormel Gay and Lesbian Center, Main Library, third floor, 100 Larkin St. sfpl.org

San Francisco Symphony @ Davies Hall Michael Tilson Thomas conducts the Beethoven and Bates Festival, a threeconcert series of works by Beethoven and contemporary composer Mason Bates, who also performs electronica, with violinist Alexander Barantschik. $15-$156. Jan. 8, 8pm. Jan. 9, 2pm; Jan. 10, 8pm, and Jan. 11, 8pm. 201 Van Ness Ave. 864-6000. www.sfsymphony.org

Smack Dab @ Magnet Dana Hopkins and Larry-bob Roberts cohost the monthly eclectic reading and performance series. This month, special guests are local contributors to the Amsterdam Review (Bryan Monte, Ed Mycue, Don Brennan, Tobey Kaplan, Andrea Rubin, Rink and Adam Cornford). Free. 8pm. 4122 18th St. magnetsf.org

Tater’s Gone! @ Exit Theater Absurdist comic play about the mother of three robots is directed by Adam J. Ansell. $20. Jan. 15-18, 8pm. Jan. 19, 2pm. 156 Eddy St. www.theexit.org

Butterflies & Blooms @ Conservatory of Flowers

Thu 16

Popular exhibit transforms the floral gallery into a fluttering garden with 20 species of butterflies and moths. Reg. hours, 10am-4pm. Free-$7. Tue-Sun 10am4:30pm. Extended thru March 16, 2014. 100 JFK Drive, Golden Gate Park. 8312090. www.conservatoryofflowers.org

John Newman @ Rickshaw Stop

Foodies, the Musical @ Eureka Theatre Theatre Rhino’s New Year’s Eve production of the wacky comedy about food, and eating food. $20-$25. 8pm. 215 Jackson St. at Battery. (800) 838-3006. www.therhino.org

Looking @ Castro Theatre Special screening of the upcoming HBO series about gay men, shot in San Francisco. 7pm. 429 Castro St. www.castrotheatre.com

Wed 15 Jason Lazarus: Live Archive @ Contemporary Jewish Museum Exhibit of unusual work by the Chicago artist who explores collective public archives, personal memory, and the role of photography and collecting in contemporary art and identity. Also, two exhibits about Jewish life: To Build & Be Built: Kibbutz History (thru July 1) and Work in Progress: Considering Utopia (thru Jan 20). 2pm-5pm. Free (members)-$12. Thu-Tue 11am-5pm (Thu 1pm-8pm) 736 Mission St. 655-7800. www.thecjm.org

Popscene presents the UK pop-R&B sensation, who makes his SF debut. $15. 9:30pm. 155 Fell St. 508-7292. popscene-sf.com

Magic Parlor @ Chancellor Hotel Whimsical Belle Epoque-style sketch and magic show that also includes historical San Francisco stories; hosted by Walt Anthony; optional pre-show light dinner and desserts. $40. Thu-Sat 8pm. 433 Powell St. www.SFMagicParlor.com

Sharon McNight @ Feinstein’s at the Nikko Our lovely local legendary vocalist performs her all-new cabaret show, The First 30 Years, an introspective retrospect of her careeer, from Moose Hall to Carnegie Hall (and all the gin joints on the way). $25-$35. 8pm. Also Jan. 17. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (866) 663-1063. ticketweb.com

Twisted Sisters @ City Hall Gallery Twisted Sisters: Reimagining Urban Portraiture, a large-scale photo exhibit and art exchange between SF and Zurich. Thru Jan. 27. SF City Hall, North Light Court, and various outdoor kiosks. sfartscommission.org

To submit event listings, email jim@ebar.com. Deadline is each Thursday, a week before publication. For bar and nightlife events, go to www.bartabsf.com, and our new merged section, www.ebar.com/bartab

<< Film

20 • Bay Area Reporter • January 9-15, 2014

Swedish master & his star disciple by David Lamble


his past week I enjoyed a delightful pilgrimage to a childhood movie shrine in the form of a stimulating and witty bio-doc, Liv and Ingmar, opening Friday at Landmark’s Opera Plaza Cinemas. Now in her early 70s, the tart-tongued and still quite beautiful Norwegian actress Liv Ullmann lifts the curtain on her personal and professional relationship with Swedish film master Ingmar Bergman. Beginning in the mid-1960s and spanning over four decades, the Ullmann-Bergman union would result in 11 films and one daughter. The Indian-born director Dheeraj Akolkar deftly distills hours of Ullmann’s recollections (thankfully, in English) illustrated by vivid excerpts from stormy features such as Hour of the Wolf, Cries and Whispers and Scenes from a Marriage. The candid nature of Ullmann’s memories is indicated by the film’s chapter headings: Love, Loneliness, Rage, Pain, Longing and Friendship. Ullmann was 25 and Bergman 47 when they embarked on a five-year tryst – both were married to other people. Like other chroniclers of the Bergman legend, the actress insists that their union was conducted mostly on his unyielding terms, in a plain, single-

Janus Films

Actress Liv Ullmann with Swedish film master Ingmar Bergman.

story dwelling on the austere, lovely island of Faro. The Baltic Sea isle, a tourist destination in the short Swedish summers, would become the moody filmmaker’s main home right up until his death in 2007, just short of his 90th birthday. Bergman’s twin 1957 gems, the harrowing The Seventh Seal and the sadly nostalgic Wild Strawberries, served as kind of dual Bar Mitzvah presents for my evolving movie education. In depicting a brave knight playing chess with Death for a life extension, Bergman informed me that

Fever dreams by David Lamble


ike a fine wine that’s been sitting on my shelf for a decade waiting for the right moment, the Criterion Collection edition of Ingmar Bergman’s Fanny and Alexander is a cornucopia of special treats, offering incontrovertible proof that the fivehour TV version is the best choice for the true fan. F&A is a great film with more than a dozen roles for Bergman’s family of actors, recalling a time (1907 in his hometown, Uppsala, Sweden) when an entrenched bourgeois family would be the center of the world for a young boy who hasn’t outgrown his short pants and

is just coming to grips with an overheated imagination. F&A is a great artist’s fever dream of a time when the modern world made as much sense as it ever would, yet hadn’t lost its appreciation of the supernatural, when ghosts, mummies, demonic marionettes, androgynous witches and evil bishops could be viewed without the condescension of kitsch, their fearsome powers intact. F&A recalls a time when an aging matriarch could command a bevy of servants almost as numerous as her family, yet still feel alone. Two-thirds of the way through the film, Helena Ekdahl (Gunn Wallgren) finds herself chatting nostalgically with the ghost of her recently deceased son

Janus Films

Actress Liv Ullmann, still beautiful today.

evil was a palpable thing. Strawberries’ moving flashbacks introduced my 13-year-old self to the plight of an elderly Swedish professor who regrets his long life while on the way to receiving an empty honor. Ullmann makes it clear that she was as much a prisoner as a partner in her older lover’s monk-like quarters. The actress laughs giddily as she recalls her one day a week of freedom, Wednesday, when she was allowed a trip into town for a shampoo and drink. Otherwise she and her infant daughter were locked away in

Castle Bergman as the director erected a wall around their compound to ensure that wandering tourists could not see in, or Ullmann experience any true autonomy. Eventually, Ullmann says, she sensed that her master was ready to move on, and she left their nest for a short, spectacular stab at international stardom. “My agent said yes to everything, and within a year I did four Hollywood movies, the new Greta Garbo.” This whirlwind climaxes in an appearance on The To-

Oscar, a speech that’s also a kind of epitaph from a filmmaker who was quitting at the height of his powers with this film. “Yes, Oscar, that just how it is, one is old and a child at the same time, and can’t understand what became of those long years in-between that were considered so important. Here I sit, melancholy, and thinking that the time was all-too-short.” Bergman’s adult characters are viewed through the prism of Alexander’s developing imagination, as if the ne’er-do-well uncle who farts to amuse the children, or the lecherous uncle who mounts the servants while handing out property deeds to salve his conscience, or the father who has a stroke while performing Shakespeare, are just a bad dream, not people the boy should fear becoming. The movie begins on a magnificent Christmas set-piece that unfolds hypnotically before us as if in real, not cinema time. Before we know it, the film goes into warp speed. The dying Oscar is pulled through the snowy streets in a hand cart; Alexander recoils from his father’s death rattle; and soon the boy finds himself in a deadly

showdown with a tyrannical stepfather, the bishop, who has seduced his grieving young mother. Fanny’s one great line to her mother, “Why did you marry the bishop?” is never satisfactorily answered. It’s a tribute to Bergman’s great powers that 30 years later I still find myself as angry at the bishop (Jan Malmsjo) as the first time I watched him torturing poor Alexander with a choice of punishments. Alexander’s choice is a caning that is as sadistically administered as if the bishop’s barren castle fortress were Gestapo headquarters. The movie’s finale yields all the creepy pleasures we could hope for in a great ghost story. Yet unlike contemporary horror films, it refuses to surrender its secrets for the sake of a cheap thrill. Alexander’s encounter with the mysterious, androgynous Ismael remains a special treat for queer audiences. Ismael explains to the bewildered boy why he’s considered dangerous. “I have awkward talents.” These ominous words presage Bergman’s version of an exorcism, which remains the


night Show where Liv has a sagacious exchange with Johnny Carson, who quips, “Sometimes fantasies are more fun, aren’t they? You meet a better class of people in your dreams.” Liv, alert to the chat-show game, retorts, “Well, you’re not a disappointment.” To which Carson deadpans, “Are you flirting with me?” Ullmann notes that Bergman was unfailingly supportive of even the silliest of American misadventures, remembering his two-day roundtrip, Stockholm to New York and back, just so he could catch a Broadway matinee of her turn in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. This enchanting cocktail of highminded gossip mixed with genuine artistic insights is a great Ingmar Bergman beginner’s kit for new generations who missed out on his Golden Age. From the lips of a true star who somehow navigated the rocky terrain from acolyte/disciple to captive lover to real friend, and illustrated by flashes of a tormented master storyteller’s greatest feats of Silver Screen alchemy, Liv and Ingmar reminds us of the debt our own indie princes (Allen, Altman, Cassavetes, the Coens, Payne and Van Sant) owe to a rebellious Swedish boy whose Lutheran preacher dad beat him unmercifully for spinning enchanted lies.t

film’s critical bow to black magic. Criterion’s bonus features: Highdefinition digital transfers; both the 188-minute theatrical version (with optional English soundtrack and audio commentary by scholar Peter Cowie) and 312-minute Swedish TV version; Bergman’s The Making of Fanny and Alexander; Bergman on quitting theatrical release filmmaking; 2004 chats with cast and crew; and Bergman’s introductions to 11 films.t

/lgbtsf The title characters in director Ingmar Bergman’s masterpiece Fanny and Alexander.



