Our shared experience
How the Bayless Community prepares students for greater opportunities p. 4

Building a Better Bayless: Construction and Junior High addition updates p. 10
Recognizing some of our best educators through #TeacherProudTuesday p. 14

Bayless is distributed to alumni, parents, friends and neighbors. Its mission is to maintain ties among the District, its alumni and all of our friends and neighbors.

In this Issue:
Letter from Superintendent 3
Jeff Preisack ’83, President
Shannon Kohler, Vice President
Sarah Reece, Member Michelle Padgett, Member
Board of Education District Administration
Woody Babb, Member
Tom Wood, Member Laura Van Zale ’83, Member
Amy Ruzicka
Superintendent of Schools (314) 256-8601
Michael Hawkins Assistant Superintendent (314) 373-0506
Dr. Chel’Lee Whitten Chief Academic Officer (314) 256-8658
Anna Barton
Director of Instructional Effectiveness (314) 256-8601 ext. 8088
Preston Sterett
Director of Business & Finance (314) 256-8687
Kim Arnold Director of Human Resources (314)-256-8605
VICC Transportation (314) 721-8657
Early Childhood Center 314-256-8630
Debbie Meyer-Higgins
Transportation Supervisor Board Secretary (314) 256-8602
Stephen Terrill Marketing and Communications Coordinator (314) 256-8115
Kelly Stahlhuth District Activities Director (314)-256-8664
Barbara Shetley District Registrar (314) 256-8100
Kari Wolford ‘03 Transportation Supervisor (314) 256-8601
Fadil Hamidovic Director of Technology (314) 256-8611
Bayless Schools
Christina Ly ’99, Principal Amra Hadzic, Secretary School Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 3:20 p.m. Office Hours: 7:45 a.m. - 3:45 p.m.
Elementary 314-256-8620
Aaron Kohler, Principal Dr. Amanda Middendorf, Assistant Principal Amber Callahan, Assistant Principal Mirsada Becarevic, Administrative Assistant Kimberly Moreau, Administrative Assistant Christine Kohl, Administrative Assistant School Hours: 8:15 a.m. - 3:21 p.m. Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Junior High 314-256-8690
Christine Prosser, Principal
Dr. Andrew Mertens, Assistant Principal Sanela Jugovic, Administrative Assistant Cantrece Novak, Administrative Assistant School Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 2:36 p.m. Office Hours: 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. High School 314-256-8660
Melanie Rouggly, Principal Eric Lawrence, Assistant Principal/ Athletic Director Holly Kennedy, Director of Student Services
Dr. Monika Hasanbasic, ELL Coordinator
Sandra Schacht, Administrative Assistant Lauren Champion ’07, Administrative Assistant
Melissa Godat, Registrar School Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 2:36 p.m. Office Hours: 7 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Alumni Association 314-256-8660 x8617 Sally Wear ’58
Bayless is published multiple times a year to inform the public about what is occurring at the Bayless Schools - including student achievements, happenings in the classroom, involvement in the community and more. Please submit any questions, comments or letters to Stephen Terrill, Marketing and Communications Coordinator, 4950 Heege Road, St. Louis, MO, 63123, 314-256-8115 or at: sterrill@bayless.k12.mo.us
Bayless School District does not discriminate in its programs or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, socioeconomic status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other characteristic protected by law. Inquiries related to District programs may be directed to Director of Human Resources and Title IX Coordinator Mrs. Kim Arnold at 314-256-8605, 4950 Heege Road, St. Louis, MO, 63123. The Bayless School District is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
From the Superintendent Amy Ruzicka
Dear Bayless Community,
As the first semester of the 2022-2023 school year draws to a close, two words come to mind: community and momentum. For this issue of , we are focusing on community, because it is through the strength and dedication of the Bayless community we have accomplished so much over the past 154 years.
The Oxford Dictionary defines community as “a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.” Here at Bayless, we are committed to a common goal: Every student will be Smart, Good, and Strong. This fall, our community came together in a number of ways to help realize this.

