3 minute read
Bayless High School
Melanie Rouggly - Principal
The faculty and staff of Bayless High School welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year. This year we are determined to help students discover their purpose, exercise their talents and forge a path for their future. We believe that each student has a unique set of strengths and experiences that tells a story and our mission is to help bring their story to life. Parents, family and community members play a vital role in this process and we invite you to connect with us throughout the school year. This year we’re inviting students and their families to join us from 5-7 p.m. on Thursday, September 8 to learn more about the Bayless High School experience. Participants will have the opportunity to travel about the building and interact with BHS teachers and curriculum. There will also be an Activities Fair in the gym that will showcase our extracurricular activities and opportunities. This event is a reframing of our traditional open house in an attempt to improve the parent experience. We believe students and families will be better prepared to ask questions once everyone has adjusted to their new schedules and teachers. We’re also inviting representatives from a few of our parent organizations to provide information on how to get involved.
With this change we want to make sure students are prepared for the first day of school. Schedules will be available on Infinite Campus by Wednesday, August 17. On Friday, August 19 course syllabi will be accessible to students and parents. A link will be sent out through Parent Square and be posted on our school website. Each syllabus will include a description of the class, the class grading policy, teacher contact information and the necessary supplies. If you’re interested in purchasing general school supplies before this date we have included a recommended list of supplies. Please keep in mind that these are only a suggestion, and can be modified to meet the needs of each student. Please reach out to your child’s teacher if you have any questions before the first day of school. Recommended School Supplies: • Backpack • Pens, pencils • Notebooks, Composition Books • Notebook Paper • Pocket Folders • Highlighters • Headphones for Chromebooks • Reusable Water Bottle
First Day of School: Tuesday August 23rd. Students can enter the building through the front doors after 7:15 a.m. Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria at that time. A bell will ring at 7:26 a.m. signalling students to head to class. First hour begins at 7:30 a.m. Students will go to their Advisory class to start their first day. Advisory rosters will be hung up in the interior entryway and the cafeteria for student reference. They will be listed by grade level, and teachers will be around to help stu8 dents navigate the building. Advisory teachers and room numbers can also be found on student schedules in Infinite Campus. During Advisory, students will receive a copy of their schedule which will have their locker number and combination on it. They will also receive a planner which includes our student handbook. Students will then be dismissed to their first hour class.
Fall Activities The best way to fully engage as a high school student is to be involved in activities. If you are interested in playing a sport or participating in marching band, please review the checklist below to prepare for the fall season. Fall Activities: Boys Soccer, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Dance, Football, Girls Volleyball, Marching Band • Current Physical on file in the Athletic Office • MSHSAA Annual Requirements • Sign Bayless Commitment Form • Pay Activity Fees More information can be found on our website: https:// athletics.baylessk12.org. Please contact our Athletic Director Eric Lawrence elawrence@bayless.k12.mo.us or Athletic Trainer Caleb Davis caleb.davis@SSMHealth.com with questions related fall athletics. We offer a variety of activities and clubs throughout the year that don’t require forms and fees; we will provide information on how to get involved in those activities at a later date. If you have any needs or questions to better prepare for the start of school, please feel free to contact us.
Sincerely, Melanie Rouggly
Bayless High School Main Office (314) 256-8660 Attendance Line (314) 256-8668
Melanie Rouggly Principal 314-256-8660 Extension - 4001 mrouggly@bayless.k12.mo.us
Eric Lawrence Assistant Principal/Athletic Director 314-256-8660 Extension - 4003 elawrence@bayless.k12.mo.us
Lauren Champion Administrative Assistant lchampion@bayless.k12.mo.us 314-256-8660 Caleb Davis Certified Athletic Trainer cdavis@bayless.k12.mo.us 314-602-4496
Caitlin Hietter School Nurse chietter@bayless.k12.mo.us 314-256-8660 Extension - 4004
Calvin Kohler Counselor, Class of 2024 & 2026 ckohler@bayless.k12.mo.us 314-256-8660 Extension - 4005
Erna Kadic Counselor, Class of 2023 & 2025 ekadic@bayless.k12.mo.us 314-256-8660 Extension - 4006
Sandy Schacht Administrative Assistant sschacht@bayless.k12.mo.us 314-256-8662 Melissa Godat High School Registrar mgodat@bayless.k12.mo.us Issue 2020 314-256-8660 Extension - 4007