September 15, 2022 edition of the Bay Area Reporter

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by Liz Highleyman

The new report shows a 16% increase in

Oakland City Councilmember and mayoral candidate Sheng Thao, left, joined fellow City Councilmember and Alameda County supervisor candidate Rebecca Kaplan at the September 4 Oakland Pride parade.

Gloria Nieto dies

“I fully condemn the hateful rhetoric of Peter Liu and Seneca Scott and I’m calling for them to apologize and suspend their campaigns,” Thao added. “They clearly are not fit to serve in elected office anywhere, particularly in Oakland.”

Thao said in a Facebook video that she had participated in the Oakland Pride parade September 4 and it was “deeply disheartening and disturbing to see a vi cious blatant antisemitic email threat be tween Peter Liu and Seneca Scott” later that day. Thao was with Rebecca Kaplan, a lesbian city councilmember who’s vice mayor and currently running for the Dis trict 3 seat on the Alameda County Board of Supervisors. Thao used to be Kaplan’s chief of staff before being elected to the City Council, and Kaplan has endorsed her mayoral bid.


Gay, bi accountmenfor less than half of new SF HIV cases

One of the leading candidates for Oakland mayor has called out her rivals and demanded that two mi nor candidates exit the race after they post ed alleged antisemitic comments related to an upcoming forum and one exhibited bias against the transgender community.

“The good news is we’re seeing some re covery from COVID, but we still see dis parities, particularly for African American and Latinx individuals, people experiencing homelessness, and people who inject drugs,” Dr. Susan Buchbinder, director of DPH’s Bridge HIV and co-chair of the San Francis co Getting to Zero steering committee, told the Bay Area Reporter in an interview.

'Moulin Rouge!'

“I was so passionate about the organiza tion and the mission, given I have lived in San Francisco for 13 years and I am work ing downtown, that I really want to be part of the revitalization of the economic core and really help in any way possible to think about what is possible for downtown, for the economic core in a post-pandemic en vironment,” McNeill, 37, told the Bay Area Reporter during a recent video interview.

“The email chain included myself, my fellow mayoral candidates, the Jewish com munity, and others,” Thao said, “and was sent a few days after it was revealed that Seneca Scott has a history of shaming and defaming transgender youth, as well as fat shaming women.

See page 15 >> See page 2 >>


by Cynthia Laird

Gay SF business leader works to revive city’s downtown core

See page 14 >>

Big Freedia wows Pridefest Oakland!

Rick Gerharter

'Kinky Boots'

He will spend the next year as part of the team at Advance SF, formerly known as the Committee on Jobs but rebranded last De cember. It acts as a think tank and advocacy organization for downtown business inter ests and local employers, and engages with city officials on various policy matters.

on Beyoncé’s summer hit, “Break My Soul,” from her “Renaissance” album. Pridefest organizers said their event, which featured Crystal Waters and numerous other entertainers, was a success.

Serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer communities since Vol. 52 • No. 37 • September 15-21, 2022 08 10 Letters support theater

by Matthew S. Bajko

ARTS17 17 The

A fifth generation Californian who grew up in Southern California, McNeill resides in San Francisco’s NoPa, or North of the

Sheng Thao, who is a current city coun cilmember and running to replace termed out Mayor Libby Schaaf, took to social me dia September 6 and was critical of longshot candidates Peter Liu, who has twice before sought the office, and Seneca Scott, a West Oakland resident who posed at a First Friday event in June with well-known transphobe Chris Elston while wearing an anti-trans sandwich board.

Ryan McNeill, who’s with Advance SF for a year, sits on a bench in the plaza in front of 555 California Street where Bank of America is located.

HIV care indicators have generally im proved or remained stable, found the annual report, but disparities persist.

yan McNeill, a gay senior executive with Bank of America, is assisting with reinvigorating San Francisco’s downtown area as it adjusts to new work ing patterns brought about by the ongoing COVID pandemic. He has taken a leave of absence from the financial company via its Leader on Loan program in order to devote his time toward the effort.

ployees, which he had co-chaired the last two years. He is now into his third year on the board of Frameline, San Francisco’s LG BTQ international film festival.

For the first time, gay and bisexual men who don’t inject drugs accounted for less than half of new HIV cases in San Francisco last year. But total diagnoses in 2021 saw an uptick that could be due to changes in testing in the wake of COVID-19, according to the latest epi demiology report from the city’s Department of Public Health released September 13.

Jane Philomen Cleland

Cynthia Laird

At Advance SF he serves as interim direc tor of special projects. Wade Rose, the non

Panhandle, neighborhood near Golden Gate Park. He first joined BofA in 2014 as a vice president and became a senior vice presi dent with the bank in 2019, according to his LinkedInMcNeillprofile.earlyon became a member of the bank’s local LGBTQ affinity group for em

Big Freedia wowed fans at Pridefest Oak land Sunday, September 11. The “Queen of Bounce” put on a show that had people dancing in the street. Big Freedia, of course, appeared

SF MPX rates decline, officials optimistic

<< Health News

The sandwich board that Scott wore stated, “Dad, noun. A human male who protects kids from gender ideology.”Scotttold the Oaklandside that he hadn’t read the sandwich board before donning it, and that he didn’t agree with the statement.

Several states have passed laws pro hibiting such Oaklandsidecare.reported that the fallout for Scott continued as Oakhella, a com pany he co-founded in 2016, distanced itself from him over the weekend.

“As a Queer and Trans organiza tion, led by a Black woman who is an Oakland native, we were shocked to see some of the comments and no tions of boycotting OAKHELLA. We have worked tirelessly over the last 7 years to build a solid brand and reputa tion,” read a statement from Oakhella posted to Instagram. “Oakhella was founded on the pillars of food justice, community co-creation, inclusion and celebrating everything that is beautiful about Oakland. We especially create space for Queer and Trans people, and have done so since day one.

Tye Gregory, a gay man who’s ex ecutive director of the JCRC, told the B.A.R. that he feels differently.

He recalled antisemitic incidents like the shooting that occurred at the Tree of Life Synagogue near Pitts burgh, Pennsylvania in 2018 in which 11 people were killed, and the hostage incident in January in which a man held four people at the Congregation Beth Israel Synagogue in Colleyville, Texas. (One hostage was released and the other three escaped.)

Scott said he does have support within the Jewish community. He for warded the B.A.R. an email written by Jonathan Carey to Gregory asking if Scott could be included in the forum.

ty-based organizations for vaccine clinic administration. The bulk, $25,679,000, is destined for statelevel assistance for the California De partment of Public Health.

Eric Burkett

In an email response to the B.A.R., Carey wrote that he did not know anything about the recent events.

Pressed, however, about whether a trans kid and their parents should have access to such care if a doctor recommended it, he said, “absolutely.”

“We have intentionally remained as neutral as possible in the Oakland Mayoral race, but when we are openly associated with Transphobia, we have to make it clear that WE DO NOT SHARE THOSE SENTIMENTS,” the post stated.

Tyler TerMeer, Ph.D., a gay man and the chief executive officer of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, said at Friday’s news conference that those figures may be attributable, in part, to the fact that so many people were able to get the first of the two necessary injections for the vaccine early on in the outbreak.

Valor LX2 3-sided gas fireplace shown here with Murano glass, and reflective glass liner

“It makes us all very concerned,” Gregory said.

<< Oakland race From page 1 See page 14 >>

“Is it too late to get my favorite can didate into this forum?” Carey wrote in the August 25 email.

At the news conference last week at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Democratic San Francisco Assemblymembers Matt Haney and Phil Ting praised local efforts to reign in the MPX outbreak.

“That’s comical,” he said of Thao’s

Carey wrote that Gregory only responded once to his email and “never followed up that only three candidates made some internal measure of campaign viability to be included.”

Those efforts resulted in a $41

That said, Folsom Street Fair, which takes place September 25, will bring in potentially tens of thou sands of primarily LGBTQ visitors.

He also said he is not dropping out of the mayor’s race.

only keeps resources flowing, but it also builds them up. We must make sure hospitals, clinics, patients, and advocacy groups continue to get what they need during a public health emergency,” said Ting, who chairs the Assembly Budget Com mittee.Local health jurisdictions will re ceive $15,750,000 with $1.5 million allocated specifically to communi

“It was my interpretation that he was trying to instigate a protest,” Gregory said in a phone interview, re ferring to Scott’s comment.

those who have been able to advocate for themselves and have the ability to get to our clinics get vaccinated,” he said. “So I think we’re seeing some lull because a lot of folks were able to get their first doses early.”

San Francisco Assemblymembers Matt Haney, left, and Phil Ting address reporters September 9 about the state’s emergency funding to address the monkeypox outbreak.

“He’s an independent candidate who knows we shouldn’t be blocking puberty in children,” Elston wrote in the tweet that accompanied the photo.

Monkeypox infection rates are falling in San Francisco, as well as other parts of the United States but, as officials warned at a news conference September 9, the country isn’t out of the woods yet.

“Yeah, I mean I think we have seen people who are at highest risk and

“Yeah, I think one thing to note is that unlike some other street festivals that have happened in our area, Fol som draws an international crowd, and we’re not sure what may happen as a result of that,” said TerMeer. “But I think that we are staying on top and we’re encouraging as many folks to get vaccinated now as the event is several weeks away.” t

Both in California and the United States, MPX infection rates have been declining, but the race to get vaccina tions in the arms of the population most affected by the outbreak, over whelmingly men who have sex with men, has been an ongoing battle in the face of a shortage of available JynneosDespitevaccine.that, San Francisco has been seeing dramatically fewer dayto-day infections reported for more than a week. The virus began ap pearing in the Bay Area in May. As of September 10, there have been 770 cumulative cases in San Francisco, and 1,336 in the Bay Area as a whole as of September 8.

call to suspend his campaign. “Sheng is scared.”Scottsaid that he is supportive of gender-affirming care for trans kids, but noted that not everyone agrees on that issue, including those within the medical and trans communities.

was responding to the fact that he was excluded from the forum as well.

“However, Mr. Scott never made any derogatory comments toward me nor about my efforts to get him included in the Jewish community’s mayoral debate,” Carey wrote. “I made no secret of my Jewish back ground when I met him on multiple occasions and in this email effort.”

In addition to Thao mayoral can didates Loren Taylor and Treva Reid – also city councilmembers – are the only three to be invited to the forum.

TerMeer said the introduction of intradermal injections, which are done between the epidermis and the hypodermis skin layers, have increased the availability of the oth erwise short-in-supply Jynneos vac cine by using less of the vaccine per injection and allowing “folks to start to get their second doses faster.”

Scott was photographed wearing a sandwich board that contained an antitrans hate message, as Oaklandside re ported September 6. Scott agreed to be photographed wearing the sandwich board, and Elston posted the picture on his Twitter feed, the outlet reported.

“I am absolutely not antisemitic,” Scott told the B.A.R., adding that he has no plans to protest the forum, which is scheduled for September 15. He also challenged Thao’s ac cusation that his “protest?” response was“That’santisemitic.astretch,” Scott said.

by Eric Burkett

In fact, the first death in California due to MPX was reported September 13 by the Los Angeles County health department. According to reports, the patient was severely immuno compromised and had been hospi talized, according to the Los Angeles County health department.

million emergency budget appro priation for the state’s public health response to the MPX outbreak. The measure, which also includes fund ing for other issues, was signed into law Tuesday by Governor Gavin Newsom.“Because of Governor Gavin Newsom signed the measure, which also includes funding for other is sues, into law Tuesday funding not

In a phone interview with the Bay Area Reporter September 7, Scott said he would not wear the sandwich board again. He denied being trans phobic. He said he was backstage at last Sunday’s Oakland Pride festival and didn’t hear anything about it.

2 • Bay area reporter • September 15-21, 2022 t 415-626-1110 130 Russ Street, SF

As for Liu’s rant that apparently started it all, he sent an antisemitic email September 4 to over 60 people, “slandering and threatening the Jew ish Community Relations Council, a Bay Area public affairs group, and congregants of Oakland’s Temple Si nai synagogue. Liu also accused both organizations of unfairly excluding him and other mayoral candidates from a September 15 forum at the temple,” Oaklandside reported.

So far, San Francisco has adminis tered more than 20,000 vaccinations, with 15,000 of those done through the city’s public hospital, according to its CEO Dr. Susan Ehrlich.


Antisemitic rant

“I am sick of these corrupt Jews and their media allies deceiving the public,” Liu wrote, invoking an anti semitic trope in which Jewish people are accused of nefariously control ling mass media outlets, according to Oaklandside.Scottwasthe first to respond to Liu’s email, with one word, “Protest?” Oak landside reported that Scott told the outlet he is not antisemitic, but that he

Gregory said that Liu’s “hatred is an unfortunate reminder” of the head winds of antisemitism. “It really un derscores why the Jewish community wanted its own forum.”

“So the state, even as the federal government moved slowly, had to step up and lead,” Haney told the as sembled press. “And Phil Ting and the Assembly was at the forefront of that, working with state Senator [Scott] Wiener and the LGBTQ caucus. They came forward to the governor and said, ‘We need additional funds to make sure that we address prevention of the spread of this virus.’”

• have ever had a skin rash or an allergic reaction to medicines that contain cabotegravir or rilpivirine.


CABENUVA(AIDS).contains 2

This is only a brief summary of important information about CABENUVA and does not replace talking to your healthcare provider about your condition and treatment. (kab’ en ue vah)


CABENUVA Please see additional Important Facts About CABENUVA on the following page. *Undetectable means the amount of HIV in the blood is below the level that can be measured by a lab test. Results may vary. Jayson has been compensated by ViiV Healthcare. “WithgoodCABENUVA,every-other-monthI’mtogo.” CABENUVA is the only complete, long-acting injectable prescription used to replace daily HIV pills in certain adults and adolescents who have their doctor’s approval. Every-other-month CABENUVA is given by a healthcare provider as 2 injections, initially 1 month apart for 2 months. It works continuously to help you stay undetectable* for 2 months. Attend all appointments. P4CB TO ALWAYS RUN ON RHP M03 9.75 x16CABENUVA-090122-BAYAREAREPORTER.indd 1 8/23/22 12:54 PM

It is not known if CABENUVA is safe and effective in children younger than 12 years of age or weighing less than 77 lbs (35 kg).


CABENUVA is a complete prescription regimen used to treat HIV-1 infection in people 12 years and older who weigh at least 77 lbs (35 kg), to replace their current HIV-1 medicines when their healthcare provider determines that they meet certain requirements. HIV-1 is the virus that causes Acquired Immune Defi ciency Syndrome different medicines: cabotegravir rilpivirine






• have ever had liver problems, including hepatitis B or C infection.



° St John’s wort (Hypericum


Important Facts About CABENUVA

• have ever had an allergic reaction to cabotegravir or rilpivirine.

• have ever had mental health problems. are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. It is not known if CABENUVA will harm your unborn baby. CABENUVA can remain in your body for up to 12 months or longer after the last injection. carbamazepine oxcarbazepine phenobarbital phenytoin rifabutin rifampin rifapentine dexamethasone (more than a single-dose treatment)

Welcome to long-acting

Jayson Stays Jayson’s Story HIV treatment.


• are taking the following medicines:

withundetectableCABENUVAResultsmayvary. Watch

Ask your doctor about

Tell your healthcare provider about all your medical conditions, including if you:

March 2022 CBN:4PIL

° You should not breastfeed if you have HIV-1 because of the risk of passing HIV-1 to your baby. It is not known if CABENUVA can pass to your baby in your breast milk.

° blisters or sores in mouth

° loss of appetite

° feeling anxious

° tiredness

° blisters

° rash

° dark or “tea-colored” urine

Tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Some medicines interact with CABENUVA. Keep a list of your medicines and show it to your healthcare provider and pharmacist when you get a new medicine. You can ask your healthcare provider or pharmacist for a list of medicines that interact with CABENUVA.

• tiredness

° have thoughts of hurting yourself (suicide) or have tried to hurt yourself

° nausea or vomiting

° feeling sad or hopeless

©2022 ViiV Healthcare or licensor.

• Allergic reactions. Call your healthcare provider right away if you develop a rash with CABENUVA. Stop receiving CABENUVA and get medical help right away if you develop a rash with any of the following signs or symptoms:

Important Facts About CABENUVA (cont’d)

CBRADVT220011 July 2022 Produced in USA.