Bayless hosted an ELL Family Night on September 20 to provide families with more information about our English Language Program, school procedures and important resources. Approximately 40 families attended the event and were able to make an important connection with their child’s school. Bayless currently services over 300 English Language Learners with 35 different native languages and is continuously growing the program. Interpreters, ELL specialists, counselors, nurses, technology specialists, college counselors, district leaders and other staff members all attended to support our families.
The first Bayless Homecoming Festival was attended by over 950 community members on October 15. Staff members, families, students and community members from 18 different clubs and organizations shared their time, talent, and treasure to help achieve several common goals: community, connection and commitment to supporting our programs. Attendees enjoyed delicious food, live music and fun with 26 different games and activities. Over $7,000 was raised for Bayless clubs and organizations; 100% of which directly benefits our students.
The first Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) Hiring Fair welcomed 29 community businesses from fields such as healthcare, skilled trades, education, military, food service, and the public sector to Bayless High School on November 17. This student-led event was facilitated by JAG Specialist Bobby Kelting, in collaboration with the Affton-Lemay Chamber of Commerce. In addition to exposing students, alumni and community members to the plentiful opportunities that exist in our region, the event further strengthened the district’s partnership with community businesses and the Chamber of Commerce.
These are just a few of the many incredible things this community can accomplish together. This entire issue of is dedicated to celebrating what makes the Bayless Community so special through the voices of alumni, students, parents, and staff members – some of whom have been part of the community for over 50 years.

In Fellowship,
Amelia A. Ruzicka Superintendent of SchoolsA community of character
Luella Losielle’s past at BSD equipping her for the now
By Mr. Stephen Terrill - Marketing and Communications CoordinatorGrowing up in a multicultural community with a strong character is something that can serve people in all parts of life.
Such is the case for BSD graduate Luella Losielle.
Luella is currently employed by Saint Louis University, but she came to Bayless in second grade and stayed there until she graduated in 2013.
Before coming to Bayless, she attended kindergarten and first grade at Woerner Elementary school in the St. Louis Public School system. She and her siblings lived in the city’s Bevo Mill neighborhood, but enrolled at Bayless through the Voluntary Interdistrict Choice Corporation. VICC is a program created in the 1980s aimed at desegregating schools in St. Louis City and County.
After graduation, she earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees at SLU, where she found a place she wanted to stay. Her current job, Program Coordinator in the Cross Cultural Center for Global Citizenship, is within SLU’s Diversity and Community Engagement division.

“Our office is a campus resource that provides initiatives and programming events that help enrich people’s understanding and knowledge of diversity, equity and inclusion,” Losielle said. “I help lead and organize these initiatives like Atlas Week — which is a 20-year tradition.”
Atlas Week, an event Losielle puts on yearly, is a week for the different departments at SLU to showcase the international component of their programs. It involves a Parade of Nations and a variety of lectures and conferences. This year’s theme will be “Chasing the Echoes of Freedom in the 21st Century.”
Losielle was put in a unique situation when she first started. The person who had been directing Atlas Week for the past 18 years left,
and the planning of the event was passed onto her.
“I hesitantly stepped in as a graduate assistant,” Losielle said. “It’s a lot of work, a lot of stressful nights. I am just so proud of what people have put together in the five years I’ve been doing this.”
Losielle said she was uniquely prepared to work with a diverse student group because of her multicultural experience at Bayless.
“(It helped having an) already developed appreciation and understanding of diversity –knowing about different cultural identities,” Losielle said. “With (Bayless’s) Bosnian population, they ended up scheduling professional development days during Ramadan to coincide with their schedules.
“Getting to learn more about that culture and other immigrant populations that attend there – I think as a whole, the Bayless School District is small, so students can develop that relationship with one another. Everyone was cool with one another, not as cliquey as they might be at larger schools. You can move around in the groups. It was a really chill vibe.”
Losielle said she thinks the chill vibe is a testament to the character of those in the Bayless community .
“Bayless has the character education designations,” Losielle said. “It takes very strong character to be able to have such diverse people come together in community .”

Bayless Early Childhood Center
By Mrs. Christina Ly - Principal ecc.baylessk12.org
PAT giving back
Forever a part of our community
TJ Mister was a student at Bayless ECC from August 2019-2021 and Bayless Elementary in June 2021. Tragically, TJ’s life was lost during a swimming accident at a local camp this past summer.
This fall, Bayless ECC was selected by the family of TJ Mister as the location for a Memorial Bench through The Bench Project. The Bench Project donates a bench made out of recycled plastic. On the bench is a QR code that can be scanned to learn about the memories of TJ and to leave your own memory. There is also a journal attached to the bench where you can write a message to the family for all to see and read. The bench is located in the front of Bayless Elementary between the trees closest to the building.

