Milk day events
OFC leader departing
Ross & Roma Roasted
SF Ballet wraps
Serving the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender communities since 1971
Vol. 49 • No. 20 • May 16-22, 2019
Chasten hits the Castro
Equality California has released its first report card looking at how school districts are educating LGBTQ students.
Report details CA schools failing LGBT students
Courtesy Windows for Harvey
Yi Lin Pei’s Windows for Harvey watercolor is on display at Local Take in the Castro.
Milk’s spirit lives on in art
by Sam Moore
ith 35 storefront windows throughout the Castro district displaying work by local artists beginning Friday, this year’s Windows for Harvey exhibit is set to be the biggest one yet. The initiative, presented by Castro Merchants, aims to honor Harvey Milk and his legacy through artwork that centers around a theme. This year’s is “Soapbox,” a reference to Milk’s spirited activism and campaigning. See page 15 >>
Steven Underhill
hasten Buttigieg, center, husband of Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, was in town last Friday and got a tour of the Castro, as well as the Gubbio Project and Larkin Street Youth Services in the Tenderloin. It was all part of a four-hour visit to LGBT groups and homeless organizations that work with queer youth. Above, he was joined by for-
mer porn star and gym owner Race Cooper, left, and his friend, Matt Fuller, outside Squat and Gobble. Gay District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman and gay BART board President Bevan Dufty, who organized the tour, helped show him around, including stops at the GLBT Historical Society Museum, Strut, and the Castro Country Club.
by Matthew S. Bajko
groundbreaking report has found that the majority of California’s school districts are failing LGBT students. Despite state laws aimed at protecting LGBT pupils and requiring schools teach about LGBT history, most schools in the state have yet to implement the legislation, according to the report. And the report shows that few school adminis-
See page 10 >>
The official magazine of Jones receivesSanCuba award amid Francisco Pride 2019
cancellation of Pride events A Publication of VIA MEDIA[Caselli Partners LLC]
by Liz Highleyman Cynthia Laird
Incoming War Memorial managing director John Caldon, left, received congratulations from Trustees Gina Moscone and Thomas E. Horn at the May 9 board meeting where his appointment was unanimously approved.
War Memorial director selected
by Cynthia Laird
he San Francisco War Memorial Board of Trustees May 9 appointed John Caldon as its new managing director. Caldon, a gay man, is expected to start in July, he told the Bay Area Reporter in a brief interview after the meeting. The vote was 9-0, board President Nancy Bechtle said following a closed session. Two trustees were absent. Bechtle also said that Caldon was the unanimous choice of the board’s selection committee. Caldon, 41, will succeed managing director Elizabeth Murray, who is retiring after serving
an Francisco AIDS activist Cleve Jones received an award from the Cuban National Center for Sexual Education in Havana last weekend as other activists were reportedly arrested after attempting an alternative march after the government canceled two others. Jones’ visit to Cuba with the San Franciscobased Rainbow World Fund occurred amid increasing tensions; Michael Lavers, a reporter for the Washington Blade, was blocked from entering the country last week after he arrived at the Havana airport and had to fly back to Miami. Jones received his recognition from Mariela Castro Espin of CENESEX at a May 10 gala. Jones also spoke at an LGBT diversity celebration in the city the next day. CENESEX organized Saturday’s party after the Cuban Ministry of Public Health abruptly canceled two traditional Pride marches, called congas, which were to take place in Havana and the city of Camagüey in central Cuba. Jones was slated to be grand marshal of the Havana event. This would have been the 12th year of the congas. Responding to the cancellation, around 100 Cuban LGBT activists, many of them waving rainbow flags, took part in an unauthorized march in Old Havana last Saturday afternoon. The spirited
See page 15 >>
Mariela Castro Espin of CENESEX and Cleve Jones speak at an LGBT diversity party in Havana.
but peaceful march lasted about an hour before ending with a small number of arrests. As the Bay Area Reporter reported last week, CENESEX announced the cancellation of the congas May 6. When the news broke, a delegation from the San Francisco-based Rainbow World Fund – including Jones, photographer Gareth Gooch, and this reporter – was preparing to de-
part for the island to participate in three weeks of LGBT events known as the Jornada. In a statement about the cancellation, CENESEX cited international and regional tensions that include escalating threats from the Trump administration and Christian fundamentalists opposing a provision in the revised Cuban constitution to allow same-sex marriage. See page 15 >>
The official magazine of San Francisco Pride 2019
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A Publication of VIA MEDIA[Caselli Partners LLC]