March, 2012 edition of BARtab

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March 2012 2

DDrinks rinks ✮ Jocks ✮ Sweat ✮ Spirits ✮ Beerss, Dears ✮ On the Tabb

2 BAR★TAB • • March 2012

ingredients ★ March 2012 ★

Playing the Field Page 4 Athletic Supporters Page 6 Sports; Drinks! Page 7 Beers, Dears Page 8 On the Tab

Pages 12-29 BARchive: Page 30 Read more stories online at

✶ On the cover: Members of San Francisco’s Fog Rugby Football Club enjoy beers on the patio at their sponsor bar, The Lone Star Saloon. Photo: Georg Lester.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Editor: Jim Provenzano • Art Director: Kurt Thomas Designer: T. Scott King • General Manager: Michael Yamashita Advertising Sales: David McBrayer, Colleen Small, Scott Wazlowski Contributors: Ray Aguilera, Matt Baume, Heather Cassell, Coy Ellison, Dr. Jack Fritscher, T. Scott King, Michael McAllister, Sal Meza, David Elijah-Nahmod, Adam Sandel, Ronn Vigh Photography: Biron, Marques Daniels, Don Eckert, Lydia Gonzales, Rick Gerharter, Jose Guzman-Colon, Georg Lester, Dan Lloyd, Jim Provenzano, Rich Stadtmiller, Monty Suwannukul, Steven Underhill BARtab is published by Benro Enterprises, Inc. Publisher: Thomas E. Horn Benro Enterprises, Inc. 395 Ninth Street • San Francisco CA 94103 • (415) 861-5019 Member of the National Gay Newspaper Guild National Advertising Representative: Rivendell Media (212) 242-6863

Softball players and pals on the back patio at Toad Hall. Monty Suwannukul

PLAYING THE FIELDd I Gay sports get real • by Ronn Vigh

t’s an age-old stereotype: gays and sports don’t mix. While I haven’t participated in a proper sports league in well over a decade, my “inner bro” has manifested as an avid football fan, which confuses those who thought they knew me well. My current smitten state started around the same time as the 2011 NFL season. Early on in the relationship, many Sunday afternoons were spent with me at one end of the couch hooting and hollering over first downs and fumbles, while my boyfriend spent nearly all four quarters playing Angry Birds. As the weeks passed and 49ers Fever began to sweep the city, I began to notice a difference in this gamewatching routine we had developed. My beloved started to ask penetrating questions such as, “What team is that in blue?” This was followed by more complex and keen queries: “Why did they get two points for that?” “What is the deal with downs and yardage?” This newfound interest on his part, combined with my love of the sport (and the fact that last year I attended a Vegan Super Bowl Party) led us to host our own Super Bowl gathering this year, and lo and behold, a new, fully-fledged gay sports fan emerged! A brief visit to Trigger (2344 Market St.) in the Castro on a Saturday afternoon during the 49ers playoff game showed both sides of the coin. Some gays use playoff fever as another excuse to party, while 4 BAR★TAB • • March 2012

lurking in the corner, their eyes glued to the flat-screen, you may find true sports fans. At Trigger’s playoff party, I heard so many basic game-related questions that it brought to mind a business opportunity. Instead of closed captioning, these games need some Queer Captioning to pop up on the screen and break down the plays in easy-tounderstand terms! Case in point: one friend said to me, “He got a 15yard penalty on a third down for unsportsmanlike conduct? What does that even mean?” If Queer Captioning existed, it could just translate: “One of the hot dudes wearing the pretty colors is being a little bitch.” While this football season has already come to its exciting conclusion, the spring months bring a new field of sporting events for both diehard fans and those who want an excuse to create new drinking games. Greg Smith, a 28-year-old teacher who recently moved to San Francisco from Sacramento, is excited about March Madness (Queer captioning: March Madness is a college basketball tournament.). An avid basketball fan, Smith is quickly learning the ins and outs of local gay bars, and how each one feels about tuning its television to sports. Greg takes his basketball fandom seriously, and talks about the difficulties of trying to view a game.

Allen Jordan

“Even when games are nationally televised, it can be a hassle to get the bartender to put something on,” said Smith. Some don’t know how to split the TVs between different games; a must for a sports bar,” says Smith. Also, sports aren’t always a priority. For instance, don’t go to The Mix (4086 18th St.) to watch a basketball game that tips off at 4pm because, as Smith informed me, “they always watch Ellen at four o’clock.” Once he finally persuaded the bartender, the game

Miles Harrigan at an SF Spikes beverage booth.

was relegated to two TVs without sound and inferior pictures. But Smith is a basketball fan before anything else, including the NBA and WNBA, along with college basketball. When pressed about what or which team draws him most to the sport, he says, “I don’t really have a team. I just love excellence.” Smith says he runs and shoot hoops on occasion, and soon he intends to start attending open gyms and conditioning in anticipation of joining the gay basketball league. Yes, the Gay Basketball League does exist, as well as many other gay sports teams and leagues such as softball, rugby, rowing, flag football, wrestling and soccer. The San Francisco Spikes Soccer Club was founded in 1982, and has grown to four teams, two competitive and two recreational. Miles Harrigan has been playing soccer with the SF Spikes since 2009, and tells me that the organization currently has more than 100 active players at all skill levels, ranging from guys who are completely new to soccer to guys who have played at the intercollegiate level. While mostly gay, there are a few straight guys in the club as well. Harrigan, who works at a tech startup by day, has been kicking around the soccer field in one way or another for most of his life. Page 10

March 2012 • • BAR★TAB 5

ATHLETIC SUPPORTERSd • by Jim Provenzano

The San Francisco Fog scrums up.


Eric Neilson

he relationship between gay sports and gay 2011, making the playoffs both of those years. “Last year marked our first home playoff game ever bars goes back decades. Thankfully, for both the bars and teams, the affair has been as a club,” said club president Daniel Crowley. “This fruitful. From fundraisers like the traditional beer increased success all came while the NCRFU (our bust, to victory celebrations and fashion shows, rugby union) expanded from 11 to 16 members in GLBT jocks who like to enjoy a beer or two after a Division III in 2010.” Crowley calls The Lone Star “the official home of SF game are often some of the more entertaining tavern Fog Rugby,” adding that patrons, and the bars the bar provides them often help them out in a venue for fundraising many ways. and recruitment while The San Francisco helping them reach Fog Rugby Club is no financial goals. exception. As several “But more than member of the historic that,” Crowley said, team settled in during “The Lone Star provides our photo shoot, they an environment and changed into jerseys community for our and sipped beers at team where they feel their sponsor bar The SF Fog members at their sponsor welcome and where Lone Star Saloon (1354 bar The Lone Star Saloon. patrons are happy to see Harrison St.) and the Georg Lester us. We’re happy to wear jokes flew fast. The jovial nature of The Fog players represents their logo on our uniforms, and when we walk in and one of the strong connections between a bar see JJ or the patrons in our gear there, it just reinforces sponsor and a sports team. Sponsorships and special how good of a fit it is.” Upcoming Fog fundraisers at The Lone Star events keep GLBT athletic teams and the bar scene include the March 9 return of “Fog Fridays,” 8pm connected. Said Lone Star co-owner Jeffrey “JJ” Beck, “The to 11pm, which, Crowley said, “serves as our Fog is a great group to work with. We enjoy them very Homecoming to The Lone Star for 2012. We’re very much. They show us all the importance of unity and excited about it.” Fog Fridays are usually monthly. To see The Fog play live in action-packed rugby endurance.” Along with three years of The Lone Star sponsoring tradition, visit their website. And wish them well The Fog, along with its global recognition, the Fog has when they trek to Manchester, England for the enjoyed two consecutive winning seasons in 2010 and annual Bingham Cup, June 1-3. 6 BAR★TAB • • March 2012

And while you may not witness some of the more rowdy, and nudity-filled celebrations some other rugby clubs have become famous for, when asked, Crowley did comment on the relationship between rugby and partying. “When most sports moved towards professionalization, rugby resisted,” said Crowley. “The social aspect of the game is deeply engrained, and helps keep relationships friendly in one of the most violent sports played. The ‘drink up’ or ‘social’ after rugby matches is very much respected, across

not only rugby is the US, but rugby worldwide. “More than most sports I’ve been a part of, rugby clubs feel like family,” Crowley continued. “Given that, it’s definitely possible that rugby attracts people who are looking for more than a mere athletic outlet. I think rugby, because of these aspects, lends itself to building a strong sense of community on the field, and the social aspect rugby is known for off the pitch is an extension of that.” For more info on the club’s schedule, including matches and fundraisers, visit ✸

✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮✮ • by Jim Provenzano

Monty Suwannukul

Members of the Pups softball team at Toad Hall.


or Castro bar patrons, nearly every venue sponsors a team or hosts fundraisers, where the draft beer and other libations flow generously. Enjoy the “Linsanity” of NBA games and college b-ball’s March Madness, or watch a local pool team compete. Other events outside the gay bar scene are fun, too. The San Francisco Giants Gay Day isn’t until May 29, but gay fans have always attended games. For info on that festive event, visit www.sanfrancisco.giants. You’d better get your tickets soon. This event always sells out. Along with its new events, like the weekly Friday night Joe and the Saturday party Bounce –where

a few beefy gogo guys shake their bonbons– The Lookout (3600 16th St.) has brought back their weekly Sunday sporty fundraisers. Chris Hastings of The Lookout mentioned several upcoming events with a jock-ular theme. “On March 4 we’re having a Jock warm-up party called Tailgate, he said. “It’ll follow the same basic format and schedule as Jock, but there just is not a host team that week.” Jock’s Season 5 gets its official launch on Sunday March 11. The host team will be Xtreme Softball. Hastings added that The Lookout is one of five locations that will be part of the after-party for the San Francisco Gay Softball League’s 40th Anniversary. On Sunday March 18, The Lookout we will host the UC Berkeley-based Red Speedo AIDS Life Cycle Team. If you didn’t get enough of last December’s hilarious Santa Skivvy Run, check out this event, where for participating women and men in the cycling event, skin is in, and Jungle Red is the color of choice. And what was that about softball? This year, the historic San Francisco Gay Softball League turns 40. Opening Day events March 11 include ceremonies at Lang Field. Once again, dozens of teams continue the tradition of bar sponsorship, including The F-liners (sponsored by The Edge), The Fury (440), The Horny Toads (Toad Hall), The Whalers (Moby Dick), The Hustlers (Powerhouse), The Pups (Pilsner Inn) and many more. Look for their jubilant celebrations and fundraisers through spring and into summer. Check out the schedule of games and other events at Steamworks, Berkeley’s popular bathhouse, also sponsors a team, the nearly eponymous Steamworkers. No doubt their team manager has plenty of towels. And although softball players no longer drink (much, allegedly) while playing, no team name could more clearly exemplify the sports-bar relationship than the one named, simply, Hold My Beer. ✸ March 2012 • • BAR★TAB 7

BEERS, DEARS d S • Story & photos by Ray Aguilera

8 BAR★TAB • • March 2012

near Church) offers a an Francisco’s huge variety of beer history as a on tap and in bottles brewing town and cans. The vibe is well documented. is dark and a little It’s no surprise that bit rough, but you’ll there’s also a robust find the bartenders community of beer and patrons to be a geeks who are well pretty friendly and served by bars with welcoming bunch. beer programs that But make no mistake, go far beyond the this is a dive bar, albeit standard American one with a healthy mega-brews. respect for craft brews. We did some preSure, you can get a emptive carbo loading, $2 PBR if you have and set off on a path to, but lets face it, no around town to find one drinks that stuff some of the city’s best unless they’re broke, spots for suds. or hanging out with “It’s like Zeitgest, hipster friends from only they’re nice to Portland. you!” said my friend The real reason as we walked up to to come to Lucky Biergarten (424 13 (besides the free Octavia near Fell), the Ray Aguilera popcorn and the back new-ish outdoor beer A group of friends enjoy the Hayes Valley Biergarten. patio) is the craft beer. emporium in Hayes The chalked beer list Valley. Housed in Proxy’s remodeled shipping containers, Biergarten is ever-changing, but Lucky 13 is known for carrying is, well, a beer garden. True to its name, Biergarten lots of interesting bottles and hard-to-find brews. We is comprised of a scattering of outdoor tables. often pop in here for a dose of rock and roll attitude Through the fence, the nearby Patricia’s Green park to go with our Delerium Tremens, a pale Belgian brew frequently hosts large-scale Burning Man sculptures, known for its dry flavor with hints of spice. But be providing a nice view. There’s just something about warned, Tremens packs a high 8.5% alcohol content; drinking outdoors that always makes the beer and fitting for a beer named after an acute form of alcohol withdrawal. conversation extra-awesome. If you’re looking for something a (little) bit lighter, Biergartn’s rotating selection of German beers (of course!) come in heavy half- and full-liter steins. Halves Pliny the Elder, an ultra-hoppy double IPA, can often go for $6-8, while the full monty will run about $15, be found at Lower Haight beer temple Toronado (547 depending on the beer you select. A recent visit yielded Haight St. between Fillmore & Steiner). Brewed 50 the excellent Schneider Edel-Weisse, an organic wheat miles north of San Francisco in Santa Rosa, Russian beer that’s a bit darker and heavier that your average River Brewing’s Pliny the Elder is a hoppy blend with wheat. At 6.2% alcohol, it’s also got quite a kick strong malt flavor, and floral notes with a bit of pine. As we sipped our Pliny, we asked a Toronado regular about (especially when drunk by the liter). For non-drinkers, Biergarten offers a selection of his favorite brew. “It’s hoppier than a bunny, and more delicious. Also, interesting non-alcoholic sodas. When you need to soak up the suds, Biergarten it gets you twice as drunk for the same five dollars,” said offers a small menu of German specialties like brats, Nic, a Lower Haight resident. If IPAs aren’t your thing, pretzels, and a selection of salads. Our favorite is the Toronado’s lengthy tap list is sure to offer something brat basket ($18) with two sausages, a pretzel, and a pile you’ll like, whether it’s one of San Francisco’s own Anchor Brewing’s seasonal brews (we can’t wait for of tangy saurkraut, perfect for sharing. Closer to the Castro, Lucky 13 (2140 Market St. Page 10

Beers, Dears from page 8

the return of the traditional Anchor Summer Beer), or more exotic fare like Lindermans Framboise, a crisp Belgian raspberry lambic. The Pilsner Inn (225 Church St.) stays true to its name, with 30 taps including everything from American macrobrews like Budweiser, to the SFbrewed Hell or High Watermelon Wheat from 21st Amendment Brewery (563 2nd St. near South Park). It’s only available in the summer from about April to September, but there are fewer greater pleasures than a sunny day on the back patio at the Pilsner with a Watermelon Wheat in hand. It’s surprisingly dry, with just a hint of watermelon aroma that reminds us of picnics in the park. And if you do plan to picnic, 21A also sells Watermelon Wheat in cans, perfect for discreetly sipping in Dolores Park—not that we’d advocate that sort of thing. If you’re shopping for beer, there’s no better place than City Beer Store (1168 Folsom St. Ste. 101, near 8th St.). If nothing else, the no-nonsense name should tell you that this place is serious about their beer. But serious doesn’t mean stodgy, and City Beer Store is much more than just a store. It’s more like a clubhouse for beer geeks. Shelves and fridges are fully stocked with craft brews in bottles and cans. 10 BAR★TAB • • March 2012

Monty Suwannukul

“I’ve been playing soccer since my mom coached me and my team in ‘tiny tots’ in Southern California,” he says. “Soccer was a big part of my life growing up, with weekday practices, weekend games and tournaments around the state.” In his youth, Harrigan went to a number of World Cup games in Los Angeles in 1994, and still watches the World Cup pretty religiously. His interest in soccer included playing during a monthlong visit to Ethiopia, where the sport transcended language barriers. Upon moving to San Francisco, Harrigan joined the Spikes. Since then, it’s become a team of friends and companions with whom he not only plays and trains, but also helps plan fundraisers, camping trips, and weekends away. The Spikes even made a video for the It Gets Better campaign to help provide hope to LGBT teens around the world. Harrigan’s experience in the Spikes proves that sports go beyond highly paid professional athletes and rowdy straight men at a gritty sports bar drunkenly high-fiving each other after every play. “One of the coolest things for me to see are the guys who have recently come out, and haven’t really made any gay friendships in that time,” observes Harrigan. “They might feel a bit lost if they go out, and may feel a bit alienated from the gay community. Soon after they start with the Spikes, you see them forming bonds with their teammates.” He notes that,

Raffles and Jell-O shots at a Super Bowl viewing party and fundraiser for the F-Liners softball team at The Edge.