Bayless ECC has been able to be a supporting pillar for the Mister family and they have donated many of TJ’s favorite toys and puzzles as well as school supplies and backpacks.

TJ’s mom Olga said “Community is people coming together and supporting a cause to make us stronger as a society.”
Bayless ECC has been a place TJ’s family can call home, where they can come to remember their son and where there are shoulders to lean on when the moments are tough.
Bayless ECC will always remember TJ as an animal lover and a bright child who brought joy to our classrooms and community all the days of his life.
TJ with his mom and dad at Meet the Teacher Night in August 2020.

Bayless Parents as Teachers supported two of our local community partners through a food and diaper drive this fall. Families attended a free night at the Magic House in Kirkwood and brought donations with them to support the St. Louis Area Diaper Bank and the Affton Christian Food Pantry. In total, 845 diapers and 50 cans were collected and donated.
We asked our students: “What is your favorite part about the Bayless Community?”
- I love playing with my friends at centers. ~Aria C.
- I love making Stone Soup. ~Gus H. - I love eating snack. ~Montrell F. - I love playing with my friends. ~Oliver R. - I love when I get to play. ~Rose C. - I love the carpets. ~Connor C. - I love playing with dinos. ~Emmet B. - I like seeing you (Miss Crisi) and playing with my friends. ~Macy B.
- I love playing at the light table. ~Scarlet H. - I love playing with my friends, going outside, and spending the whole day with my teachers. ~Thomas K.
- I love playing outside. ~Rosalind B. - I love hanging out with all of my friends and family. ~Max K.
- I love playing with the beautiful doll house. ~Maria K.
- I love playing on the playground. ~Evelyn H.
Bayless Elementary
By Mr. Aaron Kohler - Principal el.baylessk12.org Bayless Elementary SchoolBlending our community together
As a National School of Character, Bayless Elementary is always striving for ways to improve. In 2018-2019, Bayless Elementary implemented Blended Families. Every student and staff member at BES is assigned to a Blended Family. The families are made up of students from all grade levels to build community among the grades. Blended Families meet once a month and give students and staff the opportunities to build relationships with one another.

First grader Eleanor Hatch said she loves Blended Families because she “Meets so many really nice teachers!” Pictured are her Blended Family members, counselor Rick Moll fourth grade teacher Jessica Blalack.

Ema Huskic & Ayla Allen, third-graders in Mrs. Chrestman’s class said “We like blended families because we get to meet new people.”

First grade teacher Mrs. Rupkey says she “loves seeing the students every year and building a bond with them.” Recess aide Mrs. Diana Miller, who is also in Mrs. Rupkey’s family, said she “really enjoys working with the little kids making connections, crafts and seeing them in a different way than just in the cafeteria like my normal job.” Pictured are second-graders Louelle Armstrong and Imani Henry, and first-grader Hope Boesing.

First grade teacher Ms. Kramper (pictured on the right) said she enjoys blended families “because it gives me the opportunity to get to know students that I wouldn’t normally know. I also get to see students I used to teach.”
On the left is a picture of three students in her blended family (fifth grader Gabriel Wah and second graders Brianna Gilgoric and Emma Hodzic) playing “Thanksgiving Bingo!”

Bayless Junior High
By Ms. Christine Prosser - Principal

Honoring our common purpose
Community : “It means embracing and celebrating our differences as well as our similarities,” Susan Reeves, a long-time community and Bayless Junior High staff member said. At BJH, community is people working together and sharing a common purpose. It is one of our greatest strengths. This sense of community is represented in many ways among our students and staff, as well as in the larger community .
As a staff, we work hard to provide community among our students. There are many opportunities for students to be connected and involved. We have a variety of after-school clubs, organizations, sports and intramurals. We have academic support for our students during and after school. We strive to build excellent character among our students with lessons and practice.
Seventh grader Anida Ismirlic said we have a great community and character.
“You have to be nice to people, cooperative, interactive, respectful and responsible,” Ismirlic said.
Students in Jeanie Avery’s class celebrate community and gratittude.

Seventh grader Marwa Joya said “It feels nice coming here and having students say hi. Teachers and students are nice.”
We work hard to build a community where everyone feels they can reach their full potential.
There is also a strong community among our staff. We embrace it by participating in pot-lucks, competing and playing sports to -

The BJH Staff after the staff volleyball game.

gether, attending events together, collaborating, celebrating successes and supporting each other. We understand the value of working together and helping each other.
“We always find ways to support each other and each other’s students,” special education teacher Renee Owens said. “We work together as a team to meet shared goals.”