January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 21

Imagining the unimaginable by Brian Jackle


key line in a new film, Seventh-Gay Adventists, exploring the topic of queer people reconciling their faith and sexuality, occurs toward the end, when the father of a gay son getting married makes a toast saying, “This has been a journey for us as well. This isn’t what we’d imagined for David.” This quote summarizes the theme of the movie and reveals why it is so compelling. The situations encountered by the three gay and lesbian Adventists profiled here seem unimaginable, not only to them, but also to their friends and families. Yet everyone, in varying degrees, learns the meaning of compassion and unconditional love despite differences balancing identity, beliefs, and sexuality. The filmmakers, a straight married couple, Daneen Akers and Stephen Eyre, find themselves at the margins of their own Seventh-day Adventist faith, a Protestant semi-fundamentalist denomination with two key beliefs: that Saturday, the original seventh day of the Hebrew week, should be observed as the Sabbath, and the imminent second coming (or advent) of Jesus Christ. They attend the only openly LGBTfriendly unofficial Adventist church in the U.S., not surprisingly in San Francisco. They were disappointed by the passage of Prop 8 in 2008, which banned same-sex marriage in California, as it impacted the lives and families of churchgoers. They helped start an online petition called Adventists Against Prop 8, but they wanted “to spark a shift in consciousness” by showing the harm being done to LGBT members by their own church, deciding to make their film to tell stories “that would open eyes and hearts.” Their

movie got rave reviews at this year’s Frameline LGBT Film Festival and an encore screening at the Roxie Theater in December. Seventh-Gay Adventists is coming to Netflix and iTunes, and Watchfire Films has just released the movie in digital, DVD, and Blu-ray versions at www. sgamovie.com. The film follows the spiritual journeys of three LGBT Adventists who are trying to remain part of a church that doesn’t fully welcome them. David Carlson spent five years in ex-gay therapy trying to become straight, but is now falling in love with another Christian man, Colin Evans. Marcos Apolonio is an Adventist pastor in Brazil fired for being gay after being outed by an angry ex-partner. He emigrates to the Bay Area and finds a partner in Obed Vazquez, a professor of sociology teaching at a local community college. Marcos wonders if he is be-

ing called to ministry again after the local LGBT Adventist support group, Second Wind, must close due to lack of funding. Then there are Sherri and Jill Babcock, a lesbian couple in Ohio, who want their daughters, Grace and Faith, to grow up in their faith, not knowing if their local church and new pastor will accept their family. The Adventists are tight communities that filter into secular life in school and social activities, so exile means loss of both one’s spiritual home and social life. All three protagonists feel on the margins because their deep faith is conservative, which makes them suspect in the LGBT community, but their identity as LGBT is problematic for their church. But Akers and Eyre did not want to make an issues film. There are no narration, voiceovers, text, or intellectual and spiritual debate in the film. This is cinema verite in its purest form. We are brought into the mundane daily lives of three couples, culminating eventually in a marriage, baptism, and vocational calling. We hear their stories as they speak for themselves. Activists say the path to transformation in embracing social change proceeds from active opposition to silence to tolerance to acceptance, then finally affirmation. Most of the friends and family depicted in this film are at the tolerance stage. David’s brother, an Adventist pastor, and father, a church official, both have problems with David accepting his homosexuality. Yet in spite of their theological differences they embrace and love David, both participating in his wedding to Colin.

Up the matriarchy

by David Lamble





he Quebec chamber piece I Killed My Mother from prodigy Xavier Dolan will be catnip for fans of such mom-bashing classics as Where’s Poppa, Mommie Dearest, Portnoy’s Complaint, and Ordinary People. Dolan strips away conventional wisdom and finds a painfully funny way to present a series of adolescent queer boy/mommy pitched battles that only completely snap together at the end, when mom is given her primal scream. Dolan himself plays 16-year-old petulant queer boy Hubert, who has been raised by his single mom Chantale (Anne Dorval) since his useless dad decamped during his toddler years. Dolan has a knack for piercing insights, witty bashing of mom’s bourgeois fashion sense, and framing what in less competent hands could become self-indulgent rants. Especially lovely are Dolan’s B&W self-portrait video diary entries, designed for mom to find, as she ever so deliciously does. Bonus features: theatrical trailer, stills gallery.t CM





Sherri and Jill’s church arrives at a critical juncture when Jill volunteers to lead the Adventurer’s Club for kids that no one else is willing to do. To cut off any potential criticism, the church board issues a statement supporting Jill in her ministry but acknowledging some congregants might disapprove. Yet since most LGBT people are hard-wired that way, they invoke a conscience escape clause, saying they will neither censor nor condone lifestyle practices, and not block gays’ fellowship with God in the church, paving the way to allow Jill to participate as head of the Adventurers. In most Bay Area churches, especially LGBT ones, this statement of tolerance would be problematic, as only full affirmation is accepted. But in Ohio and in a semi-fundamentalist church, this stance is both loving and revolutionary. The film reveals the path ahead in dealing with the conflict of LGBT people in churches: acknowledge disagreement or confusion, but move ahead by embracing the individual or couple and putting them ahead of any theology. While not fully affirming, these tolerant gestures are coming from a place of 2pub-BBB_BAR_010914.pdf love. David’s brother comments that when he gets to heaven, he would


rather err on the side of being too accepting rather than too rejecting. Marcos comments that gay people give up on spirituality because they must continually come out and explain themselves as they seek new community. Yet Marcos believes that being part of a faith community, both to support and challenge one, is critical for any spiritual growth. David notes when he was at the point of renouncing his faith he heard a talk which reminded him that Jesus loved all the people everyone else hated. He felt that Jesus could love him even if he was with a guy. At David’s wedding, his brother preached that for many of the attendees, this wedding was not what God intended, yet they were here anyway. “David and Colin need you to continue to keep wrestling with God on their behalf.” One of the women at Sherri and Jill’s church voices her position and that of the film when she says, “It is God’s job to judge, the Holy Spirit’s job to convict, and our job as Christians is to love.” This stirring film reminds us that rather than vilifying our opponents, if we love all people as children of God, we will be much closer to resolving emotionally charged 12/19/13 2:28 PM doctrinal issues of the role of LGBT people in churches today.t

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22 • Bay Area Reporter • January 9-15, 2014


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Berlin & Beyond

From page 13

Director Stephan Lacant’s debut feature (with co-writer Karsten Dahlem) is a smartly observed pressure-cooker. First we are tossed into the competitive 20-something roughhouse of a police-officer training class, where each cadet has something to prove to their training instructors, to their fellow cadets, and most seriously, to themselves. The filmmakers argue that the slippery slope of acting out with your training buddy goes beyond questions of sexual identity. Marc, in another powerful queerboy turn from rising German star Hanno Koffler (Summer Storm), is at first taken aback when his running buddy Kay (Before the Fall’s Max Riemelt) takes their frequent smoke breaks as an excuse for sneaking a kiss. Soon the boys are indulging in daily snogs. Things take a critical turn when, to Marc’s surprise, Kay turns up in his police unit, and now the affair gets a lot more serious and a lot messier. Marc finds himself torn between a need to look after his pregnant wife – under the watchful eyes of both sets of parents – and his desire to indulge feelings with Kay that are taking over his life. Predictably, it’s Marc who blinks first, drawing back from his male partner when the obligations to his job, the birthing classes and Kay grow too much to juggle. The quarrel is terrifically staged as the lovers pass each over at high speed on a two-lane road. “Marc, what’s up? I’ve gotten nothing from you for days, not even a text!” “Kay, I’m busy. I’ve got a kid and a wife. Am I supposed to abandon them?” “Why don’t you admit you’re gay?” “I’m not gay. The thing with you was a one-off. I don’t want to see you again!” For Marc, the break with Kay turns into the film’s governing metaphor, a loss of all power over everything he once thought secure in his life – family, home, professional respect, all at risk. This one is fueled by explicit passion, tough language and no easy solutions. (Goethe-Institut, 1/20, 8:30 p.m.) Two Lives Ingmar Bergman veteran Liv Ullmann – now appearing in a fascinating new bio-doc, Liv and Ingmar – here co-stars in a disturbing, multilayered drama about the roles and identities of so-called “war children” in contemporary Norway and Germany. Director Georg Maas’ time-refracted story commences in 1990 at the fall of the Berlin Wall. Katrine is a German woman from the Eastern Sector who, for the past 20 years, has been raising a family in Norway. Katrine’s new life is suddenly upended when she is asked to testify in connection with a lawsuit filed on behalf of children who were the offspring of Norwegian women and German soldiers stationed in Nor-

Courtesy Berlin & Beyond

Scene from director Georg Maas’ Two Lives.

Courtesy Berlin & Beyond

Scene from documentary-maker Anne Thoma’s Miles & War.

way during the brutal WWII Nazi occupation. Early critics have noted thematic similarities between Two Lives and the brilliant examination of the East German State Security apparatus The Lives of Others. Two Lives is Germany’s 2014 entry in the Best Foreign Language Film Oscar competition. Director/co-writer Maas will appear at the Castro Theatre screening, on January 15 at 7 p.m. Miles & War One of the festival’s most shockingly intimate programs features brave men flirting with death on several continents. Documentary-maker Anne Thoma devoted three years to shadowing three men: Dennis, Martin and David, two Brits and an American, each devoted to the insanely frustrating job of preventing or damping down violent strife in Third World countries. They get rival clans, usually guys with issues and guns, to talk to each other, to hammer out small agreements that will allow food aid and normal life to resume in freefire zones from Darfur to Tripoli. Thoma learns more about these taciturn, patient men than about the quarrels they referee. Dennis confides that he can’t afford to be squeamish about dining with mass murderers, recalling

a vital piece of paper he once had signed by the men responsible for the Cambodian auto-genocide. Martin is seen conferring oncamera with British Prime Minister David Cameron’s staff at 10 Downing Street. Later, he will duck the cameras for a late-night confab with dangerous men that is just too touchy to be filmed. David explains why the work of the Geneva-based Center for Humanitarian Dialogue is precious enough for him to be willing to risk his life. Later, he will sit in a grand funk complaining that he hasn’t had a change of underwear or a decent meal in days. Director Anne Thoma appears at the Castro Theatre screening, on January 18 at 4:30 p.m. Sound of Heimat – Germany Sings This Saturday morning (January 18, 11:15 a.m.) Castro Theatre sing-along is best appreciated under the influence of strong drink – let’s say a tankard or three of good Bavarian ale. Otherwise I retreat to the opinion I held as child when my father forced me to endure several seasons of The Lawrence Welk Show, “a-one-and-a-two.” P.S. The mere sight of accordions, in the absence of strong drink, makes me nervous.t Info: www.BerlinBeyond.com

Courtesy Berlin & Beyond

Scene from sing-along feature Sound of Heimat – Germany Sings.