° trouble breathing

Do not start taking a new medicine without telling your healthcare provider. Your healthcare provider can tell you if it is safe to take CABENUVA with other medicines.

The most common side effects of CABENUVA include:



° muscle or joint aches

• headache

• Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist.


° your skin or the white part of your eyes turns yellow (jaundice)

° fever

° light-colored stools (bowel movements)

° blood pressure changes

° stomach cramps

CABENUVA may cause serious side effects, including: (cont’d)

° generally ill feeling

° itching

° narrowing of airways

• fever

• muscle or bone pain

These are not all the possible side effects of CABENUVA. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

° swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue

• Depression or mood changes. Call your healthcare provider or get emergency medical help right away if you have any of the following symptoms:

• pain, tenderness, hardened mass or lump, swelling, redness, itching, bruising, and warmth at the injection site

° sweating

• rash CABENUVA-090122-BAYAREAREPORTER.indd 2 8/23/22 12:54 PM

° pain (e.g., back and chest)

• Liver problems. People with a history of hepatitis B or C virus or people who have certain liver function test changes may have an increased risk of developing new or worsening changes in certain liver tests during CABENUVA treatment. Liver problems have also happened in people without history of liver problems or other risk factors. Your healthcare provider may do blood tests to check your liver function. Call your healthcare provider right away if you develop any of the following signs or symptoms of liver problems:

• Go to or call 1-877-844-8872, where you can also get FDA-approved labeling.

° feeling anxious or restless

° feeling warm

° numbness of your mouth

• dizziness

° redness or swelling of the eyes

° Talk with your healthcare provider about the best way to feed your baby during treatment with CABENUVA.

• nausea

° trouble breathing

CABENUVA may cause serious side effects, including:

Tell your healthcare provider about all your medical conditions, including if you: (cont’d)

° feeling light-headed or feeling like you are going to pass out (faint)

• sleep problems

• are breastfeeding or plan to breastfeed. Do not breastfeed if you take CABENUVA.

• Post-injection reactions have happened within minutes in some people after receiving their rilpivirine injection. Most symptoms resolved within minutes after the injection. Symptoms may include:

° pain, aching, or tenderness on the right side of your stomach area


Trademarks are property of their respective owners.

There is no fee but pre-registra tion is required and can be done at,September 18, the club will hold an anniversary party at Il Casaro Pizzeria, 235 Church Street (between Market and 15th) from 4 to 8 p.m.

San Francisco drag artist Heklina will join Loving Cats Worldwide founder and international cat judge Steven Meserve for the LCWW Cat Extravaganza at the Cow Pal ace Arena and Event Center in San Francisco September 23-25.

“Um, I can’t believe I get to do this! Literally my dream gig,” Hek lina, a cat parent herself, noted in a FacebookMeservepost.and Heklina will pres ent a lineup of demos and speak ers in Kitty Corner, where visitors can also meet their favorite cats on the catwalk. The Kitty Corner stage will also feature professionals on subjects like “How to Groom Your Cat” and “What to Consider When Acquiring a Kitten.”

The Cow Palace is located at 2600 Geneva Avenue.

Maitri seeks pet entries for calendar

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Following the screening there will be a question and answer session with director Shayon Mitra, gay District 8 Supervisor Rafael Man delman, and Cecilia Chung, a trans woman living with HIV who sits on the San Francisco Health Commis sion. Ben Plumley, host of “A Shot in the Arm” podcast, will facilitate.

Ashley McCumber will depart Meals on San Francisco in October.

beautiful cats in the world, a news release stated, adding that it’s “a fam ily furr-iendly event to meet the most beautiful cats in the world and have fun with other cat fanatics.”

depart Community News>> SF gay chorus breaks ground on center The San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus ceremonially broke ground on its interior renovation of the Pansy L. Chan and Terrence D. Chan National Queer Arts Center at 170 Valencia Street September 8. The festivities included a performance by San Francisco’s Lion Dance Me group and attendees included gay District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman along with chorus officials Chris Verdugo, executive director, and Jacob Stensberg, artistic director. The chorus purchased the building in 2019 and, when the renovations are completed, it will allow the chorus to have specific programs dedicated to performances and will mark the first permanent home for the singing group.

Castro Theatre to hold HIV film screening

The film will premiere on PBS September 21.

Rick Gerharter

Speaking of cats – and dogs –Maitri Compassionate Care is now seeking photos of cute pets for its 2023 Maitri’s Mutts and Meows CharityThereCalendar.aretwocalendars available, one for canines and one for felines. Each features 13 pets from Maitri’s community of supporters, volun teers, staff, and clients. Funds raised by the sale of the calendars goes to help Maitri hospice people living with HIV/AIDS and those recover ing from gender affirmation surgery have a place to heal.

to Golden Gate Park and the Castro.

Maitri is asking for photos of pets only – no people – and winning pets and their owners will receive a free calendar.Formore information and to submit a pet, go to t CEO McCumber to

The group will start in the Cas tro, as did the original, and head to Golden Gate Park and up to the Presidio before turning south to the Great Highway and then around Lake Merced. The ride then returns

Courtesy LCWW

Shopping stalls will also be avail able, where attendees can purchase treats for their own cats.


“Over the past 15 years, we have built a world-class organization with a cando attitude,” he stated. “I have spent a quarter of my life at MOWSF, my heart is full of pride and love for this community, and I know the orga nization is primed for even greater success.“Iam blessed to be able to have my professional and personal life come full circle – moving back home to continue to serve and end hunger while being close to my

An advance screening of “NOVA: Ending HIV in America” will be held Sunday, September 18, at 6:30 p.m. at the Castro Theatre, 429 Cas tro Street in San Francisco.

There will be a meal and program that will look at club highlights. Gay District 8 Supervisor Rafael Mandelman is expected to present a proclamation from the city.


The cost for the dinner is $55 per person and pre-registration is required due to capacity limits. For more information and to purchase tickets, go to

Ashley McCumber, a gay man who has served as CEO of Meals on Wheels San Francisco since 2007, will soon leave the agency to return home to his native North Carolina to become the president and CEO of a food bank there.

For more information on Meals on Wheels SF,

A news release noted that nation al HIV prevention and care efforts have taken the country from a peak of 130,000 HIV infections annually in the mid-1980s to approximately 34,000 in 2020. The film looks at ef forts in Birmingham, Alabama and San Francisco and how scientists and affected communities came together to tackle the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It looks at the potential for innovative drugs and scientific breakthroughs, along with public health partnerships that remain needed to end HIV in America.

The fifth executive director and CEO of Meals on Wheels SF, Mc Cumber is its second longest ten ured, the release stated. Under his leadership, the agency grew from a $4.5 million operation serving 1,200 clients per day and deliver ing 523,000 meals per week to a $23 million operation serving almost 4,000 clients per day and delivering more than 2.4 million meals a year, according to the release. In addi tion to daily meals for seniors and homebound adults with disabilities in San Francisco, Meals on Wheels delivers groceries to 490 clients each week in partnership with the SF-Marin Food Bank, according to the release. Meals on Wheels also re cently expanded its home-delivered meals program to North San Mateo County.“Meals on Wheels has never been stronger and more ready to drive impact and improve the lives of our clients,” stated board Chair Rose mary T. Wong. “Our next leader will inherit a thriving organization with a stellar reputation, a strong staff, a topflight board, and a loyal donor and volunteer base. We know that we will attract someone who can pick up where Ashley has delivered us and carry the organiza tion into the future as we continue to ad vance our McCumber,mission.”60, stated that it was a hard deci sion to leave, but he will be closer to his family.

family,” he added. “The Meals on Wheels mission to help people age in the community has now inter sected with my own reality.”

LGBTQ bike club turns 40 Different Spokes San Francisco, the long-standing LGBTQ cycling club, will celebrate its 40th anniver sary this weekend with two events.

Drag icon Heklina will co-host the LCWW Cat Extravaganza at the Cow Palace.

compiled by Cynthia Laird

McCumber is expected to depart Meals on Wheels SF in mid-October, a news release stated. His new job will be leading the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina.

The suggested donation for the screening is $20 and all proceeds ben efit the San Francisco Community Health Center. The event is presented by the health center, along with the Global Health Reporting Center and the Ikana Health Action Lab.

The club will hold a 25-mile group ride in San Francisco Satur day, September 17, starting at 10:30 a.m. at 18th and Castro streets out side the Bank of America building. The ride will approximate the old AIDS Bike-A-Thon fundraiser that the club started in 1985 and went through 1994 when the former AIDS Ride and the current AIDS/ LifeCycle began. While there doesn’t seem to be an exact route map avail able, members noted on the club’s website that they know the general form of the route.

This is a no-drop ride, meaning no one will be left behind due to mechanical problems, flats, nature breaks, accidents, and emergencies. Members of the group will drop back to ride with slower riders.

The agency’s board has retained Koya Partners, the nation’s premier search firm dedicated to missiondriven organizations, to conduct the search for the next CEO, according to the release. It is expected that the search will take several months, and the existing leadership team will manage Meals on Wheels with the assistance of the board’s executive committee, until the new CEO takes theAshelm.the Bay Area Reporter previ ously noted, McCumber was one of the members of the city’s LGBT Ag ing Policy Task Force several years ago. In a 2019 Guest Opinion piece, McCumber wrote that one of the things he was able to do at Meals on Wheels was to have the agency begin collecting self-reported data on clients who identified as LGBTQ and began to build cultural competence. He noted at the time that not a lot of agencies serving seniors did that.

Cat show coming to Cow Palace

The event features an internation al cat competition where judges will stage, present, and reward the most

Doors open at 6 p.m. Tickets for the screening can be purchased at

Tickets are $25 for older children and adults (12-65); $20 for seniors (65+); and $15 for kids (5-12). A family four-pack for two adults and two children is $60. To purchase tickets, go to

Meals on Wheels SF

Since the COVID pandemic, Meals on Wheels opened a new $42 million state-ofthe-art kitchen, the Sangiacomo Flynn Building, at 2230 Jerrold Avenue in November 2020. It will open a new headquarters building next door in January, the release stated. Meals on Wheels cur rently produces between 10,000 and 13,000 meals daily from the kitchen, nearly double the amount it was able to produce before the facility opened, the release stated.

Among the various different breeds at the event will be some favorites such as the Bengal, British Short Hair, Maine Coon, and Sphynx.

xKenny said that Ms. Nieto loved dahlias, grew them, and often helped friends grow them.

“Reunion,” the fundraiser held by the GLBT Historical Society, will be held Wednesday, October 19, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Green Room in the San Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center, 401 Van NessTheAvenue.eventis where society mem bers and supporters will celebrate the queer past, honor the historymakers who move the LGBTQ com munity forward, and raise funds to keep LGBTQ history alive, an email announcement stated. The gala in cludes a reception, awards presenta tions, a silent auction, and the op portunity to connect with a wide range of LGBTQ history supporters.

Harvey Milk club

Courtesy Terry Teitelbaum

Ms. Nieto was born October 31, 1954. Kenny said that a memorial is planned for next spring at Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park near Santa Cruz. Ms. Nieto had only asked that hula dancing be performed at her memorial, Kenny said, and that re quest will be fulfilled.

while Caldwell is an early member of the Ticketssociety.start at $135 and are avail able at reunion

Tickets for the reception are $100. For more information, go to https:// and click on “news and events.”

Honorees will include the afore mentioned Talamante; Donna Per sonna, a trans woman and artist; Drag Queen Story Hour, a global network of local organizations that will be represented at the event by Per Sia and Julián Delgado Lopera; and life partners Zane Blaney and John Caldwell. Blaney has done au dio and video projects over the years

The AIDS Legal Referral Panel will hold its “From the Heart” recep tion and auction Wednesday, Octo ber 19, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Julia Morgan Ballroom in the Merchants Exchange Building, 465 California Street in San Francisco.

Nieto was the first Latina lesbi an to address a presidential nominat ing gathering, when she made remarks at the 2000 Democratic National Con vention in Los Angeles. She served for eight years on the Democratic Na tional Committee, including stints as secretary of the DNC’s LGBT Caucus.

Most of Ms. Nieto’s work was in the Santa Cruz area and her native New Mexico. In Northern California, she served on the board of the Santa Cruz

The Harvey Milk LGBTQ Demo cratic Club will hold its Gayla ban quet and mark its 46th anniversary Saturday, October 22, from 7 to 10 p.m. at Congregation Sherith Israel, 2266 California Street in San Fran cisco.This year the club’s special guest and keynote speaker will be Zander Moricz, 18, the Florida high school graduate who challenged the Sun shine State’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill in a creative way during his com mencement address earlier this year. Barred from saying the word “gay” during his speech, Moricz, the first out class president at Pine View School in Osprey, Florida, cleverly substituted “curly hair” instead.

The GLBTQ+ Asian Pacific Alli ance will hold its banquet and gala Saturday, October 1, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. at the Oakland Asian Cultural Center, 388 Ninth Street, Suite 290.

6 • Bay area reporter • September 15-21, 2022 t

Talamante, a lesbian, was a San Francisco Pride community grand marshal in 2012. She is a former board member of Horizons and the National Center for Lesbian Rights. Tickets are $400 and include the reception, dinner, and the after-par ty. Tickets for the after-party only areFor$150.more information and to purchase tickets, go to https://bit. ly/3Bc6k0l.

GLBT Historical Society

In addition to Kenny, Ms. Nieto is survived by her sister, Anna Nieto, her husband, Bruce Frambach, and their children, Heather and Ryan Fram bach; and her sister-in-law Tammy Ni eto and her children Tara, Andrea, and Benjamin. Ms. Nieto’s brother, Joseph Nieto, died two years ago, Kenny said.

“Glo was a force of nature,” Laird said, using a nickname Ms. Nieto was widely known by. “If it was health care, civil rights, or social justice, she was at the forefront for decades.”

Kenny, who fought back tears to ward the end of the interview, said that Ms. Nieto loved the children in her neighborhood and those she had in her “Shelife.trusted in them to keep it go ing on,” Kenny said. “That was her hope.” t

Castro Country Club

Ms. Nieto and Kenny were married in their backyard in August 2008, be coming one of the couples who wed before the passage of Proposition 8 that November. The same-sex mar

“It was sad to hear about her pass ing. She was a longtime South Bay and Santa Cruz advocate, certainly for lesbian rights but for LGBTQ rights as well,” said Yeager, who now leads the BAYMEC Community Foundation and is documenting the South Bay’s LGBTQ history via the Queer Silicon Valley initiative. “She was a strong

Ms. Nieto’s close friend, Terry Te itelbaum, nominated Ms. Nieto and Kenny for the Diversity Center Trail blazer Award. “Everything Glo sets out to accomplish is done with passion, love, humor, and tenacity,” Teitelbaum wrote in her nomination. “For Glo, the political and personal are inseparable. ... Her sensitivity, compassion, intelli gence, and wit make her an extraordi nary activist, artist, friend, and sister.”

Locally, Ms. Nieto served as execu tive director of what was then known as Lyon-Martin Women’s Health Ser vices in San Francisco in 2005 at a time when the clinic serving women and trans patients was recovering from a personnel shake-up, as the B.A.R. pre viously reported. (It is now known as Lyon-Martin Community Health.)

Gay former San Jose city coun cilmember and Santa Clara County supervisor Ken Yeager called Nieto “a tough fighter.” Although they were not closely aligned politically, Yeager told the B.A.R. he got to know Nieto via her work trying to defeat Prop 8.

Gloria Nieto, a lesbian and long time community leader in Northern California and elsewhere, died September 6 at her home in Ben Lomond near Santa Cruz. She was 67.

“She was fighting cancer for four years minus a day,” Kenny said, adding that Ms. Nieto went on hospice care JulyMs.4.

by Cynthia Laird

For the last two years Horizons had held a virtual event. This year’s will be livestreamed for those join ing from Accordinghome.toits website, Horizons will be honoring Chicana activist Olga Talamante with its Visionary Award and the Levi Strauss Founda

Ms. Nieto was a member of the

Gay state Senator John Laird (DSanta Cruz) knew Ms. Nieto for more than 30 years. He first got to know her when he was on the Santa Cruz City Council and she was organizing around low-income housing there. Kenny was Laird’s predecessor at the Santa Cruz AIDS Project, he added.

