2 minute read
Bayless Junior High
Ms. Christine Prosser - Principal
Welcome to Bayless Junior High!
It is with great excitement I welcome you to the 2022-2023 school year! The start to a new school year is an exciting time for your child, for you as parents/guardians, and for the Bayless Junior High School faculty and staff. As you begin to prepare for the 2022-2022 school year, please consider the list of supplies for your child. The specific grade-level and content supply list is on the BJH website as well as in this magazine (page 15).
We will not be holding our typical Open House this school year. We will instead be doing a Curriculum/Activity Night on September 8. Doing this a couple of weeks into the school year will allow you to have more accurate questions. Your child’s schedule will be available on Infinite Campus by Wednesday, August 17. By Friday, August 19, at noon, all teachers will have their information linked to a page which you will have access via our BJH school homepage, Facebook, and a link emailed through ParentSquare. This page will allow you to do a self-guided tour of your child’s schedule to learn more about the classes they will be taking.
Mark your calendars for Thursday, September 8, 5-7:00 p.m. when Bayless Junior High holds Curriculum/Activity Night. Students and families will have the opportunity to tour the building and interact with all of the teachers. We will also have representatives from a variety of activities, sports, and parent groups available in the gym to share information with everyone.
We are looking forward to a great school year and have a lot of wonderful activities planned for your child. I encourage every student and parent/guardian to become involved in BJH during the school year. Families play a vital role in the success of our school. There will be opportunities for students to be a part of many extracurricular activities and clubs, and for parents to help support our B.E.S.T. (Bayless Educational Support Team) organization and attend other school events.
Soon, the teachers will be working in their classrooms to prepare for the first day, which will be here before we know it. As a reminder, the first day of school is Tuesday, August 23. Classes will begin at 7:30 a.m. and conclude at 2:36 p.m.
I want to thank you personally for the trust you have placed in our faculty and staff. We look forward to establishing and maintaining lasting relationships as we engage our students in academic excellence and character development.
Sincerely, Ms. Christine Prosser Main Contact Number 314-256-8690
Ms. Christine Prosser Principal 314-256-8690, ext. 3001 cprosser@bayless.k12.mo.us
Mr. Andrew Mertens Assistant Principal 314-256-8690, ext. 3002 amertens@bayless.k12.mo.us
Ms. Susie Jozipovic School Nurse 314-256-8690, ext 3003 sjozipovic@bayless.k12.mo.us