January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 23

Open to interpretation by Gregg Shapiro


hticky and schmaltzy but undeniably entertaining, Stories in NYC (Broadway) by Bebe Neuwirth was recorded live at 54 Below. Neuwirth bravely leaves her personal mark on familiar territory, and in some cases makes the tunes her own. Accompanied by music director Scott Cady on piano, Neuwirth has fun with the Kander and Ebb (and thus Liza) standard “Ring Them Bells.” She’s especially theatrical on the Kurt Weill compositions, and wisely reels it in on more contemporary pop numbers, including “Mr. Bojangles” and Tom Waits’ classics “Invitation to the Blues” and “Shiver Me Timbers.” Multicultural popera quartet Il Divo looks to the stage for inspiration on its latest album A Musical Affair (SYCO/Columbia). Not content to bowl us over with their four voices alone, Il Divo is joined by Heather Headley on “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?” from The Lion King, Kristin Chenoweth on “All I Ask of You” from The Phantom of the Opera, and Michael Ball on “Love Changes Everything” from Aspects of Love. On their own, Il Divo has its way with “Bring Him Home” and “You’ll Never Walk Alone,” with bravado and more than a little excess. If you need a break from the shrieking, take a listen to Essential Elements (MaxJazz) by Ben Patterson. A gifted young jazz pianist joined by Jon Deitemeyer on drums and Joshua Ramos on bass, Patterson combines what he considers to be the three essential elements of jazz – swing, melodic improvisation and blues – for his sensible renditions of songs by Stevie Wonder (“Golden Lady,” “I Can’t Help It”), the Beatles (“Here, There and Ev-

erywhere”) and Ray Charles (“Hard Times”), among others. He also applies the same sensibility to his own compositions, such as “Around the Block” and “St. Mark’s Place.” Accompanied by Craig Terry on piano, mezzo-soprano Stephanie Blythe turns her attention to the Great American Songbook from the early to mid-20th century on As Long As There Are Songs (Innova). The results are a refreshing take on familiar favorites ranging from Irving Berlin’s “Always” and “How Deep Is the Ocean?” and the Gershwin/Arlen standard “The Man That Got Away” to the Johnny Mercer/ Harold Arlen chestnuts “Any Place I Hang My Hat” and “One for My Baby” joined together in a medley. Broadway singer/actress Laura Osnes pays homage to Tony-winning Broadway composer Maury Yeston on If I Tell You: The Songs of Maury Yeston (PS Classics). Osnes performs songs from the Yeston shows Death Takes a Holiday (“Shimmy Like They Do in Paree”), Grand Hotel (“I Want To Go to Hollywood”) and Nine (“Only with You”), to mention a few. Yeston

returns the favor with the title tune, written for Osnes in 2013, as well as the new composition “I Still Hear the Music.” The aptly titled Lost in Romance (A.T. Music) by ballroom dance champ turned jazz vocalist Lyn Stanley takes a romantic approach to both the material and the performance. As with some others mentioned above, Stanley dips into the pool of standards by Irving Berlin, Hoagy Carmichael, Sammy Cahn, Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer. Stanley also tries her hand at Sondheim (“Losing My Mind”), the Beatles (“Something”) and even Willie Dixon (“I Just Wanna Make Love to You”). If you thought that Heaven 17’s “Come Live with Me” would be an unlikely choice for a jazz remake, then listen to the version that opens bassist/bandleader John Brown’s Quiet Time (Brown Boulevard) album to see how it turns out. Aside from originals by Brown and bandmate Gabe Evens, the remaining selections, including Oscar Peterson’s “When Summer Comes,” Elvin Jones’ “A Lullaby of Itsugo Village” and the Barry Manilow/Johnny

Mercer collaboration “When October Goes,” remain true to the instrumental jazz format. On a mission to make the accordion cool, Martynas (Levickis) combines classical and contemporary pop tunes on his eponymous Decca debut. His stirring instrumental cover of the Lady Gaga/Beyonce duet “Telephone” is noteworthy simply because we don’t have to listen to the braying of Lady Gaga and Beyonce. The same can be said of his reading of Katy Perry’s “Hot N Cold.” A duet featuring Martynas and guest vocalist Bria Skonberg, Tom Waits’ timeless “Temptation” is given an irresistible European flair. Of course, much of the material lends itself to the accordion, such as Morricone’s “La Califfa/Love Theme from Cinema Paradiso,” Brahms’ “Hungarian Dance No. 5 in G minor” and even the traditional “Hava Nagila,” but Martynas handles the task so effortlessly that it’s like hearing these songs for the first time. Singer and actor Philip Chaffin pays homage to groundbreaking 20th-century librettist and lyricist Dorothy Fields (Annie Get Your

Gun, Sweet Charity), who died in 1974 at 68, on Something Real Special: The Songs of Dorothy Fields (PS Classics). The selections, written between 1928 and 1973, offer the listener an opportunity to appreciate the range of Fields’ compositions. Admirably, Chaffin handles the material with reverence and respect. The songs from Hopelessly in Love, a cabaret revue that opened at the Metropolitan Room in NYC in October 2012, have been captured for posterity on the recording Hopelessly in Love: The Lyrics of Tom Toce (LML Music). The show is performed by original cast members Carole J. Bufford, Jack Donahue and Jennifer Sheehan, joined on the recording by Jane Monheit, who lends her talents to Toce’s song “The Night I Fell in Love with Paris.” Other new albums worth checking out by talented interpreters include Nicky Schrire’s Space and Time: Songs for Voice and Piano (nickyschrire.com), Love Lost and Found (barbaralevydaniels.com) by Barbara Levy Daniels, and Silva Bell Elation (Laser) by Dee Bell and Marcos Silva.t

Creature comforts by Jim Piechota

The Heavens Rise by Christopher Rice; Gallery Books, $26 regularly fixture on the New York Times bestseller list, gay writer and Los Angeles-based Internet radio host Christopher Rice has carved out a niche for himself with an everexpanding oeuvre of accessible, wellwritten fiction mostly appealing to fans of thrillers and edgy suspense. Raised in New Orleans by uber-talented mother Anne and poet father Stan (now deceased), Rice returns to that locale in his latest foray The Heavens Rise, featuring a gang of teenagers who struggle with the management of their contemporary lives, with a few supernatural powers thrown in for effect. Leading the pack is beautiful Niquette “Nikki” Delongpre, daughter of a respected physician, and her boyfriend Anthem Landry, a hunky schoolmate whom she accuses of cheating on her. This event spurs chapters of heightened melodrama as newly single Nikki begins dating Marshall Ferriot, an aggressive lover whose poor dating skills force her back into the good graces of Anthem. Before the star-crossed lovers’ rushed reunion occurs, however, Nikki and Marshall’s disastrous date found them playfully immersed


in the Delongpre estate’s (dubbed “Elysium”) palatial swimming pool for a nighttime swim, unaware that the pool water was tainted by an underground well filled with otherworldly organisms that cause both of them to endure major physical and psychological alterations. Angered by Nikki and Anthem’s repaired relationship, Marshall exacts revenge on them with some seriously psychotic behavior against the entire Delongpre clan, then endures a traumatic accident that leaves him debilitated and wheelchair-bound.

But for all the soap opera-like plot developments in the novel’s first half, Rice has saved the most shocking detour for the final chapters, where the main characters prepare themselves for an extraordinary battle with the snake-like creature Marshall morphs into and a 7-foot-tall winged leviathan who may just have good intentions inside him after all. Downshifting from taut, teenage melodrama to monster mashup may be a bit much for readers more accustomed to Rice’s library of earthbound fiction, but once immersed in this sordid swamp of talons, serpentine scales, and tentacles, it’s difficult to turn back. Besides the risk Rice daringly takes in tossing a literary wrench into the emotional gumbo of his Louisiana bayou, the best thing about the novel is its atmospheric quality. His post-Katrina New Orleans is featured in all its humid, swampy (and sadly weathered) glory, with local lore and true-to-life details intact (many of which Rice did field research on). Nikki’s family home Elysium, for example, is a beautifully described two-story Greek Revival mansion a block away from a cemetery, with porches on both floors “big enough for a swing.” There’s more than enough here for Rice fans to savor, and a little extra thrown in for those who enjoy a creature-feature component.t









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Arty Parties

Hot Flash

Nightlife Porn






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Sex Sets


Personals Vol. 44 • No. 02 • January 9-15, 2014

Cheyenne Jackson to perform at Feinstein’s

by Jim Provenzano


ith a career spanning Broadway, television, film and concerts, actor-singer-composer Cheyenne Jackson and I mostly discussed his music, specifically his own, some of which he’ll be performing at Feinstein’s at the Nikko, January 10 and 11. Bay Area fans may know the openly gay performer from his recent visits as a grand marshall at last year’s LGBT Pride events, and his performance as Tony in the San Francisco Symphony’s concert version of West Side Story. TV viewers should know him for his role as Mark Bingham in the 9/11 drama United 93, as Danny Baker, the hapless Canadian cast member of TGIF on the comedy show 30 Rock, as the show choir nemesis Dustin Goolsby on Glee, and in the brief yet pivotal role as Liberace’s outgoing “protégée” in the Emmy-winning HBO film Behind the Candelabra. See page 2 >>

Cheyenne Jackson

Mission Fun at Virgil’s Sea Room

by Ray Aguilera



alking into Virgil’s Sea Room is a bit like deja vu. It feels familiar and friendly, but brand new at the same time. Straddling the border between the Outer Mission and Bernal Heights, Virgil’s (3152 Mission Street at Precita) aims to be a neighborhood bar in a neighborhood where the new and the old are constantly overlapping. With a retro interior by San Francisco designer David Marks, Virgil’s is a reflection of its changing environs. See page 3 >>

A friendly gathering at Virgil’s Sea Room.

George Lester


R A B E V I D T BES in SF!