Tickets range from $85 to $125 and can be purchased at https://bit. ly/3TCcApa

tion with its leadership award.

Local LGBTQ, AIDS groups plan fall benefits

The Sentinel obituary noted that Ms. Nieto graduated with a degree in jour nalism and broadcasting from Califor nia State University, Chico in 1976 and was one of the first female sports writers for the student newspaper. She was in ducted into the journalism Hall of Fame at Chico State in 2009.

Zander Moricz, whose “curly hair” commencement speech went viral, will be the keynote speaker at the Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club’s Gayla.

riage ban put an end to the marriages until ultimately it was found uncon stitutional by a federal judge and that decision was upheld by the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals. The U.S. Su preme Court let that ruling stand in 2013, allowing same-sex marriages to resume in the Golden State. (A later high court ruling in 2015 legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.)

Women’s Health Center and was out reach director for the Santa Cruz AIDS Project. She was a grand marshal of the Santa Cruz Pride parade and was twice chosen Woman of the Year in Santa Cruz County. In 2014, she and Kenny received the Trailblazer Life time Achievement Award from the Di versity Center of Santa Cruz County. According to an obituary in the Santa Cruz Sentinel, she was recognized in 2019 as an LGBTQ Trailblazer at the Queer Youth Leadership Awards.

In New Mexico, she was a grand marshal of the Santa Fe Pride and Albuquerque Pride parades. She was a lobbyist for Equality New Mexico, getting state-level Employment NonDiscrimination Act and hate crimes laws passed by the state Legislature and signed by then-governor Bill Richardson. She served as executive director for the People of Color AIDS Foundation in Santa Fe.

“When she was dying the last couple of weeks I was inviting people over to say goodbye and all of them brought dahlias that they grew,” Kenny said.

Gloria Nieto, left, and her spouse, Jo Kenny, were honored at the 2014 Diversity Center’s Trailblazer celebration.

A letter from Howard Chan, GAPA chair, noted that “with the continued attacks on the AAPI community as well as the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, it is important to reflect on the gains that our Asian Pacific Islander and LGBTQ+ communi ties have made to advance our civil rights and liberties.”

The event will feature performanc es and community awards as guests enjoy a 10-course Chinese meal.

Terry Teitelbaum


Horizons Foundation, the world’s first community foundation of, by, and for LGBTQ people, will hold its gala Saturday, October 1, from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Fairmont Hotel, 950 Ma son Street in San Francisco.

The legal nonprofit provides free and low-cost legal services to people with HIV/AIDS in the San Francisco Bay Area. At the benefit, it will recog nize two individuals and a law firm.

The cause was complications from cancer, which Ms. Nieto battled for many years, her spouse, Jo Kenny, said in a phone interview September 12 with the Bay Area Reporter.

diversity and depth of the queer and trans Asian American and Pacific Is lander community.

Nancy Lofdahl is being recog nized as attorney of the year, while Jose Marin Law will receive the Firm of the Year Award.

Karl Christiansen will receive the Clint Hockenberry Award. A former board co-chair, Christiansen has qui etly committed a quarter century of service to ALRP, an email announce ment stated. He has served as a panel attorney, donor, and received the organization’s James C. Hormel Phi lanthropy Award in 2014.

Horizons Foundation

The Castro Country Club, a clean and sober space in the LGBTQ neighborhood, will hold its Harvest Feast fundraiser Wednesday, Octo ber 26, at 6 p.m. at the Green Room in the San Francisco War Memorial and Performing Arts Center, 401 Van Ness Avenue.

The Milk club event will feature some 300 of San Francisco’s influ ential politicians, community ac tivists, and grassroots organizers who are committed to progressive causes. Tickets for the Gayla start at $100. For more information and to purchase tickets, go to https://www.

Traditionally held in October to coincide with LGBTQ History Month, the gala has been held vir tually for the last two years and is returning in-person in 2022.

“She talked about her family,” Kenny said of Ms. Nieto’s convention speech. Her dad came from New Mex ico and identified as Hispanos – His panic United States residents descend ed from the original Spanish settlers in Mexico and New Mexico – while her mom was from Texas. Both of Ms. Ni eto’s parents are deceased, Kenny said.

He went on to talk about the challenges “curly haired” people face. The video of his speech went viral, and he appeared on “Good Morning America” afterward to talk aboutMoriczit. is a plaintiff in a lawsuit challenging the Florida law, which went into effect in July. It bans classroom discussion or teaching of sexual orientation or gender iden tity “in kindergarten through grade


<< Obituaries

The keynote speaker will be state Attorney General Rob Bonta, who has been a longtime ally to the LG BTQ community. Bonta, a Demo crat, was appointed the state’s top law enforcement officer last year by Governor Gavin Newsom after former AG Xavier Becerra took the position of health and human ser vices secretary in the Biden admin istration. Bonta is up for election in November. He is the state’s first Filipino American AG.

Kenny said the couple had also married in Boston in 2004 shortly af ter that year’s DNC convention.

Local LGBTQ nonprofits, political groups, and HIV/AIDS organi zations are busy prepping for the fall gala season as in-person events make a return during the COVID era.

The event brings together com munity leaders, elected officials, and advocates in celebration of the

The theme is “Boogie Wonder land,” and a 1970s gala extravagan

Gloria Nieto loved dahlias and attended dahlia shows.

Kenny said that what was important about Ms. Nieto’s life was her ability to create community with larger com munities. When she was involved with the DNC, at that time there were no trans people affiliated with the com mittee or close to anyone on the com mittee, Kenny said.

Courtesy ABC

Lesbian community leader Gloria Nieto dies

13-person gay and lesbian contingent that met with President Bill Clinton in the White House in the late 1990s.

“I must discuss a very public part of my identity. This characteristic has probably become the first thing you think of when you think of me as a human being,” he said.

three or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally ap propriate for students in accordance with state standards,” according to the law. In what opponents say is a clear effort to stifle opposition, the law also opens up schools and teachers to potential lawsuits.

by Cynthia Laird

supporter of same-sex marriage and worked tirelessly down here to defeat Prop 8. Santa Clara County did a little better in voting against it than it was statewide though it still lost here. She will be very much missed.”

“As you know, I have curly hair,” he continued while taking off his graduation cap.

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Courtesy of the candidates SF school board candidate Karen Fleshman

Further, our community is more likely to be come family caregivers for older adults. They further report having more significant caregiv ing responsibilities, for instance, when a spouse needs care and is no longer connected with their biological family. Simply put, LGBTQ+-headed households are more likely to be harmed if Gov ernor Gavin Newsom does not sign this bill.

by Mimi Demissew

If the governor fails to sign SB 951 by the end of the month, Cal ifornia will actually backtrack on both SDI and PFL with rates go ing further down to 55% of wages. We need to expect more from our leaders and we expect more from our governor. Californians need to thrive, and our community in particular is tired of always being expected to survive. We need to live and thrive! t

Courtesy of the candidate

How does PFL currently work? State Disabil ity Insurance (SDI) and PFL provide all but the lowest income workers with 60% of their regular

On the issue of returning Lowell High School

Weissman-Ward stated that she is “fiercely committed to supporting policies that support our transgender students to ensure that they are safe at school.”

Mimi Demissew

This is why Our Family Coalition is among the many organizations that co-sponsored Sen ate Bill 951. This bill would make access to SDI and PFL more equitable by providing lowto-middle income earners with 90% of their regular income. The bill would make this possible by delet ing a loophole that allows workers who make over $145K per year to contribute less of their income into the fund than lower-wage workers.Essentially, this bill would help provide greater protections to our community. Our families are less likely than our heterosexual counterparts to have a family network to offer alternate child care or back up economic support during leave, due to social stigma and family rejection. As a result, under the current system, LGBTQ+ families are being denied the ability to properly bond with our new borns or newly placed adopted children. OFC’s re cent study of LGBTQ+ headed households found that about 60% of LGBTQ+ headed households

In short, Fleshman wants to see “safe, positive, diverse schools in every neighborhood that all stu dents and educators want to come to,” she stated.

In her B.A.R. endorsement questionnaire, Motamedi, an SFUSD parent, stated that her priorities are focusing on student access, fiscal re sponsibility, and engaging with students, families, educators, and the community at large. She noted that the board approved a balanced budget since she joined it as a member, in addition to hiring Wayne. “I have visited 35+ schools and talked with countless educators and site administrators about their experiences and needs,” she wrote. Regard ing policies for trans students to make sure they feel safe at school, Mota medi stated that she appreciates the district’s partnership with LYRIC, a queer youth organization, and sup ports Equality California’s recommen dations to the district to improve staff supports, expansion of anti-bullying and anti-discrimination policies and practices, and site-based affinity groups. EQCA, the statewide LGBTQ rights organization, is in the process of updating its Safe and Supportive Schools report card, she noted, and she is waiting for the group’s latest assessment of SFUSD.

Courtesy OFC

Lainie Motamedi and Lisa Weissman-Ward

Karen Fleshman is a candidate for the school board who is a parent of two district students, a diversity and inclusion educator, and an attorney. She has worked for government agencies and nonprofits helping prepare young people for success in college, careers, and life, she wrote in her endorsement questionnaire. She stated that she has been a “staunch ally” to the LGBTQ com munity since she was in junior high school (there are no out candidates running this time).

On the issue of Lowell High School, WeissmanWard stated that she, too, voted in June for the creation of a task force to develop community-led recommendations to improve all of the district’s high schools, and she voted to return to the crite ria-based admissions policy beginning with the 2023-24 academic year. “I believe in creating more, not fewer opportunities for rigorous academic pro grams,” she stated, adding that she wants “meaning ful access to high-quality opportunities for all.”

We think Motamedi, Weissman-Ward, and Fleshman are each qualified to serve on the Board of Education and would work to make the district better for students, families, and staff.

See page 8 >> 8 • Bay area reporter • September 15-21, 2022 t

Lainie Motamedi and Lisa Weissman-Ward are two of the board members Breed appointed in March following the recall of former board president Gabriela López and Commissioners Faauuga Moliga and Alison Collins. (López is also a candidate, running in an effort to reclaim her seat.) Both Motamedi and Weissman-Ward have been endorsed by the Alice B. Toklas LG BTQ Democratic Club, among many others.

The board directs the superinten dent, and she stated that she would hold district leaders accountable by ensuring close communication with school site officials, regular auditing of school sites for compliance with relevant policies, soliciting feedback from trans students and their fami lies, and training for educators re garding relevant policies.

Last year, Newsom vetoed Assembly Bill 123, which would have increased wage replace ment rates for PFL and SDI. This year, SB 951 went through the state As sembly and Senate with even greater support from more legislators, orga nizations, and businesses.

Weissman-Ward is an attorney who is the as sociate director of Stanford Law School’s Immi grants’ Rights Clinic, where she both represents individuals facing deportation and those seek ing asylum (and other matters), and teaches and mentors law students. As a parent of two students in the district, she wrote in her questionnaire that she understands “how badly the trust was broken between the school board and the public.” She stated that she is focused on student-centered outcomes to rebuild that trust.

wages when they are unable to work due to their health or family caregiv ing obligations. The programs are 100% funded by workers’ wages. That means that since low-wage workers cannot afford to get by on their low benefits they are forced to return to work, while their contributions into the fund go to subsidize wealthier, generally whiter families’ leaves. The data shows workers making $80$100K annually use PFL at four times the rate of lower wage workers.

Volume 52, Number 37 September 15-21, www.ebar.com2022 PUBLISHER

M. Yamashita Thomas E. Horn, Publisher Emeritus (2013) Publisher (2003 – 2013) Bob Ross, Founder (1971 – 2003) NEWS EDITOR Cynthia Laird ARTS & NIGHTLIFE EDITOR Jim Provenzano ASSISTANT EDITORS Matthew S. Bajko • Eric Burkett CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Tavo Amador • Christopher J. Beale Brian Bromberger • Victoria A. Brownworth • Philip Campbell • Heather Cassell • Adam Echelman • John Ferrannini • Michael Flanagan • Jim Gladstone • Liz Highleyman • Brandon Judell • Lisa Keen • Matthew Kennedy • Philip Mayard • Laura Moreno • David-Elijah Nahmod Paul Parish • Tim Pfaff • Jim Piechota • Adam Sandel • Jason Serinus • Gregg Shapiro • Gwendolyn Smith • Charlie Wagner • Ed Walsh Cornelius Washington • Sura Wood ART DIRECTION Max Leger PRODUCTION/DESIGN Ernesto Sopprani PHOTOGRAPHERS Jane Philomen Cleland • FBFE Rick Gerharter • Gareth Gooch Jose Guzman-Colon • Rudy K. Lawidjaja Georg Lester • Rich Stadtmiller • Christopher Robledo • Fred Rowe Steven Underhill • Bill Wilson ILLUSTRATORS & CARTOONISTS Christine Smith VICE PRESIDENT OF ADVERTISING Scott Wazlowski – 415.829.8937 NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Rivendell Media – 212.242.6863 LEGAL COUNSEL Paul H. Melbostad, Esq. Bay area reporter 44 Gough Street, Suite 302 San Francisco, CA 94103 415.861.5019 • A division of BAR Media, Inc. © 2022 President: Michael M. Yamashita Director: Scott Wazlowski News Editor • Arts Editor • Out & About listings • Advertising • Letters • Published weekly. Bay Area Reporter reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement which the publisher believes is in poor taste or which advertises illegal items which might result in legal action against Bay Area Reporter. Ads will not be rejected solely on the basis of politics, philosophy, religion, race, age, or sexual Advertisingorientation.ratesavailable upon request. Our list of subscribers and advertisers is confidential and is not sold. The sexual orientation of advertis ers, photographers, and writers published herein is neither inferred nor implied. We are not responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or artwork.

noted adequate child care as being an important to very important parenting challenge.

Karen Fleshman

We recommend Motamedi, Weissman-Ward, and Fleshman for the Board of Education. t

Keeping SF school board on track

She believes the School of the Arts’ portfoliobased admissions “seems more fair, but I still have concerns about it, and about concentrating resources inequitably among schools,” she wrote.

Motamedi, Weissman-Ward, and Fleshman also all agreed to appoint qualified LGBTQ parents to the district’s various advisory committees, includ ing the Parent Advisory Council. This was an issue last year under the old board when a gay white dad was passed over for a seat on the PAC despite the fact that there were no LGBTQ members on it.

Mimi Demissew, is the executive director of Our Family Coalition.

who identifies as queer,

Prior to being appointed to the school board, Motamedi completed a four-year term serving as co-chair of the Public Education Enrichment Fund Committee where she advocated for ac countability and transparency reform to ensure that San Francisco city funds were utilized for student life as mandated by the city charter.

We note that we are not endorsing Breed’s other appointed candidate, Ann Hsu, and in fact called for her resignation ( php?317603) after she wrote a racist response to an endorsement question for a parent group. Though she has apologized, we don’t think the district needs this divisiveness.

CA Senate Bill 951 matters to our community

She does not support merit-based admissions at Lowell High School and does not believe the current system will withstand a legal challenge.

<< Open Forum

to a merit-based admission system, Motamedi stated, “We need transparency regarding what we are offering at all of our high schools and com munity input into what our students, families, and educators recommend going forward.” She and her board colleagues voted 7-0 to direct the superintendent to examine, investigate, and eval uate the district’s high school portfolio for the purpose of improving all high school programs. Those recommendations are expected in April.

California is a beautiful state, there’s no question about it. As a state we lead the nation in many ways, from affordable access to edu cation, legal protections for our most vulnerable, and employee-friendly policies. Not to mention the weather and access to nature is incredible. What’s also incredible is the number of working families who struggle to meet the needs of their children. Paid Family Leave, or PFL, is not accessible to work ing families. California has inadvertently created a feudal system where working families pay into a fund that they cannot access while wealthier families who contribute less into the fund get to enjoyManyPFL.of you may not be thinking about PFL, but what if you had to be out of work due to a disability? Would you be able to live on only half of your paycheck? Many Californians are already struggling to live on their full paycheck. And when it comes to our community, LGBTQ+ workers often earn lower wages due to ongo ing systemic discrimination. Currently, workers who cannot afford a 40% pay cut either cannot take PFL or risk hunger, homelessness, or debt when they apply to PFL or need medical leave for their own conditions. This need is magnified for transgender workers who are significantly more likely to earn low wages and more likely to have health risks than the general population.