“They learn that there’s so many different ways to ‘be gay’, as strange as that may sound, and they learn it from playing with this group of guys!” The SF Spikes regularly hold fundraisers, including running beverage booths at Pride and Folsom Street Fair. Their next event is on March 24 at the Powerhouse (1347 Folsom St.). For info on The Spikes, visit With summer ahead, there is ample opportunity for you to channel your “inner bro” and take in this sports season, either on the field or on a bar stool, beer in hand. If all else fails, you can be like most of my friends who come over to watch sports and just pretend to pay attention to the game, childishly giggling every time the commentator says the word “balls.” ✸

At the tasting bar, you can enjoy an ever-changing variety of beers on tap, and nibble on bread and

Ray Aguilera

Playing the Field from page 5

Tap this: the bar at Toronado.

cheese. Recent pours have included Sockeye Red from Anchorage, Alaska’s Midnight Sun Brewing, and Stillwater’s Premium Blonde, an ale brewed with 2 strains of brettanomyces, a Belgian yeast prized by brewers and winemakers for its ability to impart an unmistakable earthy funk to the finished beer. But no matter what’s on tap when you visit, you can count on finding gems. “These guys know their beer, it’s amazing. There’s stuff in here I’ve never seen anywhere” said a visitor from San Diego who was lucky enough to be visiting City Beer Store during San Francisco’s annual Beer Week celebration. But with so many flavors and brands, you can make every week Beer Week. ✸

March 2012 • • BAR★TAB 11


Daddy @ Kok

Daddies and their boys enjoy drink specials and porn enterD ttainment. 10pm-2am. 1225 Folsom St.

~March ★

Fuego @ The Watergarden, San Jose

New weekly event, with Latin music, half-off locker fees aand Latin men, at the South Bay private men’s bath house. $8-$39. Reg hours 24/7. 18+. 1010 The Alameda. (408) 275-1215.

Juicy @ The White Horse, Oakland

Hip Hop, R&B and soul. 9pm. (karaoke, drag king shows other nights, too). 6551 Telegraph Ave. (510) 652-3820.

Karyn White @ The Rrazz Room

Grammy nominee performs music from her new CD. $45$55. 8opm. Also Mar. 2, 8pm; 2 at 7pm & 9:30pm. 2-drink min. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (800) 380-3095.

Mr. Black @ Rebel


Stanley Frank, Aaron & Aaron DJ at the new night hosts by Joshua J. $5-$10. 9:30pm-3am. 1760 Market St.


The Pack a.d. @ Rickshaw Stop. See Fri 2

The Monster Show @ The Edge

Cookie Dough’s weekly raucous drag show with hot gogo guys. 9pm-2am. 4149 18th St. at Collingwood.

Thu 1➠ Bare Chest Calendar Semi-Finals @ SF Powerhouse

Shirts Off @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

$1 off any drink if ya doff yer shirt. 8pm-2am. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695.

Weekly contest where men strip their shirts off to compete in the annual fundraiser calendar. Thru March. 8pm. 1347 Folsom St. 552-8689.

Show Off @ Truck

Weekly drag variety show hosted by Pristine Condition. 9pm-2am. 1900 Folsom St.

Comedy Bodega @ Esta Nocha

Sundance Saloon @ Space 550

The new weekly LGBT and indie comic stand-up night’s hosted by “Mr. Gomez” (retired Telemundo extra and “associate” of comic Marga Gomez). 8pm-9:30pm. 3079 16th St. at Mission.

The popular country western LGBT dance night. $5. 6:30pm-10:30pm with lessons from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. Also Sundays 5pm-10:30pm with lessons from 5:30-7:15 pm. 550 Barneveld Ave.

Visiting Vintners @ Press Club

Weekly wine-tasting event, with by-the-glass offering and tastings. Prices vary. 6pm-9pm. 20 Yerba Buena Lane betwn Market/Mission (next door to Contemporary Jewish Museum). 744-5000.

Fri 2 ➠ Bad Girl Cocktail Hour @ The Lexington Club

Every Friday night, bad girls can get $1 dollar margaritas between 9pm and 10pm. All drinks being served up by the fabulous bartending duo of Tanya and Amy. 3464 19th St. between Mission and Valencia. 863-2052.

Casey Williams @ Nob Hill Theatre See Fri 2

12 BAR★TAB • • March 2012

Colt Studios

Casey Williams @ Nob Hill Theatre

Muscular Colt Studios stud does his nude live act. $25. 8pm & 10pm. Also March 3. (admission good for both shows, each day). 729 Bush St. at Powell. 781-9468.

Joe @ The Lookout

Shots, drinks and DJed fun. $2. 10pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Kinky Beats @ Café Flore

Sergio’s weekly DJ night at the popular café-bar. 2 for 1 martinis! 9pm-1:30am. 2298 Market St. 621-8579.

The Pack a.d. @ Rickshaw Stop

Disturbingly good rock duo performs. Elliot Brood opens. 155 Fell St.

Servin’ Fish @ Deco Lounge

Kylie Minono hosts a drag show (monthly, first Fridays). $5. 9pm-3am. 510 Larkin St. at Turk.

Some Thing @ The Stud

Weekly drag show with unusual acts. 10pm-2am. 399 9th St.

Emeli Sandée @ Café du Nord

Stylish and talented British singer, who’s opened for Coldplay and Alicia Keys, stops through as part of her U.S. mini-tour. $14. 9:30pm. 2170 Market St. 861-5016.

Sat 3 ➠ Alameda Ducal Mardi Gras @ The Truf Club, Hayward

Festive fundraiser at the fun East Bay club. 5pm. 22519 Main St.


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Emeli Sandée @ Café du Nord. See Fri 2

March 2012 • • BAR★TAB 13

f eON THE TAB ~ ~from page 13

Beach h Blanket l k Babylon b l @ Cl Club b Fugazii

Musical comedy revue, now in its 35th year, with an everchanging lineup of political and pop culture icons, all in gigantic wigs. $25-$130. Wed, Thu, Fri at 8pm. Sat 6:30, 9:30pm. Sun 2pm, 5pm. (Beer/wine served; cash only). 678 Beach Blanket Babylon Blvd (Green St.). 421-4222.

Bearracuda @ Rickshaw Stop

Burly boys, cubs and cute creatures congregate at a new venue; DJs Matt Consola and Craig Gaibler. $6-$8. 9pm2am. 155 Fell St. at Van Ness.

Beer Bust @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

Beer only $8 until you bust. 4pm-8pm. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695.

Bistroteque @ Café Flore

DJ Ken Vulsion spins tunes at the popular café-bar; 2 for 1 cosmos! 9pm-1:30am. 2298 Market St. 621-8579.

Bloody Mary Bar @ Pilsner Inn

Build your own nutritious beverage with a zing. Every Saturday and Sunday, 10am-2pm. 225 Church St.

Club Rimshot @ Bench and Bar, Oakland

Weekly hip hop and R&B night. $8-$15. 9pm to 4am. 510 17th St.

Cockfight @ Underground SF

The big monthly party (1st Sat) in a little club includes alluring gogo guys, with DJs Dconstrct and MyKill. Wear a singlet and get in free. 9pm-3am. $7. 424 Haight St.

Code @ The Stud

Indie dance party with DJs Six and Candy; 1st & 5th Saturdays. 9pm-2am. 399 9th St.

Hard French @ El Rio

The popular patio dance party returns; $7. 3pm-4pm $1 beers, 3pm BBQ. Til 9pm-ish. 3158 Mission St. 282-3325.

Industry @ Beatbox

Hector Fonseca and Jamies J Sanchez DJ the return of the big gay dance party. $20. 10pm-4am. 314 11th St.

Stallion @ Rebel

One-year anniversary of Joshua J’s weekly night with sexy gogo guys shaking it. $5-$8. 21+. 9pm-4am. 1760 Market St. at Octavia.