Serving the LGBT communities since 1971

2 • Bay Area Reporter • January 9-15, 2014



Cheyenne Jackson

From page 1

Those lucky enough to have visited New York City may have seen Jackson in any number of Broadway hit musicals, including Xanadu, Thoroughly Modern Millie, Altar Boyz, Aida, Damn Yankees, Finian’s Rainbow and many other dramas and Off-Broadway shows. And let’s not forget his two sold-out concert nights at Carnegie Hall with singerpianist Michael Feinstein. Which brings us back to the music. Although his acclaimed 2011 solo concert, Music of the Mad Men Era, focused on the hits of a bygone era, Jackson’s concert this weekend is different. “It’s a totally new show, kind of an amalgam of new songs from my album, with some new covers and a few brand new songs,” said Jackson in a phone interview. “This is definitely a different show than I’ve ever done before. I won’t be wearing a tux.” Jackson’s recent album, I’m Blue, Skies, includes songs about love and heartache, some of which is reflected in his own life. The 38-year-old singer’s private life took on a public aspect in several ways last year, among them his divorce from a

Editor Jim Provenzano Designers Jay Cribas, Scott King Advertising Sales Scott Wazlowski 415-359-2612 Contributors Ray Aguilera, Matt Baume, Scott Brogan, Heather Cassell, Coy Ellison, Michael Flanagan, Dr. Jack Fritscher, John F. Karr, T. Scott King, Sal Meza, David Elijah-Nahmod, Adam Sandel, Donna Sachet, Jim Stewart, Ronn Vigh Photography Biron, Marques Daniels, Don Eckert, Lydia Gonzales, Rick Gerharter, Jose Guzman-Colon, Georg Lester, Dan Lloyd, Jim Provenzano, Rich Stadtmiller, Monty Suwannukul, Steven Underhill

Cheyenne Jackson onstage

13-year relationship with physicist Monte Lapka, and a new romance with actor Jason Landau. “It was the worst year and the best year of my life, and I had to deal with that,” said Jackson. “My singing is kind of my public therapy.” Among the songs that Jackson hinted that he’ll perform at his Feinstein’s concert are those which he co-wrote with long-time musical director Ben Toth, including “Don’t Wanna Know,” “She’s Pretty, She Lies,” and the album’s title song, “I’m Blue, Skies.” Check out Jackson’s official website and YouTube channel, and you’ll discover some cinematic gems with the accompanying music videos, each with their own different style, from “Don’t Wanna Know” and its gay romance dancing-in-the-streets Bjork homage, to the haunting “Don’t Look at Me.” And although the retro-styled black and white “Before You” has a definite Halloween setting, Jackson said it was not inspired by the recent airing of the awkwardly funny TV revamp of The Munsters special (actually the show’s pilot, which did not become a series). Jackson costarred as a hapless scout leader. “The music video had already been shot that before I worked on that show,” said Jackson of the monster-filled coincidence. Yet like his diverse acting range, even in his music videos, like his comic roles, he’s able to balance the sincere with the corny and comic. “The bottom line is, you have to believe in your character,” he said, “whether it be something totally camp, or a completely dramatic

scene where you’ve been told that your mother died. With Xanadu and 30 Rock, I’ve definitely played parts where I’m not the brightest bulb. But what you have to find is that they don’t know that they’re stupid. If you wink at it, there is a way to embrace the audience and embrace it without making fun of it. I don’t want to play a cartoon. I worked really hard at making seemingly what could be a two-dimensional character into someone who actually lives.” Or lives again, as Jackson did as Rocky in the recent Fifth Avenue Theatre production of The Rocky Horror Show in Seattle. But what would seem to be a perfect role for the multi-talent wasn’t well received by some. “That was after Thoroughly Modern Millie,” said Jackson. “I had done the show for a year, and was tired of Broadway. My friends warned me, ‘You don’t leave a hit show!’ But I’ve lived in Seattle, and it sounded like a lot of fun.”

Family Ties

The over-the-top transgender alien musical may be one show Jackson’s family passed on seeing, despite their proximity. Born in Idaho, Jackson, the third of four kids, was named after the 1950s Clint Walker TV show Cheyenne by his parents, Evangelical Christians who raised their family in the small town of Newport, Washington. After coming out at age 19, Jackson’s parents were understandably upset. “They are wonderful, smart and informed people,” said Jackson. “One of my brothers is a pastor in San

BARtab is published by BAR Media, Inc. Publisher/President Michael M. Yamashita Chairman Thomas E. Horn VP and CFO Patrick G. Brown Secretary Todd A. Vogt BAR Media, Inc. 225 Bush Street, Suite 1700, San Francisco, CA 94104 (415) 861-5019 www.BARtabSF.com National Advertising Representative Rivendell Media 212.242.6863 Legal Counsel Paul H. Melbostad Member National Gay Newspaper Guild Copyright © 2014, Bay Area Reporter, a division of BAR Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Cheyenne Jackson in Xanadu

Bernadino, too. Religion was a huge part of my life and my youth. I was moved by it and found value in it.” Perhaps one of the connections they shared helped. Jackson’s parents taught he and his siblings music, folk music in particular. “My parents are great, but it did take a while for them to adjust,” he said. “One’s parents need to mourn the idea of what they think you’re going to be. Once we took a little sabbatical from each other, we later reconnected, and now we’re great. I’m going to be 39 this year, so it’s been 20 years that I’ve been out. My boyfriend Jason came to my family’s house this Christmas. They love Jason; my parents have come so far. I hear people say ‘my parents will never understand.’ Well, my parents didn’t. When we were young, on top of our TV, there was a sign that read, ‘What Would Jesus Watch?’ So basically, if my parents can do it, anyone’s can. “For us as gay people, we’ve come out and we feel free from a burden,” he added. “But what we’re also doing is putting the burden on them; parents, family, to catch up and understand.” 2013 saw a record 70-plus celebrities come out, from broadcast journalist Robin Roberts to athletes like diver Tom Daley, figure skater Brian Boitano, soccer star Robbie Roberts and NBA player Jason Collins. And while, for those in the know, some were among ‘the worst kept secrets,’ it’s marked a cultural shift, one that Jackson preceded by never being in the closet during his career. Named Out magazine’s Entertainer of the Year in 2008, Jackson has been a strong supporter of same-sex marriage (he performed in 8, Lance Dustin Black’s stage adaptation of the Proposition 8 trial transcripts), he’s a spokesman for New York’s LGBT teen-supportive HetrickMartin Institute, and he was named as an ambassador for the American Foundation for AIDS Research. And yet, being pegged as “the gay actor” is, he said, “initially something I struggled with. I didn’t want to be known only as being gay. But I feel that enough time has gone by where I feel like my work speaks for itself. I’m a professional, and I’m good at my job. I like to think that we’ve all moved on enough to where you can see the person that’s best for the part. I understand my role with the community and the responsibility that comes with that. But I wont be defined by that.”

Life-Changing Cheyenne Jackson in The Rocky Horror Show.

Which brings us back again to Jackson’s own music, and the diverse aspects of each song. “She’s Pretty, She Lies” features Jackson

arguing with a woman in what appears to be a romantic confrontation. But Jackson hints at more. “What does that girl represent?” he asks. “There are so many different ways to interpret that, but notice that the video is filmed backwards.” And while convincingly ‘playing straight,’ one of his career-changing roles was as the openly gay Bay Arearaised Mark Bingham. A cofounder of the San Francisco Fog Rugby Club, Bingham’s heroic efforts and death on United flight 93 on September 11, 2001 have become an iconic aspect of our collective need for gay-inclusive representation, even amid a national catastrophe. Jackson said that he knew a little about Bingham from news reports, but when he got the role for the TV film, “I got familiar with his story, quickly. All of us in the cast were given information on the people we were playing. I knew that his mother Alice Hoglan had become a public speaker. That movie changed my life. It’s a huge responsibility to portray a real person, particularly for people in San Francisco. So many people want to talk about Mark.” Jackson mentioned one scene that was cut from the film’s final edit where Bingham’s boyfriend, who played himself, dropped Jackon-asBingham off at the airport. “He was recreating a real moment in his life,” Jackson said with a tone of amazement. “It was quite cathartic, to pay homage and honor him.” Obviously, such acting is a departure from some of Jackson’s stage performances, which include everything from roller-skating hunks (Xanadu) to porn actors (The Performers). Jackson’s upcoming projects include the release of the film Six Dance Lessons In Six Weeks in which he costars with veteran actress Gena Rowlands. That’s one of only six films he’s in that’ll be released this year. And Bay Area fans can enjoy another Davies Hall concert when he returns in July. At his more intimate show this weekend, fans can enjoy a focus on his own songwriting. “Music is everything to me,” said Jackson. “It’s become such a passion of mine. I’m even writing songs for other artists. This is just the beginning of tapping into what I love.” t Cheyenne Jackson performs Friday, January 10, 8pm and Saturday, January 11, 7pm. $50–$65. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason Street. (866.) 663-1063. www.cheyennejackson.com www.hotelnikkosf.com/feinsteins www.ticketweb.com


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January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 3

George Lester

Patrons at the front bar of Virgil’s Sea Room.


George Lester

A view of the expansive bar.


Virgil’s Sea Room

From page 1

The first thing I noticed was the black on gold flocked wallpaper, which feels vintage, because it is. On a recent visit, over a couple of Virgil’s signature cocktails, Marks told me that surprisingly, the wallpaper was already in place when Virgil’s moved into the space formerly occupied by Nap’s. It was there, but covered by posters and other random stuff the previous bar had accumulated over the years. “It’s amazing,” Marks said of the 1960s black and gold flocked pattern that adorns the majority of the vertical surfaces at Virgil’s. “They kept as much of it as possible, and it turned out to be perfect for the new space.” The interior is tastefully complimented by a small collections of objects throughout, making Virgil’s feel more like part of someone’s home than a bar. The glittery popcorn ceiling helps there, too. There’s a cozy alcove up front, and cocktail tables across from the bar, which runs along one wall. In back, a squareish room is great for small groups,

and there’s an awesome painting of a clipper ship on one wall—it is Virgil’s Sea Room, after all. And speaking of Virgil, who is he? That depends on who you ask, and it’s one of the many charms of this laid-back spot. Make no mistake, even though the vibe is relaxed and comfortable, this bar means business. The jukebox is filled with an eclectic mix of amazing tunes. Sonic Youth rubs shoulders with TLC, David Bowie, Ritchie Valens and A Tribe Called Quest. With cocktails named after local heroes (some of whom you should already know, the rest definitely worth learning about) Virgil’s pays homage to San Francisco’s past. Tom Temprano, a Virgil’s coowner and President of the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club (as well as one of the driving forces behind Hard French at neighboring El Rio) shed some light on how the bar decided who to honor in liquid form “They are inspirations to us,” he said. “We created our local heroes cocktail menu to honor some of the folks who make this city so special. We wanted to pay homage to the everyday San Franciscans who make

George Lester

Outside Virgil’s Sea Room.