A progressive candidate – she’s endorsed by the Harvey Milk LGBTQ Democratic Club – Flesh man proposes that the school board organize an advisory committee on LGBTQ+ issues (at present there is none, she stated) that could help on matters relating to trans students and their safety at school.

Audre Lorde writes, “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” It is our organization’s mission to support and advocate for LGBTQ+ families.


The San Francisco Board of Education has been the focus of overwhelming negative attention over the past two years. From anger over the slow pace of reopening schools during the ongoing COVID pandemic to controversies over admis sions policies at Lowell High School to the historic recall in February that led to the ouster of three commissioners. Now, three seats are up for elec tion on the November 8 ballot as the new board, with three members appointed by Mayor London Breed, seeks to find a productive path forward working with new San Francisco Unified School District Superintendent Matt Wayne to overcome budget issues and other matters. Below are the Bay Area Reporter’s recommendations.

SF school board Commissioners Lainie Motamedi, left, and Lisa Weissman-Ward

“I know some moderate Republi cans in there who are getable. I want to make the case for them: I am the better choice in November and that includes on issues that affect small business owners and law enforce ment,” said Rollins, who predicted his margin of victory would be 4%. t

The benefits are immense.

But Calvert, who took the top spot in the primary with 48.2%, is still favored to win reelection by politi cal prognosticators. Larry J. Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics, continues to list the seat as likely staying in the GOP col umn in his Sabato’s Crystal Ball ratings.

Democratic leaders from across the state have also lined up behind his can didacy, from Governor Gavin Newsom to U.S.

Fund PAC highlights Calvert’s ties to pastor Tim Thompson, who is quoted as saying that same-sex mar riage and transgender people are part of “Satan’s wicked plans.”

Rick Gerharter

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The benefits are immense.

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Planning Ahead is Simple

The change to the district’s bound aries, in addition to the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturning a national right to abortion, and the intensifying legal and congressional investigations into for mer President Donald Trump and his supporters who attacked the U.S. Capi tol, has boosted Rollins’ belief that he can swing the seat from red to blue. He highlights those issues in his 30-second campaign ad, titled “Power.”

“As Paolo, my partner, recently said, ‘Oh shit! Does this mean he can win?’” quipped Rollins, who was in the Bay Area last week as a featured candidate at a Marin fundraiser host ed by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Will Rollins, a former federal prosecutor who lives with his partner in Canyon Lake, is running against conservative Congressmember Ken Calvert (R-Corona) in the state’s new 41st Congressional District. Due to the decennial redistricting process, the House seat now incorporates a large part of the gay retirement and tourist mecca Palm Springs.

Following Rollins’ second-place finish in the June primary with 30% of the vote, the DCCC named him to its coveted Red to Blue Program, bringing him national attention from party donors and main stream political reporters.

Equality California Votes spokes person Samuel Garrett-Pate, in announcing the release of the spot, stated, “For 30 years, Ken Calvert has voted against lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, against abor tion rights and reproductive freedom and against LGBTQ+ equality – while laughing his way to the bank with our tax

by Matthew S. Bajko

“Ken Calvert called for dropping charges against the Capitol attackers. But he thinks it’s OK to prosecute women who get an abortion and their doctors,” says Rollins, who turns 38 later this month, in the ad.

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When you plan your life celebration and lasting remembrance in advance, you can design every detail of your own unique memorial and provide your loved ones with true peace of mind. Planning ahead protects your loved ones from unnecessary stress and financial burden, allowing them to focus on what will matter most at that time—you.

When you plan your life celebration and lasting remembrance in advance, you can design every detail of your own unique memorial and provide your loved ones with true peace of mind. Planning ahead protects your loved ones from unnecessary stress and financial burden, allowing them to focus on what will matter most at that time—you.

In a sign of how LGBTQ voters could play kingmaker in this year’s race, Calvert, 69, was one of a handful of GOP congressmembers running in more purple districts this year voting in support of the Marriage Equality Act, despite his track record of voting against same-sex marriage. The feder al bill now awaits an expected vote in the coming weeks by the U.S. Senate.

Contact us today about the beautiful ways to create a lasting legacy at the San Francisco Columbarium.

The benefits are immense.

“He has never faced an electorate that has been bluer,” said Rollins, add ing that, “We have definitely gained a lot of voters in registration since the

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new lines for the district were drawn.”

The Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization decision on abortion rights has helped drive more women to register as voters, Rollins pointed out, not only across the country but also in California. Part of that likely has to do with the statewide ballot measure – Proposition 1 – that would enshrine access to abortion as part of the Golden State’s constitution if voters pass it in November.

Senator Alex Padilla

Contact us today about the beautiful ways to create a lasting legacy at the San Francisco Columbarium.

The Cook report, however, has changed its rating for the race from “likely Republican” to “lean Repub lican.” Meanwhile, outside groups aligned with the Democratic Party are sensing there is a good chance of de feating Calvert this year and dropped digital ads attacking him in recent days.

An ad from the Progress Action

Since Calvert was first elected to Congress in 1992, he has never faced running in a district where the GOP did not have the overall edge in voter registration, noted Rollins.

And he has also been highlighting the rising inflation rates that have hit people’s pocketbooks.

“Even with Bidenflation on the rise, my opponent Will Rollins thinks President Biden is doing a great job and wants to keep our country on the same path. We can’t afford Joe Biden We can’t afford Will Rollins,” Calvert tweeted Tuesday on the news that con sumer prices rose 8.3% in August from a yearRollinsearlier.plans to roll out two more of his own campaign ads in the coming weeks hitting at Calvert’s record. And he is targeting more moder ate Republicans fed up with where their party has gone under the sway of Trump and right-wing factions to consider casting their ballot for“Dearhim.Republicans: I’m prosmall business and I worked in law en forcement. Give me 2 years in Congress to clean up after Corrupt Ken, and if I suck at the job, you can bring him back in 2024,” Rollins wrote in a recent tweet. He told the B.A.R. it is aimed at the roughly 14,000 Republicans who have left their party since the January 6, 2021 insurrection. Combined with the 40% of Republicans who reject Trump’s “Big Lie” that he won the last presidential election, Rollins believes they could be persuaded to support him come November 8.

Buttigieg visits Oakland

Gay U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg visited Oakland September 9 at the invitation of Congressmember Barbara Lee (D-Oakland). He met with outgoing Mayor

Tuesday Equality California Votes, a super PAC aligned with the statewide LGBTQ+ civil rights organization, released its own attack ad against Cal vert. It accuses him of being “one of the most corrupt members of Congress.”

“Will’s race represents one of our best shots in the country to flip a GOPheld House seat from red to blue,” noted Padilla in a recent fundraising appeal sent out by Rollins’ campaign.

Planning Ahead is Simple

Libby Schaaf, left, and other officials while he toured progress on several infrastructure projects funded in part by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Gay CA House candidate Rollins launches TV ads

California congressional candidate Will Rollins

Jane Philomen Cleland

t Politics >>

Asdollars.”forCalvert, he is focusing on eco nomic issues to attack Rollins, featuring his support for small business owners in a campaign spot he released last week.

“It’s been a lot of momentum shift ing from where I think some pundits were saying the Democrats’ chances were earlier this year, you know,” said Rollins, referring to the conventional wisdom that the party in power usually loses House seats in midterm elections.

Proudly serving our Community.

In a recent phone interview with the Bay Area Reporter, Rollins noted that as of mid-August, registered Democrats had edged out Republi cans by nearly 1,700 people in the dis trict per the latest data released by the Riverside County Registrar of Voters.

Proudly serving the LGBT Community.

An increasingly confident gay can didate for a Southern California House seat launched his first TV ads this week. Two political action committees supporting the first-time contender for political office also dropped their own online ads in recent days attacking the Republican incumbent he is aiming to defeat in the November 8 election.

Proudly serving the LGBT Community.

Since Another Planet Entertain ment assumed management of the Castro Theatre back in January, the Berkeley-based concert promo tion company has been on a cam paign to win the hearts and minds of San Franciscans wary of APE’s plans to renovate the beloved movie palace.Much of that effort centers on APE’s proposed plans to remove the current raked seating on the orches tra level in favor of a more versatile seating plan that would allow seats to be removed completely for live music performances. The idea is to allow attendees of concerts and other live performances to stand or dance.Those plans were submitted in March to the San Francisco Plan ning Department to an almost im

“Zero.”Having run shows herself at the Castro numerous times over the years, Joseph said she’s seen first hand the problems that currently plague the old cinema, including its faulty power system.

10 • Bay area reporter • September 15-21, 2022 t STOP THE

The Castro Theatre’s banked seating would be removed under plans presented by Another Planet Entertainment, which is a point of contention among those opposed to the idea.

If you have been the victim of a hate crime, please report it. San Francisco District Attorney: Hate Crime The Stop The Hate campaign is made possible with funding from the California State Library (CSL) in partnership with the California Commission on Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs (CAPIAA). The views expressed in this newspaper and other materials produced by the Bay Area Reporter do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the CSL, CAPIAA or the California government. Learn more Stop-The-Hate-4x10.indd 1 8/24/22 12:53 PM

ing of the Castro Theatre certainly reinforces the importance of the theater in the neighborhood and

Joseph, a lesbian, is an event pro moter, record executive, nightclub owner and manager, and LGBTQ rights activist. Sachet is a drag ac tor, singer, community activist, and writer. Both are well-established presences in the city’s LGBTQ cul tural scene. Joseph is also a former member of the city’s entertainment commission.Theletters, addressed “To whom it may concern,” begin with “I’m writing in support of the renova tion plans and intended use of the Castro Theatre to modernize this historic venue and ensure that it survives and thrives for another 100 years and more,” and go on to de tail the various reasons they feel that APE is qualified to handle the job. Among them, the dilapidated state of the theater for which APE plans a full, multimillion-dollar renovation.

“It’s really unheard of for a pri vate business to spend tens of mil lions of dollars renovating a build ing they don’t own,” he said.

merous correspondence from the public addressing other issues, were 309 form letters from people all over

cance to the city at large, there’s go ing to be more ongoing dialogue,” PerryTwosaid.of the letters came from people easily recognized in the city’s LGBTQ community: activists and entertainment doyens, Audrey Jo seph and Donna Sachet.

public that it is the best choice to bring the beloved institution back to health, both financially and phys

“Upgrades and repairs to the his toric marquee and blade, interior preservation of beloved murals and the historic proscenium, full resto ration of the magnificent ceiling, upgrades to seating, ADA accessibil ity to create a more inclusive space for the community, backstage dress ing rooms, heating and ventilation systems that will provide improved air quality, state-of-the-art sound, lighting, production and conces sion areas will help to modernize the functionality of the space,” the letter

“The last time I worked in that theater, I had to bring in two gen erators,” she said. “We couldn’t trust theirForpower.”Sachet, her decision to sign on to the letter was influenced most by the town hall hosted at the theater by APE on August 11. That event brought several hundred people to hear APE officials, as well as critics such as the Castro Theatre Conser vancy’s director Peter Pastreich, dis cuss the renovation plans. At times, the meeting got rowdy as the audience responded vocally and loudly to com ments by APE officials and others. HATE!

The Castro Theatre marquee, said Joseph, represents the Castro neigh borhood and the LGBTQ commu nity itself. And, she noted, the family that has owned the theater since it was built back in 1922, the Nassers, won’t do that work themselves.

Supes receive flood of letters supporting theater changes

Then, after offering APE’s bona fides in restoring old theaters, such as the Fox Theatre in Oakland, it states “APE is the right team for this job and I’ve already seen the care and the effort they’ve put into this project.”ToJoseph, the willingness of APE to put down the large amounts of money necessary to renovate is key to the theater’s survival, not just as a venue but for its iconic status within the community. That’s a point Perry was quick to point out, as well.

Thosestates.changes, the letter contin ues, will help prepare the theater to host a wide variety of events “in order to survive in our current mar

<< Community News

Rick Gerharter

“They have no intention of fixing it,” she told the Bay Area Reporter.

See page 14 >>

by Eric Burkett

Selfies look better now that we’ve quit smoking. For free quit-smoking information and counseling from anywhere in California, call the California Smoker’s Helpline at 1 800 NO quit.nobutts.orgBUTTS.

The committee has been review ing a proposal by SFPD Chief Wil liam Scott, and sponsored by Mayor London Breed, that would amend Administrative Code Chapter 19(B) to outline the requirements that city agencies must meet before they ac quire or use new surveillance tech nologies. Currently, police are limited in how they access video from surveil lanceThecameras.rulescommittee is comprised of Chair Aaron Peskin (District 3), gay Vice Chair Rafael Mandelman (Dis trict 8) and Connie Chan (District 1). The committee last took up the matter at its July 25 meeting dication,nialsmorecommunity,erscans,amongwhilenancetionalloggedfullexpireThekeepandsendscatchtioningreadycityearliercamerasquestwouldhasfromPresently,toowners’][https://breakingforsummerrecess.Chan,whohasbeenskepticalofplan,castthelonenovoteagainsttheproposal.Scott’sproposalwouldgiveSFPDaccesstothousandsofprivately-surveillancecameras,withpermission,andtherightusethevideofootageasevidence.SFPDcanrequestfootagecameraswhenitbelievesacrimeoccurred.Theproposedmeasureallowthedepartmenttorereal-timeaccesstothird-partywithoutawarrant.Thepolicechiefhasemphasizedinmeetingshowaccesstonon-entitycamerascouldassistanalshort-staffedpoliceforce.Posicopsononecornertodeterordrugdealing,forexample,onlyperpetratorstoanothercorner,SFPDdoesn’thavethestaffingtoup,hehastoldsupervisors.Peskinproposedtwoamendments.first,asunsetclausethatwouldafter15months,allowingforayear’sworthofinformationtobeforeventualreview,andaddidatalogging.Oppositiontotheproposedordihasbeenstrong,however,anditdoesappeartoenjoysupportawideswathofSanFrancisparticularlysmallbusinessownandmanyinthecity’sChineseoppositionhasbeenvocaland,ifapollandtestimobeforethecommitteeareanyinmorepopular.

“I am in a space where I respectfully disagree about why live monitoring is better than having police officers pa trolling the spaces,” she said.

<< Community News Visit us at or email or more information Use cell phone camera to scan QR code above to access information about Caltrans upcoming opportunities CONTRACTING OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE FOR SMALL B USINESS ! I NCLUDING M INORITY, WOMEN, AND DISABLED VETERANS

SF police chief’s camera plan advances to full board

staff, and contributors. testament community,” she The B.A.R. oldest


Chan has been most wary of the proposal and has continually voiced her concerns about it. What, she won dered, would be the measure of suc cess if this ordinance were to pass?

is the

Courtesy NLGJA

continuously published LGBTQ newspaper in the country and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2021.

Cynthia Laird

“The measure of success is whether or not we are able to keep our com munity safe, whether or not we are able to apprehend those individuals involved in crime, especially violent crime, when you think about live monitoring …,” replied SFPD As sistant Chief David Lazar. “Imagine if we had the ability to ask a business owner if we can look through their camera’s live monitoring between 4 and 6 in the afternoon, when we know that this crime is happening and, of course, I’m just making an example that actually isn’t happening right now, but imagine if we’re able to look through that video and watch what is going on in real time and then allocate our resources as necessary.”

Bay Area Reporter news editor Cyn thia Laird, left, accepted the Legacy Award that the paper received from NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ Journalists’ board president Sharif Dur hams at the group’s 2022 convention in Chicago September 10. In her remarks, Laird acknowledged publisher and owner Michael Yamashita, the paper’s

“It is great to be recognized by our peers, and this award is a

12 • Bay area reporter • September 15-21, 2022 t HIGH HOLY DAYS Register CSZ.ORG/HHDat Rosh Hashanah 9/25 - 9/27 IN TOGETHER.ONLINE.PERSON. Yom Kippur 10/4 - 10/5

A proposal by San Francisco Police Chief William Scott to let SFPD use privately owned surveillance cameras will move to the full Board of Supervisors for consideration.