Sun 4 ➠ All-Male Amateur Strip Show @ Deco Lounge

Ruby Holiday and Diva LaFever cohost the weekly night of newbies gettin’ nude. $100 cash prize! DJ Lambchop spins

14 BAR★TAB • • March 2012

Janis Paige @ The Rrazz Room. See Sun 4 tunes. Contest 10:30pm. 510 Larkin St. at Turk. 346-2025.

Beer Bust @ 440

$8 a cup. Good times at the bar popular with bears, daddies and their admirers. 3pm-8pm. 440 Castro St.

Beer Bust @ Truck

Beer, and lots of it. $10. 4pm-8pm. Ice Queen Sundays, a new drag show, follows. Shows at 9:30 and 11pm. 1900 Folsom St.

Eagle in Exile @ El Rio

Popular queer gathering for fans of the former Sundays at the SF Eagle. 1st Sundays. Donations support local charities. 3pm-8pm. 3158 Mission St. 282-3325.

Happy Hour @ Max’s, Corte Madera

New weekly LGBT Marin social event, with deli food, drinks, and live music by the Rainbows and Rockets Band. Portion of proceeds benefit the Marin AIDS Project. 7pm-9pm. 60 Madera Blvd., Corte Madera.

Honey Soundsystem @ Holy Cow

The cool Sunday music mix crew plays groove-adelic sounds for a hip, diverse crowd. 10pm-2am. 1535 Folsom St. at 11th.

It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere @ The Stud

New butch-tastic drag king party and variety show; 1st Sundays. 5pm-10pm. 399 9th St. at Harrison.

Janis Paige @ The Rrazz Room

Veteran star of stage, screen and TV performs her musical autobiographical solo show. $35-$40. 5pm. Also Mar. 5, 8pm. 2-drink min. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (800) 380-3095.

Sunday School @ The EndUp

T-dance and beer bust at the famed disco. Enjoy the sunny patio and grooves by DJ Hawthorne and the Ghetto Disco

Lucie Arnaz @ The Rrazz Room. See Tue 6

fun, too. $15 bust or $5 + cash bar. 3pm-7pm. 314 11th St.

Mon 5 ➠ Cock and Bull Mondays @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

Specials on drinks made with “Cock and Bull” ginger ale (Jack and Cock, Russian Mule, and more). 8pm-closing. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695.

Funny Mondays @ Deco Lounge

Victor Torres hosts a comedy open mic night. 7pm-9pm. 510 Larkin St. at Turk.

Karaoke @ The Lookout crew. $5 cover. $3 drinks. 3pm-8pm. 401 6th St.

Paul K hosts the amateur singing night. 8pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Sunday’s a Drag @ Starlight Room

Piano Bar 101 @ Martuni’s

Donna Sachet and Harry Denton host the weekly fabulous brunch and drag show. $45. 11am, show at noon; 1:30pm, show at 2:30pm. 450 Powell St. in Union Square. 395-8595.

Sing-along night with talented locals, and charming accompanist Joe Wicht (aka Trauma Flintstone). 9pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market.

Sundayz @ Beatbox

Watch the drag show on TV at 9:30pm. No cover. 510 Larkin St. at Turk. 346-2025.

Supernova @ Truck

Trivia show at the lil gay bar, with DJs Pork Sweats and Jimmy Swear. 1900 Folsom St.

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New weekly beer & booze bust and T-dance, with a portion of proceeds going to various local AIDS/HIV and LGBT nonprofits. DJs Russ Rich, Byron Bonsall, Brian Maier, Christopher B and Kevin Lee. Enjoy the sunny skylight window and daytime dance floor. Fanners, flaggers and

RuPaul’s Drag Race @ Deco Lounge

March 2012 • • BAR★TAB 15


Blue Room Comedy @ The Stud

Comic David Hawkins welcomes irreverent witticists. No cover. 8pm. 399 9th St.

~from page 15

Booty Call @ Q Bar

Juanita More and Joshua J’s weekly night packs the intimate stylish bar with grooves and a groovy younger crowd. $3. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St.

Tue 6 ➠ T 13 Licks @ Q Bar

Weekly women’s night at the stylish intimate bar. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St.

Bubba @ Truck

Good ole boy drinks, specials and Bubba bartenders. 9pm-2am. 1900 Folsom St.

Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey’s

Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gay-friendly comedy night. One-drink or menu item minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. at 18th. 431-HARV.

Mary-Go-Round @ The Lookout

Red Meat @ Beatbox. See Sat 17

Georg Lester

Actress-singer (with a pair of notable parents) performs her show biz-themed cabaret act. $45. 8pm. Thru Mar.11

(all 8pm except Mar 11 at 7pm). 2-drink min. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (800) 380-3095.

Pit Stop @ Kok

Hamisi DJs the popular happy hour, 6pm-9pm, where fun continues later. 1225 Folsom St.

Queer Night @ Easy Lounge, Oakland

Weekly LGBT electro space jam night with DJ Dr. Sleep, organic cocktails, patio, chill vibe. No cover. 8pm-close. 3255 Lakeshore Ave.

Wed 7➠ Bear Bust @ Kok

All-you-can-drink Bud Light, Rolling Rock draft. 8pm-12am. 1225 Folsom St.

16 BAR★TAB • • March 2012

Phillip Aubrey @ Nob Hill Theatre. See Sun 16

Rookies Night @ Nob Hill Theatre

Newbies get nude at the historic strip joint. $20. 8pm sign-up. 9pm show. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 781-9468.

Thu 8 ➠ Bare Chest Calendar Semi-Finals @ SF Powerhouse

Weekly contest where men strip their shirts off to compete in the annual fundraiser calendar. Thru March. 8pm. 1347 Folsom St. 552-8689.

Daddy @ Kok

Daddies and their boys enjoy drink specials and porn entertainment. 10pm-2am. 1225 Folsom St.

Colt Studios

A fun weekly drag show with Suppositori Spelling, Mercedez Munro and Ginger Snap. $5. 10pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Lucie Arnaz @ The Rrazz Room

The Monster Show @ The Edge

Rarebits @ Truck

Cookie Dough’s weekly raucous drag show with hot gogo guys and DJ MC2. 9pm-2am. 4149 18th St. at Collingwood.

Unusual music mix night; 2nd Fridays, 6pm-10pm. 1900 Folsom St. 252-0306.

Some Thing @ The Stud

Shirts Off @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

Weekly drag show with unusual acts. 10pm-2am. 399 9th St.

$1 off any drink if ya doff yer shirt. 8pm-2am. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695.

Werk @ Deco Lounge

Sundance Saloon @ Space 550

Tori Balenciaga’s night (2nd Fri), with drag acts, gogo guys, and dance music. $5-$10. Show 10:30pm. 510 Larkin St.

The popular country western LGBT dance night. $5. 6:30pm-10:30pm with lessons from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. Also Sundays 5pm-10:30pm with lessons from 5:30-7:15 pm. 550 Barneveld Ave.

Sat 10 ➠

Soiree 10 @ Design Center Galleria. See Sat 24

Fri 9 ➠ Cubcake @ The Lone Star Saloon

Bears, beer and cupcakes; second Fridays. 9pm-2am. 1354 Harrison St. 863-9999.

Joe @ The Lookout

Shots, drinks and DJed fun. $2. 10pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Hexenfest @ Oakland Metro Operahouse

Gothy Magick-based night of music and dance, with Pandemonaeon, Razor Skyline, DJ Jason Pitzl-Waters, belly dancers, fashion show; costumes encouraged. $20 9pm1am. 630 Third St.

Lick It @ Powerhouse

Lance Holman hosts a night of SM-themed fun with DJ Guy Ruben. $5. 10pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. 552-8689.

Beef Bar @ Truck

Shower guys, furry friends, DJ Brian Maier. 8pm-2am. 1900 Folsom St. 252-0306.

Robyn Navarro

Retro disco tunes and retro cruisy crowd, each Thursday; DJ Bus Station John plays records. $4. 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor.

Ani DiFranco @ The Fillmore. See Tue 27

Beer Bust @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

Beer only $8 until you bust. 4pm-8pm. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695.

Bistroteque @ Café Flore

DJ Ken Vulsion spins tunes at the popular café-bar. 2 for 1 cosmos! 9pm-1:30am. 2298 Market St. 621-8579.