us fall in love with this city.” In particular, the Dick Vivian (named after the proprietor of a Lower Haight record store specializing in soul 45’s) and the Vicki Marlane (in honor of the legendary San Francisco drag queen and trans performer) are excellent places to start a drinking adventure at Virgil’s. The former is a spin on a classic Negroni, featuring Bombay Sapphire gin, Noilly Prat vermouth, and Cynar; the latter a refreshing concotion of Hangar One vodka, St. Germaine, and fresh lemon. The best part is that, like the bar itself, Virgil’s prices are a mix of old and new: new-school cocktails at old-school prices. The most expensive specialty cocktails are $9, a far cry from what some newer cocktail lounges are charging for similar libations. Temprano describes Virgil’s as a friendly neighborhood bar that welcomes everyone. Fans of karaoke at Nap’s won’t be disappointed, either. Temprano told me that later this month, Virgil’s will be restarting the neighborhood tradition every Thursday, hosted by the legendary Nap himself, calling it “the least judgmental karaoke night in town.” Virgil’s is also going to be debuting a new $2 Tuesday menu of margaritas and Tecates for folks on a budget. Plus, the awesome outdoor patio is open, and once the weather gets a little better, you can expect more food pop-ups out back. Temprano says, “The landscape of bars and restaurants in the Mission and the whole city is changing. We are committed to a diverse space that is both queer and straight and we’ve done our best to create a kind of upscale dive where the cocktails are great but you feel super comfortable and not too fancy. Some old with the new, a mixed space that celebrates San Francisco culture and embraces differences.” I’ll drink to that.t C










2:28 PM

Serving the LGBT communities since 1971

4 • Bay Area Reporter • January 9-15, 2014

Arty Parties


New nightlife at local museums by David-Elijah Nahmod


an Francisco museums host a variety of special winter events where you can enjoy a little wine and cheese along with your highbrow, and sometimes lowbrow, culture. Several museums can be counted upon to enlighten your mind and spirit while you dance to some hot music and enjoy a few cocktails. Here are a few select events.

California Academy of Sciences 55 Music Concourse Drive, inside Golden Gate Park. 379-8000. www.calacademy.org January 16: Mind and Body Nightlife, with music by DJ QBert Join neuroscience guru Dr. Phillippe Goldin of Stanford for a guided meditation in the planetarium. Get a closer perspective on the human brain, including your own, with a special full dome audiovisual presentation at 6:30, 7:30 and 8:30pm. Nightlife understands how much the brain needs to join the body in dance, so DJ QBert, one of the most prolific DJs in history, will transcend the boundaries of turntablism. Over in the Africa Hall, get your zen on with a yoga workshop, learn about holistic nutrition during a tea tasting, and learn about medicinal edible plants. There will be more dancing to the power of NeuroDisco. $12 for non-members, $10 for members. January 30: Sketchfest Nightlife, with music by New Wave City DJs SF Sketchfest returns to Nightlife, bringing hilarious comedy with Dork Forest, Jackie Kashian, Todd Glass, Sean Keane and many more. Feeling a little drawn? Pose for comic book artists/cartoonists

Mike Capozzola, Gwen Perry and Jonathan Lemon. Gather in the Planetarium at 6:30pm for a “Sketchy Tour of the Universe” followed by two showings of Earthquake. Feel like dancing? Head on over to the East Pavillion and get down to the alt-pop, synth and new wave beats with New Wave City DJs 80s dance party. $12 for non members, $10 for members. Cartoon Art Museum 655 Mission. (415) CAR-TOON. www.cartoonart.org Feb. 6: SF Sketchfest Presents I Ink Alone, with Mike Capozzola. Comedian and Mad Magazine artist Capozzola shines a ray gun on sci-fi, super heroes, action movies and zombies in his new multimedia one man show. Can you imagine a vegan Mr. Spock, a pervy Iron Man, or a politically incorrect Indiana Jones? Shocking! The laughs will descend upon the Earth on Thursday, February 6, at 8pm, $15. The Cartoon Art Museum celebrates comic art in all its forms. There’s something for everyone. Contemporary Jewish Museum 736 Mission Street. 655-7800. www.thecjm.org Jan. 23: Six-Word Memoirs on Jewish Life. At the DJ launch party for the CJM’s latest installation, listen to six word memoirs with Orange is the New Black’s Piper Kerman and community leaders Lana and Stephanie Volftsun. Afterward, tell your own story during the Six Word Slam. Watch as your story appears on a live stock ticker displaying Twitter contributions in real time. Enjoy fab cocktails available at the cash bar. Thursday Jan 23, 6pm-8:30pm. $5. Advance tickets suggested.


Graze the tasty food at a party held at the Academy of Sciences.


Non-Stop Bhangra performs at YBCA.

Oakland Museum of Art 1000 Oak Street, at 10th. (510) 3188400. www.museumca.org The Oakland Museum, about a block from the Lake Merritt BART station, offers its own series of fun Friday night events. Enjoy live music, DJs, performances, and family-friendly dance lessons, every Friday from 6:30pm-7pm. Shake those hips with dances based on monthly music themes. Sip and taste at the Makers and Tasters Series, where local beer brewers, coffee roasters, organic farmers and authors host talks, demos, and tastings, from 6pm-8pm. Starting in January, the Makers and Tasters Series will feature local vendors from Whole Food Market on the last Friday of each month. Cash bar open for all events: Museum members admitted free. General admission: $7.50 (Friday night events only). Under 18 admitted free to Friday night events. Palace of Legion of Honor 100 34th Ave. 750-3600. www.legionofhonor.famsf.org This elegant art museum, in the shadow of the Golden Gate Bridge, was immortalized in Alfred Hitchcock’s San Francisco classic, Vertigo. Every Saturday and Sunday at 4pm, (except when the museum is closed) enjoy a classical organ concert as you’re surrounded by great works of art. The monthly schedule is generally as follows. First weekend: David Hegarty plays a pops concert. Light classics and classics from Hollywood and Broadway. Second weekend: Rob-

ert Gurney performs symphonic classics. Third weekend: John Karl Hirten offers selections from the great classical composers. Fourth weekend: Keith Thompson performs Broadway, The Beatles, and Bach. There are occasional variations to allow for guest performers. Wines are available in the cafe, which closes at 4:30pm. General admission: $10, members free. Seniors: $7. Yerba Buena Center for the Arts 701 Mission St. 978-2787. www.ybca.org The ecletic modern museum and its various performance venues have a ten-year tradition of breaking artistic traditions. The center’s frequent exhibit parties draw hundreds of fans, with live performers,

local and visiting DJs and thoughtprovoking interactive cocktail parties and events. Here are a few of their winter offerings. Jan. 26: Dinner and a Movie with Jack Smith. The celebrated ultra-queer filmmaker’s works are screened in an ongoing January series. Jan. 26, enjoy a double feature in the afternoon, followed by food and artsy chat in the Youth Arts Lounge. Jan. 31 & Feb. 1: Smart Night Out with Untitled Feminist Show. Young Jean Lee’s provocative performance work explores gender politics, and these two nights blend dinner and drinks for two special evenings, including dicussions, food, and a post-show wine and dessert reception.t


A stuffed giraffe eavesdrops on conversations at the Academy of Sciences.

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A recent gala reception at the California Academy of Sciences.


Read more online at www.ebar.com

January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 5

BARchive: Hot Flash

Jim Stewart

Paul Hatlestad, owner of the short-lived Hot Flash shop.

Jim Stewart

Boys in the Sand director Wakefield Poole.

by Jim Stewart


lit post-coital cigarettes and noticed the scar around Paul Hatlestad’s neck. Like a can-opener tried to remove his head. “What happened?” I said, caressing the scar. Hot. “My gold chain touched a live wire,” Paul said. I ran my finger around the scar. “I was up in the attic doing electrical wiring, getting ready to open Hot Flash.” “What’s Hot Flash?” I said. Paul reached for his wallet and handed me a card. It read “Hot Flash of America, 2351 Market Street, San Francisco.” A flexed arm gripping a lightning bolt inside a red ring centered the card. Below it read, “Everything You Want But Nothing You Need!” “Stop by sometime,” Paul said.

“You’ll like it.” I did. Hot Flash was just around the corner from Castro, on Market, in a pre-quake storefront building. An oak door with plate glass almost to the floor had a polished brass mail slot. When I opened the door I saw a scattering of mail, a Time magazine, and a few fliers on the old maple floor. I stepped around them, then realized they were trompe l’oeil. I liked the place already. A series of original Warhol “Marilyn Monroes” gave the place a certain tone as did the white nylon panels from Christo’s Running Fence. In one corner, a small salon provided access to one of the City’s finest hairdressers. Antique marble counters, Lalique glass, religious reliquaries, treasures from the recently closed Playland by the beach, a worn circus canvas for Crab

Photographer unknown

Hot Flashes sign.

Claw Man, all competed for my attention with a steel mesh butcher’s glove and elegant sterling drug paraphernalia. A fish swam in the glass cylinder of a vintage gas pump. Music from Fellini’s La Dolce Vita filled the room. Paul emerged from a back room. I was introduced to Peter Fisk, one of the owners. His bearded chiseled face looked familiar. Had we connected at the Barracks or maybe The Slot? No. I had seen him up on the screen at the Nob Hill Cinema in Wakefield Poole’s Boys in the Sand. Wakefield Poole came out of the back room. Paul introduced us. “Want a baby?” Paul said. He handed me a tiny test tube containing a miniscule doll suspended in red liquid. Before I left, I bought a T-shirt printed with the Hot Flash logo. The butcher’s glove would have to wait. Sometime later there was an invite in my mailbox. An opening night at Hot Flash for Ed Parente’s new work. I had met Ed at the Slot. I had also run into him at the Alameda Flea Market gathering material for his art. His sculptures were composed with captured butterflies juxtaposed against plaster-cast body parts or doll heads harvested from Depression-era castoffs often with a small dried flower or a faded scrap of paper found blowing in the wind. Each tableau was frozen in time within a Lucite cube. Hot Flash opening night invitations were hotter than opera tickets. It was the place to see and be seen. In 1979 Hot Flash invested in antique antler furniture from the Teddy Roosevelt era. A competitor filed a lawsuit under the Endangered Species Act. Inventory and funds, Paul told me, were tied up, closing Hot Flash while the attorneys argued over the legal status of the vintage merchandise. Hot Flash never reopened. Today 2351 Market is occupied by Rolo on Market, an upscale men’s clothing store.t © 2013 writerJimStewart@hotmail. com For further true gay adventures check out the award-winning Folsom Street Blues: A Memoir of 1970s SoMa and Leatherfolk in Gay San Francisco by Jim Stewart.