Our students and staff would not be successful without our district, families and neighborhood. As a district, we try to honor that. We host our families for events like conferences, Trunk or Treat, theater and sports. We participate in community events like the Affton-Lemay Community Parade, Bayless Homecoming and canned food drives. The district provides staff with excellent professional development opportunities and gestures of appreciation.
If you ask anyone what it feels like to work or go to school at Bayless, a common response you will hear is, “It feels like family!”
I couldn’t agree more, our community is a family!
Bayless High School

Bayless High School @BHS_STL

Our shared humanity
When I think of the word community , I think of a shared humanity. I think of all the small moments that happen throughout our school day that connect each and every one of us. No matter how different our stories are, we can always find a common ground and a shared experience. Community is also an extension of each of our unique families. It’s like dusting off grandma’s antique table extension and pulling up chairs for friends in need of a warm meal, good stories, laughter and love.
Our shared humanity comes from students growing up in families that value human dignity and respect being combined with experiences crafted by talented and loving educators throughout the Bayless School District. In the halls of BHS, we have the privilege of seeing students activate the values that have been instilled in them for the previous 14+ years. We get to see the very best of what our community has to offer.

When you walk the halls of Bayless High School, you will witness countless acts selflessness and support we all rely on from time to time. I’m confident in saying we set the standard on how beautiful our world can be when we refuse to let our differences keep us from building connections. The Bayless High School community is a place where students build connections that help support a better future!

“You will witness countless acts selflessness and support we all rely on from time to time.”
Community at BHS
We asked students and staff, “what does the BSD community mean to you?”
“My favorite part of the Bayless community is how everyone is accepting of one another. Everyone can be themselves. And there are always
“What I like most about the Bayless community is how close-knit they are. I’ve been a part of larger districts and communities, and they just don’t have the same family feel that we do here at Bayless. They constantly display that family vibe. Football games have been my favorite place to watch the cohesiveness in action.”
-Mike Will, Mathematics Teacher
favorite part of the Bayless community is how staff and students are able to interact with each other. Bayless High School is a diverse place and all of our students have unique stories. During the school day, students work together in classes with each other and staff create a strong learning environment.
“When I think of the Bayless community, the first thing I think of is the kindness of our students. Throughout the school day, I see students taking care of the building and equipment used in classrooms. I see students offering to help each other with activities in class and out of class.
“The Bayless High School staff and students do a great job understanding one another. The Bayless community does a better job of picking someone up than putting someone down. I see teachers that are willing to listen to students talk about various topics and help them put situations into perspective. I see teachers create fun and engaging lessons that impact students. I hear students at after-school events (practices, games) talking about the school day and how staff is willing to listen and help out. I hope these characteristics will be carried on in our students beyond high school. “One word I would use to describe the Bayless community is open-minded. I say this because teachers are willing to attempt new lessons in class. Students are open to learning the curriculum in a variety of ways. Bayless provides many opportunities for students in extracurricular activities and students who may not have participated in them before are open-minded to try the different opportunities out.”
-Elliot Sterett, High School PE and Health Teacher
“My favorite part of the Bayless community is how connected all of the students are to the different activities, athletics, and organizations. It is hard to find a student not directly involved in something - and, more often than not - involved in multiple activities around campus.

“The Bayless community is the backbone of the support system in the lives of the students. The community support and celebration of student achievement and success enriches the student experience and connection to the school community as a whole.”
-Stephen Elford, Band Director
“My favorite part of the Bayless community is how diverse it is. You are able to meet people all around the world and learn about different cultures and backgrounds.”
-Fatima Al-Abudy, Senior
“My favorite part of the community is just that - the sense of community. So many different people coming together as one. The community is a positive force in the lives of the students in that it creates so many opportunities for learning, support, role models, etc. My word to describe the Bayless community would be supportive.”
-Deane Hawkins, Bayless High School Special Education Teacher
new opportunities that are given.
“If I had to describe Bayless in one word it would be supportive. This school has always had their students’ backs on what a student is interested in.”
-Leijah Wentzel, Senior
A HOME FOR COMMUNITY Building a Better Bayless