Bloody Mary Bar @ Pilsner Inn

Build your own nutritious beverage with a zing. Every Saturday and Sunday, 10am-2pm. 225 Church St.


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Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

March 2012 • • BAR★TAB 17

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Shatner’s World @ Orpheum Theatre. See Sun.11

Stallion @ Rebel

Joshua J’s weekly night; DJ David Harness and Joey Jinks spin tunes while sexy gogo guys shake it and offer lap dances. $5-$8. 21+. 9pm-4am. 1760 Market St. at Octavia.

Top Shelf @ The Rrazz Room

Motown quartet with singer-actors performs Uptown, Dowtown, an R&B musical. $25-$30. 3pm. Also Mar. 18, April 21, May 5, June 16, July 3, July 10 & 17. 2-drink min. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (800) 380-3095.

Sun 11➠ Honey Soundsystem @ Holy Cow

The coolest Sunday music mix crew plays groove-adelic sounds for a hip, diverse crowd. 10pm-2am. 1535 Folsom St. at 11th.

Musique Gang Bang @ The Stud Bootie SF @ DNA Lounge

Wild weekly mash-up dance night, with resident DJs Adrian & Mysterious D. No matter the theme, a mixed fun good time’s assured. $8-$15. 9pm-3am. 21+. 375 11th st. at Harrison.

Club Gossip @ Cat Club

Mixed gay-friendly goth-electro-retro-ish club night; monthly (2nd Sat.). $8. 21+. 9pm-3am. 1190 Folsom St.

Club Rimshot @ Bench and Bar, Oakland

Weekly hip hop and R&B night. $8-$15. 9pm to 4am. 510 17th St.

Cockblock @ Rickshaw Stop

Lesbo-rific queer homo dance night each 2nd & 4th Saturday. $5-$7. 21+. 10pm-2am. 155 Fell St.

Frolic @ The Stud

Monthly costume dance party (2nd Sat) for Furries and friends, with DJs Ikkuma, Smashwolf, Neonbunny. Dance, you animals! $3-$7. 9pm-2am. 399 9th St. at Harrison

Gay Night @ San Francisco Wax Museum

Enjoy a night with stiffs, stiff drinks and live people, with hosts Armistead Maupin, Donna Sachet and Sister Roma at a benefit for the Richmond/Ermet AIDS Foundation; special performances by Jason Brock, Xavier Toscano and Bebe Sweetbrier; DJ Chrisopher B. $50-$60. 8pm-12am. 145 Jefferson St., Fusherman’s Wharf.

Love Will Fix It @ Hot Spot

DJ Bus Station John’s intimate monthly (2nd Saturdays) retro disco night with an R&B focus, re-decorates the cozy dive bar into a cool dance hangout; popular with a gaily diverse crowd. $5. 9pm-2am. 1414 Market St. at Polk.

Odyssey @ Deco Lounge

Monthly dance night (2nd Sat) with DJs Robin Malone and Sergio Fedaz. $5. 9pm-3am. 510 Larkin St. at Turk.

18 BAR★TAB • • March 2012

Live bands and DJs; 3rd Sundays. 9pm-2am. 399 9th St. at Harrison.

Salsa Sundays @ El Rio

Salsa dancing for LGBT folks and friends, with live merengue and cumbia bands; tapas and donations that support local causes. 2nd & 4th Sundays. 3pm-8pm. 3158 Mission St. 282-3325.

Shatner’s World @ Orpheum Theatre

The Shatner! William Shatner ( Star Trek, Boston Legal, and hundreds of Priceline commercials) performs his wacky one-man show It’s Shatner’s World: We Just Live In It. $40, $90, $300. 7pm. 1192 Market St.

Sunday’s a Drag @ Starlight Room

Donna Sachet and Harry Denton host the weekly fabulous brunch and drag show. $45. 11am, show at noon; 1:30pm, show at 2:30pm. 450 Powell St. in Union Square. 395-8595.

Mon 12 ➠ Cock and Bull Mondays @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

Specials on drinks made with “Cock and Bull” ginger ale (Jack and Cock, Russian Mule, and more). 8pm-closing. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695. Jade Esteban Estrada at Q Comedy @ Martunis. See Mon 12

Piano Bar 101 @ Martuni’s

Sing-along night with talented locals, and charming accompanist Joe Wicht (aka Trauma Flintstone). 9pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market.

Q Comedy @ Martunis

Comics Charlie Ballard, Karen Ripley and Texan Jade Esteban Estrada, plus host Nick Leonard, perform gaily funny stand-up. $5-$15. 8pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market.

Wallin & Barretta @ The Rrazz Room

Vocal duo with the Kelly Park Quartet performs a tribute to Italian singers. 8pm. 2-drink min. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (800) 380-3095.

Tue 13 ➠ Linda Purl @ The Rrazz Room. See Tue 13

13 Licks @ Q Bar

Weekly women’s night at the stylish intimate bar. 9pm2am. 456 Castro St.

Linda Purl @ The Rrazz Room New weekly open mic jam session hosted by Jane Wiedlin (of the Go-Gos). 9pm-2am. 399 9th St.

Monday Musicals @ The Edge

The renovated bar now shows fun musicals each week. 7pm-2am. 2 for 1 cocktail, 5pm-closing. 18th St. at Collingwood.

Actress-singer ( The Office, Homeland ) performs songs from The Great American Songbook with a splash of jazz. $35. 8pm. Also Mar. 14. 2-drink min. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (800) 380-3095.

Meow Mix @ The Stud

Weekly drag and variety show. 9pm-2am. 399 9th St. at Harrison.

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Jam @ The Stud

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Bubba @ Truck

Good ole boy drinks, specials and Bubba bartenders. 9pm2am. 1900 Folsom St.

Dream Queens Review @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

Fabulous drag show (2nd and 4th Wednesday) at the classic Tenderloin bar, featuring Collette Ashton, Ruby Slippers, Sophilya Leggz, Bobby Ashton, Sheena Rose, Davida Ashton and Joie de Vivre! No cover. 10pm. 133 Turk St. 441-2922.

Hydrant, Dylish @ Deco Lounge

Jenni & The Jerks @ Thee Parkside. See Thu 15

Naked Night @ Nob Hill Theatre

Enjoy strip shows in the comfort of your skivvies, or less. $20. 8pm-11pm. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 781-9468.

Early evening (7pm-9pm) monthly (2nd Wed) fundraiser for AIDS Emergency Fund. Then, Isa Manzanita hosts the weekly drag show at 10:30pm. 510 Larkin St. at Turk. 346-2025.

Thu 15 ➠ Bare Chest Calendar Semi-Finals @ SF Powerhouse

Hamisi DJs the popular happy hour, 6pm-9pm, where fun continues later. 1225 Folsom St.

Weekly contest where men strip their shirts off to compete in the annual fundraiser calendar. Thru March. 8pm. 1347 Folsom St. 552-8689.

Queer Night @ Easy Lounge, Oakland

Cocktail Party @ Private Home

Pit Stop @ Kok

Weekly LGBT electro space jam night with DJ Dr. Sleep, organic cocktails, patio, chill vibe. No cover. 8pm-close. 3255 Lakeshore Ave.

Wed 14 ➠ Bear Bust @ Kok

All-you-can-drink Bud Light, Rolling Rock draft. 8pm-12am. 1225 Folsom St.

Booty Call @ Q Bar

Juanita More and Joshua J’s weekly night packs the intimate stylish bar with grooves and a groovy younger crowd. $3. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St.

Enjoy an elegant privee evening at this fundraiser for Visual Aid, the nonprofit that assists artists with health and disability issues; fantastic view, live classical music and drinks and a silent auction. $75-$250. 6:30-9:30pm. 777-8242.

Comedy Bodega @ Esta Nocha

The new weekly LGBT and indie comic stand-up night’s hosted by “Mr. Gomez” (retired Telemundo extra and “associate” of comic Marga Gomez). 8pm-9:30pm. 3079 16th St. at Mission.

The Monster Show @ The Edge

Cookie Dough’s weekly raucous drag show with hot gogo guys and DJ MC2. 9pm-2am. 4149 18th St. at Collingwood.

Oleta Adams @ the Rrazz Room

Four-time Grammy nominee performs her awe-inspiring vocals. $49.40. 8pm. Also Mar. 16, 8pm; 17 at 7pm & 9:30pm. 2-drink min. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (800) 380-3095.