<< On the Tab

6 • Bay Area Reporter • January 9-15, 2014

TAB f eON THE 014 January 9 16, 2


Sun 12

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge Enjoy the intimate groovy disco night with DJ Bus Station John. $7. 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor. www.auntcharlieslounge.com


Sun 12

Underwear Party @ Powerhouse Strip down to your skivvies at the weekly cruisy SoMa bar night. 10pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

VIP @ Club 21, Oakland
 Hip Hop, Top 40, and sexy Latin music; gogo dancers, appetizers, and special guest DJs. No cover before 11pm and just $5 after all night. Dancing 9pm-3am. Happy hour 4pm-8:30pm 2111 Franklin St. (510) 268-9425. www.club21oakland.com

Fri 10 Bad Girl Cocktail Hour @ The Lexington Club

Leslie & The Lys perform at The Rickshaw Stop. See Ten-Year Anniversary Thu. 9 listing.


ave a cocktail, or a soda, and open your ears (or plug ‘em up if you’re too close to the speakers) as a fascinating array of vocal talents perform at upscale cabarets and downright funky forums.

Thu 9 Andy McKee @ Yoshi's Masterful acoustic guitar virtuoso performs pastoral compositions and compelling covers. Janet Noguera opens. $31. 8pm. 1330 Fillmore St. 655-5600. www.yoshis.com

Charlie Murphy @ Yoshi’s Oakland The stand-up comic performs his solo show, Acid Trip. $32. 8pm & 10pm. 510 Embarcadero West, Jack London Square, Oakland. (510) 238-9200. www.yoshis.com

Comedy Thursdays @ Esta Noche The revamped weekly LGBT- and queerfriendly comedy night at the Mission club is hosted by various comics (1st Thu, Natasha Muse; 2nd Thu, Emily Van Dyke; 3rd Thu Eloisa Bravo and Kimberly Rose; 4th Thu Johan Miranda). No cover; one-drink min. 8pm. 307916th St. www.comedybodega.com

Fuego @ The Watergarden, San Jose Weekly event, with Latin music, half-off locker fees and Latin men, at the South Bay private men’s bath house. $8-$39. Reg hours 24/7. 18+. 1010 The Alameda. (408) 275-1215. www.thewatergarden.com

Gym Class @ Hi Tops Enjoy cheap/free whiskey shots from jockstrapped hotties and sexy sports videos at the popular new sports bar. 10pm-2am. 2247 Market St. 551-2500. www.HiTopsSF.com

Jukebox @ Beatbox Veteran DJ Page Hodel (The Box, Q and many other events) presents a new weekly dance event, with soul, funk, hip-hop and house mixes. $10. 21+. 9pm2am. 314 11th St. at Folsom. www.BeatboxSF.com

Magic Parlor @ Chancellor Hotel Whimsical Belle Epoque-style sketch and magic show that also includes historical San Francisco stories; hosted by Walt Anthony; optional pre-show light dinner and desserts. $40. Thu-Sat 8pm. 433 Powell St. SFMagicParlor.com

Every Friday night, bad girls can get $1 dollar margaritas between 9pm and 10pm. 3464 19th St. between Mission and Valencia. 863-2052. www.lexingtonclub.com

Cookie Dough’s weekly drag show with gogo guys and hilarious fun. $5. 9pm-2am. 4149 18th St. at Collingwood. edgesf.com

Nightlife @ California Academy of Sciences

Christopher Daniels @ Nob Hill Theatre

Themed event nights at the fascinating nature museum, with DJed dancing, cocktails, fish, frogs, food and fun. $10$12. 6pm-10pm, 55 Music Concourse Drive, Golden Gate Park. 379-8000. www.calacademy.org

Pan Dulce @ The Café Amazingly hot Papi gogo guys, cheap drinks and fun DJed dance music. Free before 10pm. $5 til 2am. 2369 Market St. www.clubpapi.com www.cafesf.com

Ten-Year Anniversary @ Rickshaw Stop Jump into the six nights of concerts celebrating the fun alternative nightclub and music venue. Jan 9: Geographer, Trails & Ways, DJ Aaron Axelsen. Jan. 10: Yacht, Shock, DJs Brother Grimm, Chris Baty and Bas. Jan. 12: Leslie & the Lys, Double Duchess and DJ Kidd Sysko. 155 Fell St. at Van Ness Ave. 861-2011. www.rickshawstop.com

Thursday Night Live @ SF Eagle The weekly live rock shows have returned. 9pm-ish. 398 12th St. at Harrison. www.sf-eagle.com

Tom Wopat @ Feinstein’s at the Nikko Recording artist, star of numerous Broadway musical hits ( Annie Get Your Gun, Chicago, 42nd Street, Catch Me If You Can, City of Angels, Guys & Dolls) , films ( Django Unchained) and yes, The Dukes of Hazzard, performs his new cabaret show, “I’ve Got Your Number.” $35-$45. 8pm. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. www.ticketweb.com

Tower of Power @ Yoshi’s Oakland The East Bay soul funk band performs classic hits. $35-$45. Jan 7-10 8pm & 10pm. Jan. 11, 7:30 & 9:30pm. Jan. 12, 7pm & 9pm. 510 Embarcadero West, Jack London Square, Oakland. (510) 238-9200. yoshis.com

Butch blond porn stud performs live. $25. 8pm & 10pm. Also Jan. 11. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 397-6758. www.thenobhilltheatre.com

Fedorable @ El Rio Free weekly queer dance party, with gogos, prizes, old groovy tunes, cheap cocktails. 9pm-2am. 3158 Mission St. 2823325. www.elriosf.com

Go-Beaux @ Beaux Gogo-tastic weekly night at the new Castro club. Bring your dollahs, ‘cause they’ll make you holla. 9pm-2am. 2344 Market St. www.beauxsf.com

Happy Friday @ Midnight Sun Open during renovations, the popular video bar ends each week with gogo guys (starting at 9pm) and drink specials. 4067 18th St. 861-4186. www.midnightsunsf.com

Hard @ Qbar DJ Haute Toddy spins electro beats; cute gogo guys shake it. $3. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St. www.QbarSF.com

Josh Klipp and The Klipptones @ Palace Hotel The local jazz crooner and his band perform weekly shows at the hotel’s lounge, which draws a growing swingdance audience. 7pm-11pm. 2 New Montgomery. www.joshklipp.com

Latin Explosion @ Club 21, Oakland Eight bars, more dance floors, and a smoking lounge; the largest gay Latin dance night in the Bay Area. Happy hour 4pm-8:30pm. Dancing 9pm-4am. 2111 Franklin St. (510) 268-9425. www.club21oakland.com

Menage @ Bench and Bar, Oakland This new monthly event (second Fridays) welcomes women who love women and their friends, with celebrations for Annesha and Danielle, and Capricorn birthdays. $3 (before 10pm)-$7. 9pm-2am. 510 17th St., Oakland. www.bench-and-bar.com

Picante @ Esta Noche Weekly show with drag queens and the Picante Boys; hosted by Lulu Ramirez; DJ Marco. 9pm-2am. 3079 16th St. 841-5748. www.jceventssf.com

Release @ Club OMG Weekly party at the intimate mid-Market club; rotating hosts and DJs, Top 40 dance remixes, giveaways, gogo hunks. Free before 11pm. $3. 9pm-2am. 43 Sixth St. www.clubomgsf.com www.facebook.com/ReleaseSF

Fri 10 Christopher Daniels at Nob Hill Theatre

mr. Pam

Cheyenne Jackson @ Feinstein’s at the Nikko The Broadway, film and TV actor-singer performs his new concert show, with music from his latest album I’m Blue, Skies, and selections from his recent show Music From the Mad Men Era. $50-$65. 8pm. Also Jan. 11, 7pm. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. www.ticketweb.com

The Monster Show @ The Edge

Ruby Holiday hosts the Miss California Diamond Pageant

Sheelagh Murphy @ Hotel Rex Society Cabaret presents the talented jazz and blues vocalist, who was voted Best Cabaret Performer of 2013. $20-$45. 8pm. 562 Sutter St. 857-1896. www.societycabaret.com

Some Thing

Bootie SF @ DNA Lounge

Mica Sigourney and pals’ weekly offbeat drag performance night. 10pm-2am. 399 9th St. www.studsf.com

Weekly mash-up dance night, with resident DJs Adrian & Mysterious D. No matter the theme, a mixed fun good time’s assured. $8-$15. 9pm-3am. 21+. 375 11th St. at Harrison. www.DNAlounge.com

Tennis @ Bottom of the Hill The nostalgia-pop band performs. Poor Moon and Kyle M. Terrizii open. $12. 9:30pm. 1233 17th St. at Missouri. 6264455. www.tennis-music.com www.bottomofthehill.com

Sat 11

La Bota Loca @ Club 21, Oakland Xmas party with Pancho Claus, plus DJed tunes, gogo hotties, drag shows, drink specials, all at Oakland’s premiere Latin nightclub and weekly cowboy night. $10$15. Dancing 9pm-4am. 2111 Franklin St. (510) 268-9425. www.club21oakland.com

Beach Blanket Babylon @ Club Fugazi

Club Rimshot @ Bench and Bar, Oakland

The musical comedy revue celebrates its 40th year with an ever-changing lineup of political and pop culture icons, all in gigantic wigs. $25-$160. 678 Beach Blanket Babylon Blvd (Green St.). 4214222. www.beachblanketbabylon.com

Weekly hip hop and R&B night. $8-$15. 9pm to 4am. 510 17th St. www.bench-and-bar.com

Beer Bust @ Hole in the Wall Saloon Beer only $8 until you bust. 4pm-8pm. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695. hitws.com

Love Will Fix @ Hot Spot DJ Bus Station John’s last R&B disco fun night…for a while; the bar’s temporarily closing for renovations. Get your funk charged up before the intimate event bids adieu. 9pm-2am. 1414 Market St. 355-9800.