See page 14 >>

B.A.R. honored by NLGJA

by Eric Burkett

Chan insisted that having a physi cal police presence was better.

“We’re not saying that live moni toring is better than having foot patrol or footbeats,” Lazar replied. “Right now we’re down 535 police officers in San Francisco, which should be a concern for everyone. We’re not say ing live monitoring replaces policing. We’re saying that live monitoring is

to the many years the B.A.R. has been sharing news of importance and significance to the LG BTQ

After its fourth appearance being heard at the San Francisco Board of Supervisors Rules Committee, a controversial ordinance that would allow police to access private surveil lance cameras was recommended to the full board on a 2-1 vote that in cluded two amendments.

NOVA: Ending HIV in America 9/18



Although the safety and im munogenicity (ability to stimulate antibody production) of the BA.1 bivalent boosters were tested in clinical trials, the new BA.4/BA.5 boosters were authorized based on studies in mice. This is how an nual flu vaccines are developed. Waiting for the results of human trials could give new variants time to take over in the meantime.

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FDA vaccineupdatedapprovesCOVID-19boostersbyLizHighleyman

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Courtesy Twitter

One advantage of the mRNA technology is that genetic code for new variants can be plugged into the same platform, enabling more rapid development of up dated vaccines as the virus evolves.

Vaccines temporarily raise an tibody levels, but they also stim ulate memory B-cell and T-cell responses, which provide longerlasting protection against severe disease. A large proportion of the population came down with CO VID during the winter surge, and post-infection natural immunity also offers temporary protection.

For tickets and more information, email or call (415) 646-1012. $20/Suggested Donation. All proceeds benefit San Francisco Community Health Center Sunday,

September 15-21, 2022 • Bay area reporter • 13t Present an Advance Screening of PBS’ with & How did scientists and the public health community tackle one of the most elusive deadly viruses to ever infect humans? This is the story of an incredible scientific achievement and the public health work that still needs to be done to end HIV in America.

Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna first developed bivalent boosters targeting the BA.1 omicron vari ant, which was responsible for the winter surge, but the FDA decided it would be better to target the newer BA.4 and BA.5 variants.

The Castro Theater (429 Castro Street) Concessions & Full Bar 6:00pm Doors Open 6:30pm Screening 7:30pm Live Q&A with Director Shayon Maitra, SF Supervisor Rafael Mandelman, and activist Cecilia Chung, facilitated by Ben Plumley (host of A Shot In The Arm Podcast) Health News>>

“While your antibodies are ma turing after a previous vaccine or infection, they should be allowed to have that time without being exposed to another booster,” Dr. Monica Gandhi of UCSF told the Bay Area Reporter. “Our booster strategy should recognize this ex isting immunity and seek to build upon it in a manner that prolongs protection throughout the winter.”

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People can get the new boost ers at least two months after their last vaccine dose, and the CDC recommend s waiting at least three months after a bout of COVID. But some experts think it’s better to wait around six months after a previous vaccine dose or infection to give the immune system more time to work.


Vaccine development

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky

Since they use the same mRNA platform, the BA.4/BA.5 boosters are not expected to present any new safety concerns. The side ef fects are expected to be similar to those of the original COVID vac cines, namely temporary soreness at the injection site and flu-like symptoms. Myocarditis (heart muscle inflammation) is a rare adverse event most often seen in young“Themen.FDA has been planning for the possibility that the compo sition of the COVID-19 vaccines would need to be modified to address circulating variants,” Dr. Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, said in a statement. “The public can be assured that a great deal of care has been taken by the FDA to ensure that these bivalent COVID-19 vaccines meet our rigorous safety, effectiveness and manufacturing quality stan dards for emergency use authori zation.” t

“The updated COVID-19 boosters are formulated to better protect against the most recently circulating COVID-19 variant. They can help restore protection that has waned since previous vaccination and were designed to provide broader protection against newer variants,” said Dr. Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recently updat ed its vaccine recommendations to include the new boosters.

T he federal Food and Drug Ad ministration has authorized updated COVID-19 boosters that are a better match for the current circulating coronavirus strains. The new boosters from PfizerBioNTech and Moderna are now available at local clinics and phar macies including CVS and Wal greens.The updated bivalent, or twotarget, boosters contain genetic instructions for spike proteins from both the original SARSCoV-2 variant and the newer BA.4 and BA.5 omicron variants. BA.5, which emerged in April, is now responsible for most COVID cases worldwide, including the Bay Area.

At a September 6 media brief ing, Biden administration officials suggested that after this round of boosters, updated COVID vac cines might be administered an nually, like flu shots.

“It is becoming increasingly clear that, looking forward with the CO VID-19 pandemic, in the absence of a dramatically different variant, we likely are moving toward a path with a vaccination cadence simi lar to that of the annual influenza vaccine, with annual, updated CO VID-19 shots matched to the cur rently circulating strains for most of the population,” said National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director and White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci.The Pfizer-BioNTech bivalent booster is now available for people ages 12 and older while the Mod erna booster is available for those ages 18 and up. The new boost ers contain a smaller amount of mRNA than the original vaccines, and they are not approved for use as an initial vaccine series.

LGBTQ+ Community Partnership Meeting

Taylor did not respond to a mes sage seeking comment.

The revival efforts are focused on what is being called San Fran cisco’s Economic Core. The des ignated area encompasses Down town, South of Market, Union Square, Civic Center, Yerba Buena, and Mission Bay. According to the mayor’s office, 42% of the city’s small businesses are located in the area and it produced 47% of the city’s sales tax revenue prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gregory added that JCRC recog nizes that not every candidate will

“The activities under this pro curement are a vital step in the re vitalization of our Economic Core and complements our role in sup porting and strengthening small, local, and underrepresented busi nesses, entrepreneurs, and cultural groups,” stated Kate Sofis, the of fice’s executive director.

“Business taxes are the city’s second-largest individual source of revenue, and any disruption to this revenue base could have a profound impact on future bud gets,” stated Mandelman. “We need to consider before it is too late what a potentially radically different downtown will mean for San Francisco’s financial future.”

Having seen the neighborhood “reinvent itself after a terrible, ter rible event just makes me think, ‘OK. New York was able to rethink what the future of downtown looked like. We can do something here similar, given some of the constraints and changing work norms we are seeing here out of employers,’” he said. “Many tech employees are able to do their work remotely and do not need to go to work everyday, so what is the next iteration for what downtown looks like?”

To learn more about Advance SF, visit its website at https:// SF business leader

did also not condemn Seneca Scott’s participation in it as well,” she said. “For women and the LGBTQ community, we see our rights under constant attack and threat. AAPI hate is real, it’s ris ing, and must be addressed.”

The prospect of APE not taking on the renovations is of greater con cern to Sachet. There’s too much at stake, she said, and the renovations will allow a greater variety of events and“Ientertainment.wantthemto have repertory theater, classic films,” said Sachet. “They’ve guaranteed Frameline. I think APE is trying to answer as many questions as they can in the way the public wants to hear it.”

From page 10

From page 12

tivities in both public parks and plazas and vacant ground floor spaces in the area.

SF’s economic core

<< Camera

“We’ll have more flexibility than we did, on paper, before,” said Moynihan, reported Reuters last week. But, he added, “We’ll have more formality to the flexibility.”

ite salad shop, coffeehouse barista, and barber, McNeill said he heard how much of a hardship those businesses have faced due to so many of their customers no longer commuting daily to their offices.

On September 1, the bar association wrote to the Board of Supervisors ex pressing its opposition to the proposed measure stating, “It does not appear to be unduly burdensome to require SFPD to seek an expedited warrant should it become necessary to gain ac cess to desired camera footage.”

recovery_ranking.html) created by academics and researchers with ties to UC Berkeley.

the Theatre’s landmark designation. San Francisco has many chairless, flat-floored venues for live music, but only the Castro Theatre – San Francisco’s last surviving singlescreen movie palace and an iconic community building – can present film and community events to large audiences.”Theconservancy website will also include a laundry list of email addresses to which supporters can send their messages. Pastreich said he expects officials will see plenty of correspondence by the time the San Francisco Historic Preservation Commission takes up the matter in October t

a tool that police officers could use within reason within the confines of policy with safeguards in place to make sure we’re doing things legally, ethically, safeguarding the civil rights of everyone, having an additional tool to do Thispolicing.”formof surveillance, he con tinued, is just one of the tools police need to do their job effectively. But with staff shortages, replied Chan, “it makes me very curious about

“I really do feel there is so much untapped potential downtown,” said McNeill, who had lived in downtown Manhattan before moving to the Bay Area in 2010.

Castro Theatre Conservancy, told the B.A.R. his organization is also launching a letter writing campaign.

Of course, not all the letters mak ing their way to the supervisors’ desk are necessarily going to be in support of APE. Pastreich, with the

At home alone with his 1-yearold Golden Retriever Fozzie Bear, whom he adopted during the pan demic, McNeill missed interacting not only with his work colleagues but also the employees at the busi nesses he frequented downtown. Talking to the people at his favor

JCRC is holding the forum for edu cational purposes. “There’s no pub lic polling so we used reported fun draising numbers,” he said. “If new numbers or public polling comes out, we may expand the number of candidates on stage.”

He started in his yearlong ex ternship with Advance SF on Au gust 1 and is assisting with its ef forts to preserve San Francisco as a headquarter city for major em ployers and a top travel and tour ism destination. Along with work ers, he is also helping to ensure the city’s downtown area is also seen as hospitable for residents.

From page 2

Betty Riess, a bank spokes person based in San Francisco, told the B.A.R. last month that the company is “a work from of fice culture where our employees thrive on partnerships and col laboration. While we do not have an official hybrid policy, we have always had flexibility as part of our work culture.”

“I want to do anything I can to support them,” he said of his fa vorite local haunts near his office. “It sounds silly, but these are my friends I have gotten to know over theHisyears.”message to LGBTQ resi dents of the city is that downtown “is open for business” and the var ious stores, eateries, and bars need their patronage.

“A diplomatic compromise was reached,” noted Sachet, adding that is what is needed in this case, as well.

Having already collected 6,527 signatures on a petition calling for APE to preserve the theater’s raked seating and programming, he’s fairly confident the Board of Su pervisors should be seeing a wave of letters from people who want to preserve the cinema’s seating.

how effective and impactful that you will have staffing for live monitoring and, again, I am in a space where I am questioning the effectiveness of the tool and the strategy in this approach.”

Police have access to historic foot age, she pointed out, and do currently take advantage of that asset. But, she added, she’s concerned about the “technology companies out there right now, preying on the situation…”

There seem to be concerns not only from the Bar Association of San Fran cisco, but from the city’s police com mission, as well, she pointed out.

Liu is perhaps best known for his vision of water slides at Lake Merritt. But a postcard-sized flyer from his 2018 mayoral campaign

technologies [into] San Francisco for practice, both for individuals and business owners.”

That letter, which was posted on the conservancy’s website this week, implores supervisors as well as members of the planning and his toric preservation commissions “to help save the Castro for the commu nity, by including the sloped floor and orchestra seats in the update of

One week later, Police Commission Vice President Cindy Elias and Com missioner Kevin Benedicto wrote a letter requesting more time to con sider the proposal. Citing great con cern about the proposal’s impact on “civil liberties, constitutional rights, and privacy,” they asked the Board of Supervisors “to refrain from final pas sage of the Proposed Policy until we can comprehensively and carefully analyze its impact on SFPD’s policies, procedures, and the community at large, while ensuring this policy aligns with police reform efforts.” t plan

again, I am so passionate about San Francisco it was something I couldn’t say no to.”

His apartment building in New York City he moved into in 2007 had been an athletic club prior to the terrorist attack on Septem ber 11, 2001. The collapse of the World Trade Center buildings caused major damage and the club was repurposed for residential.

be participating in the forum. But he also said that Liu was not a seri ous candidate and acknowledged that this latest dustup was garnering attention for Liu and his campaign.

“If people aren’t supporting these local businesses – businesses we all know and love and sup ported for many years – they may not exist,” he warned. “If they can bring friends to support these lo cal businesses, it can go a long way toward fortifying the economic development of the city’s core.”

When he finishes his assign ment, McNeill will return to BofA but may end up in a different posi tion with the company as a result of the new skills he will have de veloped at Advance SF.

Tuesday, September 13, gay Dis trict 8 San Francisco Supervisor Ra fael Mandelman requested that City Controller Ben Rosenfield and gay Treasurer José Cisneros complete by April 1 an analysis of how the city’s “uneven downtown economic recovery” will impact its business tax revenue base. He also asked in a letter sent to the two officials that they recommend what can be done “to ensure revenue resilience” in the city’s future budget years.

“That was really eye-opening to me,” said Sachet, who added that it reminded her of the divisiveness that arose from the conflict over the presence of uniformed police in the San Francisco Pride parade earlier this year. After SF Pride announced that uniformed officers would not be welcome to participate in the pa rade, San Francisco Mayor London Breed announced she would not participate unless that was changed. The San Francisco Fire Department and the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department also announced their withdrawal. Ultimately, however,

planOpponentstosend letters

“I am glad the voters in San Fran

Sachet is also conscious of the fact that the presence of her name gives weight to APE’s efforts but she insists she researched the issue thor oughly before agreeing to sign a let ter. She also said she’s “not advocat ing for everything Another Planet wants to do,” but understands that compromise is a necessity.

“His skill set and expertise will be valuable in ASF’s efforts to re new the Economic Core and in its mission to make the city a thriving place for everyone,” stated Rose. “Thank you to Bank of America for allowing Ryan to join ASF, where we are striving for a vibrant and more inclusive economy and a renewed sense that San Francisco is headed in the right direction.”

In her video, Thao credited may oral candidate Taylor’s criticism of Liu’s“Butcomments.I’mdisappointed that he

“Yes, I am in the Trump build ing,” acknowledged McNeill, as the former president owns a stake in the 52-story skyscraper. “Per sonally, I love coming downtown and working in the office ... there is so much to be gained by sit ting with your colleagues talking through your problems.”

“I am very thankful BofA has this program in place to be able to give back to the communities we live in and support,” he said. t

<< Theater changes

Cameras, such as those on driver less cars, are continually monitoring the city, Chan added.

“You want to support these lo cal businesses,” he said. “Talking to them and hearing their stories, you learn how the work-fromhome structure is really hurting theseNow,businesses.”heisonthe frontlines try ing to figure out how to attract more office employees, tourists, and everyday residents of San Francisco to venture back down town on a regular basis in order to boost the bottom lines of both the city’s coffers and that of small business owners.

cisco have voted to ban facial recog nition but that doesn’t mean that it is just banning the city using facial recognition,” she said. ”That doesn’t mean that facial recognition as a tech nology doesn’t exist in our city. It ac tually, in fact, does and so having all sorts of types of surveillance technol ogy continue to be developed, it just seems that, like, all it takes once we approve this, that it’s really allowing the San Francisco Police Department being able to advocate and explore al lowing other technology companies to continue to thrive and flood those


“Our Economic Core fuels the sales tax, hotel tax, parking tax, and business taxes that fund pro grams and vital services that sup port the health and well-being of our city and our neighborhoods,” noted Mayor London Breed in a July 5 Medium post. “If we want to continue to make progress on homelessness, have police officers and firefighters responding to calls in all neighborhoods, provide vital support for children and families, and all the other priorities we all care about, we need a thriving Economic Core.”

“It was a no-brainer,” McNeill said about the opportunity. “It was hard to leave my current job because I really enjoyed it. But

As for BofA’s own policy for working at home or the office, CEO Brian Moynihan announced this month at a banking confer ence in New York that the company was working on a revamped officereturn policy it planned to unveil by late October or early November.

contains questionable language in addition to drawings illustrating the water slides. The flyer contains an image of a horse and buggy with the words “Horsey rides for white people.” It also contains the phrases “Bounce houses for Lati nos,” “Nice grills for Black people,” and “Mexican workers, Asian ca shiers.” t Oakland race

Last month, the city’s Office of Economic Workforce Devel opment allocated $3.4 million toward economic recovery initia tives aimed at drawing workers, residents, and visitors back into the Economic Core. The funding is meant to support a range of ac

From page 1

“I don’t want to lose this huge, iconic, almost spiritual meeting place for our community,’ said Sachet.