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

Shake your groove thang at the intimate retro disco night where DJ Bus Station John plays classic records. $4. 10pm2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor.

Whoa Nellies, Jenni & The Jerks @ Thee Parkside

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Oleta Adams @ the Rrazz Room. Thu 15

It’s a swingin’ ‘60s dance party with the campy retro band and the fun 50s-60s doo-wop soul group. $7. 9pm. 1600 17th St. 252-1330.

March 2012 • • BAR★TAB 21

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Phillip Aubrey @ Nob Hill Theatre launch party, with hung host Michael Brandon, and hunky blond porn twink Phillip Aubrey. $25. 8pm & 10pm. Also March 17. (admission good for both shows, each day). 729 Bush St. at Powell. 781-9468.

Sat 17➠ Beatpig @ Powerhouse

Juanita More spins saucy grooves and dudes cruise at the eclectic music, drag and kink night; each 3rd Saturday. $5. 9pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. 552-8689.

Beer Bust @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

Beer only $8 until you bust. 4pm-8pm. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695. Pam Grier @ Castro Theatre. See Sat 17

Fri 16 ➠ Bad Girl Cocktail Hour @ The Lexington Club

Bistroteque @ Café Flore

DJ Ken Vulsion spins tunes at the popular café-bar; 2 for 1 cosmos! 9pm-1:30am. 2298 Market St. 621-8579.

Fauxgirls @ Kimo’s

Every Friday night, bad girls can get $1 dollar margaritas between 9pm and 10pm. All drinks being served up by the fabulous bartending duo of Tanya and Amy. 3464 19th St. between Mission and Valencia. 863-2052.

Classic drag show with Victoria Secret, Alexandria, Chanel, Davida Ashton, Tiger Lily, Maria Garza and more; each 3rd Saturday. No cover. 10pm. 1351 Polk St. 885-4535.

Hard @ Q Bar

Electro pop dance night at the intimate Castro bar-club, with DJ Haute Toddy. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St.

Synth night and tribute to New Romantic bands (Adam Ant, Duran Duran), with music videos and DJs Skip and Shindog. $7-$12. 9pm-3am. 21+. 1190 Folsom St.

Hardbox @ Powerhouse

Pam Grier @ Castro Theatre

New Wave City @ Cat Club

Joe @ The Lookout

Shots, drinks and DJed fun. $2. 10pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Peaches Christ welcomes the iconic actress at a doublefeature screening of the action-packed Blaxploitation classic Coffy and the recent Jackie Brown (matinee at 3:30pm). Pre-show Q&A and drag tribute numbers, too. $20-$25. 8pm. 429 Castro St.

Latin Explosion @ Club 21, Oakland

Pulse @ The Turf Club, Hayward

Kink and cruisy music. $5. 10pm-2am. 1347 Folsom St. 552-8689.

Gay Latin dance club (eight bars, more dance floors, lounge) shows off their hottests gogo studs. Happy hour 4pm-8:30pm. Dancing 9pm-4am. 2111 Franklin St. (510) 268-9425. Lucia Comnes performs at St. Patrick’s Day Celebration @ Café du Nord. See Sat 17

Enjoy hot gogo studs, prizes, tiki bar cocktails, a friendly atmosphere and the biggest outdoor gay bar patio in Northern California; third Saturdays. 22519 Main St.

Red Meat @ Beatbox

The redhead night retuns for a special Irish St. Patrick’s Day party. Redheads get in (and off?) free. DJ Robbie Martin spins tunes. $7. 10pm-3am. 314 11th St.

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration @ Café du Nord

Erin go braugh with local bands: Folk violinist-vocalist Lucia Comnes, The Gas Men and The Jaunting Martyrs play lively Irish music. $4 Murphy’s Irish Stout beer pints all night long. $17-$20. 9pm show. 2170 Market St. 861-5016.

22 BAR★TAB • • March 2012


Big @ The Stud

Monthly dance party for big men and their friends (3rd Sundays). $5. 6pm-11pm. 399 9th St.

Confession @ Vessel

Reason To Party’s new monthly fundraiser and fab schmooze night for professional types. Proceeds benefit At The Crossroads (young adult homeless servgice). $40 and up. 6pm-11pm. 85 Campton Place.

Daytime Realness @ El Rio

The fun open-air drag show returns, with hostess Heklina, DJ Carnita, Stanley Frank, and drag acts, plus chicken and waffles! 3rd Sundays. 3pm-8pm. 3158 Mission st.

Honey Soundsystem @ Holy Cow

Sun 18 ➠ All-Male Amateur Strip Show @ Deco Lounge

Ruby Holiday and Diva LaFever cohost the weekly night of newbies gettin’ nude. $100 cash prize! DJ Lambchop spins tunes. Contest 10:30pm. 510 Larkin St. at Turk. 346-2025.

The coolest Sunday music mix crew plays groove-adelic sounds for a hip, diverse crowd. 10pm-2am. 1535 Folsom St. at 11th.

Jonathan Poretz @ The Rrazz Room

Classy Vegas-stytle crooner sings classic songs. $29.50. 7pm. 2-drink min. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (800) 380-3095.


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Daytime Realness @ El Rio. See Sun 18

March 2012 • • BAR★TAB 23

f eON THE TAB ~ ~from page 23

Sundayz S d @B Beatbox tb b

New weekly beer & booze bust and T-dance, with a portion of proceeds going to various local AIDS/HIV and LGBT nonprofits. DJs Russ Rich, Byron Bonsall, Brian Maier, Christopher B and Kevin Lee. Enjoy the sunny skylight window and daytime dance floor. Fanners, flaggers and fun, too. $15 bust or $5 + cash bar. 3pm-7pm. 314 11th St.

Mon 19 ➠ Bud E. Luv @ The Rrazz Room

Vegas-style comedy lounge band performs their amusing spirited show. $30. 8pm. 2-drink min. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (800) 380-3095.

Jam @ The Stud

New weekly open mic jam session hosted by Jane Wiedlin (of the Go-Gos). 9pm-2am. 399 9th St.

Karaoke @ The Lookout

Paul K hosts the amateur singing night. 8pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

RuPaul’s Drag Race @ Deco Lounge

Watch the drag show on TV at 9:30pm. No cover. 510 Larkin St. at Turk. 346-2025.

Mary Wilson performs at Rrazziversary Gala @ The Rrazz Room. See Wed 21

Supernova @ Truck

Trivia show at the lil gay bar, with DJs Pork Sweats and Jimmy Swear. 1900 Folsom St.

Yep, They Said It @ Elbo Room

Celebrities in Their Own Words, a night of tacky autobiography excerpts read by local writers and celebs: Heklina, Joshua Grannell aka Peaches Christ, James Brian Judd, Donna Sachet, Lewis DeSimone, Jim Provenzano, Donald Currie, Oscar Raymundo and Scott James; hosts James J. Siegel and Baruch Porras-Hernandez. Proceeds benefit Guy Writers. $20. 7pm. 647 Valencia St.

Tue 20 ➠ 13 Licks @ Q Bar

Weekly women’s night at the stylish intimate bar. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St.

Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey’s

Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gay-friendly comedy night. One drink or menu item minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. at 18th. 431-HARV.

Meow Mix @ The Stud

Weekly drag and variety show. 9pm-2am. 399 9th St. at Harrison.

Naked Night @ Nob Hill Theatre

Clothing-optional event at the historic strip joint; includes entry for shows, arcade and refreshments. $20. 8pm-11pm. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 781-9468.

Pit Stop @ Kok

Hamisi DJs the popular happy hour, 6pm-9pm, where fun continues later. 1225 Folsom St.

Wed 21➠ Bi Night @ Café Flore

Bisexual gathering; 7pm-10pm; each 3rd Wed. 2298 Market St. 621-8579.

24 BAR★TAB • • March 2012

Thu 22 ➠ Bare Chest Calendar Semi-Finals @ SF Powerhouse

Weekly contest where men strip their shirts off to compete in the annual fundraiser calendar. Thru March. 8pm. 1347 Folsom St. 552-8689.

Comedy Bodega @ Esta Nocha

The new weekly LGBT and indie comic stand-up night’s hosted by “Mr. Gomez” (retired Telemundo extra and “associate” of comic Marga Gomez). 8pm-9:30pm. 3079 16th St. at Mission.