On the Tab>>

Pamela Joy @ Hotel Rex The talented vocalist is joined by The Mike Greensill Trio. $20-$45. 8pm. 562 Sutter St. 857-1896. www.societycabaret.com

ShangriLa @ The EndUp The twice-monthly (2nd & 4th Sat) gaysian dance party this time hosts a Pokemon party, with DJ Christopher B, hosts Khmera Rouge, Jezebel Patel, and fun. 10pm-3am. 401 6th St. www.theendup.com

Writers With Drinks @ The Make Out Room The monthly literary liquor night this time includes authors Neelanjana Banerjee, Richard Kadrey, Scott Poole, Cheeming Boey and Melissa Pritchard. $5-$10. 7:30pm. 3225 22nd St. www.makeoutroom.com

January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 7

Sun 12

Miss California Diamond Pageant @ The Lookout

Beautiful vocal stylist performs live. $30$40. 8pm & 10pm. Also Jan 12, 7pm & 9pm. 1330 Fillmore St. 655-5600. www.yoshis.com

Glam drag contest and show, with RuPaul’s Drag Race contestant Penny Tration, plus Ruby Holiday, Mercedez Munro, title holder Miss Anastacia DeMoore and others. $10. 8pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market. www.lookoutsf.com

Beer Bust @ SF Eagle

Resilient @ OMG

Amel Larrieux @ Yoshi's

The classic leather bar’s most popular Sunday daytime event in town draws the menfolk. 3pm-6pm (Also now open daily 11am-2am). 398 12th St. at Harrison. www.sf-eagle.com

Brunch @ Hi Tops Enjoy crunchy sandwiches and mimosas, among other menu items, at the popular sports bar. 2247 Market St. 551-2500. www.HiTopsSF.com

Full of Grace @ Beaux New weekly night with hostess Grace Towers, different local and visiting DJs, and pop-up drag performances. This week, DJ Robin Simmons. No cover. 9pm-2am. 2344 Market St. www.beauxsf.com

Tue 14

New monthly dance/social event (Second Sundays) by and for HIV+ guys and their allies. DJ Paul Goodyear play some amazing music for the launch of this event launch. No cover. 5pm. 43 Sixth Street. www.clubomgsf.com www.facebook.com/ResilientSF

Salsa Sundays @ El Rio Salsa dancing for LGBT folks and friends, with live merengue and cumbia bands; tapas and donations that support local causes. 2nd & 4th Sundays. 3pm-8pm. 3158 Mission St. 282-3325. www.elriosf.com

Sundance Saloon @ Space 550 The popular country western LGBT dance night celebrates a decade and a half of fun foot-stomping two-stepping and linedancing. $5. 5pm-10:30pm with lessons from 5:30-7:15 pm. Also Thursdays. 550 Barneveld Ave., and Tuesdays at Beatbox, $6. 6:30-11pm. 314 11th St. www.sundancesaloon.org

Sunday’s a Drag @ Starlight Room Donna Sachet hosts the weekly fabulous brunch and drag show. $45. 11am, show at noon; 1:30pm, show at 2:30pm. 450 Powell St. in Union Square. 395-8595. www.starlightroomsf.com

Mon 13 Cock and Bull Mondays @ Hole in the Wall Saloon Specials on drinks made with Cock and Bull ginger ale (Jack and Cock, Russian Mule, and more). 8pm-closing. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695. www.hitws.com

Karaoke @ The Lookout Paul K hosts the amateur singing night. 8pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market. www.lookoutsf.com

Mahogany Mondays @ Midnight Sun

HiTops’ hunky bartenders. See Trivia Night Steven Underhill

Naked Night @ Nob Hill Theatre

Thu 16

Strip down at the strip joint. $20 includes refreshments. 8pm. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 397-6758. www.thenobhilltheatre.com

Gym Class @ Hi Tops

Shawn Colvin @ Yoshi’s Three-time Grammy-winning singersongwriter performs live. $45. 8pm. 1330 Fillmore St. 655-5600. www.yoshis.com

Torch @ Martuni’s

Popscene presents the UK pop-R&B sensation, who makes his SF debut. $15. 9:30pm. 155 Fell St. 508-7292. www.popscene-sf.com

Trivia Night @ Hi Tops

Enjoy amazingly hot Papi gogo guys, cheap drinks and fun DJed dance music. Free before 10pm. $5 til 2am. 2369 Market St. www.clubpapi.com www.cafesf.com

Play the trivia game at the popular new sports bar. 9pm. 2247 Market St. 551-2500. www.HiTopsSF.com

Wed 15 Bottoms Up Bingo @ Hi Tops Play board games and win offbeat prizes at the popular new sports bar. 9pm. 2247 Market St. 551-2500. www.HiTopsSF.com

Queer Salsa @ Beatbox Weekly Latin partner dance night. 8pm1am. 314 11th St. www.beatboxsf.com

Red Hots Burlesque @ El Rio Women’s burlesque show performs each Wed & Fri. Karaoke follows. $5-$10. 7pm. 3158 Mission St. 282-3325. www.elriosf.com

Monday Musicals @ The Edge

Rookies Night @ Nob Hill Theatre

The casts of local and visiting musical soften pop in to performs at the popular Castro bar’s musical theatre night. 7pm2am. 2 for 1 cocktail, 5pm-closing. 18th St. at Collingwood. www.edgesf.com

Watch the newbies get nude, or compete yourself for a $200 prize. Sign-up 8pm, show 9pm. $200 includes refreshments. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 397-6758. www.thenobhilltheatre.com

Piano Bar 101 @ Martuni’s

So You Think You Can Gogo? @ Toad Hall

Sports Night @ The Eagle The legendary leather bar gets jock-ular, with beer buckets, games (including beer pong and corn-hole!), prizes, sports on the TVs, and more fun. 398 12th St. at Harrison. www.sf-eagle.com

Tue 14 13 Licks @ Q Bar

New weekly dancing competition for gogo wannabes. 9pm. cash prizes, $2 well drinks (2 for 1 happy hour til 9pm). Show at 9pm. 4146 18th St. www.toadhallbar.com

Trivia Night @ Harvey’s Bebe Sweetbriar hosts a weekly night of trivia quizzes and fun and prizes; no cover. 8pm-1pm. 500 Castro St. 431-4278. www.harveyssf.com

Way Back @ Midnight Sun Weekly screenings of vintage music videos, and retro drink prices. 9pm-2am. 4067 18th St. 861-4186. www.midnightsunsf.com

Weekly women’s night at the stylish intimate bar. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St. www.QbarSF.com

Block Party @ Midnight Sun Weekly screenings of music videos, concert footage, interviews and more, of popular pop stars. 9pm-2am. 4067 18th St. 8614186. www.midnightsunsf.com

Thu 16

Bombshell Betty & Her Burlesqueteers @ Elbo Room The weekly burlesque show of women dancers shaking their bonbons includes live music. $10. 9pm. 647 Valencia St. 5527788. www.elbo.com

Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey’s

Thu 16

Sharon McNight at Feinstein’s

Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gay-friendly comedy night. One-drink or menu item minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. at 18th. 431-HARV. www.harveyssf.com

Ink & Metal @ Powerhouse Show off your tattoos and piercings at the weekly cruisy SoMa bar night. 10pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

John Newman @ Rickshaw Stop

Veronica Klaus hosts the weekly night of cabaret, jazz and blues music, with Tammy L. Hall and special guests. $15. 7pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market. www.facebook.com/veronica.klaus

Honey Mahogany’s weekly drag and musical talent show starts around 10pm. 4067 18th St. 861-4186. www.midnightsunsf.com

Sing-along night with talented locals, and charming accompanist Joe Wicht (aka Trauma Flintstone). 9pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market. www.dragatmartunis.com

Enjoy cheap/free whiskey shots from jockstrapped hotties and sexy sports videos at the popular new sports bar. 10pm-2am. 2247 Market St. 551-2500. www.HiTopsSF.com

John Newman

Pan Dulce @ The Café

The Monster Show @ The Edge Cookie Dough’s weekly drag show with gogo guys. 9pm-2am. 4149 18th St. at Collingwood. www.edgesf.com

Sharon McNight @ Feinstein’s at the Nikko Our lovely local legendary vocalist performs her all-new cabaret show, The First 30 Years, an introspective retrospect of her careeer, from Moose Hall to Carnegie Hall (and all the gin joints on the way). $25-$35. 8pm. Also Jan. 17. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (866) 663-1063. www.ticketweb.com

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge Retro disco tunes and a fun diverse crowd, each Thursday; DJ Bus Station John plays records. $4. 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor. www.auntcharlieslounge.com

Underwear Party @ Powerhouse Strip down to your skivvies at the weekly cruisy SoMa bar night. 10pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

VIP @ Club 21, Oakland
 Hip-hop, Top 40, and sexy Latin music; gogo dancers, appetizers, and special guests. No cover before 11pm and just $5 afterward. Dancing 9pm-3am. Happy hour 4pm-8:30pm 2111 Franklin St. (510) 2689425. www.club21oakland.com

Want your nightlife event listed? Email events@ebar.com, at least two weeks before your event. Event photos welcome.

Serving the LGBT communities since 1971

8 • Bay Area Reporter • January 9-15, 2014

Leather Events Jan. 9-25 by Scott Brogan


ocal events are revving up the new year, and now, check out the expanded national events listings, for the traveling leatherfolk.

Thu 9 Underwear Night @ The Powerhouse Time to strip down and work it for drink specials and horny men. Enter the Wet Undies Contest. 10pm. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

Underworld Underwear Party @ The Faultine Bar, LA Sexy Shawn Morales, that hot male model from RuPaul’s Drag Race, is a familiar face around town. For this event, he’s in his hometown of Los Angeles at the Fautline Bar with hosting this nasty event. Free pantscheck and drink specials from 9pm on...you get hella cheap drinks for being in your longjohns. Anyone want to try out gogo dancing or dancing for tips? Go for it!!! 9pm–2am. 4216 Melrose Ave, Los Angeles. www.faultlinebar.com


Fri 10

Lick It @ The Powerhouse Lance Holman hosts this sexy monthly fundraiser for the Breast Cancer Emergency Fund. gogo guys, raffles, and bootblacks. $5. 10pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

Truck Wash @ Truck Live shower boys, drink specials. No cover. 10pm-2am. 1900 Folsom St. www.trucksf.com

Sat 11 Mr. Powerhouse Leather 2014 Contest @ The Powerhouse This is it! The one and only Mr. Powerhouse Leather contest. Do you have what it takes to pick up the title from Andy Cross? If so, be there. If not, be there anyway – it’s amazing, nasty fun. Black Saturday Victory Party follows. The inimitable Lance Holman is the emcee. 8pm-11pm. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com


Rich Stadtmiller

Leather and laced boots at the SF Eagle. photo: Rich Stadtmiller

Boot Lickin’ @ The Powerhouse

Underwear Buddies @ Blow Buddies

Lick those boots, or just admire the men wearing them, or pick one up – you know the drill. 10pm-Close. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

Skivvies night at the sex club. 8pm-12am. 933 Harrison St. 777-HEAD. www.blowbuddies.com