The new school year ushered in a number of changes to our facilities which have significantly improved our schools for students, staff and visitors alike. In early September, crews finished needed upgrades to the Bayless High School Raymond Keller Auditorium. New seats, a refinished stage and new carpeting were a welcome and comfortable upgrade. In addition, important infrastructure improvements were made to the High School HVAC system and roofing systems on the High School and Auditorium buildings. These renovations represent longterm investments for our buildings and will immediately reduce maintenance costs.
Bayless Elementary School also received new energy-efficient window systems and new flooring in several classrooms over the summer. Although the window project unexpectedly extended into the school year due to supply chain issues, the end result was worth the wait. The new windows allow light to pour into the classrooms. The window design also complements the original mid-century modern building design. Just like the High School, the Elementary School also received some important HVAC upgrades, with more planned in the upcoming months. Finally, the gym in Elementary building “B” recently had its old tile flooring removed to make way for a new, cushioned floor that will hold up better - and be more comfortable - for the tremendous amount of use it receives every day.
Some residents may have noticed, and some have been inconvenienced by, the new Metropolitan Sewer District sewer project along Weber Road. The project has impacted the school property as well. Beginning in the summer, MSD contractors excavated along the west property line of Bayless High School to connect with the new line from the Indian Hills Subdivision. Although messy and inconvenient at times, this work represents a necessary upgrade for the community.
MSD contractors working on the new sewer project this fall.

Nearing Completion: The Bayless Junior High Addition

Those passing by Bayless Schools over the past few months likely noticed steady progress on the new addition to Bayless Junior High School. Thankfully, as we enter 2023, the finish line is in sight for this project. Although the completion date is expected sometime in February or early March 2023, the plan is to begin using the new space after students return to school from Spring Break on March 27. Much of the work is focused on completing interior elements. The new building is teeming with painters, plumbers and electricians putting the finishing touches on their work. Landscaping and other site improvements into early January will signal that the building is beginning its final push. Once complete, the plans for a community open house and celebration will be released later in the spring. We look forward to you joining us.

HOMECOMING 2022 Coming Together

We tried something new this October for Homecoming. On top of the pep assembly, the Bayless Games, a football game, the parade and dance, we added an additional event Saturday with the inaugural festival! It was a midday time of family fun for all who came. We had nearly 950 attendees, 18 different clubs and organizations running booths and games, 26 different activities and it raised over $7,000 for our students!

Scan this QR Code to see the video highlights
Scan this QR Code to see the video highlights of the Parade and Festival!

Homecoming Royalty and Dance

The Bayless Games

The Bayless games are an annual tradition at Bayless Junior High during Homecoming weekend. Teams made up of advisory classes participate in a variety of competitions. This year Mr. Loomis’ group took first place!

11/30 12/6 12/8 12/12 12/14 12/16 12/20 1/10 1/11 1/13 1/17 1/20 1/23 1/24 1/27 1/31 2/1 2/6 2/7 2/10 2/15 2/16 2/22 3/7-17
Winter Sports Schedules

V. Metro V. Ursuline Academy V. Principia At CSMBS w/ CVPA At Affton
At Lutheran North V. Windsor (Imperial) V. Valley Park At Villa Duchesne At Maplewood-Richmond Hts. At Hancock
At Crossroads College Preparatory V. Hazelwood East V. Brentwood At Valley Park V. Maplewood Richmond Hts. At McKinley Classical Leadership V. Jefferson (Festus) V. Crossroads College Preparatory At Brentwood V. St. Pius X (Festus) V. Gateway Science Charter V. Hancock Class 4 State Tournament
7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. TBA
The girls will be defending their Conference Title, which was their first since 1982!
V. Herculaneum Southside Classic Honor Flight Classic At CSMBS W/CVPA V. Affton At Priory At Jefferson (Festus) At St. Mary’s (St. Louis) V. Valley Park V. North County Christian High At Maplewood-Richmond Hts. At Hancock At North Point HS At Crossroads College Preparatory V. Brentwood V. Principia At Valley Park V. Maplewood-Richmond Hts. At McKinley Classical Leadership At Metro V. Crossroads College Prepatory At Brentwood At St. Pius X (Festus) V. Gateway Science Charter V. Hancock Class 4 State Tournament
7:00 p.m. TBA TBA 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 6:15 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. TBA
Every day, educators at Bayless do a tremendous job making sure our students have the opportunity to become Smart, Good and Strong. This fall we have been honoring some of them with #TeacherProudTuesday on the building Facebook accounts and the district Twitter account. Here are some of those honored so far:

Where’s Joe