Daddy @ Kok

Daddies and their boys enjoy drink specials and porn entertainment. 10pm-2am. 1225 Folsom St.

Lynda Carter @ The Rrazz Room

Blue Room Comedy @ The Stud

Comic David Hawkins’ popular bawdy laughfest; no cover. 8pm. 399 9th St.

Booty Call @ Q Bar

Juanita More and Joshua J’s weekly night packs the intimate stylish bar with grooves and a groovy younger crowd. $3. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St.

Dazzling actress-singer (yes, she also played Wonder Woman on TV) returns by popular demand, to perform pop, rock, R&B and Broadway classics. $45-$55. 2-drink min. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (800) 380-3095.

Shirts Off @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

$1 off any drink if ya doff yer shirt. 8pm-2am. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695.

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Lynda Carter @ The Rrazz Room. See Thu 22

Bubba @ Truck

Good ole boy drinks, specials and Bubba bartenders. 9pm-2am. 1900 Folsom St.

Come To My House @ Deco Lounge

Early evening (5pm-9pm) monthly (3rd Wed) fundraiser for the Trevor Project, with host Angelina Josephina Manacotti. $5. 510 Larkin St. at Turk. 346-2025.

Dream Queens Review @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

Drag show each 2nd and 4th Wednesday at the classic Tenderloin bar, hosted by Collette LeGrande-Ashton. No cover. 10pm. 133 Turk St. 441-2922.

D’lysh @ Deco Lounge

Isa Manzanita hosts the weekly drag show at 10:30pm. No cover. 510 Larkin St. at Turk. 346-2025.

Rrazziversary Gala @ The Rrazz Room

Sharon McNight hosts the four-year anniversary of the classy nightclub, with guest stars Natalie Douglas, Edwin Hawkins, Linda Lavin, Deana Martin, Billy Stritch, Mary Wilson, Pia Zadora, the Tommy Igoe Band and more. $75, $125, $175. 2-drink min. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (800) 380-3095.

March 2012 • • BAR★TAB 25

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Joe @ The Lookout

Shots, drinks and DJed fun. $2. 10pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Kinky Beats @ Café Flore

Sergio’s weekly DJ night at the popular café-bar, with 2 for 1 martinis. 9pm-1:30am. 2298 Market St. 621-8579.

Salsa Club @ Cafe Cocomo

Same-sex dancing and lessons with a live band. 21+. 8:30pm-12am. 650 Indiana St.

Some Thing @ The Stud

Wild weekly drag show with SF’s most unusual talents. 10pm-2am. 399 9th St.

Strip @ Kok Bar

Take it off at the 4th Fridays stripping event with a Cheap Ass Contest, $100 winner. $5. 11pm contest. 1225 Folsom St.

Werk @ Deco Lounge

Tori Balenciaga hosts the Jock contest, with $100 prize, at the monthly male underwear party (4th Fri). $5. 9pm-3am. 510 Larkin St. at Turk.

Sat 24 ➠ Faith Prince @ The Rrazz Room. See Sun 25

Sundance Saloon @ Space 550

The popular country western LGBT dance night. $5. 6:30pm-10:30pm with lessons from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. Also Sundays 5pm-10:30pm with lessons from 5:30-7:15 pm. 550 Barneveld Ave.

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

Retro tunes and retro cruisy crowd, each Thursday; DJ Bus Station John plays records. $4. 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor.

Visiting Vintners @ Press Club

Weekly wine-tasting event, with by-the-glass offering and tastings. Prices vary. 6pm-9pm. 20 Yerba Buena Lane betwn Market/Mission (next door to Contemporary Jewish Museum). 744-5000.

Fri 23 ➠

Bears, The Baths and Beyond @ Steamworks, Berkeley

Special bear night at the popular private men’s gym and sauna, with music by DJs Robbie Martin and Frank Wild. $14-$45. Open 24/7. 2107 4th St. (510) 845-8992.

Beer Bust @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

Beer only $8 until you bust. 4pm-8pm. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695.

Go Bang! @ Deco Lounge

The popular disco dance night, with Residents Steve Fabus, Sergio and guest DJs Shawn Ryan, SMAC and Tres Johnson. $5. Free before 10pm. 9pm-3am. 510 Larkin St. at Turk.

House of Garza @ Café Flore

Garza’s monthly variety show (4th Saturdays), with raffles, drag acts and fun. 10pm-1am. 2298 Market St. 621-8579.

Rocket @ Rickshaw Stop

Gala fundraiser for Aurora Theatre Company, celebrating its 20th anniversary, with a three-course dinner, fabulous auction items, including a trip to New York City, dinner with actress Rita Moreno, a 7-day cruise and more. $275 and up. 6pm.-12am. 41 Tunnel Road, Berkeley. (510) 8434042.

Rocket Collective (DJs Brian Maier, Trevor Sigler, David Sternesky and Mat dos Santos) launch a monthly night of tech, deep house, acid house and other genres; with guerilla-style surprise performances and a Burning Man ambiance, with proceeds going to the Burning Man group Camp Astropups. Space Age and Playa gear encouraged. $7. 10pm-2am. 155 Fell St.

Bad Girl Cocktail Hour @ The Lexington Club

Soiree 10 @ Design Center Galleria

Aurora Borealis @ Claremont Hotel, Berkeley

Every Friday night, bad girls can get $1 dollar margaritas between 9pm and 10pm. 3464 19th St. between Mission and Valencia. 863-2052.

26 BAR★TAB • • March 2012

The SF LGBT Community Center celebrates its first decade at a fun fundraiser. Theme is “Belle Epoque,” vintage

Sun 25 ➠ Beer Bust @ 440

$8 a cup. Good times at the popular Castro bar. 3pm-8pm. 440 Castro St.

Beer Bust @ Truck

Beer, and lots of it. $10. 4pm-8pm. Ice Queen Sundays, a new drag show, follows. Shows at 9:30 and 11pm. 1900 Folsom St.

Bloody Mary Bar @ Pilsner Inn

Build your own nutritious beverage with a zing. Every Saturday and Sunday, 10am-2pm. 225 Church St.

Cognitive Dissonance @ The Stud

DJ Kit and friends offer music, food and cheap drinks; 4th Sundays. 6pm. 399 9th St. at Harrison. Broadway favorite actrees ( Billy Elliot ) and cabaret veteran perform their witty musical duo act, The Prince and the Showboy. $40. 3pm. Also Mar 26 & 27 at 8pm. 2-drink min.

Jessica Coker @ Martuni’s

Comic singer, one third of the women’s singing trio BOOBS, performs solo. 7pm. Part of Ray of Light Theatre company’s spotlight Series. 4 Valencia St. at Market.

Salsa Sundays @ El Rio

Salsa dancing for LGBT folks and friends, with live merengue and cumbia bands; tapas and donations that support local causes. 2nd & 4th Sundays. 3pm-8pm. 3158 Mission St. 282-3325.

Sundance Saloon @ Space 550

The popular country western LGBT dance night: $5. 5pm10:30pm with lessons from 5:30-7:15 pm. Also Thursdays 6:30pm-10:30pm with lessons from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. 550 Barneveld Ave.

Mon 26 ➠ Jam @ The Stud

New weekly open mic jam session hosted by Jane Wiedlin (of the Go-Gos). 9pm-2am. 399 9th St.


Faith Prince & Jason Graae @ The Rrazz Room

Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (800) 380-3095.

Page 28

Parisian style. Performers include guest MC Marga Gomez, Veronica Klaus, Glamamore, Fauxnique, Bombshell Betty, Honey Mahogany, DJs from Hard French, Stay Gold Viennetta Discoteche and Some Thing. Silent auction, food, drinks. $95-$125. 7pm-11pm. 101 Henry Adams St.

March 2012 • • BAR★TAB 27

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Booty Call @ Q Bar

Juanita More and Joshua J’s weekly night packs the intimate stylish bar with grooves and a groovy younger crowd. $3. 9pm-2am. 456 Castro St.

Bubba @ Truck

Good ole boy drinks, specials, underwear fun, and Bubba bartenders. 9pm-2am. 1900 Folsom St.

D’lysh @ Deco Lounge

Isa Manzanita hosts the weekly drag show at 10:30pm. No cover. 510 Larkin St. at Turk. 346-2025.