Pound Puppy @ The SF Eagle With guest DJ Jason Kendig; a night of Peace Love Unity and Respect. Let the rhythm of thousands of united souls coming together on one dance floor take you into a euphoric spiral of tomfoolery and whimsical bliss. Live demos by Josh Runyon & Mr. S Leather, Ruffed Up Go-Go Pups, and more. 9pm-Midnight. 398 12th St. www.sf-eagle.com


SF Men's Spanking Party @ The Power Exchange This is a male only event (Gay, Bi or Straight). Must be 18 years of age or older. This is not a leather fetish group. More for guys into spanking and spanking fantasies like traditional old fashioned spanning over Daddy’s knee or fraternity style pledge initiation paddling. $20 (half off for students and military). 1-6pm. 220 Jones St. www.voy.com/201188/

Truck Bust Sundays @ Truck Bar Warm bar, hot men, cold beer. Let’s get cozy. $1 Beer Bust. 4-8pm. 1900 Folsom. www.trucksf.com

PoHo Sundays @ The Powerhouse Dollar drafts all day! Starts at 4pm. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

Mon 13 Dirty Dicks @ The Powerhouse Don’t worry, not everyone’s dick is dirty. Find out for yourself. $3 well drinks. 4pm. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

Trivia Night @ Truck Casey Ley hosts. Amazing prizes, ridiculous questions. No cover. 8-10pm. 1900 Folsom St. www.trucksf.com

Wed 16 Bare Bear @ The Watergarden, San Jose A night at the baths with the bears and those who love them. Frolic with the furry dudes all day and night. Locker and room specials available. 6-10pm. 1010 The Alameda, San Jose. www.thewatergarden.com

Thu 16 Underwear Night @ The Powerhouse Another installment of the SoMa Thursday night of stripped down fun. Wet undies contest & drink specials. 10pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

Fri 17 Truck Wash @ Truck Live shower boys, drink specials. No cover. 10pm2am. 1900 Folsom St. www.trucksf.com

Sat 18 Beatpig @ The Powerhouse Juanita More! spins saucy grooves and dudes cruise at the eclectic music, drag and kink night; each 3rd Saturday. Oink! 9pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. beatpigsf.com www.powerhouse-sf.com

Sadistic Saturdays @ The SF Eagle Presented by Michael Brandon, this is the place to be for hot demos, cold drinks, and horny men. Boot Black is on duty as are hot go-go boys who like to get frisky. 10pm1am. 398 12th St. www.sf-eagle.com

Sun 19 Truck Bust Sundays @ Truck Bar Warm bar, hot men, cold beer. Let’s get cozy. $1 Beer Bust. 4-8pm. 1900 Folsom. www.trucksf.com

PoHo Sundays @ The Powerhouse Dollar drafts all day! Starts at 4pm. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

Mon 20 Dirty Dicks @ The Powerhouse More dirty, sweaty dicks to keep your night hard and happy. $3 well drinks. 4pm. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

Trivia Night @ Truck Come back for another night of great fun and snarky questions! No cover. 8-10pm. 1900 Folsom St. www.trucksf.com

Wed 22 Leather Buddies @ Blow Buddies Wear your leather or gear and get as many men as your hot cock or hole (or both) can handle. 8pm-Midnight. 933 Harrison St. Membership fees apply. www.blowbuddies.com

Thu 23 Underwear Night @ The Powerhouse Wet undies contest, drink specials. 10pm. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

Fri 24 Fetish Fridays @ The Phoenix, Fresno Michael Brandon presents the party that just keeps getting better! The desert gets a little bit freakier! They’re adding Scout TheBootblack, plus Jello shots, drink specials, gogo studs, demos and more. 10pm-1am. 4538 E. Belmont Ave., Fresno. www.facebook.com/ events/370676809745119/

Mr. & Ms. Texas Leather 2014 Weekend @ Dallas Eagle The Mr. & Ms. Texas Leather contest weekend begins. Come and meet the contestants and judges. 5pm-2am 5740 Maple Ave, Dallas. www.TexasLeatherProductions.com

Monthly Steam Party @ The Powerhouse PowerShower, towel dancers, $1/minute massage, clothes check, towels available. $8 donation to LGBT Center. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

Sat 25 Boot Lickin' @ The Powerhouse Lick those boots, or just admire the men wearing them. 10pm-Close. 1347 Folsom St. www.powerhouse-sf.com

Leatherhobbits at the Spa: Desolation of Sushi @ Kabuki Cinema Join the Leathermen at the Movies group for a day out including seeing The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug followed by a Kabuki spa and then delicious sushi. 3pm-9pm. 1881 Post St. www.facebook.com/ events/1405413703037960/

15 Assoc Mens Dungeon Party @ The SF Citadel This is a men’s only kink/BDSM event. 8pm-1am. 181 Eddy St. www.15sf.org t


Read more online at www.ebar.com

January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 9

Secret of sex sets by John F. Karr


ere are a couple of flicks in which the mise en scène interested me almost more than the sex. Guess you never expected to read mise en scène in a Karrnal, huh? Well, it’s about time. I write some high klass sexo reviews, and don’t you forget it. Wish the flicks from last year’s new Hot House brand named Gym Dudes were a little less forgettable. Champs and Jockholes are fine, I guess—technically proficient, with excellent framing of the action, and they’re nicely cast with the healthiest, hungest young men. But, finally, they are mostly without that special spark that makes it all worthwhile. As for that fancy Frenchy term, I use it because its definition includes not only the set, but the physical environment, the surroundings and the arrangement of the performers within it. This is something Hot House gives special attention in all its lines, with credit going to Art Director Roma, and Creative Director Brent Smith. I’m especially jollied by the color coordinated environments and costumes they’ve brought to the dildo and fisting soirees of their Hole Busters series. I think this trend was pioneered by Chi Chi LaRue. Long time ago, the queen began painting an entire set a single color—walls, floor, everything. Or she placed a single piece of furniture into a contrastingly colored set. And then dressed her star in a matching jock strap. Oh, so gay, I thought. One of her sets (I can’t recall the movie) would have been perfect for “The Telephone Hour” in Bye Bye Birdie. It was leathermen, I think, who brought the trend into the community at large. Perhaps the special gene that urges one into leather also has some Window Dresser mixed in. One would hardly think it butch when the piping on a harness or pair of chaps matches not only the jock straps and socks a performer’s wearing, but the sling they’re lying in. But, hey, we’re gay, and we’ll make our own definition of butch, thank you. Not for us anymore those démodé black plastic garbage bags draping greasy black dungeons! Give us aesthetes some color and space and we’ll sense the harmony of the spheres while some guy’s spheres are being harmonized, pricked and generally penetrated.

Well, I’m going on here a bit; the sets for these two movies may be composed, but they aren’t that extreme. Both share two attractive sets, each an abstracted fantasy. A boxer’s gym is barren but for a punching bag, and, to the side, a slatted partition, like a porch divider in a Tennessee William’s play, stands. The set’s twelve-foottall flats are painted a deep purple. Running the entire expanse of the room is a giant photo-mural of two boxers. A slatted partition, like the porch divider in a Tennessee William’s play, stands to one side (from behind it, a predator, though entirely visible, can espy his prey, adding a touch of mystery that isn’t at all mysterious). The other set is a locker room. It, too, is a deep purple, and lined with brand new lockers. This must be the definition of gay decor—ev-

Behind the scenes set design at Hot House.

erything is pristine. The flea markets around the Bay Area are full of used, much more atmospheric locker units, and the purchase of a few might have brought a little funk to these scenes. There’s neither rust nor dents to be seen on them, and certainly, no sweat to be smelled hereabouts. But we shan’t complain. New lockers suit these boys—watch how their hair never gets mussed.

Hot House

James Ryder punches that bag, assisted by Johnny Torque in Champs.

And what about the sexual content of Jockholes and Champs? Director Christopher Owen never asks for a relationship between the performers, or builds momentum in their activity. What is it that makes these films seem generic? Is it their antiseptic environments, or the shortness of the scenes, each about 18 minutes (in movies that run only a scant hour and a quarter)? You can’t question the attractiveness of the guys, but even the guys I generally flip for are flipping off generalized performances. There are, of course, some serendipitous exceptions. Like the melisma of moans Alex Andrews vents as he’s fucked by Hayden Richards in Champs. The movie’s keeper scene delivers James Ryder’s long cock viewed from many flattering angles, before Johnny Torque flatters his ass hole. The two boys named Connor—Kline and Maguire—somehow didn’t thrill me as I expected, since I lust for Kline and used to think I was Maguire’s fan. I sure like the muted ginger of his pubic patch. But after collecting Maguire’s scenes from several websites, I finally decided he was bland. He seems like the standard G4P performer—sturdy, ostensibly willing, not really there. Jockholes scored with me occasionally. Lance Luciano topping Connor Kline is okay, as is Rod Daily topping Alexander Gustavo, the guy with a crown tattooed where his pubic hair once was. That’s one fine cock ride Gustavo gives himself after climbing atop Daily. Bobby Clark’s tensile erection is a treat, as always, as he’s topped without distinction by Connor Maguire. There’s a novel moment when Clark’s basketball shorts

Seems to be a snarl-fest as Connor Maguire gives it to Connor Kline in Champs.

Hot House

are pulled down and a small butt plug pops out of his ass. Too bad it’s not further employed; it’s just a lead-in to his needing an ass massage. Which ultimately makes him blow a yummy big load. Fanciers of shaved crotch will certainly want to see Johnny Torque as he tops

Bobby Hart. Once again, there’s some eye-popping cock-riding for Bobby; too bad both their climaxes are only JO. Final verdict—these are attractive products that nevertheless don’t impel me to check out future Gym Dudes releases.t

Serving the LGBT communities since 1971

10 • BAY AREA REPORTER • January 9-15, 2014






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January 9-15, 2014 • Bay Area Reporter • 11

Shooting Stars photos by Steven Underhill Celebrants of the new year enjoyed parties in the Castro district at Beaux, Toad Hall, The Edge and other venues. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2014!


For more photos, and to arrange your own wedding, headshot or portrait photos,

call (415) 370-7152 or visit www.StevenUnderhill.com



Bay Area Reporter


uilding upon our history as the only LGBT publication in the 9-county San Francisco Bay Area possessing an audited and verified circulation and the largest reach, and our long-standing relationship National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and the Bay Area’s local LGBT Chamber of Commerce, the Golden Gate Business Assocation, the Bay Area Reporter, BARtab and www.ebar.com are now proud to be a certified LGBT business enterprise. We look forward to collaborating with the Fortune 1000 companies that participate in this program as part of their supplier diversity efforts. Now that we have our official business “gay card,” we can continue to promote diversity, creativity and equality in and outside of our company. Market your business to the largest audience of LGBT consumers. Call one of our marketing team members today at 415.861.5019

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