Meanwhile, from his office window at J.P. Morgan, where he served as an analyst then as a sales and trading associate, McNeill had a vantage point to see the building of the new Freedom Tower on the site where the Twin Towers had stood. It is a template for rethink ing an urban environment from which McNeill is drawing lessons.

While on loan to Advance SF, McNeill will be working down town Tuesday to Thursday at 150 Post Street out of the offices of public affairs firm BergDavis, which is assisting the nonprofit with its messaging campaigns. For the last year McNeill had been go ing to his BofA office at least three times a week and more recently five days a week. The bank is based out of 555 California Street.

14 • Bay area reporter • September 15-21, 2022 t<< Community News <<

Liu did not respond to a message seeking comment.

Pre-pandemic, the sextet of neighborhoods accounted for more than 70% of the city’s gross domestic product, according to Advance SF. Today, due to the health crisis, that part of the city continues to see a glut of business vacancies and the remaining small businesses struggling to survive.

It is estimated that just a quar ter of workers who had been going to their offices prior to the start of the COVID pandemic in March 2020 have returned. As of the spring, San Francisco ranked 62nd among major downtowns in U.S. cities in terms of their recovery from the health crisis according to a list (LINK:

profit’s president, told the B.A.R. the organization is “excited to wel come Ryan on board” to its team.

“I asked for clarification of what that measure was since others were obviously still in the race, but he never responded to me,” Carey wrote.Inresponse to a question about that, Gregory said that as a 501(c)3,

following further negotiations, law enforcement participated. Breed came down with COVID and had to skip Pride festivities.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as ELVA’S DAYCARE, 562 MADRID ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by an indi vidual, and is signed ELVA CHAMO. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 08/09/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/12/22.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as BOUNDARY WORKS, 1910 DIVISADERO ST #3, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94115. This business is conducted by individual, and is signed WILLIAM SPURZEM. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/01/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/16/22.

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

FILE A-0397991

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

za will mark the nonprofit’s 39th year of service, according to an email announcement. Entertain ment will be provided by Deven


The following person(s) is/are doing business as GT AUTOBODY SHOP, 2200 INGALLS ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed GREG THAN. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 08/01/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/02/22.


AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022


The following person(s) is/are doing business as THE FISCHMILL, 2298 MARKET ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed DS SEAFOOD LTD LIABILITY CO. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/11/22.

testing. Despite the decline in test ing, the number of people diag nosed with late-stage HIV, after they had already progressed to AIDS, remained stable.




In an effort to reduce these disparities, DPH has developed Health Access Points for seven priority populations. Operated in conjunction with Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center’s Ward 86 HIV clinic and community groups, including Glide and the St. James Infirmary for sex workers, the ac cess points provide HIV, sexually transmitted infection, and hepati tis C testing and care, harm reduc tion services and substance use treatment, and primary medical and mental health care, as well as food and housing services.

Fabian Way in Palo Alto. The fundraiser is a way to help LGBTQ+ youth in San Mateo Coun ty, an email announcement stated. Outlet, a program of ACS, pro vides support groups, mental health services, leadership devel opment, and educational work

The following person(s) is/are doing business as COLLOQUIAL INSIGHTS, 1459 18TH ST #290, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94107. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed DDQI LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 03/01/15. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/18/22.

new HIV cases, departing from the downward trend since 2012. The number of new diagnoses rose from 138 in 2020 to 160 in 2021 but remains below the 173 new cases reported in 2019.

This brings the number of San Francisco residents living with di agnosed HIV to 15,631 at the end of 2021, accounting for 11% of all people with HIV in California.

Despite COVID disruptions, HIV care indicators are generally holding up. The report shows an improvement in linkage to care for newly diagnosed people, a high rate of antiretroviral treatment, and increased PrEP use, but viral suppression hasn’t caught up.


AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

Adolescent Counseling Services and Outlet are hosting Out to Eat Thursday, October 27, from 6 to 9 p.m. at Oshman Family JCC, 3921

In the matter of the application of REBECCA YINGYU CHUA, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner REBECCA YINGYU CHUA is requesting that the name REBECCA YINGYU CHUA be changed to REBECCA YINGYU CHEN. Now there fore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 6th of OCTOBER 2022 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the applica tion for change of name should not be granted.

According to the report, gay and bisexual men who did not inject drugs accounted for 49% of new HIV cases last year. The report in cludes a separate category for men who have sex with men and inject drugs, which accounts for 14% of cases.The share of cases among wom en is similar to 2020, but up from 8% in 2019. No children have been diagnosed with HIV in San Fran cisco since 2012. People who inject drugs accounted for 27% of new cases, up from 21% in 2020, and 24% of newly diagnosed people were homeless – the highest level ever.Latinos made up the largest share of new cases, at 38%, fol lowed by whites (33%), Blacks (16%), and Asians and Pacific Islanders (9%). But Latino and Black individuals have dispropor tionately high HIV rates relative to their share of the population. Diagnosis rates in 2021 were 3.3 times higher for Black men and 2.8 times higher for Latino men compared with white men.

This year’s report includes an expanded section on PrEP. Among

HIV-negative men who have sex with men seen at San Francisco City Clinic, PrEP use increased each year from 2014 to 2021. PrEP use in 2021 was high and stable for white, Lati no, and Asian gay and bi men (69%, 70%, and 71%, respectively), but lagged for Black men, at 57%.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as CHUNG 24 GALLERY, 4071 24TH ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed CHUNG NAMONT LLC

shops to queer youth and their allies on the Peninsula.

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

In the matter of the application of GIA PHOI TRIEU, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner GIA PHOI TRIEU is requesting that the name GIA PHOI TRIEU be changed to KARINA GIA PHOI TRIEU. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 27th of SEPTEMBER 2022 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the application for change of name should not be granted.

Nearly three-quarters are gay or bisexual men, though cases among other groups are rising faster. And the HIV population continues to age: 73% are now 50 or older.

Looking at PrEP screening across five community-based organiza tions serving people of color or youth, 215 clients were screened for PrEP, 68% of them scheduled a PrEP appointment, and 61% took their first dose, but only 25 people (12%) were still on PrEP six months

Regardless of the regimen, PrEP uptake among women and people who use drugs has been low, ac cording to Buchbinder. “We really need to make it clear to people and have them be knowledgeable about PrEP,” she said. “People think of it as something for men who have sex with men, but it works very well for women.”Thefull HIV Epidemiology An nual Report 2021 is available at t

Tickets for the event are $125 and can be purchased at https:// t

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

The following person(s) is/are doing business as DOG LOVERS OF AMERICA UNITE; GRAVITA TIONAL UNIT THEORY UNIFIED FIELD THEORY; IMPERIALBORG, 1925 EVANS AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94124. This business is conducted by an indi vidual, and is signed TODD WILLIAM GOOCH. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/18/22.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as IRCEBABIES WORLD, 500 CAYUGA AVE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94112. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed IRMA CECILIA SCHWARZ QUINONEZ. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 08/08/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/12/22.

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

The following person(s) is/are doing business as BIZCAP, 311 CALIFORNIA ST #650, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94104. This business is conducted by a corpora tion, and is signed BUSINESS DEBT SOLUTIONS, INC. (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 03/26/19. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/16/22.

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

Here too, disparities persist. Overall, 72% of San Francisco resi

So far, few people in SF are using long-acting injectable cabotegravir (Apretude) for HIV prevention, but DPH and partner organizations are “working to make [it] available and accessible,” Buchbinder said.

Help queerPeninsulayouth

“We’re doing pretty well in terms of getting people onto an tiretrovirals quickly – that’s stayed pretty stable or is improving, but we’re still not seeing quite as good a viral suppression rate,” Buch binder said. The rate among the homeless people “is better, but it’s still really low and needs to be ad dressed.”Mostpeople newly diagnosed with HIV in 2021 (94%) entered care within one month, approach ing the pre-COVID level, and most of those started antiretro viral treatment. What’s more, the time from diagnosis to treatment initiation continues to shorten, with a majority starting antiret rovirals the day they’re diagnosed. But the proportion of people who achieved viral suppression within six months fell to 75% in 2021, down from 77% of those diag nosed in 2020 and 80% of those diagnosed in 2019.

FILE A-0398005

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022


The event includes a mocktail reception, auction, dinner, and the program. Tickets are $250 and can be purchased at https://bit. ly/3eqTPFg


registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/01/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/19/22.

FILE A-0397993

(CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 07/18/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/19/22.

The following person(s) is/are doing business as DANIEL AT SALON DNA, 555 SUTTER ST #200, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed DANIEL E. MILLER. The

FILE A-0398027

September 15-21, 2022 • Bay area reporter • 15t Health News>>

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

FILE A-0397974


(CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact busi ness under the above listed fictitious business name or names on N/A. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/18/22.

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

In the matter of the application of JESSICA LUM & FREDERICK NICHOLAS SALBATERA JR, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner JESSICA LUM & FREDERICK NICHOLAS SALBATERA JR is re questing that the name LEO MAXWELL SALBATERA be changed to LEO LUM SALBATERA. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 29th of SEPTEMBER 2022 at 9:00am of said day to show cause why the applica tion for change of name should not be granted.

Expanded PrEP data

SEP 01, 08, 15, 22, 2022

dents living with HIV had an un detectable viral load according to their most recent test in 2021, but viral suppression rates were lower for Black people (68%), women (66%), and people who inject drugs (64%). People experiencing home lessness were least likely to have an undetectable viral load, at just 27%, though this is an improvement over the 20% rate in 2020.

HIV care indicators

later.At the San Francisco AIDS Foun dation, the number of clients who were screened for PrEP increased to 1,852 in 2021, and 44% of them enrolled in PrEP services. About a third (29%) were still in the PrEP program three months after enroll ment. Latino men were most likely to enroll (50%) while Black men were least likely (40%). The propor tion of trans women who enrolled after screening rose to 41% from 30% in

of SFAF’s 2020 en rollees used daily PrEP pills while 19% used on-demand PrEP before and after sex (known as PrEP 2-11). While two-thirds of all enrollees were still on the same regimen six months later, Black and Latino gay men and those under age 25 were more likely to stick with on-demand compared with daily PrEP.



<< SF HIV cases From page 1

FILE A-0397885

Dr. Susan Buchbinder co-leads the city’s efforts to end HIV.

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

FILE A-0398023

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Green and Handsome Ned, while Nancy French will serve as emcee. The Grass Roots Gay Rights Foun dation will be honored.

However, this year’s statistics are influenced by COVID disrup tions. In the spring of 2020, both HIV screening and viral load test ing dropped dramatically. HIV testing at medical sites fully recov ered in 2021, but testing at com munity sites still lags. Health of ficials suspect the low number of new cases in 2020 might have been an underestimate due to decreased


The following person(s) is/are doing business as REGUS CONSULTING, 801 LINCOLN WAY, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business is conducted by a corporation, and is signed REGUS CONSULTING

Liz Highleyman

FILE A-0397969

AUG 25, SEPT 01, 08, 15, 2022

9:00am of said day to show cause why the applica tion for change of name should not be granted.

In the matter of the application of GILMAR BALA RIN GEIST, for change of name having been filed in Superior Court, and it appears from said application that petitioner GILMAR BALARIN GEIST is requesting that the name GILMAR BALARIN GEIST be changed to GILMAR BALARIN ALLEN. Now therefore, it is hereby ordered, that all persons interested in said matter do appear before this Court in Dept. 103N, Rm. 103N on the 29th of SEPTEMBER 2022 at

The following person(s) is/are doing business as FRISCO’S FAMILY DELI, 28 LELAND AVE, SAN FRAN CISCO, CA 94134. This business is conducted by an individual, and is signed NASIF KHALIL GHANAYEM. The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 08/02/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/03/22.


The following person(s) is/are doing business as 22ND & IRVING GROCERY MARKET, 2101 IRVING ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94122. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed KARMA MANAGEMENT GROUP LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 08/01/22. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/19/22.

From page 6



The following person(s) is/are doing business as SUPER DUPER BURGERS, 2300 MARKET ST #2304, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94114. This business is conducted by a limited liability company, and is signed MBURGER, LLC (CA). The registrant(s) commenced to transact business under the above listed fictitious business name or names on 01/04/10. The statement was filed with the City and County of San Francisco, CA on 08/18/22.

The number of deaths among people with HIV rose to 286 in 2020 (the last year with complete data), continuing an upward trend since 2016. While the number of HIV-associated deaths is still on the decline, accidental deaths –which include drug overdoses –areInrising.2020, nearly three quarters of deaths among HIV-positive peo ple were due to non-HIV-related causes. Looking at the 2017-2020 time period, 29% of deaths were HIV-related, but accidents over took non-AIDS cancers as the sec ond leading cause of death. Drug overdoses were responsible for 15% of deaths during this period. But deaths due to advanced liver disease declined sharply, likely thanks to effective new hepatitis C treatment.“Theincreased death rate we’re seeing is of great concern and we really need to focus on overdose deaths,” Buchbinder said. “We still need to work on getting the number of HIV-associated deaths down, but we also need to look at other causes. It’s really about whole-person care.”

Project OPT-IN, a team of DPH staff and community partners, works to provide access to these services, while the LINCS (Link age, Integration, Navigation and Comprehensive Services) pro gram ensures that people newly diagnosed with HIV are rapidly linked to care and provides sup port for people experiencing homelessness and others who have fallen out of care.

“It is welcome news that more people are able to access lifesaving HIV testing and are being linked to care,” gay San Francisco Health Director Dr. Grant Colfax said in a statement. “However, we are seeing health disparities among BIPOC communities and people experiencing homelessness that are deeply concerning. We must continue to focus our efforts on delivering services and outreach to people most affected through collaborations with community groups in providing low-barrier, stigma-free approaches to care.”


FILE A-0397889

<< Fall benefits


a full score of originals that demonstrated their own Tony-winning mass appeal.


In several upbeat production numbers, Forte is accompanied by his back-up drag “Angels,” played with extraordinary coordination by Dane Paul Andres, Jon Gary Harris, Zachary Isen and Gustavo Morales (Their witty, cleverly-synced routines are choreographed by director Alex Rodriguez and Andres). It took me two full numbers to realize that they were all men.

weightlessly happy, in a trope-dense atmosphere of melodrama, romance and showbiz-with-a-Z.


But then he saunters in and, with brief interludes of fourth-wall breaking narration and ever-so-gentle conspiratorial eye-rolling, makes us feel like we’re all in the driver’s seat rather than being steamrolled into submission.

Pop music musical can, can, can ‘Moulin Rouge!’

It’s hard not to imagine that at some point in the development of “Kinky Boots” as a stage musical (It’s based on a non-musical movie comedy which was inspired by a BBC documentary) a producer assumed that Cyndi Lauper’s song “True Colors” would be performed in the show, a baked-in big hit.

The directors’ elaborate vision is executed through dazzling work by designers including Derek McClane (sets), Catherine Zuber (costumes) and Justin Townsend (lighting). But first-rate stagecraft alone would not be enough to keep this vision spinning. In fact, it’s easy to imagine a less talented cast with a less disciplined tone making it all feel like a coldly calculated entertainment machine.

After all, the musical –now playing at the Victoria Theatre in a cheerful, winning Ray of Light production– was conceived by producers without a creative team signed on and is essentially a two-and-a-half hour riff on the song’s theme of being, and being loved for, your authentic self. Instead, Lauper, in what eventually became her Broadway debut as a lyricist and composer, wrote

A star is born

And yes, Bay Area Reporter readers, he is adorbs: Lean and lanky with long, yankable locks that may bring steamrolling into submission of another kind to mind.

by Jim Gladstone

But Lauper’s infectious score and the cast’s all-in performances made the original production –and now the Ray of Light iteration – well worth seeing.

Charlie Price and Marshall Forte in Ray of Light Theatre Company’s ‘Kinky Boots’

’ See page 19 >>

The Atlas who carries this fantasy world on his shoulders (all the while shrugging them with an ‘aw- shucks’ attitude) is Conor Ryan, who plays male ingenue Christian, a starryeyed song-writing youth from Lima, Ohio who seeks his fortune in the show’s confectionary Paris.It’s hard to understate the value of Ryan’s precisely calibrated on-stage attitude. He embodies both the audience’s desire to get swept up in a spectacular romance and its simultaneous awareness that this is all a grandiose giggle.

effortfully sexy number which raises concerns that the evening will amount to little more than a hard-selling Vegas revue.

by Jim Gladstone

making the stirring “Not My Father’s Son,” perhaps Lauper’s best ballad since “True Colors,” and the show’s most unexpectedly powerful moment.