Dream Queens Review @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge Russell Thomkins, Jr. & The New Stylistics @ The Rrazz Room. See Wed 28

Karaoke @ The Lookout

Paul K hosts the amateur singing night. 8pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Piano Bar 101 @ Martuni’s

Sing-along night with talented locals, and charming accompanist Joe Wicht (aka Trauma Flintstone). 9pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market.

RuPaul’s Drag Race @ Deco Lounge

Watch the drag show on TV at 9:30pm. No cover. 510 Larkin St. at Turk. 346-2025.

Supernova @ Truck

Trivia show at the lil gay bar, with DJs Pork Sweats and Jimmy Swear. 1900 Folsom St.

Old school drag show (2nd and 4th Wednesday) at the classic Tenderloin bar, featuring Collette Ashton, Ruby Slippers, Sophilya Leggz, Bobby Ashton, Sheena Rose, Davida Ashton and Joie de Vivre!. No cover. 10pm. 133 Turk St. 441-2922.

Mary-Go-Round @ The Lookout

A fun weekly drag show with Suppositori Spelling, Mercedez Munro and Ginger Snap. $5. 10pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Red Hots Burlesque @ El Rio

Women’s burlesque show performs each Wed & Fri. $5$10. 7pm. 3158 Mission St. 282-3325.

Russell Thomkins, Jr. & The New Stylistics @ The Rrazz Room

Ani DiFranco @ The Fillmore

Original member of The stylistics performs (with his unmistakably unique falsetto styling) R&B classics (“You Are Everything,” “Stone in Love With You”). $42-$47.50. 8pm. Also Mar. 29 & 30, 8pm. Mar. 31, 7pm & 9:30pm. April 1, 7pm. 2-drink min. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. (800) 380-3095.

Funny Tuesdays @ Harvey’s

Thu 29 ➠

Meow Mix @ The Stud

The new weekly LGBT and indie comic stand-up night’s hosted by “Mr. Gomez” (retired Telemundo extra and “associate” of comic Marga Gomez). 8pm-9:30pm. 3079 16th St. at Mission.

Tue 27➠ Folk rock veteran performs live. Seth Glier opens. $33-$45. 8pm. 1805 Geary Blvd. Ronn Vigh hosts the weekly LGBT and gay-friendly comedy night. One drink or menu item minimum. 9pm. 500 Castro St. at 18th. 431-HARV. Weekly drag and variety show. 9pm-2am. 399 9th St. at Harrison.

Naked Night @ Nob Hill Theatre

Enjoy strip shows in the comfort of your skivvies, or less. $20. 8pm-11pm. 729 Bush St. at Powell. 781-9468.

Pit Stop @ Kok

Hamisi DJs the popular happy hour, 6pm-9pm, where fun continues later. 1225 Folsom St.

Wed 28 ➠ Blue Room Comedy @ The Stud

Comic David Hawkins’ bawdy laughfest; no cover. 8pm. 399 9th St.

28 BAR★TAB • • March 2012

Comedy Bodega @ Esta Nocha

Daddy @ Kok

Daddies and their boys enjoy drink specials and porn entertainment. 10pm-2am. 1225 Folsom St.

Shirts Off @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

$1 off any drink if ya doff yer shirt. 8pm-2am. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695.

Tubesteak Connection @ Aunt Charlie’s Lounge

Retro tunes and retro cruisy crowd, each Thursday; DJ Bus Station John plays records. $4. 10pm-2am. 133 Turk St. at Taylor.

Bearracuda @ Deco Lounge. See Sat 31

Werk @ Deco Lounge

Tori Balenciaga hosts the Jock contest, with $100 prize, at the monthly male underwear party (4th Fri). $5. 9pm-3am. 510 Larkin St. at Turk.

Sat 31 ➠ Bearracuda @ Deco Lounge

Eric Nielson

The very beary night returns to the Polk for Underwear Night. DJs Boysdhapedbox, Medic, 50 Pound Note. $6-$8. 9pm-3am. 510 Larkin St. at Turk.

Fri 30 ➠ Joe @ The Lookout

Shots, drinks and DJed fun. $2. 10pm-2am. 3600 16th St. at Market.

Kinky Beats @ Café Flore

Sergio’s weekly DJ night at the popular café-bar, with 2 for 1 martinis. 9pm-1:30am. 2298 Market St. 621-8579.

Some Thing @ The Stud

Wild weekly drag show with SF’s most unusual talents. 10pm-2am. 399 9th St.

Beer Bust @ Hole in the Wall Saloon

Beer only $8 until you bust. 4pm-8pm. 1369 Folsom St. 431-4695.

Code @ The Stud

Indie dance party with DJs Six and Candy; 1st & 5th Saturdays. 9pm-2am. 399 9th St.

Cockblock @ Rickshaw Stop

Lesbo-rific queer homo dance night each 2nd & 4th Saturday. $5-$7. 21+. 10pm-2am. 155 Fell St.

Easter Show @ The Turf Club, Hayward

Bingo, dinner and a show; proceeds benefit Children’s Hospital’s Basket account. 3pm. 22519 Main St.

To submit your April events, send by March 17 to

March 2012 • • BAR★TAB 29

e BARchive f ★

TRI-ING TIMESd I • by Jim Provenzano

n a way, the gay sports movement owes its birth to gay bars, of which there were more than 100 in 1973. Some events, while not exactly official sports, took a fun competition to the streets, with contestants enjoying drinking while competing, of a sort. The first annual Memorial Day Charity Costume Tricycle Race, held May 29, 1972, was sponsored by the historic bar The Mint. Established in 1942, The Mint, at its same location as today, at 1942 Market Street, was one of several points along a wacky drag-filled tricycle race composed of various teams organized via bars of the day; Kelly’s Saloon, Fickle Fox, The Bachelors Club, The Pendulum, Twilight and The Naked Grape. Contestants wobbled up and down the Upper Market and burgeoning Castro bar district, becoming wobblier with each courtesy drink at the various pit stops. Prizes ranged from dinners and coupons to $50 cash. That same year, a similar event, the Roller Derby and Skate-Along, was sponsored by Jackson’s Bar (2237 Powell St.) and celebrated its fourth annual event. Started in 1968, the wacky race preceded the Tricycle Race with similar themes of wild costumes, cocktail pit stops and prizes. Donations to compete were a mere $2.00, and proceeds went to the Health Center “for sharper needles.” But the Great Tricycle Race eclipsed its predecessor even by its second run. More than a thousand spectators and participants filled City Hall Park in May 1972. That year, the event raised funds for Guide Dogs for the Blind. As the Bay Area Reporter story regales, a few local policemen were “bewildered” by the event, in a day when event permits were less than obligatory. By the time reinforcement cops arrived, the race had spiraled off to sidewalks up and down Polk and Market streets, leaving City Hall Park abandoned. Costumed participants were gaudily dragged up, and scantily undressed. 1973’s First Place Costume winners, “Diki and Sonny,” showed off svelte pulchritude in leopard print loincloths and feathertrimmed sneakers.

30 BAR★TAB • • March 2012

Don Eckert Contestants in the second annual Great Tricycle Race.

The first prize for Best Bike was won by a gogglesporting male duo and their Red Baron plane/ tricycle. The first prize for taking the lead were a groovy pair of guys from The Gangway (a gay bar that remains to this day at 841 Larkin St.). Enthusiastic crowds cheered on a sometimes gasping bevy of contestants, “some of whom were riding, some crawling and some who came in on two pedals and a lot of guts, the rest of the bike demolished somewhere along the way.” “Conviviality reigned throughout,” wrote the unbylined reporter, who did note with an amusingly catty remark that “Someone should tell Bette Bonko she is just too heavy for a mini-trike.” As the event grew in popularity, celebrities even joined in. In 1975, Chip Carter, son of thenpresidential candidate Jimmy Carter, competed in the fifth annual race. The tricycle races were held annually for 21 years, the last one in 1993. In 2000, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence revived the event, timed with their annual Easter festivities, and since 2006 their Tour de Castro, a variation on the original race, has somewhat-annually raised funds for the AIDS Life/Cycle. In May 2010, a version of the race was included as part of Harvey Milk Day festivities. ✸ For more photos, visit Uncle Donald’s Castro at

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