best of times, and I know the new coronavirus has been causing my patients serious strain. Here are answers to questions you may have about delivering a baby during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Childbirth and Covid-19 What to expect during your delivery By Dr. Amit Bansal
he COVID-19 pandemic
has caused a lot of anxiety over the past several months, especially among pregnant women who are inching closer and closer to their due dates. Pregnancy and preparing for childbirth can be stressful at the
How to talk to your kids about COVID-19
Would it be safer if I just have a home birth and stay away from the hospital? Where you deliver is your choice. However, life-threatening pregnancy complications can be unpredictable with little or no warning. Sometimes the patient with a completely routine, uncomplicated pregnancy can have the most difficult delivery. When these complications occur, a hospital setting can quickly care for you and your baby. Dr. Bansal What should I do to prepare for my delivery? To decrease your risk of acquiring COVID-19 prior to delivery, we encourage our patients to selfquarantine at home two weeks prior
on’t leave your kids
in the dark. “It’s really important for parents to be educated on the facts themselves and address any false information quickly,” said Dr. Michael Chang, pediatric infectious disease expert at Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital and Assistant Professor Of Pediatrics at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth. “Kids are going to hear a lot of different things at school, so parents will also need to keep up to date.”
“It’s helpful to reassure your child that the symptoms are often mild and that kids actually seem to be less susceptible to it.” If you are wondering how to bring up coronavirus in a way that will be reassuring and not alarming to your children, here are some tips from Dr. Chang and the experts at Memorial Hermann. •
Talk, talk, talk. Most children will have already heard about the virus or have seen people wearing face masks, so parents shouldn’t avoid talking about it. Not talking about something can actually make kids worry more.
Bay Area Houston Magazine | AUGUST 2020
to the expected delivery date — around 37 to 38 weeks gestation. We are also talking to our patients about possible elective delivery at 39 weeks to limit the number of visits to labor and delivery departments. This is not mandatory, and is a discussion between you and your obstetrician. Anyone who is scheduled to be induced or for a cesarean section is tested for COVID-19 six days before her scheduled delivery. The hospital is also working on more expedited testing for deliveries in cases where more urgent delivery is needed. What about after my delivery? To minimize your time in the hospital, Houston Methodist Clear Lake is trying to expedite discharges to get you and your family home as soon as safely possible. The time in the hospital will vary depending on the mother and baby, as well as the care team, but we are aiming to send families home one day after an uncomplicated vaginal birth, and two days after an uncomplicated cesarean birth. What precautions should I take with my newborn? According to the CDC, children
Be age appropriate. Volunteering too much information may be overwhelming. Instead, try to answer your child’s questions by addressing the facts. Answer each question honestly and clearly.
Pick the right time. Find a time when you are not feeling anxious or panicked. Take some time to calm down before trying to have a conversation or answer any questions from your child.
Be reassuring. Hearing about the coronavirus on the news or across social media channels may be enough to make children seriously worry. It’s helpful to reassure your child that the symptoms are often mild and that kids actually seem to be less susceptible to it. Focus on facts not fear. An important way to reassure kids is to emphasize the safety precautions that you and the family are taking. We know that coronavirus is transmitted mostly through direct and prolonged contact with someone who is exhibiting symptoms like coughing and sneezing. The CDC recommends thoroughly washing your hands as the
do not appear to be at higher risk for COVID-19 than adults. While there have been cases in infants, they are much less common that adult cases. The same precautions you took before giving birth apply while caring for your newborn: • Stay at home • Avoid having visitors and avoid sick people • Practice proper hand washing frequently, especially prior to holding or feeding your infant Children younger than the age of two should not wear a mask due to the risk of suffocation. Lastly, I know that you want to show off your beautiful new addition to your family and friends, but right now the safest option is via pictures and video. People over the age of 65 are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19, so grandma and grandpa should stay home for now. Houston Methodist Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates is located at 2060 Space Park Drive, Suite 410 in Nassau Bay. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, call the office at 832.783.2330 or visit houstonmethodist.org/spg/womensservices/bay-area
primary means of staying healthy. So remind kids that they are taking care of themselves by washing their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds (or the length of two “Happy Birthday” songs) when they come in from outside, before they eat, and after blowing their nose, coughing, sneezing or using the bathroom. •
Stick to your schedule. Children do not like uncertainty. Stick to your regular schedule as much as possible. This is particularly important if your child’s school or daycare shuts down. Structured days with regular mealtimes and bedtimes are an essential part of keeping kids happy and healthy.
Lead by example. Your children will look to you on how to react or respond to this situation. Reinforcing the preventive measures and addressing just the facts of the situation will help you and your child navigate through this difficult time.
For more information on COVID-19, please visit www.memorialhermann. org/coronavirus/or www.cdc.gov.