Ryan is also a wonderfully versatile singer, leaning into a folky Jason Mraz style early on, then busting out gargantuan Groban-esque chops in a second-act hallucination sequence.

The show’s second lead, straight-laced shoemaking scion Charlie Price, is a precarious part for any actor, as the character almost inevitably falls in the shadow of drag. So it’s a pleasure to report that Jake Gale, a native of Brighton, England, delivers a more than charming Charlie. On opening night, he tore into his bluesy mid-second act showcase, “Soul of a Man,” with a ferocity that made it altogether clear that this is not just The Lola Show.


sets, extravagant costumes, dozens of pop song snippets woven together in a sonic field of dreams. The national tour of ‘Moulin Rouge! The Musical’ now playing at the Orpheum Theater, offers audiences an eyepopping, ear-tickling two-and-a-half hour escape from their Directedtroubles.forthestage by the hyper-imaginative Alex Timbers (‘Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson,’ ‘Beetlejuice’), the show is very much in sync with the ADD aesthetic of Baz Luhrmann, who created the film on which it’s based. With a fusillade of confetti, the production blasts you off into frou-frou fantasy; a mental space with mood-lifting antigravity that keeps you afloat,

Chanel Tilghman as Charlie’s true love, Lauren, and Matt Davis, effectively blending believable threat and comic relief in factory bully Don, stand out among a company that moves well throughout the evening in a staging that Rodriguez keeps lively and eye-catching, even in a musical that –save for Lola and the Angels’ numbers– is light on dance.

An extra round of applause is due to Ray of Light for keeping ticket prices affordable, especially in light of the economic squeeze the pandemic has put on our non-profit performing arts organizations. It’s a real boon to have such large scale, high production-value musical theater available for as little as $30 a ticket. Thumbs up for “Kinky Boots,” and a full-on high five to its producers.t

Marshall Forte (center) and the ‘Angel’ chorus in Ray of Light Theatre Company’s ‘Kinky Boots’

Lola (aka Simon), the show’s central character, a role originated on Broadway by Billy Porter, is here played by Marshall Forte, who sings with the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus but has virtually no prior acting experience. It’s a stellar debut.Slender, charismatic Forte is completely convincing as sassy, commandeering Lola. And in the ballad “Hold Me In Your Heart,” which he performs wearing a sparkling white “Dreamgirls”worthy gown (There’s a whole team of credited costumers), Forte is completely convincing not as a drag queen but as a woman, completely committed without a drop of camp. But Forte also shines as Simon,

Austin Durant (center) as Harold Zidler, and the cast of the North American Tour of ‘Moulin Rouge! The Musical’

Ray of Light’s kicky production Kinky Boots


‘Kinky Boots’ through October 1 at the Victoria Theatre, 2961 16th St. $30-$70. (415) 863-7576.

Ryan’s not a part of the show’s opening songand-dance routine to a mash up of Labelle’s “Lady Marmalade,” Talking Heads’ “Burning Down the House,” the Commodores’ “Brick House,” an

A plot summary here would be as superfluous as the plot is onstage. It’s a tried-and-true blend of bohemian artistic aspiration; love discovered, lost and found; and Snidely Whiplash villainy (provided by David Harris as The Duke) –a forest of evergreens planted only to support a hundred Christmases’ bounty of tinsel and ornaments.

Despite being cultivated from a kernel of truth, the show’s story –a generations-old British shoe factory is saved from ruin by making stiletto heeled boots for drag queens and transvestites– is preposterous; the script’s characterizations thin; and the messages anodyne. The script, by Harvey Fierstein, uses drag queens strictly to make points about gender stereotypes, awkwardly shimmying its way around sexuality. There’s no romance for lead queen Lola in Fierstein’s disappointingly simple book, which ultimately feels more akin to his workmanly “Newsies” than to “Torch Song Trilogy” or even “La Cage Aux Folles.”

Dancer Luiz Silva

18 • Bay area reporter • September 15-21, 2022

The privilege of world travel was something Silva had never experienced. “I felt so out of place at home. Going to big cities and meeting

different kinds of people,” he expresses with a gleam in his eye, “it was all so exciting. All I had known before then was my small town and my family.”

In 2013, he attended the Miami City Ballet Summer Intensive on full scholarship. He was named an Apprentice in 2015 and officially joined the company as a corps de ballet dancer in 2016.

The Miami City Ballet performs George Balanchine’s ‘Diamonds’

Long before he came to US or joined the ballet world, Silva knew he was“Igay.was 11 or 12 when I really knew,” he said, “but I had been conditioned to fit the mold, especially in a small town, I couldn’t fully be myself. I talked to my mother and she was so supportive, but I didn’t come out to the rest of my family until I moved here. I needed to have that Althoughdistance.”hehad come to terms with his sexual orientation, as a mixed-race Black ballet dancer, Silva’s racial identity posed an even greater challenge.

“I couldn’t just go to school and come home. He said I could study mechanics, take a math course, or engage in something to prepare for life. I knew I didn’t want to do any of that, so I thought, ‘Well, at least dancing is kind of fun.’ So I went back.”

A Different Kind of Revelation

Miami City Ballet brings Balanchine’s ‘Jewels’

Silva’s vision for the next step of his professional journey is to create dances where “there are no barriers, where a nonbinary kid can be the prince or the princess. I hope that as an artist I can create a completely open environment within the world we have. It’s not going to be easy. Most people are afraid of change. But we must keep going.”t


Christopher Duggan

Having been born and raised in Barra Mansa, a remote industrial town in Brazil, Silva said, “There is a town next to mine that has a ballet school (Escola de Dança Fundação in Porto Real). The teacher was recruiting. I was just in a regular high school, not doing much, so I gave it a try. I took ballet, contemporary, and Pilates, but after two weeks I was in so much pain. My feet, my back, my knees, everything hurt! I didn’t go back.”

It was during that trip to New York that Silva had a revelation. “This is hard to express because I love ballet so much,” he reveals with some hesitation, “but the moment I chose to really do ballet wasn’t while I was dancing. I was just standing in the middle of Times Square. I looked around and thought, ‘Oh my god, I’m really here, and I got here through dance. It’s possible. Dance can transform my life.’”

Miami City Ballet performs George Balanchine’s “Jewels,” September 23-25, Zellerbach Hall, UC Berkeley campus.$21-$148.

After he quit dance classes, his mother didn’t force him to return, but his stepfather gave him an ultimatum.

His ballet teacher called his mother, asking where he was, proclaiming, “You have to send him back! He has talent, he has a real chance with this path.”Silva’s mother was only 16 when she got pregnant. “She grew up in very poor family,” he explained. “As a single teen mom, she had to grow up fast and gave up so much. My grandparents own some land where my mom and her seven siblings built homes. I was an only child, but I had 12 cousins and a sense of family. But nobody was into arts or dance. I was lucky, my mom made me believe that if I dreamed something, it could happen. I had the freedom to do what I wanted to do with my life.”

In 2011 he began participating in dance competitions in Brazil, one of which earned him a spot at Youth American Grand Prix in New York. He competed in April 2012 and received a scholarship to Orlando Ballet’s summer program.

“For me,” he said thoughtfully, “I never understood my Blackness until the moment it was in my face. I have light skin and can ‘pass’ sometimes. But at some point, I was told, ‘No, you can’t do this.’ I knew it was about beingWithBlack.”amaturity that defies his young age, Silva believes that “if queer, Black, and nonbinary people keep coming together, we will be heard and make change. I wasn’t even comfortable talking about it until two or three years ago. I hold this space in the company. I have that privilege and it’s important that people like me show that it’s possible. Change is a slow burn. I’m not saying we forget everything; we can tell still tell the big, traditional ballet stories, we just need to approach them differently. The world has evolved. People have different skin tones and sexual identities, and ballet needs to catch up.”

Time to Catch Up

Upon his return to dance school, Silva said his teacher, Maria Angélica Costa, gave him a crash course in ballet. With a broad laugh, he describes the experience as “Ballet 101 in six months – a lot of extra classes and one-on-one time. There were two other guys, and they had been training for a while, I had a lot of catching up to do, to keep up with them.”

by Philip Mayard

While most professional dancers begin training at age seven or eight, Luiz Silva had never heard of ballet until age 15. Silva’s meteoric journey from his first dance class to the ranks of the esteemed Miami City Ballet in only five years is astonishing, especially considering he quit going to ballet class after only a couple of weeks. Silva, now 26, spoke to the Bay Area Reporter via Zoom recently, as the company prepared for its upcoming engagement at Berkeley’s Zellerbach Hall.

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Matthew Murphy/MurphyMade

David Harris as The Duke in the North American Tour Rouge! The Musical.’


Matthew Murphy/MurphyMade

of ‘Moulin

Do you come from a musical family?

My parents love music, but they’re not musicians, and they’re surprised at the way I’ve gone into classical music. I’ve loved it since I played horn in an orchestra in my first year of college, when I was 18. Sometimes they wonder how that happened, but they’re very supportive.

I’m a conductor, okay? But I don’t naturally fit anywhere. When I go to the ballet and the opera, I get stopped by ushers asking for proof that I bought a ticket. Or it’s assumed that I’m there to inspect their vaccination cards. If I’m waiting outside the restroom, I’ll be asked what time the show starts again.

This will probably introduce much of the audience to the Philharmonic as well. What is the orchestra you founded like?

The San Francisco Philharmonic performs Sept. 17, Herbst Theatre, 01 Van Ness Ave. 7:30pm, featuring Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto; Gallis Kastner, soloist. $30-$40. Altawww.sfphil.orgSinfonica,Oct 1, Herbst Theatre, 401 Van Ness Ave; time TBA.$25-$35.

Bejarano: A little bit of both. For now, these are two disparate, separate art forms. We’re looking to create a convergence of the musical styles and of the audience for them.

Alta Sinfonica’s one-night-only premiere concert will feature, in addition to the orchestra, three frontline acts from contemporary Mexican music. Sno Tha Product, from San Jose, began as a mariachi singer before spreading her wings into hip-hop and rap. Oscar Cortez, from Los Angeles, draws on Mexican traditions to make music spiced with both accordion and those urban sounds. Los Rakas, a Bay Areabased, Panamanian Afro-Latino music duo, make music that blends styles from dancehall to hip-hop.

How queer is the concert you’re putting together?

So,charts.he’s the arranger; I’m the conductor. He creates the compositions, and we go back and forth until we solidify each piece and decide what’s best for it. I want to make sure the orchestra is playing something substantial and meaningful. I helped Tecate select Ezequiel, and they gave us a roster of artists from which to choose.

Eziquiel is a phenomenal composer who knows how to honor both the essence of Latin pop music for what it is with the capabilities and sounds of a full orchestra. He brings a wellrounded, melting-pot perspective into these

So far they’re leaving the fusion talk to the chefs, but the combination of the 60-piece San Francisco Philharmonic and frontline soloists from a kind of Mexican avant-garde will roll out tunes meant to bring out the best in “Unprecedented,”everybody.the word of the month in US politics, here fits like a glove.Tecate Alta, the cultural platform of –yes– the beer people, and their American affiliate, Heiniken,

but she grew up in the mariachi world. She’s very innovative, not just in her songs but in her lyrics. She sings about issues that are important to her.

If we try to see where this music “fits,” we try to find a place to put it –to shelve it. But we’re not trying to say that this is for this community or this is for that community. This is for everyone.When I stroll into that concert hall, I want there to be a little bit of everything. And I want everyone to walk out having enjoyed the experience. I want people who come in to feel like they belong –no matter where they’re from or what they look like, what their previous experience of music has been. Even if this is the first time they’ve experienced music like this, I want them to feel like they belong. That’s the goal.

by Tim Pfaff

Guest performers Sno Tha Product (Upper Left), Oscar Cortez (Upper Right), and Los Rakas (Below)

No one should go to a concert and be asked what they’re doing there. That’s horrible, and this concert is going to change that. It’s a step in the right direction.t

You’re clearly all about bringing this new blend of music to the largest possible, most diverse audience. What else in your own experience do you bring to this work?

Let it be known that no one involved disses mariachi, the best known and most commercialized style of Mexican music. They’re just tearing it up artistically speaking and taking it to new frontiers.

facets, from our board of directors, musicians, audience members, and conductors on the podium.”

Music director Jessica Bejarano sat down for an interview with the Bay Area Reporter.

In the SF Philharmonic, founded in 2019 and forged in the struggles of the pandemic, Tecate found an ensemble described in its mission statement as “an orchestral group dedicated to cultural enrichment, music education and creating a performance platform for women and POC artists to showcase their talents. We are dedicated to executing diversity, equity, and inclusion in all

San Francisco Philharmonic Music Director Jessica Bejarano

Tim Pfaff: With your onenight-only, one-of-a-kind concert, are you responding to an existing audience need, or are you trying to create a new audience?

approached SF Philharmonic music director Jessica Bejarano to create the AltaInSinfonica.Tecate’swords, “Alta Sinfonica showcases the beauty and power of what is possible when different ideas and identities come together to bring their all. Tecate Alta is all about blurring lines, welcoming unique perspectives, and embracing what makes us different.”

Primarily, we have just done classical rep, so I’m eager to share the music that comes from my family, my country. As the director, it’s important for me to be the music, to be the sound, to be descriptive, to extract the most from the orchestra.

Well, there’s me. I’m very out and very proud to be a lesbian Latina music director. It’s not like there’s a lot of us.The Philharmonic doesn’t identify as a gay orchestra, but there are many members who are part of the LGBTQ comunity. One of the songs we’ll be doing is about the LGBTQ community.[Therapper] Sno is also part of the community. She raps in both Spanish and English. Is it rap? She has that flow, the speed, that lyric, that tongue,

It’s not just about the notes. It’s about sharing with them the energy –the flavor– of the music. And it’s not just the sounds. There have to be visuals. You have to see the players’ bodies move while they’re playing this music.

I get that all the time, and it’s dumb. That’s why I want to create a space and an experience where everybody feels they belong –because they do.

Oh, and we’re doing three songs that don’t feature our guest artists. One is “Americano,” by Lady Gaga. She’s not Spanish, but her song talks about two things: the struggle of immigrants and the struggle two lesbians have to be together. There’s a little bit of everything in this concert.

It seems all about the mix.

Music Director Jessica Bejarano conducts the San Francisco Philharmonic in their 2020 debut concert.

H erbst Theatre will echo with previously unheard sounds on Oct. 1, when Alta Sinfonica debuts, taking to the stage with music that combines traditional Mexican music forms with what organizers tantalizingly call “urban sounds.”

How do your roles, and Ezequiel’s, merge?

20 • Bay area reporter • September 15-21, 2022 Alta Sinfonica launches Mexican music remake t<< Music 3991-A 17th Street, Market & Castro 415-864-9795 Proudly serving the community since 1977. Open Daily! New Adjusted Hours Monday 8am (last seating 9:45pm) Tuesday 8am (last seating 9:45pm) Wednesday 8am (last seating 9:45pm) Thursday 8am Open 24 Hours Friday Open 24 Hours Saturday Open 24 Hours Sunday 7am (last seating 9:45pm) scan or 2375 Market St. | San Francisco scan code or visit website for menu and more information AUTO EROTICA PURVEYOR OF VINTAGE PORN MAGAZINES • BOOKS • PHOTOGRAPHS 4077A 18th St. OPEN EVERY DAY 415•861•5787{ { AUTO EROTICA PURVEYOR OF VINTAGE PORN MAGAZINES • BOOKS • PHOTOGRAPHS 4077A 18th St. OPEN EVERY DAY 415•861•5787{ { AUTO EROTICA PURVEYOR OF VINTAGE PORN MAGAZINES • BOOKS • PHOTOGRAPHS 4077A 18th St. OPEN EVERY DAY 415•861•5787{ { WE BUY & SELL GAY STUFF! MONDAY-SATURDAY

The integration of these disparate musics with the 60-piece Philharmonic, which mostly plays “classical” repertoire, is the product of Argentine composer-arranger Ezequiel Silbertsein.

W riter/director Myles Yaksich offers up ‘Albatross,’ an impressive debut feature, a tale of secrets and repression set in the 1950s.

by Gregg Shapiro

Left: Denis Ménochet and Khalil Gharbia and Right: Stéfan Crépon amd Denis Ménochet in ‘Peter Von Kant’

The German auteur’s influence is so strong that the “Peter Von Kant” movie poster is a tribute to the one for Fassbinder’s last movie “Querelle” (1982), and Hannah Schygulla, one of his favorite actresses, is featured in the movie.

Increasingly drunk and despondent, Peter flips out and has a destructive tantrum, forever alienating Sidonie in theForprocess.an82-minute movie, “Peter Von Kant” felt as if it would never

Girls”) takes the prize for authenticity. It also won a prestigious Audience Award at Sundance.

François Ozon’s ‘Peter Von Kant’

– ‘Girls,

Audiard), Sidonie, and his mother Rosemarie (Schygulla), returned rested from six months in Miami.

See page 22 >>


fun film to watch. Although it’s lesbian straight dating romance gay), “Girl Picture” tytöt tytöt,” Girls,

Cast members Eleonoora Kauhanen, Linnea Leino and Aamu Milonoff in ‘Girl Picture’

Amir, however, is noticeably absent.

“Albatross” ultimately stands as a fine drama about the class struggle in society. It is very much worth seeing. The film is currently streaming on various Video-on-Demand platforms.t

children. They’re at the Burkes’ to try and make more friends in a town that may not be accepting of them. The Burkes are a respected couple in the town because of the doctor’s psychiatry practice and Carol’s membership in the local country club.The Burkes’ marriage appears to be somewhat troubled. While standing

‘Girl Picture’

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Strand Releasing

H ollywood has a habit of remaking foreign films into Americanized versions. Some, including the transformation of “La Cage aux Folles” into “The Birdcage,” are a success, while many others (Madonna’s “Swept Away,” for example) must be avoided.

The opening scene is actually a flashback in the life of Dr. Lloyd Burke (David Keeley) a middleaged psychiatrist who’s having sex with his young patient. This highly unethical doctor and his wife Carol (Sarah Orenstein) await the arrival of their dinner guests, a biracial couple named Elizabeth and Thomas Miller (Katherine Gautier, Romaine Waite).

It’s easy to see why solid, wellmade Finnish films, however, have traditionally been overlooked. The priority in Haapasalo’s filmmaking is never to grab the spotlight. The director’s approach seems to be to simply get out of the way and let the kids speak for themselves as they deal with coming-of-age issues

As Lloyd stands in his front door saying goodbye to his patient, the young man leans towards him as though he were going to give him a kiss. Lloyd pushes him away, then looks around nervously, afraid that somewhat might have seen them and guessed the unethical nature of his relationship with his patient.

as the young couple who love each other dearly but who have many hurdles to overcome, most notably facing the reality of how people will perceive them. There are other types of tension between them. Elizabeth is also getting weary of not having children and of Thomas’ writing career going nowhere. Is she resentful of being his financial support? How much she supports him is illustrated early on in the film when their car breaks down on the way to the Burkes’. Thomas doesn’t have a clue what to do. It’s Elizabeth who fixes theYaksich’scar.

The film’s opening scene suggests that it’s going to be a romantic gay love story. Two beautiful young men sit on a foggy beach and speak softly to each other. One reads poetry aloud while the other plays an opera on a radio. They kiss each other. But their story, it turns out, is not the focal point of the story.


Albatross haunting debut feature

(Finnish title “Tytöt

Best friends Ronkko and Mimmi enjoy working together at the smoothie shop. Ronkko is full of a rare natural charm in the vein of comedians like Cantinflas. Expatiating endless verbosity oncamera with guileless candor, she expresses concern that she so far has not found sex enjoyable as people are supposed to. Tending toward being the nervous type, like Cantinflas, she connects with a handsome shy customer at the smoothie bar who also tends

September 15-21, 2022 • Bay area reporter • 21

direction is tight and precise. The film, set almost exclusively in the Burke home, never feels stagy. The fascinating characters make the 100-minute film feel as though its running time were shorter.

Rating: C

Part of the film deals with the

by Laura Moreno

Romaine Waite and Katherine Gautier in ‘Albatross’

outside the door of the room where her husband conducts his sessions, Carol hears the heavy breathing of Lloyd’s patient. When the patient leaves Lloyd seems nervous. Both couples, it turns out, harbor secrets. The film is beautifully shot. The beach prologue has an almost ghostly feel to it, made all the more haunting by the sound of the waves, the slightly overcast sky and the operatic sounds emitting from the radio. The Burke’s home is a dark, elegantly appointed manor, the perfect setting for drama to unfold and secrets to be revealed.

by David-Elijah Nahmod

not your typical

Dinner is a somewhat uncomfortable affair, as the Burkes had no idea that Thomas is Black. When the Millers arrive, Carol is taken aback, though she quickly regains her composure.

Set in 1972, the titular Peter (Denis Ménochet) is a Colognebased, maniacal, substance-abusing, loathsome, bisexual filmmaker. Mere minutes after the opening credits we discover how abhorrent he is when we hear how he debases his silent and subservient assistant Karl (Stéfan Crépon). Even his dearest friend Sidonie (Isabelle Adjani), an actress and singer whose albums are in rotation on his turntable, isn’t safe from his Newlyabuse.single after a brutal breakup, Peter doesn’t hold back from regaling Sidonie with all the details. Attempting to cheer him up, she introduces Peter to the gorgeous 23-year-old Amir (Khalil Gharbia), a “charming boy” she met on a boat from Sydney to Southampton. Peter is instantly smitten, although Amir makes it clear he’s married to a woman. Nevertheless, Peter invites him to dinner the next night, which results in a screen test and sex.

Directed by Alli Haapasalo, written by Ilona Ahti and Daniela Hakulinen, Picture” is truly

end. While it was great to see Adjani and Schygulla onscreen, it’s actually Crépon’s performance that is the most riveting, especially during the movie’s long-awaited conclusion. And, yes, bitter tears are shed. In French and German with English subtitles.

while Peter, who initially agreed to being open, is unable to handle Amir’s indiscretions. Not surprisingly, Amir leaves Peter, whose drinking is completely out of control.


film (it features as much

Gay French filmmaker François Ozon, who is known for his original screenplays, as well as adaptations of plays and literary works, has done something different with his new movie “Peter Von Kant” (Strand). Ozon, whose award-winning 2000 film “Water Drops on Burning Rocks” was based on a play by the late Rainer Werner Fassbinder, found even more inspiration in the work of the German multi-hyphenate, and has crafted a gender-swap remake of 1972’s “The Bitter Tears of Petra Von Kant.”

The acting is superb. Keeley is particularly good as the doctor who lives in fear that his secret will come out. His fear is never stated, it’s illustrated through body language and facial expressions.

Gen Z romance in Finland


difficulties the Millers face as a biracial couple in a small town a little over sixty years ago. Thomas is a fledgling novelist who wants to write about the Black experience. His publisher has other ideas and wants Thomas to write a more commercial romance novel. Elizabeth recognizes his talent and is his financial support, though she seems to yearn to have

Practically overnight, Amir becomes a star in Peter’s movie and has an article written about him in Stern magazine. As Amir’s star is rising, and Peter’s fades, their relationship also suffers. Amir is repeatedly unfaithful,

Gautier and Waite are wonderful


Missing Fassbinder

Barely functioning, Peter momentarily pulls it together for his 40th birthday party. It’s attended by his 14-year-old boarding school student daughter Gabrielle (Aminthe

pretentious, unaffectionate Tobbs finding Danny too intense, leaves him, declaring as he exits, “Monogamy is a heteronormative paradigm steeped in misogyny, designed to control. As queers, we get to define our own relationships.”

by Brian Bromberger

In “First Time for Everything,” Fry creates a protagonist, 27-year-old Danny Scudd, who embodies the journey Leon so aptly chronicles.

“Desire Lines” is not a just debut. It is a document and declaration of bravery.t

Ballantine Books,$27.00.

Emma. Although highly compatible, volatile Mimmi can’t help sabotaging the relationship. The film delves into some of the hard-to-pin-point problems she has with her neglectful mother beneath the smiles and niceties that “now everything’s ok” with her family. It’s painful to watch the mother forget that she had invited Mimmi to her little brother’s birthday party. In a beautifully executed scene, the family had left for the celebration without her.

Author Henry Fry

Henry Fry’s ‘First Time for Everything’

Superficially Danny’s life appears to be flourishing, living the contemporary urban gay lifestyle. He’s escaped the small-town provincial life of his parents’ fish-and-chips shop, relocating to

It is often noted that in our contemporary society, adolescence has been delayed or extended, with 25 being the new 18. This is a predicament truer for queer folks, who have to figure out how they fit into a heteronormative world often ambivalent about them and vice versa. It’s really about creating an identity after being forced to be chameleons playing parts that aren’t emotionally healthy. As Danny reveals, the quest for an authentic self can be bumpy, messy, but also exhilarating.

London, and fulfilling his dream as a journalist, writing for a start-up clickbait cultural app called CULTRD. He has a six-year relationship with his spouse Tobbs, lives in an apartment with his high school friend Laura and her boyfriend Luke, and has a close bond with his hometown Whistlecombe BFF Jacob, a black flamboyant, non-binary avant-garde artist.

Cary Alan Johnson will be at Fabulosa Books, Sept. 19, 7pm with Brontez Purnell (‘100 Boyfriends’), 489 Castro www.querellepress.comwww.caryalanjohnson.comwww.fabulosabooks.comSt.

The soundtrack is striking and augments the action on-screen, complementing the cozy in-door action over several wintry nights perfectly, while reminding us that we’re not in the US. American audiences will scarcely recognize any of the music, or their particular brand of pop music, with the one exception of a sweet, simple contemporary interpretation of the 1935 song “I’m in the Mood for Love,” always appropriate lyrics in the world the film inhabits. << Girl Picture From page 21 A scene from ‘Girl Picture’

I ever read a book that provoked past, present and future simultaneously, with such romanticism. It made me mindful of AIDS in the 1980s, COVID and monkey pox presently and the evolution of the way Black gay males will be seen in the future.

Because Laura is pregnant and needs his room for a nursery, Dann’s kicked out of his flat. He’s dissatisfied with his job, wanting to be a serious journalist. He’s forced to move into Jacob’s creative queer commune in East London shared with other bohemian artists (i.e. Melania. She/

"We all need to get the balance right between action and reflection. With so many distractions, it is easy to forget to pause and take stock."

22 • Bay area reporter • September 15-21, 2022

In the epigraph for his debut novel, Henry Fry quotes English writer and LGBTQ activist Alexander Leon: “Queer people don’t grow up as ourselves, we grow up playing a version of ourselves that sacrifices authenticity to minimize humiliation and prejudices. The massive task of our adult lives is to unpick which parts of ourselves are truly us & which parts we’ve created to protect us.”

—Queen Elizabeth II

remain invisible, which will strain his friendship. What they come to realize is how scarred they both were growing up in Whitscombe but differently, with Jacob having to cope with racism and gender identity issues.

by Cornelius Washington

Cary Alan Johnson’s ‘Desire Lines’

There’s also no shortage of subplots to keep things interesting. Romance is seemingly everywhere. The young men in the film have the same fun approach as the girls. From watching

Danny is likable even when he’s acting like a jerk. And all queer people will connect with Danny’s struggle as he eases into a shaky self-acceptance. What Fry does particularly well is to show how toxic ways adapted to unlearn negative feelings inflicted by a homophobic society, must be unlearned, but also how other queer people can foist subcultural identities upon other LGBTQs that can be as oppressive as any straitjackets imposed by heterosexuals.

“First Time for Everything” could’ve been heavy and dark, especially since it deals with such ponderous subjects as rage, mental illness, addiction, STDs and, yes, the therapy sessions which sometimes read like case histories. However, the novel is fast-paced, entertaining, often hilarious with an effervescent quality that remains brutally honest. To maintain such a precarious balance in tone is a stupendous achievement for a first novel.t

Lately, there has been an excess of pathologically diseased Black gay reality shows, and I can clearly see that this book, if turned into a series, will become the standard by which all others would be judged against.

I was extremely moved by not only the author, but, also by the advance praise of lesbian icon by the Bay, Jewelle Gomez, and the immortal John Rechy, author of the definitive gay classic, “City of Night.”

t<< Books

With his life unraveling, Danny starts to question everything about himself, struggling to figure out who he is and what the future might hold for him. But first he totally falls apart in a breakdown and only with the help of an inscrutable therapist and his new friends, can he pull himself together to forge a new path for himself.

her. Yes I’m Slovenian and beautiful. No, I’m not a hooker or a spy or married to a revolting orange cretin.”) who will eventually morph into family. Only his Dolly Parton vinyl records (“as Dolly says, if you want a rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain”) and houseplants give him any succor.

racism, fear, homophobia, purpose and longing, a literary road map of all of the hot spots of ‘the city that never sleeps’ but does many other things that begin with the letter F.

In another scene, family is the source of serious emotional pain when we learn that Ronkko’s family has

real friendship and acceptance in a way that perhaps more alienated and repressed previous generations cannot know. And it is that realness that stays with the audience.t

Life unraveling

Danny’s most fascinating relationship is with Jacob, who because of his outrageous in-your-face personality, is the star no matter where he goes. Danny had been content to remain in Jacob’s shadow, but no longer wants to disappear in the background and

‘First Time for Everything: A Novel’ by Henry Fry.

Lines’ saga with his best friend, Regina, a biracial hetero woman, are lovingly documented. It’s achingly evident that he is a shining example of the rigor and discipline needed by many Black gay men in order to position themselves to live their best lives, on every level. His sophistication, style and authenticity are evident in everyNeversyllable.have

stopped talking with her since she’s been labeled with “mental illness” that they no doubt themselves caused her. The Nordic family is not overly sentimental, to say the least.

the film, I’d say it’s a much healthier society than we have here. The kids in many ways seem more mature than their parents, actually. Of course, there is plenty of normal teen angst, anger, and an occasional outburst, but they know the importance of

I am having hopeful thoughts of who would dare buy the screen rights for the biopic of this amazing life, and stream this story to a new generation

of young Black LGBTQ viewers, to truly learn the morals, values and virtues required to stand in their collective truth.

Author Cary Alan Johnson

His journey will be rocky, leading to laughable occasionally cringey hookups (“What, you’re not into scat play?” I look at him quizzically, “Like–jazz?”), wild wardrobe choices, becoming a sensational meme after falling asleep at a gay rights die-in for Chechnya, leading to internet fame for his company. Consequently, he’s promoted at work after getting his boss fired for having sex with a coworker at the office.

toward nervousness. After a few false starts and an embarrassing accident during foreplay, it seems they’ve at least found a friend in each other.

Yet within the first five pages, his perfect life has collapsed. He’s diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease leaving him with boggy balls, given to him by Tobbs, despite assuming they had a monogamous relationship. The

This novel sets one back, not just in time and place, but in its stunning honesty. Cary Alan Johnson’s serious and romantic novel (Querelle Press) tells of life in New York City during the time when HIV/AIDS was raging and ravaging the LGBTQ community, specifically the African-American community.Johnson is a true world citizen and an excellent writer who has transported the reader, providing serious flashbacks of circumnavigating friendships, family, drugs, hope, sensuality and young adulthood.Thebook’s authenticity begins with paragraphs of Desire, the book’s titular protagonist, losing his virginity and continues throughout. It serves the Black hand side of gritty sex,

Throughout the film there are lots of fun scenes of the two main characters, Mimmi and Emma, enjoying what seems like the perfect romance. No doubt, ice-skating fans will love the rapturous performances given by the very talented Linnea Leino who plays

It’s particularly striking that Gen Z in the film is so nonchalant about LGBTQ relations. They seem to really get that love is love, and to be human is to be capable of the full gamut of human experiences. For some people, though, gay relationships seem to be important (as for Mimmi). Perhaps they are working out childhood wounding from a parent. While for others it’s truly just another flavor on the menu (as it seems to be the case for Emma). No judgment.

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